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synced 2025-03-06 18:27:58 -05:00
pull new editor translations from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 38 additions and 38 deletions
@ -19,22 +19,22 @@
"about.learnMoreEducators": "Informacija mokytojams",
"about.learnMoreEducators": "Informacija mokytojams",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Metinė ataskaita",
"about.learnMoreAnnualReport": "Metinė ataskaita",
"about.literacy": "Išmokite programuoti, programuokite, kad išmoktumėte",
"about.literacy": "Išmokite programuoti, programuokite, kad išmoktumėte",
"about.literacyImageDescription": "An image of Mitch Resnick giving a TED talk titled \"Let's Teach Kids to Code.\" A play button is in the center of the image.",
"about.literacyImageDescription": "Mitch Resnick TED pranešimo „Išmokykime vaikus programuoti“ nuotrauka. Paleidimo mygtukas yra nuotraukos viduryje.",
"about.literacyDescription": "In this <a>TED talk</a>, Scratch founder Mitch Resnick describes why the ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.",
"about.literacyDescription": "Šiame <a>TED pranešime</a>, Scratch įkūrėjas Mitch Resnick pasakoja, kodėl galimybė kurti kompiuterines programas yra svarbi šiandieninės visuomenės dalis. Kai žmonės išmoksta programuoti su Scratch, jie išmoksta svarbių problemų sprendimo, projektų kūrimo strategijų bei bendravimo idėjų.",
"about.schools": "Scratch mokyklose",
"about.schools": "Scratch mokyklose",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Students are learning with Scratch at all levels (from elementary school to college) and across disciplines (such as math, computer science, language arts, social studies). Educator resources are available on the {scratchForEducatorsLink} page.",
"about.schoolsDescription": "Studentai su Scratch mokosi visais lygiais (nuo pradinės mokyklos iki koledžo) ir įvairiose disciplinose (tokiose kaip matematika, informatika, kalbų menas ir socialinės studijos). Mokytojų medžiagą galima rasti puslapyje {scratchForEducatorsLink}.",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch For Educators",
"about.scratchForEducatorsLinkText": "Scratch mokytojams",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd website",
"about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd svetainė",
"about.research": "Mokslinis darbas",
"about.research": "Mokslinis darbas",
"about.researchDescription": "The {lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} and collaborators are {researchLink} how young people create, collaborate, and learn with Scratch. For an overview, see the article {codingAtACrossroadsLink} and the book {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. To find out more about the use of Scratch, see the {statisticsLink} page and the Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
"about.researchDescription": "{lifelongKindergartenGroupLink} ir bendradarbiai yra {researchLink} kaip jauni žmonės kuria, bendradarbiauja ir mokosi su Scratch. Apžvalgą rasite straipsnyje {codingAtACrossroadsLink} ir knygoje {lifelongKindergartenBookLink}. Jei norite daugiau sužinoti apie Scratch naudojimą, skaitykite puslapį {statisticsLink} ir Scratch {annualReportLink}.",
"about.researchLinkText": "researching",
"about.researchLinkText": "tiria",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "statistics",
"about.statisticsLinkText": "statistika",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
"about.lifelongKindergartenGroupLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten grupė",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Coding at a Crossroads",
"about.codingAtACrossroadsLinkText": "Programavimas kryžkelėje",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Metinė ataskaita",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Metinė ataskaita",
"about.support": "Parama ir finansavimas",
"about.support": "Parama ir finansavimas",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratch is available for free, thanks to support from our {donorsLink}. This support helps us provide kids around the world with opportunities to imagine, create, and share. You can support Scratch by making a donation {donateLink}.",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratch yra nemokamas dėka {donorsLink} palaikymo. Ši parama leidžia teikti viso pasaulio vaikams galimybes įsivaizduoti, kurti ir dalintis. Jūs galite paremti Scratch skirdami paramą {donateLink}.",
"about.donorsLinkText": "donorai",
"about.donorsLinkText": "donorai",
"about.donateLinkText": "čia",
"about.donateLinkText": "čia",
"about.donateButton": "Paremti"
"about.donateButton": "Paremti"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "Message",
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "Message",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Misija",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Pasiekiamumas",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Rėmėjai",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Komanda",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Paremti",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Paremti",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
"annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Įkūrėjo pranešimas",
"annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Misija",
"annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Pasiekiamumas",
"annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Themes",
"annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Temos",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Direktoriaus pranešimas",
"annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Rėmėjai",
"annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Komanda",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "Paremti",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "Paremti",
"annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020 Annual Report",
"annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020 metinė ataskaita",
"annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "Adapting to a Changing World",
"annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "Prisitaikymas prie besikeičiančio pasaulio",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageTitle": "Mūsų įkūrėjo pranešimas",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "The year 2020 will be remembered as the year when the COVID pandemic swept across the world, causing hardships and disruptions in the lives of everyone -- with the greatest hardships falling inequitably on those already facing challenges in their lives.",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP1": "2020 bus atsimenami kaip metai, kai COVID pandemija pralėkė per pasaulį, sukeldama sunkumus ir sutrukdymus kiekvieno gyvenime -- didžiausi sunkumai krito tiems, kurie ir taip jų turėjo daug savo gyvenime.",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "Throughout the pandemic, young people around the world, many isolated in their homes, have come to the Scratch website in greater numbers than ever before, seeing Scratch as a safe space where they can express themselves creatively, learn new skills, and collaborate with one another. We were inspired by so many of the Scratch projects that young people created during 2020, many of them sharing their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic, climate change, racial injustice, and other issues on their minds. Young people were not just learning computational concepts and skills, but also developing their voice and their identities.",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP2": "Throughout the pandemic, young people around the world, many isolated in their homes, have come to the Scratch website in greater numbers than ever before, seeing Scratch as a safe space where they can express themselves creatively, learn new skills, and collaborate with one another. We were inspired by so many of the Scratch projects that young people created during 2020, many of them sharing their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic, climate change, racial injustice, and other issues on their minds. Young people were not just learning computational concepts and skills, but also developing their voice and their identities.",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "To ensure that Scratch can continue to play this important role in young people’s lives in the years ahead, we’ve been making significant organizational changes at Scratch. At the start of 2020, the Scratch Team moved out of its longtime home at the MIT Media Lab and into the new offices of the Scratch Foundation in downtown Boston. This move will help us to build a sustainable organization capable of supporting Scratch as a global creative coding platform into the future.",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP3": "To ensure that Scratch can continue to play this important role in young people’s lives in the years ahead, we’ve been making significant organizational changes at Scratch. At the start of 2020, the Scratch Team moved out of its longtime home at the MIT Media Lab and into the new offices of the Scratch Foundation in downtown Boston. This move will help us to build a sustainable organization capable of supporting Scratch as a global creative coding platform into the future.",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "Later in 2020, as part of this organizational transition, we hired Shawna Young to serve as Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation. Shawna comes to the Scratch Foundation with a strong background in education and nonprofit management, and a deep commitment to equity and inclusion. Throughout her career in institutions such as Duke and MIT, Shawna has worked to expand learning experiences for students from diverse communities. That commitment is strongly aligned with Scratch’s mission and values, and it will play an important role in her leadership at Scratch. I encourage you to read Shawna’s message at the end of this annual report.",
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageP4": "Later in 2020, as part of this organizational transition, we hired Shawna Young to serve as Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation. Shawna comes to the Scratch Foundation with a strong background in education and nonprofit management, and a deep commitment to equity and inclusion. Throughout her career in institutions such as Duke and MIT, Shawna has worked to expand learning experiences for students from diverse communities. That commitment is strongly aligned with Scratch’s mission and values, and it will play an important role in her leadership at Scratch. I encourage you to read Shawna’s message at the end of this annual report.",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
"annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
"annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Mission",
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Misija",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
"annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Įkūrėjo pranešimas",
"annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Misija",
"annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Pasiekiamumas",
"annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Themes",
"annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Temos",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Direktoriaus pranešimas",
"annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Rėmėjai",
"annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Komanda",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "Paremti",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "Paremti",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 Annual Report",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 Annual Report",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Building an Equitable Community Together",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Building an Equitable Community Together",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Mission",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Misija",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
"annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.tutorial1": "How to Make an 'About Me'",
"annualReport.2021.tutorial1": "How to Make an 'About Me'",
"annualReport.2021.tutorial2": "How to Make a Clicker Game",
"annualReport.2021.tutorial2": "How to Make a Clicker Game",
"annualReport.2021.tutorial3": "How to Make a Mouse Trail",
"annualReport.2021.tutorial3": "How to Make a Mouse Trail",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Founder",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageTitle": "Mūsų įkūrėjo pranešimas",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageSubTitle": "Support and Inspiration from a Founding Partner",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageSubTitle": "Support and Inspiration from a Founding Partner",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText1": "As you read through this annual report, you’ll learn about many ways that Scratch is expanding creative computing opportunities for millions of young people around the world, especially those from marginalized communities. This global impact is possible because of the tireless work of the growing team of engineers, designers, educators, community moderators, and others at the Scratch Foundation.",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText1": "As you read through this annual report, you’ll learn about many ways that Scratch is expanding creative computing opportunities for millions of young people around the world, especially those from marginalized communities. This global impact is possible because of the tireless work of the growing team of engineers, designers, educators, community moderators, and others at the Scratch Foundation.",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText2": "To continue to grow our efforts and impact, we rely on the generous financial support of an incredible collection of companies, foundations, and individual donors who are aligned with our mission and vision. Here, I want to highlight the support and inspiration we’ve received from one of our Founding Partners: the LEGO Foundation.",
"annualReport.2021.FounderMessageText2": "To continue to grow our efforts and impact, we rely on the generous financial support of an incredible collection of companies, foundations, and individual donors who are aligned with our mission and vision. Here, I want to highlight the support and inspiration we’ve received from one of our Founding Partners: the LEGO Foundation.",
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
"faq.reviewContentBody": "스크래치 팀은 신고된 댓글과 프로젝트를 매일 검토합니다. 어떤 내용이 스크래치 {cgLink}을 위반하면, 스크래치 팀이 그것을 제거하고 그 계정에 경고를 보낼 것입니다. 무엇이 공유되었는지와 그 사람이 이전에 경고를 받은 적이 있는지에 따라 내용을 공유하는 데에 사용된 계정이나 네트워크를 차단할 수도 있습니다.",
"faq.reviewContentBody": "스크래치 팀은 신고된 댓글과 프로젝트를 매일 검토합니다. 어떤 내용이 스크래치 {cgLink}을 위반하면, 스크래치 팀이 그것을 제거하고 그 계정에 경고를 보낼 것입니다. 무엇이 공유되었는지와 그 사람이 이전에 경고를 받은 적이 있는지에 따라 내용을 공유하는 데에 사용된 계정이나 네트워크를 차단할 수도 있습니다.",
"faq.blockedAccountTitle": "계정이 정지되면 어떻게 되나요?",
"faq.blockedAccountTitle": "계정이 정지되면 어떻게 되나요?",
"faq.blockedAccountBody": "어떤 계정이 차단되면, 계정의 주인이 더 이상 계정에 접근하거나 그 계정을 이용해서 프로젝트를 만들거나 새 댓글을 쓸 수 없게 됩니다. 계정에 로그인하면 그 계정이 차단된 이유를 설명하는 페이지를 차단 해제 요청에 사용할 수 있는 웹 양식과 함께 보게 됩니다. 계정의 주인이 계정이 차단된 이유를 이해한다는 것을 보이고 앞으로 스크래치 {cgLink}을 지키기로 약속하면, 그 사람은 차단이 해제될 것입니다.",
"faq.blockedAccountBody": "어떤 계정이 차단되면, 계정의 주인이 더 이상 계정에 접근하거나 그 계정을 이용해서 프로젝트를 만들거나 새 댓글을 쓸 수 없게 됩니다. 계정에 로그인하면 그 계정이 차단된 이유를 설명하는 페이지를 차단 해제 요청에 사용할 수 있는 웹 양식과 함께 보게 됩니다. 계정의 주인이 계정이 차단된 이유를 이해한다는 것을 보이고 앞으로 스크래치 {cgLink}을 지키기로 약속하면, 그 사람은 차단이 해제될 것입니다.",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "누군가 제 계정에 접근하여 차단되도록 했습니다. 어떻게 해야 하나요?",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "누군가 제 계정에 접근하여 계정이 차단되도록 했습니다. 어떻게 해야 하나요?",
"faq.stolenAccountBody": "당신은 비밀번호를 안전하게 유지할 책임이 있습니다. 당신이 아는 누군가가 계정을 훔치고 나쁜 일을 했다면, 그 사람이 사용한 컴퓨터를 관리하는 어른에게 얘기하세요. 당신이 모르는 누군가가 계정에 접근했다고 생각하면, 비밀번호를 바꾸는 것과 {contactLink} 링크를 사용해서 상황을 설명하는 것 모두 또는 한쪽을 선택하세요. 스크래치 {cgLink}을 위반한 당신의 행동으로 계정이 차단되었다면, 다른 사람이 그 행동을 했다고 말하지 마세요. 다른 사람이 계정을 사용해서 어떤 나쁜 행동을 했다고 말하면, 그때는 계정을 복구하기 전에 그 사람과 대화를 시도해야 합니다. 이는 즉 일어난 일에 대해 정직할 때보다 훨씬 길게 계정이 차단된 채로 있을 것임을 의미합니다.",
"faq.stolenAccountBody": "당신은 비밀번호를 안전하게 유지할 책임이 있습니다. 당신이 아는 누군가가 계정을 훔치고 나쁜 일을 했다면, 그 사람이 사용한 컴퓨터를 관리하는 어른에게 얘기하세요. 당신이 모르는 누군가가 계정에 접근했다고 생각하면, 비밀번호를 바꾸는 것과 {contactLink} 링크를 사용해서 상황을 설명하는 것 모두 또는 한쪽을 선택하세요. 스크래치 {cgLink}을 위반한 당신의 행동으로 계정이 차단되었다면, 다른 사람이 그 행동을 했다고 말하지 마세요. 다른 사람이 계정을 사용해서 어떤 나쁜 행동을 했다고 말하면, 그때는 계정을 복구하기 전에 그 사람과 대화를 시도해야 합니다. 이는 즉 일어난 일에 대해 정직할 때보다 훨씬 길게 계정이 차단된 채로 있을 것임을 의미합니다.",
"faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "확장 기능이 무엇인가요?",
"faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "확장 기능이 무엇인가요?",
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "스크래치 편집기에서 \"확장 기능\"이라고 불리는 블록의 모음을 추가할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 물리적 장치를 프로그래밍 할 수 있게 하는 확장 기능(micro:bit와 LEGO 로봇 공학 키트 등)과 스크래치 프로젝트 안에서 글을 번역하는 확장 기능이 있습니다. 스크래치로 할 수 있는 것이 점차 많아지도록, 새로운 확장 기능을 점차 추가해 나갈 것입니다.",
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "스크래치 편집기에서 \"확장 기능\"이라고 불리는 블록의 모음을 추가할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 물리적 장치를 프로그래밍 할 수 있게 하는 확장 기능(micro:bit와 LEGO 로봇 공학 키트 등)과 스크래치 프로젝트 안에서 글을 번역하는 확장 기능이 있습니다. 스크래치로 할 수 있는 것이 점차 많아지도록, 새로운 확장 기능을 점차 추가해 나갈 것입니다.",
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
"faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Who created Scratch?",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Who created Scratch?",
"faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
"faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
"faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
"faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten grupė",
"faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
"faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
"faq.aboutScratch3Title": "What is Scratch 3.0?",
"faq.aboutScratch3Title": "What is Scratch 3.0?",
"faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 is the latest generation of Scratch, launched on January 2, 2019. It is designed to expand how, what, and where you can create with Scratch. It includes dozens of new sprites, a totally new sound editor, and many new programming blocks. And with Scratch 3.0, you’re able to create and play projects on your tablet, in addition to your laptop or desktop computer.",
"faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 is the latest generation of Scratch, launched on January 2, 2019. It is designed to expand how, what, and where you can create with Scratch. It includes dozens of new sprites, a totally new sound editor, and many new programming blocks. And with Scratch 3.0, you’re able to create and play projects on your tablet, in addition to your laptop or desktop computer.",
Reference in a new issue