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"Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ab.json b/editor/extensions/ab.json index aab986f6..8ecdc49c 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ab.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ab.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Абжьы атеқст ахь аиагара", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "Иӡырҩтәуп нас иԥштәуп", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "Сара [PHRASE] ансаҳауа", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "аԥҳәыстәи", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "салам", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "агигант", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "ацгәы", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "куин", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "иқәыргылатәуп абызшәа [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "аҷыжьбжьы", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "ахаҵатәи", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Атанслиациа", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "ирнааума [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "анахь", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "абрахь", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "ихынҳәтәуп", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "аматор A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "аматорқәа зегьы", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "аматор B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "аматор", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "иаҿыхтәуп [MOTOR_ID] ", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "иқәыргылатәуп [MOTOR_ID] амчра [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "иарбанзаалакь ", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "алада", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "армарахь", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "арӷьарахь", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "аҩада", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "ирыбжьоу [OP] [REFERENCE] анакәу", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/af.json b/editor/extensions/af.json index 6ff062da..ec72db37 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/af.json +++ b/editor/extensions/af.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "daarheen", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "hierheen", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "af", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "links", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "regs", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "op", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ak.json b/editor/extensions/ak.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ak.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ak.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/am.json b/editor/extensions/am.json index 4b70fb36..c416690f 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/am.json +++ b/editor/extensions/am.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "አዳምጥና ጠብቅ", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "[PHRASE]ን ሣዳምጥ", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "ሰላም", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "የድመት ግልገል", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "ከፍተኛ", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "ኲን", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "ሲጢት ማለት", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]ተዘነብሏል? ", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ያ መንገድ", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ይሄ መንገድ", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "አቅጣጫ መቀየር", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "[MOTOR_ID]ን ሞተር አጥፋ", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "የ[MOTOR_ID]ን ሞተር ኃይል ወደ [POWER] ለውጥ", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "የቱም", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ወደታች", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ግራ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ቀኝ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "ወደ ላይ", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "ርቀት [OP] [REFERENCE] ሲሆን", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ar.json b/editor/extensions/ar.json index 9a5a907c..b7763f53 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ar.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ar.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "خطاب إلى نص", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "استمع وانتظر", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "عندما أسمع [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "مرحبا ", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "عملاق ", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "هريرة ", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "قمة عظمى", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "كوين", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "اجعل اللغة على [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "صرير", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "ترجم", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "مائلة [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]؟", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ذاك الاتجاه", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "هذا الاتجاه", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "المعاكس", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "المحرك A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "جميع المحركات", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "المحرك B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "محرك", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "توقف [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "ضبط [MOTOR_ID] على الطاقة إلى [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "أي", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "الأسفل", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "اليسار", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "اليمين", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "الأعلى", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "عندما تكون المسافة [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ast.json b/editor/extensions/ast.json index a22ea12f..5d769766 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ast.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ast.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/az.json b/editor/extensions/az.json index d0cba785..61131499 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/az.json +++ b/editor/extensions/az.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Nitqdən mətnə", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "dinlə və gözlə", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "Mən [PHRASE] eşitdikdə", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "salam", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "nəhəng", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "pişik balası", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "maks", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "dili [LANGUAGE] təyin et", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "zingildəmək", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Tərcümə", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] əyilib?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ora", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "bura", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "geri dön", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "mühərrik A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "bütün mühərriklər", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "mühərrik B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "mühərrik", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "[MOTOR_ID] söndür", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "[MOTOR_ID] gücünü [POWER] təyin et", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "hər hansı", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "aşağı", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "sol", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "sağa", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "yuxarı", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "məsafə [OP] [REFERENCE] olduqda", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/be.json b/editor/extensions/be.json index 36d87ff0..fe35dd7b 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/be.json +++ b/editor/extensions/be.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "description": "when the value measured by the distance sensor is less than some value" }, "microbit.buttonsMenu.any": { - "message": "any", + "message": "любы", "description": "label for \"any\" element in button picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.clearDisplay": { @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ "description": "display nothing on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.defaultTextToDisplay": { - "message": "Hello!", + "message": "Вітаю!", "description": "default text to display.\n IMPORTANT - the micro:bit only supports letters a-z, A-Z.\n Please substitute a default word in your language\n that can be written with those characters,\n substitute non-accented characters or leave it as \"Hello!\".\n Check the micro:bit site documentation for details" }, "microbit.displaySymbol": { @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "description": "how much the micro:bit is tilted in a direction" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.any": { - "message": "any", + "message": "любы", "description": "label for any direction element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.back": { - "message": "back", + "message": "назад", "description": "label for back element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.front": { @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "туды", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "сюды", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "у адваротным парадку", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "уніз", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "налева", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "направа", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "уверх", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/bg.json b/editor/extensions/bg.json index ca13fcf8..b4161160 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/bg.json +++ b/editor/extensions/bg.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "натам", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "насам", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "обръщане", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "произволен", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "надолу", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "наляво", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "надясно", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "нагоре", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/bn.json b/editor/extensions/bn.json index 9d4b2ab6..de902fb5 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/bn.json +++ b/editor/extensions/bn.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ঐ দিকে", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "যে কোনো", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "নিচে", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "বাম", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ca.json b/editor/extensions/ca.json index 31f434c2..eebc1cd1 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ca.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ca.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "De parla a text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "escolta i espera ", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "quan senti [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "contralt", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hola", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "gegant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "gatet", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "màx", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "veu neutra", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "fixa l'idioma a [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "veu divertida", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Tradueix", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "inclinat [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "cap aquí", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "cap allà", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "invertit", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "tots els motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "apaga motor [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "fixa la potència de [MOTOR_ID] a [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "qualsevol", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "avall", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "esquerra", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "dreta", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "amunt", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "quan la distància [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ckb.json b/editor/extensions/ckb.json index 8888d337..40789296 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ckb.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ckb.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "گوێبگرە و بوەستە", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "کاتێک گوێم دەبێت لە [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "سڵاو", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "گەورەترین", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "بەم ڕێگەیە", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "بەو ڕێگەیە", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "پێچەوانە", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "هەر کام", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ژێرەوە", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "چەپ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ڕاست", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/cs.json b/editor/extensions/cs.json index cb72b824..acd270cc 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/cs.json +++ b/editor/extensions/cs.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Převod řeči na text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "poslouchej a čekej", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "když slyším [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alt", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "ahoj", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "obr", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kotě", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Vlasta", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Alex", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "nastav jazyk na [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "kvik", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Překlad", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "nakloněné [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "jinak", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "takto", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "pozpátku", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "všechny motory", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "vypni [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "nastav [MOTOR_ID] napájení [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "libovolný", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "dolů", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "vlevo", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "vpravo", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "nahoru", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "když vzdálenost [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/cy.json b/editor/extensions/cy.json index eb5c9668..c1db998e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/cy.json +++ b/editor/extensions/cy.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Lleferydd i Destun", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "gwrando ac aros", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "pan fydda i'n clywed [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "helo", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "cawr", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "cath fach", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "eilir", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "eirian", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "gosod iaith i [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "gwich", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Cyfieithu", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "wedi ei ogwyddo [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ffordd acw", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ffordd yma", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "gwrthdroi", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "modur A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "pob modur", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "modur B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "modur", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "diffodd [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "gosod pŵer [MOTOR_ID] i [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "unrhyw", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "lawr", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "chwith", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "de", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "i fyny", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "pam mae'r pellter [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/da.json b/editor/extensions/da.json index 921b225a..80c1e0b4 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/da.json +++ b/editor/extensions/da.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Fra tale til tekst", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "lyt og vent", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "når jeg hører [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "kvinde", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hej", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "kæmpe", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "killing", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "sæt sprog til [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "knirkende", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "mand", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Oversæt", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "vippet [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "den måde", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "denne måde", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "skift retning", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "alle motorer", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "sluk [MOTOR_ID] ", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "sæt [MOTOR_ID] kraft til [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "vilkårlig", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ned", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "venstre", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "højre", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "op", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "når afstanden [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/de.json b/editor/extensions/de.json index b321aa47..04db7bc7 100755 --- a/editor/extensions/de.json +++ b/editor/extensions/de.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Sprache zu Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "hör zu und warte", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "Wenn ich [PHRASE]höhre", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "Alt", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "Hallo", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "Riese", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "Kätzchen", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "setze Sprache auf [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "Quietschen", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "Tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Übersetzung", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] geneigt?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "linksherum", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "rechtsherum", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "umkehren", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "Motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "alle Motoren", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "Motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "Motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "schalte [MOTOR_ID] aus", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "setze Leistung von [MOTOR_ID] auf [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "beliebige", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "nach unten", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "links", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "rechts", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "nach oben", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "wenn Abstand [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/el.json b/editor/extensions/el.json index bfc7bb56..1394966c 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/el.json +++ b/editor/extensions/el.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "γεια", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Μετάφραση", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "προς εκείνη την κατεύθυνση", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "Αντιστροφή", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "οποιοδήποτε", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "κάτω", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "αριστερά", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "δεξιά", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "Πάνω", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/eo.json b/editor/extensions/eo.json index fb9aa8b9..a5f026ff 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/eo.json +++ b/editor/extensions/eo.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "tien", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ĉi tien", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "renversi", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "iu", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "malsupre", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "maldekstra", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "dekstre", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "supre", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/es-419.json b/editor/extensions/es-419.json index f9c1c960..865e61e1 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/es-419.json +++ b/editor/extensions/es-419.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Voz a texto", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "escuchar y esperar", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "al escuchar [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hola", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "gigante", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "gatito", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "cambiar idioma a [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "chirrido", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traductor", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "¿inclinado [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "hacia allá", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "hacia acá", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reversa", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "todos los motores", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "apagar [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "establecer fuerza de [MOTOR_ID] a [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "cualquiera", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "abajo", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "izquierda", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "derecha", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "arriba", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "cuando la distancia [OP][REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/es.json b/editor/extensions/es.json index 8d19c0c3..31044450 100755 --- a/editor/extensions/es.json +++ b/editor/extensions/es.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Reconocimiento de voz", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "escuchar y esperar", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "cuando oiga [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "contralto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hola", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "gigante", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "gatito", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "fijar idioma a [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "chillido", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traducción", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "¿inclinado hacia [DIRECTION]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "un lado", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "otro lado", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "inversa", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "todos los motores", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "apagar [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "fijar potencia de [MOTOR_ID] a [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "cualquiera", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "abajo", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "izquierda", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "derecha", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "arriba", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "cuando distancia [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/et.json b/editor/extensions/et.json index cfc48a1f..e0c778ce 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/et.json +++ b/editor/extensions/et.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "tere", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "tõlgi", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "teises suunas", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ühes suunas", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "vastupidine", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "mõni", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "alla", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "vasakule", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "paremale", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "üles", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/eu.json b/editor/extensions/eu.json index 2c4a427b..2626d1b3 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/eu.json +++ b/editor/extensions/eu.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Hizketatik testura", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "entzun eta itxaron", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": " [PHRASE] entzutean", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "altu", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "kaixo", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "erraldoia", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "katutxoa", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "ezarri hizkuntza: [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "kirrinka", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Itzuli", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] okertuta?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "norabide horretan", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "norabide honetan", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "alderantzikatu", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "A motorra", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "motor guztiak", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "B motorra", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motorra", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "itzali [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "ezarri [MOTOR_ID] potentzia: [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "edozein", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "behera", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ezkerra", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "eskuina", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "gora", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "distantzia [OP] [REFERENCE] denean", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/fa.json b/editor/extensions/fa.json index 79c6f571..3f88fa98 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/fa.json +++ b/editor/extensions/fa.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "سلام", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "ترجمه کردن", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "اون طرف", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "این طرف", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "برعکس", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "هر", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "پایین", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "چپ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "راست", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "بالا", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/fi.json b/editor/extensions/fi.json index 9cd7beaf..ed590554 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/fi.json +++ b/editor/extensions/fi.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Puhe tekstiksi", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "kuuntele ja odota", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "kun kuulen [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "altto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hei", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "jätti", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kissanpentu", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "aseta kieleksi [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "vingahdus", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenori", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Käännä", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "onko kallistettu suuntaan [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "tuohon suuntaan", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "tähän suuntaan", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "vaihda suuntaa", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "moottori A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "kaikki moottorit", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "moottori B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "moottori", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "laita [MOTOR_ID] pois päältä", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "aseta moottorin [MOTOR_ID] teho arvoon [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "mikä tahansa", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "alas", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "vasen", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "oikea", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "ylös", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "kun etäisyys [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/fr.json b/editor/extensions/fr.json index 8767a0af..af5e1762 100755 --- a/editor/extensions/fr.json +++ b/editor/extensions/fr.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Reconnaissance vocale", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "écouter et attendre", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "quand j'entends [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "bonjour", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "géant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "chaton", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "mettre la langue à [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "piailler", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "ténor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traduire", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "incliné [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "par là", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "par ici", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "inversé", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "moteur A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "tous ls moteurs", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "moteur B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "moteur", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "éteindre le moteur [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "mettre la puissance du moteur [MOTOR_ID] à [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "n'importe laquelle", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "vers le bas", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "à gauche", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "à droite", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "vers le haut", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "quand la distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/fur.json b/editor/extensions/fur.json index be813101..110a54e6 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/fur.json +++ b/editor/extensions/fur.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "di che bande", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "di che bande chi", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "contrarie", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "cualsisei", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "jù", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "çampe", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "drete", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "sù", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ga.json b/editor/extensions/ga.json index 52aa4a75..1e471f68 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ga.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ga.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Caint go Téacs", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "éist agus fan", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "nuair a chloisim [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "dia dhuit", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "fathach", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "piscín", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "ailbhe", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "dáire", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "socraigh an teanga: [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "gíog", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Aistriúchán", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "claonta [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "an treo sin", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "an treo seo", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "droim ar ais", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "múch [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "socraigh cumhacht [MOTOR_ID]: [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "ceann ar bith", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "síos", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ar chlé", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ar dheis", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "suas", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "agus fad [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/gd.json b/editor/extensions/gd.json index 3c815574..cd021246 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/gd.json +++ b/editor/extensions/gd.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Cainnt na theacsa", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "èist is fan", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "nuair a chluinneas mi [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "shin thu", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "famhair", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "piseag", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "as motha", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "neach", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "suidhich an cànan air [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "bìog", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Eadar-theangaich", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "claonadh [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] air", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "an taoibh sin", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "an taoibh seo", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "contrarra", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motar A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "a h-uile motar", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motar B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motar", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "cuir [MOTOR_ID] dheth", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "suidhich cumhachd [MOTOR_ID] air [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "sam bith", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "sìos", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "gu clì", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "gu deas", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "suas", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "nuair a thèid an t-astar [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/gl.json b/editor/extensions/gl.json index 1c98e3f4..a6e8f9fc 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/gl.json +++ b/editor/extensions/gl.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "description": "play some note on EV3 for some time" }, "ev3.buttonPressed": { - "message": "botón [PORT] premido?", + "message": "está premido o botón [PORT] ?", "description": "is a button on some port pressed?" }, "ev3.getBrightness": { @@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ "description": "get the measured degrees a motor has turned" }, "ev3.motorSetPower": { - "message": "no motor [PORT] poñer a potencia ao [POWER] %", + "message": "pór o motor [PORT] ao [POWER] % de potencia", "description": "set a motor's power to some value" }, "ev3.motorTurnClockwise": { - "message": "o motor [PORT] virar para aquí durante [TIME] segundos", + "message": "virar o motor [PORT] para aquí durante [TIME] segundos", "description": "turn a motor clockwise for some time" }, "ev3.motorTurnCounterClockwise": { - "message": "o motor [PORT] virar para alá durante [TIME] segundos", + "message": "virar o motor [PORT] para alá durante [TIME] segundos", "description": "turn a motor counter-clockwise for some time" }, "ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": { @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ "description": "display a pattern on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.displayText": { - "message": "mostrar texto [TEXT]", + "message": "mostrar o texto [TEXT]", "description": "display text on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.gesturesMenu.jumped": { @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ "description": "label for shaken gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.isButtonPressed": { - "message": "botón [BTN] premido?", + "message": "está premido o botón [BTN] ?", "description": "is the selected button on the micro:bit pressed?" }, "microbit.isTilted": { - "message": "inclinado [DIRECTION] ?", + "message": "inclinado cara [DIRECTION] ?", "description": "is the micro:bit is tilted in a direction?" }, "microbit.pinStateMenu.off": { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "description": "label for on element in pin state picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.tiltAngle": { - "message": "ángulo de inclinación [DIRECTION]", + "message": "ángulo de inclinación cara [DIRECTION]", "description": "how much the micro:bit is tilted in a direction" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.any": { @@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ "description": "label for back element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.front": { - "message": "diante", + "message": "adiante", "description": "label for front element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.left": { - "message": "esquerda", + "message": "a esquerda", "description": "label for left element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.right": { - "message": "dereita", + "message": "a dereita", "description": "label for right element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.whenButtonPressed": { @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ "description": "when the selected button on the micro:bit is pressed" }, "microbit.whenGesture": { - "message": "ao [GESTURE]", + "message": "cando é [GESTURE]", "description": "when the selected gesture is detected by the micro:bit" }, "microbit.whenPinConnected": { @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ "description": "when the pin detects a connection to Earth/Ground" }, "microbit.whenTilted": { - "message": "ao estar inclinado [DIRECTION]", + "message": "ao estar inclinado cara [DIRECTION]", "description": "when the micro:bit is tilted in a direction" }, "music.categoryName": { @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ "description": "Label for the Music extension category" }, "music.changeTempo": { - "message": "cambiar tempo por [TEMPO]", + "message": "aumentar o tempo en [TEMPO]", "description": "change tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" }, "music.drumBass": { @@ -164,11 +164,11 @@ "description": "Sound of a conga being struck" }, "music.drumCowbell": { - "message": "(11) Cencerro", + "message": "(11) Chocallo", "description": "Sound of a cowbell being struck" }, "music.drumCrashCymbal": { - "message": "(4) Platillo Crash", + "message": "(4) Prato de ataque", "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a crash cymbal" }, "music.drumCuica": { @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ "description": "Sound of a cuica being played" }, "music.drumGuiro": { - "message": "(16) Güiro)", + "message": "(16) Güiro", "description": "Sound of a guiro being played" }, "music.drumHandClap": { @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ "description": "Sound of a wood block being struck" }, "music.getTempo": { - "message": "ritmo", + "message": "tempo", "description": "get the current tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" }, "music.instrumentBass": { @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ "description": "Sound of a wooden flute being played" }, "music.midiSetInstrument": { - "message": "fixar o instrumento en [INSTRUMENT]", + "message": "tocar o instrumento [INSTRUMENT]", "description": "set the instrument for notes played according to a mapping of MIDI codes" }, "music.playDrumForBeats": { @@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ "description": "rest (play no sound) for a number of beats" }, "music.setInstrument": { - "message": "fixar o instrumento en [INSTRUMENT]", + "message": "usar o instrumento [INSTRUMENT]", "description": "set the instrument (e.g. piano, guitar, trombone) for notes played" }, "music.setTempo": { - "message": "fixar o tempo en [TEMPO]", + "message": "aplicar un tempo de [TEMPO]", "description": "set tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" }, "pen.categoryName": { @@ -328,19 +328,19 @@ "description": "Label for the pen extension category" }, "pen.changeColorParam": { - "message": "cambiar lapis [COLOR_PARAM] en [VALUE]", + "message": "sumar [VALUE] á [COLOR_PARAM] do lapis", "description": "change the state of a pen color parameter" }, "pen.changeHue": { - "message": "cambiar cor do lapis en [HUE]", + "message": "sumar [HUE] á cor do lapis", "description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen color" }, "pen.changeShade": { - "message": "cambiar intensidade do lapis en [SHADE]", + "message": "sumar [SHADE] a intensidade do lapis", "description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen shade" }, "pen.changeSize": { - "message": "cambiar tamaño do lapis en [SIZE]", + "message": "aumentar o tamaño do lapis en [SIZE]", "description": "change the diameter of the trail left by a sprite" }, "pen.clear": { @@ -364,31 +364,31 @@ "description": "label for transparency element in color picker for pen extension" }, "pen.penDown": { - "message": "baixar lapis", + "message": "baixar o lapis", "description": "start leaving a trail when the sprite moves" }, "pen.penUp": { - "message": "subir lapis", + "message": "subir o lapis", "description": "stop leaving a trail behind the sprite" }, "pen.setColor": { - "message": "fixar cor do lapis a [COLOR]", + "message": "usar un lapis de cor [COLOR]", "description": "set the pen color to a particular (RGB) value" }, "pen.setColorParam": { - "message": "fixar lapis [COLOR_PARAM] a [VALUE]", + "message": "pór a [COLOR_PARAM] do lapis en [VALUE]", "description": "set the state for a pen color parameter e.g. saturation" }, "pen.setHue": { - "message": "fixar cor do lapis a [HUE]", + "message": "usar un lapis de cor [HUE]", "description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen color to number" }, "pen.setShade": { - "message": "fixar intensidade do lapis a [SHADE]", + "message": "pór a intensidade do lapis a [SHADE]", "description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen shade" }, "pen.setSize": { - "message": "fixar tamaño do lapis a [SIZE]", + "message": "usar un lapis de tamaño [SIZE]", "description": "set the diameter of a trail left by a sprite" }, "pen.stamp": { @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Fala a texto", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "escoitar e agardar", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "ao ouvir [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "Ola", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "xigante", @@ -427,8 +427,16 @@ "message": "gatiño", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "feli", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "andr", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { - "message": "fixar o idioma en [LANGUAGE]", + "message": "usar o idioma [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." }, "text2speech.setVoiceBlock": { @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "bradar", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traducir", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -488,7 +492,7 @@ "description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block that causes the video to be flipped horizontally (reversed as in a mirror)" }, "videoSensing.setVideoTransparency": { - "message": "fixar transparencia de vídeo en [TRANSPARENCY]", + "message": "pór a transparencia de vídeo en [TRANSPARENCY]", "description": "Controls transparency of the video preview layer" }, "videoSensing.sprite": { @@ -500,7 +504,7 @@ "description": "Subject for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" }, "videoSensing.videoOn": { - "message": "vídeo [ATTRIBUTE] ao [SUBJECT]", + "message": "[ATTRIBUTE] de vídeo a [SUBJECT]", "description": "Reporter that returns the amount of [ATTRIBUTE] for the selected [SUBJECT]" }, "videoSensing.videoToggle": { @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "inclinado á [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "cara alá", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "por aquí", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverter", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "todos os motores", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "apagar [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -568,43 +544,23 @@ "description": "play a certain note for some time" }, "wedo2.setLightHue": { - "message": "fixar a cor da luz a [HUE]", + "message": "pór a cor da luz a [HUE]", "description": "set the LED color" }, "wedo2.setMotorDirection": { - "message": "fixara a dirección de [MOTOR_ID] a [MOTOR_DIRECTION]", + "message": "trocar a dirección de [MOTOR_ID] por [MOTOR_DIRECTION]", "description": "set the motor's turn direction" }, "wedo2.startMotorPower": { - "message": "fixar a potencia de [MOTOR_ID] a [POWER]", + "message": "pór a potencia de [MOTOR_ID] a [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "calquera", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "abaixo", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "esquerda", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "dereita", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "arriba", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "cando a distancia [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" }, "wedo2.whenTilted": { - "message": "cando estea inclinado á [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]", + "message": "cando estea inclinado cara [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]", "description": "check when tilted in a certain direction" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/editor/extensions/gu.json b/editor/extensions/gu.json index 190e5713..2f7939ba 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/gu.json +++ b/editor/extensions/gu.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "કોઈ પણ", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ha.json b/editor/extensions/ha.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ha.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ha.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/hak.json b/editor/extensions/hak.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/hak.json +++ b/editor/extensions/hak.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/he.json b/editor/extensions/he.json index f54843ce..844bec58 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/he.json +++ b/editor/extensions/he.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "דיבור לטקסט", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "הקשב וחכה", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "כאשר אני שומע [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "שלום", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "ענק", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "חתלתול", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "מקס", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "קווין", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "קביעת שפה ל[LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "חריקה", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "תרגם", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "מוטה[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "בדרך ההיא", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "בדרך הזאת", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "הפוך", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "מנוע A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "כל המנועים", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "מנוע B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "מנוע", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "כיבוי [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "קבע הספק של[MOTOR_ID] ל [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "כל", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "מטה", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "שמאלה", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ימינה", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "מעלה", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "כאשר מרחק [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/hi.json b/editor/extensions/hi.json index d24ca30f..9e220c84 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/hi.json +++ b/editor/extensions/hi.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "आवाज से अक्षर ", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "आलाप", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "मजेदार आवाज़", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "बिल्ली का बच्चा", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "अनुवाद", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "कोई", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "नीचे", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "बाएं", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "दाहे", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "उपर", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/hr.json b/editor/extensions/hr.json index ad11358f..83c6e76e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/hr.json +++ b/editor/extensions/hr.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Govor u tekst", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "slušaj i čekaj", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "kada čujem [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alt", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "Bok", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "div", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "mačić", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "postavi jezik na [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "cviljenje", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Prevedi", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "nagnuto [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "smjer kazaljke na satu", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "suprotno kazaljke na satu", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "obrnuto", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "svi motori", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "isključi [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "postavi snagu [MOTOR_ID] na [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "bilo koja", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "dolje", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "lijevo", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "desno", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "gore", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "kada je udaljenost [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ht.json b/editor/extensions/ht.json index ee7c5e3d..8f65bc0c 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ht.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ht.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "lòt bò a", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "lòt bò a", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "fè bak", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "nenpòt", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "anba", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "goch", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "dwat", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "anwo", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/hu.json b/editor/extensions/hu.json index f79017b2..939b5549 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/hu.json +++ b/editor/extensions/hu.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "kérdezd meg: %1 és várj", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "amikor hallom [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "üdv", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "cica", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Alex", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "vinnyog", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Fordítás", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] irányba billenve?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "arra", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "erre", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "visszafelé", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "fordulás [MOTOR_ID] ki", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "[MOTOR_ID] erőssége legyen [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "egyik", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "le", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "balra", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "jobbra", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "fel", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "amikor [OP] távolság [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/hy.json b/editor/extensions/hy.json index 55abd227..ff29b197 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/hy.json +++ b/editor/extensions/hy.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "այդ ուղղությամբ", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "Այս ուղղությամբ", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "շրջել", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "այլ", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ներքև", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ձախ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "աջ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "վեր", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/id.json b/editor/extensions/id.json index 70dbcda4..4f060eea 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/id.json +++ b/editor/extensions/id.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "halo", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Terjemahkan", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ke arah sana", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ke arah sini", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "balikkan arah", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "manapun", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "bawah", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "kiri", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "kanan", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "atas", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ig.json b/editor/extensions/ig.json index 35b0a95a..b6fe8e04 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ig.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ig.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "nke ọ bụla", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "aka ekpe", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "aka nri", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/is.json b/editor/extensions/is.json index 8095f6d3..96ba1a97 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/is.json +++ b/editor/extensions/is.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "hlustaðu og bíddu", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "þegar ég heyri [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "halló", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kettlingur", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "tíst", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "hina leiðina", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "þessa leið", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "afturábak", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "eitthvert", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "niður", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "vinstri", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "hægri", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "upp", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/it.json b/editor/extensions/it.json index 401df651..578cb46f 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/it.json +++ b/editor/extensions/it.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Riconoscimento della voce", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "ascolta e attendi", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "quando sento [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "da contralto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "ciao", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "da gigante", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "da gattino", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "alex", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "usa lingua [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "stridula", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "da tenore", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traduci", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "inclinato [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "da quella parte", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "da questa parte", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "inversione", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motore A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "tutti i motori", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motore B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motore", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "spegni [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "porta potenza [MOTOR_ID] a [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "qualunque", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "giù", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "a sinistra", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "a destra", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "su", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "quando distanza [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json b/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json index 9eae450d..c2a41a47 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "きいて", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "[PHRASE]をきいたとき", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "こんにちは", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "ほんやく", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "あちらむき", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "こちらむき", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "ぎゃくむき", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "どれかの", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "した", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ひだり", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "みぎ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "うえ", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ja.json b/editor/extensions/ja.json index e682969c..c55c5e0a 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ja.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ja.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "音声認識", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "聞いて", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "[PHRASE]を聞いたとき", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "アルト", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "こんにちは", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "巨人", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "子猫", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "マックス", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "クイン", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "言語を[LANGUAGE]にする", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "ねずみ", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "テノール", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "翻訳", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]に傾いている", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "あちら向き", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "こちら向き", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "逆向き", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "モーターA", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "すべてのモーター", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "モーターB", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "モーター", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "[MOTOR_ID]をオフにする", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "[MOTOR_ID]のパワーを[POWER]にする", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "どれかの向き", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "下", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "左", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "右", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "上", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "距離[OP][REFERENCE]のとき", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ka.json b/editor/extensions/ka.json index 4373fb03..7d0c5a89 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ka.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ka.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "მეტყველების ტექსტად გარდაქმნა", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "მოუსმინე და დაელოდე", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "როდესაც მესმის 1[PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "გამარჯობა", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "ფისო", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "მაქსი", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "კვინი", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "სკვიკი", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "თარგმნე", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "გადახრილია 1[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "გამორთე 1[MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "მომართე 1[MOTOR_ID] ძალა 2[POWER]-ზე", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "ნებისმიერი", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "მარცხნივ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "მარჯვნივ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "როდესაც მანძილი 1[OP] 2[REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/kk.json b/editor/extensions/kk.json index 6a2b3acc..d5403267 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/kk.json +++ b/editor/extensions/kk.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "осы жолмен", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "осылайша", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "қайту", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "кез келген", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "төмен", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "солға", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "оңға", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "жоғары", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/kn.json b/editor/extensions/kn.json index 808b219f..08861e84 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/kn.json +++ b/editor/extensions/kn.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ಕೆಳಗೆ", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ಎಡ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ಬಲ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "ಮೇಲೆ", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ko.json b/editor/extensions/ko.json index ad1fbb73..b836abf8 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ko.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ko.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "음성 인식", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "듣고 기다리기", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "[PHRASE] 이(가) 들릴 때", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "중고음", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "안녕 ", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "저음", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "고양이", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "맥스", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "퀸", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "언어를 [LANGUAGE]로 정하기", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "고음", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "중저음", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "번역", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] 방향으로 기울어졌는가?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "저쪽", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "이쪽", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "반대쪽", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "모터 A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "모든 모터", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "모터 B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "모터", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "[MOTOR_ID] 끄기", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "[MOTOR_ID] 모터 강도를 [POWER]로 정하기", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "아무", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "아래쪽", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "왼쪽", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "오른쪽", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "위쪽", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "거리 [OP] [REFERENCE] 일 때", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ku.json b/editor/extensions/ku.json index 01a92948..cdc8a61f 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ku.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ku.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ew rê", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "Va rêya", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "dij", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "hîç", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "jêr", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "çep", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "rast", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "ber bi jor", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/la.json b/editor/extensions/la.json index a6096ef3..f6f60a31 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/la.json +++ b/editor/extensions/la.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "ullus", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "deorsus", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/lg.json b/editor/extensions/lg.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/lg.json +++ b/editor/extensions/lg.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/lo.json b/editor/extensions/lo.json index ba19adcd..5dd7cd97 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/lo.json +++ b/editor/extensions/lo.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ວິທີການນັ້ນ", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ວິທີການນີ້", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "ດ້ານ", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ຂ້າງລຸ່ມນີ້", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ຊ້າຍ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ຂວາ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/lt.json b/editor/extensions/lt.json index 6d82116e..b272256f 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/lt.json +++ b/editor/extensions/lt.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Skaityti tekstą", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "paklausyti ir laukti", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "kai išgirstu [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto balsas", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "sveiki", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "milžino balsas", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kačiukas", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "keisti kalbą į [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "cyptelėjimas", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenoro balsas", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Išversti", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "ar paversta [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "šen", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ten", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "atbulai", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "variklis A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "visi varikliai", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "variklis B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "variklis", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "išjungti [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "keisti [MOTOR_ID] jėgą į [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "bet kuris", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "žemyn", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "kairėn", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "dešinėn", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "aukštyn", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "kai atstumas [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/lv.json b/editor/extensions/lv.json index 7b30508e..bba6d892 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/lv.json +++ b/editor/extensions/lv.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Runa līdz tekstam", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "klausīties un gaidīt", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "kad es dzirdu [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alts", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "sveiki", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "milzis", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kaķēns", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "maks", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "kvins", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "iestatīt valodu uz [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "spiedziens", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenors", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Tulkot", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "noliekts [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "uz otru pusi", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "uz vienu pusi", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "apgriezt pretējā virzienā", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motors A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "visi motori", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motors B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motors", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "izslēgt [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "iestatīt [MOTOR_ID] enerģiju uz [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "jebkāds", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "uz leju", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "pa kreisi", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "pa labi", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "uz augšu", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "kad attālums [OP][REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/mg.json b/editor/extensions/mg.json index e4719c55..0b2e6d1b 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/mg.json +++ b/editor/extensions/mg.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "eto", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "Avadika", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "\"na inona na inona\"", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "Any ambany", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "Any ankavia", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "any ankavanana", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "any ambony", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/mi.json b/editor/extensions/mi.json index c03fe16e..ef85de57 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/mi.json +++ b/editor/extensions/mi.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Google Kōrero", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "whakarongo, tatari hoki", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "ina rongo ahau i [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "reo pekerangi", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "kia ora", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "kākarepō", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "punua ngeru", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "mōrahi", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "kiri", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "tautuhia te reo kia[LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "koekoe", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "reo iere", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Google Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "kua tītaha ki [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "tērā ahunga", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "tēnei ahunga", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "ahu whakamuri", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "pūkaha A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "ngā pūkaha katoa", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "pūkaha B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "pūkaha", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "whakaweto [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "tautuhia te pūkaha [MOTOR_ID] kia [POWER] te kaha", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "noa", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ki raro", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "mauī", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "katau", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "ki runga", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "ina tawhiti [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/mn.json b/editor/extensions/mn.json index 60cacb16..44379ac5 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/mn.json +++ b/editor/extensions/mn.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "тэрүүгээр", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "тэр зам", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "гэдрэг", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "аливаа", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "доошоо", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "зүүн", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "баруун", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "дээш", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/mr.json b/editor/extensions/mr.json index bd2d052c..65132210 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/mr.json +++ b/editor/extensions/mr.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "त्या मार्गे", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "या मार्गे", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "उलट", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "कुठल्याही", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "खालील", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "डाव्या", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "उजव्या", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "वरील", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ms.json b/editor/extensions/ms.json index ff3d1f59..430f507c 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ms.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ms.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "arah sana", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "arah sini", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "songsang", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "mana-mana", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "bawah", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "kiri", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "kanan", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "atas", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/my.json b/editor/extensions/my.json index e84393ac..85dfe896 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/my.json +++ b/editor/extensions/my.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/nb.json b/editor/extensions/nb.json index bc09efba..fcc18b4a 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/nb.json +++ b/editor/extensions/nb.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Tale til tekst", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "lytt og vent", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "når jeg hører [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alt", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hei", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "kjempe", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kattunge", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "sett språk til [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "Kvekk", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Oversette", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "helning [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "bakover", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "forover", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "snu", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "alle motorer", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "skru av [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "velg [MOTOR_ID] fart [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "hvilken som helst", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ned", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "venstre", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "høyre", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "opp", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "når avstand [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ne.json b/editor/extensions/ne.json index dc3f2383..8f974e70 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ne.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ne.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "कुनै ", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "तल", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "बायाँ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "दायाँ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "माथि", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/nl.json b/editor/extensions/nl.json index 5d62a4dd..cbc75d93 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/nl.json +++ b/editor/extensions/nl.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Spraak naar tekst", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "luister en wacht", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "als ik [PHRASE]hoor", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hallo", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "reus", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "katje", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quin", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "stel de taal in op [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "piep", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Vertaal", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "gekanteld [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "daarheen", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "hierheen", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "omkeren", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "alle motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "zet [MOTOR_ID]uit", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "zet [MOTOR_ID]kracht op [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "willekeurig", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "omlaag", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "links", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "rechts", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "omhoog", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "als afstand [OP][REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/nn.json b/editor/extensions/nn.json index 4cba7468..fdd8296e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/nn.json +++ b/editor/extensions/nn.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hei", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Set om", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "mot klokka", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "med klokka", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "baklengs", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "vilkårleg", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ned", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "venstre", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "høgre", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "opp", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/oc.json b/editor/extensions/oc.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/oc.json +++ b/editor/extensions/oc.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/pap.json b/editor/extensions/pap.json index 6df810e5..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/pap.json +++ b/editor/extensions/pap.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "e manera ey", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "e manera aki", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "rivùrs", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "kwalke", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "abou", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "robes", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "derechi", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "ariba", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/pl.json b/editor/extensions/pl.json index c74e673e..4662abe8 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/pl.json +++ b/editor/extensions/pl.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Mowa na tekst", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "posłuchaj i czekaj", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "Kiedy wykryto [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "cześć", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kociątko", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Sam", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "pisk", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Tłumacz", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "Obrócony [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "w tamten sposób", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "w ten sposób", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "odwróć", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "silnik A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "wszystkie silniki", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "silnik B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "silnik", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "Wyłącz silnik [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "Ustaw moc silnika [MOTOR_ID] na [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "Dowolny", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "dół", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "lewo", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "prawo", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "góra", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "Gdy dystans [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/pt-br.json b/editor/extensions/pt-br.json index 8445ec66..caaf04ae 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/pt-br.json +++ b/editor/extensions/pt-br.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Transformação de Fala em Texto", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "escute e espere", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "quando eu escutar [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "loud", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "olá", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "gigante", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "gatinho", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "máximo", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "ambíguo", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "defina o idioma como [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "rangido", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traduzir", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "inclinado para [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "por aí", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "por aqui", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "inverter", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "todos motores", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "desligue o motor [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "defina a potência de [MOTOR_ID] como [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "qualquer", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "baixo", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "esquerda", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "direita", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "para cima", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "quando distância [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/pt.json b/editor/extensions/pt.json index 4f3b52f3..6668395f 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/pt.json +++ b/editor/extensions/pt.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Converter Fala para Texto", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "ouve e espera", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "Quando eu ouvir [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "olá", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "gigante", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "gatinho", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "alex", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "luca", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "altera a língua para [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "guincho", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traduzir", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "está inclinado [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "para ali", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "para aqui", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "para trás", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "o motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "todos os motores", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "o motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "o motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "desliga [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "altera a potência de [MOTOR_ID] para [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "para qualquer lado", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "para baixo", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "para a esquerda", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "para a direita", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "para cima", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "Quando a distância for [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/qu.json b/editor/extensions/qu.json index 1d0d3ac1..4dd81bb6 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/qu.json +++ b/editor/extensions/qu.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "mayqimpas", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ro.json b/editor/extensions/ro.json index 2f676994..4708c661 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ro.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ro.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Vorbește în text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "ascultă și așteaptă", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "când aud [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "salut", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "uriaș", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "pisicuță", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "setează limba [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "chiţăit", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Traducere", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "este înclinat [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "antiorar", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "sens orar", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "inversează", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motorul A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "toate motoarele", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motorul B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "oprește [MOTOR_ID] ", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "setează [MOTOR_ID] la puterea [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "oricare", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "jos", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "stânga", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "dreapta", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "sus", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "când distanța [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ru.json b/editor/extensions/ru.json index f7d60a9d..75e7c41c 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ru.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ru.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Речь в Текст", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "слушать и подождать", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "когда я слышу [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "женский", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "привет", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "низкий", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "кошачий", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "макс", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "квинн", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "установить [LANGUAGE] язык", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "высокий", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "мужской", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Перевести", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "наклонён [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] ?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "туда", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "сюда", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "вернуться", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "мотор A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "все моторы", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "мотор B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "мотор", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "выключить [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "установить мощность [MOTOR_ID] в [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "любая", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "вниз", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "влево", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "направо", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "вверх", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "когда расстояние [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/si.json b/editor/extensions/si.json index fce664a7..2145b434 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/si.json +++ b/editor/extensions/si.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/sk.json b/editor/extensions/sk.json index 4bc694f0..50532274 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/sk.json +++ b/editor/extensions/sk.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "vypočuj a počkaj", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "pri vete [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "ahoj", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "mačiatko", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "robot 1", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "robot 2", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "pisklavo", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Preložiť", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "inak", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "takto", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "odzadu", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "hociktorý", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "dole", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "vľavo", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "vpravo", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "hore", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/sl.json b/editor/extensions/sl.json index 0b33d582..b265176e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/sl.json +++ b/editor/extensions/sl.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "poslušaj in čakaj", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "ko slišim [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "Zdravo", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "mucek", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "nekdo", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "cviljenje", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Prevedi", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "nagnjen [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "v to smer", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "v to smer", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "obratno", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "izključi [MOTOR_ID] ", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "za [MOTOR_ID] nastavi moč na [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "poljubna", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "dol", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "levo", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "desno", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "gor", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "ko je razdalja [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/sq.json b/editor/extensions/sq.json index 6cbf9eab..9f9602fb 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/sq.json +++ b/editor/extensions/sq.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ashtu", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "kjo rrugë", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "mbrapsht", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "çfarëdo", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "poshtë", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "majtas", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "djathtas", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "lart", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/sr.json b/editor/extensions/sr.json index c57a6056..853d828e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/sr.json +++ b/editor/extensions/sr.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Говор у текст", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "слушај и чекај", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "када чујем [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "здраво", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "џин", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "маца", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "макс", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "нека језик буде [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "писак", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Преведи", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "нагнуто [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "позитиван", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "овај смер", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "промени", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "Мотор A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "сви мотори", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "мотор B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "мотор", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "искључи [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "подеси снагу [MOTOR_ID] на [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "било који", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "доле", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "лево", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "десно", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "горе", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "када је растојање [OP] од [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ss.json b/editor/extensions/ss.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ss.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ss.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/st.json b/editor/extensions/st.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/st.json +++ b/editor/extensions/st.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/sv.json b/editor/extensions/sv.json index d0577785..dabf0b6a 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/sv.json +++ b/editor/extensions/sv.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Tal till text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "lyssna och vänta", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "när jag hör [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alt", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hej", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "jätte", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kattunge", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "sätt språk till [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "pip", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Översätta", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "lutar [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY] ?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "andra hållet", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "detta hållet", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "ändra riktning", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "alla motorer", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "stoppa [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "sätt kraften på [MOTOR_ID] till [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "någon", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ned", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "vänster", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "höger", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "upp", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "om avstånd [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/sw.json b/editor/extensions/sw.json index 2aa73f10..b6fd9657 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/sw.json +++ b/editor/extensions/sw.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "hivyoo", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "hivii", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "rudi nyuma", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "Chaguo lolote", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "chini", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "kushoto", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "kulia", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "juu", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ta.json b/editor/extensions/ta.json index 65987379..61102eba 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ta.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ta.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/te.json b/editor/extensions/te.json index d644d619..e16c95d4 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/te.json +++ b/editor/extensions/te.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ఆ వైపు", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ఈ విధంగా", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "తిరగేయు", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "ఏదైన", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "కిందకు", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ఎడమ", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "కుడి", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "పైకి", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/tg.json b/editor/extensions/tg.json index d846c7b6..9365cef8 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/tg.json +++ b/editor/extensions/tg.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ба роҳ", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ин роҳ", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "ба қафо", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "ҳар як", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "поён", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "чап", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "рост", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "боло", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/th.json b/editor/extensions/th.json index 705d8822..0bb6af00 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/th.json +++ b/editor/extensions/th.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "เมื่อฉันได้ยิน [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "สวัสดี", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "ลูกแมว", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "แปลภาษา", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ทางนั้น", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ทางนี้", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "ย้อนกลับ", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "ทิศใดก็ได้", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ลง", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ซ้าย", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ขวา", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "ขึ้น", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/tn.json b/editor/extensions/tn.json index cfbef89c..89cd2037 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/tn.json +++ b/editor/extensions/tn.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "mokgwa ole", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ka mokgwa ona", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "bowa", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "sengwe", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "tlase", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "molema", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "moja", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "godimo", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/tr.json b/editor/extensions/tr.json index d6502ca6..b64d597e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/tr.json +++ b/editor/extensions/tr.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Konuşmayı Yazıya", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "dinle ve bekle", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "[PHRASE] ifadesini duyduğunda", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "merhaba", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "dev", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kedi yavrusu", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "Evrim", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "Deniz", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "dili [LANGUAGE]'ye ayarla", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "ciyak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Çeviri", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]eğildi?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "diğer tarafa", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "bu tarafa", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "tersine", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "A motoru", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "tüm motorlar", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "B motoru", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "[MOTOR_ID] u kapat", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "[MOTOR_ID] gücünü [POWER]'e ayarla", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "herhangi", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "aşağı", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "sol", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "sağ", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "yukarı", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": " [OP] [REFERENCE]mesafe olduğunda", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/uk.json b/editor/extensions/uk.json index 45de83f7..62fd407e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/uk.json +++ b/editor/extensions/uk.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Проказати текст", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "слухати і чекати", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "коли я чую [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "альт", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "привіт", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "гігант", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "котик", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "альт", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "квін", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "встановити мову [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "писк", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "тенор", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Перекласти", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "нахилено [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "за годинником", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "проти годинника", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "обернути", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "двигун A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "всі двигуни", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "двигун B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "двигун", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "[MOTOR_ID] вимкнути", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "встановити потужність [MOTOR_ID] [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "будь-який", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "вниз", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "ліворуч", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "праворуч", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "вгору", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "коли дистанція [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/ur.json b/editor/extensions/ur.json index cd7aebf7..b4b53073 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ur.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ur.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "نیچے", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "اوپر", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/uz.json b/editor/extensions/uz.json index a75c850a..3fb803fb 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/uz.json +++ b/editor/extensions/uz.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "anavu uslubda", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "bu uslubda", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "teskari", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "pastga", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "chapga", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "oʻngga", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "tepaga", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/vi.json b/editor/extensions/vi.json index fa34cacc..94a01fc3 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/vi.json +++ b/editor/extensions/vi.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "xin chào", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Dịch", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "huớng kia", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "hướng này", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "đảo ngược", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "bất kỳ", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "xuống", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "trái", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "bên phải", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "lên", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/xh.json b/editor/extensions/xh.json index d928b72a..0209aa16 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/xh.json +++ b/editor/extensions/xh.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Speech to Text", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "listen and wait", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "giant", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "kitten", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Translate", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "that way", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "this way", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "any", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "left", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "right", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/yo.json b/editor/extensions/yo.json index e6ff2d0e..6b3dca25 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/yo.json +++ b/editor/extensions/yo.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Ọ̀rọ̀ sí Àyọ̀ka", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "tẹ́tí àti dúró", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "nígbàtí mo gbọ́ [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "òmìrán", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "ọmọ-ológbò", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "ṣ’ààtò èdè sí [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "squeak", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Túmọ̀", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "ọ̀nà yẹn", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "ọ̀nà yìí", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "reverse", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "eyikeyi", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "down", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "òsì", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "ọ̀tún", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "up", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json b/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json index 07b6e649..a6a61333 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json +++ b/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "语音识别", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "听候语音输入", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "当听到[PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "中音", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "你好", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "巨人", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "小猫", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "麦克斯", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "奎因", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "将朗读语言设置为[LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "尖细", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "男高音", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "翻译", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "向[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]倾斜?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "逆时针", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "顺时针", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "反转", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "马达A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "所有马达", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "马达B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "马达", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "关闭[MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "将[MOTOR_ID]功率设为[POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "任意方向", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "下", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "左", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "右", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "上", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "当距离[OP][REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json b/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json index 8c126535..8d2b9001 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json +++ b/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "語音識別", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "收聽並等待", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "當收到語音 [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "hello", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "低沉", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "小貓", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "麥克斯", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "奎因", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "語言設為 [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "尖細", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "翻譯", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "傾斜 [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "逆時針", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "順時針", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "反轉", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "馬達 A", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "馬達 A 與 B", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "馬達 B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "馬達", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "停止馬達 [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "馬達 [MOTOR_ID] 動力設為 [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "任何", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "向下", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "向左", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "向右", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "向上", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "當距離 [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/extensions/zu.json b/editor/extensions/zu.json index 607cf0f7..7e344d6f 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/zu.json +++ b/editor/extensions/zu.json @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ }, "speech.extensionName": { "message": "Inkulumo eyiswa emagameni abhalwayo", - "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks. Do Not translate Google." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { "message": "lalela ulinde ", @@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, - "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": { + "message": "sawubona", + "description": "hello: the default text to speak" }, "text2speech.giant": { "message": "isiqhwaga ", @@ -427,6 +427,14 @@ "message": "Ingane yekati", "description": "A baby cat." }, + "text2speech.max": { + "message": "max", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.quinn": { + "message": "quinn", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { "message": "hlela ulimi uliyise [LANGUAGE]", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." @@ -443,10 +451,6 @@ "message": "Tswininiza", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, - "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", - "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." - }, "translate.categoryName": { "message": "Humusha ", "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" @@ -523,34 +527,6 @@ "message": "itshekile [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { - "message": "leyandlela", - "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { - "message": "lendlela", - "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { - "message": "buyelemunva", - "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "imotho A ", - "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "wonke amamotho ", - "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "imotho B", - "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "imotho", - "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.motorOff": { "message": "yicishe [MOTOR_ID]", "description": "turn a motor off" @@ -579,26 +555,6 @@ "message": "hlela [MOTOR_ID] amandla uwayise [POWER]", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { - "message": "noma ikuphi", - "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { - "message": "ngezansi", - "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { - "message": "inxele", - "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { - "message": "sokudla", - "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, - "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { - "message": "phezulu", - "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" - }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { "message": "uma ibanga [OP] [REFERENCE]", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" diff --git a/editor/interface/aa-dj.json b/editor/interface/aa-dj.json index 0fb0288b..f0df2c96 100644 --- a/editor/interface/aa-dj.json +++ b/editor/interface/aa-dj.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/ab.json b/editor/interface/ab.json index b79c4d23..d9702f12 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ab.json +++ b/editor/interface/ab.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Абри анагӡаҩ мацара изы", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Апараметрқәа", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Аԥсҭҳәатә ҽеиҭак (асервер иҭагалоу)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Ари аҽеиҭак анагӡаҩцәа зегь ирызкуп.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Қәҿиарала иаԥҵоуп", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Аԥҵара...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Қәҿиарала еиқәырхоуп.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "амчыбжь амш", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "асааҭ", diff --git a/editor/interface/af.json b/editor/interface/af.json index 45d2f14e..0d878607 100644 --- a/editor/interface/af.json +++ b/editor/interface/af.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Slegs vir hierdie sprite", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "dag van die week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "uur", diff --git a/editor/interface/ak.json b/editor/interface/ak.json index 0fb0288b..f0df2c96 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ak.json +++ b/editor/interface/ak.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/am.json b/editor/interface/am.json index c6ddf8d5..78287ba3 100644 --- a/editor/interface/am.json +++ b/editor/interface/am.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "ለዚህ ስፕራይት ብቻ", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "ተጨማሪ ምርጫዎች", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "የመስመር ተቀያያሪ (በሰርቨር ላይ የሚቀመጥ)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "ይህ ተለዋዋጭ ለሁሉም ስፕራይቶች ጠቀቃሚ ይሆናል።", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "በመፍጠር ላይ......", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "የሳምንቱ ቀን", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ሰዓት", diff --git a/editor/interface/ar.json b/editor/interface/ar.json index 4999828b..ac711d1f 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ar.json +++ b/editor/interface/ar.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "لهذا الكائن فقط", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "مزيد من الخيارات", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "متغير سحابي (مخزّن على المخدّم)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "سيكون هذا المتغير متاحًا لجميع النقوش المتحركة.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "الإنشاء جارٍ...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "يوم من الاسبوع", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "يوم الأسبوع", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "الساعة", diff --git a/editor/interface/ast.json b/editor/interface/ast.json index ff927798..c8b2dde2 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ast.json +++ b/editor/interface/ast.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creando...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/az.json b/editor/interface/az.json index f079b6be..df10932c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/az.json +++ b/editor/interface/az.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Yenidən bağlanın", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.controls.go": { - "message": "Başla", + "message": "Başlat", "description": "Green flag button title" }, "gui.controls.stop": { @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Tələb edilir", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Birlikdə əməkdaşlıq", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "{username} tərəfindən", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", + "message": "Paylaşıldı", "description": "Label for shared project" }, "gui.menuBar.share": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Yalnız bu sprayt üçün", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Daha Çox Seçim", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Bulud dəyişəni (serverdə saxlanılır)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Bu dəyişən bütün spraytlar üçün mövcud olacaq.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Uğurla yaradılıb.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Yaradılma...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Uğurla yadda saxlanılıb.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -944,23 +952,23 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Söhbət edən animasiya yarat", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Nitq bloklarına mətn əlavə et", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { - "message": "Say Something", + "message": "Nəsə de", "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Səs təyin et", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Ətrafında hərəkət et", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -968,11 +976,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Başqa personaj əlavə et", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Mahnı ifa et", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -980,23 +988,23 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "Ətrafında dön", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Böyüt və Kiçilt", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Macəra oyunu canlandırın", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Göstərmək üçün personaj seç", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { - "message": "Say Something", + "message": "Nəsə de", "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide": { @@ -1004,23 +1012,23 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Təqib üçün bir obyekt seç", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Obyektləri topla", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Hesab dəyişəni yarat", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { - "message": "Keep Score", + "message": "Hesabı davam et", "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Səviyyəni qaldır: Arxa fonu dəyiş", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name": { @@ -1216,11 +1224,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.name": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Mətndən nitqə", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "Layihələrinizi danışıqla yaradın.", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "gui.extension.translate.name": { @@ -1336,7 +1344,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for wacky" }, "gui.libraryTags.animation": { - "message": "Animation", + "message": "Animasiya", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for animation" }, "gui.libraryTags.art": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "həftənin günü", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "saat", diff --git a/editor/interface/be.json b/editor/interface/be.json index 35f88f5d..29a2ccd1 100644 --- a/editor/interface/be.json +++ b/editor/interface/be.json @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.error.helpbutton": { - "message": "Help", + "message": "даведка", "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.connection.peripheral-name-label": { @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton": { - "message": "Help", + "message": "даведка", "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.controls.go": { @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ "description": "Label for project share button" }, "gui.modal.help": { - "message": "Help", + "message": "даведка", "description": "Help button in modal" }, "gui.modal.back": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Толькі для гэтага спрайта", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Ствараю...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "дзень тыдня", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "гадзіна", diff --git a/editor/interface/bg.json b/editor/interface/bg.json index f49f11ee..390fd32e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/bg.json +++ b/editor/interface/bg.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Само за този спрайт", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Облачна променлива (съхранявана на сървър)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Създаване...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ден от седмицата", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "час", diff --git a/editor/interface/bn.json b/editor/interface/bn.json index ed59884f..49d60bd1 100644 --- a/editor/interface/bn.json +++ b/editor/interface/bn.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "তৈরি করা হচ্ছে...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "সপ্তাহের দিন", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ঘন্টা", diff --git a/editor/interface/ca.json b/editor/interface/ca.json index 3c9c2be1..168732e1 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ca.json +++ b/editor/interface/ca.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Només per a aquest personatge", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Més opcions", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variable al núvol (emmagatzemada en el servidor)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Aquesta variable estarà disponible per a tots els personatges.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "S'està creant...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "S'ha desat correctament.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "diadesetmana", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "dia de la setmana", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hora", diff --git a/editor/interface/ckb.json b/editor/interface/ckb.json index 62ff4d9c..cdd32aaa 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ckb.json +++ b/editor/interface/ckb.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "هەڵبژاردەی زیاتر", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "دروستدەکرێت...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ڕۆژی هەفتە", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "کاتژمێر", diff --git a/editor/interface/cs.json b/editor/interface/cs.json index fc8b0bbc..bcad6be3 100644 --- a/editor/interface/cs.json +++ b/editor/interface/cs.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Jen pro tuto postavu", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Více možností", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "cloudová proměnná (uložená na serveru)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Tato proměnná bude dostupná všem postavám.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Vytvářím...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dentýdne", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "den týdne", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hodina", diff --git a/editor/interface/cy.json b/editor/interface/cy.json index 7ac54f86..978aaa9c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/cy.json +++ b/editor/interface/cy.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Ar gyfer y ciplun yma'n unig", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Mwy o Ddewisiadau", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Newidyn cwmwl (cedwir ar y gweinydd)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Bydd y newidyn yma ar gael ar gyfer pob corlun.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creu...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "diwrnodyrwythnos", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "diwrnod o'r wythnos", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "awr", diff --git a/editor/interface/da.json b/editor/interface/da.json index 046e5097..2a8eaffd 100644 --- a/editor/interface/da.json +++ b/editor/interface/da.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Kun for denne sprite", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Flere muligheder", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Sky variabler (gemt på server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Denne variabel kan bruges ved alle sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Opretter...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dagiuge", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ugedag", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "time", diff --git a/editor/interface/de.json b/editor/interface/de.json index 2918ddd2..59c194e9 100644 --- a/editor/interface/de.json +++ b/editor/interface/de.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Nur für diese Figur", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Weitere Einstellungen", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud-Variable (auf dem Server gespeichert)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Diese Variable wird für alle Figuren verfügbar sein.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Erzeuge...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "Wochentag", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "Stunde", diff --git a/editor/interface/el.json b/editor/interface/el.json index abede3f7..0fb01024 100644 --- a/editor/interface/el.json +++ b/editor/interface/el.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Μόνο για αυτό το αντικείμενο", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Περισσότερες Επιλογές", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "μεταβλητή Cloud (αποθηκευμένα στον server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Η μεταβλητή αυτή είναι διαθέσιμη σε όλα τα αντικείμενα.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Γίνεται δημιουργία...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "μέραεβδομάδας", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "μέρα της εβδομάδας", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ώρα", diff --git a/editor/interface/eo.json b/editor/interface/eo.json index a8815bae..98197bef 100644 --- a/editor/interface/eo.json +++ b/editor/interface/eo.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Nur por tiu ĉi rolulo", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Kreado...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "tago de la semajno", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "horo", diff --git a/editor/interface/es-419.json b/editor/interface/es-419.json index 2f468fcc..0610d276 100644 --- a/editor/interface/es-419.json +++ b/editor/interface/es-419.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Sólo para este objeto", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Más opciones", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variable de la nube (guardada en el servidor)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Esta variable estará disponible para todos los objetos.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creando...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "día de la semana", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hora", diff --git a/editor/interface/es.json b/editor/interface/es.json index ffcb8d98..7ff610a1 100644 --- a/editor/interface/es.json +++ b/editor/interface/es.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Requiere", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "En colaboración con", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Sólo para este objeto", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Más opciones", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variable en la nube (guardada en el servidor)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Esta variable estará disponible en todos los objetos.", @@ -908,19 +908,27 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Se ha creado correctamente.", + "message": "Creado correctamente.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { - "message": "Creando...", + "message": "Creando…", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Se ha guardado correctamente.", + "message": "Guardado correctamente.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { - "message": "Guardando...", + "message": "Guardando…", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "día de la semana", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hora", diff --git a/editor/interface/et.json b/editor/interface/et.json index 3114785c..550a9cf6 100644 --- a/editor/interface/et.json +++ b/editor/interface/et.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Ainult selle spraidi jaoks", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Veel valikuid", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "See muutuja on saadaval kõigi spraitidega", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Loomine...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "nädalapäev", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "tunnid", diff --git a/editor/interface/eu.json b/editor/interface/eu.json index 5bdd98d9..033fb27c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/eu.json +++ b/editor/interface/eu.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Pertsonai honentzat soilik", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Aukera gehiago", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Hodei-aldagaia (zerbitzarian gordea)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Aldagai hau pertsonai guztientzat erabili daiteke.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Sortzen...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "astekoeguna", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "asteko eguna", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ordua", diff --git a/editor/interface/fa.json b/editor/interface/fa.json index a57e0da4..e61ba304 100644 --- a/editor/interface/fa.json +++ b/editor/interface/fa.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "فقط برای این شبح", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "تنظیمات بیشتر", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "متغیر ابری (ذخیره شده در سرور)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "درحال ساختن ..", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "روز هفته", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ساعت", diff --git a/editor/interface/fi.json b/editor/interface/fi.json index 57645b21..7e07151e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/fi.json +++ b/editor/interface/fi.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Vaatii", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Yhteistyössä", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "tekijä: {username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Vain tälle hahmolle", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Lisää asetuksia", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Pilvimuuttuja (tallennettu palvelimelle)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Tämä muuttuja on saatavilla kaikille hahmoille.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Luotu onnistuneesti.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Luodaan...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Tallennettu onnistuneesti.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "viikonpäivä", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "tunti", diff --git a/editor/interface/fr.json b/editor/interface/fr.json index f916f596..00f78d0a 100755 --- a/editor/interface/fr.json +++ b/editor/interface/fr.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Nécessite", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "En collaboration avec ", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "fait par {username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Pour ce sprite uniquement", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Plus d'options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variable serveur (stockée sur le Cloud)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "La variable sera disponible pour tous les sprites.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Créé avec succès.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Création en cours de...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Sauvegarde effectuée.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "jour de la semiane", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "jour de la semaine", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "heure", diff --git a/editor/interface/fur.json b/editor/interface/fur.json index bc90b7b9..8aa8a889 100644 --- a/editor/interface/fur.json +++ b/editor/interface/fur.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Dome par chest sprite", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variabile Cloud (salvade sul server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creazion in cors...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "dì de setemane", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ore", diff --git a/editor/interface/ga.json b/editor/interface/ga.json index 18185bc4..b1331c20 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ga.json +++ b/editor/interface/ga.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "An sprid seo amháin", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Tuilleadh Roghanna", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Néalathróg (sábháilte ar an bhfreastalaí)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Beidh an athróg seo ar fáil do gach sprid.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Á Chruthú...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "lá den tseachtain", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "uair", diff --git a/editor/interface/gd.json b/editor/interface/gd.json index 2afd8308..f67a9526 100644 --- a/editor/interface/gd.json +++ b/editor/interface/gd.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Airson na sprìde seo a‑mhàin", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Barrachd roghainnean", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Caochladair san neul (ga stòradh air an fhrithealaiche)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Bidh an caochladair seo ri làimh dhan a h‑uile sprìd.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Ga chruthachadh...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Chaidh a shàbhaladh.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "latha na seachdaine", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "an uair", diff --git a/editor/interface/gl.json b/editor/interface/gl.json index e39a3ef4..0abf6e9b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/gl.json +++ b/editor/interface/gl.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Só para esta figura", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Máis opcións", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variable na nube (gardada no servidor)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Esta variábel aplícase a todas as figuras.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creando...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "día da semana", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hora", diff --git a/editor/interface/gu.json b/editor/interface/gu.json index c7ebbbc9..032f00d6 100644 --- a/editor/interface/gu.json +++ b/editor/interface/gu.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "વધુ વિકલ્પો", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "અઠવાડિયાના દિવસ", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "કલાક", diff --git a/editor/interface/ha.json b/editor/interface/ha.json index 0fb0288b..f0df2c96 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ha.json +++ b/editor/interface/ha.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/hak.json b/editor/interface/hak.json index c22d4702..655a031b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hak.json +++ b/editor/interface/hak.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/he.json b/editor/interface/he.json index 6293c81a..c3deb195 100644 --- a/editor/interface/he.json +++ b/editor/interface/he.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "רק לדמות זו", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "אפשרויות נוספות", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "משתנה ענן (מאוחסן בשרת)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "המשתנה הזה יהיה זמין לכל הדמויות", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "מייצר...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "יום בשבוע", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "שעה", diff --git a/editor/interface/hi.json b/editor/interface/hi.json index e18f492c..7cb6480a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hi.json +++ b/editor/interface/hi.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "दिन", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "घंटा", diff --git a/editor/interface/hr.json b/editor/interface/hr.json index 355f03de..c39238ba 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hr.json +++ b/editor/interface/hr.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Samo za ovaj lik", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Više opcija", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Ova će varijabla biti dostupna svim likovima.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Stvaram...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "dan u tjednu", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "sat", diff --git a/editor/interface/ht.json b/editor/interface/ht.json index 6d339a5a..655824de 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ht.json +++ b/editor/interface/ht.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/hu.json b/editor/interface/hu.json index 407c4112..0cac8684 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hu.json +++ b/editor/interface/hu.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "A kiválasztott szereplőé", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "További lehetőségek", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Megosztott változó (szerveren tárolt)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Ez a változó minden sprite-nak elérhető lesz", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Létrehozás...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "hét napja", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "óra", diff --git a/editor/interface/hy.json b/editor/interface/hy.json index 7439ca3e..4ce29716 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hy.json +++ b/editor/interface/hy.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Միայն այս կերպարի համար", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Ստեղծում է...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "շաբաթվա օր", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ժամ", diff --git a/editor/interface/id.json b/editor/interface/id.json index 4743a083..ddf56c9e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/id.json +++ b/editor/interface/id.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Hanya untuk sprite ini", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Lebih Banyak Pilihan", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variabel Cloud (disimpan di server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Variabel ini bakal tersedia untuk semua sprite.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Membuat...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "nama hari", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "jam", diff --git a/editor/interface/ig.json b/editor/interface/ig.json index 4c0700b9..9d4923d9 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ig.json +++ b/editor/interface/ig.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ "description": "Heading for the backdrop library" }, "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume": { - "message": "Choose a Costume", + "message": "Ghọrọ otu Ejimeji", "description": "Heading for the costume library" }, "gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary": { @@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ "description": "Button to add a backdrop in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary": { - "message": "Choose a Costume", + "message": "Ghọrọ otu Ejimeji", "description": "Button to add a costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume": { @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ubochi n'izu", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "Nkeji", diff --git a/editor/interface/is.json b/editor/interface/is.json index aef160a2..745f0d29 100644 --- a/editor/interface/is.json +++ b/editor/interface/is.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Aðeins fyrir þessa teikningu", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Fleiri valkostir", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Skýjabreyta (geymd á miðlara)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Þessi breyta verður aðgengileg öllum teikningunum.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Smíða...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "vikudagur", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "klukkustund", diff --git a/editor/interface/it.json b/editor/interface/it.json index 1ecbae22..d9dd6c0c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/it.json +++ b/editor/interface/it.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Solo per questo sprite", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Altre opzioni", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variabile cloud (salvata sul server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Questa variabile potrà essere letta e modificata da tutti gli sprite.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creazione in corso...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "E' stato salvato.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "giorno della settimana", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ora", diff --git a/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json b/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json index 7a64ee9f..a088ebc4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json +++ b/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "このスプライトのみ", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "ほかのオプション", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "クラウドへんすう (サーバーにほぞんされます)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "このへんすうは、すべてのスプライトでつかえます。", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "さくせいちゅう...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ようび", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "とき", diff --git a/editor/interface/ja.json b/editor/interface/ja.json index 4129862f..5e38c2bd 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ja.json +++ b/editor/interface/ja.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "このスプライトのみ", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "他のオプション", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "クラウド変数 (サーバーに保存)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "この変数はすべてのスプライトで利用できます。", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "作成中...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "保存されました。", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "曜日", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "時", diff --git a/editor/interface/ka.json b/editor/interface/ka.json index f85a2d8f..79156573 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ka.json +++ b/editor/interface/ka.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "მხოლოდ ამ სპრაიტისთვის", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "უფრო მეტი ვარიანტები", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "ეს ცვლადი იქნება ყველა სპრაიტისთვის", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "კვირის დღე", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "საათი", diff --git a/editor/interface/kk.json b/editor/interface/kk.json index 29e95220..9512b1d6 100644 --- a/editor/interface/kk.json +++ b/editor/interface/kk.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Тек осы спрайт үшін", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Бұлттық айнымалы (серверде сақталады)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Жасау...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "апта күні", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "сағат", diff --git a/editor/interface/kn.json b/editor/interface/kn.json index 84fa753b..1b0d200e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/kn.json +++ b/editor/interface/kn.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/ko.json b/editor/interface/ko.json index 1569353a..26d294fb 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ko.json +++ b/editor/interface/ko.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "요구사항", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "협력사", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "이 스프라이트에서만 사용", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "추가 선택사항", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "클라우드 변수 (서버에 저장됨)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "이 변수는 모든 스프라이트에서 사용할 수 있습니다.", @@ -908,19 +908,27 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "성공적으로 생성 완료.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { - "message": "생성중...", + "message": "생성 중...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "성공적으로 저장 완료.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { - "message": "저장중...", + "message": "저장 중...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "요일", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "시", diff --git a/editor/interface/ku.json b/editor/interface/ku.json index a167af11..33ff74e6 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ku.json +++ b/editor/interface/ku.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/la.json b/editor/interface/la.json index 31a99cac..e6305dba 100644 --- a/editor/interface/la.json +++ b/editor/interface/la.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/lg.json b/editor/interface/lg.json index 0fb0288b..f0df2c96 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lg.json +++ b/editor/interface/lg.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/lo.json b/editor/interface/lo.json index 75255c70..5e50f22c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lo.json +++ b/editor/interface/lo.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "ສໍາລັບ sprite ນີ້", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "ສ້າງ...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ວັນ", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ຊົ່ວໂມງ", diff --git a/editor/interface/lt.json b/editor/interface/lt.json index bc1ad425..7cea3b68 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lt.json +++ b/editor/interface/lt.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Tik šiam veikėjui", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Daugiau pasirinkimų", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Šis kintamasis bus prieinamas visiems veikėjams", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Kuriama...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "savaitės diena", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "valanda", diff --git a/editor/interface/lv.json b/editor/interface/lv.json index 6eb6832a..cb409257 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lv.json +++ b/editor/interface/lv.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Tikai šim gariņam", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Vairāk iespējas", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Mākoņmainīgais (saglabāts serverī)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Šis mainīgais būs pieejams visiem gariņiem.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Izveido...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "nedēļasdiena", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "nedēļas diena", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "stunda", diff --git a/editor/interface/mg.json b/editor/interface/mg.json index e6f140ca..7579ea68 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mg.json +++ b/editor/interface/mg.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Ho an' ito lutin ito ihany", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variable serveur (stock�e sur le Cloud)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Famoronana an-dalam�.", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "Andron'ny erinandro", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ora", diff --git a/editor/interface/mi.json b/editor/interface/mi.json index 573512aa..9d41ec92 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mi.json +++ b/editor/interface/mi.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Mō tēnei parehe anake", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "He Kōwhiringa Anō", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Taurangi Raraunga Kapua (kei te tūmau)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Ka wātea tēnei taurangi mō ngā parehe katoa.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Kei te waihanga...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "rāotewiki", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "te rangi o te wiki", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "haora", diff --git a/editor/interface/mn.json b/editor/interface/mn.json index 4dbca656..a07f2d45 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mn.json +++ b/editor/interface/mn.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Зөвхөн энэ дүрсэнд", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Клөүд хувьсагч (сервер дээр хадгалсан)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Үүсгэж байна...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "долоо хоногийн өдөр", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "цаг", diff --git a/editor/interface/mr.json b/editor/interface/mr.json index 4331a4b9..1cb5ec42 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mr.json +++ b/editor/interface/mr.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/ms.json b/editor/interface/ms.json index 82ffc19a..b7cfcfd3 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ms.json +++ b/editor/interface/ms.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Untuk sprite ini sahaja", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Pemboleh ubah awan (disimpan pada pelayan)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Mencipta ...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "hari dalam minggu", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "jam", diff --git a/editor/interface/my.json b/editor/interface/my.json index d7c95ef7..d723c80a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/my.json +++ b/editor/interface/my.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/nb.json b/editor/interface/nb.json index e5a531f1..57b92bfc 100644 --- a/editor/interface/nb.json +++ b/editor/interface/nb.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Utstyrsbehov", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Samarbeid med", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "av {username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For denne figuren", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Flere valg", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Nettvariabel (lagret på nettstedet til Scratch)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Denne variabelen kan brukes av alle figurer", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Prosjektet er opprettet.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Oppretter...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Prosjektet ble lagret.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "ukedag", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "time", diff --git a/editor/interface/ne.json b/editor/interface/ne.json index 4779a13e..f511ed28 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ne.json +++ b/editor/interface/ne.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "अरु विकल्पहरू", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/nl.json b/editor/interface/nl.json index 0bb1c7ff..1f2ee66f 100644 --- a/editor/interface/nl.json +++ b/editor/interface/nl.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Opnieuw verbinden", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Vereist", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Samenwerking met", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "door {username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Alleen voor deze sprite", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Meer instellingen", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variabele (opgeslagen op server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Deze variabele is beschikbaar in alle sprites.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Succesvol gemaakt.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Maken...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Succesvol opgeslagen.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -944,11 +952,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Maak animaties die praten", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Voeg de Tekst naar Spraak blokken toe", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -956,11 +964,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Stel een stem in", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Beweeg", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -968,11 +976,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Voeg een sprite toe", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Voer een lied uit", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -980,19 +988,19 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Ronddraaien", + "message": "Draai rond", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Groei en krimp", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Animeer een avonturenspel", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Kies een sprite om te verschijnen", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -1004,23 +1012,23 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Kies een sprite om achterna te jagen", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Verzamel voorwerpen", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Maak een variabele Score", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { - "message": "Score bijhouden", + "message": "Houd score bij", "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Maak mooier: Verander de achtergrond", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name": { @@ -1216,11 +1224,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.name": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Tekst naar spraak", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "Laat je projecten praten", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "gui.extension.translate.name": { @@ -1296,7 +1304,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for music" }, "gui.libraryTags.notes": { - "message": "Notities", + "message": "Noten", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for notes" }, "gui.libraryTags.outdoors": { @@ -1372,11 +1380,11 @@ "description": "Label for the size monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.costumename": { - "message": "naam uiterlijk", + "message": "uiterlijk naam", "description": "Label for the costume name monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.costumenumber": { - "message": "Uiterlijk nummer", + "message": "uiterlijk nummer", "description": "Label for the costume number monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.backdropname": { @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dagvandeweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "dag van de week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "uur", diff --git a/editor/interface/nn.json b/editor/interface/nn.json index fa431e79..46a42a2f 100644 --- a/editor/interface/nn.json +++ b/editor/interface/nn.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For denne figuren", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Fleire val", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Nettvariabel (lagra på Scratch-nettstaden)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Opprettar …", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "vekedagen", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "timen", diff --git a/editor/interface/oc.json b/editor/interface/oc.json index 0fb0288b..f0df2c96 100644 --- a/editor/interface/oc.json +++ b/editor/interface/oc.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/pap.json b/editor/interface/pap.json index 210b165c..83fa71ce 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pap.json +++ b/editor/interface/pap.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variabel di cloud (wardá riba server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Kreando...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "dia di siman", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ora", diff --git a/editor/interface/pl.json b/editor/interface/pl.json index 77b91c06..15bdd31f 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pl.json +++ b/editor/interface/pl.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Tylko dla tego duszka", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Więcej opcji", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Zmienna w chmurze (przechowywana na serwerze)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Ta zmienna będzie dostępna dla wszystkich duszków.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Tworzenie...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "Dzień tygodnia", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "Godzina", diff --git a/editor/interface/pt-br.json b/editor/interface/pt-br.json index 86977d4c..e7c4a5b8 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pt-br.json +++ b/editor/interface/pt-br.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Requer", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Em colaboração com", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "por {username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Apenas para este ator", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Mais Opções", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variável na nuvem (armazenada no servidor)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Esta variável ficará disponível para todos os atores.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Criado com sucesso", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Criando...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Salvo com sucesso", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "DiaDaSemana", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "dia da semana", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hora", diff --git a/editor/interface/pt.json b/editor/interface/pt.json index 0ad55228..af4544e3 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pt.json +++ b/editor/interface/pt.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Reconectar", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Necessita", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Colaboração com", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "por {username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Apenas para este actor", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Mais Opções", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variável de nuvem (guardada num servidor)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Esta variável estará disponível para todos os actores.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Criado com sucesso.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "A criar...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Guardado com sucesso.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -992,7 +1000,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Escolhe uma Personagem para Mostrar", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -1004,15 +1012,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Escolhe um Objeto para Perseguir", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Recolher Objetos", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Tornar a Pontuação Variável", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -1020,7 +1028,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Subida de nível: Alterar Fundo", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name": { @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "diadasemana", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "o dia da semana", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "a hora", diff --git a/editor/interface/qu.json b/editor/interface/qu.json index 8dc813e0..936ca1c7 100644 --- a/editor/interface/qu.json +++ b/editor/interface/qu.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/ro.json b/editor/interface/ro.json index cb4e0cc8..d5344573 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ro.json +++ b/editor/interface/ro.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Doar pentru acest personaj", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Mai multe opțiuni", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variabilă Cloud (stocată pe server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Această variabilă va fi accesibilă tuturor personajelor.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Se creează...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "ziuadinsăptămână", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ziua săptămânii", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ora", diff --git a/editor/interface/ru.json b/editor/interface/ru.json index a2cf8b1c..713a6e4c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ru.json +++ b/editor/interface/ru.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Только для этого спрайта", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Параметры", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Облачая переменная (хранится на сервере)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Эта переменная будет доступна для всех спрайтов.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Создание...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "день недели", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "час", diff --git a/editor/interface/si.json b/editor/interface/si.json index ed0d94e6..4996f811 100644 --- a/editor/interface/si.json +++ b/editor/interface/si.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/sk.json b/editor/interface/sk.json index 8f8e0338..bdcbd8a7 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sk.json +++ b/editor/interface/sk.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Len pre túto postavu", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Ďalšie voľby", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloudová premenná (uložená na serveri)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Táto premenná bude dostupná pre všetky postavy", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Vytváranie...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "deň v týždni", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hod", diff --git a/editor/interface/sl.json b/editor/interface/sl.json index be83cb87..2d2d4b38 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sl.json +++ b/editor/interface/sl.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Samo za to figuro", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Več možnosti", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Spremenljivka v oblaku (shranjena na strežniku)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Ta spremenljivka bo na voljo vsem figuram.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Ustvarjam...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "dan v tednu", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ura", diff --git a/editor/interface/sq.json b/editor/interface/sq.json index a0434939..30cea325 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sq.json +++ b/editor/interface/sq.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Vetëm për këtë sprite", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Variabël Cloud (ruajtur në server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Duke krijuar...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ditë e javës", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "orë", diff --git a/editor/interface/sr.json b/editor/interface/sr.json index d9cfe7c4..93fd4af2 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sr.json +++ b/editor/interface/sr.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Поновно повезивање", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Захтева", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Сарадња са", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "по {username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Само за овај лик", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Више могућности", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Променљива у облаку (чува се на серверу путем интернета)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Променљива ће да буде доступна свим ликовима.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Успешно направљено", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Стварам...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Успешно сачувано", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -944,11 +952,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Направи анимације које причају", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Додај текст у говорне блокове", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -956,11 +964,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Подеси Глас", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Померај се унаоколо", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -968,11 +976,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Додај још једног лика", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Отпевај песму", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -980,19 +988,19 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "Врти се унаоколо", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Повећавање и смањивање", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Анимирај Игрицу Авантуру", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Изабери и прикажи лика", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -1004,15 +1012,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Изабери предмет за праћење ", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Сакупи предмете", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Направи варијаблу за поене", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -1020,7 +1028,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Level Up: Промени позадину", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name": { @@ -1216,11 +1224,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.name": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Текст у Говор", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "Учини да пројекти пропричају", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "gui.extension.translate.name": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "дан у недељи", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "сат", diff --git a/editor/interface/ss.json b/editor/interface/ss.json index 0fb0288b..f0df2c96 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ss.json +++ b/editor/interface/ss.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/st.json b/editor/interface/st.json index e7dbfd92..b257eba0 100644 --- a/editor/interface/st.json +++ b/editor/interface/st.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/sv.json b/editor/interface/sv.json index a4e67c6e..4c8eb4d0 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sv.json +++ b/editor/interface/sv.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Enbart för denna sprajt", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Fler alternativ", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Molnvariabel (sparad på servern)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Variabeln blir tillgänglig för alla sprajtar.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Skapar ...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "veckodag", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "veckodag ", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "timmar ", diff --git a/editor/interface/sw.json b/editor/interface/sw.json index 636d0a39..6ebaba66 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sw.json +++ b/editor/interface/sw.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Unda", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "siku ya wiki", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "saa", diff --git a/editor/interface/ta.json b/editor/interface/ta.json index f579c1c5..1388447a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ta.json +++ b/editor/interface/ta.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/te.json b/editor/interface/te.json index ca1f8425..63c2bd57 100644 --- a/editor/interface/te.json +++ b/editor/interface/te.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "ఈ స్ప్రిట్స్ కోసం మాత్రమే", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "క్లౌడ్ చరరాశి (సర్వర్లో నిల్వ ఉంచు)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "సృష్టించడం...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "వారంలో ఒక రోజు", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "గంట", diff --git a/editor/interface/tg.json b/editor/interface/tg.json index 7aed9dc5..cfe42bed 100644 --- a/editor/interface/tg.json +++ b/editor/interface/tg.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Танҳо барои ҳамин спрайт", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Тағйирёбандаи абрӣ (дар сервер ҷойгир аст)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Сохта истодааст...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "рӯзи ҳафта", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "соат", diff --git a/editor/interface/th.json b/editor/interface/th.json index 6130a618..33db36ed 100644 --- a/editor/interface/th.json +++ b/editor/interface/th.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "สำหรับสไปรต์นี้เท่านั้น", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "ตัวเลือกเพิ่มเติม", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "ตัวแปรคลาวด์ (เก็บไว้บนเซิร์ฟเวอร์)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "กำลังสร้าง...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "วันของสัปดาห์", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ชั่วโมง", diff --git a/editor/interface/tn.json b/editor/interface/tn.json index fbd2de47..1d957f43 100644 --- a/editor/interface/tn.json +++ b/editor/interface/tn.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Sprite sena fela", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Dipharologano tsa maru (bolokilwe mo server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Go bopa…", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "letsatsi la beke", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ura", diff --git a/editor/interface/tr.json b/editor/interface/tr.json index 59402ce5..55c010ac 100644 --- a/editor/interface/tr.json +++ b/editor/interface/tr.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Gereksinimler", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "İşbirliği ile", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "{username} tarafından", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Sadece bu kukla için", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Daha Fazla Seçenek", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Bulut değişkeni (sunucuda saklanır)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Bu değişken tüm kuklalar için geçerli olacak.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Başarıyla oluşturuldu.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Oluşturuyorum...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Başarıyla kaydedildi.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "haftanıngünü", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "haftanın günü", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "saat", diff --git a/editor/interface/uk.json b/editor/interface/uk.json index db6d2d90..4abc541c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/uk.json +++ b/editor/interface/uk.json @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { - "message": "Requires", + "message": "Необхідно", "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { - "message": "Collaboration with", + "message": "Співпраця з", "description": "Label for extension collaboration" }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { - "message": "by {username}", + "message": "{username}", "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" }, "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Тільки для цього спрайту", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Більше налаштувань", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "\"Хмарна\" змінна (зберігається на сервері)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Ця змінна буде доступна для всіх спрайтів.", @@ -908,15 +908,23 @@ "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { - "message": "Successfully created.", + "message": "Створено успішно", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" }, "gui.alerts.creating": { "message": "Створення...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { - "message": "Successfully saved.", + "message": "Збережено успішно", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" }, "gui.alerts.saving": { @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "деньтижня", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "день тижня", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "година", diff --git a/editor/interface/ur.json b/editor/interface/ur.json index c1009fca..93f5ec09 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ur.json +++ b/editor/interface/ur.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "زیادہ اختیار\n", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/uz.json b/editor/interface/uz.json index 7a48264e..f0c35af6 100644 --- a/editor/interface/uz.json +++ b/editor/interface/uz.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Faqat shu sprayt uchun", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Yaratilmoqda...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "hafta kuni", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "soat", diff --git a/editor/interface/vi.json b/editor/interface/vi.json index 54d96bcc..85b550c3 100644 --- a/editor/interface/vi.json +++ b/editor/interface/vi.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Chỉ đối tượng này", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Tùy chỉnh thêm", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Biến số (lưu tại máy chủ)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Biến này sẽ có sẵn cho tất cả đối tượng.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Đang tạo ...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "ngày trong tuần", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "giờ", diff --git a/editor/interface/xh.json b/editor/interface/xh.json index 0fb0288b..f0df2c96 100644 --- a/editor/interface/xh.json +++ b/editor/interface/xh.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "More Options", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Creating...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "day of week", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "hour", diff --git a/editor/interface/yo.json b/editor/interface/yo.json index bd7f0b15..98c01c03 100644 --- a/editor/interface/yo.json +++ b/editor/interface/yo.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "For this sprite only", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Ìyàn sí i ", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "This variable will be available to all sprites.", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "ounshi...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "ojo inu ose", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "Ojo Ose", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "Wakati", diff --git a/editor/interface/zh-cn.json b/editor/interface/zh-cn.json index bbd5f0c0..e458e062 100644 --- a/editor/interface/zh-cn.json +++ b/editor/interface/zh-cn.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "仅适用于当前角色", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "更多选项", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "云变量 (存储在服务器上)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "所有角色都可使用该变量。", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "正在创建…", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "星期", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "时", diff --git a/editor/interface/zh-tw.json b/editor/interface/zh-tw.json index a58692a5..c5b4be38 100644 --- a/editor/interface/zh-tw.json +++ b/editor/interface/zh-tw.json @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "僅適用當前角色", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "更多選項", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "雲端變數 (儲存於伺服器)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "這個變數適用於所有角色。", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "正在創建…", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "專案儲存成功。", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1420,8 +1428,8 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "星期", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "message": "週", + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "時", diff --git a/editor/interface/zu.json b/editor/interface/zu.json index 2559b4d4..869f9a1d 100644 --- a/editor/interface/zu.json +++ b/editor/interface/zu.json @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ "description": "Empty backpack message" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": { - "message": "Browser is not supported", + "message": "Ibrowza ayisekeliwe", "description": "" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": { - "message": "We're very sorry, but Scratch 3.0 does not support Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera or Silk. We recommend trying a newer browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.", + "message": "Siyaxolisa, uScratch 3.0 akayisekeli iInternet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera noma Silk. Sincoma ukuthi uzame uGoogle Chrome, Mozilla noma Microsoft Edge.", "description": "Unsupported browser description" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": { @@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ "description": "Scratch 2.0 import modal label - for accessibility" }, "gui.importInfo.betamessage": { - "message": "Enter a link to one of your shared Scratch projects. Changes made in this 3.0 Beta will not be saved.", + "message": "Faka iLink kwenye yamaprojekthi kaScratch okwabelana. Ushintsho olwenziwe kulokhu 3.0 Beta ngeke lugcinwe. ", "description": "Import project message" }, "gui.importInfo.message": { - "message": "Enter a link to one of your shared Scratch projects. Changes made in this 3.0 Preview will not be saved.", + "message": "Faka iLink kwenye yama projekthi ka-Scratch okwabelana. Ushintsho olwenziwe kulokhu 3.0 Previewe ngeke lugcinwe.", "description": "Import project message" }, "gui.importInfo.invalidFormatError": { @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message4": { - "message": "Loading extensions …", + "message": "Isaloda okuxhunyiwe", "description": "One of the loading messages" }, "gui.loader.message5": { @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ "message": "Ngalomlingsi kuphela", "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" }, - "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { - "message": "Okuningi Ongakukhetha", - "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + "gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": { + "message": "Cloud variable (stored on server)", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it a cloud variable, a variable that is stored on the server" }, "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { "message": "Lokuguquka kwenzeke kubo bonke", @@ -915,6 +915,14 @@ "message": "Ukuqamba...", "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" }, + "gui.alerts.creatingError": { + "message": "Could not create the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be created" + }, + "gui.alerts.savingError": { + "message": "Could not save the project. Please try again!", + "description": "Message indicating that project could not be saved" + }, "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { "message": "Successfully saved.", "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" @@ -1012,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Yenza i-variable yescore", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -1288,7 +1296,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for indoors" }, "gui.libraryTags.loops": { - "message": "Loops", + "message": "Amaluphu", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for loops" }, "gui.libraryTags.music": { @@ -1296,7 +1304,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for music" }, "gui.libraryTags.notes": { - "message": "Notes", + "message": "Amanothi", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for notes" }, "gui.libraryTags.outdoors": { @@ -1304,7 +1312,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for outdoors" }, "gui.libraryTags.patterns": { - "message": "Patterns", + "message": "Iphethini", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for patterns" }, "gui.libraryTags.people": { @@ -1421,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { "message": "usuku lwesonto", - "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + "description": "Label for the current day of week monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { "message": "ihora", diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/be.json b/editor/paint-editor/be.json index 2bc6eecd..0f1d9dc5 100644 --- a/editor/paint-editor/be.json +++ b/editor/paint-editor/be.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "paint.paintEditor.hue": { - "message": "Color", + "message": "Колер", "description": "Label for the hue component in the color picker" }, "paint.paintEditor.saturation": { @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "description": "Label for the saturation component in the color picker" }, "paint.paintEditor.brightness": { - "message": "Brightness", + "message": "Яркасць", "description": "Label for the brightness component in the color picker" }, "gui.comingSoon.message1": { diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/gl.json b/editor/paint-editor/gl.json index ea43c416..8a670781 100644 --- a/editor/paint-editor/gl.json +++ b/editor/paint-editor/gl.json @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "paint.paintEditor.fill": { - "message": "Encher", + "message": "Recheo", "description": "Label for the color picker for the fill color" }, "paint.paintEditor.costume": { @@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ "description": "Label for the `Send backward on canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.front": { - "message": "Por diante", + "message": "Traer á fronte", "description": "Label for the `Send to front of canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.back": { - "message": "Por atrás", + "message": "Levar ao fondo", "description": "Label for the `Send to back of canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.more": { @@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ "description": "Label for the number input to choose the line thickness" }, "paint.modeTools.flipHorizontal": { - "message": "Voltear Horizontal", + "message": "Reflectir en horizontal", "description": "Label for the button to flip the image horizontally" }, "paint.modeTools.flipVertical": { - "message": "Voltear Vertical", + "message": "Reflectir en vertical", "description": "Label for the button to flip the image vertically" }, "paint.modeTools.filled": {