mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 13:42:30 -05:00
pull new editor translations from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
77 changed files with 152 additions and 4 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"gdxfor.pushToMakeASound": "একটি শব্দ তৈরি করতে চাপ দাও ",
"gdxfor.connectForcePushedToPlaySound": " {whenForceSensorPushed} ব্লকের সাথে {startSound} ব্লকটি সংযুক্ত কর",
"gdxfor.whenForceSensorPushed": "“when force sensor pushed”",
"gdxfor.startSound": "“start sound”",
"gdxfor.startSound": "“শব্দ শুরু কর”",
"gdxfor.pushOnForceSensor": "ফোর্স সেন্সরে চাপ দাও।",
"gdxfor.starterProjects": "স্টার্টার প্রজেক্টগুলো",
"gdxfor.troubleshootingTitle": "সমস্যা সমাধান",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"general.privacyPolicy": "গোপনীয়তা নীতি",
"general.projects": "প্রজেক্টগুলো",
"general.profile": "প্রোফাইল",
"general.required": "প্রয়োজন",
"general.required": "আবশ্যক",
"general.resourcesTitle": "শিক্ষকদের রিসোর্স সমূহ",
"general.scratchConference": "Scratch সম্মেলন",
"general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Аҟаҵарақәа астудиақәа рҟны",
"messages.activityForums": "Аҟаҵарақәа Афорум аҟны",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}шәара шәҟаиҵеит мененџьерс астудиа {studio} аҟны",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} шәнеиԥхьеит шәара астудиа {studioLink} кураторс. Шәаҭаа астудиа {tabLink} анаԥхьара ақәшаҳаҭхараз",
"messages.curatorTabText": "акәыратор игәылаҵа",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} иациҵеит шәпроект иалкаау {projectLink}ахь",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "ከስቱዲዮ ጋር የተገናኙ ድርጊቶች",
"messages.activityForums": "የአስተያየት መድረክ ድርጊቶች",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}ወደ {studio} መሪ ማዕረግ ሹምዎታል",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} የ{studioLink}ስቱዲዮ ለመቆጣጠር ጋብዝዎታል። ግብዣውን ለመቀበል ወደ {tabLink} ይሂዱ። ",
"messages.curatorTabText": "የተቆጣጣሪው ድህር",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} የ {projectLink} ፕሮጀችትህን መርጦታል።",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Actividat de estudios",
"messages.activityForums": "Actividat en os foros",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} t'ha promoviu a administrador/a d'o estudeyo {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} t'ha convidau a estar curador/a d'o estudeyo {studioLink}. Visita la {tabLink} en o estudeyo pa acceptar la invitación.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "pestanya de curatoría",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} anyadió lo tuyo prochecto {projectLink} a los suyos favoritos",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studiya Fəaliyyəti",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Fəaliyyəti",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} sizi {studio}studiyası üçün menecer səviyyəsinə yüksəldib",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} sizi {studioLink} studiyasını yaratmaqa dəvət etdi. Dəvəti qəbul etmək üçün {tabLink} keçidinə daxil olun.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "kurator tabı",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} sizin {projectLink} layihənizi favorit etdi",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "актыўнасці ў студыях",
"messages.activityForums": "актыўнасці на форуме",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} павысіў ваш узровень да менеджара студыі {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink}запрасіў вас быць куратарам студыі {studioLink}. Зайдзіце у студыю {tabLink} каб прыняць запрашэнне.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} дадаў у абранае ваш праект {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Дейност – студиа",
"messages.activityForums": "Дейност – форум",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} Ви повиши в управител на студиото „{studio}“",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} Ви покани да бъдете куратор на студиото „{studioLink}“. Идете в {tabLink} на студиото, за да приемете поканата",
"messages.curatorTabText": "раздела за кураторите",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} добави Вашия проект „{projectLink}“ в любимите си",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "স্টুডিও একটিভিটি",
"messages.activityForums": "ফোরাম একটিভিটি",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} তোমাকে স্টুডিওর ম্যানেজার পদে পদোন্নতি করেছে{studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink}স্টুডিওতে কিউরেট করার জন্য তোমাকে আমন্ত্রণ জানানো হয়েছে {studioLink}. স্টুডিওতে আমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ করার জন্য ভিজিট কর {tabLink} ",
"messages.curatorTabText": "কিউরেটর ট্যাব",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} তোমার প্রজেক্ট প্রিয় তালিকায় যোগ করেছে {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Activitat de l'estudi",
"messages.activityForums": "Activitat del fòrum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} t'ha ascendit a gestor de l'estudi {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} t'ha convidat a ser curador de l'estudi {studioLink}. Visita la {tabLink} de l'estudi per acceptar la invitació",
"messages.curatorTabText": "pestanya de curador",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} ha marcat com a favorit el teu projecte {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "چالاکی ستۆدیۆ",
"messages.activityForums": "چالاکی مەکۆ",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Aktivita ve studiích",
"messages.activityForums": "Aktivita ve fórech",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} tě povýšil na správce pro studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} ti nabízí funkci správce pro studio {studioLink}. Navštiv {tabLink} tohoto studia pro souhlas s nabídkou",
"messages.curatorTabText": "karta správce",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} doporučuje tvůj projekt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Gweithgaredd Stiwdio",
"messages.activityForums": "Gweithgaredd Fforwm",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "Mae {username} wedi eich dyrchafu i fod yn rheolwr stiwdio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "Mae {actorLink} wedi eich gwahodd i guradu ar gyfer stiwdio {studioLink}. Ewch i'r {tabLink} yn y stiwdio i dderbyn y gwahoddiad",
"messages.curatorTabText": "tab curadur",
"messages.favoriteText": "Mae {profileLink} wedi ffefrynnu eich project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Aktivitet i studie",
"messages.activityForums": "Aktivitet i forum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} har gjort dig til manager for studiet {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} har inviteret dig til at administrere dette studie {studioLink}. Besøg {tabLink} i studiet for at acceptere invitationen",
"messages.curatorTabText": "administrator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} synes godt om dit projekt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studios",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} beförderte dich zum Manager des Studios {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} hat dich eingeladen, das Studio {studioLink} zu kuratieren. Besuche den {tabLink} im Studio um die Einladung anzunehmen.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "Kuratorentab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorisierte dein Projekt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Δραστηριότητα Συλλογών",
"messages.activityForums": "Δραστηριότητα Δημόσιας Συζήτησης",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "Ο {username} σας αναβάθμισε σε διευθυντή της συλλογής {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "Ο {actorLink} σας προσκάλεσε να γίνετε επιμελητής στη συλλογή {studioLink}. Επισκεφτείτε την {tabLink} στη συλλογή για να αποδεχτείτε την πρόσκληση",
"messages.curatorTabText": "καρτέλα επιμελητή",
"messages.favoriteText": "Ο {profileLink} έβαλε στα αγαπημένα το έργο σας {projectLink} ",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Actividad de estudios",
"messages.activityForums": "Actividad en los foros",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} te ha promovido a administrador/a del estudio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} te ha invitado a ser curador/a del estudio {studioLink}. Visita la {tabLink} en el estudio para aceptar la invitación.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "pestaña de curatoría",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} añadió tu proyecto {projectLink} a sus favoritos",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Estudio-jarduera",
"messages.activityForums": "Foro-jarduera",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "فعالیتهای هنرگاه",
"messages.activityForums": "فعالیتهای انجمن",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}شما را به مدیر هنرگاه {studio} ارتقا داد ",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink}شما را دعوت کرده تا سرپرست هنرگاه {studioLink} شوید. برای پذیرفتن دعوت، {tabLink}را در هنرگاه ببینید.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "نمای سرپرست",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} به پروژهی {projectLink} شما، علاقهمند شد",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studioaktiivisuus",
"messages.activityForums": "Foorumiaktiivisuus",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} ylensi sinut manageriksi studioon {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} kutsui sinut johtamaan studiota {studioLink}. Siirry studion {tabLink}-välilehdelle hyväksyäksesi kutsun",
"messages.curatorTabText": "johtaja",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} asetti suosikiksi projektisi {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Activité du studio",
"messages.activityForums": "Activité du forum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} vous a promu manager du studio {studio}.",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} vous a invité à être le curateur du studio {studioLink}. Visitez l’{tabLink} dans le studio pour accepter l’invitation.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "onglet des curateurs",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} à marqué votre projet {projectLink} comme favori.",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Aktiviteitsstudio",
"messages.activityForums": "Aktiviteitsforum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} hat jo studiobehearder {studio} makke",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} hat jo útnoege om de studio {studioLink} te behearjen. Besykje de {tabLink} yn 'e studio om de útnoeging te akseptearjen.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "Ljepper behearder",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} makke jo projekt favoryt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Gníomhaíocht: Stiúideonna",
"messages.activityForums": "Gníomhaíocht: Fóraim",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "Rinne {username} bainisteoir ar stiúideo {studio} díot",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "Thug {actorLink} cuireadh duit a bheith i mbun coimeádaíochta ar stiúideo {studioLink}. Tabhair cuairt ar an {tabLink} sa stiúideo chun glacadh leis an gcuireadh seo",
"messages.curatorTabText": "gcluaisín coimeádaíochta",
"messages.favoriteText": "Chuir {profileLink} do thionscadal {projectLink} lena cuid ceanán",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Gnìomhachd nan stiùideothan",
"messages.activityForums": "Gnìomhachd a’ bhùird-bhrath",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "Chuir {username} dreuchd stiùiriche ort airson an stiùideo {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "Thug {actorLink}cuireadh ort gus dol nad neach-tasgaidh aig an stiùideo {studioLink}. Tadhail air {tabLink} an stiùideo gus gabhail ris a’ chuireadh",
"messages.curatorTabText": "taba neach-tasgaidh",
"messages.favoriteText": "Chuir {profileLink} am pròiseact {projectLink} agad ris na h-annsachdan aca",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Actividade nos estudos",
"messages.activityForums": "Actividade nos foros",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "fuches ascendido a xestor do estudo {studio} por {username}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} convidoute a supervisar o estudo {studioLink}. Vai á {tabLink} no estudo para aceptar a invitación.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "lapela de supervisores",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} marcou como favorito o teu proxecto {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "פעילות בסטודיו",
"messages.activityForums": "פעילות בקבוצת דיון",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} קידם אותך להיות מנהל עבור סטודיו {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} הזמין אותך לאצור את הסטודיו {studioLink}. בקר את {tabLink} בסטודיו כדי לאשר את ההזמנה",
"messages.curatorTabText": "כרטיסיית האוצר",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} הוסיף את הפרויקט שלך {projectLink} למועדפים שלו",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Műhely tevékenység",
"messages.activityForums": "Fórum tevékenység",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} kinevezett {studio} műhely vezetőjének",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} meghívott, hogy legyél közreműködő {studioLink} műhelyben. Látogass el a {tabLink} a műhelyben, hogy elfogadd a meghívót.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "közreműködők fülre",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} kedvence lett {projectLink} projekted",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Ստուդիայի ակտիվությունը",
"messages.activityForums": "Ֆորումի ակտիվությունը",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} -ը Ձեզ առաջարկել է{studio} ստուդիայի մենեջեր ",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink}-ը հրավիրել է Ձեզ համակարգել {studioLink} ստուդիան։ Այցելեք {tabLink} ստուդիա` հրավերն ընդունելու համար",
"messages.curatorTabText": "համադրման ներդիր",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink}-ը նախընտրել է ձեր {projectLink} նախագիծը։",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Kegiatan Studio",
"messages.activityForums": "Kegiatan Forum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} mempromosikanmu menjadi manajer studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} mengundangmu menjadi kurator studio {studioLink}. Kunjungi {tabLink}-nya studio untuk menerima undangannya",
"messages.curatorTabText": "tab kurator",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} menggemari karyamu {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Attività Galleria",
"messages.activityForums": "Attività Forum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} ti ha promosso manager della galleria {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} ti ha invitato a curare la galleria {studioLink}. Visita la {tabLink} della galleria per accettare l'invito",
"messages.curatorTabText": "scheda curatore",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} ha inserito tra i suoi favoriti il tuo progetto {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "スタジオ",
"messages.activityForums": "ディスカッションフォーラム",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "あなたは{username}によって{studio}のマネージャーに任命されました。",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "あなたは{actorLink}によって{studioLink}のキュレーターに招待されました。スタジオの{tabLink}を訪れて、招待を受け入れてください。",
"messages.curatorTabText": "スタジオのキュレータータブ",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink}は、{projectLink}にお気に入りをつけました。",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "スタジオ",
"messages.activityForums": "ディスカッションフォーラム",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "あなたは{username}によって{studio}のマネージャーに任命されました。",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "あなたは{actorLink}によって{studioLink}のキュレーターに招待されました。スタジオの{tabLink}を訪れて、招待を受け入れてください。",
"messages.curatorTabText": "スタジオのキュレータータブ",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink}が{projectLink}にお気に入りをつけました。",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "მოქმედება სტუდიებში",
"messages.activityForums": "მოქმედება ფორუმზე",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} დაგაწინაურა {studio} სტუდიის მენეჯერად",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} გიწვევს სტუდია {studioLink}ს კურატორად. მოწვევის მისაღებად გადადი სტუდიაში {tabLink} ",
"messages.curatorTabText": "კურატორის ჩანართზე",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} რჩეულებს დაუმატა შენი პროექტი {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Студия қызметі",
"messages.activityForums": "Форум қызметі",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}сізді {studio}студиясының менеджеріне дейін көтерді",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} сізді {studioLink} студиянсын курациялауға шақырды. Шақыруды қабылдау үшін {tabLink}студияға кіріңіз",
"messages.curatorTabText": "куратор қойындысы",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink}сіздің жобаңызды қолдады{projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "សកម្មភាពស្ទូឌីយោ",
"messages.activityForums": "សកម្មភាពវេទិកា",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} បានតម្លើងតំណែងអ្នកជាអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងស្ទូឌីយោ {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} បានអញ្ជើញអ្នកឲ្យជួយប្រមូលកិច្ចការក្នុងស្ទូឌីយោ {studioLink}។ ចុចលើ {tabLink} នៅលើស្ទូឌីយោ ដើម្បីទទួលយកការអញ្ជើញនេះ។",
"messages.curatorTabText": "ផ្ទាំងអ្នកប្រមូល",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} បានចូលចិត្តកិច្ចការ {projectLink} របស់អ្នក",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "스튜디오 활동",
"messages.activityForums": "토론방 활동",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}님이 당신을 {studio} 스튜디오의 매니저로 만들었습니다.",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink}님이 당신을 {studioLink} 스튜디오의 큐레이터로 초대했습니다. 초대를 수락하려면 스튜디오의 {tabLink}을 방문하세요.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "큐레이터 탭",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink}님이 당신의 {projectLink} 프로젝트를 즐겨찾기에 추가했습니다.",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Çalakiya Studyoyê",
"messages.activityForums": "Çalakiya Forumê",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} payeya te ji bo rêveberiya studyoya {studio}ê berz kir.",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} te ji bo berpirsyariya studyoya {studioLink}ê vexwand. Ji bo qebûlkirina vexwandinê di studyoyê de serdana {tabLink}ê bike",
"messages.curatorTabText": "hilpeka rêvebiran",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studijas aktivitāte",
"messages.activityForums": "Foruma aktivitāte",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} paaugstināja tevi par pārvaldnieku studijā {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} uzaicināja tevi vadīt studiju {studioLink}. Apmeklē {tabLink}, lai pieņemtu ielūgumu",
"messages.curatorTabText": "kuratora cilne",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} pievienoja tavu projektu izlasei {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Ngā Mahinga Taupuni",
"messages.activityForums": "Ngā Mahinga Wānanga",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "Nā {username} koe i toko ake hei kaiwhakahaere mō te taupuni {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "Nā {actorLink} koe i tono ki te whakahaere i te taupuni {studioLink}. Ki te whakaae ki tēnei tono, toro atu ki te taupuni ki {tabLink} ",
"messages.curatorTabText": "ripa whakahaere",
"messages.favoriteText": "Nā {profileLink} i kaingākau ki tō kaupapa {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Galleri-aktivitet",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum-aktivitet",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} har gitt deg administratorrettighet for galleriet {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} inviterte deg til å forvalte galleriet {studioLink}. Besøk {tabLink} i galleriet for å ta imot invitasjonen.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "forvalter-fane",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorittmerket ditt prosjekt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Activiteit Studio",
"messages.activityForums": "Activiteit Forum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}heeft jou manager gemaakt van de studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink}heeft je uitgenodigd om de studio {studioLink} te beheren. Bezoek de {tabLink} in de studio om de uitnodiging te accepteren.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "Tab Beheerder",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} maakten jouw project favoriet {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Galleriaktivitet",
"messages.activityForums": "Forumsaktivitet",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} forfremja deg til administrator for galleriet {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} har invitert deg til å vera med å forvalta galleriet {studioLink}. Gå til {tabLink} på galleriet for å godta invitasjonen.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "forvaltar-fane",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorittmerkte prosjektet ditt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "ଷ୍ଟୁଡିଓ କାମ ",
"messages.activityForums": "ଫୋରମ କାମ ",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}ତୁମକୁ {studio}ଷ୍ଟୁଡିଓ ମାନେଜର ପଦକୁ ପ୍ରମୋସନ କରିଛନ୍ତି ",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studia",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} awansował Cię na menedżera studia {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} zaprosił cię jako opiekuna do studia {studioLink}. Odwiedź {tabLink} w studio, aby zaakceptować zaproszenie",
"messages.curatorTabText": "kartę opiekuna",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} polubił Twój projekt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Atividades de estúdio",
"messages.activityForums": "Atividade do fórum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} o promoveu a administrador do estúdio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} convidou você para administrar o estúdio {studioLink}. Visite a {tabLink} no estúdio para aceitar o convite",
"messages.curatorTabText": "aba do curador",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favoritou seu projeto {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Actividade nos Estúdios",
"messages.activityForums": "Actividade nos Fóruns",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoveu-o a gestor do estúdio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} convidou-o a conservar o estúdio {studioLink}. Visite o {tabLink} no estúdio para aceitar o convite",
"messages.curatorTabText": "separador de conservador",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} marcou o seu projecto {projectLink} como favorito",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "yachay Llamkay",
"messages.activityForums": "Llamkay Rimarisqa",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}qispirirunki yachay girintiman {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "hampiq pistaña",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Действия в студиях",
"messages.activityForums": "Действия в форумах",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} повысил тебя до менеджера в студии {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} пригласил тебя курировать студию {studioLink}. Посети {tabLink} этой студии чтобы принять приглашение",
"messages.curatorTabText": "вкладку кураторов",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} добавил твой проект {projectLink} в избранные",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Štúdiá",
"messages.activityForums": "Fórum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} vás povýšil/a na manažéra štúdia {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} vás pozýva spravovať štúdio{studioLink}. Ak chcete toto pozvanie prijať, navštívte {tabLink} na stránke štúdia.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "tabla kurátor",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} zaradil/a váš projekt {projectLink} medzi svoje obľúbené.",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Dejavnosti studia",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum dejavnosti",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} te je povišal v skrbnika studia {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} te je povabil kot skrbnika studia {studioLink}. Obišči {tabLink} v studiu, da sprejmeš/potrdiš povabilo.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "Razdelek skrbnik",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} je dodal tvoj projekt med priljubljene {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Активности студија",
"messages.activityForums": "Активности форума",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} те је унапредио у менаџера студија {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} те позива да се стараш о студију {studioLink}. Посети {tabLink} студија да прихватиш позив",
"messages.curatorTabText": "картица старатеља",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} истиче твој пројекат {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studioaktivitet",
"messages.activityForums": "Diskussionsaktivitet",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} lade till dig som administratör för studion {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} bjöd in dig att administrera studion {studioLink}. Besök {tabLink} i studion för att acceptera inbjudan",
"messages.curatorTabText": "adminflik",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favoritmärkte ditt projekt {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Shughuli za Studio",
"messages.activityForums": "Shughuli za vikao ",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} amekwezwa kuwa msimamizi wa studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} amekualika kutunza studio {studioLink}. Tembelea {tabLink} katika studio ilikukubali mwaliko ",
"messages.curatorTabText": "kichupo cha mtunza",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} alipendelea mradi wako {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Stüdyo Etkinliği",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Etkinliği",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}seni {studio} stüdyosunun yöneticiliğine terfi ettirdi.",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink}seni {studioLink} stüdyosuna rehber olmaya davet etti. Stüdyoda {tabLink}bağlantısını ziyaret ederek daveti kabul edebilirsin.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "rehber sekmesi",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink}kişisi senin {projectLink} projeni favorilerine ekledi.",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Діяльність в Студіях",
"messages.activityForums": "Діяльність Форуму",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} назначив вас менеджером в студіі {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} запросив вас стати учасником студії {studioLink}. Відвідайте {tabLink} студії, щоб приняти запрошення.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "вкладку куратора",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} ізбрав ваш {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studiyalardagi faollik",
"messages.activityForums": "Forumdagi faollik",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} sizni {studio} studiyasiga menejer etib tayinladi",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} sizni {studioLink} studiyasi rahbarligiga taklif etdi. {tabLink} studiyasiga kiring va taklifni qabul qiling",
"messages.curatorTabText": "rahbar oynasi",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} sizning {projectLink} loyihangizni tanlanganlarga qo‘shdi",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Hoạt động Studio",
"messages.activityForums": "Hoạt động Diễn đàn",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} giới thiệu bạn với người quản lý studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} mời bạn quản lý studio {studioLink}. Vào xem {tabLink}tại studio để chấp nhận lời mời",
"messages.curatorTabText": "thẻ người quản lý",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink}đã bình chọn chương trình của bạn{projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "工作室消息",
"messages.activityForums": "论坛消息",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username}将你提升为{studio}工作室的主管",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} 邀请你管理工作室 {studioLink}。你可以在工作室的 {tabLink} 标签页上接受邀请。",
"messages.curatorTabText": "管理员标签页",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} 收藏了你的作品 {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "創作坊活動",
"messages.activityForums": "論壇活動",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} 把你晉升為 {studio} 的管理人員",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} 邀請您規劃創作坊 {studioLink}。點擊創作坊連結 {tabLink} 以接受邀請",
"messages.curatorTabText": "策展者頁籤",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} 收藏你的專案 {projectLink}",
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} invited you to curate the studio {studioLink}. Visit the {tabLink} on the studio to accept the invitation",
"messages.curatorTabText": "curator tab",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited your project {projectLink}",
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
"studio.transfer.confirmWithPassword": "所有者の変更を確認するために、パスワードを入力してください。",
"studio.transfer.forgotPassword": "パスワードを忘れた場合。",
"studio.transfer.alert.somethingWentWrong": "スタジオの所有者の移転時に問題が発生しました。",
"studio.transfer.alert.wasntTheRightPassword": "Hmm, that wasn’t the right password.",
"studio.transfer.alert.thisUserCannotBecomeHost": "This user cannot become the host — try transfering to another manager",
"studio.transfer.alert.wasntTheRightPassword": "パスワードが違うようです。",
"studio.transfer.alert.thisUserCannotBecomeHost": "このユーザーはスタジオの所有者になれません。別のマネージャーを試してみてください。",
"studio.remove": "削除",
"studio.promote": "昇格",
"studio.transfer": "スタジオの所有者を変更",
Reference in a new issue