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synced 2025-03-14 07:00:36 -04:00
fix: pull new editor translations from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 27 additions and 27 deletions
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilParagraph": "巴西创意学习网络是一场群众运动,它在整个巴西实施有趣味性,有创新性和相关性的实践教育活动。在2020年,Scratch团队在巴西创意学习网络创意学习周活动进行演讲,分享了孩子们怎样使用Scratch去建造社区,展示自我以及发表对他们重要的事情的看法。相应地,我们了解到在网络中的教育者如何在他们自己的社区中为学习者创造自我表达的机会。",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaTitle": "Quest联盟",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndia": "印度",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest Alliance empowers millions of learners and educators with 21st century skills, including creative computing. In 2020, {QuestAllianceLink} shared Scratch with learners and educators across India.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "Raspberry Pi Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "UK",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "The Raspberry Pi Foundation works to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. Through their Making at Home initiative, they lead livestream events that encouraged families and young people to learn and create together. Several of these livestreams featured Scratch tutorials—and sometimes, even {USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest联盟赋予数百万的学习者和教育者21世纪的技能,包括创新计算。在2020年,{QuestAllianceLink}与整个印度的学习者和教育者分享了Scratch。",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "树莓派基金会",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "英国",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "树莓派基金会致力于让全世界的人掌握计算和数字制作的能力。通过他们的在家制作倡议,他们主导了一系列的直播活动,这些活动鼓励家庭和年轻人共同学习和创造。在这些直播活动中,他们展示了Scratch教程—有时甚至还有{USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResources": "资源",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizing with Support from the LEGO Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "在乐高基金会的支持下进行本地化",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "To support our growing global reach and aid our COVID-19 response, the LEGO Foundation supported Scratch with a generous grant. With this funding, we were able to localize key resources and reach even more young people around the world.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "Tutorial Images",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "We created translations of the images for 25 Scratch tutorials in 12 languages—totalling over 1,000 new images!",
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilParagraph": "巴西创意学习网络是一场群众运动,它在整个巴西实施有趣味性,有创新性和相关性的实践教育活动。在2020年,Scratch团队在巴西创意学习网络创意学习周活动进行演讲,分享了孩子们怎样使用Scratch去建造社区,展示自我以及发表对他们重要的事情的看法。相应地,我们了解到在网络中的教育者如何在他们自己的社区中为学习者创造自我表达的机会。",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaTitle": "Quest联盟",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndia": "印度",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest Alliance empowers millions of learners and educators with 21st century skills, including creative computing. In 2020, {QuestAllianceLink} shared Scratch with learners and educators across India.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "Raspberry Pi Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "UK",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "The Raspberry Pi Foundation works to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. Through their Making at Home initiative, they lead livestream events that encouraged families and young people to learn and create together. Several of these livestreams featured Scratch tutorials—and sometimes, even {USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest联盟让百万的学习者和教育者拥有21世纪的技能,包括创意计算。在2020年,整个印度的学习者和教育者在Scratch上分享{QuestAllianceLink}。",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "树莓派基金会",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "英国",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "树莓派基金会致力于让全世界的人掌握计算和数字制作的能力。通过他们的在家制作倡议,他们主导了一系列的直播活动,这些活动鼓励家庭和年轻人共同学习和创造。在这些直播活动中,他们展示了Scratch教程,有时,甚至还有{USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResources": "資源",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizing with Support from the LEGO Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "在乐高基金会的支持下进行本地化",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "To support our growing global reach and aid our COVID-19 response, the LEGO Foundation supported Scratch with a generous grant. With this funding, we were able to localize key resources and reach even more young people around the world.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "Tutorial Images",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "We created translations of the images for 25 Scratch tutorials in 12 languages—totalling over 1,000 new images!",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"cookies.table.weeks.3": "3 weken",
"cookies.table.months.6": "6 maanden",
"cookies.table.years.1": "1 jaar",
"cookies.table.years.2": "2 jaren",
"cookies.table.years.2": "2 jaar",
"cookies.types.title": "Wat voor soort Cookies worden er op de Scratch-website gebruikt?",
"cookies.types.essentialTitle": "Essentiële Cookies",
"cookies.types.essentialIntro": "These are Cookies that are necessary to make the Scratch Website available to the user or ensure security. We use this Personal Information, for example, to ensure that the Scratch Website functions properly, or to prevent fraud. We use the following essential Cookies:",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"ideas.makeMusicImageDescription": "De snaren van een geïllustreerde elektrische gitaar trillen.",
"ideas.createAStoryTitle": "Schrijf een verhaal",
"ideas.createAStoryDescription": "Kies personages, voeg gesprekken toe en breng je verhaal tot leven.",
"ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "Een tovenaar wijst een reizende heks op weg naar een afgelegen kasteel.",
"ideas.createAStoryImageDescription": "Een tovenaar wijst een reizende heks de weg naar een afgelegen kasteel.",
"ideas.chaseGameTitle": "Maak een achtervolgingsspel",
"ideas.chaseGameDescription": "Maak een spel waarin je een sprite achtervolgt om punten te scoren.",
"ideas.chaseGameImageDescription": "Een blije en interactieve octopus gaat een ster voorbij.",
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
"privacyPolicy.nav.usage": "Gebruik",
"privacyPolicy.nav.share": "Delen",
"privacyPolicy.nav.thirdParties": "Diensten van Derden",
"privacyPolicy.nav.childPrivacy": "Kinderen en studentenprivacy",
"privacyPolicy.nav.childPrivacy": "Privacy van kinderen en leerlingen",
"privacyPolicy.nav.rights": "Rechten en Keuzes",
"privacyPolicy.nav.retention": "Gegevensbewaring",
"privacyPolicy.nav.protection": "Bescherming",
"privacyPolicy.nav.changes": "Notificaties van Veranderingen",
"privacyPolicy.nav.changes": "Meldingen van veranderingen",
"privacyPolicy.nav.transfer": "Gegevensoverdracht",
"privacyPolicy.nav.help": "Hoe Je Kan Helpen",
"privacyPolicy.nav.help": "Hoe je kunt helpen",
"privacyPolicy.nav.contact": "Contact",
"privacyPolicy.title": "Privacybeleid",
"privacyPolicy.lastUpdated": "Het Privacybeleid van Scratch is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op: 25 Mei 2023",
"privacyPolicy.intro": "De Scratch fundatie (“<b>Scratch</b>”, “<b>wij</b>” of “<b>ons</b>”) begrijpt hoe belangrijk privacy is voor onze community, in het bijzonder kinderen en ouders (“<b>jij</b>”, “<b>Gebruiker</b>”). We hebben deze Privacy policy (“<b>Privacy Policy</b>”) geschreven om uit te leggen welke persoonlijke informatie wij van jou verzamelen op onze website (scratch.mit.edu, de “<b>Scratch Website</b>”), hoe wij die informatie gebruiken, delen, en hoe wij die informatie veilig bewaren. we vertellen je ook over je rechten en keuzes met respect voor jouw persoonlijke informatie, en hoe je ons kunt <a>contacteren</a> als je vragen hebt of ergens mee zit.",
"privacyPolicy.lastUpdated": "Het Privacybeleid van Scratch is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op: 25 mei 2023",
"privacyPolicy.intro": "De Scratch Foundation (“<b>Scratch</b>”, “<b>wij</b>” of “<b>ons</b>”) begrijpt hoe belangrijk privacy is voor onze gemeenschap, in het bijzonder kinderen en ouders (“<b>jij</b>”, “<b>gebruiker</b>”). We hebben deze Privacy policy (“<b>Privacy Policy</b>”) geschreven om uit te leggen welke persoonlijke informatie wij van jou verzamelen op onze website (scratch.mit.edu, de “<b>Scratch Website</b>”), hoe wij die informatie gebruiken, delen, en hoe wij die informatie veilig bewaren. We vertellen je ook over je rechten en keuzes met respect voor jouw persoonlijke informatie, en hoe je ons kunt <a>contacteren</a> als je vragen hebt of ergens mee zit.",
"privacyPolicy.offlineEditor": "If you would like to build projects with Scratch without submitting any Personal Information to us, you can download and use the <a>Scratch app</a> offline. Projects created in the <a>Scratch app</a> are not accessible by Scratch, and the app will only send anonymized information back to us if you choose to do so. If you upload your projects to the Scratch online community on the Scratch Website, we will collect your Personal Information as explained in this Privacy Policy.",
"privacyPolicy.collectionTitle": "Welke persoonlijke informatie verzamelt Scratch over mij?",
"privacyPolicy.collection1": "For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “<b>Personal Information</b>” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. You may provide us with Personal Information directly, such as when you create an account, or we may collect your Personal Information automatically, such as when you switch languages or view a project.",
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"privacyPolicy.usage.communicationsBody": "We may send emails to an email address you provide to us for customer-service or technical-support purposes. We may also send a newsletter to the email address you provide to us when you subscribe to receive additional communications from us.",
"privacyPolicy.usage.researchTitle": "Academisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek",
"privacyPolicy.usage.researchBody": "We de-identify and aggregate Personal Information collected through the Scratch Website for statistical analysis in the context of scientific and academic research. For example, to help us understand how people learn through the Scratch Website and how we can enhance learning tools for young people. The results of such research are shared with educators and researchers through conferences, journals, and other academic or scientific publications. You can find out more on our <a>Research page.</a>",
"privacyPolicy.usage.legalTitle": "Wettelijke regels",
"privacyPolicy.usage.legalTitle": "Juridisch",
"privacyPolicy.usage.legalBody": "We may use your Personal Information to enforce our <terms>Terms of Use</terms>, to defend our legal rights, and to comply with our legal obligations and internal policies. We moderate content posted to the Scratch Website, including shared and unshared projects, comments, and forum posts to ensure that our <guidelines>Community Guidelines</guidelines> are respected. We also use your Personal Information to detect and prevent fraud, spam, and abuse. We and our service providers may do this by reading information held in cookies set in your browser, analyzing your usage of the Scratch Website, and through other means.",
"privacyPolicy.legalGrounds.title": "What Are The Legal Grounds For Processing Your Personal Information?",
"privacyPolicy.legalGrounds.intro": "If you are located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, we only process your Personal Information based on a valid legal ground. A “legal ground” is a reason that justifies our use of your Personal Information. We may use different legal grounds, such as:",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"privacyPolicy.legalGrounds.services": "We need your Personal Information to provide our services, including for account registration, to respond to your inquiries, or for customer support;",
"privacyPolicy.legalGrounds.obligation": "We have a legal obligation to use your Personal Information; or",
"privacyPolicy.legalGrounds.thirdParty": "We or a third party have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Information. In particular, we have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Information to analyze and share your aggregated or de-identified information for research purposes, to analyze and enhance your learning experience on the Scratch Website and otherwise ensure and improve the safety, security, and performance of the Scratch Website. We only rely on our or a third party’s legitimate interests to process your Personal Information when these interests are not overridden by your rights and interests.",
"privacyPolicy.share.title": "Deelt Scratch mijn persoonlijke informatie?",
"privacyPolicy.share.title": "Hoe deelt Scratch mijn persoonlijke informatie?",
"privacyPolicy.share.intro": "We disclose Personal Information that we collect through the Scratch Website to third parties, if you consent to us doing so, as well as in the following circumstances:",
"privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersTitle": "Serviceproviders",
"privacyPolicy.share.serviceProvidersBody": "Aan derden die diensten aanbieden zoals website hosting, data analyse, informatietechnologie en gerelateerde infrastructuurvoorzieningen, klantenservice, e-maillevering en andere diensten.",
@ -63,15 +63,15 @@
"privacyPolicy.share.researchBody": "To research institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), to learn about how our users learn through the Scratch Website and develop new learning tools.",
"privacyPolicy.share.mergerTitle": "Fusie",
"privacyPolicy.share.mergerBody": "To a potential or actual acquirer, successor, or assignee as part of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our organization or assets. You will have the opportunity to opt out of any such transfer if the new entity’s planned processing of your Personal Information differs materially from that set forth in this Privacy Policy.",
"privacyPolicy.share.legalTitle": "Wettelijke regels",
"privacyPolicy.share.legalBody": "Indien dit wettelijk vereist is of indien in goed vertrouwen wordt geloofd dat een dergelijke actie gepast is: (a) onder de toepasselijke wetgeving, inclusief wetten buiten het land waar u woont; (b) om te voldoen aan de juridische procedure; (c) om te reageren op verzoeken van publieke en overheidsautoriteiten, zoals scholen, schooldistricten en wetshandhaving, inclusief publieke en overheidsautoriteiten buiten het land waar u woont; (d) om onze voorwaarden af te dwingen; (e) om onze activiteiten of die van een van onze gelieerde ondernemingen te beschermen; (f) om onze rechten, privacy, veiligheid of eigendommen, en/of die van onze gelieerde ondernemingen, u of anderen te beschermen; en (g) om ons in staat te stellen de beschikbare rechtsmiddelen na te streven of de schade te beperken die we zouden kunnen ondervinden.",
"privacyPolicy.thirdPartyServices.title": "Diensten van Derden",
"privacyPolicy.share.legalTitle": "Juridisch",
"privacyPolicy.share.legalBody": "Indien dit wettelijk vereist is of indien in goed vertrouwen wordt geloofd dat een dergelijke actie gepast is: (a) onder de toepasselijke wetgeving, inclusief wetten buiten het land waar je woont; (b) om te voldoen aan de juridische procedure; (c) om te reageren op verzoeken van publieke en overheidsautoriteiten, zoals scholen, schooldistricten en wetshandhaving, inclusief publieke en overheidsautoriteiten buiten het land waar je woont; (d) om onze voorwaarden af te dwingen; (e) om onze activiteiten of die van gelieerde ondernemingen te beschermen; (f) om onze rechten, privacy, veiligheid of eigendommen, en/of die van onze gelieerde ondernemingen, jou of anderen te beschermen; en (g) om ons in staat te stellen de beschikbare rechtsmiddelen na te streven of de schade te beperken die we zouden kunnen ondervinden.",
"privacyPolicy.thirdPartyServices.title": "Diensten van derden",
"privacyPolicy.thirdPartyServices.body": "This Privacy Policy applies only to the processing of your Personal Information by Scratch. It does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information, or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any site or service to which the Scratch Website links. The inclusion of a link on the Scratch Website does not imply endorsement of the linked site or service by us or by our affiliates.",
"privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.title": "Kinderen en studentenprivacy",
"privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.title": "Privacy van kinderen en leerlingen",
"privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.body1": "The Scratch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) does not apply to the Scratch Website. Nevertheless, Scratch takes children’s privacy seriously. Scratch collects only minimal information from its users, and only uses and discloses information to provide the services and for limited other purposes, such as research, as described in this Privacy Policy.",
"privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.body2": "Scratch does not collect information from a student’s education record, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Scratch does not disclose personal information of students to any third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy: to service providers and research institutions.",
"privacyPolicy.rights.title": "Your Rights and Choices",
"privacyPolicy.rights.updatingTitle": "Je informatie updaten",
"privacyPolicy.rights.updatingTitle": "Je informatie bijwerken",
"privacyPolicy.rights.updatingBody1": "You can update your password, email address, and country through the <settings>Account Settings</settings> page. You can also reset your password through the <reset>Account Reset</reset> page. You cannot change your username, but you can make a new account and manually copy your projects to the new account.",
"privacyPolicy.rights.updatingBody2": "If you want to delete your account, login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings,\" then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. Deleting your account hides all Personal Information from public view, but does not remove all of your Personal Information from our servers. If you want to have all of your Personal Information removed from our servers, please contact help@scratch.mit.edu for assistance.",
"privacyPolicy.rights.marketingTitle": "Marketing Communications",
@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
"privacyPolicy.protectionTitle": "How Does Scratch Protect My Personal Information?",
"privacyPolicy.protectionBody": "Scratch has in place administrative, physical, and technical procedures that are intended to protect the Personal Information we collect on the Scratch Website against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Personal Information. For example, we use SSL/TLS for all data transfers and strictly limit access to the Scratch servers and the data we store on them. However, as effective as these measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot completely guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that the Personal Information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.",
"privacyPolicy.transferTitle": "International Cross-Border Data Transfer",
"privacyPolicy.transferBody1": "We kunnen uw persoonlijke informatie overdragen aan andere landen dan het land waar u zich bevindt, ook aan de VS (waar scratcher servers zijn gevestigd) of een ander land waarin wij of onze dienstverleners faciliteiten onderhouden. Als u zich in de Europese Economische Ruimte, het Verenigd Koninkrijk of Zwitserland bevindt, of andere regio's met wetten voor het verzamelen en gebruiken van gegevens die kunnen verschillen van de Amerikaanse wet hebben dezelfde wetgeving voor gegevensbescherming als uw rechtsgebied.",
"privacyPolicy.transferBody1": "We kunnen je persoonlijke informatie overdragen aan andere landen dan het land waar je je bevindt, ook aan de VS (waar Scratch servers staan) of een ander land waarin wij of onze dienstverleners faciliteiten onderhouden. Als je je in de Europese Economische Ruimte, het Verenigd Koninkrijk of Zwitserland bevindt, of andere regio's met wetten voor het verzamelen en gebruiken van gegevens die kunnen verschillen van de Amerikaanse wet let dan op dat wij mogelijk jouw persoonlijke informatie overdragen naar een land en rechtsgebied dat niet dezelfde wetgeving voor gegevensbescherming heeft als jouw rechtsgebied.",
"privacyPolicy.transferBody2": "We apply administrative, physical, and technical procedures to ensure the confidentiality and security of the Personal Information processed and transferred on our behalf. This includes procedures to ensure that your Personal Information is only processed for the purposes for which it has been collected. To obtain additional information on the transfers, please contact us using the contact information below.",
"privacyPolicy.helpTitle": "Wat kan ik doen om informatie op scratch te beschermen?",
"privacyPolicy.helpTitle": "Wat kan ik doen om informatie op Scratch te beschermen?",
"privacyPolicy.helpBody": "Please do not share personal contact information (such as your name, physical address, email address, or phone number) in projects, comments, profiles, studios, or forum posts. Please let us know if you see this kind of information by using the “Report” link which appears on the page. It is also important that you maintain the security and control of your account credentials, and not share your password with anyone.",
"privacyPolicy.changesTitle": "Meldingen van wijzigingen in het Privacybeleid",
"privacyPolicy.changesTitle": "Meldingen van wijzigingen in het privacybeleid",
"privacyPolicy.changesBody": "We review our security measures and Privacy Policy on a periodic basis, and we may modify our policies as appropriate. If we make material changes to the Policy, we will notify you through the Site or by sending you an email or other communication. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy on a regular basis. The “Last Updated” date at the top of this page indicates when this Privacy Policy was last revised. Your continued use of the Scratch Website following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Policy.",
"privacyPolicy.contactTitle": "Contact",
"privacyPolicy.contactBody": "The Scratch Foundation is the entity responsible for the processing of your Personal Information. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise your rights to your Personal Information, you may contact us at help@scratch.mit.edu or via mail at:"
Reference in a new issue