diff --git a/editor/extensions/da.json b/editor/extensions/da.json
index 93765b75..d9fba0a0 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/da.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/da.json
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
"music.midiPlayDrumForBeats": "spil tromme [DRUM] i [BEATS] slag",
"music.midiSetInstrument": "skift instrument til [INSTRUMENT]",
"music.playDrumForBeats": "spil [DRUM] i [BEATS] slag",
- "music.playNoteForBeats": "spil node [NOTE] i [BEATS] slag",
+ "music.playNoteForBeats": "spil tone [NOTE] i [BEATS] slag",
"music.restForBeats": "pause i [BEATS] slag",
"music.setInstrument": "skift instrument til [INSTRUMENT]",
"music.setTempo": "sæt tempo til [TEMPO]",
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
"wedo2.motorOff": "sluk [MOTOR_ID] ",
"wedo2.motorOn": "tænd [MOTOR_ID]",
"wedo2.motorOnFor": "tænd [MOTOR_ID] i [DURATION] sekunder",
- "wedo2.playNoteFor": "spil node [NOTE] i [DURATION] sekunder",
+ "wedo2.playNoteFor": "spil tone [NOTE] i [DURATION] sekunder",
"wedo2.setLightHue": "sæt farven på lyset til [HUE]",
"wedo2.setMotorDirection": "sæt [MOTOR_ID] retning til [MOTOR_DIRECTION]",
"wedo2.startMotorPower": "sæt [MOTOR_ID] styrke til [POWER]",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/eu.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/eu.json
index 4d3377c3..a272e172 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/eu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/eu.json
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch irakasleentzat",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd webgunea",
"about.research": "Ikerketa",
- "about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
- "about.researchLinkText": "researching",
+ "about.researchDescription": "{lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} eta laguntzaileek{researchLink} ari dira gazte jendeak nola sortu, kolaboratu eta ikasten duen Scratch-ekin. Sarrera bat ikusteko irakurri {codingAtACrossroadsLink} artikulua eta {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}liburua. Scath-i buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko ikusi {statisticsLink} web-orria eta Scratch-en {annualReportLink}.",
+ "about.researchLinkText": "ikertzen",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "estatistikak",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Haur-eskola taldea",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Kodeketa bidegurutze batean",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fr.json
index 5d80963b..04d07b52 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fr.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Rapport annuel",
"about.literacy": "Apprendre à coder, coder pour apprendre",
"about.literacyImageDescription": "Une image de Mitch Resnick donnant une conférence TED appelée \"Apprenons aux enfants à coder.\" Un bouton jouer est au centre de l'image",
- "about.literacyDescription": "Dans cette Conférence TEDLe fondateur de Scratch ,Mitch Resnick à décris pourquoi est-ce que la capacitée a coder des programmes informatiques est une partie importante de la sociétée aujourd'hui.Quand les personnes apprennent a coder sur Scratch,Elles apprennent des strategie importante. pour resoudre des problemes,designer des projet et partager des idées.",
+ "about.literacyDescription": "Dans cette Conférence TED, le fondateur de Scratch, Mitch Resnick a expliqué pourquoi la capacité à coder des programmes informatiques est une partie importante de la société d'aujourd'hui. Quand des personnes apprennent à coder sur Scratch, elles mettent en place des stratégies importantes pour résoudre des problèmes, concevoir des projets et partager des idées.",
"about.schools": "Scratch dans les écoles",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Les élèves apprennent avec Scratch à tous les niveaux (de l'école primaire jusqu'à l'université) et dans toutes les disciplines (comme les mathématiques, l'informatique, les arts du langage, les études sociales). Des ressources pour les éducateurs sont disponibles sur la page {scratchForEducatorsLink}.",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch pour les éducateurs",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fy.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fy.json
index c0c2e3c0..39251092 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fy.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fy.json
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch Foar Oplieders",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd webside",
"about.research": "Undersyk",
- "about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
- "about.researchLinkText": "researching",
+ "about.researchDescription": "De {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} en kollaborateurs {researchLink}hoe't jonge minsken mei Scratch oanmeitsje, gearwurkje en leare. Sjoch foar in oersjoch it artikel {codingAtACrossroadsLink} en it boek {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. Om mear te finen oer it gebrûk fan Scratch, sjoch de side {statisticsLink} en de Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
+ "about.researchLinkText": "ûndersykje",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "statistyk",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten groep",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Kodearjen op in krúspunt",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
index bd6459d5..05fd7046 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"about.introOne": "Scratchは、世界最大(せかいさいだい)の子ども向け(こどもむけ)コーディングコミュニティーで、若者(わかもの)がデジタルな物語(ものがたり)、ゲーム、アニメーションを作る(つくる)ために使って(つかって)いる、シンプルなビジュアルインターフェースを持った(もった)コーディング言語(げんご)です。Scratchは非営利団体(ひえいりだんたい){foundationLink}によって設計(せっけい)、開発(かいはつ)、維持(いじ)されています。",
"about.introTwo": "Scratchは、計算論的思考(けいさんろんてきしこう)と問題解決(もんだいかいけつ)のスキル、創造的(そうぞうてき)な教育(きょういく)と学習(がくしゅう)、自己表現(じこひょうげん)と協調(きょうちょう)、そしてコンピュータ利用(りよう)における公平性(こうへいせい)を促進(そくしん)します。",
- "about.introThree": "Scratch is always free and is available in more than 70 languages.",
+ "about.introThree": "Scratchは完全に無料で、70以上の言語で利用可能です。",
"about.foundationText": "Scratchざいだん",
"about.introParents": "ほごしゃのみなさんへ",
"about.introEducators": "きょういくしゃのみなさんへ",
"about.whoUsesScratch": "どんなひとが、Scratchをつかっているの?",
"about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Scratchは、特(とく)に8歳(さい)から16歳向け(むけ)にデザインされていますが、すべての年代(ねんだい)の人々(ひとびと)に使われて(つかわれて)います。何百万人(なんびゃくにん)もの人が、自宅(じたく)や学校、博物館(はくぶつかん)、美術館(びじゅつかん)、図書館(としょかん)、公民館(こうみんかん)、コミュニティセンターなど、とても幅広い場所(はばひろいばしょ)でScratchプロジェクトを作っています。",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "せかいじゅうで",
- "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratch is used in more than {countryCount} different countries and territories and is available in more than {languageCount} languages. To change languages, click the menu at the bottom of the page. Or, in the Project Editor, click the globe at the top of the page. To add or improve a translation, see the {translationLink} page.",
+ "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratchは{countryCount}ヶ国以上の国と地域で利用され、{languageCount}以上の言語で使用可能です。言語設定を変更するには、ページの下にあるメニューをクリックするか、プロジェクトエディターの画面上部の地球儀をクリックしてください。翻訳の追加や改善に関しては、{translationLink}をご覧ください。",
"about.translationLinkText": "ほんやく",
"about.quotes": "いんよう",
"about.quotesDescription": "Scratchチームは、若者(わかもの)、保護者(ほごしゃ)、教育関係者(きょういくかんけいしゃ)からたくさんの感謝(かんしゃ)の手紙(てがみ)を受け取り(うけとり)ました。皆さん(みなさん)からの手紙(てがみ)を読んで(よんで)みたいですか? {quotesLink}から閲覧(えつらん)できます。",
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@
"about.learnMore": "Scratchについて、もっとしる",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "よくあるしつもんとこたえ",
"about.learnMoreParents": "ほごしゃのみなさんへ",
- "about.learnMoreEducators": "Information for Educators",
- "about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Annual Report",
+ "about.learnMoreEducators": "教育関係者向け情報",
+ "about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "年次報告書",
"about.literacy": "コーディングをまなぶ、コーディングでまなぶ",
- "about.literacyImageDescription": "An image of Mitch Resnick giving a TED talk titled \"Let's Teach Kids to Code.\" A play button is in the center of the image.",
- "about.literacyDescription": "In this TED talk, Scratch founder Mitch Resnick describes why the ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.",
+ "about.literacyImageDescription": "「子供達にプログラミングを教えよう」と題してTEDトークで話をするMitch Resnickの画像。再生ボタンが画像の中心にあります。",
+ "about.literacyDescription": "このTEDトークでは、Scratchの創始者であるMitch Resnickが、コンピュータプログラムを作成する能力は現代社会で必要なリテラシーにおいて重要な位置を占めていることを説明します。Scratchでプログラミングを学ぶということは、問題解決、プロジェクト設計、アイデア交換のための、重要な手段を学ぶということです。",
"about.schools": "がっこうでのScratch",
"about.schoolsDescription": "生徒(せいと)たちは学年(がくねん)にかかわらず(小学校から大学まで)Scratchでまなび、教科(きょうか)の幅(はば)をこえて(たとえば、数学(すうがく)・コンピューター科学(かがく)・国語(こくご)・社会(しゃかい))かつどうできます。教育関係者(きょういくかんけいしゃ)むけの資料(しりょう)は {scratchForEducatorsLink}ページにあります。",
- "about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch For Educators",
+ "about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "教育関係者(きょういくかんけいしゃ)のためのScratch",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd ウェブサイト",
"about.research": "けんきゅう",
- "about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
- "about.researchLinkText": "researching",
+ "about.researchDescription": "{lifelongKindergartenGroupLink}と協力者は若者がどのようにScratchで作り、協力し、学んでいるか{researchLink}しています。概要については、記事{codingAtACrossroadsLink}と本{lifelongKindergartenBookLink}をご覧ください。Scratchの使われ方に関して詳しくは、{statisticsLink}とScratch{annualReportLink}をご確認ください。",
+ "about.researchLinkText": "研究",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "コミュニティのとうけいデータ",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "ライフロング・キンダーガーテン・グループ",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Coding at a Crossroads",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "ライフロング・キンダーガーテン",
- "about.annualReportLinkText": "Annual Report",
+ "about.annualReportLinkText": "年次報告書",
"about.support": "えんじょ・きふ",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratchは、{donorsLink}.からの支援(しえん)のおかげで、無料(むりょう)で提供(ていきょう)されています。この支援(しえん)のおかげで、私(わたし)たちは世界中(せかいじゅう)の子ども(こども)たちに想像(そうぞう)し、創造(そうぞう)し、共有(きょうゆう)する機会(きかい)を提供(ていきょう)できます。{donateLink}にて寄付(きふ)をして、Scratchを支援(しえん)できます。",
"about.donorsLinkText": "きふしたひと",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/kk.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/kk.json
index c91f1b9d..fcec04cd 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/kk.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/kk.json
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Оқытушыларға арналған Скретч",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd сайтында",
"about.research": "Зерттеулер",
- "about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
+ "about.researchDescription": "{lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} және әріптестер жастардың Scratch-пен қалай жұмыс жасайтынын, ынтымақтасатындығын және оқитынын {researchLink}. Шолу үшін {codingAtACrossroadsLink} мақаласын және {lifelongKindergartenBookLink} кітабын қараңыз. Scratch қолдану туралы көбірек білу үшін {statisticsLink} парағын және Scratch-ті {annualReportLink} қараңыз.",
"about.researchLinkText": "researching",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "статистика",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Өмір бойы балабақша тобы",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/or.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/or.json
index d24ee9f0..6c6e3eb7 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/or.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/or.json
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "ଶିକ୍ଷକମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ଏଡ ୱେବସାଇଟ",
"about.research": "ଅନୁସନ୍ଧାନ ",
- "about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
+ "about.researchDescription": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ସହିତ ଯୁବକମାନେ କିପରି ସୃଷ୍ଟି, ସହଯୋଗ ଏବଂ ଶିଖନ୍ତି, {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink}ଏବଂ ସହକର୍ମୀମାନେ {researchLink} କରୁଛନ୍ତି | ଏକ ସମୀକ୍ଷା ପାଇଁ, ପ୍ରବନ୍ଧ {codingAtACrossroadsLink}ଏବଂ ପୁସ୍ତକ {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ | ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ର ବ୍ୟବହାର ବିଷୟରେ ଅଧିକ ଜାଣିବାକୁ, ପୃଷ୍ଠା {statisticsLink}ଏବଂ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ {annualReportLink}ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ |",
"about.researchLinkText": "researching",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "ପରିସଂଖ୍ୟାନ",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "ଆଜୀବନ କିଣ୍ଡର୍ଗାଟେନ୍ ଗୋଷ୍ଠୀ",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/pt.json
index ddc96686..f21908a9 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/pt.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/pt.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- "about.introOne": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {foundationLink}, a nonprofit organization. ",
- "about.introTwo": "Scratch promotes computational thinking and problem solving skills; creative teaching and learning; self-expression and collaboration; and equity in computing.",
- "about.introThree": "Scratch is always free and is available in more than 70 languages.",
+ "about.introOne": "O Scratch é a maior comunidade do mundo de programação para crianças e uma linguagem de programação com uma interface visual simples que permite que os jovens criem histórias, jogos e animações digitais. O Scratch é projetado, desenvolvido e moderado pela {foundationLink}, uma organização sem fins lucrativos.",
+ "about.introTwo": "O Scratch promove o pensamento computacional e habilidades de resolução de problemas; ensino e aprendizagem criativos; autoexpressão e colaboração; e equidade em computação.",
+ "about.introThree": "O Scratch sempre será gratuito e está disponível em mais de 70 idiomas.",
"about.foundationText": "Fundação Scratch",
"about.introParents": "Informação para pais",
"about.introEducators": "Informação para educadores",
"about.whoUsesScratch": "Quem Usa o Scratch?",
"about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "O Scratch está concebido especialmente para jovens entre os 8 e os 16 anos de idade, mas é usado por pessoas com todas as idades. Milhões de pessoas criam projectos Scratch numa grande variedade de contextos, incluindo lares, escolas, museus, bibliotecas e centros comunitários.",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "À Volta do Mundo",
- "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratch is used in more than {countryCount} different countries and territories and is available in more than {languageCount} languages. To change languages, click the menu at the bottom of the page. Or, in the Project Editor, click the globe at the top of the page. To add or improve a translation, see the {translationLink} page.",
+ "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "O Scratch é utilizado em mais de {countryCount} países e territórios diferentes e está disponível em mais de {languageCount} idiomas. Para escolher entre os idiomas, clique no menu na parte inferior da página. Ou, no Editor de Projeto, clique no globo na parte superior da página. Para adicionar ou melhorar uma tradução, consulte a página {translationLink}.",
"about.translationLinkText": "tradução",
"about.quotes": "Citações",
"about.quotesDescription": "A Equipa Scratch recebeu muitas mensagens de correio electrónico de jovens, pais e educadores agradecendo pelo Scratch. Quer ver o que as pessoas têm dito? Pode ler uma colecção de {quotesLink} daquilo que temos recebido. ",
@@ -16,25 +16,25 @@
"about.learnMore": "Aprenda Mais Sobre o Scratch",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "Perguntas Frequentes",
"about.learnMoreParents": "Informação para Pais",
- "about.learnMoreEducators": "Information for Educators",
- "about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Annual Report",
+ "about.learnMoreEducators": "Informação para Educadores",
+ "about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Relatório Anual",
"about.literacy": "Aprenda a Programar, Programe para Aprender",
- "about.literacyImageDescription": "An image of Mitch Resnick giving a TED talk titled \"Let's Teach Kids to Code.\" A play button is in the center of the image.",
+ "about.literacyImageDescription": "Imagem do Mitch Resnick dando uma palestra intitulada \"Vamos Ensinar Crianças a Programar\". Há o botão de reprodução no centro da imagem.",
"about.literacyDescription": "Neste TED talk, o Mitch Resnick fundador do Scratch descreve porque a habilidade de codificar programas de computador é uma parte importante da alfabetização na sociedade atual. Quando as pessoas aprender a codificar no Scratch, elas aprendem uma estratégia importante para resolver problemas, planejar projetos e comunicar ideias.",
"about.schools": "O Scratch nas Escolas",
- "about.schoolsDescription": "Students are learning with Scratch at all levels (from elementary school to college) and across disciplines (such as math, computer science, language arts, social studies). Educator resources are available on the {scratchForEducatorsLink} page.",
- "about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch For Educators",
+ "about.schoolsDescription": "Estudantes de todos os níveis (do ensino básico ao superior) e disciplinas (como matemática, ciência da computação, artes e estudos sociais) estão aprendendo com o Scratch. Recursos para educadores estão disponíveis na página {scratchForEducatorsLink}.",
+ "about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch para Educadores",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "Sítio web do ScratchEd",
"about.research": "Investigação",
- "about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
- "about.researchLinkText": "researching",
+ "about.researchDescription": "O {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} e colaboradores estão {researchLink} como crianças criam, colaboram e aprendem com o Scratch. Para uma visão geral, veja o artigo {codingAtACrossroadsLink} e o livro {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. Para saber mais sobre o uso do Scratch, veja a página de {statisticsLink} e {annualReportLink} do Scratch.",
+ "about.researchLinkText": "pesquisando",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "estatísticas",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "grupo Lifelong Kindergarten",
- "about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Coding at a Crossroads",
+ "about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "A Programação Está em uma Encruzilhada (em inglês)",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
- "about.annualReportLinkText": "Annual Report",
+ "about.annualReportLinkText": "Relatório Anual",
"about.support": "Apoios e Financiamento",
- "about.supportDescription": "Scratch is available for free, thanks to support from our {donorsLink}. This support helps us provide kids around the world with opportunities to imagine, create, and share. You can support Scratch by making a donation {donateLink}.",
+ "about.supportDescription": "O Scratch está disponível gratuitamente graças ao apoio de nossos {donorsLink}. Esse suporte nos ajuda a oferecer às crianças de todo o mundo oportunidades de imaginar, criar e compartilhar. Você pode apoiar o Scratch fazendo uma doação {donateLink}.",
"about.donorsLinkText": "patrocinadores",
"about.donateLinkText": "aqui",
"about.donateButton": "Faça um Donativo"
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/zh-tw.json
index dbc8983b..1b4a67ae 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/zh-tw.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/zh-tw.json
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
"about.learnMoreEducators": "致教師",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "年度報告",
"about.literacy": "Learn to Code, Code to Learn",
- "about.literacyImageDescription": "An image of Mitch Resnick giving a TED talk titled \"Let's Teach Kids to Code.\" A play button is in the center of the image.",
- "about.literacyDescription": "In this TED talk, Scratch founder Mitch Resnick describes why the ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.",
+ "about.literacyImageDescription": "这是一张Mitch Resnick正在进行TED演讲的图片,演讲主题为“让孩子们学习编程”。图片中心有一个播放按钮。",
+ "about.literacyDescription": "在这个TED演讲中,Scratch创始人Mitch Resnick描述了为什么学习编写计算机程序是当今社会的重要组成部分。当人们学习使用Scratch编写代码时,他们学会了解决问题的重要策略、设计项目的方法以及传达思想的技巧。",
"about.schools": "Scratch 在學校",
"about.schoolsDescription": "使用 Scratch 的學生涵蓋了各學習階段(從國小到大學)、各學習領域(數學、計算機科學、語言藝術、社會研究……)。相關教育資源請參考 {scratchForEducatorsLink} 頁面。",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch - 致教師",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/an.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/an.json
index bcf294c8..6ed7e0ff 100644
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@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Our Mission",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
- "annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.missionP2": "Hemos desembolicau Scratch como un entorno d'aprendizache libre, seguro y ludico que fa que totz los ninos piensen de forma creativa, razonen sistematicament y treballen en colaboración — habilidatz esencials pa totz en a sociedat actual. Treballamos con educadors y familias pa aduyar a los ninos a explorar, compartir y aprender.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Las Quatro Ps de l'Aprendizache Creativo",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Prochectos",
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
"annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "How would things look if there were only one color?",
"annualReport.communityQuotes": "Community — Quotes",
"annualReport.communityQuote1": "M'unié a Scratch quan teneba 11 anyos y las cosetas que aprendié usando la plataforma y interactuando con a comunidat estioron realment una parte vital d'o mío aprendizache en creixer.",
- "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like \n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say \n¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch m'ha permitiu fer cosetas dende casa, como\n- Respectar a la chent y los suyos prochectos\n- Fer amigos\n- Sentir que no soi solo en esta cuarantena\n.... y muito mas, asinas que quiero decir ¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.communityQuote3": "Levo bells dos anyos en Scratch y ha estau una experiencia que m'ha cambiau la vida. He aprendiu muitas cosetas nuevas, como la codificación, la etiqueta en linia y l'arte.",
"annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch yera la mía esbastadera favorita en seiseno grau. En secreto, m'introdució en a lochica booleana, l'orden d'as operacions y las expresions matematicas aniedadas, per no charrar d'a propia programación informatica.",
"annualReport.studio": "studio",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
index 8128ddbc..f2ea6e33 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
- "annualReport.subnavMessage": "Message",
- "annualReport.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
- "annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
- "annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
- "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
- "annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
- "annualReport.subnavTeam": "Team",
+ "annualReport.subnavMessage": "メッセージ",
+ "annualReport.subnavMission": "ミッション",
+ "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "マイルストーン",
+ "annualReport.subnavReach": "普及活動",
+ "annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "取り組み",
+ "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "財務報告",
+ "annualReport.subnavSupporters": "サポーター",
+ "annualReport.subnavTeam": "チーム",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "きふ",
- "annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
- "annualReport.messageTitle": "Message from the Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
- "annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
- "annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
- "annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
- "annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
- "annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community",
- "annualReport.missionTitle": "Our Mission",
- "annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
- "annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
- "annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
- "annualReport.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019年 年次報告書",
+ "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "創造的学習の世界を育む",
+ "annualReport.messageTitle": "Scratchチームからのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.messageP1": "2019年はScratchにとって素晴らしい進歩の年でした。私たちはScratchの最新の世代であるScratch3.0の公開を開始しました。それは子供たちの創造性に火を点け、さまざまな興味とバックグランドを持った子供たちを引きつけるようデザインされたものです。年末にはMITからScratch財団の新ホームオフィスへ移転式典を行いました。そこはボストンのサウスステーション近くの遊び心ある1階のスペースです。年間を通してScratchコミュニティは繁栄と成長を続けました(2019年にScratchでプロジェクトを作成した若者は2000万人以上で前年比48%増となりました)。",
+ "annualReport.messageP2": "新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックにより学校が閉鎖となったため、2020年はScratchの影響と重要性に焦点が当たりました。家に閉じ込められた若者たちが創造的に表現しお互いつながりあおうとScratchに目を向けたため、Scratchオンラインコミュニティ上での活動が倍以上に増えました。また、Scratcherはブラック・ライヴズ・マターを始めとする人種的な正義や平等を求める運動にも積極的に参加しており、意識を広め変化を求めるためのアニメーションのプロジェクトやスタジオを制作しています。",
+ "annualReport.messageP3": "2007年にScratchを発表した時から、私たちは常にScratchを単なるプログラミング言語ではないと考えてきました。Scratchは、あらゆる背景を持つすべての若者に、物言う力を成長させ、自分たちのアイデアを表現し、お互いに創造する機会を提供しています。創造性、コラボレーション、思いやり、優しさをもって最近の社会的課題に対応してきたScratcherたちの姿を見るのが、私たちは大好きです。",
+ "annualReport.messageP4": "この年次報告書では、Scratchの使命、計画、影響力、普及についての詳細を、幅広い多様性を持つ世界中の若者のために、Scratchがどうやって学校や生活の中で学びの機会を広げているかを実例を挙げながら共有します。",
+ "annualReport.messageP5": "私たちは、今日、若者がScratchを使って創作し学んでいることを誇りに思っており、今後もより多くの若者に機会を提供していきたいと考えています。",
+ "annualReport.messageSignature": "— Scratchチーム",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP1": "新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックに入って数ヶ月経った中、この年次報告書を書いています。2020年3月中旬以降、Scratchオフィスが閉鎖されている中、パンデミックによって生活を乱されている世界中の子どもたちや教育者を支援するために、Scratchチームのメンバーは自宅から積極的に活動しています。",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP2": "3月17日、私たちは、自宅でScratchを使った創造的な学習活動に取り組むためのアイデアを子供たち、家族、教育者に提供するために、#ScratchAtHomeイニシアチブを立ち上げました。ビデオチュートリアルやその他の教材を{scratchAtHomeLink}に追加し続けていきます。",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome ページ",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP3": "{scratchCommunityLink}での活動は昨年の2倍以上に増加しています。パンデミックの中でもScratcherたちは他の人々を支援し激励するためのプロジェクトを創作し共有しています。—自宅でエクササイズするためのアイデア、健康を維持するためのヒント、お互いを元気づけるためのユーモア、エッセンシャルワーカーへの感謝などのアイデアを提案するプロジェクトやスタジオです。",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch オンラインコミュニティー",
+ "annualReport.missionTitle": "私たちの使命",
+ "annualReport.missionSubtitle": "私たちの使命は、あらゆる背景を持つすべての子どもたちが新しいテクノロジーを使って想像し、創造し、コラボレーションする機会を提供することです。 — そうすることで子供たちは明日の世界を形作ることができます。",
+ "annualReport.missionP1": "教育的な正義(教育機会確保)から最も遠い子供たち、家庭、教育者を支援する取り組みやアプローチに特に重点を置いて、私たちは仕事のあらゆる面で公平性を優先させることに取り組んでいます。",
+ "annualReport.missionP2": "私たちは、すべての子供たちが創造的に考え、システマチックに推論し、協力して作業すること(今日の社会のすべての人にとって不可欠なスキル)を可能にする、無料で安全で遊び心のある学習環境としてScratchを開発しました。私たちは、教育者や家族と協力して、子どもたちが探求し、共有し、学ぶことを支援します。",
+ "annualReport.missionP3": "新しいテクノロジー、アクティビティおよび学習教材を開発する際、私たちは{fourPsItalics}と呼ばれる原則を手引きとしています。",
+ "annualReport.fourPs": "創造的学習の4つのP",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "さくひん",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "ピア(Peers)",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "パッション(Passion)",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "さいせい",
- "annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
- "annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
- "annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
- "annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
- "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milestones",
- "annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
- "annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
- "annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
- "annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Public launch of Scratch programming language and online community",
- "annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organized first Scratch Conference for educators and developers",
- "annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Released Scratch 1.4, translated into more than 40 languages",
- "annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Hosted first Scratch Day event for children and families",
- "annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community reaches 1 million members",
- "annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Established Code-to-Learn Foundation (later renamed Scratch Foundation)",
- "annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Launch of Scratch 2.0, providing new opportunities for collaboration",
- "annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Launch of ScratchJr for younger children, ages 5 to 7",
- "annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community reaches 10 million members",
- "annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day grows to 1,100 events in 60 countries",
- "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code",
- "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
- "annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
- "annualReport.reachMillion": "million",
- "annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}",
- "annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}",
- "annualReport.reach20million": "20 {million}",
+ "annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "デザインしたり、創作したり、創造的な表現することに子供たちを関与させる\n ",
+ "annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "コラボレーションし、共有し、リミックスし、メンタリングする中で子供たちをサポートします",
+ "annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "子どもたち自身の興味のあることを行い、本人にとって意義のあるプロジェクトに取り組む",
+ "annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "いじり回し、実験し、繰り返すことを子供たちに奨励します",
+ "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "マイルストーン",
+ "annualReport.milestonesDescription": "ここでは、Scratchの歴史と世界中のScratchコミュニティにおける主な出来事と実績を紹介します。",
+ "annualReport.milestones2003Message": "アメリカ国立科学財団の助成金を得てScratchの開発を開始",
+ "annualReport.milestones2004Message": "コンピュータ・クラブハウス・ティーンサミットで初めてのScratchワークショップを開催",
+ "annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Scratchのプログラミング言語とオンラインコミュニティをリリース",
+ "annualReport.milestones2008Message": "教育関係者や開発者向けの初めてのScratchカンファレンスの開催",
+ "annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Scratch 1.4がリリースされ、40以上の言語に翻訳",
+ "annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "子供たちと家族を対象とした初めてのScratch Dayイベントを開催",
+ "annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratchオンラインコミュニティのメンバーが100万人突破",
+ "annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Code-to-Learn財団を設立 (後のScratch財団)",
+ "annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Scratch 2.0のリリース、新たなコラボレーションの可能性を提供",
+ "annualReport.milestones2014Message": "5歳から7歳までの低年齢の子供向けにScratchJrをリリース",
+ "annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratchオンラインコミュニティのメンバーが1000万人突破",
+ "annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Dayのイベントが60か国、1100個に到達",
+ "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Scratch 3.0のリリースし、子供たちがコードで創作できることを拡大",
+ "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "ScratchチームがMITからScratch財団の中に移転",
+ "annualReport.reachTitle": "世界の子供たちへの普及",
+ "annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratchは、8歳以上の子供たちとティーンエージャーのための世界最大のコーディングコミュニティです。",
+ "annualReport.reachMillion": "00万",
+ "annualReport.reach170million": "1億70{million}",
+ "annualReport.reach60million": "6{million}",
+ "annualReport.reach20million": "20{million}",
"annualReport.reach48million": "48 {million}",
- "annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Unique Visitors",
- "annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
- "annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "People Created Projects",
- "annualReport.reachComments": "Comments Posted in the Online Community",
- "annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Community Growth",
- "annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "New accounts created in the Scratch Online Community within the last 5 years.",
- "annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "Our Global Community",
- "annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through 2019",
- "annualReport.reachMap20M": "20M",
- "annualReport.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
- "annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 60+ Languages",
- "annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
- "annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
- "annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
- "annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
- "annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Initiatives",
- "annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
- "annualReport.equity": "Equity",
- "annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
- "annualReport.toolsTitle": "Creative Tools",
- "annualReport.toolsIntro": "We are constantly experimenting and innovating with new technologies and new designs — always striving to provide children with new ways to create, collaborate, and learn.",
- "annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Creative Tools — Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Launch of Scratch 3.0",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "We designed Scratch 3.0 to expand how, what, and where kids can create with Scratch. Released at the start of 2019, Scratch 3.0 led to a surge of activity in the Scratch community, with more projects — and a greater variety of projects — than ever before.",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 includes a library of extensions — extra collections of coding blocks that add new capabilities to Scratch. Some extensions provide access to web services and other software features, while others connect Scratch with physical-world devices like motors and sensors.",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Text-to-Speech",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.",
- "annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech",
- "annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Most Popular",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} new Scratch Extension in the community",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Collaboration with Amazon Web Services",
+ "annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "ユニークな訪問数",
+ "annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "作成されたプロジェクト数",
+ "annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "プロジェクトの作成者数",
+ "annualReport.reachComments": "オンラインコミュニティーに投稿されたコメント数",
+ "annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "コミュニティの成長",
+ "annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "直近の5年間にScratchオンラインコミュニティで作成されたアカウント数。",
+ "annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "グローバルコミュニティー",
+ "annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Scratchの公開から2019年までに登録されたScratch オンラインコミュニティの総アカウント数",
+ "annualReport.reachMap20M": "2000万",
+ "annualReport.reachMapLog": "濃度に対数スケールを使用",
+ "annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratchは60以上の言語に翻訳",
+ "annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "世界中のボランティア翻訳者に感謝します。",
+ "annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJrは、低年齢(5-7歳)の子供たちが自分だけのインタラクティブな物語やゲームの作成することができる入門用のプログラミング環境です。",
+ "annualReport.reach22million": "22{million}",
+ "annualReport.reachDownloads": "2014年の公開からのダウンロード数",
+ "annualReport.initiativesTitle": "取り組み",
+ "annualReport.initiativesDescription": "Scratch財団は3つの戦略的分野を中心に活動しています:創造的な道具、コミュニティ、学校です。各分野では、創造的コンピューティングの中で過小評価されている子供たちの声とニーズを優先し、世界中の多様な環境や文化の中で子供たちの支援を模索しています。",
+ "annualReport.equity": "公平さ",
+ "annualReport.globalStrategy": "グローバル戦略",
+ "annualReport.toolsTitle": "創造的な道具",
+ "annualReport.toolsIntro": "私たちは絶えず新しいテクノロジーと新しいデザインを試し、取り入れています。 — 創造し、コラボレーションし、学ぶための新たな方法を子供たちに提供するよう常に努めています。",
+ "annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "創造的な道具 — 注目のストーリー",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Scratch 3.0の公開",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "私たちは、子供たちがScratchでの作り方、作れる物、作れる場所を広げられるようScratch 3.0をデザインしました。2019年の初めにリリースされたScratch 3.0は、Scratchコミュニティでの活動の急増をもたらし、これまで以上により多くのプロジェクトーそしてより素敵でバラエティに富んだプロジェクトーを生み出しました。",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0には拡張機能ライブラリーがあります — それはScratchに新たな機能を追加するコーディング用ブロックを持った特別なコレクションです。いくつかの拡張機能はWebサービスやその他のソフトウェア機能へのアクセスを提供する一方、Scratchをモーターやセンサーのような物理世界のデバイスと接続する拡張機能もあります。",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "音声合成拡張機能",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "音声合成拡張機能を使うと、子どもたちはさまざまな声でScratchのキャラクターをしゃべらせることができます。",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000個以上",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "2019年、{numProjects}のプロジェクトが音声合成拡張機能を使いました。",
+ "annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "最も人気な",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "コミュニティー内で{mostPopular}新しい拡張機能です。",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Amazon Web Serviceと協力して作りました。",
"annualReport.toolsTranslate": "ほんやく",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "With the Translate extension, built on the Google Translate API, kids can incorporate automatic translation into their projects, supporting language learning and global communication.",
- "annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} languages translated in the extension",
- "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Supports Literacy",
- "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "computer science and language arts",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} across {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Collaboration with Google",
- "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Physical World Connections",
- "annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "Google翻訳APIをもとにして作られた翻訳拡張機能を使うと、プロジェクトを自動で翻訳することができ、言語学習やグローバルコミュニケーションに役立ちます。",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50以上",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages}の言語に対応",
+ "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "読み書き能力の向上を支援",
+ "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "コンピュータ科学と国語",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{CSandLanguageArtsLink}全体の{supportsLiteracy}",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Googleと協力して作りました。",
+ "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "現実世界との接続",
+ "annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3",
"annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0",
- "annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Students can create dancing robots, interactive sculptures, and data-collection experiments using Scratch with LEGO robotics kits. The new LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set features an app based on Scratch. In addition, Scratch extensions are available for {mindstormsLink} and {weDoLink}.",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Collaboration with LEGO Education",
- "annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Video Tutorials",
- "annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 introduced a diverse collection of video tutorials to help kids get started with Scratch. The tutorials are open-ended and designed to encourage students to experiment, follow their interests, and express their own ideas.",
- "annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 new tutorials",
- "annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0",
- "annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 million",
- "annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} views in 2019",
- "annualReport.toolsApp": "Scratch App Supports Learning Offline",
- "annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "downloadable app",
- "annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "use on Raspberry Pi 4",
- "annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "During 2019, the Scratch Team released Scratch 3.0 as a {downloadableLink} for use on multiple platforms, including Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS, and Android tablets. In addition, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released Scratch 3.0 for {raspberryLink}. These downloadable versions are especially important for millions of learners in areas where internet connectivity is unavailable or unreliable.",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi at Cartoon Network",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "To highlight what kids can do with Scratch 3.0, we collaborated with Cartoon Network to create a video featuring Abhi, a 12-year-old Scratcher who loves to make animations and games. In the video, Abhi meets with Ian Jones-Quartey, creator of OK K.O. and other Cartoon Network shows. Abhi introduces Ian to key features of the new version of Scratch, and together they draw and program an animation of a Cartoon Network character jumping up and down.",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "My favorite thing about Scratch is the community, because they are nice and helpful to me. That’s why I’m always happy to share every project that’s in my dreams.",
+ "annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "生徒たちは、ScratchとLEGO Robotics Kitを連携させて、踊るロボットやインタラクティブな彫刻、データを収集する実験などができます。新登場のLEGO Education SPIKE Prime Setは、Scratchベースのアプリを利用しています。加えて、{mindstormsLink}や{weDoLink}用のScratch拡張機能が利用できます。",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "LEGO Educationとのコラボレーション",
+ "annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "ビデオチュートリアル",
+ "annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0では、子供たちがScratchを始めるのに役立つ多様なビデオチュートリアルが導入されました。チュートリアルはオープンエンドで、生徒が試したり興味に従って自身のアイデアを表現できるようにデザインされています。",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25個の新しいチュートリアル",
+ "annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials}が、Scratch 3.0で利用できます。",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumViews": "2300万",
+ "annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews}回、2019年に閲覧されました。",
+ "annualReport.toolsApp": "オフラインでの学習をScratchアプリでサポート",
+ "annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "ダウンロード可能なアプリ",
+ "annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "Raspberry Pi 4用",
+ "annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "2019年、ScratchチームはWindows、MacOS、ChromeOS、Androidタブレットなどの複数のプラットフォームで{downloadableLink}としてScratch 3.0をリリースしました。加えて、Raspberry Pi 財団は{raspberryLink}のScratch 3.0をリリースしました。ダウンロード版はインターネット接続が利用できなかったり、不安定な場所で学習する数百万人の利用者にとってはとても重要です。",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "AbhiさんがCartoon Networkを訪問",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "Scratch 3.0で子供たちができることにハイライトを当てるために、カートゥーン・ネットワークと協力して、アニメーションやゲームを作るのが大好きな12歳のScratcherのAbhiさんをフィーチャーした動画を作成しました。動画の中で、Abhiさんは、「OK K.O.! めざせヒーロー」などカートゥーン・ネットワークの番組の制作者であるIan Jones-Quarteyさんと会っています。AbhiさんはIanさんに新バージョンのScratchの主な機能を紹介し、一緒に彼らは上と下にジャンプするカートゥーンネットワークのキャラクターのアニメーションを描いて、プログラミングしています。",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "Scratchで私のお気に入りはコミュニティです。コミュニティは素敵で僕にとって助けになるからです。 だから、とにかく僕の夢の中にあるプロジェクトすべてを共有できることが嬉しいのです。",
"annualReport.communityTitle": "コミュニティ",
- "annualReport.communityIntro": "The Scratch online community has always been an important part of the Scratch experience, providing opportunities for children to collaborate, share, and provide feedback to one another.",
- "annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Community — Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.communityTeam": "Scratch Community Team",
- "annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "When asked why they use Scratch, most Scratchers talk about the importance of the online community for motivating their ongoing participation, providing a space where they can express their creativity, make friends, receive feedback, get new ideas, and learn new skills. Many Scratchers express their appreciation for the Scratch community as a safe and welcoming space to connect, share, and learn from one another.",
- "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "With 40,000 new projects and 400,000 new comments in the Scratch online community each day, how can we ensure that the community remains safe and friendly, while also supporting and encouraging creative expression? Our Community Team, including full-time staff and a network of moderators, leads this essential work. There are two key dimensions of the Community Team's work: moderation and community engagement.",
- "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Community Moderation",
- "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "When young people join the Scratch community, they agree to follow a set of Community Guidelines, which are designed to keep Scratch a safe and supportive place for young people from all backgrounds. Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. Automated filters prevent private information from being shared or inappropriate content from being posted, and we allow anyone to report content they feel violates the Community Guidelines.",
+ "annualReport.communityIntro": "Scratchオンラインコミュニティは、常にScratchの体験の重要な一部で、子供たちが共同で取り組み、共有し、互いにフィードバックを提供する機会を提供してきました。",
+ "annualReport.communitySpotlight": "コミュニティ — 注目のストーリー",
+ "annualReport.communityTeam": "Scratch コミュニティーチーム",
+ "annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "Scratchを使用する理由を尋ねられたとき、ほとんどのScratcherは、継続的な参加を動機付け、創造性を表現し、友達を作り、フィードバックを受け取り、新しいアイデアを得て、新しいスキルを学ぶことができるスペースを提供するためのオンラインコミュニティの重要性について話します。 多くのScratcherは、互いにつながり、共有し、学び合うための安全で居心地の良い空間としてScratchコミュニティに対して感謝の意を表しています。",
+ "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "Scratchのオンラインコミュニティでは、毎日、4万個の新しいプロジェクトと40万件の新しいコメントが寄せられていますが、どのようにしてコミュニティを安全でフレンドリーなものに保ちつつ、創造的な表現をサポートし、奨励することができるでしょう? コミュニティチーム(フルタイムのスタッフとモデレーター・ネットワークを含む)が、このエッセンシャル・ワークをリードしています。コミュニティチームの仕事には、モデレーターとコミュニティ・エンゲージメント(地域社会への社会貢献)の2つの重要な側面があります。",
+ "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "コミュニティーの運営",
+ "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "若者がScratchコミュニティに参加する際、一連のコミュニティガイドラインに従うことに同意することになります。ガイドラインは、Scratchをあらゆるバックグラウンドの若者にとって安全で支援的な場所に保つようにデザインされています。私たちのコミュニティチームは、さまざまなツールや戦略を使用して、良識あるデジタル市民を奨励し、Scratcherが創造するためのポジティブな環境を維持しています。自動化されたフィルターにより、個人情報の共有や不適切なコンテンツの投稿を防ぎ、誰でもコミュニティガイドラインに違反していると感じたコンテンツを報告できるようにしています。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "コミュニティーガイドライン",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "Scratchは、何歳であっても、どんな人種、民族であっても、能力に違いがあっても、どんな宗教を信じていても、どんな性的指向、性同一性を持っていても、すべての人々を歓迎します。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "敬意をしめそう。",
@@ -134,100 +134,100 @@
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesConstructive": "建設的になろう。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "個人情報を公開しないこと。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "サイトを心地よい場所にすること。",
- "annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Community Engagement",
- "annualReport.storySwap": "Story Swap",
- "annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Another major role of the Community Team is to highlight and develop opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways. The team features projects and studios from community members to serve as inspiration, and it regularly posts Scratch Design Studios to encourage creative activity. Each summer, the team organizes an online Scratch Camp: the theme in 2019 was {storySwapLink}, with Scratchers building on one another’s stories.",
- "annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch Design Studios",
- "annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Some Scratch Design Studios from 2019:",
+ "annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "コミュニティ・エンゲージメント(地域社会への社会貢献)",
+ "annualReport.storySwap": "ストーリー交換",
+ "annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "コミュニティチームのもう一つの大きな役割は、若者が自分のアイデアを表現し、積極的に参加する機会にハイライトを当てて、そうした機会を作ることです。チームは、コミュニティメンバーからのインスピレーションの役に立つプロジェクトやスタジオを特集しています。創造的な活動を奨励するために定期的にScratchデザインスタジオを掲示しています。毎年夏には、チームは、オンラインでScratchキャンプを開催しています。2019年のテーマは{storySwapLink}で、Scratcherたちがお互いのストーリーの上に作り込んでいました。",
+ "annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch デザインスタジオ",
+ "annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "2019年のScratch デザインスタジオの一部:",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "Day in the Life",
- "annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Create a project about a day in the life of something",
+ "annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "何かの生活の1日についてのプロジェクトの創作",
"annualReport.communityYear3000": "Year 3000",
- "annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "What might life be like in the year 3000?",
+ "annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "西暦3000年の生活はどうなる?",
"annualReport.communityBounce": "Bounce",
- "annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Create a project that involves bouncing, jumping, boinging, or hopping.",
- "annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monochromatic",
- "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "How would things look if there were only one color?",
- "annualReport.communityQuotes": "Community — Quotes",
- "annualReport.communityQuote1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.",
- "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like \n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say \n¡GRACIAS!",
- "annualReport.communityQuote3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
- "annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
- "annualReport.studio": "studio",
- "annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "As racial justice protests swept the United States after the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others in early 2020, many young people used Scratch as a way to express their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, creating projects and posting comments to speak out against racism and police violence. In a {BLMStudioLink} featured on the Scratch home page, Scratchers contributed hundreds of projects and thousands of comments. The Scratch Community Team was actively involved, to support Scratchers during a traumatic time and to ensure that all projects and conversations remained respectful.",
- "annualReport.communityArtwork": "Artwork by the Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
- "annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "We see young people as agents of change.",
- "annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "We are committed to working with them, and with the educators and families who support them, to ensure that they develop the skills, the motivation, and the confidence they’ll need to lead fulfilling lives and bring about meaningful change in society.",
+ "annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "跳ねたり、ジャンプしたり、ぴょんぴょん、ホッピングするプロジェクトの創作",
+ "annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monochromatic(モノクロ)",
+ "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "色が1つしか無かったら、物事はどう見えますか?",
+ "annualReport.communityQuotes": "コミュニティ — 引用",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote1": "私は、11歳のときにScratchに参加しました。プラットフォームの利用やコミュニティとの交流から学んだことは、成長する私の学習の本当に重要な部分でした。",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratchは、私が家から次のような事をできるようにしてくれました。 \n- 人々とそのプロジェクトを尊重すること\n- 友達を作ること\n- この防疫の中でも私は一人ではないと感じること\n....そして、もっとたくさん、そう私は言いたいです。\n¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote3": "私はScratchを約2年間使用していますが、人生を変えるような経験をしてきました! コーディング、オンラインエチケット、アートなど、たくさんの新しいことを学びました。",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote4": "6年生の間、Scratchは私のお気に入りの趣味でした。Scratchは、ブール論理、演算順序、入れ子になった数式をこっそりと紹介してくれました。—コンピュータのプログラミングそのものは言うまでもありません。",
+ "annualReport.studio": "スタジオ",
+ "annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "2020年の初めにGeorge Floyd氏、Breonna Taylor氏、 Ahmaud Arbery氏などが悲劇的に殺害された後、人種差別的な反対運動が米国を席巻したため、多くの若者がブラック・ライヴズ・マター運動への支持を表明する方法としてScratchを使用しました。プロジェクトを作成し、人種差別や警察の暴力に反対する声をあげるコメントを投稿しています。 Scratchホームページに掲載されている {BLMStudioLink}に、Scratcherたちは数百のプロジェクトと数千のコメントに貢献しました。Scratchコミュニティチームは、トラウマ的な時期にScratcherたちをサポートし、すべてのプロジェクトと会話が尊重され続けるよう、積極的に関与しました。",
+ "annualReport.communityArtwork": "Scratcher OnionDipAnimationsによるアートワーク",
+ "annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "私たちは若者を変革の担い手と見ています。",
+ "annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "私たちは、若者が充実した生活に導き社会に有意義な変革をもたらすのに必要なスキル、モチベーション、自信を身に付けられるように、若者たちと彼ら/彼女らをサポートする教育者や家族と一緒に働くことを約束します。",
"annualReport.watchVideo": "ビデオをみる",
- "annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Schools",
- "annualReport.schoolsIntro": "We provide programs and resources to support teachers and students in schools around the world, designed to achieve equity in creative computing experiences, based on projects, passion, peers, and play.",
- "annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Schools — Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Creative Computing in Chicago Public Schools",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "In 2019, with funding from Google.org, the Scratch Team partnered with SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago and Chicago Public Schools to support seven elementary schools in the South Side of Chicago as they launched an initiative to incorporate creative coding into their curriculum.",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "As a part of this initiative, hundreds of students imagined and drew themselves as the superhero of their own video games. They brought those ideas to life in a collaborative Scratch project called SuperMe. Local Chicago hero and Grammy Award winning musician Chance the Rapper was so inspired by the students’ work that he named it the official video game for his hit song “I Love You So Much” and shared it with the world.",
- "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Family Creative Coding Nights",
- "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "A key to the success of this initiative was to connect students, families, teachers, and other community members through Family Creative Coding Nights. These events brought together hundreds of family members of all ages—from young children to grandparents—in activities that mixed coding with art, dance, and music. These events strengthened connections between home and school, recognizing the important role of families in inspiring and supporting children's learning.",
- "annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Photos by Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
- "annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investing in Professional Development for Teachers",
- "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Teachers across the participating elementary schools came together for professional development workshops, gaining first-hand experience in creating their own Scratch projects and finding meaningful ways to use Scratch to support student learning across the curriculum.",
- "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS Educator",
- "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "What surprised me most was the intrinsic collaboration that came with using Scratch in my classroom. Often, students themselves would discover something in the Scratch platform, show me, and then spread it among themselves.",
- "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Extending the Reach",
- "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "To expand the reach of this partnership, CS4ALL Chicago built on the Family Creative Coding Night model and has made it available to all Chicago Public Schools. Google CS First produced {codeYourHeroLink} guides for students and teachers, available free online in English and Spanish.",
+ "annualReport.schoolsTitle": "学校",
+ "annualReport.schoolsIntro": "私たちは、世界中の学校の教師や生徒をサポートするためのプログラムや教材を提供しており、4つのP(プロジェクト、パッション、ピア、プレイ)に基づいた創造的コンピューティングの体験の中で公平さを成し遂げるようデザインされています。",
+ "annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "学校 — 注目のストーリー",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "シカゴ公立学校での創造的コンピューティング",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "2019年、Google.orgからの資金提供を受けて、Scratchチームは、カリキュラムにクリエーティブ・コーディングを取り入れる取り組みを始めたように、シカゴのサウスサイドにある7つの小学校を支援するためにSocialWorks、CS4ALLシカゴ、シカゴ公立学校と提携しました。",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "この取り組みの一環として、何百人もの生徒が、スーパーヒーローになった自分自身をイメージして描いたビデオゲームを創作しました。それらのアイデアをSuperMeと呼ばれるScratchの共同プロジェクトの中に実現させました。地元、シカゴのヒーローでありグラミー賞を受賞したミュージシャンのChance the Rapper氏は、生徒たちの作品に感銘を受け、その作品を彼のヒット曲の“I Love You So Much”のための公式ビデオゲームに指定し、世界に向けて発信しました。",
+ "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "ファミリー・クリエイティブ・コーディング・ナイト",
+ "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "この取り組みの成功の鍵は、ファミリー・クリエイティブ・コーディング・ナイトを通して、生徒、家族、教師、その他のコミュニティ・メンバーを結びつけることでした。これらのイベントには、あらゆる年齢層—幼児から祖父母まで—の何百人もの家族が集まり、コーディングとアート、ダンス、音楽を組み合わせたアクティビティを行いました。これらのイベントは、家庭と学校のつながりと子供たちの学びを刺激し支援する際の家族の役割の重要性の認識を高めました。",
+ "annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "写真提供元: Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "教師に対する専門能力開発への投資",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "参加している小学校の教師が一堂に会して、Scratchプロジェクトの作成を身を以て体験し、カリキュラム全体で生徒の学習をサポートするためのScratchの有意義な使い方を見つけ出す専門能力開発ワークショップを行いました。",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, シカゴ公立学校の教員",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "私が最も驚いたことは、私の教室でScratchを使用することで備えた内在的なコラボレーションでした。多くの場合、生徒自身がScratchプラットフォームで何かを発見し、私に見せてくれます。その後、それを自分たちの間で広めていくのです。",
+ "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "裾野の拡大",
+ "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "このパートナーシップの裾野を拡大するために、CS4ALL シカゴはファミリー・クリエイティブ・コーディング・ナイトのモデルを確立し、シカゴのすべての公立学校で利用できるようにしました。Google CS First は、生徒と教師のための{codeYourHeroLink}ガイドを作成し、英語とスペイン語版を無料でオンラインで利用できるようにしました。",
"annualReport.codeYourHero": "Code Your Hero",
- "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "In the News",
- "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Chicago Sun Times Article",
- "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Rolling Stone Article",
- "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World",
- "annualReport.conferencesIntro": "In 2008, the Scratch Team hosted the first Scratch conference at MIT, bringing together educators, researchers, and developers to share ideas and experiences for using Scratch to support creative learning. Since then, the Scratch Team has organized and hosted a Scratch conference at MIT every two years. In addition, members of the global Scratch community have organized and hosted more than a dozen conferences—stretching across oceans, continents, cultures, and languages.",
- "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
- "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europe",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Africa",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019",
- "annualReport.financialsButton": "2019 Audited Financials",
- "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Note: Financials in future years will be significantly different, since the Scratch staff has now transitioned from MIT to the Scratch Foundation.",
- "annualReport.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
- "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Donor - Spotlight Story",
+ "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "ニュース記事",
+ "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "シカゴ・サン・タイムズの記事",
+ "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "ローリングストーンの記事",
+ "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "世界中のScratchカンファレンス",
+ "annualReport.conferencesIntro": "2008年、ScratchチームはMITで初めてのScratchカンファレンスを主催し、教育者、研究者、開発者が一堂に会し、創造的な学びを支援するためにScratchを使用するためのアイデアや経験を共有しました。それ以来、Scratchチームは2年ごとにMITでScratchカンファレンスを開催しています。さらに、グローバルなScratchコミュニティのメンバーは、海、大陸、文化、言語を超えて、たくさんのカンファレンスを主催してきました。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch アフリカ カンファレンス、写真提供元: {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "ラテンアメリカ",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "2019年5月、チリのサンティアゴで2回目の {scratchAlSurLink}カンファレンスが開催され、チリをはじめとするラテンアメリカ各地の教育者が一堂に会しました。カンファレンスの後、Scratch al Surは、ハーバード大学教育大学院の創造的コンピューティンググループが開発した{spanishVersionLink}の {creativeComputingCurriculumLink}ガイドをリリースしました。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "スペイン語版",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "写真提供元: {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "ヨーロッパ",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "2019年8月、Raspberry Pi財団はイギリスのケンブリッジで、第4回 {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}を開催しました。このカンファレンスでは、25カ国以上から公式の教育者と非公式の教育者が集まり、学生、教育者、研究者、コミュニティベースの組織によるハンズオンのワークショップ、プレゼンテーション、デモンストレーションが行われました。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "写真提供元: {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "アフリカ",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "2019年10月、ケニアのナイロビで第1回 {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} が開催され、アフリカ全土から250人以上の教育者や学生が集まり、レッスンを共有し、若者に力を与え、創造的コーディングの成果をお祝いしました。カンファレンスでは、オンラインとオフラインの両方で使用可能なスワヒリ語版Scratchを発表しました。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "写真提供元: {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.financialsTitle": "財務報告 - 2019",
+ "annualReport.financialsButton": "2019年監査済みの財務報告",
+ "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "注意: ScratchがMITからScratch財団へと移行したため、今後の財務状況は大きく変化する予定です。",
+ "annualReport.supportersTitle": "サポーターへの感謝",
+ "annualReport.supportersIntro": "寛大なサポーターの皆様に感謝します。 皆様の寄付は世界中のあらゆる背景を持つ全年齢の子供たちに創造的な学習の機会を広げるのに役立っています。",
+ "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "寄付者 — 注目のストーリー",
"annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Siegel Family Endowment",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "In May 2012, David Siegel attended Scratch Day at the MIT Media Lab with his son Zach, an active and enthusiastic Scratcher. Watching Zach and other children using Scratch to code their own games, animations, and robotic creatures, David saw how much potential Scratch had to help children both learn practical coding skills, and develop as computational thinkers.",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David knows the importance of computational thinking firsthand, and his career as a computer scientist and entrepreneur has been shaped by the same curiosity that Scratch helps young learners explore every day. It's the same exploratory instinct that led him to study computer science at Princeton, and earn a PhD based on work completed at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab. In 2001, he co-founded Two Sigma, which has grown to become a world leader in applying machine learning and data science to investment management.",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "In 2011, David founded Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) to support organizations working to help people adapt to the demands of new technology, and to better understand and mitigate the powerful disruptions that technology has driven in almost every sector. He is also a co-founder of the Scratch Foundation, and is a strong advocate for the organization's mission to keep Scratch free and accessible to learners all over the world.",
- "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Making sure that Scratch remains free and accessible for kids everywhere is one of the most impactful ways we can help young learners engage and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Supporting Scratch is more important today than ever before.",
- "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Thank you to our supporters",
- "annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and share with new technologies. We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, since we started working on Scratch in 2002, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on cumulative giving to Scratch (at both MIT and Scratch Foundation) through December 31, 2019.",
- "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who supported us from the early days of Scratch, each providing at least $10,000,000 of cumulative support, in various forms.",
- "annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "2012年5月、David Siegelは、アクティブで熱狂的なScratcherである息子のZachと一緒にMITメディアラボのScratch Dayに参加しました。Zachや他の子供たちがScratchを使って、自分自身のゲーム、アニメーション、ロボットの生き物をコードにしているのを見て、Davidは、Scratchが子供たちに実用的なコーディングスキルを身につけさせ、計算論的思考者として成長させるためにどれだけの可能性を秘めているかを見抜きました。",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "Davidは計算論的思考の重要性を直接、理解しており、コンピュータサイエンティスと起業家としての彼のキャリアは好奇心によって形作られました。その好奇心はScratchが若い学習者の日々の探求するに役立っているのと同じです。プリンストン大学でコンピュータサイエンスを学び、MITの人工知能研究所での研究に基づいて博士号を取得したのも同じ探索的本能です。2001年にはTwo Sigmaを共同設立し、機械学習とデータサイエンスを投資運用に応用する世界的なリーダーに成長しました。",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "2011年、DavidはSiegel Family Endowment(SFE)を設立し、人々が新しいテクノロジーの需要に適応するのを手助けしたり、テクノロジーがほぼすべてのセクターで引き起こしているパワフルな破壊的変革をよりよく理解し軽減するよう取り組でいる組織を支援しています。彼はScratch財団の共同設立者でもあり、世界中の学習者がScratchを無料で利用できるようにするという組織の使命を力強く擁護しています。",
+ "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "共同設立者兼共同会長",
+ "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Scratchを世界中の子供たちが無料でどこにいても利用できるようにし続ける確かにすることは、最も影響を及ぼす方法の中の一つで、若い学習者がいよいよ進むデジタル化の世界に携わり成功するを手助け可能です。Scratchをサポートすることは、今まで以上に重要なことです。",
+ "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "サポーターへの感謝",
+ "annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "私たちの使命は、あらゆる背景を持つすべての子どもたちに、新しいテクノロジーを使って想像し、創造し、共有する機会を提供することです。2002年にScratchに取り組み始めて以来、世界中の何百万人もの若者のために素晴らしい学習体験を生み出すのを助けてくれたすべてのScratchサポーターに感謝します。以下のリストは、2019年12月31日までのScratchへの累積の寄付金額(MITとScratch財団の両方)に基づいています。",
+ "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "私たちは、Scratchの初期の頃から私たちをサポートしてくれた設立パートナーに特に感謝しており、それぞれのパートナーが様々な形で少なくとも$10,000,000 以上の累積のサポートを提供してくれています。",
+ "annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "設立パートナー",
"annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $1,000,000+",
"annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $200,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
+ "annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "イマジネーション・サークル — $50,000以上",
+ "annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "インスピレーション・サークル — $20,000以上",
+ "annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "探求サークル — $5,000以上",
+ "annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "現物の支援者",
"annualReport.leadershipTitle": "わたしたちのチーム",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former Chair and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoard": "取締役会",
+ "annualReport.leadershipChair": "会長",
+ "annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "学習研究の教授",
+ "annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "副会長",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "ボードメンバー",
+ "annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "社長兼CEO",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "前社長",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "設立者兼CEO",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "前会長兼CEO",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "取締役会幹事と会計",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "取締役会幹事",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "取締役会会計",
"annualReport.leadershipScratchTeam": "Scratchチーム",
- "annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Interim Executive Director",
- "annualReport.donateTitle": "Support Us",
- "annualReport.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!",
+ "annualReport.leadershipInterim": "エグゼクティブディレクター(暫定)",
+ "annualReport.donateTitle": "支援する",
+ "annualReport.donateMessage": "皆様のご支援により、私たちがScratchをすべての人に無料で提供し、サーバーを稼働させ続けることを可能にしています。そして何よりも大切なことは、世界中の子供たちが想像し、創造し、共有する機会を提供することができるということです。ありがとうございます!",
"annualReport.donateButton": "きふ"
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diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/pt.json
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@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "Mensagem",
- "annualReport.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
- "annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
+ "annualReport.subnavMission": "Missão",
+ "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Marcos históricos",
+ "annualReport.subnavReach": "Alcance",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Iniciativas",
- "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
- "annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
+ "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Finanças",
+ "annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Apoiadores",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Equipa",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Faça um Donativo",
- "annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.mastheadYear": "Relatório Anual de 2019",
+ "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivando um Mundo de Aprendizagem Criativa",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Mensagem da Equipa Scratch",
- "annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
- "annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
- "annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
- "annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
- "annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
- "annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community",
+ "annualReport.messageP1": "2019 foi um ano de muito progresso para o Scratch. Começamos o ano lançando o Scratch 3.0, a mais nova geração do Scratch, projetada para despertar e incentivar a criatividade de crianças com diversos interesses e origens. Celebramos o fim do ano mudando nossa equipe do MIT para o seu novo lar na Fundação Scratch, em um espaço divertido no andar térreo próximo à South Station em Boston. Durante este ano, a comunidade Scratch continuou a crescer e prosperar: Mais de 20 milhões de jovens criaram projetos com Scratch em 2019, um aumento de 48% em relação ao ano anterior.",
+ "annualReport.messageP2": "O impacto e importância do Scratch foi destacado em 2020 já que a pandemia do COVID forçou escolas a fechar. A atividade na comunidade online do Scratch mais que dobrou quando jovens, confinados às suas casas, vieram ao Scratch para se expressar criativamente e conectar uns com os outros. Scratchers também estão ativamente engajados no Black Lives Matter e outros movimentos a favor de justiça e equidade racial, criando projetos animados e estúdios para espalhar a mensagem e exigir mudanças.",
+ "annualReport.messageP3": "Desde que lançamos o Scratch em 2007, sempre vimos o Scratch como algo além de uma linguagem de programação. O Scratch oferece oportunidades a todos os jovens, de todas as origens, à desenvolverem suas vozes, expressarem suas ideias e criarem juntos. Nós amamos ver como os Scratchers têm respondido aos desafios sociais recentes com criatividade, colaboração, amor e carinho.",
+ "annualReport.messageP4": "Neste Relatório Anual, nós compartilharemos mais sobre a missão, planos, impacto e alcance do Scratch, apoiados com exemplos de como o Scratch expande oportunidades de aprendizagem para uma grande diversidade de jovens ao redor do mundo, nas escolas e em suas vidas.",
+ "annualReport.messageP5": "Temos orgulho do que os jovens estão criando e aprendendo com o Scratch hoje em dia, e estamos comprometidos em fornecer mais oportunidades para mais jovens no futuro.",
+ "annualReport.messageSignature": "— A Equipe Scratch",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "O Scratch Responde ao COVID",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP1": "Enquanto escrevemos este relatório anual, estamos há meses na pandemia do COVID. Desde a metade de março de 2020, o escritório do Scratch está fechado e os membros da Equipe Scratch trabalham ativamente de casa para apoiar as crianças e educadores ao redor do mundo cujas vidas foram perturbadas pela pandemia.",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP2": "Em 17 de março, lançamos a iniciativa #ScratchEmCasa para dar ideias a crianças, famílias e educadores para se envolverem em atividades de aprendizagem criativa com Scratch em casa. Continuamos adicionando tutoriais em vídeo e outros recursos à {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "página #ScratchEmCasa",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP3": "A atividade na {scratchCommunityLink} aumentou mais que o dobro do ano passado. Scratchers estão criando e compartilhando projetos para apoiar e inspirar os outros na pandemia—com projetos e estúdios que oferecem ideias de exercícios em casa, dicas para se manter saudável, humor para animar uns aos outros e agradecimentos para os trabalhadores de serviços essenciais.",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Comunidade online Scratch",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "A Nossa Missão",
- "annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
- "annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
- "annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
- "annualReport.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Nossa missão é dar a todas as crianças, de todas as origens, oportunidades de imaginar, criar e colaborar com novas tecnologias — para que eles possam formar o mundo de amanhã.",
+ "annualReport.missionP1": "Nós estamos comprometidos a priorizar a equidade em todos os aspectos de nosso trabalho, com um foco particular em iniciativas e abordagens que apoiem crianças, famílias e educadores mais distantes da justiça educacional.",
+ "annualReport.missionP2": "Nós desenvolvemos o Scratch como um ambiente de aprendizado livre, seguro e divertido que encoraja toda criança a pensar criativamente, raciocinar sistematicamente e trabalhar colaborativamente — habilidades essenciais para todos na sociedade atual. Nós trabalhamos com educadores e famílias para apoiar crianças em sua exploração, compartilhamento e aprendizagem.",
+ "annualReport.missionP3": "Ao desenvolver novas tecnologias, atividades e materiais de aprendizagem, seguimos o que chamamos de {fourPsItalics}:",
+ "annualReport.fourPs": "Os 4 P's da Aprendizagem Criativa",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Projectos",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "Pares",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Paixão",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "Tocar",
- "annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
- "annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
- "annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
- "annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
- "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milestones",
- "annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
- "annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
- "annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
- "annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Public launch of Scratch programming language and online community",
+ "annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Envolvemos as crianças na concepção, criação e expressão pessoal criativa",
+ "annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Apoiamos as crianças na colaboração, compartilhamento, remixagem e mentoria",
+ "annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Permitimos que as crianças explorarem seus interesses e trabalharem em projetos pessoais significativos",
+ "annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encorajamos as crianças a brincarem, experimentarem e interagirem",
+ "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Marcos históricos",
+ "annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Aqui estão alguns eventos e conquistas importantes na história do Scratch e da comunidade global do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Recebido subsídio da Fundação Nacional da Ciência para começar o desenvolvimento do Scratch",
+ "annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Primeira oficina de Scratch oferecida no Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
+ "annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Lançamento público da linguagem de programação e comunidade online do Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organização da primeira Conferência Scratch para educadores e desenvolvedores",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Lançamento do Scratch 1.4, traduzido para mais de 40 línguas",
- "annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Hosted first Scratch Day event for children and families",
- "annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community reaches 1 million members",
- "annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Established Code-to-Learn Foundation (later renamed Scratch Foundation)",
+ "annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Primeiro evento Scratch Day hospedado para crianças e famílias",
+ "annualReport.milestones2010Message": "A comunidade online do Scratch alcança 1 milhão de membros",
+ "annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Fundação Code-to-Learn estabelecida (atual Fundação Scratch)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Lançamento do Scratch 2.0, disponibilizando novas oportunidades de colaboração",
- "annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Launch of ScratchJr for younger children, ages 5 to 7",
- "annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community reaches 10 million members",
- "annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day grows to 1,100 events in 60 countries",
- "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code",
- "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
- "annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
- "annualReport.reachMillion": "million",
+ "annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Lançamento do ScratchJr para crianças mais novas, de 5 a 7 anos",
+ "annualReport.milestones2016Message": "A comunidade online Scratch atinge 10 milhões de membros",
+ "annualReport.milestones2017Message": "1.100 eventos Scratch Day acontecem em 60 países",
+ "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Lançamento do Scratch 3.0, expandindo o que as crianças podem criar com programação",
+ "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "A Equipe Scratch se muda do MIT para a Fundação Scratch",
+ "annualReport.reachTitle": "Alcançando Crianças ao Redor do Mundo",
+ "annualReport.reachSubtitle": "O Scratch é a maior comunidade de programação para crianças e adolescentes acima de 8 anos.",
+ "annualReport.reachMillion": "milhões",
"annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}",
"annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}",
"annualReport.reach20million": "20 {million}",
"annualReport.reach48million": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Visitantes Únicos",
- "annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
- "annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "People Created Projects",
- "annualReport.reachComments": "Comments Posted in the Online Community",
- "annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Community Growth",
- "annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "New accounts created in the Scratch Online Community within the last 5 years.",
+ "annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "de Projetos Criados",
+ "annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "de Pessoas Criaram Projetos",
+ "annualReport.reachComments": "de Comentários Publicados na Comunidade Online",
+ "annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Crescimento da Comunidade",
+ "annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "Novas contas criadas na Comunidade Online Scratch nos últimos 5 anos.",
"annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "A Nossa Comunidade Global",
- "annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through 2019",
- "annualReport.reachMap20M": "20M",
- "annualReport.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
- "annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 60+ Languages",
- "annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
- "annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
+ "annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total de contas registradas na Comunidade Scratch Online desde o lançamento do Scratch até 2019",
+ "annualReport.reachMap20M": "20 milhões",
+ "annualReport.reachMapLog": "em uma escala logarítmica ",
+ "annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "O Scratch é Traduzido em mais de 60 Idiomas",
+ "annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Graças a tradutores voluntários de todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "O ScratchJr é um ambiente de programação introdutório que permite crianças mais novas (de 5-7 anos) criarem seus próprios jogos e histórias interativas.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
- "annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
+ "annualReport.reachDownloads": "de Downloads Desde o Lançamento em 2014",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Iniciativas",
- "annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
- "annualReport.equity": "Equity",
- "annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
- "annualReport.toolsTitle": "Creative Tools",
- "annualReport.toolsIntro": "We are constantly experimenting and innovating with new technologies and new designs — always striving to provide children with new ways to create, collaborate, and learn.",
+ "annualReport.initiativesDescription": "O trabalho na Fundação Scratch se baseia em três áreas estratégicas: ferramentas criativas, comunidade e escolas. Cada área prioriza a voz e as necessidades das crianças que são menos representadas na computação criativa e procura apoiar crianças de diferentes ambientes e culturas ao redor do mundo.",
+ "annualReport.equity": "Equidade",
+ "annualReport.globalStrategy": "Estratégia Global",
+ "annualReport.toolsTitle": "Ferramentas Criativas",
+ "annualReport.toolsIntro": "Nós estamos sempre experimentando e inovando com novas tecnologias e novos designs — sempre nos esforçando para oferecer às crianças novas maneiras de criar, colaborar e aprender.",
"annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Ferramentas Criativas – Estória na Ribalta",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Launch of Scratch 3.0",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "We designed Scratch 3.0 to expand how, what, and where kids can create with Scratch. Released at the start of 2019, Scratch 3.0 led to a surge of activity in the Scratch community, with more projects — and a greater variety of projects — than ever before.",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 includes a library of extensions — extra collections of coding blocks that add new capabilities to Scratch. Some extensions provide access to web services and other software features, while others connect Scratch with physical-world devices like motors and sensors.",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Text-to-Speech",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.",
- "annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech",
- "annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Most Popular",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} new Scratch Extension in the community",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Collaboration with Amazon Web Services",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Lançamento do Scratch 3.0",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "Criamos o Scratch 3.0 para expandir como, o quê e onde as crianças podem criar com o Scratch. Lançado no início de 2019, o Scratch 3.0 levou a um aumento de atividade na comunidade do Scratch, com mais projetos — e maior variedade de projetos — do que nunca.",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "O Scratch 3.0 inclui uma biblioteca de extensões — coleções extras de blocos de programação que adicionam novas capacidades para o Scratch. Algumas extensões disponibilizam acesso a serviços da internet e outras funcionalidades, enquanto outras conectam o Scratch com dispositivos do mundo físico como motores e sensores.",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Texto para Fala",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "Com a extensão Texto para Fala crianças podem programar seus personagens do Scratch para falarem alto em uma variedade de vozes diferentes.",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330.000+",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projetos em 2019 usaram Texto para Fala",
+ "annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Mais Popular",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "A Extensão para Scratch {mostPopular} na comunidade",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Em colaboração com Amazon Web Services",
"annualReport.toolsTranslate": "Traduzir",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "With the Translate extension, built on the Google Translate API, kids can incorporate automatic translation into their projects, supporting language learning and global communication.",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "Com a extensão Traduzir, desenvolvida com a API de tradução do Google, as crianças podem incorporar tradução automática em seus projetos, apoiando a aprendizagem de idiomas e comunicação global.",
"annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} línguas traduzidas na extensão",
- "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Supports Literacy",
- "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "computer science and language arts",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} across {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Collaboration with Google",
- "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Physical World Connections",
+ "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Apoia a alfabetização",
+ "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "ciência da computação e artes da linguagem",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} através da {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Em colaboração com Google",
+ "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Conexões com o Mundo Físico",
"annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3",
"annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0",
- "annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Students can create dancing robots, interactive sculptures, and data-collection experiments using Scratch with LEGO robotics kits. The new LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set features an app based on Scratch. In addition, Scratch extensions are available for {mindstormsLink} and {weDoLink}.",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Collaboration with LEGO Education",
+ "annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Estudante podem criar robôs dançantes, esculturas interativas e experimentos de coleta de dados usando o Scratch com os kits de robótica da LEGO. O novo LEGO Education SPIKE Prime possui um aplicativo baseado no Scratch. Além dele, extensões Scratch estão disponíveis para o {mindstormsLink} e {weDoLink}.",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Em colaboração com LEGO Education",
"annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Tutoriais Vídeo",
- "annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 introduced a diverse collection of video tutorials to help kids get started with Scratch. The tutorials are open-ended and designed to encourage students to experiment, follow their interests, and express their own ideas.",
- "annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 new tutorials",
- "annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0",
- "annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 million",
- "annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} views in 2019",
- "annualReport.toolsApp": "Scratch App Supports Learning Offline",
- "annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "downloadable app",
- "annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "use on Raspberry Pi 4",
- "annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "During 2019, the Scratch Team released Scratch 3.0 as a {downloadableLink} for use on multiple platforms, including Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS, and Android tablets. In addition, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released Scratch 3.0 for {raspberryLink}. These downloadable versions are especially important for millions of learners in areas where internet connectivity is unavailable or unreliable.",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi at Cartoon Network",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "To highlight what kids can do with Scratch 3.0, we collaborated with Cartoon Network to create a video featuring Abhi, a 12-year-old Scratcher who loves to make animations and games. In the video, Abhi meets with Ian Jones-Quartey, creator of OK K.O. and other Cartoon Network shows. Abhi introduces Ian to key features of the new version of Scratch, and together they draw and program an animation of a Cartoon Network character jumping up and down.",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "My favorite thing about Scratch is the community, because they are nice and helpful to me. That’s why I’m always happy to share every project that’s in my dreams.",
+ "annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "O Scratch 3.0 introduziu um coleção diversa de tutoriais em vídeo para ajudar crianças a começarem no Scratch. Os tutoriais são abertos e desenhados para encorajarem os estudantes a experimentarem, seguirem seus interesses e expressarem suas próprias ideias.",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 novos tutoriais",
+ "annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} disponíveis no Scratch 3.0",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 milhões",
+ "annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} de visualizações in 2019",
+ "annualReport.toolsApp": "O Aplicativo do Scratch Auxilia a Aprendizagem Offline",
+ "annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "aplicativo baixável",
+ "annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "uso com o Raspberry Pi 4",
+ "annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "Em 2019, a Equipe Scratch lançou o Scratch 3.0 como um {downloadableLink} para uso em múltiplas plataformas, incluindo Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS e tablets Android. Além disso, a Fundação Raspberry Pi Foundation lançou o Scratch 3.0 para {raspberryLink}. Essas versões baixáveis são especialmente importantes para milhões de aprendizes em áreas onde a conectividade com a internet não está disponível ou não é confiável.",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi na Cartoon Network",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "Para destacar o que crianças podem fazer com o Scratch 3.0, em colaboração com a Cartoon Network criamos um vídeo apresentando Abhi, um Scratcher de 12 anos de idade que ama fazer animações e jogos. No vídeo, Abhi encontra com Ian Jones-Quartey, criador de OK K.O. e outros shows da Cartoon Network. Abhi introduz Ian as características principais da nova versão do Scratch, e juntos desenham e programam uma animação de um personagem da Cartoon Network pulando para cima e para baixo.",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "Minha coisa favorita sobre o Scratch é a comunidade, porque eles são legais e solidários comigo. É por causa disso que eu estou sempre feliz em compartilhar os projetos que aparecem nos meus sonhos.",
"annualReport.communityTitle": "Comunidade",
- "annualReport.communityIntro": "The Scratch online community has always been an important part of the Scratch experience, providing opportunities for children to collaborate, share, and provide feedback to one another.",
- "annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Community — Spotlight Story",
+ "annualReport.communityIntro": "A comunidade online Scratch tem sido uma parte importante da experiência com o Scratch desde sempre, fornecendo oportunidades para crianças colaborarem, compartilharem e darem suas opiniões umas às outras.",
+ "annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Comunidade — História em Destaque",
"annualReport.communityTeam": "Equipa da Comunidade Scratch",
"annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "Quando se lhes pergunta porque usam o Scratch, a maioria dos Scratchadores fala da importância da comunidade em linha para motivar a sua participação continuada, disponibilizando um espaço no qual pode expressar a sua criatividade, fazer amigos, receber comentários, obter novas ideias e aprender novas competências. Muitos Scratchadores expressam a sua satisfação por a comunidade Scratch ser um espaço seguro e acolhedor para se conectarem, partilharem e aprenderem uns com os outros.",
- "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "With 40,000 new projects and 400,000 new comments in the Scratch online community each day, how can we ensure that the community remains safe and friendly, while also supporting and encouraging creative expression? Our Community Team, including full-time staff and a network of moderators, leads this essential work. There are two key dimensions of the Community Team's work: moderation and community engagement.",
- "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Community Moderation",
- "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "When young people join the Scratch community, they agree to follow a set of Community Guidelines, which are designed to keep Scratch a safe and supportive place for young people from all backgrounds. Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. Automated filters prevent private information from being shared or inappropriate content from being posted, and we allow anyone to report content they feel violates the Community Guidelines.",
+ "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "Com 40.000 novos projetos e 400.000 novos comentários na comunidade online Scratch a cada dia, como podemos garantir que a comunidade permaneça segura e amigável, ao mesmo tempo que apoiamos e encorajamos a expressão criativa? Nossa Equipe da Comunidade, incluindo funcionários em tempo integral e uma rede de moderadores, lidera esse trabalho essencial. Existem duas dimensões principais do trabalho da Equipe da Comunidade: moderação e envolvimento da comunidade.",
+ "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Moderação da Comunidade",
+ "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "Quando os jovens se juntam à comunidade Scratch, eles concordam em seguir um conjunto de Diretrizes da Comunidade, que são projetadas para manter o Scratch um lugar seguro e apoiador para jovens de todas as origens. Nossa Equipe da Comunidade usa uma ampla variedade de ferramentas e estratégias para encorajar a boa cidadania digital e manter um ambiente positivo para os Scratchers criarem. Filtros automatizados evitam que informações privadas sejam compartilhadas ou conteúdo impróprio seja postado, e nós permitimos que qualquer pessoa denuncie conteúdos que eles sentirem que violam as Diretrizes da Comunidade.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "Linhas de Orientação da Comunidade",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "O Scratch acolhe pessoas de todas as idades, raças, etnias, religiões, competências, orientações sexuais e identidades de género.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "Seja respeitoso.",
@@ -134,100 +134,100 @@
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesConstructive": "Seja construtivo.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "Mantenha as suas informações pessoais privadas.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Ajude a manter o sítio Web amigável.",
- "annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Community Engagement",
- "annualReport.storySwap": "Story Swap",
- "annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Another major role of the Community Team is to highlight and develop opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways. The team features projects and studios from community members to serve as inspiration, and it regularly posts Scratch Design Studios to encourage creative activity. Each summer, the team organizes an online Scratch Camp: the theme in 2019 was {storySwapLink}, with Scratchers building on one another’s stories.",
- "annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch Design Studios",
- "annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Some Scratch Design Studios from 2019:",
+ "annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Engajamento da Comunidade",
+ "annualReport.storySwap": "Troca de História",
+ "annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Outro papel importante da Equipe da Comunidade é destacar e desenvolver oportunidades para que os jovens expressem suas ideias e se envolvam de maneira positiva. A equipe apresenta projetos e estúdios de membros da comunidade para servir de inspiração, e regularmente posta em Estúdio de Design Scratch para encorajar a atividade criativa. A cada verão no hemisfério norte, a equipe organiza um Acampamento Scratch online: o tema em 2019 foi {storySwapLink}, com Scratchers remixando as histórias uns dos outros.",
+ "annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Estúdios de Design Scratch",
+ "annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Alguns Estúdios de Design Scratch de 2019:",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "Um Dia na Vida",
- "annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Create a project about a day in the life of something",
- "annualReport.communityYear3000": "Year 3000",
- "annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "What might life be like in the year 3000?",
- "annualReport.communityBounce": "Bounce",
- "annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Create a project that involves bouncing, jumping, boinging, or hopping.",
- "annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monochromatic",
- "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "How would things look if there were only one color?",
- "annualReport.communityQuotes": "Community — Quotes",
- "annualReport.communityQuote1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.",
- "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like \n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say \n¡GRACIAS!",
- "annualReport.communityQuote3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
- "annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
+ "annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Crie um projeto sobre um dia na vide de alguma coisa",
+ "annualReport.communityYear3000": "Ano 3000",
+ "annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "Como seria a vida no ano 3000?",
+ "annualReport.communityBounce": "Elasticidade",
+ "annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Crie um projeto que envolva batidas, pulos ou saltos.",
+ "annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monocromático",
+ "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "Como as coisas pareceriam se existisse apenas uma cor?",
+ "annualReport.communityQuotes": "Comunidade — Citações",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote1": "Entrei no Scratch quando tinha 11 anos e as coisas que aprendi usando a plataforma e interagindo com a comunidade foram realmente uma parte vital do meu aprendizado enquanto crescia.",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote2": "O Scratch me permitiu fazer coisas de casa, como \n- Respeitar pessoas e seus projetos\n- Fazer amigos\n- Sentir que eu não estou sozinha nesta quarentena\n....e muito mais, então eu quero dizer\n¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote3": "Estou no Scratch há cerca de 2 anos e tem sido uma experiência de mudança de vida! Aprendi tantas coisas novas, como programação, etiqueta online e arte!",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch era meu hobby favorito no sexto ano. Ele secretamente me apresentou à lógica booleana, à ordem de operações e às expressões matemáticas aninhadas—para não mencionar a própria programação de computadores.",
"annualReport.studio": "estúdio",
- "annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "As racial justice protests swept the United States after the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others in early 2020, many young people used Scratch as a way to express their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, creating projects and posting comments to speak out against racism and police violence. In a {BLMStudioLink} featured on the Scratch home page, Scratchers contributed hundreds of projects and thousands of comments. The Scratch Community Team was actively involved, to support Scratchers during a traumatic time and to ensure that all projects and conversations remained respectful.",
- "annualReport.communityArtwork": "Artwork by the Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
- "annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "We see young people as agents of change.",
- "annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "We are committed to working with them, and with the educators and families who support them, to ensure that they develop the skills, the motivation, and the confidence they’ll need to lead fulfilling lives and bring about meaningful change in society.",
+ "annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "Enquanto protestos por justiça racial varriam os Estados Unidos após as trágicas mortes de George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery e outros no início de 2020, muitos jovens usaram o Scratch como uma forma de expressar seu apoio ao movimento Black Lives Matter, criando projetos e postando comentários para falar contra o racismo e a violência policial. Em um {BLMStudioLink} apresentado na página inicial do Scratch, Scratchers contribuíram com centenas de projetos e milhares de comentários. A Equipe Comunidade Scratch estava ativamente envolvida para apoiar os Scratchers durante o tempo traumático para garantir que todos os projetos e conversas se mantivessem respeitosas.",
+ "annualReport.communityArtwork": "Trabalho de arte do Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
+ "annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "Nós vemos jovens e crianças como agentes de transformação.",
+ "annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "Estamos comprometidos em trabalhar com eles, e com os educadores e famílias que os apoiam, para garantir que desenvolvam as habilidades, a motivação e a confiança de que precisam para levar uma vida plena e trazer mudanças significativas na sociedade.",
"annualReport.watchVideo": "Veja o Vídeo",
- "annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Schools",
- "annualReport.schoolsIntro": "We provide programs and resources to support teachers and students in schools around the world, designed to achieve equity in creative computing experiences, based on projects, passion, peers, and play.",
- "annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Schools — Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Creative Computing in Chicago Public Schools",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "In 2019, with funding from Google.org, the Scratch Team partnered with SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago and Chicago Public Schools to support seven elementary schools in the South Side of Chicago as they launched an initiative to incorporate creative coding into their curriculum.",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "As a part of this initiative, hundreds of students imagined and drew themselves as the superhero of their own video games. They brought those ideas to life in a collaborative Scratch project called SuperMe. Local Chicago hero and Grammy Award winning musician Chance the Rapper was so inspired by the students’ work that he named it the official video game for his hit song “I Love You So Much” and shared it with the world.",
- "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Family Creative Coding Nights",
- "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "A key to the success of this initiative was to connect students, families, teachers, and other community members through Family Creative Coding Nights. These events brought together hundreds of family members of all ages—from young children to grandparents—in activities that mixed coding with art, dance, and music. These events strengthened connections between home and school, recognizing the important role of families in inspiring and supporting children's learning.",
- "annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Photos by Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
- "annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investing in Professional Development for Teachers",
- "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Teachers across the participating elementary schools came together for professional development workshops, gaining first-hand experience in creating their own Scratch projects and finding meaningful ways to use Scratch to support student learning across the curriculum.",
- "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS Educator",
- "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "What surprised me most was the intrinsic collaboration that came with using Scratch in my classroom. Often, students themselves would discover something in the Scratch platform, show me, and then spread it among themselves.",
- "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Extending the Reach",
- "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "To expand the reach of this partnership, CS4ALL Chicago built on the Family Creative Coding Night model and has made it available to all Chicago Public Schools. Google CS First produced {codeYourHeroLink} guides for students and teachers, available free online in English and Spanish.",
- "annualReport.codeYourHero": "Code Your Hero",
- "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "In the News",
- "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Chicago Sun Times Article",
- "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Rolling Stone Article",
- "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World",
+ "annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Escolas",
+ "annualReport.schoolsIntro": "Oferecemos programas e recursos para apoiar professores e alunos em escolas de todo o mundo, projetados para alcançar equidade em experiências de computação criativa, baseados em projetos, paixão, pares e pensar brincando.",
+ "annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Escolas — História em Destaque",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Computação Criativa nas Escolas Públicas de Chicago",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "Em 2019, com financiamento do Google.org, a Equipe Scratch fez parcerias com a SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago e Escolas Públicas de Chicago para apoiar sete escolas primárias no lado sul de Chicago enquanto lançavam uma iniciativa para incorporar a programação criativa em seu currículo.",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "Como parte dessa iniciativa, centenas de alunos se imaginaram e se desenharam como os super heróis de seus próprios jogos. Eles deram vida a essas ideias em um projeto colaborativo do Scratch chamado SuperMe. O herói local de Chicago e músico vencedor do Grammy, Chance the Rapper, ficou tão inspirado pelo trabalho dos alunos que o nomeou como o jogo oficial para sua música “I Love You So Much” e o compartilhou com o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Noites de Programação Criativa em Família",
+ "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "Uma chave para o sucesso dessa iniciativa foi conectar alunos, famílias, professores e outros membros da comunidade por meio das Noites de Programação Criativa em Família. Esses eventos reuniram centenas de membros de todas as idades da família—desde crianças a avós—em atividades que misturavam programação com arte, dança e música. Esses eventos fortaleceram as conexões entre a casa e a escola, reconhecendo o importante papel das famílias em inspirar e apoiar a aprendizagem das crianças.",
+ "annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Fotos por Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investindo no Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Professores de todas as escolas primárias participantes se reuniram para oficinas de desenvolvimento profissional, ganhando experiência em primeira mão na criação de seus próprios projetos no Scratch e encontrando maneiras significativas de usar o Scratch para apoiar a aprendizagem dos alunos em todo o currículo.",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, Educador CPS",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "O que mais me surpreendeu foi a colaboração intrínseca que surgiu com o uso do Scratch em minha sala de aula. Frequentemente, os próprios alunos descobriam coisas na plataforma Scratch, me mostravam e depois espalhavam entre eles mesmos.",
+ "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Estendendo o Alcance",
+ "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "Para expandir o alcance dessa parceria, o CS4ALL Chicago desenvolveu um modelo para as Noites de Programação Criativa em Família e o tornou disponível para todas as Escolas Públicas de Chicago. O Google CS First produziu o guia {codeYourHeroLink} para estudantes e professores, disponível online gratuitamente em inglês e espanhol.",
+ "annualReport.codeYourHero": "Programe Seu Herói",
+ "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "No Noticiário",
+ "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Artigo no Chicago Sun Times",
+ "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Artigo na Rolling Stone",
+ "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Conferências Scratch pelo Mundo",
"annualReport.conferencesIntro": "Em 2008 a Equipa Scratch organizou a primeira conferência Scratch no MIT, juntando educadores, investigadores e desenvolvedores para partilharem ideia e experiências sobre a utilização do Scratch para apoiar a aprendizagem criativa. Desde então, a Equipa Scratch organizou uma conferência Scratch no MIT a cada dois anos. Além disso, membros da comunidade global do Scratch organizaram mais de uma dúzia de conferências – ultrapassando oceanos e abarcando continentes, culturas e línguas.",
- "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
- "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europe",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Africa",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019",
- "annualReport.financialsButton": "2019 Audited Financials",
- "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Note: Financials in future years will be significantly different, since the Scratch staff has now transitioned from MIT to the Scratch Foundation.",
- "annualReport.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
- "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Donor - Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Siegel Family Endowment",
+ "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Conferência Scratch na África, foto por {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "América Latina",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "Em maio de 2019, educadores do Chile e outras áreas da América Latina se uniram para a segunda {scratchAlSurLink} conferência em Santiago, Chile. Após a conferência, Scratch al Sur disponibilizou uma {spanishVersionLink} do guia {creativeComputingCurriculumLink}, desenvolvido pelo grupo de Computação Criativa da Escola de Educação de Harvard.",
+ "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "versão em espanhol",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Foto fornecida por {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europa",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "Em agosto de 2019, a Fundação Raspberry Pi Foundation organizou a quarta {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, em Cambridge, Reino Unido. A conferência reuniu educadores formais e informais de mais de 25 países para oficinas práticas, apresentações e demonstrações de alunos, educadores, pesquisadores e organizações comunitárias.",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Foto fornecida por {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "África",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "Em outubro de 2019, a primeira {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} aconteceu em Nairobi, Kenya, atraindo mais de 250 educadores e alunos de toda a África para compartilhar lições, capacitar jovens e celebrar as realizações na programação criativa. Na conferência, a Equipe Scratch lançou uma versão em suaíli do Scratch, disponível para uso online e offline.",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Foto por {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.financialsTitle": "Finanças - 2019",
+ "annualReport.financialsButton": "Finanças Auditadas de 2019",
+ "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Nota: As finanças nos próximos anos serão significativamente diferentes, uma vez que a equipe Scratch agora mudou-se do MIT para a Fundação Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.supportersTitle": "Obrigado aos Nossos Apoiadores",
+ "annualReport.supportersIntro": "Obrigado aos nossos generosos apoiadores. Sua contribuição nos ajuda a expandir as oportunidades de aprendizagem criativa para crianças de todas as idades, de todas as origens, em todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Doador - História em Destaque",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Fundo de Doação da Família Siegel",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "Em Maio de 2012, o David Siegel participou com o seu filho Zach, uma Scratchador activo e entusiasta, num Dia do Scratch no Media Lab do MIT. As ver o Zach e outras crianças usarem o Scratch para programarem os seus próprios jogos, animações e criaturas robóticas, o David percebeu todo o potencial do Scratch para ajudar as crianças tanto a adquirirem competências práticas de programação, com a se desenvolverem como pensadoras computacionais.",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David knows the importance of computational thinking firsthand, and his career as a computer scientist and entrepreneur has been shaped by the same curiosity that Scratch helps young learners explore every day. It's the same exploratory instinct that led him to study computer science at Princeton, and earn a PhD based on work completed at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab. In 2001, he co-founded Two Sigma, which has grown to become a world leader in applying machine learning and data science to investment management.",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "In 2011, David founded Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) to support organizations working to help people adapt to the demands of new technology, and to better understand and mitigate the powerful disruptions that technology has driven in almost every sector. He is also a co-founder of the Scratch Foundation, and is a strong advocate for the organization's mission to keep Scratch free and accessible to learners all over the world.",
- "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Making sure that Scratch remains free and accessible for kids everywhere is one of the most impactful ways we can help young learners engage and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Supporting Scratch is more important today than ever before.",
- "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Thank you to our supporters",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David conhece a importância do pensamento computacional em primeira mão, e sua carreira como cientista da computação e empreendedor foi moldada pela mesma curiosidade que o Scratch ajuda jovens aprendizes a explorarem todos os dias. É o mesmo instinto exploratório que o levou a estudar ciência da computação em Princeton e obter um título de doutor com base no trabalho realizado no Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial do MIT. Em 2001, ele foi co-fundador da Two Sigma, que tem crescido e se tornado líder mundial na aplicação de aprendizado de máquina e ciência de dados à gestão de investimentos.",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "Em 2011, David criou o Fundo de Doação da Família Siegel (Siegel Family Endowment - SFE) para apoiar organizações que trabalham para ajudar as pessoas a se adaptarem às demandas de novas tecnologias e para melhor compreender e mitigar as grandiosas perturbações que a tecnologia têm gerado em quase todos os setores. Ele também é co-fundador da Fundação Scratch e um forte defensor da missão da organização de manter o Scratch gratuito e acessível para aprendizes em todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Co-fundador and co-presidente",
+ "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Garantir que o Scratch permaneça gratuito e acessível para crianças em todos os lugares é uma das maneiras mais impactantes de ajudar os jovens aprendizes a se envolverem e prosperarem em um mundo cada vez mais digital. Apoiar o Scratch é mais importante hoje do que nunca.",
+ "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Obrigado aos nossos apoiadores",
"annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "A nossa missão é disponibilizar a todas as crianças, de todas as origens, oportunidades para imaginarem, criarem e partilharem com as novas tecnologias. Queremos agradecer a todos os patrocinadores que, desde que começámos a trabalhar no Scratch em 2020, nos ajudaram a criar incríveis experiências de aprendizagem para milhões de jovens em todo o mundo. A lista abaixo é baseada nos patrocínios acumulados ao Scratch (tanto no MIT como na Fundação Scratch) até 31 de Dezembro de 2019.",
- "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who supported us from the early days of Scratch, each providing at least $10,000,000 of cumulative support, in various forms.",
- "annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners",
- "annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $1,000,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $200,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
+ "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "Somos especialmente gratos aos nossos Parceiros Fundadores que nos apoiaram desde os primeiros dias do Scratch, cada um fornecendo pelo menos US$ 10.000.000 de suporte cumulativo, em várias formas.",
+ "annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Parceiros Fundadores",
+ "annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Círculo Criativo — US$ 1,000,000+",
+ "annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Círculo de Colaboração — US$ 200,000+",
+ "annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Círculo de Imaginação — US$ 50.000+",
+ "annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Círculo de Inspiração — US$ 20.000+",
"annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "Círculo da Exploração – +5000 USD",
- "annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
- "annualReport.leadershipTitle": "Our Team",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former Chair and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
+ "annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "Apoiadores em Espécie",
+ "annualReport.leadershipTitle": "Nossa Equipe",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Conselho Administrativo",
+ "annualReport.leadershipChair": "Presidente",
+ "annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Professor de Pesquisa em Aprendizagem",
+ "annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-presidente",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Membro do conselho",
+ "annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "Presidente e CEO",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Antiga presidente",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Fundador e CEO",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Antigo Presidente e CEO",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Secretária e Tesoureiro do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Secretária do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Tesoureiro do Conselho",
"annualReport.leadershipScratchTeam": "Equipa Scratch",
- "annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Interim Executive Director",
- "annualReport.donateTitle": "Support Us",
- "annualReport.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!",
+ "annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Diretora Executiva Interina",
+ "annualReport.donateTitle": "Apoie-nos",
+ "annualReport.donateMessage": "Seu apoio nos permite tornar o Scratch gratuito para todos, mantém nossos servidores funcionando e, o mais importante, nós somos capazes de fornecer às crianças ao redor do mundo uma oportunidade de imaginar, criar e compartilhar. Obrigado!",
"annualReport.donateButton": "Faça um Donativo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/zh-tw.json
index 412b7982..587a64e9 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/zh-tw.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/zh-tw.json
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "訊息",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "使命",
- "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
+ "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "发展历程",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "用戶分佈",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "重點工作",
- "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
+ "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "财务状况",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "贊助者",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "團隊",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "贊助",
- "annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019年度报告",
+ "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "致力于发展创作式学习",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Scratch 團隊的話",
- "annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
- "annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
- "annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
- "annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
- "annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
- "annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page",
- "annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
- "annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community",
+ "annualReport.messageP1": "2019年Scratch取得了长足发展。我们新年伊始便发布了新一代的Scratch 3.0,其设计目标是吸引不同兴趣和背景的孩子们,激发他们的创造能力。年底我们的团队又喜迁新居,从MIT搬进了Scratch基金会在波士顿南站附近位于一层装修活泼的办公室。Scratch社区全年持续茁壮成长:2019年有2千万年轻人使用Scratch创作了作品,同比增加了48%。",
+ "annualReport.messageP2": "2020年,由于新冠疫情学校被迫关闭,这更加突显了Scratch的重要性和影响力。青少年居家隔离期间借助Scratch自我表达及相互联系的需求,使Scratch在线社区的活动增加了一倍。Scratcher们还积极参与了「黑人的命也是命」等种族平等运动,通过制作动画作品及组织工作室的形式扩大影响、要求社会变革。",
+ "annualReport.messageP3": "自2007年Scratch发布以来,我们始终认为Scratch不仅仅是一种编程语言。Scratch为所有青少年——,不论其背景如何——提供了表达想法,一起创造的机会。我们欣慰地看到,Scratcher们用创造、合作、关爱、友善的方式应对了最近以来社会面临的挑战。",
+ "annualReport.messageP4": "在本年度报告中,我们会进一步呈现我们的使命、计划、影响和Scratch的用户分布,并以实例阐述Scratch如何为世界各地背景差异广泛的青少年扩展了课内外的学习机会。",
+ "annualReport.messageP5": "我们对今天青少年使用Scratch创造和学习的内容感到自豪,并将坚持为更多青少年提供更多的机会。",
+ "annualReport.messageSignature": "— Scratch团队",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch积极应对新冠疫情",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP1": "我们撰写本年度报告时,新冠疫情已经持续数月。自2020年3月Scratch关闭办公室以来,Scratch团队成员在家积极工作,持续为全世界受到疫情影响的孩子和教师们提供支持。",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP2": "3月17日我们推出了 #ScratchAtHome 行动,为孩子、家庭和教师在家中参与创作式学习活动提供想法。我们在{scratchAtHomeLink}上持续增加了视频教程和其他资源。",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome 网页",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseP3": "{scratchCommunityLink}中的活动较上一年增加了一倍多。Scratcher们在疫情期间通过创作和分享作品声援和激励他人——这些作品和工作室包含了在家锻炼、保持健康、幽默鼓舞、向关键岗位致敬等创意。",
+ "annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch在线社区",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "我們的使命",
- "annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
- "annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
- "annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
- "annualReport.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.missionSubtitle": "我们的使命是向所有背景的孩子提供利用新技术进行想象、创造和协作的机会,让他们能够创造明天。",
+ "annualReport.missionP1": "我们坚持在工作的各方面把人人平等放在第一位,并特别专注于支持孩子、家庭及教师最大限度教育公平的行动和方法。",
+ "annualReport.missionP2": "我们把Scratch开发成为一个免费、安全、有趣的学习环境,让所有的孩子能够在其中参与创造性地思考、系统推理、协同工作,掌握这些当今社会的必备技能。我们和教师及家长一道,支持孩子们的探索、分享和学习。",
+ "annualReport.missionP3": "在开发新的技术、活动、学习材料时,我们采取称为「{fourPsItalics}」的方法:",
+ "annualReport.fourPs": "创作式学习的4P",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "專案",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "共享",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "熱情",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "播放",
- "annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
- "annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
- "annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
- "annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
- "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milestones",
- "annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
- "annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
- "annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
- "annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Public launch of Scratch programming language and online community",
- "annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organized first Scratch Conference for educators and developers",
- "annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Released Scratch 1.4, translated into more than 40 languages",
- "annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Hosted first Scratch Day event for children and families",
- "annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community reaches 1 million members",
- "annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Established Code-to-Learn Foundation (later renamed Scratch Foundation)",
- "annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Launch of Scratch 2.0, providing new opportunities for collaboration",
- "annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Launch of ScratchJr for younger children, ages 5 to 7",
- "annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community reaches 10 million members",
- "annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day grows to 1,100 events in 60 countries",
- "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code",
- "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation",
+ "annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "让孩子参与创造性的设计、创作和自我表达",
+ "annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "支持孩子协作、分享、改编及相互交流",
+ "annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "支持孩子基于自己的兴趣,创作自己认为有意义的作品",
+ "annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "鼓励孩子打磨、实验、反复改进",
+ "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "发展历程",
+ "annualReport.milestonesDescription": "下面是Scratch和Scratch全球社区在发展过程中的一些关键事件和成就。",
+ "annualReport.milestones2003Message": "获得国家科学基金会拨款,启动Scratch开发",
+ "annualReport.milestones2004Message": "首次在Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit举办研讨会",
+ "annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Scratch编程语言和在线社区公开发布",
+ "annualReport.milestones2008Message": "首次面向教师和开发者举办Scratch大会",
+ "annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Scratch 1.4版发布,被译成40多种语言。",
+ "annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "首次举办面向孩子和家庭的Scratch Day活动",
+ "annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch在线社区用户达到1百万",
+ "annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "建立Code-to-Learn基金会(后改称Scratch基金会)",
+ "annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Scratch 2.0版发布,提供了新的协作机会",
+ "annualReport.milestones2014Message": "ScratchJr发布,面向5-7岁儿童",
+ "annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch在线社区用户达到1千万",
+ "annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day活动已在60个国家/地区举行1,100次活动",
+ "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Scratch 3.0发布,功能进一步增强",
+ "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch团队从MIT搬迁到Scratch基金会",
"annualReport.reachTitle": "全世界的孩子都在用",
"annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch 是全球最大的、面向八歲以上兒童及青少年的編程平台。",
"annualReport.reachMillion": "百萬",
@@ -60,72 +60,72 @@
"annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}",
"annualReport.reach20million": "20 {million}",
"annualReport.reach48million": "48 {million}",
- "annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Unique Visitors",
+ "annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "独立访客",
"annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "建立的專案",
- "annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "People Created Projects",
- "annualReport.reachComments": "Comments Posted in the Online Community",
- "annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Community Growth",
- "annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "New accounts created in the Scratch Online Community within the last 5 years.",
+ "annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "创作者",
+ "annualReport.reachComments": "社区评论",
+ "annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "社区增长",
+ "annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "过去5年Scratch在线社区新增账号数量",
"annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "我們的全球社群",
- "annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through 2019",
- "annualReport.reachMap20M": "20M",
- "annualReport.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
- "annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 60+ Languages",
+ "annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Scratch在线社区发布以来至2019年底的账号注册数量",
+ "annualReport.reachMap20M": "2千万",
+ "annualReport.reachMapLog": "以对数尺度表示",
+ "annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch已被译为60多种语言",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "感謝來自全球的翻譯志願者。",
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr 是面向 5-7 歲兒童的編程軟體,他們可以透過這個環境創作互動故事與遊戲。",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
- "annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
+ "annualReport.reachDownloads": "自2014年发布以来的下载数量",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "重點工作",
- "annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
+ "annualReport.initiativesDescription": "Scratch基金会的工作侧重于3个战略领域:创作工具、社区和学校。每个领域均优先考虑在计算机创作方面代表性不足的孩子的声音和需求,致力于支持全世界各种背景和文化的孩子们。",
"annualReport.equity": "平等",
- "annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
- "annualReport.toolsTitle": "Creative Tools",
- "annualReport.toolsIntro": "We are constantly experimenting and innovating with new technologies and new designs — always striving to provide children with new ways to create, collaborate, and learn.",
- "annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Creative Tools — Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Launch of Scratch 3.0",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "We designed Scratch 3.0 to expand how, what, and where kids can create with Scratch. Released at the start of 2019, Scratch 3.0 led to a surge of activity in the Scratch community, with more projects — and a greater variety of projects — than ever before.",
- "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 includes a library of extensions — extra collections of coding blocks that add new capabilities to Scratch. Some extensions provide access to web services and other software features, while others connect Scratch with physical-world devices like motors and sensors.",
+ "annualReport.globalStrategy": "全球战略",
+ "annualReport.toolsTitle": "创作工具",
+ "annualReport.toolsIntro": "我们不断使用新的技术和新的设计进行尝试和创新,力求给孩子们提供新的创作、协同和学习方法。",
+ "annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "创作工具——焦点故事",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunch": "发布Scratch 3.0",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "我们设计Scratch 3.0的目的是扩展孩子们使用Scratch进行创造的方式和内容。该版本于2019年初发布,给Scratch社区带来了新的创作高潮,作品在数量和种类上均打破了记录。",
+ "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0包含了一个扩展库,集合了额外的积木为Scratch增加新的能力。其中一些扩展可用于访问web服务及其他软件功能,还有一些扩展可以将Scratch连接到实体设备,如马达和传感器。",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "文字轉語音",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "使用文字朗读扩展,孩子们可以编程让角色出声讲话,还能选择不同的嗓音。",
"annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech",
- "annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Most Popular",
- "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} new Scratch Extension in the community",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Collaboration with Amazon Web Services",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "2019年有{numProjects}个作品使用了文字朗读。",
+ "annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "社区最爱",
+ "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular}的Scratch新扩展",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "与亚马逊云计算服务合作",
"annualReport.toolsTranslate": "翻譯",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "With the Translate extension, built on the Google Translate API, kids can incorporate automatic translation into their projects, supporting language learning and global communication.",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "使用基于谷歌翻译API的翻译扩展,孩子们可以在作品中实现自动翻译,学习不同语言、与世界沟通。",
"annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} languages translated in the extension",
- "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Supports Literacy",
- "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "computer science and language arts",
- "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} across {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Collaboration with Google",
- "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Physical World Connections",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages}多种语言可被翻译",
+ "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "支持语文",
+ "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "计算机科学和语文",
+ "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy}跨越{CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "与谷歌合作",
+ "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "连接实体设备",
"annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3",
"annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0",
- "annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Students can create dancing robots, interactive sculptures, and data-collection experiments using Scratch with LEGO robotics kits. The new LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set features an app based on Scratch. In addition, Scratch extensions are available for {mindstormsLink} and {weDoLink}.",
- "annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Collaboration with LEGO Education",
+ "annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "用Scratch连接乐高机器人套装,学生可以创建跳舞的机器人、会互动的雕塑或进行数据采集实验。乐高新推出的SPIKE Prime科创套装包含了基于Scratch的应用程序。并且,这些Scratch扩展适用于{mindstormsLink}和{weDoLink}。",
+ "annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "与乐高教育合作",
"annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "影片教學",
- "annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 introduced a diverse collection of video tutorials to help kids get started with Scratch. The tutorials are open-ended and designed to encourage students to experiment, follow their interests, and express their own ideas.",
- "annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 new tutorials",
- "annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0",
- "annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 million",
- "annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} views in 2019",
- "annualReport.toolsApp": "Scratch App Supports Learning Offline",
- "annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "downloadable app",
- "annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "use on Raspberry Pi 4",
- "annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "During 2019, the Scratch Team released Scratch 3.0 as a {downloadableLink} for use on multiple platforms, including Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS, and Android tablets. In addition, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released Scratch 3.0 for {raspberryLink}. These downloadable versions are especially important for millions of learners in areas where internet connectivity is unavailable or unreliable.",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi at Cartoon Network",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "To highlight what kids can do with Scratch 3.0, we collaborated with Cartoon Network to create a video featuring Abhi, a 12-year-old Scratcher who loves to make animations and games. In the video, Abhi meets with Ian Jones-Quartey, creator of OK K.O. and other Cartoon Network shows. Abhi introduces Ian to key features of the new version of Scratch, and together they draw and program an animation of a Cartoon Network character jumping up and down.",
- "annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "My favorite thing about Scratch is the community, because they are nice and helpful to me. That’s why I’m always happy to share every project that’s in my dreams.",
+ "annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0引入了各种各样的视频教程,帮助孩子们入门。我们把教程设计成开放式的,以鼓励学生按照自己的兴趣和想法进行尝试。",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25个新教程",
+ "annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials}加入了Scratch 3.0",
+ "annualReport.toolsNumViews": "2千3百万",
+ "annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews}2019年观看次数",
+ "annualReport.toolsApp": "支持离线学习的Scratch应用程序",
+ "annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "可下载的应用程序",
+ "annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "用于树莓派4",
+ "annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "2019年,Scratch团队发布了Scratch 3.0{downloadableLink},可运行于Windows、MacOS、ChromeOS和安卓平板电脑。另外,树莓派基金会还发布了{raspberryLink}的Scratch 3.0。对于数百万缺少稳定互联网连接的学习者来说,这些可下载版本格外重要。",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "卡通频道Abhi秀",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "为了向孩子宣传Scratch 3.0,我们与卡通频道合作制作了一期节目,请来了一位名叫Abhi的12岁的Scratcher,他喜欢制作动画和游戏。在节目中,Abhi与伊恩·琼斯·夸提见面,后者是OK K.O及卡通频道其他栏目的编剧。Abhi向伊恩介绍了新版Scratch的主要功能,然后一起绘制及编程实现了一个卡通频道角色跳跃的动画。",
+ "annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "我最喜欢Scratch的部分是社区,因为大家都很友好还很帮忙。所以我要把我梦想中的作品全都分享给大家。",
"annualReport.communityTitle": "社群",
- "annualReport.communityIntro": "The Scratch online community has always been an important part of the Scratch experience, providing opportunities for children to collaborate, share, and provide feedback to one another.",
- "annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Community — Spotlight Story",
+ "annualReport.communityIntro": "Scratch在线社区一直是Scratch体验的重要组成部分,它为孩子们提供了协作、分享和切磋交流的机会。",
+ "annualReport.communitySpotlight": "社区——焦点故事",
"annualReport.communityTeam": "Scratch 社群團隊",
- "annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "When asked why they use Scratch, most Scratchers talk about the importance of the online community for motivating their ongoing participation, providing a space where they can express their creativity, make friends, receive feedback, get new ideas, and learn new skills. Many Scratchers express their appreciation for the Scratch community as a safe and welcoming space to connect, share, and learn from one another.",
- "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "With 40,000 new projects and 400,000 new comments in the Scratch online community each day, how can we ensure that the community remains safe and friendly, while also supporting and encouraging creative expression? Our Community Team, including full-time staff and a network of moderators, leads this essential work. There are two key dimensions of the Community Team's work: moderation and community engagement.",
- "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Community Moderation",
- "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "When young people join the Scratch community, they agree to follow a set of Community Guidelines, which are designed to keep Scratch a safe and supportive place for young people from all backgrounds. Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. Automated filters prevent private information from being shared or inappropriate content from being posted, and we allow anyone to report content they feel violates the Community Guidelines.",
+ "annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "问问Scratcher为什么要使用Scratch,大多数人都会提到在线社区的重要性,社区激励他们不断参与,为提供了表达创意、结识朋友、寻求建议、找到灵感和学习本领的空间。很多Scratcher对于Scratch社区能提供这样一个友好而安全的交流、分享以及学习的环境表示了感激。",
+ "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "Scratch在线社区每天增加40,000个作品和400,000条评论,在支持和鼓励创造性表达的同时,我们如何维护社区安全而友好的秩序?我们的社区团队,全职工作人员和一群网络上的管理员,一起完成了这项至关重要的工作。社区团队工作的两个重要维度分别是内容审查和社区触达。",
+ "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "内容审查",
+ "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "青少年加入Scratch社区需要遵守《社区行为准则》,其目的是维护Scratch的环境,使所有青少年感到安全并得到支持,不管其背景如何。我们的社区团队使用多种工具和策略鼓励良好的网络行为,为Scratcher维持一个积极向上的创作环境。自动化过滤器会防止隐私信息的分享及不当内容的发布,同时我们允许任何人对违反《社区行为准则》的内容进行举报。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "社群規範",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "任何人都可使用 Scratch,不分年齡、種族、信仰、能力、或性別。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "要有禮貌。",
@@ -134,100 +134,100 @@
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesConstructive": "要有建設性。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "將個人信息設為不公開。",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "彼此協助讓站台更友善。",
- "annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Community Engagement",
- "annualReport.storySwap": "Story Swap",
- "annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Another major role of the Community Team is to highlight and develop opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways. The team features projects and studios from community members to serve as inspiration, and it regularly posts Scratch Design Studios to encourage creative activity. Each summer, the team organizes an online Scratch Camp: the theme in 2019 was {storySwapLink}, with Scratchers building on one another’s stories.",
- "annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch Design Studios",
- "annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Some Scratch Design Studios from 2019:",
+ "annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "社区触达",
+ "annualReport.storySwap": "交换故事",
+ "annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "社区团队的另一项主要工作是突出和创造更多机会,使青少年表达创意并保持积极参与。团队会挑选社区中的特色作品和工作室作为榜样,并经常性地更新Scratch设计工作室鼓励创作活动。每年夏天,团队会组织Scratch在线夏令营:2019年的主题是{storySwapLink},让Scratcher按照另一方的故事进行创作。",
+ "annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch设计工作室",
+ "annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "2019年部分的Scratch设计工作室:",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "生活中的每一天",
- "annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Create a project about a day in the life of something",
- "annualReport.communityYear3000": "Year 3000",
- "annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "What might life be like in the year 3000?",
- "annualReport.communityBounce": "Bounce",
- "annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Create a project that involves bouncing, jumping, boinging, or hopping.",
- "annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monochromatic",
- "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "How would things look if there were only one color?",
- "annualReport.communityQuotes": "Community — Quotes",
- "annualReport.communityQuote1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.",
- "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like \n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say \n¡GRACIAS!",
- "annualReport.communityQuote3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
- "annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
+ "annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "创作一个反映日常生活的作品",
+ "annualReport.communityYear3000": "公元3000年",
+ "annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "公元3000年的生活将会是什么样的?",
+ "annualReport.communityBounce": "弹跳",
+ "annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "创作一个跟跳关的作品,反弹、弹跳、跳跃,随你怎么跳。",
+ "annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "单色世界",
+ "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "如果只有一种颜色,世界会是什么样的?",
+ "annualReport.communityQuotes": "社区大家说",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote1": "我加入Scratch时11岁,在这里所学到的东西以及跟其他社区成员的交流,成了我学习成长过程中不可或缺的一部分。",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote2": "在家用Scratch,我会:\n- 礼貌地观看别人的作品,和他们交流\n- 交朋友\n- 在隔离期间不再感到孤独\n……还有很多。所以我想说:谢谢!\n¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote3": "我用Scratch已经两年了,它对我的影响很大。我学到了很多新东西,编程、网上礼节,还有艺术!",
+ "annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch是我6年级时最大的爱好。我渐渐知道了什么是布尔逻辑、运算的顺序、层层相套的数学表达式,更不要说计算机编程了。",
"annualReport.studio": "創作坊",
- "annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "As racial justice protests swept the United States after the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others in early 2020, many young people used Scratch as a way to express their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, creating projects and posting comments to speak out against racism and police violence. In a {BLMStudioLink} featured on the Scratch home page, Scratchers contributed hundreds of projects and thousands of comments. The Scratch Community Team was actively involved, to support Scratchers during a traumatic time and to ensure that all projects and conversations remained respectful.",
- "annualReport.communityArtwork": "Artwork by the Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
- "annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "We see young people as agents of change.",
- "annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "We are committed to working with them, and with the educators and families who support them, to ensure that they develop the skills, the motivation, and the confidence they’ll need to lead fulfilling lives and bring about meaningful change in society.",
+ "annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "2020年初,乔治·弗洛伊德、布里昂娜·泰勒、艾哈迈德·阿伯里等惨案相继发生之后,争取种族平等的运动席卷了美国,许多青少年通过Scratch表达了他们对黑人的命也是命这一运动的支持,通过作品和评论发声,反对种族歧视和警察暴力。在Scratch选登在首页的{BLMStudioLink}中,Scratcher贡献了数以百计的作品和数以千计的评论。在这令人哀伤的日子里,Scratch社区团队也积极参与了进来,确保所有作品和对话内容保持尊重,以支持Scratcher。",
+ "annualReport.communityArtwork": "Scratcher OnionDipAnimations的作品",
+ "annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "青少年是变革的推动者",
+ "annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "我们坚持与青少年、教师和家长合作,确保青少年发展出必要的技能、志向和信心,让他们未来过上满意生活、为社会带来有意义的变革。",
"annualReport.watchVideo": "觀看影片",
- "annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Schools",
- "annualReport.schoolsIntro": "We provide programs and resources to support teachers and students in schools around the world, designed to achieve equity in creative computing experiences, based on projects, passion, peers, and play.",
- "annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Schools — Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Creative Computing in Chicago Public Schools",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "In 2019, with funding from Google.org, the Scratch Team partnered with SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago and Chicago Public Schools to support seven elementary schools in the South Side of Chicago as they launched an initiative to incorporate creative coding into their curriculum.",
- "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "As a part of this initiative, hundreds of students imagined and drew themselves as the superhero of their own video games. They brought those ideas to life in a collaborative Scratch project called SuperMe. Local Chicago hero and Grammy Award winning musician Chance the Rapper was so inspired by the students’ work that he named it the official video game for his hit song “I Love You So Much” and shared it with the world.",
- "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Family Creative Coding Nights",
- "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "A key to the success of this initiative was to connect students, families, teachers, and other community members through Family Creative Coding Nights. These events brought together hundreds of family members of all ages—from young children to grandparents—in activities that mixed coding with art, dance, and music. These events strengthened connections between home and school, recognizing the important role of families in inspiring and supporting children's learning.",
- "annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Photos by Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
- "annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investing in Professional Development for Teachers",
- "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Teachers across the participating elementary schools came together for professional development workshops, gaining first-hand experience in creating their own Scratch projects and finding meaningful ways to use Scratch to support student learning across the curriculum.",
- "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS Educator",
- "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "What surprised me most was the intrinsic collaboration that came with using Scratch in my classroom. Often, students themselves would discover something in the Scratch platform, show me, and then spread it among themselves.",
- "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Extending the Reach",
- "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "To expand the reach of this partnership, CS4ALL Chicago built on the Family Creative Coding Night model and has made it available to all Chicago Public Schools. Google CS First produced {codeYourHeroLink} guides for students and teachers, available free online in English and Spanish.",
+ "annualReport.schoolsTitle": "学校",
+ "annualReport.schoolsIntro": "我们提供不同的计划和资源支持世界各地的的在校师生,使他们在作品、伙伴、热情、好玩这几个方面平等地获得创作式计算的体验。",
+ "annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "学校——焦点故事",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "芝加哥公立学校创作式计算教学",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "2019年,在谷歌的资助下,Scratch团队和SocialWorks、芝加哥CS4ALL及芝加哥公立学校合作,支持了南区的7所小学开设创意编程课程的工作。",
+ "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "在这个计划里,数百名学生设计并画出自己的电脑游戏,而自己是其中的超级英雄。他们在Scratch里合作了一个叫做SuperMe的作品来实现这些想法。芝加哥当地的英雄、格莱美奖获得者Chance the Rapper被学生们的作品感染,对外宣布将其定为他的热播单曲「I Love You So Much」的官方游戏。",
+ "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "家庭创作编程之夜",
+ "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "该计划成功的关键在于通过家庭创作编程之夜将学生、家庭、教师和其他社区成员联系在一起。数百名不同年龄的家庭成员,从小孩子到爷爷奶奶们,参与了这些将绘画、舞蹈、音乐与编程相结合的活动。这些活动加强了家校联系,认可了家庭在激发和支持孩子学习中所承担的重要角色。",
+ "annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Jordan Macy, SocialWorks摄",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "助力教师职业发展",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "合作学校的教师一起参加了职业发展训练营,获得了使用Scratch创作作品的第一手经验,找到了利用Scratch支持学生跨学科学习的有效方法。",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName},芝加哥公立学校教师",
+ "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "让我最惊讶的是使用Scratch的时候课堂上自然形成的合作氛围。学生们经常会自己在Scratch平台上发现某项功能,向我展示,然后他们自己就传开了。",
+ "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "扩大规模",
+ "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "为了扩大这项合作,依照家庭创作编程之夜的模式创建的芝加哥CS4ALL将该活动推广到芝加哥所有的公立学校。谷歌CS First推出了面向师生的{codeYourHeroLink}指南,其英语和西班牙语版本已经上线。",
"annualReport.codeYourHero": "Code Your Hero",
- "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "In the News",
- "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Chicago Sun Times Article",
- "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Rolling Stone Article",
- "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World",
- "annualReport.conferencesIntro": "In 2008, the Scratch Team hosted the first Scratch conference at MIT, bringing together educators, researchers, and developers to share ideas and experiences for using Scratch to support creative learning. Since then, the Scratch Team has organized and hosted a Scratch conference at MIT every two years. In addition, members of the global Scratch community have organized and hosted more than a dozen conferences—stretching across oceans, continents, cultures, and languages.",
- "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
- "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version",
- "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "媒体报道",
+ "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "芝加哥太阳报文章",
+ "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "《滚石》杂志文章",
+ "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "遍布世界各地的Scratch会议",
+ "annualReport.conferencesIntro": "2008年,Scratch团队在麻省理工学院主办了首次Scratch大会,教师、研究人员、开发者齐聚一堂,围绕使用Scratch支持创作式学习分享观点和经验。自此以后,Scratch团队每两年在麻省理工学院举办一次Scratch大会。此外,全球的Scratch社区组织举办了几十场会议,遍布大洋彼岸、各个大陆,跨越了不同文化和语言。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch非洲大会,{photoCredit}摄",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "拉丁美洲",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "2019年5月,智利和其他拉美地区的教师们聚首智利的圣地亚哥,举行了第二次{scratchAlSurLink}会议。会后,Scratch南方大会发布了由哈佛大学教育研究生院创作式计算小组开发的{creativeComputingCurriculumLink}指南的{spanishVersionLink}。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "西班牙语版本",
+ "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "由{photoCredit}提供",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "歐洲",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.",
- "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "2019年8月,树莓派基金会在英国剑桥举办了第四届{scratchConferenceEuropeLink}。来自25个国家正式和非正式的教师参加了Scratch实战培训、并听取和观看了学生、教师、研究人员、及社区组织者的报告和演示。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "由{photoCredit}提供",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "非洲",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.",
- "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}",
- "annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019",
- "annualReport.financialsButton": "2019 Audited Financials",
- "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Note: Financials in future years will be significantly different, since the Scratch staff has now transitioned from MIT to the Scratch Foundation.",
- "annualReport.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
- "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Donor - Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Siegel Family Endowment",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "In May 2012, David Siegel attended Scratch Day at the MIT Media Lab with his son Zach, an active and enthusiastic Scratcher. Watching Zach and other children using Scratch to code their own games, animations, and robotic creatures, David saw how much potential Scratch had to help children both learn practical coding skills, and develop as computational thinkers.",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David knows the importance of computational thinking firsthand, and his career as a computer scientist and entrepreneur has been shaped by the same curiosity that Scratch helps young learners explore every day. It's the same exploratory instinct that led him to study computer science at Princeton, and earn a PhD based on work completed at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab. In 2001, he co-founded Two Sigma, which has grown to become a world leader in applying machine learning and data science to investment management.",
- "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "In 2011, David founded Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) to support organizations working to help people adapt to the demands of new technology, and to better understand and mitigate the powerful disruptions that technology has driven in almost every sector. He is also a co-founder of the Scratch Foundation, and is a strong advocate for the organization's mission to keep Scratch free and accessible to learners all over the world.",
- "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Making sure that Scratch remains free and accessible for kids everywhere is one of the most impactful ways we can help young learners engage and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Supporting Scratch is more important today than ever before.",
- "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Thank you to our supporters",
- "annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and share with new technologies. We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, since we started working on Scratch in 2002, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on cumulative giving to Scratch (at both MIT and Scratch Foundation) through December 31, 2019.",
- "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who supported us from the early days of Scratch, each providing at least $10,000,000 of cumulative support, in various forms.",
- "annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "2019年10月,第一届{scratchAfricaConferenceLink}于肯尼亚内罗毕举行。会议吸引了非洲各地超过250名教师和学生参加,旨在分享课程、讨论如何赋予青少年更多能力,并表彰在创作编程领域取得的成绩。会上,Scratch团队发布了斯瓦西里语版本的Scratch,包括在线和李现版本。",
+ "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "{photoCredit}摄",
+ "annualReport.financialsTitle": "2019财务状况",
+ "annualReport.financialsButton": "2019财务审计报告",
+ "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "注:由于Scratch雇员已从麻省理工学院转移至Scratch基金会,未来几年的财务状况将会发生很大变化。",
+ "annualReport.supportersTitle": "感谢我们的赞助人",
+ "annualReport.supportersIntro": "感谢我们慷慨的支持者。你们的贡献帮助我们为全球所有不同背景不同年龄的孩子扩展了创作式学习的机会。",
+ "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "赞助人——焦点故事",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "西格玛家庭捐助基金",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "2012年5月,大卫·西格尔陪同儿子扎克在麻省理工媒学院体实验室参加了Scratch Day活动。通过观察扎克和其他孩子使用Scratch编程创作自己的游戏、动画、机器人,大卫看到Scratch在帮助孩子学习实际编程技巧以及发展计算思维能力方面颇具潜力。",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "大卫对计算思维的重要性有切身体会,他作为计算机科学家和企业家的职业生涯受到了好奇心的影响,而Scratch正在每天培养青少年的这种好奇心。正是这种探索的本能引导他进入普林斯顿学习计算机科学,又从麻省理工人工智能实验室取得了博士学位。2001年,他联合创办了Two Sigma,并将其发展为世界领先的应用机器学习和数据科学进行投资管理的公司。",
+ "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "2011年,大卫创办了西格尔家庭捐助基金(SFE),以支持帮助人们适应新技术、理解和消除技术给各行各业带来的影响的组织。他还是Scratch基金会的联合创始人,大力倡导基金会保持Scratch免费开放给全世界学习者的是命。",
+ "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "联合创始人及联席董事长",
+ "annualReport.supportersQuote": "确保Scratch免费地让各地的孩子使用,是帮助青少年与日趋数字化的世界接轨并顺利发展的,最行之有效的方式之一。支持Scratch,现在比以往更加重要。",
+ "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "感谢我们的赞助者",
+ "annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "我们的使命,是向所有背景的孩子提供使用新技术进行想象、创作、分享的机会。我们向所有Scratch的赞助者致谢,自从2002年Scratch的工作启动以来,在他们的帮助下,我们为世界各地数百万的青少年创造了令人赞叹的学习体验。以下名单按截止2019年12月31的累计捐助(包括MIT和Scratch基金会)排名。",
+ "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "我们特别感谢我们的创始合作伙伴,他们在Scratch创建早期以不同形式提供了累计超过1千万美元以上的捐助。",
+ "annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "创始合作伙伴",
"annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $1,000,000+",
"annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $200,000+",
"annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
"annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
"annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+",
- "annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
+ "annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "非现金赞助者",
"annualReport.leadershipTitle": "我們的團隊",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former Chair and CEO",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoard": "董事会",
+ "annualReport.leadershipChair": "主席",
+ "annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "学习研究教授",
+ "annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "副主席",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "董事",
+ "annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "总裁兼首席执行官",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "前总裁",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "创始人、首席执行官",
+ "annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "前董事会主席、首席执行官",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "董事会秘书、财务官",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "董事会秘书",
+ "annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "董事会财务官",
"annualReport.leadershipScratchTeam": "Scratch 團隊",
- "annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Interim Executive Director",
+ "annualReport.leadershipInterim": "临时执行总监",
"annualReport.donateTitle": "支持我們",
- "annualReport.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!",
+ "annualReport.donateMessage": "你的支持使我们能向所有人免费开放Scratch、保持我们服务器的运转,更重要的是我们能够为全世界的孩子提供想象、创作和分享的机会。谢谢!",
"annualReport.donateButton": "捐助"
\ No newline at end of file
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"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Αποστολή",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Αναπτύξαμε το Scratch ως ένα ελεύθερο, ασφαλές, παιχνιδοειδές περιβάλλον μάθησης που εμπλέκει όλα τα παιδιά στη δημιουργική σκέψη, τη συστηματική επιχειρηματολογία και τη συνεργασία - βασικές δεξιότητες για όλους στη σημερινή κοινωνία. Συνεργαζόμαστε με εκπαιδευτικούς και οικογένειες για να υποστηρίξουμε τα παιδιά στην εξερεύνηση, την ανταλλαγή και τη μάθηση.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Τα τέσσερα Π της δημιουργικής μάθησης",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Έργα",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/et.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/et.json
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@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Missioon",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Oleme välja töötanud Scratchi tasuta, turvalise ja mängulise õpikeskkonnana, mis kaasab kõik lapsed loovalt mõtlema, süstemaatiliselt mõtlema ja koostööd tegema — need on tänapäeva ühiskonnas kõigi jaoks hädavajalikud oskused. Teeme koostööd õpetajate ja peredega, et toetada lapsi uurimisel, jagamisel ja õppimisel.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Loovõppe neli P-d",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Projektid",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Kui küsitakse, miks nad Scratchi kasutavad, räägib enamik Scratcheri veebikogukonna tähtsusest nende pideva osalemise motiveerimisel, pakkudes ruumi, kus nad saavad väljendada oma loovust, leida sõpru, saada tagasisidet, saada uusi ideid ja õppida uusi oskusi. Paljud Scratcherid väljendavad oma tunnustust Scratchi kogukonna kui turvalise ja tervitatava ruumi vastu, kus üksteisega suhelda, jagada ja üksteiselt õppida.",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "Liitusin Scratchiga 11-aastaselt ning platvormi kasutamisest ja kogukonnaga suhtlemisest õpitud asjad olid minu lapsepõlves õppimise oluline osa.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch on võimaldanud mul kodus asju teha, näiteks\n- Austa inimesi ja nende projekte\n- Leia sõpru\n- Tunne, et ma pole selles karantiinis üksi\n... ja palju muud, nii et ma tahan öelda\n¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "Olen Scratchis olnud umbes 2 aastat ja see on olnud elumuutev kogemus! Olen õppinud nii palju uusi asju, nagu kodeerimine, veebietikett ja kunst!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch oli kuuendas klassis mu lemmikhobi. See tutvustas mulle salaja Boole'i loogikat, toimingute järjekorda ja pesastatud matemaatilisi avaldisi – arvutiprogrammeerimisest endast rääkimata.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/fy.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/fy.json
index 277bfbce..cae8d2d6 100644
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+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/fy.json
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Missy",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Wy hawwe Scratch ûntwikkele as in fergese, feilige, ludike learomjouwing dy't alle bern dwaande hâldt mei kreatyf tinken, systematysk redenearjen en gearwurking — essensjele feardigens foar elkenien yn 'e hjoeddeistige maatskippij. Wy gearwurkje mei oplieders en famyljes om bern te stypjen by ferkennen, dielen en learen.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "De fjouwer P's fan kreatyf learen",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Projekten",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Op de fraach wêrom't se brûke Scratch, measte Scratchers praten oer it belang fan de online mienskip yn motivearjende harren bliuwende partisipaasje, it bieden fan in romte dêr't se kinne uterje harren kreativiteit, make freonen, krije feedback, krije nije ideeën kinne winne en leare nije feardichheden. In protte Scratchers wurdearje de Scratch-mienskip as in feilige en gastfrije romte om fan elkoar te ferbinen, te dielen en te learen.",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "Ik kaam by Scratch doe't ik 11 jier wie en de dingen dy't ik learde troch it platfoarm te brûken en ynteraksje mei de mienskip wiene echt in wichtich diel fan myn learen doe't ik opgroeide.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch hat my tastien dingen fan hûs te dwaan lykas\n- Respektearje minsken en har projekten\n- Freonen meitsje\n- Fiel dat ik net allinich bin yn dizze karantêne ...\n.... en folle mear wol ik sizze\n¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "Ik haw no sawat 2 jier op Scratch west, en it is in libbensferoarjende ûnderfining west! Ik learde safolle nije dingen lykas kodearjen, online etikette en keunst!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch wie myn favorite hobby yn 'e seisde klasse. It yntrodusearre my heimelik oan Booleaanske logika, de folchoarder fan operaasjes, en de nestele wiskundige útdrukkingen — net te hawwen oer de komputerprogrammering sels.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/hy.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/hy.json
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+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/hy.json
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Երբ հարցնում ես, թե ինչո՞ւ են օգտագործում Scratch֊ը, շատերը նշում են իրենց մոտիվացնում է առցանց համայնքը, որը տրամադրում է ստեղծագործելու տարածք, ունենալ ընկերներ, ստանալ նոր գաղափարներ և հետադարձ կապ և սովորել նոր հմտություններ։ Մի շարք Scratcher֊ներ գոհունակություն են արտահայտում Scratch֊ի համայնքին, քանզի նրանք ունեն անվտանգ և հարմար տարածք, որտեղ կարող են մեկը մյուսի հետ միանալ, կիսվել և սովորել։ ",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "Ես միացել եմ Scratch֊ին, երբ դեռ 11 տարեկան էի և սովորել եմ օգտագործել համայնքի պլտաֆորմը, որը կենսական է եղել իմ աճի համար։",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch֊ը թույլ է տվել անել բաներ տանից, ինչպիսիք են \n- Հարգել մարդկանց և իրենց նախագծերը\n- Ձեռք բերել ընկերներ\n- Մեկուսացման մեջ զգալ այնպես, ասես միայնակ չես\n.... և մի շարք այլ բաներ, այնպես որ ուզում եմ ասել\nՇՆՈՐՀԱԿԱԼՈՒԹՅՈՒ՜Ն",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "Scratch֊ի հետ եմ արդեն 2 տարի և այն եղել է ինձ համար կյանքի փորձ։ Սովորել եմ մի շարք նոր բաներ, ինչպիսիք են ՝ կոդավորումը, առցանցը վարվելակերպն ու մշակույթը։",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "6-րդ դասարանում Scratch֊ը եղել է իմ լավագույն և սիրված զբաղմունքը։ Ուսուցման ժամանակ սովորել եմ ոչ միայն համակարգչային ծրագրավորում, այլ նաև Բուլյան տրամաբանություն և մի շարք մաթեմատիկական հավասարումներ։",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
index c34788df..20141a87 100644
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@@ -1,306 +1,306 @@
- "annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Reach",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Themes",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Team",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "設立者からのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "ミッション",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "普及活動",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "テーマ",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "ディレクターからのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "サポーター",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "チーム",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "きふ",
- "annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "Adapting to a Changing World",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "The year 2020 will be remembered as the year when the COVID pandemic swept across the world, causing hardships and disruptions in the lives of everyone -- with the greatest hardships falling inequitably on those already facing challenges in their lives.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "Throughout the pandemic, young people around the world, many isolated in their homes, have come to the Scratch website in greater numbers than ever before, seeing Scratch as a safe space where they can express themselves creatively, learn new skills, and collaborate with one another. We were inspired by so many of the Scratch projects that young people created during 2020, many of them sharing their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic, climate change, racial injustice, and other issues on their minds. Young people were not just learning computational concepts and skills, but also developing their voice and their identities.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "To ensure that Scratch can continue to play this important role in young people’s lives in the years ahead, we’ve been making significant organizational changes at Scratch. At the start of 2020, the Scratch Team moved out of its longtime home at the MIT Media Lab and into the new offices of the Scratch Foundation in downtown Boston. This move will help us to build a sustainable organization capable of supporting Scratch as a global creative coding platform into the future.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "Later in 2020, as part of this organizational transition, we hired Shawna Young to serve as Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation. Shawna comes to the Scratch Foundation with a strong background in education and nonprofit management, and a deep commitment to equity and inclusion. Throughout her career in institutions such as Duke and MIT, Shawna has worked to expand learning experiences for students from diverse communities. That commitment is strongly aligned with Scratch’s mission and values, and it will play an important role in her leadership at Scratch. I encourage you to read Shawna’s message at the end of this annual report.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP5": "Over the past decade, Scratch has had phenomenal success, engaging tens of millions of young people around the world. But we are just beginning. The challenge for the years ahead is to ensure that we can continue to spread and support not just our technology but also our creative, caring, collaborative learning approach, so that young people around the world have equitable opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn. We look forward to working with all of you to make that happen!",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageScratchTitle": "Chair, Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageAffiliation": "Professor, MIT Media Lab",
+ "annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020年財務報告",
+ "annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "変化する世界に対応する",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "設立者からのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "2020年は、COVIDパンデミックが世界的に蔓延し、すべての人々の生活に困難と混乱をもたらした年として記憶されるでしょう。すでに困難な状況にある人々に偏って最大の困難が振りかかっています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "パンデミックの間、世界中の若者たちは、自宅でで孤立していることが多く、Scratchを創造的に表現し、新しいスキルを学び、互いに協力できる安全な空間として認めて、かつてないほど多くの人々がScratchウェブサイトにアクセスしてきました。私たちは、2020年に若者たちが作成した多くのScratchプロジェクトに刺激を受けました。彼らの多くは、パンデミック、気候変動、人種差別、その他の心の問題についての考えや気持ちを共有していました。若者たちは、コンピュータの概念やスキルを学ぶだけでなく、自分の声やアイデンティティを育んでいたのです。",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "Scratchが今後も若者の生活の中でこの重要な役割を果たし続けることができるように、私たちはScratchの組織を大幅に変更してきています。2020年の始めに、Scratchチームは長年住んでいたMITメディアラボから、ボストンのダウンタウンにあるScratch財団の新しいオフィスに移転しました。この移転は、Scratchを世界的な創造的なコーディング・プラットフォームとして将来にわたってサポートできる持続可能な組織の構築に役立ちます。",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "2020年後半、この組織的な変化の一環として、Scratch財団のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターとしてショウナ・ヤングを採用しました。ショウナは、教育と非営利団体のマネジメントに強力な経験と公平性とインクルージョンへの深いコミットメントを持っておりScratch財団に加わります。ショーナは、デューク大学やMITなどの教育機関で、多様なコミュニティに属する生徒たちの学習体験の拡大に取り組んできました。この取り組みは、Scratchのミッションと価値観に強く合致しており、Scratchでのリーダーシップを発揮する上で重要な役割を果たしてくれるでしょう。当年次報告書の最後にあるショーナのメッセージをご一読ください。",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP5": "過去10年間、Scratchは驚異的な成功を収め、世界中で何千万人もの若者を魅了してきました。しかし、私たちはまだ始まったばかりです。これからの課題は、テクノロジーだけでなく、創造的で思いやりのある協調的な学習方法を普及・支援し続けることです。これにより、世界中の若者が想像し、創造し、共有し、学ぶチャンスを公平に持てるように、それを実現するために、皆さんと一緒に働けることを楽しみにしています!",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageScratchTitle": "会長兼Scratch設立者",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageAffiliation": "教授、MITメディアラボ",
"annualReport.2020.watchVideo": "ビデオをみる",
- "annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
- "annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vision",
- "annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
- "annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "私たちの使命とビジョン",
+ "annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "ビジョン",
+ "annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "創造的で、思いやりがあり、協調性があり、公平性のある、コーディングと学びのアプローチを世界中に広めます。",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "ミッション",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "想像し、創造し、共有し、学ぶためのデジタルツールや機会を若者たちに提供します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP1": "私たちは、創造的コンピューティングに触れることができない子供たち、家族、教育者を支援する取り組みとアプローチに特に重点を置いて、教育的正義と私たちの活動のあらゆる面で公平性を優先することにコミットします。",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "私たちは、すべての子供たちが創造的に考え、システマチックに推論し、協力して作業すること(今日の社会のすべての人にとって不可欠なスキル)を可能にする、無料で安全で遊び心のある学習環境としてScratchを開発しました。私たちは、教育者や家族と協力して、子どもたちが探求し、共有し、学ぶことを支援します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP3": "新しいテクノロジー、アクティビティおよび学習教材を開発する際、私たちは4つのPと呼ばれる原則を手引きとしています:",
+ "annualReport.2020.fourPs": "創造的学習の4つのP",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "さくひん",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersTitle": "ピア(Peers)",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionTitle": "パッション(Passion)",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayTitle": "さいせい",
- "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
- "annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "million",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "デザインしたり、創作したり、創造的な表現することに子供たちを関与させる\n ",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "コラボレーションし、共有し、リミックスし、メンタリングする中で子供たちをサポートします",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "子どもたち自身の興味のあることを行い、本人にとって意義のあるプロジェクトに取り組む",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "いじり回し、実験し、繰り返すことを子供たちに奨励します",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "世界の子供たちへの普及",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "Scratchは、8歳以上の子供たちとティーンエージャーのための世界最大のコーディングコミュニティです。",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "00万",
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersNumber": "15 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "3.8% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "3.8%増加(2019年比)",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "80 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "37% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "37%増加(2019年比)",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "29 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44%増加(2019年比)",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsNumber": "217%",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsOld": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsIncrease": "150 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "New Users",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects",
- "annualReport.2020.reachComments": "increase in comments posted",
- "annualReport.2020.reachGlobalCommunity": "Our Global Community",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through December 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMap24M": "24M",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 64 Languages",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "3 languages from 2019",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
- "annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "新規ユーザ数",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "作成されたプロジェクト数",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "プロジェクトの作成者数",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachComments": "コメント投稿数の増加",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachGlobalCommunity": "グローバルコミュニティー",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "Scratchの誕生から2020年12月までにScratchオンラインコミュニティに登録されたアカウントの総数",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMap24M": "2400万",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "濃度に対数スケールを使用",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratchは64以上の言語に翻訳",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "2019年は3言語",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationBlurb": "世界中のボランティア翻訳者に感謝します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJrは、低年齢(5-7歳)の子供たちが自分だけのインタラクティブな物語やゲームの作成することができる入門用のプログラミング環境です。",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsMillion": "3 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} from 2019",
- "annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "Emerging Themes",
- "annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "As young people faced the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, Scratch became a more important place than ever for them to connect, create, and express themselves. Throughout the year, our work was focused on three areas to best support our growing global community: connectivity, adaptation, and community. As always, our efforts were grounded in our commitment to equity and inclusion.",
- "annualReport.2020.equity": "Equity",
- "annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityTitle": "Connectivity",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIntro": "While young people were isolated inside of their homes due to COVID-19, Scratch offered an opportunity for them to connect and create with faraway friends, classmates, and family members. It also served as a portal to the outside world, where they discovered that millions of kids across countries and continents were experiencing the same things they were.",
- "annualReport.2020.aaronText": "Aaron’s students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldn’t,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.",
- "annualReport.2020.spotlightStory": "Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndia": "Scratch in India",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaIntro": "In India, the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaParagraph": "Across the entire global Scratch community, we saw a huge spike in activity beginning in March 2020. Nowhere was this sudden spike more evident than in India, where the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches of time. Through Scratch, kids in India found connection by creating and sharing 602% more projects than the year before.",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "2020年のダウンロード数",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2019年から2 {million}増加",
+ "annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "新たなテーマ",
+ "annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "若者たちがCOVID-19の前例のない課題に直面したとき、Scratchは彼らがつながり、創造し、自分自身を表現するためのこれまで以上に重要な場所になりました。年間を通じて、私たちは、成長するグローバルコミュニティを最大限にサポートするために、コネクティビティ、適応性、コミュニティの3つの分野に焦点を当てて活動しました。いつものように、私たちの取り組みは、公平性と包括性へのコミットメントに基づいています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.equity": "公平さ",
+ "annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "グローバル戦略",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityTitle": "コネクティビティ",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIntro": "COVID-19の影響で家の中で孤立していた若者たちに、Scratchは遠く離れた友人やクラスメート、家族とつながり、創造する機会を与えてくれました。また、Scratchは外の世界へのポータルとしても役立ち、国や大陸を越えて何百万人もの子供たちが自分たちと同じような経験をしていることを知りました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.aaronText": "アーロンの生徒たちは協力して、\"Norwouldn't\"という、\"おかしな\"街を作りました。この町には、絵本に出てくるような創造物やオリジナルのアート作品、そして相互につながる物語が詰まっています。これは、COVID-19によって家の中に閉じ込められていても、思いやりと喜びに満ちたコミュニティの一員であることを生徒たちに思い出させるために、アーロンが推進した数多くのScratchの共同プロジェクトのひとつです。",
+ "annualReport.2020.spotlightStory": "注目のストーリー",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndia": "インドでのScratch",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaIntro": "インドでは、COVID-19の大流行で甚大な被害を受け 、多くの若者や家族を長い間孤立させました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaParagraph": "世界中のScratchコミュニティ全体で、2020年3月から活動が急増しました。この急激な増加は、インドほど顕著なものではありませんでした。インドではCOVID-19が大流行し、多くの若者や家族が長期間にわたって屋内に隔離されていました。Scratchを通じて、インドの子どもたちは前年比602%増のプロジェクトを作成し共有することでつながりを見つけました。",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsNumber": "2.3 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsSubhead": "Projects Were Created Online in 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsIncreasePercent": "602% from 2019",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsers": "The number of all-time registered users in India more than doubled in one year, ",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsersNumbers": "rising from over 300,000 in 2019 to over 700,000 in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsers": "The number of unique visitors increased",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsSubhead": "2020年にオンラインで創作されたプロジェクト",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsIncreasePercent": "602%増加(2019年比)",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsers": "インドのこれまでの登録ユーザー数は1年で2倍以上となり、",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsersNumbers": "2019年の30万人超から2020年には70万人超に増加しました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsers": "ユニーク訪問数の増加",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersPercent": "156%",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersOld": "1.8 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersNew": "4.6 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjects": "The number of people creating projects increased",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjects": "プロジェクト作成者数の増加",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsPercent": "270%",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaYear": "in 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsOld": "303 thousand",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaYear": "2020年",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsOld": "30万3千",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsNew": "1.1 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorld": "Scratch Around the World",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorldSubtitle": "International Collaborators",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorld": "世界中のScratch",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorldSubtitle": "国際的な協力者",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChileTitle": "Scratch Al Sur",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChile": "Chile",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChileParagraph": "Scratch Al Sur is dedicated to supporting computational and creative thinking among students and educators in Chile and across Latin America. They aided our translation and localization efforts in Rapa Nui and Spanish, and have engaged many educators in collaborative, playful Scratch professional development workshops.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilTitle": "Brazil Creative Learning Network",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazil": "Brazil",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilParagraph": "The Brazilian Creative Learning Network is a grassroots movement that implements playful, creative and relevant hands-on educational practices throughout Brazil. In 2020, the Scratch Team presented at the Brazilian Creative Learning Network’s Creative Learning Week event to share how kids were using Scratch to build community, express themselves, and speak out about what’s important to them. In turn, we learned how educators in the network were creating opportunities for self-expression with learners in their own communities.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaTitle": "Quest Alliance",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndia": "India",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest Alliance empowers millions of learners and educators with 21st century skills, including creative computing. In 2020, {QuestAllianceLink} shared Scratch with learners and educators across India.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "Raspberry Pi Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "UK",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "The Raspberry Pi Foundation works to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. Through their Making at Home initiative, they lead livestream events that encouraged families and young people to learn and create together. Several of these livestreams featured Scratch tutorials—and sometimes, even {USALink}!",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChile": "チリ",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChileParagraph": "Scratch Al Surでは、チリをはじめとするラテンアメリカの生徒や教育者のコンピュータ的思考や創造的思考を支援することに専念しています。ラパヌイ語とスペイン語への翻訳とローカライゼーションの取り組みを支援し、多くの教育者をコラボレーティブで遊び心のあるScratch専門能力開発ワークショップに参加させてきました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilTitle": "ブラジル・クリエィティブ・ラーニング・ネットワーク",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazil": "ブラジル",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilParagraph": "ブラジル・クリエイティブ・ラーニング・ネットワークは、遊び心があり、創造的で、関連性のある体験型教育をブラジル全土で実施する草の根運動です。2020年、Scratchチームは、ブラジル・クリエイティブ・ラーニング・ネットワークの「クリエイティブ・ラーニング・ウィーク」というイベントでプレゼンテーションを行い、子どもたちがScratchを使ってコミュニティを作り、自己表現し、自分にとって大切なことを語っている様子を紹介しました。また、ネットワーク内の教育者が、自分たちのコミュニティの中で学習者に自己表現の機会を作っていることを知りました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaTitle": "クエスト・アライアンス",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndia": "インド",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "クエスト・アライアンスは、何百万人もの学習者や教育者に、創造的コンピューティングをはじめとする21世紀型スキルを提供しています。2020年、{QuestAllianceLink} はインド中の学習者や教育者にScratchを伝えました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "ラズベリー・パイ財団",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "イギリス",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "ラズベリーパイ財団は、コンピュータ処理とデジタル・メーカーのパワーを世界中の人々の手に届けるために活動しています。 彼らは「Making at Home」という活動を通じて、家族や若者が一緒に学び、創作することを奨励するライブストリーム配信イベントを主導しています。 これらのライブストリーム配信ではScratchチュートリアルが紹介されています。ー時々、いつも {USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResources": "リソース",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizing with Support from the LEGO Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "To support our growing global reach and aid our COVID-19 response, the LEGO Foundation supported Scratch with a generous grant. With this funding, we were able to localize key resources and reach even more young people around the world.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "Tutorial Images",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "We created translations of the images for 25 Scratch tutorials in 12 languages—totalling over 1,000 new images!",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "レゴ財団の支援によるローカライズ",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "レゴ財団は、私たちの世界中への普及とCOVID-19への対応をサポートするために、多額の助成金を提供してくれました。この助成金により、主な教材をローカライズし、世界中のより多くの若者に届けることができました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "チュートリアルの画像",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "25個のScratchチュートリアルの動画を12の言語に翻訳し、1,000枚以上の動画を新たに制作しました。",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Title": "Scratchをはじめよう",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Paragraph": "The Getting Started with Scratch video is the most highly accessed and viewed Scratch tutorial video, greeting new Scratchers when they first join the site. We were able to translate this video into 25 new languages and to update the 3 previous translations, including visuals, voiceovers, and subtitles.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Title": "Scratch Editor",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Paragraph": "The Scratch project editor is the most essential Scratch resource. We worked with a South African translation company that specializes in culturally-relevant educational translation to translate and review the Scratch editor in five South African languages: isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans, Sestwana, and Sepedi.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationTitle": "Adaptation",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationIntro": "As COVID-19 forced schools to close and pushed learning to virtual spaces, many students and teachers were discovering Scratch for the first time or adapting the way they taught and learned creative coding. From our own homes, the Scratch Team worked to support the changing needs of educators and the online community.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteName": "Benedikt Hochwartner",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteTitle": "Curator for Creative Learning, mumok, Vienna, Austria",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteText": "In all the troubles over the past year, Scratch remained our platform of communication, our place to meet, and our medium of expressing ourselves creatively.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightName": "Aaron Reuland",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle": "K-5 Library Media Teacher, Norwood, MA",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText": "In Aaron Reuland’s Title One school in Norwood, Massachusetts, he counted on Scratch to help engage remote students in creative learning and rekindle their sense of community “when the only things I could count on us all having were a working computer and an internet connection.”",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2": "Aaron’s students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldn’t,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Paragraph": "Scratchのチュートリアルビデオ「さあ、はじめましょう」は、Scratchのチュートリアルビデオの中でも最もアクセス数が多く、視聴されているビデオで、サイトに初めて参加するScratcherを出迎えています。私たちはこのビデオを新たに25個の言語に翻訳し、3言語の翻訳(映像、ナレーション、字幕を含む)をアップデートすることができました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Title": "Scratchエディタ",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Paragraph": "Scratchプロジェクトのエディタは、Scratchの教材として最も必要なものです。私たちは、文化に関連した教育用翻訳を専門とする南アフリカの翻訳会社と協力して、Scratchエディタを南アフリカの5つの言語(isiZulu、isiXhosa、Afrikaans、Sestwana、Sepedi)で翻訳し、確認を行いました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationTitle": "アダプテーション(適応)",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationIntro": "COVID-19によって学校が閉鎖され、学習がバーチャルな空間に押しやられる中、多くの生徒や教師は、初めてScratchを知り、創造的コーディングの教え方や学び方に順応しました。Scratchチームは、教育者やオンライン・コミュニティの変化するニーズをサポートするために、自宅から活動しました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteName": "ベネディクト・ホックワートナー",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteTitle": "創造的学習のキュレーター、近代美術館、オーストリアのウィーン",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteText": "この1年間、様々な問題に遭遇しましたが、Scratchは私たちのコミュニケーションのプラットフォームであり続けました。私たちの出会いの場であり、自分たちの創造性を表現する媒体であり続けました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightName": "アーロン・ロイランド",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle": "K-5ライブラリ・メディア教員、マサチューセッツ州ノーウッド",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText": "マサチューセッツ州ノーウッドにあるアーロン・ルーランドのタイトルワン・スクールでは、リモートにいる生徒を創造的学習に参加させ、コミュニティの意識を再燃させるためにScratchを活用しました。”私たち全員が持っていると信じることができたのは、コンピューターとインターネット接続が動作中のときでした。”",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2": "アーロンの生徒たちは協力して、\"Norwouldn't\"という、\"おかしな\"街を作りました。この町には、絵本に出てくるような創造物やオリジナルのアート作品、そして相互につながる物語が詰まっています。これは、COVID-19によって家の中に閉じ込められていても、思いやりと喜びに満ちたコミュニティの一員であることを生徒たちに思い出させるために、アーロンが推進した数多くのScratchの共同プロジェクトのひとつです。",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle2": "Scratch at Home",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2b": "On March 17, we responded to the COVID-19 crisis by launching the {linkText} to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. It was an invaluable way to connect with our community and adapt to a whole new way of learning and interacting online.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle3": "Live Create-Alongs",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText3b": "Our team hosted weekly, live {linkText} to connect with kids, parents, and educators at home and share tips and tricks for creating different types of Scratch projects. We had a blast seeing the projects they were inspired to create in our Create-Along studios!",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle4": "Hack Your Window",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText4b": "Scratch educator Eduard Muntaner Perich created a #ScratchAtHome-inspired studio that took the community by storm: {linkText}. Hundreds of Scratchers from all over the world imagined fantastical games and stories happening just outside their window.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsTitle": "Connecting with Educators",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsText": "Educators around the world shared their own #ScratchAtHome ideas and discussed the struggles and triumphs of teaching remotely in a lively Twitter Chat on April 8th, 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot": "Snapshots",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Title": "Computer Clubhouse Network Virtual Workshops",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Text": "As part of our longstanding partnership, the Scratch Team conducts workshops for youth educators from {linkText}. Like educators around the world, our team had to conduct online workshops for the first time in 2020—and learn how to combat the isolation and technical difficulties of virtual learning. But thanks to online collaboration tools and innovative methods of sharing and reflecting, the team was able to recreate the collaborative, playful spirit of in-person workshops in a virtual space.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Title": "Bring Yourself Into Scratch",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Text": "2020 was also a year of adapting our tools and platform. We developed and added new sprites to the Sprite Library to inspire and enable beginner Scratchers to make projects representative of their racial, cultural, gender, or other personal identity.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2b": "3月17日、私たちはCOVID-19の危機に対応して、子供たち、家族、教育者の方々に、家の中でScratchを使って創造的学習のアクティビティを行うためのアイデアを提供する {linkText} を立ち上げました。このサイトは、コミュニティと交流を深め、オンラインで学び、交流するまったく新しい方法に慣れるための貴重なやり方でした。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle3": "ライブ・クリエイトアロング",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText3b": "私たちのチームは、毎週ライブの{linkText} を開催し、家の中で子供たち、保護者、教育者が交流し、さまざまなタイプのScratchプロジェクトを創作するためのヒントやコツを共有しました。私たちは、子供たちがCreate-Alongスタジオでインスピレーションを得て作成したプロジェクトを見て大いに盛り上がりました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle4": "窓をハックしよう",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText4b": "Scratchの教育者であるEduard Muntaner Perich氏は#ScratchAtHomeで刺激を受けてスタジオを作り、コミュニティに旋風を巻き起こしました: {linkText}. 世界中の何百人ものScratcherたちが、窓の外で起きているファンタスティックなゲームや物語を想像しました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsTitle": "教育関係者との交流",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsText": "2020年4月8日に開催されたツイッターチャットでは、世界中の教育関係者がそれぞれの#ScratchAtHomeのアイデアをライブで共有し、リモートで教えることの苦労や成功について活発に議論しました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot": "スナップショット",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Title": "コンピュータ・クラブハウス ・ネットワークの バーチャルワークショップ",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Text": "Scratchチームは、長年のパートナーシップの一環として、{linkText}の青少年の教育者向けにワークショップを開催しています。世界中の教育者と同様に、私たちのチームも2020年に初めてオンラインのワークショップを実施しました。—そこでは、バーチャルな学習の孤立感や技術的な困難に立ち向かう方法を学ばなければなりませんでした。しかし、オンライン・コラボレーション・ツールや共有やリフレクションの革新的な方法のおかげで、チームは対面式ワークショップの協調的で遊び心のある精神をバーチャル空間で再現することができました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Title": "Scratchに身をおこう",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Text": "2020年は、ツールとプラットフォームを改善する年でもありました。スプライトライブラリに新しいスプライトを開発し、追加し、Scratchの初心者が人種や文化、ジェンダーなどの個人のアイデンティティを表すプロジェクトを作れるようにしました。",
"annualReport.2020.communityTitle": "コミュニティ",
- "annualReport.2020.communityIntro": "In 2020, the Scratch Community became an even more vital place for young people to find a sense of togetherness and belonging. As we saw the meaningful conversations, collaborative projects, and moving stories Scratchers shared, we were in awe of their creative and resilient spirit.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityTitle1": "Virtual Family Creative Coding Nights Guide",
- "annualReport.2020.communityText1": "In 2019, with support from Google.org, the Scratch Team worked with Chicago Public School’s Office of Computer Science to connect students, families, teachers, and other community members through Family Creative Coding Nights.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityText2": "This year, our teams faced a new challenge: how could we bring the playful, community-building spirit of Family Creative Coding Nights to a virtual space, helping schools develop vital connections with remote students and their families? We developed the Virtual Family Coding Nights guide to provide a structure for these connections and support joyful learning",
- "annualReport.2020.communityDownloadButton": "Virtual Family Coding Nights Guide",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteName": "Kendra Mallory, M.Ed.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteTitle": "Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.M. Coordinator",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteText": "[In 2020], there were not many opportunities to engage with parents in such a fun, high energy way. So this opportunity provided much needed engagement...Teachers were apprehensive, but the students' level of excitement pushed them into a space where they had to trust the process and allow kids to learn from one another.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
- "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "When asked why they use Scratch, most Scratchers talk about the importance of the online community for motivating their ongoing participation, providing a space where they can express their creativity, make friends, receive feedback, get new ideas, and learn new skills. Many Scratchers express their appreciation for the Scratch community as a safe and welcoming space to connect, share, and learn from one another.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewText": "2020 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of the year:",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityIntro": "2020年、Scratchコミュニティは、若者たちが一体感と帰属意識を見出すための、より重要な場所となりました。Scratcherたちが、意義深い会話、協調的なプロジェクト、感動的なストーリーを共有しているのを見て、私たちは彼らの創造的で弾力性のある精神に畏敬の念を抱きました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityTitle1": "バーチャルファミリー創造的コーディング・ナイト・ガイド",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityText1": "2019年には、Google.orgの支援を受けて、Scratchチームはシカゴ公立学校のコンピュータサイエンス・オフィスと協力し、ファミリー創造的コーディング・ナイトで、生徒、家族、教師、その他のコミュニティメンバーが交流できるようにしました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityText2": "今年、私たちのチームは新たな課題に直面しました:「ファミリー創造的コーディング・ナイト」の遊び心とコミュニティ形成の精神をバーチャル空間に持ち込んで、学校がリモートの生徒やその家族との交流をを築くことを手助けするするにはどうすれば良いかということでした。私たちは、「バーチャルファミリー創造的コーディング・ナイト・ガイド」を開発し、このような交流を構造化し、楽しく学ぶことをサポートしました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityDownloadButton": "バーチャルファミリー創造的コーディング・ナイト・ガイド",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteName": "ケンドラ・マロリー、教育学修士",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteTitle": "ラグルス小学校、STEMコーディネーター",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteText": "[In 2020]年、 こんなに楽しく、エネルギッシュな方法で親と関わる機会はあまりありませんでした。教師たちは不安を感じていましたが、生徒たちの興奮ぶりに押されて、プロセスを信頼し、子供たちが互いに学び合うことを認めなければならない状況になりました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratchコミュニティ",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Scratchを使用する理由を尋ねられたとき、ほとんどのScratcherは、継続的な参加を動機付け、創造性を表現し、友達を作り、フィードバックを受け取り、新しいアイデアを得て、新しいスキルを学ぶことができるスペースを提供するためのオンラインコミュニティの重要性について話します。 多くのScratcherは、互いにつながり、共有し、学び合うための安全で居心地の良い空間としてScratchコミュニティに対して感謝の意を表しています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "私は、11歳のときにScratchに参加しました。プラットフォームの利用やコミュニティとの交流から学んだことは、成長する私の学習の本当に重要な部分でした。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratchのおかげで、家にいながらにして以下のようなことができるようになりました。\n- 人とそのプロジェクトを尊重すること\n- 友達を作ること\n- 孤立しているのは自分だけではないと感じること\n.... 他にもたくさん。GRACIAS(ありがとう)!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "私はScratchを約2年間使用していますが、人生を変えるような経験をしてきました! コーディング、オンラインエチケット、アートなど、たくさんの新しいことを学びました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "6年生の間、Scratchは私のお気に入りの趣味でした。Scratchは、ブール論理、演算順序、入れ子になった数式をこっそりと紹介してくれました。—コンピュータのプログラミングそのものは言うまでもありません。",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "1年の振り返り",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewText": "2020年は、オンラインコミュニティにとって注目すべき年でした。コミュニティチームは、若者が自分の考えを表現し、前向きな方法で取り組む機会にハイライトを当て、そのような機会を作りました。そしてScratcher自身から信じられないほどの動きが生まれました。今年のハイライトのいくつかを振り返ってみましょう:",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Date": "1月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Title": "End of the Decade Scratch Design Studio",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Text": "Scratchers celebrated the close of a decade and new beginnings in this Scratch Design Studio.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Title": "Scratchデザインスタジオの10年の締めくくり",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Text": "Scratherたちは、このScratchデザイン・スタジオで10年の締めくくりと新しい出発を祝いました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Date": "4月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Title": "April Fool’s Day",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Text": "“Mundane mysteries” appeared around the site, and Cat Blocks surprised and delighted the Scratch community.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Title": "エイプリルフール",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Text": "サイトのあちこちに \"ありふれた謎(Mundane mysteries) \"が出現し、ScratchキャットのブロックがScratchコミュニティをの人たちを驚かせ、喜ばせました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Date": "4月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Title": "Create-Alongs",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratch Team members began hosting live tutorials to connect and create with Scratchers and their families at home.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Title": "クリエイトアロング",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratchチームのメンバーは、自宅でScratcherたちと家族とつながり、創造するためのライブチュートリアルを開催しました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Date": "5月",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Scratch Month",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers around the world shared thousands of projects around weekly themes, from recycled crafts to hand-washing jingles.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Text": "世界中のScratherたちは、リサイクルクラフトから手洗いソングまで、毎週のテーマに沿った何千ものプロジェクトを共有しました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Date": "5月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Black Lives Matter",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Text": "As racial justice protests swept the US, the community came together to support each other and call for change.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Title": "ブラック・ライヴズ・マター",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Text": "人種的正義を求める抗議運動が米国を席巻する中、地域社会は一丸となってお互いを支え、変化を求めました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Date": "6月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Fun At Home! Scratch Design Studio",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Text": "Scratchers shared their favorite indoor games and activities to keep themselves engaged while staying home.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Title": "自宅で楽しもう!Scratchデザイン・スタジオ",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Text": "Scratcherたちは、ステイホーム中にみんなが夢中になれるお気に入りの室内ゲームやアクティビティを紹介してくれました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Date": "6月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Title": "Juneteenth Studio",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Text": "Scratchers created projects to honor Juneteenth and the continued fight for racial justice.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Title": "ジューン・ティーンス(奴隷解放の日)",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Text": "Scratcherたち、ジューン・ティーンスと人種的正義のための継続的な闘いに敬意を表し、プロジェクトを作成しました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Date": "7月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Title": "Scratch Camp",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Text": "Scratch the Musical got the whole community acting, singing, and dancing together.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Title": "Scratchキャンプ",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Text": "Scratch the Musicalでは、地域社会で演技、歌、ダンスを楽しみました。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Date": "10月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Title": "Scratchtober",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Text": "Scratchers made hundreds of creative stories, games, and animations based on daily themed prompts.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Name": "Anna Lytical, Scratch Alum",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Title": "Google Cloud Platform Developer Relations Engineer, and the Coding Drag Queen",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Text": "Seeing the power you have when you’re creating something and can represent yourself and your problems and express them or solve them with code is a really magical experience and has real world impact.",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotTitle": "Improving Our Tools",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotText": "Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. In 2020, we developed a new, more intuitive interface to help Scratchers flag inappropriate content, and improved the tools used by our community moderation team. As a result, we received higher quality reports from the community, and our community moderators were able to work more quickly and efficiently—keeping the site safer and friendlier for everyone.",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Title": "New Scratch Tutorials on YouTube",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Text": "The Scratch Team began sharing tutorials on our YouTube channel in March 2020 to help Scratchers gain the skills to create whatever they can imagine. From pixel art to virtual pets, these tutorials are a hit with Scratchers of all ages, gaining 1.3 million views in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.tutorial1": "Virtual Town",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Title": "10月のScratch(スクラッチトーバー)",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Text": "Scratcherたちは、毎日設定されたテーマに沿って、何百ものクリエイティブな物語、ゲーム、アニメーションを制作しました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Name": "アンナ・ライティカル、Scratch卒業生",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Title": "Googleクラウド・プラットフォーム ・デベロッパーのリレーションズ・エンジニア、兼コーディング・ドラァグ・クイーン",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Text": "何かを作っているときに、自分自身や自分の問題を表現し、それをコードで表現したり解決したりすることで得られるパワーを目の当たりにすると、本当に不思議な体験であり、現実の世界に影響を与えます。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotTitle": "ツールの改善",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotText": "私たちのコミュニティ・チームは、優れたデジタル・シチズンシップを奨励し、Scratcherたちが創作するのに適した環境を維持するために、さまざまなツールや戦略を使用しています。2020年には、Scratcherたちが不適切なコンテンツにフラグを立てるのに役立つ、より直感的なインターフェースを新たに開発し、コミュニティ・モデレーション・チームが使用するツールを改善しました。その結果、コミュニティから質の高い報告が寄せられ、コミュニティ・モデレータはより迅速かつ効率的に作業を行うことができ、誰にとっても安全で使いやすいサイトを維持することができました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Title": "YouTubeの新しいScratchチュートリアル",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Text": "Scratchチームは、2020年3月にYouTubeチャンネルでチュートリアルの公開を開始し、 Scratcherたちが想像できるものを創作するスキルを身につけられるようにしました。ピクセル・アートやバーチャル・ペットなど、幅広い年齢層のScratcherたちに支持され、2020年には130万回の再生回数を記録しています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.tutorial1": "バーチャル・タウン",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial2": "キャッチゲーム",
- "annualReport.2020.tutorial3": "Character Designer",
+ "annualReport.2020.tutorial3": "キャラクター・デザイナー",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial4": "バーチャルペット",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText1": "2020 was a transformational year around the world, and for Scratch. I joined the team in November, when we were months into the COVID-19 pandemic. With my background as an educational leader, I was excited about the potential of leading Scratch through a period of significant change and continuing to work toward my personal goal of helping students from all backgrounds reach new heights. I knew that in this challenging year, young people everywhere were in serious need of even more support to help them achieve their potential.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText2": "The inequitable structures we have built to educate children were exacerbated by the pandemic. Through our conversations with families and educators from around the world, we know that in 2020, kids from all communities needed creative learning opportunities to express their ideas and build their skills more than ever, even while many of them did not have the ability to go to school.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText3": "As the world adapted and approached creative learning and self expression in new ways, many educators, parents, and young people turned to Scratch. We saw 40% more Scratchers creating projects year over year, and Scratchers left 200% more comments in 2020 than in 2019. Young people from all around the world used Scratch as a place to connect, converse, collaborate, and engage with one another. We saw them discover the amazing things they could create when they were given the opportunity to think creatively and solve problems they were passionate about. ",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText4": "In the wake of the pandemic, some have called for a “return to normal.” But for many young people, the freedom to learn and explore was missing in our schools well before COVID-19.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessagePullQuote": "We must do everything we can to change the systemic inequities in our educational systems, because “normal” was not built to be fair and equitable for most of our children.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText5": "In 2021, Scratch is redoubling our efforts to reach young people who have been historically excluded from creative computing and other creative learning opportunities. With support from Google.org, we’ve launched the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC), a powerful network of organizations across the world focused on supporting these learners in developing their confidence in creative computing. The 41 organizations in year one of the new program will connect with and learn from the Scratch Team and one another, and develop Equity Toolkits that will support them as they grow and scale their support for the learners in their community.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText6": "Our work to make Scratch even more equitable and inclusive is far from over. I’m excited to share more with you in the coming months. Until then, I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Scratch Community for continuing to support and care for each other through a turbulent year. Your creativity and compassion never ceases to inspire us.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "Looking Forward",
- "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, we’re continuing to innovate and collaborate with our partners to make Scratch even better for young people around the world. In the coming months, we’re working to bring Scratch into more schools, expand pathways to creative learning, develop and localize more resources for educators and young people, and improve the Scratch onboarding experience, and even more exciting projects.",
- "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "We’ve received generous grants from the LEGO Foundation and Google.org to help expand our global reach, advance our mission, and support this important work. Learn more:",
- "annualReport.2020.learnMore": "Learn More:",
- "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink1Text": "The LEGO Foundation and Scratch Foundation announce partnership to support learning through play with technology for millions of children across the world",
- "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink2Text": "Computer Science Education Week: More help for more students",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
- "annualReport.2020.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to the Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingText": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who have each provided at least $10,000,000 in cumulative support, since the start of Scratch in 2003.",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "エグゼクティブ・ディレクターからのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText1": "2020年は、世界中で、そしてScratchにとっても変化の激しい年でした。私がチームに加わったのはCOVID-19のパンデミックが始まって数カ月が経った頃の11月でした。教育指導者としての経歴を持つ私は、大きな変化の時期を乗り越えてScratchをリードし、あらゆるバックグラウンドを持つ生徒たちが新たな高みに到達できるよう支援するという個人的なゴールに向けて取り組み続けることができるという可能性に興奮しました。この困難な年に世界中の若者たちが自分たちの可能性を実現するためには多くの支援を必要としていることを知りました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText2": "子供たちを教育するために私たちが築いてきた不公平な構造は、パンデミックによってさらに悪化しました。世界中の家族や教育者との対話を通じて、2020年には、すべてのコミュニティの子供たちが、多くの人が学校に行くことができない中で、自分のアイデアを表現し、スキルを身につけるための創造的な学びの機会をこれまで以上に必要としていることを知りました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText3": "世界がアダプティブで創造的な学びや自己表現に新しい方法でアプローチする中、多くの教育者、保護者、若者たちは、Scratchに目を向けました。Scratcherたちがプロジェクトを作成するのは前年比で40%増加し、Scratcherたちの2020年のコメント数は、2019年の2倍に達しました。世界中の若者たちは、互いにつながり、対話し、協力し、関与する場として、Scratchを利用しました。私たちは、彼らが創造的に考え、情熱を持って問題を解決する機会を与えられたときに、創造できる素晴らしいものを発見することを目の当たりにしました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText4": "パンデミックをきっかけに、“ノーマルに戻る“ことを求める声があります。しかし、COVID-19のかなり前から多くの若者には、学校での学びと探求の自由がなくなっていました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessagePullQuote": "私たちは、教育制システムの不公平さを変革するためにできる限りのことをしなければなりません。なぜなら、“ノーマル“は、ほとんどの子どもたちにとって公平で公正なものになるように作られていないからです。",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText5": "2021年、Scratchは創造的コンピューティングやその他の創造的な学びの機会から歴史的に排除されてきた若者たちを支援するための取り組みを倍増させています。Google.orgからの支援を受けて、私たちはScratch Education Collaborative(SEC)を立ち上げました。この組織は、学習者が創造的コンピューティングへの自信を深めるのを支援することに重点をおいた、世界的で強力な組織ネットワークです。この新しいプログラムの1年目に参加した41の組織は、Scratchチームとお互いにつながり、学び合い、コミュニティ内の学習者の支援を発展させ拡大していくために必要なEquityツールキットを開発します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText6": "Scratchをより公平でインクルーシブなものにするための取り組みは、まだ終わっていません。今後数ヶ月のうちに、さらに多くのことを皆さんと共有できることを楽しみにしています。それまでの間、激動の1年間、お互いをサポートし、世話を続けてくれたScratchコミュニティに心から感謝します。皆さんの創造性と思いやりには、いつも刺激を受けています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Scratch財団 エグゼクティブ・ディレクター",
+ "annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "今後の展望",
+ "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "2021年、私たちは、技術革新とパートナーとのコラボレーションを続け、世界中の若者にとってScratchをより良いものしていきます。今後、Scratchをより多くの学校に届け、創造的な学びへの進路を拡大し、教育者や若者のためのより多くの教材の開発、ローカライズ、Scratchの入門体験の改善、さらにはエキサイティングなプロジェクトに取り組んでいきます。",
+ "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "レゴ財団とGoogle.orgから寛大な助成金をいただき、グローバルな活動の拡大、ミッションの推進、そしてこの重要な活動の支援に役立てています。詳しくは以下を参照ください。",
+ "annualReport.2020.learnMore": "詳細はこちら:",
+ "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink1Text": "レゴ財団とScratch財団は、世界中の何百万人もの子供たちのためにテクノロジーを使った遊びを通して学びをサポートするパートナーシップを発表しました。",
+ "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink2Text": "コンピュータサイエンス教育週間:より多くの生徒に、より多くの支援を",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "サポーターへの感謝",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "寛大なサポーターの皆様に感謝します。 皆様の寄付は世界中のあらゆる背景を持つ全年齢の子供たちに創造的な学習の機会を広げるのに役立っています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.ourSupporters": "支援者",
+ "annualReport.2020.ourSupportersText": "何年にもわたって、世界中の何百万人もの若者に素晴らしい学習体験を創り出すのを助けてくれたScratch支援者の皆様に感謝したいと思います。以下のリストは、2020年1月1日から2020年12月31日までのScratch財団への寄付に基づいています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingTitle": "設立パートナー — $10,000,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingText": "2003年のScratch開始以来、累計で1,000万ドル以上のご支援をいただいている設立パートナーの皆様には特に感謝しております。",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratchキャットパートナー — $1,000,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersCreativityTitle": "クリエイティビティ・サークル — $250,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersCollaborationTitle": "コラボレーション・サークル— $100,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersImaginationTitle": "イマジネーション・サークル — $50,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersInspirationTitle": "インスピレーション・サークル — $20,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersExplorationTitle": "探求サークル — $5,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersPlayTitle": "プレイ・サークル — $1,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "現物の支援者",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipTitle": "わたしたちのチーム",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and Executive Chairman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipScratchTeam": "2020 Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2020.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
- "annualReport.2020.donateTitle": "Support Us",
- "annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "取締役会",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "会長",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "学習研究の教授",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "副会長",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "共同設立者兼共同会長",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "ボードメンバー",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "社長兼CEO",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "前社長",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipFounderCEO": "設立者兼エグゼクティブ・チェアマン",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "前CEO兼チェアマン",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "取締役会幹事と会計",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "取締役会幹事",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "取締役会会計",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipScratchTeam": "2020 Scratchチーム",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipED": "エグゼクティブ・ディレクター",
+ "annualReport.2020.teamThankYou": "MITメディアラボ・ライフロング・キンダーカーテン・グループのMitch Resnick、Natalie Rusk、Rupal Jain、およびその他の協力者の皆様の精力的なScratchのサポートに感謝します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.donateTitle": "支援する",
+ "annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "皆様のご支援により、私たちがScratchをすべての人に無料で提供し、サーバーを稼働させ続けることを可能にしています。そして何よりも大切なことは、世界中の子供たちが想像し、創造し、共有する機会を提供することができるということです。ありがとうございます!",
"annualReport.2020.donateButton": "きふ",
- "annualReport.2020.projectBy": "project by",
- "annualReport.2020.altAvatar": "user avatar",
- "annualReport.2020.altDropdownArrow": "Arrow indicating dropdown menu.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMastheadIllustration": "Three people interacting with physical scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2020.altWave": "An emoji hand waving.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMitchHeadshot": "Founder Mitch Resnick",
- "annualReport.2020.altBlocks": "Two scratch blocks stacked on top of one another.",
- "annualReport.2020.altBanana": "A banana with a wire plugged into it.",
- "annualReport.2020.altProjectsIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one sitting in a wheelchair, and one sitting on the ground paint and cut art projects.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPassionIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one kneeling, and one sitting on the ground paint, play music on a piano, and stargaze using a telescope.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPeersIllustration": "Four childeren sit around a campfire playing games and high fiving.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPlayIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one kneeling, and one sitting crosslegged stack rocks, play with toy boats, and fold origami.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "A calendar displaying the year 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCommentsVisualization": "Two comment bubbles. One smaller and darker representing the share of comments in 2019. One lighter representing the increase in comments made in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up and to the right.",
- "annualReport.2020.altTranslated": "A scratch component saying \"Hello\" and listing languages that scratch is available in.",
- "annualReport.2020.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "A scratch horizontal command component.",
- "annualReport.2020.altScratchJr": "Scratch Jr logo",
- "annualReport.2020.altHorizontalLoop": "Scratch horizontal loop component.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPieChart": "Visualization showing the 602% increase in projects created during 2020 in relation to projects created in 2019.",
- "annualReport.2020.altUsers": "Two generic user icons, a slightly smaller gray one and a slightly larger purple one.",
- "annualReport.2020.altArrowNext": "An arrow pointing to the right.",
- "annualReport.2020.altBenedict": "Avatar for Benedikt Hochwartner",
- "annualReport.2020.altAaronReuland": "Aaron Reuland imopsed over a paper bag puppet and illustration of a flying turtle.",
- "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesLeft": "A smiley face, scratch component, and heart displayed on a phone.",
- "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesRight": "A hand interacting with scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2020.altFileDownload": "An arrow pointing into a basket indicating that a file can be downloaded.",
- "annualReport.2020.altWaveTop": "A light blue wave covered with scratch avatars and scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2020.altWaveBottom": "A light blue wave.",
- "annualReport.2020.altConnectingLine": "A dotted line connecting the months",
- "annualReport.2020.altApril": "A pen and pencil drawing on a scratch project depicting a boat and water.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMay": "A calendar marked with emojis placed on a bubble.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJune": "The Juneteenth flag and a paper airplane.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJuly": "A microphone and music notes.",
- "annualReport.2020.altToolsIllustration": "A hand touching an exclamation point icon above a few text bubbles.",
- "annualReport.2020.altVirtualTown": "A girl runs along a sidewalk in front of a few houses.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCatchGame": "An apple floats on the horizon to the right while a basket sits below toward the center of the frame.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCharacterDesigner": "A dog sits in front of a green and white chevron background.",
- "annualReport.2020.altVirtualPet": "A hedgehog sits on top of a rock in the middle of some grass.",
- "annualReport.2020.altLookingForward": "A watering tree waters a sapling that grows into a tall tree.",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia1": "A lit sparkler appears below text saying \"happy Diwali!\"",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia2": "The scratch cat mascot appears next to some text written in Hindi",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia3": "An Indian woman appears in front of the Indian flag which has a heart containing the word \"India\" on it.",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia4": "Two hands appear over a flute in front of a background containing a boardwalk and sea.",
- "annualReport.2020.altChile": "A group of children sits around a table filled with arts and crafts and a laptop.",
- "annualReport.2020.altBrazil": "Children sit in front of a laptop connected to five spoons with wires.",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia": "A woman instructs girls sitting in front of a computer.",
- "annualReport.2020.altUSA": "A small video thumbnail is displayed next to a screenshot of the Scratch user interface",
- "annualReport.2020.altChileIcon": "The Scratch mascot",
- "annualReport.2020.altBrazilIcon": "A green swirl",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndiaIcon": "A star interlocked with a circle",
- "annualReport.2020.altUSAIcon": "A cartoon raspberry, the Raspberry Pi Foundation logo",
- "annualReport.2020.altTutorial": "A Scratch tutorial in Spanish",
- "annualReport.2020.altGettingStarted": "A play button sits on top of the Scratch UI.",
- "annualReport.2020.altEditor": "The Scratch UI along with a preview of the progam currently being built showing two people talking to each other.",
- "annualReport.2020.altHackYourWindow": "A dog in a space helmet, a star, and a donut float outside a window in space.",
- "annualReport.2020.altScratchInteraction": "Two people talk amongst scratch components. One is handing a component to the other one.",
- "annualReport.2020.altImageBubbles": "Images from Scratch projects appear in bubble shapes grouped together.",
- "annualReport.2020.altConnectivityVideoPreview": "A play button appears over a scene of friendly sea creatures.",
- "annualReport.2020.altAdaptationVideoPreview": "A play button apppears over various scenes from the Scratch user interface.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJanuaryCard": "Rey from Star Wars holds a staff and stands in the desert.",
- "annualReport.2020.altAprilCard": "Multiple screenshots from the Scratch UI are placed together.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMayCard": "Hands belonging to people of a variety of races are raised in fists.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJuneCard": "A person staples a paper flower together.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJulyCard": "A crab, mermaid, and octopus play music together under the sea.",
- "annualReport.2020.altOctoberCard": "A pumpkin and candy corn appear on the wall above a computer workstation.",
- "annualReport.2020.altDonateIllustration": "Two hands form the shape of a heart with their fingers inside of a cut out heart shape."
+ "annualReport.2020.projectBy": "プロジェクト作成者:",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAvatar": "ユーザーのアバター",
+ "annualReport.2020.altDropdownArrow": "ドロップダウンメニューを示す矢印です。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMastheadIllustration": "実物のScratchブロックと対話する3人。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altWave": "手を振る絵文字。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMitchHeadshot": "創設者ミッチェル・レズニック",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBlocks": "積み重ねられた2つのScratchのブロック。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBanana": "針金が刺さったバナナ。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altProjectsIllustration": "3人の子供たちが、1人は立って、1人は車椅子に座って、もう1人は地面に座って、アート作品を描いたり、カットします。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPassionIllustration": "3人の子供たちが、1人は立って、1人はひざまずいて、もう1人は地面に座って、お絵かきしたり、ピアノで音楽を弾いたり、望遠鏡で星をながめます。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPeersIllustration": "4人の子供たちがキャンプファイヤーの周りに座って、ゲームをしたり、ハイタッチをしたりしています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPlayIllustration": "3人の子供たちが、1人は立って、1人はひざをついて、1人はあぐらをかいて、石を積み上げたり、おもちゃのボートで遊んで、折り紙を折ります。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "2020年のカレンダー。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCommentsVisualization": "2つのコメントバブルです。小さくて暗い色のバブルは、2019年のコメントのシェアを示しています。明るい色のバブルは、2020年のコメント数の増加を示しています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altArrowUp": "右上方向の矢印。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altTranslated": "”こんにちは”と言うScratchブロック、Scratchで利用可能な言語をリストアップできる。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "Scratchの水平方向のコマンドコンポーネント。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altScratchJr": "Scratch Jrのロゴ",
+ "annualReport.2020.altHorizontalLoop": "Scratchの水平方法のループのコンポーネント。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPieChart": "2019年に作成されたプロジェクトと比べて、2020年中に作成されたプロジェクトが602%増加していることを視覚的に示している。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altUsers": "一般的な2種類のユーザーアイコン。少し小さな灰色のアイコンと少し大きい紫色のアイコン。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altArrowNext": "右方向の矢印。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBenedict": "ベネディクト・ホッホヴァルトナーのアバター",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAaronReuland": "紙袋で作った人形と空飛ぶカメのイラストをつけたアーロン・ロイランド。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesLeft": "スマホにディスプレイされたスマイルマーク、Scratchコンポーネント、ハートマーク。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesRight": "Scratchコンポーネントとやり取りする手。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altFileDownload": "ファイルをダウンロードできることを示すバスケットを指す矢印。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altWaveTop": "ScratchのアバターとScratchコンポーネントで覆われた水色の波。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altWaveBottom": "水色の波。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altConnectingLine": "月を結ぶ点線。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altApril": "ボートと水を描いているScratchプロジェクト上のペンと鉛筆。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMay": "バブルの中にある絵文字でマークされたカレンダー。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJune": "ジューンティーンス・フラグと紙飛行機。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJuly": "マイクと音符。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altToolsIllustration": "いくつかの吹き出しの上にある感嘆符のアイコンに触れている手。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altVirtualTown": "少女が数軒の家の前の歩道を走っています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCatchGame": "右側の水平線上にはリンゴが浮かび、フレーム中央の下にはバスケットが置かれています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCharacterDesigner": "緑と白のシェブロンの背景の前に犬が座っています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altVirtualPet": "草むらの中央の岩の上にハリネズミが座っています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altLookingForward": "水やりの木は、背の高い木に成長する苗木に水をやります。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia1": "点灯している線香花火が、”おめでとう、ディワリ!”と言っている文字の下に登場します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia2": "ヒンディー語で書かれた文字の横にScratchキャットのマスコットが登場します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia3": "\"インド \"の文字のあるハートが描かれたインド国旗の前に、インド人女性が登場します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia4": "遊歩道や海などを背景の前にあるフルートの上に手が二つ登場します。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altChile": "子供たちのグループは、作品、工作、パソコンで埋め尽くされたテーブルの周りに座っています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBrazil": "子供たちが5本のスプーンをワイヤーでつないだノートパソコンの前に座っています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia": "女性がコンピュータの前に座っている女の子に指示をだします。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altUSA": "Scratchユーザーインターフェイスの画面ショットの横に小さなビデオのサムネイルが表示されます。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altChileIcon": "Scratchマスコット",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBrazilIcon": "グリーンの渦巻き",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndiaIcon": "円と連動する星",
+ "annualReport.2020.altUSAIcon": "いちごのイラスト、ラズベリーパイ財団のロゴ",
+ "annualReport.2020.altTutorial": "スペイン語のScratchチュートリアル",
+ "annualReport.2020.altGettingStarted": "Scratch画面の上部に再生ボタンがあります。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altEditor": "ScratchのUIと、現在開発しているプログラムのプレビューで、2人が会話する様子を表しています。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altHackYourWindow": "宇宙用ヘルメットを着た犬、星、ドーナツが窓の外側の宇宙で浮かんでいる様子。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altScratchInteraction": "二人がScratchのブロックの中で会話している。一人は、もう一人にブロックを渡している。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altImageBubbles": "Scratchプロジェクトからの画像が、泡のような形でまとまって表示されている。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altConnectivityVideoPreview": "友好的な海洋生物が見える風景の上に、再生ボタンが表示されている。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAdaptationVideoPreview": "Scratchユーザーインターフェースのさまざまな背景の上に、再生ボタンが表示されている。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJanuaryCard": "スターウォーズのレイが、クォータースタッフを持って砂漠の上に立っている。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAprilCard": "ScratchのUIのスクリーンショットが複数表示されている。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMayCard": "さまざまな人種の人たちが、こぶしを上げている。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJuneCard": "紙でできた花をホッチキスでとめている。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJulyCard": "カニ、人魚、タコが海底で一緒に音楽を演奏している。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altOctoberCard": "カボチャとキャンディーコーンが、パソコンの上の壁にある。",
+ "annualReport.2020.altDonateIllustration": "切り抜かれたハート型の内側に指でハートの形を作っている二つの手。"
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Миссия",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Біз Scratch-ті барлық балаларды шығармашылықпен ойлауға, жүйелі түрде ойлауға және ынтымақтастықта жұмыс істеуге жұмылдыратын еркін, қауіпсіз, ойындық орта ретінде дамыттық — бұл қазіргі қоғамдағы барлық адамдар үшін маңызды дағдылар. Біз тәрбиешілермен және отбасылармен балаларды зерттеу, бөлісу және оқуда қолдау көрсету үшін жұмыс істейміз.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Four P шығармашылық оқыту",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Жобалар",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Неліктен Scratch-ті қолданатындығы туралы сұраққа, Scratcher-дің көпшілігі желідегі қоғамдастықтың өзінің тұрақты қатысуын ынталандыру, олардың шығармашылық қабілеттерін танытуға, достасуға, кері байланыс алуға, жаңа идеяларды алуға және жаңа дағдыларды үйренуге мүмкіндік беретін кеңістік беру үшін маңыздылығы туралы айтады. Көптеген Scratcher Scratch қауымдастығын бір-бірімен байланысу, бөлісу және үйрену үшін қауіпсіз және мейірімді кеңістік ретінде бағалайтындықтарын білдіреді.",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "Мен Scratch-ке 11 жасымда қосылдым және платформаны қолданудан және қоғамдастықпен қарым-қатынастан үйренгенім менің өсуімнің маңызды бөлігі болды.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch маған үйден, мысалы, нәрселер жасауға мүмкіндік берді\n- адамдарға және олардың жобаларына құрметпен қарау\n- достасу\n- Мен бұл карантинде жалғыз емес екенімді сезін\n.... және тағы басқалар, сондықтан мен айтқым келеді\n¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "Мен Скретчте жүргеніме 2 жылдай болды, және бұл өмірді өзгертетін тәжірибе болды! Мен кодтау, желідегі этикет және өнер сияқты көптеген жаңа нәрселерді білдім!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Скретч менің алтыншы сыныптағы сүйікті хоббиім болды. Бұл мені жасырын түрде логикамен, операциялар тәртібімен және кірістірілген математикалық өрнектермен таныстырды— компьютерлік бағдарламалаудың өзі туралы айтпағанда.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/pt.json
index de4ac964..18cd1208 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/pt.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/pt.json
@@ -1,306 +1,306 @@
- "annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Reach",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Mensagem do Fundador",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Missão",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Alcance",
"annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Temas",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Mensagem da Diretora",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Apoiadores",
"annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Equipa",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "Faça um Donativo",
- "annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "Adapting to a Changing World",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "The year 2020 will be remembered as the year when the COVID pandemic swept across the world, causing hardships and disruptions in the lives of everyone -- with the greatest hardships falling inequitably on those already facing challenges in their lives.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "Throughout the pandemic, young people around the world, many isolated in their homes, have come to the Scratch website in greater numbers than ever before, seeing Scratch as a safe space where they can express themselves creatively, learn new skills, and collaborate with one another. We were inspired by so many of the Scratch projects that young people created during 2020, many of them sharing their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic, climate change, racial injustice, and other issues on their minds. Young people were not just learning computational concepts and skills, but also developing their voice and their identities.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "To ensure that Scratch can continue to play this important role in young people’s lives in the years ahead, we’ve been making significant organizational changes at Scratch. At the start of 2020, the Scratch Team moved out of its longtime home at the MIT Media Lab and into the new offices of the Scratch Foundation in downtown Boston. This move will help us to build a sustainable organization capable of supporting Scratch as a global creative coding platform into the future.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "Later in 2020, as part of this organizational transition, we hired Shawna Young to serve as Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation. Shawna comes to the Scratch Foundation with a strong background in education and nonprofit management, and a deep commitment to equity and inclusion. Throughout her career in institutions such as Duke and MIT, Shawna has worked to expand learning experiences for students from diverse communities. That commitment is strongly aligned with Scratch’s mission and values, and it will play an important role in her leadership at Scratch. I encourage you to read Shawna’s message at the end of this annual report.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP5": "Over the past decade, Scratch has had phenomenal success, engaging tens of millions of young people around the world. But we are just beginning. The challenge for the years ahead is to ensure that we can continue to spread and support not just our technology but also our creative, caring, collaborative learning approach, so that young people around the world have equitable opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn. We look forward to working with all of you to make that happen!",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageScratchTitle": "Chair, Scratch Foundation",
+ "annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "Relatório Anual de 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "Adaptando-se a um Mundo em Mudança",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "Uma Mensagem de Nosso Fundador",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "O ano de 2020 será lembrado como o ano em que a pandemia da COVID tomou conta do mundo, causando dificuldades e rupturas na vida de todos - com as maiores dificuldades caindo injustamente sobre aqueles que já enfrentam desafios em suas vidas.",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "Ao longo da pandemia, jovens de todo o mundo, muitos isolados em suas casas, vieram ao website do Scratch em maior número do que nunca, vendo no Scratch um espaço seguro onde eles podem se expressar criativamente, aprender novas habilidades e colaborar uns com os outros. Fomos inspirados por tantos projetos do Scratch que jovens criaram durante 2020, muitos deles compartilhando o que pensam e sentem quanto à pandemia, mudanças climáticas, injustiça racial e outras questões em suas mentes. Os jovens não estavam apenas aprendendo conceitos e habilidades computacionais, mas também desenvolvendo sua voz e identidade.",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "Para garantir que o Scratch possa continuar a desempenhar este importante papel na vida dos jovens nos próximos anos, temos feito mudanças organizacionais significativas no Scratch. No início de 2020, a Equipe Scratch se mudou de sua antiga casa no MIT Media Lab para os novos escritórios da Fundação Scratch no centro de Boston. Esta mudança nos ajudará a construir uma organização sustentável capaz de apoiar o Scratch como uma plataforma global de programação criativa para o futuro.",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "Mais tarde, em 2020, como parte desta transição organizacional, contratamos Shawna Young para servir como Diretora Executiva da Fundação Scratch. Shawna vem para a Fundação Scratch com um forte histórico em educação e gestão de organizações sem fins lucrativos, e um profundo compromisso com equidade e inclusão. Ao longo de sua carreira em instituições como Duke e MIT, Shawna tem trabalhado para expandir experiências de aprendizagem para estudantes de diversas comunidades. Esse compromisso está fortemente alinhado com a missão e valores do Scratch, e desempenhará um papel importante em sua liderança no Scratch. Eu os encorajo a ler a mensagem de Shawna no final deste relatório anual.",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP5": "Durante a última década, o Scratch teve um sucesso fenomenal, envolvendo dezenas de milhões de jovens em todo o mundo. Mas estamos apenas começando. O desafio para os próximos anos é garantir que possamos continuar a difundir e apoiar não apenas nossa tecnologia, mas também nossa abordagem criativa, cuidadosa e colaborativa de aprendizagem, para que os jovens de todo o mundo tenham oportunidades iguais de imaginar, criar, compartilhar e aprender. Estamos ansiosos para trabalhar com todos vocês para fazer isso acontecer!",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageScratchTitle": "Presidente, Fundação Scratch",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageAffiliation": "Professor, MIT Media Lab",
"annualReport.2020.watchVideo": "Veja o Vídeo",
- "annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
- "annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vision",
- "annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
- "annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Nossa Missão e Visão",
+ "annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Visão",
+ "annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "Divulgar abordagens criativas, cuidadosas e equitativas de programação e aprendizagem pelo mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Missão",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Proporcionar aos jovens ferramentas digitais e oportunidades para imaginar, criar, compartilhar e aprender.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP1": "Estamos comprometidos com a justiça educacional e priorizar a equidade em todos os aspectos de nosso trabalho, com um foco particular em iniciativas e abordagens que apoiem crianças, famílias e educadores excluídos da computação criativa.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Desenvolvemos o Scratch como um ambiente de aprendizagem livre, seguro e lúdico que engaja todas as crianças em pensar criativamente, raciocinar sistematicamente e trabalhar em colaboração—habilidades essenciais para todos na sociedade de hoje. Trabalhamos com educadores e famílias para apoiar as crianças na exploração, no compartilhamento e na aprendizagem.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP3": "No desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, atividades e materiais de aprendizagem, somos guiados pelo que chamamos os Quatro P's da Aprendizagem Criativa:",
+ "annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Os 4 P's da Aprendizagem Criativa",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Projectos",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersTitle": "Pares",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionTitle": "Paixão",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayTitle": "Tocar",
- "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
- "annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "million",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Envolvemos as crianças na concepção, criação e expressão pessoal criativa",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Apoiamos as crianças na colaboração, compartilhamento, remixagem e mentoria",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Permitimos que as crianças explorarem seus interesses e trabalharem em projetos pessoais significativos",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Encorajamos as crianças a brincarem, experimentarem e interagirem",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "Alcançando Crianças ao Redor do Mundo",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "O Scratch é a maior comunidade de programação para crianças e adolescentes acima de 8 anos.",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "milhões",
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersNumber": "15 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "3.8% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "3,8% superior a 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "80 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "37% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "37% superior a 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "29 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% superior a 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsNumber": "217%",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsOld": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsIncrease": "150 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "New Users",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects",
- "annualReport.2020.reachComments": "increase in comments posted",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "de Novos Usuários",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "de Projetos Criados",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "de Pessoas Criando Projetos",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachComments": "de aumento em comentários postados",
"annualReport.2020.reachGlobalCommunity": "A Nossa Comunidade Global",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through December 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMap24M": "24M",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 64 Languages",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "3 languages from 2019",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
- "annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "Total de contas registradas na Comunidade Online do Scratch desde o lançamento do Scratch até dezembro de 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMap24M": "24 milhões",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "em uma escala logarítmica ",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "O Scratch está Traduzido em 64 Idiomas",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "3 idiomas a mais que em 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationBlurb": "Graças a tradutores voluntários de todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "O ScratchJr é um ambiente de programação introdutório que permite crianças mais novas (de 5-7 anos) criarem seus próprios jogos e histórias interativas.",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsMillion": "3 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} from 2019",
- "annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "Emerging Themes",
- "annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "As young people faced the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, Scratch became a more important place than ever for them to connect, create, and express themselves. Throughout the year, our work was focused on three areas to best support our growing global community: connectivity, adaptation, and community. As always, our efforts were grounded in our commitment to equity and inclusion.",
- "annualReport.2020.equity": "Equity",
- "annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityTitle": "Connectivity",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIntro": "While young people were isolated inside of their homes due to COVID-19, Scratch offered an opportunity for them to connect and create with faraway friends, classmates, and family members. It also served as a portal to the outside world, where they discovered that millions of kids across countries and continents were experiencing the same things they were.",
- "annualReport.2020.aaronText": "Aaron’s students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldn’t,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.",
- "annualReport.2020.spotlightStory": "Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndia": "Scratch in India",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaIntro": "In India, the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaParagraph": "Across the entire global Scratch community, we saw a huge spike in activity beginning in March 2020. Nowhere was this sudden spike more evident than in India, where the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches of time. Through Scratch, kids in India found connection by creating and sharing 602% more projects than the year before.",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "de Downloads em 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} a mais que em 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "Temas Emergentes",
+ "annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "Ao enfrentarem os desafios sem precedentes da COVID-19, o Scratch tornou-se um lugar mais importante do que nunca para os jovens se conectarem, criarem e se expressarem. Ao longo do ano, nosso trabalho foi focado em três áreas para melhor apoiar nossa crescente comunidade global: conectividade, adaptação e comunidade. Como sempre, nossos esforços foram fundamentados em nosso compromisso com a equidade e a inclusão.",
+ "annualReport.2020.equity": "Equidade",
+ "annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "Estratégia Global",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityTitle": "Conectividade",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIntro": "Enquanto os jovens estavam isolados em casa devido à COVID-19, o Scratch ofereceu-lhes uma oportunidade para se conectarem e criarem com amigos distantes, colegas de classe e membros da família. Também serviu como um portal para o mundo exterior, onde eles descobriram que milhões de crianças em países e continentes diferentes estavam experienciando as mesmas coisas.",
+ "annualReport.2020.aaronText": "Os estudantes de Aaron trabalharam juntos para construir uma versão “excêntrica” de sua cidade chamada “Norwouldn't”, repleta de criaturas de livros de histórias, obras de arte originais e narrativas interligadas. Foi um dos muitos projetos colaborativos de Scratch que Aaron organizou para lembrar aos estudantes que mesmo enquanto a COVID-19 os mantinha dentro de suas casas, eles ainda faziam parte de uma comunidade alegre e carinhosa.",
+ "annualReport.2020.spotlightStory": "História em Destaque",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndia": "Scratch na Índia",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaIntro": "Na Índia, a pandemia da COVID-19 teve um enorme impacto e manteve muitos jovens e famílias isolados por longos períodos.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaParagraph": "Em toda a comunidade global do Scratch, vimos um enorme pico de atividade que começou em março de 2020. Em nenhum lugar este pico repentino foi mais evidente do que na Índia, onde a pandemia da COVID-19 teve um enorme impacto e manteve muitos jovens e famílias isolados por longos períodos de tempo. Através do Scratch, as crianças na Índia encontraram conexão criando e compartilhando 602% mais projetos do que no ano anterior.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsNumber": "2.3 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsSubhead": "Projects Were Created Online in 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsIncreasePercent": "602% from 2019",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsers": "The number of all-time registered users in India more than doubled in one year, ",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsersNumbers": "rising from over 300,000 in 2019 to over 700,000 in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsers": "The number of unique visitors increased",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsSubhead": "de Projetos Foram Criados Online em 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsIncreasePercent": "602% superior a 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsers": "O número total de usuários registrados na Índia mais que dobrou em um ano, ",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsersNumbers": "aumentando de mais de 300.000 em 2019 para mais de 700.000 em 2020.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsers": "O número de visitantes únicos aumentou",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersPercent": "156%",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersOld": "1.8 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersNew": "4.6 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjects": "The number of people creating projects increased",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersOld": "1,8 {million}",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersNew": "4,6 {million}",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjects": "O número de pessoas criando projetos aumentou",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsPercent": "270%",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaYear": "in 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsOld": "303 thousand",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsNew": "1.1 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorld": "Scratch Around the World",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorldSubtitle": "International Collaborators",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaYear": "em 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsOld": "303 mil",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsNew": "1,1 {million}",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorld": "Scratch pelo Mundo",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityWorldSubtitle": "Colaboradores Internacionais",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChileTitle": "Scratch Al Sur",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChile": "Chile",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChileParagraph": "Scratch Al Sur is dedicated to supporting computational and creative thinking among students and educators in Chile and across Latin America. They aided our translation and localization efforts in Rapa Nui and Spanish, and have engaged many educators in collaborative, playful Scratch professional development workshops.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilTitle": "Brazil Creative Learning Network",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryChileParagraph": "O Scratch Al Sur se dedica a apoiar o pensamento computacional e criativo entre estudantes e educadores no Chile e em toda a América Latina. Eles nos ajudaram na tradução e localização para rapa nui e espanhol, e engajaram muitos educadores em oficinas colaborativas e lúdicas de desenvolvimento profissional com Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilTitle": "Rede Brasileira de Aprendizagem Criativa",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazil": "Brasil",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilParagraph": "The Brazilian Creative Learning Network is a grassroots movement that implements playful, creative and relevant hands-on educational practices throughout Brazil. In 2020, the Scratch Team presented at the Brazilian Creative Learning Network’s Creative Learning Week event to share how kids were using Scratch to build community, express themselves, and speak out about what’s important to them. In turn, we learned how educators in the network were creating opportunities for self-expression with learners in their own communities.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilParagraph": "A Rede Brasileira de Aprendizagem Criativa é um movimento social que implementa práticas educacionais lúdicas, criativas e relevantes em todo o Brasil. Em 2020, a Equipe Scratch se apresentou no evento da Semana de Aprendizagem Criativa da Rede Brasileira de Aprendizagem Criativa para compartilhar como as crianças estavam usando o Scratch para construir comunidade, expressar-se e falar sobre o que é importante para elas. Por sua vez, aprendemos como os educadores da rede estavam criando oportunidades de autoexpressão com os alunos em suas próprias comunidades.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaTitle": "Quest Alliance",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndia": "India",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest Alliance empowers millions of learners and educators with 21st century skills, including creative computing. In 2020, {QuestAllianceLink} shared Scratch with learners and educators across India.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "Raspberry Pi Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "UK",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "The Raspberry Pi Foundation works to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. Through their Making at Home initiative, they lead livestream events that encouraged families and young people to learn and create together. Several of these livestreams featured Scratch tutorials—and sometimes, even {USALink}!",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndia": "Índia",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "A Quest Alliance capacita milhões de alunos e educadores com habilidades do século 21, incluindo computação criativa. Em 2020, a {QuestAllianceLink} compartilhou o Scratch com alunos e educadores em toda a Índia.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "Fundação Raspberry Pi",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "Reino Unido",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "A Fundação Raspberry Pi trabalha para colocar o poder da computação e da produção digital nas mãos de pessoas de todo o mundo. Através de sua iniciativa Making at Home, eles lideram eventos online que encorajam famílias e jovens a aprender e criar juntos. Vários desses eventos online tiveram tutoriais de Scratch—e às vezes, até mesmo {USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResources": "Recursos",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizing with Support from the LEGO Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "To support our growing global reach and aid our COVID-19 response, the LEGO Foundation supported Scratch with a generous grant. With this funding, we were able to localize key resources and reach even more young people around the world.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "Tutorial Images",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "We created translations of the images for 25 Scratch tutorials in 12 languages—totalling over 1,000 new images!",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizando com o apoio da Fundação LEGO",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "Para ajudar com nosso alcance global em expansão e nossa resposta à COVID-19, a Fundação LEGO apoiou o Scratch com uma generosa doação. Com este financiamento, fomos capazes de localizar recursos chave e alcançar ainda mais jovens em todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "Imagens de Tutoriais",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "Traduzimos as imagens de 25 tutoriais do Scratch para 12 idiomas—totalizando mais de 1.000 imagens novas!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Title": "Iniciação ao Scratch",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Paragraph": "The Getting Started with Scratch video is the most highly accessed and viewed Scratch tutorial video, greeting new Scratchers when they first join the site. We were able to translate this video into 25 new languages and to update the 3 previous translations, including visuals, voiceovers, and subtitles.",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Title": "Scratch Editor",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Paragraph": "The Scratch project editor is the most essential Scratch resource. We worked with a South African translation company that specializes in culturally-relevant educational translation to translate and review the Scratch editor in five South African languages: isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans, Sestwana, and Sepedi.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationTitle": "Adaptation",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationIntro": "As COVID-19 forced schools to close and pushed learning to virtual spaces, many students and teachers were discovering Scratch for the first time or adapting the way they taught and learned creative coding. From our own homes, the Scratch Team worked to support the changing needs of educators and the online community.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Paragraph": "O vídeo \"Primeiros Passos com o Scratch\" é o tutorial mais acessado e visto do Scratch, acolhendo os novos Scratchers quando eles se juntam ao site pela primeira vez. Conseguimos traduzir este vídeo para 25 novos idiomas e atualizar as 3 traduções anteriores, incluindo visuais, locução e legendas.",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Title": "Editor do Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Paragraph": "O editor de projeto do Scratch é o recurso mais essencial do Scratch. Trabalhamos com uma empresa de tradução sul-africana especializada em tradução educacional de relevância cultural para traduzir e revisar o editor do Scratch em cinco idiomas sul-africanos: isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans, Sestwana e Sepedi.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationTitle": "Adaptação",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationIntro": "Enquanto a COVID-19 obrigava as escolas a fechar e empurrava a aprendizagem para espaços virtuais, muitos estudantes e professores estavam descobrindo o Scratch pela primeira vez ou adaptando a maneira como ensinavam e aprendiam a programação criativa. Dentro de nossas próprias casas, a Equipe Scratch trabalhou para suportar as necessidades de mudanças dos educadores e da comunidade online.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteName": "Benedikt Hochwartner",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteTitle": "Curator for Creative Learning, mumok, Vienna, Austria",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteText": "In all the troubles over the past year, Scratch remained our platform of communication, our place to meet, and our medium of expressing ourselves creatively.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteTitle": "Curador para a Aprendizagem Criativa, mumok, Viena, Áustria",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteText": "No meio de todos os problemas do ano passado, o Scratch continuou sendo nossa plataforma de comunicação, nosso lugar de encontro e nossa mídia para nos expressarmos de forma criativa.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightName": "Aaron Reuland",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle": "K-5 Library Media Teacher, Norwood, MA",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText": "In Aaron Reuland’s Title One school in Norwood, Massachusetts, he counted on Scratch to help engage remote students in creative learning and rekindle their sense of community “when the only things I could count on us all having were a working computer and an internet connection.”",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2": "Aaron’s students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldn’t,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle2": "Scratch at Home",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2b": "On March 17, we responded to the COVID-19 crisis by launching the {linkText} to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. It was an invaluable way to connect with our community and adapt to a whole new way of learning and interacting online.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle3": "Live Create-Alongs",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText3b": "Our team hosted weekly, live {linkText} to connect with kids, parents, and educators at home and share tips and tricks for creating different types of Scratch projects. We had a blast seeing the projects they were inspired to create in our Create-Along studios!",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle": "Professor de Biblioteca de Mídia do Jardim de Infância ao Quinto Ano, Norwood, Massachusetts, EUA",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText": "Na escola \"Title One\" de Aaron Reuland em Norwood, Massachusetts, ele contou com o Scratch para ajudar a envolver os alunos remotos na aprendizagem criativa e reacender seu senso de comunidade \"quando as únicas coisas que poderíamos contar que todos teríamos eram acesso a um computador funcional e uma conexão com a Internet\".",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2": "Os estudantes de Aaron trabalharam juntos para construir uma versão “excêntrica” de sua cidade chamada “Norwouldn't”, repleta de criaturas de livros de histórias, obras de arte originais e narrativas interligadas. Foi um dos muitos projetos colaborativos de Scratch que Aaron organizou para lembrar aos estudantes que mesmo enquanto a COVID-19 os mantinha dentro de suas casas, eles ainda faziam parte de uma comunidade alegre e carinhosa.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle2": "Scratch em Casa",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2b": "No dia 17 de março, respondemos à crise da COVID-19 lançando as {linkText} para fornecer às crianças, famílias e educadores ideias para se envolverem em atividades de aprendizagem criativa com o Scratch em casa. Foi uma forma inestimável de se conectar com nossa comunidade e se adaptar a uma maneira totalmente nova de aprender e interagir online.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle3": "Eventos ao vivo Create-Alongs",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText3b": "Nossa equipe hospedou semanalmente eventos ao vivo {linkText} para conectarem-se com crianças, pais e educadores em casa e compartilharem dicas e truques para criar diferentes tipos de projetos com Scratch. Foi muito divertido ver os projetos que eles foram inspirados a criar em nossos estúdios Create-Along!",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle4": "Melhore a Sua Janela",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText4b": "Scratch educator Eduard Muntaner Perich created a #ScratchAtHome-inspired studio that took the community by storm: {linkText}. Hundreds of Scratchers from all over the world imagined fantastical games and stories happening just outside their window.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsTitle": "Connecting with Educators",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsText": "Educators around the world shared their own #ScratchAtHome ideas and discussed the struggles and triumphs of teaching remotely in a lively Twitter Chat on April 8th, 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot": "Snapshots",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Title": "Computer Clubhouse Network Virtual Workshops",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Text": "As part of our longstanding partnership, the Scratch Team conducts workshops for youth educators from {linkText}. Like educators around the world, our team had to conduct online workshops for the first time in 2020—and learn how to combat the isolation and technical difficulties of virtual learning. But thanks to online collaboration tools and innovative methods of sharing and reflecting, the team was able to recreate the collaborative, playful spirit of in-person workshops in a virtual space.",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Title": "Bring Yourself Into Scratch",
- "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Text": "2020 was also a year of adapting our tools and platform. We developed and added new sprites to the Sprite Library to inspire and enable beginner Scratchers to make projects representative of their racial, cultural, gender, or other personal identity.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText4b": "O professor de Scratch Eduard Muntaner Perich criou um estúdio inspirado na #ScratchEmCasa que foi um arraso na comunidade: {linkText}. Centenas de Scratchers de todo o mundo imaginaram jogos e histórias fantásticas acontecendo do lado de fora de sua janela.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsTitle": "Conectando com Educadores",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsText": "Educadores de todo o mundo compartilharam suas próprias ideias com a #ScratchAtHome e discutiram as dificuldades e os triunfos do ensino à distância em uma conversa animada no Twitter no dia 8 de abril de 2020.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot": "Fotos",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Title": "Oficinas Virtuais da Computer Clubhouse Network",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Text": "Como parte de nossa parceria de longa data, a Equipe Scratch realiza oficinas para jovens educadores da {linkText}. Assim como educadores de todo o mundo, nossa equipe teve que realizar oficinas online pela primeira vez em 2020 e aprender como combater o isolamento e as dificuldades técnicas do aprendizado virtual. Mas graças a ferramentas de colaboração online e a métodos inovadores de compartilhamento e reflexão, a equipe foi capaz de recriar o espírito colaborativo e lúdico das oficinas presenciais em um espaço virtual.",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Title": "Traga-se para o Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Text": "2020 também foi um ano de adaptação de nossas ferramentas e plataforma. Desenvolvemos e acrescentamos novos atores à Biblioteca de Atores para inspirar e permitir que Scratchers iniciantes tornem seus projetos representativos de sua identidade racial, cultural, de gênero ou outra identidade pessoal.",
"annualReport.2020.communityTitle": "Comunidade",
- "annualReport.2020.communityIntro": "In 2020, the Scratch Community became an even more vital place for young people to find a sense of togetherness and belonging. As we saw the meaningful conversations, collaborative projects, and moving stories Scratchers shared, we were in awe of their creative and resilient spirit.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityTitle1": "Virtual Family Creative Coding Nights Guide",
- "annualReport.2020.communityText1": "In 2019, with support from Google.org, the Scratch Team worked with Chicago Public School’s Office of Computer Science to connect students, families, teachers, and other community members through Family Creative Coding Nights.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityText2": "This year, our teams faced a new challenge: how could we bring the playful, community-building spirit of Family Creative Coding Nights to a virtual space, helping schools develop vital connections with remote students and their families? We developed the Virtual Family Coding Nights guide to provide a structure for these connections and support joyful learning",
- "annualReport.2020.communityDownloadButton": "Virtual Family Coding Nights Guide",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteName": "Kendra Mallory, M.Ed.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteTitle": "Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.M. Coordinator",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteText": "[In 2020], there were not many opportunities to engage with parents in such a fun, high energy way. So this opportunity provided much needed engagement...Teachers were apprehensive, but the students' level of excitement pushed them into a space where they had to trust the process and allow kids to learn from one another.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityIntro": "Em 2020, a Comunidade Scratch tornou-se um lugar ainda mais vital para os jovens encontrarem um sentimento de união e pertencimento. Ao vermos as conversas significativas, os projetos colaborativos e as histórias comoventes que os Scratchers compartilharam, ficamos maravilhados com seu espírito criativo e resiliente.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityTitle1": "Guia de Noites Virtuais de Programação Criativa para Famílias",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityText1": "Em 2019, com o apoio de Google.org, a Equipe Scratch trabalhou com o Escritório de Ciência da Computação da Escola Pública de Chicago para conectar estudantes, famílias, professores e outros membros da comunidade nas Noites em Família de Programação Criativa.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityText2": "Este ano, nossa equipe encontrou um novo desafio: como poderíamos trazer o espírito divertido voltado para a construção de comunidades das Noites em Família de Programação Criativa para um espaço virtual, ajudando escolas a desenvolverem conexões vitais com estudantes remotos e suas famílias? Desenvolvemos um guia de Noites Virtuais de Programação para Famílias para prover uma estrutura para essas conexões e apoiar o aprendizado lúdico.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityDownloadButton": "Guia de Noites Virtuais de Programação para Famílias",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteName": "Kendra Mallory, Mestra em Educação",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteTitle": "Coordenadora da Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.M.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteText": "[In 2020], não haviam muitas oportunidades de engajamento com os pais de uma forma divertida e cheia de energia. Então esta oportunidade proporcionou um engajamento muito necessário...Professores estavam apreensivos, mas o nível de empolgação dos estudantes impulsionou a todos para um espaço onde eles tiveram que acreditar no processo e permitir as crianças a aprenderem umas com as outras.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Comunidade Scratch",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Quando se lhes pergunta porque usam o Scratch, a maioria dos Scratchadores fala da importância da comunidade em linha para motivar a sua participação continuada, disponibilizando um espaço no qual pode expressar a sua criatividade, fazer amigos, receber comentários, obter novas ideias e aprender novas competências. Muitos Scratchadores expressam a sua satisfação por a comunidade Scratch ser um espaço seguro e acolhedor para se conectarem, partilharem e aprenderem uns com os outros.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewText": "2020 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of the year:",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "Entrei no Scratch quando tinha 11 anos e as coisas que aprendi usando a plataforma e interagindo com a comunidade foram realmente uma parte vital do meu aprendizado enquanto crescia.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "O Scratch me permitiu fazer coisas de casa, como \n- Respeitar pessoas e seus projetos\n- Fazer amigos\n- Sentir que eu não estou sozinha nesta quarentena\n....e muito mais, então eu quero dizer ¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "Estou no Scratch há cerca de 2 anos e tem sido uma experiência de mudança de vida! Aprendi tantas coisas novas, como programação, etiqueta online e arte!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch era meu hobby favorito no sexto ano. Ele secretamente me apresentou à lógica booleana, à ordem de operações e às expressões matemáticas aninhadas—para não mencionar a própria programação de computadores.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Retrospectiva do Ano",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewText": "2020 foi um ano notável na comunidade online. A Equipe de Comunidade destacou e desenvolveu oportunidades para crianças expressarem suas ideias e se engajarem de maneiras positivas e momentos incríveis surgiram dos próprios Scratchers. Aqui temos uma retrospectiva de alguns desses momentos de destaque do ano:",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Date": "Janeiro",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Title": "End of the Decade Scratch Design Studio",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Text": "Scratchers celebrated the close of a decade and new beginnings in this Scratch Design Studio.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Title": "Estúdio Scratch de Fim da Década",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Text": "Scratchers celebraram o encerramento de uma década e um novo começo neste Estúdio Scratch.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Date": "Abril",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Title": "April Fool’s Day",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Text": "“Mundane mysteries” appeared around the site, and Cat Blocks surprised and delighted the Scratch community.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Title": "Dia da Mentira",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Text": "“Mistérios Mundanos” apareceram pelo site e os Blocos de Gato surpreenderam e encantaram a comunidade Scratch.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Date": "Abril",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Title": "Create-Alongs",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratch Team members began hosting live tutorials to connect and create with Scratchers and their families at home.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Os membros da Equipe Scratch fizeram tutoriais ao vivo para se conectar e criar com Scratchers e suas famílias em casa.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Date": "Maio",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Mês do Scratch",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers around the world shared thousands of projects around weekly themes, from recycled crafts to hand-washing jingles.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers pelo mundo compartilharam milhares de projetos em torno de temas semanais de artesanato de recicláveis a músicas para lavar as mãos.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Date": "Maio",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Black Lives Matter",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Text": "As racial justice protests swept the US, the community came together to support each other and call for change.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Vidas Negras Importam",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Text": "Enquanto os protestos por justiça racial varriam os EUA, a comunidade se uniu para apoiar uns aos outros e pedir mudanças.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Date": "Junho",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Fun At Home! Scratch Design Studio",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Text": "Scratchers shared their favorite indoor games and activities to keep themselves engaged while staying home.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Estúdio Scratch Diversão em Casa!",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Text": "Scratchers compartilharam seus jogos e atividades favoritos para se manterem ocupados enquanto estavam em casa.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Date": "Junho",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Title": "Juneteenth Studio",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Text": "Scratchers created projects to honor Juneteenth and the continued fight for racial justice.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Title": "Estúdio Juneteenth",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Text": "Scratchers criaram projetos para homenagear o Juneteenth (Dia da Independência dos Negros nos Estados Unidos) e a luta contínua pela justiça racial.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Date": "Julho",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Title": "Acampamento Scratch",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Text": "Scratch the Musical got the whole community acting, singing, and dancing together.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Text": "Scratch o Musical fez toda a comunidade atuar, cantar e dançar.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Date": "Outubro",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Title": "Scratchtober",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Text": "Scratchers made hundreds of creative stories, games, and animations based on daily themed prompts.",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Text": "Scratchers fizeram centenas de histórias criativas, jogos e animações com base em temas diários.",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Name": "Anna Lytical, Scratch Alum",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Title": "Google Cloud Platform Developer Relations Engineer, and the Coding Drag Queen",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Text": "Seeing the power you have when you’re creating something and can represent yourself and your problems and express them or solve them with code is a really magical experience and has real world impact.",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotTitle": "Improving Our Tools",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotText": "Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. In 2020, we developed a new, more intuitive interface to help Scratchers flag inappropriate content, and improved the tools used by our community moderation team. As a result, we received higher quality reports from the community, and our community moderators were able to work more quickly and efficiently—keeping the site safer and friendlier for everyone.",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Title": "New Scratch Tutorials on YouTube",
- "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Text": "The Scratch Team began sharing tutorials on our YouTube channel in March 2020 to help Scratchers gain the skills to create whatever they can imagine. From pixel art to virtual pets, these tutorials are a hit with Scratchers of all ages, gaining 1.3 million views in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.tutorial1": "Virtual Town",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Title": "Engenheira de Relações com Desenvolvedores da Plataforma Google Cloud e Programadora Drag Queen",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuote2Text": "Ver o poder que você tem quando está criando algo e poder representar a si mesmo e seus problemas e expressá-los ou resolvê-los com programação é uma experiência realmente mágica e tem impacto real no mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotTitle": "Melhorando Nossas Ferramentas",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshotText": "Nossa Equipe de Comunidade usa uma ampla variedade de ferramentas e estratégias para encorajar a boa cidadania digital e manter um ambiente positivo para os Scratchers criarem. Em 2020, desenvolvemos uma nova interface mais intuitiva para ajudar os Scratchers a sinalizar conteúdo impróprio e melhoramos as ferramentas usadas por nossa equipe de moderação de comunidade. Como resultado, recebemos relatórios de alta qualidade da comunidade e nossos moderadores puderam trabalhar com mais rapidez e eficiência—mantendo o site mais seguro e amigável para todos.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Title": "Novos Tutoriais de Scratch no YouTube",
+ "annualReport.2020.communitySnapshot2Text": "A Equipe Scratch começou a compartilhar tutoriais em nosso canal do YouTube em março de 2020 para ajudar os Scratchers a ganhar as habilidades para criar tudo o que pudessem imaginar. De pixel art a animais de estimação virtuais, esses tutoriais são um sucesso entre os Scratchers de todas as idades, obtendo 1,3 milhão de visualizações em 2020.",
+ "annualReport.2020.tutorial1": "Cidade Virtual",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial2": "Jogo da Apanhada",
- "annualReport.2020.tutorial3": "Character Designer",
+ "annualReport.2020.tutorial3": "Criador de Ator",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial4": "Animal de Estimação Virtual",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText1": "2020 was a transformational year around the world, and for Scratch. I joined the team in November, when we were months into the COVID-19 pandemic. With my background as an educational leader, I was excited about the potential of leading Scratch through a period of significant change and continuing to work toward my personal goal of helping students from all backgrounds reach new heights. I knew that in this challenging year, young people everywhere were in serious need of even more support to help them achieve their potential.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText2": "The inequitable structures we have built to educate children were exacerbated by the pandemic. Through our conversations with families and educators from around the world, we know that in 2020, kids from all communities needed creative learning opportunities to express their ideas and build their skills more than ever, even while many of them did not have the ability to go to school.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText3": "As the world adapted and approached creative learning and self expression in new ways, many educators, parents, and young people turned to Scratch. We saw 40% more Scratchers creating projects year over year, and Scratchers left 200% more comments in 2020 than in 2019. Young people from all around the world used Scratch as a place to connect, converse, collaborate, and engage with one another. We saw them discover the amazing things they could create when they were given the opportunity to think creatively and solve problems they were passionate about. ",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText4": "In the wake of the pandemic, some have called for a “return to normal.” But for many young people, the freedom to learn and explore was missing in our schools well before COVID-19.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessagePullQuote": "We must do everything we can to change the systemic inequities in our educational systems, because “normal” was not built to be fair and equitable for most of our children.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText5": "In 2021, Scratch is redoubling our efforts to reach young people who have been historically excluded from creative computing and other creative learning opportunities. With support from Google.org, we’ve launched the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC), a powerful network of organizations across the world focused on supporting these learners in developing their confidence in creative computing. The 41 organizations in year one of the new program will connect with and learn from the Scratch Team and one another, and develop Equity Toolkits that will support them as they grow and scale their support for the learners in their community.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText6": "Our work to make Scratch even more equitable and inclusive is far from over. I’m excited to share more with you in the coming months. Until then, I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Scratch Community for continuing to support and care for each other through a turbulent year. Your creativity and compassion never ceases to inspire us.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "Looking Forward",
- "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, we’re continuing to innovate and collaborate with our partners to make Scratch even better for young people around the world. In the coming months, we’re working to bring Scratch into more schools, expand pathways to creative learning, develop and localize more resources for educators and young people, and improve the Scratch onboarding experience, and even more exciting projects.",
- "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "We’ve received generous grants from the LEGO Foundation and Google.org to help expand our global reach, advance our mission, and support this important work. Learn more:",
- "annualReport.2020.learnMore": "Learn More:",
- "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink1Text": "The LEGO Foundation and Scratch Foundation announce partnership to support learning through play with technology for millions of children across the world",
- "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink2Text": "Computer Science Education Week: More help for more students",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
- "annualReport.2020.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to the Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingText": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who have each provided at least $10,000,000 in cumulative support, since the start of Scratch in 2003.",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "Uma Mensagem da Nossa Diretora Executiva",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText1": "2020 foi um ano transformacional em todo mundo e para o Scratch. Entrei para a equipe em novembro, quando estávamos há meses na pandemia de COVID-19. Com minha experiência como líder educacional, eu estava animada com o potencial de liderar o Scratch por um período de mudanças significativas e continuar a trabalhar em direção ao meu objetivo pessoal de ajudar estudantes de todas as origens a alcançar novos patamares. Eu sabia que neste ano desafiador, as crianças de todos os lugares precisavam seriamente de ainda mais apoio para alcançarem seu potencial.",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText2": "As estruturas injustas que construímos para educar as crianças foram exacerbadas pela pandemia. Por meio de nossas conversas com famílias e educadores de todo o mundo, sabíamos que em 2020, crianças de todas as comunidades precisariam de oportunidades de aprendizagem criativa para expressarem suas ideias e desenvolverem suas habilidades mais do que nunca, mesmo quando muitas delas não podiam ir para a escola.",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText3": "À medida que o mundo se adaptava e utilizava a aprendizagem criativa e a autoexpressão de novas maneiras, muitos educadores, pais e jovens se voltaram para o Scratch. Vimos 40% mais Scratchers criando projetos ano após ano e Scratchers deixaram 200% mais comentários em 2020 do que em 2019. Crianças de todo o mundo usaram o Scratch como um lugar para se conectar, conversar, colaborar e se envolver uns com os outros. Nós os vimos descobrir as coisas incríveis que podiam criar quando tiveram a oportunidade de pensar de forma criativa e resolver problemas pelos quais eram apaixonados.",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText4": "Após a pandemia, alguns pediram um “retorno ao normal”. Mas, para muitos jovens, a liberdade de aprender e explorar estava faltando em nossas escolas muito antes do COVID-19.",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessagePullQuote": "Devemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para mudar as desigualdades sistêmicas em nossos sistemas educacionais, porque o “normal” não foi construído para ser justo e equitativo para a maioria de nossos filhos.",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText5": "Em 2021, Scratch está redobrando nossos esforços para alcançar os jovens que foram historicamente excluídos da computação criativa e de outras oportunidades de aprendizagem criativa. Com o suporte do Google.org, lançamos o Scratch Educação Colaborativa (SEC), uma rede poderosa de organizações em todo o mundo com foco em apoiar esses aprendizes no desenvolvimento de sua confiança na computação criativa. As 41 organizações no primeiro ano do novo programa se conectarão e aprenderão com a Equipe Scratch e vice-versa, e desenvolverão Kits de Ferramentas de Equidade que as apoiarão enquanto crescem e escalam seu apoio aos aprendizes em sua comunidade.",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText6": "Nosso trabalho para tornar o Scratch ainda mais equitativo e inclusivo está longe de acabar. Estou animada para compartilhar mais com vocês nos próximos meses. Por hora, gostaria de estender meus sinceros agradecimentos à Comunidade Scratch por continuar a apoiar e cuidar uns dos outros durante um ano turbulento. Sua criatividade e compaixão nunca param de nos inspirar.",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Diretora Executiva, Fundação Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "Olhando Para Frente",
+ "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "Em 2021, continuaremos a inovar e colaborar com nossos parceiros para tornar o Scratch ainda melhor para as crianças pelo mundo. Nos próximos meses, vamos trabalhar para levar o Scratch para mais escolas, expandir caminhos para a aprendizagem criativa, desenvolver e localizar mais recursos para educadores e jovens, melhorar a experiência de quem começa no Scratch e outros projetos ainda mais interessantes.",
+ "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "Nós recebemos doações generosas da Fundação LEGO e Google.org para ajudar a expandir nosso alcance global, favorecer nossa missão e apoiar este importante trabalho.",
+ "annualReport.2020.learnMore": "Aprenda Mais:",
+ "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink1Text": "A Fundação LEGO e a Fundação Scratch anunciam uma parceria para apoiar o aprendizado pela brincadeira com tecnologia para milhões de crianças pelo mundo (em inglês)",
+ "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink2Text": "Semana da Educação da Ciência da Computação: Mais ajuda para mais estudantes (em inglês)",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "Obrigado aos Nossos Apoiadores",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "Obrigado aos nossos generosos apoiadores. Sua contribuição nos ajuda a expandir as oportunidades de aprendizagem criativa para crianças de todas as idades, de todas as origens, em todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2020.ourSupporters": "Nossos Apoiadores",
+ "annualReport.2020.ourSupportersText": "Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os apoiadores do Scratch que, através dos anos, tem nos ajudado a criar maravilhosas experiências de aprendizagem para milhões de crianças pelo mundo. A lista a seguir é baseada em doações recebidas pela Fundação Scratch de 1 de janeiro de 2020 até 31 de dezembro de 2020.",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingTitle": "Parceiros Fundadores — US$ 10.000.000+",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingText": "Somos especialmente gratos aos nossos Parceiros Fundadores que individualmente proveram mais de US$ 10.000.000 em apoio acumulado desde o inicio do Scratch em 2003.",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Parceiros do gato do Scratch — US$ 1.000.000+",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersCreativityTitle": "Círculo de Criatividade — US$ 250.000+",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Círculo de Colaboração — US$ 100.000+",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersImaginationTitle": "Círculo de Imaginação — US$ 50.000+",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersInspirationTitle": "Círculo de Inspiração — US$ 20.000+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersExplorationTitle": "Círculo da Exploração – +5000 USD",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipTitle": "Our Team",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and Executive Chairman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipScratchTeam": "2020 Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2020.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
- "annualReport.2020.donateTitle": "Support Us",
- "annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersPlayTitle": "Círculo de Brincar — US$ 1.000+",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "Apoiadores em Espécie",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipTitle": "Nossa Equipe",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "Conselho Administrativo",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "Presidente",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "Professor de Pesquisa em Aprendizagem",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-presidente",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-fundador and co-presidente",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "Membro do conselho",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "Presidente e CEO",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "Antiga presidente",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipFounderCEO": "Fundador e Presidente Executivo do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Antiga CEO e Presidente do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Secretária e Tesoureiro do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Secretária do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Tesoureiro do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipScratchTeam": "Equipe Scratch 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipED": "Diretora Executiva",
+ "annualReport.2020.teamThankYou": "Agradecemos Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain e outros colaboradores do Lifelong Kindergarten Group no MIT Media Lab pelo seu incansável suporte ao Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.donateTitle": "Apoie-nos",
+ "annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "Seu apoio nos permite tornar o Scratch gratuito para todos, mantém nossos servidores funcionando e, o mais importante, nós somos capazes de fornecer às crianças ao redor do mundo uma oportunidade de imaginar, criar e compartilhar. Obrigado!",
"annualReport.2020.donateButton": "Faça um Donativo",
- "annualReport.2020.projectBy": "project by",
- "annualReport.2020.altAvatar": "user avatar",
- "annualReport.2020.altDropdownArrow": "Arrow indicating dropdown menu.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMastheadIllustration": "Three people interacting with physical scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2020.altWave": "An emoji hand waving.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMitchHeadshot": "Founder Mitch Resnick",
- "annualReport.2020.altBlocks": "Two scratch blocks stacked on top of one another.",
- "annualReport.2020.altBanana": "A banana with a wire plugged into it.",
- "annualReport.2020.altProjectsIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one sitting in a wheelchair, and one sitting on the ground paint and cut art projects.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPassionIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one kneeling, and one sitting on the ground paint, play music on a piano, and stargaze using a telescope.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPeersIllustration": "Four childeren sit around a campfire playing games and high fiving.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPlayIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one kneeling, and one sitting crosslegged stack rocks, play with toy boats, and fold origami.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "A calendar displaying the year 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCommentsVisualization": "Two comment bubbles. One smaller and darker representing the share of comments in 2019. One lighter representing the increase in comments made in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2020.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up and to the right.",
- "annualReport.2020.altTranslated": "A scratch component saying \"Hello\" and listing languages that scratch is available in.",
- "annualReport.2020.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "A scratch horizontal command component.",
- "annualReport.2020.altScratchJr": "Scratch Jr logo",
- "annualReport.2020.altHorizontalLoop": "Scratch horizontal loop component.",
- "annualReport.2020.altPieChart": "Visualization showing the 602% increase in projects created during 2020 in relation to projects created in 2019.",
- "annualReport.2020.altUsers": "Two generic user icons, a slightly smaller gray one and a slightly larger purple one.",
- "annualReport.2020.altArrowNext": "An arrow pointing to the right.",
- "annualReport.2020.altBenedict": "Avatar for Benedikt Hochwartner",
- "annualReport.2020.altAaronReuland": "Aaron Reuland imopsed over a paper bag puppet and illustration of a flying turtle.",
- "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesLeft": "A smiley face, scratch component, and heart displayed on a phone.",
- "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesRight": "A hand interacting with scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2020.altFileDownload": "An arrow pointing into a basket indicating that a file can be downloaded.",
- "annualReport.2020.altWaveTop": "A light blue wave covered with scratch avatars and scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2020.altWaveBottom": "A light blue wave.",
- "annualReport.2020.altConnectingLine": "A dotted line connecting the months",
- "annualReport.2020.altApril": "A pen and pencil drawing on a scratch project depicting a boat and water.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMay": "A calendar marked with emojis placed on a bubble.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJune": "The Juneteenth flag and a paper airplane.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJuly": "A microphone and music notes.",
- "annualReport.2020.altToolsIllustration": "A hand touching an exclamation point icon above a few text bubbles.",
- "annualReport.2020.altVirtualTown": "A girl runs along a sidewalk in front of a few houses.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCatchGame": "An apple floats on the horizon to the right while a basket sits below toward the center of the frame.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCharacterDesigner": "A dog sits in front of a green and white chevron background.",
- "annualReport.2020.altVirtualPet": "A hedgehog sits on top of a rock in the middle of some grass.",
- "annualReport.2020.altLookingForward": "A watering tree waters a sapling that grows into a tall tree.",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia1": "A lit sparkler appears below text saying \"happy Diwali!\"",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia2": "The scratch cat mascot appears next to some text written in Hindi",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia3": "An Indian woman appears in front of the Indian flag which has a heart containing the word \"India\" on it.",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia4": "Two hands appear over a flute in front of a background containing a boardwalk and sea.",
- "annualReport.2020.altChile": "A group of children sits around a table filled with arts and crafts and a laptop.",
- "annualReport.2020.altBrazil": "Children sit in front of a laptop connected to five spoons with wires.",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndia": "A woman instructs girls sitting in front of a computer.",
- "annualReport.2020.altUSA": "A small video thumbnail is displayed next to a screenshot of the Scratch user interface",
- "annualReport.2020.altChileIcon": "The Scratch mascot",
- "annualReport.2020.altBrazilIcon": "A green swirl",
- "annualReport.2020.altIndiaIcon": "A star interlocked with a circle",
- "annualReport.2020.altUSAIcon": "A cartoon raspberry, the Raspberry Pi Foundation logo",
- "annualReport.2020.altTutorial": "A Scratch tutorial in Spanish",
- "annualReport.2020.altGettingStarted": "A play button sits on top of the Scratch UI.",
- "annualReport.2020.altEditor": "The Scratch UI along with a preview of the progam currently being built showing two people talking to each other.",
- "annualReport.2020.altHackYourWindow": "A dog in a space helmet, a star, and a donut float outside a window in space.",
- "annualReport.2020.altScratchInteraction": "Two people talk amongst scratch components. One is handing a component to the other one.",
- "annualReport.2020.altImageBubbles": "Images from Scratch projects appear in bubble shapes grouped together.",
- "annualReport.2020.altConnectivityVideoPreview": "A play button appears over a scene of friendly sea creatures.",
- "annualReport.2020.altAdaptationVideoPreview": "A play button apppears over various scenes from the Scratch user interface.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJanuaryCard": "Rey from Star Wars holds a staff and stands in the desert.",
- "annualReport.2020.altAprilCard": "Multiple screenshots from the Scratch UI are placed together.",
- "annualReport.2020.altMayCard": "Hands belonging to people of a variety of races are raised in fists.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJuneCard": "A person staples a paper flower together.",
- "annualReport.2020.altJulyCard": "A crab, mermaid, and octopus play music together under the sea.",
- "annualReport.2020.altOctoberCard": "A pumpkin and candy corn appear on the wall above a computer workstation.",
- "annualReport.2020.altDonateIllustration": "Two hands form the shape of a heart with their fingers inside of a cut out heart shape."
+ "annualReport.2020.projectBy": "projeto de",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAvatar": "avatar de usuário",
+ "annualReport.2020.altDropdownArrow": "Seta indicando menu de seleção",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMastheadIllustration": "Três pessoas interagindo com blocos físicos do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altWave": "Um emoji de mão acenando.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMitchHeadshot": "Fundador Mitch Resnick",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBlocks": "Dois blocos do Scratch encaixados um sobre o outro.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBanana": "Uma banana com um fio encaixado nela.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altProjectsIllustration": "Três crianças, uma em pé, uma sentada em uma cadeira de rodas e uma sentada no chão pintam e cortam projetos de arte.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPassionIllustration": "Três crianças, uma de pé, uma ajoelhada e uma sentada no chão, pintam, tocam música em um piano e observam as estrelas usando um telescópio.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPeersIllustration": "Quatro crianças sentam-se ao redor de uma fogueira, jogando e batendo na mão se cumprimentando.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPlayIllustration": "Três crianças, uma de pé, uma ajoelhada e uma sentada, empilham pedras, brincam com barquinhos de brinquedo e fazem origami.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "Um calendário exibindo o ano de 2020.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCommentsVisualization": "Duas bolhas de comentários. Uma menor e mais escura representando a parcela de comentários em 2019. Uma mais clara representando o aumento nos comentários feitos em 2020.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altArrowUp": "Uma seta apontando para cima e para a direita.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altTranslated": "Um bloco do Scratch que diz \"Olá\" e uma lista dos idiomas em que o Scratch está disponível.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "Um bloco horizontal de comando do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altScratchJr": "Logo do ScratchJr",
+ "annualReport.2020.altHorizontalLoop": "Bloco horizontal de laço do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altPieChart": "Visualização mostrando o aumento de 602% de projetos criados ao longo de 2020 em relação aos projetos criados em 2019.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altUsers": "Dois ícones representando pessoas, um cinza ligeiramente menor e um roxo um pouco maior.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altArrowNext": "Uma seta apontando para a direita.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBenedict": "Avatar de Benedikt Hochwartner",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAaronReuland": "Aaron Reuland a frente de um fantoche de saco de papel e a ilustração de uma tartaruga voadora.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesLeft": "Um bloco do Scratch de rosto sorridente e um coração exibidos em um telefone.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altSprinklesRight": "Uma mão interagindo com blocos do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altFileDownload": "Uma seta apontando para uma cesta indicando que um arquivo pode ser baixado.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altWaveTop": "Uma onda azul clara coberta por avatares e blocos do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altWaveBottom": "Uma onda azul clara.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altConnectingLine": "Uma linha pontilhada conectando os meses",
+ "annualReport.2020.altApril": "Um desenho a lápis e canetinha de um projeto do Scratch que retratando um barco e água.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMay": "Um calendário marcado com emojis colocados em uma bolha.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJune": "A bandeira Juneteenth e um avião de papel.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJuly": "Um microfone e notas musicais.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altToolsIllustration": "Uma mão tocando em um ícone de ponto de exclamação acima de algumas bolhas de texto.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altVirtualTown": "Uma garota corre por uma calçada em frente a algumas casas.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCatchGame": "Uma maçã flutua no horizonte à direita enquanto uma cesta fica abaixo em direção ao centro da moldura.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCharacterDesigner": "Um cachorro senta-se na frente de um fundo listrado em verde e branco.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altVirtualPet": "Um ouriço sentado em cima de uma pedra no meio de um gramado.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altLookingForward": "Um regador rega uma muda que se transforma em uma árvore alta.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia1": "Um brilho festivo aparece abaixo do texto dizendo \"feliz Diwali!\"",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia2": "A mascote do gato do Scratch aparece ao lado de algum texto escrito em hindi",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia3": "Uma mulher indiana aparece em frente à bandeira da Índia que tem um coração com a palavra \"Índia\".",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia4": "Duas mãos aparecem sobre uma flauta em frente a um fundo contendo um calçadão e o mar.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altChile": "Um grupo de crianças está sentado ao redor de uma mesa repleta de artefatos e um laptop.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBrazil": "Crianças sentadas em frente a um laptop conectado a cinco colheres com fios.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndia": "Uma mulher dá instruções às meninas sentadas na frente de um computador.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altUSA": "Uma pequena miniatura de vídeo é exibida ao lado de uma captura de tela da interface de usuário do Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2020.altChileIcon": "O mascote do Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2020.altBrazilIcon": "Uma espiral verde",
+ "annualReport.2020.altIndiaIcon": "Uma estrela entrelaçada com um círculo",
+ "annualReport.2020.altUSAIcon": "Uma framboesa de desenho animado, o logotipo da Fundação Raspberry Pi",
+ "annualReport.2020.altTutorial": "Um tutorial do Scratch em espanhol",
+ "annualReport.2020.altGettingStarted": "Um botão de reprodução fica na parte superior da interface do usuário do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altEditor": "A interface do usuário do Scratch, juntamente com uma prévia do programa em construção, mostrando duas pessoas conversando.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altHackYourWindow": "Um cachorro com um capacete espacial, uma estrela e uma rosquinha flutuam do lado de fora de uma janela no espaço.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altScratchInteraction": "Duas pessoas conversam cercadas de blocos do Scratch. Uma está entregando um bloco para a outra.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altImageBubbles": "Imagens de projetos Scratch aparecem em formas de bolhas agrupadas.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altConnectivityVideoPreview": "Um botão de reprodução aparece sobre uma cena de criaturas marinhas amigáveis.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAdaptationVideoPreview": "Um botão de reprodução aparece em várias cenas da interface de usuário do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJanuaryCard": "A Rey de Star Wars segura um bastão e fica parada no deserto.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAprilCard": "Várias capturas de tela da interface de usuário do Scratch são colocadas juntas.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altMayCard": "Mãos pertencentes a pessoas de várias etnias estão levantadas em punhos.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJuneCard": "Uma pessoa grampeia uma flor de papel.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altJulyCard": "Um caranguejo, uma sereia e um polvo tocam música juntos no fundo do mar.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altOctoberCard": "Uma abóbora e um doce de milho aparecem na parede acima de uma estação de trabalho de computador.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altDonateIllustration": "Duas mãos formam um coração com os dedos dentro de um recorte em forma de coração."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/sw.json
index 7f754ee4..dbeea882 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/sw.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/sw.json
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Misheni",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Tumeendeleza Scratch kama mazingira bure, salama na ya kujifunza kwa kucheza ambayo huwashirikisha watoto wote kufikiria kwa ubunifu, kuwaza kwa mpangilio, na kufanya kazi kwa kushirikiana — stadi muhimu kwa kila mtu katika jamii ya leo. Tunafanya kazi na walimu na familia kusaidia watoto kuchunguza, kushiriki, na kujifunza.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Miradi",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Walipoulizwa kwa nini hutumia Scratch, Scratchers wengi huzungumza juu ya umuhimu wa jamii ya mkondoni kwa kuhamasisha ushiriki wao unaoendelea, kutoa nafasi ambayo wanaweza kuelezea ubunifu wao, kufanya marafiki, kupokea maoni, kupata maoni mapya, na kujifunza ujuzi mpya. Waandishi wengi huonyesha shukrani zao kwa jamii ya Scratch kama nafasi salama na ya kukaribisha kuungana, kushiriki, na kujifunza kutoka kwa mwenzake.",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "Nilijiunga na Scratch nilipokuwa na umri wa miaka 11 na mambo niliyojifunza kutoka kwa kutumia jukwaa na kuingiliana na jamii yalikuwa sehemu muhimu sana ya kujifunza kwangu kukua.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch imeniruhusu kufanya vitu kutoka nyumbani, kama\n- Heshimu watu na miradi yao\n- Fanya marafiki\n- Sikia kuwa mimi sio peke yangu katika karantini hii\n.na mengi zaidi, kwa hivyo nataka kusema... SHUKRANI!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "Nimekuwa kwenye Scratch kwa takribani miaka 2, na imekuwa uzoefu wa kubadilisha maisha! Nimejifunza mambo mengi mapya, kama vile kuandika misimbo, adabu ya mtandaoni, na sanaa!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch ilikuwa kichekesho changu cha kupenda zaidi katika daraja la sita. Ilinitambulisha kwa siri kwa mantiki ya Boolean, mpangilio wa shughuli, na misemo ya hisabati iliyosisitizwa —bila kutaja programu ya kompyuta yenyewe.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/xh.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/xh.json
index e15137a5..e0deecb2 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/xh.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/xh.json
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "iphulo",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Sivelise i -Scratch njengendawo yokufunda yasimahla, ekhuselekileyo, enemidlalo ebandakanya bonke abantwana ekucingeni ngobuchule, ukuqiqa ngendlela echanekileyo, kunye nokusebenza ngokubambisana — kwizakhono ezibalulekileyo kuye wonke umntu kuluntu lwanamhlanje. Sisebenza nootitshala kunye neentsapho ukuxhasa abantwana ekuphononongeni, ekwabelaneni nasekufundeni.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Oo-P abane boFundo lokuYila",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Iiprojekthi",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-cn.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-cn.json
index e43cc750..6f4ac2ed 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-cn.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-cn.json
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
"annualReport.2020.watchVideo": "观看视频",
"annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "我们的使命与我们的愿望",
"annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "愿望",
- "annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
+ "annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "在世界各地傳播創意、關懷、協作、公平的編碼和學習方法。",
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "使命",
- "annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "為年輕人提供數位工具,以及想像、創造、分享和學習的機會。",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "我們將 Scratch 開發為一個免費、安全、有趣的學習環境,讓所有孩子都能進行創意思考、邏輯推理和分工合作 — 這是現代人的基本技能。我們與教育工作者和家庭合作,支持兒童探索、分享和學習。",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "开发技术,开展活动,制作学习资料的过程,都是在我们称为“创造性学习4P”法则的指导下进行的,4P法则如下:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "创作式学习的4P",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "作品",
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "80 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "37% from 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "29 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "來自2019的44%",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsNumber": "217%",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsOld": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsIncrease": "150 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "新用户",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "作品",
- "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "專案創作者",
"annualReport.2020.reachComments": "发表的评论增加",
"annualReport.2020.reachGlobalCommunity": "全球社区",
"annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "从Scratch推出到2020年12月,在Scratch在线社区注册的总帐户的数量",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "问问Scratcher为什么要使用Scratch,大多数人都会提到在线社区的重要性,社区激励他们不断参与,为提供了表达创意、结识朋友、寻求建议、找到灵感和学习本领的空间。很多Scratcher对于Scratch社区能提供这样一个友好而安全的交流、分享以及学习的环境表示了感激。",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "我加入Scratch时11岁,在这里所学到的东西以及跟其他社区成员的交流,成了我学习成长过程中不可或缺的一部分。",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "在家用Scratch,我会:\n- 礼貌地观看别人的作品,和他们交流\n- 交朋友\n- 在隔离期间不再感到孤独\n……还有很多。所以我想说:谢谢!\n¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "我用Scratch已经两年了,它对我的影响很大。我学到了很多新东西,编程、网上礼节,还有艺术!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch是我6年级时最大的爱好。我渐渐知道了什么是布尔逻辑、运算的顺序、层层相套的数学表达式,更不要说计算机编程了。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.tutorial2": "接东西游戏",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial3": "Character Designer",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial4": "虚拟宠物",
- "annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "執行董事的話",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText1": "2020 was a transformational year around the world, and for Scratch. I joined the team in November, when we were months into the COVID-19 pandemic. With my background as an educational leader, I was excited about the potential of leading Scratch through a period of significant change and continuing to work toward my personal goal of helping students from all backgrounds reach new heights. I knew that in this challenging year, young people everywhere were in serious need of even more support to help them achieve their potential.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText2": "The inequitable structures we have built to educate children were exacerbated by the pandemic. Through our conversations with families and educators from around the world, we know that in 2020, kids from all communities needed creative learning opportunities to express their ideas and build their skills more than ever, even while many of them did not have the ability to go to school.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText3": "As the world adapted and approached creative learning and self expression in new ways, many educators, parents, and young people turned to Scratch. We saw 40% more Scratchers creating projects year over year, and Scratchers left 200% more comments in 2020 than in 2019. Young people from all around the world used Scratch as a place to connect, converse, collaborate, and engage with one another. We saw them discover the amazing things they could create when they were given the opportunity to think creatively and solve problems they were passionate about. ",
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.EDMessagePullQuote": "We must do everything we can to change the systemic inequities in our educational systems, because “normal” was not built to be fair and equitable for most of our children.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText5": "In 2021, Scratch is redoubling our efforts to reach young people who have been historically excluded from creative computing and other creative learning opportunities. With support from Google.org, we’ve launched the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC), a powerful network of organizations across the world focused on supporting these learners in developing their confidence in creative computing. The 41 organizations in year one of the new program will connect with and learn from the Scratch Team and one another, and develop Equity Toolkits that will support them as they grow and scale their support for the learners in their community.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText6": "Our work to make Scratch even more equitable and inclusive is far from over. I’m excited to share more with you in the coming months. Until then, I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Scratch Community for continuing to support and care for each other through a turbulent year. Your creativity and compassion never ceases to inspire us.",
- "annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation",
+ "annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Scratch 基金會執行董事",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "Looking Forward",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, we’re continuing to innovate and collaborate with our partners to make Scratch even better for young people around the world. In the coming months, we’re working to bring Scratch into more schools, expand pathways to creative learning, develop and localize more resources for educators and young people, and improve the Scratch onboarding experience, and even more exciting projects.",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "We’ve received generous grants from the LEGO Foundation and Google.org to help expand our global reach, advance our mission, and support this important work. Learn more:",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-tw.json
index 9c8e2db2..5ce7d79c 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-tw.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/zh-tw.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "创始人的留言",
"annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "使命",
"annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "分佈",
"annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "主題",
@@ -7,39 +7,39 @@
"annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "支持者",
"annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "團隊",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "贊助",
- "annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "Adapting to a Changing World",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "The year 2020 will be remembered as the year when the COVID pandemic swept across the world, causing hardships and disruptions in the lives of everyone -- with the greatest hardships falling inequitably on those already facing challenges in their lives.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "Throughout the pandemic, young people around the world, many isolated in their homes, have come to the Scratch website in greater numbers than ever before, seeing Scratch as a safe space where they can express themselves creatively, learn new skills, and collaborate with one another. We were inspired by so many of the Scratch projects that young people created during 2020, many of them sharing their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic, climate change, racial injustice, and other issues on their minds. Young people were not just learning computational concepts and skills, but also developing their voice and their identities.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "To ensure that Scratch can continue to play this important role in young people’s lives in the years ahead, we’ve been making significant organizational changes at Scratch. At the start of 2020, the Scratch Team moved out of its longtime home at the MIT Media Lab and into the new offices of the Scratch Foundation in downtown Boston. This move will help us to build a sustainable organization capable of supporting Scratch as a global creative coding platform into the future.",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "Later in 2020, as part of this organizational transition, we hired Shawna Young to serve as Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation. Shawna comes to the Scratch Foundation with a strong background in education and nonprofit management, and a deep commitment to equity and inclusion. Throughout her career in institutions such as Duke and MIT, Shawna has worked to expand learning experiences for students from diverse communities. That commitment is strongly aligned with Scratch’s mission and values, and it will play an important role in her leadership at Scratch. I encourage you to read Shawna’s message at the end of this annual report.",
+ "annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020年度报告",
+ "annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "适应不断变化的世界",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "一个来自于我们建立者的信息",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "2020年将被铭记为COVID-19疫情席卷全球的一年,给每个人的生活带来困难和干扰——最大的困难不公平地落在那些已经面临生活挑战的人们身上。",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "在整个疫情期间,世界各地的年轻人——许多在家里隔离的人——来到了Scratch网站,人数比以往任何时候都多。他们将Scratch视为一个安全的空间,可以创造性地表达自己,学习新技能,并相互协作。我们被年轻人在2020年期间创建的许多Scratch项目所鼓舞,其中许多人分享了他们对病毒、气候变化、种族不公正和其他在脑海中的问题的想法和感受。年轻人不仅在学习计算概念和技能,还在发展他们的发言和身份。",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "为了确保Scratch在未来几年能够继续在年轻人的生活中发挥这一重要作用,我们一直在对Scratch进行重大的组织变革。2020年初,Scratch团队搬出了它在麻省理工学院实验室的长期住所,搬进了位于波士顿市中心的Scratch基金会的新办公室。此举将帮助我们建立一个可持续发展的组织,能够支持Scratch作为一个全球创意编程平台走向未来",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "作为该翻译组织的一部分,我们在2020 年晚些时候聘请了Shawna Yang 担任 Scratch基金会的执行董事。 Shawna 在加入 Scratch 基金会时便具有了在教育以及非营利组织管理方面丰富的背景。在杜克大学和麻省理工学院等机构时,Shawna 一直致力于提高来自不同社区的学生的学习体验,她对公平性和包容性做出了坚定的承诺,这一承诺与 Scratch 的使命和价值观高度一致,并将在她领导 Scratch 的过程中发挥重要作用。因此,我们鼓励您阅读本年度报告末尾关于Shawna的信息。",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP5": "Over the past decade, Scratch has had phenomenal success, engaging tens of millions of young people around the world. But we are just beginning. The challenge for the years ahead is to ensure that we can continue to spread and support not just our technology but also our creative, caring, collaborative learning approach, so that young people around the world have equitable opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn. We look forward to working with all of you to make that happen!",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageScratchTitle": "Chair, Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageAffiliation": "Professor, MIT Media Lab",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageScratchTitle": "Scratch 基金会",
+ "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageAffiliation": "麻省理工学院媒体实验室教授",
"annualReport.2020.watchVideo": "觀看影片",
- "annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "我们的使命与我们的愿望",
"annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "願景",
"annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "在世界各地傳播創意、關懷、協作、公平的編碼和學習方法。",
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "使命",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "為年輕人提供數位工具,以及想像、創造、分享和學習的機會。",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP2": "我們將 Scratch 開發為一個免費、安全、有趣的學習環境,讓所有孩子都能進行創意思考、邏輯推理和分工合作 — 這是現代人的基本技能。我們與教育工作者和家庭合作,支持兒童探索、分享和學習。",
- "annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
- "annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionP3": "开发技术,开展活动,制作学习资料的过程,都是在我们称为“创造性学习4P”法则的指导下进行的,4P法则如下:",
+ "annualReport.2020.fourPs": "创作式学习的4P",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "專案",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersTitle": "共享",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionTitle": "熱情",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayTitle": "玩樂",
- "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
- "annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "让孩子参与创造性的设计、创作和自我表达",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "支持孩子协作、分享、改编及相互交流",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "支持孩子基于自己的兴趣,创作自己认为有意义的作品",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "鼓励孩子打磨、实验、反复改进",
"annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "全世界的孩子都在用",
"annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "Scratch 是全球最大的、面向八歲以上兒童及青少年的編程平台。",
"annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "百萬",
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersNumber": "15 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "3.8% from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "2019年起为3.8%",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "80 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "37% from 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "29 {million}",
@@ -50,22 +50,22 @@
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "新的用戶",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "建立的專案",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "創作專案的人",
- "annualReport.2020.reachComments": "increase in comments posted",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachComments": "发表的评论增加",
"annualReport.2020.reachGlobalCommunity": "我們的全球社群",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through December 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "从Scratch推出到2020年12月,在Scratch在线社区注册的总帐户的数量",
"annualReport.2020.reachMap24M": "24M",
- "annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 64 Languages",
- "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "3 languages from 2019",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "以对数尺度表示",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch 已被翻译成 64 种语言",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "从 2019 年开始的 3 种语言",
"annualReport.2020.reachTranslationBlurb": "感謝來自世界各地的翻譯志願者。",
"annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr 是面向 5-7 歲兒童的編程軟體,他們可以透過這個環境創作互動故事與遊戲。",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsMillion": "3 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2020",
+ "annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "2020年的下载量",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} from 2019",
"annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "新的主題",
"annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "As young people faced the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, Scratch became a more important place than ever for them to connect, create, and express themselves. Throughout the year, our work was focused on three areas to best support our growing global community: connectivity, adaptation, and community. As always, our efforts were grounded in our commitment to equity and inclusion.",
"annualReport.2020.equity": "平等",
- "annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
+ "annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "全球战略",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityTitle": "Connectivity",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIntro": "While young people were isolated inside of their homes due to COVID-19, Scratch offered an opportunity for them to connect and create with faraway friends, classmates, and family members. It also served as a portal to the outside world, where they discovered that millions of kids across countries and continents were experiencing the same things they were.",
"annualReport.2020.aaronText": "Aaron’s students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldn’t,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.",
@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@
"annualReport.2020.connectivityRegistedUsersNumbers": "rising from over 300,000 in 2019 to over 700,000 in 2020.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsers": "The number of unique visitors increased",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersPercent": "156%",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersOld": "1.8 {million}",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersNew": "4.6 {million}",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersOld": "1.8{million}",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaUsersNew": "4.6{million}",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjects": "The number of people creating projects increased",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsPercent": "270%",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaYear": "in 2020",
- "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsOld": "303 thousand",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaYear": "在2020年",
+ "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsOld": "30.3万",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaProjectsNew": "1.1 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityWorld": "Scratch Around the World",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityWorldSubtitle": "International Collaborators",
@@ -142,27 +142,27 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteTitle": "Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.M. Coordinator",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteText": "[In 2020], there were not many opportunities to engage with parents in such a fun, high energy way. So this opportunity provided much needed engagement...Teachers were apprehensive, but the students' level of excitement pushed them into a space where they had to trust the process and allow kids to learn from one another.",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
- "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "When asked why they use Scratch, most Scratchers talk about the importance of the online community for motivating their ongoing participation, providing a space where they can express their creativity, make friends, receive feedback, get new ideas, and learn new skills. Many Scratchers express their appreciation for the Scratch community as a safe and welcoming space to connect, share, and learn from one another.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
- "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "问问Scratcher为什么要使用Scratch,大多数人都会提到在线社区的重要性,社区激励他们不断参与,为提供了表达创意、结识朋友、寻求建议、找到灵感和学习本领的空间。很多Scratcher对于Scratch社区能提供这样一个友好而安全的交流、分享以及学习的环境表示了感激。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "我加入Scratch时11岁,在这里所学到的东西以及跟其他社区成员的交流,成了我学习成长过程中不可或缺的一部分。",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "在家用Scratch,我会:\n- 礼貌地观看别人的作品,和他们交流\n- 交朋友\n- 在隔离期间不再感到孤独\n……还有很多。所以我想说:谢谢!\n¡GRACIAS!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "我用Scratch已经两年了,它对我的影响很大。我学到了很多新东西,编程、网上礼节,还有艺术!",
+ "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch是我6年级时最大的爱好。我渐渐知道了什么是布尔逻辑、运算的顺序、层层相套的数学表达式,更不要说计算机编程了。",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewText": "2020 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of the year:",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Date": "一月",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Title": "End of the Decade Scratch Design Studio",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Text": "Scratchers celebrated the close of a decade and new beginnings in this Scratch Design Studio.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Date": "四月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Title": "April Fool’s Day",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Title": "愚人节",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard2Text": "“Mundane mysteries” appeared around the site, and Cat Blocks surprised and delighted the Scratch community.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Date": "四月",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Title": "Create-Alongs",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratch Team members began hosting live tutorials to connect and create with Scratchers and their families at home.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Date": "五月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Scratch Month",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Scratch 月",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers around the world shared thousands of projects around weekly themes, from recycled crafts to hand-washing jingles.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Date": "五月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Black Lives Matter",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Title": "黑命贵",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard5Text": "As racial justice protests swept the US, the community came together to support each other and call for change.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Date": "六月",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Fun At Home! Scratch Design Studio",
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Title": "Juneteenth Studio",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard7Text": "Scratchers created projects to honor Juneteenth and the continued fight for racial justice.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Date": "七月",
- "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Title": "Scratch Camp",
+ "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Title": "Scratch营",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard8Text": "Scratch the Musical got the whole community acting, singing, and dancing together.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Date": "十月",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard9Title": "Scratchtober",
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@
"annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "Looking Forward",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, we’re continuing to innovate and collaborate with our partners to make Scratch even better for young people around the world. In the coming months, we’re working to bring Scratch into more schools, expand pathways to creative learning, develop and localize more resources for educators and young people, and improve the Scratch onboarding experience, and even more exciting projects.",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "We’ve received generous grants from the LEGO Foundation and Google.org to help expand our global reach, advance our mission, and support this important work. Learn more:",
- "annualReport.2020.learnMore": "Learn More:",
+ "annualReport.2020.learnMore": "更多:",
"annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink1Text": "The LEGO Foundation and Scratch Foundation announce partnership to support learning through play with technology for millions of children across the world",
"annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink2Text": "Computer Science Education Week: More help for more students",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "感谢我们的赞助人",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "感谢我们慷慨的支持者。你们的贡献帮助我们为全球所有不同背景不同年龄的孩子扩展了创作式学习的机会。",
"annualReport.2020.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
"annualReport.2020.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to the Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.",
"annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
@@ -215,26 +215,26 @@
"annualReport.2020.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
- "annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
+ "annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "非现金赞助者",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipTitle": "我們的團隊",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "董事会",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "主席",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "学习研究教授",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "副主席",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "联合创始人及联席董事长",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "董事",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "总裁兼首席执行官",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "前总裁",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and Executive Chairman",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "董事会秘书、财务官",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "董事会秘书",
+ "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "董事会财务官",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipScratchTeam": "2020 Scratch Team",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
"annualReport.2020.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
"annualReport.2020.donateTitle": "支持我們",
- "annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!",
+ "annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "你的支持使我们能向所有人免费开放Scratch、保持我们服务器的运转,更重要的是我们能够为全世界的孩子提供想象、创作和分享的机会。谢谢!",
"annualReport.2020.donateButton": "贊助",
"annualReport.2020.projectBy": "project by",
"annualReport.2020.altAvatar": "user avatar",
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.altPassionIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one kneeling, and one sitting on the ground paint, play music on a piano, and stargaze using a telescope.",
"annualReport.2020.altPeersIllustration": "Four childeren sit around a campfire playing games and high fiving.",
"annualReport.2020.altPlayIllustration": "Three children, one standing, one kneeling, and one sitting crosslegged stack rocks, play with toy boats, and fold origami.",
- "annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "A calendar displaying the year 2020.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "一个显示2020年的日历",
"annualReport.2020.altCommentsVisualization": "Two comment bubbles. One smaller and darker representing the share of comments in 2019. One lighter representing the increase in comments made in 2020.",
"annualReport.2020.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up and to the right.",
"annualReport.2020.altTranslated": "A scratch component saying \"Hello\" and listing languages that scratch is available in.",
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.altConnectivityVideoPreview": "A play button appears over a scene of friendly sea creatures.",
"annualReport.2020.altAdaptationVideoPreview": "A play button apppears over various scenes from the Scratch user interface.",
"annualReport.2020.altJanuaryCard": "Rey from Star Wars holds a staff and stands in the desert.",
- "annualReport.2020.altAprilCard": "Multiple screenshots from the Scratch UI are placed together.",
+ "annualReport.2020.altAprilCard": "Scratch用户界面上的多个截图将被放在一起",
"annualReport.2020.altMayCard": "Hands belonging to people of a variety of races are raised in fists.",
"annualReport.2020.altJuneCard": "A person staples a paper flower together.",
"annualReport.2020.altJulyCard": "A crab, mermaid, and octopus play music together under the sea.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/an.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/an.json
index b8cf7e0e..37425703 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/an.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/an.json
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunity": "The Scratch Community in 2021",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "In 2021, more than 113 million projects were created on the Scratch site – almost a 39% increase from 2020 – and more than one million new studios were created! Throughout the year, the Scratch Team hosted numerous studios to celebrate important events and encourage Scratchers to participate in the online community.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReview": "Resumen de l'anyo",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewText": "2021 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of the year:",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewText": "2020 estió un anyo notable en a comunidat online. L'Equipo d'a Comunidat destacó y desenvolvió oportunidatz pa que los chovens expresasen las suyas ideyas y se comprometesen de forma positiva, y d'os propios Scratchers surtioron movimientos increyibles. He aquí un repaso a beluns d'os aspectos mas destacaus de l'anyo:",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Date": "Chinero",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Title": "Poetic Cafe",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Text": "We “opened” our very first Poetic Cafe where Scratchers were invited to write, share, or collaborate on poems to share with the community.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/el.json
index dee69dfd..d72c0ac0 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/el.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/el.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Παρακολουθήστε Βίντεο",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Αναπτύξαμε το Scratch ως ένα ελεύθερο, ασφαλές, παιχνιδοειδές περιβάλλον μάθησης που εμπλέκει όλα τα παιδιά στη δημιουργική σκέψη, τη συστηματική επιχειρηματολογία και τη συνεργασία - βασικές δεξιότητες για όλους στη σημερινή κοινωνία. Συνεργαζόμαστε με εκπαιδευτικούς και οικογένειες για να υποστηρίξουμε τα παιδιά στην εξερεύνηση, την ανταλλαγή και τη μάθηση.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Αποστολή",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/et.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/et.json
index b23e47c0..152b4074 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/et.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/et.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Vaata videot",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Oleme välja töötanud Scratchi tasuta, turvalise ja mängulise õpikeskkonnana, mis kaasab kõik lapsed loovalt mõtlema, süstemaatiliselt mõtlema ja koostööd tegema — need on tänapäeva ühiskonnas kõigi jaoks hädavajalikud oskused. Teeme koostööd õpetajate ja peredega, et toetada lapsi uurimisel, jagamisel ja õppimisel.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Missioon",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/fy.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/fy.json
index 43fb2fad..4d57dbee 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/fy.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/fy.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Sjoch de fideo",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Wy hawwe Scratch ûntwikkele as in fergese, feilige, ludike learomjouwing dy't alle bern dwaande hâldt mei kreatyf tinken, systematysk redenearjen en gearwurking — essensjele feardigens foar elkenien yn 'e hjoeddeistige maatskippij. Wy gearwurkje mei oplieders en famyljes om bern te stypjen by ferkennen, dielen en learen.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Missy",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
index 0121828a..d2cb21da 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
@@ -1,271 +1,271 @@
- "annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Reach",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Themes",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Team",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "設立者からのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "ミッション",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "普及活動",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "テーマ",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "ディレクターからのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "サポーター",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "チーム",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "きふ",
- "annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Building an Equitable Community Together",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "In 2021, COVID-19 continued to disrupt our routines and shape the way we interact with one another. Even as we began to gather together, schools reopened, and there were calls for a “return to normal,” the most vulnerable in our society remained disproportionately impacted by the inequitable structures that COVID-19 exacerbated. The COVID-19 crisis shaped young people’s relationships to Scratch, and solidified Scratch as a more vital place than ever for them to create, learn, and connect. But as we moved into a new year, we did not leave behind our most vulnerable young people as they began to navigate “the new normal.”",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "One of the foundational values of Scratch has always been to empower young people to explore, create, play, and discover—opportunities that aren’t afforded equitably to all students.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "We believe in the transformative power of self-expression and creativity, and in providing space for young people to use creative coding as a tool to raise their voice.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "I’m proud to serve as the Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation during this pivotal moment in our history, and will continue to spread Scratch’s caring, collaborative approach to creative learning to kids around the world who need these opportunities the most.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "Last year was an incredible year for the Scratch Foundation–we focused on growing our team with remarkable, diverse leaders and building a solid foundation for our continued transition to an independent organization. We developed a three-year Strategic Plan with the combined efforts of every team member at every level of our organization, codifying the work we’re embarking on together. As Scratch grows, we remain focused on equity and community-building, and keeping Scratch a safe space for kids to connect, create, and collaborate with their peers around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP5": "I can’t thank you enough for embarking on this journey with our team, and for your continued support of our mission. The compassion and creativity of the Scratch Community is endlessly inspiring to us, and we can’t wait for you to join us in the important work ahead of us.",
- "annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation",
+ "annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021年次報告書",
+ "annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "みんなで作る公平性のあるコミュニティ",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "エグゼクティブ・ディレクターからのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "2021年は、COVID-19による日常生活の混乱が続きました。このため、人々は相互の関わり方の形を変えざる追えませんでした。学校が再開されても、なお、”普通の生活に戻ること”を求める叫びが上がりました。COVID-19によって悪化した不公平な構造による不均等な影響は、社会的に最も弱い立場にある人々に残りました。COVID-19の危機は、若者のScratchへの関わり方を変化させ、Scratchが若者にとって、創造し、学び、つながるために、これまで以上に重要な場所であることが再認識されました。しかし、最も弱い立場の若者が”ニューノーマル(訳注:マスク着用が当たり前の新しい生活様式)”を歩み始めたように、新年度を迎えるに当たり、私たちは社会的に弱い立場にある若者を置き去りにすることはできませんでした。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "Scratchの基礎となる価値の1つは、常に若者に探求・創作・遊び・発見を支援することでした。ーすべての生徒に、こうした機会が公平に与えられているわけではありません。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "私たちは、自己表現と創造性がもたらす変革の力を信じ、若者が自分の声を上げるためのツールとして創造的コーディングを使用する場を提供しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "私は、Scratch財団の歴史の中で極めて重要な時期に、財団のエグゼクティブディレクターを務められることを誇りに思います。そして、Scratchの思いやりと協力に満ちた創造的に学習するアプローチを、こうした機会を最も必要としている世界中の子供たちに広め続けていきます。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "昨年は、Scratch財団にとって素晴らしい年でした。注目すべき多様なリーダー達は、チームを成長させ、独立した組織への移行を継続するための強固な基盤を構築することに注力しました。チームメンバー全員の力を結集して、3年間の戦略計画を策定し、着手している活動を成文化しました。Scratchの成長とともに、私たちは公平性とコミュニティ構築に注力し、Scratchを世界中の子供たちがつながり、創造し、協力し合える安全な空間にし続けたいと考えています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP5": "私たちのチームと一緒にこの旅に乗り出し、私たちのミッションを継続的にサポートしてくださる皆さんには、いくら感謝してもしきれません。Scratchコミュニティの思いやりと創造性は、私たちに際限なくインスピレーションを与えてくれます。そして私たちの前にある重要な仕事にあなたが参加してくれるのを待ちきれません。",
+ "annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Scratch財団 エグゼクティブ・ディレクター",
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "ビデオをみる",
- "annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
- "annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
- "annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "Values",
- "annualReport.2021.valuesSubtitle": "In this work, we are guided by our core values that define our principles as an organization and a community:",
- "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "Creative Expression",
- "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "Progressive Improvement",
- "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "Equitable Opportunities",
- "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementTitle": "Playful Engagement",
- "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionDescription": " We are committed to providing everyone with tools and opportunities to express their ideas, their interests, and their authentic selves within a supportive community.",
- "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementDescription": "We hold ourselves to a high standard and always strive to iterate, improve, and inspire one another to best serve young people around the world and the community that makes our work possible.",
- "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesDescription": "We are building an educational movement inclusive of people from diverse backgrounds so we can reach children around the world who have been excluded from creative coding opportunities.",
- "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementDescription": "At Scratch, play is an approach for making, sharing, learning, and engaging with the world. We encourage joyful exploration, experimentation, and collaboration.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachMillion": "million",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "私たちのミッション、ビジョン、バリュー",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP1": "私たちは、創造的なコンピューティングから排除された子供、家族、教育者をサポートするイニシアチブとアプローチに特に重点を置いて、教育的正義と仕事のすべての側面で公平性を優先することに取り組んでいます。",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "私たちは、すべての子供たちが創造的に考え、システマチックに推論し、協力して作業すること(今日の社会のすべての人にとって不可欠なスキル)を可能にする、無料で安全で遊び心のある学習環境としてScratchを開発しました。私たちは、教育者や家族と協力して、子どもたちが探求し、共有し、学ぶことを支援します。",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "ミッション",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "想像し、創造し、共有し、学ぶためのデジタルツールや機会を若者たちに提供します。",
+ "annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "ビジョン",
+ "annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "創造的で、思いやりがあり、協調性があり、公平性のある、コーディングと学びのアプローチを世界中に広めます。",
+ "annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "バリュー",
+ "annualReport.2021.valuesSubtitle": "この活動において、私たちは、組織とコミュニティの原則を定めたコアバリューに導かれています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "クリエイティブな表現",
+ "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "進歩的な改善",
+ "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "公平性のある機会",
+ "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementTitle": "遊び心のある関与",
+ "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionDescription": "私たちは、すべての人に対して、自分のアイデアや興味、本当の自分を表現するためのツールや機会を、協力的なコミュニティの中で提供することを約束します。",
+ "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementDescription": "私たちは自らを高い水準を維持し、世界中の若者や私たちの仕事を可能にするコミュニティに最善のサービスを提供するために、常に繰り返し、改善し、刺激し合うよう努めています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesDescription": "私たちは、創造的コーディングの機会から排除されている世界中の子供たちに手を差し伸べられるよう、さまざまなバックグラウンドを持つ人たちを巻き込んだ教育のムーブメントを構築しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementDescription": "Scratchにおいては、遊びは世界を作り、共有し、学び、そして世界と関わり合うためのひとつのアプローチとされています。 楽しい探索、実験、コラボレーションを奨励しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTitle": "世界の子供たちへの普及",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSubtitle": "Scratchは、8歳以上の子供たちとティーンエージャーのための世界最大のコーディングコミュニティです。",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachMillion": "00万",
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersNumber": "18 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "22% from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "+22% (2020年比)",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "113 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "39% from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "+39%(2020年比)",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "42 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% from 2020",
- "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "New Users",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch is used around the world across {numberOfCountries}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "more than 200 countries and territories",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "Saudi Arabia",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "We saw tremendous growth around the world in 2021, but we were amazed to see the growth in Saudi Arabia, where we saw twice as many new users as the year before.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 74 Languages",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "10 languages from 2020",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "+44% (2020年比)",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "新規ユーザ数",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "作成されたプロジェクト数",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "プロジェクトの作成者数",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratchは世界中の {numberOfCountries}で利用されている",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "200以上の国や地域",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "サウジアラビア",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "2021年は世界中で驚くべき成長を遂げましたが、中でもサウジアラビアでの成長は驚異的で新規ユーザー数が前年の2倍になりました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "scratchは74言語に翻訳されている",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "+10言語(2020年比)",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationBlurb": "世界中のボランティア翻訳者に感謝します。",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJrは、低年齢(5-7歳)の子供たちが自分だけのインタラクティブな物語やゲームの作成することができる入門用のプログラミング環境です。",
"annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsMillion": "5 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2021",
- "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 million from 2020",
- "annualReport.2021.themesTitle": "Emerging Themes",
- "annualReport.2021.themesDescription": "Amidst ongoing uncertainty from COVID-19, Scratch continued to serve as a key space for young people to connect and create together. In 2021, we focused our efforts on building a strong foundation to equitably support our growing global community and our growing Scratch Team. Our work was centered around three major themes: fostering community, increasing access and accessibility, and developing the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC).",
- "annualReport.2021.SECTitle": "Scratch Education Collaborative",
- "annualReport.2021.SECIntro": "Community voices and partnerships are deeply woven into the fabric of Scratch’s history. They have, and continue to be, integral in helping us increase accessible and equitable coding opportunities worldwide. In 2021, we launched the Scratch Education Collaborative, an initiative committed to identifying and eliminating the barriers to access to creative coding that connects remarkable organizations around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIs": "What is SEC?",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP1": "The SEC supports and engages participating organizations in a two-year, collaborative cohort experience to strengthen their commitment to, and implementation of, equitable creative coding using Scratch and ScratchJr.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP2": "By the end of the cohort experience, organizations will have formed new partnerships with each other and with Scratch, and will have established new models for equity-centered creative coding resources.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP3": "Our work with the SEC is made possible thanks to a generous grant from Google.org. We’d like to extend our gratitude for their continued support of our mission.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachDownloads": "2021年のダウンロード数",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "+200万(2020年比)",
+ "annualReport.2021.themesTitle": "新たなテーマ",
+ "annualReport.2021.themesDescription": "COVID-19から継続する不確実性の中、Scratchは、若者がつながり共に創造する重要な空間を提供し続けました。2021年、私たちは成長するグローバルコミュニティと成長するScratchチームを公平にサポートするための強力な基盤を構築することに注力しました。コミュニティの育成、アクセスとアクセシビリティの向上、Scratch Education Collaborative(SEC)の発展という3つの大きなテーマを軸に活動を行いました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECTitle": "Scratchエデュケーション・コラボレーティブ",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECIntro": "コミュニティの声とパートナーシップは、Scratchの歴史に深く織り込まれています。それらは、世界中でアクセス可能で公平なコーディングの機会を増やすのに不可欠であり、これからもそうです。2021年、私たちはScratch Education Collaborativeを立ち上げました。世界中の素晴らしい団体を結びつけ、創造的コーディングへのアクセスに対する障壁を特定し、取り除くことを約束するひとつの取り組みです。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIs": "SECとは?",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP1": "SECは、ScratchとScratchJrを使った公平性のある創造的コーディングへの取り組みとその導入を強化するため、参加団体を支援し、2年間のコラボレイティブなコホート(共同研究)体験への参加を促します。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP2": "コホート体験の終了までに、団体は、相互にそしてScratchと新しいパートナーシップを築き、公平性を重視した創造的コーディングのリソースの新たなモデルを確立します。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP3": "私たちのSECとの取り組みは、Google.orgからの寛大な助成金のおかげで可能になりました。今後とも変わらぬご支援を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。",
"annualReport.2021.SECOrgNumber": "41",
- "annualReport.2021.SECOrgLabel": "organizations",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECOrgLabel": "団体",
"annualReport.2021.SECCountryNumber": "13",
- "annualReport.2021.SECCountryLabel": "countries",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECCountryLabel": "国",
"annualReport.2021.SECPartnerNumber": "7",
- "annualReport.2021.SECPartnerLabel": "partners",
- "annualReport.2021.SECMapParagraph": "Our first cohort included 41 organizations representing 13 countries around the world, united by their commitment to supporting learners from historically marginalized communities in developing their confidence with creative computing. Their locations are highlighted below:",
- "annualReport.2021.spotlightStory": "Spotlight Story",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECPartnerLabel": "パートナー",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECMapParagraph": "私たちの最初のコホートには、世界13か国を代表する41の団体が含まれ、歴史的に疎外されたコミュニティの学習者が創造的コンピューティングに自信を持てるよう支援するというコミットメントによって団結しました。それらの団体の所在地は以下の通りです・",
+ "annualReport.2021.spotlightStory": "注目のストーリー",
"annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightTitle": "Bridges to Science",
- "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightLocation": "Fulshear, Texas",
- "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText1": "Bridges to Science; a Texas-based nonprofit providing math, coding, and robotics programs for underserved youth; was one of 41 exceptional organizations to join the Scratch Education Collaborative's first cohort.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText2": "In 2021, we supported Bridges to Science in facilitating their first “Hour of Code” workshop with Code.org. The event “Fiestas y Piñatas” attracted over 22,000 teachers and students from Latin America. We also collaborated with Bridges to Science to develop a toolkit of unique resources to meet their community’s needs.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuote": "One of the greatest joys that we have in teaching our students is that each one of them, no matter how quiet they are, all find a voice in computer science through Scratch.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuoteAttr": "- Rosa Aristy, Bridges to Science Founder ",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshops": "SEC Workshops",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsText": "Last year, the Scratch Education Collaborative hosted a series of workshops that supported their inaugural cohort in defining and exploring unique pathways to equitable creative coding. Workshops were facilitated by Stanford d. School, Tinkering Studio, the Brazilian Creative Learning Network, and Chicago Public Schools CS4ALL. Together, workshop participants developed a shared understanding of creative coding and discussed strategies and practices that foster culturally sustaining communities through creative communication and collaboration.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsSubtitle": "How can we creatively empower local community in exploring creative coding?",
- "annualReport.2021.accessTitle": "Access",
- "annualReport.2021.accessIntro": "As COVID-19 forced schools to close and pushed learning to virtual spaces, many students and teachers were discovering Scratch for the first time or adapting the way they taught and learned creative coding. From our own homes, the Scratch Team worked to support the changing needs of educators and the online community.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASL": "ASL Tutorial",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASLText": "In 2021, we partnered with Deaf Kids Code to launch our first American Sign Language tutorial in the Scratch Editor.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASLText2": " Together, we were inspired to create an evergreen resource that would expand creative pathways for deaf Scratchers.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASLText3": "The video is a 13-minute remake of our original “Getting Started with Scratch” tutorial that introduces beginners to the Scratch platform.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuote": "Being a good ally is a willingness to bend towards being accessible and really putting weight on the recommendations of organizations like mine … Asking, ‘What is it that we can do?’ and really letting us take the reins and go for it, with very little to no resistance; that is a very rare thing.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuoteAttr": "- Shireen Hafeez, Founder of Deaf Kids Code ",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommittee": "DEI Committees at Scratch",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeText": "In 2021, several committees at Scratch embarked on work to make Scratch more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for all users. We’re excited to share the progress each committee has made and the work still ahead.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "Accessibility",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText": "The Accessibility Committee was created in response to one Scratch Team member’s own difficulty using Scratch’s coding blocks and a recognized need to better support Scratchers of all abilities.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText2": "In October of 2021, the committee launched a project to make the color of our coding blocks accessible for Scratchers with vision impairments. The committee is excited to partner with teachers and community organizations specializing in accessibility so the coding blocks meet web accessibility guidelines, and more importantly, lower floors to make Scratch more accessible for all.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightLocation": "テキサス州フルシア",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText1": "Bridges to Scienceは、テキサスを拠点とする非営利団体で、恵まれない青少年に数学、コーディング、ロボット工学のプログラムを提供しており、Scratch Education Collaborativeの最初のコホートに参加した41団体の1つでした。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText2": "2021年に、私たちは、Bridges to ScienceがCode.orgとの最初の\"Hourof Code\"ワークショップを進行するのをサポートしました。 ”Fiestasy Piñatas”というイベントに、ラテンアメリカから22,000人を超える教師と生徒が集まりました。私たちは、Bridges to Scienceと協力して、コミュニティのニーズを満たす独自の教材のツールキットの開発も行いました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuote": "生徒たちを指導する上で、私たちの最大の喜びは、どんなにおとなしい生徒でも、全員がそれぞれScratchを通じてコンピュータサイエンスの世界に触れることができることです。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuoteAttr": "- Rosa Aristy(Bridges to Science創設者) ",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshops": "SECワークショップ",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsText": "昨年、Scratch Education Collaborativeは一連のワークショップを主催し、最初のコホートが公平性のある創造的コーディングへの独自の筋道の定義と探求をサポートしました。ワークショップは、スタンフォードのd.School、Tinkering Studio、ブラジル創造的ラーニング・ネットワーク、シカゴ公立学校CS4ALLが進行役を務めました。ワークショップの参加者は一緒に、創造的コーディングについての共通の理解を深め、クリエイティブなコミュニケーションとコラボレーションを通して、文化的に持続可能なコミュニティ育成の戦略と実践についてディスカッションしました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsSubtitle": "創造的コーディングを探求する際、地域コミュニティの力をどうやって創造的に高められるのでしょうか?",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessTitle": "アクセス",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessIntro": "COVID-19によって学校が閉鎖され、学習がバーチャルな空間に押しやられる中、多くの生徒や教師は、初めてScratchを知り、創造的コーディングの教え方や学び方に順応しました。Scratchチームは、教育者やオンライン・コミュニティの変化するニーズをサポートするために、自宅から活動しました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASL": "アメリカ手話版のチュートリアル",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASLText": "2021年、私たちはDeaf Kids Codeと提携し、アメリカ手話のScratchエディタのチュートリアルを公開しました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASLText2": " 私たちは、聴覚障害者のための創造的な道を広げる常設の教材を作ろうと思い立ちました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASLText3": "このビデオは、”Scratch入門\"のチュートリアルの13分間のリメイク版で、初心者向けにScratchプラットフォームを紹介しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuote": "良き味方でいることは、快く、アクセスし易くしたり、私のような団体の助言を重視する方向に心を傾けることです。’私たちにできることは何だろう?’と促し、任せると、ほとんど抵抗が無く頑張ります。そんなことはとても稀なことなんです。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuoteAttr": "- Shireen Hafeez(Deaf Kids Codeの創始者) ",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommittee": "ScratchのDEIコミッティ",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeText": "2021年、Scratchのいくつかのコミッティは、Scratchの多様性と公平性を高め、すべてのユーザーを受け入れるものするための作業に着手しました。各コミッティの進捗状況と今後の作業を共有できることを嬉しく思っています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "アクセシビリティ",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText": "アクセシビリティ・コミッティは、Scratchコーディングブロックを使う際、Scratchチームのあるメンバーが困難さを感じていることや、あらゆるレベルのScratcherをより良くサポートする必要があるとの認識に応えて設立されました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText2": "2021年10月、コミッティは、視覚障害のあるScratcherがコーディングブロックの色にアクセスできるようにするプロジェクトを立ち上げました。コミッティは、アクセシビリティを専門とする教師やコミュニティ組織と提携することに興奮しています。これにより、すべての人がScratchにアクセスしやすくするために、コーディングブロックは、Webアクセシビリティ・ガイドラインを満足させ、さらに重要な低い床(訳注:「創造的思考力を育む4つの原則」によると初心者が簡単に始められる方法を指す)を実現します。",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "G-JEDI",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText": "The Global, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (G-JEDI) Committee was formed to develop a shared language that defines what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mean to the Scratch Team.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText2": "In 2021, the committee began work on a DEI statement to outline the ways in which DEI has informed the Scratch Team and community’s past and present work, and how it will continue to inform new initiatives going forward.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Equity x Design",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText": "The EquityXDesign Committee was created as a place for Scratch Team members and our collaborators in MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten group to read and discuss ideas around equity-centered design practices.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText2": "The conversations are guided by Sasha Costanza-Chock’s “Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need,” and committee members discuss ways in which they can incorporate equity-centered design practices in the development of Scratch tools and resources.",
- "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguages": "10 New Languages",
- "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguagesText": "With huge thanks to our translation community, we were able to connect with Scratchers in 74 languages last year! In 2021, 10 new languages were added to Scratch, including isiXhosa (South Africa), Sepedi (South Africa), Setswana (South Africa), Afrikaans (South Africa), Kichwa (Peru), ଓଡ଼ିଆ/Odia (India), Kazakh (Kazakhstan), Aragonese (Spain), Western Frisian (the Netherlands), and Bengali (Bangladesh, India, and other regions).",
- "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfrica": "Zero-rated Scratch in South Africa",
- "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfricaText": "To improve the Scratch experience for young people in regions with low or no internet connectivity, we partnered with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) of South Africa to host a zero-rated page for downloading Scratch. Downloads on zero-rated pages do not use up any data bandwidth, reducing a barrier to accessing Scratch due to data limits and costs. Just two months after its April 2021 launch, the page had more than 1300 visitors.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessSnapshot": "Snapshots",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText": "Scratchチームにとっての多様性、公平性、インクルージョンの意味を明確にする共通言語を作成するために結成されたのが、G-JEDI(Global, Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusionの頭文字)コミッティです。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText2": "2021年、コミッティは、DEI(Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)ステートメントの作成に着手しました。その中で、DEIがScratchチームとコミュニティの過去と現在の活動にどのように影響を与えたか、今後どのようやって新しい取り組みに影響を与え続けるのかを概説しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "公平性 x デザイン",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText": "公平性 x デザイン・コミッティは、ScratchチームのメンバーとMITのライフロング・キンダーカーテン・グループの協力者が、公平性を重視したデザインの実践に関するアイデアを読み、ディスカッションする場として作られました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText2": "ここでのやり取りは、Sasha Costanza-Chock博士の”Design Justice:私たちが必要な世界を構築するためのコミュニティ主導の実践”を参考にしており、コミッティのメンバーがScratchのツールや教材の開発に公平性を重視したデザインの実践を取り入れる方法についてディスカッションしています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguages": "新たな10言語",
+ "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguagesText": "翻訳コミュニティのおかげで、昨年は74の言語でScratcher達とつながることができました。2021年には、isiXhosa(南アフリカ)、Sepedi(南アフリカ)、Setswana(南アフリカ)、Afrikaans(南アフリカ)、Kichwa(ペルー)、ଓ히님/Odia(インド)、Kazakh(カザフスタン)、 Aragonese(スペイン)、West Frisian(オランダ)、Bengali(バングラディッシュ、インド、他の地域)等、10言語を新しくScratchに追加しました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfrica": "Zero-rated Scratch( 南アフリカ)",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfricaText": "インターネット接続環境が整っていない地域の若者のScratchエクスペリエンスを向上させるため、南アフリカのNational Education Collaboration Trust(NECT)と提携し、Scratchをダウンロードするゼロレーティング・ページを設けました。ゼロレーティング・ページでのダウンロードはデータ帯域幅を消費しないため、データの制限とコストによるScratchへのアクセスの障壁が減らすことができます。2021年4月の開設からわずか2カ月で、このページの訪問者は1300人を超えました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessSnapshot": "スナップショット",
"annualReport.2021.communityTitle": "コミュニティ",
- "annualReport.2021.communityIntro": "In 2021, the Scratch community continued to experience rapid growth as even more young people around the world created and connected alongside their peers. We also continued to develop partnerships with community members to improve the Scratch experience for our diverse community of users.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityIntro": "2021年、Scratchコミュニティは、世界中の多くの若者が仲間とともに創作し、つながり合うことで急成長を続けています。また、コミュニティメンバーとのパートナーシップを発展させ、多様なユーザーコミュニティのScratchエクスペリエンスを向上させ続けました。",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConference": "Scratchカンファレンス",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "In July, educators in our global community came together to celebrate creative coding at the Scratch Conference. This free, virtual event was led by our collaborators at MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. The conference brought together {more_bold}, who spent the day connecting, collaborating, and learning from one another, even as COVID kept us apart.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1More": "more than 1,500 educators and Scratch enthusiasts",
- "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslators": "Volunteer Translators",
- "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText": "Since Scratch was launched in 2007, we have been committed to supporting our users worldwide. Our language translation volunteers work closely with the Scratch Team to help translate and localize our platform and resources for the diverse communities that we serve.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText2": "Thousands of translators have volunteered their time to translate Scratch into 74 languages and counting, and there are currently more than one thousand translators signed up to translate Scratch and ScratchJr. We’re grateful to our volunteers for helping us reach more Scratchers around the world!",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunity": "The Scratch Community in 2021",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "In 2021, more than 113 million projects were created on the Scratch site – almost a 39% increase from 2020 – and more than one million new studios were created! Throughout the year, the Scratch Team hosted numerous studios to celebrate important events and encourage Scratchers to participate in the online community.",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewText": "2021 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of the year:",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "7月には、グローバルコミュニティの教育者関係者がScratchカンファレンスで一同に会し、創造的コーディングをお祝いしました。この無料のバーチャルイベントは、MITのライフロング・キンダーカーテン・グループの協力者によって運営されました。COVIDが私たちを引き離したときでさえ、このカンファレンスには、 {more_bold}が集まり、つながり、コラボし、お互いに学び合って1日を過ごしました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1More": "1,500以上の教育関係者とScratch愛好家",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslators": "翻訳ボランティア",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText": "2007年にScratchを立ち上げて以来、私たちは世界中のユーザーをサポートすることに力を注いできました。言語翻訳ボランティアは、Scratchチームと密接に協力し、私たちがサービスを提供している多様なコミュニティのために、プラットフォームや教材の翻訳とローカライズを支援しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText2": "何千人もの翻訳者がボランティアでScratchを74カ国の言語に翻訳してきました。現在、ScratchとScratchJrを翻訳するために1,000人以上の翻訳者が登録しています。私たちは、世界中でより多くのScratcherに普及する手助けをして頂いているボランティアの方々に感謝しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunity": "2021年のscratchコミュニティ",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "2021年には、Scratchサイトで1億1,300万を超えるプロジェクト(2020年からほぼ39%増加)が作成されました。さらに100万を超える新しいスタジオが作成されました。年間を通じてScratchチームは、重要なイベントを祝い、Scratcher達がオンラインコミュニティへの参加を促すために、多数のスタジオを主催しました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReview": "1年の振り返り",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewText": "2021年はオンラインコミュニティで注目すべき年でした。コミュニティチームは、若者が自分のアイデアを表現し、前向きな方法で参加する機会を重視し発展させました。結果、Scratcher自身から驚くべきモーブメントが生まれました。今年のハイライトのいくつかを振り返ってみましょう。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Date": "1月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Title": "Poetic Cafe",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Text": "We “opened” our very first Poetic Cafe where Scratchers were invited to write, share, or collaborate on poems to share with the community.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Title": "ポエティック・カフェ",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Text": "ポエティック・カフェの第一号店を「オープン」させました。そこには、Scratcher達が招待され、詩を書いたり、共有したり、共同で作ったりして、コミュニティと共有しました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Date": "2月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Title": "Black History Month Studio",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Text": "Scratchers shared interactive artwork, created poems, animated music videos, and more to celebrate influential people and events in Black history.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Title": "黒人の歴史の月間スタジオ",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Text": "Scratcher達は、インタラクティブなアート作品や詩の作成、ミュージックビデオのアニメなどを共有し、黒人の歴史において影響力のある人物や出来事を称えました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Date": "4月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Title": "April Fool’s Day",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratchers were asked to imagine the “Secret life” of the Scratch Cat and went on a treasure hunt for fun and silly things hidden around the Scratch website.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Title": "エイプリルフール",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratcher達には、Scratchキャットの”秘密の世界\"を想像し、Scratchウェブサイトの中に隠された楽しくておバカな物を見つける宝探しをしてもらいました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Date": "5月",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Scratch Week",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers around the world shared more than 3,500 projects responding to themed prompts like “Cooking With Scratch” and “Ridiculous Inventions” to celebrate Scratch's birthday.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Text": "世界中のScratcher達が、Scratchの誕生日を祝うために、\"Scratchで料理\"や\"ばかげた発明\"といったテーマに応える3,500以上のプロジェクトを共有しました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Date": "6月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Pride Month",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Text": "Scratchers created projects using all the colors of the rainbow to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in the Pride Month studio.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Pride Month(プライド月間)",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Text": "Scratcher達は、Pride MonthスタジオでLGBTQ+コミュニティをお祝いするために、虹の色すべてを使ったプロジェクトを作成しました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Date": "8月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Scratch Camp",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Text": "During this annual three-week long event, Scratchers created more than 7,000 projects that moved and grooved, showcased creative do-it-yourself (DIY) ideas, and shared their discoveries about the natural world around them.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Scratchキャンプ",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Text": "毎年3週間にわたって開催されるこのイベントでは、Scratcher達が7,000以上のプロジェクトを作成し、ダンスの動きやグルーヴ(高揚感のあるミュージック)を表現したり、クリエイティブなDIYのアイデアを紹介したり、周囲の自然界についての発見を共有したりしました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Date": "10月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Title": "Scratchtober",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Text": "For two weeks, Scratchers created projects showcasing their interpretations of daily prompts in the Scratchtober studio. More than 3,500 projects were created around single-word themes like underwater, celebration, and creatures.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Title": "10月のScratch(スクラッチトーバー)",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Text": "Scratchtober(ScratchとOctoberを組み合わせた造語)スタジオでは、毎日出されるお題をもとに、Scratcher達が自分なりの解釈でプロジェクトを作成しました。水中、お祝い、生き物などの単語をテーマをもとに3,500以上のプロジェクトが作成されました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Date": "12月",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Title": "CSEdWeek",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Text": "Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) occurred from December 6-12 to celebrate computer science around the world. Scratch participated in the week by encouraging community members to check out tutorials, studios, and a live event hosted in partnership with Makey Makey!",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Text": "世界中でコンピュータサイエンスをお祝いするためにコンピュータサイエンス教育週間(CSEdWeek)が12月6日-12日に開催されました。Scratchは、コミュニティメンバーにチュートリアル、スタジオとMakey Makey!とのパートナーシップで開催されたライブイベントをチェックするように勧めることで、この教育週間に参加しました。",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Date": "12月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Title": "2021: A Scratch Year in Review Studio",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Text": "In 2021, Scratchers learned new skills, connected with friends around the world, and found creative ways to express themselves. More than 1,000 Scratchers shared their favorite Scratch memories and what Scratch meant to them in the 2021: A Scratch Year in Review studio.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Title": "2021年: A Scratch Year in Review (scratchの1年を振り返る)スタジオ",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Text": "2021年、Scratcher達は新しいスキルを身につけ、世界中の仲間とつながり、自分自身を表現するクリエイティブな方法を見つけました。1,000人以上のScratcherが、A Scratch Year in Reviewスタジオで、2021年のお気に入りのScratchの思い出や自分にとってのScratchの意味を共有てくれました。",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabTitle": "Scratch Lab",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText": "With the launch of Scratch Lab in February, we’ve opened the doors of our development process directly to Scratchers around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText2": "Before we decide if we should introduce new blocks to the Scratch coding editor, it’s crucial to see the creative, innovative, and surprising ways Scratchers interact with them. Scratch Lab is a sandbox where everyone can try out these new features and, most importantly, share their thoughts and ideas directly with us.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText3": "Over 500,000 Scratchers explored the Scratch Lab site in 2021, and they submitted more than 37,000 pieces of feedback.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText4": "This feedback has been invaluable as we evaluate and develop Animated Text blocks, Face Sensing blocks, and more potential new features.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText": "2月にScratch Labを立ち上げたことで、世界中のScratcherに直接、開発プロセスを門戸開放することができました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText2": "Scratchのコーディングエディタに新しいブロックを導入するかどうかを決める前に、Scratcher達がブロックとどのように関わり、創造的、革新的、そして驚きをもたらしているかを観察することが大変重要です。Scratch Labは、誰もがこれらの新機能を試すことができるサンドボックス環境です。ラボの最も重要なことは、Scratcher達の考えやアイデアを直接私たちに共有してくれることです。",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText3": "2021年には、50万人以上のScratcherがScratch Labのサイトを検索し、3万7000件以上のフィードバックが寄せられました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText4": "装飾付きのテキストを表示するブロック、顔認識ブロック、その他の可能性のある新機能を評価・開発する上で、このようなフィードバックは非常に貴重なものです。",
"annualReport.2021.ytData1": "100,000",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData1Sub": "subscribers",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData2": "9 million",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData2Sub": "views on videos",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData3Top": "viewers in",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData1Sub": "購読者",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData2": "9百万",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData2Sub": "動画閲覧回数",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData3Top": "閲覧者数",
"annualReport.2021.ytData3": "178",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData3Sub": "countries",
- "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Title": "The Scratch Team on YouTube",
- "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text": "The Scratch Team YouTube channel reached 100,000 subscribers in 2021— a nearly 500 percent increase from 2020! As students, educators, and families evolved in response to the pandemic, we knew we had to create resources that were reactive to their needs.",
- "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text2": "These resources include a series of comprehensive Scratch tutorials that guide users through designing stories, games, and animations on Scratch. In 2021, these videos garnered nearly nine million views from viewers in 178 countries.",
- "annualReport.2021.tutorial1": "How to Make an 'About Me'",
- "annualReport.2021.tutorial2": "How to Make a Clicker Game",
- "annualReport.2021.tutorial3": "How to Make a Mouse Trail",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageSubTitle": "Support and Inspiration from a Founding Partner",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText1": "As you read through this annual report, you’ll learn about many ways that Scratch is expanding creative computing opportunities for millions of young people around the world, especially those from marginalized communities. This global impact is possible because of the tireless work of the growing team of engineers, designers, educators, community moderators, and others at the Scratch Foundation.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText2": "To continue to grow our efforts and impact, we rely on the generous financial support of an incredible collection of companies, foundations, and individual donors who are aligned with our mission and vision. Here, I want to highlight the support and inspiration we’ve received from one of our Founding Partners: the LEGO Foundation.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText3": "My research group at the MIT Media Lab started collaborating with the LEGO company and LEGO Foundation more than 30 years ago. LEGO funding helped support our early work on Scratch, leading up to the public launch of Scratch in 2007. Then, when Scratch spun out of MIT into the Scratch Foundation in 2019, the LEGO Foundation provided important funding for the new organization, with a five-year $10 million grant to “support transformative educational change by developing and promoting playful, creative approaches to coding...in diverse economic and cultural contexts.” When the pandemic hit, the LEGO Foundation stepped up with an additional $5 million grant in 2021, to ensure that the Scratch Foundation could meet the needs of children and educators disrupted by the pandemic.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText4": "But the LEGO-Scratch connection goes far beyond financial support. The Scratch approach of creating animated stories and games by snapping together graphical programming blocks was inspired, in part, by the way children build LEGO houses and castles by snapping together plastic LEGO bricks. Scratch and LEGO also share the same project-based educational philosophy, encouraging children to iteratively refine their projects by trying out an idea, seeing what happens, then making revisions and trying again.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText5": "I’ve always loved the LEGO slogan “Joy of Building, Pride of Creation.” The LEGO Foundation’s deep partnership with the Scratch Foundation is helping to bring “Joy of Building, Pride of Creation” to children’s digital activities. The partnership serves as a model of how organizations with shared ideas and values can work together to catalyze transformational change in learning and education. As the Scratch Foundation continues to build its network of partners and supporters, I look forward to connecting with other organizations to expand creative computing opportunities for children around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderTitle": "Founder, Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.2021.lookingForward": "Looking Forward",
- "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, we outlined a Strategic Framework guiding our major priorities for the next 4 years. We’re focused on these major areas:",
- "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText2": "We would like to extend a huge thank you to the LEGO Foundation, whose generous COVID Recovery Grant will enable us to carry out this crucial work. We can’t wait to share more with you about the exciting projects we have planned, including updates to the Scratch experience for schools, updates to ScratchJr, and more.",
- "annualReport.2021.LookingForward1": "Strengthening the Scratch Platform and Community Infrastructure",
- "annualReport.2021.LookingForward2": "Expanding Pathways to Creative Learning",
- "annualReport.2021.LookingForward3": "Building Organizational Capacity and Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
- "annualReport.2021.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingText": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who have each provided at least $10,000,000 in cumulative support, since the start of Scratch in 2003.",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData3Sub": "国",
+ "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Title": "YouTubeのScratchチーム",
+ "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text": "2021年には、ScratchチームのYouTubeチャンネルの登録者数が10万人を達成しました。2020年から約500パーセントの増加です。 学生、教育者、そして家族がパンデミックに対応して進化していく中で、私たちは、彼らのニーズに対応する教材を開発する必要があることがわかりました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text2": "これらの教材には、Scratch上で物語、ゲーム、アニメーションをデザインする際の総合的なユーザーガイドであるScratchチュートリアル・シリーズが含まれています。 2021年、これらの動画は178ヶ国の視聴者によって900万回近く再生されました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.tutorial1": "'About Me'の作り方",
+ "annualReport.2021.tutorial2": "クリッカーゲームの作り方",
+ "annualReport.2021.tutorial3": "マウス追跡の作り方",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "設立者からのメッセージ",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageSubTitle": "創設パートナーのサポートとインスピレーション",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText1": "この年次報告書をお読みいただくと、Scratchが世界中の何百万人もの若者たちに創造的なコンピューティングの機会を提供していることがおわかりいただけるでしょう。特に社会的に取り残されたコミュニティの人々に、創造的コンピューティングの機会を提供しています。この世界的インパクトは、Scratch財団のエンジニア、デザイナー、教育者、コミュニティのモデレータなどの成長するチームのたゆまぬ努力のおかげで可能になります。",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText2": "私たちの努力と影響を継続的に拡大するためには、私たちのミッションとビジョンに賛同してくださる企業、財団、個人の寄付者の方々の寛大な資金援助のお陰です。ここでは、創設パートナーの1つであるLEGO財団から受けたサポートとインスピレーションにハイライトを当てたいと思います。",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText3": "MITメディアラボの私の研究グループは、30年以上前にLEGO社とLEGO財団との共同作業を開始しました。LEGOの資金提供は、Scratchに関する初期の作業をサポートするのに役立ち、2007年にScratchが一般公開されるまでになりました。その後、2019年にScratchがMITからScratch財団に移管したとき、「多様な経済的・文化的背景の中で、遊び心のある創造的コーディングのアプローチを開発・促進することにより、変革的な教育改革を支援すること」を目的に、LEGO財団は新しい団体に重要な資金を提供し、5年間で1,000万ドルを助成しました。パンデミックが発生したとき、LEGO財団は2021年にさらに500万ドルの助成金を提供し、Scratch財団がパンデミックによって混乱した子供や教育者のニーズに確実に対応できるようにしました。",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText4": "しかし、LEGOとScratchの関係は、財政的な支援にとどまりません。グラフィカルなプログラミングブロックを組み合わせてアニメになった物語やゲームを作るというScratchのアプローチは、子供たちがプラスチックのLEGOブロックを組み合わせてLEGOハウスやお城を作ることにヒントを得たものです。ScratchとLEGOも同じプロジェクトベースの教育哲学を共有しており、アイデアを試し、何が起こるかを確認し、修正を加えて再試行することで、プロジェクトを繰り返し改善するように子供たちに促しています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText5": "私は、いつまでもLEGO社の「Joy of Building, Pride of Creation」 というスローガンが好きです。LEGO財団とScratch財団の深いパートナーシップは、子供たちのデジタル活動に対して 「Joy of Building, Pride of Creation(作る喜び、創る誇り)」をもたらすのに役立っています。このパートナーシップは、アイデアや価値観を共有する団体が協力して、学習と教育の変革を促進する方法のお手本となっています。Scratch財団は引き続きパートナーとサポーターのネットワークを構築しているので、他の団体と交流して世界中の子供たちに創造的コンピューティングの機会を拡大することを楽しみにしています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderTitle": "創設者、Scratch創設者",
+ "annualReport.2021.lookingForward": "今後の展望",
+ "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText1": "2021年、私たちは今後4年間の主要な優先事項をガイドする戦略的フレームワークの概要を発表しました。私たちは、これらの主要な分野に重点を置いていきます。",
+ "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText2": "LEGO財団の寛大なCOVIDリカバリー助成金により、この重要な仕事を遂行することができるようになり、大変感謝しております。学校向けScratchエクスペリエンスのアップデート、ScratchJrのアップデートなど、私たちが計画しているエキサイティングなプロジェクトについて、皆さんともっと共有できる日を心待ちにしています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.LookingForward1": "Scratchプラットフォームとコミュニティ・インフラの強化",
+ "annualReport.2021.LookingForward2": "創造的な学びへの道を広げる",
+ "annualReport.2021.LookingForward3": "組織のケーパビリティの構築と財政の持続可能性の確保",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "サポーターへの感謝",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "寛大なサポーターの皆様に感謝します。 皆様の寄付は世界中のあらゆる背景を持つ全年齢の子供たちに創造的な学習の機会を広げるのに役立っています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.ourSupporters": "支援者",
+ "annualReport.2021.ourSupportersText": "長年にわたり、世界中の何百万人もの若者たちに素晴らしい学習体験を提供するために、Scratchサポーターの皆さんに感謝致します。下記のリストは、2021年1月1日から2021年12月31日までの間にScratch財団への寄付を基づいています。",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingTitle": "設立パートナー — $10,000,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingText": "2003年のScratch開始以来、累計で1,000万ドル以上のご支援をいただいている設立パートナーの皆様には特に感謝しております。",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratchキャットパートナー — $1,000,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersCreativityTitle": "クリエイティビティ・サークル — $250,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersCollaborationTitle": "コラボレーション・サークル— $100,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersImaginationTitle": "イマジネーション・サークル — $50,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersInspirationTitle": "インスピレーション・サークル — $20,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersExplorationTitle": "探求サークル — $5,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersPlayTitle": "プレイ・サークル — $1,000以上",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "現物の支援者",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipTitle": "わたしたちのチーム",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipScratchTeam": "2021 Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2021.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
- "annualReport.2021.donateTitle": "Support Us",
- "annualReport.2021.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to create inspiring, creative, and memorable learning experiences for kids everywhere, especially those who have been systemically excluded from creative coding opportunities. Make a gift to Scratch today to help us keep our servers running, maintain our growing global community, and make creative coding possible for kids in every country around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.donateMessage2": "Thank you for your generosity.",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "取締役会",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "会長",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "学習研究の教授",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "副会長",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "共同設立者兼共同会長",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "ボードメンバー",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "社長兼CEO",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "前社長",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "設立者兼CEO",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "前CEO兼チェアマン",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "取締役会幹事と会計",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "取締役会幹事",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "取締役会会計",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipScratchTeam": "2021年の Scratchチーム",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipED": "エグゼクティブ・ディレクター",
+ "annualReport.2021.teamThankYou": "MITメディアラボ・ライフロング・キンダーカーテン・グループのMitch Resnick、Natalie Rusk、Rupal Jain、およびその他の協力者の皆様の精力的なScratchのサポートに感謝します。",
+ "annualReport.2021.donateTitle": "支援する",
+ "annualReport.2021.donateMessage": "皆さんのご支援により、私たちは世界中の子供たち、特にこれまでシステム的に創造的コーディングの機会から排除されてきた子供たちに、刺激的で創造的、そして思い出に残る学習体験を提供することができます。今すぐScratchに寄付をすることで、サーバーを稼働させ、成長を続けるグローバルコミュニティを維持し、世界中の子供たちに創造的なコーディングを可能にすることができるのです。",
+ "annualReport.2021.donateMessage2": "ご厚意に感謝します。",
"annualReport.2021.donateButton": "きふ",
- "annualReport.2021.projectBy": "project by",
- "annualReport.2021.JuneIlloAttr": "Flags by @ratchild",
- "annualReport.2021.OctIlloAttr": "Potato and glasses by @Cupwing",
- "annualReport.2021.altMap": "A map of the world showing 41 SEC organizations",
- "annualReport.2021.altSECSpotlightImage": "A child plays with a toy in front of an orange background",
- "annualReport.2021.altAccessibility": "Two people use sign language in front of a green background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommittee": "A hand holds out a scratch component on a green background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "A hand paints scratch components on a blue background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "Two hands reach toward a text bubble with a heart inside it.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquitXDesign": "Two hands work together to compile a list of scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessSouthAfrica": "Two kids, one using a tablet and one using a laptop, work on a scratch project together.",
- "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTransators": "Four hands are raised with text bubbles resting on top of them in front of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altcommunityThankYou": "A globe with a banner across it saying 'Thank you' surrounded by the words for thank you in various languages.",
- "annualReport.2021.altAvatar": "user avatar",
- "annualReport.2021.altDropdownArrow": "Arrow indicating dropdown menu.",
- "annualReport.2021.altMastheadIllustration": "Three people interacting with physical scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2021.altWave": "An emoji hand waving.",
- "annualReport.2021.altMitchHeadshot": "Founder Mitch Resnick",
- "annualReport.2021.altCalendar": "A calendar displaying the year 2021.",
- "annualReport.2021.altWorldVisualization": "An illustrated version of the globe.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSaudiArabiaVisualization": "A bar chart showing that there were more than twice as many new Scratch users in 2021 as there were in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "A yellow Scratch programming component.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSECVideoPreview": "The Scratch interface appears on the left and a girl signing appears on the right.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchJr": "Text reading Scratch jr",
- "annualReport.2021.altHorizontalLoop": "A yellow horizontal Scratch programming component.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Two hands lining up physical Scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTranslators": "Hands reaching up in front of a purple background with text bubbles floating above them.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchLogoText": "A green rectangle with the words 'Scratch Lab' writton on it.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchLabVideo": "A screenshot of a Scratch project with a play button on top.",
- "annualReport.2021.altHat": "A person wearing a yellow hat and pink heart sunglasses.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchText": "A rainbow Scratch component displaying the text, 'Here we go!'",
- "annualReport.2021.altStar": "A girl with a yellow star in front of her face.",
- "annualReport.2021.altMouseTrail": "Multiple cut outs of a squirrel head placed randomly on top of each other.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSECWorkshops": "People playing together",
- "annualReport.2021.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up.",
- "annualReport.2021.altTranslated": "A scratch component saying \"Hello\" and listing languages that scratch is available in.",
- "annualReport.2021.altAboutMe": "The words 'About me' placed over an easel, hedgehog, mango, and soccer ball.",
- "annualReport.2021.altClickerGame": "A math game showing an apple, an orange, and a cut up bowl of fruit.",
- "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward1": "Interlocking hexagons displaying a swirl, start, and heart.",
- "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward2": "A sign post with one arrow poining right displaying a swirl and one arrow pointing left displaying a heart.",
- "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward3": "Colorful blocks lined up to create steps with a plant growing on top.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSparkle": "White sparkle decoration",
- "annualReport.2021.altDownArrow": "Purple arrow pointing down",
- "annualReport.2021.altConnectingLine": "A dotted line connecting timeline elements.",
- "annualReport.2021.altApril": "A pen and Scratch components placed on top of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altJune": "A birthday cake in front of a banner of flags displaying various types of LGBTQ+ pride.",
- "annualReport.2021.altAugust": "A potato, birthday had, and sunglasses on top of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard1": "A colorful blob floats in front of a black and gray background next to the words 'A dream In a world of nightmares.'",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard2": "A black woman is wearing a yellow headband and gold hoop earrings.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard3": "The scratch cat mascot swings in front of buildings accompanied by text reading 'I think Scratch Cat is a superhero.'",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard5": "A smiling block stands next to a text bubble reading 'no matter how anyone dresses, what pronouns they use, or who they love, you should always respect them!'",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard6": "A potato wearing sunglasses sits in front of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard7": "A colorful birthday hat sits on top of a neon cube.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard9": "'2022' sits in front of a rainbow of ovals.",
- "annualReport.2021.altDonateIllustration": "Two hands form the shape of a heart with their fingers inside of a cut out heart shape."
+ "annualReport.2021.projectBy": "プロジェクト作成者:",
+ "annualReport.2021.JuneIlloAttr": "Flags(@ratchild作)",
+ "annualReport.2021.OctIlloAttr": "Potato and glasses(@Cupwing作)",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMap": "41のSEC団体を示す世界地図",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSECSpotlightImage": "オレンジ色の背景の前で、おもちゃで遊ぶ子供",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAccessibility": "グリーンの背景の前で手話をする2人。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommittee": "グリーンの背景の上にあるScratchブロックを差し出している手。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "ブルーの背景の上にあるScratchブロックを描いている手。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "ハートの入った吹き出しに向かって伸ばしている両手。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquitXDesign": "協力してScratchブロックを編集している両手。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessSouthAfrica": "2人の子供。1人はタブレットをもう1人はラップトップを使って一緒にScratchプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTransators": "紫色の背景の前で4つの手が休んでいる吹き出しと一緒に挙げられている。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altcommunityThankYou": "地球儀には'Thank you'と書かれたバナーの周りに、さまざまな言語で感謝の言葉が書かれている。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAvatar": "ユーザーのアバター",
+ "annualReport.2021.altDropdownArrow": "ドロップダウンメニューを示す矢印です。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMastheadIllustration": "実物のScratchブロックと対話する3人。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altWave": "手を振る絵文字。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMitchHeadshot": "創設者ミッチェル・レズニック",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCalendar": "2021年を表示したカレンダー。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altWorldVisualization": "地球儀のイラスト版。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSaudiArabiaVisualization": "2021年は2020年の2倍以上の新規Scratchユーザーがいたことを示す棒グラフ。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "黄色いScratchのプログラミング用ブロック。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSECVideoPreview": "Scratchインターフェースが左側に表示され、女の子のサインが右側に表示されている。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchJr": "テキスト・リーディング Scratch jr",
+ "annualReport.2021.altHorizontalLoop": "黄色の横長のScratchプログラミング用ブロック。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "実物のScratchブロックを並べる2つの手。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTranslators": "手の上に浮かんでいる吹き出しがある紫色の背景の前に伸ばしている手。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchLogoText": "”Scratch Lab”の文字が書かれているグリーンの長方形。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchLabVideo": "上部に再生ボタンがあるScratchプロジェクトのスクリーンショット。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altHat": "黄色い帽子とピンクのハートのサングラスを着けている人。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchText": "”Here we go!\"という文字を表示するレインボーのScratchブロック。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altStar": "顔の前に黄色い星をつけた女の子。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMouseTrail": "ランダムに重なりあっている複数のリスの頭の切り抜き細工。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSECWorkshops": "一緒に遊んでいる人",
+ "annualReport.2021.altArrowUp": "上向き矢印。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altTranslated": "”こんにちは”と言うScratchブロック、Scratchで利用可能な言語をリストアップできる。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAboutMe": "イーゼル、ハリネズミ、マンゴー、サッカーボールの上に置かれた\"About me\"の文字。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altClickerGame": "リンゴ、オレンジ、カットされた果物のボウルを表示した算数ゲーム。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward1": "渦巻き、スタート、ハートを表示している連結した六角形。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward2": "渦巻きが表示されている右向き矢印と、ハートが表示されている左向き矢印がついている標識。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward3": "植物が上に生えている階段を作るために並べられたカラフルなブロック。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSparkle": "白く輝くデコレーション",
+ "annualReport.2021.altDownArrow": "紫色の下向き矢印",
+ "annualReport.2021.altConnectingLine": "タイムラインの要素を結ぶ点線。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altApril": "ペンと紫色の背景の上に置かれたScratchブロック。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altJune": "様々なLGBTQ+プライドを示すフラッグのバナーの前にあるバースデーケーキ。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAugust": "紫の背景の上にあるポテト、バースデーハット、サングラス。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard1": "”A dream In a world of nightmares(悪夢の世界の夢)”という文字の横にある濃いグレイの背景の上にある浮き輪。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard2": "黄色のヘッドバンドとゴールドのイヤリングをつけている黒人女性。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard3": "'I think Scratch Cat is a superhero.(Scratchキャットはスーパーヒーローだと思う)'と読める文字がある建物の前で揺れているScratchキャットのマスコット",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard5": "’どんな服装をしていても、どんな代名詞を使っていても、誰を愛していても、常に尊敬すべきです’と読める文字の横に立っている笑顔のブロック。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard6": "紫色の背景の前にあるサングラスをかけたポテト。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard7": "ネオンキューブの上にあるカラフルなバースデーハット。",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard9": "楕円形の虹の前にある'2022' ",
+ "annualReport.2021.altDonateIllustration": "切り抜かれたハート型の内側に指でハートの形を作っている二つの手。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/kk.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/kk.json
index ce51a9e8..4f5f1080 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/kk.json
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Видео қарау",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Біз Scratch-ті барлық балаларды шығармашылықпен ойлауға, жүйелі түрде ойлауға және ынтымақтастықта жұмыс істеуге жұмылдыратын еркін, қауіпсіз, ойындық орта ретінде дамыттық — бұл қазіргі қоғамдағы барлық адамдар үшін маңызды дағдылар. Біз тәрбиешілермен және отбасылармен балаларды зерттеу, бөлісу және оқуда қолдау көрсету үшін жұмыс істейміз.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Миссия",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/pt.json
index d8cb2bfc..7c5dd17a 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/pt.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/pt.json
@@ -1,271 +1,271 @@
- "annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Reach",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Mensagem do Fundador",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Missão",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Alcance",
"annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Temas",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Mensagem da Diretora",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Apoiadores",
"annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Equipa",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "Faça um Donativo",
- "annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Building an Equitable Community Together",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "In 2021, COVID-19 continued to disrupt our routines and shape the way we interact with one another. Even as we began to gather together, schools reopened, and there were calls for a “return to normal,” the most vulnerable in our society remained disproportionately impacted by the inequitable structures that COVID-19 exacerbated. The COVID-19 crisis shaped young people’s relationships to Scratch, and solidified Scratch as a more vital place than ever for them to create, learn, and connect. But as we moved into a new year, we did not leave behind our most vulnerable young people as they began to navigate “the new normal.”",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "One of the foundational values of Scratch has always been to empower young people to explore, create, play, and discover—opportunities that aren’t afforded equitably to all students.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "We believe in the transformative power of self-expression and creativity, and in providing space for young people to use creative coding as a tool to raise their voice.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "I’m proud to serve as the Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation during this pivotal moment in our history, and will continue to spread Scratch’s caring, collaborative approach to creative learning to kids around the world who need these opportunities the most.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "Last year was an incredible year for the Scratch Foundation–we focused on growing our team with remarkable, diverse leaders and building a solid foundation for our continued transition to an independent organization. We developed a three-year Strategic Plan with the combined efforts of every team member at every level of our organization, codifying the work we’re embarking on together. As Scratch grows, we remain focused on equity and community-building, and keeping Scratch a safe space for kids to connect, create, and collaborate with their peers around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP5": "I can’t thank you enough for embarking on this journey with our team, and for your continued support of our mission. The compassion and creativity of the Scratch Community is endlessly inspiring to us, and we can’t wait for you to join us in the important work ahead of us.",
- "annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation",
+ "annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "Relatório Anual de 2021",
+ "annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Construindo Juntos uma Comunidade Equitativa",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "Uma Mensagem da Nossa Diretora Executiva",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "Em 2021, a COVID-19 continuou a perturbar nossas rotinas e a moldar a forma como interagimos uns com os outros. Mesmo quando começamos a nos reunir, as escolas reabriram e houve apelos para um \"retorno ao normal\", os mais vulneráveis de nossa sociedade permaneceram desproporcionalmente afetados pelas estruturas injustas que a COVID-19 exacerbou. A crise da COVID-19 moldou as relações dos jovens com o Scratch, e solidificou o Scratch como um lugar mais vital do que nunca para que eles criassem, aprendessem e se conectassem. Mas ao nos mudarmos para um novo ano, não deixamos para trás nossos jovens mais vulneráveis, enquanto eles começaram a navegar “o novo normal”.",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "Um dos valores fundamentais do Scratch sempre foi capacitar os jovens a explorar, criar, brincar e descobrir—oportunidades que não são oferecidas equitativamente a todos os estudantes.",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "Acreditamos no poder transformador da auto-expressão e da criatividade, e em proporcionar espaço para que os jovens usem a programação criativa como uma ferramenta para levantar sua voz.",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "Tenho orgulho de servir como Diretora Executivo da Fundação Scratch durante este momento crucial de nossa história, e continuarei a difundir a abordagem cuidadosa e colaborativa do Scratch para a aprendizagem criativa das crianças de todo o mundo que mais precisam destas oportunidades.",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "O ano passado foi um ano incrível para a Fundação Scratch–nós nos concentramos no crescimento de nossa equipe com líderes notáveis e diversos, e na construção de uma base sólida para nossa transição contínua para uma organização independente. Desenvolvemos um Plano Estratégico de três anos com os esforços combinados de cada membro da equipe em todos os níveis de nossa organização, codificando o trabalho que estamos empreendendo juntos. Com o crescimento do Scratch, continuamos focados na equidade e na construção da comunidade, e mantendo o Scratch um espaço seguro para as crianças se conectarem, criarem e colaborarem com seus colegas ao redor do mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP5": "Eu não poderia agradecer vocês o suficiente por embarcarem com nossa equipe nesta jornada e pelo apoio contínuo à nossa missão. A compaixão e a criatividade da Comunidade Scratch são infinitamente inspiradoras para nós e mal podemos esperar para que vocês se juntem a nós no importante trabalho que temos pela frente.",
+ "annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Diretora Executiva, Fundação Scratch",
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Veja o Vídeo",
- "annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
- "annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
- "annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "Values",
- "annualReport.2021.valuesSubtitle": "In this work, we are guided by our core values that define our principles as an organization and a community:",
- "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "Creative Expression",
- "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "Progressive Improvement",
- "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "Equitable Opportunities",
- "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementTitle": "Playful Engagement",
- "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionDescription": " We are committed to providing everyone with tools and opportunities to express their ideas, their interests, and their authentic selves within a supportive community.",
- "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementDescription": "We hold ourselves to a high standard and always strive to iterate, improve, and inspire one another to best serve young people around the world and the community that makes our work possible.",
- "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesDescription": "We are building an educational movement inclusive of people from diverse backgrounds so we can reach children around the world who have been excluded from creative coding opportunities.",
- "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementDescription": "At Scratch, play is an approach for making, sharing, learning, and engaging with the world. We encourage joyful exploration, experimentation, and collaboration.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachMillion": "million",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Nossa Missão, Visão e Valores",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP1": "Estamos comprometidos com a justiça educacional e priorizando a equidade em todos os aspectos de nosso trabalho, com um foco especial em iniciativas e abordagens que apoiem crianças, famílias e educadores que tenham sido excluídos da computação criativa.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Desenvolvemos o Scratch como um ambiente de aprendizagem livre, seguro e lúdico que engaja todas as crianças em pensar criativamente, raciocinar sistematicamente e trabalhar em colaboração—habilidades essenciais para todos na sociedade de hoje. Trabalhamos com educadores e famílias para apoiar as crianças na exploração, no compartilhamento e na aprendizagem.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Missão",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Proporcionar aos jovens ferramentas digitais e oportunidades para imaginar, criar, compartilhar e aprender.",
+ "annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Visão",
+ "annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "Divulgar abordagens criativas, cuidadosas e equitativas de programação e aprendizagem pelo mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "Valores",
+ "annualReport.2021.valuesSubtitle": "Neste trabalho, somos guiados por nossos valores fundamentais que definem nossos princípios como uma organização e uma comunidade:",
+ "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "Expressão Criativa",
+ "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "Melhoria Progressiva",
+ "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "Oportunidades Equitativas",
+ "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementTitle": "Engajamento Lúdico",
+ "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionDescription": "Temos o compromisso de fornecer a todos ferramentas e oportunidades para expressar suas ideias, seus interesses e seu eu autêntico dentro de uma comunidade solidária.",
+ "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementDescription": "Nós nos comprometemos com um alto padrão e sempre nos esforçamos para iterar, melhorar e inspirar uns aos outros para melhor servir os jovens em todo o mundo e a comunidade que torna nosso trabalho possível.",
+ "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesDescription": "Estamos construindo um movimento educacional que inclui pessoas de diversas origens para que possamos alcançar crianças de todo o mundo que foram excluídas das oportunidades da programação criativa.",
+ "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementDescription": "No Scratch, pensar brincando é uma abordagem para criar, compartilhar, aprender e se envolver com o mundo. Encorajamos a exploração lúdica, experimentação e colaboração.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTitle": "Alcançando Crianças ao Redor do Mundo",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSubtitle": "O Scratch é a maior comunidade de programação para crianças e adolescentes acima de 8 anos.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachMillion": "milhões",
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersNumber": "18 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "22% from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "22% superior a 2020",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "113 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "39% from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "39% superior a 2020",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "42 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% from 2020",
- "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "New Users",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch is used around the world across {numberOfCountries}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "more than 200 countries and territories",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "Saudi Arabia",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "We saw tremendous growth around the world in 2021, but we were amazed to see the growth in Saudi Arabia, where we saw twice as many new users as the year before.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 74 Languages",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "10 languages from 2020",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% superior a 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "de Novos Usuários",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "de Projetos Criados",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "de Pessoas Criando Projetos",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "O Scratch é utilizado pelo mundo {numberOfCountries}",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "em mais de 200 países e territórios",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "Arábia Saudita",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "Vimos um tremendo crescimento em todo o mundo em 2021, mas ficamos surpresos ao ver o crescimento na Arábia Saudita, onde vimos o dobro de novos usuários que no ano anterior.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "O Scratch está Traduzido em 74 Idiomas",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "10 idiomas a mais que em 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationBlurb": "Graças a tradutores voluntários de todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchJrBlurb": "O ScratchJr é um ambiente de programação introdutório que permite crianças mais novas (de 5-7 anos) criarem seus próprios jogos e histórias interativas.",
"annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsMillion": "5 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2021",
- "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 million from 2020",
- "annualReport.2021.themesTitle": "Emerging Themes",
- "annualReport.2021.themesDescription": "Amidst ongoing uncertainty from COVID-19, Scratch continued to serve as a key space for young people to connect and create together. In 2021, we focused our efforts on building a strong foundation to equitably support our growing global community and our growing Scratch Team. Our work was centered around three major themes: fostering community, increasing access and accessibility, and developing the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC).",
- "annualReport.2021.SECTitle": "Scratch Education Collaborative",
- "annualReport.2021.SECIntro": "Community voices and partnerships are deeply woven into the fabric of Scratch’s history. They have, and continue to be, integral in helping us increase accessible and equitable coding opportunities worldwide. In 2021, we launched the Scratch Education Collaborative, an initiative committed to identifying and eliminating the barriers to access to creative coding that connects remarkable organizations around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIs": "What is SEC?",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP1": "The SEC supports and engages participating organizations in a two-year, collaborative cohort experience to strengthen their commitment to, and implementation of, equitable creative coding using Scratch and ScratchJr.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP2": "By the end of the cohort experience, organizations will have formed new partnerships with each other and with Scratch, and will have established new models for equity-centered creative coding resources.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP3": "Our work with the SEC is made possible thanks to a generous grant from Google.org. We’d like to extend our gratitude for their continued support of our mission.",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachDownloads": "de Downloads em 2021",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 milhões a partir de 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.themesTitle": "Temas Emergentes",
+ "annualReport.2021.themesDescription": "Em meio à incerteza contínua da COVID-19, o Scratch continuou a servir como um espaço chave para que os jovens se conectem e criem juntos. Em 2021, concentramos nossos esforços na construção de uma base sólida para apoiar equitativamente nossa crescente comunidade global e a crescente Equipe Scratch. Nosso trabalho foi centrado em três grandes temas: fomentar a comunidade, aumentar o acesso e a acessibilidade, e desenvolver o Scratch Educação Colaborativa (SEC).",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECTitle": "Scratch Educação Colaborativa",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECIntro": "As vozes e parcerias da comunidade estão profundamente inseridas na estrutura da história do Scratch. Elas têm, e continuam sendo, parte integrante para nos ajudar a aumentar as oportunidades de programação acessíveis e equitativas em todo o mundo. Em 2021, lançamos a Scratch Educação Colaborativa, uma iniciativa comprometida em identificar e eliminar as barreiras de acesso à programação criativa que conecta organizações notáveis em todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIs": "O que é o SEC?",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP1": "O SEC apoia e envolve as organizações participantes em uma experiência colaborativas de dois anos para fortalecer seu compromisso e implementação de uma programação criativa equitativa usando Scratch e ScratchJr.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP2": "Ao final da experiência, as organizações terão formado novas parcerias entre si e com o Scratch, e terão estabelecido novos modelos de recursos de programação criativa centrados na equidade.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP3": "Nosso trabalho com o SEC se tornou possível graças a uma generosa doação do Google.org. Gostaríamos de estender nossa gratidão por seu apoio contínuo à nossa missão.",
"annualReport.2021.SECOrgNumber": "41",
- "annualReport.2021.SECOrgLabel": "organizations",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECOrgLabel": "organizações",
"annualReport.2021.SECCountryNumber": "13",
- "annualReport.2021.SECCountryLabel": "countries",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECCountryLabel": "países",
"annualReport.2021.SECPartnerNumber": "7",
- "annualReport.2021.SECPartnerLabel": "partners",
- "annualReport.2021.SECMapParagraph": "Our first cohort included 41 organizations representing 13 countries around the world, united by their commitment to supporting learners from historically marginalized communities in developing their confidence with creative computing. Their locations are highlighted below:",
- "annualReport.2021.spotlightStory": "Spotlight Story",
- "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightTitle": "Bridges to Science",
- "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightLocation": "Fulshear, Texas",
- "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText1": "Bridges to Science; a Texas-based nonprofit providing math, coding, and robotics programs for underserved youth; was one of 41 exceptional organizations to join the Scratch Education Collaborative's first cohort.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText2": "In 2021, we supported Bridges to Science in facilitating their first “Hour of Code” workshop with Code.org. The event “Fiestas y Piñatas” attracted over 22,000 teachers and students from Latin America. We also collaborated with Bridges to Science to develop a toolkit of unique resources to meet their community’s needs.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuote": "One of the greatest joys that we have in teaching our students is that each one of them, no matter how quiet they are, all find a voice in computer science through Scratch.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuoteAttr": "- Rosa Aristy, Bridges to Science Founder ",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshops": "SEC Workshops",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsText": "Last year, the Scratch Education Collaborative hosted a series of workshops that supported their inaugural cohort in defining and exploring unique pathways to equitable creative coding. Workshops were facilitated by Stanford d. School, Tinkering Studio, the Brazilian Creative Learning Network, and Chicago Public Schools CS4ALL. Together, workshop participants developed a shared understanding of creative coding and discussed strategies and practices that foster culturally sustaining communities through creative communication and collaboration.",
- "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsSubtitle": "How can we creatively empower local community in exploring creative coding?",
- "annualReport.2021.accessTitle": "Access",
- "annualReport.2021.accessIntro": "As COVID-19 forced schools to close and pushed learning to virtual spaces, many students and teachers were discovering Scratch for the first time or adapting the way they taught and learned creative coding. From our own homes, the Scratch Team worked to support the changing needs of educators and the online community.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASL": "ASL Tutorial",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASLText": "In 2021, we partnered with Deaf Kids Code to launch our first American Sign Language tutorial in the Scratch Editor.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASLText2": " Together, we were inspired to create an evergreen resource that would expand creative pathways for deaf Scratchers.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessASLText3": "The video is a 13-minute remake of our original “Getting Started with Scratch” tutorial that introduces beginners to the Scratch platform.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuote": "Being a good ally is a willingness to bend towards being accessible and really putting weight on the recommendations of organizations like mine … Asking, ‘What is it that we can do?’ and really letting us take the reins and go for it, with very little to no resistance; that is a very rare thing.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuoteAttr": "- Shireen Hafeez, Founder of Deaf Kids Code ",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommittee": "DEI Committees at Scratch",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeText": "In 2021, several committees at Scratch embarked on work to make Scratch more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for all users. We’re excited to share the progress each committee has made and the work still ahead.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "Accessibility",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText": "The Accessibility Committee was created in response to one Scratch Team member’s own difficulty using Scratch’s coding blocks and a recognized need to better support Scratchers of all abilities.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText2": "In October of 2021, the committee launched a project to make the color of our coding blocks accessible for Scratchers with vision impairments. The committee is excited to partner with teachers and community organizations specializing in accessibility so the coding blocks meet web accessibility guidelines, and more importantly, lower floors to make Scratch more accessible for all.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECPartnerLabel": "parceiros",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECMapParagraph": "Nossa primeira turma incluiu 41 organizações representando 13 países ao redor do mundo, unidos por seu compromisso de apoiar aprendizes de comunidades historicamente marginalizadas no desenvolvimento de sua confiança na computação criativa. Suas localizações estão destacadas abaixo:",
+ "annualReport.2021.spotlightStory": "História em Destaque",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightTitle": "Pontes para a Ciência",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightLocation": "Fulshear, Texas, EUA",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText1": "Bridges to Science; uma organização sem fins lucrativos baseada no Texas que oferece cursos de matemática, programação e robótica para jovens carentes; foi uma das 41 organizações excepcionais a se juntar à primeira turma do Scratch Educação Colaborativa.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText2": "Em 2021, apoiamos a Bridges to Science ao facilitar seu primeira oficina da “Hora do Código” com o Code.org. O evento “Fiestas y Piñatas” atraiu mais de 22.000 professores e estudantes da América Latina. Também colaboramos com a Bridges to Science para desenvolver um kit de ferramentas de recursos exclusivos para atender às necessidades de sua comunidade.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuote": "Uma das maiores alegrias que temos ao ensinar nossos alunos é que cada um deles, por mais tímidos que sejam, todos encontram uma voz na ciência da computação através do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuoteAttr": "- Rosa Aristy, Fundadora da Bridges to Science",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshops": "Oficinas do SEC",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsText": "No ano passado, o Scratch Education Collaborative organizou uma série de oficinas que apoiaram sua turma inaugural na definição e exploração de caminhos únicos para uma programação criativa equitativa. As oficinas foram facilitadas pela Stanford d. School, Tinkering Studio, a Rede Brasileira de Aprendizagem Criativa e as Escolas Públicas de Chicago CS4ALL. Juntos, os participantes das oficinas desenvolveram uma compreensão compartilhada da programação criativa e discutiram estratégias e práticas que promovem comunidades culturalmente sustentáveis através da comunicação e colaboração criativas.",
+ "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsSubtitle": "Como podemos habilitar criativamente a comunidade local a explorar a computação criativa?",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessTitle": "Acesso",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessIntro": "Enquanto a COVID-19 obrigava as escolas a fechar e empurrava a aprendizagem para espaços virtuais, muitos estudantes e professores estavam descobrindo o Scratch pela primeira vez ou adaptando a maneira como ensinavam e aprendiam a programação criativa. Dentro de nossas próprias casas, a Equipe Scratch trabalhou para suportar as necessidades de mudanças dos educadores e da comunidade online.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASL": "Tutorial em ASL",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASLText": "Em 2021, fizemos uma parceria com a Deaf Kids Code para lançar nosso primeiro tutorial em linguagem de sinais americana no editor do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASLText2": "Juntos, fomos inspirados a criar um recurso renovador que expandisse os caminhos criativos para os Scratchers surdos.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessASLText3": "O vídeo é um relançamento de 13 minutos de nosso tutorial original “Primeiros Passos com o Scratch” que introduz os iniciantes à plataforma Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuote": "Ser um bom aliado é estar disposto a ser acessível e realmente colocar peso nas recomendações de organizações como a minha... Perguntando, 'O que podemos fazer?' e realmente nos deixando tomar as rédeas e seguir em frente, com muito pouca ou nenhuma resistência; isso é uma coisa muito rara.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuoteAttr": "- Shireen Hafeez, Fundadora da Deaf Kids Code ",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommittee": "Comitês DEI no Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeText": "Em 2021, vários comitês no Scratch começaram a trabalhar para tornar o Scratch mais diversificado, equitativo e inclusivo para todos os usuários. Estamos empolgados em compartilhar o progresso de cada comitê e o trabalho que ainda está por vir.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "Acessibilidade",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText": "O Comitê de Acessibilidade foi criado em resposta à dificuldade de um membro da Equipe Scratch ao usar os blocos de programação do Scratch e uma reconhecida necessidade de apoiar melhor os Scratchers de todas as habilidades.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText2": "Em Outubro de 2021, o comitê lançou um projeto para fazer as cores dos blocos de programação acessíveis para os Scratchers com problemas de visão. O comitê está ansioso para fazer parcerias com professores e organizações da comunidade especializados em acessibilidade para que os blocos de programação cumpram as regras de acessibilidade da internet, e o mais importante, tornem o Scratch mais acessível para todos.",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "G-JEDI",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText": "The Global, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (G-JEDI) Committee was formed to develop a shared language that defines what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mean to the Scratch Team.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText2": "In 2021, the committee began work on a DEI statement to outline the ways in which DEI has informed the Scratch Team and community’s past and present work, and how it will continue to inform new initiatives going forward.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Equity x Design",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText": "The EquityXDesign Committee was created as a place for Scratch Team members and our collaborators in MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten group to read and discuss ideas around equity-centered design practices.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText2": "The conversations are guided by Sasha Costanza-Chock’s “Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need,” and committee members discuss ways in which they can incorporate equity-centered design practices in the development of Scratch tools and resources.",
- "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguages": "10 New Languages",
- "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguagesText": "With huge thanks to our translation community, we were able to connect with Scratchers in 74 languages last year! In 2021, 10 new languages were added to Scratch, including isiXhosa (South Africa), Sepedi (South Africa), Setswana (South Africa), Afrikaans (South Africa), Kichwa (Peru), ଓଡ଼ିଆ/Odia (India), Kazakh (Kazakhstan), Aragonese (Spain), Western Frisian (the Netherlands), and Bengali (Bangladesh, India, and other regions).",
- "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfrica": "Zero-rated Scratch in South Africa",
- "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfricaText": "To improve the Scratch experience for young people in regions with low or no internet connectivity, we partnered with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) of South Africa to host a zero-rated page for downloading Scratch. Downloads on zero-rated pages do not use up any data bandwidth, reducing a barrier to accessing Scratch due to data limits and costs. Just two months after its April 2021 launch, the page had more than 1300 visitors.",
- "annualReport.2021.accessSnapshot": "Snapshots",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText": "O comitê global de Justiça, Equidade, Diversidade e Inclusão (G-JEDI) foi formado para desenvolver uma linguagem compartilhada que define o que Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão (DEI) significa para a Equipe Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText2": "Em 2021, o comitê começou a trabalhar em uma declaração do DEI para delinear as maneiras pelas quais a DEI informa a Equipe Scratch e o trabalho passado e presente da comunidade, e como continuará a informar novas iniciativas daqui para frente.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Equidade vs Design",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText": "O Comitê de design e equidade foi criado como um espaço para os membros da Equipe Scratch e nossos colaboradores no grupo Lifelong Kindergarten do MIT ler e discutir ideias sobre práticas de design centradas em equidade.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText2": "As conversas são guiadas por \"Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need\" de Sasha Costanza-Chock, e pelos membros do comitê que discutem maneiras pelas quais podem incorporar práticas de design centradas em equidade no desenvolvimento de ferramentas e recursos do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguages": "10 Idiomas Novos",
+ "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguagesText": "Com enormes agradecimentos à nossa comunidade de tradução, conseguimos nos conectar com Scratchers em 74 idiomas no ano passado! Em 2021, 10 novas línguas foram adicionadas ao Scratch, incluindo isiXhosa (África do Sul), Sepedi (África do Sul), Setswana (África do Sul), Africâner (África do Sul), Kichwa (Peru), Odia (Índia), Cazaque (Cazaquistão), Aragonese (Espanha), Frísio Ocidental (Holanda) e Bengali (Bangladesh, Índia e outras regiões).",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfrica": "Tarifa zero do Scratch na África do Sul",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfricaText": "Para melhorar a experiência do Scratch para jovens em regiões com baixa ou nenhuma conectividade à internet, fizemos uma parceria com o National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) da África do Sul para hospedar uma página com custo zero para baixar o Scratch. Downloads em páginas com custo zero não consumem o plano de dados de seus usuários, reduzindo a barreira de acesso ao Scratch devido aos limites e custos de dados. Apenas dois meses após seu lançamento em abril de 2021, a página teve mais de 1300 visitantes.",
+ "annualReport.2021.accessSnapshot": "Fotos",
"annualReport.2021.communityTitle": "Comunidade",
- "annualReport.2021.communityIntro": "In 2021, the Scratch community continued to experience rapid growth as even more young people around the world created and connected alongside their peers. We also continued to develop partnerships with community members to improve the Scratch experience for our diverse community of users.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityIntro": "Em 2021, a comunidade Scratch continuou a experimentar um rápido crescimento à medida que ainda mais jovens em todo o mundo criaram e se conectaram aos seus pares. Também continuamos a desenvolver parcerias com membros da comunidade para melhorar a experiência do Scratch para nossa comunidade diversificada de usuários.",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConference": "Conferência Scratch",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "In July, educators in our global community came together to celebrate creative coding at the Scratch Conference. This free, virtual event was led by our collaborators at MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. The conference brought together {more_bold}, who spent the day connecting, collaborating, and learning from one another, even as COVID kept us apart.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1More": "more than 1,500 educators and Scratch enthusiasts",
- "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslators": "Volunteer Translators",
- "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText": "Since Scratch was launched in 2007, we have been committed to supporting our users worldwide. Our language translation volunteers work closely with the Scratch Team to help translate and localize our platform and resources for the diverse communities that we serve.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText2": "Thousands of translators have volunteered their time to translate Scratch into 74 languages and counting, and there are currently more than one thousand translators signed up to translate Scratch and ScratchJr. We’re grateful to our volunteers for helping us reach more Scratchers around the world!",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunity": "The Scratch Community in 2021",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "In 2021, more than 113 million projects were created on the Scratch site – almost a 39% increase from 2020 – and more than one million new studios were created! Throughout the year, the Scratch Team hosted numerous studios to celebrate important events and encourage Scratchers to participate in the online community.",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewText": "2021 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of the year:",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "Em julho, educadores da nossa comunidade global se reuniram para celebrar a programação criativa na Conferência Scratch. Este evento virtual e gratuito foi liderado por nossos colaboradores do grupo Lifelong Kindergarten do MIT. A conferência reuniu {more_bold}, que passaram o dia se conectando, colaborando e aprendendo uns com os outros, mesmo com a COVID mantendo-nos separados.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1More": "mais de 1.500 educadores e entusiastas do Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslators": "Tradutores Voluntários",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText": "Desde que o Scratch foi lançado em 2007, estamos comprometidos em apoiar nossos usuários em todo o mundo. Nossos voluntários de tradução de idiomas trabalham em estreita colaboração com a Equipe Scratch para ajudar a traduzir e localizar nossa plataforma e recursos para as diversas comunidades que atendemos.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText2": "Milhares de tradutores se voluntariaram para traduzir Scratch em 74 idiomas e contando, e atualmente há mais de mil tradutores inscritos para traduzir o Scratch e ScratchJr. Somos gratos aos nossos voluntários por nos ajudarem a alcançar mais Scratchers pelo mundo!",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunity": "A Comunidade Scratch em 2021",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Em 2021, mais de 113 milhões de projetos foram criados no Scratch – quase um aumento de 39% em relação a 2020 – e mais de um milhão de novos estúdios foram criados! Ao longo do ano, a Equipe Scratch recebeu inúmeros estúdios para celebrar eventos importantes e incentivar os Scratchers a participar da comunidade on-line.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReview": "Retrospectiva do Ano",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewText": "2021 foi um ano notável na comunidade on-line. A Equipe de Comunidades destacou e desenvolveu oportunidades para que os jovens expressassem suas ideias e se engajassem de forma positiva, e movimentos incríveis surgiram a partir dos próprios Scratchers. Aqui está um lista de alguns destaques do ano:",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Date": "Janeiro",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Title": "Poetic Cafe",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Text": "We “opened” our very first Poetic Cafe where Scratchers were invited to write, share, or collaborate on poems to share with the community.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Title": "Café Poético",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard1Text": "\"Abrimos\" nosso primeiro Café Poético onde os Scratchers foram convidados a escrever, compartilhar ou colaborar em poemas para compartilhar com a comunidade.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Date": "Fevereiro",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Title": "Black History Month Studio",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Text": "Scratchers shared interactive artwork, created poems, animated music videos, and more to celebrate influential people and events in Black history.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Title": "Estúdio do Mês da História Negra",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Text": "Scratchers compartilharam obras de arte interativas, criaram poemas, videoclipes animados e muito mais para celebrar pessoas influentes e eventos na história negra.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Date": "Abril",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Title": "April Fool’s Day",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratchers were asked to imagine the “Secret life” of the Scratch Cat and went on a treasure hunt for fun and silly things hidden around the Scratch website.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Title": "Dia da Mentira",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Os Scratchers foram convidados a imaginar a “Vida Secreta” do gato do Scratch e saíram em uma caça ao tesouro por coisas divertidas e bobas escondidas no site do Scratch.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Date": "Maio",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Scratch Week",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers around the world shared more than 3,500 projects responding to themed prompts like “Cooking With Scratch” and “Ridiculous Inventions” to celebrate Scratch's birthday.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Semana do Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers de todo o mundo compartilharam mais de 3.500 projetos respondendo a temas como “Cozinhando com o Scratch” e “Invenções Ridículas” para comemorar o aniversário do Scratch.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Date": "Junho",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Pride Month",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Text": "Scratchers created projects using all the colors of the rainbow to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in the Pride Month studio.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Mês do Orgulho",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Text": "Scratchers criaram projetos usando todas as cores do arco-íris para celebrar a comunidade LGBTQ+ no estúdio do Mês do Orgulho.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Date": "Agosto",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Acampamento Scratch",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Text": "During this annual three-week long event, Scratchers created more than 7,000 projects that moved and grooved, showcased creative do-it-yourself (DIY) ideas, and shared their discoveries about the natural world around them.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Text": "Durante este evento anual de três semanas, Scratchers criaram mais de 7.000 projetos que se moviam e dançavam, mostraram ideias criativas no estilo \"faça você mesmo\" e compartilharam suas descobertas sobre o mundo natural ao seu redor.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Date": "Outubro",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Title": "Scratchtober",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Text": "For two weeks, Scratchers created projects showcasing their interpretations of daily prompts in the Scratchtober studio. More than 3,500 projects were created around single-word themes like underwater, celebration, and creatures.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Text": "Durante duas semanas, Scratchers criaram projetos mostrando suas interpretações de temas diários no estúdio Scratchtober. Mais de 3.500 projetos foram criados em torno de temas de palavras únicas, como debaixo d'água, celebração e criaturas.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Date": "Dezembro",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Title": "CSEdWeek",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Text": "Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) occurred from December 6-12 to celebrate computer science around the world. Scratch participated in the week by encouraging community members to check out tutorials, studios, and a live event hosted in partnership with Makey Makey!",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard8Text": "A Semana de Educação em Ciência da Computação ocorreu de 6 a 12 de dezembro para celebrar a ciência da computação em todo o mundo. O Scratch participou da semana incentivando os membros da comunidade a conferir tutoriais, estúdios e um evento ao vivo realizado em parceria com a Makey Makey!",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Date": "Dezembro",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Title": "2021: A Scratch Year in Review Studio",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Text": "In 2021, Scratchers learned new skills, connected with friends around the world, and found creative ways to express themselves. More than 1,000 Scratchers shared their favorite Scratch memories and what Scratch meant to them in the 2021: A Scratch Year in Review studio.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Title": "2021: Um ano de Scratch no Studio de Retrospectiva.",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard9Text": "Em 2021, Scratchers aprenderam novas habilidades, conectadas com amigos pelo mundo, e encontraram maneiras criativas de se expressarem. Mais de 1.000 Scratchers compartilharam suas memórias favoritas do Scratch e o que Scratch significou para eles no estúdio 2021: Uma Retrospectiva do Scratch.",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabTitle": "Scratch Lab",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText": "With the launch of Scratch Lab in February, we’ve opened the doors of our development process directly to Scratchers around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText2": "Before we decide if we should introduce new blocks to the Scratch coding editor, it’s crucial to see the creative, innovative, and surprising ways Scratchers interact with them. Scratch Lab is a sandbox where everyone can try out these new features and, most importantly, share their thoughts and ideas directly with us.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText3": "Over 500,000 Scratchers explored the Scratch Lab site in 2021, and they submitted more than 37,000 pieces of feedback.",
- "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText4": "This feedback has been invaluable as we evaluate and develop Animated Text blocks, Face Sensing blocks, and more potential new features.",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData1": "100,000",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText": "Com o lançamento do Scratch Lab em fevereiro, nós abrimos as portas do nosso processo de desenvolvimento diretamente para Scratchers pelo mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText2": "Antes de decidirmos se devemos introduzir novos blocos de programação ao editor do Scratch, é crucial ver as maneiras criativas, inovadoras e surpreendentes que os Scratchers interagem com eles. O Scratch Lab é uma espaço onde todos podem experimentar esses novos recursos e, o mais importante, compartilhar seus pensamentos e ideias diretamente conosco.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText3": "Mais de 500.000 Scratchers exploraram o site do Scratch Lab em 2021 e deixaram mais de 37.000 comentários.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText4": "Os comentários tem sido inestimáveis à medida que avaliamos e desenvolvemos os blocos de Texto Animados, blocos de Detecção de Rosto e outros recursos em potencial.",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData1": "100.000",
"annualReport.2021.ytData1Sub": "subscritores",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData2": "9 million",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData2Sub": "views on videos",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData3Top": "viewers in",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData2": "9 milhões",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData2Sub": "de visualizações",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData3Top": "visualizações em",
"annualReport.2021.ytData3": "178",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData3Sub": "countries",
- "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Title": "The Scratch Team on YouTube",
- "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text": "The Scratch Team YouTube channel reached 100,000 subscribers in 2021— a nearly 500 percent increase from 2020! As students, educators, and families evolved in response to the pandemic, we knew we had to create resources that were reactive to their needs.",
- "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text2": "These resources include a series of comprehensive Scratch tutorials that guide users through designing stories, games, and animations on Scratch. In 2021, these videos garnered nearly nine million views from viewers in 178 countries.",
- "annualReport.2021.tutorial1": "How to Make an 'About Me'",
- "annualReport.2021.tutorial2": "How to Make a Clicker Game",
- "annualReport.2021.tutorial3": "How to Make a Mouse Trail",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageSubTitle": "Support and Inspiration from a Founding Partner",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText1": "As you read through this annual report, you’ll learn about many ways that Scratch is expanding creative computing opportunities for millions of young people around the world, especially those from marginalized communities. This global impact is possible because of the tireless work of the growing team of engineers, designers, educators, community moderators, and others at the Scratch Foundation.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText2": "To continue to grow our efforts and impact, we rely on the generous financial support of an incredible collection of companies, foundations, and individual donors who are aligned with our mission and vision. Here, I want to highlight the support and inspiration we’ve received from one of our Founding Partners: the LEGO Foundation.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText3": "My research group at the MIT Media Lab started collaborating with the LEGO company and LEGO Foundation more than 30 years ago. LEGO funding helped support our early work on Scratch, leading up to the public launch of Scratch in 2007. Then, when Scratch spun out of MIT into the Scratch Foundation in 2019, the LEGO Foundation provided important funding for the new organization, with a five-year $10 million grant to “support transformative educational change by developing and promoting playful, creative approaches to coding...in diverse economic and cultural contexts.” When the pandemic hit, the LEGO Foundation stepped up with an additional $5 million grant in 2021, to ensure that the Scratch Foundation could meet the needs of children and educators disrupted by the pandemic.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText4": "But the LEGO-Scratch connection goes far beyond financial support. The Scratch approach of creating animated stories and games by snapping together graphical programming blocks was inspired, in part, by the way children build LEGO houses and castles by snapping together plastic LEGO bricks. Scratch and LEGO also share the same project-based educational philosophy, encouraging children to iteratively refine their projects by trying out an idea, seeing what happens, then making revisions and trying again.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText5": "I’ve always loved the LEGO slogan “Joy of Building, Pride of Creation.” The LEGO Foundation’s deep partnership with the Scratch Foundation is helping to bring “Joy of Building, Pride of Creation” to children’s digital activities. The partnership serves as a model of how organizations with shared ideas and values can work together to catalyze transformational change in learning and education. As the Scratch Foundation continues to build its network of partners and supporters, I look forward to connecting with other organizations to expand creative computing opportunities for children around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderTitle": "Founder, Scratch Foundation",
- "annualReport.2021.lookingForward": "Looking Forward",
- "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, we outlined a Strategic Framework guiding our major priorities for the next 4 years. We’re focused on these major areas:",
- "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText2": "We would like to extend a huge thank you to the LEGO Foundation, whose generous COVID Recovery Grant will enable us to carry out this crucial work. We can’t wait to share more with you about the exciting projects we have planned, including updates to the Scratch experience for schools, updates to ScratchJr, and more.",
- "annualReport.2021.LookingForward1": "Strengthening the Scratch Platform and Community Infrastructure",
- "annualReport.2021.LookingForward2": "Expanding Pathways to Creative Learning",
- "annualReport.2021.LookingForward3": "Building Organizational Capacity and Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
- "annualReport.2021.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingText": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who have each provided at least $10,000,000 in cumulative support, since the start of Scratch in 2003.",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData3Sub": "países",
+ "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Title": "A Equipe Scratch no YouTube",
+ "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text": "O canal do YouTube da Equipe Scratch alcançou 100.000 inscritos em 2021, um aumento de quase 500% em relação a 2020! À medida que estudantes, educadores e famílias superaram a pandemia, sabíamos que tínhamos que criar recursos reativos às suas necessidades.",
+ "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text2": "Esses recursos incluem uma série de tutoriais abrangentes do Scratch que orientam os usuários através do desenho de histórias, jogos e animações no Scratch. Em 2021, esses vídeos ganharam quase nove milhões de visualizações de espectadores em 178 países.",
+ "annualReport.2021.tutorial1": "Como fazer um 'Sobre Mim'",
+ "annualReport.2021.tutorial2": "Como Fazer um Jogo de Clicar",
+ "annualReport.2021.tutorial3": "Como Fazer uma Trilha com o Mouse",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "Uma Mensagem de Nosso Fundador",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageSubTitle": "Apoio e Inspiração de um Sócio Fundador",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText1": "Ao ler este relatório anual, você aprenderá sobre muitas maneiras que o Scratch está aumentando as oportunidades de computação criativas para milhões de jovens em todo o mundo, especialmente aqueles de comunidades marginalizadas. Esse impacto global é possível devido ao trabalho incansável da crescente equipe de engenheiros, designers, educadores, moderadores de comunidade e outros da Fundação Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText2": "Para continuar a crescer nossos esforços e impacto, contamos com o apoio financeiro generoso de uma coleção incrível de empresas, fundações e doadores individuais que estão alinhados com nossa missão e visão. Aqui, quero destacar o apoio e inspiração que recebemos de um de nossos Parceiros Fundadores: a Fundação LEGO.",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText3": "Meu grupo de pesquisa no MIT Media Lab começou a colaborar com a empresa LEGO e a Fundação LEGO há mais de 30 anos. O financiamento da LEGO ajudou a apoiar nosso trabalho inicial no Scratch, levando ao lançamento público do Scratch em 2007. Então, quando o Scratch saiu do MIT para a Fundação Scratch em 2019, a Fundação LEGO forneceu importantes fundos para a nova organização, com uma doação de 10 milhões de dólares por cinco anos para \"apoiar mudanças educacionais transformadoras, desenvolvendo e promovendo abordagens lúdicas e criativas para a programação... em diversos contextos econômicos e culturais\". Quando a pandemia começou, a Fundação LEGO intensificou-se com uma doação adicional de 5 milhões de dólares em 2021, para garantir que a Fundação Scratch pudesse atender às necessidades de crianças e educadores interrompidas pela pandemia.",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText4": "Mas a conexão entre a LEGO e o Scratch vai muito além do apoio financeiro. A abordagem do Scratch em criar histórias animadas e jogos, juntando blocos gráficos de programação foi inspirada, em parte, pela maneira como as crianças constroem casas e castelos com LEGO, juntando blocos pláticos de LEGO. O Scratch e o LEGO também compartilham a mesma filosofia educacional baseada em projetos, incentivando as crianças a refinar iterativamente seus projetos, testando uma ideia, vendo o que acontece, depois fazendo revisões e tentando novamente.",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText5": "Sempre amei o slogan \"Alegria de Construir, Orgulho da Criação\" da LEGO. A profunda parceria da Fundação LEGO com a Fundação Scratch está ajudando a levar a \"Alegria de Construir, Orgulho da Criação\" para atividades digitais infantis. A parceria serve como um modelo de como organizações com ideias e valores parecidos podem trabalhar juntas para catalisar a mudança transformadora na aprendizagem e na educação. À medida que a Fundação Scratch continua a construir sua rede de parceiros e apoiadores, estou ansioso para me conectar com outras organizações para aumentar oportunidades de computação criativa para crianças pelo mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderTitle": "Fundador, Fundação Scratch",
+ "annualReport.2021.lookingForward": "Olhando Para Frente",
+ "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText1": "Em 2021, nós delineamos um Quadro Estratégico que norteia nossas grandes prioridades para os próximos 4 anos. Estamos focados nestas áreas principais:",
+ "annualReport.2021.lookingForwardText2": "Gostaríamos de agradecer imensamente à fundação LEGO, cuja generosa Doação de Recuperação da COVID nos permitirá realizar este trabalho crucial. Mal podemos esperar para compartilhar mais com você sobre os projetos empolgantes que planejamos, incluindo atualizações da experiência Scratch para escolas, atualizações no ScratchJr e muito mais.",
+ "annualReport.2021.LookingForward1": "Fortalecendo a Plataforma Scratch e a Infraestrutura da Comunidade",
+ "annualReport.2021.LookingForward2": "Expandindo Caminhos para a Aprendizagem Criativa",
+ "annualReport.2021.LookingForward3": "Construindo Capacidade Organizacional e Garantindo a Sustentabilidade Fiscal",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "Obrigado aos Nossos Apoiadores",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "Obrigado aos nossos generosos apoiadores. Sua contribuição nos ajuda a expandir as oportunidades de aprendizagem criativa para crianças de todas as idades, de todas as origens, em todo o mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.ourSupporters": "Nossos Apoiadores",
+ "annualReport.2021.ourSupportersText": "Queremos agradecer a todos os apoiadores do Scratch que, ao longo dos anos, nos ajudaram em experiências incríveis de aprendizagem para milhões de jovens em todo o mundo. A lista a seguir é baseada em doações à Fundação Scratch de 1 de janeiro de 2021 a 31 de dezembro de 2021.",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingTitle": "Parceiros Fundadores — US$ 10.000.000+",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingText": "Somos especialmente gratos aos nossos Parceiros Fundadores que individualmente proveram mais de US$ 10.000.000 em apoio acumulado desde o inicio do Scratch em 2003.",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Parceiros do gato do Scratch — US$ 1.000.000+",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersCreativityTitle": "Círculo de Criatividade — US$ 250.000+",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Círculo de Colaboração — US$ 100.000+",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersImaginationTitle": "Círculo de Imaginação — US$ 50.000+",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersInspirationTitle": "Círculo de Inspiração — US$ 20.000+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersExplorationTitle": "Círculo da Exploração – +5000 USD",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipTitle": "Our Team",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipScratchTeam": "2021 Scratch Team",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2021.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
- "annualReport.2021.donateTitle": "Support Us",
- "annualReport.2021.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to create inspiring, creative, and memorable learning experiences for kids everywhere, especially those who have been systemically excluded from creative coding opportunities. Make a gift to Scratch today to help us keep our servers running, maintain our growing global community, and make creative coding possible for kids in every country around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.donateMessage2": "Thank you for your generosity.",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersPlayTitle": "Círculo de Brincar — US$ 1.000+",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "Apoiadores em Espécie",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipTitle": "Nossa Equipe",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "Conselho Administrativo",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "Presidente",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "Professor de Pesquisa em Aprendizagem",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-presidente",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-fundador and co-presidente",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "Membro do conselho",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "Presidente e CEO",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "Antiga presidente",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "Fundador e CEO",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Antiga CEO e Presidente do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Secretária e Tesoureiro do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Secretária do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Tesoureiro do Conselho",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipScratchTeam": "Equipe Scratch 2021",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipED": "Diretora Executiva",
+ "annualReport.2021.teamThankYou": "Agradecemos Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain e outros colaboradores do Lifelong Kindergarten Group no MIT Media Lab pelo seu incansável suporte ao Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.donateTitle": "Apoie-nos",
+ "annualReport.2021.donateMessage": "Seu apoio nos permite criar experiências de aprendizagem inspiradoras, criativas e memoráveis para crianças em todos os lugares, especialmente aquelas que foram sistematicamente excluídas das oportunidades de programação criativa. Faça uma doação para o Scratch para nos ajudar a manter nossos servidores funcionando, manter nossa crescente comunidade global e tornar possível a programação criativa para crianças em todos os países do mundo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.donateMessage2": "Obrigado pela sua generosidade.",
"annualReport.2021.donateButton": "Faça um Donativo",
- "annualReport.2021.projectBy": "project by",
- "annualReport.2021.JuneIlloAttr": "Flags by @ratchild",
- "annualReport.2021.OctIlloAttr": "Potato and glasses by @Cupwing",
- "annualReport.2021.altMap": "A map of the world showing 41 SEC organizations",
- "annualReport.2021.altSECSpotlightImage": "A child plays with a toy in front of an orange background",
- "annualReport.2021.altAccessibility": "Two people use sign language in front of a green background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommittee": "A hand holds out a scratch component on a green background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "A hand paints scratch components on a blue background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "Two hands reach toward a text bubble with a heart inside it.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquitXDesign": "Two hands work together to compile a list of scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessSouthAfrica": "Two kids, one using a tablet and one using a laptop, work on a scratch project together.",
- "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTransators": "Four hands are raised with text bubbles resting on top of them in front of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altcommunityThankYou": "A globe with a banner across it saying 'Thank you' surrounded by the words for thank you in various languages.",
- "annualReport.2021.altAvatar": "user avatar",
- "annualReport.2021.altDropdownArrow": "Arrow indicating dropdown menu.",
- "annualReport.2021.altMastheadIllustration": "Three people interacting with physical scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2021.altWave": "An emoji hand waving.",
- "annualReport.2021.altMitchHeadshot": "Founder Mitch Resnick",
- "annualReport.2021.altCalendar": "A calendar displaying the year 2021.",
- "annualReport.2021.altWorldVisualization": "An illustrated version of the globe.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSaudiArabiaVisualization": "A bar chart showing that there were more than twice as many new Scratch users in 2021 as there were in 2020.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "A yellow Scratch programming component.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSECVideoPreview": "The Scratch interface appears on the left and a girl signing appears on the right.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchJr": "Text reading Scratch jr",
- "annualReport.2021.altHorizontalLoop": "A yellow horizontal Scratch programming component.",
- "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Two hands lining up physical Scratch components.",
- "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTranslators": "Hands reaching up in front of a purple background with text bubbles floating above them.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchLogoText": "A green rectangle with the words 'Scratch Lab' writton on it.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchLabVideo": "A screenshot of a Scratch project with a play button on top.",
- "annualReport.2021.altHat": "A person wearing a yellow hat and pink heart sunglasses.",
- "annualReport.2021.altScratchText": "A rainbow Scratch component displaying the text, 'Here we go!'",
- "annualReport.2021.altStar": "A girl with a yellow star in front of her face.",
- "annualReport.2021.altMouseTrail": "Multiple cut outs of a squirrel head placed randomly on top of each other.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSECWorkshops": "People playing together",
- "annualReport.2021.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up.",
- "annualReport.2021.altTranslated": "A scratch component saying \"Hello\" and listing languages that scratch is available in.",
- "annualReport.2021.altAboutMe": "The words 'About me' placed over an easel, hedgehog, mango, and soccer ball.",
- "annualReport.2021.altClickerGame": "A math game showing an apple, an orange, and a cut up bowl of fruit.",
- "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward1": "Interlocking hexagons displaying a swirl, start, and heart.",
- "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward2": "A sign post with one arrow poining right displaying a swirl and one arrow pointing left displaying a heart.",
- "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward3": "Colorful blocks lined up to create steps with a plant growing on top.",
- "annualReport.2021.altSparkle": "White sparkle decoration",
- "annualReport.2021.altDownArrow": "Purple arrow pointing down",
- "annualReport.2021.altConnectingLine": "A dotted line connecting timeline elements.",
- "annualReport.2021.altApril": "A pen and Scratch components placed on top of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altJune": "A birthday cake in front of a banner of flags displaying various types of LGBTQ+ pride.",
- "annualReport.2021.altAugust": "A potato, birthday had, and sunglasses on top of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard1": "A colorful blob floats in front of a black and gray background next to the words 'A dream In a world of nightmares.'",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard2": "A black woman is wearing a yellow headband and gold hoop earrings.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard3": "The scratch cat mascot swings in front of buildings accompanied by text reading 'I think Scratch Cat is a superhero.'",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard5": "A smiling block stands next to a text bubble reading 'no matter how anyone dresses, what pronouns they use, or who they love, you should always respect them!'",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard6": "A potato wearing sunglasses sits in front of a purple background.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard7": "A colorful birthday hat sits on top of a neon cube.",
- "annualReport.2021.altCard9": "'2022' sits in front of a rainbow of ovals.",
- "annualReport.2021.altDonateIllustration": "Two hands form the shape of a heart with their fingers inside of a cut out heart shape."
+ "annualReport.2021.projectBy": "projeto de",
+ "annualReport.2021.JuneIlloAttr": "Bandeiras por @ratchild",
+ "annualReport.2021.OctIlloAttr": "Batata e óculos por @Cupwing",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMap": "Um mapa do mundo mostrando 41 organizações SEC",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSECSpotlightImage": "Uma criança brinca com um brinquedo na frente de um fundo laranja",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAccessibility": "Duas pessoas usam linguagem de sinais na frente de um fundo verde.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommittee": "Uma mão segura um bloco do Scratch em um fundo verde.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "Uma mão pinta blocos do Scratch em um fundo azul.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "Duas mãos alcançam uma balão de texto com um coração dentro dele.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquitXDesign": "Duas mãos trabalham juntas para compilar uma lista de blocos do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessSouthAfrica": "Duas crianças, uma usando um tablet e outra usando um laptop, trabalham juntas em um projeto no Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTransators": "Quatro mãos estão levantadas com balões de texto em cima delas na frente de um fundo roxo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altcommunityThankYou": "Um globo com um banner dizendo 'Obrigado' cercado pelas palavras de agradecimento em vários idiomas.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAvatar": "avatar de usuário",
+ "annualReport.2021.altDropdownArrow": "Seta indicando menu de seleção",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMastheadIllustration": "Três pessoas interagindo com blocos físicos do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altWave": "Um emoji de mão acenando.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMitchHeadshot": "Fundador Mitch Resnick",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCalendar": "Um calendário mostrando o ano de 2021.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altWorldVisualization": "Uma versão ilustrada do globo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSaudiArabiaVisualization": "Um gráfico de barras mostrando que mais do que dobrou o número de usuários do Scratch entre 2020 e 2021.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "Um bloco de programação do Scratch em amarelo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSECVideoPreview": "A interface do Scratch aparece à esquerda e uma garota fazendo linguagem de sinais à direita.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchJr": "Texto onde se lê Scratch jr",
+ "annualReport.2021.altHorizontalLoop": "Um bloco horizontal amarelo de programação do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Duas mãos alinhando blocos físicos de programação do Scratch.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTranslators": "Mãos chegando na frente de um fundo roxo com balões de texto flutuando acima deles.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchLogoText": "Um retângulo verde com as palavras 'Scratch Lab' escritas nele.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchLabVideo": "Uma captura de tela de um projeto do Scratch com um botão de reprodução na parte superior.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altHat": "Uma pessoa usando um chapéu amarelo e óculos de sol em formato de coração rosa.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altScratchText": "Um bloco de programação de arco-íris do Scratch exibindo o texto, 'Aqui vamos nós!'",
+ "annualReport.2021.altStar": "Uma garota com uma estrela amarela na frente do rosto.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altMouseTrail": "Vários recortes de cabeças de esquilos colocados aleatoriamente uns em cima dos outros.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSECWorkshops": "Pessoas brincando juntas",
+ "annualReport.2021.altArrowUp": "Uma seta apontando para cima.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altTranslated": "Um bloco do Scratch que diz \"Olá\" e uma lista dos idiomas em que o Scratch está disponível.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAboutMe": "As palavras 'Sobre mim' colocadas sobre um cavalete, ouriço, manga e bola de futebol.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altClickerGame": "Um jogo de matemática mostrando uma maçã, uma laranja e uma tigela de frutas cortadas.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward1": "Hexágonos interligados exibindo uma espiral, uma estrela e um coração.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward2": "Um poste de sinalização com uma seta apontando para a direita exibindo uma espiral e uma seta apontando para a esquerda exibindo um coração.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward3": "Blocos coloridos alinhados para criar degraus com uma planta crescendo em cima.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altSparkle": "Decoração com brilho branco",
+ "annualReport.2021.altDownArrow": "Seta roxa apontando para baixo",
+ "annualReport.2021.altConnectingLine": "Uma linha pontilhada conectando elementos da linha do tempo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altApril": "Uma caneta e blocos do Scratch colocados em cima de um fundo roxo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altJune": "Um bolo de aniversário em frente a um banner exibindo vários tipos de bandeiras do orgulho LGBTQ+.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altAugust": "Uma batata, um chapéu de aniversário e um óculos de sol em cima de um fundo roxo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard1": "Uma bolha colorida flutua na frente de um fundo preto e cinza ao lado das palavras 'Um sonho em um mundo de pesadelos.'",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard2": "Uma mulher negra está usando uma faixa amarela e brincos de argola de ouro.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard3": "O gato mascote do Scratch balança na frente dos prédios acompanhado por um texto que diz 'Eu acho que o gato do Scratch é um super-herói.'",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard5": "Um bloco sorridente fica ao lado de um balão de texto que diz 'não importa como as pessoas se vestem, que pronome elas usam ou quem elas amam, você deve sempre respeitá-las!'",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard6": "Uma batata usando óculos de sol fica na frente de um fundo roxo.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard7": "Um chapéu de aniversário colorido em cima de um cubo de néon.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altCard9": "'2022' fica na frente de um arco-íris de formas ovais.",
+ "annualReport.2021.altDonateIllustration": "Duas mãos formam um coração com os dedos dentro de um recorte em forma de coração."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/sw.json
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Tazama Video",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Tumeendeleza Scratch kama mazingira bure, salama na ya kujifunza kwa kucheza ambayo huwashirikisha watoto wote kufikiria kwa ubunifu, kuwaza kwa mpangilio, na kufanya kazi kwa kushirikiana — stadi muhimu kwa kila mtu katika jamii ya leo. Tunafanya kazi na walimu na familia kusaidia watoto kuchunguza, kushiriki, na kujifunza.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Misheni",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/xh.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/xh.json
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--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/xh.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/xh.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Bukela ividyo",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Sivelise i -Scratch njengendawo yokufunda yasimahla, ekhuselekileyo, enemidlalo ebandakanya bonke abantwana ekucingeni ngobuchule, ukuqiqa ngendlela echanekileyo, kunye nokusebenza ngokubambisana — kwizakhono ezibalulekileyo kuye wonke umntu kuluntu lwanamhlanje. Sisebenza nootitshala kunye neentsapho ukuxhasa abantwana ekuphononongeni, ekwabelaneni nasekufundeni.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "iphulo",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-cn.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-cn.json
index a6b4e7fe..3e861d09 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-cn.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-cn.json
@@ -9,27 +9,27 @@
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "捐助",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021年度总结",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "共同建设一个平等的社区",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "In 2021, COVID-19 continued to disrupt our routines and shape the way we interact with one another. Even as we began to gather together, schools reopened, and there were calls for a “return to normal,” the most vulnerable in our society remained disproportionately impacted by the inequitable structures that COVID-19 exacerbated. The COVID-19 crisis shaped young people’s relationships to Scratch, and solidified Scratch as a more vital place than ever for them to create, learn, and connect. But as we moved into a new year, we did not leave behind our most vulnerable young people as they began to navigate “the new normal.”",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "One of the foundational values of Scratch has always been to empower young people to explore, create, play, and discover—opportunities that aren’t afforded equitably to all students.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "We believe in the transformative power of self-expression and creativity, and in providing space for young people to use creative coding as a tool to raise their voice.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "I’m proud to serve as the Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation during this pivotal moment in our history, and will continue to spread Scratch’s caring, collaborative approach to creative learning to kids around the world who need these opportunities the most.",
- "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "Last year was an incredible year for the Scratch Foundation–we focused on growing our team with remarkable, diverse leaders and building a solid foundation for our continued transition to an independent organization. We developed a three-year Strategic Plan with the combined efforts of every team member at every level of our organization, codifying the work we’re embarking on together. As Scratch grows, we remain focused on equity and community-building, and keeping Scratch a safe space for kids to connect, create, and collaborate with their peers around the world.",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "執行董事的話",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "2021年,新冠病毒(COVID-19)持續干擾我們生活的模式,重塑人與人之間互動的方式。即便我們開始重聚,學校重新開放,並有人呼籲恢復常態,但我們之中的弱勢族群依然因為不社會結構性不平等,而受到新冠病毒加劇的不成比例的影響。新冠病毒疫情也改變了年輕族群與 Scratch 的關係,他們花更多的時間在裡頭創造、學習和聯絡,這也深化了 Scratch,讓它變成比以往都更為重要的地方。隨著新的一年到來,我們並沒有將最脆弱的年輕人拋諸腦後,因為他們已經開始駕馭新常態。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "作為基本價值之一,Scratch 始終致力於賦予年輕人探索、創造、玩樂以及發現的能力,而這些機會並不是所有學生都能公平獲得的。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "我們相信自我表達和創造力的變革力量,並為年輕人提供空間與工具,讓他們使用創意編程來為自己發聲。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "我很自豪能在歷史上的這個關鍵時刻擔任 Scratch 基金會的執行董事,並將繼續向世界各地最需要這些機會的孩子傳播 Scratch 的關愛、創造性學習的協作方法。",
+ "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "去年對於 Scratch 基金會來說是不可思議的一年 — 我們專注於與卓越、多元化的領導者一起發展我們的團隊,並為我們繼續向獨立組織過渡奠定堅實的基礎。我們制定了一項為期三年的戰略計劃,在我們組織各個級別的每個團隊成員的共同努力下,我們將共同開展的工作編纂成文。隨著 Scratch 的發展,我們持續專注於公平性和社群的經營,並讓 Scratch 成為孩子們與世界各地的同齡人聯繫、創造和協作的安全空間。 我非常感謝您與我們的團隊一起踏上這段旅程,以及您對我們使命的持續支持。 Scratch 社區的同理心和創造力不斷地激勵著我們,我們迫不及待地期待您加入我們,共同完成眼前的重要工作。",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP5": "I can’t thank you enough for embarking on this journey with our team, and for your continued support of our mission. The compassion and creativity of the Scratch Community is endlessly inspiring to us, and we can’t wait for you to join us in the important work ahead of us.",
- "annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation",
+ "annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Scratch 基金會執行董事",
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "观看视频",
- "annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "我們的使命、願景和價值觀",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP1": "我們致力在各個方面實現教育正義並優先考慮公平性,尤其專注於支持那些被排除在創意程設思維之外的兒童、家庭和教育工作者的舉措和方法。",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "我們將 Scratch 開發為一個免費、安全、有趣的學習環境,讓所有孩子都能進行創意思考、邏輯推理和分工合作 — 這是現代人的基本技能。我們與教育工作者和家庭合作,支持兒童探索、分享和學習。",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "使命",
- "annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "為年輕人提供數位工具,以及想像、創造、分享和學習的機會。",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "愿望",
- "annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
- "annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "Values",
+ "annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "在世界各地傳播創意、關懷、協作、公平的編碼和學習方法。",
+ "annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "價值",
"annualReport.2021.valuesSubtitle": "In this work, we are guided by our core values that define our principles as an organization and a community:",
- "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "Creative Expression",
- "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "Progressive Improvement",
- "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "Equitable Opportunities",
+ "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "創造性表達",
+ "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "持續改進",
+ "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "公平的機會",
"annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementTitle": "Playful Engagement",
"annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionDescription": " We are committed to providing everyone with tools and opportunities to express their ideas, their interests, and their authentic selves within a supportive community.",
"annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementDescription": "We hold ourselves to a high standard and always strive to iterate, improve, and inspire one another to best serve young people around the world and the community that makes our work possible.",
@@ -39,25 +39,25 @@
"annualReport.2021.reachSubtitle": "Scratch是世界上最大的面向8岁以上青少年的编程社区。",
"annualReport.2021.reachMillion": "(百万)",
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersNumber": "18 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "22% from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "2020 以來增加 22%",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "113 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "39% from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "2020 以來增加 39%",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "42 {million}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "2020 以來增加 44%",
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "新用户",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "作品",
- "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch is used around the world across {numberOfCountries}",
- "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "more than 200 countries and territories",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "Saudi Arabia",
- "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "We saw tremendous growth around the world in 2021, but we were amazed to see the growth in Saudi Arabia, where we saw twice as many new users as the year before.",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 74 Languages",
- "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "10 languages from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "專案創作者",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch 在全球各地的使用,{numberOfCountries}",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "已超過 200 個國家與地區。",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "沙烏地阿拉伯",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "2021 年,我們在全球範圍內看到了巨大的增長,但我們驚訝地看到沙特阿拉伯的增長,我們看到的新用戶數量是前一年的兩倍。",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch 已經被翻譯成 74 種語言",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "2020 年只有 10 種語言",
"annualReport.2021.reachTranslationBlurb": "感谢来自全球的志愿翻译者。",
"annualReport.2021.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr是向5-7岁儿童介绍编程的软件,让他们可以创作交互式故事和游戏。",
"annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsMillion": "5 {million}",
"annualReport.2021.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2021",
- "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 million from 2020",
+ "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "自 2020 年已超過 2 百萬",
"annualReport.2021.themesTitle": "新的主題",
"annualReport.2021.themesDescription": "Amidst ongoing uncertainty from COVID-19, Scratch continued to serve as a key space for young people to connect and create together. In 2021, we focused our efforts on building a strong foundation to equitably support our growing global community and our growing Scratch Team. Our work was centered around three major themes: fostering community, increasing access and accessibility, and developing the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC).",
"annualReport.2021.SECTitle": "Scratch教育合作",
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchLabText4": "This feedback has been invaluable as we evaluate and develop Animated Text blocks, Face Sensing blocks, and more potential new features.",
"annualReport.2021.ytData1": "100,000",
"annualReport.2021.ytData1Sub": "订阅者",
- "annualReport.2021.ytData2": "9 million",
+ "annualReport.2021.ytData2": "9 百萬",
"annualReport.2021.ytData2Sub": "views on videos",
"annualReport.2021.ytData3Top": "viewers in",
"annualReport.2021.ytData3": "178",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-tw.json
index 0b024321..5c08d1f6 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-tw.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/zh-tw.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "创始人的留言",
"annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "使命",
"annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "分佈",
"annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "主題",
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "團隊",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "贊助",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 年度報告",
- "annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Building an Equitable Community Together",
+ "annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "共同建设一个平等的社区",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "執行董事的話",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "2021年,新冠病毒(COVID-19)持續干擾我們生活的模式,重塑人與人之間互動的方式。即便我們開始重聚,學校重新開放,並有人呼籲恢復常態,但我們之中的弱勢族群依然因為不社會結構性不平等,而受到新冠病毒加劇的不成比例的影響。新冠病毒疫情也改變了年輕族群與 Scratch 的關係,他們花更多的時間在裡頭創造、學習和聯絡,這也深化了 Scratch,讓它變成比以往都更為重要的地方。隨著新的一年到來,我們並沒有將最脆弱的年輕人拋諸腦後,因為他們已經開始駕馭新常態。",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "作為基本價值之一,Scratch 始終致力於賦予年輕人探索、創造、玩樂以及發現的能力,而這些機會並不是所有學生都能公平獲得的。",
@@ -126,16 +126,16 @@
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Title": "Black History Month Studio",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard2Text": "Scratchers shared interactive artwork, created poems, animated music videos, and more to celebrate influential people and events in Black history.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Date": "四月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Title": "April Fool’s Day",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Title": "愚人节",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard3Text": "Scratchers were asked to imagine the “Secret life” of the Scratch Cat and went on a treasure hunt for fun and silly things hidden around the Scratch website.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Date": "五月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Scratch Week",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Title": "Scratch周",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard4Text": "Scratchers around the world shared more than 3,500 projects responding to themed prompts like “Cooking With Scratch” and “Ridiculous Inventions” to celebrate Scratch's birthday.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Date": "六月",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Title": "Pride Month",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard5Text": "Scratchers created projects using all the colors of the rainbow to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in the Pride Month studio.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Date": "八月",
- "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Scratch Camp",
+ "annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Title": "Scratch营",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard6Text": "During this annual three-week long event, Scratchers created more than 7,000 projects that moved and grooved, showcased creative do-it-yourself (DIY) ideas, and shared their discoveries about the natural world around them.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Date": "十月",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReviewCard7Title": "Scratchtober",
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.tutorial1": "How to Make an 'About Me'",
"annualReport.2021.tutorial2": "How to Make a Clicker Game",
"annualReport.2021.tutorial3": "How to Make a Mouse Trail",
- "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
+ "annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "一个来自于我们建立者的信息",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageSubTitle": "Support and Inspiration from a Founding Partner",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText1": "As you read through this annual report, you’ll learn about many ways that Scratch is expanding creative computing opportunities for millions of young people around the world, especially those from marginalized communities. This global impact is possible because of the tireless work of the growing team of engineers, designers, educators, community moderators, and others at the Scratch Foundation.",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText2": "To continue to grow our efforts and impact, we rely on the generous financial support of an incredible collection of companies, foundations, and individual donors who are aligned with our mission and vision. Here, I want to highlight the support and inspiration we’ve received from one of our Founding Partners: the LEGO Foundation.",
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
"annualReport.2021.LookingForward1": "Strengthening the Scratch Platform and Community Infrastructure",
"annualReport.2021.LookingForward2": "Expanding Pathways to Creative Learning",
"annualReport.2021.LookingForward3": "Building Organizational Capacity and Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "感谢我们的赞助人",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "感谢我们慷慨的支持者。你们的贡献帮助我们为全球所有不同背景不同年龄的孩子扩展了创作式学习的机会。",
"annualReport.2021.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
"annualReport.2021.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.",
"annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
@@ -191,21 +191,21 @@
"annualReport.2021.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
- "annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
+ "annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "非现金赞助者",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipTitle": "我們的團隊",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "Chair",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "董事会",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "主席",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "学习研究教授",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "副主席",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "联合创始人及联席董事长",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "董事",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "总裁兼首席执行官",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "前总裁",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "创始人、首席执行官",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
- "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "董事会秘书、财务官",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "董事会秘书",
+ "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "董事会财务官",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipScratchTeam": "2021 Scratch Team",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
"annualReport.2021.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
index aa322785..90d3c292 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
@@ -3,55 +3,55 @@
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.next": "つぎへ",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.communityGuidelines": "コミュニティーガイドライン",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.getStarted": "はじめよう",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.finishLater": "Finish Later",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.finishLater": "後で行う",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.goBack": "もどる",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.iAgree": "I Agree",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.takeMeBack": "Take me back to Scratch",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.backToProfile": "Back to Profile Page",
- "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.header": "Congratulations, {username}! You have shown that you are ready to become a Scratcher.",
- "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.body": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together. We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.header": "What does it mean to be a Scratcher?",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.body": "You might notice on your profile page that you are currently a “New Scratcher”. Now that you have spent some time on Scratch, we invite you to become a “Scratcher”.",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.definition": "Scratchers have a bit more experience on Scratch and are excited to both contribute to the community and to make it a supportive and welcoming space for others.",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.canDo": "Here are some things Scratchers do:",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.createStudios": "Create studios",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.helpOut": "Help out in the community",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.communityGuidelines": "Next, we will take you through the community guidelines and explain what these are.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectSection": "Become a Scratcher - Treat everyone with respect",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectHeader": "Scratchers treat everyone with respect.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectBody": "Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeSection": "Become a Scratcher - Be safe",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeHeader": "Scratchers are safe: we keep personal and contact information private.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeBody": "This includes not sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackSection": "Become a Scratcher - Give helpful feedback",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackHeader": "Scratchers give helpful feedback.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackBody": "When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Header": "Scratchers embrace remix culture.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.iAgree": "同意します",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.takeMeBack": "Scratchに戻る",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.backToProfile": "プロフィールページに戻る",
+ "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.header": "{username}さん、おめでとうございます! Scratcherになる準備ができました。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.body": "Scratchは、あらゆる人を歓迎する友好的なコミュニティー(共同体)です。ここでは、みんな一緒に創造し、共有し、学ぶことができます。私たちは、何歳であっても、どんな人種、民族であっても、能力に違いがあっても、どんな宗教を信じていても、どんな性的指向、性同一性を持っていても、すべての人々を歓迎します。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.header": "Scratcherになるとはどういうことですか?",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.body": "あなたのプロフィールページには、あなたが現在「New Scratcher」であると表示されているでしょう。あなたは、しばらくScratchを経験したので、「Scratcher」に招待します。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.definition": "Scratcherは、Scratchの経験を持ち、コミュニティーに貢献して、他の人を助け、歓迎する場を作ることに前向きです。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.canDo": "Scratcherが行えること:",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.createStudios": "スタジオを作成する",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.helpOut": "コミュニティーを手伝う",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.communityGuidelines": "次に、コミュニティーガイドラインについて、内容を説明します。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectSection": "Scratcherになる - 誰にでも敬意を持って接すること",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectHeader": "Scratcherは誰にでも敬意をもって接します。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectBody": "Scratchに参加することで、わくわくすることや、大切なことを、みんなと共有することができます。そして、 あなたが自己表現の方法を見つけると共に、他の人がそうすることを認めることも期待しています。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeSection": "Scratcherになること - 安全を保つこと",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeHeader": "Scratcherは安全を保ちます: 個人情報と連絡先の情報を公開しません。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeBody": "これには、姓、電話番号、住所、出身地、学校名、メール アドレス、他のサービスのユーザー名、SNSサイト、ビデオ チャットアプリ、チャット機能のあるWebサイトへのリンクを共有しないことが含まれます。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackSection": "Scratcherになること - 役立つコメントをすること",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackHeader": "Scratcherは役立つコメントをします。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackBody": "プロジェクトにコメントするときは、気に入ったところを言ったり、提案したりして、非難をせず、親切にすることを忘れないでください。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Section": "Scratcherになること - リミックス文化を理解すること",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Header": "Scratcherはリミックス文化を理解します。",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Body": "リミックスとは、他(ほか)の人(ひと)がScratchで共有(きょうゆう)しているプロジェクトやコード、アイデア、画像(がぞう)などをもとにして、独自(どくじ)の作品(さくひん)を作る(つくる)ことです。",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Header": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Body": "You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. ",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Header": "Remixing means sharing with others.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Body": "When you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestSection": "Become a Scratcher - Be honest",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestHeader": "Scratchers are honest.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestBody": "It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlySection": "Become a Scratcher - Keep the site friendly",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyHeader": "Scratchers help keep the site friendly.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyBody": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it.",
- "becomeAScratcher.invitation.header": "{username}, we invite you to become a Scratcher.",
- "becomeAScratcher.invitation.body": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone. If you agree to be respectful, be safe, give helpful feedback, embrace remix culture, be honest, and help keep the site friendly, click “I agree!”",
- "becomeAScratcher.invitation.finishLater": "You get to decide if you want to become a Scratcher. If you do not want to be a Scratcher yet, just click “Finish Later” above.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Section": "Scratcherになること - リミックス文化を理解すること",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Header": "リミックスは、他のScratcherと共同作業したり、つながりを持つために最適な方法です。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Body": "Scratchで見つけたすべてのものは、自分の作品の中で使うことができます。ただし、あなたが使ったすべての作品のクレジット(作者名、原作名など)を書き、意味のある変更を加える必要があります。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Section": "Scratcherになること - リミックス文化を理解すること",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Header": "リミックスとは、他の人と共有することです。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Body": "あなたがScratchで何かを共有すると、すべてのScratcherに対して、あなたの作品を使うことも許可したことになります。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestSection": "Scratcherになること - 誠実であること",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestHeader": "Scratcherは誠実です。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestBody": "Scratchで他の人と接するとき、正直で誠実であることが大切です。すべてのScratchアカウントには現実の人が紐づいていることを忘れないでください。 ",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlySection": "Scratcherになること - サイトを心地よい場所にすること",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyHeader": "Scratcherはサイトを心地よい場所にします。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyBody": "作品や会話の内容は、すべての年齢の人にとって親しみやすく、適切であることが重要です。Scratchに書かれたものが、意地悪だったり、侮辱的だったり、暴力的だったり、コミュニティーにとって不適切だと感じたときは、「報告」をクリックしてScratchチームに知らせてください。 ",
+ "becomeAScratcher.invitation.header": "{username}さん、私たちはあなたをScratcherに招待します。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.invitation.body": "Scratchは、あらゆる人を歓迎する友好的なコミュニティー(共同体)です。もしあなたが、敬意を持って、安全に、役に立つコメントをし、リミックス文化を受け入れ、誠実であり、このサイトを心地よく保つことに同意するなら、「同意します!」をクリックしてください。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.invitation.finishLater": "Scratcherになるかどうかは、あなたが決めることです。まだScratcherになりたくない場合は、上にある「後で行う」をクリックしてください。",
"registration.success.error": "予期(よき)しないエラーが発生(はっせい)しました。",
- "becomeAScratcher.success.header": "Hooray! You are now officially a Scratcher.",
- "becomeAScratcher.success.body": "Here are some links that might be helpful for you.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.success.header": "おめでとう! あなたは今、正式にScratcherになりました。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.success.body": "以下に参考になりそうなリンクをのせておきました。",
"becomeAScratcher.success.communityGuidelines": "コミュニティーガイドライン",
- "becomeAScratcher.success.createAProject": "Create a Project",
- "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.header": "Whoops! Looks like you haven’t received an invitation to become a Scratcher yet.",
- "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.body": "To become a Scratcher, you must be active on Scratch for a while, share several projects, and comment constructively in the community. After a few weeks, you will receive a notification inviting you to become a Scratcher. Scratch on!",
- "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.header": "No worries, take your time!",
- "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.body": "By leaving this page, you will not finish the process to become a Scratcher and will stay as a New Scratcher. If you change your mind later, you can always come back via your profile page.",
- "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.clickBecomeAScratcher": "Just click on “★ Become a Scratcher!” below your username."
+ "becomeAScratcher.success.createAProject": "プロジェクトを作る",
+ "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.header": "おっと! あなたにはScratcherになる招待状がまだ届いていないようですね。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.body": "Scratcherになるには、Scratchでしばらく活動し、いくつかのプロジェクトを共有し、コミュニティーで建設的なコメントをすることが必要です。そうすれば、数週間後にScratcherになるための招待通知が届くでしょう。Scratchを続けましょう!",
+ "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.header": "ご心配なく、ゆっくりやってください!",
+ "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.body": "このページから離れると、Scratcherになるための手続きは完了せず、「New Scratcher」のままとなります。後で気が変わったら、いつでもプロフィールページからここに戻ってくることができます。",
+ "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.clickBecomeAScratcher": "ユーザー名の下の「★ Become a Scratcher!」をクリックするだけです。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/pt.json
index 1980cbf2..b08a3849 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/pt.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/pt.json
@@ -3,55 +3,55 @@
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.next": "Próximo",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.communityGuidelines": "Linhas de Orientação da Comunidade",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.getStarted": "Começar",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.finishLater": "Finish Later",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.finishLater": "Concluir Depois",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.goBack": "Voltar",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.iAgree": "I Agree",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.takeMeBack": "Take me back to Scratch",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.backToProfile": "Back to Profile Page",
- "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.header": "Congratulations, {username}! You have shown that you are ready to become a Scratcher.",
- "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.body": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together. We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.header": "What does it mean to be a Scratcher?",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.body": "You might notice on your profile page that you are currently a “New Scratcher”. Now that you have spent some time on Scratch, we invite you to become a “Scratcher”.",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.definition": "Scratchers have a bit more experience on Scratch and are excited to both contribute to the community and to make it a supportive and welcoming space for others.",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.canDo": "Here are some things Scratchers do:",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.createStudios": "Create studios",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.helpOut": "Help out in the community",
- "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.communityGuidelines": "Next, we will take you through the community guidelines and explain what these are.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectSection": "Become a Scratcher - Treat everyone with respect",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectHeader": "Scratchers treat everyone with respect.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectBody": "Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeSection": "Become a Scratcher - Be safe",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeHeader": "Scratchers are safe: we keep personal and contact information private.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeBody": "This includes not sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackSection": "Become a Scratcher - Give helpful feedback",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackHeader": "Scratchers give helpful feedback.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackBody": "When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Header": "Scratchers embrace remix culture.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Body": "Remixing is when you build upon someone else’s projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Header": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Body": "You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. ",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Header": "Remixing means sharing with others.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Body": "When you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestSection": "Become a Scratcher - Be honest",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestHeader": "Scratchers are honest.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestBody": "It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlySection": "Become a Scratcher - Keep the site friendly",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyHeader": "Scratchers help keep the site friendly.",
- "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyBody": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it.",
- "becomeAScratcher.invitation.header": "{username}, we invite you to become a Scratcher.",
- "becomeAScratcher.invitation.body": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone. If you agree to be respectful, be safe, give helpful feedback, embrace remix culture, be honest, and help keep the site friendly, click “I agree!”",
- "becomeAScratcher.invitation.finishLater": "You get to decide if you want to become a Scratcher. If you do not want to be a Scratcher yet, just click “Finish Later” above.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.iAgree": "Concordo",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.takeMeBack": "Leve-me de volta ao Scratch",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.backToProfile": "Voltar à Página de Perfil",
+ "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.header": "Parabéns, {username}! Você mostrou que está pronto para se tornar um Scratcher.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.congratulations.body": "O Scratch é uma comunidade amigável e acolhedora para todos, onde as pessoas criam, compartilham e aprender juntas. Acolhemos gente de todas as idades, raças, etnias, religiões, habilidades, orientações sexuais e identidades de gênero.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.header": "O que significa ser um Scratcher?",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.body": "Você pode ter visto em seu perfil que, atualmente, é um “Novo Usuário”. Agora que você passou algum tempo no Scratch, lhe convidamos a se tornar um “Scratcher”.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.definition": "Os Scratchers têm um pouco mais de experiência no Scratch e animam-se a contribuir para a comunidade e a torná-la um espaço de apoio e acolhimento para os outros.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.canDo": "Aqui estão algumas coisas que Scratchers fazem:",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.createStudios": "Criam estúdios",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.helpOut": "Ajudam a comunidade",
+ "becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.communityGuidelines": "A seguir, vamos mostrar as diretrizes da comunidade e explicar o que elas são.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectSection": "Torne-se Scratcher - Trate todos com respeito",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectHeader": "Scratchers tratam todos com respeito",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.respectBody": "Todos no Scratch são encorajados a compartilhar coisas que os animam e são importantes para eles—esperamos que você encontre maneiras de celebrar sua própria identidade no Scratch, e permita que outros façam o mesmo.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeSection": "Torne-se Scratcher - Aja com segurança",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeHeader": "Scratchers se mantêm seguros: nunca compartilhamos informações pessoais ou de contato.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.safeBody": "Isso inclui não compartilhar informações reais como sobrenomes, números de telefone, endereços, cidades, nomes de escola, endereços de email, nomes de usuário ou links para outros sites de rede social, aplicativos de vídeo-chamada ou websites com função de chat.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackSection": "Torne-se Scratcher - Faça comentários úteis",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackHeader": "Scratchers fazem comentários construtivos.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackBody": "Ao comentar em um projeto, lembre-se de dizer algo que gosta sobre ele, ofereça sugestões, seja gentil e não crítico.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Section": "Torne-se Scratcher - Abrace a cultura do remix",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Header": "Scratchers abraçam a cultura do remix.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Body": "Remixar é quando você usa projetos, códigos, ideias, imagens ou qualquer outra coisa que os outros compartilham no Scratch para criar algo único.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Section": "Torne-se Scratcher - Abrace a cultura do remix",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Header": "Remixar é uma ótima maneira de colaborar e conectar-se com outros Scratchers.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Body": "Você é encorajado a usar qualquer coisa que encontrar no Scratch em suas próprias criações, contanto que dê os devidos créditos a todos cujo trabalho você usou e faça mudanças significantes a ele.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Section": "Torne-se Scratcher - Abrace a cultura do remix",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Header": "Remixar significa compartilhar com os outros.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix3Body": "Quando você compartilha algo no Scratch, você também está dando permissão a todos os Scratchers de usar o seu trabalho em suas criações.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestSection": "Torne-se Scratcher - Aja com honestidade",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestHeader": "Scratchers são honestos.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.honestBody": "É importante ser honesto e autêntico ao interagir com outros no Scratch, e lembrar que há uma pessoa por trás de cada conta no Scratch.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlySection": "Torne-se Scratcher - Mantenha o site amigável",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyHeader": "Scratchers ajudam o site a continuar amigável.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.friendlyBody": "É importante que suas criações e conversas sejam sempre amigáveis e apropriadas para todas as idades. Se você ver algo no Scratch que achar rude, insultante, violento demais ou prejudicial à comunidade de alguma forma, clique em “Denunciar” para nos avisar.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.invitation.header": "{username}, convidamos-lhe para se tornar Scratcher.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.invitation.body": "Scratch é uma comunidade amigável e acolhedora para todos. Se você concorda em ser respeitoso, seguro, fazer comentários úteis, abraçar a cultura do remix, ser honesto e ajudar a manter o site amigável, clique em “Concordo!”",
+ "becomeAScratcher.invitation.finishLater": "Você pode decidir se já quer virar Scratcher. Se você ainda não quer ser Scratcher, é só clicar em “Concluir Depois” acima.",
"registration.success.error": "As nossas desculpas, ocorreu um erro inesperado.",
- "becomeAScratcher.success.header": "Hooray! You are now officially a Scratcher.",
- "becomeAScratcher.success.body": "Here are some links that might be helpful for you.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.success.header": "Uhuu! Agora você é oficialmente um Scratcher.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.success.body": "Aqui estão alguns links que podem ser úteis para você.",
"becomeAScratcher.success.communityGuidelines": "Linhas de Orientação da Comunidade",
- "becomeAScratcher.success.createAProject": "Create a Project",
- "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.header": "Whoops! Looks like you haven’t received an invitation to become a Scratcher yet.",
- "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.body": "To become a Scratcher, you must be active on Scratch for a while, share several projects, and comment constructively in the community. After a few weeks, you will receive a notification inviting you to become a Scratcher. Scratch on!",
- "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.header": "No worries, take your time!",
- "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.body": "By leaving this page, you will not finish the process to become a Scratcher and will stay as a New Scratcher. If you change your mind later, you can always come back via your profile page.",
- "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.clickBecomeAScratcher": "Just click on “★ Become a Scratcher!” below your username."
+ "becomeAScratcher.success.createAProject": "Criar um Projeto",
+ "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.header": "Ops! Parece que você não recebeu um convite para se tornar Scratcher ainda.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.noInvitation.body": "Para virar um Scratcher, você deve usar o Scratch ativamente por um tempo, compartilhar vários projetos e comentar de maneira construtiva na comunidade. Após algumas semanas, você receberá uma notificação convidando-o para se tornar um Scratcher. Ao Scratch!",
+ "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.header": "Sem problemas, volte quando quiser!",
+ "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.body": "Se você deixar esta página, você não concluirá o processo para virar Scratcher e permanecerá como Novo Usuário. Se mudar de ideia depois, você pode voltar quando quiser através da sua página de perfil.",
+ "becomeAScratcher.finishLater.clickBecomeAScratcher": "É só clicar em “★ Torne-se um Scratcher” abaixo do seu nome de usuário."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
index 0ba37d01..7e9d8cee 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/ja-Hira.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- "conference-2022.title": "Scratch Conference 2022",
+ "conference-2022.title": "Scratchカンファレンス 2022",
"conference-2022.locationDetails": "オンライン",
"conference-2022.date": "かいさいび:",
"conference-2022.location": "ばしょ:",
- "conference-2022.eventTime": "10 AM - 4 PM ET",
- "conference-2022.desc1": "Join us for Scratch Conference 2022, an online gathering for educators interested in creative learning with Scratch! This year's theme will be \"What will you create?\"",
+ "conference-2022.eventTime": "午前10時 - 午後4時(米国東部時間)",
+ "conference-2022.desc1": "Scratchでの創造的な学びに関心のある教育者のためのオンラインの集い、Scratch カンファレンス2022に参加しましょう。今年のテーマは「何を創造しますか?」です。",
"conference-2022.desc1a": "今年(ことし)は直接(ちょくせつ)あうことはできませんが、Scratchの教育関係者(きょういくかんけいしゃ)コミュニティーとつながり、共有(きょうゆう)しあう方法(ほうほう)を見つけることを楽しみにしています。",
"conference-2022.desc3": "カンファレンスは参加無料(さんかむりょう)です。",
- "conference-2022.register": "Stay tuned for registration information!",
+ "conference-2022.register": "登録に関しての情報をお楽しみに!",
"conference-2022.stayDesc2": "そのほかのしつもんにかんしては、{emailLink}にてScratchカンファレンスチームにれんらくしてください。",
- "conference-2022.organizedBy": "The Scratch Conference is organized by the Scratch Foundation."
+ "conference-2022.organizedBy": "Scratch カンファレンスは、Scratch財団によって開催されます。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/pt.json
index 93bda5dc..64799a13 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/pt.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.conference-2022-index-l10njson/pt.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- "conference-2022.title": "Scratch Conference 2022",
+ "conference-2022.title": "Conferência Scratch 2022",
"conference-2022.locationDetails": "Em linha",
"conference-2022.date": "Quando:",
"conference-2022.location": "Onde:",
- "conference-2022.eventTime": "10 AM - 4 PM ET",
- "conference-2022.desc1": "Join us for Scratch Conference 2022, an online gathering for educators interested in creative learning with Scratch! This year's theme will be \"What will you create?\"",
- "conference-2022.desc1a": "Although we are not able to meet in person this year, we are excited to find ways to connect and share with others in the global Scratch educator community.",
- "conference-2022.desc3": "The conference will be free of charge.",
- "conference-2022.register": "Stay tuned for registration information!",
+ "conference-2022.eventTime": "11h00 - 17h00 BRT",
+ "conference-2022.desc1": "Junte-se a nós na Conferência Scratch 2022, um encontro online para educadores interessados em aprendizagem criativa com Scratch! O tema deste ano será \"O que você vai criar?\"",
+ "conference-2022.desc1a": "Embora não seja possível nos reunirmos pessoalmente este ano, estamos animados em encontrar maneiras de conectar e compartilhar com outros na comunidade global de educadores Scratch.",
+ "conference-2022.desc3": "A conferência será gratuita.",
+ "conference-2022.register": "Fique atento às informações de inscrição!",
"conference-2022.stayDesc2": "Para questões adicionais, contacte a Equipa da Conferência Scratch através de {emailLink}",
- "conference-2022.organizedBy": "The Scratch Conference is organized by the Scratch Foundation."
+ "conference-2022.organizedBy": "A Conferência Scratch é organizada pela Fundação Scratch."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.conference-index-2021-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.conference-index-2021-l10njson/pt.json
index de1fad1c..1da7c84a 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.conference-index-2021-l10njson/pt.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.conference-index-2021-l10njson/pt.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- "conference-2021.title": "Scratch Around the World:",
- "conference-2021.subtitle": "An Online Conference",
- "conference-2021.dateDesc": "July 22, 2021",
+ "conference-2021.title": "Scratch pelo Mundo:",
+ "conference-2021.subtitle": "Uma Conferência Online",
+ "conference-2021.dateDesc": "22 de julho de 2021",
"conference-2021.locationDetails": "Em linha",
"conference-2021.date": "Quando:",
"conference-2021.location": "Onde:",
- "conference-2021.desc1": "Join us for Scratch Around the World, an online conference for educators interested in creative learning with Scratch.",
- "conference-2021.desc1a": "Although we are not able to meet in person this year, we are excited to find ways to connect and share with others in the global Scratch educator community.",
- "conference-2021.desc3": "The conference will be free of charge.",
+ "conference-2021.desc1": "Junte-se a nós em Scratch pelo Mundo, uma conferência online para educadores interessados em aprendizagem criativa com Scratch.",
+ "conference-2021.desc1a": "Embora não seja possível nos reunirmos pessoalmente este ano, estamos animados em encontrar maneiras de conectar e compartilhar com outros na comunidade global de educadores Scratch.",
+ "conference-2021.desc3": "A conferência será gratuita.",
"conference-2021.register": "Ir para a página de registo",
"conference-2021.stayDesc2": "Para questões adicionais, contacte a Equipa da Conferência Scratch através de {emailLink}",
"conference-2021.organizedBy": "A Conferência Scratch é organizada pelo Grupo Lifelong Kindergarten do Media Lab do MIT em colaboração com a Fundação Scratch."
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.cookies-l10njson/de.json b/www/scratch-website.cookies-l10njson/de.json
index 6c53278e..b21df7b8 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.cookies-l10njson/de.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.cookies-l10njson/de.json
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
"cookies.title": "Cookie-Richtlinie",
- "cookies.nav.types": "Types of Cookies",
+ "cookies.nav.types": "Arten von Cookies",
"cookies.nav.manage": "Cookies verwalten",
"cookies.nav.contact": "Kontakt",
- "cookies.lastUpdatedFormat": "The Scratch Cookie Policy was last updated {updated, date, long}",
- "cookies.intro1": "This Cookie Policy (the “Cookie Policy”) is provided by Scratch Foundation (“Scratch”, “we” or “us”). It supplements the information and disclosures included in our
Når du opretter en konto, får du mærkatet \"Ny Scratcher\". For at blive \"Scratcher\" skal du lave og dele projekter, kommentere opmuntrende på andre scratcheres projekter og være tålmodig! Efter du har mødt kravene, dukker et link op på din profil med en invitation til at blive Scratcher, og du vil få flere muligheder på Scratch hjemmesiden. (Bemærk, at vi ikke gør nye scratcherere til scratcherere på forespørgsel.)
", "faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Kan jeg have mere end en konto?", "faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.", "faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Er det OK at mere end en person er logget ind på en konto?", @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ "faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Hvordan sletter jeg min konto?", "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.", "faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?", - "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!", + "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Ja! Scratch er helt gratis. Du kan bruge det i skolen og du kan undervise i det (også i kurser, som koster penge). Du behøver ikke at købe en licens - det er gratis.", "faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Can I use screenshots of Scratch in a book or presentation?", "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".", "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/el.json index 3fc17b7e..8c79db56 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/el.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/el.json @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ "faq.chatRoomBody": "Ενώ είναι τεχνικά δυνατό να δημιουργήσετε χώρους συνομιλίας (chat room) με μεταβλητές cloud, δεν επιτρέπονται στον ιστότοπο του Scratch.", "faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Ποιος μπορεί να αλλάξει τις πληροφορίες σε μια μεταβλητή cloud;", "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Μόνο εσείς και αυτοί που βλέπουν το έργο σας μπορούν να αποθηκεύουν δεδομένα στις μεταβλητές cloud του έργου σας. Αν κάποιοι πατήσουν \"Δείτε μέσα\" ή κάνουν άναμειξη του κώδικά σας, δημιουργείται ένα αντίγραφο της μεταβλητής και δεν επηρεάζει ή αλλάζει την αρχική μεταβλητή.", - "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?", + "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Είμαι συνδεδεμένος, αλλά δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω έργα με μεταβλητές cloud. Τι συμβαίνει;", "faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Αν είστε ακόμη \"Νέος Scratcher\" στον ιστότοπο, δε θα έχετε τη δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιείτε έργα με μεταβλητές cloud. Θα πρέπει να γίνετε \"Scratcher\" για να έχετε πρόβαση σε μεταβλητές cloud. Δείτε την ενότητα Λογαριασμοί (παραπάνω) για περισσότερες πληροφορίες όσον αφορά στη μετάβαση από “Νέος Scratcher” σε \"Scratcher\".", "faq.multiplayerTitle": "Είναι δυνατό να φτιάξω παιχνίδια πολλών παιχτών με μεταβλητές cloud;", "faq.multiplayerBody": "Παιχνίδια για πολλούς παίκτες μπορεί να είναι δύσκολο να δημιουργηθούν, λόγω της ταχύτητας του δικτύου και των προβλημάτων συγχρονισμού. Ωστόσο, ορισμένοι Scratchers επινοούν δημιουργικούς τρόπους για να χρησιμοποιήσουν τις μεταβλητές cloud για παιχνίδια στρατηγικής και άλλων ειδών.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/et.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/et.json index 7d3f67e6..58e59484 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/et.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/et.json @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Mis on remiksimine?", - "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "When a Scratcher makes a copy of someone else’s project and modifies it to add their own ideas (for example, by changing scripts or costumes), the resulting project is called a \"remix\". Every project shared to the Scratch website can be remixed. We consider even a minor change to be a valid remix, as long as credit is given to the original project creator and others who made significant contributions to the remix.", + "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Kui kasutaja teeb koopia kellegi teise projektist, teeb muudatusi ning lisab sellele oma ideeid (näiteks muutes skripte või kostüüme), nimetatakse seda remiksimiseks. Iga Scratchi kodulehel jagatud projekti võib remiksida. Iga väikseimgi muudatus on remiks; seejuures tuleks kindlasti viidata projekti originaalile tunnustamaks selle autorit ning tänada kõiki, kes on andnud oma panuse remiksimisel.", "faq.remixableTitle": "Miks Scratchi tiim nõuab, et kõik projektid oleks “remiksitavad”?", "faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other people’s projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.", "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Mida teha, kui ma ei soovi, et teised remiksiks minu projekte?", @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ "faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Kuidas kustutada oma konto?", "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.", "faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?", - "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!", + "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Jah! Scratch on saadaval tasuta. Võite kasutada seda oma koolis ja õpetada seda (isegi kui kursused on tasulised). Te ei pea ostma litsentsi - see on tasuta.", "faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Kas ma saan kasutada Scratchi ekraanipilte raamatus või esitluses?", "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".", "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/eu.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/eu.json index c2399e58..fd45bfb2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/eu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/eu.json @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Zer da birnahasketa bat?", - "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "When a Scratcher makes a copy of someone else’s project and modifies it to add their own ideas (for example, by changing scripts or costumes), the resulting project is called a \"remix\". Every project shared to the Scratch website can be remixed. We consider even a minor change to be a valid remix, as long as credit is given to the original project creator and others who made significant contributions to the remix.", + "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Scratcher batek beste baten proiektua kopiatu eta aldatzen duenean, bere ideia propioak gehituz (skriptak edo mozorroak aldatuz adibidez), proiektuari \"birnahasketa\" deritzaio. Scratch webgunean partekaturiko edozein proiektu birnahastua izan daiteke. Edozein aldaketa txiki badu, baliozko birnahasketa da guretzat, jatorrizko proiektuaren egileari eta birnahasketan eragina izan duen orori kreditua ematen zaion artean.", "faq.remixableTitle": "Zergatik eskatzen du Scratch taldeak proiektu guztiak \"birnahasgarriak\" izatea?", "faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other people’s projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.", "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Eta ez badut besteek nire proiektuak birnahasterik nahi?", @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ "faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Nola ezaba dezaket nire kontua?", "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.", "faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?", - "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!", + "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Bai! Scratch dohakoa da. Eskolan erabil dezakezu eta berari buruzko kurtsoa erakutsi (kurtsoarekin dirua irabazten baduzu ere berdin du). Ez duzu lizentziarik erosi beharrik - dohakoa da.", "faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Can I use screenshots of Scratch in a book or presentation?", "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".", "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ga.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ga.json index 17723903..a809d3aa 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ga.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ga.json @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ "faq.chatRoomBody": "Níl. Is féidir seomra comhrá a chruthú sa chaoi seo go teicniúil, ach níl cead agat é seo a dhéanamh ar shuíomh Scratch.", "faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Cé atá in ann luach néalathróige a athrú?", "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Only you and viewers of your project can store data in your project’s cloud variables. If people \"see inside\" or remix your code, it creates a copy of the variable and does not affect or change the original variable.", - "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?", + "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Tá mé logáilte isteach, ach ní féidir liom tionscadail a bhfuil néalathróga iontu a úsáid. Cén fáth?", "faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Níl, más \"Scratchálaí Nua\" thú fós ar an suíomh. Ní mór duit a bheith i do \"Scratchálaí\" chun néalathróga a úsáid. Féach ar an rannán Cuntais (thuas) chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil maidir leis an difríocht idir “Scratchálaí Nua” agus \"Scratchálaí\".", "faq.multiplayerTitle": "An féidir cluiche ilimreoirí a chruthú le néalathróga?", "faq.multiplayerBody": "Multiplayer games may be difficult to create, due to network speed and synchronization issues. However, some Scratchers are coming up with creative ways to use the cloud variables for turn-by-turn and other types of games.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/hu.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/hu.json index e064758e..e88b2b4a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/hu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/hu.json @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Mi egy remix?", - "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "When a Scratcher makes a copy of someone else’s project and modifies it to add their own ideas (for example, by changing scripts or costumes), the resulting project is called a \"remix\". Every project shared to the Scratch website can be remixed. We consider even a minor change to be a valid remix, as long as credit is given to the original project creator and others who made significant contributions to the remix.", + "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Amikor egy Scratch felhasználó másolatot készít valaki más valamely projektjéről, majd módosítja és hozzáadja saját ötjeteit (például a kód vagy a jelmezek megváltoztatásával), a létrejött projekt egy \"remix\". A Scratch oldalán megosztott projektek mindegyike remixelhető. Akár egy kis mértékű módosítást is érvényes remixnek tekintünk, feltéve, hogy az eredeti projekt szerzője és a remixhez jelentős mértékben hozzájárulók megfelelő elismerésben részesülnek.", "faq.remixableTitle": "Miért kell minden projekt remixelhető legyen?", "faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other people’s projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.", "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Mi van ha nem szeretném, hogy mások remixeljék a projektjeimet?", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index b703e5bf..6e00da31 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ "faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "サウンドエディターは再設計(さいせっけい)されており、より簡単(かんたん)にサウンドを録音(ろくおん)したり、てをくわえることができるようになりました。多くの新機能(しんきのう)が提供(ていきょう)されています。:", "faq.soundEditorRecording": "新しく(あたらしく)使いやすい(つかいやすい)録音(ろくおん)システム。", "faq.soundEditorTrimming": "新しく(あたらしく)使いやすい(つかいやすい)オーディオ・トリミング・システム。", - "faq.soundEditorEffects": "New sound effects (such as \"faster\", \"slower\", and \"robot\")", + "faq.soundEditorEffects": "新しい音の効果( \"速く \"、 \"遅く \"、 \"ロボット \"など)", "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "ScratchのTips画面(がめん)はどうなりましたか?", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Tips画面(がめん)のかわりに、Scratch 3.0ではチュートリアル・ライブラリーをつかって同様(どうよう)の素材(そざい)を提供(ていきょう)しており、プログラミングエディターのナビゲーションバーにあるチュートリアルボタンでアクセスできるようになりました。プロジェクト用(よう)チュートリアル(\"追いかけっこゲームを作ろう\"など)や、特定(とくてい)のブロックや機能(きのう)のためのチュートリアル(\"音を録音します\"や\"回転させます\"など)があります。もっと多くのチュートリアル(\"ピンポンゲーム\"や\"飛ばしてみよう\"など)も、まもなく追加(ついか)される予定(よてい)です。", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "リミックスとは何ですか?", @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ "faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratchエディターでは、\"拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)\"という、追加(ついか)のブロックを使用(しよう)することができます。例えば(たとえば)、物理的(ぶつりてき)なデバイス(micro:bit、LEGOロボティクスキットのような)をプログラムできるようにしたり、Scratchプロジェクト内(ない)のテキストを翻訳(ほんやく)できるようにする拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)があります。新しい(あたらしい)拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)は随時(ずいじ)追加(ついか)されるため、Scratchでできることが日々成長(せいちょう)し続け(しつづけ)ます。", "faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "どうすれば拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)をプロジェクトに追加(ついか)できますか?", "faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Scratchプログラミングエディターの左下隅(ひだりしたすみ)にある\"拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)\"ボタンを押すと、すべてのScratch拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)の一覧(いちらん)が表示(ひょうじ)されます。拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)のどれかを選択(せんたく)した場合(ばあい)、あたらしいブロックのカテゴリーがプロジェクトに追加(ついか)されます。追加(ついか)した拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)はプロジェクトがオープンされるたびに自動的(じどうてき)に読み込まれ(よみこまれ)ます。一つのプロジェクトに複数(ふくすう)の拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)を追加可能(ついかかのう)です。 ", - "faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?", + "faq.createExtensionsTitle": "どうすればScratch用の独自の拡張機能を作成できますか?", "faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratchチームは将来(しょうらい)、拡張(かくちょう)のための仕様(しよう)とガイドラインを公開(こうかい)する予定(よてい)です。これが利用(りよう)可能(かのう)になると、公式(こうしき)のScratch 3.0拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)ライブラリに入れる検討(けんとう)依頼(いらい)のために、Scratchチームに拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)を提出(ていしゅつ)することが可能(かのう)となります。\"実験的(じっけんてき)\"な拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)の開発(かいはつ)と配布(はいふ)のためのガイドラインも提供(ていきょう)される予定(よてい)です。それは個々(ここ)のコンピュータ上でのプロジェクト作成(さくせい)に使用可能(しようかのう)ですが、Scratchオンラインコミュニティで共有(きょうゆう)されることはありません。", "faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX ウェブサイトはどうなりますか?", "faq.scratchXBody": "ScratchX ウェブサイト (scratchx.org) は、拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)の実験的(じっけんてき)なテストベッドでした。ScratchXの拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)はScratch 3.0と互換性(ごかんせい)がありません。実験的(じっけんてき)な拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)がScratchでフルサポートされ次第(しだい)、ScratchXのサポートをやめる予定(よてい)です。開発者(かいはつしゃ)と利用者(りようしゃ)にはScratchXから新しい(あたらしい)拡張(かくちょう)機能(きのう)プラットフォームへ移行(いこう)するための時間(じかん)を設け(もうけ)られます。", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nb.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nb.json index b21075a6..a4bda8d5 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nb.json @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ "faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Hvordan sletter jeg brukerkontoen min?", "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.", "faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?", - "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!", + "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Ja! Scratch er helt gratis. Du kan installere det på skolen og du kan holde kurs om Scratch (til og med et kurs som koster penger). Du trenger ingen programlisens - det er gratis.", "faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Can I use screenshots of Scratch in a book or presentation?", "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".", "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt.json index 84f9edf9..233c1de8 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt.json @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ "faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "O Editor de Som foi concebido de novo para tornar mais fácil gravar e manipular sons. Disponibiliza algumas novas funcionalidades:", "faq.soundEditorRecording": "Novo sistema de gravação mais fácil de usar", "faq.soundEditorTrimming": "Novo sistema de recorte de áudio que é mais fácil de usar", - "faq.soundEditorEffects": "New sound effects (such as \"faster\", \"slower\", and \"robot\")", + "faq.soundEditorEffects": "Novos efeitos sonoros (como \"mais rápido\", \"mais lento\" e \"robô\")", "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "O que aconteceu à Janela de Dicas Scratch?", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Em vez da Janela de Dicas, o Scratch 3.0 disponibiliza material semelhante através da Biblioteca de Tutoriais, a que se pode aceder através da ligação Tutoriais na barra de navegação no topo do editor de programação. Aí encontrará tutoriais para projectos completos (tais como «Fazer um Jogo de Perseguição») ou para blocos e funcionalidades específicos (tais como «Gravar um Som» ou «Fazê-la Girar»). Em breve serão adicionados novos tutoriais (tais como um «Jogo do Pong» e «Fazê-lo Voar»).", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "O que é uma remistura?", @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ "faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "No editor Scratch, pode adicionar colecções de blocos extra chamadas «extensões». Por exemplo, há extensões que lhe permitem programar dispositivos físicos (tais como o micro:bit ou kits de robótica da LEGO) e que lhe permitem traduzir texto dentro dos seus projectos Scratch. Continuaremos a adicionar novas extensões ao longo do tempo, para poder fazer sempre mais com o Scratch.", "faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Como adiciono uma extensão a um projecto?", "faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Se clicar no botão «Extensões» no canto inferior esquerdo do editor de programação do Scratch, verá uma lista com todas as Extensões Scratch. Quando seleccionar uma das extensões, será adicionada uma nova e correspondente categoria de blocos ao seu projecto. A extensão será automaticamente carregada sempre que o seu projecto for aberto. Pode adicionar múltiplas extensões ao mesmo projecto.", - "faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch?", + "faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Como eu crio minha própria extensão para o Scratch?", "faq.createExtensionsBody": "A Equipa Scratch irá publicar no futuro especificações e linhas de orientação para as extensões. Uma vez disponíveis, poderá submeter extensões à Equipa Scratch para serem consideradas para inclusão na biblioteca oficial de extensões do Scratch 3.0. Disponibilizaremos também linhas de orientação para o desenvolvimento e distribuição de extensões «experimentais», que poderão ser usadas para criar projectos em computadores individuais, mas não poderão ser partilhadas na comunidade em linha do Scratch.", "faq.scratchXTitle": "O que acontecerá ao sítio web ScratchX?", "faq.scratchXBody": "O sítio web ScratchX (scratchx.org) foi um laboratório de extensões. As extensões criadas para o ScratchX não são compatíveis com o Scratch 3.0. Uma vez que as extensões experimentais sejam plenamente suportadas pelo Scratch, descontinuaremos o suporte do ScratchX e disponibilizaremos aos desenvolvedores e utilizadores tempo para transitarem as extensões do ScratchX para a nova plataforma de extensões.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uk.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uk.json index 859addb1..bcf2e524 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uk.json @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Що таке ремікс?", - "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "When a Scratcher makes a copy of someone else’s project and modifies it to add their own ideas (for example, by changing scripts or costumes), the resulting project is called a \"remix\". Every project shared to the Scratch website can be remixed. We consider even a minor change to be a valid remix, as long as credit is given to the original project creator and others who made significant contributions to the remix.", + "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Коли користувач робить копію чужого проекту та змінює його, щоб додати свої власні ідеї (наприклад, шляхом зміни скриптів або образів), результуючий проект називається «ремікс». Кожен проект, усуспільнений на сайтіСкретчу може мати ремікси. Ми вважаємо, що навіть незначні зміни будуть реміксом, вказуючи на автора проекту та інших осіб, які внесли значний вклад у ремікс.", "faq.remixableTitle": "Чому команда Скретчу вимагає, щоб всі проекти могли бути \"реміксовані\"?", "faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other people’s projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.", "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Що робити, якщо я не хочу, щоб інші робили ремікс мого проекту?", @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ "faq.changeEmailTitle": "Як я можу змінити адресу своєї е-пошти?", "faq.changeEmailBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeEmailLink} page where you can change your email address.", "faq.newScratcherTitle": "Як мені перейти з \"Нового скретчера\" до \"Скретчера\"?", - "faq.newScratcherBody": "When you create an account, you’ll be labelled as a “New Scratcher.” To make the transition to \"Scratcher\", you should make and share projects, comment helpfully on other Scratchers’ projects, and be patient! After you’ve met the requirements, a link will appear on your profile page inviting you to become a Scratcher, and you’ll have some additional capabilities on the Scratch website. (Note that we don't promote New Scratchers to Scratcher on request )", + "faq.newScratcherBody": "Коли ви створюєте обліковий запис, вас буде позначено як «Новий скретчер». Щоб здійснити перехід на \"Scratcher\", ви повинні створювати та ділитися проектами, корисно коментувати проекти інших Scratchers і запастися терпінням! Коли ви виконаєте вимоги, на сторінці вашого профілю з’явиться посилання із запрошенням стати Скретчером, і ви матимете деякі додаткові можливості на веб-сайті Скретч. (Зауважте, що ми не рекламуємо Нові Scratchers до Scratcher за запитом.)
", "faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Чи можу я мати більше одного облікового запису?", "faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.", "faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Це нормально, щоб більше, ніж одна людина могла використовувати обліковий запис?", @@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ "faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Як я можу змінити ім’я користувача?", "faq.changeUsernameBody": "The structure of the Scratch website depends on having a consistent account name, so it’s not possible to change your username. If you really need to switch to a new username, you can make a new account, but you'll have to copy your projects over to the new account on your own.", "faq.shareInfoTitle": "Якою інформацією я можу поділитися з мого облікового запису?", - "faq.shareInfoBody": "Please don’t share personal contact information, such as your physical address, email, phone number, or anything else that can be used to make contact outside of the Scratch website. Please report projects, comments, or forum posts that contain this kind of information, so the Scratch Team can remove the information, and remind the author of our policy against sharing personal contact information.", + "faq.shareInfoBody": "Будь ласка, не повідомляйте особисту контактну інформацію, таку як свою фізичну адресу, електронну адресу, номер телефону чи будь-що інше, за допомогою якого можна зв’язатися за межами веб-сайту Scratch. Будь ласка, повідомляйте про проекти, коментарі чи дописи на форумі, які містять таку інформацію, щоб команда Scratch могла видалити цю інформацію та нагадати автору про нашу політику щодо заборони розголошення особистої контактної інформації.
", "faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Як я можу вилучити мій обліковий запис?", "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.", "faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?", - "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!", + "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Так! Скретч доступний безкоштовно. Ви можете використовувати його в школі? і можете вести про нього навчальні курси (навіть якщо такі курси коштують грошей). Вам не потрібно купувати ліцензію - це безкоштовний продукт.", "faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Чи можна використовувати знімки екрана Scratch у книзі чи презентації?", "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".", "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uz.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uz.json index 8a469aba..250b88e0 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uz.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/uz.json @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ "faq.chatRoomBody": "Bululti o`zgaruvchilar bilan chatli xonalarni yaratishda texnik imkoniyat mavjud bo`lgan mahalda, ularga Scratch vebsaytda ruxsat berilmagan bo`ladi. ", "faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "O‘zgaruvchan bulutli ma’lumotlarni kim o‘zgartira oladi?", "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Faqat siz va loyihangiz kuzatuvchilarigina loyihangizning bulutli o`zgaruvchilarida ma`lumotlarni saqlay olishi mumkin. Agarda odamlar \"ichkariga kirgan\" yoki kodingizni remiks qiladigan bo'lsa, u o'zgaruvchining nusxasini yaratadi va asl o'zgaruvchiga ta'sir qilmaydi yoki o'zgartirmaydi.", - "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?", + "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Men tizimga kirdim, ammo bulutli ma'lumotlar bilan loyihalarni ishlata olmayapman. Nima bo'lyapti o'zi? ", "faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Agar siz haliyam veb-saytdagi \" New Scratcher \" sahifasida bo'lsangiz, bulutli ma'lumotlar bilan loyihalarni ishlatish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lmaysiz. Bulutli ma'lumotlarga kirish uchun \" Scratcher \" bo'lishingiz kerak. \"New Scratcher\" dan \"Scratcher\" ga o'tish haqidagi ma'lumotni ko'rish uchun ( yuqoridagi ) Hisoblar bo'limiga kirib ko'ring.", "faq.multiplayerTitle": "Bulutli o'zgaruvchilar bilan mutiplayer o'yinlarini yaratishni ilojisi bormi? ", "faq.multiplayerBody": "Sinxronlashtirish masalalari va tarmoq tezligi sababli multiplayer o'yinlarini yaratish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin. Ammo, o'yinning boshqa turlari va navbat bilan burilish uchun bulutli o'zgaruvchilardan foydalanish yo'llarini yaratish bilan ko'tarilishyapti. ", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index 93f6fa12..f4fbba89 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "gdxfor.deviceName": "Force and Acceleration sensor", - "gdxfor.deviceNameShort": "sensor", + "gdxfor.deviceName": "Force & Acceleration センサー", + "gdxfor.deviceNameShort": "センサー", "gdxfor.headerText": "{gdxforLink}センサーはりかでつかえるパワフルなツールで、ぶつりてきなせかいをScratchプロジェクトにつなげるあらたなみちをきりひらきます。 おしたりひいたりするときのちからをそくていでき、ふったり、かいてんしたり、じゆうらっかさせたりすることでさようします。", "gdxfor.gettingStarted": "さあ、はじめましょう", "gdxfor.connectingGdxfor": "Force & Acceleration sensorをせつぞくちゅう", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/pt.json index 35b28dd3..7ed5c874 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.gdxfor-l10njson/pt.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "gdxfor.deviceName": "Force and Acceleration sensor", + "gdxfor.deviceName": "Sensor de Força e Aceleração", "gdxfor.deviceNameShort": "sensor", "gdxfor.headerText": "O sensor {gdxforLink} é uma ferramenta científica poderosa que dá aos seus projectos Scratch acesso a novas formas de se ligarem ao mundo físico. Meça a força quando empurra ou puxa, e interaja abanando, rodando, deixando cair, etc.", "gdxfor.gettingStarted": "Começar", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ab.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ab.json index f8a2a034..67a66f1a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ab.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ab.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Иҭыгатәуп нас иқәыргылатәуп Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "абра", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "Иԥштәуп амҩа аадыртаанӡа", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Шәара қәҿирала иаԥышәҵеит аккунт Scratch аҟны! Уажәшьҭа шәара шәалахәуп акласс:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Шәара шәҭалеит асаит! Уажәшьҭа шәара ишәылшоит апроектқәа рҵареи раԥҵареи.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Аусура алагараз шәақәыӷәӷәа ҵаҟа иҟоу акнопка", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Ура! Бзиала шәаабеит Scratch аҟны!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Идәықәҵатәуп", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Агхақәа раԥыхра", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Scratch Link шәара шәоперациатә система аднакылазаара гәашәҭ", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Аоперациатә система иминималу аверсиақәа арбоуп ари адаҟьа аҩадахьтәи ахәҭаҟны. Шәверсиа агәаҭаразы шахәаԥш аинструкциа {winOSVersionLink} ма {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Иарктәуп Scratch егьырҭ акопиақәа", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Аккаунт аанкылоуп", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/af.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/af.json index 77efc29d..b650fdf7 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/af.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/af.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Laai af en installeer Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Stuur", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Dankie vir jou boodskap.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth kan gebruik word om liggingsdata aan die toepassing te verskaf. Gee Scratch App toestemming om toegang tot ligging te verkry. Ligging moet in algemene toestelinstellings aangeskakel wees. Soek vir 'Location/Ligging' in jou instellings en maak seker dat dit aangeskakel is. Op Chromebooks soek vir 'Location/Ligging' in die Google Play Store Android voorkeure.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/am.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/am.json index e2270420..d3b30c24 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/am.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/am.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "እዚህ", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "ዊንዶውስ", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/an.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/an.json index 54b47ca6..bdda0aa6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/an.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/an.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descarga y instala Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aquí", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Ninviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Gracias por o suyo mensache.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Solución de problemas", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Asegura-te que lo tuyo buscador ye compatible con Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Asegura-te que lo tuyo sistema operativo ye compatible con Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Las versions minimas d'os sistemas operativos compatibles son listadas en a parte superior d'esta página. Puetz veyer las instruccions pa comprebar la suya versión de {winOSVersionLink} u {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Si utilizas macOS 12, actualiza a macOS 12.3 u una versión mas recient. Las versions anteriors de macOS 12 no funcionan correctament con Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows OS", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zarra atras copias de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "O Bluetooth puede utilizar-se pa proporcionar datos de localización a l'aplicación. Amás de conceder a l'aplicación de Scratch o permiso pa accedir a la ubicación, a ubicación ha d'estar activada en os achustes d'o suyo dispositivo cheneral. Busca \"Ubicación\" en os tuyos achustes y asegura-te que ye activada. En os Chromebooks, busque \"Ubicación\" en as preferencias de Android de Google Play Store.", "privacyBanner.update": "La politica de privacidat de Scratch ha estau actualizada, dentrando en vigor lo 25 de mayo de 2023. Puez consultar la nueva politica aquí.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json index 8c48128e..cd3a4589 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "تنزيل وتثبيت Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "Wait for Approval", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "You have successfully set up a Scratch account! You are now a member of the class:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "تم تسجيل دخولك إلى سكراتش! يمكنك الآن البدء باستكشاف وإنشاء المشاريع.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "To get started, click on the button below.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurray! Welcome to Scratch!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "أرسل", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "حل المشاكل", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "الحساب مجمد", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ast.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ast.json index 3cac4429..cdd3b61b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ast.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ast.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Solucion de problemes", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Asegúrate de que'l so sistema operativu ye compatible con Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Les versiones mínimes del sistema operativu enumérense na parte cimera d'esta páxina. Consulta les instrucciones pa verificar la to versión de {winOSVersionLink} o {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zarrar otres copies de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/az.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/az.json index 205e101c..096f209e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/az.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/az.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Skreç keçidini yükləyin və quraşdırın.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "burada", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Göndər", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/be.json index d9f873c5..eaf66651 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/be.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/be.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Спампаваць і усталяваць Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "тут", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Даслаць", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Пошук няспраўнасцей", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Пераканайцеся, што ваша аперацыйная сістэма сумяшчальная з Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Мінімальныя версіі аперацыйнай сістэмы прыведзены ўверсе гэтай старонкі. Каб праверыць версію вашай аперацыйнай сістэмы, глядзіце інструкцыі {winOSVersionLink} ці {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Зачыні іншыя копіі Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Профіль заблакіраваны", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bg.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bg.json index e6bfe098..9bf25a05 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bg.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bg.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Изтеглете и инсталирайте Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "тук", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Изпрати", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Благодарим за съобщението.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Отстраняване на проблеми", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Уверете се, че вашата операционна система е съвместима със Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Минималните изискванията и версията на операционна ви система са изброени в горната част на тази страница. Вижте инструкции за проверка на версията ви на {winOSVersionLink} или {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Затворете другите копия на Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Блутут, може да бъде използван за предоставяне на данни за местоположението, на приложението. В допълнение на даването на разрешение на Scratch приложението за достъп до местоположението, местоположението трябва да бъде активирано в настройките на устройството. Потърси за 'Местоположение' в твоите настройки и се увери че е включено. На Chromebooks търси за \"Местоположение\" в Google Play Store Android настройките.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Акаунтът е блокиран", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bn.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bn.json index a2483a7b..bd89cfe2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/bn.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch Link ডাউনলোড এবং ইন্সটল কর।", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "এখানে ", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "পাঠাও ", "helpWidget.confirmation": "তোমার বার্তার জন্য তোমাকে ধন্যবাদ।", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "সমস্যা সমাধান হচ্ছে", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "আপনার ব্রাউজারটি স্ক্র্যাচ লিঙ্কের সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ কিনা তা নিশ্চিত করুন", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "তোমার অপারেটিং সিস্টেম Scratch Link এর সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ কিনা তা নিশ্চিত কর", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "সর্বনিম্ন অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সংস্করণ এই পেইজের শীর্ষে তালিকাভুক্ত করা হয়। {winOSVersionLink} বা {macOSVersionLink} তোমার সংস্করণ চেক করার জন্য নির্দেশাবলী দেখ। ", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "আপনি যদি ম্যাকোস 12 ব্যবহার করছেন তবে দয়া করে ম্যাকোস 12.3 বা নতুনকে আপডেট করুন. ম্যাকোস 12 এর পূর্ববর্তী সংস্করণগুলি স্ক্র্যাচ লিঙ্কের সাথে সঠিকভাবে কাজ করে না.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Scratch এর অন্যান্য কপি বন্ধ কর", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "ব্লুটুথ ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে অ্যাপে লোকেশন ডাটা পাঠানোর জন্য। Scratch অ্যাপের মধ্যে লোকেশন ব্যবহারের অনুমতি নিশ্চিত করতে তোমার ডিভাইসটিতে অবশ্যই লোকেশন সার্ভিসটি সচল থাকতে হবে। সেটিংস এ গিয়ে 'Location' খুঁজো, এবং নিশ্চিত কর যে এটি অন আছে। Chromebooks এর Google Play Store Android preferences এ 'Location' খুজে নাও. ", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "এ্যাকাউন্টটি ব্লক করা হয়েছে", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ca.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ca.json index 8a2b2fc7..21c2313e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ca.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ca.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descarrega i instal·la Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aquí", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Solució de problemes", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Comprova que el teu sistema operatiu és compatible amb Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Les versions mínimes del sistema operatiu estan indicades a dalt de tot. Llegeix les instruccions per comprovar la teva versió de {winOSVersionLink} o {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Tanca altres pestanyes de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Compte Bloquejat", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ckb.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ckb.json index c17d5840..0e985334 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ckb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ckb.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "داگرتن و دامەزراندنی بەستەری سکڕاچ.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "لێرە", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "بوەستە بۆ پەسەندکردن", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "You have successfully set up a Scratch account! You are now a member of the class:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "تۆ ئێستا چوویتەژوورەوە! دەتوانیت بگەڕێیت و پڕۆژەکان دروست بکەیت.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "بۆ دەستپێکردن، کرتەی دوگمەی خوارەوە بکە.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "سڵاو! بەخێربێیت بۆ سکڕاچ!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "بنێرە", "helpWidget.confirmation": "سوپاس بۆ نامەکەت.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "ویندۆس", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "هەژمار وەستێنراوە", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cs.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cs.json index 06ced211..eb6207d0 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cs.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cs.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Odkaz pro stažení a instalaci Scratch.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "zde", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Odeslat", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Děkujeme ti za tvou zprávu.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Řešení problémů", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Ujisti se, že tvůj prohlížeč je kompatibilní se Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Ujisti se, že tvůj operační systém je kompatibilní se Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimální verze operačních systémů jsou uvedeny na začátku této stránky. Viz instrukce pro kontrolu tvé verze {winOSVersionLink} nebo {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Pokud používáš macOS 12, aktualizuj na macOS 12.3 nebo novější. Starší verze macOS 12 nefungují se Scratch Link správně.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Ukonči ostatní kopie Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth může být použit k poskytnutí této aplikaci dat o poloze. Kromě povolení aplikaci Scratch App pro přístup k poloze, musí být zjišťování polohy též zapnuto v obecném nastavení tohoto zařízení. Hledej v nabídce nastavení Lokalizace, poloha, a ujisti se, že je zapnuta. Ve Chromebooku hledej Lokace v preferencích Google Play Store Android.", "privacyBanner.update": "Scrach pravidla ochrany osobních údajů společnosti Scratch byly aktualizovány s účinností od 25. května 2023. Nová pravidla můžeš vidět zde.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Účet je blokován", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cy.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cy.json index c83b4275..ea2fcdc8 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/cy.json @@ -155,14 +155,12 @@ "installScratch.useScratchApp": "Agorwch ap Scratch ar eich dyfais.", "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Gosodwch Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Llwytho i lawr a gosod Scratch Link", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", - "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Cychwynnwch Scratch Link a gwnewch yn siŵr ei fod yn rhedeg. Dylai ymddangos yn eich bar dewislen.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Cychwynnwch Scratch Link a gwnewch yn siŵr ei fod yn rhedeg. Dylai ymddangos yn eich ardal hysbysu.", + "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "I ddysgu rhagor am Scratch Link, cliciwch {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "yma", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "Os ydych yn cael trafferth, ewch i {linkText} am gyngor.", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Adran datrys problemau", "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Er bod Scratch yn bennaf ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc rhwngo 8 ac 16, mae hefyd yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan bobl o bob oed, gan gynnwys plant iau gyda'u rhieni.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Beth yw ystod oed Scratch?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Pa adnoddau sydd ar gael ar gyfer dysgu Scratch?", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Anfon", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Diolch am eich neges", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Datrys problemau", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Gwnewch yn siŵr fod eith porwr yn gydnaws â Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Gwnewch yn siŵr fod eich system weithredu'n gydnaws â Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Mae lleiafswm fersiynnau'r systemau gweithredu'n cael eu rhestru ar frig y dudalen hon. Gw. cyfarwyddiadau ar wirio eich fersiwn o {winOSVersionLink} neu {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Os ydych yn defnyddio macOS 12, diweddarwch i macOS 12.3 neu ddiweddarach. Nid yw fersiynau cynnar o macOS 12 yn weithio'n iawn gyda Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Caewch gopïau eraill o Scratch", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/da.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/da.json index 8343b213..eca2d69c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/da.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/da.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download og installér Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "her", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Tak for din besked.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Fejlfinding", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Vær sikker på at dit operativ system kan snakke sammen med Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Du kan se hvilke operativ systemer der kan snakke sammen med Scratch i toppen af siden. Se hvordan du tjekker din version af {winOSVersionLink} eller {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Luk andre kopier af Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Kontoen er spærret", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/de.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/de.json index 352a40a7..a6dcb29c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/de.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/de.json @@ -155,14 +155,12 @@ "installScratch.useScratchApp": "Öffne die Scratch-App auf deinem Gerät.", "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Installiere Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Lade Scratch Link herunter und installiere es.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", - "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Starten Sie Scratch Link und stellen Sie sicher, dass es ausgeführt wird. Es sollte in Ihrer Menüleiste erscheinen.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Starten Sie Scratch Link und stellen Sie sicher, dass es ausgeführt wird. Es sollte in Ihrem Infobereich (Taskleiste) erscheinen.", + "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "Um mehr über Scratch Link zu erfahren, klicken Sie auf {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "hier", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "Wenn Sie Probleme haben, lesen Sie die {linkText} Tipps.", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Abschnitt zur Fehlerbehebung", "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Obwohl Scratch in erster Linie für Kinder im Alter von 8 bis 16 Jahren entwickelt wurde, wird es von Personen jeden Alters genutzt, auch von jüngeren Kindern mit ihren Eltern.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Für welche Altersgruppen ist Scratch geeignet?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Welche Hilfen stehen für das Lernen von Scratch zur Verfügung?", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Senden", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Danke für deine Nachricht!", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Problembehebung", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Stelle sicher, dass dein Browser mit Scratch Link kompatibel ist", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link ist mit den meisten Browsern auf macOS und Windows kompatibel. Für Safari, aktualisiere bitte Scratch Link auf 2.x, Safari auf 14 oder neuer, und macOS auf 10.15 oder neuer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Stelle sicher, dass dein Betriebssystem mit Scratch Link kompatibel ist", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Die Versionsanforderungen der jeweiligen Betriebssysteme sind oben auf dieser Seite angeführt. Siehe auch die Anleitungen zum Überprüfen der verwendeten Version von {winOSVersionLink} bzw. {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "macOS", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Wenn du macOS 12 nutzt, bitte aktualisiere macOS auf 12.3 oder neuer. Frühere Versionen von macOS 12 könnten mit Scratch Link nicht richtig funktionieren.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Schließe andere Fenster oder Tabs von Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Du kannst deine Standortangaben auch per Bluetooth an die App übertragen. Abgesehen vom Zugriff auf deinen Standort, musst du für die Nutzung der Scratch-App auch Standortdienste in deinen allgemeinen Geräteeinstellungen aktivieren. Suche in den Einstellungen nach „Standort“ und aktiviere diesen Dienst. Auf Chromebooks suche in den Android-Einstellungen im Google Play Store nach „Standort“.", "privacyBanner.update": "Scratch's Datenschutzerklärung wurde aktualisiert, gültig ab dem 25. Mai 2023. Du kannst die neue Erklärung hier anzeigen.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account gesperrt", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "Um wieder Zugriff zu erhalten, ändere deinen Benutzernamen.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "Um den Zugriff auf Ihr Benutzerkonto wiederherzustellen, ändern Sie Ihren Benutzernamen.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Dein Scratch-Konto wurde vorübergehend blockiert, weil dein Benutzername persönliche Informationen zu enthalten scheint.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "Dies ist ein ernsthaftes Sicherheitsproblem. Wenn du solche Informationen veröffentlichst, sind sie für alle im Internet sichtbar, sei also bitte vorsichtig mit dem, was du weitergibst.", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "Wenn du einen Benutzernamen erstellst, bitte vermeide Nachnamen, Namen von Schulen oder andere privaten Angaben darin.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/el.json index 61d39595..b7415649 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/el.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/el.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Κατεβάστε και Εγκαταστήστε το Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "εδώ", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Αποστολή", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Επίλυση προβλημάτων", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το λειτουργικό σας σύστημα είναι συμβατό με το Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Οι ελάχιστες εκδόσεις λειτουργικού συστήματος αναφέρονται στην κορυφή αυτής της σελίδας. Δείτε οδηγίες για να ελέγξετε την έκδοσή σας για {winOSVersionLink} ή για {macOSVersionLink},", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Κλείστε άλλα αντίγραφα του Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Ο λογαριασμός έχει αποκλειστεί.", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/en.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/en.json index 8f2bb389..2c304d8e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/en.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/en.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eo.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eo.json index 2fd407fc..4b50bd47 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eo.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eo.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "ĉi tie", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Sendi", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Konto blokita", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es-419.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es-419.json index 4e705186..d7287a13 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es-419.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es-419.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descargar e instalar Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aquí", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Gracias por su mensaje.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Resuelve tus problemas", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Asegúrese de que su navegador sea compatible con Scratch Link.", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Asegúrese de que su sistema operativo sea compatible con Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Las versiones mínimas de los sistemas operativos están listadas en la parte superior de esta página. Vea instrucciones para ver su versión de {winOSVersionLink} o {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Si estás usando macOS 12, por favor actualize a macOS 12.3 o posterior. Versiones antiguas de macOS 12 no funcionan correctamente con Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "cierra otras copias de Scratch", @@ -438,9 +439,9 @@ "extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Sólo un computador puede estar conectado a un {deviceName} a la vez. Si tienes otro computador conectado a tu {deviceName}, desconecte el {deviceName} o cierre Scratch en ese computador e intente de nuevo.", "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Asegúrese de tener los servicios de ubicación activados en Chromebooks y tablets Android", "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth puede ser usado para proveer datos de ubicación a la app. Además para darle el permiso a Scratch App para acceder la ubicación, la ubicación debe estar activada en tus ajustes generales de dispositivo. Busque por \"Ubicación\" en sus ajustes, y asegúrese de que esté prendido. En Chromebooks busque por \"Ubicación\" en las preferencias de Google Play Store de Android.", - "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", + "privacyBanner.update": "La política de privacidad de Scratch ha sido actualizada, entrando en vigor el 25 de mayo de 2023. Puede consultar la nueva política aquí.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Cuenta bloqueada", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json index d63174d4..79f6e29d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descarga e instala Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aquí", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Gracias por tu mensaje.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Solución de problemas", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Asegúrese de que su navegador sea compatible con Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Asegúrate de que tu sistema operativo es compatible con Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "La versión mínima de sistema operativo está especificada en la parte superior de esta página. Échale un vistazo a las instrucciones para comprobar tu versión de {winOSVersionLink} o {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Si está utilizando macOS 12, actualice a macOS 12.3 o posterior. Las versiones anteriores de macOS 12 no funcionan correctamente con Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Cierra otras copias de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth se puede usar para proporcionar datos de ubicación a la aplicación. Además de otorgar permiso a la aplicación Scratch para acceder a la ubicación, la ubicación debe estar habilitada en la configuración general de su dispositivo. Busque 'Ubicación' en su configuración y asegúrese de que esté activada. En Chromebooks, busque 'Ubicación' en las preferencias de Android de Google Play Store.", "privacyBanner.update": "La política de privacidad de Scratch ha sido actualizada, entrando en vigor el 25 de mayo de 2023. Puede consultar la nueva política aquí.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Cuenta bloqueada", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/et.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/et.json index a2cc6ef3..b93027b6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/et.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/et.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "siin", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Saada", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Konto blokeeritud", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eu.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eu.json index f2a57577..d97c5b0e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/eu.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Deskargatu eta instalatu Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "hemen", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Bidali", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Arazoak konpontzen", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Itxi Scratchen beste kopiak", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Kontua blokeatuta", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json index 1b21efb6..8703470c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ "general.download": "دانلود", "general.password": "گذرواژه", "general.press": "مطبوعات", - "general.projectsSelected": "Projects Tab Selected", + "general.projectsSelected": "زبانه پروژههای انتخاب شده", "general.projectsNotS": "پروژهها", "general.privacyPolicy": "حریم خصوصی", "general.projects": "پروژهها", @@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ "general.animations": "انیمیشنها", "general.animationsSelected": "انیمیشنها انتخاب شدند", "general.art": "هنر", - "general.artSelected": "Art Selected", + "general.artSelected": "هنر انتخاب شده", "general.games": "بازیها", - "general.gamesSelected": "Games Selected", + "general.gamesSelected": "بازیها انتخاب شدند", "general.music": "موسیقی", "general.musicSelected": "Music Selected", "general.results": "نتایج", @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "«اسکرچ لینک» را دانلود و نصب کنید.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "اینجا", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "ارسال", "helpWidget.confirmation": "از پیام شما سپاسگزاریم.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "عیبیابی", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "اطمینان حاصل کنید که مرورگر شما با «اسکرچ لینک» سازگار است", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "اطمینان حاصل کنید که سیستم عامل شما با «اسکرچ لینک» سازگار است", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "حداقل نسخههای سیستمعامل در بالای این صفحه ذکر شده است. دستورالعملهایی برای بررسی نسخهی {winOSVersionLink} یا {macOSVersionLink} خود را مشاهده کنید.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "اگر از macOS ۱۲ استفاده میکنید، لطفا به نسخه macOS ۱۲٫۳ یا جدیدتر بهروزرسانی کنید. نسخههای قبلی macOS ۱۲ به درستی با اسکرچ لینک کار نمیکنند.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "ویندوز", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "سایر کپیهای اسکرچ را ببنید", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "بلوتوث میتواند اطلاعات موقعیت مکانی را به نرم افزار بدهد. علاوه بر این برای آنکه نرم افزار اسکرچ اجازه دسترسی به موقعیت مکانی را داشته باشد، در تنظیمات دستگاه، باید موقعیت مکانی را فعال کنید. «موقعیت مکانی» و یا 'Location' را جستجو کنید و مطمئن شویدکه روشن است. در Chromebookها به دنبال 'location' در تنظیمات Google Play Store Android بگردید.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "حساب کاربری مسدود شده", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fi.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fi.json index 7ddb66ee..933a169d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fi.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Lataa ja asenna Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "täällä", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Lähetä", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Kiitos viestistäsi.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Vianetsintä", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Varmista, että selaimesi on yhteensopiva Scratch Linkin kanssa", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Varmista, että käyttöjärjestelmäsi on yhteensopiva Scratch Linkin kanssa", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Laitteiston vähimmäisvaatimukset on listattu sivun ylälaidassa. Katso ohjeet, miten voit tarkistaa {winOSVersionLink}- tai {macOSVersionLink}-versiosi.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Jos käytät macOS 12:ta, päivitä macOS 12.3:een tai uudempaan. MacOS 12:n aiemmat versiot eivät toimi oikein Scratch Linkin kanssa.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Sulje Scratchin muut kopiot", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetoothia voidaan käyttää sijaintitietojen tarjoamiseen sovellukselle. Sen lisäksi, että myönnät Scratch-sovellukselle pääsyn sijaintiin, sijainnin on oltava käytössä laitteesi yleisissä asetuksissa. Etsi laitteeltasi sijaintiasetukset ja varmista, että ne ovat päällä. Etsi Chromebookeissa sijaintia Google Play Kaupan Android-asetuksista.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Tunnus estetty", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fil.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fil.json index 028c88bb..d829aec9 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fil.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fil.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "I-download at i-install ang Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Magpadala", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Ang mga pinakamababang bersyon ng sistemang operatibo ay nakalista sa itaas ng pahinang ito. Tingnan ang mga hakbang sa pagsusuri ng iyong bersyon ng {winOSVersionLink} o {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Kung gumagamit ka ng macOS 12, paki-update po ito sa macOS 12.3 o mas bago. Hindi gumagana nang wasto ang mga naunang bersyon ng macOS 12 sa Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json index 75a03cce..fda98f14 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json @@ -155,14 +155,12 @@ "installScratch.useScratchApp": "Ouvrir l'application Scratch sur votre appareil.", "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Installer Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Télécharger et installer Scratch Link. ", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", - "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Lancez Scratch Link et vérifiez qu'il fonctionne. Il devrait apparaître dans votre barre de menu.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Lancez Scratch Link et vérifiez qu'il fonctionne. Il devrait apparaître dans votre zone de notification (barre des tâches).", + "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "Pour en savoir plus sur Scratch Link, cliquez {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "ici", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "Si vous rencontrez des difficultés, reportez-vous à {linkText} pour obtenir des conseils.", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Section Résolution des problèmes", "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Alors que Scratch est principalement conçu pour des enfants de 8 à 16 ans, il est également utilisé par des personnes de tous âges, y compris les jeunes enfants avec leurs parents.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Quelle est la tranche d'âge pour Scratch ?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Quelles sont les ressources disponibles pour l'apprentissage de Scratch ?", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Envoyer", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Merci pour votre message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Résolution des problèmes", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Assure-toi que ton navigateur soit compatible avec Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link est compatible avec la plupart des navigateurs sur macOS et Windows. Pour Safari, veuillez mettre à jour Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 ou plus récent, et macOS 10.15 ou plus récent.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Vérifie que ton système d'exploitation soit compatible avec Scratch Link.", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Les versions minimales des systèmes d'exploitation sont indiquées en haut de cette page. Voir les instructions pour vérifier ta version de {winOSVersionLink} ou{macOSVersionLink} .", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Si tu utilises macOS 12, mets-toi à jour avec macOS 12.3 ou une version plus récente. Les versions antérieures de macOS 12 ne fonctionnent pas correctement avec Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Si vous utilisez macOS 12, veuillez mettre à jour vers macOS 12.3 ou une version plus récente. Les versions antérieures de macOS 12 peuvent ne pas fonctionner correctement avec Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Ferme les autres instances de Scratch", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fy.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fy.json index 168fc7c0..006ad03f 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fy.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download en ynstallearje Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "hjir", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ "comment.pii.content3": "Dit is in serieus befeiligingsprobleem.", "comment.type.unconstructive": "It liket derop dat jo lêste reaksje wat sei dat potensjeel kwetsend wie.", "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It liket derop dat ien fan jo resinte opmerkingen wat sei dat miskien skealik west hie.", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "Wy moedigje jo oan om stipe te wêzen as jo kommentaar jouwe oer de projekten fan oaren", "comment.unconstructive.content1": "It liket dat jo kommentaar wat sei dat potensjeel kwetsend wie.", "comment.unconstructive.content2": "As jo tinke dat wat better kin wêze, kinne jo wat jo wolle oer it projekt sizze en in suggestje meitsje om it te ferbetterjen.", "comment.type.vulgarity": "Jo lêste resint like in min wurd te befetsjen.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Stjoere", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Tank foar jo berjocht.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Problemen oplosse", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Soargje derfoar dat jo bestjoeringssysteem kompatibel is mei Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "De minimale ferzjes fan bestjoeringssystemen wurde oan 'e boppekant fan dizze pagina neamd. Sjoch de ynstruksjes om jo bestjoeringssysteemferzje fan {winOSVersionLink} of {macOSVersionLink} te kontrolearjen", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Slút oare finsters mei Scratch.", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth kin brûkt wurde om lokaasjeynformaasje te jaan oan 'e app. Neist it jaan fan tastimming oan de Scratch-app om tagong te krijen ta de lokaasje, moat lokaasje ynskeakele wurde yn jo algemiene apparaatynstellingen. Sykje nei 'Lokaasje' yn jo ynstellings en soargje derfoar dat it is ynskeakele. Op Chromebooks sykje nei 'Lokaasje' yn 'e Android-foarkarren fan' e Google Play Store.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ga.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ga.json index c69e4dcb..75c7b40d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ga.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ga.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Íoslódáil agus suiteáil Scratch", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "anseo", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Seol", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Fabhtcheartú", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Deimhnigh go bhfuil do chóras oibriúcháin comhoiriúnach le Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Gheobhaidh tú na bunriachtanais ó thaobh córais oibriúcháin ar bharr an leathanaigh seo. Féach na treoracha chun an leagan de do chóras {winOSVersionLink} nó {macOSVersionLink} a sheiceáil.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Dún cóipeanna eile de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Is féidir Bluetooth a úsáid chun sonraí geoshuímh a sholáthar don aip. Caithfear cead a thabhairt d'Aip Scratch do shuíomh a fheiceáil, agus geoshuíomh a chumasú i socruithe ginearálta do ghléis. Déan cuardach ar 'Location' sna socruithe agus deimhnigh go bhfuil sé cumasaithe. Ar Chromebook, cuardaigh 'Location' sna sainroghanna Android don Google Play Store.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Cuntas Faoi Bhac", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gd.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gd.json index ac3a431d..a80915e1 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gd.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gd.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Luchdaich a-nuas is stàlaich Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "an-seo", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Cuir a-null", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Mòran taing airson do theachdaireachd.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Fuasgladh dhuilgheadasan", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Dèan cinnteach gu bheil am brabhsair agad co-chòrdail ri Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an siostam-obrachaidh agad co-chòrdail ri Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Chì thu na tionndaidhean as sine dhe na siostam-obrachaidh ris an cuir sinn taic air bàrr na duilleige seo. Faic an stiùireadh air mar a chì thu dè an tionndadh dhe {winOSVersionLink} no {macOSVersionLink} a th’ agad.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Ma tha thu a’ cleachdadh macOS 12, ùraich gu macOS 12.3 no nas ùire. Chan obraich Scratch Link mar bu chòir air tionndaidhean as sine dhe macOS 12.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Dùin na lethbhreacan eile de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Gabhaidh Bluetooth a chleachdadh airson fiosrachadh mu d’ ionaid a thoirt dhan aplacaid. A bharrachd air ceadan a thoirt dhan aplacaid Scratch airson d’ ionad inntrigeadh, feumaidh tu an t-ionad a chur an comas ann an roghainnean coitcheann an uidheim agad. Lorg airson “Ionad” no “Loation” sna roghainnean agad agus dèan cinnteach gu bheil e air. Ma tha thu air Chromebook, lorg “Location” an an roghainnean Google Play Store Android.", "privacyBanner.update": "Chaidh poileasaidh prìobhaideachd Scratch ùrachadh ’s e an sàs on 25mh dhen Chèitean 2023 a-mach. Chì thu am poileasaidh ùr an-seo.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Chaidh an cunntas a bhacadh", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gl.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gl.json index 597598d5..6cbb2278 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/gl.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descargar e instalar Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aquí", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Grazas pola súa mensaxe.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Resolución de problemas", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Comprobe que o seu sistema operativo é compatible con Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "As versións mínimas requiridas dos sistemas operativos están listadas na parte de arriba desta páxina. Sigue as instrucións para comprobar a túa versión de {winOSVersionLink} ou{macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Pecha outras copias de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "O bluetooth pode utilizarse para proporcionar os datos de localización á aplicación. Ademais de permitir o acceso á localización na aplicación de Scratch, tamén deberá estar activada na configuración xeral do teu dispositivo. Busca por \"localización\" na túa configuración e asegúrate que está activada. En Chromebooks busca \"Localización\" nos permisos en Android da tenda de Google Play.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Conta Bloqueada", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ha.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ha.json index 8dfe8005..2a17a134 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ha.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ha.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Saukar kuma ka shigar da Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "A nan ", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "aika", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Mun gode da sakon ka", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Niman matsalar", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Tabbatar cewa burauzar ku ta dace da Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Ka tabbatar cewa operating system dinka ya dace da Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Mafi karancin sigar operating system an jera su a saman wannan shafin. Duba umarni don duba sigar ka na {winOSVersionLink} ko {macOSVersionLink}. ", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Idan kuna amfani da macOS 12, da fatan za a sabunta zuwa macOS 12.3 ko sabo. Sigar farko na macOS 12 ba sa aiki daidai da Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Rufe sauran kwafin Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Ana iya amfani da bluetooth don samar da bayanan wuri zuwa ga app din, ban da ba da izini ma Scratch App don samun daman ganin wuri, dole ne ka kunna wuri acikin gama garin saitin na'urar ka, bincika 'Wuri' a cikin saitin ka, kuma ka tabbatar ya na kunne, a na'urar Chromebooks bincika ' Wuri ' a cikin Google Play StoreAndroid preferences. ", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "an toshe asusun", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/he.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/he.json index b88b4c94..5373bb1d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/he.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/he.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "הורד והתקן סקראץ' Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "כאן", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "שלח", "helpWidget.confirmation": "תודה על ההודעה שלך", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "פתרון תקלות", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "ודא שמערכת ההפעלה שלך תואמת לסקראץ' Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "גרסאות מערכות ההפעלה המינימליות מפורטות בראש העמוד הזה. ראה הוראות לבדיקת גרסת ה־{winOSVersionLink} או ה־{macOSVersionLink} שלך.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "סגור עותקים אחרים של סקראץ'", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "החשבון נחסם", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json index 424384f9..af17b96a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Preuzmi i instaliraj Scratch poveznicu.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "ovdje", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Pošaljite", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Hvala vam na poruci.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Rješavanje problema", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Provjerite je li vaš preglednik kompatibilan sa Scratch Linkom", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Provjerite je li vaš operativni sustav kompatibilan sa Scratch Linkom", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimalne verzije operativnog sustava navedene su na vrhu ove stranice. Pogledajte upute za provjeru vaše verzije {winOSVersionLink} ili {macOSVersionLink} .", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Ako koristite macOS 12, ažurirajte na macOS 12.3 ili noviji. Ranije verzije macOS-a 12 ne rade ispravno sa Scratch Linkom.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorite ostale kopije Scratch-a", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth se može koristiti za pružanje podataka o lokaciji aplikaciji. Osim davanja dopuštenja aplikaciji Scratch za pristup lokaciji, lokacija mora biti omogućena u vašim općim postavkama uređaja. Potražite 'Lokacija' u svojim postavkama i provjerite je li uključena. Na Chromebookovima potražite 'Lokacija' u Android postavkama trgovine Google Play.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Korisnički račun je blokiran", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ht.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ht.json index 8671e19b..56d12ada 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ht.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ht.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hu.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hu.json index 3f7bcd3d..9f3568b3 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hu.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Töltsd le és telepíts a Scratch Linket.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "itt", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Elküld", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Hibaelhárítás", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Ellenőrizd, hogy az operációs rendszered kompatibilis-e a Scratch Linkkel.", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "A minimális operációs rendszer verziókat az oldal tetején találod felsorolva. Nézd át leírást a saját {winOSVersionLink} vagy {macOSVersionLink} verziód ellenőrzésére.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zárd be a Scratch többi példányát.", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hy.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hy.json index 7aa38e66..764cd99b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hy.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Ներբեռնեք և տեղադրեք Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "այստեղ", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Ուղարկել", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Շնորհակալ ենք հաղորդագրության համար:", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Խնդիրների լուծում", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Համոզվեք, որ ձեր զննարկիչը համատեղելի է Scratch Link-ի հետ.", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Համոզվեք, որ ձեր օպերացիոն համակարգը համատեղելի է Scratch Link-ի հետ", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Օպերացիոն համակարգի նվազագույն պահանջները նշված են այս էջի վերևում: Ձեր {winOSVersionLink} կամ {macOSVersionLink}տարբերակը ստուգելու համար անցեք կից հրահանգներով։", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Եթե դուք օգտագործում եք macOS 12, խնդրում ենք թարմացնել macOS 12.3 կամ ավելի նոր: macOS 12-ի ավելի վաղ տարբերակները ճիշտ չեն աշխատում Scratch Link-ի հետ.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Փակեք Scratch-ի այլ օրինակները", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth- ը կարող է օգտագործվել ծրագրի գտնվելու վայրի տվյալները ապահովելու համար: Scratch հավելվածում գտնվելու վայր մուտք գործելու թույլտվությունից բացի, գտնվելու վայրը պետք է միացված լինի ձեր ընդհանուր սարքի պարամետրերում: Փնտրեք «Տեղանքը» ձեր պարամետրերում և համոզվեք, որ այն միացված է: Chromebook-ում Տեղադրեք \"տեղը\" Google Play Store-ի Android կարգավորումներում:", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Հաշիվը արգելափակված է։", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/id.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/id.json index a20c20c0..33e1c38d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/id.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/id.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Unduh dan pasang Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "di sini", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Kirim", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Terima kasih untuk pesan Anda.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Penyelesaian masalah", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Pastikan browser Anda kompatibel dengan Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Pastikan sistem operasi Anda kompatibel dengan Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Versi sistem operasi minimum tercantum di bagian atas halaman ini. Lihat petunjuk untuk memeriksa versi {winOSVersionLink} atau {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Jika Anda menggunakan macOS 12, perbarui ke macOS 12.3 atau yang lebih baru. Versi macOS 12 yang lebih lama tidak berfungsi dengan baik dengan Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Tutup salinan Scratch lainnya", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth bisa digunakan untuk menyediakan data lokasi ke aplikasi. Selain memberikan Scratch App izin untuk mengakses lokasi, lokasi juga mesti dinyalakan di pengaturan umum perangkatmu. Cari 'Lokasi' atau 'Location' di pengaturanmu dan pastikan ia telah dinyalakan. Di Chromebook cari 'Lokasi' atau 'Location' di pengaturan Google Play Store Android.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Akun Diblokir", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/is.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/is.json index 9e464415..5cd38412 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/is.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/is.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "hérna", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Aðstoð með vandamál", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/it.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/it.json index 46c83e71..1194f1e4 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/it.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/it.json @@ -155,14 +155,12 @@ "installScratch.useScratchApp": "Apri l'app di Scratch sul tuo dispositivo.", "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Installa Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scarica e installa Scratch Link.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", - "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Avvia Scratch Link e assicurati che sia in esecuzione. Dovrebbe apparire nella barra del menu.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Avvia Scratch Link e assicurati che sia in esecuzione. Dovrebbe apparire nell'area di notifica (system tray).", + "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "Per saperne di più su Scratch Link, clicca {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "qui", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "Se hai problemi, vai alla {linkText} per avere suggerimenti.", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "sezione di Risoluzione dei Problemi", "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Anche se è stato specificamente progettato per ragazzi dagli 8 ai 16 anni, Scratch è usato in realtà da persone di ogni età, inclusi bambini più piccoli supportati dai loro genitori.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Qual è l'eta giusta per iniziare con Scratch?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Quali sono le risorse disponibili per imparare Scratch?", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Invia", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Grazie di aver inviato il messaggio.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Soluzione dei problemi", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Assicurati che il tuo browser sia compatibile con Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Assicurati che il tuo sistema operativo sia compatibile con Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Le versioni minime dei diversi sistemi operativi sono elencate in cima alla pagina. Segui le istruzioni necessarie a verificare la tua versione di {winOSVersionLink} o {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Se usi macOS 12, aggiorna alla versione macOS 12.3 o successiva. Versioni precedenti di macOS 12 non funzionano con Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Chiudi le altre copie di Scratch", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index 968ff64f..2b3ba00d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "general.status": "Filter Projects", - "general.languageChooser": "Select Language", + "general.status": "プロジェクトを絞り込む", + "general.languageChooser": "言語の選択", "general.accountSettings": "アカウントせってい", "general.about": "Scratchについて", "general.aboutScratch": "Scratchについて", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "general.community": "コミュニティ", "general.confirmEmail": "メールをかくにんする", "general.contactUs": "れんらくさき", - "general.getHelp": "Get Help", + "general.getHelp": "ヘルプを得る", "general.contact": "れんらく", "general.cookies": "クッキー", "general.done": "しゅうりょう", @@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ "general.year": "ねん", "footer.discuss": "ディスカッションフォーラム", "footer.scratchFamily": "かんれんサイト", - "footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch is available for free thanks to support from our {donorLink}. We are grateful to our Founding Partners:", + "footer.donorRecognition": "Scratchは{donorLink}からの支援により無料で利用できます。私たちは資金提供パートナーに感謝します:", "footer.donors": "きふ", - "footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, and {donor4}.", + "footer.donorList": "{donor1}、{donor2}、{donor3}、{donor4}。", "form.validationRequired": "このこうもくはひっすです", "login.needHelp": "ヘルプがひつようですか?", "navigation.signOut": "サインアウト", @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch Linkをダウンロードしてインストールしましょう。", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "こちら", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -167,9 +165,9 @@ "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Scratchのたいしょうねんれいは?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Scratchを学ぶにはどのような教材(きょうざい)がありますか?", "parents.introDescription": "Scratchは、子供たち(こどもたち)がプログラミングで物語(ものがたり)やゲームやアニメーションをつくることができるプログラミング言語(げんご)と、それを世界中(せかいじゅう)に共有(きょうゆう)できるオンラインコミュニティーです。Scratchを通し(とおし)て、創造(そうぞう)や協働(きょうどう)に必要(ひつよう)な力、そして論理的(ろんりてき)に考える(かんがえる)力を身につけ(みにつけ)られます。ScratchはMITメディアラボのライフロングキンダーガーテングループによって製作(せいさく)され、管理(かんり)されています。", - "registration.birthDateStepInfo": "This helps us understand the age range of people who use Scratch. We use this to confirm account ownership if you contact our team. This information will not be made public on your account.", - "registration.birthDateStepTitle": "When were you born?", - "registration.cantCreateAccount": "Scratch could not create your account.", + "registration.birthDateStepInfo": "このデータは、Scratchユーザーの年齢層を調べるために利用されます。また、Scratchチームに連絡したときのアカウントの保有確認に利用します。この情報はアカウントに紐づけて公開されません。", + "registration.birthDateStepTitle": "いつ生まれましたか?", + "registration.cantCreateAccount": "アカウントの作成に失敗しました。", "registration.checkOutResources": "きょうざい、かくしゅしりょうをさんしょうする", "registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Scratchチームが用意(ようい)した、教育者(きょういくしゃ)向け(むけ)のヒントしゅう、チュートリアル、ガイドなどの各種(かくしゅ)資料(しりょう)をご覧(ごらん)ください。", "registration.checkOutResourcesDescriptionHTML": "Scratchチームが用意(ようい)した、教育者(きょういくしゃ)向け(むけ)のヒントしゅう、チュートリアル、ガイドなどの各種(かくしゅ)資料(しりょう)をご覧(ごらん)ください。", @@ -177,162 +175,162 @@ "registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "パスワードのさくせい", "registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "本名や、個人(こじん)が簡単(かんたん)に特定(とくてい)できる名前(なまえ)は使用(しよう)しないようにしてください。", "registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "申し訳(もうしわけ)ありませんが、このクラスの登録(とうろく)情報(じょうほう)を見つけることができませんでした", - "registration.countryStepTitle": "What country do you live in?", + "registration.countryStepTitle": "どこに住んでいますか?", "registration.generalError": "予期(よき)しないエラーが発生(はっせい)しました。", "registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "あなたは への参加(さんか)の招待(しょうたい)を受け取り(うけとり)ました", "registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "先生があなたをクラスに招待(しょうたい)しました:", - "registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "Type password again", + "registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "パスワードを再度入力してください。", "registration.confirmYourEmail": "メールにんしょうをうける", "registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "まだ認証(にんしょう)用(よう)メールを受け取っ(うけとっ)ていない場合(ばあい)は、このリンクをクリックしてください。", - "registration.createAccount": "Create Your Account", - "registration.createUsername": "Create a username", - "registration.errorBadUsername": "The username you chose is not allowed. Try again with a different username.", - "registration.errorCaptcha": "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA test.", - "registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Your password is too short. It needs to be at least 6 letters long.", - "registration.errorUsernameExists": "The username you chose already exists. Try again with a different username.", - "registration.genderStepTitle": "What's your gender?", - "registration.genderStepDescription": "Scratch welcomes people of all genders.", - "registration.genderStepInfo": "This helps us understand who uses Scratch, so that we can broaden participation. This information will not be made public on your account.", - "registration.genderOptionAnother": "Another gender:", - "registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "Prefer not to say", - "registration.emailStepTitle": "What's your email?", - "registration.emailStepInfo": "This will help if you forget your password. This information will not be made public on your account.", + "registration.createAccount": "アカウントを作成する", + "registration.createUsername": "ユーザー名を入力する", + "registration.errorBadUsername": "そのユーザー名は使えません。別のユーザー名を試してください。", + "registration.errorCaptcha": "CAPTCHAに問題が発生しました。", + "registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "パスワードが短すぎます。6文字以上にしてください。", + "registration.errorUsernameExists": "そのユーザー名はすでに使用されています。別のユーザー名を試してください。", + "registration.genderStepTitle": "性別は何ですか?", + "registration.genderStepDescription": "Scratchはすべての性別の人々を歓迎します。", + "registration.genderStepInfo": "このデータは、Scratchの利用者を調査し、参加層を広げるため利用します。この情報はアカウントに紐づけて公開されません。", + "registration.genderOptionAnother": "その他の性別:", + "registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "選択しない", + "registration.emailStepTitle": "メールアドレスを入力してください。", + "registration.emailStepInfo": "これはパスワードを忘れた時に使います。この情報は公開されません。", "registration.goToClass": "クラスへいく", "registration.invitedBy": "次(つぎ)の人に招待(しょうたい)されました。", "registration.lastStepTitle": "Scratch教師用(きょうしよう)アカウントのご申請(しんせい)、ありがとうございます。", "registration.lastStepDescription": "現在(げんざい)、いただいた申請(しんせい)は処理中(しょりちゅう)となっています。", - "registration.makeProject": "Make a project", + "registration.makeProject": "プロジェクトを作る", "registration.mustBeNewStudent": "アカウント登録(とうろく)を完了(かんりょう)するには、新しい(あたらしい)「生徒(せいと)」になる必要(ひつよう)があります。", "registration.nameStepTooltip": "この情報(じょうほう)は、ユーザー全体(ぜんたい)としての統計(とうけい)情報(じょうほう)を収集(しゅうしゅう)、検討(けんとう)するために使用(しよう)されます。", "registration.newPassword": "あたらしいパスワード", "registration.nextStep": "つぎのステップ", "registration.notYou": "あなたではありませんか?べつのユーザーめいでログインしてください。", "registration.optIn": "教育(きょういく)現場(げんば)でScratchを使う(つかう)ことに関(かん)する最新(さいしん)情報(じょうほう)を送っ(おくっ)てください。", - "registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Write it down so you remember. Don’t share it with others!", + "registration.passwordAdviceShort": "メモしておきましょう。ほかの人に教えないでください!", "registration.personalStepTitle": "こじんじょうほう", "registration.personalStepDescription": "これについてのあなたの返答(へんとう)内容(ないよう)は、公開(こうかい)されることはなく、他人(たにん)からわからないように保存(ほぞん)されます。", - "registration.private": "We will keep this information private.", - "registration.problemsAre": "The problems are:", - "registration.selectCountry": "Select country", - "registration.startOverInstruction": "Click \"Start over.\"", + "registration.private": "この情報は公開しません。", + "registration.problemsAre": "問題:", + "registration.selectCountry": "国または地域を選ぶ", + "registration.startOverInstruction": "「やり直す」を押してください。", "registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "ここで入力した情報(じょうほう)は、Scratchウェブサイト内(ない)には表示(ひょうじ)されません。", "registration.showPassword": "パスワードをひょうじ", - "registration.troubleReload": "Scratch is having trouble finishing registration. Try reloading the page or try again in another browser.", - "registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Click \"Try again\".", + "registration.troubleReload": "登録に問題が生じました。ページを再読み込みしたり、別のブラウザで試してください。", + "registration.tryAgainInstruction": "「もう一度試す」を押してください。", "registration.usernameStepDescription": "アカウントを申請(しんせい)するには、次(つぎ)のフォームに必要(ひつよう)事項(じこう)を入力してください。承認(しょうにん)手続き(てつづき)には、最大(さいだい)24時間(じかん)かかります。", - "registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Create projects, share ideas, make friends. It’s free!", + "registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "プロジェクトを作って、アイデアを共有し、友達をつくりましょう。無料です!", "registration.usernameStepRealName": "ユーザ名にあなたの実名(じつめい)(一部(いちぶ)でさえ)を使わ(つかわ)ないでください。", - "registration.usernameAdviceShort": "Don't use your real name", + "registration.usernameAdviceShort": "本名は使わないでね", "registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "Scratchで、ゲームやアニメーション、オリジナルの物語(ものがたり)を作っ(つくっ)てみましょう。Scratchアカウントは、無料(むりょう)で簡単(かんたん)に作成(さくせい)できます。次(つぎ)のフォームに必要(ひつよう)事項(じこう)を入力して、Scratchをはじめましょう。", "registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "すでにScratchアカウントをおもちですか?", "registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "このクラスに参加(さんか)するには、新しい(あたらしい)Scratchアカウントを作る(つくる)必要(ひつよう)があります。", - "registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Try your favorite food, hobby, or animal along with some numbers", - "registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "By creating an account, you acknowledge the {privacyPolicyLink} and you accept and agree to the {touLink}.", + "registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "好きな食べ物、趣味、動物に、数字を加えてみましょう", + "registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "{privacyPolicyLink}に同意し、{touLink}を承認し、同意し、アカウントを作成します。", "registration.usernameStepTitle": "きょうしようアカウントのしんせい", "registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Scratchアカウントのさくせい", "registration.validationMaxLength": "申し訳(もうしわけ)ありませんが、あなたは最大(さいだい)文字制限(せいげん)を超え(こえ)ました。", - "registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Passwords don’t match", - "registration.validationPasswordLength": "Must be 6 letters or longer", - "registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Password is too easy to guess. Try something else?", - "registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Password can’t match your username", - "registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Usernames can only use letters, numbers, - and _", - "registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Must be 3 letters or longer", - "registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Must be 20 letters or shorter", - "registration.validationUsernameExists": "Username taken. Try another?", - "registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Username not allowed", + "registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "パスワードが一致しません。", + "registration.validationPasswordLength": "6文字以上が必要です。", + "registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "パスワードが簡単に推測できます。他のもので試しましょう。", + "registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "ユーザー名はパスワードに使えません。", + "registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "ユーザー名は英数字、ハイフン(-)、アンダーバー(_)のみ使えます。", + "registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "3文字以上が必要です。", + "registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "20文字以下にしてください。", + "registration.validationUsernameExists": "このユーザー名はすでに利用されています。他を試してください。", + "registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "このユーザー名は利用できません。", "registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "よくない言葉(ことば)が使わ(つかわ)れているようです", "registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "むこうなユーザーめい", - "registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Usernames can't have spaces", - "registration.validationEmailInvalid": "Email doesn’t look right. Try another?", + "registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "ユーザー名にスペースは使えません", + "registration.validationEmailInvalid": "メールアドレスが正しくないようです。もう一度お願いします。", "registration.waitForApproval": "しょうにんをまつ", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Scratchアカウントに今すぐ(いますぐ)ログインすることはできますが、教師(きょうし)固有(こゆう)の機能(きのう)はまだ利用(りよう)できません。あなたの情報(じょうほう)が確認(かくにん)されています。申し訳(もうしわけ)ありませんが、承認(しょうにん)プロセスには1日かかる場合(ばあい)があります。アカウントが承認(しょうにん)されると、アカウントがアップグレードされたことを示す(しめす)Eメールを受信(じゅしん)するでしょう。", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Scratchアカウントの作成(さくせい)が完了(かんりょう)しました。現在(げんざい)、あなたは次(つぎ)のクラスのメンバーとして登録(とうろく)されています:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", - "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "ログインしました! プロジェクトを探索したり、作ったりできます。", + "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "共有やコメントをしたいですか? {email}に送ったメールのリンクをクリックしてください。", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Scratchをはじめるには、したのボタンをおしてください。", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Scratchにようこそ!", - "registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Welcome to Scratch, {username}!", - "emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} to enable sharing. {faqLink}", - "emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "Confirm your email", - "emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Having trouble?", - "emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "Confirm your email", + "registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "{username}さん、Scratchへようこそ!", + "emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink}すると、共有できるようになります。{faqLink}", + "emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "メールを認証する", + "emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "問題がありますか?", + "emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "メールを認証する", "emailConfirmationModal.wantToShare": "Scratchで何か共有したいですか?", - "emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email we sent to:", - "emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Resend confirmation email", - "emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Tips for confirming your email address", - "emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Wait for ten minutes. The email may take a while to arrive.", + "emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "送信したメール内のリンクをクリックしてメールアドレスを認証してください。", + "emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "メールを再送する", + "emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "メールアドレス認証のヒント", + "emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "10分待って下さい。メールの到着には時間がかかります。", "emailConfirmationModal.tipCheckSpam": "迷惑メールフォルダーを確認して下さい。", - "emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Make sure your email address is correct, see {accountSettings}.", + "emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "自分のメールアドレスが正しいか {accountSettings} にて確かめてください。", "emailConfirmationModal.accountSettings": "アカウント設定", - "emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Want more information? {FAQLink}", - "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Check out the FAQ", - "emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Having Trouble? {tipsLink}", - "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Check out these tips", + "emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "詳しくは、{FAQLink}。", + "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "よくある質問を確認してください", + "emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "問題がありますか? {tipsLink}。", + "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "以下のヒントを確認してください", "thumbnail.by": "さくしゃ", "report.error": "メッセージの送信中(そうしんちゅう)に問題(もんだい)が発生(はっせい)しました。もう一度(いちど)試し(ためし)てみてください。", "report.project": "プロジェクトをほうこく", - "report.studio": "Report Studio", - "report.projectInstructions": "When you send a report, it lets the Scratch Team know about projects that break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Does something in this project break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? If you think it does, please tell us more.", + "report.studio": "スタジオを報告", + "report.projectInstructions": "報告を送信すると、Scratchチームに{CommunityGuidelinesLink}を破るプロジェクトについて通知されます。このプロジェクト内の何かが{CommunityGuidelinesLink}に違反していますか? もしそう思うなら、詳しく教えてください。", "report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Scratchコミュニティーガイドライン", "report.reasonPlaceHolder": "りゆうをせんたくしてください", "report.reasonCopy": "ほかのプロジェクトの完全(かんぜん)なコピー", "report.reasonUncredited": "クレジットせずに画像(がぞう)や音楽(おんがく)を流用(りゅうよう)している", "report.reasonScary": "過度(かど)に暴力的(ぼうりょくてき)だったり恐怖心(きょうふしん)をあおる", - "report.reasonJumpscare": "Jumpscare", - "report.reasonWeapons": "Uses realistic weapons", - "report.reasonEvent": "Violent event happens", - "report.reasonScaryImages": "Scary images", - "report.reasonThreatening": "Threatens or bullies another Scratcher", + "report.reasonJumpscare": "ジャンプスケア", + "report.reasonWeapons": "現実的な武器の使用", + "report.reasonEvent": "暴力的な出来事", + "report.reasonScaryImages": "怖い画像", + "report.reasonThreatening": "ほかのScratcherに対する脅迫やいじめ", "report.reasonLanguage": "不適切(ふてきせつ)な表現(ひょうげん)が含ま(ふくま)れる", "report.reasonMusic": "不適切(ふてきせつ)な音楽(おんがく)が使用(しよう)されている", "report.reasonMissing": "りゆうを、せんたくしてください", "report.reasonImage": "不適切(ふてきせつ)な画像(がぞう)", "report.reasonPersonal": "個人的(こじんてき)な連絡先(れんらくさき)情報(じょうほう)が公開(こうかい)されている", - "report.reasonDontLikeIt": "I don't like this project", - "report.reasonDoesntWork": "This project does not work", - "report.reasonCouldImprove": "This project could be improved on", - "report.reasonTooHard": "This project is too hard", - "report.reasonMisleading": "The project is misleading or tricks the community", - "report.reasonFaceReveal": "It's a face reveal or is just trying to show someone's picture", - "report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "The project doesn't allow remixing", - "report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "I'm worried about the safety of the creator of this project", - "report.reasonSomethingElse": "Something else", - "report.reasonDisrespectful": "Mean or Disrespectful to a Scratcher or Group", + "report.reasonDontLikeIt": "このプロジェクトが好きではありません", + "report.reasonDoesntWork": "このプロジェクトは動作しません", + "report.reasonCouldImprove": "このプロジェクトはもっと改良できます", + "report.reasonTooHard": "このプロジェクトは難しすぎます", + "report.reasonMisleading": "このプロジェクトはミスリードしているか、コミュニティーをだましています", + "report.reasonFaceReveal": "これは顔写真を公開するプロジェクトだったり、だれかの写真を見せようとしています", + "report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "このプロジェクトをリミックスすることが禁止されています", + "report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "このプロジェクトの作者の安全が心配です", + "report.reasonSomethingElse": "その他", + "report.reasonDisrespectful": "Scratcherやグループに対して意地悪だったり失礼である", "report.receivedHeader": "ほうこくを、うけとりました!", "report.receivedBody": "Scratchチームはプロジェクトをコミュニティーガイドラインに沿っ(そっ)て確認(かくにん)します。", "report.promptPlaceholder": "じょうきから、りゆうをせんたくしてください", "report.promptCopy": "もとのプロジェクトのリンクを、きにゅうしてください", "report.promptUncredited": "クレジットがないコンテンツのリンクを、きにゅうしてください", - "report.promptScary": "Please select the main reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.", - "report.promptJumpscare1": "A \"jumpscare\" is when something unexpected flashes on the screen with the intent to scare someone.", - "report.promptJumpscare2": "Please let us know more about the \"jumpscare,\" such as what happens, and when does it happen in the project. Also, providing the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop, associated with the jumpscare is helpful.", - "report.promptWeapons1": "Please let us know where the image, drawing, or sound of realistic weapons occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.", - "report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projects should not contain realistic weapons, such as photographs of guns, realistic drawings or sounds. However, cartoon or fictional items like laser beams are okay.", - "report.promptEvent1": "Please let us know more about the scary event or story in the project. Providing more details will help the Scratch Team better understand the issue and address it.", - "report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain mature themes such as harming someone.", - "report.promptScaryImages1": "Please let us know why you feel this image is too scary for Scratch, and where the image occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.", - "report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain blood, realistic violence, or anything that may feel scary or too mature for younger audiences.", - "report.promptThreatening": "Please let us know why you feel this project is threatening another Scratcher.", + "report.promptScary": "なぜこのプロジェクトが{CommunityGuidelinesLink}に違反すると思うのか主な理由を選んでください。", + "report.promptJumpscare1": "「ジャンプスケア」とは、だれかを怖がらせるために、予想しない画面上の何かが点滅することです。", + "report.promptJumpscare2": "何が起きるか、プロジェクト内でいつ起きるかなど「ジャンプスケア」に関する詳細を教えてください。また、ジャンプスケアに関連するスプライト、コスチュームや背景の名前を提供すると役立ちます。", + "report.promptWeapons1": "プロジェクト内のどの画像、絵や音に現実的な武器が使用されているか、スプライト、コスチュームや背景の名前などを教えてください。", + "report.promptWeapons2": "ヒント: Scratch上のプロジェクトには、銃の写真、現実的な絵や音など、現実的な武器を含むべきではありません。しかし、レーザービームのような漫画やフィクションに出る道具はOKです。", + "report.promptEvent1": "プロジェクト内の怖い出来事や物語についてもっと詳しく教えてください。より多くの情報を提供すれば、Scratchチームが問題をより理解し、対処できます。", + "report.promptEvent2": "ヒント: Scratchはすべての年齢の人々によって使われています。プロジェクトに他人を傷つけるなどの子どもたちに不適切なテーマが含まれていないことは重要です。", + "report.promptScaryImages1": "なぜこの画像がScratchにとって怖すぎると思うのか、そしてどこにその画像があるか、スプライト、コスチュームや背景の名前などを教えてください。", + "report.promptScaryImages2": "ヒント: Scratchはすべての年齢の人々によって使われています。プロジェクトに血、現実的な暴力その他子どもにとって怖かったり、不適切かもしれないものを含まないことは重要です。", + "report.promptThreatening": "なぜこのプロジェクトがほかのScratcherを脅迫していると思うのか教えてください。", "report.promptLanguage": "不適切(ふてきせつ)な言葉(ことば)がこのプロジェクトのどこにあるのかを教え(おしえ)てください(たとえば、「メモと作品(さくひん)への貢献(こうけん)」「スプライトの名前(なまえ)」「プロジェクト内(ない)のテキスト」など)", "report.promptMusic": "不適切(ふてきせつ)な音楽(おんがく)がふくまれるオーディオファイルの名称(めいしょう)を教え(おしえ)てください。", "report.promptPersonal": "どこに個人(こじん)情報(じょうほう)(連絡先(れんらくさき)情報(じょうほう))が記載(きさい)されているか教え(おしえ)てください(たとえば、「メモと作品(さくひん)への貢献(こうけん)」「スプライトの名前(なまえ)」「プロジェクト内(ない)のテキスト」など)", - "report.promptGuidelines": "Please select a reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} and the Scratch Team will review your report.", + "report.promptGuidelines": "なぜこのプロジェクトが{CommunityGuidelinesLink}に違反していると考えるか理由を選んでください。Scratchチームは報告を精査します。", "report.promptImage": "不適切(ふてきせつ)な画像(がぞう)のあるスプライトや背景(はいけい)の名前(なまえ)を教え(おしえ)て下さい", - "report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projects are made by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you don't like this project because you feel it can be improved upon, we encourage you to share constructive feedback directly with the creator.", - "report.promptTips": "Here are tips on sharing constructive feedback:", - "report.tipsSupportive": "Be supportive and encouraging.", - "report.tipsConstructive": "Leave a comment telling them what you like, but also what they could do to make the project better.", - "report.tipsSpecific": "Try to be specific with your feedback. For instance: The controls to move the character did not work.", - "report.promptDoesntWork": "A Scratch project, like any other application, may contain a few bugs. That is expected and completely okay!", - "report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "We encourage you to share any issues you discover directly with the creator of the project. It's also helpful to provide suggestions on how they may improve their project, if possible.", - "report.promptTooHard": "If you feel a project could be easier, we encourage you to share that feedback directly with the creator of the project. Or remix it yourself and make it as easy or hard as you like!", - "report.promptMisleading": "Tell us more about how it's tricking or misleading people", - "report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch allows people to use pictures of their face in creative projects like games, stories, or animations. However, Scratch does not allow users to share projects which are just a picture of their face (known as a “face reveal”) or which focus entirely on their physical appearance. Please explain if you feel this project is a face reveal or focuses on the person's physical appearance.", - "report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Please let us know where the project says it is not okay to remix — such as in the Notes & Credits, project title, etc.", - "report.promptCreatorsSafety": "It's important that everyone on Scratch remains safe online and in real life. Please let us know why you are worried about the safety of this user.", - "report.promptSomethingElse": "We encourage you to double check if your report fits any of the other available categories. If you strongly feel it does not, please explain why this project breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.", - "report.promptDisrespectful1": "Please let us know why you feel this project is disrespectful to another Scratcher or group. Where does the disrespectful content occur in the project (project text, images, sounds, etc.)?", - "report.promptDisrespectful2": "Remember: Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. It’s important everyone feels welcomed and safe when sharing on Scratch.", + "report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratchのプロジェクトはあらゆる年齢のさまざまな経験を持った人によって作られています。もしこのプロジェクトが好きではなくて、もっと改良できると思うなら、作者に直接建設的な意見を共有することを勧めます。", + "report.promptTips": "以下は、建設的な意見を共有するときのヒントです:", + "report.tipsSupportive": "協力的で、励みになるようにしましょう。", + "report.tipsConstructive": "好きなところと、プロジェクトを改良するために何ができるかコメントしましょう。", + "report.tipsSpecific": "意見は具体的に示しましょう。例えば: キャラクターを動かすところが動作しません。", + "report.promptDoesntWork": "他のアプリと同じように、Scratchのプロジェクトにはバグがあるかもしれません。これは予想されていることであって、問題ありません!", + "report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "発見した問題点は、プロジェクトの作者に直接共有することを勧めます。もしできるなら、どうやってプロジェクトを改良できるかの提案を提供することも役立ちます。", + "report.promptTooHard": "もしプロジェクトがもっと簡単にできると思ったら、プロジェクトの作者に直接共有するよう勧めます。あるいは、リミックスしてあなたの好きなように簡単にしたり、難しくしたりしてみましょう!", + "report.promptMisleading": "どのように人々をだましたり、ミスリードしているかを教えてください", + "report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch上でゲーム、物語、アニメーションなどの創造的なプロジェクトの中に顔写真を使うことは、許可されています。しかし、Scratchでは、顔写真のみのプロジェクト(「顔の公開」と呼ばれています)や、作者の実際の容姿のみにフォーカスしているプロジェクトは、許可していません。このプロジェクトが「顔の公開」や人の実際の容姿にフォーカスしていると思うなら、詳しく教えてください。", + "report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "どこにリミックスしてはいけないと書かれているのか教えてください — たとえば、メモとクレジット欄、プロジェクトのタイトルなど。 ", + "report.promptCreatorsSafety": "Scratchにいる全員がオンライン上で、そして実世界で安全であることは重要です。なぜそのユーザーの安全を心配しているのかを教えてください。", + "report.promptSomethingElse": "この報告が他のカテゴリに属しないか、再度確認することを勧めます。もしそうではないと強く思うならば、どのようにこのプロジェクトが{CommunityGuidelinesLink}に違反しているのかを教えてください。", + "report.promptDisrespectful1": "なぜこのプロジェクトが他のScratcherやグループに対して失礼なのか教えてください。失礼な内容はプロジェクト内のどこにありますか? (プロジェクトのテキスト、画像、音、その他)", + "report.promptDisrespectful2": "覚えておいてください: Scratchは、何歳であっても、どんな人種、民族であっても、能力に違いがあっても、どんな宗教を信じていても、どんな性的指向、性同一性を持っていても、すべての人々を歓迎します。 Scratchで共有するときには、みんなが歓迎され、安心できることが重要です。", "report.tooLongError": "ながすぎます。みじかくまとめてください。", "report.tooShortError": "みじかすぎます。そのプロジェクトに関し(にかんし)て何が(なにが)「他人(たにん)を傷つけ(きずつけ)て」、「不適切(ふてきせつ)な表現(ひょうげん)を含ん(ふくん)でいる」のかを詳しく(くわしく)説明し(せつめいし)てください。", "report.send": "そうしん", @@ -354,14 +352,14 @@ "comments.isDisallowed": "もうしわけありませんが、 ここへのコメントとうこうは、オフにせっていされています。", "comments.isIPMuted": "申し訳(もうしわけ)ありません。このネットワークが複数回(ふくすうかい)コミュニティーガイドラインに違反(いはん)する行為(こうい)に使わ(つかわ)れたため、コメントやプロジェクトの共有(きょうゆう)を禁止(きんし)しなければなりませんでした。他の(ほかの)ネットワークからコメントやプロジェクトの共有(きょうゆう)ができます。もし異議(いぎ)を申し立て(もうしたて)たいなら、appeals@scratch.mit.eduに連絡(れんらく)できます。ケース番号(ばんごう)は{appealId}です。", "comments.isTooLong": "コメントが、ながすぎます! ぶんしょうをみじかくしてください。", - "comments.isNotPermitted": "Sorry, you need to confirm your email address before commenting.", + "comments.isNotPermitted": "コメントするには、メールアドレスを認証する必要があります。", "comments.error": "うわっ! コメントのとうこう中に、なにかもんだいが、はっせいしました。 ", "comments.posting": "とうこう中...", "comments.post": "とうこうする", "comments.cancel": "キャンセル", "comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, other {あと{remainingCharacters}もじあります}}", "comments.loadMoreReplies": "すべてのコメントをみる", - "comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.", + "comments.replyLimitReached": "これ以上返信できません。投稿を続けるには、新しいコメントを投稿してください。", "comments.status.delbyusr": "プロジェクトのしょゆうしゃによって、さくじょされました", "comments.status.censbyfilter": "フィルターによってけんえつされました", "comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "へんしんもとのコメントが、さくじょされました", @@ -376,71 +374,74 @@ "comments.status.acctdel": "アカウントがさくじょされました", "comments.status.deleted": "さくじょされました", "comments.status.reported": "ほうこくされました", - "comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.", - "comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.", - "comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.", - "comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.", - "comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here", - "comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch", - "comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!", - "comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.", - "comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know", - "comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?", - "comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.", - "comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!", - "comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.", - "comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max", - "comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty", - "comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didn’t follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.", - "comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.", - "comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.", - "comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.", - "comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.", - "comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.", - "comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.", - "comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.", - "comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.", - "comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.", - "comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.", - "comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.", - "comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.", - "comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.", - "comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.", - "comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.", - "comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.", - "comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.", - "comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!", + "comments.muted.duration": "{inDuration}再度コメントできるようになります。", + "comments.muted.commentingPaused": "このアカウントでのコメントが一時的に制限されました。", + "comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "詳しくは、{CommunityGuidelinesLink}を読んでください。", + "comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "詳しくは、{clickHereLink}。", + "comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "ここをクリックしてください", + "comments.muted.warningBlocked": "このような投稿を続けると、Scratchを使えなくなるかもしれません", + "comments.muted.warningCareful": "そうならないように、再び投稿する前に、注意深く{CommunityGuidelinesLink}を読んで理解してください。", + "comments.muted.mistake": "間違いだと思いますか? {feedbackLink}。", + "comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "教えてください", + "comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "間違いだと思いますか?", + "comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "ときどき、フィルターが誤検知することがあります。報告しても再度コメントできるまでの時間は減りませんが、将来の誤検知を減らすことにつながります。", + "comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "教えてくれてありがとうございます。", + "comments.muted.thanksInfo": "意見はScratchをよりよくするために活用します。", + "comments.muted.characterLimit": "上限500文字", + "comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "必須項目です", + "comment.type.general": "最近投稿したコメントがコミュニティーガイドラインに従っていなかったようです。", + "comment.type.general.past": "最近投稿したコメントがコミュニティーガイドラインに従っていなかったようです。", + "comment.general.header": "コメントを投稿するときは、コミュニティーガイドラインに従いましょう。", + "comment.general.content1": "Scratch上のコメントは、親切で、すべての年齢の人にとって適切であるべきです。そして、スパムを含んではいけません。", + "comment.type.pii": "最近投稿したコメントが個人情報を共有したり、要求しようとしていたようです。", + "comment.type.pii.past": "最近投稿したコメントが個人情報を共有したり、要求しようとしていたようです。", + "comment.pii.header": "Scratch上で個人情報を共有してはいけません。", + "comment.pii.content1": "あなたが個人情報を共有したり、要求しようとしていたようです。", + "comment.pii.content2": "Scratchで共有したものはだれでも見ることができ、検索エンジンで検索されることもあります。個人情報は悪いことにも使われるので、秘密にしておくことが重要です。", + "comment.pii.content3": "これは、安全にかかわる重大な問題です。", + "comment.type.unconstructive": "最近投稿したコメントに人を傷けるような内容が含まれていたようです。", + "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "最近投稿したコメントに人を傷つけるような内容が含まれていたようです。", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "他の人のプロジェクトへコメントは、助けとなるようなものにしましょう。", + "comment.unconstructive.content1": "このコメントに人を傷つけるような内容が含まれていたようです。", + "comment.unconstructive.content2": "どこかを良くできると思ったときは、まずプロジェクトの良い所を書いてから、その後で改善のための提案をするとよいでしょう。", + "comment.type.vulgarity": "最近投稿したコメントに悪い言葉が含まれていたようです。", + "comment.type.vulgarity.past": "最近投稿したコメントが個人情報を共有したり、要求しようとしていたようです。", + "comment.vulgarity.header": "すべての年齢の人たちにとって適切な投稿を心がけましょう。", + "comment.vulgarity.content1": "コメントに悪い言葉が含まれていたようです。", + "comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratchはさまざまな年齢の人たちに使われているので、すべての人たちにとって適切な言葉を使うことが重要です。", + "comment.type.spam": "最近投稿したコメントに広告、アスキーアート、チェーンメッセージなどを含まれていたようです。", + "comment.type.spam.past": "最近投稿したコメントに広告、アスキーアート、チェーンメッセージなどが含まれていたようです。", + "comment.spam.header": "宣伝をしたり、アスキーアートをコピペしたり、他人にコメントをまねるように頼まないことをおすすめします。", + "comment.spam.content1": "広告、アスキーアート、チェーンメールなどは楽しいかもしれませんが、このような投稿はウェブサイト上を埋め尽くしてしまい、他のコメントの場所がなくなってしまいます。", + "comment.spam.content2": "Scratchを友好的で創造的なコミュニティーとして続けることへの支援に感謝します!", "social.embedLabel": "うめこみコード", "social.copyEmbedLinkText": "うめこみコードをコピーする", "social.linkLabel": "リンク", "social.copyLinkLinkText": "リンクをコピーする", "social.embedCopiedResultText": "コピーしました", - "helpWidget.banner": "Welcome to Support", + "helpWidget.banner": "サポートへようこそ", "helpWidget.submit": "そうしん", - "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", + "helpWidget.confirmation": "メッセージ、ありがとうございます。", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "トラブルシューテング", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "ブラウザーがScratch Linkに対応していることを確認してください。", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "OSがScratch Linkにたいおうしていることをかくにんしてください。", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "たいおうしているOSバージョンはページのじょうぶにあります。バージョンのかくにんほうほうはそれぞれ{winOSVersionLink}や{macOSVersionLink}をごらんください。", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Scratchのほかのコピーをクローズする", - "extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the {deviceName} at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", - "extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your {deviceNameShort}", - "extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a {deviceName} at a time. If you have another computer connected to your {deviceName}, disconnect the {deviceName} or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", - "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Make sure you have location services enabled on Chromebooks or Android tablets", - "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", + "extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "1つのScratchのみが同時に{deviceName}と接続できます。もしほかのブラウザーのタブでScratchを開いていたら、タブを閉じてリトライしてください。", + "extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "他のコンピューターが{deviceNameShort}に接続していないことを確認してください。", + "extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "1つのコンピューターのみが同時に{deviceName}と接続できます。もし他のコンピューターで{deviceName}と接続していたら、{deviceName}との接続を切断するか、そのコンピュータのScratchを閉じてリトライしてください。", + "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "ChromebookとAndroidタブレットでは、位置情報サービスを有効にする", + "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetoothは位置情報をアプリに提供するために使われます。Scratchアプリに位置情報へのアクセス権限を与えるとともに、位置情報は一般のデバイス設定でも有効でなければなりません。設定で「位置情報」と検索して、有効であることを確認してください。Chromebookでは、Google PlayストアのAndroid設定で「位置情報」を検索してください。", "privacyBanner.update": "Scratchプライバシーポリシーがアップデートされました。 2023年5月25日から適用されます。新しいポリシーは こちらを参照してください。", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "アカウントはブロックされました", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja.json index 93264777..bd2e9f57 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ja.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch Linkをダウンロードしてインストールしましょう。", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "こちら", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "送信", "helpWidget.confirmation": "メッセージ、ありがとうございます。", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "トラブルシューテング", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "ブラウザーがScratch Linkに対応していることを確認してください。", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "OSがScratch Linkに対応していることを確認してください。", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "対応しているOSバージョンはページの上部にあります。バージョンの確認方法はそれぞれ{winOSVersionLink}や{macOSVersionLink}をご覧下さい。", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "macOS 12を使用している場合は、macOS 12.3以降に更新してください。Scratch LinkはmacOS 12の以前のバージョンでは正しく動作しません。", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "開いている他のScratchを閉じる", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetoothは位置情報をアプリに提供するために使われます。Scratchアプリに位置情報へのアクセス権限を与えるとともに、位置情報は一般のデバイス設定でも有効でなければなりません。設定で「位置情報」と検索して、有効であることを確認してください。Chromebookでは、Google PlayストアのAndroid設定で「位置情報」を検索してください。", "privacyBanner.update": "Scratchプライバシーポリシーがアップデートされました。 2023年5月25日から適用されます。新しいポリシーは こちらを参照してください。", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "アカウントはブロックされました", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ka.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ka.json index 053926e5..18f38f64 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ka.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ka.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "ჩამოტვირთე და დააყენე Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "აქ", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "გაგზავნა", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "ხარვეზების აღმოფხვრა", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "დარწმუნდი, რომ შენი ოპერაციული სისტემა თავსებადია Scratch Link-თან", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Scratch-ის სხვა ასლების დახურვა", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/kk.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/kk.json index 6fbfd219..1b3267c7 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/kk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/kk.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch сілтемесін жүктеп, орнатыңыз.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "мұнда", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ "comment.pii.content3": "Бұл қауіпсіздіктің маңызды мәселесі.", "comment.type.unconstructive": "Сіздің соңғы пікіріңіз зиян тигізуі мүмкін нәрсе туралы айтылған сияқты.", "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "Сіздің соңғы пікірлеріңіздің бірі ренжітуі мүмкін нәрсе туралы айтылған сияқты.", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "Біз сізді басқа адамдардың жобаларына түсініктеме беру кезінде қолдауға шақырамыз", "comment.unconstructive.content1": "Сіздің пікіріңіз ренжітуі мүмкін нәрсе туралы айтқан сияқты.", "comment.unconstructive.content2": "Егер сіз бірдеңе жақсы болуы мүмкін деп ойласаңыз, жоба туралы ұнаған нәрсені айта аласыз және оны жақсарту туралы ұсыныс жасай аласыз.", "comment.type.vulgarity": "Соңғы пікіріңізде жаман сөз бар сияқты көрінді.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Жіберу", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Хабарламаңыз үшін рақмет.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Ақаулық себебін іздеу және түзету", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Сіздің операциялық жүйеңіз Scratch Link-пен үйлесімді екеніне көз жеткізіңіз", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Операциялық жүйенің минималды нұсқалары осы беттің жоғарғы жағында келтірілген. Немесе нұсқаны тексеру үшін қараңыз {winOSVersionLink}немесе {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Scratch-тің басқа көшірмелерін жабу", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth қолданбаға орналасу деректерін беру үшін пайдаланылуы мүмкін. Scratch қолданбасына орынға кіруге рұқсат беруден басқа, құрылғының жалпы параметрлерінде орналасу мүмкіндігі қосылуы керек. Параметрлеріңізден «Орналасқан жерді» іздеп, оның қосулы екеніне көз жеткізіңіз. Chromebooks-те Google Play Store Android қалауынан 'Орын' деп іздейді.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Аккаунты бұғатталған", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/km.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/km.json index 68f3376f..021dfcc6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/km.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/km.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "ទាញយក និងដំឡើង Scratch Link ។", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ "comment.pii.content3": "វាជាបញ្ហាសុវត្ថិភាពសំខាន់បំផុត។", "comment.type.unconstructive": "មតិចុងក្រោយរបស់អ្នកដូចជាបាននិយាយពីអ្វីមួយដែលបញ្ឈឺអ្នកដទៃ។", "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "មតិចុងក្រោយមួយរបស់អ្នកដូចជាបាននិយាយពីអ្វីមួយដែលបញ្ឈឺអ្នកដទៃ។", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "នៅពេលអ្នកបញ្ចេញមតិលើកិច្ចការអ្នកដទៃ យើងសូមលើកទឹកចិត្តឲ្យអ្នកបញ្ចេញមតិដែលមានការគាំទ្រ។", "comment.unconstructive.content1": "មតិរបស់អ្នកដូចជាបាននិយាយពីអ្វីមួយដែលបញ្ឈឺអ្នកដទៃ។", "comment.unconstructive.content2": "ប្រសិនបើអ្នកគិតថាមានអ្វីមួយដែលអាចប្រសើរជាងនេះ អ្នកអាចនិយាយពីអ្វីដែលអ្នកពេញចិត្តអំពីកិច្ចការនោះ ហើយប្រាប់ពីវិធីដែលអាចធ្វើឲ្យវាប្រសើរជាងមុន។", "comment.type.vulgarity": "មតិចុងក្រោយរបស់អ្នកដូចជាមានពាក្យមិនសមរម្យ", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "ផ្ញើ", "helpWidget.confirmation": "អរគុណសម្រាប់សាររបស់អ្នក", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "ប្លូធូស៍អាចត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីផ្តល់នូវទិន្នន័យទីតាំងទៅកាន់កម្មវិធី។ លើសពីនេះទីតាំងត្រូវតែបើកនៅក្នុងការកំណត់របស់ឧបករណ៍របស់អ្នក។ ស្វែងរក \"Location\" ក្នុងការកំណត់ ហើយត្រូវបើកវា។ សម្រាប់ Chromebook អ្នកអាចស្វែងរក \"Location\" នៅក្នុងការកំណត់សម្រាប់ Google Play Store Android ។", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "គណនីបានប្លុក", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ko.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ko.json index 67af58f9..319713e6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ko.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ko.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch Link를 다운로드하고 설치하세요.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "여기", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "보내기", "helpWidget.confirmation": "메시지를 보내주셔서 감사합니다.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "문제 해결", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "브라우저가 스크래치 링크와 호환되는지 확인하세요", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "운영체제가 Scratch Link와 호환 가능한지 확인하세요", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "운영체제의 최소 버전이 이 페이지의 위쪽에 나열되어 있습니다. {winOSVersionLink} 또는 {macOSVersionLink}의 버전을 확인하기 위한 설명을 참고하세요.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "macOS 12를 사용하는 경우 macOS 12.3 이상으로 업데이트하십시오. 이전 버전의 macOS 12는 Scratch Link에서 올바르게 작동하지 않습니다.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "스크래치의 다른 창을 닫으세요", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "블루투스는 앱에게 위치 정보를 제공하기 위해 사용될 수 있습니다. 스크래치 앱이 위치에 접근하도록 허용하는 것 외에도, 일반 장치 설정에서 위치가 사용 가능한 상태여야 합니다. 설정에서 '위치'를 검색하고, 그것이 켜져 있는지 확인하세요. Chromebook에서는 Google Play 스토어 Android 환경설정에서 '위치'를 검색하세요.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "정지된 계정", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ku.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ku.json index c772e6d2..0b0313fe 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ku.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ku.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratchê Linkê daxîne û saz bike.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "li vir", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Bişîne", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Çareserkirina Kêşeyan", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Ji hevahengbûna pergala xebitandinê(OS) û Scratch Linkê piştrast bibe.", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Guhertoyên herî kêm ên pergala xebitandinê(OS) li jora vê rûpelê hatiye lîstekirin. Ji bo kontrolkirina guhertoyên xwe yên {winOSVersionLink}ê an jî {macOSVersionLink}ê li rêbernameyê binêre.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Kopiyên Scrtachê yên din bigire", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lt.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lt.json index 5723104e..f816a560 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lt.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Trikčių šalinimas ir diagnostika", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lv.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lv.json index 7fe45398..029829b1 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lv.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/lv.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Lejuplādēt un instalēt Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "šeit", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Sūtīt", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Paldies par jūsu ziņu.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Problēmu novēršana", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Pārliecinieties, vai jūsu pārlūkprogramma ir saderīga ar Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Pārliecinieties, vai jūsu operētājsistēma ir saderīga ar Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimālās operētājsistēmas versijas ir norādītas šīs lapas augšdaļā. Skatiet norādījumus par {winOSVersionLink} vai {macOSVersionLink} versijas pārbaudi.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Ja izmantojat macOS 12, lūdzu, atjauniniet uz macOS 12.3 vai jaunāku versiju. Iepriekšējās macOS 12 versijas nedarbojas pareizi ar Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Aizveriet citas Scratch kopijas", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth var tika izmantots, lai iesniegtu lietotnei atrašanās vietas datus. Papildu, lai atļautu Scratch lietotnei piekļūt atrašanās vietai, tai ir jābūt iespējotai vispārīgajos ierīces iestatījumos. Meklē \"Atrašanās vieta\" savos iestatījumos un pārliecinies, ka tā ir ieslēgta. Chromebook ierīcēs meklē \"Atrašanās vieta\" Google Play veikala Android preferencēs.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Konts bloķēts", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json index ee6d4bf7..52ce8b59 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Te hononga tikiake, tāuta hoki mō te Scratch", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "kei konei", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "Tatari ki te Whakaaetanga", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Ka taea e koe te tāuru i tō Pūkete Scratch ināianei, engari kāore anō kia rite ngā āhuatanga tōtika e pā ana ki te hunga Pouako. Kei te arotakengia tō mōhiohio. Tēnā kia manawanui, kia kōtahi rangi pea te roa o te tukunga whakaaetanga. Kia whakaaetia tō pūkete ka whiwhi koe i tētahi īmēra e tohu ana kua whakahoungia tō pūkete.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Kua tutuki pai i a koe te whakarite i tō pūkete Scratch! Ināianei he mema koe o te akomanga:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Kua takiuru koe ināianei! Kātahi e taea ai e koe te tūhura me te waihanga i ngā kaupapa.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Kia tīmata, pāwhiria te pātene kei raro.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Ka wani kē! Nau mai ki Scratch!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Tukua", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Rapurongoā", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Kua Aukati te Pūkete", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mn.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mn.json index 7b209ac6..ba4b4f7c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mn.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch Link-г татаж, суулгана уу.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Илгээх", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Бүртгэл хориглогдсон байна", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nb.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nb.json index 7eef5d1a..4d5a92a5 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nb.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Last ned og installer ScratchLink", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "her", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Feilsøking", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Datamaskinen må ha et operativsystem som virker med ScratchLink", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minstekravene vises øverst på denne siden. Se tips om hvordan du sjekker din versjon av {winOSVersionLink} eller {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Lukk andre Scratch-vinduer", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth kan brukes til å gi appen informasjon om posisjon. I tillegg til å gi appen tillatelse til dette må posisjonsbaserte tjenester være aktivert i enhetens systeminnstillinger. Søk etter \"posisjon\" i innstillingene og sjekk at det er skrudd på. På Chromebook kan du søke etter \"posisjon\" i innstillingene for Google Play Store.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Brukerkontoen er sperret", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nl.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nl.json index 6dded74f..97ce9891 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nl.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download en installeer Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "hier", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Verzend", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Bedankt voor je bericht.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Probleemoplossing", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Zorg ervoor dat uw browser compatibel is met Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Zorg dat je besturingsysteem compatibel is met Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "De minimale versies van besturingssystemen staan bovenaan op deze pagina vermeld. Zie de instructies om de versie van je besturingsysteem te controleren van {winOSVersionLink} of {macOSVersionLink}", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Als je macOS 12 gebruikt, update dan naar macOS 12.3 of nieuwer. Eerdere versies van macOS 12 werken niet correct met Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Sluit andere vensters van Scratch.", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth kan worden gebruikt om locatiegegevens aan de app te verstrekken. Naast het verlenen van toestemming aan de Scratch-app voor toegang tot de locatie, moet de locatie zijn ingeschakeld in je algemene apparaatinstellingen. Zoek naar 'Locatie' in je instellingen en zorg ervoor dat deze is ingeschakeld. Zoek op Chromebooks naar 'Locatie' in de Android-voorkeuren van de Google Play Store.", "privacyBanner.update": "Het privacybeleid van Scratch is bijgewerkt, het gaat in op 25 mei 2023. Lees het nieuwe beleid hier.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account geblokkeerd", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nn.json index a073b472..0aae87f2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nn.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Last ned og installer Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "her", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "Vent på godkjenning", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Du kan logga på Scratch-kontoen no, men lærarfunksjonane er ikkje tilgjengelege enno. Søknaden du sende vert gjennomgått, og dette kan ta opptil eit døgn. Du får ein e-post når søknaden din er ferdig handsama og kontoen er oppgradert til lærarkonto.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Du har no fått ein Scratch-konto! Du er medlem i denne klassen:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Du er logga inn! Gjer deg kjend med nettstaden, og set i gang med å laga dine eigne program.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Trykk på knappen nedanfor for å setja i gang.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurra! Velkommen til Scratch!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Send", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Feilsøking", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Sjå til at operativsystemet ditt er kompatibelt med Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minstekrava for versjonar av operativsystem står øvst på sida her. Du kan òg lesa om korleis du sjekkar kva versjon du har av {winOSVersionLink} eller {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Lukk andre Scratch-instansar", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Brukarkontoen er sperra", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nso.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nso.json index 535f71cf..37e0ce13 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nso.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/nso.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Fegolla o be o tsenye kgokaganyo ya Scratch", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Romela", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Ke leboga molaetša wa gago", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth e ka šomišwa go fa tshedimošo ya lefelo go app. Go oketša le go fa Scratch app tumelelo ya go hwetša lefelo, Lefelo le swanetše go dumelelwa mo dihlophišong tša kakaretšo tša sedirišwa sa gago. Nyaka ' Lefelo' mo dihlophišong tša gago gomme o netefatše gore le buletšwe. Ge o šomiša Chromebooks nyaka 'Lefelo' go lebenkele la Google Play ka dikgetho tša Android.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/oc.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/oc.json index 58ccae72..c751dd51 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/oc.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/oc.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Tampar autras còpias de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/or.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/or.json index 1d7e78bc..cf3982d2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/or.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/or.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଲିଙ୍କ ଡାଉନଲୋଡ୍ ଏବଂ ଇନଷ୍ଟଲ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ |", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ "comment.pii.content3": "ଏହା ଏକ ଗୁରୁତର ସୁରକ୍ଷା ପ୍ରସଙ୍ଗ |", "comment.type.unconstructive": "ତୁମର ସଦ୍ୟତମ ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ ଏପରି କିଛି କହୁଛି ଯାହା ହୁଏତ କଷ୍ଟଦାୟକ ହୋଇପାରେ |", "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "ଅନ୍ୟ ଲୋକଙ୍କ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟ ଉପରେ ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ ଦେବାବେଳେ ଆମେ ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ଉତ୍ସାହିତ କରନ୍ତୁ |", "comment.unconstructive.content1": "ତୁମର ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ ଏପରି କିଛି କହୁଛି ଯାହା ହୁଏତ କଷ୍ଟଦାୟକ ହୋଇପାରେ |", "comment.unconstructive.content2": "ଯଦି ତୁମେ ଭାବୁଛ କି କିଛି ଆହୁରି ଭଲ ହୋଇପାରେ, ତୁମେ ପ୍ରୋଜେକ୍ଟ ବିଷୟରେ ପସନ୍ଦ କରୁଥିବା କିଛି କହିପାରିବ ଏବଂ ଏହାକୁ କିପରି ଉନ୍ନତ କରାଯିବ ସେ ସମ୍ବନ୍ଧରେ ଏକ ପରାମର୍ଶ ଦେଇ ପାରିବ |", "comment.type.vulgarity": "ତୁମର ସଦ୍ୟତମ ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ ରେ ଏକ ଖରାପ ଶବ୍ଦ ଥିବା ପରି ଜଣ ଯାଉଛି |", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "ପଠାନ୍ତୁ", "helpWidget.confirmation": "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସନ୍ଦେଶ ପାଇଁ ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ ।", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "ସମସ୍ୟା ନିବାଋଣ", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ ଯେ ଆପଣଙ୍କର ଅପରେଟିଂ ସିଷ୍ଟମ୍ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଲିଙ୍କ୍ ସହିତ ଚାଲିପାରିବ |", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "ସର୍ବନିମ୍ନ ଅପରେଟିଂ ସିଷ୍ଟମ୍ ସଂସ୍କରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଏହି ପୃଷ୍ଠାର ଶୀର୍ଷରେ ତାଲିକାଭୁକ୍ତ | ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସଂସ୍କରଣ {winOSVersionLink} ବା {macOSVersionLink}ଯାଞ୍ଚ ପାଇଁ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ ।", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "ୱିଣ୍ଡୋସ ", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ର ଅନ୍ୟ କପି ବନ୍ଦ କରନ୍ତୁ |", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "ଆପ୍ କୁ ସ୍ଥାନର ଡାଟା ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ୍ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଇପାରିବ | ସ୍ଥାନ କୁ ପ୍ରବେଶ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଆପ୍ ଅନୁମତି ଦେବା ବ୍ୟତୀତ, ଆପଣଙ୍କ ସାଧାରଣ ଡିଭାଇସ୍ ସେଟିଂସମୂହରେ ସ୍ଥାନ ସକ୍ଷମ ହେବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ | ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସେଟିଂସମୂହରେ 'ଲୋକେସନ' ଖୋଜନ୍ତୁ, ଏବଂ ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ ଯେ ଏହା ଜାରି ଅଛି | କ୍ରୋମବୁକ୍ ରେ ଗୁଗୁଲ ପ୍ଲେ ଷ୍ଟୋର ଆଣ୍ଡ୍ରଏଡ୍ ପ୍ରିଫରେନ୍ସ ରେ 'ଲୋକେସନ' ଖୋଜନ୍ତୁ|", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pl.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pl.json index 93c379fa..e6ad5893 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pl.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Pobierz i zainstaluj Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "tutaj", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Wyślij", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Dziękujemy za wiadomość.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Rozwiązywanie problemów", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Upewnij się, że twoja przeglądarka jest kompatybilna z Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Upewnij się, że system operacyjny jest kompatybilny z Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimalne wersje systemu operacyjnego są wymienione na górze tej strony. Zobacz instrukcje sprawdzania wersji {winOSVersionLink} lub {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Jeśli używasz systemu macOS 12, zaktualizuj system do wersji macOS 12.3 lub nowszej. Wcześniejsze wersje systemu macOS 12 nie działają poprawnie z Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "Mac", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zamknij inne kopie Scratcha", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Można wykorzystać Bluetooth, aby udostępniać aplikacji dane lokalizacyjne. Oprócz zezwolenia aplikacji Scratch na dostęp do lokalizacji, lokalizacja musi być włączona w ogólnych ustawieniach urządzenia. Wyszukaj „Lokalizacja” w ustawieniach i upewnij się, że jest włączona. Na Chromebookach wyszukaj „Lokalizacja” w preferencjach.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Konto zablokowane", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt-br.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt-br.json index 441d49ec..edce0086 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt-br.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt-br.json @@ -155,14 +155,12 @@ "installScratch.useScratchApp": "Abra o aplicativo do Scratch em seu dispositivo.", "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Instalação do Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Baixe e instale o Scratch Link", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Execute Scratch Link e certifique-se de que está funcionando. Deverá aparecer na sua barra do menu.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aqui", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Seção da Solução de Problemas", "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Embora o Scratch tenha sido projetado principalmente para crianças de 8 a 16 anos, ele é usado por pessoas de todas as idades, inclusive crianças mais jovens, com a ajuda de seus pais.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Qual é a faixa etária do Scratch?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Quais são os recursos disponíveis para aprendizagem no Scratch?", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Agradecemos sua mensagem.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Solução de problemas", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Tenha certeza de que seu navegador é compatível com o Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Tenha certeza de que seu sistema operacional é compatível com o Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "As versões mínimas dos sistemas operacionais estão listadas no topo desta página. Veja instruções para checar sua versão do {winOSVersionLink} ou {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Se você está usando macOS 12, por favor atualize para o macOS 12.3 ou mais recentes. O Scratch Link não funciona corretamente em versões mais antigas do macOS.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Feche outras cópias do Scratch", @@ -440,17 +441,17 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth pode ser usado para usar dados de localização no app. Além de garantir ao Aplicativo do Scratch permissão para acessar localização, isto também deve ser ativado nas configurações de seu dispositivo. Pesquise \"Localização\" em suas configurações, e certifique-se que esteja ligado. Em Chromebooks, pesquise \"Localização\" nas preferências da Google Play Store.", "privacyBanner.update": "A política de privacidade do Scratch foi atualizada, que entrará em ação dia 25 de maio de 2023. Você pode ver a nova política aqui.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Conta Bloqueada", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "Para recuperar o acesso à sua conta, troque seu nome de usuário.", - "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Sua conta do Scratch foi temporáriamente bloqueada pois o seu nome de usuário aparenta conter informações pessoais.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "Para recuperar o acesso da sua conta, troque seu nome de usuário.", + "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Sua conta do Scratch foi temporariamente bloqueada pois o seu nome de usuário aparenta conter informações pessoais.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "Isso é uma grave falha de privacidade. Quando você compartilha informações como esta, torna-se visível para qualquer um da internet, então tome cuidado com o que você for compartilhar", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "Quando for criar um nome de usuário, por favor, lembre-se de evitar usar sobrenomes, nomes de instituições escolares ou quaisquer outras informações pessoais.", - "renameAccount.yourScratchAccountInappropriate": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username is not appropriate for Scratch.", - "renameAccount.scratchIsForKids": "Scratch is for kids ages 8 and up, and it's important to us that the Scratch website is a safe and friendly educational resource for everyone, but that's hard to achieve if users are choosing disrespectful or inappropriate usernames.", - "renameAccount.rememberToFollow": "When creating a username, please remember to follow the {communityGuidelinesLink}", + "renameAccount.yourScratchAccountInappropriate": "Sua conta do Scratch foi temporariamente bloqueada pois o seu nome de usuário possui conteúdo inapropriado.", + "renameAccount.scratchIsForKids": "Scratch é uma plataforma destinada para crianças com 8 anos ou mais, e para nós é importante manter o Scratch um lugar seguro, amigável e educacional para todos e portanto, torna-se difícil para nós manter o site em ordem se houver usuários com nome de usuário desrespeitoso ou impróprio.", + "renameAccount.rememberToFollow": "Quando for escolher um nome de usuário, lembre-se de seguir as {communityGuidelinesLink}", "renameAccount.CommunityGuidelines": "Diretrizes da Comunidade", - "renameAccount.changeYourUsername": "Change your Username", - "renameAccount.makeSure": "Make sure the username you chose is aligned with {communityGuidelinesLink}", - "renameAccount.scratchsCommunityGuidelines": "Scratch's Community Guidelines", + "renameAccount.changeYourUsername": "Mudar seu Nome de Usuário", + "renameAccount.makeSure": "Certifique-se que o nome de usuário que você for escolher corresponde com as{communityGuidelinesLink}", + "renameAccount.scratchsCommunityGuidelines": "Diretrizes da Comunidade do Scratch", "renameAccount.change": "Mudar", - "renameAccount.pastNotifications": "Here are your past admin notifications" + "renameAccount.pastNotifications": "Aqui estão as suas notificações passadas dadas pelos administradores" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt.json index e7a6b0a2..4c29495c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/pt.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "general.status": "Filter Projects", - "general.languageChooser": "Select Language", + "general.status": "Filtrar Projetos", + "general.languageChooser": "Selecionar Idioma", "general.accountSettings": "Configurações da conta", "general.about": "Acerca", "general.aboutScratch": "Acerca do Scratch", @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ "general.conferences": "Conferências", "general.country": "País", "general.create": "Criar", - "general.credits": "Our Team", - "general.donors": "Donors", + "general.credits": "Nossa Equipe", + "general.donors": "Doadores", "general.dmca": "DMCA", "general.emailAddress": "Endereço de correio electrónico", "general.english": "Inglês", @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ "general.download": "Descarregar", "general.password": "Palavra-passe ", "general.press": "Imprensa", - "general.projectsSelected": "Projects Tab Selected", + "general.projectsSelected": "Aba Projetos Selecionada", "general.projectsNotS": "Projectos", "general.privacyPolicy": "Política de Privacidade", "general.projects": "Projectos", @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ "general.startOver": "Recomeçar", "general.statistics": "Estatísticas", "general.studios": "Estúdios", - "general.studiosSelected": "Studios Tab Selected", + "general.studiosSelected": "Aba Estúdios Selecionada", "general.studiosNotS": "Estúdios", "general.support": "Recursos", "general.ideas": "Ideias", @@ -115,21 +115,21 @@ "general.notAvailableSubtitle": "Não conseguimos encontrar a página que procurava. Verifique se o URL introduzido está correcto.", "general.seeAllComments": "Ver todos os comentários", "general.all": "Tudo", - "general.allSelected": "All Selected", + "general.allSelected": "Todos Selecionados", "general.animations": "Animações", - "general.animationsSelected": "Animations Selected", + "general.animationsSelected": "Animações Selecionadas", "general.art": "Arte", - "general.artSelected": "Art Selected", + "general.artSelected": "Artes Selecionadas", "general.games": "Jogos", - "general.gamesSelected": "Games Selected", + "general.gamesSelected": "Jogos Selecionados", "general.music": "Música", - "general.musicSelected": "Music Selected", + "general.musicSelected": "Músicas Selecionadas", "general.results": "Resultados", - "general.resultsSelected": "Results Selected", + "general.resultsSelected": "Resultados Selecionados", "general.stories": "Estórias", - "general.storiesSelected": "Stories Selected", + "general.storiesSelected": "Histórias Selecionadas", "general.tutorials": "Tutoriais", - "general.tutorialsSelected": "Tutorials Selected", + "general.tutorialsSelected": "Tutoriais Selecionados", "general.teacherAccounts": "Contas de Professor", "general.unsupportedBrowser": "Este navegador não é suportado", "general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "Lamentamos muito, mas o Scratch 3.0 não suporta o Internet Explorer, o Vivaldi, o Opera ou o Silk. Recomendamos que tente com um navegador mais recente, tal como o Google Chrome, o Mozilla Firefox ou o Microsoft Edge.", @@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ "general.year": "Ano", "footer.discuss": "Fóruns de Discussão", "footer.scratchFamily": "Família Scratch", - "footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch is available for free thanks to support from our {donorLink}. We are grateful to our Founding Partners:", + "footer.donorRecognition": "O Scratch é disponível gratuitamente graças ao suporte de nossos {donorLink}. Somos gratos a nossos Parceiros Fundadores:", "footer.donors": "patrocinadores", - "footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, and {donor4}.", + "footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3} e {donor4}.", "form.validationRequired": "Este campo é obrigatório", "login.needHelp": "Precisa de Ajuda?", "navigation.signOut": "Sair", @@ -155,14 +155,12 @@ "installScratch.useScratchApp": "Abrir a aplicação Scratch no seu dispositivo.", "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Instalar o Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descarregar e instalar o Scratch Link", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", + "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Execute Scratch Link e certifique-se de que está funcionando. Deverá aparecer na sua barra do menu.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aqui", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", - "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Troubleshooting section", + "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.linkText": "Seção da Solução de Problemas", "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Apesar de ser concebido principalmente para crianças entre os 8 e os 16 anos de idade, o Scratch é também usado por pessoas de todas as idades, incluindo crianças mais novas acompanhadas pelos seus pais.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Qual é a faixa etária do Scratch?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Que recursos estão disponíveis para aprender o Scratch?", @@ -252,26 +250,26 @@ "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Para começar, clique no botão abaixo.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurra! Bem-vindo ao Scratch!", "registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Bem-vindo ao Scratch, {username}!", - "emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} to enable sharing. {faqLink}", - "emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "Confirm your email", - "emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Having trouble?", - "emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "Confirm your email", + "emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} para habilitar o compartilhamento. {faqLink}", + "emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "Confirme seu email", + "emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Está com problema?", + "emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "Confirme seu email", "emailConfirmationModal.wantToShare": "Quer partilhar no Scratch?", - "emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email we sent to:", - "emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Resend confirmation email", - "emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Tips for confirming your email address", - "emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Wait for ten minutes. The email may take a while to arrive.", + "emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Confirme seu endereço de email clicando no link no email que enviamos para:", + "emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Enviar email de confirmação novamente", + "emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Dicas para confirmar seu endereço de email", + "emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Espere dez minutos. O email pode demorar um pouco para chegar.", "emailConfirmationModal.tipCheckSpam": "Verifique a sua pasta de correio não solicitado.", - "emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Make sure your email address is correct, see {accountSettings}.", + "emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Certifique-se de que seu endereço de email está correto, veja {accountSettings}.", "emailConfirmationModal.accountSettings": "Configurações da Conta", - "emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Want more information? {FAQLink}", - "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Check out the FAQ", - "emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Having Trouble? {tipsLink}", - "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Check out these tips", + "emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Quer mais informações? {FAQLink}", + "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Veja as perguntas frequentes.", + "emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Está com Problemas? {tipsLink}", + "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Veja essas dicas", "thumbnail.by": "por", "report.error": "Algo correu mal ao tentar enviar a sua mensagem. Por favor tente novamente.", "report.project": "Reportar Projecto", - "report.studio": "Report Studio", + "report.studio": "Denunciar Estúdio", "report.projectInstructions": "Quando faz um reporte, avisa a Equipa Scratch acerca de projectos que violam as {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Há algo neste projecto que viole as {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? Se julga que sim, por favor diga-nos mais.", "report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Linhas de Orientação da Comunidade Scratch", "report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Seleccione uma razão", @@ -361,7 +359,7 @@ "comments.cancel": "Cancelar", "comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 caractere disponível} many {{remainingCharacters} caracteres disponíveis} other {{remainingCharacters} caracteres disponíveis}}", "comments.loadMoreReplies": "Ver mais respostas", - "comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.", + "comments.replyLimitReached": "O limite de comentários nesta discussão se esgotou. Para continuar comentando, você pode iniciar uma nova discussão.", "comments.status.delbyusr": "Removido pelo proprietário do projecto", "comments.status.censbyfilter": "Censurado por filtro", "comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Comentário ascendente removido", @@ -376,46 +374,46 @@ "comments.status.acctdel": "Conta removida", "comments.status.deleted": "Removido", "comments.status.reported": "Reportado", - "comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.", - "comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.", - "comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.", - "comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.", - "comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here", - "comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch", - "comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!", - "comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.", - "comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know", - "comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?", - "comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.", - "comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!", - "comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.", - "comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max", - "comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty", - "comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didn’t follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.", - "comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.", - "comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.", - "comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.", - "comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.", - "comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so it’s important to keep it private.", - "comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.", - "comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.", - "comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.", - "comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.", - "comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.", - "comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.", - "comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.", - "comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so it’s important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.", - "comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.", - "comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.", - "comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.", - "comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.", - "comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!", + "comments.muted.duration": "Você poderá comentar de novo {inDuration}.", + "comments.muted.commentingPaused": "A habilidade de comentar da sua conta está pausada por enquanto.", + "comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "Se você quer saber mais, leia as {CommunityGuidelinesLink} .", + "comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "Para mais informações, {clickHereLink}.", + "comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "clique aqui", + "comments.muted.warningBlocked": "Se você continuar postando comentários assim, você será bloqueado de usar o Scratch", + "comments.muted.warningCareful": "Nós não queremos que isso aconteça, então por favor tenha cuidado e certifique-se que você leu e entende as {CommunityGuidelinesLink} antes de tentar postar de novo!", + "comments.muted.mistake": "Acha que isso foi um erro? {feedbackLink}.", + "comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Conte-nos", + "comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Acha que foi um erro?", + "comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Às vezes o filtro pega coisas por engano. Reportar um erro não mudará o tempo de espera até poder comentar de novo, mas o seu feedback vai ajudar a prevenir esses erros no futuro.", + "comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Obrigado por avisar!", + "comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Seu relato vai nos ajudar a melhorar o Scratch.", + "comments.muted.characterLimit": "Limite de 500 caracteres", + "comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Não pode estar vazio", + "comment.type.general": "Parece que o seu comentário mais recente não seguiu as Diretrizes da Comunidade Scratch.", + "comment.type.general.past": "Parece que um de seus comentários recentes não seguiu as Diretrizes da Comunidade Scratch.", + "comment.general.header": "Pedimos que poste comentários que sigam as Diretrizes da Comunidade Scratch.", + "comment.general.content1": "No Scratch, é importante que comentários sejam respeitosos, apropriados para todas as idades, e não contenham spam.", + "comment.type.pii": "Seu comentário mais recente parece estar compartilhando ou pedindo informações pessoais.", + "comment.type.pii.past": "Parece que um de seus comentários recentes estava compartilhando ou pedindo informações pessoais.", + "comment.pii.header": "Por favor não compartilhe informações pessoais no Scratch.", + "comment.pii.content1": "Parece que você estava compartilhando ou pedindo informações pessoais.", + "comment.pii.content2": "Tudo o que você compartilha no Scratch pode ser visto por qualquer um e pode aparecer em pesquisas na internet. Informações privadas podem ser usadas por outros de formas perigosas, então é importante mantê-las em segredo.", + "comment.pii.content3": "Isso é um problema sério de segurança.", + "comment.type.unconstructive": "Parece que o seu comentário mais recente dizia algo maldoso.", + "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "Parece que um de seus comentários recentes dizia algo maldoso.", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "Nós encorajamos você a ser positivo ao comentar em projetos de outras pessoas.", + "comment.unconstructive.content1": "Parece que o seu comentário dizia algo maldoso.", + "comment.unconstructive.content2": "Se você acha que algo podia ser melhorado, você pode dizer algo que gosta sobre o projeto e fazer uma sugestão sobre como aprimorá-lo.", + "comment.type.vulgarity": "Seu comentário mais recente parece conter um palavrão.", + "comment.type.vulgarity.past": "Parece que um de seus comentários recentes contém um palavrão.", + "comment.vulgarity.header": "Pedimos que use linguagem apropriada para todas as idades.", + "comment.vulgarity.content1": "Parece que o seu comentário contém um palavrão.", + "comment.vulgarity.content2": "Pessoas de todas as idades usam o Scratch, então é importante usar linguagem apropriada para todos.", + "comment.type.spam": "Seu comentário mais recente parece conter propaganda, arte de texto ou uma corrente.", + "comment.type.spam.past": "Um de seus comentários recentes parece conter propaganda, arte de texto ou uma corrente.", + "comment.spam.header": "Pedimos que não poste propaganda de seus projetos, copie e cola arte de texto, ou peça a outros copiarem seu comentário.", + "comment.spam.content1": "Mesmo que propagandas, arte em texto e correntes possam ser divertidas, elas começam a encher o site, e queremos deixar espaço para outros comentários.", + "comment.spam.content2": "Obrigado por ajudar a manter a comunidade do Scratch amigável e criativa!", "social.embedLabel": "Incorporar", "social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Copiar código para incorporar", "social.linkLabel": "Ligação", @@ -425,32 +423,35 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Obrigado pela sua mensagem.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Resolução de Problemas", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Tenha certeza de que seu navegador é compatível com o Scratch Link", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Assegure-se de que o seu sistema operativo é compatível com o Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "As versões mínimas dos sistemas operativos estão listadas no topo desta página. Veja as instruções sobre como verificar a sua versão do {winOSVersionLink} ou do {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Feche as outras cópias do Scratch", - "extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the {deviceName} at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", - "extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your {deviceNameShort}", - "extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a {deviceName} at a time. If you have another computer connected to your {deviceName}, disconnect the {deviceName} or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", + "extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Apenas uma instância do Scratch consegue conectar com o {deviceName} por vez. Se você está com o Scratch aberto em outras abas do seu navegador, feche-as e tente novamente.", + "extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Certifique-se que nenhum outro computador está conectado ao seu {deviceNameShort}", + "extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Apenas um computador por vez pode estar conectado a {deviceName}. Se você tem outro computador conectado ao seu {deviceName}, desconecte-o de {deviceName} ou feche o Scratch naquele computador, e tente novamente.", "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Assegure-se de que tem os serviços de localização activos em Chromebooks e em tábletes Android", "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "O bluetooth pode ser usado para disponibilizar dados de localização à aplicação. Para além de autorizar a aplicação Scratch a aceder à localização, a localização tem de estar activa nas configurações gerais do dispositivo. Procure «Localização» nas suas configurações e assegure-se de que está activa. Em Chromebooks, procure «Localização» nas preferências do Android para a Loja Google Play.", - "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", + "privacyBanner.update": "A política de privacidade do Scratch foi atualizada, que entrará em ação dia 25 de maio de 2023. Você pode ver a nova política aqui.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Conta Bloqueada", "renameAccount.toRecover": "Para recuperar o acesso à sua conta, troque seu nome de usuário.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Sua conta do Scratch foi temporáriamente bloqueada pois o seu nome de usuário aparenta conter informações pessoais.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "Isso é uma grave falha de privacidade. Quando você compartilha informações como esta, torna-se visível para qualquer um da internet, então tome cuidado com o que você for compartilhar", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "Quando for criar um nome de usuário, por favor, lembre-se de evitar usar sobrenomes, nomes de instituições escolares ou quaisquer outras informações pessoais.", - "renameAccount.yourScratchAccountInappropriate": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username is not appropriate for Scratch.", - "renameAccount.scratchIsForKids": "Scratch is for kids ages 8 and up, and it's important to us that the Scratch website is a safe and friendly educational resource for everyone, but that's hard to achieve if users are choosing disrespectful or inappropriate usernames.", - "renameAccount.rememberToFollow": "When creating a username, please remember to follow the {communityGuidelinesLink}", + "renameAccount.yourScratchAccountInappropriate": "Sua conta do Scratch foi temporariamente bloqueada pois o seu nome de usuário possui conteúdo inapropriado.", + "renameAccount.scratchIsForKids": "Scratch é uma plataforma destinada para crianças com 8 anos ou mais, e para nós é importante manter o Scratch um lugar seguro, amigável e educacional para todos e portanto, torna-se difícil para nós manter o site em ordem se houver usuários com nome de usuário desrespeitoso ou impróprio.", + "renameAccount.rememberToFollow": "Quando for escolher um nome de usuário, lembre-se de seguir as {communityGuidelinesLink}", "renameAccount.CommunityGuidelines": "Linhas de Orientação da Comunidade", - "renameAccount.changeYourUsername": "Change your Username", - "renameAccount.makeSure": "Make sure the username you chose is aligned with {communityGuidelinesLink}", - "renameAccount.scratchsCommunityGuidelines": "Scratch's Community Guidelines", + "renameAccount.changeYourUsername": "Mudar seu Nome de Usuário", + "renameAccount.makeSure": "Certifique-se que o nome de usuário que você for escolher corresponde com as{communityGuidelinesLink}", + "renameAccount.scratchsCommunityGuidelines": "Diretrizes da Comunidade do Scratch", "renameAccount.change": "Alterar", - "renameAccount.pastNotifications": "Here are your past admin notifications" + "renameAccount.pastNotifications": "Aqui estão as suas notificações passadas dadas pelos administradores" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/qu.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/qu.json index 31264b2a..8a18d936 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/qu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/qu.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "kaypi", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -166,7 +164,7 @@ "parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "sichus Scratch disiñasqa kachkan wambrakunapaq 8-16 watakunam, ichapas runakuna usanku llapan watayuqkunawan, uchuy wambrakunapas taytakunapas.", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "ima watam scratch llamkanapaq?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "ima rikursukunam scratch yachanampaq?", - "parents.introDescription": "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world. As children create with Scratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically. Scratch is designed and maintained by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.", + "parents.introDescription": "Scratmi huk rimay qillqay huk ayllu intirnit llamkay maypim wambrakuna llamkayninkuta aypunankupaq histuriyanta, pukllayta, kawsarinanta runakunawan llapan suyumanta. wambrakuna scratchwan, yanapaykuspan llamkayta, amutaspa sumaqpunita. Scratchmi disiñasqa kachkan, uywasqa huñukusqanku Lifelong Kindergarten MIT yachay llamkaykuna.", "registration.birthDateStepInfo": "This helps us understand the age range of people who use Scratch. We use this to confirm account ownership if you contact our team. This information will not be made public on your account.", "registration.birthDateStepTitle": "When were you born?", "registration.cantCreateAccount": "Scratch could not create your account.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "Wait for Approval", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "You have successfully set up a Scratch account! You are now a member of the class:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Qallarirqankiñachu! llamkawaqñam Qallari maskarispayki llamkaykunata ruwaspayki.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "To get started, click on the button below.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurray! Welcome to Scratch!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Apachiy", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Sasachaykunata Allichay", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Qawarikuy kay Sistema opiratib kumpatibli kachun Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows nisqan", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "wichqay achka Scrtach kichasqaykita", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Yaykunayki takyasqa", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/rap.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/rap.json index 42490398..df9db710 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/rap.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/rap.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aquí", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Enviar", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Resuelve tus problemas", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "cierra otras copias de Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ro.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ro.json index 6256433b..c0c5f13b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ro.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ro.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descarca si instaleaza Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "aici", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Trimite", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Multumesc pentru mesajul tau.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Depanare", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Asigurați-vă că browserul dvs. este compatibil cu Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Asigurați-vă că sistemul dvs. de operare este compatibil cu Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Versiunile minime ale sistemului de operare sunt listate în partea de sus a acestei pagini. Consultați instrucțiunile pentru verificarea versiunii dvs. de {winOSVersionLink} sau {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Dacă utilizați macOS 12, vă rugăm să actualizați la macOS 12.3 sau mai nou. Versiunile anterioare de macOS 12 nu funcționează corect cu Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Închideți alte copii ale lui Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth poate fi folosit pentru a furniza date despre locație aplicației. Pe lângă acordarea permisiunii aplicației Scratch de a accesa locația, locația trebuie să fie activată în setările generale ale dispozitivului. Căutați „Locație” în setările dvs. și asigurați-vă că este activat. Pe Chromebookuri, căutați „Locație” în preferințele Android Magazin Google Play.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Cont blocat", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json index dd23b3f7..b56cd70b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Скачать и установить Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "здесь", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Отправить", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Спасибо Вам за Ваше сообщение.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Устранение проблем", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Убедитесь в том, что ваш браузер совместим с Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Убедитесь, что ваша операционная система поддерживает Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Минимальные версии операционной системы перечислены в верхней части этой страницы. Смотрите инструкции для проверки вашей версии {winOSVersionLink} или {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Если вы используете macOS 12, пожалуйста, обновитесь до macOS 12.3 или новее. Ранние версии macOS 12 работают некорректно со Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Закройте другие копии Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth может быть использован для предоставления данных местоположения приложению. В дополнение к предоставлению приложению Scratch разрешения на доступ к местоположению, местоположение должно быть включено в общих настройках Вашего устройства. Найдите пункт «Местоположение» в своих настройках и убедитесь, что оно включено. На устройствах Chromebook выполните поиск «Местоположение» в настройках Android в магазине Google Play.", "privacyBanner.update": "Политика конфиденциальности Скретча была обновлена, и войдёт в силу 25 мая 2023. Вы можете посмотреть новую версию здесь.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Учетная запись заблокирована", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json index 8fe269b9..1b0abcb2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Prevziať a nainštalovať Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "tu", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Odoslať", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Ďakujem vám za vašu správu.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Riešenie problémov", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Uistite sa, že váš prehliadač je kompatibilný so Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Presvedčte sa, že váš operačný systém je kompatibilný so Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Ak používate macOS 12, aktualizujte na macOS 12.3 alebo novší. Staršie verzie macOS 12 nefungujú správne so Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth možno použiť na poskytovanie údajov o polohe do aplikácie. Okrem udelenia povolenia aplikácii Scratch na prístup k polohe musí byť poloha povolená vo všeobecných nastaveniach zariadenia. V nastaveniach vyhľadajte „Poloha“ a uistite sa, že je zapnutá. Na Chromebookoch vyhľadajte „Poloha“ v predvoľbách Androidu v Obchode Google Play.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Účet je zablokovaný", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sl.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sl.json index 6868ee27..49a6f832 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sl.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Prenesi in namesti Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "tu", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Pošlji", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Hvala za tvoje sporočilo", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Odpravljanje težav", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Preveri, če je tvoj operacijski sistem združljiv s Scratch Linkom.", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Najnižje možne različice operacijskih sistemov so navedene na vrhu strani. Oglej si navodila, kako preveriš svojo različico za {winOSVersionLink} ali {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zapri ostale kopije Scratcha", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth se lahko v aplikaciji uporablja za ugotavljanje položaja. Poleg dovoljenja za dostop do položaja v Scratch aplikaciji, mora biti lokacijska storitev vklopljena tudi v splošnih nastavitvah naprave. V nastavitvah poiščite 'lokacija' in se prepričajte, da so vklopljene. Na Chromebook napravah poiščite 'lokacija' v nastavitvah trgovine Google Play.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Račun je blokiran.", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sr.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sr.json index 9ef7f2ec..bae2f31d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sr.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Преузми и инсталирај Скрач везу (Scratch Link).", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "овде", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Пошаљи", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Хвала на вашој поруци.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Решавање проблема", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Увери се да је твој прегледач интернета подржан Скрач везом (Scratch Link)", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Увери се да је твој оперативни систем подржан Скрач везом (Scratch Link)", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Најниже верзије оперативног система су исписане на врху ове стране. Погледај инструкције за проверу верзије твог {winOSVersionLink} или {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Уколико користите macOS 12, ажурирајте верзију на macOS 12.3 или новију. Старије верзије macOS 12 не функционишу исправно са Скрач везом (Scratch Link).", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Виндоус", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "Mac OS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Затвори друге копије Скрача", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth се може користити за пружање података о локацији апликацији. Поред давања дозволе Скрач апликацији за приступ локацији, локација мора бити омогућена у општим подешавањима уређаја. Потражите 'Локација' својим подешавањима и уверите се да је укључена. На Chromebook уређају тражите 'Локација' унутар Google Play Store Android подешавања.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Налог је блокиран", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sv.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sv.json index fcbeb089..a48c81fa 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sv.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sv.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Ladda ned och installera Scratchkoppling.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "här", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Skicka", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Tack för ditt meddelande.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Felsökning", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Se till att din webbläsare är kompatibel med Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Se till så att ditt operativsystem är kompatibelt med Scratchlink", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Listan överst på sidan visar vilken version av operativsystem du minst måste ha. Se instruktioner för att kolla din version av {winOSVersionLink} eller {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Om du använder macOS 12, uppdatera till macOS 12.3 eller senare. Tidigare versioner av macOS 12 fungerar inte korrekt med Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Stäng andra kopior av Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth kan användas för att tillhandahålla platsdata till appen. Förutom att ge Scratch-appen behörighet att komma åt plats måste plats vara aktiverat i dina allmänna enhetsinställningar. Sök efter Plats i dina inställningar och se till att den är på. På Chromebooks sök efter Plats i Google Play Butiks Android-inställningar.", "privacyBanner.update": "Scratch integritetspolicy har uppdaterats. Den nya gäller från och med 25 maj 2023. Du kan se den nya policyn här.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Kontot blockerat", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sw.json index d73b6737..2b056b69 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sw.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Pakua na kusakinisha Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "hapa", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ "comment.pii.content3": "Hili ni suala nyeti la usalama.", "comment.type.unconstructive": "Inaonekana kwamba maoni yako ya hivi karibuni yalikuwa yakisema kitu ambacho kinaweza kudhuru.", "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "Inaonekana kwamba mojawapo ya maoni yako ya hivi karibuni yalikuwa yakisema kitu ambacho kinaweza kudhuru.", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects.", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "Tunakuhimiza uunge mkono unapotoa maoni juu ya miradi ya watu wengine", "comment.unconstructive.content1": "Inaonekana kwamba maoni yako yalikuwa yakisema kitu ambacho kinaweza kudhuru.", "comment.unconstructive.content2": "Ikiwa unafikiri kitu kinaweza kuwa bora, unaweza kusema kitu unachopenda kuhusu mradi, na kutoa pendekezo kuhusu jinsi ya kuiboresha.", "comment.type.vulgarity": "Maoni yako ya hivi karibuni yalionekana kuhusisha neno baya.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Tuma", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Asante kwa ujumbe wako.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Kusuluhisha", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Hakikisha mfumo wa uendeshaji wako unaendana na kiungo cha Scratch ", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Matoleo ya kiwango cha chini ya mfumo wa uendeshaji yameorodheshwa juu ya ukurasa huu. Tazama maagizo ya jinsi ya kukagua toleo la mfumo wako wa uendeshaji wa {winOSVersionLink} au {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Sitisha nakala zingine za Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth inaweza kutumika kutoa data ya eneo kwa programu. Mbali na kutoa ruhusa ya Programu ya kupata eneo, eneo lazima liwezeshwa katika mipangilio ya kifaa chako cha jumla. Tafuta 'Mahali' katika mipangilio yako, na hakikisha imewashwa. Kwenye vitabu vya Chromebooks tafuta 'Mahali' katika upendeleo wa Google Play Hifadhi.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/th.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/th.json index b474e0c5..2dc40d2b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/th.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/th.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "ดาวน์โหลดและติดตั้ง Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "ที่นี่", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "ส่ง", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "การแก้ไขปัญหา", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "ปิดหน้าต่าง Scratch อื่นๆ", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "บัญชีถูกบล็อก", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tn.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tn.json index 30f28341..d26aa74c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tn.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Itseele le go tsenya kgokagano ya Scratch", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Romela", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Ke lebogela molaetsa wa gago.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth e ka dirisetswa go naya data ya lefelo go app. Mo godimo ga go naya Scratch app tetla ya go tsena mo lefelong, lefelo le tshwanetse go bo le dira mo sedirisweng sa gago. Batla 'Lefelo\" mme o netefatse gore sediriswa se a dira. Mo Chromebooks batla 'Lefelo' mo lebenkeleng la Google Play Android mme o tlhophe tse o di ratang.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json index 9752568f..9e96f26e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch Link'i indirin ve kurun.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "buraya", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Gönder", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Mesajınız için teşekkürler.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Sorun Giderme", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Tarayıcınızın Scratch Link ile uyumlu olduğundan emin olun", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "İşletim sisteminizin Scratch Link ile uyumlu olduğundan emin olun.", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimum işletim sistemi sürümleri bu sayfanın en üstünde listelenmiştir. {winOSVersionLink} veya {macOSVersionLink} sürümünüzü kontrol etmek için talimatları inceleyin.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "macOS 12 kullanıyorsanız lütfen macOS 12.3 veya daha yenisine güncelleyin. macOS 12'nin önceki sürümleri, Scratch Link ile düzgün çalışmıyor.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Scratch'in diğer kopyalarını kapatın.", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth, uygulamaya konum verileri sağlamak için kullanılabilir. Scratch Uygulamasına konuma erişim izni vermenin yanı sıra, genel cihaz ayarlarınızda konum etkinleştirilmelidir. Ayarlarınızda 'Konum'u arayın ve açık olduğundan emin olun. Chromebook'larda Google Play Store Android tercihlerinde 'Konum' için arama yapın.", "privacyBanner.update": "Scratch gizlilik politikası 25 Mayıs 2023 tarihinden itibaren güncellendi. Yeni politikayı buradan görebilirsiniz.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Hesap Donduruldu", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "Hesabınıza erişimi kurtarmak için kullanıcı adınızı değiştirin.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Kullanıcı adınız kişisel bilgiler içeriyor gibi göründüğü için scratch hesabınız geçici olarak engellendi.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "Bu ciddi bir gizlilik sorunudur. Bu tür bilgiler paylaştığınızda internetteki herkes tarafından görülebilir, bu yüzden lütfen paylaştıklarınıza dikkat edin.", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "Bir kullanıcı adı oluştururken lütfen kullanıcı adınızda soyadı, okul adı veya diğer özel bilgileri kullanmaktan kaçının.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uk.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uk.json index 47313ae1..46d512c5 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uk.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "тут", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "Wait for Approval", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "You have successfully set up a Scratch account! You are now a member of the class:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Ви авторизовані! Ви можете переглядати та створювати проекти.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "To get started, click on the button below.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurray! Welcome to Scratch!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Надіслати", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Пошук і усунення несправностей", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Переконайтеся що ваша операційна система функціонує з Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Мінімальні версії операційних систем перераховані на початку сторінки. Перегляньте інструкцію щоб дізнатись версію вашого {winOSVersionLink} або {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Закрийте копії Скретчу", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Обліковий запис заблоковано", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uz.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uz.json index a2d5fcf8..f3e79a49 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uz.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/uz.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Scratch Link ni o'rnating va yuklab oling", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "bu yerda", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Jo'nating", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Nosozliklarni tuzatish", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Operatsion tizimingiz Scratch Link bilan mos kelishiga ishonch xosil qiling", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Eng kam operatsion tizimi versiyalari bu sahifaning yuqorisida ro'yxatga olingan. Sizning 1 {winOSVersionLink} yoki 2 {macOSVersionLink} versiyangizni tekshirish uchun ko'rsatmalarni ko'ring.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Scratch ning boshqa nusxalarini yoping", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth ilovaga joylashuv haqida axborot taqdim etishda foydalanilishi mumkin. Scratch ilovasiga joylashuvni aniqlashga ruxsat berganingizdan tashqari, qurilmangizning asosiy sozlamalarida joylashuvni aniqlash yoqilgan boʻlishi kerak. Sozlamalaringizda “Joylashuv” bandini toping va u faol ekaniga ishonch hosil qiling. Chromebookda Google Play doʻkonidagi Android sozlamalari orasidan “Joylashuv” bandini qidiring.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/vi.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/vi.json index 0c523a61..c7ab2e7d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/vi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/vi.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Tải về và cài đặt Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "tại đây", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ "registration.waitForApproval": "Chờ phê duyệt", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Bạn có thể đăng nhập vào Tài khoản Scratch của mình ngay bây giờ, nhưng các tính năng dành riêng cho Giáo viên vẫn chưa khả dụng. Thông tin của bạn đang được xem xét. Hãy kiên nhẫn, quá trình phê duyệt có thể mất đến một ngày. Bạn sẽ nhận được email cho biết tài khoản của bạn đã được nâng cấp sau khi tài khoản được chấp thuận.", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Bạn đã thiết lập thành công tài khoản Scratch! Bạn hiện là học viên của lớp:", - "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "You’re now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", + "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Bây giờ bạn đã đăng nhập! Bạn có thể bắt đầu khám phá và tạo ra các chương trình.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Để bắt đầu, bấm vào nút bên dưới.", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurray! Chào mừng bạn đến với Scratch!", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Gửi", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Khắc phục sự cố", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Chắn chắn rằng hệ thống của bạn tương thích với Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Phiên bản hệ thống tối thiểu được liệt kê ở đầu trang này. Xem hướng dẫn kiểm tra phiên bản cho {winOSVersionLink} hoặc {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Đóng các bản sao khác của Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Tài khoản bị khóa", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/xh.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/xh.json index 0d6f57ae..5d9704fa 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/xh.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/xh.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Khuphela uze ufake i-Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Thumela", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Enkosi ngomyalezo wakho", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Troubleshooting", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Make sure your operating system is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "The minimum operating system versions are listed at the top of this page. See instructions for checking your version of {winOSVersionLink} or {macOSVersionLink}.", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "I-Bluetooth ingasetyenziselwa ukubonelela ngedatha yendawo kwi-app. Ukongeza ekunikezeleni i-Scratch App imvume yokufikelela kwindawo, indawo kufuneka yenziwe ukuba isebenze kuseto lwesixhobo sakho ngokubanzi. Khangela u 'Location' kuseto lwakho, kwaye uqiniseke ukuba iyasebenza. Kwiincwadi zeChrome khangela u'Location' kwivenkile yeGoogle Play ezikhetha-Android.", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-cn.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-cn.json index a66a4bcd..c39ce09d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-cn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-cn.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "下载并安装Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "此处", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "提交", "helpWidget.confirmation": "谢谢你的反馈。", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "问题排除", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "确保电脑操作系统与Scratch Link兼容", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "本页顶端列出了操作系统最低版本要求。详见{winOSVersionLink}和{macOSVersionLink}版本检查指南。", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "如果您正在使用macOS 12,请更新至macOS 12.3或更高版本。早期版本的macOS 12无法正确使用Scratch Link。", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "关闭其他Scratch副本", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "蓝牙可能为应用程序提供位置数据。授权Scratch应用程序使用位置信息之外,还必须在设备的通用设置中开启定位服务。在设置中搜索「位置」,确认其已经开启。在Chromebook上的Google Play商店安卓设置中搜索「位置」。", "privacyBanner.update": "Scratch 隐私政策已更新,于 2023 年 5 月 25 日生效。您可以在 此处查看新政策", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "账号被锁定", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-tw.json index de21f9c8..cb7d2938 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-tw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zh-tw.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "general.status": "Filter Projects", - "general.languageChooser": "Select Language", + "general.status": "筛选项目", + "general.languageChooser": "选择语言", "general.accountSettings": "帳戶設定", "general.about": "關於", "general.aboutScratch": "關於 Scratch", @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ "general.download": "下載", "general.password": "密碼", "general.press": "新聞", - "general.projectsSelected": "Projects Tab Selected", + "general.projectsSelected": "作品选项卡已选中", "general.projectsNotS": "專案", "general.privacyPolicy": "隱私權政策", "general.projects": "專案", @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ "general.startOver": "重來", "general.statistics": "統計", "general.studios": "創作坊", - "general.studiosSelected": "Studios Tab Selected", + "general.studiosSelected": "工作室选项卡已选中", "general.studiosNotS": "創作坊", "general.support": "資源", "general.ideas": "靈感", @@ -115,21 +115,21 @@ "general.notAvailableSubtitle": "我們找不到你要造訪的頁面,請檢查輸入的網址是否正確。", "general.seeAllComments": "檢視所有評論", "general.all": "所有", - "general.allSelected": "All Selected", + "general.allSelected": "全部已选中", "general.animations": "動畫", - "general.animationsSelected": "Animations Selected", + "general.animationsSelected": "动画已选中", "general.art": "藝術", - "general.artSelected": "Art Selected", + "general.artSelected": "艺术已选中", "general.games": "遊戲", - "general.gamesSelected": "Games Selected", + "general.gamesSelected": "游戏已选中", "general.music": "音樂", - "general.musicSelected": "Music Selected", + "general.musicSelected": "音乐已选中", "general.results": "結果", - "general.resultsSelected": "Results Selected", + "general.resultsSelected": "结果已选中", "general.stories": "故事", - "general.storiesSelected": "Stories Selected", + "general.storiesSelected": "故事已选中", "general.tutorials": "教學課程", - "general.tutorialsSelected": "Tutorials Selected", + "general.tutorialsSelected": "教程已选中", "general.teacherAccounts": "教師帳號", "general.unsupportedBrowser": "瀏覽器不支援", "general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "很抱歉,Scratch 3.0 不支援 Internet Explorer、Vivaldi、Opera、Silk。建議你改用其它的主流瀏覽器,像是 Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge。", @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "下載並安裝 Scratch Link。", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "此處", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "送出", "helpWidget.confirmation": "感謝您提供的資訊。", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "問題排除", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "確定你的瀏覽器與 Scratch Link 相容", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "確定你的操作系統與 Scratch Link 相容", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "相容的操作系統清單可以在頁面頂部看到,不知道你使用的系統版本?請參考指引:{winOSVersionLink}、{macOSVersionLink}。", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "如果你的系統是 macOS 12,請更新到 macOS 12.3 以上的版本。因為 Scratch Link 無法正常運作於 macOS 12 與之前的版本。", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "關閉其它的 Scratch 複本", @@ -438,9 +439,9 @@ "extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "{deviceName} 一次只能與一台電腦連接。如果有任何電腦連接到你的 {deviceName},請先將 {deviceName} 中斷連線,或是關閉電腦上的 Scratch 編輯器後再試一次。", "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "你必須在 Chromebooks 或 Android 平板上允許使用定位服務。", "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "藍牙可用來向應用程式提供定位數據。除了授允 Scratch App 存取位置的權限外,還必須在一般裝置中啟用定位功能。在你的設置中找到「定位」的相關設定,確認是否啟動。在Chromebook 上,在 Google Play 商店的 Android 偏好設置中搜索「位置」。", - "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", + "privacyBanner.update": "Scratch 隐私政策已更新,于 2023 年 5 月 25 日生效。您可以在 此处查看新政策", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "帳號已被封鎖", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json index c9788b51..98623d18 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Downloda bese ufaka ilink kaScratch", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.macOS": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your menu bar.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink.Windows": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your notification area (system tray).", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.macOS": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", - "installScratchLink.startScratchLink2.Windows": "If it does not appear, run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.bodyText": "To learn more about Scratch Link, click {linkText}.", "installScratchLink.learnMore.linkText": "here", "installScratchLink.ifYouHaveTrouble.bodyText": "If you have trouble, see the {linkText} for tips.", @@ -425,11 +423,14 @@ "helpWidget.submit": "Thumela", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Siyabonga ngomlayezo wakho.", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Ukuxazulula izinkinga", + "extensions.scratchLinkRunning": "Make sure Scratch Link is running", + "extensions.startScratchLink.macOS": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your menu bar, run Scratch Link from your Applications folder.", + "extensions.startScratchLink.Windows": "If Scratch Link does not appear in your notification area (system tray), run Scratch Link from your Start menu.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", - "extensions.browserCompatibilityText2": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use Safari, please upgrade to Scratch Link 2.0.", + "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link is compatible with most browsers on macOS and Windows. For Safari, please update to Scratch Link 2.x, Safari 14 or newer, and macOS 10.15 or newer.", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Qiniseka ukuthi indlela yokusebenza iyahambisana ne-Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Amaveshini avamile ezindlela zokusebenza ahlelwe ngenhla kwaleli khasi. Bheka imiyalelo yokuhlola iveshini yakho ku-{winOSVersionLink}noma ku-{macOSVersionLink}. ", - "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", + "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 may not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Vala amanye amakhophi e-Scratch", @@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "I-Bluetooth ingasetshenziswa ukunikeza idatha yendawo ku-app. Ngaphezu kokunikeza imvume i-Scratch App ukuthi singene endaweni, indawo kufanele ivumeleke kumasethingi edivayisi evamile yakho. Funa 'Indawo' kumasethingi akho, futhi uqiniseke ivuliwe. kuma-Chromebook funa 'Indawo' oyikhethayo ku-Google Play Store Android. ", "privacyBanner.update": "The Scratch privacy policy has been updated, effective May 25, 2023. You can see the new policy here.", "renameAccount.accountBlocked": "Account Blocked", - "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover a access to your account, change your username.", + "renameAccount.toRecover": "To recover access to your account, change your username.", "renameAccount.yourScratchAccount": "Your scratch account has been temporarily blocked because your username appears to contain personal information.", "renameAccount.privacyIssue": "This is a serious privacy issue. When you share information like this, it is visible to everyone on the internet, so please be careful what you share", "renameAccount.thingsToAvoid": "When creating a username, please remember to avoid using last names, school names, or other private information in your username.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.guidelines-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.guidelines-l10njson/pt.json index 32fab830..97a19fec 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.guidelines-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.guidelines-l10njson/pt.json @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ { "guidelines.title": "Linhas de Orientação da Comunidade Scratch", - "guidelines.header1": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together.", - "guidelines.header2": "We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.", - "guidelines.header3": "Help keep Scratch a welcoming, supportive, and creative space for all by following these Community Guidelines:", - "guidelines.respectheader": "Treat everyone with respect.", - "guidelines.respectbody": "Scratchers have diverse backgrounds, interests, identities, and experiences. Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same. It’s never OK to attack a person or group’s identity or to be unkind to someone about their background or interests.", - "guidelines.privacyheader": "Be safe: keep personal and contact information private.", - "guidelines.privacybody": "For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication, in person or online. This includes sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.", - "guidelines.helpfulheader": "Give helpful feedback.", - "guidelines.helpfulbody": "Everyone on Scratch is learning. When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.", - "guidelines.remixheader": "Embrace remix culture.", - "guidelines.remixbody1": "Remixing is when you build upon someone else’s projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.", - "guidelines.remixbody2": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers. You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. And when you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.", + "guidelines.header1": "O Scratch é uma comunidade amigável e acolhedora para todos, onde as pessoas criam, compartilham e aprendem juntas.", + "guidelines.header2": "Aceitamos pessoas de todas as idades, raças, etnias, religiões, habilidades, orientações sexuais e identidades de gênero.", + "guidelines.header3": "Ajude a manter o Scratch como um espaço acolhedor, apoiador e criativo para todos seguindo essas Diretrizes da Comunidade:", + "guidelines.respectheader": "Trate todos com respeito.", + "guidelines.respectbody": "Scratchers têm diversas origens, interesses, identidades e experiências. Todos no Scratch são encorajados a compartilhar o que gostam e consideram importante—esperamos que você encontre maneiras de celebrar sua própria identidade no Scratch, e permita que outros façam o mesmo. Nunca é certo atacar a identidade de uma pessoa ou grupo ou ser desrespeitoso com alguém sobre sua vida ou interesses.", + "guidelines.privacyheader": "Tenha cuidado: mantenha informações pessoais e de contato em sigilo.", + "guidelines.privacybody": "Por razões de segurança, não forneça informações que possam ser usadas para comunicação privada, pessoalmente ou online. Isso inclui compartilhar sobrenomes reais, números de telefone, endereços, cidades onde morou, nomes de escolas, endereços de email, nomes de usuário ou links para sites de redes sociais, aplicativos de videochamada ou sites com bate-papo privado.", + "guidelines.helpfulheader": "Faça críticas construtivas.", + "guidelines.helpfulbody": "Todos no Scratch estão aprendendo. Ao comentar em um projeto, lembre-se de dizer algo que você gosta sobre ele, ofereça sugestões e seja gentil, não crítico. Por favor, comente com respeito e evite enviar spam ou correntes. Encorajamos você a tentar coisas novas, experimentar e aprender com os outros.", + "guidelines.remixheader": "Abrace a cultura da remixagem.", + "guidelines.remixbody1": "Remixar é quando você usa projetos, códigos, ideias, imagens ou qualquer outra coisa que os outros compartilham no Scratch para criar algo único.", + "guidelines.remixbody2": "Remixar é um ótimo jeito de colaborar e se conectar com outros Scratchers. Você é encorajado a usar qualquer coisa que encontrar no Scratch em suas próprias criações, desde que você dê crédito a todos cujo trabalho você usou e faça mudanças significativas. E quando você compartilha algo no Scratch, você está dando permissão para todos os Scratchers usarem seu trabalho em suas criações, também.", "guidelines.honestyheader": "Seja honesto.", - "guidelines.honestybody": "It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account. Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.", + "guidelines.honestybody": "É importante ser honesto e verdadeiro ao interagir com outras pessoas no Scratch, e lembre-se que há uma pessoa por trás de cada conta no Scratch. Espalhar rumores, fingir ser outros Scratchers ou celebridades, ou fingir ter alguma doença grave não mostra respeito à Comunidade Scratch.", "guidelines.friendlyheader": "Ajude a manter o sítio Web amigável.", - "guidelines.friendlybody": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it. Please use the “Report” button rather than engaging in fights, spreading rumors about other people’s behavior, or otherwise responding to any inappropriate content. The Scratch Team will look at your report and take the appropriate action." + "guidelines.friendlybody": "É importante que suas criações e conversas sejam amigáveis e apropriadas para todas as idades. Se você acha que algo no Scratch é maldoso, insultante, muito violento ou perturbador para a comunidade, clique em \"Denunciar\" para nos informar. Por favor, use o botão \"Denunciar\" em vez de entrar em brigas, espalhar rumores sobre o comportamento de outras pessoas, ou sequer responder a conteúdo inapropriado. A Equipe Scratch analisará sua denúncia e tomará as medidas necessárias." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/es-419.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/es-419.json index cb13bc37..83332517 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/es-419.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/es-419.json @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ "ideas.activityGuidesText": "¿Qué quieres hacer con Scratch? Para cada actividad, puede probar el tutorial, descargar un juego de tarjetas de codificación o ver la guía del educador.", "ideas.animateANameTitle": "Anima un nombre", "ideas.animateANameDescription": "Anima las letras de tu nombre, iniciales o palabra favorita.", - "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "The name ANYA in all caps and blocked letters is poised to wiggle", + "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "El nombre ANYA en mayúsculas y letras bloqueadas está a punto de menearse", "ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "Anima un Personaje", "ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "Da vida a los personajes con animación.", "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "Un taco con una varita mágica, un gorro de mago y una floreciente barba blanca flota encantadamente en la órbita terrestre baja.", "ideas.makeMusicTitle": "Crea música", "ideas.makeMusicDescription": "Elija instrumentos, agregue sonidos y presione teclas para reproducir música.", - "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Strings vibrate on an illustrated Gibson explorer.", + "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Las cuerdas vibran en una Gibson explorer ilustrada.", "ideas.createAStoryTitle": "Crea una historia", "ideas.createAStoryDescription": "Elija personajes, agregue conversación y haga que su historia cobre vida.", "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "Un mago llama a una bruja viajera para que se dirija a un castillo lejano.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index c5766c4a..199facd3 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { "ideas.headerMessage": "さて、あなたはなにを、そうさくするのかな?", - "ideas.headerImageDescription": "Outlandish creations from pixelated unicorns to drumbeat waveforms to levitating tacos to buckets of rainbows.", + "ideas.headerImageDescription": "ピクセル化されたユニコーン、ドラムビートの波形、浮遊するタコス、虹のバケツなど、奇想天外な作品", "ideas.headerButtonMessage": "チュートリアルをえらぶ", "ideas.gettingStartedTitle": "さあ、はじめましょう", "ideas.gettingStartedText": "Scratchは、はじめてですか? そうなら、チュートリアルをためしてください。", - "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "An illustrated boy plants his flag on top of a freshly painted mountaintop.", + "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "イラストの少年が、描きたての山頂に旗を立てています。", "ideas.tryIt": "さあ、トライしよう!", "ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "アクティビティーガイド", "ideas.activityGuidesText": "Scratchをつかって何(なに)をつくりたいですか? アクティビティのために、チュートリアルをためしたり、コーディングカードをダウンロードしたり、教育者向け(きょういくしゃむけ)ガイドを閲覧(えつらん)したりできます。", "ideas.animateANameTitle": "なまえをうごかそう", "ideas.animateANameDescription": "あなたのなまえ、イニシャルやおきに入りの言葉(ことば)の文字(もじ)をうごかそう。", - "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "The name ANYA in all caps and blocked letters is poised to wiggle", + "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "大文字のブロック体で書かれた「ANYA」という名前は、小刻みに動く用意ができています。", "ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "キャラクターをうごかそう", "ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "アニメーションをつかってキャラクターをイキイキとさせよう。", - "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "An taco with a wand, wizard cap and flowing white beard floats enchantingly in low-Earth orbit.", + "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "杖を持ち、魔法使いの帽子をかぶり、白いひげをなびかせたタコスが、地球低軌道をうっとりさせるように浮かんでいます。", "ideas.makeMusicTitle": "おんがくをつくろう", "ideas.makeMusicDescription": "楽器(がっき)をえらんで音(おと)をくわえて、キーをおして音楽(おんがく)を演奏(えんそう)しよう。", - "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Strings vibrate on an illustrated Gibson explorer.", + "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "イラスト付きのギブソン社のエレキギターの弦が振動しています。", "ideas.createAStoryTitle": "ものがたりをつくろう", "ideas.createAStoryDescription": "キャラクターをえらんで、おしゃべりさせて物語(ものがたり)をイキイキとさせよう。", - "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "A wizard beckons a traveling witch towards a distant castle.", + "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "魔法使いが旅の魔女を遠くにあるお城へと招きます。", "ideas.chaseGameTitle": "ついせきゲームをつくろう", "ideas.chaseGameDescription": "キャラクターをおいかけて点数(てんすう)を稼ぐ(かせぐ)ゲームを作ろう。", - "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "A happy interactive octopus passes over a star.", + "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "幸せそうなタコが星の上を通過します。", "ideas.videoSensingTitle": "ビデオモーションセンサー", "ideas.videoSensingDescription": "ビデオモーションセンサー拡張機能(かくちょうきのう)をつかってプロジェクトと対話(たいわ)しよう。", - "ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "A virtual hand dodges a spurt of flame in an attempt to pet a dragon.", + "ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "バーチャルの手がドラゴンを撫でようとして吹き出る炎を避けます。", "ideas.seeAllTutorials": "すべてのチュートリアルをみる", "ideas.cardsTitle": "すべてのコーディングカードを入手(にゅうしゅ)する", "ideas.cardsText": "Scratch コーディングカードを用いると、インタラクティブなゲーム、物語(ものがたり)、音楽(おんがく)、アニメーションなどの作り方がわかります!", - "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "An assortment of fun, animated characters and objects leap out of a stack of cards.", + "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "カードの束から、愉快なアニメーションキャラクターや物体が飛び出します。", "ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "にゅうもんしゃようプロジェクト", "ideas.starterProjectsText": "入門者用(にゅうもんしゃよう)プロジェクトであそんだら、リミックスして自分独自(じぶんどくじ)の作品(さくひん)にしてみましょう。", - "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "An illustration of the Scratch Code Editor.", + "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "Scratchコードエディターのイラスト。", "ideas.starterProjectsButton": "にゅうもんしゃようプロジェクトをみる", "ideas.tryTheTutorial": "チュートリアルをためす", "ideas.codingCards": "コーディングカード", @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "ideas.cardsPurchase": "印刷済み(いんさつずみ)セットを購入(こうにゅう)する", "ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "キャラクターをとばそう", "ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "キャラクターをえらんで、とばしましょう!", - "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "The scratch cat flies over the skyline. Alongside a flying taco.", + "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "Scratchキャットがスカイラインの上を空飛ぶタコスと並んで飛びます。", "ideas.RaceTitle": "ゴールまできょうそうしよう", "ideas.RaceDescription": "ふたりのキャラクターが競争(きょうそう)するゲームをつくります。", "ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "かくれんぼ", @@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ "ideas.FashionDescription": "いろいろな洋服(ようふく)やスタイルでキャラクターをドレスアップしよう。", "ideas.PongTitle": "ピンポンゲーム", "ideas.PongDescription": "音(おと)、得点(とくてん)、そのたの効果付き(こうかつき)の、ボールがバウンドするゲームをつくろう。", - "ideas.PongImageDescription": "A ball bounces off a digital paddle.", + "ideas.PongImageDescription": "ボールがデジタルのパドルで跳ね返ります。", "ideas.ImagineTitle": "せかいをそうぞうしよう", "ideas.ImagineDescription": "なんでもできちゃうせかいをそうぞうしよう。", - "ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "A girl stands proudly in front of a thought bubble as big as the Earth and as intricate as butterfly wings.", + "ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "地球や蝶がいる想像の吹き出しの前に女の子が誇らしげに立っています。", "ideas.DanceTitle": "さあ、おどろう", "ideas.DanceDescription": "ミュージックとダンスの振り付け(ふりつけ)をくみあわせたダンスシーンのアニメーションをデザインしよう。", "ideas.CatchTitle": "キャッチゲーム", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja.json index a8846834..1b1e009a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/ja.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { "ideas.headerMessage": "さて、あなたは何を作るのかな?", - "ideas.headerImageDescription": "Outlandish creations from pixelated unicorns to drumbeat waveforms to levitating tacos to buckets of rainbows.", + "ideas.headerImageDescription": "ピクセル化されたユニコーン、ドラムビートの波形、空中に浮くタコス、虹のバケツまで、奇想天外な作品です。", "ideas.headerButtonMessage": "チュートリアルを選ぶ", "ideas.gettingStartedTitle": "さあ、始めましょう", "ideas.gettingStartedText": "Scratch初心者ですか? 初心者向けのチュートリアルを試してください。", - "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "An illustrated boy plants his flag on top of a freshly painted mountaintop.", + "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "イラストの少年が、描いたばかりの山頂に旗を立てています。", "ideas.tryIt": "さあ、トライしよう!", "ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "アクティビティーガイド", "ideas.activityGuidesText": "Scratchを使って何を作りたいですか? アクティビティのために、チュートリアルを試したり、コーディングカードをダウンロードしたり、教育者向けガイドを閲覧したりできます。", "ideas.animateANameTitle": "名前を動かそう", "ideas.animateANameDescription": "あなたの名前、イニシャルやお気に入りの言葉の文字を動かそう。", - "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "The name ANYA in all caps and blocked letters is poised to wiggle", + "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "大文字のブロック体の「ANYA」という名前が、小刻みに動く準備ができています。", "ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "キャラクターを動かそう", "ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "アニメーションを使ってキャラクターを生き生きとさせよう。", - "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "An taco with a wand, wizard cap and flowing white beard floats enchantingly in low-Earth orbit.", + "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "杖を持ち、魔法使いの帽子をかぶり、白いひげをたくわえたタコスが、地球の周りを浮かんでいます。", "ideas.makeMusicTitle": "音楽を作ろう", "ideas.makeMusicDescription": "楽器を選んで音を加えて、キーを押して音楽を演奏しよう。", - "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Strings vibrate on an illustrated Gibson explorer.", + "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "エレキギターのイラストの弦が振動しています。", "ideas.createAStoryTitle": "物語を作ろう", "ideas.createAStoryDescription": "キャラクターを選んで、おしゃべりさせて物語を生き生きとさせよう。", - "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "A wizard beckons a traveling witch towards a distant castle.", + "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "魔法使いが、旅をしている魔女を遠くにあるお城へと招いています。", "ideas.chaseGameTitle": "追跡ゲームを作ろう", "ideas.chaseGameDescription": "キャラクターを追いかけて点数を稼ぐゲームを作ろう。", - "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "A happy interactive octopus passes over a star.", + "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "幸せそうなタコが星を見送っています。", "ideas.videoSensingTitle": "ビデオモーションセンサー", "ideas.videoSensingDescription": "ビデオモーションセンサー拡張機能を使ってプロジェクトと対話しよう。", - "ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "A virtual hand dodges a spurt of flame in an attempt to pet a dragon.", + "ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "ドラゴンを手で触ろうとすると炎を吹き出します。", "ideas.seeAllTutorials": "すべてのチュートリアルを見る", "ideas.cardsTitle": "すべてのコーディングカードを入手する", "ideas.cardsText": "Scratch コーディングカードを用いると、インタラクティブなゲーム、物語、音楽、アニメーションなどの作り方がわかります!", - "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "An assortment of fun, animated characters and objects leap out of a stack of cards.", + "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "カードの束から、愉快なアニメーションキャラクターや物体が飛び出します。", "ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "入門者用プロジェクト", "ideas.starterProjectsText": "入門者用プロジェクトで遊んだら、リミックスして自分独自の作品にしてみましょう。", - "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "An illustration of the Scratch Code Editor.", + "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "Scratchコードエディターのイラスト。", "ideas.starterProjectsButton": "入門者用プロジェクトを見る", "ideas.tryTheTutorial": "チュートリアルを試す", "ideas.codingCards": "コーディングカード", @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "ideas.cardsPurchase": "印刷済みセットを購入する", "ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "キャラクターを飛ばそう", "ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "キャラクターを選んで飛ばしましょう!", - "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "The scratch cat flies over the skyline. Alongside a flying taco.", + "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "Scratchキャットが空の上をタコスと並んで飛んでいます。", "ideas.RaceTitle": "ゴールまで競争しよう", "ideas.RaceDescription": "キャラクターが競争するゲームを作ろう。", "ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "かくれんぼ", @@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ "ideas.FashionDescription": "いろいろな洋服やスタイルでキャラクターをドレスアップしよう。", "ideas.PongTitle": "ピンポンゲーム", "ideas.PongDescription": "音、得点、その他の効果付きの、ボールがバウンドするゲームを作ろう。", - "ideas.PongImageDescription": "A ball bounces off a digital paddle.", + "ideas.PongImageDescription": "デジタルのパドルでボールが跳ね返ります。", "ideas.ImagineTitle": "世界を想像しよう", "ideas.ImagineDescription": "何でもできちゃう世界を想像しよう。", - "ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "A girl stands proudly in front of a thought bubble as big as the Earth and as intricate as butterfly wings.", + "ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "地球や蝶がいる想像の吹き出しの前に女の子が誇らしげに立っています。", "ideas.DanceTitle": "さあ、踊ろう", "ideas.DanceDescription": "ミュージックとダンスの振り付けを組み合わせたダンスシーンのアニメーションをデザインしよう。", "ideas.CatchTitle": "キャッチゲーム", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/pt.json index e6fb823d..cdf44554 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/pt.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { "ideas.headerMessage": "O que irá criar?", - "ideas.headerImageDescription": "Outlandish creations from pixelated unicorns to drumbeat waveforms to levitating tacos to buckets of rainbows.", + "ideas.headerImageDescription": "Criações extravagantes, desde unicórnios pixelizados até formas de onda de batidas de tambores, passando por tacos levitantes e baldes de arco-íris.", "ideas.headerButtonMessage": "Escolha um tutorial", "ideas.gettingStartedTitle": "Começar", "ideas.gettingStartedText": "Novo no Scratch? Tente o tutorial de Iniciação.", - "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "An illustrated boy plants his flag on top of a freshly painted mountaintop.", + "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "Um menino ilustrado coloca sua bandeira no topo de uma montanha recém-pintada.", "ideas.tryIt": "Experimente!", "ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "Guias de Actividades", "ideas.activityGuidesText": "O que quer fazer com o Scratch? Para cada actividade pode experimentar o Tutorial, descarregar um conjunto de Cartões de Actividade ou ver o Guia do Educador.", "ideas.animateANameTitle": "Animar um Nome", "ideas.animateANameDescription": "Anime as letras do seu nome, das suas iniciais ou da sua palavra favorita.", - "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "The name ANYA in all caps and blocked letters is poised to wiggle", + "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "O nome ANYA escrito em letras maiúsculas e prontas para balançar mexerem-se", "ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "Animar um Personagem", "ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "Dê vida aos personagens usando animações.", - "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "An taco with a wand, wizard cap and flowing white beard floats enchantingly in low-Earth orbit.", + "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "Um taco com uma varinha mágica, um chapéu de mago e uma barba branca flutuam encantadoramente na órbita baixa da Terra.", "ideas.makeMusicTitle": "Fazer Música", "ideas.makeMusicDescription": "Escolha instrumentos, adicione sons e carregue em teclas para tocar música.", - "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Strings vibrate on an illustrated Gibson explorer.", + "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "As cordas de guitarra ilustrada vibram.", "ideas.createAStoryTitle": "Criar uma Estória", "ideas.createAStoryDescription": "Escolha os personagens, adicione as conversas e dê vida à sua estória.", - "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "A wizard beckons a traveling witch towards a distant castle.", + "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "Um feiticeiro acena para uma bruxa que viaja em direção a um castelo distante.", "ideas.chaseGameTitle": "Fazer um Jogo de Perseguição", "ideas.chaseGameDescription": "Faça um jogo em que pode perseguir um personagem para marcar pontos.", - "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "A happy interactive octopus passes over a star.", + "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "Um polvo alegre e interativo passa por cima de uma estrela.", "ideas.videoSensingTitle": "Vídeo Sensorial", "ideas.videoSensingDescription": "Interaja com um projecto usando a extensão Vídeo Sensorial.", - "ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "A virtual hand dodges a spurt of flame in an attempt to pet a dragon.", + "ideas.videoSensingImageDescription": "Uma mão virtual se esquiva de um jato de chamas na tentativa de acariciar um dragão.", "ideas.seeAllTutorials": "Ver Todos os Tutoriais", "ideas.cardsTitle": "Obter a Colecção Completa de Cartões de Programação", "ideas.cardsText": "Com os Cartões de Programação do Scratch, pode aprender a criar jogos, estórias, música e animações interactivos, e muito mais!", - "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "An assortment of fun, animated characters and objects leap out of a stack of cards.", + "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "Uma variedade de personagens e objetos divertidos e animados saltam de uma pilha de cartas.", "ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "Projectos de Arranque", "ideas.starterProjectsText": "Pode praticar com os Projectos de Arranque e remisturá-los para fazer as suas próprias criações.", - "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "An illustration of the Scratch Code Editor.", + "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "Uma ilustração do Ambiente de Criação do Scratch.", "ideas.starterProjectsButton": "Explorar Projectos de Arranque", "ideas.tryTheTutorial": "Experimente o tutorial", "ideas.codingCards": "Cartões de Programação", @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "ideas.cardsPurchase": "Comprar Conjunto Impresso", "ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "Faça-o Voar", "ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "Escolha um qualquer personagem e faça-o voar!", - "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "The scratch cat flies over the skyline. Alongside a flying taco.", + "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "O gato do Scratch sobrevoando o céu ao lado de um taco voador.", "ideas.RaceTitle": "Corrida até à Meta", "ideas.RaceDescription": "Crie um jogo em que dois personagens fazem uma corrida.", "ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "Escondidas", @@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ "ideas.FashionDescription": "Faça um jogo em que veste um personagem com diferentes roupas e estilos.", "ideas.PongTitle": "Jogo do Pong", "ideas.PongDescription": "Faça um jogo com uma bola a ressaltar incluindo sons, pontos e outros efeitos.", - "ideas.PongImageDescription": "A ball bounces off a digital paddle.", + "ideas.PongImageDescription": "Uma bola salta para fora de uma raquete digital.", "ideas.ImagineTitle": "Imagina um Mundo", "ideas.ImagineDescription": "Imagine um mundo no qual tudo é possível.", - "ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "A girl stands proudly in front of a thought bubble as big as the Earth and as intricate as butterfly wings.", + "ideas.ImagineImageDescription": "Uma menina está orgulhosa diante de uma bolha de pensamento tão grande quanto a Terra e tão intrincada quanto as asas de uma borboleta.", "ideas.DanceTitle": "Vamos Dançar", "ideas.DanceDescription": "Crie uma cena de dança animada com música e com movimentos de dança.", "ideas.CatchTitle": "Jogo da Apanhada", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/zh-tw.json index 5dd69808..85dbd618 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/zh-tw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/zh-tw.json @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ { "ideas.headerMessage": "你想要創作些什麼呢?", - "ideas.headerImageDescription": "Outlandish creations from pixelated unicorns to drumbeat waveforms to levitating tacos to buckets of rainbows.", + "ideas.headerImageDescription": "从像素化的独角兽到鼓点般的波形,再到悬浮的玉米饼,再到怪物彩虹(一款游戏),这些都是稀奇古怪的作品。", "ideas.headerButtonMessage": "選個教程", "ideas.gettingStartedTitle": "新手入門", "ideas.gettingStartedText": "新來的啊?試試我們的入門專案。", - "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "An illustrated boy plants his flag on top of a freshly painted mountaintop.", + "ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription": "一个画插画的男孩把他的旗帜插在新画好的山顶上。", "ideas.tryIt": "百聞不如一試!", "ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "活動指南", "ideas.activityGuidesText": "你有很多種方式來開始學習 Scratch。點擊縮圖來開始線上教學。針對每個主題,你也可以下載編程卡片以及教育者指南。", "ideas.animateANameTitle": "姓名動畫", "ideas.animateANameDescription": "讓你的姓名、綽號或喜愛的字動起來。", - "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "The name ANYA in all caps and blocked letters is poised to wiggle", + "ideas.animateANameImageDescription": "ANYA这个用大写字母和黑体字母拼成的名字正准备摇摆", "ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "讓角色動起來", "ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "用動畫賦予角色生命力。", - "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "An taco with a wand, wizard cap and flowing white beard floats enchantingly in low-Earth orbit.", + "ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription": "一个拿着魔杖、戴着巫师帽、留着飘逸白胡子的墨西哥卷饼,迷人地漂浮在近地轨道上。", "ideas.makeMusicTitle": "音樂創作", "ideas.makeMusicDescription": "選擇樂器、加入音效、按下按鍵,開始演奏音樂。", - "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "Strings vibrate on an illustrated Gibson explorer.", + "ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "琴弦在探险家吉布森手里颤动。", "ideas.createAStoryTitle": "創作一個故事", "ideas.createAStoryDescription": "選擇角色、加入對話,生動表達你的故事。", - "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "A wizard beckons a traveling witch towards a distant castle.", + "ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "一个男巫招呼一个正在旅行的女巫前往远处的城堡。", "ideas.chaseGameTitle": "創作一個追逐遊戲", "ideas.chaseGameDescription": "做個像是貓捉老鼠的遊戲。", "ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "一只快乐的章鱼互动地经过一颗星星。", @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ "ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription": "各种有趣的动画人物和物体从一堆卡片中跳出来。", "ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "初學者專案", "ideas.starterProjectsText": "你可以玩一下這些入門專案,然後用你的創意改編它們。", - "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "An illustration of the Scratch Code Editor.", + "ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription": "一张 Scratch 代码编辑器的插图。", "ideas.starterProjectsButton": "探索入門專案", "ideas.tryTheTutorial": "試試入門教程", "ideas.codingCards": "編程卡片", @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "ideas.cardsPurchase": "購買現成的", "ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "飛起來吧", "ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "選擇一個角色,讓它飛起來!", - "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "The scratch cat flies over the skyline. Alongside a flying taco.", + "ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription": "Scratch 小猫和 Taco 一起在天际线上飞行。", "ideas.RaceTitle": "比賽跑", "ideas.RaceDescription": "製作兩個角色比賽跑步的遊戲。", "ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "捉迷藏", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fil.json b/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fil.json index 1720aa93..3f9cc34c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fil.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fil.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "messages.scratcherInvite": "You are invited to become a Scratcher! {learnMore}!", "messages.scratchTeamTitle": "Messages from the Scratch Team", "messages.studioActivityText": "Mayroon nang bagong aktibidad ngayon sa {studioLink}", - "messages.studioCommentReply": "{profileLink} replied to your comment in {commentLink}", + "messages.studioCommentReply": "Nagsagot si {profileLink} sa iyong komento sa {commentLink}", "messages.userJoinText": "Maligayang pagdating sa Scratch! Pagkatapos na gumawa ka ng proyekto at komento, kukuha ka ng mensaha ukol nito dito. {exploreLink} o {makeProjectLink}.", "messages.userJoinMakeProject": "gumawa ng proyekto", "messages.requestError": "Oops! Looks like there was a problem getting some of your messages. Please try to reload this page." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/pt.json index a5abc6b2..739e9f0a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/pt.json @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ "messages.activityStudios": "Actividade nos Estúdios", "messages.activityForums": "Actividade nos Fóruns", "messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoveu-o a gestor do estúdio {studio}", - "messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!", - "messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member", + "messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} transformou-lhe em anfitrião do estúdio {studio}. Como anfitrião, agora você pode editar o título, a miniatura e a descrição do estúdio. Vá ao estúdio dizer oi!", + "messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "Um membro da Equipe Scratch", "messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} convidou-o a conservar o estúdio {studioLink}. Visite o {tabLink} no estúdio para aceitar o convite", "messages.curatorTabText": "separador de conservador", "messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} marcou o seu projecto {projectLink} como favorito", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/an.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/an.json index 7b3eab60..68456cb7 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/an.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/an.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Descargar tarchetas micro:bit", "microbit.downloadHex": "Descarga lo fichero Scratch micro:bit HEX", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Arrociega y suelta lo fichero HEX en o tuyo micro:bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Per favor, sigue las instruccions de cómo instalar lo fichero HEX en un ordinador con Windows, MacOS u ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Connectando la micro:bit a Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Alimenta lo tuyo micro:but con USB u con unas pilas", "microbit.useScratch3": "Utiliza lo editor {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/bg.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/bg.json index 4c081b05..3df46103 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/bg.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/bg.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Изтеглете micro:bit карти", "microbit.downloadHex": "Свали Scratch micro:bit HEX файлът", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Изтегли HEX файлът върху твоя micro:bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Моля, следвайте инструкциите за да инсталирате HEX файла на компютър с работещи Windows, MacOS или ChromeOS", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Свързване на micro:bit със Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Захрани твоя micro:bit от USB или от комплект за батерии.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Използвайте{scratch3Link} редактора ", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ca.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ca.json index abc194f0..5975b13a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ca.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ca.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Descarrega les targetes de micro:bit", "microbit.downloadHex": "Descarrega el fitxer Scratch micro:bit HEX", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Arrossega i deixa anar el fitxer HEX en la teva micro:bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Si us plau, segueix les instruccions per instal·lar el fitxer HEX a un ordinador que executi Windows, MacOS o ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Connectant micro:bit a Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Encén la teva micro:bit via USB o amb una bateria.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Utilitza l'editor {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/da.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/da.json index 35f7dd1a..40a854ff 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/da.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/da.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Download micro:bit Kort.", "microbit.downloadHex": "Download Scratch micro:bit HEX filen", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Kopiér HEX filen over på din micro:bit med træk og slip", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Følg disse instrukser for at installere HEX filen på en computer, som kører Windows, MacOS eller ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Forbind micro:bit til Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Start din micro:bit med USB eller en batteripakke.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Brug {scratch3Link} editoren.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fi.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fi.json index e1b5e35c..9bb7d0af 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fi.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Lataa micro:bit-kortit", "microbit.downloadHex": "Lataa Scratch micro:bit HEX -tiedosto", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Siirrä HEX-tiedosto micro:bit-laitteeseesi", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Noudata ohjeita asentaaksesi HEX-tiedoston tietokoneeseen, jossa on Windows, MacOS tai ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Yhdistetään micro:bit:iä Scratchiin", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Kytke virta mikro:bitiin USB-johdolla tai akulla.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Käytä {scratch3Link}-editoria.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fy.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fy.json index 8ee2c2e4..193f173a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fy.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Download micro: bitkaarten", "microbit.downloadHex": "Download it Scratch micro: bit HEX-bestân", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Sleep it HEX-bestân nei jo micro: bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Folgje de ynstruksjes om it HEX-bestân te ynstallearjen op in kompjûter mei Windows, MacOS of ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Ferbine de mikro: bit nei Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Ferbine de micro: bit oan in USB-spesjale foarried of in batterij.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Gean nei de {scratch3Link} bewurker.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ga.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ga.json index c1aa2410..01143036 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ga.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ga.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Íoslódáil na cártaí micro:bit", "microbit.downloadHex": "Íoslódáil an comhad HEX don Scratch micro:bit", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Tarraing agus scaoil an comhad HEX ar do micro:bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Lean na treoracha seo a leanas chun an comhad HEX a shuiteáil ar ríomhaire Windows, MacOS, nó ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Ceangal micro:bit le Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Soláthair cumhacht don micro:bit trí USB nó paca cadhnra", "microbit.useScratch3": "Úsáid an t-eagarthóir {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gd.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gd.json index d22f1331..2e91be42 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gd.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gd.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Luchdaich a-nuas cairtean micro:bit", "microbit.downloadHex": "Luchdaich a-nuas faidhle Scratch micro:bit HEX", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Slaod am faidhle HEX is leig às e air a’ micro:bit agad", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Lean ris an stiùireadh airson am faidhle HEX a stàladh air coimpiutair a tha a’ ruith Windows, MacOS no ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "A’ ceangal a’ micro:bit agad ri Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Thoir cumhachd dhan micro:bit agad le USB no pacaid bataraidh.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Cleachd deasaiche {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gl.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gl.json index 782457a8..06670dda 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/gl.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Descargar as tarxetas de micro:bit", "microbit.downloadHex": "Descargar o ficheiro de Scratch micro:bit HEX", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Arrastra e solta o ficheiro HEX no teu micro:bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Sigue as instrucións para instalar o ficheiro HEX nun ordenador con Windows, MacOS ou ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Conectar micro:bit a Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Alimenta o teu micro:bit cun cable USB ou unha batería.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Emprega o editor {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index 495a064d..854c0d4b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "micro:bitカードをダウンロード", "microbit.downloadHex": "Scratch micro:bit HEXファイルをダウンロードします。", "microbit.dragDropHex": "HEXファイルをmicro:bitへドラッグします。", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "以下のように、HEXファイルを、Windows、macOSまたはChromeOSが動作しているコンピューターにインストールしてください。", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Scratchにmicro:bitをせつぞくちゅうです。", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "micro:bitのでんげんをUSBまたはバッテリーパックから、きょうきゅうします。", "microbit.useScratch3": " {scratch3Link} エディタをつかいます。", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/kk.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/kk.json index 76908681..7a6aeded 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/kk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/kk.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Микро: бит карталарын жүктеп алыңыз", "microbit.downloadHex": "Scratch micro: bit HEX файлын жүктеп алыңыз", "microbit.dragDropHex": "HEX файлын микро: битке сүйреп апарыңыз", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Windows, MacOS немесе ChromeOS жүйелерінде жұмыс істейтін компьютерге HEX файлын орнату үшін нұсқауларды орындаңыз.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Микро: битті Scratch-ке қосу", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Микро: битті Scratch-ке қосу", "microbit.useScratch3": "{scratch3Link}редакторын қолдану", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ku.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ku.json index 78c52a37..065cb02e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ku.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/ku.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Kartên micro:bitê Daxîne", "microbit.downloadHex": "Pelgeya Scratch micro:bit HEXê daxîne", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Pelgeya HEXê bikşîne û berde ser micro:bita xwe", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Ji bo sazkirina pelgeya HEXê li komberseke bi Windows, MacOS an jî ChromeOSê dixebite, ji kerema xwe rêwerzan bişopîne.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "micro:bit li Scratchê tê girêdan", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Bi USBê an jî bi pîlan enerjiyê bide micro:bita xwe.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Edîtora {scratch3Link}ê bi kar bîne.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nb.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nb.json index ea50dfd9..32650a99 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nb.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Last ned micro:bit-kort", "microbit.downloadHex": "Last ned Scratch micro:bit HEX-filen", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Dra HEX-filen over til micro:bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Følg veiledningen for å installere HEX-filen med en datamaskin som kjører Windows, MacOS eller ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Kobling av micro:bit og Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Gi micro:bit strøm via USB eller fra et batteri.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Åpne {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nn.json index 759623b8..47ba89fc 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/nn.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Last ned micro:bit-kort", "microbit.downloadHex": "Last ned Scratch micro:bit HEX-fila.", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Dra HEX-fila over til micro:bit-en.", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Følg instruksjonane for å installera HEX-fila på ei datamaskin som køyrer Windows, MacOS eller ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Kopling av micro:bit og Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Gje micro:bit-en straum via USB eller batteri.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Opna {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/pt.json index a184068b..98156428 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/pt.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Descarregar Cartões micro:bit", "microbit.downloadHex": "Descarregue o arquivo HEX do Scratch micro:bit.", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Arraste o arquivo HEX e solte-o sobre o seu micro:bit.", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Siga as instruções para instalar o arquivo HEX em um computador executando Windows, macOS ou ChromeOS.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Ligar o micro:bit ao Scratch", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Alimente o seu micro:bit através do USB ou de pilhas.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Use o editor do {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sl.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sl.json index 82a9f578..90078d5c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sl.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Naloži micro:bit karte", "microbit.downloadHex": "Prenesi datoteko Scratch micro:bit HEX", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Povleci HEX datoteko na svoj micro:bit", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Da na računalnik z Windows, MacOS ali ChromeOS namestiš HEX datoteko, sledi navodilom.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Povezovanje micro:bita s Scratchem", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Svoj micro:bit lahko napajaš z baterijo ali preko USB.", "microbit.useScratch3": "Uporabi urejevalnik {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sw.json index 59b8a63a..b6103079 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/sw.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Pakua kadi za micro:bit ", "microbit.downloadHex": "Pakua faili za Scratch za micro:bit HEX", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Kokota na udondoshe faili ya HEX kwenye micro:bit yako", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Tafadhali fuata maagizo kusanikiza faili ya HEX kwa kompyuta inayoendeshwa kwa Windows, MacOS au ChromeOS", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Kuunganisha micro:bit kwa Scratch ", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Washa micro:bit ukitumia kebo ya USB au betri", "microbit.useScratch3": "Tumia kihariri {scratch3Link}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/uz.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/uz.json index ce6df7a6..a9f6c48f 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/uz.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/uz.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Micro:bit kartalarini yuklab olish", "microbit.downloadHex": "Scratch micro:bit HEX faylini yuklab oling", "microbit.dragDropHex": "Micro:bit ustiga HEX faylini tashlang va sekin yurg'izing", - "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Please follow the instructions to install the HEX file on a computer running Windows, macOS or ChromeOS.", + "microbit.installHexAndroid": "Windows, MacOS yoki ChromeOS tizimida ishlovchi kompyuterga HEX faylini oʻrnatishda koʻrsatmalarga amal qiling.", "microbit.connectingMicrobit": "Scratch ga micro:bitni ulash", "microbit.powerMicrobit": "Batareya paketi yoki USB bilan micro:bitni quvvatlantiring.", "microbit.useScratch3": "1 {scratch3Link} muharririni ishlating.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/bg.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/bg.json index 67bbab9f..9d57f13e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/bg.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/bg.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Какво представлява онлайн общността на Scratch?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Когато участват в онлайн общността на Scratch, членовете могат да изследват и експериментират в отворена учебна общност с други членове на Scratch от всички среди, възрасти и интереси. Членовете могат да споделят работата си, да получават обратна връзка и да се учат един от друг.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Какви са насоките за онлайн общността на Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "MIT Scratch Team работи с общността, за да поддържа приятелска и почтена среда за хора от всички възрасти, раси, етнически групи, религии, ориентация и полова идентичност. Можете да помогнете на детето си да се научи как да участва, като прегледате {communityGuidelines} заедно. Членовете трябва да коментират конструктивно и да поддържат уебсайта приятелски, като съобщават за всяко съдържание, което не отговаря на правилата на общността. Екипът на Scratch работи всеки ден, за да управлява дейността на сайта и да отговаря на доклади, с помощта на инструменти като филтъра за {CleanSpeak} нецензурни прояви.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Обществени правила", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Каква е вашата политика за поверителност?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "За да защитим поверителността на децата в интернет, ние ограничаваме това, което събираме по време на процеса на регистрация, и това, което оповестяваме на уебсайта. Ние не продаваме или не даваме под наем информация за профила на никого. Можете да научите повече за нашата {privacyPolicy} страница.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ca.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ca.json index 9424fa51..514b8aa5 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ca.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ca.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Què és la comunitat en línia de Scratch?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Quan participen en la comunitat Scratch online, els membres poden explorar i experimentar en una comunitat oberta d'aprenentatge amb altres membres de tots els països, edats i interessos. Els membres poden compartir els seus treballs, rebre comentaris i aprendre l'un de l'altre.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Quines són les normes d'ús per la comunitat en línia de Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "L'equip de Scratch del MIT treballa amb la comunitat per mantenir un entorn agradable i respectuós per a persones de totes les edats, races, ètnies, religions, orientacions sexuals, i identitats de gènere. Pots ajudar que els teus fills o alumnes aprenguin a participar tot revisant les {communityGuidelines} plegats. Volem que els membres comentin de manera constructiva per ajudar a mantenir el respecte en el lloc web tot reportant qualsevol contingut que no segueixi les normes de la comunitat. L'equip de Scratch treballa a diari per gestionar l'activitat al lloc i respondre a les notificacions, amb l'ajuda d'eines com el {CleanSpeak} filtre de males paraules.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Normes de la Comunitat", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Quina és la vostra política de privacitat?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Per protegir la privacitat en línia dels infants, limitem el que recollim durant el procés de registre, i el que fem pública a la pàgina web. Nosaltres no venem ni lloguem la informació de compte a ningú. Podeu trobar més informació en la nostra {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ckb.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ckb.json index 98166f44..e10d0645 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ckb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ckb.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "کۆمەڵگەی سەرهێڵی سکڕاچ چییە؟", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "کاتێک بەشداری دەکەیت لە کۆمەڵگەی سەرهێڵی سکڕاچ، ئەندامان دەتوانن بگەڕێن و شارەزا بن لە کۆمەڵگەیەکی فێربوونی کراوە لەگەڵ ئەندامانی تری کۆمەڵگە لە هەموو پێشینەکان، تەمەنەکان و ئارەزوومەندان. ئەندامان دەتوانن کارەکانیان هاوبەشی بکەن، بۆچوون وەرگرن و لەیەکتر فێربن.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "ڕێنماییەکانی چین بۆ کۆمەڵگەی سەرهێلی سکڕاچ؟", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "تیمی MIT سکڕاچ لەگەڵ کۆمەڵگە کاردەکات تا کەشێکی هاوڕێیانە و ڕێزدارانە فەراهەم بکات بۆ خەڵکی لە هەموو تەمەنەکان، ڕەگەزەکان، بنەڕەت، ئاینەکان، ئاڕاستەی ڕەگەزی و ناسنامەی ڕەگەزی. تۆ دەتوانیت یارمەتی منداڵەکەت بدەیت بە فێربوونی کە چۆن بەشداربێت لە پێداچوونەوەی {communityGuidelines} بەیەکەوە. داواکراوە لە ئەندامان کە لێدوانی بنیاتنەر بنووسن و یارمەتی ماڵپەڕەکە بدەن بە هاوڕێیانە بمێنێتەوە بە ناردنی هەر ناوەڕۆکێک کە ڕێنماییەکانی کۆمەڵگە پەیڕەو ناکات. تیمی سكڕاچ ڕۆژانە کاردەکات بۆ بەڕێوەبردنی چالاکییەکانی سەر ماڵپەڕەکە و وەڵامدانەوەی ڕاپۆرتەکان، بە یارمەتی ئامرازەکانی وەک پاڵاوتەی وشەی ناشیرینی {CleanSpeak}.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "ڕێنماییەکانی کۆمەڵگە", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "ڕێسای تایبەتمەندێتیتان چییە؟", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "بۆ پاراستنی تایبەتمەندێتی سەرهێڵی منداڵان، ئێمە زانیاری کۆکراوە لە کاتی پڕۆسەی خۆتۆمارکردن سنوردار دەکەین و لەگەڵ ئەوەیش کە ئاشکرا دەکرێت لەسەر ماڵپەڕەکە. ئێمە زانیاری هەژمار نافرۆشین و بەکرێ نادەین بە هیچ کەسێک. تۆ دەتوانیت زیاتر بدۆزیەوە دەبارەی پەڕی {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json index 601bfcf7..f3f6dc16 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Τι είναι η διαδικτυακή κοινότητα του Scratch;", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Όταν συμμετέχετε στη διαδικτυακή κοινότητα του Scratch, τα μέλη μπορούν να εξερευνήσουν και να πειραματιστούν σε μια ανοικτή μαθησιακή κοινότητα με άλλα μέλη του Scratch όλων των υποβάθρων, ηλικιών και ενδιαφερόντων. Τα μέλη μπορούν να μοιραστούν την δουλειά τους, να λάβουν ανατροφοδότηση, και να μάθουν ο ένας απ' τον άλλον.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Ποιες είναι οι οδηγίες για τη διαδικτυακή κοινότητα του Scratch;", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Η Ομάδα Scratch του MIT εργάζεται με την κοινότητα για να διατηρήσει ένα φιλικό και γεμάτο σεβασμό περιβάλλον για ανθρώπους όλων των ηλικιών, φυλών, εθνικοτήτων, θρησκειών, σεξουαλικών προσανατολισμών και ταυτοτήτων φύλου. Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε το παιδί σας να μάθει πώς να συμμετέχει εξετάζοντας τις {communityGuidelines} μαζί του. Ζητάμε από τα μέλη να σχολιάζουν εποικοδομητικά και να βοηθούν στη διατήρηση ενός φιλικού ιστοτόπου αναφέροντας οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο δεν ακολουθεί τις οδηγίες της κοινότητας. Η Ομάδα του Scratch εργάζεται κάθε μέρα για να διαχειρίζεται τη δραστηριότητα στον ιστότοπο και να απαντάει σε αναφορές, με τη βοήθεια εργαλείων όπως το φίλτρο ασέβειας {CleanSpeak}. ", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Οδηγίες Kοινότητας", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Ποια είναι η πολιτική προστασίας;", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Για να προστατεύσουμε τη διαδικτυακή ιδιωτικότητα των παιδιών, περιορίζουμε τα δεδομένα που συλλέγουμε κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας εγγραφής, και τα δεδομένα που εμφανίζονται δημόσια στον ιστότοπο. Δεν πουλάμε ή νοικιάζουμε πληροφορίες λογαριασμού σε κανέναν. Μπορείτε να μάθετε περισσότερα για την {privacyPolicy} μας. ", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fi.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fi.json index 87135605..c67ecfd7 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fi.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Mikä on Scratch-verkkoyhteisö?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Kun osallistuu Scratch-verkkoyhteisöön, jäsenet voivat tutkia ja kokeilla avointa oppimisyhteisöä muiden eri-ikäisten, taustaisten ja kiinnostuksen omaavien Scratch-jäsenten kanssa. Jäsenet voivat jakaa työnsä, saada palautetta ja oppia toisiltaan.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Mitkä ovat Scratch-verkkoyhteisön suuntaviivat?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "MIT:n Scratch-tiimi työskentelee yhteisön kanssa ystävällisen ja kunnioittavan ympäristön ylläpitämiseksi iästä, ihonväristä, etnisyydestä, uskonnosta, seksuaalisesta suuntautumisesta ja sukupuoli-identiteetistä riippumatta. Voit auttaa lastasi oppimaan, miten osallistua tarkastelemalla yhdessä {communityGuidelines}. Jäseniä pyydetään kommentoimaan rakentavasti ja auttamaan pitämään verkkosivuston sisältö ystävällisenä ilmoittamalla sisällöstä, joka ei noudata yhteisön suuntaviivoja. Scratch-tiimi pyrkii päivittäin seuraamaan sivuston toimintaa ja vastaamaan raportteihin käyttäen apuna työkaluja, kuten {CleanSpeak}-kirosanafiltteriä.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "yhteisön suuntaviivoja", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Mikä on yksityisyytesi suoja?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Lasten yksityisyyden suojaamiseksi rajoitamme sitä, mitä keräämme kirjautumisprosessin aikana ja mitä julkistamme verkkosivuilla. Emme myy tai vuokraa tilitietoja kenellekään. Saat lisätietoja {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fy.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fy.json index 94811027..024aed40 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fy.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Wat is de Scratch Online-mienskip?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Leden fan 'e online mienskip Scratch kinne ûndersykje en eksperimintearje yn in iepen learomjouwing mei oare leden fan ferskillende eftergrûnen, leeftiden en ynteresses. Leden kinne har wurk diele, feedback krije en fan inoar leare.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Wat binne de rjochtlinen foar de online Scratch-mienskip?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "It MIT Scratch-team, mei de Scratch-mienskip, biedt in freonlike en respektfolle omjouwing foar alle minsken, ûnôfhinklik fan leeftyd, ras, komôf, religy, seksuele oriïntaasje en geslacht. Jo kinne jo bern leare te helpen troch tegearre de {communityGuidelines} troch te gean.\nBrûkers wurdt frege om opmerkingen konstruktyf te hâlden, en om de webside freonlik te hâlden troch ynhâld te rapportearjen dy't de rjochtlinen fan 'e mienskip net folget. It Scratch Team is deistich aktyf om it gebrûk fan 'e side te kontrolearjen en te reagearjen op notifikaasjes, holpen troch software lykas it flokfilter {CleanSpeak}.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Mienskiplike rjochtlinen", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Wêr bestiet it privacybelied út?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Om de privacy fan bern te beskermjen beheine wy it oantal fragen yn it oanmeldproses en wat wy iepenbier sichtber meitsje op 'e webside. Akkountynformaasje wurdt net ferkocht of ferhierd oan ien. Jo kinne mear lêze oer ús privacybelied op ús pagina {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ga.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ga.json index a46e36d9..28b99fab 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ga.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ga.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Cad é an comhphobal ar líne Scratch?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Trí pháirt a ghlacadh sa chomhphobal Scratch ar líne, is féidir le baill turgnaimh a dhéanamh i gcomhphobal oscailte foghlama, in éineacht le baill eile ó gach cúlra, de gach aois, agus le suimeanna éagsúla. Is féidir leo freisin a gcuid oibre a chomhroinnt, aiseolas a fháil, agus foghlaim ó chéile.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Cad iad na treoirlínte a bhaineann le comhphobal ar líne Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Oibríonn Foireann Scratch MIT i ndlúthpháirt leis an bpobal chun timpeallacht chairdiúil mheasúil a chothú do dhaoine de gach aois, cine, eitneachas, creideamh, claonadh gnéis, agus féiniúlacht inscne. Is féidir leat cabhrú le do pháiste páirt a ghlacadh trí {communityGuidelines} a léamh le chéile. Iarraimid ar gach úsáideoir léirmheasanna dearfacha amháin a dhéanamh, agus cabhrú linn trí thuairisc a dhéanamh ar aon ábhar nach gcloíonn le treoirlínte an chomhphobail. Déanaimid ár ndícheall gach uile lá monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar ghníomhaíocht an tsuímh agus freagraí a thabhairt ar thuairiscí den sórt seo, le cúnamh ó uirlisí ar nós {CleanSpeak} a scagann droch-chaint.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Treoirlínte an Chomhphobail", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Cad é an polasaí príobháideachais?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Chun príobháideachas na bpáistí a úsáideann Scratch a chosaint, cuirimid teorainn leis an méid eolais a bhailímid le linn an phróisis chlárúcháin, agus leis an bhfaisnéis a nochtaimid go poiblí ar an suíomh. Ní dhíolaimid agus ní chuirimid aon fhaisnéis phearsanta ar cíos riamh. Tá tuilleadh eolais faoi seo ar fáil sa {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/gl.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/gl.json index fc3f0913..c4acc8d2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/gl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/gl.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Que é a comunidade en liña de Scratch?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Ao participar na comunidade en liña de Scratch, os seus membros poden explorar e experimentar nunha comunidade aberta de aprendizaxe con persoas de todas as oríxes, idades e intereses. Os membros poden compartir o seu traballo, recibir retroalimentación e aprender uns dos outros.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Cales son as guías da comunidade en liña de Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "O equipo do MIT de Scratch traballa coa comunidade para manter un ambiente amigable e respectuoso para xente de todas as idades, razas, etnias, relixións, orientacións sexuais e identidades de xénero. Podes axudar aos teus fillos e fillas a aprender a participar botándolle xuntos unha ollada as {communityGuidelines} . Pídeselle aos membros que fagan comentarios construtivos e contribúan a manter amigable o sitio web, informando sobre calquera contido que non siga as regras da comunidade. O equipo de Scratch traballa cada día para xestionar a actividade no sitio web e responder aos informes, coa axuda de ferramebtas como o filtro de vulneración {CleanSpeak} .", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Regras da comunidade", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Cal é a túa política de privacidade?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Para protexer a privacidade en liña das rapazas e rapaces, poñemos límites ao que recollemos no proceso de identificación e o que facemos público no sitio web. Non vendemos ou arrendamos información a ninguén. Pode atopar mais información na nosa páxina{privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/hu.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/hu.json index 73a090b0..272e8101 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/hu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/hu.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Mi az a Scratch online közösség?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Azok a tagok, akik részt vesznek a Scratch online közösségben, egy nyitott tanuló közösségben fedezhetnek fel és kísérletezhetnek más Scratch tagokkal, mind különböző hátterű, korú és érdeklődési körű. A tagok megoszthatják a munkáikat, visszajelzést kapnak és tanulnak egymástól.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Mik a Scratch online közösség irányelvei?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Az MIT Scratch Team együttműködik a közösséggel, hogy barátságos és tiszteletteljes légkört teremtsenek mindenkinek, korosztálytól, rassztól, népcsoporttól, vallástól, szexuális irányultságtól és nemi identitástól függetlenül. Segíthetsz a gyermekednek megtanulni, hogyan vehet ő is részt, ha együtt átnézitek a {communityGuidelines} leírását. A tagok építő jelleggel kell hozzászóljanak, és segítenek, hogy az oldalunk barátságos maradjon, bejelentve bármi olyan tartalmat, ami nem felel meg a közösségi irányelveknek. A Scratch csapat minden nap azon dolgozik, hogy kezelje az oldalon végzett tevékenységet és válaszoljon a bejelentésekre olyan eszközök segítségével, mint a {CleanSpeak} szitokszűrő.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Közösségi irányelvek", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Mik az adatvédelmi irányelvek?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "A gyerekek adatainak online védelmére korlátozzuk a regisztráció folyamán gyűjtött adatok mennyiségét, és hogy mit teszünk nyilvánossá a weboldalon. Nem adunk el és nem adunk bérbe fiók információt senkinek. További információ erről: {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index 49d94541..4b7e723f 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "parents.title": "保護者の方へ", - "parents.intro": "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children\n can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and \nanimation with people from all over the world. As children create with \nScratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and \nreason systematically. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {scratchFoundation}, a nonprofit organization. ", + "parents.intro": "Scratchは、プログラミング言語であり、かつ、子供たちが物語やゲーム、\nアニメーションなどのインタラクティブなメディアをプログラムし、\n世界中の人々と共有可能なコミュニティーです。子供たちは、Scratchで\n創作するなかで、創造的に考えることや協調して作業すること、\n系統立てて論理的に考えることことを学びます。\nScratchは、非営利団体である {scratchFoundation}によりデザインされ、開発され、運営されています。", "parents.scratchFoundationLinkText": "Scratchざいだん", "parents.overview": "使い方", "parents.faq": "よくある質問", "parents.overviewTitle": "Scratchはどのように子どもたちに働きかけますか?", "parents.overviewLearningTitle": "学ぶ", - "parents.overviewLearningBody": "Scratch is a safe and playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society.\nRead an article on the {creativeLearningApproach}.", + "parents.overviewLearningBody": "\n\nScratchは、すべての子どもたちが創造的に考え、体系的に理由づけし、共同して活動するといった、今日の社会でみんなに必要なスキルを学ぶ、安全で、遊び心のある学習環境です。\n{creativeLearningApproach}に関しての記事を読めます。", "parents.creativeLearningApproachLinkText": "創造的学習アプローチ", "parents.overviewCommunityTitle": "コミュニティ", "parents.overviewCommunityBody": "本サイトでは、参加者の皆さんに、{communityGuidelines}に従うようお願いしています。\n本運営チームでは、非公開のアカウント情報を他人に開示することはありません。詳しくは{privacyPolicy}をご覧ください。", @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Scratchオンライン・コミュニティとは何ですか?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Scratchオンライン・コミュニティに参加すると、あらゆるバックグラウンド、年齢、興味のあるScratchメンバーとオープンな学習コミュニティを探検したり、試したりすることが可能になります。メンバーは、自分たちの作品を共有し、お互いからフィードバックを得て学び合うことが可能です。", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Scratchオンライン・コミュニティのガイドラインとは何ですか?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Scratchチームでは、本コミュニティがすべての年齢、人種、民族、宗教、性的指向、性自認の人にとって友好的で敬意にあふれた場所となるよう、努力しています。保護者のみなさまには、子どもたちと一緒に{communityGuidelines}を確認し、子どもたちがどのようにコミュニティに参加すればよいのかを学ぶ手助けをお願いします。本コミュニティの参加者には、建設的なコメントを行い、コミュニティ内を平和的な空間とすることが求められています。 コミュニティガイドラインに反した内容を発見した場合は、ご報告ください。Scratchチームでは、{CleanSpeak}(侮蔑語フィルター)などのツールも使用しながら、日々サイト内での活動を管理して、ご報告に対応するよう努めています。", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "コミュニティーガイドライン", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "プライバシーポリシーとは何ですか?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "子供たちのオンライン・プライバシーを守るため、私たちは、アカウント登録で収集する情報や、本サイト内で公開される情報について制限しています。私たちは誰に対してもアカウント情報を販売したり貸与することはありません。本サイトのプライバシーポリシーについては、{privacyPolicy}もご覧ください。", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/kk.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/kk.json index eaf8b601..f7abff44 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/kk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/kk.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Скретч онлайн қоғамы деген не?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Скретч онлайн қоғамдастығында қатысу барысында, ашық үйрену қоғамдастығында қатысушылар жастарымен, қызығушылықтарымен ерекшеленетін басқа Скретч мүшелерімен зерттеу жұмыстарын немесе тәжірбие жүргізе алады. Қатысушылар өздерінің жұмыстарын бөлісе алады, жауап бере алады жіне бір-бірінен үйрене алады.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Скретч онлайн қоғамының қандай әдістемелік ұсыныстары бар?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "MIT Scratch командасы барлық жастағы, нәсілге, этностарға, діндерге, жыныстық бағдарларға және гендерлік сәйкестікке арналған достық және сыйластық ортаны сақтау үшін қоғамдастықпен жұмыс істейді. Балаңызға қалай қатысуға болатындығын бірге қарау арқылы көмектесе аласыз{communityGuidelines}. Мүшелерден сындарлы түсініктеме беру және қауымдастық нұсқауларына сәйкес келмейтін кез-келген мазмұн туралы есеп беру арқылы веб-сайтты түсінікті ұстауға көмектесу сұралады. Скретч командасы сайттағы әрекеттерді басқару және есептерге жауап беру үшін күн сайын жұмыс істейді, мысалы,{CleanSpeak} балағаттау сүзгісі.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Қоғамдық әдістемелік ұсыныстар", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Сіздің құпиялылық саясатыңыз қандай?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Балалардың Интернеттегі жеке өмірін қорғау үшін біз тіркелу кезінде жиналатын нәрсені және веб-сайтта жария болатын нәрсені шектейміз. Біз шот туралы ақпаратты ешкімге сатпаймыз немесе жалға бермейміз. Біздің парақшадан {privacyPolicy}көбірек біле аласыз.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/km.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/km.json index 6ba2ea90..a022cbae 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/km.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/km.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "តើសហគមន៍អនឡាញសម្រាប់ Scratch ជាអ្វី?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "នៅពេលចូលរួមក្នុងសហគមន៍អនឡាញសម្រាប់ Scratch សមាជិកអាចរុករក និងសាកល្បងនៅក្នុងសហគមន៍សិក្សាបើកចំហជាមួយសមាជិក Scratch ផ្សេងទៀតដែលមកពីគ្រប់មជ្ឈដ្ឋាន អាយុ និងចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ផ្សេងៗគ្នា។ សមាជិកអាចចែករំលែកការងាររបស់ពួកគេ ទទួលបានមតិយោបល់ និងរៀនសូត្រពីគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក។", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "តើអ្វីជាគោលការណ៍ណែនាំសម្រាប់សហគមន៍អនឡាញសម្រាប់ Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "MIT Scratch Team ធ្វើការជាមួយសហគមន៍ដើម្បីរក្សានូវបរិស្ថានមួយដែលប្រកបដោយភាពរាក់ទាក់និងការគោរពគ្នាសម្រាប់មនុស្សគ្រប់វ័យ ជនជាតិ ពូជសាសន៍ សាសនា គោលជំហរផ្លូវភេទ និងអត្តសញ្ញាណយេនឌ័រ។ អ្នកអាចជួយកូនរបស់អ្នករៀនពីរបៀបចូលរួមដោយពិនិត្យនូវ {communityGuidelines} ជាមួយគ្នា។ សមាជិកទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានស្នើសុំឱ្យធ្វើការបញ្ចេញមតិបែបស្ថាបនា និងជួយរក្សាគេហទំព័រឱ្យមានភាពស្និទ្ធស្នាល ដោយរាយការណ៍ពីមាតិកាដែលមិនគោរពតាមគោលការណ៍ណែនាំរបស់សហគមន៍។ Scratch Team ធ្វើការរៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃដើម្បីគ្រប់គ្រងសកម្មភាពនៅលើគេហទំព័រ និងឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងរបាយការណ៍ដោយមានជំនួយពីឧបករណ៍ដូចជាតម្រងពាក្យប្រមាថ {CleanSpeak}។", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "គោលការណ៍ណែនាំសម្រាប់សហគមន៍", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "តើអ្វីជាគោលនយោបាយពីឯកជនភាពរបស់អ្នក?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "ដើម្បីការពារសិទ្ធិឯកជនលើអ៊ីនធឺណិតរបស់កុមារ យើងដាក់កំណត់នូវអ្វីដែលយើងត្រូវប្រមូលក្នុងពេលបង្កើតគណនី និងអ្វីដែលយើងបង្ហាញជាសាធារណៈនៅលើគេហទំព័រ។ យើងមិនលក់ឬជួលព័ត៌មានគណនីទៅនរណាម្នាក់ឡើយ។ អ្នកអាចស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអំពីទំព័រ {privacyPolicy} របស់យើង។", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ku.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ku.json index b9f60881..0f3168c6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ku.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/ku.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Civaka serhêl a Scratchê çi ye?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Wextê beşdarbûna li civata serhêl ya Scratchê, endam dikarin kişf bikin û tecrûbe bikin di civateke hînbûnê ya vekirî de li gel endamên din ên Scratchê ji hemû derdoran, emr û baldariyan. Endam dikarin xebatên xwe parve bikin, paşragihandinê werbigirin, û ji hev û din hîn bibin.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Ji bo civaka serhêl a Scratchê çi rêwerz û rêzik hene?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Tîma Scratchê ya MITê li gel civatê dixebite da ku derdoreke dostane û hurmetgir bidomîne ji bo însanên ji her emrê, nijadê, etnîsîteyê, baweriye, tercîha cinsî, û nasnameyên zayendî. Tu dikarî alî zarokê xwe bikî bi lêhûrbûna {communityGuidelines}, da ku hîn bibe wê çawa tevkarî bike. Ji endaman tê xwestin ku şîroveyên çêker / avadarkî bikin û malperê dostane bigirin bi gilîkirina naverokên ku rêbernameya civatê îxlal dikin. Tîma Scratchê her roj dixebite ji bo ku çalakiyên li ser malperê bi rê ve bibin û cewaba giliyan bidin, bi cîhazên alîkar ên wek parzûna dijmînan ya {CleanSpeak}.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Rêwerzên Civakê", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Polîtîkaya te ya veşarîtiyê çi ye?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Bo parastina nihêniya serhêl ya zarokan, me sînordar kir tiştên ku em gava pêvajoya qeydbûnê berhev dikin, û tiştên ku me li ser malperê \"bo herkesî vekirî\" kiriye. Em agahiyên ajimêran bo ti kesî nafiroşin an bi kirê nadin. Agahiyên zêdetir dikarî peyda bikî derbarê {privacyPolicy} de.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/nn.json index 64bd1c6c..37807b54 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/nn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/nn.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Kva er nettsamfunnet til Scratch?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Dei som deltek på Scratch-nettstaden kan utforska og eksperimentera med kvarandres prosjekt i eit ope læringsmiljø med andre. Dei kan òg leggja ut ting dei sjølv har laga, få tilbakemeldingar og læra av kvarandre. Scratch-brukarane er i alle aldrar, og med ulike bakgrunnar og interesser.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Kva reglar gjeld for nettsamfunnet til Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Scratch-gruppa ved MIT arbeider saman med brukarane for å gjera denne nettstaden til eit hyggjeleg og respektfullt miljø for alle, uansett alder, rase, etnisitet, seksuell legning eller kjønnsidentitet. Du kan hjelpa barnet ditt til å verta ein god deltakar ved at de går gjennom {communityGuidelines} saman. Brukarane vert oppfordra til å vera omsynsfulle og konstruktive i kommentarane sine til andre, og til å melda frå om noko ikkje er i samsvar med retningslinjene. Administratorane følgjer med på aktiviteten på nettstaden og på meldingar som kjem inn, og brukar blant anna {CleanSpeak} for å fanga opp stygt språk.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "retningslinjene for nettstaden", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Kva retningslinjer for personvern gjeld her?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Av omsyn til personvernet treng nye brukarar berre registrera eit minimum av informasjon, og det som vert vist offentleg på nettsidene er avgrensa endå meir. Informasjon om brukarane vert aldri seld eller leigd ut til andre. Du kan lesa meir om dette i {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/or.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/or.json index 6488a57f..9f4f7ddd 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/or.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/or.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଅନ୍ଲାଇନ୍ ସମ୍ପ୍ରଦାୟ କ’ଣ?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଅନ୍ଲାଇନ୍ ସମ୍ପ୍ରଦାୟରେ ଅଂଶଗ୍ରହଣ କରିବାବେଳେ, ସଦସ୍ୟମାନେ ସମସ୍ତ ପୃଷ୍ଠଭୂମି, ବୟସ ଏବଂ ଆଗ୍ରହର ଅନ୍ୟ ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ସଦସ୍ୟମାନଙ୍କ ସହିତ ଏକ ଖୋଲା ଶିକ୍ଷଣ ସମ୍ପ୍ରଦାୟରେ ଅନୁସନ୍ଧାନ ଏବଂ ପରୀକ୍ଷଣ କରିପାରିବେ | ସଦସ୍ୟମାନେ ସେମାନଙ୍କର କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ବାଣ୍ଟି ପାରିବେ, ମତାମତ ପାଇପାରିବେ ଏବଂ ପରସ୍ପରଠାରୁ ଶିଖିବେ |", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଅନ୍ଲାଇନ୍ ସମ୍ପ୍ରଦାୟ ପାଇଁ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ କ’ଣ?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "ସମସ୍ତ ବୟସ, ଜାତି, ଜାତି, ଧର୍ମ, ଯୌନ ଆଭିମୁଖ୍ୟ ଏବଂ ଲିଙ୍ଗଗତ ପରିଚୟର ଲୋକଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଏକ ବନ୍ଧୁତ୍ୱପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ତଥା ସମ୍ମାନଜନକ ପରିବେଶ ବଜାୟ ରଖିବା ପାଇଁ MIT ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଟିମ୍ ବ୍ୟବାହାରକାରୀ ଗୋଷ୍ଠୀ ସହିତ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରେ | ଏକତ୍ର {communityGuidelines}ସମୀକ୍ଷା କରି ଆପଣ କିପରି ଅଂଶଗ୍ରହଣ କରିବେ ଶିଖିବାକୁ ଆପଣ ନିଜ ପିଲାଙ୍କୁ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିପାରିବେ | ସଦସ୍ୟମାନଙ୍କୁ ଗଠନମୂଳକ ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ ଦେବାକୁ ଏବଂ ଯେକୌଣସି ବିଷୟବସ୍ତୁକୁ ରିପୋର୍ଟ କରି ୱେବସାଇଟକୁ ବନ୍ଧୁତ୍ୱପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ରଖିବାରେ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିବାକୁ କୁହାଯାଇଛି ଯାହା ସମ୍ପ୍ରଦାୟର ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ ଅନୁସରଣ କରୁନାହିଁ | ସ୍କ୍ରାଚ୍ ଟିମ୍ ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ ଦିନ ସାଇଟରେ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକଳାପ ପରିଚାଳନା କରିବା ଏବଂ ଅପମାନ ଫିଲ୍ଟର {CleanSpeak}ପରି ଉପକରଣ ସାହାଯ୍ୟରେ ରିପୋର୍ଟଗୁଡିକର ପ୍ରତିକ୍ରିୟା ପାଇଁ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରେ |", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "ଗୋଷ୍ଠୀ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ଗୋପନୀୟତା ନୀତି କ’ଣ?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "ପିଲାମାନଙ୍କର ଅନଲାଇନ୍ ଗୋପନୀୟତା ରକ୍ଷା କରିବା ପାଇଁ, ଆମେ ସାଇନ୍ ଅପ୍ ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ସମୟରେ ଯାହା ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରୁ, ଏବଂ ୱେବସାଇଟରେ ଯାହା ସାର୍ବଜନୀନ କରୁ, ତାହା ସୀମିତ ରଖି ଥାଉ | ଆମେ କାହାକୁ ଖାତା ସୂଚନା ବିକ୍ରୟ କିମ୍ବା ଭଡା ଦେଇନାହୁଁ | ଆପଣ ଆମର {privacyPolicy}ପୃଷ୍ଠା ରୁ ଅଧିକ ଜାଣିପାରିବେ |", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/pt.json index 0f80a0a5..ce4b8a0a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/pt.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "parents.title": "Para os Pais", - "parents.intro": "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children\n can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and \nanimation with people from all over the world. As children create with \nScratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and \nreason systematically. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {scratchFoundation}, a nonprofit organization. ", + "parents.intro": "O Scratch é uma linguagem de programação e comunidade online onde as crianças\n podem programar e compartilhar mídias interativas, como histórias, jogos e \nanimações, com pessoas do mundo todo. Enquanto criam com \no Scratch, elas aprendem a pensar com criatividade, trabalhar de forma colaborativa e \nraciocinar de forma sistemática. O Scratch foi criado e é mantido pela {scratchFoundation}, uma organização sem fins lucrativos.", "parents.scratchFoundationLinkText": "Fundação Scratch", "parents.overview": "Como funciona", "parents.faq": "PF", "parents.overviewTitle": "Como funciona o Scratch com as crianças?", "parents.overviewLearningTitle": "Aprendizagem", - "parents.overviewLearningBody": "Scratch is a safe and playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society.\nRead an article on the {creativeLearningApproach}.", + "parents.overviewLearningBody": "O Scratch é um ambiente seguro de aprendizagem lúdica que engaja crianças de todas as idades no pensamento criativo, raciocínio sistêmico e trabalho colaborativo—habilidades essenciais para todos na sociedade atual.\nVeja o artigo (em inglês) {creativeLearningApproach}.", "parents.creativeLearningApproachLinkText": "Abordagem da Aprendizagem Criativa", "parents.overviewCommunityTitle": "Comunidade", "parents.overviewCommunityBody": "Pedimos a todos os participantes no sítio web que sigam as {communityGuidelines}.\nNão disponibilizamos a ninguém informação privada das contas. Para mais informação, por favor veja a {privacyPolicy}.", @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "O que é a comunidade em linha do Scratch?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Quando participam na comunidade em linha Scratch, os membros podem explorar e experimentar no seio de uma comunidade de aprendizagem aberta em conjunto com outros membros do Scratch de todas as origens, idades e interesses. Os membros podem partilhar o seu trabalho, obter opiniões e aprender uns com os outros.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Quais são as linhas de orientação da comunidade em linha do Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "A Equipe Scratch trabalha com a comunidade para manter um ambiente amistoso e respeitável para pessoas de todas as idades, raças, etnias, religiões, orientações sexuais e identidades de gênero. Você pode ajudar seu filho a aprender como participar lendo as {communityGuidelines} com ele. Os participantes devem fazer comentários construtivos e ajudar a manter o site amigável, denunciando qualquer conteúdo que não siga as diretrizes da comunidade. A Equipe Scratch trabalha todos os dias para administrar as atividades no site e responder às denúncias, com a ajuda de ferramentas como o filtro de profanidade {CleanSpeak}.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Linhas de Orientação da Comunidade", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Qual é a vossa política de privacidade?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Para proteger a privacidade em linha das crianças, limitamos a informação que recolhemos durante o processo de adesão e aquilo que tornamos público no sítio Web. Não vendemos ou alugamos a ninguém a informação sobre as contas. Pode descobrir mais consultando a nossa {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sl.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sl.json index ac9d5665..0e9d5963 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sl.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Kaj je Scratch spletna skupnost?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Pri sodelovanju v Scratch spletni skupnosti lahko člani raziskujejo in eksperimentirajo v odprti učni skupnosti z ostalimi Scratch člani iz vseh okolij, vseh starosti in interesov. Člani lahko delijo svoje delo, prejmejo povratne informacije in se učijo drug od drugega.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Kaj so smerince spletne skupnosti Scratch?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The MIT Scratch Team si prizadeva ustvariti prijateljsko okolje za vse, ne glede na starost, raso, veroizpoved, spol ... Svojemu otroku lahko pomagate tako, da si skupaj ogledate {communityGuidelines} vodila sodelovanja v skupnosti. Člane skupnosti prosimo, da komentirajo konstruktivno in pomagajo stran vzdrževati prijateljso in da poročajo o vsebinah, ki ne sledijo smernicam skupnosti. Ekipa Scratch dnevno pregleduje aktivnosti na strani in ustrezno ukrepa s pomočjo orodij kot so filter {CleanSpeak}.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Smernice skupnosti", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Kakšna je vaša politika zasebnosti?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Da zaščitimo osebne podatke otrok, se močno omejujemo glede tega, katere podatke zbiramo ob registraciji in katere javno prikažemo na spletni strani. Podatkov ne posojamo ali prodajamo. Več o naši politiki zasebnosti si lahko preberete na strani {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sw.json index 86561c02..a7460ce9 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/sw.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Jamii inayotumia Scratch mtandaoni ni gani?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Katika kushiriki pamoja na jamii inayotumia Scratch mtandaoni, wanajamii wana nafasi bora ya kuvumbua, kujaribu mawazo katikati ya jumuia pana yenye ujuzi, isitoshe, wanashirikiana na wanajamii wa Scratch wenye umri, tabaka, na masilahi mbalimbali. Wanajamii wanaweza kushiriki kazi zao, kupata maoni na mapendekezo, na kujifunza kutoka kwa kila mmoja wao.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Miongozo kwa jamii inayotumia Scratch mtandaoni ni ipi?", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Timu ya MIT ya Scratch inafanya kazi na jamii kukuza mazingira ya kirafiki yenye nidhamu na kuheshimika kwa watu wa kila umri, rangi tofauti, kabila, dini, mwelekeo wa kijinsia, na kitambulisho cha kijinsia. Unaweza kumsaidia mtoto wako ajifunze jinsi ya kushiriki pamoja kwa kukagua {communityGuidelines}. Wanajamii wanaulizwa kutoa maoni yao kwa njia ya kujenga na kusaidia kuboresha tovuti hiyo kwa kuripoti mada yoyote ynayokiuka mwongozo wa jamii. Timu ya Scratch inafanya kazi kila siku kusimamia shughuli kwenye tovvuti na kushughulikia ripoti, kwa msaada wa vifaa cha kama {CleanSpeak}kichujio cha uchafu.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Miongozo ya Jamii", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Sera zinazohusu faragha ni zipi?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Ili kulinda faragha ya watoto wakiwa mtandaoni, tunachuja taarifa tunayokusanya wakati wa hatua za kujisajili, na kile tunachoweka hadharani kwenye Tovuti. Hatuuzi au kukodisha taarifa za akaunti kwa mtu yeyote. Unaweza kujua zaidi juu ya ukurasa wetu wa {privacyPolicy}.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/uz.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/uz.json index 362a47a4..1ea28537 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/uz.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/uz.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Scratch online hamjamiyati nima o'zi?", "parents.faqCommunityBody": "Scratch online hamjamiyatida ishtirok etadigan a'zolar boshqa Scratch a'zolari bilan birgalikda qiziqishlari, yoshlari va barcha tajribalaridan kelib chiqqan holda oshkora o'rganadigan hamjamiyatda tekshirib ko'rishlari va tajribada sinab ko'rishlari mumkin. A'zolar bir-birlaridan o'rganishi, fikr-mulohaza almashishi va ishlarini ulashishlari mumkin.", "parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Scratch online hamjamiyati uchun ko'rsatmalar qanday? ", - "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.", + "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "MIT Scratch Jamoasi jinsiy tengliklar, jinsiy yo'nalishlar, dinlar, etnik kelib chiqishlar, irqlar va barcha yoshdagi odamlar uchun atrof-muhitni hurmat qoidalariga javob berishi va do'stona munosabatlarni himoya qilish uchun hamjamiyat bilan birgalikda ishlaydi. Siz 1 {communityGuidelines} ni birgalikda ko'rib chiqish orqali bolangizga qanday qatnashishini o'rganishida yordam bera olasiz. Uning a'zolari hamjamiyat ko'rsatmalariga amal qilmaydigan har qanday tarkibiga xabar berish orqali veb-saytning do'stona tarzda saqlanib qolinishiga yordam berishini konstruktiv ravishda izoh qoldirib so'rashgan. Scratch Jamoasi har kuni saytdagi boshqaruv faoliyati uchun ishlaydi va 2 {CleanSpeak} ga o'xshagan kufirlik filtiri asboblari yordami bilan hisobotlarga javob beradi.", "parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Jamoa yo‘riqnomasi", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Sizning maxfiylik siyosatingiz qanday?", "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Bolalarning online maxfiyligini biz veb-saytdagi omma oldida oshkora qilishga, ro'yxatdan o'tish jarayoni davomida chegara qo'yamiz. Biz har kimniyam hisobi haqidagi ma'lumotni sotmaymiz ham, ijaraga ham olmaymiz. Siz bu haqda 1 {privacyPolicy} sahifamizdan ko'proq topishingiz mumkin.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ab.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ab.json index 7056db05..e29c7c9f 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ab.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ab.json @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "project.numScripts": "апрограммақәа {number}", "project.numSprites": "анагӡаҩцәа {number}", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "Абри апроект шԥаԥышәҵеи? Шәхы иашәырхәама даҽаӡәы иитәыз аидеиақәа, апрограммақәа ма асахьақәа? Ҭабуп шәҳәа абра. ", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Еиҭашәҳәа, шәпроект ахархәашьа (иаҳҳәап, иарбан клавишақәоу изқәыӷәӷәатәу).", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Аԥсҭҳәатә ҽеиҭакқәа", "project.cloudDataLink": "Шәрыхәаԥш адырқәа", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Ари апроект иеилнакаар алшоит, иара зхы иазырхәо, блокла \"ахархәаҩ ихьӡ\". Аӡәгьы изеилымкаарц азы, шәҭыҵ асистема, апроект ахархәара шәалагаанӡа.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/am.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/am.json index 410c1cd0..d1d39529 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/am.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/am.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "ይህ ፕሮጀክት በ\"የተጠቃሚ ስም\" ጡም አማካኘት ማን እንደሚጠቀመው ማወቅ ይቻላል። ማንነትዎን ለመደበቅ ፕሮጀክቱን ከመጠቀምዎ በፊት ይውጡ", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ar.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ar.json index 553892a7..0bd1941d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ar.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ar.json @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "كيف صنعت هذا المشروع؟ هل استخدمت أفكارًا أو نصوصًا أو أعمالًا فنية من أشخاص آخرين؟ شكرا لهم هنا", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "أخبر الأشخاص بكيفية استخدام مشروعك (على سبيل المثال ، المفاتيح التي يجب الضغط عليها)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "يمكن لهذا المشروع معرفة من يستخدمه من خلال لبنة ”اسم المستخدم“. لإخفاء هويتك قم بتسجيل الخروج قبل استخدام هذا المشروع.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ast.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ast.json index cb4d78d3..e1ce73cd 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ast.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ast.json @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "¿Cómo ficisti'l proyeutu? ¿Usasti idees, scripts o diseños d'otres persones? Agradéz-yoslo", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Di a la xente cómo usar el proyeutu (por exemplu qué tecles calcar)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Variables de la nube", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/az.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/az.json index 6286c9b4..12d753db 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/az.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/az.json @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "Bu layihəni necə etdiniz? Başqalarının fikirlərini, yazılarını və sənət əsərlərini istifadə etmisinizmi? Burada onlara təşəkkür edirəm", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Layihənizi necə istifadə edəcəyinizi söyləyin (, məsələn ) düymələrini basmaq", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Bu layihə, istifadə edənin kimliyini \"istifadəçi adı\" blokuna əsasən təyin edə bilir. Anonim qalmaq üçün layihədən istifadə etməzdən öncə sistemdən çıxış edin.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ckb.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ckb.json index 693158b3..ee399a9f 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ckb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ckb.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "گۆڕاوەکانی هەور", "project.cloudDataLink": "بینینی دراوە", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "ئەم پڕۆژەیە دەتوانێت کەسی بەکارهێنەر بدۆزێتەوە لە ڕێگەی بلۆکی \"ناوی بەکارهێنەر\". بۆ شاردنەوەی ناسنامەکەت، بچۆ دەرەوە پێش بەکارهێنانی پڕۆژەکە.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eo.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eo.json index 6221d132..3aa1d1d6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eo.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eo.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Tiu ĉi projekto kapablas detekti tion, kiu uzas ĝin, per la bloko “uzantonomo”. Por kaŝi vian identecon, elsalutu antaŭ ol uzi la projekton.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/et.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/et.json index 55d1c33f..2d24d325 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/et.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/et.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Projekt saab “kasutajanime” ploki abil teha kindlaks, kes seda kasutab. Oma identiteedi peitmiseks logi enne projekti kasutamist välja.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eu.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eu.json index d2337f43..a2c36719 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/eu.json @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "Nola egin duzu proiektu hau? Beste batzuen ideiak, scriptak edo artelanak erabili al dituzu? Eskerrak emazkiezu.", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Azaldu jendeari zure proiektua nola erabili (zein tekla zapaldu behar diren adibidez)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Hodeiko aldagaiak", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Proiektu honek \"erabiltzaile izena\" duen blokea erabiliz zeinek erabiltzen duen hauteman dezake. Zure identitatea ez ezagutarazteko proiektua erabili baino lehen zure kontutik atera zaitez", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ht.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ht.json index 0eb5f0e0..66ff9e0b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ht.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ht.json @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "Kòman ou te fè pwojè sa? Èskew te itilize lide, skrip oubyen travay atistik lòt moun? Remèsye yo nan espas sa", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Eksplike lòt moun kòman pou itilize pwojè w lan (tankou ki touch pou peze)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/is.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/is.json index bce35615..82f2bd29 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/is.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/is.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Þetta verkefni getur komist að því hver þú ert, í gegnum \"notandanafns\" blokkina. Ef þú óskar eftir nafnleynd þá ættirðu að skrá þig út fyrir notkun á verkefni.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index f9ce5855..677cf5cc 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "project.comments.header": "コメント", "project.comments.toggleOff": "コメントはオフです", "project.comments.toggleOn": "コメントはオンです", - "project.comments.turnedOff": "Commenting for this project has been turned off.", - "project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Project comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.", + "project.comments.turnedOff": "このプロジェクトへのコメント投稿はオフに設定されています。", + "project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Scratch上のすべてのプロジェクトのコメントが一時的に利用できません。コメントは保存されていて、すぐに復旧します。", "project.share.notShared": "このプロジェクトはきょうゆうされていません — あなただけがみることができます。きょうゆうして、みんなにこうかいしましょう!", "project.share.sharedLong": "おめでとうございます! プロジェクトが、きょうゆうされました。だれでもためしたり、コメントしたり、リミックスできるようになりました。", "project.share.sharedShort": "プロジェクトはきょうゆうされています。", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "メモとクレジット", "project.credit": "げんさく{projectLink}をつくった{userLink}さんにかんしゃします。", "project.deletedBanner": "ちゅうい:このプロジェクトは、ゴミばこにいれられています。", - "project.defaultCensoredMessage": "This project was removed by the Scratch Team because it was disrespectful, inappropriate for all ages, or otherwise breaks the Scratch {communityGuidelinesLink}.", + "project.defaultCensoredMessage": "このプロジェクトは、「他人を嫌な気持ちにさせる」「すべての世代の人が見るには不適切」など、Scratch {communityGuidelinesLink}に反すると判断されたため、Scratchチームにより削除されました。", "project.communityCensoredMessage": "プロジェクトが不適切(ふてきせつ)だと複数(ふくすう)の人が報告(ほうこく)したので、一時的(いちじてき)に非共有(ひきょうゆう)にされました。", "project.willReviewCensoredMessage": "Scratchチームは{communityGuidelinesLink}に基づいて(もとづいて)プロジェクトを確認(かくにん)し、プロジェクトを復帰(ふっき)させるか検閲(けんえつ)を続ける(つづける)かを決め(きめ)ます。", "project.tempCensoredMessage": "もう一度(いちど)共有(きょゆう)する前(まえ)に、{communityGuidelinesLink}をよみ、プロジェクトを編集(へんしゅう)して、敬意(けいい)を示す(しめす)ようにしましょう。", @@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ "project.cloudDataLink": "データをみる", "project.usernameBlockAlert": "このプロジェクトは「ユーザー名」ブロックを使っ(つかっ)て、誰(だれ)が使っ(つかっ)ているかを検出(けんしゅつ)します。特定(とくてい)されたくない場合(ばあい)はこのプロジェクトを使う(つかう)前(まえ)にサインアウトしてください。 ", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "うーん。。悪い(わるい)言葉検出機構(ことばけんしゅつきこう)が問題(もだい)のあるコメントを検出(けんしゅつ)しました。文章(ぶんしょう)を変えて(かえて)、敬意(けいい)を示す(しめす)ことを忘れ(わすれ)ないでください。 ", - "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", - "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." + "project.mutedAddToStudio": "{inDuration}再度スタジオに追加できるようになります。", + "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "このプロジェクトにはビデオセンサーのブロックが含まれているため、プライバシー上の理由から、クラウド変数が無効になっています。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/lt.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/lt.json index 65ac21f4..b060f2c5 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/lt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/lt.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Šis projektas gali nustatyti, kas jį naudoja (pagal naudotojo vardą). Norėdami likti anonimais, atsijunkite.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/mi.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/mi.json index faed4220..99690bdd 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/mi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/mi.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Ka taea e tēnei kaupapa te kite ko wai mā e whakamahi ana i tēnei mā te paraka \"ingoa kaiwhakamahi\". Takiputa atu i mua i tō whakamahi i tēnei kaupapa hei huna i tō tuakiri.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/pt.json index 4af44f01..7731577b 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/pt.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "project.comments.header": "Comentários", "project.comments.toggleOff": "Comentários inactivos", "project.comments.toggleOn": "Comentários activos", - "project.comments.turnedOff": "Commenting for this project has been turned off.", - "project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Project comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.", + "project.comments.turnedOff": "Os comentários para este projeto foram desabilitados.", + "project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Os comentários nos projetos do Scratch estão desativados por hora, mas não se preocupe, eles estão salvos e voltarão em breve.", "project.share.notShared": "Este projecto não está partilhado – só você o pode ver. Clique em partilhar para o tornar visível por todos!", "project.share.sharedLong": "Parabéns por partilhar o seu projecto! Outras pessoas podem agora experimentá-lo, fazer comentários e remisturá-lo.", "project.share.sharedShort": "O seu projecto ficou partilhado.", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Notas e Créditos", "project.credit": "Obrigado a {userLink} pelo projecto original {projectLink}.", "project.deletedBanner": "Nota: Este projecto está na pasta de lixo", - "project.defaultCensoredMessage": "This project was removed by the Scratch Team because it was disrespectful, inappropriate for all ages, or otherwise breaks the Scratch {communityGuidelinesLink}.", + "project.defaultCensoredMessage": "Esse projeto foi removido pela Equipe Scratch por ser desrespeitoso, inapropriado para todas as idades, ou por violar de alguma forma as {communityGuidelinesLink} Scratch.", "project.communityCensoredMessage": "O seu projecto deixou temporariamente de estar partilhado pois foi reportado por múltiplas pessoas como sendo desapropriado.", "project.willReviewCensoredMessage": "A Equipa Scratch reverá o projecto com base nas {communityGuidelinesLink} e, das duas uma, ou o restaurarão, ou confirmarão a sua censura.", "project.tempCensoredMessage": "Por favor leia as {communityGuidelinesLink} e assegure-se de que edita o projecto de modo a garantir que ele as respeita antes de o voltar a partilhar.", @@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ "project.cloudDataLink": "Ver Dados", "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Este projecto pode detectar quem o está a usar através do bloco «o nome de utilizador». Para esconder a sua identidade, saia antes de usar este projecto.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm… O detector de palavrões pensa que há um problema com o seu texto. Por favor altere-o e lembre-se de ser respeitoso.", - "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", - "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." + "project.mutedAddToStudio": "Você poderá adicionar projetos a estúdios novamente {inDuration}.", + "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "Por motivos de privacidade, as variáveis de nuvem foram desativadas neste projeto porque ele contém blocos de detecção de vídeo." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/qu.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/qu.json index 2cf1f7ca..1bcafbc3 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/qu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/qu.json @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "Imaynanam ruraranki kay llamkayta? idiyatachu, qiyuntachu utaq huk runakunapa ruwasqantaña usarqanki? aqradisikuy kaypi", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Niy runata imaynataq usanmanku llankayninta (ima tiklakunata ñitinman)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Puyupi Hukniraqkuna", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "kay llamkayqa qawanmanami pikunataq rurachkanku, champa \"qillqay yakunaykita\". idintianikita pakanapaq, wañuchiy llamkayta qallarinaykipaq.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/th.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/th.json index 50b8fa60..8ceb1cf4 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/th.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/th.json @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "คุณสร้างโครงงานนี้อย่างไร? คุณใช้แนวคิด สคริปต์ หรืองานศิลป์จากคนอื่นหรือเปล่า? ขอบคุณพวกเขาได้ที่นี่", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "บอกให้ผู้อื่นทราบวิธีการใช้โครงงานของคุณ (เช่น ต้องกดปุ่มใดบ้าง)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/uk.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/uk.json index cba11b2d..69cd491c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/uk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/uk.json @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "Як ви зробили цей проект? Чи використовували ви ідеї, сценарії чи ілюстрації інших людей? Подякуйте їм тут", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Розкажіть людям, як використовувати ваш проект (наприклад, які клавіші натискати)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Хмарні змінні", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Цей проект може виявити, хто його використовує через блок \"користувач\". Щоб приховати вашу особистість, вийдіть перед використанням проекту.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/vi.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/vi.json index 28927c9a..88ea198f 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/vi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/vi.json @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", - "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", - "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", + "project.notesPlaceholder": "Làm thế nào bạn đã thực hiện dự án này? Bạn đã sử dụng ý tưởng, kịch bản hoặc tác phẩm nghệ thuật từ những người khác? Cảm ơn họ ở đây nhé!", + "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Trình bày cho mọi người cách chạy dự án của bạn (ví dụ như các phím cần ấn)", "project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudVariables": "Biến đám mây", "project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", - "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", + "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Chương trình này có thể phát hiện ai đang sử dụng nó thông qua mảnh ghép \"Tên truy cập\". Để ẩn danh, hãy đăng xuất trước khi sử dụng chương trình.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zh-tw.json index 0ffc2967..b0e4e288 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zh-tw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zh-tw.json @@ -48,5 +48,5 @@ "project.usernameBlockAlert": "這個專案使用的「用戶名稱」積木可以偵測誰正在使用。若不想要透露你的身份,請先登出再使用這個專案。", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "呃…你的評論好像有不當的字眼,請修改它,同時記得尊重是美德。", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "再過 {inDuration} 你才能添加專案到創作坊。", - "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." + "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "由于该作品包含视频侦测积木,出于安全原因云变量已被禁用。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index 547f8ceb..9f2dca55 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ { "privacyApps.title": "プライバシー・ポリシー", - "privacyApps.updated": "The Scratch Privacy Policy was last updated: January 6, 2022", - "privacyApps.intro": "The Scratch Foundation (“Scratch”, “we” or “us”) understands how important privacy is to our community. We wrote this Privacy Policy to explain what Personal Information (“Information”) we collect through our offline editor (the “Scratch App”), how we use, process, and share it, and what we’re doing to keep it safe. It also tells you about your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Information, and how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns.", - "privacyApps.collectionHeader": "What Information Does Scratch Collect About Me?", - "privacyApps.collectionParagraph": "For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. The Scratch App automatically collects and stores locally the following Information through its telemetry system: the title of your project in text form, language setting, time zone and events related to your use of the Scratch App (namely when the Scratch App was opened and closed, if a project file has been loaded or saved, or if a new project is created). If you choose to turn on the telemetry sharing feature, the Scratch App will transmit this information to Scratch. Projects created in the Scratch App are not transmitted to or accessible by Scratch unless you choose to upload your project to the Scratch Online Community, at which point the information you share will be subject to the terms of the Scratch Online Community {privacyPolicyLink}. Please see the section “What Happens if I Upload My Project to the Scratch Online Community?” below for more information.", + "privacyApps.updated": "このScratchプライバシー・ポリシーは2022年1月6日に更新されました。", + "privacyApps.intro": "Scratch Foundation(以下「Scratch」、「私たち」または「当社」)は、私たちのコミュニティにとってプライバシーがいかに重要であるかを理解しています。このプライバシーポリシーは、オフラインエディター(以下「スクラッチアプリ」)を通じて収集する個人情報(以下「情報」)、その使用、処理、共有の方法、および当該情報の安全を確保するために行っていることについて説明するために作成しました。また、個人情報に関するお客様の権利と選択肢、および質問や懸念がある場合の当社への連絡方法についても説明します。", + "privacyApps.collectionHeader": "スクラッチは私に関するどのような情報を収集しますか?", + "privacyApps.collectionParagraph": "本プライバシーポリシーにおいて、「情報」とは、特定された、または特定可能な個人に関連するあらゆる情報を意味します。スクラッチアプリは、テレメトリシステムを通じて次の情報を自動的に収集し、ローカルに保存します。情報はテキスト形式のプロジェクトのタイトル、言語設定、タイムゾーン、およびスクラッチアプリの使用に関連するイベント(つまり、スクラッチアプリが開かれたときと閉じられたとき、プロジェクトファイルが読み込まれたかまたは保存されたか、または新しいプロジェクトが作成された家に関する)情報です。テレメトリの共有機能をオンにすると、スクラッチアプリはこの情報をスクラッチに送信します。スクラッチアプリで作成されたプロジェクトは、スクラッチオンラインコミュニティにプロジェクトをアップロードすることを選択しない限り、スクラッチに送信されたり、スクラッチによってアクセスされたりすることはありません。アップロードされた時点で、共有された情報は、スクラッチオンラインコミュニティの {privacyPolicyLink}の条件に従うことになります 。「スクラッチオンラインコミュニティにプロジェクトをアップロードするとどうなりますか?」のセクションを参照してください。詳細については、以下を参照してください。", "privacyApps.privacyPolicyLinkText": "プライバシー・ポリシー", - "privacyApps.usageHeader": "How Does Scratch Use My Information?", - "privacyApps.usageIntro": "We use this Information for the following purposes:", - "privacyApps.analyticsTitle": "Analytics and Improving the Scratch App", - "privacyApps.analyticsDescription": "We use the Information to analyze use of the Scratch App and to enhance your learning experience on the Scratch App.", - "privacyApps.researchTitle": "Academic and Scientific Research", - "privacyApps.researchDescription": "We de-identify and aggregate Information for statistical analysis in the context of scientific and academic research. For example, to help us understand how people learn through the Scratch App and how we can enhance learning tools for young people. The results of such research are shared with educators and researchers through conferences, journals, and other academic or scientific publications. You can find out more on our {researchPageLink} page.", + "privacyApps.usageHeader": "Scratchでは、どのように個人情報が使用されますか?", + "privacyApps.usageIntro": "私たちは、この情報を以下の目的で利用します:", + "privacyApps.analyticsTitle": "Scratchアプリの分析と改善", + "privacyApps.analyticsDescription": "私たちは、Scratchアプリの利用状況を分析し、Scratchアプリにおける皆さんの学習体験を向上させるために、この情報を利用します。", + "privacyApps.researchTitle": "学術研究と科学研究", + "privacyApps.researchDescription": "私たちは、科学研究および学術研究の文脈における統計分析のために、情報を匿名化し、集約します。たとえば、人々がスクラッチアプリを通じてどのように学習しているのか、若者向けの学習ツールをどのように強化できるかを理解するのに役立ちます。このような研究の結果は、会議、雑誌、その他の学術的または科学的出版物を通じて、教育者や研究者と共有されます。詳細については、当社の{researchPageLink} ページをご覧ください。", "privacyApps.researchPageLinkText": "けんきゅう", "privacyApps.legalTitle": "ほうてきひょうじ", - "privacyApps.legalDescription": "We may use your Information to enforce our {termsOfUseLink}, to defend our legal rights, and to comply with our legal obligations and internal policies. We may do this by analyzing your use of the Scratch App.", + "privacyApps.legalDescription": "当社は、当社の {termsOfUseLink}を実施し、当社の法的権利を守り、当社の法的義務および社内ポリシーを遵守するために、お客様の情報を使用する場合があります。これは、お客様によるスクラッチアプリの使用状況を分析することによって行われる場合があります。", "privacyApps.termsOfUseLinkText": "りようきやく", - "privacyApps.processingHeader": "What Are The Legal Grounds For Processing Your Information?", - "privacyApps.processingParagraph": "If you are located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, we only process your Information based on a valid legal ground. A “legal ground” is a reason that justifies our use of your Information. In this case, we or a third party have a legitimate interest in using your Information (if you choose to allow the Scratch App to send the Scratch team your Information) to create, analyze and share your aggregated or de-identified Information for research purposes, to analyze and enhance your learning experience on the Scratch App and otherwise ensure and improve the safety, security, and performance of the Scratch App. We only rely on our or a third party’s legitimate interests to process your Information when these interests are not overridden by your rights and interests.", - "privacyApps.sharingHeader": "How Does Scratch Share My Information?", - "privacyApps.sharingIntro": "We disclose information that we collect through the Scratch App to third parties in the following circumstances:", - "privacyApps.serviceProvidersTitle": "Service Providers", - "privacyApps.serviceProvidersDescription": "To third parties who provide services such as website hosting, data analysis, Information technology and related infrastructure provisions, customer service, email delivery, and other services.", - "privacyApps.researchSharingDescription": "To research institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), to learn about how our users learn through the Scratch App and develop new learning tools. The results of this research or the statistical analysis may be shared through conferences, journals, and other publications.", - "privacyApps.mergerTitle": "Merger", - "privacyApps.mergerDescription": "To a potential or actual acquirer, successor, or assignee as part of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our organization or assets. You will have the opportunity to opt out of any such transfer if the new entity’s planned processing of your Information differs materially from that set forth in this Privacy Policy.", - "privacyApps.legalSharingDescription": "If required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is appropriate: (a) under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities, such as school, school districts, and law enforcement, including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms and conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.", - "privacyApps.communityHeader": "What Happens If I Upload My Project to the Scratch Online Community?", - "privacyApps.communityParagraph": "While using the Scratch App, you may choose to upload your project to the Scratch online community (“Online Community”). If you choose to upload your project to the Online Community, you are sharing your information outside of the Scratch App and providing it to the Online Community service. The information you share when uploading your project, such as your account and project information, will be governed by the Scratch online community {privacyPolicyLink}.", - "privacyApps.studentsHeader": "Children and Student Privacy", - "privacyApps.coppa": "The Scratch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) does not apply to Scratch. Nevertheless, Scratch takes children's privacy seriously. Scratch collects only minimal information from its users, and only uses and discloses information to provide the services and for limited other purposes, such as research, as described in this Privacy Policy.", - "privacyApps.ferpa": "Scratch does not collect information from a student's education record, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Scratch does not disclose information of students to any third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy.", - "privacyApps.eeaHeader": "Your Data Protection Rights (EEA)", - "privacyApps.eeaIntro": "If you are located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, you have certain rights in relation to your Information:", - "privacyApps.accessTitle": "Access, Correction and Data Portability", - "privacyApps.accessDescription": "You may ask for an overview of the Information we process about you and to receive a copy of your Information. You also have the right to request to correct incomplete, inaccurate or outdated Information. To the extent required by applicable law, you may request us to provide your Information to another company.", - "privacyApps.objectionTitle": "Objection", - "privacyApps.objectionDescription": "You may object to (this means “ask us to stop”) any use of your Information that is not (i) processed to comply with a legal obligation, (ii) necessary to do what is provided in a contract between Scratch and you, or (iii) if we have a compelling reason to do so (such as, to ensure safety and security in our online community). If you do object, we will work with you to find a reasonable solution.", - "privacyApps.deletionTitle": "Deletion", - "privacyApps.deletionDescription": "You may also request the deletion of your Information, as permitted under applicable law. This applies, for instance, where your Information is outdated or the processing is not necessary or is unlawful; where you withdraw your consent to our processing based on such consent; or where you have objected to our processing. In some situations, we may need to retain your Information due to legal obligations or for litigation purposes. If you want to have all of your Information removed from our servers, please contact {helpEmail} for assistance.", - "privacyApps.restrictionTitle": "Restriction of Processing", - "privacyApps.restrictionDescription": "You may request that we restrict processing of your Information while we are processing a request relating to (i) the accuracy of your Information, (ii) the lawfulness of the processing of your Information, or (iii) our legitimate interests to process this Information. You may also request that we restrict processing of your Information if you wish to use the Information for litigation purposes.", - "privacyApps.withdrawalTitle": "Withdrawal Of Consent", - "privacyApps.withdrawalDescription": "Where we rely on consent for the processing of your Information, you have the right to withdraw it at any time and free of charge. When you do so, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before your consent withdrawal.", - "privacyApps.eeaComplaint": "In addition to the above-mentioned rights, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority subject to applicable law. However, there are exceptions and limitations to each of these rights. We may, for example, refuse to act on a request if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if the request is likely to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, prejudice the execution or enforcement of the law, interfere with pending or future litigation, or infringe applicable law. To submit a request to exercise your rights, please contact {helpEmail} for assistance.", - "privacyApps.retentionHeader": "Data Retention", - "privacyApps.retentionParagraph": "We take measures to delete your Information or keep it in a form that does not allow you to be identified when this Information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we process it, unless we are required by law to keep this Information for a longer period. When determining the retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of services requested by or provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you, possible re-enrollment with our services, the impact on the services we provide to you if we delete some Information from or about you, mandatory retention periods provided by law and the statute of limitations.", - "privacyApps.protectHeader": "How Does Scratch Protect My Information?", - "privacyApps.protectParagraph": "Scratch has in place administrative, physical, and technical procedures that are intended to protect the Information we collect on the Scratch App against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Information. However, as effective as these measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot completely guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that the Information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.", - "privacyApps.internationalTransferHeader": "International Data Transfer", - "privacyApps.internationalTransferParagraph": "We may transfer your Information to countries other than the country where you are located, including to the U.S. (where our Scratch servers are located) or any other country in which we or our service providers maintain facilities. If you are located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, please note that we may transfer your Information to a country and jurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction. We apply appropriate safeguards to the Information processed and transferred on our behalf. Please contact us for more information on the safeguards used.", - "privacyApps.notificationsHeader": "Notifications Of Changes To The Privacy Policy", - "privacyApps.notificationsParagraph": "We review our Privacy Policy on a periodic basis, and we may modify our policies as appropriate. We will notify you of any material changes. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy on a regular basis. The “Last Updated” date at the top of this page indicates when this Privacy Policy was last revised. Your continued use of the Scratch App following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Policy.", + "privacyApps.processingHeader": "個人情報を処理する法的根拠は何でしょうか?", + "privacyApps.processingParagraph": "お客様が欧州経済地域、英国またはスイスに居住している場合、当社は有効な法的根拠に基づいてのみお客様の情報を処理します。「法的根拠」とは、お客様の情報の使用を正当化する理由です。この場合、当社または第三者は、(スクラッチアプリがスクラッチチームにお客様の情報を送信することを、お客様が選択された場合)お客様の情報を使用して、お客様の集計された情報または匿名化された情報を研究目的で作成、分析、および共有することで、学習体験を分析および強化すること、またはスクラッチアプリの安全性、セキュリティ、およびパフォーマンスを確保および改善することに正当な権利を有します。当社または第三者の正当な利益が、お客様の権利および利益によって優先されない場合にのみ、当社または第三者の正当な利益に依存してお客様の情報を処理します。", + "privacyApps.sharingHeader": "Scratchは私の情報をどのように共有しますか?", + "privacyApps.sharingIntro": "スクラッチアプリを通じて収集した情報は、次の場合に第三者に開示されます。", + "privacyApps.serviceProvidersTitle": "サービスプロバイダー", + "privacyApps.serviceProvidersDescription": "ウェブサイトのホスティング、データ分析、情報技術および関連するインフラストラクチャの提供、カスタマーサービス、電子メール配信、およびその他のサービスなどのサービスを提供する第三者に提供する場合。", + "privacyApps.researchSharingDescription": "マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)などの研究機関が、スクラッチアプリを通じてユーザーがどのように学習するかを学び、新しい学習ツールを開発することを目的とする場合。当該研究または統計分析の結果は、会議、雑誌、およびその他の出版物を通じて共有される場合があります。", + "privacyApps.mergerTitle": "合併", + "privacyApps.mergerDescription": "当社の組織または資産の全部または一部の再編、合併、売却、合弁事業、譲渡、またはその他の処分の一環として、潜在的な、または実際の買収者、後継者、または譲受人に提供される場合。新しい事業体によるお客様の情報の処理計画が本プライバシーポリシーに規定されているものと著しく異なる場合、お客様はかかる移行についてオプトアウトする機会が提供されます。", + "privacyApps.legalSharingDescription": "法律で義務付けられている場合、またはその行為が適切と誠実に判断した場合とは次を指します: (a) 利用者の居住国以外の法律を含む適用法に基づく場合。 (b) 法的手続きに従う場合。 (c) 学校、学区、法執行機関など、お客様の居住国以外の公的機関および政府機関からの要請に対応する場合。(d) 我々の規約を執行するため、(e) 我々の業務または我々の関連組織の業務を保護するため。(f) 我々の権利、プライバシー、安全、または財産、および/または我々の関連組織、利用者、またはその他の者を保護するため、および (g) 我々が利用できる救済策を追求したり当社が被る損害を制限したりするため。", + "privacyApps.communityHeader": "自分のプロジェクトをスクラッチオンラインコミュニティにアップロードするとどうなりますか?", + "privacyApps.communityParagraph": "スクラッチアプリの使用中、プロジェクトをスクラッチオンラインコミュニティ (「オンラインコミュニティ」) にアップロードすることを選択できます。プロジェクトをオンラインコミュニティにアップロードすることを選択した場合、スクラッチアプリの外部で情報を共有し、オンラインコミュニティサービスに提供することになります。アカウントやプロジェクト情報など、プロジェクトをアップロードした際に共有される情報は、スクラッチオンラインコミュニティの{privacyPolicyLink}によって規定されます 。", + "privacyApps.studentsHeader": "お子様と生徒のプライバシー", + "privacyApps.coppa": "Scratch Foundation は 501(c)(3) 非営利団体です。そのため、児童オンラインプライバシー保護法(COPPA)はスクラッチには適用されません。それにもかかわらず、スクラッチはお子様のプライバシーを真剣に受け止めています。Scratchは、ユーザーから最小限の情報のみを収集し、このプライバシーポリシーに記載されている通りに、サービスを提供する目的、および調査などの限られた他の目的にのみ情報を使用および開示します。", + "privacyApps.ferpa": "スクラッチは、家族教育の権利とプライバシー法(FERPA)で定義されている通り、学生の教育上の情報から情報を収集しません。スクラッチは、このプライバシーポリシーに記載されている場合を除き、学生の情報を第三者に開示しません。", + "privacyApps.eeaHeader": "お客様のデータ保護権 (EEA)", + "privacyApps.eeaIntro": "お客様が欧州経済地域、英国、またはスイスに居住している場合、お客様は自分の情報に関して特定の権利を有します。", + "privacyApps.accessTitle": "アクセス権、訂正請求権、データポータビリティ権", + "privacyApps.accessDescription": "お客様は、当社が処理するお客様に関する情報の概要を要求し、お客様の情報のコピーを受け取ることができます。また、不完全、不正確、または古くなった情報の修正を要求する権利もあります。適用法によって要求される範囲で、お客様は、お客様の情報を別の会社に提供するよう当社に要求することができます。", + "privacyApps.objectionTitle": "異議申し立て", + "privacyApps.objectionDescription": "お客様は、(i)法的義務を遵守するために処理されていない場合、(ii)Scratchとお客様との間の契約で定められたことを実行するために必要ではない場合、または(iii)当社にそうすることに対するやむを得ない理由がある場合(例えば、当社のオンラインコミュニティでの安全とセキュリティを確保するためなど)、お客様の情報の使用に異議を唱える(つまり「停止を要請する」)ことができます。お客様が異議を唱えた場合、当社は合理的な解決策を見つけるべく、お客様と話し合います。", + "privacyApps.deletionTitle": "削除請求", + "privacyApps.deletionDescription": "また、適用法で許可されているとおり、お客様の情報の削除を要求することもできます。これは、例えば、お客様の情報が古くなっている場合、処理が必要でない場合、または違法である場合、当該同意に基づいて当社の処理に対する同意を撤回する場合、またはお客様が当社の処理に異議を唱えた場合などに適用されます。状況によっては、法的義務または訴訟の目的で、お客様の情報を保持する必要がある場合があります。サーバーからお客様の全情報削除を希望される場合は、{helpEmail}までご連絡ください。", + "privacyApps.restrictionTitle": "処理の制限", + "privacyApps.restrictionDescription": "お客様は、(i)お客様の情報の正確性、(ii)お客様の情報の処理の合法性、または(iii)この情報を処理する当社の正当な利益、に関する要求を処理している間、お客様の情報の処理を制限するよう要求することができます。また、訴訟目的での情報使用を希望される場合は、お客様情報の処理を当社に制限するよう要求することもできます。", + "privacyApps.withdrawalTitle": "同意の撤回", + "privacyApps.withdrawalDescription": "当社がお客様の情報の処理について、お客様の同意に依存する一方、お客様にはいつでも無料で同意を取り消す権利があります。同意を取り消しても、同意が取り消される前の処理の合法性には影響しません。", + "privacyApps.eeaComplaint": "上記の権利に加えて、お客様は、適用法に従い、管轄の監督当局に苦情を申し立てる権利も有します。ただし、これら権利にはそれぞれ例外と制限があります。たとえば、要求が明らかに根拠のないものであるまたは要求が過剰である場合、または要求が他者の権利と自由に対して悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある場合、法の執行または執行を害する可能性、係属中の訴訟または将来の訴訟を妨害する可能性、または適用法に違反する可能性がある場合、当該要求に対する対応を拒否する場合があります。お客様の権利を行使する要求を提出するには、{helpEmail} までご連絡ください 。", + "privacyApps.retentionHeader": "データ保持", + "privacyApps.retentionParagraph": "当社は、当社が処理する目的においてお客様の情報が不要になった場合、お客様の情報を長期間保持することが法律で義務付けられている場合を除き、お客様の情報を削除するか、またはお客様を特定できない形式で保持する措置を講じます。保持期間を決定する際には、さまざまな基準を考慮します。この基準にはお客様が要求するサービスの種類、またはお客様に提供するサービスの種類、お客様との関係の性質と長さ、当社のサービスへの再登録の可能性、お客様から得られた一部の情報、またはお客様に関する情報を削除した場合、お客様に当社が提供するサービスに及ぼす影響、法律と時効によって定められた強制的な保持期間が含まれます。", + "privacyApps.protectHeader": "Scratchは、どうやって個人情報を保護するのですか?", + "privacyApps.protectParagraph": "Scratchでは、偶発的または違法な破壊、偶発的な損失、不正な変更、不正な開示または不正なアクセス、誤用、およびその他の違法な形態による情報処理から、スクラッチアプリで収集された情報を保護することを目的とした、管理的、物理的、および技術的な手順が整備されています。ただし、これらの対策は効果的であるものの、侵入できないセキュリティ システムはありません。当社は、当社のデータベースのセキュリティを完全に保証することはできかねます。また、お客様が提供する情報がインターネットを介して当社に送信される際に傍受されないことも保証できかねます。", + "privacyApps.internationalTransferHeader": "国際的なデータ移転", + "privacyApps.internationalTransferParagraph": "当社は、お客様の居住国以外の国にお客様の情報を転送する場合があります。これには、米国(当社のスクラッチサーバーが設置されている場所)または当社または当社のサービスプロバイダーが施設を維持するその他の国が含まれます。お客様が欧州経済地域、英国、スイスに居住している場合、またはデータ収集・使用を管理する法律が米国の法律とは異なるその他の地域に居住している場合、お客様の司法管轄区と異なるデータ保護法を有する国および管轄区域にお客様の情報を転送する場合があることにご注意ください。当社は、当社に代わって処理および転送される情報に適切な保護措置を適用します。使用される保護措置の詳細については、当社までお問い合わせください。", + "privacyApps.notificationsHeader": "プライバシーポリシーの変更に関する通知", + "privacyApps.notificationsParagraph": "当社はプライバシーポリシーを定期的に見直し、必要に応じてポリシーを変更することがあります。重大な変更があった場合は、お客様に通知します。当社のプライバシーポリシーを定期的に確認することをお勧めします。このページの上部にある「最終更新日」は、このプライバシーポリシーが最後に改訂された日付が記載されています。これらの変更後もスクラッチアプリを継続して使用される場合、改訂されたプライバシーポリシーに同意されたことを意味します。", "privacyApps.contactHeader": "れんらくさき", - "privacyApps.contactIntro": "The Scratch Foundation is the entity responsible for the processing of your Information. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise your rights to your Information, you may contact us at {helpEmail} or via mail at:" + "privacyApps.contactIntro": "Scratch Foundation は、お客様の情報の処理を行う事業体です。本プライバシーポリシーについて質問がある場合、またはご自身の情報に関する権利行使を希望される場合は、 {helpEmail} までご連絡いただくか、以下の住所まで郵送にてお問い合わせください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/zh-tw.json index c8eb8c4d..e98ef96e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/zh-tw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/zh-tw.json @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "privacyApps.updated": "Scratch 的隱私政策最近更新日期為 2022 年 1 月 6 日", "privacyApps.intro": "Scratch 基金會(以下或稱 Scratch、我們)瞭解社群中個人隱私的重要性,因此撰寫隱私政策來說明我們經由離線編輯器(或稱 Scratch App)收集了哪些個人資訊(以下或稱資訊、信息、個資),以及我們如何使用、處理、共享它,還有我們怎麼保護它的安全。同時也告知你有關你的個人信息的權利和選擇,還有在你有問題或疑慮時與我們聯繫的管道。", "privacyApps.collectionHeader": "Scratch 會收集哪些跟我有關的資訊?", - "privacyApps.collectionParagraph": "For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. The Scratch App automatically collects and stores locally the following Information through its telemetry system: the title of your project in text form, language setting, time zone and events related to your use of the Scratch App (namely when the Scratch App was opened and closed, if a project file has been loaded or saved, or if a new project is created). If you choose to turn on the telemetry sharing feature, the Scratch App will transmit this information to Scratch. Projects created in the Scratch App are not transmitted to or accessible by Scratch unless you choose to upload your project to the Scratch Online Community, at which point the information you share will be subject to the terms of the Scratch Online Community {privacyPolicyLink}. Please see the section “What Happens if I Upload My Project to the Scratch Online Community?” below for more information.", + "privacyApps.collectionParagraph": "就本隐私政策而言,“信息”是指与已识别或可识别个人相关的任何信息。 Scratch 应用程序通过其遥测系统自动在本地收集和存储以下信息:文本形式的项目名称、语言设置、时区和与您使用 Scratch 应用程序相关的事件(即打开和关闭 Scratch 应用程序的时间) ,如果项目文件已加载或保存,或者如果创建了新项目。 如果您选择开启遥测共享功能,Scratch App会将这些信息传输给Scratch。 在 Scratch 应用程序中创建的项目不会传输到 Scratch 或被 Scratch 访问,除非您选择将您的项目上传到 Scratch 在线社区{privacyPolicyLink},此时您共享的信息将受 Scratch 在线社区条款的约束。 请参阅“如果我将我的项目上传到 Scratch 在线社区会发生什么?”部分 下面了解更多信息。", "privacyApps.privacyPolicyLinkText": "隱私政策", "privacyApps.usageHeader": "Scratch 會如何使用我的個人資訊?", "privacyApps.usageIntro": "我們將這些信息用於以下目的:", @@ -16,41 +16,41 @@ "privacyApps.legalDescription": "我們可能會使用你的信息來執行我們的{termsOfUseLink}、捍衛我們的合法權利以及遵守我們的法律義務和內部政策。我們可能會通過分析你對 Scratch App 的使用來做到這一點。", "privacyApps.termsOfUseLinkText": "使用條款", "privacyApps.processingHeader": "處理你的個資的法律依據是什麼?", - "privacyApps.processingParagraph": "If you are located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, we only process your Information based on a valid legal ground. A “legal ground” is a reason that justifies our use of your Information. In this case, we or a third party have a legitimate interest in using your Information (if you choose to allow the Scratch App to send the Scratch team your Information) to create, analyze and share your aggregated or de-identified Information for research purposes, to analyze and enhance your learning experience on the Scratch App and otherwise ensure and improve the safety, security, and performance of the Scratch App. We only rely on our or a third party’s legitimate interests to process your Information when these interests are not overridden by your rights and interests.", + "privacyApps.processingParagraph": "如果您位于欧洲经济区、英国或瑞士,我们只会根据有效的法律依据处理您的信息。 “法律依据”是证明我们使用您的信息的理由。 在这种情况下,我们或第三方有合法权益使用您的信息(如果您选择允许 Scratch 应用程序向 Scratch 团队发送您的信息)来创建、分析和共享您的汇总或去识别信息以用于研究目的 ,以分析和增强您在 Scratch 应用程序上的学习体验,并以其他方式确保和改进 Scratch 应用程序的安全性、安全性和性能。 当您的权利和利益未凌驾于我们或第三方的合法利益之上时,我们仅依赖于这些利益来处理您的信息。", "privacyApps.sharingHeader": "Scratch 會如何共享我的個人資訊?", - "privacyApps.sharingIntro": "We disclose information that we collect through the Scratch App to third parties in the following circumstances:", + "privacyApps.sharingIntro": "在以下情况下,我们会向第三方披露我们通过 Scratch App 收集的信息:", "privacyApps.serviceProvidersTitle": "服務供應商", - "privacyApps.serviceProvidersDescription": "To third parties who provide services such as website hosting, data analysis, Information technology and related infrastructure provisions, customer service, email delivery, and other services.", - "privacyApps.researchSharingDescription": "To research institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), to learn about how our users learn through the Scratch App and develop new learning tools. The results of this research or the statistical analysis may be shared through conferences, journals, and other publications.", - "privacyApps.mergerTitle": "Merger", - "privacyApps.mergerDescription": "To a potential or actual acquirer, successor, or assignee as part of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our organization or assets. You will have the opportunity to opt out of any such transfer if the new entity’s planned processing of your Information differs materially from that set forth in this Privacy Policy.", - "privacyApps.legalSharingDescription": "If required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is appropriate: (a) under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities, such as school, school districts, and law enforcement, including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms and conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.", - "privacyApps.communityHeader": "What Happens If I Upload My Project to the Scratch Online Community?", - "privacyApps.communityParagraph": "While using the Scratch App, you may choose to upload your project to the Scratch online community (“Online Community”). If you choose to upload your project to the Online Community, you are sharing your information outside of the Scratch App and providing it to the Online Community service. The information you share when uploading your project, such as your account and project information, will be governed by the Scratch online community {privacyPolicyLink}.", + "privacyApps.serviceProvidersDescription": "向提供网站托管、数据分析、信息技术和相关基础设施规定、客户服务、电子邮件发送和其他服务的第三方提供服务。", + "privacyApps.researchSharingDescription": "研究机构,例如麻省理工学院 (MIT),了解我们的用户如何通过 Scratch App 学习并开发新的学习工具。 本研究或统计分析的结果可能会通过会议、期刊和其他出版物进行分享。", + "privacyApps.mergerTitle": "合并", + "privacyApps.mergerDescription": "作为我们组织或资产的全部或任何部分的任何重组、合并、出售、合资、转让、转让或其他处置的一部分的潜在或实际收购方、继任者或受让人。 如果新实体计划对您的信息进行的处理与本隐私政策中的规定存在重大差异,您将有机会选择退出任何此类传输。", + "privacyApps.legalSharingDescription": "如果法律要求或善意认为此类行为是适当的:(a) 根据适用法律,包括您居住国以外的法律; (b) 遵守法律程序; (c) 响应公共和政府当局的请求,例如学校、学区和执法部门,包括您居住国以外的公共和政府当局; (d) 执行我们的条款和条件; (e) 保护我们或我们任何关联公司的运营; (f) 保护我们和/或我们的附属公司、您或其他人的权利、隐私、安全或财产; (g) 允许我们寻求可用的补救措施或限制我们可能承受的损害。", + "privacyApps.communityHeader": "如果我将我的项目上传到 Scratch 在线社区会怎样?", + "privacyApps.communityParagraph": "在使用 Scratch 应用程序时,您可以选择将您的项目上传到 Scratch 在线社区(“在线社区”)。 如果您选择将您的项目上传到在线社区,您将在 Scratch 应用程序之外共享您的信息并将其提供给在线社区服务。 您在上传项目时分享的信息,例如您的帐户和项目信息,将受 Scratch 在线社区{privacyPolicyLink}的约束。", "privacyApps.studentsHeader": "孩童與學生隱私", - "privacyApps.coppa": "The Scratch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) does not apply to Scratch. Nevertheless, Scratch takes children's privacy seriously. Scratch collects only minimal information from its users, and only uses and discloses information to provide the services and for limited other purposes, such as research, as described in this Privacy Policy.", - "privacyApps.ferpa": "Scratch does not collect information from a student's education record, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Scratch does not disclose information of students to any third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy.", - "privacyApps.eeaHeader": "Your Data Protection Rights (EEA)", - "privacyApps.eeaIntro": "If you are located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, you have certain rights in relation to your Information:", - "privacyApps.accessTitle": "Access, Correction and Data Portability", - "privacyApps.accessDescription": "You may ask for an overview of the Information we process about you and to receive a copy of your Information. You also have the right to request to correct incomplete, inaccurate or outdated Information. To the extent required by applicable law, you may request us to provide your Information to another company.", - "privacyApps.objectionTitle": "Objection", - "privacyApps.objectionDescription": "You may object to (this means “ask us to stop”) any use of your Information that is not (i) processed to comply with a legal obligation, (ii) necessary to do what is provided in a contract between Scratch and you, or (iii) if we have a compelling reason to do so (such as, to ensure safety and security in our online community). If you do object, we will work with you to find a reasonable solution.", - "privacyApps.deletionTitle": "Deletion", - "privacyApps.deletionDescription": "You may also request the deletion of your Information, as permitted under applicable law. This applies, for instance, where your Information is outdated or the processing is not necessary or is unlawful; where you withdraw your consent to our processing based on such consent; or where you have objected to our processing. In some situations, we may need to retain your Information due to legal obligations or for litigation purposes. If you want to have all of your Information removed from our servers, please contact {helpEmail} for assistance.", - "privacyApps.restrictionTitle": "Restriction of Processing", - "privacyApps.restrictionDescription": "You may request that we restrict processing of your Information while we are processing a request relating to (i) the accuracy of your Information, (ii) the lawfulness of the processing of your Information, or (iii) our legitimate interests to process this Information. You may also request that we restrict processing of your Information if you wish to use the Information for litigation purposes.", - "privacyApps.withdrawalTitle": "Withdrawal Of Consent", - "privacyApps.withdrawalDescription": "Where we rely on consent for the processing of your Information, you have the right to withdraw it at any time and free of charge. When you do so, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before your consent withdrawal.", - "privacyApps.eeaComplaint": "In addition to the above-mentioned rights, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority subject to applicable law. However, there are exceptions and limitations to each of these rights. We may, for example, refuse to act on a request if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if the request is likely to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, prejudice the execution or enforcement of the law, interfere with pending or future litigation, or infringe applicable law. To submit a request to exercise your rights, please contact {helpEmail} for assistance.", - "privacyApps.retentionHeader": "Data Retention", - "privacyApps.retentionParagraph": "We take measures to delete your Information or keep it in a form that does not allow you to be identified when this Information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we process it, unless we are required by law to keep this Information for a longer period. When determining the retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of services requested by or provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you, possible re-enrollment with our services, the impact on the services we provide to you if we delete some Information from or about you, mandatory retention periods provided by law and the statute of limitations.", + "privacyApps.coppa": "Scratch 基金会是一个 501(c)(3) 非营利组织。 因此,儿童在线隐私保护法 (COPPA) 不适用于 Scratch。 然而,Scratch 非常重视儿童的隐私。 Scratch 仅从其用户那里收集最少的信息,并且仅使用和披露信息以提供服务和有限的其他目的,例如本隐私政策中所述的研究。", + "privacyApps.ferpa": "根据家庭教育权利和隐私法案 (FERPA) 的定义,Scratch 不会从学生的教育记录中收集信息。 Scratch 不会向任何第三方透露学生的信息,除非本隐私政策中另有规定。", + "privacyApps.eeaHeader": "您的数据保护权利 (EEA)", + "privacyApps.eeaIntro": "如果您位于欧洲经济区、英国或瑞士,您对您的信息享有某些权利:", + "privacyApps.accessTitle": "访问、更正和数据可移植性", + "privacyApps.accessDescription": "您可以要求概述我们处理的有关您的信息并获得您的信息的副本。 您还有权要求更正不完整、不准确或过时的信息。 在适用法律要求的范围内,您可以要求我们将您的信息提供给另一家公司。", + "privacyApps.objectionTitle": "异议", + "privacyApps.objectionDescription": "您可以反对(这意味着“要求我们停止”)任何未(i)处理以遵守法律义务,(ii)必须执行 Scratch 与您之间的合同规定的信息的任何使用, (iii) 如果我们有令人信服的理由这样做(例如,为了确保我们在线社区的安全和保障)。 如果您反对,我们将与您一起寻找合理的解决方案。", + "privacyApps.deletionTitle": "删除", + "privacyApps.deletionDescription": "在适用法律允许的情况下,您还可以要求删除您的信息。 例如,这适用于您的信息已过时或处理没有必要或非法的情况; 您根据此类同意撤回对我们处理的同意; 或者您反对我们处理的地方。 在某些情况下,由于法律义务或诉讼目的,我们可能需要保留您的信息。 如果您想从我们的服务器中删除您的所有信息,请联系{helpEmail}寻求帮助。", + "privacyApps.restrictionTitle": "处理限制", + "privacyApps.restrictionDescription": "在我们处理与 (i) 您的信息的准确性,(ii) 处理您的信息的合法性,或 (iii) 我们处理此信息的合法利益相关的请求时,您可以要求我们限制对您的信息的处理 . 如果您希望将信息用于诉讼目的,您也可以要求我们限制处理您的信息。", + "privacyApps.withdrawalTitle": "撤销同意", + "privacyApps.withdrawalDescription": "如果我们依赖同意来处理您的信息,您有权随时免费撤回同意。 当您这样做时,这不会影响您撤回同意之前处理的合法性。", + "privacyApps.eeaComplaint": "除上述权利外,您还有权根据适用法律向主管监管机构提出投诉。 但是,这些权利中的每一项都有例外和限制。 例如,如果请求明显没有根据或过分,或者如果请求可能对他人的权利和自由产生不利影响,损害法律的执行或执行,干扰未决或 未来的诉讼,或违反适用法律。 要提交行使您权利的请求,请联系{helpEmail}寻求帮助。", + "privacyApps.retentionHeader": "数据保留", + "privacyApps.retentionParagraph": "我们会采取措施删除您的信息或以不允许识别您身份的形式保存您的信息,除非法律要求我们将此信息保存更长时间 时期。 在确定保留期限时,我们会考虑各种标准,例如您请求或提供给您的服务类型、我们与您关系的性质和持续时间、可能重新注册我们的服务、我们对服务的影响 如果我们从您那里删除某些信息或关于您的某些信息,我们会向您提供法律和诉讼时效规定的强制保留期限。", "privacyApps.protectHeader": "Scratch 會如何保護我的個人資訊?", - "privacyApps.protectParagraph": "Scratch has in place administrative, physical, and technical procedures that are intended to protect the Information we collect on the Scratch App against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Information. However, as effective as these measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot completely guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that the Information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.", - "privacyApps.internationalTransferHeader": "International Data Transfer", - "privacyApps.internationalTransferParagraph": "We may transfer your Information to countries other than the country where you are located, including to the U.S. (where our Scratch servers are located) or any other country in which we or our service providers maintain facilities. If you are located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, please note that we may transfer your Information to a country and jurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction. We apply appropriate safeguards to the Information processed and transferred on our behalf. Please contact us for more information on the safeguards used.", - "privacyApps.notificationsHeader": "Notifications Of Changes To The Privacy Policy", - "privacyApps.notificationsParagraph": "We review our Privacy Policy on a periodic basis, and we may modify our policies as appropriate. We will notify you of any material changes. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy on a regular basis. The “Last Updated” date at the top of this page indicates when this Privacy Policy was last revised. Your continued use of the Scratch App following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Policy.", + "privacyApps.protectParagraph": "Scratch 制定了行政、物理和技术程序,旨在保护我们在 Scratch 应用程序上收集的信息免遭意外或非法破坏、意外丢失、未经授权的更改、未经授权的披露或访问、滥用和任何其他非法处理形式 的信息。 然而,尽管这些措施非常有效,但没有任何安全系统是无懈可击的。 我们不能完全保证我们数据库的安全,也不能保证您提供的信息在通过互联网传输给我们时不会被拦截。", + "privacyApps.internationalTransferHeader": "国际数据传输", + "privacyApps.internationalTransferParagraph": "我们可能会将您的信息传输到您所在国家/地区以外的国家/地区,包括美国(我们的 Scratch 服务器所在的国家/地区)或我们或我们的服务提供商维护设施的任何其他国家/地区。 如果您位于欧洲经济区、英国或瑞士,或其他地区的数据收集和使用法律可能与美国法律不同,请注意,我们可能会将您的信息转移到没有法律规定的国家和司法管辖区 与您所在司法管辖区相同的数据保护法。 我们对代表我们处理和传输的信息采取适当的保护措施。 请联系我们以获取有关所用保护措施的更多信息。", + "privacyApps.notificationsHeader": "隐私政策变更通知", + "privacyApps.notificationsParagraph": "我们会定期审查我们的隐私政策,我们可能会酌情修改我们的政策。 我们会通知您任何重大变更。 我们鼓励您定期查看我们的隐私政策。 本页顶部的“最后更新”日期表示本隐私政策的最后修订时间。 您在这些更改后继续使用 Scratch 应用程序意味着您接受修订后的隐私政策。", "privacyApps.contactHeader": "聯絡我們", - "privacyApps.contactIntro": "The Scratch Foundation is the entity responsible for the processing of your Information. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise your rights to your Information, you may contact us at {helpEmail} or via mail at:" + "privacyApps.contactIntro": "Scratch 基金会是负责处理您的信息的实体。 如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,或者您想行使对您的信息的权利,您可以通过{helpEmail}或通过邮件联系我们:" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/bn.json b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/bn.json index 38e1c272..6be04463 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/bn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/bn.json @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "privacyPolicy.share.title": "How Does Scratch Share My Personal Information?", "privacyPolicy.share.intro": "We disclose Personal Information that we collect through the Scratch Website to third parties, if you consent to us doing so, as well as in the following circumstances:", "privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersTitle": "পরিষেবা সরবরাহকারী", - "privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersBody": "To third parties who provide services such as website hosting, data analysis, information technology and related infrastructure provisions, customer service, email delivery, and other services.", + "privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersBody": "তৃতীয় পক্ষ যারা ওয়েবসাইট হোস্টিং, ডেটা বিশ্লেষণ, তথ্য প্রযুক্তি এবং সম্পর্কিত অবকাঠামোগত বিধান, গ্রাহক পরিষেবা, ইমেল বিতরণ এবং অন্যান্য পরিষেবাদির মতো পরিষেবা সরবরাহ করে.", "privacyPolicy.share.researchTitle": "একাডেমিক এবং বৈজ্ঞানিক গবেষণা", "privacyPolicy.share.researchBody": "To research institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), to learn about how our users learn through the Scratch Website and develop new learning tools.", "privacyPolicy.share.mergerTitle": "মার্জার", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/cs.json b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/cs.json index 293b1210..19885fdb 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/cs.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/cs.json @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "privacyPolicy.share.title": "How Does Scratch Share My Personal Information?", "privacyPolicy.share.intro": "We disclose Personal Information that we collect through the Scratch Website to third parties, if you consent to us doing so, as well as in the following circumstances:", "privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersTitle": "Poskytovatelé služeb", - "privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersBody": "To third parties who provide services such as website hosting, data analysis, information technology and related infrastructure provisions, customer service, email delivery, and other services.", + "privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersBody": "Třetím stranám, které poskytují služby jako je hosting webových stránek, analýza dat, informační technologie a související infrastruktura, zákaznický servis, doručování e-mailů a další služby.", "privacyPolicy.share.researchTitle": "Akademický a vědecký výzkum", "privacyPolicy.share.researchBody": "To research institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), to learn about how our users learn through the Scratch Website and develop new learning tools.", "privacyPolicy.share.mergerTitle": "Sloučení", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/de.json b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/de.json index 8304fbce..f9c81387 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/de.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/de.json @@ -13,88 +13,88 @@ "privacyPolicy.nav.contact": "Kontakt", "privacyPolicy.title": "Datenschutzbestimmungen", "privacyPolicy.lastUpdated": "Die Datenschutzbestimmungen wurden zuletzt aktualisiert am: 25. Mai 2023", - "privacyPolicy.intro": "The Scratch Foundation (“Scratch”, “we” or “us”) understands how important privacy is to our community, especially kids and parents (“you”, “user”). We wrote this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to explain what Personal Information we collect through our website (scratch.mit.edu, the “Scratch Website”), how we use, process, and share it, and what we're doing to keep it safe. It also tells you about your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Information, and how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns.", - "privacyPolicy.offlineEditor": "If you would like to build projects with Scratch without submitting any Personal Information to us, you can download and use the Scratch app offline. Projects created in the Scratch app are not accessible by Scratch, and the app will only send anonymized information back to us if you choose to do so. If you upload your projects to the Scratch online community on the Scratch Website, we will collect your Personal Information as explained in this Privacy Policy.", - "privacyPolicy.collectionTitle": "What Personal Information Does Scratch Collect About Me?", - "privacyPolicy.collection1": "For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. You may provide us with Personal Information directly, such as when you create an account, or we may collect your Personal Information automatically, such as when you switch languages or view a project.", - "privacyPolicy.collection2": "Where applicable, we explain whether and why you must provide us with your Personal Information, as well as the consequences if you choose not to do so. For example, you may not be able to benefit from the Scratch Website if that Personal Information is necessary to provide you with the service or if we are legally required to collect that Personal Information.", - "privacyPolicy.youProvide": "Personal Information That You Provide Us", - "privacyPolicy.accountInformationTitle": "Account Information", - "privacyPolicy.accountInformationIntro": "In order to use the services and features that we offer on the Scratch Website, such as to share projects, create studios, or post comments, you need to create an account (your own account, a teacher account or a student account).", - "privacyPolicy.yourAccount": "When you create an account for yourself, we ask you for a username and password, your country, gender, and your email address. We ask that you select a username that does not disclose your real name or other information that could identify you. Other users can see your username and country, but not your gender or email address.", - "privacyPolicy.teacherAccount": "When you create a teacher account, we ask for a username and password, your phone number, birthdate, gender, country of residence, name, and details about your employer.", - "privacyPolicy.studentAccount": "When you create student accounts through your teacher account, we ask for a username, password, birthdate, gender, and country of residence. You do not need to provide students’ email addresses to create bulk student accounts.", - "privacyPolicy.userGeneratedContentTitle": "User-generated Content", - "privacyPolicy.userGeneratedContentBody": "We process any Personal Information that you choose to provide to us in content when you create or interact with the Scratch Website (typically referred to as user-generated content). For example, in Scratch projects (including unshared projects), studios, text fields, or comments.", - "privacyPolicy.communicationsTitle": "Communications", - "privacyPolicy.communicationsBody": "If you contact us directly, we collect the Personal Information that you provide in your message. For example, when you contact our Customer Support Team, we may receive your name, email address, phone number, the contents of a message or attachments that you may send to us, and other information you choose to provide.", - "privacyPolicy.automaticallyCollect": "Personal Information We Collect Automatically From Your Use of the Scratch Website", - "privacyPolicy.locationInformationTitle": "Location Information", - "privacyPolicy.locationInformationBody": "When you use the Scratch Website, we infer your general location information, for example, by using your internet protocol (IP) address.", + "privacyPolicy.intro": "Die Scratch Foundation (\"Scratch\", \"wir\" oder \"uns\") weiß, wie wichtig der Datenschutz für unsere Gemeinschaft ist, insbesondere für Kinder und Eltern (\"Sie\", \"Nutzer\"). Wir haben diese Datenschutzrichtlinien (\"Datenschutzrichtlinien\") verfasst, um zu erklären, welche persönlichen Daten wir über unsere Website (scratch.mit.edu, die \"Scratch-Website\") sammeln, wie wir sie nutzen, verarbeiten und weitergeben und was wir tun, um sie sicher zu halten. Außerdem informieren wir Sie über Ihre Rechte und Wahlmöglichkeiten in Bezug auf Ihre personenbezogenen Daten und darüber, wie Sie uns kontaktieren können, wenn Sie Fragen oder Bedenken haben.", + "privacyPolicy.offlineEditor": "Wenn Sie Projekte mit Scratch erstellen möchten, ohne persönliche Daten an uns zu übermitteln, können Sie die Scratch App herunterladen und offline verwenden. Auf in der Scratch App erstellte Projekte kann Scratch nicht zugreifen und die App sendet nur dann anonymisierte Informationen an uns zurück, wenn Sie dies wünschen. Wenn Sie Ihre Projekte in die Scratch-Online-Community auf der Scratch-Website hochladen, erfassen wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten wie in dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie erläutert.", + "privacyPolicy.collectionTitle": "Welche persönlichen Daten sammelt Scratch über mich?", + "privacyPolicy.collection1": "Für die Zwecke dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie sind „personenbezogene Daten“ alle Informationen, die sich auf eine identifizierte oder identifizierbare Person beziehen. Sie können uns personenbezogene Daten direkt zur Verfügung stellen, beispielsweise wenn Sie ein Konto erstellen, oder wir erfassen Ihre personenbezogenen Daten möglicherweise automatisch, beispielsweise wenn Sie die Sprache wechseln oder ein Projekt ansehen.", + "privacyPolicy.collection2": "Gegebenenfalls erläutern wir, ob und warum Sie uns Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zur Verfügung stellen müssen, sowie die Konsequenzen, wenn Sie sich dagegen entscheiden. Beispielsweise können Sie möglicherweise nicht von der Scratch-Website profitieren, wenn diese personenbezogenen Daten für die Bereitstellung des Dienstes erforderlich sind oder wenn wir gesetzlich zur Erfassung dieser personenbezogenen Daten verpflichtet sind.", + "privacyPolicy.youProvide": "Persönliche Informationen, die Sie uns zur Verfügung stellen", + "privacyPolicy.accountInformationTitle": "Benutzerkonto Informationen ", + "privacyPolicy.accountInformationIntro": "Um die Dienste und Funktionen nutzen zu können, die wir auf der Scratch Website anbieten, etwa um Projekte zu teilen, Studios zu erstellen oder Kommentare zu posten, müssen Sie ein Konto erstellen (Ihr eigenes Konto, ein Lehrkonto oder ein Schüler:in Benutzerkonto).", + "privacyPolicy.yourAccount": "Wenn Sie ein Benutzerkonto für sich selbst erstellen, fragen wir Sie nach einem Benutzernamen und Passwort, Ihrem Land, Geschlecht und Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse. Wir bitten Sie, einen Benutzernamen zu wählen, der weder Ihren echten Namen noch andere Informationen preisgibt, die Sie identifizieren könnten. Andere Benutzer können Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Land sehen, nicht jedoch Ihr Geschlecht oder Ihre E-Mail-Adresse.", + "privacyPolicy.teacherAccount": "Wenn Sie ein Lehrkontoerstellen, fragen wir Sie nach einem Benutzername und Passwort, Ihrer Telefonnummer, Ihrem Geburtsdatum, Ihrem Geschlecht, Ihrem Wohnsitzland, Ihrem Namen und Angaben zu Ihrem Arbeitgeber.", + "privacyPolicy.studentAccount": "Wenn Sie über Ihr Lehrkonto Schüler:in Konten erstellen, fragen wir Sie nach einem Benutzernamen und Passwort, Ihrer Telefonnummer, Ihrem Geburtsdatum, Ihrem Geschlecht, Ihrem Wohnsitzland, Sie müssen die E-Mail-Adressen der Studierenden nicht angeben, um Massen Schüler:in Konten zu erstellen.", + "privacyPolicy.userGeneratedContentTitle": "Nutzergenerierte Inhalte", + "privacyPolicy.userGeneratedContentBody": "Wir verarbeiten alle personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie uns in Inhalten zur Verfügung stellen, wenn Sie die Scratch-Website erstellen oder mit ihr interagieren (in der Regel als benutzergenerierte Inhalte bezeichnet). Zum Beispiel in Scratch-Projekten (einschließlich nicht freigegebener Projekte), Studios, Textfeldern oder Kommentaren.", + "privacyPolicy.communicationsTitle": "Kommunikation", + "privacyPolicy.communicationsBody": "Wenn Sie uns direkt kontaktieren, erfassen wir die personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie in Ihrer Nachricht angeben. Wenn Sie sich beispielsweise an unseren Kundensupport Team kontaktieren, erhalten wir möglicherweise Ihren Namen, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Ihre Telefonnummer, den Inhalt einer Nachricht oder von Anhängen, die Sie uns senden, sowie andere Informationen, die Sie uns zur Verfügung stellen.", + "privacyPolicy.automaticallyCollect": "Persönliche Daten, die wir automatisch bei Ihrer Nutzung der Scratch Website erfassen", + "privacyPolicy.locationInformationTitle": "Standortinformationen", + "privacyPolicy.locationInformationBody": "Wenn Sie die Scratch-Website nutzen, leiten wir Ihre allgemeinen Standortinformationen ab, beispielsweise anhand Ihrer Internet Protocol (IP) Adresse.", "privacyPolicy.cookiesTitle": "Cookies", - "privacyPolicy.cookiesBody": "When you use the Scratch Website, we use cookies, beacons, invisible tags, unique IDs and similar technologies (collectively “Cookies”) to automatically record certain Personal Information from your browser or device. For example, your IP address, network location, web server logs, what browser you are using, device IDs and characteristics, operating system version, browser language settings, referring URLs, and Personal Information about the usage of the Scratch Website. For more information about our use of Cookies, please refer to the Scratch Cookie Policy.", - "privacyPolicy.otherSources": "Information Collected From Other Sources", - "privacyPolicy.thirdPartyInformationTitle": "Information from Third Parties", - "privacyPolicy.thirdPartyInformationBody": "We may obtain Personal Information about you from third parties, such as from your teacher if you are using Scratch within a school. This information may include your school name and address.", - "privacyPolicy.publicSourceInformationTitle": "Information from Public Sources", - "privacyPolicy.publicSourceInformationBody": "We may obtain Personal Information about you from public sources, such as from census records. This information may include demographic information about your school or geographic region.", - "privacyPolicy.usageTitle": "How Does Scratch Use My Personal Information?", - "privacyPolicy.usageBody": "The main purpose is to provide you with the services that we offer through the Scratch Website and to improve your learning experience. An overview of the uses:", - "privacyPolicy.usage.internalAndServiceTitle": "Internal and Service-Related Usage", - "privacyPolicy.usage.internalAndServiceBody": "We use Personal Information for internal purposes, including to operate, provide and maintain the Scratch Website. For example, to direct users to the requested content, to create and recover accounts and to enable users to create and share projects.", - "privacyPolicy.usage.analyticsTitle": "Analytics and Improving the Scratch Website", - "privacyPolicy.usage.analyticsBody": "We use Personal Information that we collect on the Scratch Website, such as your location and your activities, to monitor and analyze usage of the Scratch Website and to enhance your learning experience.", - "privacyPolicy.usage.communicationsBody": "We may send emails to an email address you provide to us for customer-service or technical-support purposes. We may also send a newsletter to the email address you provide to us when you subscribe to receive additional communications from us.", + "privacyPolicy.cookiesBody": "Wenn Sie die Scratch-Website nutzen, verwenden wir Cookies, Beacons, unsichtbare Tags, eindeutige IDs und ähnliche Technologien (zusammen „Cookies“), um bestimmte persönliche Informationen von Ihrem Browser oder Gerät automatisch aufnehmen. Zum Beispiel Ihre IP-Adresse, Netzwerkstandort, Webserverprotokolle, welchen Browser Sie verwenden, Geräte-IDs und -merkmale, Betriebssystemversion, Browser-Spracheinstellungen, verweisende URLs und persönliche Informationen über die Nutzung der Scratch-Website. Weitere Informationen zu unserer Verwendung von Cookies finden Sie in der Scratch Cookie Richtlinie.", + "privacyPolicy.otherSources": "Aus anderen Quellen gesammelte Informationen", + "privacyPolicy.thirdPartyInformationTitle": "Informationen von Dritten", + "privacyPolicy.thirdPartyInformationBody": "Wir können personenbezogene Daten über Sie von Dritten erhalten, beispielsweise von Ihrem Lehrperson, wenn Sie Scratch in einer Schule verwenden. Zu diesen Informationen können der Name und die Adresse Ihrer Schule gehören.", + "privacyPolicy.publicSourceInformationTitle": "Informationen aus öffentlichen Quellen", + "privacyPolicy.publicSourceInformationBody": "Wir können personenbezogene Daten über Sie aus öffentlichen Quellen beziehen, beispielsweise aus Volkszählungsunterlagen. Diese Informationen können demografische Informationen über Ihre Schule oder geografische Region umfassen.", + "privacyPolicy.usageTitle": "Wie verwendet Scratch meine persönlichen Daten?", + "privacyPolicy.usageBody": "Der Hauptzweck besteht darin, Ihnen die Dienste bereitzustellen, die wir über die Scratch Website anbieten, und Ihre Lernerfahrung zu verbessern. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Überblick:", + "privacyPolicy.usage.internalAndServiceTitle": "Interne und dienstbezogene Nutzung", + "privacyPolicy.usage.internalAndServiceBody": "Wir verwenden personenbezogene Daten für interne Zwecke, einschließlich des Betriebs, der Bereitstellung und der Wartung der Scratch-Website. Beispielsweise, um Benutzer zu den angeforderten Inhalten weiterzuleiten, Konten zu erstellen und wiederherzustellen und Benutzern das Erstellen und teilen von Projekten zu ermöglichen.", + "privacyPolicy.usage.analyticsTitle": "Analyse und Verbesserung der Scratch Website", + "privacyPolicy.usage.analyticsBody": "Wir verwenden personenbezogene Daten, die wir auf der Scratch-Website sammeln, wie z. B. Ihren Standort und Ihre Aktivitäten, um die Nutzung der Scratch-Website zu überwachen und zu analysieren und Ihr Lernerlebnis zu verbessern.", + "privacyPolicy.usage.communicationsBody": "Wir können E-Mails an eine Email-Adresse senden, die Sie uns zu Kundendienst oder technischen Supportzwecken zur Verfügung stellen. Wir können auch einen Newsletter an die Email-Adresse senden, die Sie uns bei der Anmeldung zum Erhalt zusätzlicher Mitteilungen von uns mitgeteilt haben.", "privacyPolicy.usage.researchTitle": "Akademische und wissenschaftliche Forschung", - "privacyPolicy.usage.researchBody": "We de-identify and aggregate Personal Information collected through the Scratch Website for statistical analysis in the context of scientific and academic research. For example, to help us understand how people learn through the Scratch Website and how we can enhance learning tools for young people. The results of such research are shared with educators and researchers through conferences, journals, and other academic or scientific publications. You can find out more on our Research page.", + "privacyPolicy.usage.researchBody": "Wir anonymisieren und aggregieren personenbezogene Daten, die über die Scratch-Website gesammelt werden, für statistische Analysen im Rahmen wissenschaftlicher und akademischer Forschung. Zum Beispiel, um uns zu helfen zu verstehen, wie Menschen über die Scratch-Website lernen und wie wir die Lerntools für junge Menschen verbessern können. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschung werden Pädagogen und Forschern über Konferenzen, Zeitschriften und andere akademische oder wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen mitgeteilt. Mehr erfahren Sie auf unserer Forschungsseite.", "privacyPolicy.usage.legalTitle": "Rechtliche Hinweise", - "privacyPolicy.usage.legalBody": "We may use your Personal Information to enforce our