mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 13:42:30 -05:00
pull new editor translations from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
81 changed files with 409 additions and 409 deletions
@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
"about.introOne": "Scratchilla voit ohjelmoida interaktiivisia tarinoita, pelejä ja animaatioita — ja jakaa luomuksesi muiden kanssa.",
"about.introTwo": "Scratch auttaa nuoria ihmisiä oppimaan ajattelemaan luovasti, järkeilemään systemaattisesti ja työskentelemään yhteisössä — olennaisia elämäntaitoja 2000-luvulla.",
"about.introThree": "Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the Scratch Foundation, a nonprofit organization. It is provided free of charge.",
"about.introThree": "Scratchin on suunnitellut, kehittänyt ja valvonut voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio Scratch-säätiö. Se tarjotaan ilmaiseksi.",
"about.introParents": "Tietoa vanhemmille",
"about.introEducators": "Tietoa opettajille",
"about.whoUsesScratch": "Kuka käyttää Scratchia?",
"about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Scratch on kehitetty erityisesti 8-16 -vuotiaille, mutta kaikenikäiset ihmiset käyttävät sitä. Miljoonat ihmiset luovat Scratch-projekteja erilaisissa oloissa, kuten kotona, koulussa, museoissa, kirjastoissa ja yhteisökeskuksissa.",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "Ympäri maailmaa",
"about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratch is used in more than 150 different countries and available in more than {languageCount} languages. To change languages, click the menu at the bottom of the page. Or, in the Project Editor, click the globe at the top of the page. To add or improve a translation, see the {translationLink} page.",
"about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratchia käytetään yli 150 eri maassa ja se on saatavana yli {languageCount} kielellä. Voit vaihtaa kieltä napsauttamalla sivun alaosassa olevaa valikkoa. Tai napsauta projektieditorissa maapalloa sivun yläosassa. Jos haluat lisätä tai parantaa käännöstä, katso {translationLink}-sivu.",
"about.translationLinkText": "käännös",
"about.quotes": "Siteerauksia",
"about.quotesDescription": "Scratch-tiimi saa monia sähköposteja nuorisolta, vanhemmilta ja opiskelijoilta, joissa kiitetään Scratchia. Haluatko nähdä, mitä muut ovat sanoneet? Voit lukea kokoelman {quotesLink}, joita olemme saaneet.",
"about.quotesLinkText": "lainauksia",
"about.learnMore": "Lue lisää Scratchista",
"about.learnMoreHelp": "Ideat-sivulla",
"about.learnMoreHelp": "Ideat-sivu",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "Usein kysytyt kysymykset",
"about.learnMoreParents": "Tietoa vanhemmille",
"about.learnMoreCredits": "Tiimimme",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Annual Report 2019",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Vuosikertomus 2019",
"about.literacy": "Opi koodaamaan, koodaa oppiaksesi",
"about.literacyDescription": "Kyky koodata tietokoneohjelmia on tärkeä osa lukutaitoa nykypäivän yhteiskunnassa. Kun ihmiset oppivat koodaamaan Scratchilla, he oppivat tärkeitä strategioita ongelmien ratkaisemiseen, projektien suunnitteluun ja ideoiden välittämiseen.",
"about.schools": "Scratch kouluissa",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Students are learning with Scratch at all levels (from elementary school to college) and across disciplines (such as math, computer science, language arts, social studies). Educator resources are available on the {scratchForEducatorsLink} page.",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch For Educators",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Opiskelijat oppivat Scratchin avulla kaikilla tasoilla (peruskoulusta yliopistoon) ja eri tieteenaloilla (kuten matematiikka, tietojenkäsittely, kielitaide, yhteiskuntatiede). Opettajan resurssit ovat saatavilla {scratchForEducatorsLink} -sivulla.",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch opettajille",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd-verkkosivuilla",
"about.research": "Tutkimus",
"about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are researching how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
"about.researchDescription": "{lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} ja yhteistyökumppanit tutkivat, kuinka nuoret luovat, tekevät yhteistyötä ja oppivat Scratchin avulla. Katso yleiskatsaus {codingAtACrossroadsLink} -artikkelista ja {lifelongKindergartenBookLink} -kirjasta. Lisätietoja Scratchin käytöstä on {statisticsLink}-sivulla ja Scratchin {annualReportLink}.",
"about.spfaLinkText": "Scratch: ohjelmointia kaikille",
"about.researchLinkText": "tutkimuksesta",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "tilastoista",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten -ryhmän",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Coding at a Crossroads",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten -ryhmä",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "\"Coding at a Crossroads\"",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Annual Report",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "vuosikertomuksessa",
"about.support": "Tukeminen ja rahoitus",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratch is available for free, thanks to support from our {donorsLink}. For more information, see our {annualReportLink}. You can support Scratch by making a donation.",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratch on saatavana ilmaiseksi, kiitos meidän {donorsLink}. Lisätietoja on {annualReportLink}. Voit tukea Scratchia tekemällä lahjoituksen.",
"about.donorsLinkText": "lahjoittajien",
"about.donateLinkText": "lahjoitussivulla",
"about.donateButton": "Lahjoita"
@ -56,5 +56,5 @@
"developers.faqDifferencesTitle": "Mitä eroa on Blocklylla ja Scratch Blocksilla?",
"developers.faqDifferencesBody": "Scratch Blocks perustuu Blockly-koodikantaan ja on erityisesti suunniteltu periaatteitamme ajatellen tukemaan luovia oppimiskokemuksia.",
"developers.faqCollabTitle": "Haluaisin tehdä yhteistyötä. Mistä löydän yhteystiedot?",
"developers.faqCollabBody": "You can reach us over on {githubLink} or on our {contactUsLink} page. We look forward to hearing from you!"
"developers.faqCollabBody": "Voit tavoittaa meidät {githubLink}issa tai {contactUsLink}-sivullamme. Odotamme yhteydenottoasi!"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"download.scratch2Desktop": "Scratch 2.0 offline-editori",
"download.cannotAccessMacStore": "Entä jos en pääse Mac App Storeen?",
"download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "Entä jos en pääse Microsoft Storeen?",
"download.macMoveAppToApplications": "Open the .dmg file. Move Scratch 3 into Applications.",
"download.macMoveAppToApplications": "Avaa .dmg-tiedosto. Siirrä Scratch 3 Ohjelmat-kansioon.",
"download.macMoveToApplications": "Avaa .dmg-tiedosto. Siirrä Scratchin työpöytäversio Ohjelmat-kansioon.",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "Suorita .exe-tiedosto.",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "Pitääkö minun ladata sovellus käyttääkseni Scratchia?",
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
"faq.chatRoomBody": "Vaikka on teknisesti mahdollista luoda chat-huoneita pilvimuuttujilla, niitä ei sallita Scratch-verkkosivustolla.",
"faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Kuka voi muuttaa pilvimuuttujan tietoja?",
"faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Vain sinä ja projektisi katsojat voivat tallentaa tietoja projektisi pilvimuuttujiin. Jos ihmiset \"katsovat sisälle\" tai remiksaavat koodisi, se luo kopion muuttujasta eikä vaikuta tai muuta alkuperäistä muuttujaa.",
"faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?",
"faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Olen kirjautunut sisään, mutta en voi käyttää projekteja, joissa on pilvimuuttujia. Mitä tapahtuu?",
"faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Jos olet edelleen \"Uusi Scratchaaja\" verkkosivustolla, et voi käyttää projekteja pilvimuuttujien kanssa. Sinusta täytyy tulla \"Scratchaaja\", jotta sinulla on pääsy pilvimuuttujiin. Katso Tunnukset-osiota (yllä) saadaksesi lisätietoja siirtymisestä “Uudesta Scratchaajasta” \"Scratchaajaksi\".",
"faq.multiplayerTitle": "Onko mahdollista tehdä moninpelejä pilvimuuttujilla?",
"faq.multiplayerBody": "Moninpelejä voi olla vaikea luoda johtuen verkon nopeudesta ja synkronointiongelmista. Jotkut Scratchaajat ovat kuitenkin keksineet luovia tapoja käyttää pilvimuuttujia vuorotellen pelattaviin ja muun tyyppisiin peleihin.",
@ -279,19 +279,19 @@
"report.promptPersonal": "Ilmoita, missä henkilökohtaisia yhteystietoja on jaettu (esimerkiksi muistiinpanoissa ja tekijätiedoissa, hahmon nimessä, projektin tekstissä jne.)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Valitse syy siihen, miksi arvelet tämän projektin rikkovan {CommunityGuidelinesLink} -ohjeita ja Scratch-tiimi käy läpi ilmoituksesi.",
"report.promptImage": "Ilmoita sopimattoman kuvan sisältävän hahmon tai taustan nimi",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projects are made by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you don't like this project because you feel it can be improved upon, we encourage you to share constructive feedback directly with the creator.",
"report.promptTips": "Here are tips on sharing constructive feedback:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Be supportive and encouraging.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Leave a comment telling them what you like, but also what they could do to make the project better.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Try to be specific with your feedback. For instance: The controls to move the character did not work.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "A Scratch project, like any other application, may contain a few bugs. That is expected and completely okay!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "We encourage you to share any issues you discover directly with the creator of the project. It's also helpful to provide suggestions on how they may improve their project, if possible.",
"report.promptTooHard": "If you feel a project could be easier, we encourage you to share that feedback directly with the creator of the project. Or remix it yourself and make it as easy or hard as you like!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Tell us more about how it's tricking or misleading people",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch allows people to use pictures of their face in creative projects like games, stories, or animations. However, Scratch does not allow users to share projects which are just a picture of their face (known as a “face reveal”) or which focus entirely on their physical appearance. Please explain if you feel this project is a face reveal or focuses on the person's physical appearance.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Please let us know where the project says it is not okay to remix — such as in the Notes & Credits, project title, etc.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "It's important that everyone on Scratch remains safe online and in real life. Please let us know why you are worried about the safety of this user.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "We encourage you to double check if your report fits any of the other available categories. If you strongly feel it does not, please explain why this project breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch-projekteja tekevät kaiken ikäiset ja tasoiset ihmiset. Jos et pidä tästä projektista, koska sinusta tuntuu, että sitä voidaan parantaa, suosittelemme jakamaan rakentavaa palautetta suoraan sisällöntuottajalle.",
"report.promptTips": "Tässä on vinkkejä rakentavan palautteen jakamiseen:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Ole kannustava ja rohkaiseva.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Jätä kommentti ja kerro, mistä pidät, mutta myös siitä, mitä voisi tehdä projektin parantamiseksi.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Yritä olla tarkka palautteesi suhteen. Esimerkiksi: hahmon siirtämisen ohjaimet eivät toimineet.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "Scratch-projekti, kuten mikä tahansa muu sovellus, voi sisältää muutamia virheitä. Se on odotettavissa ja täysin kunnossa!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "Kannustamme sinua jakamaan löytämäsi ongelmat suoraan projektin luojalle. On myös hyödyllistä antaa ehdotuksia siitä, miten projektia voi parantaa, jos mahdollista.",
"report.promptTooHard": "Jos mielestäsi projekti voisi olla helpompi, suosittelemme, että jaat palautteen suoraan projektin luojalle. Tai remiksaa se itse ja tee siitä niin helppo tai vaikea kuin haluat!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Kerro meille lisää siitä, miten se huijaa tai johtaa ihmisiä harhaan",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch sallii ihmisten käyttää kasvokuviaan luovissa projekteissa, kuten peleissä, tarinoissa tai animaatioissa. Scratch ei kuitenkaan salli käyttäjien jakaa projekteja, jotka ovat vain kuva heidän kasvoistaan (tunnetaan nimellä “kasvojen paljastus”) tai jotka keskittyvät kokonaan heidän fyysiseen ulkonäköönsä. Selitä, jos sinusta tuntuu, että tämä projekti paljastaa kasvot tai keskittyy henkilön fyysiseen ulkonäköön.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Kerro meille, missä kohdassa projektia lukee, ettei saa remiksata — kuten ilmoituksissa ja kiitoksissa, projektin otsikossa jne.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "On tärkeää, että kaikki Scratchin käyttäjät pysyvät turvassa verkossa ja tosielämässä. Kerro meille, miksi olet huolissasi tämän käyttäjän turvallisuudesta.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "Kehotamme tarkistamaan, sopiiko raporttisi mihinkään muuhun olemassaolevaan luokkaan. Jos sinusta tuntuu ettei sovi, selitä miksi tämä projekti rikkoo {CommunityGuidelinesLink} -ohjeita.",
"report.promptDisrespectful1": "Kerro meille, miksi tämä projekti on epäkunnioittava toista Scratchaajaa tai ryhmää kohtaan. Missä epäkunnoittava sisältö esiintyy projektissa (tekstissä, kuvissa, äänissä jne.)?",
"report.promptDisrespectful2": "Muista: Scratch toivottaa tervetulleeksi kaikki riipppumatta iästä, rodusta, etnisyydestä, uskonnosta, kyvyistä, seksuaalisesta suuntautumisesta tai sukupuoli-identiteetistä. On tärkeää, että jokainen tuntee itsensä tervetulleeksi ja turvalliseksi, kun jakaa sisältöä Scratchissa.",
"report.tooLongError": "Se on liian pitkä! Lyhennä tekstiäsi.",
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
"comments.cancel": "Peruuta",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 merkki jäljellä} other {{remainingCharacters} merkkiä jäljellä}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Katso lisää vastauksia",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "Tämä kommenttiketju on saavuttanut rajansa. Voit jatkaa kommentoimista aloittamalla uuden ketjun.",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Projektin omistajan poistama",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Suodattimen sensuroima",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Vanhempien kommentti poistettu",
@ -337,52 +337,52 @@
"comments.status.acctdel": "Tunnus poistettu",
"comments.status.deleted": "Poistettu",
"comments.status.reported": "Raportoitu",
"comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.",
"comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.",
"comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here",
"comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch",
"comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!",
"comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.",
"comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know",
"comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?",
"comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.",
"comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!",
"comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.",
"comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max",
"comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty",
"comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didn’t follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.",
"comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.",
"comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.",
"comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.",
"comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.",
"comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.",
"comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.",
"comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.",
"comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!",
"comments.muted.duration": "Voit jälleen kommentoida, kun on kulunut {inDuration}.",
"comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Tilisi kommentointi on keskeytetty siihen asti.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "Jos haluat lisätietoja, voit lukea {CommunityGuidelinesLink} -ohjeita.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "Saat lisätietoja {clickHereLink}.",
"comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "napsauttamalla tätä",
"comments.muted.warningBlocked": "Jos jatkat tällaisten kommenttien lähettämistä, se estää sinua käyttämästä Scratchia",
"comments.muted.warningCareful": "Emme halua sen tapahtuvan, joten ole varovainen ja varmista, että olet lukenut ja ymmärtänyt {CommunityGuidelinesLink} -ohjeet ennen kuin yrität lähettää uudelleen!",
"comments.muted.mistake": "Luuletko tämän olevan virhe? {feedbackLink}.",
"comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Kerro meille",
"comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Luuletko tämän olevan virhe?",
"comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Joskus suodatin tarttuu asioihin, joihin sen ei pitäisi. Virheilmoitus ei muuta odotusaikaa, ennen kuin voit kommentoida uudelleen, mutta palautteesi auttaa meitä estämään virheitä tulevaisuudessa.",
"comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Kiitos, kun kerroit meille!",
"comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Palautteesi auttaa meitä tekemään Scratchista paremman.",
"comments.muted.characterLimit": "Enintään 500 merkkiä",
"comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Ei voi olla tyhjä",
"comment.type.general": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että viimeisin kommenttisi ei noudattanut Scratch-yhteisön suuntaviivoja.",
"comment.type.general.past": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että yksi viimeaikaisista kommenteistasi ei noudattanut Scratch-yhteisön suuntaviivoja.",
"comment.general.header": "Kehotamme lähettämään kommentteja, jotka noudattavat Scratch-yhteisön suuntaviivoja.",
"comment.general.content1": "Scratchissa on tärkeää, että kommentit ovat ystävällisiä, sopivia kaiken ikäisille eivätkä sisällä roskapostia.",
"comment.type.pii": "Viimeisin kommenttisi näytti jakavan tai pyytävän yksityisiä tietoja.",
"comment.type.pii.past": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että yksi viimeisimmistä kommenteistasi oli yksityisten tietojen jakamista tai pyytämistä.",
"comment.pii.header": "Älä jaa yksityisiä tietoja Scratchissa.",
"comment.pii.content1": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että jaoit tai pyysit yksityisiä tietoja.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Scratchissa jakamasi asiat ovat kaikkien nähtävissä ja ne voivat näkyä hakukoneissa. Muut ihmiset voivat käyttää yksityisiä tietoja haitallisilla tavoilla, joten on tärkeää pitää ne yksityisinä.",
"comment.pii.content3": "Tämä on vakava turvallisuuskysymys.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että viimeisimmässä kommentissasi sanottiin jotain, joka saattoi olla loukkaavaa.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että yksi viimeisimmistä kommenteistasi sanoi jotain, joka on saattanut olla loukkaavaa.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "Rohkaisemme sinua olemaan kannustava kommentoidessasi muiden projekteja",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että kommentissasi sanottiin jotain, joka saattoi olla loukkaavaa.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "Jos luulet, että jokin voisi olla paremmin, voit sanoa jotain mitä pidät projektista ja tehdä ehdotuksen sen parantamiseksi.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Viimeisin kommenttisi näytti sisältävän ruman sanan.",
"comment.type.vulgarity.past": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että yksi viimeisistä kommenteistasi sisälsi ruman sanan.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "Kehotamme sinua käyttämään kaiken ikäisille sopivaa kieltä.",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että kommentissasi on ruma sana.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratchilla on kaikenikäisiä käyttäjiä, joten on tärkeää käyttää kaikille scratchaajille sopivaa kieltä.",
"comment.type.spam": "Viimeisin kommenttisi näytti sisältävän mainontaa, tekstitaidetta tai ketjuviestin.",
"comment.type.spam.past": "Vaikuttaa siltä, että yksi viimeisimmistä kommenteistasi sisälsi mainontaa, tekstitaidetta tai ketjuviestin.",
"comment.spam.header": "Suosittelemme, ettet mainosta, kopioi ja liitä tekstitaidetta tai pyydä muita kopioimaan kommentteja.",
"comment.spam.content1": "Vaikka mainokset, tekstitaide ja ketjukirjeet voivat olla hauskoja, ne alkavat täyttää verkkosivustoa, ja haluamme varmistaa, että muille kommenteille on tilaa.",
"comment.spam.content2": "Kiitos, että autat meitä pitämään Scratchin ystävällisenä, luovana yhteisönä!",
"social.embedLabel": "Upota",
"social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Kopioi upotuslinkki",
"social.linkLabel": "Linkki",
"social.copyLinkLinkText": "Kopioi linkki",
"social.embedCopiedResultText": "Kopioitu",
"helpWidget.banner": "Welcome to Support",
"helpWidget.banner": "Tervetuloa tukeen",
"helpWidget.submit": "Lähetä",
"helpWidget.confirmation": "Kiitos viestistäsi.",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Varmista, että sijaintipalvelut ovat käytössä Chromebookeissa tai Android-tableteissa",
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"guidelines.title": "Scratch yhteisön suuntaviivat",
"guidelines.header1": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together.",
"guidelines.header2": "We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.",
"guidelines.header3": "Help keep Scratch a welcoming, supportive, and creative space for all by following these Community Guidelines:",
"guidelines.respectheader": "Treat everyone with respect.",
"guidelines.respectbody": "Scratchers have diverse backgrounds, interests, identities, and experiences. Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same. It’s never OK to attack a person or group’s identity or to be unkind to someone about their background or interests.",
"guidelines.privacyheader": "Be safe: keep personal and contact information private.",
"guidelines.privacybody": "For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication, in person or online. This includes sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.",
"guidelines.helpfulheader": "Give helpful feedback.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody": "Everyone on Scratch is learning. When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Embrace remix culture.",
"guidelines.remixbody1": "Remixing is when you build upon someone else’s projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.",
"guidelines.remixbody2": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers. You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. And when you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.",
"guidelines.header1": "Scratch on ystävällinen ja kutsuva yhteisö kaikille, jossa ihmiset luovat, jakavat ja oppivat yhdessä.",
"guidelines.header2": "Olemme tyytyväisiä kaiken ikäisiin, rotuihin, etnisiin ryhmiin, uskontoihin, kykyihin, seksuaalisiin suuntautumisiin ja sukupuoli-identiteetteihin.",
"guidelines.header3": "Auta pitämään Scratch kutsuvana, kannustavana ja luovana tilana kaikille seuraamalla näitä yhteisön suuntaviivoja:",
"guidelines.respectheader": "Kohtele kaikkia kunnioittavasti.",
"guidelines.respectbody": "Scratchaajilla on erilainen tausta, kiinnostuksen kohteet, identiteetit ja kokemukset. Kaikkia Scratchia käyttäviä kannustetaan jakamaan asioita, jotka innostavat heitä ja ovat heille tärkeitä — toivomme, että löydät tapoja juhlia omaa identiteettiäsi Scratchissa ja annat muiden tehdä samoin. Koskaan ei ole hyvä hyökätä henkilön tai ryhmän identiteettiin tai olla epäystävällinen jollekin hänen taustansa tai kiinnostuksensa takia.",
"guidelines.privacyheader": "Ole turvallinen: pidä henkilökohtaiset tietosi ja yhteystietosi yksityisinä.",
"guidelines.privacybody": "Turvallisuussyistä älä anna mitään tietoja, joita voitaisiin käyttää yksityiseen viestintään henkilökohtaisesti tai verkossa. Tähän sisältyy oikeiden sukunimien, puhelinnumeroiden, osoitteiden, kotikaupunkien, koulun nimien, sähköpostiosoitteiden, käyttäjänimien tai linkkien jakaminen sosiaalisen median sivustoihin, videokeskusteluohjelmiin tai verkkosivustoihin, joissa on yksityinen chat-toiminto.",
"guidelines.helpfulheader": "Anna hyödyllistä palautetta.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody": "Kaikki Scratch-palvelun käyttäjät oppivat. Kun kommentoit projektia, muista sanoa jotain, mistä pidät, tarjota ehdotuksia ja ole ystävällinen, älä kriittinen. Pidä kommentit kunnioittavina ja vältä roskapostia tai ketjuviestien lähettämistä. Kannustamme sinua kokeilemaan uusia asioita, kokemaan ja oppimaan muilta.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Omaksua remix-kulttuuri.",
"guidelines.remixbody1": "Remiksaamista on se, kun käytät jonkun muun projekteja, koodia, ideoita, kuvia tai mitä tahansa muuta, mitä he jakavat Scratchissa, jotta voit luoda oman ainutlaatuisen luomuksesi.",
"guidelines.remixbody2": "Remiksaaminen on loistava tapa tehdä yhteistyötä ja olla yhteydessä muihin scratchaajiin. Sinua kehotetaan käyttämään mitä tahansa Scratchista löytämääsi omassa luomuksessasi, kunhan mainitset kaikki, joiden töitä käytit, ja teet siihen mielekkään muutoksen. Ja kun jaat jotain Scratchissa, annat kaikille scratchaajille luvan käyttää työtäsi myös heidän luomuksissaan.",
"guidelines.honestyheader": "Ole rehellinen.",
"guidelines.honestybody": "It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account. Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.",
"guidelines.honestybody": "On tärkeää olla rehellinen ja aito, kun olet tekemisissä muiden kanssa Scratchissa, ja muista, että jokaisen Scratch-tilin takana on henkilö. Huhujen levittäminen, toisena scratchaajana tai julkkiksena esiintyminen tai vakavan sairauden teeskentely ei ole kunnioittavaa Scratch-yhteisölle.",
"guidelines.friendlyheader": "Edistä ystävällistä henkeä sivustolla.",
"guidelines.friendlybody": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it. Please use the “Report” button rather than engaging in fights, spreading rumors about other people’s behavior, or otherwise responding to any inappropriate content. The Scratch Team will look at your report and take the appropriate action."
"guidelines.friendlybody": "On tärkeää, että luomuksesi ja keskustelusi ovat ystävällisiä ja sopivia kaiken ikäisille. Jos luulet, että jokin Scratchissa on ilkeää, loukkaavaa, liian väkivaltaista tai muuten häiritsevää yhteisölle, ilmoita siitä meille napsauttamalla “Ilmoita”. Käytä “Ilmoita”-painiketta sen sijaan, että taistelet, levität huhuja muiden ihmisten käyttäytymisestä tai muuten vastaat sopimattomaan sisältöön. Scratch-tiimi tarkastaa raporttisi ja toteuttaa tarvittavat toimet."
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"project.comments.toggleOff": "Kommentointi pois",
"project.comments.toggleOn": "Kommentointi päällä",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Valitettavasti kommenttien lähettäminen on poistettu käytöstä tässä projektissa.",
"project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Project comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.",
"project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Scratch-projektin kommentit on poistettu käytöstä, mutta älä huoli, kommenttisi tallennetaan ja ne tulevat pian takaisin näkyviin.",
"project.share.notShared": "Tätä projektia ei ole jaettu — niinpä vain sinä näet sen. Klikkaa jaa, jotta kaikki näkevät sen!",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Onnittelut projektin jakamisesta! Muut ihmiset voivat nyt kokeilla sitä, kommentoida ja remiksata sen.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Projektisi on nyt jaettu.",
@ -47,5 +47,5 @@
"project.cloudDataLink": "Katso data",
"project.usernameBlockAlert": "Tämä projekti voi tunnistaa, kuka sitä käyttää hyödyntäen \"käyttäjänimi\"-lohkoa. Jos haluat piilottaa henkilöllisyytesi, kirjaudu ulos ennen projektin käyttöä.",
"project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm... rumien sanojen tunnistimen mielestä tekstissäsi on ongelma. Muuta se ja muista olla kunnioittava.",
"project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}."
"project.mutedAddToStudio": "Voit jälleen lisätä studioihin, kun on kulunut {inDuration}."
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
"sec.title": "Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC)",
"sec.intro": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.intro": "Organisations participantes",
"sec.applyNow": "Postulez maintenant !",
"sec.applyBanner": "Applications are now closed. The deadline for applying to the SEC for 2021 was March 1st.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.applyBanner": "Les candidatures sont désormais closes. La date limite de dépôt des candidatures à la SEC pour 2021 était le 1er mars.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Organisations participantes",
"sec.yearRange": "2021-2022",
"sec.org1": "{org1Listing} - AK, USA",
"sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - AR, USA",
"sec.org3": "{org3Listing} - UT, USA",
"sec.org4": "{org4Listing} - TX, USA",
"sec.org5": "{org5Listing} - MS, USA",
"sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - Santa Bárbara, Brazil",
"sec.org7": "{org7Listing} - Sydney, Australia",
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org1": "{org1Listing} - AK, États-Unis",
"sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - AR, États-Unis",
"sec.org3": "{org3Listing} - UT, États-Unis",
"sec.org4": "{org4Listing} - TX, États-Unis",
"sec.org5": "{org5Listing} - MS, États-Unis",
"sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - Santa Bárbara, Brésil",
"sec.org7": "{org7Listing} - Sydney, Australie",
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, États-Unis",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, États-Unis",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, États-Unis",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, Royaume-Uni",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, Mexique",
"sec.org17": "{org17Listing} - Montréal, Canada",
"sec.org18": "{org18Listing} - Clark County School District, NV, USA",
"sec.org19": "{org19Listing} - Othello School District, WA, USA",
"sec.org18": "{org18Listing} - Clark County School District, NV, États-Unis",
"sec.org19": "{org19Listing} - Othello School District, WA, États-Unis",
"sec.org20": "{org20Listing} - Uganda",
"sec.org21": "{org21Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org22": "{org22Listing} - USA",
"sec.org23": "{org23Listing} - FL, USA",
"sec.org24": "{org24Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org25": "{org25Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org21": "{org21Listing} - NYC, NY, États-Unis",
"sec.org22": "{org22Listing} - États-Unis",
"sec.org23": "{org23Listing} - FL, États-Unis",
"sec.org24": "{org24Listing} - NYC, NY, États-Unis",
"sec.org25": "{org25Listing} - NYC, NY, États-Unis",
"sec.org26": "{org26Listing} - Nigeria",
"sec.org27": "{org27Listing} - Princeton, NJ, USA",
"sec.org28": "{org28Listing} - Bengaluru, India",
"sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - Barcelona, Spain",
"sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - Phnom Penh, Cambodia",
"sec.org27": "{org27Listing} - Princeton, NJ, États-Unis",
"sec.org28": "{org28Listing} - Bengaluru, Inde",
"sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud",
"sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - Barcelone, Espagne",
"sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - Phnom Penh, Cambodge",
"sec.org32": "{org32Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.org33": "{org33Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org35": "{org35Listing} - Chicago Public Schools, IL, USA",
"sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud",
"sec.org35": "{org35Listing} - Chicago Public Schools, IL, États-Unis",
"sec.org36": "{org36Listing} - Lagos, Nigeria",
"sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - Girona, Spain",
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nova Scotia",
"sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - USA",
"sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - Owerri, Nigeria & Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Partner Orgs",
"sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - Cambridge, UK",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (Formerly {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - IL, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - New Orleans, LA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brazil",
"sec.partnerOrg6": "{partnerOrg6Listing} - San Francisco, CA, USA"
"sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - Gérone, Espagne",
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse",
"sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - États-Unis",
"sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - Owerri, Nigeria et Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Partenaires participants",
"sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - Cambridge, Royaume-Uni",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (Anciennement {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, États-Unis",
"sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - IL, États-Unis",
"sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - Nouvelle-Orléans, LA, États-Unis",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brésil",
"sec.partnerOrg6": "{partnerOrg6Listing} - San Francisco, CA, États-Unis"
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"sec.title": "Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC)",
"sec.intro": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.intro": "Organizzazioni Partecipanti",
"sec.applyNow": "Iscriviti ora!",
"sec.applyBanner": "Applications are now closed. The deadline for applying to the SEC for 2021 was March 1st.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.applyBanner": "La candidature sono chiuse. La scadenza per candidarsi per SEC nel 2021 era l'1 Marzo.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Organizzazioni Partecipanti",
"sec.yearRange": "2021-2022",
"sec.org1": "{org1Listing} - AK, USA",
"sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - AR, USA",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, Sud Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -33,21 +33,21 @@
"sec.org26": "{org26Listing} - Nigeria",
"sec.org27": "{org27Listing} - Princeton, NJ, USA",
"sec.org28": "{org28Listing} - Bengaluru, India",
"sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - Barcelona, Spain",
"sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - Phnom Penh, Cambodia",
"sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - Johannesburg, Sud Africa",
"sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - Barcellona, Spagna",
"sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - Phnom Penh, Cambogia",
"sec.org32": "{org32Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.org33": "{org33Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - Johannesburg, Sud Africa",
"sec.org35": "{org35Listing} - Chicago Public Schools, IL, USA",
"sec.org36": "{org36Listing} - Lagos, Nigeria",
"sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - Girona, Spain",
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nova Scotia",
"sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - Girona, Spagna",
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nuova Scozia",
"sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - USA",
"sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - Owerri, Nigeria & Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Partner Orgs",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Organizzazioni Partner",
"sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - Cambridge, UK",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (Formerly {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (In precedenza {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - IL, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - New Orleans, LA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brazil",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
"sec.title": "Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC)",
"sec.intro": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.title": "Scratchエデュケーション・コラボレーティブ (SEC)",
"sec.intro": "参加団体",
"sec.applyNow": "今すぐ応募しましょう!",
"sec.applyBanner": "Applications are now closed. The deadline for applying to the SEC for 2021 was March 1st.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.applyBanner": "2021年度のSECへの応募は3月1日に締め切られました。",
"sec.projectsTitle": "参加団体",
"sec.yearRange": "2021-2022",
"sec.org1": "{org1Listing} - AK, USA",
"sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - AR, USA",
"sec.org3": "{org3Listing} - UT, USA",
"sec.org4": "{org4Listing} - TX, USA",
"sec.org5": "{org5Listing} - MS, USA",
"sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - Santa Bárbara, Brazil",
"sec.org7": "{org7Listing} - Sydney, Australia",
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
"sec.org17": "{org17Listing} - Montréal, Canada",
"sec.org18": "{org18Listing} - Clark County School District, NV, USA",
"sec.org19": "{org19Listing} - Othello School District, WA, USA",
"sec.org20": "{org20Listing} - Uganda",
"sec.org21": "{org21Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org22": "{org22Listing} - USA",
"sec.org23": "{org23Listing} - FL, USA",
"sec.org24": "{org24Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org25": "{org25Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org26": "{org26Listing} - Nigeria",
"sec.org27": "{org27Listing} - Princeton, NJ, USA",
"sec.org28": "{org28Listing} - Bengaluru, India",
"sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - Barcelona, Spain",
"sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - Phnom Penh, Cambodia",
"sec.org32": "{org32Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.org33": "{org33Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org35": "{org35Listing} - Chicago Public Schools, IL, USA",
"sec.org36": "{org36Listing} - Lagos, Nigeria",
"sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - Girona, Spain",
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nova Scotia",
"sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - USA",
"sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - Owerri, Nigeria & Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Partner Orgs",
"sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - Cambridge, UK",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (Formerly {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - IL, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - New Orleans, LA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brazil",
"sec.partnerOrg6": "{partnerOrg6Listing} - San Francisco, CA, USA"
"sec.org1": "{org1Listing}- アラスカ州、アメリカ",
"sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - アーカンソー州、アメリカ ",
"sec.org3": "{org3Listing} - ユタ州、アメリカ",
"sec.org4": "{org4Listing} - テキサス州、アメリカ",
"sec.org5": "{org5Listing} - ミシシッピ州、アメリカ",
"sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - サンタ・バールバラ、ブラジル",
"sec.org7": "{org7Listing} - シドニー、オーストラリア",
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - メンフィス、テネシー州、アメリカ",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - ニューヨーク市、ニューヨーク州、アメリカ",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - ジョス、ナイジェリア",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - ヨハネスブルグ、南アフリカ共和国",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - ハンブル, テキサス州、アメリカ",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - ギルフォード、イギリス",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - メキシコシティ、メキシコ",
"sec.org17": "{org17Listing} - モントリオール、カナダ",
"sec.org18": "{org18Listing} - クラーク群学区、ネバダ州、アメリカ",
"sec.org19": "{org19Listing} - オセロ学区、ワシントン州、アメリカ",
"sec.org20": "{org20Listing} - ウガンダ",
"sec.org21": "{org21Listing} - ニューヨーク市、ニューヨーク州、アメリカ",
"sec.org22": "{org22Listing} - アメリカ",
"sec.org23": "{org23Listing} - フロリダ州、アメリカ",
"sec.org24": "{org24Listing} - ニューヨーク市、ニューヨーク州、アメリカ",
"sec.org25": "{org25Listing} - ニューヨーク市、ニューヨーク州、アメリカ",
"sec.org26": "{org26Listing} - ナイジェリア ",
"sec.org27": "{org27Listing} - プリンストン、ニュージャージー州、アメリカ",
"sec.org28": "{org28Listing} - ベンガルール、インド",
"sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - ヨハネスブルグ、南アフリカ共和国",
"sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - バルセロナ、スペイン",
"sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - プノンペン、カンボジア",
"sec.org32": "{org32Listing} - ナイロビ、ケニア",
"sec.org33": "{org33Listing} - ナイロビ、ケニア",
"sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - ヨハネスブルグ、南アフリカ共和国",
"sec.org35": "{org35Listing} - シカゴ公立学校、イリノイ州、アメリカ",
"sec.org36": "{org36Listing} - ラゴス、ナイジェリア",
"sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - ジローナ、スペイン",
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - ハリファックス、ノバスコシア州",
"sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - アメリカ",
"sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - オウェリ、ナイジェリア & ナイロビ、ケニア",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "協力団体",
"sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - ケンブリッジ、イギリス",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (旧 {partnerOrg2FormerName} ) - スタンフォード、カリフォルニア州、アメリカ",
"sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - イリノイ州、アメリカ",
"sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - ニューオーリンズ、ルイジアナ州、アメリカ",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - ブラジル",
"sec.partnerOrg6": "{partnerOrg6Listing} - サンフランシスコ、カリフォルニア州、アメリカ"
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
"sec.title": "Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC)",
"sec.intro": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.title": "Scratch Educação Colaborativa (SEC)",
"sec.intro": "Organizações Participantes",
"sec.applyNow": "Inscreva-se já!",
"sec.applyBanner": "Applications are now closed. The deadline for applying to the SEC for 2021 was March 1st.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Participating Orgs",
"sec.applyBanner": "Inscrições encerradas. O prazo para se inscrever no SEC de 2021 encerrou-se no dia primeiro de março.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Organizações Participantes",
"sec.yearRange": "2021 - 2022",
"sec.org1": "{org1Listing} - AK, USA",
"sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - AR, USA",
"sec.org3": "{org3Listing} - UT, USA",
"sec.org4": "{org4Listing} - TX, USA",
"sec.org5": "{org5Listing} - MS, USA",
"sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - Santa Bárbara, Brazil",
"sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - Santa Bárbara, Brasil",
"sec.org7": "{org7Listing} - Sydney, Australia",
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nova Scotia",
"sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - USA",
"sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - Owerri, Nigeria & Nairobi, Kenya",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Partner Orgs",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Organizações Parceiras",
"sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - Cambridge, UK",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (Formerly {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - IL, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - New Orleans, LA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brazil",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brasil",
"sec.partnerOrg6": "{partnerOrg6Listing} - San Francisco, CA, USA"
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MA, USA",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA USA",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
"sec.org16": "{org16Listing} - México City, MX",
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"intro.tagLine2": "Jaa kaikkialle ympäri maailmaa",
"intro.watchVideo": "Katso video",
"news.scratchNews": "Uutiset",
"donatebanner.askSupport": "Scratch is the world's largest free coding community for kids. Your support makes a difference.",
"donatebanner.askSupport": "Scratch on maailman suurin lasten ilmainen koodausyhteisö. Tuellasi on merkitystä.",
"teacherbanner.greeting": "Hei",
"teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Opettajatili",
"teacherbanner.classesButton": "Luokkani",
@ -10,96 +10,96 @@
"studio.description": "Kuvaus",
"studio.thumbnail": "Pikkukuva",
"studio.updateErrors.generic": "Jokin meni pieleen studion päivittämisessä.",
"studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "That seems inappropriate. Please be respectful.",
"studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "That is too long.",
"studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "This cannot be blank.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "Maximum file size is 512 KB and less than 500x500 pixels.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image.",
"studio.followErrors.confirmEmail": "Please confirm your email address first",
"studio.followErrors.generic": "Something went wrong following the studio",
"studio.sectionLoadError.projectsHeadline": "Something went wrong loading projects",
"studio.sectionLoadError.curatorsHeadline": "Something went wrong loading curators",
"studio.sectionLoadError.managersHeadline": "Something went wrong loading managers",
"studio.sectionLoadError.activityHeadline": "Something went wrong loading activity",
"studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "Se tuntuu sopimattomalta. Ole kunnioittava.",
"studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "Se on liian pitkä.",
"studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "Tämä ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "Tiedoston enimmäiskoko on 512 kt ja alle 500 x 500 pikseliä.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Lähetä kelvollinen kuva. Lataamasi tiedosto ei ollut kuva tai se oli vioittunut kuva.",
"studio.followErrors.confirmEmail": "Vahvista ensin sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"studio.followErrors.generic": "Jokin meni pieleen studion seuraamisessa",
"studio.sectionLoadError.projectsHeadline": "Jokin meni pieleen projektien lataamisessa",
"studio.sectionLoadError.curatorsHeadline": "Jokin meni pieleen kuraattoreiden lataamisessa",
"studio.sectionLoadError.managersHeadline": "Jokin meni pieleen managerien lataamisessa",
"studio.sectionLoadError.activityHeadline": "Jokin meni pieleen lataustoiminnossa",
"studio.sectionLoadError.tryAgain": "Yritä uudelleen",
"studio.projectsHeader": "Projektit",
"studio.addProjectsHeader": "Lisää projekteja",
"studio.addProject": "Add by URL",
"studio.openToAll": "Anyone can add projects",
"studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "You don’t have shared projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "You don’t have favorite projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "You don’t have recently viewed projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "You don’t have student projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Your studio is looking a little empty.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Add your first project!",
"studio.projectsEmpty1": "This studio has no projects yet.",
"studio.projectsEmpty2": "Suggest projects you want to add in the comments!",
"studio.browseProjects": "Browse Projects",
"studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Could not find that project. Check the URL and try again.",
"studio.projectErrors.generic": "Could not add project.",
"studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "You are adding projects too quickly.",
"studio.projectErrors.permission": "You do not have permission to add that project.",
"studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "That project is already in this studio.",
"studio.creatorRole": "Studio Creator",
"studio.managersHeader": "Managers",
"studio.unfollowStudio": "Unfollow Studio",
"studio.followStudio": "Follow Studio",
"studio.editThumbnail": "Edit Thumbnail",
"studio.addProject": "Lisää URL-osoitteella",
"studio.openToAll": "Kuka tahansa voi lisätä projekteja",
"studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "Sinulla ei ole vielä jaettuja projekteja, jotka voit lisätä tähän studioon.",
"studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "Sinulla ei ole vielä suosikkiprojekteja, joita voit lisätä tähän studioon.",
"studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "Sinulla ei ole vielä äskettäin katsottuja projekteja, jotka voit lisätä tähän studioon.",
"studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "Sinulla ei ole vielä opiskelijaprojekteja, jotka voit lisätä tähän studioon.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Studiosi näyttää hieman tyhjältä.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Lisää ensimmäinen projekti!",
"studio.projectsEmpty1": "Tällä studiolla ei ole vielä projekteja.",
"studio.projectsEmpty2": "Ehdota kommenteissa projekteja, jotka haluat lisätä!",
"studio.browseProjects": "Selaa projekteja",
"studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Tätä projektia ei löytynyt. Tarkista URL-osoite ja yritä uudelleen.",
"studio.projectErrors.generic": "Projektia ei voitu lisätä.",
"studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "Lisäät projekteja liian nopeasti.",
"studio.projectErrors.permission": "Sinulla ei ole lupaa lisätä kyseistä projektia.",
"studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "Tuo projekti on jo tässä studiossa.",
"studio.creatorRole": "Studion luoja",
"studio.managersHeader": "Managerit",
"studio.unfollowStudio": "Lopeta studion seuraaminen",
"studio.followStudio": "Seuraa studiota",
"studio.editThumbnail": "Muokkaa pikkukuvaa",
"studio.curatorsHeader": "Kuraattorit",
"studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Invite Curators",
"studio.inviteCurator": "Invite",
"studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Scratch Username",
"studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Kutsu kuraattoreita",
"studio.inviteCurator": "Kutsu",
"studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Scratch-käyttäjänimi",
"studio.curatorInvitationAccepted": "Onnea! Olet nyt tämän studion kuraattori.",
"studio.curatorInvitation": "You’ve been invited to become a curator of this studio.",
"studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Accept Invite",
"studio.curatorInvitationError": "Something went wrong, try again later.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "You don’t have curators right now.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Add some curators to collaborate with!",
"studio.curatorsEmpty1": "This studio has no curators right now.",
"studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Could not invite curator.",
"studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "They are already part of the studio.",
"studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "Could not invite a curator with that username.",
"studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "You are adding curators too fast.",
"studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "Do you want to promote this person to a manager?",
"studio.curatorManagersCan": "Managers can...",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "add and delete curators",
"studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "delete other managers",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "add and delete projects",
"studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "If you trust this person and you’re sure you want to give them extra permissions, click Promote.",
"studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "This studio has reached the limit of {managerLimit} managers.",
"studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "It’s great to see that this studio is collaborative!",
"studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove an existing manager.",
"studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} of {managerLimit}",
"studio.managerThresholdInfo": "This studio has {numberOfManagers} managers. Studios can have a maximum of {managerLimit} managers.",
"studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove managers until there are fewer than {managerLimit}.",
"studio.curatorInvitation": "Sinut on kutsuttu tämän studion kuraattoriksi.",
"studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Hyväksy kutsu",
"studio.curatorInvitationError": "Jokin meni pieleen, yritä myöhemmin uudelleen.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "Sinulla ei ole kuraattoreita juuri nyt.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Lisää kuraattoreita tekemään yhteistyötä!",
"studio.curatorsEmpty1": "Tällä studiolla ei ole kuraattoreita juuri nyt.",
"studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Kuraattoria ei voitu kutsua.",
"studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "He ovat jo osa studiota.",
"studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "Kuraattoria, jolla oli tämä käyttäjätunnus, ei voitu kutsua.",
"studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "Lisäät kuraattoreita liian nopeasti.",
"studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "Haluatko ylentää tämän henkilön manageriksi?",
"studio.curatorManagersCan": "Managerit voivat...",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "lisätä ja poistaa kuraattoreita",
"studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "poistaa muita managereita",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "lisätä ja poistaa projekteja",
"studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "Jos luotat tähän henkilöön ja haluat varmasti antaa hänelle ylimääräisiä käyttöoikeuksia, valitse Ylennä.",
"studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "Tämä studio on saavuttanut {managerLimit} managerin rajan.",
"studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "On hienoa nähdä, että tämä studio on yhteistyöhön perustuva!",
"studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Ennen kuin voit lisätä toisen managerin, sinun on poistettava nykyinen manageri.",
"studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} / {managerLimit}",
"studio.managerThresholdInfo": "Tässä studiossa on {numberOfManagers} manageria. Studioilla voi olla enintään {managerLimit}manageria.",
"studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Ennen kuin voit lisätä toisen managerin, sinun on poistettava managerit, kunnes heitä on vähemmän kuin {managerLimit}.",
"studio.remove": "Poista",
"studio.promote": "Promote",
"studio.promote": "Ylennä",
"studio.cancel": "Peruuta",
"studio.okay": "Selvä",
"studio.commentsHeader": "Kommentit",
"studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Commenting for this studio has been turned off.",
"studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Tämän studion kommentointi on poistettu käytöstä.",
"studio.comments.toggleOff": "Kommentointi pois",
"studio.comments.toggleOn": "Kommentointi päällä",
"studio.comments.turnedOff": "Sorry, comment posting has been turned off for this studio.",
"studio.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Studio comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.",
"studio.comments.turnedOff": "Valitettavasti kommenttien lähettäminen on poistettu käytöstä tälle studiolle.",
"studio.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Scratch-studion kommentit on poistettu käytöstä, mutta älä huoli, kommenttisi tallennetaan ja ne tulevat pian takaisin näkyviin.",
"studio.sharedFilter": "Jaetut",
"studio.favoritedFilter": "Favorited",
"studio.favoritedFilter": "Suosikit",
"studio.recentFilter": "Viimeisimmät",
"studio.studentsFilter": "Students",
"studio.studentsFilter": "Opiskelijat",
"studio.activityHeader": "Aktiivisuus",
"studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "{profileLink} added the project {projectLink}",
"studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "{profileLink} removed the project {projectLink}",
"studio.activityUpdateStudio": "{profileLink} made edits to the title, thumbnail, or description",
"studio.activityBecomeCurator": "{newCuratorProfileLink} accepted an invitation from {inviterProfileLink} to curate this studio",
"studio.activityRemoveCurator": "{removerProfileLink} removed the curator {removedProfileLink}",
"studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "{profileLink} lisäsi projektin {projectLink}",
"studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "{profileLink} poisti projektin {projectLink}",
"studio.activityUpdateStudio": "{profileLink} muokkasi otsikkoa, pikkukuvaa tai kuvausta",
"studio.activityBecomeCurator": "{newCuratorProfileLink} hyväksyi kutsun henkilöltä {inviterProfileLink} kuratoimaan tätä studiota",
"studio.activityRemoveCurator": "{removerProfileLink} poisti kuraattorin {removedProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeOwner": "{promotedProfileLink} was promoted to manager by {promotorProfileLink}",
"studio.lastUpdated": "Updated {lastUpdatedDate, date, medium}",
"studio.followerCount": "{followerCount} followers",
"studio.reportThisStudio": "Raportoi tämä studio",
"studio.reportPleaseExplain": "Please select which part of the studio you find to be disrespectful or inappropriate, or otherwise breaks the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"studio.reportAreThereComments": "Are there inappropriate comments in the studio? Please report them by clicking the \"report\" button on the individual comments.",
"studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Thanks for letting us know!",
"studio.reportYourFeedback": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.",
"studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Kiitos, kun kerroit meille!",
"studio.reportYourFeedback": "Palautteesi auttaa meitä tekemään Scratchista paremman.",
"studio.mutedCurators": "You will be able to invite curators and add managers again {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedProjects": "You will be able to add and remove projects again {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedEdit": "You will be able to edit studios again {inDuration}.",
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"studio.sectionLoadError.tryAgain": "Prova ancora",
"studio.projectsHeader": "Progetti",
"studio.addProjectsHeader": "Aggiungi Progetti",
"studio.addProject": "Add by URL",
"studio.addProject": "Aggiungi tramite URL",
"studio.openToAll": "Chiunque può aggiungere dei progetti",
"studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "Non hai ancora condiviso progetti che possono essere aggiunti a questa galleria.",
"studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "Non hai progetti favoriti che possono essere aggiunti a questa galleria.",
Reference in a new issue