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synced 2024-12-31 10:02:32 -05:00
pull new editor translations from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
83 changed files with 97 additions and 97 deletions
@ -134,14 +134,14 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "փոխել սահիչի միջակայքը",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "ներմուծել",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "արտահանել",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.hide": "hide",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.hide": "թաքցնել",
"gui.playButton.play": "Արտաբերել",
"gui.playButton.stop": "Դադար",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Բոլոր կերպարների համար",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly": "Միայն այս կերպարի համար",
"gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": "Ամպային փոփոխական (պահպանվում է սերվերում)",
"gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": "Այս փոփոխականը հասանելի կլինի բոլոր կերպարների համար։",
"gui.gui.listPromptAllSpritesMessage": "This list will be available to all sprites.",
"gui.gui.listPromptAllSpritesMessage": "Սա հասանելի կլինի բոլոր կերպարների համար։",
"gui.prompt.cancel": "Չեղարկել",
"gui.prompt.ok": "Լավ",
"gui.playbackStep.stopMsg": "Դադար",
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
"gui.howtos.intro-move.step_stepMove": "Ավելացնել շարժման մասնիկը",
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepSay": "ավելացնել ասել մասնիկը",
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepGreenFlag": "Սեղմել կանաչ դրոշը, գործարկելու համար",
"gui.howtos.intro-getting-started-ASL.name": "Getting Started - ASL",
"gui.howtos.intro-getting-started-ASL.name": "Սկսել - ASL (Ամերիկյան ժեստերի լեզու)",
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name": "Անիմացնել անունը",
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter": "Ընտրել տառային կերպար",
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePlaySound": "Երբ սեղմված է արտաբերել ձայնը",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"about.introOne": "Скрач представља највећу светску програмерску заједницу за децу и програмски језик са једноставним визуелним интерфејсом, који омогућава најмлађима да креирају дигиталне приче, игре и анимације. Скрач је дизајниран, развијан и уређиван од стране непрофитне организације {foundationLink}. ",
"about.introTwo": "Скрач промовише развој вештина решавања проблема и кодирања за рачунаре; креативног предавања и учења; сарадњу и изражавање личности; правичности.",
"about.introOne": "Скрач представља највећу светску програмерску заједницу за децу и програмски језик са једноставним визуелним интерфејсом, који омогућава младим људима да креирају дигиталне приче, игре и анимације. Скрач је дизајниран, развијан и уређиван од стране непрофитне организације {foundationLink}. ",
"about.introTwo": "Скрач промовише рачунарски начин мишљења и вештине решавања проблема; креативног подучавања и учења; самоизражавање и сарадњу; и равноправност у рачунарству.",
"about.introThree": "Скрач је увек бесплатан и доступан на више од 70 језика.",
"about.foundationText": "Скрач фондација",
"about.introParents": "Информације за родитеље",
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"about.whoUsesScratch": "Ко користи Скрач?",
"about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Скрач је направљен посебно за узраст од 8 до 16 година, али користе га људи свих узраста. Милиони људи праве пројекте у Скрачу у различитим окружењима, укључујући домове, школе, музеје, библиотеке и центре заједнице.",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "Широм света",
"about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Скрач је доступнан у више од {countryCount} држава или територија, као и на више од {languageCount} језика. При дну стране можете променити језик. Такође, језик можете променити у едитору пројеката, кликом на слику глобуса при врху екрана. Ако желите да додате или унапредите превод, посетите следећи линк: {translationLink}.",
"about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Скрач је доступнан у више од {countryCount} држава или територија, као и на више од {languageCount} језика. При дну стране можете променити језик. Такође, језик можете променити у едитору пројеката, кликом на слику глобуса при врху екрана. Ако желите да додате или унапредите превод, посетите следећу страницу: {translationLink}.",
"about.translationLinkText": "превод",
"about.quotes": "Цитати",
"about.quotesDescription": "Скрач тим је примио много е-писама од младих, родитеља и наставника који су изразили захвалност за Скрач. Желиш да видиш шта кажу људи? Прочитај поруке које смо добили кликом на {quotesLink}.",
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
"about.learnMore": "Сазнај више о Скрачу",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "Често постављана питања (FAQ)",
"about.learnMoreParents": "Информација за родитеље",
"about.learnMoreEducators": "Информације за наставнике/предаваче",
"about.learnMoreEducators": "Информације за наставнике",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Годишњи извештај",
"about.literacy": "Учи да програмираш, програмирај да би учио",
"about.literacyDescription": "То да је неко способан да пише рачунарске програме је важан део песмености у данашњем друштву. Учећи да програмирају у Скрачу, људи уче важне стратегије за решавање проблема, дизајнирање пројеката и размену идеја.",
"about.schools": "Скрач у школи",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Скрач се користи у настави, на свим нивоима образовања (од основне школе до факултета) и у разним научним дисциплинама (као што су математика, рачунарство, лингвистика, друштвене науке и др.). Материјали за наставнике и предаваче су доступни на следећим странама {scratchForEducatorsLink}.",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Скрач за наставнике/предаваче",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Скрач за наставнике",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "SkratchEd сајт",
"about.research": "Истраживање",
"about.researchDescription": "{lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} и сарадници {researchLink} како младе особе уче, стварају и сарађују уз помоћ Скрача. Да се упознате са истраживањем, погледајте чланак {codingAtACrossroadsLink} и књигу {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. Да сазнате више о Скрачу, посетите страницу {statisticsLink} и страницу на којој је{annualReportLink}.",
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"becomeAScratcher.invitation.body": "Scratch é uma comunidade amigável e acolhedora para todos. Se você concorda em ser respeitoso, seguro, fazer comentários úteis, abraçar a cultura do remix, ser honesto e ajudar a manter o site amigável, clique em “Concordo!”",
"becomeAScratcher.invitation.finishLater": "Você pode decidir se já quer virar Scratcher. Se você ainda não quer ser Scratcher, é só clicar em “Concluir Depois” acima.",
"registration.success.error": "Poxa! Um erro inesperado aconteceu.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.header": "Uhuu! Agora você oficialmente é um Scratcher.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.header": "Uhuu! Agora você é oficialmente um Scratcher.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.body": "Aqui estão alguns links que podem ser úteis para você.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.communityGuidelines": "Diretrizes da Comunidade",
"becomeAScratcher.success.createAProject": "Criar um Projeto",
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"conference-2022.locationDetails": "آنلاین",
"conference-2022.date": "چه زمانی:",
"conference-2022.location": "کجا:",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "10 AM - 4 PM ET",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "۱۰ صبح تا ۴ بعد از ظهر به وقت شرقی",
"conference-2022.desc1": "برای کنفرانس اسکرچ ۲۰۲۲ به ما بپیوندید، یک گردهمایی آنلاین برای مربیان علاقهمند به یادگیری خلاق با اسکرچ! موضوع امسال «چه چیزی خلق خواهید کرد؟» خواهد بود.",
"conference-2022.desc1a": "اگرچه امسال قادر به ملاقات حضوری نیستیم ، اما از یافتن راههایی جهت برقراری ارتباط و همرسانی با دیگران در جامعه جهانی معلمین اسکرچ بسیار خوشحالیم.",
"conference-2022.desc3": "این همایش کاملا رایگان خواهد بود.",
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"conference-2022.title": "Scratch Conference 2022",
"conference-2022.title": "Conférence Scratch 2022",
"conference-2022.locationDetails": "En ligne",
"conference-2022.date": "Quand :",
"conference-2022.location": "Où :",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "10 AM - 4 PM ET",
"conference-2022.desc1": "Join us for Scratch Conference 2022, an online gathering for educators interested in creative learning with Scratch! This year's theme will be \"What will you create?\"",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "10h - 16h EST",
"conference-2022.desc1": "Rejoignez-nous pour la Conférence Scratch 2022, un rassemblement en ligne pour les éducateurs intéressés par l'apprentissage créatif avec Scratch ! Le thème de cette année sera « Qu'allez-vous créer ? ».",
"conference-2022.desc1a": "Bien que nous ne soyons pas en mesure de nous rencontrer en personne cette année, nous sommes ravis de trouver des moyens de nous connecter et de partager avec d'autres membres de la communauté mondiale des éducateurs Scratch.",
"conference-2022.desc3": "La conférence sera gratuite.",
"conference-2022.register": "Stay tuned for registration information!",
"conference-2022.register": "Restez à l'écoute pour les informations sur l'inscription !",
"conference-2022.stayDesc2": "Pour toute question supplémentaire, contactez l'équipe de la conférence Scratch à l'adresse suivante {emailLink}",
"conference-2022.organizedBy": "The Scratch Conference is organized by the Scratch Foundation."
"conference-2022.organizedBy": "La Conférence Scratch est organisée par la Scratch Foundation."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"conference-2022.locationDetails": "Online",
"conference-2022.date": "Quando:",
"conference-2022.location": "Dove:",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "10 AM - 4 PM ET",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "10:00 - 16:00 ET",
"conference-2022.desc1": "Unisciti a noi per la Scratch Conference 2022, un incontro online per educatori interessati all'apprendimento creativo con Scratch! Il tema di quest'anno sarà \"Cosa vuoi creare?\"",
"conference-2022.desc1a": "Anche se non possiamo incontrarti di persona quest'anno, stiamo lavorando per trovare nuovi modi per collegare e condividere con altri nella comunità globale di Scratch per gli educatori.",
"conference-2022.desc3": "La conferenza sarà gratuita.",
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"conference-2022.locationDetails": "Online",
"conference-2022.date": "Quando:",
"conference-2022.location": "Onde:",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "10 AM - 4 PM ET",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "11h00 - 17h00 BRT",
"conference-2022.desc1": "Junte-se a nós na Conferência Scratch 2022, um encontro online para educadores interessados em aprendizagem criativa com Scratch! O tema deste ano será \"O que você vai criar?\"",
"conference-2022.desc1a": "Embora não seja possível nos reunirmos pessoalmente este ano, estamos animados em encontrar maneiras de conectar e compartilhar com outros na comunidade global de educadores Scratch.",
"conference-2022.desc3": "A conferência será gratuita.",
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"credits.researchScratchEdLinkText": "СкрачЕд (ScratchEd) пројекат",
"credits.acknowledgementsTitle": "Захвалност",
"credits.acknowledgementsContributors": "Следећи људи су такође допринеле развоју и подржали Скрач током година:",
"credits.acknowledgementsDonors": "Scratch Foundation је 501(c)(3) је непрофитна организација, финансирана из донација које се одбијају од пореза, које помажу да Скрач постоји и буде бесплатан за све. За листу донатора посетите: {donorsLink}.",
"credits.acknowledgementsDonors": "Scratch Foundation је 501(c)(3) је непрофитна организација, која се ослања на донације (које умањују пореску основицу донатору) и које помажу да Скрач постоји и буде бесплатан за све. За листу донатора посетите: {donorsLink}.",
"credits.acknowledgementsDonorsLinkText": "Скрач подржавају",
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergarten": "Скрач пројекат је иницирала група {lifelongKindergartenLink} при MIT Media Lab 2002. године и добила је {nsfGrantLink} годину дана касније. Група је објавила Скрач 2007. године и развијала га до 2019. године, када је основана Scratch Foundation. Група Lifelong Kindergarten, вођена од стране проф. Mitchel Resnick наставља да сарађује са Скрач тимом у истраживању и подршци креативног учења уз помоћ Скреча.",
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergartenLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten research group",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "En o editor Scratch puetz anyadir bloques extra clamaus \"extensions\". Per eixemplo, i hai extensions que permiten programar dispositivos fisicos (como micro:bit y kits de robótica de LEGO) y atras pa traducir texto dentro d'o tuyo prochecto Scratch. Poco a poco irán amaneixendo nuevas extensions, per lo que las posibilidatz de Scratch irán creixendo con o paso d'o tiempo.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Cómo anyado una extensión a un prochecto?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Si fas clic en o botón \"Extensions\" a lo fondo d'a cantonada cucha d'o editor de programación Scratch, podrás veyer una lista d'as extensions de Scratch. Quan seleccions una d'as extensions, una nueva categoría de bloques será anyadida a lo tuyo prochecto. La extensión será automaticament cargada cada vegada que lo tuyo prochecto sía ubierto. Puetz anyadir multiples extensions a lo mesmo prochecto.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Cómo puedo creyar la mía propia extensión pa Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Lo Scratch Team publicará especificacions y guías sobre extensions en o futuro. Una vegada sían disponibles podrás ninviar las tuyas extensions a lo Scratch Team pa que se considere la tuya inclusión en a librería oficial d'extensions de Scratch 3.0. Tamién proporcionaremos guías pa desenvolver y distribuyir extensions \"experimentals\", que pueden estar usadas pa creyar prochectos en ordinadors individuals pero no pa compartir-los en a comunidat online de Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Qué ocurrirá con a pachina web de ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "La pachina web ScratchX (scratchx.org) estió un laboratorio experimental sobre extensions. Las extensions creyadas pa ScratchX no son compatibles con Scratch 3.0. Una vegada que las extensions experimentals tiengan suporte en Scratch, eliminaremos la suya suporte de ScratchX y proporcionaremos a los desembolicadors y usuarios lo tiempo pa abandonar ScratchX y ir a la nueva plataforma d'extensions.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "В редактора Scratch можете да добавяте колекции от допълнителни блокове, наречени „разширения“. Например, съществуват разширения, които ви позволяват да програмирате физически устройства (като micro:bit и комплекти за роботика LEGO) и да превеждате текст в рамките на вашите проекти Scratch. Ще продължим да добавяме нови разширения във времето, така че това, което можете да направите с Scratch, ще продължи да нараства с течение на времето.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Как да добавя разширение към проект?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Ако кликнете върху бутона „Разширения“ в долния ляв ъгъл на редактора за програмиране на Scratch, ще видите списък с всички разширения за Scratch. Когато изберете едно от разширенията, към проекта ще бъде добавена нова категория блокове. Разширението ще се зарежда автоматично при всяко отваряне на проекта. Можете да добавите няколко разширения към един и същ проект.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Как да създам собствено разширение за Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Екипът на Scratch ще публикува спецификации и указания за разширения в бъдеще. Веднъж достъпни, ще можете да изпращате разширения на екипа на Scratch за разглеждане в официалната библиотека с добавки за Scratch 3.0. Също така ще предоставим указания за разработване и разпространение на „експериментални“ разширения, които могат да се използват за създаване на проекти на отделни компютри, но не се споделят в онлайн общността на Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Какво ще се случи със сайта на ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Уебсайтът на ScratchX (scratchx.org) беше експериментален тест за разширения. Разширенията, създадени за ScratchX, не са съвместими със Scratch 3.0. След като експерименталните разширения се поддържат изцяло в Scratch, ще преустановим поддръжката на ScratchX и ще предоставим на разработчиците и потребителите време да преминат от ScratchX към новата платформа за разширения.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratch এডিটরে, তুমি কিছু সংখ্যক অতিরিক্ত ব্লকসমূহ যোগ করতে পার যাকে \"এক্সটেনশন\" বলা হয়। যেমন, এখানে কিছু এক্সটেনশন আছে যা তোমাকে ফিজিক্যাল ডিভাইসগুলো (যেমন micro:bit এবং LEGO robotics কিটে) প্রোগ্রাম করতে এবং তোমার Scratch প্রজেক্টগুলোর মধ্যে টেক্সট অনুবাদ করতে দিবে। আমরা সময়ের সাথে সাথে নতুন এক্সটেনশন যোগ করতে থাকব, যাতে করে তা সময়ের সাথে আরও সমৃদ্ধ হয় যেন তুমি Scratch দিয়ে যা ইচ্ছে করতে পার।",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "আমি কিভাবে একটি প্রজেক্টে এক্সটেনশন যোগ করতে পারি?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "যদি তুমি Scratch প্রোগ্রামিং এডিটরের নিচের বাম কোনার \"Extensions\" বোতামটি ক্লিক কর, তুমি Scratch এক্সটেনশনের সব তালিকা দেখতে পারবে। যখন তুমি যেকোন একটি এক্সটেনশন নির্বাচন করবে, নতুন ধরণের ব্লক তোমার প্রজেক্টে যুক্ত হবে। প্রতিবার প্রজেক্ট খোলার সময় এক্সটেনশনগুলো স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে যুক্ত হবে। তুমি একই প্রজেক্টে একাধিক এক্সটেনশন যোগ করতে পারবে।",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "কিভাবে আমি Scratch এ নিজস্ব এক্সটেনশন তৈরি করব",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "ভবিষ্যতে Scratch টিম এক্সটেনশনগুলোর জন্য নির্দিষ্ট নির্দেশনাগুলো প্রকাশ করবে। যখন ব্যবহারযোগ্য হবে, তুমি Scratch টিমের কাছে এক্সটেনশন জমা দিতে পারবে যা Scratch 3.0 এর এক্সটেনশন লাইব্রেরিতে যুক্ত করার জন্য বিবেচনা করা হবে। আমরা \"experimental\" এক্সটেনশনগুলোর উন্নয়ন ও বিতরন করার জন্য কিছু নির্দেশনা দিব যা প্রত্যেকের কম্পিউটারে প্রজেক্ট তৈরি করার জন্য ব্যবহার করা যাবে, কিন্তু Scratch অনলাইন কমিউনিটিতে শেয়ার করা যাবে না।",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX website এর কি হবে?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX ওয়েবসাইটটি (scratchx.org) এক্সটেনশনের জন্য একটি পরীক্ষামূলক নমুনাক্ষেত্র ছিল। ScratchX এর জন্য তৈরি করা এক্সটেনশনগুলো Scratch 3.0 এর জন্য উপযোগী না। যখন পরীক্ষামূলক এক্সটেনশনগুলো যথাযথভাবে Scratch এর জন্য উপযোগী হবে আমরা ScratchX এর জন্য সহায়তা দেয়া বন্ধ করে দিব এবং ব্যবহারকারী ও ডেভেলপারদের নতুন এক্সটেনশন প্ল্যাটফর্মে যাওয়ার জন্য সহায়তা করব।",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "A l'editor de Scratch, pots afegir conjunts de blocs addicionals anomenats \"extensions\". Per exemple, hi ha extensions que permeten programar dispositius físics (com ara micro:bit i els conjunts de robòtica LEGO) i traduir text en els teus projectes de Scratch. Seguirem afegint noves extensions amb el temps, així que aniràn creixent les possibilitats amb Scratch.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Com puc afegir una extensió al projecte?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Si fas clic al botó \"Extensions\" a la cantonada inferior esquerra de l'editor de Scratch, veuràs un llistat de totes les Extensions de Scratch. Quan tries una de les extensions, una nova categoria de blocs s'afegiran al teu projecte. L'extensió es carregarà de forma automàtica cada vegada que s'obri el projecte. Pots afegir múltiples extensions en el mateix projecte.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Com creo la meva pròpia extensió per a Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "L'equip de Scratch publicarà especificacions i directrius per a les extensions en el futur. Un cop disponible, podràs enviar extensions a l'equip Scratch per a la seva consideració a la biblioteca oficial d'extensions Scratch 3.0. També proporcionarem pautes per desenvolupar i distribuir extensions \"experimentals\", que es poden utilitzar per crear projectes en ordinadors individuals, però no compartits a la comunitat en línia de Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Què passarà amb el lloc web ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "El lloc web ScratchX (scratchx.org) era un espai de proves experimental per a extensions. Les extensions creades per a ScratchX no són compatibles amb Scratch 3.0. Una vegada que les extensions experimentals siguin totalment compatibles a Scratch, deixarem de donar suport a ScratchX i proporcionarem als desenvolupadors i usuaris temps de transició de ScratchX a la nova plataforma d'extensions.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Ve Scratch editoru můžeš přidávat kolekce extra bloků nazývaná \"rozšíření\". Například jsou zde rozšíření, která umožňují programovat fyzická zařízení (jako jsou micro:bit a LEGO robotické stavebnice) i pro překlady textu uvnitř tvých Scratch projektů. Časem budeme pokračovat v přidávání nových rozšíření, takže to, co můžeš se Scratchem dělat bude časem narůstat. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Jak přidám rozšíření k projektu?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Když klikneš na tlačítko \"Rozšíření\" v dolním levém rohu programového editoru Scratch,uvidíš seznam všech rozšíření Scratch. Když vybereš nějaké z rozšířeních, k tvému projektu se přidá se nová kategorie bloků. Rozšíření bude automaticky nahráno, kdykoli bude bude tvůj projekt otevřen. Můžeš přidávat více rozšíření ke stejnému projektu.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Jak vytvořím vlastní rozšíření pro Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Tým Scratch Team v budoucnu zveřejní specifikace i návod pro rozšíření. Jakmile budou k dispozici, budeš moci poslat rozšíření týmu Scratch Team pro posouzení do oficiální knihovny rozšíření Scratch 3.0. Také poskytneme návod pro vývoj a distribuci \"experimentálních\" rozšíření, která mohou být použita k tvorbě projektů na jednotlivých počítačích, ale nebudou sdílena online společenstvím Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Co se stane s webem ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Web ScratchX (scratchx.org) byl pokusnou platformou pro rozšíření. Rozšíření vytvořená pro ScratchX nejsou kompatibilní se Scratch 3.0. Jakmile experimentální rozšíření budou plně podporována ve Scratch, ukončíme podporu pro ScratchX a poskytneme vývojářům i uživatelům čas k přechodu ze ScratchX na novou platformu rozšíření.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Yng ngolygydd Scratch, gallwch ychwanegu casgliadau o flociau ychwanegol o'r enw \"estyniadau\". Er enghraifft, mae yna estyniadau sy'n eich galluogi i raglennu dyfeisiau (megis microbit ac offer roboteg LEGO) ac i gyfieithu testun o fewn eich projectau Scratch. Byddwn yn parhau i ychwanegu estyniadau newydd dros amser, felly bydd yr hyn y gallwch ei wneud gyda Scratch yn parhau i dyfu dros amser.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Sut mae modd i mi ychwanegu estyniad i broject?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Os gwnewch chi glicio ar y botwm \"Estyniadau yng nghornel gwaelod isaf golygydd rhaglennu Scratch, byddwch yn gweld rhestr o holl Estyniadau Scratch. Pan fyddwch yn dewis un o'r estyniadau, bydd categori newydd o flociau yn cael eu hychwanegu i'ch project. Bydd yr estyniad yn cael ei lwytho'n awtomatig bob tro y bydd eich project yn cael ei agor. Gallwch ychwanegu nifer o estyniadau i'r un project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Sut wna i greu fy estyniad fy hun ar gyfer Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Bydd y Tîm Scratch yn cyhoeddi manyleb a chanllawiau ar gyfer estyniadau yn y dyfodol. Unwaith y bydd y rhain ar gael, bydd modd cyflwyno estyniadau i Dîm Scratch ar gyfer ystyriaeth yn llyfrgell swyddogol estyniadau Scratch 3.0. Byddwn hefyd yn darparu canllawiau ar gyfer datblygu a dosbarthu estyniadau \"arbrofol\", y bydd modd eu defnyddio i greu projectau ar gyfrifiadron unigol, ond heb eu rhannu yn nghymuned ar-lein Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Beth fydd yn digwydd i wefan ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Roedd gwefan ScratchX (scratchx.org) yn fan profi estyniadau arbrofol. Nid yw estyniadau grewyd ar gyfer ScratchX yn cydweddu â Scratch 3.0. Unwaith bydd estyniadau arbrofol yn cael eu cynnal yn llawn yn Scratch byddwn yn dod â chefnogaeth ScratchX i ben a rhoi amser i ddatblygwyr a defnyddwyr drosglwyddo o ScratchX i'r platfform estyniadau newydd.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Du kannst im Scratch-Editor eine Reihe von zusätzlichen Blöcken hinzufügen, die sich „Erweiterungen“ nennen. Zum Beispiel gibt es Erweiterungen, mit denen du physische Geräte (z. B. micro:bit oder LEGO Roboter-Bausets) programmieren oder Texte in deinen Scratch-Projekten übersetzen lassen kannst. Wir fügen laufend neue Erweiterungen hinzu, sodass Scratch für dich auch laufend neue Möglichkeiten eröffnet.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Wie kann ich eine Erweiterung zu einem Projekt hinzufügen?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Wenn du in der linken unteren Ecke des Scratch-Editors auf den Button „Erweiterung hinzufügen“ klickst, werden dir alle verfügbaren Scratch-Erweiterungen angezeigt. Sobald du eine Erweiterung ausgewählt hast, wird deinem Projekt eine neue Blockkategorie hinzugefügt. Die Erweiterung wird jedes Mal, wenn du dein Projekt öffnest, automatisch mitgeladen. Du kannst jedem deiner Projekte mehrere Erweiterungen hinzufügen.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Wie erstelle ich meine eigene Erweiterung für Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Das Scratch-Team arbeitet an Vorgaben und Richtlinien für Erweiterungen. Sobald diese vorliegen, kannst du deine Erweiterungen zur Begutachtung und Aufnahme in die offizielle Liste der Scratch 3.0-Erweiterungen einreichen. Wir arbeiten auch an Richtlinien für die Entwicklung und Verbreitung „experimenteller“ Erweiterungen, die ihr zum Erstellen von Projekten auf euren eigenen Computern verwenden könnt, jedoch nicht zum Veröffentlichen in der Scratch-Online-Community gedacht sind.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Was passiert mit der ScratchX-Website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Die ScratchX-Website (scratchx.org) war eine Testumgebung für experimentelle Erweiterungen. Mit ScratchX erstellte Erweiterungen sind nicht mit Scratch 3.0 kompatibel. Sobald Scratch experimentelle Erweiterungen unterstützt, stellen wir den Support für ScratchX ein. Allen Entwicklerinnen und Entwicklern, Benutzerinnen und Benutzern steht danach genügend Zeit zur Verfügung, von ScratchX auf die neue Erweiterungsplattform umzusteigen.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Στον επεξεργαστή Scratch, μπορείτε να προσθέσετε συλλογές από επιπλέον εντολές που ονομάζονται \"επεκτάσεις\". Για παράδειγμα υπάρχουν επεκτάσεις που σας δίνουν τη δυνατότητα προγραμματισμού φυσικών συσκευών (όπως το micro:bit και τα ρομποτικά κιτ LEGO) και μετάφρασης κειμένου μέσα από τα έργα Scratch. Θα συνεχίσουμε να προσθέτουμε νέες επεκτάσεις με τον καιρό, έτσι ώστε τα πράγματα που μπορείτε να κάνετε με το Scratch θα συνεχίζουν να αυξάνονται με τον καιρό.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Πώς προσθέτω μια επέκταση σε ένα έργο;",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Αν κάνετε κλικ στο κουμπί \"Επεκτάσεις\" στην κάτω αριστερή γωνία του επεξεργαστή προγράμματος Scratch, θα δείτε έναν κατάλογο με όλες τις Επεκτάσεις του Scratch. Όταν επιλέξτε μία από τις επεκτάσεις, μια νέα κατηγορία εντολών θα προστεθεί στο έργο σας. Η επέκταση θα φορτώνεται αυτόματα κάθε φορά που θα ανοίγει το έργο σας. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε πολλαπλές επεκτάσεις στο ίδιο έργο.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Πώς δημιουργώ τη δική μου επέκταση για το Scratch;",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Η Ομάδα του Scratch θα δημοσιεύσει προδιαγραφές και οδηγίες για τις επεκτάσεις στο μέλλον. Μόλις είναι διαθέσιμες, θα μπορείτε να υποβάλετε επεκτάσεις στην Ομάδα του Scratch προς θεώρηση αν θα συμπεριληφθούν στην επίσημη βιβλιοθήκη επεκτάσεων του Scratch 3.0. Επίσης, θα παρέχουμε οδηγίες για ανάπτυξη και διανομή \"πειραματικών\" επεκτάσεων, που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για να δημιουργηθούν έργα σε ιδιωτικούς υπολογιστές, αλλά που δεν θα κοινοποιηθούν στη διαδικτυακή κοινότητα του Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Τι θα συμβεί στον ιστότοπο του ScratchX;",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Ο ιστότοπος του ScratchX (scratchx.org) ήταν ένας πειραματικός χώρος για επεκτάσεις. Οι επεκτάσεις που δημιουργήθηκαν στο ScratchX δεν είναι συμβατές με το Scratch 3.0. Μόλις οι πειραματικές επεκτάσεις υποστηρίζονται πλήρως στο Scratch, θα σταματήσουμε την υποστήριξη του ScratchX και θα παρέχουμε στους προγραμματιστές και τους χρήστες χρόνο για να μεταβούν από το ScratchX στη νέα πλατφόρμα επεκτάσεων.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "En el editor Scratch puedes añadir bloques extra llamados \"extensiones\". Por ejemplo, hay extensiones que permiten programar dispositivos físicos (como micro:bit y kits de robótica de LEGO) y otras para traducir texto dentro de tu proyecto Scratch. Poco a poco irán apareciendo nuevas extensiones, por lo que las posibilidades de Scratch irán creciendo con el paso del tiempo.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "¿Cómo añado una extensión a un proyecto?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Si haces clic en el botón \"Extensiones\" al fondo de la esquina izquierda del editor de programación Scratch, podrás ver una lista de las extensiones de Scratch. Cuando selecciones una de las extensiones, una nueva categoría de bloques será añadida a tu proyecto. La extensión será automáticamente cargada cada vez que tu proyecto sea abierto. Puedes añadir múltiples extensiones al mismo proyecto.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Cómo puedo crear mi propia extensión para Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "El Scratch Team publicará especificaciones y guías sobre extensiones en el futuro. Una vez estén disponibles podrás enviar tus extensiones al Scratch Team para que se considere tu inclusión en la librería oficial de extensiones de Scratch 3.0. También proporcionaremos guías para desarrollar y distribuir extensiones \"experimentales\", que pueden ser usadas para crear proyectos en ordenadores individuales pero no para compartirlos en la comunidad online de Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "¿Qué ocurrirá con la página web de ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "La página web ScratchX (scratchx.org) fue un laboratorio experimental sobre extensiones. Las extensiones creadas para ScratchX no son compatibles con Scratch 3.0. Una vez que las extensiones experimentales tengan soporte en Scratch, eliminaremos su soporte de ScratchX y proporcionaremos a los desarrolladores y usuarios el tiempo para abandonar ScratchX e ir a la nueva plataforma de extensiones.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "در ویرایشگر اسکرچ، شما میتوانید مجموعهای از بلوکها را که \"افزونهها\" (extensions) نامیده میشوند را اضافه کنید. برای نمونه چندین افزونه که توسط آنها میتوانید برنامه نویسی ابزارهای سخت افزاری (مانند سخت افزار micro:bit و همچنین بستههای رباتیک شرکت LEGO) و یا ترجمه متن در پروژههای اسکرچ انجام دهید. البته ما در آینده هم افزونههای جدیدی را اضافه خواهیم کرد تا همچنان بتوانید کارهای بیشتری را در آینده با اسکرچ انجام دهید.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "چگونه میشود یک افزونه را به یک پروژه اضافه کنم؟",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "اگر بر روی دکمه \"افزونهها\" که در سمت راست گوشه پایین محیط برنامه نویسی اسکرچ است کلیک کنید، شما فهرستی از همه افزونههای اسکرچ را خواهید یافت. بعد از آنکه یکی از آنها را انتخاب کنید، گروه جدیدی از بلوکها به پروژه شما اضافه خواهد شد. افزونهها به صورت خودکار هر گاه که پروژه را باز کنید باز خواهند شد. شما میتوانید چندین افزونه را به یک پروژه اضافه کنید.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "چطور میشود که برای اسکرچ افزونه خودم را بسازم",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "گروه اسکرچ چهارچوبها و مشخصات فنی افزونهها را در آینده منتشر خواهد ساخت. بعد از آماده سازی ، شما میتوانید افزونهها را برای بررسی جهت ارائه در کتابخانه رسمی افزونهها اسکرچ ۳٫۰ برای تیم اسکرچ ارسال نمایید. همچنین ما چهارچوبهایی برای توسعه و ارائه افزونههای \"آزمایشی\" آماده خواهیم کرد، که از آنها میتوان برای ساخت پروژهها برای روی کامپیوترهایی استفاده کرد و در جامعه آنلاین اسکرچ به اشتراک گذاشته نخواهند شد.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "سرانجام وب سایت ScratchX چه شد؟",
"faq.scratchXBody": "وب سایت ScratchX (scratchx.org) بستری برای آزمایش افزونهها بود. افزونههایی که برای ScratchX ساخته شده اند با اسکرچ ۳٫۰ سازگار نیستند. بعد از آنکه افزونههای آزمایشی در اسکرچ کاملا مورد پشتیبانی فنی قرار گرفت، ما پشتیبانی فنی از ScratchX را متوقف خواهیم کرد و مهلت زمانی را برای برنامه نویسان و سایر کاربران جهت گذار از ScratchX به بستر جدید افزونهها اختصاص خواهیم داد.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratch-editorissa voit lisätä ylimääräisten lohkojen kokoelmia, joita kutsutaan \"laajennuksiksi\". Esimerkiksi on laajennuksia, joiden avulla voit ohjelmoida fyysisiä laitteita (kuten micro:bit ja LEGO robottipaketit) ja kääntää tekstiä Scratch-projekteissasi. Jatkamme uusien laajennusten lisäämistä ajan myötä, joten ajan myötä kasvaa edelleen se, mitä voit tehdä Scratchilla.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Miten voin lisätä projektiin laajennuksen?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Jos napsautat Scratch-ohjelmointieditorin vasemmassa alakulmassa olevaa \"Laajennukset\" -painiketta, näet luettelon kaikista Scratch-laajennuksista. Kun valitset jonkin laajennuksista, projektiin lisätään uusi lohkoluokka. Laajennus ladataan automaattisesti aina, kun projekti avataan. Voit lisätä useita laajennuksia samaan projektiin.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Miten luot oman laajennuksen Scratchiin?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch-tiimi julkaisee jatkossa tekniset tiedot ja ohjeet laajennuksille. Kun ne ovat saatavilla, voit lähettää laajennuksia Scratch-tiimille tarkastettavaksi virallisessa Scratch 3.0 -laajennuskirjastossa. Tarjoamme myös ohjeita \"kokeellisten\" laajennusten kehittämiselle ja jakelulle, joita voidaan käyttää projektien luomiseen yksittäisillä tietokoneilla, mutta joita ei jaeta Scratch-verkkoyhteisössä.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Mitä tapahtuu ScratchX-sivustolle?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX-verkkosivusto (scratchx.org) oli kokeellinen alusta laajennuksille. ScratchX:lle luodut laajennukset eivät ole yhteensopivia Scratch 3.0:n kanssa. Kun kokeelliset laajennukset ovat täysin tuettuja Scratchissa, lopetamme ScratchX-tuen ja tarjoamme kehittäjille ja käyttäjille aikaa siirtyä ScratchX:stä uuteen laajennusalustaan.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Dans l'éditeur Scratch, vous pouvez ajouter des collections de blocs supplémentaires appelés \"extensions\". Par exemple, il existe des extensions qui vous permettent de programmer des appareils physiques (tels que les kits de robotique micro:bit et LEGO) et de traduire du texte dans vos projets Scratch. Nous continuerons à ajouter de nouvelles extensions au fil du temps, de sorte que ce que vous pouvez faire avec Scratch continuera à se développer au fil du temps. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Comment ajouter une extension à un projet ?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Si vous cliquez sur le bouton \"Extensions\" au coins en bas à gauche de l'Editeur de programmation Scratch, vous allez voir une liste de toutes les extensions Scratch. Quand vous choisissez une de ses extensions, une nouvelle catégorie de blocs va être ajoutée à votre projet. L'extension va être automatiquement chargée chaque fois que vous projet est ouvert. Vous pouvez ajouter de multiples extensions au même projet.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Comment créer ma propre extension pour Scratch ?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "L'Équipe Scratch publiera des spécifications et des règles de conduite pour les extensions à l'avenir. Dès qu'elles seront disponibles, vous pourrez soumettre des extensions à l'Équipe Scratch pour qu'elles soient prises en compte dans la bibliothèque officielle des extensions de Scratch 3.0. Nous fournirons également des directives pour le développement et la distribution d'extensions \"expérimentales\", qui peuvent être utilisées pour créer des projets sur des ordinateurs individuels, mais qui ne sont pas partagées dans la communauté en ligne Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Que deviendra le site ScratchX ?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Le site web de ScratchX (scratchx.org) était un site expérimental pour les extensions. Les extensions créées pour ScratchX ne sont pas compatibles avec Scratch 3.0. Une fois les extensions expérimentales pleinement supportées dans Scratch, nous mettrons fin au support de ScratchX et nous donnerons du temps aux développeurs et aux utilisateurs pour faire la transition de ScratchX à la nouvelle plateforme d'extensions.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Yn 'e Scratch-editor kinne jo kolleksjes tafoegje fan ekstra blokken neamd \"ekstensjes\". Bygelyks binne d'r ekstensjes wêrmei jo fysike apparaten programmearje (lykas micro: bit en LEGO roboticsets) en tekst oersette yn jo Scratch-projekten. Wy sille trochgean mei it tafoegjen fan nije útwreidingen yn 'e rin fan' e tiid, sadat wat jo mei Scratch kinne dwaan troch de tiid sil groeie.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Hoe kin ik in tafoeging tafoegje oan in projekt?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "As jo op 'e knop \"In tafoeging tafoegje\" klikke yn' e linkerûnderste hoeke fan 'e Scratch-programmearbewurker, sille jo in list sjen fan alle Scratch-tafoegings. As jo ien fan 'e tafoegings selektearje, sil in nije kategory blokken wurde tafoege oan jo projekt. De tafoeging wurdt automatysk laden elke kear as jo projekt wurdt iepene. Jo kinne mear tafoegings tafoegje oan itselde projekt.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Hoe meitsje ik myn eigen tafoeging foar Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "It Scratch Team sil yn 'e takomst spesifikaasjes en rjochtlinen publisearje foar útwreidingen. Ienris beskikber kinne jo tafoegings yntsjinje by it Scratch-team foar resinsje yn 'e offisjele Scratch 3.0-útwreidingsbibleteek. Wy leverje ek rjochtlinen foar it ûntwikkeljen en distribuearjen fan \"eksperimintele\" útwreidings, dy't brûkt wurde kinne foar it meitsjen fan projekten op yndividuele kompjûters, mar wurde net dield yn 'e Scratch online-mienskip.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Wat sil der barre mei de ScratchX-webside?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "De ScratchX-webside (scratchx.org) wie in eksperimintele testomjouwing foar útwreidings. Extensions makke foar ScratchX kinne net wurde kombineare mei Scratch 3.0. Ienris eksperimintele útwreidingen wurde folslein stipe yn Scratch, sille wy stipe foar ScratchX stopje en jouwe ûntwikkelders en brûkers tiid om oer te gean fan ScratchX nei it nije útwreidingsplatfoarm.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Conas a chuirtear breiseán le tionscadal?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "San deasaiche Scratch, ’s urrainn dhut cruinneachaidhean de bhlocaichean a bharrachd a chur ris air a bheil “leudachain”. Mar eisimpleir, tha leudachain ann a leigeas leat uidheaman fiosaigeach a prògramachadh (can micro:bit no trusgain robotaireachd LEGO) agus teacsa eadar-theangachadh am broinn nam pròiseactan Scratch agad. Leanaidh sinn oirnn a’ cur leudachain ùra ri Scratch san àm ri teachd ach am fàs nas urrainn dhut dèanamh le Scratch. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Ciamar a chuireas mi leudachan ri pròiseact?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Ma nì thu briogadh air putan “Leudachain” san oisean taobh clì aig a’ bhonn ann an deasaiche prògramachaidh Scratch, chì thu liosta de na leudachain Scratch uile. Nuair a thaghas tu fear de na leudachain, thèid cruinneachadh de bhlocaichean ùra a chur ris a’ phròiseact agad. Thèid an leudachan a luchdadh gu fèin-obrachail an uair sin gach turas a dh’fhosglas cuideigin am pròiseact.’S urrainn dhut iomadh leudachan a chur ris an aon phròiseact.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Ciamar a chruthaicheas mi leudachan agam fhìn airson Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Foillsichidh sgioba Scratch sònrachadh is riaghailtean-treòrachaidh airson leudachain san àm ri teachd. Nuair a bhios iad ri am faighinn, ’s urrainn dhut leudachain a chur a-null gu sgioba Scratch ach am beachdaich sinn air an cuir sinn ri leabhar-lann nan leudachan Scratch 3.0 oifigeil e. Bheir sinn seachad cuideachd riaghailtean-treòrachaidh airson leasachadh is sgaoileadh leudachain “deuchainneach” a ghabhas cleachdadh airson pròiseactan a chruthachadh air coimpiutairean fa leth ach nach gabh co-roinneadh sa choimhearsnachd Scratch air loidhne.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Dè dh’èireas do làrach-lìn ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "’S e àrainneachd dheuchainneach airson leudachain a bh’ ann an làrach-lìn ScratchX (scratchx.org). Chan eil leudachain a chaidh a chruthachadh le ScratchX co-chòrdail ri Scratch 3.0. Nuair a bhios làn-taic againn ri leudachain deuchainneach ann an Scratch, cha chuir sinn taic ri ScratchX tuilleadh agus bheir sinn ùine dhan luchd-leasachaidh ’s dhan luchd-cleachdaidh ach an gluais iad o ScratchX dhan ùrlar leudachain ùr.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "No editor de Scratch, podes engadir coleccións de bloques adicionais chamados \"extensións\". Por exemplo, hai extensións que permiten programar dispositivos físicos (como kits de robótica micro: bit e LEGO) e traducir texto dentro dos teus proxectos de Scratch. Seguiremos engadindo novas extensións co paso do tempo, polo que o que podes facer con Scratch continuará medrando co paso do tempo.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Como engado unha extensión a un proyecto?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Se premes no botón \"Extensións\" na esquina inferior esquerda do editor de programas de Scratch, verás unha lista de todas as extensións de Scratch. Cando escollas unha das extensións, engadirase unha nova categoría de bloques ao teu proxecto. A extensión cargarase automaticamente cada vez que se abra o teu proxecto. Podes engadir varias extensións ao mesmo proxecto.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Como creo a miña propia extensión para Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "O equipo de Scratch publicará no futuro especificacións e directrices para extensións. Unha vez dispoñible, poderás enviar extensións ao equipo de Scratch para a súa consideración na biblioteca oficial de extensións de Scratch 3.0. Tamén proporcionaremos directrices para desenvolver e distribuír extensións \"experimentais\", que se poden usar para crear proxectos en ordenadores individuais, pero non compartidos na comunidade en liña de Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Que pasará co sitio web de ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "O sitio web de ScratchX (scratchx.org) foi un área de probas experimental para extensións. As extensións creadas para ScratchX non son compatibles con Scratch 3.0. Unha vez que as extensións experimentais sexan totalmente compatibles en Scratch, suspenderemos o soporte para ScratchX e proporcionaremos aos desenvolvedores e usuarios tempo para a transición de ScratchX á nova plataforma de extensións.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratch-ի խմբագրում կարող եք ավելացնել լրացուցիչ մասնիկների հավաքածուներ, որոնք կոչվում են «հավելումներ/ընդարձակումներ»: Օրինակ, կան ընդարձակումներ, որոնք հնարավորություն են տալիս ծրագրավորել ֆիզիկական սարքեր (օրինակ՝ միկրո: բիթ և LEGO ռոբոտատեխնիկական հավաքածուներ) կամ թարգմանել տեքստերը Ձեր «Scratch»֊ի նախագծերում։ Մենք կշարունակենք ժամանակի ընթացքում ավելացնել նոր հավելումներ, այնպես որ այն, ինչ կարող եք անել Scratch- ի հետ, ժամանակի ընթացքում կշարունակի աճել:",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Ինչպե՞ս ավելացնեմ հավելումներն իմ նախագծում:",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Եթե սեղմեք Scratch ծրագրավորման խմբագրիչի ներքևի ձախ անկյունում գտնվող «Ընդլայնումներ» կոճակը, կտեսնեք «Scratch Extensions» բոլոր հավելումների ցուցակը: Հավելումներից մեկը ընտրելու դեպքում ձեր նախագծին կավելացվի մասնիկների նոր կատեգորիա: Ընդլայնումը ավտոմատ կերպով կբեռնվի յուրաքանչյուր անգամ, երբ ձեր նախագիծը կբացվի: Կարող եք ավելացնել մի քանի հավելումներ միևնույն նախագծում:",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Ինչպե՞ս կարող եմ ստեղծել իմ սեփական ընդլայնումը Scratch-ի համար",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch Team-ը հետագայում կհրապարակի առանձնահատկություններ և ուղեցույցներ հավելումների համար: Հասանելի լինելուց հետո դուք կկարողանաք դրանք ներկայացնել Scratch Team-ին՝ Scratch 3.0 պաշտոնական ընդարձակ գրադարանում քննարկման համար: Մենք նաև ուղեցույցներ կտանք «փորձնական» հավելումների ձևավորման և բաշխման համար, որոնք կարող են օգտագործվել անհատական համակարգիչների վրա նախագծեր ստեղծելու համար, բայց չեն օգտագործվի առցանց Scratch֊ում:",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Ի՞նչ է սպասվում ScratchX կայքում:",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX կայքը (scratchx.org) փորձարկում է հավելումների համար: ScratchX֊ի համար ստեղծված հավելումները համատեղելի չեն Scratch 3.0-ի հետ: Երբ ScratchX-ում լիովին ապահովեն փորձնական ընդարձակումները, մենք կդադարեցնենք աջակցությունը ScratchX-ին և ծրագրավորողներին և օգտագործողներին ժամանակ կտրամադրենք ScratchX-ից անցում կատարել նոր հարթակին:",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Nell'editor di Scratch puoi aggiungere raccolte di blocchi aggiuntivi chiamate \"estensioni\". Ad esempio ci sono estensioni che ti permettono di programmare dei dispositivi (come micro:bit e i kit robotici LEGO) o di tradurre dei testi direttamente dal tuo progetto Scratch. Continueremo ad aggiungere nuove estensioni di tanto in tanto, così quello che potrai fare con Scratch continuerà via via a crescere.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Come si fa ad aggiungere un'estensione ad un progetto?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Se clicchi il pulsante '+' (\"Aggiungi un'Estensione\") che trovi nell'angolo in basso a sinistra dell'editor di Scratch, vedrai un elenco di tutte le Estensioni di Scratch. Appena selezioni un'estensione una nuova categoria di blocchi verrà aggiunta al tuo progetto. L'estensione verrà caricata automaticamente ogni volta che il tuo progetto viene aperto. Puoi aggiungere diverse estensioni ad uno stesso progetto.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "In che modo posso creare un'estensione per Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Il Team di Scratch pubblicherà a breve delle specifiche e delle linee guida. Appena saranno disponibili potrai sottoporre la tua estensione al Team di Scratch perché venga presa in considerazione per essere inserita nella libreria di estensioni di Scratch 3.0. Forniremo anche delle linee guida per sviluppare e distribuire estensioni \"sperimentali\", che potranno essere usate per creare progetti offline ma che non potranno essere però condivisi con la comunità online di Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Cosa accadrà al sito ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Il sito ScratchX (scratchx.org) era un luogo in cui sperimentare estensioni. Le estensioni create per ScratchX non sono compatibili con Scratch 3.0. Una volta che le estensioni sperimentali saranno completamente supportate da Scratch interromperemo il supporto per ScratchX. Gli utenti e gli sviluppatori potranno quindi passare da ScratchX alla nuova piattaforma per le estensioni.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratchエディターでは、\"拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)\"という、追加(ついか)のブロックを使用(しよう)することができます。例えば(たとえば)、物理的(ぶつりてき)なデバイス(micro:bit、LEGOロボティクスキットのような)をプログラムできるようにしたり、Scratchプロジェクト内(ない)のテキストを翻訳(ほんやく)できるようにする拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)があります。新しい(あたらしい)拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)は随時(ずいじ)追加(ついか)されるため、Scratchでできることが日々成長(せいちょう)し続け(しつづけ)ます。",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "どうすれば拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)をプロジェクトに追加(ついか)できますか?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Scratchプログラミングエディターの左下隅(ひだりしたすみ)にある\"拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)\"ボタンを押すと、すべてのScratch拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)の一覧(いちらん)が表示(ひょうじ)されます。拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)のどれかを選択(せんたく)した場合(ばあい)、あたらしいブロックのカテゴリーがプロジェクトに追加(ついか)されます。追加(ついか)した拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)はプロジェクトがオープンされるたびに自動的(じどうてき)に読み込まれ(よみこまれ)ます。一つのプロジェクトに複数(ふくすう)の拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)を追加可能(ついかかのう)です。 ",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "どうすればScratch用(よう)の独自(どくじ)の拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)を作成(さくせい)できますか?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratchチームは将来(しょうらい)、拡張(かくちょう)のための仕様(しよう)とガイドラインを公開(こうかい)する予定(よてい)です。これが利用(りよう)可能(かのう)になると、公式(こうしき)のScratch 3.0拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)ライブラリに入れる検討(けんとう)依頼(いらい)のために、Scratchチームに拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)を提出(ていしゅつ)することが可能(かのう)となります。\"実験的(じっけんてき)\"な拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)の開発(かいはつ)と配布(はいふ)のためのガイドラインも提供(ていきょう)される予定(よてい)です。それは個々(ここ)のコンピュータ上でのプロジェクト作成(さくせい)に使用可能(しようかのう)ですが、Scratchオンラインコミュニティで共有(きょうゆう)されることはありません。",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX ウェブサイトはどうなりますか?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX ウェブサイト (scratchx.org) は、拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)の実験的(じっけんてき)なテストベッドでした。ScratchXの拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)はScratch 3.0と互換性(ごかんせい)がありません。実験的(じっけんてき)な拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)がScratchでフルサポートされ次第(しだい)、ScratchXのサポートをやめる予定(よてい)です。開発者(かいはつしゃ)と利用者(りようしゃ)にはScratchXから新しい(あたらしい)拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)プラットフォームへ移行(いこう)するための時間(じかん)を設け(もうけ)られます。",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratchエディターでは、\"拡張機能\"という、追加のブロックを使用することができます。例えば、物理的なデバイス(micro:bit、LEGOロボティクスキットのような)をプログラムできるようにしたり、Scratchプロジェクト内のテキストを翻訳できるようにする拡張機能があります。新しい拡張機能は随時追加されるため、Scratchでできることが日々成長し続けます。",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "どうすれば拡張機能をプロジェクトに追加できますか?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Scratchプログラミングエディターの左下隅にある\"拡張機能\"ボタンを押すと、すべてのScratch拡張機能の一覧が表示されます。拡張機能のどれかを選択した場合、新しいブロックのカテゴリーがプロジェクトに追加されます。追加した拡張機能はプロジェクトがオープンされるたびに自動的に読み込まれます。一つのプロジェクトに複数の拡張機能を追加可能です。 ",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "どうすればScratch用の独自の拡張機能を作成できますか?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratchチームは将来、拡張のための仕様とガイドラインを公開する予定です。これが利用可能になると、公式のScratch 3.0拡張機能ライブラリに入れる検討依頼のために、Scratchチームに拡張機能を提出することが可能となります。\"実験的\"な拡張機能の開発と配布のためのガイドラインも提供される予定です。\"実験的\"な拡張機能は、個々のコンピュータ上でのプロジェクト作成に使用可能ですが、Scratchオンラインコミュニティで共有されることはありません。",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX ウェブサイトはどうなりますか?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX ウェブサイト (scratchx.org) は、拡張機能の実験的なテストベッドでした。ScratchXの拡張機能はScratch 3.0と互換性がありません。実験的な拡張機能がScratchでフルサポートされ次第、ScratchXのサポートをやめる予定です。開発者と利用者にはScratchXから新しい拡張機能プラットフォームへ移行するための時間を設けられます。",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratch редакторында сіз «кеңейтімдер» деп аталатын қосымша блоктар жиынтығын қоса аласыз. Мысалы, физикалық құрылғыларды бағдарламалауға мүмкіндік беретін кеңейтімдер бар (мысалы, микро: бит және LEGO робототехника жиынтығы) және сіздің Scratch жобаларыңыздағы мәтінді аударуға мүмкіндік береді. Уақыт өте келе біз жаңа кеңейтімдерді қосуды жалғастырамыз, сондықтан Scratch көмегімен жасай алатын нәрселер уақыт өте келе өсе береді.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Жобаға кеңейтілімді қалай қосуға болады?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Егер сіз Scratch бағдарламалау редакторының төменгі сол жақ бұрышындағы «Кеңейтімдер» батырмасын бассаңыз, онда сіз барлық Scratch кеңейтімдерінің тізімін көресіз. Кеңейтімдердің бірін таңдағанда, сіздің жобаңызға блоктардың жаңа санаты қосылады. Жоба ашылған сайын кеңейтім автоматты түрде жүктеледі. Бір жобаға бірнеше кеңейтімдер қосуға болады.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Scratch үшін жеке кеңейтімді қалай құруға болады",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch Team болашақта кеңейтімдерге арналған сипаттамалар мен нұсқаулықтарды жариялайды. Қол жетімді болғаннан кейін, сіз Scratch 3.0 кеңейтімдерінің ресми кітапханасында қарау үшін Scratch Team-ге кеңейтімдер ұсына аласыз. Біз сонымен қатар жеке компьютерлерде жобалар жасауға болатын, бірақ Scratch желілік қоғамдастығында қолданыла алмайтын «эксперименттік» кеңейтімдерді әзірлеу және тарату бойынша нұсқаулар береміз.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX веб-сайты не болады?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX веб-сайты (scratchx.org) кеңейтуге арналған тәжірибелік алаң болды. ScratchX үшін жасалған кеңейтімдер Scratch 3.0 нұсқасымен сәйкес келмейді. Scratch-те эксперименттік кеңейтімдерге толық қолдау көрсетілгеннен кейін біз ScratchX қолдауын тоқтатамыз және әзірлеушілер мен пайдаланушыларға ScratchX-тен жаңа кеңейтімдер платформасына өтуге уақыт береміз.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "스크래치 에디터에서 \"확장 기능\"이라고 불리는 블록의 모음을 추가할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 물리적 장치를 프로그래밍 할 수 있게 하는 확장 기능(micro:bit와 LEGO 로봇 공학 키트 등)과 스크래치 프로젝트 안에서 글을 번역하는 확장 기능이 있습니다. 스크래치로 할 수 있는 것이 점차 많아지도록, 새로운 확장 기능을 점차 추가해 나갈 것입니다.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "확장 기능을 프로젝트에 어떻게 추가하나요?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "스크래치 프로그래밍 에디터의 왼쪽 아래 모서리에 있는 \"확장 기능\" 버튼을 누르면, 모든 스크래치 확장 기능의 목록을 보게 될 것입니다. 확장 기능 중 하나를 선택하면 새로운 종류의 블록이 프로젝트에 추가될 것입니다. 확장 기능은 프로젝트가 열릴 때마다 자동으로 불려 올 것입니다. 같은 프로젝트에 여러 개의 확장 기능을 추가할 수 있습니다.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "저만의 스크래치용 확장 기능을 어떻게 만드나요?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "추후에 스크래치 팀에서 확장 기능을 위한 설명과 지침을 발표할 것입니다. 이용이 가능해지면 공식적인 스크래치 3.0 확장 기능 저장소에 고려할 확장 기능을 스크래치 팀에 제출할 수 있을 것입니다. 개인 컴퓨터에서 프로젝트를 만드는 데에 사용할 수 있지만 스크래치 온라인 커뮤니티에 공유되지 않는 \"실험적\" 확장 기능을 개발하고 배포하는 지침 또한 제공할 것입니다.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX 웹사이트는 어떻게 될 예정인가요?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX 웹사이트(scratchx.org)는 확장 기능을 위한 실험적인 공간이었습니다. ScratchX를 위해 만들어진 확장 기능은 스크래치 3.0과 호환되지 않습니다. 실험적 확장 기능이 스크래치에서 완전히 지원될 때 ScratchX의 지원을 중단하고 개발자와 사용자가 ScratchX에서 새로운 확장 기능 플랫폼으로 이동하는 시간을 제공할 것입니다.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In de Scratch-editor kun je verzamelingen van extra blokken toevoegen die \" uitbreidingen\" worden genoemd. Er zijn bijvoorbeeld uitbreidingen waarmee je fysieke apparaten kunt programmeren (zoals micro:bit en LEGO robotica sets) en tekst kunt vertalen binnen je Scratch projecten. We zullen na verloop van tijd nieuwe uitbreidingen blijven toevoegen, zodat wat je met Scratch kunt doen in de loop van de tijd zal blijven groeien. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Hoe voeg ik een uitbreiding toe aan een project? ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Als je klikt op de \"Voeg een uitbreiding toe\" knop in de linkerbenedenhoek van de Scratch programmeereditor, zie je een lijst van alle Scratch uitbreidingen. Wanneer je een van de uitbreidingen selecteert, wordt er een nieuwe categorie van blokken aan je project toegevoegd. De uitbreiding wordt automatisch geladen elke keer wanneer je project wordt geopend. Je kunt meer extensies aan hetzelfde project toevoegen.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Hoe maak ik mijn eigen uitbreiding voor Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Het Scratch Team zal in de toekomst specificaties en richtlijnen voor uitbreidingen publiceren. Eenmaal beschikbaar, kun je uitbreidingen indienen bij het Scratch team voor bestudering in de officiële Scratch 3.0 uitbreidingen bibliotheek. We bieden ook richtlijnen voor het ontwikkelen en distribueren van \"experimentele\" uitbreidingen, die gebruikt kunnen worden om projecten te maken op individuele computers, maar niet gedeeld worden in de Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Wat gebeurt er met de ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "De ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was een experimentele testomgeving voor uitbreidingen. Uitbreidingen die voor ScratchX zijn gemaakt, zijn niet te combineren met Scratch 3.0. Zodra experimentele uitbreidingen volledig worden ondersteund in Scratch zullen we de ondersteuning voor ScratchX stopzetten en ontwikkelaars en gebruikers tijd geven om over te stappen van ScratchX naar het nieuwe uitbreidingen platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Du kan leggja til samlingar med nye klossar, kalla «tilleggsfunksjonar». Du kan for eksempel bruka tilleggsfunksjonar i prosjekta dine for å programmera fysiske maskiner (for eksempel micro:bit og LEGO-robotar), eller for å omsetja tekst til andre språk. Me vil leggja til nye tilleggsfunksjonar i framtida, så du kan stadig gjera meir med Scratch.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Korleis brukar eg tilleggsfunksjonar i prosjekt?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Trykk på «Hent tilleggsfunksjon»-knappen nede til venstre. Du får då opp ei oversikt over alle tilgjengelege tilleggsfunksjonar. Når du vel ein, får du ein ny kategori med klossar i prosjektet. Tilleggsfunksjonen vert automatisk henta inn når du opnar prosjektet. Du kan òg bruka fleire tilleggsfunksjonar i same prosjekt.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Korleis lagar eg mine eigne tilleggsfunksjonar?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Me vil seinare publisera tekniske spesifikasjonar og retningslinjer for tilleggsfunksjonar. Når desse er tilgjengelege, kan du kan senda inn tilleggsfunksjonar til Scratch-gruppa, og me vil då vurdera å ta dei inn i den offisielle samlinga med tilleggsfunksjonar. Me vil òg ha retningslinjer for utvikling og utsending av «eksperimentelle» tilleggsfunksjonar, som kan brukast til å laga lokale prosjekt, som ikkje vert lagde ut på Scratch-nettstaden.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Kva skjer med ScratchX-nettstaden?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX-nettstaden (scratchx.org) var eit utprøvingssenter for nye tilleggsfunksjonar. Tilleggsfunksjonar laga for ScratchX er ikkje kompatible med Scratch 3.0. Når eksperimentelle tilleggsfunksjonar er fullstendig støtta i Scratch, vil me ikkje lenger støtta ScratchX. Me vil gje utviklarar og brukarar tid til å migrera frå ScratchX og til den nye plattforma for tilleggsfunksjonar.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ସମ୍ପାଦକରେ, ଆପଣ \"ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍\" ନାମକ ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ବ୍ଲକ୍ ସଂଗ୍ରହ ଯୋଗ କରିପାରିବେ | ଉଦାହରଣ ସ୍ୱରୂପ, ଏପରି ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ ଅଛି ଯାହା ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଶାରୀରିକ ଉପକରଣ (ଯେପରିକି ମାଇକ୍ରୋ:ବିଟ୍ ଏବଂ ଲେଗୋ ରୋବୋଟିକ୍ କିଟ୍) ପ୍ରୋଗ୍ରାମ କରିବା ଏବଂ ଆପଣଙ୍କ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ପାଠ୍ୟ ଅନୁବାଦ କରିବାରେ ସକ୍ଷମ କରେ | ଆମେ ସମୟ ସହିତ ନୂତନ ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ ଯୋଗ କରିବା ଜାରି ରଖିବୁ, ତେଣୁ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ସହିତ ଆପଣ ଯାହା କରିପାରିବେ ତାହା ସମୟ ସହିତ ବୃଦ୍ଧି ଜାରି ରହିବ ।",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "ମୁଁ ଏକ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟରେ ଏକ ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ କିପରି ଯୋଗ କରିବି?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "ଯଦି ଆପଣ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ପ୍ରୋଗ୍ରାମିଂ ସମ୍ପାଦକର ତଳ ବାମ କୋଣରେ \"ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍\" ବଟନ୍ ରେ କ୍ଲିକ୍ କରନ୍ତି, ତେବେ ଆପଣ ସମସ୍ତ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ସମ୍ପ୍ରସାରଣର ତାଲିକା ଦେଖିବେ | ଯେତେବେଳେ ଆପଣ ଗୋଟିଏ ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତି, ଆପଣଙ୍କ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟରେ ଏକ ନୂତନ ଶ୍ରେଣୀର ବ୍ଲକ୍ ଯୋଗ କରାଯିବ | ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ ଥର ଆପଣଙ୍କ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟ ଖୋଲିବା ସମୟରେ ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ ସ୍ୱୟଂଚାଳିତ ଭାବରେ ଧାରଣ ହେବ । ଆପଣ ସମାନ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟରେ ଏକାଧିକ ସମ୍ପ୍ରସାରଣ ଯୋଗ କରିପାରିବେ |",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "ମୁଁ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ପାଇଁ ମୋର ନିଜର ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ କିପରି ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରିବି",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଦଳ ଭବିଷ୍ୟତରେ ସମ୍ପ୍ରସାରଣ ପାଇଁ ବିଶେଷତା ଏବଂ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରିବ । ଥରେ ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହେବା ପରେ, ଆପଣ ଅଫିସିଆଲ୍ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ 3.0 ସମ୍ପ୍ରସାରଣ ଲାଇବ୍ରେରୀରେ ବିଚାର ପାଇଁ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଦଳକୁ ସମ୍ପ୍ରସାରଣ ଦାଖଲ କରିବାକୁ ସକ୍ଷମ ହେବ | ଆମେ \"ପରୀକ୍ଷାମୂଳକ\" ସମ୍ପ୍ରସାରଣ ବିକଶିତ ଏବଂ ବିତରଣ ପାଇଁ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ ମଧ୍ୟ ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିବୁ, ଯାହା ବ୍ୟକ୍ତିଗତ କମ୍ପ୍ୟୁଟର୍ ରେ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରିବା ପାଇଁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଇପାରିବ, କିନ୍ତୁ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଅନଲାଇନ ସମ୍ପ୍ରଦାୟରେ ଅଂଶୀଦାର କରାଯାଇନାହିଁ ।",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ଏକ୍ସ ୱେବସାଇଟ ରେ କ'ଣ ହେବ?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ଏକ୍ସ ୱେବସାଇଟ (scratchx.org) ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ ପାଇଁ ଏକ ପରୀକ୍ଷାମୂଳକ ପରୀକ୍ଷା କରାଯାଇଥିଲା । ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍X ପାଇଁ ସୃଷ୍ଟି ହୋଇଛି ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ 3.0 ସହିତ ସୁଗମ ନୁହେଁ | ଥରେ ପରୀକ୍ଷାମୂଳକ ଏକ୍ସଟେନ୍ସନ୍ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ରେ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ଭାବରେ ସମର୍ଥିତ ହେବା ପରେ ଆମେ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ଏକ୍ସ ପାଇଁ ସମର୍ଥନ ବନ୍ଦ କରିବୁ ଏବଂ ଡେଭଲପର ଏବଂ ଉପଭୋକ୍ତାମାନଙ୍କୁ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ଏକ୍ସରୁ ନୂତନ ଏକ୍ସଟେନସନ ପ୍ଲାଟଫର୍ମକୁ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରିବାକୁ ସମୟ ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିବୁ ।",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "W edytorze Scratch możesz dodawać kolekcje dodatkowych bloków o nazwie \"rozszerzenia\". Na przykład istnieją rozszerzenia, które umożliwiają programowanie fizycznych urządzeń (takich jak zestawy narzędzi mikro-bitowych i LEGO) oraz tłumaczenie tekstu w ramach projektów Scratch. Z czasem będziemy dodawać nowe rozszerzenia, więc możliwości Scratcha będą z czasem rosły.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Jak dodać rozszerzenie do projektu?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Jeśli klikniesz przycisk \"Rozszerzenia\" w lewym dolnym rogu edytora programowania Scratch, zobaczysz listę wszystkich rozszerzeń Scratcha. Gdy wybierzesz jedno rozszerzenie, nowa kategoria bloków zostanie dodana do Twojego projektu. Rozszerzenie będzie załadowane automatycznie, kiedy Twój projekt zostanie otworzony. Można dodać wiele rozszerzeń do tego samego projektu.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Jak utworzyć własne rozszerzenie dla Scratcha?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Zespół Scratcha będzie publikował specyfikacje i wytyczne dla rozszerzeń w przyszłości. Gdy to będzie dostępne, będziesz mógł przesłać rozszerzenia do Zespołu Scratcha do zamieszczenia w oficjalnej bibliotece rozszerzeń Scratch 3.0. Przekażemy również wytyczne dotyczące opracowywania i dystrybucji \"eksperymentalnych\" rozszerzeń, które mogą być używane do tworzenia projektów na poszczególnych komputerach, ale nie są udostępniane w społeczności Scratch online.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Co stanie się z witryną ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Strona ScratchX (scratchx.org) była eksperymentalną platformą testową rozszerzeń. Rozszerzenia utworzone dla ScratchX nie są kompatybilne ze Scratch 3.0. Gdy eksperymentalne rozszerzenia będą w pełni obsługiwane w wersji Scratch, przestaniemy obsługiwać ScratchX i zapewniamy programistom i użytkownikom czas na przejście od ScratchX do nowej platformy rozszerzeń.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "No editor do Scratch, você pode adicionar coleções de blocos extras chamados \"extensões\". Por exemplo, há extensões que permitem que você programe dispositivos físicos (como kits de micro:bits e de robótica LEGO) e traduza textos em seus projetos do Scratch. Continuaremos adicionando novas extensões, então o que você pode fazer com o Scratch continuará a crescer ao longo do tempo.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Como eu adiciono uma extensão a um projeto?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Se você clicar no botão \"Extensões\" no canto inferior esquerdo do editor do Scratch, você verá uma lista de todas as extensões do Scratch. Quando você seleciona uma das extensões, uma nova categoria de blocos será adicionada ao seu projeto. A extensão será carregada automaticamente toda vez que seu projeto for aberto. Você pode adicionar várias extensões ao mesmo projeto.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Como eu crio minha própria extensão para o Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "A Equipe Scratch estará publicando especificações e diretrizes para extensões no futuro. Uma vez disponível, você poderá enviar extensões para a Equipe Scratch para consideração na biblioteca oficial de extensões do Scratch 3.0. Também forneceremos diretrizes para o desenvolvimento e a distribuição de extensões \"experimentais\", que podem ser usadas para criar projetos em computadores individuais, mas não compartilhadas na comunidade online do Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "O que acontecerá com o site do ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "O site ScratchX (scratchx.org) foi um teste experimental para extensões. Extensões criadas para o ScratchX não são compatíveis com o Scratch 3.0. Uma vez que as extensões experimentais sejam totalmente suportadas no Scratch, descontinuaremos o suporte para o ScratchX e forneceremos aos desenvolvedores e usuários tempo para fazer a transição do ScratchX para a nova plataforma de extensões.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "No editor Scratch, pode adicionar colecções de blocos extra chamadas «extensões». Por exemplo, há extensões que lhe permitem programar dispositivos físicos (tais como o micro:bit ou kits de robótica da LEGO) e que lhe permitem traduzir texto dentro dos seus projectos Scratch. Continuaremos a adicionar novas extensões ao longo do tempo, para poder fazer sempre mais com o Scratch.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Como adiciono uma extensão a um projecto?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Se clicar no botão «Extensões» no canto inferior esquerdo do editor de programação do Scratch, verá uma lista com todas as Extensões Scratch. Quando seleccionar uma das extensões, será adicionada uma nova e correspondente categoria de blocos ao seu projecto. A extensão será automaticamente carregada sempre que o seu projecto for aberto. Pode adicionar múltiplas extensões ao mesmo projecto.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Como posso criar as minhas próprias extensões ao Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "A Equipa Scratch irá publicar no futuro especificações e linhas de orientação para as extensões. Uma vez disponíveis, poderá submeter extensões à Equipa Scratch para serem consideradas para inclusão na biblioteca oficial de extensões do Scratch 3.0. Disponibilizaremos também linhas de orientação para o desenvolvimento e distribuição de extensões «experimentais», que poderão ser usadas para criar projectos em computadores individuais, mas não poderão ser partilhadas na comunidade em linha do Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "O que acontecerá ao sítio web ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "O sítio web ScratchX (scratchx.org) foi um laboratório de extensões. As extensões criadas para o ScratchX não são compatíveis com o Scratch 3.0. Uma vez que as extensões experimentais sejam plenamente suportadas pelo Scratch, descontinuaremos o suporte do ScratchX e disponibilizaremos aos desenvolvedores e utilizadores tempo para transitarem as extensões do ScratchX para a nova plataforma de extensões.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Что случится с сайтом ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "V Scratch urejevalniku lahko dodaš zbirko dodatnih blokov imenovanih \"razširitve.\" Na voljo so na primer razširitve s katerimi lahko povežeš program s fizičnimi napravami (kot je micro:bit ali LEGO roboti) ali prevajaš besedilo znotraj Scratch projektov. Nadaljevali bomo z dodajanjem novih razširitev tako, da se bodo načini kako lahko uporabljaš Scratch še povečevali. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Kako lahko dodam razširitev v projekt?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Če klikneš na gumb Dodaj razširitev (levo spodaj) v Scratch urejevalniku, boš videl seznam vseh Scratch razširitev. Ko izbereš eno razširitev, se v tvoj projekt doda nova kategorija blokov. Razširitev se bo avtomatično dodala vsakič, ko boš odprl ta svoj projekt. Dodaš lahko več razširitev v isti projekt.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Kako ustvarim svojo lastno razširitev za Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch tim bo objavil specifikacijo in navodila za razširitve v prihodnosti. Ko bodo na voljo, bo možno poslati razširitve Scratch timu v pregled in oddajo v uradno Scratch 3.0 knjižnico. Pripravili bomo tudi navodila za razvijanje in razširajnje poskusnih razširitev, ki bodo lahko uporabljene za ustvarjanje projektov na posameznih računalnikih, vendar ne deljeni v Scratch spletni skupnosti.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Kaj se bo zgodilo s spletno stranjo ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Spletna stran ScratchX (scratchx.org) je bilo razvojno okolje za razširitve. Razširitve, ki so bile ustvarjene za ScratchX niso kompatibilne s Scratchem 3.0. Ko bodo razvojne razširitve popolnoma podprte v Scratchu, bomo nehali podpirati ScratchX in omogočili razvijalcem ter uporabnikom čas za prehod iz ScratchX na novo platformo razširitev.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Kwenye kihariri cha Scratch, unaweza kuongeza bloki za ziada zinazoitwa \"viendelezi.\" Kwa mfano, kuna viendelezi ambavyo vinakuwezesha kusanikisha vifaa vya nje (kama vile micro:bit na vifurushi vya roboti vya LEGO) na kutafsiri maandishi ndani ya miradi yako ya Scratch. Tutaendelea kuongeza viendelezi vipya kadri ya wakati, kwa hivyo kile unachoweza kufanya na Scratch kitaendelea kukua kwa wakati. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Je, ninaweza kutumia kiendelezi katika mradi vipi?.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Ukibonyeza kitufe cha \"Viendelezi\" kwenye kona ya chini kushoto ya kihariri cha Scratch, utaona orodha ya viendelezi vyote vya Scratch. Unapochagua moja ya viendelezi, kitengo kipya cha bloki kitaongezwa kwenye mradi wako. Kiendelezi hicho kitapakiwa kiatomati kila wakati mradi wako unafunguliwa. Unaweza kuongeza viendelezi vingi kwenye mradi huo.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Je! Ninawezaje kuunda kiendelezi changu cha Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Timu ya Scratch itakuwa ikichapisha maelezo na miongozo ya upanuzi katika siku zijazo. Mara tu itakapopatikana, utaweza kuwasilisha viendelezi kwa Timu ya Scratch ili kuzingatiwa katika maktaba rasmi ya upanuzi ya Scratch 3.0. Pia tutatoa miongozo ya kukuza na kusambaza upanuzi wa viendelezi vya \"majaribio\", ambavyo vinaweza kutumika kuunda miradi kwenye kompyuta za kibinafsi, bila kushirikishwa katika jamii ya mtandaonii ya Scratch.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "Je! Nini kitatokea kwa tovuti ya ScratchX?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "Tovuti ya ScratchX (scratchx.org) ilikuwa ni mahala pa kufanyia viendelezi majaribio . Viendelezi vilivyoundwa kwa ajili ya ScratchX haviendani na Scratch 3.0. Mara tu viendelezi vya majaribio vitakapoungwa mkono kabisa katika Scratch tutaacha kutoa msaada kwa ScratchX na kutoa watengenezaji na watumiaji kutoka kwa ScratchX hadi kwenye jukwaa mpya la viendelezi.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratch düzenleyicisinde, \"eklentiler\" adı verilen fazladan blok koleksiyonlarını ekleyebilirsiniz. Örneğin, fiziksel aygıtları (mikro: bit ve LEGO robotik kitleri gibi) programlamanıza ve Scratch projelerinizdeki metni çevirmenize olanak sağlayan eklentiler vardır. Zamanla yeni eklentiler eklemeye devam edeceğiz, bu nedenle Scratch ile yapabilecekleriniz zamanla büyümeye devam edecek.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Bir projeye nasıl eklenti eklerim?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Scratch programlama editörünün sol alt köşesindeki \"Eklentiler\" düğmesine tıklarsanız, tüm Scratch Eklentilerinin bir listesini göreceksiniz. Eklentilerden birini seçtiğinizde, projenize yeni bir blok kategorisi eklenecektir. Eklenti, projeniz her açıldığında otomatik olarak yüklenecektir. Aynı projeye birden fazla eklenti ekleyebilirsiniz.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Scratch için kendi eklentimi nasıl oluşturabilirim",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch Team gelecekte uzantıları için şartname ve kılavuzları yayınlayacak. Kullanılabilir olduğunda, resmi Scratch 3.0 eklenti kitaplığında değerlendirilmek üzere eklentileri Scratch Ekibine gönderebileceksiniz. Ayrıca, tek tek bilgisayarlarda projeler oluşturmak için kullanılabilecek, ancak Scratch çevrimiçi topluluğunda paylaşılmayan \"deneysel\" eklentilerin geliştirilmesi ve dağıtılması için kılavuzlar da sunacağız.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX web sitesine ne olacak?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX web sitesi (scratchx.org), eklentiler için deneysel bir test ortamıydı. ScratchX için oluşturulan eklentiler Scratch 3.0 ile uyumlu değildir. Scratch'te deneysel eklentiler tamamen desteklendikten sonra ScratchX desteğini durduracağız ve geliştiricilere ve kullanıcılara ScratchX'ten yeni eklentiler platformuna geçmeleri için zaman tanıyacağız.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratch muharririda siz “kengaytmalar” deb nomlangan qoʻshimcha bloklar toʻplamlarini qoʻshishingiz mumkin. Masalan, jismoniy qurilmalarni (micro:bit va LEGO robototexnika toʻplamlari kabi) dasturlash hamda Scratch loyihalaringizda matnni tarjima qilish imkonini beruvchi kengaytmalar mavjud. Vaqt oʻtgan sari biz yangi kengaytmalarni qoʻshishda davom etamiz, shunday ekan, sizning Scratch yordamida nimalar qila olishingiz ham vaqt sayin oʻsishda davom etadi.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Kengaytmani loyihaga qanday qilib qo`shaman?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Scratch dasturlash muharriri oynasining pastki chap burchagidagi “Kengaytmalar” tugmasini bossangiz, Scratchning barcha kengaytmalari roʻyxatini koʻrasiz. Kengaytmalardan birini tanlaganingizda, loyihangizga bloklarning yangi turkumi qoʻshiladi. Loyihangiz har safar ochilganida kengaytma avtomatik tarzda yuklanadi. Siz bir loyihaga bir nechta kengaytmani qoʻshishingiz mumkin.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Qanday qilib Scratch uchun o`zimni shaxsiy kengaytmamni yaratsam bo`ladi? ",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": " Scratch Jamoasi kelajakda kengaytmalarga oid bo`lgan xususiyatlarni va ko`rsatmalarni e`lon qiladi. Mavjud bo`lgandan so`ng, siz rasmiy Scratch 3.0 kengaytmalari kutubxonasida e`tiborga olish uchun kengaytmalarni Scratch Jamoasiga taqdim qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo`lasiz. Biz shuningdek, shaxsiy komputerlarda loyihalarni yaratish uchun foydalanilgan, lekin Scratch online hamjamiyatida ulashilmagan \"experimental\" kengaytmalarni tarqatish va rivojlantirish uchun ko`rsatmlar bilan ta`minlaymiz. ",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX vebsaytiga nima bo'ladi?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX vebsayti (scratchx.org) kengaytmalar uchun sinovdan o`tgan tajriba hisoblanadi. ScratchX uchun yaratilgan kengaytmalar Scratch 3.0 bilan mos kelmaydi. Tajribaviy kengaytmalar Scratch da to'liq qo'llab-quvvatlangach, biz ScratchX ni qo'llab-quvvatlashni to'xtatamiz va ishlab chiquvchilar va foydalanuvchilarni yangi kengaytmalar platformasiga ScratchX ni o'chirishga vaqt beramiz.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "在Scratch编辑器里,你可以添加若干组额外的积木,它们就叫「扩展」。例如,有的扩展可以对硬件设备进行编程(像micro:bit或乐高机器人套件),有的扩展可以在Scratch作品中翻译文字。未来我们会继续增加新的扩展,而Scratch能做的事情也会越来越多。",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "如何在作品中添加一个扩展?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "点击Scratch程序编辑器左下角的「扩展」按钮,就会出现一个Scratch扩展的列表。选择其中一个扩展,作品中就会出现一组新的积木。以后每次打开作品时,该扩展会自动加载。可以向同一个作品中添加多个扩展。",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "如何制作我自己的Scratch扩展?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch团队未来会发布扩展的制作说明和指南。届时,你就可以把扩展提交给Scratch团队,我们会考虑是否将其加入Scratch 3.0的官方扩展库。我们还会提供开发和发行「实验」扩展的指南,你可以在自己的电脑上使用这些扩展进行创作,但不能共享给Scratch在线社区。",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX网站会如何发展?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX网站(scratchx.org)过去是扩展的试验田。为ScratchX创建的扩展和Scratch 3.0无法兼容。一旦Scratch 3.0完全支持实验扩展,我们将不再停止对ScratchX的支持,并给予开发者和用户时间,从ScratchX迁移到新的扩展平台。",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "在 Scratch 編輯器中,你可以添加一群擴充積木。例如,有一些擴充積木讓你可以控制一些實體裝置(像是:micro:bit與LEGO機器人套件),還有一組積木讓你可以在 Scratch 專案中進行文句翻譯。我們會持續加入新的擴充積木,因此隨著時間增長,你在 Scratch 中可以完成的事情會越來越多。",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "要如何添加擴展積木到專案?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "如果你點選在 Scratch 編輯器左下角的「添加擴展」按鈕,就會出現一系列的 Scratch 擴充積木。當你選擇其中一個擴充積木時,一組新的積木就會加入你的專案中。每次開啟你的專案時,這些擴充積木都會自動加入。你可以在同一個專案中加入多種擴充積木。",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "我可以自己創造擴展嗎?",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch 團隊將在未來發佈擴展的開發規範和指南。到時,你就能向 Scratch 團隊提交,官方會考慮是否將你的擴充積木納入 Scratch 3.0。我們還將提供「實驗性」擴展的開發指南,這類的擴充積木可以給個人專案使用,但無法在 Scratch 網站台共享。",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX 網站的未來?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX (scratchx.org)是擴展的實驗性測試平台。在 ScratchX 創建的擴展與 Scratch 3.0 是不相容的。一旦 Scratch 完全支持實驗性擴展,我們將停止對 ScratchX 的支持,並為開發人員和用戶提供從 ScratchX 過渡到新擴展平台的時間。",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "За који узраст је намењен Скрач?",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Која средства су на располагању за учење Скрача?",
"parents.introDescription": "Скрач је програмски језик и онлајн заједница где деца могу да програмирају и деле интерактивне садржаје, попут игара и анимација, са људима из целог света. Деца уче да креативно и логички размишљају и раде у тиму. Скрач је дизајниран и одржаван од стране групе за Доживотно обданиште, у саставу МИТ Медија лабораторије.",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "Ова информација нам помаже да разумемо узраст људи који користе Скрач. Користимо ову информацију да потврдимо власништво над налогом ако контактирате ннаш тим. Ова информација неће бити јавно објављена на вашем налогу.",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "Ова информација нам помаже да разумемо узраст људи који користе Скрач. Користимо ову информацију да потврдимо власништво над налогом ако контактирате наш тим. Ова информација неће бити јавно објављена на вашем налогу.",
"registration.birthDateStepTitle": "Када си рођен?",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "Скрач није могао да вам креира налог.",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "Скрач није могао да ти креира налог.",
"registration.checkOutResources": "Започни са ресурсима",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Проучите матерјале за наставнике и вође grupa написане од стране Скрач тима, укључујући <a href='/educators#resources'>савете, приручнике и смернице</a>.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepDescription": "Унеси нову лозинку за свој налог. При следећем пријављивању на Скрач користићеш ову нову лозинку.",
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "Уколико већ ниси, молим те кликни на везу у е-писму за потврду послату за:",
"registration.createAccount": "Направи налог",
"registration.createUsername": "Направи корисничко име",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "Корисничко име које сте изабрали није дозвољено. Покушајте поново са другим корисничким именом.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "Имамо проблем са CAPTCHA тестом.",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "Корисничко име које си изабрао није дозвољено. Покушај поново са другим корисничким именом.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "Постоји проблем са CAPTCHA тестом.",
"registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Ваша лозинка је прекратка. Мора да има најмање 6 слова.",
"registration.errorUsernameExists": "Корисничко име које сте изабрали већ постоји. Покушајте поново са другим корисничким именом.",
"registration.genderStepTitle": "Ког' си пола?",
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
"comment.pii.content3": "То је озбиљни безбедносни проблем.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "Делује да ваш последњи коментар садржи нешто што може да повреди некога.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "Делује да један од ваших последњих коментара садржи нешто што може да повреди некога.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "Подстичемо вас да дајете подршку када коментаришете пројекте других особа.",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "Делује да ваш коментар садржи нешто што може да повреди некога.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "Ако мислите да би се нешто могло унапредити, можете рећи нешто што вам се свиђа у пројекту и дати предлог како да се побољша.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Ваш последњи коментар садржи неприкладну реч.",
Reference in a new issue