{ "studio.tabNavProjects": "Projekty", "studio.tabNavProjectsWithCount": "Projekty {projectCount}", "studio.tabNavCurators": "Opiekunowie", "studio.tabNavComments": "Komentarze", "studio.tabNavCommentsWithCount": "Komentarze {commentCount}", "studio.tabNavActivity": "Aktywność", "studio.title": "Tytuł", "studio.description": "Opis", "studio.thumbnail": "Miniaturka", "studio.updateErrors.generic": "Coś poszło nie tak podczas aktualizacji studia.", "studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "To jest chyba nieodpowiednie. Proszę o więcej szacunku!", "studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "To jest za długie.", "studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "To nie może być puste.", "studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "Maksymalny rozmiar pliku to 512 KB i mniej niż 500 x 500 pikseli.", "studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Prześlij prawidłowy plik obrazka. Przesłany plik nie był obrazkiem lub był uszkodzony.", "studio.projectsHeader": "Projekty", "studio.addProjectsHeader": "Dodaj projekty", "studio.addProject": "Dodaj", "studio.addProjectPlaceholder": "Adres projektu", "studio.openToAll": "Każdy może dodawać projekty", "studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "You don’t have shared projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "You don’t have favorite projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "You don’t have recently viewed projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "You don’t have student projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Twoje studio wygląda na nieco puste.", "studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Dodaj swój pierwszy projekt!", "studio.projectsEmpty1": "To studio nie ma jeszcze żadnych projektów.", "studio.projectsEmpty2": "Zaproponuj w komentarzach projekty, które chciałbyś dodać!", "studio.browseProjects": "Przeglądaj projekty", "studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Could not find that project. Check the URL and try again.", "studio.projectErrors.generic": "Could not add project.", "studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "You are adding projects too quickly.", "studio.projectErrors.permission": "You do not have permission to add that project.", "studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "That project is already in this studio.", "studio.creatorRole": "Twórca studia", "studio.managersHeader": "Administratorzy", "studio.unfollowStudio": "Przestań obserwować", "studio.followStudio": "Obserwuj studio", "studio.editThumbnail": "Edit Thumbnail", "studio.curatorsHeader": "Opiekunowie", "studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Zaproś Opiekunów", "studio.inviteCurator": "Zaproś", "studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Użytkownik w Scratchu", "studio.curatorInvitationAccepted": "Gratulacje! Jesteś teraz opiekunem tego studia.", "studio.curatorInvitation": "You’ve been invited to become a curator of this studio.", "studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Zaakceptuj zaproszenie", "studio.curatorInvitationError": "Something went wrong, try again later.", "studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "Nie masz teraz opiekunów.", "studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Zaproś opiekunów do współpracy!", "studio.curatorsEmpty1": "W tej chwili studio nie ma opiekunów.", "studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Nie udało się zaprosić opiekuna.", "studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "Oni są już częścią studia.", "studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "Nie udało się zaprosić opiekuna o tej nazwie.", "studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "Za szybko dodajesz opiekunów.", "studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "Do you want to promote this person to a manager?", "studio.curatorManagersCan": "Managers can...", "studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "add and delete curators", "studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "delete other managers", "studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "add and delete projects", "studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "If you trust this person and you’re sure you want to give them extra permissions, click Promote.", "studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "This studio has reached the limit of {managerLimit} managers.", "studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "It’s great to see that this studio is collaborative!", "studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove an existing manager.", "studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} of {managerLimit}", "studio.managerThresholdInfo": "This studio has {numberOfManagers} managers. Studios can have a maximum of {managerLimit} managers.", "studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove managers until there are fewer than {managerLimit}.", "studio.remove": "Usuń", "studio.promote": "Promuj", "studio.cancel": "Anuluj", "studio.okay": "W porządku", "studio.commentsHeader": "Komentarze", "studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Commenting for this studio has been turned off.", "studio.comments.toggleOff": "Komentowanie wyłączone", "studio.comments.toggleOn": "Komentowanie włączone", "studio.comments.turnedOff": "Niestety, publikowanie komentarzy zostało wyłączone dla tego studia.", "studio.sharedFilter": "Udostępnione", "studio.favoritedFilter": "Ulubione", "studio.recentFilter": "Najnowsze", "studio.studentsFilter": "Uczniowie", "studio.activityHeader": "Aktywność", "studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "{profileLink} dodał projekt {projectLink}", "studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "{profileLink} usunął projekt {projectLink}", "studio.activityUpdateStudio": "{profileLink} wprowadził zmiany w tytule, miniaturze lub opisie ", "studio.activityBecomeCurator": "{newCuratorProfileLink} zaakceptował zaproszenie od {inviterProfileLink}, aby opiekować się tym studiem", "studio.activityRemoveCurator": "{removerProfileLink} usunął opiekuna {removedProfileLink}", "studio.activityBecomeOwner": "{promotedProfileLink} awansował na administratora {promotorProfileLink}", "studio.lastUpdated": "Updated {lastUpdatedDate, date, medium}", "studio.followerCount": "{followerCount} followers", "studio.reportThisStudio": "Zgłoś to studio", "studio.reportPleaseExplain": "Please select which part of the studio you find to be disrespectful or inappropriate, or otherwise breaks the Scratch Community Guidelines.", "studio.reportAreThereComments": "Are there inappropriate comments in the studio? Please report them by clicking the \"report\" button on the individual comments.", "studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Dziękujemy za informację!", "studio.reportYourFeedback": "Twoja opinia pomoże nam udoskonalić Scratcha.", "studio.mutedCurators": "You will be able to invite curators and add managers again {inDuration}.", "studio.mutedProjects": "You will be able to add and remove projects again {inDuration}.", "studio.mutedEdit": "You will be able to edit studios again {inDuration}.", "studio.mutedPaused": "Your account has been paused from using studios until then.", "studio.mutedError": "Your account has been paused from using studios. Refresh for more information.", "studio.alertProjectAdded": "\"{title}\" added to studio", "studio.alertProjectAlreadyAdded": "That project is already in this studio", "studio.alertProjectRemoveError": "Something went wrong removing the project", "studio.alertProjectAddError": "Something went wrong adding the project", "studio.alertCuratorAlreadyInvited": "\"{name}\" has already been invited", "studio.alertCuratorInvited": "Curator invite sent to \"{name}\"", "studio.alertManagerPromote": "\"{name}\" is now a manager", "studio.alertManagerPromoteError": "Something went wrong promoting \"{name}\"", "studio.alertMemberRemoveError": "Something went wrong removing \"{name}\"" }