pull new editor translations from Transifex

This commit is contained in:
chrisgarrity 2021-10-09 03:14:17 +00:00
parent 17b4c2d76b
commit 8967da280e
4 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Darczyńcy",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Zespół",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Przekaż darowiznę",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "Roczny raport 2019",
@ -79,13 +79,13 @@
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
"annualReport.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
"annualReport.toolsTitle": "Creative Tools",
"annualReport.toolsTitle": "Kreatywne Narzędzia",
"annualReport.toolsIntro": "We are constantly experimenting and innovating with new technologies and new designs — always striving to provide children with new ways to create, collaborate, and learn.",
"annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Creative Tools — Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Launch of Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "We designed Scratch 3.0 to expand how, what, and where kids can create with Scratch. Released at the start of 2019, Scratch 3.0 led to a surge of activity in the Scratch community, with more projects — and a greater variety of projects — than ever before.",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 includes a library of extensions — extra collections of coding blocks that add new capabilities to Scratch. Some extensions provide access to web services and other software features, while others connect Scratch with physical-world devices like motors and sensors.",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Text-to-Speech",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Tekst-na-Mowę",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.",
"annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech",
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
"annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 nowych samouczków",
"annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 miliony",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} views in 2019",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} wyświetleń w 2019",
"annualReport.toolsApp": "Scratch App Supports Learning Offline",
"annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "downloadable app",
"annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "use on Raspberry Pi 4",
@ -180,14 +180,14 @@
"annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World",
"annualReport.conferencesIntro": "In 2008, the Scratch Team hosted the first Scratch conference at MIT, bringing together educators, researchers, and developers to share ideas and experiences for using Scratch to support creative learning. Since then, the Scratch Team has organized and hosted a Scratch conference at MIT every two years. In addition, members of the global Scratch community have organized and hosted more than a dozen conferences—stretching across oceans, continents, cultures, and languages.",
"annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Ameryka Łacińska",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
"annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version",
"annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Hiszpańska wersja",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europe",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europa",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Africa",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Afryka",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019",

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"guidelines.privacybody": "Dla bezpieczeństwa, nie podawaj żadnych informacji, które mogą zostać użytę do komunikacji prywatnej, osobiście lub online. To dotyczy podawanie prawdziwych nazwisk, nazw telefonów, adresów, rodzinnych miast, nazw szkoły, adresów email, nazw użytkowników lub linków do portali społecznościowych, aplikacji czat wideo, lub stron z funkcjonalnością prywatnego czatu.",
"guidelines.helpfulheader": "Give helpful feedback.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody": "Everyone on Scratch is learning. When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Zachowaj kulturę remiksów.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Zachowaj remiksową kulturę.",
"guidelines.remixbody1": "Remixing is when you build upon someone elses projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.",
"guidelines.remixbody2": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers. You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. And when you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.",
"guidelines.honestyheader": "Bądź szczery.",

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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"studio.transfer.noLongerDelete": "You will no longer be able to delete the studio",
"studio.transfer.whichManager": "Which manager do you want to make the host?",
"studio.transfer.currentHost": "Current Host",
"studio.transfer.newHost": "New Host",
"studio.transfer.newHost": "Nowy Host",
"studio.transfer.confirmWithPassword": "To confirm changing the studio host, please enter your password.",
"studio.transfer.forgotPassword": "Nie pamiętasz hasła?",
"studio.transfer.alert.somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong transferring this studio to a new host.",

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"teacherfaq.title": "FAQ Konta nauczyciela Scratcha",
"teacherfaq.educatorTitle": "FAQ Nauczyciela Scratch",
"teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedTitle": "Jestem nauczycielem, i jestem nowy w Scratchu, jak mogę zacząć?",
"teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedTitle": "Jestem nauczycielem i jestem nowy w Scratchu, jak mogę zacząć?",
"teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedBody": "Scratch ma wiele dostępnych zasobów, aby Ci pomóc zacząć! Zobacz naszą {educatorResourcesLink}, aby uzyskać poradniki, samouczki, oraz wiele innych zasobów, aby Ci pomóc prowadzić klasę ze Scratchem!",
"teacherfaq.educatorResourcesLink": "Strona zasobów nauczycieli",
"teacherfaq.teacherWhatTitle": "Co to są Konta nauczycieli?",