From f4e938ab962901cde8512b07998007aad5d6f271 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chrisgarrity Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 08:36:52 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add Croatian --- src/index.js | 2 ++ src/supported-locales.js | 1 + 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js index 8dfb5e01..d588fa31 100644 --- a/src/index.js +++ b/src/index.js @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import gd from 'react-intl/locale-data/gd'; import gl from 'react-intl/locale-data/gl'; import he from 'react-intl/locale-data/he'; import hu from 'react-intl/locale-data/hu'; +import hr from 'react-intl/locale-data/hr'; import id from 'react-intl/locale-data/id'; import is from 'react-intl/locale-data/is'; import it from 'react-intl/locale-data/it'; @@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ let localeData = [].concat( gl, he, hu, + hr, id, is, it, diff --git a/src/supported-locales.js b/src/supported-locales.js index ef3bf232..245a84df 100644 --- a/src/supported-locales.js +++ b/src/supported-locales.js @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ const locales = { 'gl': {name: 'Galego'}, 'ko': {name: '한국어'}, 'he': {name: 'עִבְרִית'}, + 'hr': {name: 'Hrvatski'}, 'is': {name: 'Íslenska'}, 'it': {name: 'Italiano'}, 'lv': {name: 'Latviešu'}, From 837b92c5034b463b9f90e44eb848d1e692013f2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chrisgarrity Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 08:37:22 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] sync translations --- editor/blocks/ab.json | 2 +- editor/blocks/eu.json | 2 +- editor/blocks/gl.json | 2 +- editor/blocks/hr.json | 1 + editor/blocks/ja.json | 2 +- editor/blocks/ko.json | 2 +- editor/blocks/nb.json | 2 +- editor/blocks/pl.json | 2 +- editor/extensions/ca.json | 4 +- editor/extensions/de.json | 20 +- editor/extensions/eu.json | 2 +- editor/extensions/hr.json | 610 ++++++++++++++ editor/extensions/ko.json | 8 +- editor/extensions/nb.json | 2 +- editor/extensions/pl.json | 14 +- editor/extensions/th.json | 4 +- editor/extensions/tr.json | 78 +- editor/extensions/yo.json | 2 +- editor/interface/aa-dj.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ab.json | 68 +- editor/interface/af.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ak.json | 56 +- editor/interface/am.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ar.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ast.json | 56 +- editor/interface/az.json | 56 +- editor/interface/be.json | 56 +- editor/interface/bg.json | 56 +- editor/interface/bn.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ca.json | 72 +- editor/interface/ckb.json | 56 +- editor/interface/cs.json | 56 +- editor/interface/cy.json | 68 +- editor/interface/da.json | 68 +- editor/interface/de.json | 102 ++- editor/interface/el.json | 56 +- editor/interface/eo.json | 56 +- editor/interface/es-419.json | 56 +- editor/interface/es.json | 90 +- editor/interface/et.json | 56 +- editor/interface/eu.json | 98 ++- editor/interface/fa.json | 56 +- editor/interface/fi.json | 68 +- editor/interface/fr.json | 70 +- editor/interface/fur.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ga.json | 56 +- editor/interface/gd.json | 56 +- editor/interface/gl.json | 96 ++- editor/interface/gu.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ha.json | 56 +- editor/interface/hak.json | 56 +- editor/interface/he.json | 78 +- editor/interface/hi.json | 226 ++--- editor/interface/hr.json | 1458 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ editor/interface/ht.json | 56 +- editor/interface/hu.json | 56 +- editor/interface/hy.json | 56 +- editor/interface/id.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ig.json | 140 ++-- editor/interface/is.json | 56 +- editor/interface/it.json | 68 +- editor/interface/ja-Hira.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ja.json | 68 +- editor/interface/ka.json | 56 +- editor/interface/kk.json | 56 +- editor/interface/kn.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ko.json | 86 +- editor/interface/ku.json | 56 +- editor/interface/la.json | 56 +- editor/interface/lg.json | 56 +- editor/interface/lo.json | 56 +- editor/interface/lt.json | 62 +- editor/interface/lv.json | 68 +- editor/interface/mg.json | 56 +- editor/interface/mi.json | 56 +- editor/interface/mn.json | 56 +- editor/interface/mr.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ms.json | 56 +- editor/interface/my.json | 56 +- editor/interface/nb.json | 92 ++- editor/interface/ne.json | 56 +- editor/interface/nl.json | 56 +- editor/interface/nn.json | 56 +- editor/interface/oc.json | 56 +- editor/interface/pap.json | 56 +- editor/interface/pl.json | 96 ++- editor/interface/pt-br.json | 70 +- editor/interface/pt.json | 56 +- editor/interface/qu.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ro.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ru.json | 98 ++- editor/interface/si.json | 56 +- editor/interface/sk.json | 56 +- editor/interface/sl.json | 56 +- editor/interface/sq.json | 56 +- editor/interface/sr.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ss.json | 56 +- editor/interface/st.json | 56 +- editor/interface/sv.json | 68 +- editor/interface/sw.json | 56 +- editor/interface/ta.json | 56 +- editor/interface/te.json | 56 +- editor/interface/tg.json | 56 +- editor/interface/th.json | 58 +- editor/interface/tn.json | 56 +- editor/interface/tr.json | 104 ++- editor/interface/uk.json | 68 +- editor/interface/ur.json | 56 +- editor/interface/uz.json | 56 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tyłu","LOOKS_BACKDROPNUMBERNAME":"Tło %1","LOOKS_COSTUMENUMBERNAME":"Kostium %1","LOOKS_NUMBERNAME_NUMBER":"Liczba","LOOKS_NUMBERNAME_NAME":"Nazwa","LOOKS_SWITCHBACKDROPTOANDWAIT":"Zmień tło na %1 i czekaj","LOOKS_NEXTBACKDROP_BLOCK":"Następne tło","LOOKS_NEXTBACKDROP":"Następne tło","LOOKS_PREVIOUSBACKDROP":"poprzednie tło","LOOKS_RANDOMBACKDROP":"losowo wybrane tło","MOTION_MOVESTEPS":"Przesuń %1 kroków","MOTION_TURNLEFT":"Obróć %1 o %2 stopni","MOTION_TURNRIGHT":"Obróć %1 o %2 stopni","MOTION_POINTINDIRECTION":"Ustaw w kierunku %1","MOTION_POINTTOWARDS":"Ustaw w kierunku duszka %1","MOTION_POINTTOWARDS_POINTER":"Wskaźnik myszy","MOTION_GOTO":"Idź do %1","MOTION_GOTO_POINTER":"Wskaźnik myszy","MOTION_GOTO_RANDOM":"Losowa pozycja","MOTION_GOTOXY":"Idź do x: %1 y: %2","MOTION_GLIDESECSTOXY":"Leć przez %1 sekund do x: %2 y: %3","MOTION_GLIDETO":"Leć przez %1 sekund do %2","MOTION_GLIDETO_POINTER":"Wskaźnik myszy","MOTION_GLIDETO_RANDOM":"Losowa pozycja","MOTION_CHANGEXBY":"Zmień x o %1","MOTION_SETX":"Ustaw x na %1","MOTION_CHANGEYBY":"Zmień y o %1","MOTION_SETY":"ustaw y na %1","MOTION_IFONEDGEBOUNCE":"Jeżeli na brzegu, odbij się","MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE":"Ustaw styl obrotu na %1","MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE_LEFTRIGHT":"Lewo-prawo","MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE_DONTROTATE":"Nie obracaj","MOTION_SETROTATIONSTYLE_ALLAROUND":"Dookoła","MOTION_XPOSITION":"Pozycja x","MOTION_YPOSITION":"Pozycja y","MOTION_DIRECTION":"Kierunek","MOTION_SCROLLRIGHT":"przewiń w dół %1","MOTION_SCROLLUP":"przewiń w górę %1","MOTION_ALIGNSCENE":"wyrównaj scenę %1","MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_BOTTOMLEFT":"na dole po lewej stronie","MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_BOTTOMRIGHT":"na dole z prawej","MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_MIDDLE":"środek","MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_TOPLEFT":"na górze po lewej stronie","MOTION_ALIGNSCENE_TOPRIGHT":"na górze po prawej","MOTION_XSCROLL":"przewijanie – x","MOTION_YSCROLL":"przewijanie – y","MOTION_STAGE_SELECTED":"Wybrana scena: bez bloków ruchu","OPERATORS_ADD":"%1 + %2","OPERATORS_SUBTRACT":"%1 - %2","OPERATORS_MULTIPLY":"%1 * %2","OPERATORS_DIVIDE":"%1 / %2","OPERATORS_RANDOM":"Losuj liczbę od %1 do %2","OPERATORS_GT":"%1 > %2","OPERATORS_LT":"%1 < %2","OPERATORS_EQUALS":"%1 = %2","OPERATORS_AND":"%1 i %2","OPERATORS_OR":"%1 lub %2","OPERATORS_NOT":"Nie %1","OPERATORS_JOIN":"Połącz %1 i %2","OPERATORS_JOIN_APPLE":"jabłko","OPERATORS_JOIN_BANANA":"banan","OPERATORS_LETTEROF":"Litera %1 z %2","OPERATORS_LETTEROF_APPLE":"j","OPERATORS_LENGTH":"Długość z %1","OPERATORS_CONTAINS":"Czy %1 zawiera %2 ?","OPERATORS_MOD":"Reszta z dzielenia %1 i %2","OPERATORS_ROUND":"Zaokrąglij %1","OPERATORS_MATHOP":"%1 z %2","OPERATORS_MATHOP_ABS":"Wartość bezwzględna","OPERATORS_MATHOP_FLOOR":"Największa liczba całkowita","OPERATORS_MATHOP_CEILING":"Najmniejsza liczba całkowita","OPERATORS_MATHOP_SQRT":"Pierwiastek kwadratowy","OPERATORS_MATHOP_SIN":"Sin","OPERATORS_MATHOP_COS":"Cos","OPERATORS_MATHOP_TAN":"Tan","OPERATORS_MATHOP_ASIN":"Asin","OPERATORS_MATHOP_ACOS":"Acos","OPERATORS_MATHOP_ATAN":"Atan","OPERATORS_MATHOP_LN":"In","OPERATORS_MATHOP_LOG":"Log","OPERATORS_MATHOP_EEXP":"e ^","OPERATORS_MATHOP_10EXP":"10 ^","PROCEDURES_DEFINITION":"Definiuj %1","SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT":"Dotyka %1 ?","SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_POINTER":"Wskaźnik myszy","SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_EDGE":"Krawędź","SENSING_TOUCHINGCOLOR":"Dotyka koloru %1 ?","SENSING_COLORISTOUCHINGCOLOR":"Kolor %1 dotyka %2 ? ","SENSING_DISTANCETO":"Dystans do %1","SENSING_DISTANCETO_POINTER":"Wskaźnik myszy","SENSING_ASKANDWAIT":"Zapytaj %1 i czekaj","SENSING_ASK_TEXT":"Jak się nazywasz?","SENSING_ANSWER":"Odpowiedź","SENSING_KEYPRESSED":"Klawisz %1 naciśnięty ?","SENSING_MOUSEDOWN":"Kursor myszy najeżdża","SENSING_MOUSEX":"X myszy","SENSING_MOUSEY":"Y myszy","SENSING_SETDRAGMODE":"Ustaw tryb przeciągnięcia na %1","SENSING_SETDRAGMODE_DRAGGABLE":"Do przeciągnięcia","SENSING_SETDRAGMODE_NOTDRAGGABLE":"Nie do przeciągnięcia","SENSING_LOUDNESS":"Głośność","SENSING_LOUD":"głośno?","SENSING_TIMER":"Stoper","SENSING_RESETTIMER":"Resetuj stoper","SENSING_OF":"%1 z %2","SENSING_OF_XPOSITION":"Pozycja x","SENSING_OF_YPOSITION":"Pozycja y","SENSING_OF_DIRECTION":"Kierunek","SENSING_OF_COSTUMENUMBER":"Indeks kostiumu","SENSING_OF_COSTUMENAME":"Nazwa kostiumu","SENSING_OF_SIZE":"Rozmiar","SENSING_OF_VOLUME":"Głośność","SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNUMBER":"Tło: indeks","SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNAME":"Tło: nazwa","SENSING_OF_STAGE":"Scena","SENSING_CURRENT":"Obecny %1","SENSING_CURRENT_YEAR":"Rok","SENSING_CURRENT_MONTH":"Miesiąc","SENSING_CURRENT_DATE":"Data","SENSING_CURRENT_DAYOFWEEK":"Dzień tygodnia","SENSING_CURRENT_HOUR":"Godzina","SENSING_CURRENT_MINUTE":"Minuta","SENSING_CURRENT_SECOND":"Sekunda","SENSING_DAYSSINCE2000":"Dni od 2000","SENSING_USERNAME":"Nazwa użytkownika","SENSING_USERID":"ID użytkownika","SOUND_PLAY":"Zagraj dźwięk %1","SOUND_PLAYUNTILDONE":"Graj dźwięk %1 aż się skończy","SOUND_STOPALLSOUNDS":"Zakończ wszystkie dźwięki","SOUND_SETEFFECTO":"Ustaw %1 efekt na %2","SOUND_CHANGEEFFECTBY":"Zmień %1 efekt o %2","SOUND_CLEAREFFECTS":"Usuń efekty dźwiękowe","SOUND_EFFECTS_PITCH":"Płynność dźwięku","SOUND_EFFECTS_PAN":"Przesuń w lewo/prawo","SOUND_CHANGEVOLUMEBY":"Zmień głośność o %1","SOUND_SETVOLUMETO":"Ustaw głośność na %1%","SOUND_VOLUME":"Głośność","SOUND_RECORD":"nagraj...","CATEGORY_MOTION":"Ruch","CATEGORY_LOOKS":"Wygląd","CATEGORY_SOUND":"Dźwięk","CATEGORY_EVENTS":"Zdarzenia","CATEGORY_CONTROL":"Kontrola","CATEGORY_SENSING":"Czujniki","CATEGORY_OPERATORS":"Operatory","CATEGORY_VARIABLES":"Zmienne","CATEGORY_MYBLOCKS":"Moje bloki","DUPLICATE":"Duplikuj","DELETE":"Usuń","ADD_COMMENT":"Dodaj komentarz","REMOVE_COMMENT":"Usuń komentarz","DELETE_BLOCK":"Usuń blok","DELETE_X_BLOCKS":"Usuń %1 bloków","DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS":"Czy usunąć wszystkie all %1 bloków?","CLEAN_UP":"Posprzątaj bloki","HELP":"Pomoc","UNDO":"Cofnij","REDO":"Ponów","EDIT_PROCEDURE":"Edycja","SHOW_PROCEDURE_DEFINITION":"Przejdź do definicji","WORKSPACE_COMMENT_DEFAULT_TEXT":"Powiedz coś...","COLOUR_HUE_LABEL":"Kolor","COLOUR_SATURATION_LABEL":"Nasycenie","COLOUR_BRIGHTNESS_LABEL":"Jasność","CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE":"Zmień wartość:","RENAME_VARIABLE":"Zmień nazwę zmiennej","RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE":"Zmień nazwę wszystkich zmiennych \\\"%1\\\" na:","RENAME_VARIABLE_MODAL_TITLE":"Zmień nazwę zmiennej","NEW_VARIABLE":"Stwórz zmienną","NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE":"Nowa nazwa zmiennej:","VARIABLE_MODAL_TITLE":"Nowa zmienna","VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS":"Zmienna o nazwie \\\"%1\\\" już istnieje.","VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_ANOTHER_TYPE":"Zmienna o nazwie \\\"%1\\\" już istnieje dla innej zmiennej rodzaju \\\"%2\\\".","DELETE_VARIABLE_CONFIRMATION":"Czy usunąć %1 zastosowań zmiennej \\\"%2\\\"?","CANNOT_DELETE_VARIABLE_PROCEDURE":"Nie można usunąć zmiennej \\\"%1\\\", ponieważ stanowi część definicji funkcji \\\"%2\\\"","DELETE_VARIABLE":"Usuń zmienną \\\"%1\\\"","NEW_PROCEDURE":"Utwórz blok","PROCEDURE_ALREADY_EXISTS":"Procedura o nazwie \\\"%1\\\" już istnieje.","PROCEDURE_DEFAULT_NAME":"nazwa bloku","NEW_LIST":"Stwórz listę","NEW_LIST_TITLE":"Nowa nazwa lista:","LIST_MODAL_TITLE":"Nowa lista","LIST_ALREADY_EXISTS":"Lista o nazwie \\\"%1\\\" już istnieje.","RENAME_LIST_TITLE":"Zmień nazwy wszystkich list \\\"%1\\\" na:","RENAME_LIST_MODAL_TITLE":"Zmień nazwę listy","DEFAULT_LIST_ITEM":"rzecz","DELETE_LIST":"usuń listę \"%1\"","RENAME_LIST":"Zmień nazwę listy","NEW_BROADCAST_MESSAGE":"Nowa wiadomość","NEW_BROADCAST_MESSAGE_TITLE":"Nowa nazwa wiadomości:","BROADCAST_MODAL_TITLE":"Nowy komunikat","DEFAULT_BROADCAST_MESSAGE_NAME":"komunikat1"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/editor/extensions/ca.json b/editor/extensions/ca.json index 5fbd9ebb..31f434c2 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ca.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ca.json @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "The default phrase/word that, when heard, triggers the event." }, "speech.extensionName": { - "message": "Speech a Text", + "message": "De parla a text", "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ "description": "Start listening to the microphone and wait for a result from the speech recognition system." }, "speech.speechReporter": { - "message": "discurs", + "message": "parla", "description": "Get the text of spoken words transcribed by the speech recognition system." }, "speech.whenIHear": { diff --git a/editor/extensions/de.json b/editor/extensions/de.json index 10a6bb25..b321aa47 100755 --- a/editor/extensions/de.json +++ b/editor/extensions/de.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "description": "play some note on EV3 for some time" }, "ev3.buttonPressed": { - "message": "button [PORT] pressed?", + "message": "Knopf [PORT] gedrückt?", "description": "is a button on some port pressed?" }, "ev3.getBrightness": { @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ "description": "set a motor's power to some value" }, "ev3.motorTurnClockwise": { - "message": "motor [PORT] turn this way for [TIME] seconds", + "message": "Motor [PORT] in eine Richtung drehen für [TIME]Sekunden", "description": "turn a motor clockwise for some time" }, "ev3.motorTurnCounterClockwise": { - "message": "motor [PORT] turn that way for [TIME] seconds", + "message": "Motor [PORT]in andere Richtung drehen für [TIME]Sekunden", "description": "turn a motor counter-clockwise for some time" }, "ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": { @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ "description": "label for right element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.whenButtonPressed": { - "message": "when [BTN] button pressed", + "message": "Wenn Knopf [BTN]gedrückt wurde", "description": "when the selected button on the micro:bit is pressed" }, "microbit.whenGesture": { @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", + "message": "Alt", "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." }, "text2speech.giant": { @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "tenor", + "message": "Tenor", "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." }, "translate.categoryName": { @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ "description": "the value returned by the distance sensor" }, "wedo2.getTiltAngle": { - "message": "tilt angle [TILT_DIRECTION]", + "message": "Neigungswinkel [TILT_DIRECTION]", "description": "the angle returned by the tilt sensor" }, "wedo2.isTilted": { @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", + "message": "Motor A", "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.all": { @@ -544,11 +544,11 @@ "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", + "message": "Motor B", "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", + "message": "Motor", "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorOff": { diff --git a/editor/extensions/eu.json b/editor/extensions/eu.json index 0bb6e8db..2c4a427b 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/eu.json +++ b/editor/extensions/eu.json @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", + "message": "altu", "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." }, "text2speech.giant": { diff --git a/editor/extensions/hr.json b/editor/extensions/hr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad11358f --- /dev/null +++ b/editor/extensions/hr.json @@ -0,0 +1,610 @@ +{ + "ev3.beepNote": { + "message": "sviraj ton [NOTE] [TIME] sekundi", + "description": "play some note on EV3 for some time" + }, + "ev3.buttonPressed": { + "message": "gumb [PORT] pritisnut?", + "description": "is a button on some port pressed?" + }, + "ev3.getBrightness": { + "message": "osvjetljenje", + "description": "gets measured brightness" + }, + "ev3.getDistance": { + "message": "udaljenost", + "description": "gets measured distance" + }, + "ev3.getMotorPosition": { + "message": "motor [PORT] pozicija", + "description": "get the measured degrees a motor has turned" + }, + "ev3.motorSetPower": { + "message": "motor [PORT] postavi snagu na [POWER] %", + "description": "set a motor's power to some value" + }, + "ev3.motorTurnClockwise": { + "message": "motor [PORT] okreni ovako na [TIME] sekundi", + "description": "turn a motor clockwise for some time" + }, + "ev3.motorTurnCounterClockwise": { + "message": "motor [PORT] okreni suprotno od kazaljke na satu na [TIME] sekunde", + "description": "turn a motor counter-clockwise for some time" + }, + "ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": { + "message": "kada je osvjeteljnje < [DISTANCE]", + "description": "when value measured by brightness sensor is less than some value" + }, + "ev3.whenButtonPressed": { + "message": "kada je tipka [PORT] pritisnuta", + "description": "when a button connected to a port is pressed" + }, + "ev3.whenDistanceLessThan": { + "message": "kada je udaljenost < [DISTANCE]", + "description": "when the value measured by the distance sensor is less than some value" + }, + "microbit.buttonsMenu.any": { + "message": "bilo koja", + "description": "label for \"any\" element in button picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.clearDisplay": { + "message": "očisti ekran", + "description": "display nothing on the micro:bit display" + }, + "microbit.defaultTextToDisplay": { + "message": "Bok!", + "description": "default text to display.\n IMPORTANT - the micro:bit only supports letters a-z, A-Z.\n Please substitute a default word in your language\n that can be written with those characters,\n substitute non-accented characters or leave it as \"Hello!\".\n Check the micro:bit site documentation for details" + }, + "microbit.displaySymbol": { + "message": "prikaži [MATRIX]", + "description": "display a pattern on the micro:bit display" + }, + "microbit.displayText": { + "message": "prikaži tekst [TEXT]", + "description": "display text on the micro:bit display" + }, + "microbit.gesturesMenu.jumped": { + "message": "skok", + "description": "label for jumped gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.gesturesMenu.moved": { + "message": "pomaknuto", + "description": "label for moved gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.gesturesMenu.shaken": { + "message": "protresen", + "description": "label for shaken gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.isButtonPressed": { + "message": "gumb [BTN] pritisnut?", + "description": "is the selected button on the micro:bit pressed?" + }, + "microbit.isTilted": { + "message": "nagnuto [DIRECTION]?", + "description": "is the micro:bit is tilted in a direction?" + }, + "": { + "message": "isključeno", + "description": "label for off element in pin state picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.pinStateMenu.on": { + "message": "uključeno", + "description": "label for on element in pin state picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.tiltAngle": { + "message": "kut nagiba [DIRECTION]", + "description": "how much the micro:bit is tilted in a direction" + }, + "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.any": { + "message": "bilo koja", + "description": "label for any direction element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.back": { + "message": "nazad", + "description": "label for back element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.front": { + "message": "naprijed", + "description": "label for front element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.left": { + "message": "lijevo", + "description": "label for left element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.right": { + "message": "desno", + "description": "label for right element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" + }, + "microbit.whenButtonPressed": { + "message": "kada je gumb [BTN] pritisnut", + "description": "when the selected button on the micro:bit is pressed" + }, + "microbit.whenGesture": { + "message": "kada je [GESTURE]", + "description": "when the selected gesture is detected by the micro:bit" + }, + "microbit.whenPinConnected": { + "message": "kada je pin [PIN] spojen", + "description": "when the pin detects a connection to Earth/Ground" + }, + "microbit.whenTilted": { + "message": "kada je nagnuto [DIRECTION]", + "description": "when the micro:bit is tilted in a direction" + }, + "music.categoryName": { + "message": "Glazba", + "description": "Label for the Music extension category" + }, + "music.changeTempo": { + "message": "promijeni tempo za [TEMPO]", + "description": "change tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" + }, + "music.drumBass": { + "message": "(2) Bass bubanj", + "description": "Sound of bass drum as used in a standard drum kit" + }, + "music.drumBongo": { + "message": "(13) Bongo", + "description": "Sound of a bongo being struck" + }, + "music.drumCabasa": { + "message": "(15) Cabasa", + "description": "Sound of a cabasa being shaken" + }, + "music.drumClaves": { + "message": "(9) Drveni štapići", + "description": "Sound of claves being struck together" + }, + "music.drumClosedHiHat": { + "message": "(6) Zatvorene činele", + "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while closed" + }, + "music.drumConga": { + "message": "(14) Konga", + "description": "Sound of a conga being struck" + }, + "music.drumCowbell": { + "message": "(11) Kravlje zvonce", + "description": "Sound of a cowbell being struck" + }, + "music.drumCrashCymbal": { + "message": "(4) Crash činele", + "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a crash cymbal" + }, + "music.drumCuica": { + "message": "(18) Cuica bubanj", + "description": "Sound of a cuica being played" + }, + "music.drumGuiro": { + "message": "(16) Guiro", + "description": "Sound of a guiro being played" + }, + "music.drumHandClap": { + "message": "(8) Pljesak", + "description": "Sound of two hands clapping together" + }, + "music.drumOpenHiHat": { + "message": "(5) Otvorene činele", + "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while open" + }, + "music.drumSideStick": { + "message": "(3) Side Stick zvuk", + "description": "Sound of a drum stick hitting the side of a drum (usually the snare)" + }, + "music.drumSnare": { + "message": "(1) Mali bubanj", + "description": "Sound of snare drum as used in a standard drum kit" + }, + "music.drumTambourine": { + "message": "(7) Tamburin", + "description": "Sound of a tambourine being struck" + }, + "music.drumTriangle": { + "message": "(12) Triangl", + "description": "Sound of a triangle (instrument) being struck" + }, + "music.drumVibraslap": { + "message": "(17) Vibrafon", + "description": "Sound of a Vibraslap being played" + }, + "music.drumWoodBlock": { + "message": "(10) Drveni block", + "description": "Sound of a wood block being struck" + }, + "music.getTempo": { + "message": "tempo", + "description": "get the current tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" + }, + "music.instrumentBass": { + "message": "(6) Bas", + "description": "Sound of an accoustic upright bass" + }, + "music.instrumentBassoon": { + "message": "(14) Fagot", + "description": "Sound of a bassoon being played" + }, + "music.instrumentCello": { + "message": "(8) Violončelo", + "description": "Sound of a cello being played with a bow" + }, + "music.instrumentChoir": { + "message": "(15) Zbor", + "description": "Sound of a choir singing" + }, + "music.instrumentClarinet": { + "message": "(10) Klarinet", + "description": "Sound of a clarinet being played" + }, + "music.instrumentElectricGuitar": { + "message": "(5) Električna gitara", + "description": "Sound of an electric guitar" + }, + "music.instrumentElectricPiano": { + "message": "(2) Električni piano", + "description": "Sound of an electric piano" + }, + "music.instrumentFlute": { + "message": "(12) Flauta", + "description": "Sound of a flute being played" + }, + "music.instrumentGuitar": { + "message": "(4) Gitara", + "description": "Sound of an accoustic guitar" + }, + "music.instrumentMarimba": { + "message": "(19) Marimba", + "description": "Sound of a marimba being struck" + }, + "music.instrumentMusicBox": { + "message": "(17) Muzička kutijica", + "description": "Sound of a music box playing" + }, + "music.instrumentOrgan": { + "message": "(3) Orgulje", + "description": "Sound of an organ" + }, + "music.instrumentPiano": { + "message": "(1) Piano", + "description": "Sound of a piano" + }, + "music.instrumentPizzicato": { + "message": "(7) Pizzicato", + "description": "Sound of a string instrument (e.g. violin) being plucked" + }, + "music.instrumentSaxophone": { + "message": "(11) Saksofon", + "description": "Sound of a saxophone being played" + }, + "music.instrumentSteelDrum": { + "message": "(18) Čelični bubanj", + "description": "Sound of a steel drum being struck" + }, + "music.instrumentSynthLead": { + "message": "(20) Synth Lead", + "description": "Sound of a \"lead\" synthesizer being played" + }, + "music.instrumentSynthPad": { + "message": "(21) Synth Pad", + "description": "Sound of a \"pad\" synthesizer being played" + }, + "music.instrumentTrombone": { + "message": "(9) Trombon", + "description": "Sound of a trombone being played" + }, + "music.instrumentVibraphone": { + "message": "(16) Vibrafon", + "description": "Sound of a vibraphone being struck" + }, + "music.instrumentWoodenFlute": { + "message": "(13) Drvena flauta", + "description": "Sound of a wooden flute being played" + }, + "music.midiSetInstrument": { + "message": "postavi instrument na [INSTRUMENT]", + "description": "set the instrument for notes played according to a mapping of MIDI codes" + }, + "music.playDrumForBeats": { + "message": "bubnjaj [DRUM] [BEATS] puta", + "description": "play drum sample for a number of beats" + }, + "music.playNoteForBeats": { + "message": "sviraj ton [NOTE] [BEATS] puta", + "description": "play a note for a number of beats" + }, + "music.restForBeats": { + "message": "preskoči [BEATS] puta", + "description": "rest (play no sound) for a number of beats" + }, + "music.setInstrument": { + "message": "postavi instrument na [INSTRUMENT]", + "description": "set the instrument (e.g. piano, guitar, trombone) for notes played" + }, + "music.setTempo": { + "message": "postavi tempo na [TEMPO]", + "description": "set tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" + }, + "pen.categoryName": { + "message": "Olovka", + "description": "Label for the pen extension category" + }, + "pen.changeColorParam": { + "message": "promijeni [COLOR_PARAM] olovku za [VALUE]", + "description": "change the state of a pen color parameter" + }, + "pen.changeHue": { + "message": "promijeni boju olovke za [HUE]", + "description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen color" + }, + "pen.changeShade": { + "message": "promjeni sjenu olovke za [SHADE]", + "description": "legacy pen blocks - change pen shade" + }, + "pen.changeSize": { + "message": "promijeni debljinu olovke za [SIZE]", + "description": "change the diameter of the trail left by a sprite" + }, + "pen.clear": { + "message": "izbriši sve", + "description": "erase all pen trails and stamps" + }, + "pen.colorMenu.brightness": { + "message": "osvjetljenje", + "description": "label for brightness element in color picker for pen extension" + }, + "pen.colorMenu.color": { + "message": "boja", + "description": "label for color element in color picker for pen extension" + }, + "pen.colorMenu.saturation": { + "message": "saturacija", + "description": "label for saturation element in color picker for pen extension" + }, + "pen.colorMenu.transparency": { + "message": "providnost", + "description": "label for transparency element in color picker for pen extension" + }, + "pen.penDown": { + "message": "spusti olovku", + "description": "start leaving a trail when the sprite moves" + }, + "pen.penUp": { + "message": "podigni olovku", + "description": "stop leaving a trail behind the sprite" + }, + "pen.setColor": { + "message": "postavi boju olovke na [COLOR]", + "description": "set the pen color to a particular (RGB) value" + }, + "pen.setColorParam": { + "message": "postavi [COLOR_PARAM] olovku na [VALUE]", + "description": "set the state for a pen color parameter e.g. saturation" + }, + "pen.setHue": { + "message": "postavi boju olovke na [HUE]", + "description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen color to number" + }, + "pen.setShade": { + "message": "postavi sjenu olovke na [SHADE]", + "description": "legacy pen blocks - set pen shade" + }, + "pen.setSize": { + "message": "postavi debljinu olovke na [SIZE]", + "description": "set the diameter of a trail left by a sprite" + }, + "pen.stamp": { + "message": "žig", + "description": "render current costume on the background" + }, + "speech.defaultWhenIHearValue": { + "message": "Krenimo", + "description": "The default phrase/word that, when heard, triggers the event." + }, + "speech.extensionName": { + "message": "Govor u tekst", + "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." + }, + "speech.listenAndWait": { + "message": "slušaj i čekaj", + "description": "Start listening to the microphone and wait for a result from the speech recognition system." + }, + "speech.speechReporter": { + "message": "govor", + "description": "Get the text of spoken words transcribed by the speech recognition system." + }, + "speech.whenIHear": { + "message": "kada čujem [PHRASE]", + "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." + }, + "text2speech.alto": { + "message": "alt", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "text2speech.giant": { + "message": "div", + "description": "Name for a funny voice with a low pitch." + }, + "text2speech.kitten": { + "message": "mačić", + "description": "A baby cat." + }, + "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { + "message": "postavi jezik na [LANGUAGE]", + "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." + }, + "text2speech.setVoiceBlock": { + "message": "postavi glas na [VOICE]", + "description": "Set the voice for speech synthesis." + }, + "text2speech.speakAndWaitBlock": { + "message": "govori [WORDS]", + "description": "Speak some words." + }, + "text2speech.squeak": { + "message": "cviljenje", + "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." + }, + "text2speech.tenor": { + "message": "tenor", + "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." + }, + "translate.categoryName": { + "message": "Prevedi", + "description": "Name of extension that adds translate blocks" + }, + "translate.defaultTextToTranslate": { + "message": "Bok", + "description": "hello: the default text to translate" + }, + "translate.translateBlock": { + "message": "prevedi [WORDS] na [LANGUAGE]", + "description": "translate some text to a different language" + }, + "translate.viewerLanguage": { + "message": "jezik", + "description": "the languge of the project viewer" + }, + "videoSensing.categoryName": { + "message": "Video", + "description": "Label for the video sensing extension category" + }, + "videoSensing.direction": { + "message": "smjer", + "description": "Attribute for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" + }, + "videoSensing.motion": { + "message": "gibanje", + "description": "Attribute for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" + }, + "": { + "message": "isključeno", + "description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block" + }, + "videoSensing.on": { + "message": "uključeno", + "description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block" + }, + "videoSensing.onFlipped": { + "message": "uključeno zrcaljenje", + "description": "Option for the \"turn video [STATE]\" block that causes the video to be flipped horizontally (reversed as in a mirror)" + }, + "videoSensing.setVideoTransparency": { + "message": "postavi providnost videa na [TRANSPARENCY]", + "description": "Controls transparency of the video preview layer" + }, + "videoSensing.sprite": { + "message": "lik", + "description": "Subject for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" + }, + "videoSensing.stage": { + "message": "pozornica", + "description": "Subject for the \"video [ATTRIBUTE] on [SUBJECT]\" block" + }, + "videoSensing.videoOn": { + "message": "video [ATTRIBUTE] na [SUBJECT]", + "description": "Reporter that returns the amount of [ATTRIBUTE] for the selected [SUBJECT]" + }, + "videoSensing.videoToggle": { + "message": "postavi video [VIDEO_STATE]", + "description": "Controls display of the video preview layer" + }, + "videoSensing.whenMotionGreaterThan": { + "message": "kada je gibanje videa > [REFERENCE]", + "description": "Event that triggers when the amount of motion is greater than [REFERENCE]" + }, + "wedo2.getDistance": { + "message": "udaljenost", + "description": "the value returned by the distance sensor" + }, + "wedo2.getTiltAngle": { + "message": "kut nagiba [TILT_DIRECTION]", + "description": "the angle returned by the tilt sensor" + }, + "wedo2.isTilted": { + "message": "nagnuto [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", + "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" + }, + "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { + "message": "smjer kazaljke na satu", + "description": "label for backward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.motorDirection.forward": { + "message": "suprotno kazaljke na satu", + "description": "label for forward element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.motorDirection.reverse": { + "message": "obrnuto", + "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.motorId.a": { + "message": "motor A", + "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.motorId.all": { + "message": "svi motori", + "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.motorId.b": { + "message": "motor B", + "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.motorId.default": { + "message": "motor", + "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.motorOff": { + "message": "isključi [MOTOR_ID]", + "description": "turn a motor off" + }, + "wedo2.motorOn": { + "message": "uključi [MOTOR_ID]", + "description": "turn a motor on indefinitely" + }, + "wedo2.motorOnFor": { + "message": "uključi [MOTOR_ID] na [DURATION] sekundi", + "description": "turn a motor on for some time" + }, + "wedo2.playNoteFor": { + "message": "sviraj ton [NOTE] [DURATION] sekundi", + "description": "play a certain note for some time" + }, + "wedo2.setLightHue": { + "message": "postavi boju svjetla na [HUE]", + "description": "set the LED color" + }, + "wedo2.setMotorDirection": { + "message": "postavi smjer [MOTOR_ID] na [MOTOR_DIRECTION]", + "description": "set the motor's turn direction" + }, + "wedo2.startMotorPower": { + "message": "postavi snagu [MOTOR_ID] na [POWER]", + "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" + }, + "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { + "message": "bilo koja", + "description": "label for any element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.tiltDirection.down": { + "message": "dolje", + "description": "label for down element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.tiltDirection.left": { + "message": "lijevo", + "description": "label for left element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.tiltDirection.right": { + "message": "desno", + "description": "label for right element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.tiltDirection.up": { + "message": "gore", + "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" + }, + "wedo2.whenDistance": { + "message": "kada je udaljenost [OP] [REFERENCE]", + "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" + }, + "wedo2.whenTilted": { + "message": "kada je nagnuto [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]", + "description": "check when tilted in a certain direction" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/editor/extensions/ko.json b/editor/extensions/ko.json index 9bfacc24..ad1fbb73 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/ko.json +++ b/editor/extensions/ko.json @@ -416,11 +416,11 @@ "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "중저음", + "message": "중고음", "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." }, "text2speech.giant": { - "message": "거인", + "message": "저음", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a low pitch." }, "text2speech.kitten": { @@ -440,11 +440,11 @@ "description": "Speak some words." }, "text2speech.squeak": { - "message": "끼익 하는 소리", + "message": "고음", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a high pitch." }, "text2speech.tenor": { - "message": "고음", + "message": "중저음", "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." }, "translate.categoryName": { diff --git a/editor/extensions/nb.json b/editor/extensions/nb.json index a2e250ed..bc09efba 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/nb.json +++ b/editor/extensions/nb.json @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, "text2speech.alto": { - "message": "alto", + "message": "alt", "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." }, "text2speech.giant": { diff --git a/editor/extensions/pl.json b/editor/extensions/pl.json index 3cdaf34d..c74e673e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/pl.json +++ b/editor/extensions/pl.json @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ "description": "display a pattern on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.displayText": { - "message": "display text [TEXT]", + "message": "Wyświetl tekst", "description": "display text on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.gesturesMenu.jumped": { @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ "description": "when the selected gesture is detected by the micro:bit" }, "microbit.whenPinConnected": { - "message": "when pin [PIN] connected", + "message": "Kiedy pin[PIN]połączony", "description": "when the pin detects a connection to Earth/Ground" }, "microbit.whenTilted": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "The default phrase/word that, when heard, triggers the event." }, "speech.extensionName": { - "message": "Speech to Text", + "message": "Mowa na tekst", "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { @@ -536,19 +536,19 @@ "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", + "message": "silnik A", "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", + "message": "wszystkie silniki", "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", + "message": "silnik B", "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.default": { - "message": "motor", + "message": "silnik", "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorOff": { diff --git a/editor/extensions/th.json b/editor/extensions/th.json index 3fb90ae5..705d8822 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/th.json +++ b/editor/extensions/th.json @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ "description": "Get the text of spoken words transcribed by the speech recognition system." }, "speech.whenIHear": { - "message": "when I hear [PHRASE]", + "message": "เมื่อฉันได้ยิน [PHRASE]", "description": "Event that triggers when the text entered on the block is recognized by the speech recognition system." }, "text2speech.alto": { @@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ "description": "Name for a funny voice with a low pitch." }, "text2speech.kitten": { - "message": "kitten", + "message": "ลูกแมว", "description": "A baby cat." }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { diff --git a/editor/extensions/tr.json b/editor/extensions/tr.json index 8e0de77f..d6502ca6 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/tr.json +++ b/editor/extensions/tr.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { "ev3.beepNote": { - "message": "beep note [NOTE] for [TIME] secs", + "message": "[NOTE] notasını [TIME] saniye çal", "description": "play some note on EV3 for some time" }, "ev3.buttonPressed": { - "message": "button [PORT] pressed?", + "message": "[PORT] düğmesi basıldı?", "description": "is a button on some port pressed?" }, "ev3.getBrightness": { @@ -16,31 +16,31 @@ "description": "gets measured distance" }, "ev3.getMotorPosition": { - "message": "motor [PORT] position", + "message": "[PORT] motor konumu", "description": "get the measured degrees a motor has turned" }, "ev3.motorSetPower": { - "message": "motor [PORT] set power [POWER] %", + "message": "[PORT] motoru % [POWER]güçte ", "description": "set a motor's power to some value" }, "ev3.motorTurnClockwise": { - "message": "motor [PORT] turn this way for [TIME] seconds", + "message": "[PORT] motoru bu yönde [TIME] saniye döndür", "description": "turn a motor clockwise for some time" }, "ev3.motorTurnCounterClockwise": { - "message": "motor [PORT] turn that way for [TIME] seconds", + "message": "[PORT] motoru bu yönde [TIME] saniye döndür", "description": "turn a motor counter-clockwise for some time" }, "ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": { - "message": "when brightness < [DISTANCE]", + "message": "parlaklık < [DISTANCE]olduğunda", "description": "when value measured by brightness sensor is less than some value" }, "ev3.whenButtonPressed": { - "message": "when button [PORT] pressed", + "message": "düğme [PORT] basıldığında", "description": "when a button connected to a port is pressed" }, "ev3.whenDistanceLessThan": { - "message": "when distance < [DISTANCE]", + "message": "mesafe < [DISTANCE]olduğunda", "description": "when the value measured by the distance sensor is less than some value" }, "microbit.buttonsMenu.any": { @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "description": "label for \"any\" element in button picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.clearDisplay": { - "message": "clear display", + "message": "ekranı temizle", "description": "display nothing on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.defaultTextToDisplay": { @@ -56,31 +56,31 @@ "description": "default text to display.\n IMPORTANT - the micro:bit only supports letters a-z, A-Z.\n Please substitute a default word in your language\n that can be written with those characters,\n substitute non-accented characters or leave it as \"Hello!\".\n Check the micro:bit site documentation for details" }, "microbit.displaySymbol": { - "message": "display [MATRIX]", + "message": "[MATRIX]göster", "description": "display a pattern on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.displayText": { - "message": "display text [TEXT]", + "message": "[TEXT]yazısını göster", "description": "display text on the micro:bit display" }, "microbit.gesturesMenu.jumped": { - "message": "jumped", + "message": "atlanmış", "description": "label for jumped gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.gesturesMenu.moved": { - "message": "moved", + "message": "taşınmış", "description": "label for moved gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.gesturesMenu.shaken": { - "message": "shaken", + "message": "sallanmış", "description": "label for shaken gesture in gesture picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.isButtonPressed": { - "message": "[BTN] button pressed?", + "message": "[BTN] düğmesi basıldı?", "description": "is the selected button on the micro:bit pressed?" }, "microbit.isTilted": { - "message": "tilted [DIRECTION]?", + "message": "[DIRECTION]eğildi ?", "description": "is the micro:bit is tilted in a direction?" }, "": { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "description": "label for on element in pin state picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.tiltAngle": { - "message": "tilt angle [DIRECTION]", + "message": "[DIRECTION] eğim açısı", "description": "how much the micro:bit is tilted in a direction" }, "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.any": { @@ -116,19 +116,19 @@ "description": "label for right element in tilt direction picker for micro:bit extension" }, "microbit.whenButtonPressed": { - "message": "when [BTN] button pressed", + "message": "[BTN] düğmesi basıldığında", "description": "when the selected button on the micro:bit is pressed" }, "microbit.whenGesture": { - "message": "when [GESTURE]", + "message": "[GESTURE]olduğunda", "description": "when the selected gesture is detected by the micro:bit" }, "microbit.whenPinConnected": { - "message": "when pin [PIN] connected", + "message": "[PIN] pini bağlandığında", "description": "when the pin detects a connection to Earth/Ground" }, "microbit.whenTilted": { - "message": "when tilted [DIRECTION]", + "message": "[DIRECTION]eğildiğinde", "description": "when the micro:bit is tilted in a direction" }, "music.categoryName": { @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ "description": "The default phrase/word that, when heard, triggers the event." }, "speech.extensionName": { - "message": "Speech to Text", + "message": "Konuşmayı Yazıya", "description": "Name of extension that adds speech recognition blocks." }, "speech.listenAndWait": { @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ "description": "Name for a voice with ambiguous gender." }, "text2speech.giant": { - "message": "giant", + "message": "dev", "description": "Name for a funny voice with a low pitch." }, "text2speech.kitten": { @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ "description": "A baby cat." }, "text2speech.setLanguageBlock": { - "message": "set language to [LANGUAGE]", + "message": "dili [LANGUAGE]'ye ayarla", "description": "Set the language for speech synthesis." }, "text2speech.setVoiceBlock": { @@ -516,11 +516,11 @@ "description": "the value returned by the distance sensor" }, "wedo2.getTiltAngle": { - "message": "tilt angle [TILT_DIRECTION]", + "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION]eğim açısı", "description": "the angle returned by the tilt sensor" }, "wedo2.isTilted": { - "message": "tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]?", + "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]eğildi?", "description": "whether the tilt sensor is tilted" }, "wedo2.motorDirection.backward": { @@ -536,15 +536,15 @@ "description": "label for reverse element in motor direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.a": { - "message": "motor A", + "message": "A motoru", "description": "label for motor A element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.all": { - "message": "all motors", + "message": "tüm motorlar", "description": "label for all motors element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.b": { - "message": "motor B", + "message": "B motoru", "description": "label for motor B element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorId.default": { @@ -552,31 +552,31 @@ "description": "label for motor element in motor menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.motorOff": { - "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] off", + "message": "[MOTOR_ID] u kapat", "description": "turn a motor off" }, "wedo2.motorOn": { - "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] on", + "message": "[MOTOR_ID] u aç", "description": "turn a motor on indefinitely" }, "wedo2.motorOnFor": { - "message": "turn [MOTOR_ID] on for [DURATION] seconds", + "message": "[MOTOR_ID] u çevir [DURATION] saniye", "description": "turn a motor on for some time" }, "wedo2.playNoteFor": { - "message": "play note [NOTE] for [DURATION] seconds", + "message": "[NOTE] notasını çal [DURATION] saniye", "description": "play a certain note for some time" }, "wedo2.setLightHue": { - "message": "set light color to [HUE]", + "message": "ışık rengini [HUE] 'ye ayarla", "description": "set the LED color" }, "wedo2.setMotorDirection": { - "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] direction to [MOTOR_DIRECTION]", + "message": "[MOTOR_ID] yönünü [MOTOR_DIRECTION]'a ayarla", "description": "set the motor's turn direction" }, "wedo2.startMotorPower": { - "message": "set [MOTOR_ID] power to [POWER]", + "message": "[MOTOR_ID] gücünü [POWER]'e ayarla", "description": "set the motor's power and turn it on" }, "wedo2.tiltDirection.any": { @@ -600,11 +600,11 @@ "description": "label for up element in tilt direction menu for LEGO WeDo 2 extension" }, "wedo2.whenDistance": { - "message": "when distance [OP] [REFERENCE]", + "message": " [OP] [REFERENCE]mesafe olduğunda", "description": "check for when distance is < or > than reference" }, "wedo2.whenTilted": { - "message": "when tilted [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]", + "message": "[TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]eğildiğinde", "description": "check when tilted in a certain direction" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/editor/extensions/yo.json b/editor/extensions/yo.json index c4feddeb..e6ff2d0e 100644 --- a/editor/extensions/yo.json +++ b/editor/extensions/yo.json @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ "description": "set tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played" }, "pen.categoryName": { - "message": "Pen", + "message": "Gege", "description": "Label for the pen extension category" }, "pen.changeColorParam": { diff --git a/editor/interface/aa-dj.json b/editor/interface/aa-dj.json index 63e871a8..0fb0288b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/aa-dj.json +++ b/editor/interface/aa-dj.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ab.json b/editor/interface/ab.json index 09f428f7..b79c4d23 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ab.json +++ b/editor/interface/ab.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Даҽазнык аҽаҿакра", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Иаарласны...", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Аԥшаара", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Иҭыҵтәуп", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Ахеилак ахәаԥшра", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Ахархәаҩ ихьӡ", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Аҿыц", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Угәаанагарақәа рыцеиҩша", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Апубликациа азуп", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Афаил", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Иаҿактәуп Turbo арежим", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Ахеилак ахәаԥшра", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Шәыҽҭажәгал", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Апроеқт ахьӡ абра", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Апубликациа азуп", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Угәаанагарақәа рыцеиҩша", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ацхыраара", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Иалхтәуп арҵага шәҟәы", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Аԥҵара...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Аиқәырхара...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Миау", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Далх ицәырҵраны иҟоу афырхаҵа", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Иалх еизгатәу", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Еизгала аобиеқтқәа", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Иаԥҵа Аԥхьаӡара Аҽеиҭак", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Аҩаӡара ҿыц: Иԥсах аҿаԥшыра", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Аҭоурыхқәа", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Анбанқәа", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ахырхарҭа", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/af.json b/editor/interface/af.json index 3575badf..45d2f14e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/af.json +++ b/editor/interface/af.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Teken uit", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Gebruikersnaam", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nuut", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Deel", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Lêer", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Deel", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Besig om te stoor...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "rigting", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ak.json b/editor/interface/ak.json index 63e871a8..0fb0288b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ak.json +++ b/editor/interface/ak.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/am.json b/editor/interface/am.json index 698b2018..c6ddf8d5 100644 --- a/editor/interface/am.json +++ b/editor/interface/am.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "በቅርቡ ይመጣል", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "ፈልጉ", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "ዘግተህ ውጣ", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "ህብረተሰቡን ይዩ", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "የተጠቃሚ ስም", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "አዲስ", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "አጋራ", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "ፋይል", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "ቱርቦ ሞድ አብራ", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "ህብረተሰቡን ይዩ", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "የScratch አባል ይሁኑ", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "አጋራ", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "እርዳታ", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "አጋዥ ስልጠና ይምረጡ", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "በመፍጠር ላይ......", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "እየተቀመጠ ነው...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "ተረቶች", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "ፊደላት", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "አቅጣጫ", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ar.json b/editor/interface/ar.json index 5b37171c..4999828b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ar.json +++ b/editor/interface/ar.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "قريبا", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "ابحث", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "تسجيل الخروج", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "انظر المجتمع", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "اسم المستخدم", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "جديد", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "مشاركة", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "المشاركة", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "ملف", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "تشغيل وضع التوربو ", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "انظر المجتمع", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "انضم إلى سكراتش", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "عنوان المشروع هنا", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "المشاركة", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "مشاركة", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "مساعدة", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "اختر البرنامج التعليمي", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "الإنشاء جارٍ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "الحفظ جارٍ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "مواء ", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "القصص", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "الحروف", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "الاتجاه", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ast.json b/editor/interface/ast.json index 5dfa596f..ff927798 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ast.json +++ b/editor/interface/ast.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nouveau", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direición", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/az.json b/editor/interface/az.json index 3dcfb412..f079b6be 100644 --- a/editor/interface/az.json +++ b/editor/interface/az.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Tezliklə ...", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Axtarış", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Çıxış", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "İctimai baxış", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "İstifadəçi Adı", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Yeni", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Paylaş", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fayl", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turbo rejimini işə sal", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "İctimai baxış", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Skreç-ə qoşulun", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Layihənin başlığı burada", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Paylaş", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Yardım", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Təlimat seçin", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Yaradılma...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saxlanılır...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miyo", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Hekayələr", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Hərflər", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "istiqamət", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/be.json b/editor/interface/be.json index f2009687..35f88f5d 100644 --- a/editor/interface/be.json +++ b/editor/interface/be.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Выйсці", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Новы", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Апублікаваць", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Файл", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Апублікаваць", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Ствараю...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Захаванне...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Літары", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "кірунак", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/bg.json b/editor/interface/bg.json index 958c957b..f49f11ee 100644 --- a/editor/interface/bg.json +++ b/editor/interface/bg.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Очаквайте скоро", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Търсене", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Изход", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Потребителско име", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Нов", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Споделяне", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Споделено", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Файл", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Присъединяване в Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Споделено", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Споделяне", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Помощ", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Създаване...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Записване...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Истории", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Букви", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "посока", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/bn.json b/editor/interface/bn.json index f04f57a6..ed59884f 100644 --- a/editor/interface/bn.json +++ b/editor/interface/bn.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "নতুন", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "নথি", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "তৈরি করা হচ্ছে...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "অক্ষর", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "দিক", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ca.json b/editor/interface/ca.json index df65d4fb..a9ab08e4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ca.json +++ b/editor/interface/ca.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Torna a connectar", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Properament", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Cerca", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Finalitza la sessió", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Mira la comunitat", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nom d'usuari", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nou", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Comparteix", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Compartits", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fitxer", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Activa el Mode Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Mira la comunitat", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Uneix-te a l'Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Títol del projecte aquí", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Compartits", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Comparteix", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ajuda", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Tria un tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "S'està creant...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "S'està desant...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Mèu", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -920,7 +948,7 @@ "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Afegeix els blocs Text to Speech", + "message": "Afegeix els blocs De text a parla", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Tria un personatge a mostrar", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Tria un objecte a capturar", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Recull objectes", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Crea una variable de puntuació", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Nivell superat: canvia el fons", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1188,7 +1216,7 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "De text a parla", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Històries", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Lletres", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direcció", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ckb.json b/editor/interface/ckb.json index eaf741ed..62ff4d9c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ckb.json +++ b/editor/interface/ckb.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "بەم زووانە", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "گەڕان", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "بینینی کۆمەڵگا", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "نوێ", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "هاوبەشی کردن", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "پەڕگە", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "بینینی کۆمەڵگا", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "هاوبەشی کردن", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "یارمەتی", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "فێرکارییەک هەڵبژێرە", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "دروستدەکرێت...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "پاشەکەوتکردن...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "پیتەکان", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ئاڕاستە", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/cs.json b/editor/interface/cs.json index 0f3806f2..fc8b0bbc 100644 --- a/editor/interface/cs.json +++ b/editor/interface/cs.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Již brzy", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Hledat", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Odhlášení", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Zobrazit společenství", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Jméno uživatele", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nový", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Sdílet", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Sdílené", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Soubor", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Zapni turbo režim", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Zobrazit společenství", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Připojit se ke Scratchi", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Název projektu", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Sdílené", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Sdílet", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Pomoc", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Vyber si návod", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Vytvářím...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Ukládám...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Mňau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Příběhy", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Písmena", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "směr", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/cy.json b/editor/interface/cy.json index 44ad59c7..7ac54f86 100644 --- a/editor/interface/cy.json +++ b/editor/interface/cy.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Ailgysyslltu", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Yn Dod Cyn Bo Hir", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Chwilio", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Allgofnodi", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Gweld y Gymuned", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Enw defnyddwir", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Newydd", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Rhannu", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Wedi eu Rhannu", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Ffeil", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "`Cychwyn y Modd Tyrbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Gweld y Gymuned", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Ymuno â Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Teitl project yma", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Wedi eu Rhannu", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Rhannu", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Cymorth", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Dewis Tiwtorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creu...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Wrthi'n cadw...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miaw", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Dewis pa Gymeriad i'w Ddangos", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Dewis pa Wrthrych i Redeg ar ei Ôl", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Casglu Gwrthrychau", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Creu Newidyn Sgôr", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Lefel i Fyny: Newid Cefnlen", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Straeon", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Llythyrau", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "cyfeiriad", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/da.json b/editor/interface/da.json index c3bc856d..046e5097 100644 --- a/editor/interface/da.json +++ b/editor/interface/da.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Forbind igen", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Kommer snart", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Søg", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Log ud", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Se fællesskabet", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Brugernavn", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Ny", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Del", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Delte", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fil", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Sæt turbo på", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Se fællesskabet", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Meld dig ind i Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Skriv projektets navn her", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Delte", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Del", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Hjælp", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Vælg en vejledning", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Opretter...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Gemmer...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Mijav", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Vælg hvilken sprite der skal vises", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Vælg en ting der skal fanges", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Indsaml ting", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Lav en variabel med point", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Næste level: skift baggrund", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Historier", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Bogstaver", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "retning", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/de.json b/editor/interface/de.json index e781d63f..2918ddd2 100644 --- a/editor/interface/de.json +++ b/editor/interface/de.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Wiederverbinden", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Bald verfügbar", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Suche", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Abmelden", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Community ansehen", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Benutzername", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Neu", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Veröffentlichen", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Veröffentlicht", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Datei", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turbo-Modus ausschalten", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Community ansehen", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratcher werden", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Projekttitel", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Veröffentlicht", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Veröffentlichen", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Hilfe", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -624,15 +636,15 @@ "description": "Recording modal title" }, "gui.recordingStep.beginRecord": { - "message": "Begin recording by clicking the button below", + "message": "Starte die Aufnahme, indem Du auf den Button unten klickst", "description": "Message for recording sound modal" }, "gui.recordingStep.permission": { - "message": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone", + "message": "{arrow}Wir benötigen Deine Zustimmung, um Dein Mikrofon zu benutzen", "description": "Permission required notice in recording sound modal. Do not translate {arrow}" }, "gui.recordingStep.stop": { - "message": "Stop recording", + "message": "Stop Aufnahme", "description": "Stop recording button label" }, "gui.recordingStep.record": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Wähle ein Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Erzeuge...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Speichere...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -916,11 +944,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Erstelle Animationen, die sprechen können", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Füge einen Text Vorlesen Block hinzu", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -928,11 +956,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Lege eine Stimme fest", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Umher Bewegen", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -940,11 +968,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Füge eine Figur hinzu", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Führe ein Lied auf", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -952,19 +980,19 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "Herumdrehen", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Wachsen und Schrumpfen", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Animiere ein Abenteuer Spiel", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Wähle die Figur, die gezeigt werden soll", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Wähle ein Objekt, das verfolgt werden soll", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Sammle Objekte", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Mach eine Variable für den Spielstand", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Level erhöhen: Ändere den Hintergrund", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1188,11 +1216,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Text Vorlesen", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "Bring Deinem Projekt das Sprechen bei", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "": { @@ -1304,7 +1332,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for voice" }, "gui.libraryTags.wacky": { - "message": "Wacky", + "message": "Verrückt", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for wacky" }, "gui.libraryTags.animation": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Geschichten", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Buchstaben", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "Richtung", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" @@ -1344,7 +1376,7 @@ "description": "Label for the costume name monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.costumenumber": { - "message": "costume number", + "message": "Kostümnummer", "description": "Label for the costume number monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.backdropname": { @@ -1388,7 +1420,7 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", + "message": "Wochentag", "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { diff --git a/editor/interface/el.json b/editor/interface/el.json index eed2d620..abede3f7 100644 --- a/editor/interface/el.json +++ b/editor/interface/el.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Έρχεται Σύντομα", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Αναζήτηση", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Αποσύνδεση", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Δείτε την Κοινότητα", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Όνομα χρήστη", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Νέο Έργο", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Μοιραστείτε", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "σε κοινή χρήση", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Αρχείο", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Ενεργοποίηση Κατάστασης Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Δείτε την Κοινότητα", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Εγγραφή", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Τίτλος Έργου εδώ", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "σε κοινή χρήση", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Μοιραστείτε", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Βοήθεια", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Διάλεξε Μάθημα", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Γίνεται δημιουργία...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Μιάου", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Ιστορίες", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Γράμματα", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "κατεύθυνση", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/eo.json b/editor/interface/eo.json index f1ff40c4..a8815bae 100644 --- a/editor/interface/eo.json +++ b/editor/interface/eo.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Serĉi", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Elsaluti", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Salutnomo", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nova", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Kunhavigi", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Kunhavigita", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Dosiero", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Krei Scratch-konton", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Kunhavigita", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Kunhavigi", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Helpo", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Kreado...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Konservado...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Rakontoj", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "orientiĝo", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/es-419.json b/editor/interface/es-419.json index e3942bd9..2f468fcc 100644 --- a/editor/interface/es-419.json +++ b/editor/interface/es-419.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Próximamente", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Buscar", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Cerrar sesión", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Ver Comunidad", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nombre de Usuario", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nuevo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Compartir", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Compartidos", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Archivo", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Activar Modo turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Ver Comunidad", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Únete a Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Título del proyecto aquí", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Compartidos", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Compartir", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ayuda", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Elige un tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Guardando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Historias", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letras", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "dirección", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/es.json b/editor/interface/es.json index 4934e428..e414af11 100644 --- a/editor/interface/es.json +++ b/editor/interface/es.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Reconectar", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Pronto", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Busca", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Salir", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Visitar comunidad", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nombre de Usuario", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nuevo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Compartir", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Compartidos", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Archivo", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Activar el modo Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Visitar comunidad", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Únete a Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Nombre del proyecto aquí", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Compartidos", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Compartir", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ayuda", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Elige un tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Guardando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -916,11 +944,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Crear animaciones que hablen", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Añade los bloques de \"Texto a voz\"", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -928,11 +956,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Elige una voz", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Muévete", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -940,11 +968,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Añade otro personaje", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Toca una canción", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -952,19 +980,19 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "Da vueltas", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Haz que crezca y encoja", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Animar un juego de aventuras", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Elige qué personaje mostrar", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Elige qué objeto perseguir", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Recolecta objetos", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Crea una variable \"puntos\"", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Sube de nivel: cambia de fondo", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1188,11 +1216,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Texto a voz", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "Haz que tus proyectos hablen.", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Historias", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letras", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "dirección", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/et.json b/editor/interface/et.json index 47b706d7..3114785c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/et.json +++ b/editor/interface/et.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Ilmub varsti...", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Otsing", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Logi välja", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Vaata kogukonda", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Kasutajanimi", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Uus", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Jaga", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Jagatud", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fail", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Vaata kogukonda", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Ühine Scratchiga", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Jagatud", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Jaga", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Abi", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Loomine...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Salvestamine ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Lood", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "suund", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/eu.json b/editor/interface/eu.json index 5d4c637c..5bdd98d9 100644 --- a/editor/interface/eu.json +++ b/editor/interface/eu.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Birkonektatu", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ "description": "Crash Message title" }, "gui.crashMessage.description": { - "message": "We are so sorry, but it looks like Scratch has crashed. This bug has been automatically reported to the Scratch Team. Please refresh your page to try again.", + "message": "Asko sentitzen dugu, baina ematen du Scratch-ek huts egin duela. Intzidentzia hau era automatikoan bidali zaio Scratch taldeari. Freskatu orria berriro saiatzeko.", "description": "Message to inform the user that page has crashed." }, "gui.crashMessage.reload": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Laster", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Bilatu", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Amaitu saioa", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Ikusi komunitatea", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Erabiltzaile-izena", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -400,7 +416,7 @@ "description": "Label for login password input" }, "general.signIn": { - "message": "Eman izena", + "message": "Hasi saioa", "description": "Button text for user to sign in" }, "login.needHelp": { @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Berria", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Partekatu", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Partekatuak", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fitxategia", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Piztu turbo modua", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Ikusi komunitatea", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Batu Scratchera", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Hemen proiektuaren titulua", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Partekatuak", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Partekatu", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Laguntza", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Aukeratu tutorial bat", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Sortzen...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Gordetzen...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -916,11 +944,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Sortu hitz egiten duten animazioak", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Gehitu Testua irakurri blokeak", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -928,11 +956,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Ezarri ahots bat", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Mugitu inguruan", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -940,11 +968,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Gehitu beste karaktere bat", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Jo kantu bat", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -952,19 +980,19 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "Biratu inguruan", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Hazi eta txikitu", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Sortu abentura jolas bat", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Hautatu karaktere bat erakusteko", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -972,19 +1000,19 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide": { - "message": "Txirrist egin inguruan", + "message": "Irristatu inguruan", "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Hautatu objektu bat jarraitzeko", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Bildu objektuak", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Sortu puntuazio aldagai bat", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Maila gora: Aldatu atzeko ohiala", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1188,11 +1216,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Testua irakurri", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "Eman hitza zure proiektuei", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "": { @@ -1316,13 +1344,17 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for art" }, "": { - "message": "Jokoak", + "message": "Jolasak", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for games" }, "gui.libraryTags.stories": { "message": "Istorioak", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Hizkiak", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "norabidea", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/fa.json b/editor/interface/fa.json index 800104d9..a57e0da4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/fa.json +++ b/editor/interface/fa.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "به زودی", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "جستجو", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "خروج", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "نام کاربری", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "جدید", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "به اشتراک گذاری", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "به اشتراک گذاشته شده", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "فایل", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "در اسکرچ", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "به اشتراک گذاشته شده", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "به اشتراک گذاری", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "کمک", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "درحال ساختن ..", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "در حال ذخیره", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "حروف", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "جهت", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/fi.json b/editor/interface/fi.json index 778d7d8b..57645b21 100644 --- a/editor/interface/fi.json +++ b/editor/interface/fi.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Yhdistä uudelleen", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Tulossa pian", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Haku", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Kirjaudu ulos", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Tutustu yhteisöön", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Käyttäjänimi", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Uusi", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Jaa", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Jaetut", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Tiedosto", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Käynnistä turbotila", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Tutustu yhteisöön", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Liity Scratchiin", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Projektin otsikko tähän", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Jaetut", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Jaa", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Apua", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Valitse oppitunti", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Luodaan...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Tallennetaan...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Mau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Valitse näytettävä hahmo", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Valitse jahdattava kohde", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Kerää kohteita", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Tee pistemäärä-muuttuja", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Tason nosto: vaihda tausta", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Tarinat", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Kirjaimet", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "suunta", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/fr.json b/editor/interface/fr.json index e1b3a321..f916f596 100755 --- a/editor/interface/fr.json +++ b/editor/interface/fr.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Se reconnecter", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Ça arrive bientôt", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Rechercher", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Déconnexion", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Voir communauté", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nom d'utilisateur", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nouveau", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Partager", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Partagés", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fichier", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Activer le mode Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Voir communauté", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Rejoindre Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Titre du projet ici", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Partagés", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Partager", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Aide", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choisis un tutoriel", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Création en cours de...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Sauvegarde en cours...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miaou", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Choisis un personnage à afficher", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Choisis un objet à pourchasser", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Collecte les objets", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Fais une variable score", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Niveau supérieur : Change d'arrière-plan", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1188,7 +1216,7 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Synthèse vocale", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Histoires", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Lettres", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/fur.json b/editor/interface/fur.json index 3bc250bb..bc90b7b9 100644 --- a/editor/interface/fur.json +++ b/editor/interface/fur.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Cîr", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Va fûr", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Non utent", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Gnûf", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Condivît", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Jentre te comunitât di Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Condivît", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Jutori", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creazion in cors...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Salvataç in cors...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Storiis", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letaris", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direzion", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ga.json b/editor/interface/ga.json index 5b9147b0..18185bc4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ga.json +++ b/editor/interface/ga.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Le teacht go luath", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Cuardaigh", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Logáil amach", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Féach an Comhphobal", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Ainm úsáideora", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nua", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Comhroinn", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Comhroinnte", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Comhad", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Tosaigh an Mód Turbó", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Féach an Comhphobal", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Cláraigh le Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Teideal an tionscadail anseo", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Comhroinnte", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Comhroinn", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Cabhair", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Roghnaigh Cúrsa Teagaisc", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Á Chruthú...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Á Shábháil...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Míáú", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Scéalta", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Litreacha", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "treo", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/gd.json b/editor/interface/gd.json index 41381e35..ad621af8 100644 --- a/editor/interface/gd.json +++ b/editor/interface/gd.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Ri thighinn a dh’aithghearr", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Lorg", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Clàraich a-mach", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Faic a’ choimhearsnachd", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Ainm-cleachdaiche", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Ùr", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Co-roinn", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Air a cho-roinneadh", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Faidhle", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Cuir air am modh turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Faic a’ choimhearsnachd", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Ballrachd", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Cuir ainm a’ pròiseict an-seo", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Air a cho-roinneadh", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Co-roinn", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Cobhair", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Tagh oideachadh", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Ga chruthachadh...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Ga shàbhaladh...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miamh", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Sgeòil", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Litrichean", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "comhair", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/gl.json b/editor/interface/gl.json index f8e31901..e39a3ef4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/gl.json +++ b/editor/interface/gl.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Reconectar", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { - "message": "Fondo", + "message": "Mochila", "description": "Button to open the backpack" }, "gui.backpack.errorBackpack": { @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "description": "" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": { - "message": "Sentímolo, mais Scratch 3.0 non admite Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera ou Silk. Recomendamos utilizar un navegador máis moderno, como Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ou Microsoft Edge.", + "message": "Sentímolo, mais Scratch 3.0 non é compatíbel con Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera nin Silk. Recomendamos utilizar un navegador máis moderno, como Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ou Microsoft Edge.", "description": "Unsupported browser description" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": { @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "Pregunas Habituais", + "message": "Preguntas frecuentes", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.cameraModal.cameraModalTitle": { @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message2": { - "message": "Proximamente ...", + "message": "Proximamente...", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message3": { @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ "description": "Label for button to add a label" }, "gui.customProcedures.runWithoutScreenRefresh": { - "message": "Executar sen refrescar a pantalla", + "message": "Executar sen actualizar a pantalla", "description": "Label for checkbox to run without screen refresh" }, "gui.customProcedures.cancel": { @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ "description": "Button to change to the dont rotate rotation style" }, "gui.gui.addExtension": { - "message": "Engadir Extensión", + "message": "Engadir extensión", "description": "Button to add an extension in the target pane" }, "gui.gui.codeTab": { @@ -316,13 +316,21 @@ "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" }, "gui.importInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "Pregunas Habituais", + "message": "Preguntas frecuentes", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.comingSoon": { "message": "Proximamente", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Buscar", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Saír", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Ver Comunidade ", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nome de usuario", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Novo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Compartir", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Compartidos", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Ficheiro", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Activar Modo Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Ver Comunidade ", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Únete a Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Aquí o título do proxecto", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Compartidos", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Compartir", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Axuda", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -572,7 +584,7 @@ "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "Pregunas Habituais", + "message": "Preguntas frecuentes", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": { @@ -796,7 +808,7 @@ "description": "WebGL missing message" }, "gui.webglModal.webgllink": { - "message": "Non admite WebGL", + "message": "non é compatíbel con WebGL", "description": "link part of your browser does not support WebGL message" }, "gui.webglModal.back": { @@ -808,7 +820,7 @@ "description": "Scratch 3.0 FAQ description" }, "gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "Preguntas habituais", + "message": "Preguntas frecuentes", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": { @@ -852,7 +864,7 @@ "description": "Heading for the extension library" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl": { - "message": "Introduce o URL da extensió", + "message": "Introduce o URL da extensión", "description": "Prompt for unoffical extension url" }, "gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Escolle un titorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Gardando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -924,7 +952,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { - "message": "Decir Algo", + "message": "Dicir algo", "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { @@ -944,7 +972,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Canta unha canció", + "message": "Canta unha canción", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -964,11 +992,11 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Elixir un carácter para mostrar", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { - "message": "Decir Algo", + "message": "Dicir algo", "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Escoller un obxecto ao que seguir", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Recoller obxectos", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Crear unha variábel puntuación", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -1200,7 +1228,7 @@ "description": "Name for the Translate extension" }, "gui.extension.translate.description": { - "message": "Traducir texto a moitos idiomas", + "message": "Traducir texto a moitos idiomas.", "description": "Description for the Translate extension" }, "gui.extension.microbit.description": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Historias", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letras", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "dirección", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/gu.json b/editor/interface/gu.json index d4c9d410..c7ebbbc9 100644 --- a/editor/interface/gu.json +++ b/editor/interface/gu.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "ટૂક સમયમાં આવશે", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "શોધ કરો", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "દિશા", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ha.json b/editor/interface/ha.json index 63e871a8..0fb0288b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ha.json +++ b/editor/interface/ha.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/hak.json b/editor/interface/hak.json index 2c54cbeb..c22d4702 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hak.json +++ b/editor/interface/hak.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/he.json b/editor/interface/he.json index fa809daf..6293c81a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/he.json +++ b/editor/interface/he.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "התחברו שוב", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "בקרוב", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "חיפוש", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "התנתקות", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "צפו בקהילה", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "שם משתמש", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "חדש", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "שיתוף", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "משותף", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "קובץ", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "הפעילו מצב טורבו", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "צפו בקהילה", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "הצטרפו לסקראץ'", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "כתבו כאן את כותרת הפרויקט", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "משותף", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "שיתוף", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "עזרה", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "בחרו מדריך", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "מייצר...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "שומר...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "מיאו", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -932,7 +960,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "תזוזה במרחב", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -952,7 +980,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "הסתובבו", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { @@ -960,11 +988,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "הנפישו משחק הרפתקאות", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "בחרו דמות להראות", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,23 +1004,23 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "בחרו אובייקט לרדוף אחריו", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "איספו אובייקטים", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "צרו משתנה ניקוד", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { - "message": "Keep Score", + "message": "עקבו אחר התוצאה", "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "שלב הבא: רקע", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1192,7 +1220,7 @@ "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "גרמו לפרויקט שלכם לדבר", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "סיפורים", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "אותיות", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "כיוון", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/hi.json b/editor/interface/hi.json index c11cc995..b5035db1 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hi.json +++ b/editor/interface/hi.json @@ -1,154 +1,154 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "पुनः जोड़े ", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { - "message": "बैग", + "message": "बैगपैक", "description": "Button to open the backpack" }, "gui.backpack.errorBackpack": { - "message": "Error loading backpack", + "message": "बैगपैक लोड करने में त्रुटि ", "description": "Error backpack message" }, "gui.backpack.loadingBackpack": { - "message": "Loading...", + "message": "लोड कर रहे हैं ......", "description": "Loading backpack message" }, "gui.backpack.more": { - "message": "More", + "message": "और ", "description": "Load more from backpack" }, "gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": { - "message": "Backpack is empty", + "message": "बैगपैक खाली है ", "description": "Empty backpack message" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": { - "message": "Browser is not supported", + "message": "वेब ब्राउज़र सहायक नहीं है ", "description": "" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": { - "message": "We're very sorry, but Scratch 3.0 does not support Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera or Silk. We recommend trying a newer browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.", + "message": "हमें बहुत खेद है, लेकिन स्क्रैच 3.0 इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर, विवाल्डी, ओपेरा या रेशम के साथ कार्य नहीं करता है। हम गूगल क्रोम, मोज़िला फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स या माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एज जैसे नए ब्राउज़र को आजमाने की सलाह देते हैं।", "description": "Unsupported browser description" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": { - "message": "Back", + "message": "वापस ", "description": "Button to go back in unsupported browser modal" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq": { - "message": "To learn more, go to the {previewFaqLink}.", + "message": "ज्यादा जानकारी के लिया {previewFaqLink} पर जाये ", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "FAQ", + "message": "बारबार पूछे जाने वाले सवाल ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.cameraModal.cameraModalTitle": { - "message": "Take a Photo", + "message": "फोटो लीजिये ", "description": "Title for prompt to take a picture (to add as a new costume)." }, "gui.cameraModal.loadingCameraMessage": { - "message": "Loading Camera...", + "message": "कैमरा लोड कर रहे हैं ", "description": "Notification to the user that the camera is loading" }, "gui.cameraModal.permissionRequest": { - "message": "We need your permission to use your camera", + "message": "हमें कैमरा इस्तमाल करने के लिए आपकी अनुमति चाहिए ", "description": "Notification to the user that the app needs camera access" }, "gui.cameraModal.retakePhoto": { - "message": "Retake Photo", + "message": "पुनः फोटो लें ", "description": "A button that allows the user to take the picture again, replacing the old one" }, "": { - "message": "Save", + "message": "सुरक्षित करें ", "description": "A button that allows the user to save the photo they took as a costume" }, "gui.cameraModal.takePhoto": { - "message": "Take Photo", + "message": "फोटो लें ", "description": "A button to take a photo" }, "gui.cameraModal.loadingCaption": { - "message": "Loading...", + "message": "लोड कर रहे हैं ......", "description": "A caption for a disabled button while the video from the camera is still loading" }, "gui.cameraModal.enableCameraCaption": { - "message": "Enable Camera", + "message": "कैमरा सक्षम करें ", "description": "A caption for a disabled button prompting the user to enable camera access" }, "": { - "message": "Tutorials", + "message": "शिक्षण सामग्री", "description": "Title for button to return to tutorials library" }, "": { - "message": "Close", + "message": "बंद करें ", "description": "Title for button to close how-to card" }, "": { - "message": "More things to try!", + "message": "अभ्यास हेतु अन्य सामग्रियां ", "description": "Title card with more things to try" }, "": { - "message": "See more", + "message": "और देखें ", "description": "Title for button to see more in how-to library" }, "gui.comingSoon.message1": { - "message": "Don't worry, we're on it {emoji}", + "message": "चिन्ता ना करें , हम इसपर कार्य कर रहे हैं {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message2": { - "message": "Coming Soon...", + "message": "शीघ्रः प्रस्तुत होगा ", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message3": { - "message": "We're working on it {emoji}", + "message": "हम इसपर कार्य कर रहे हैं {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "": { - "message": "No devices found", + "message": "सम्बंधित यन्त्र नहीं मिला ", "description": "Text shown when no devices could be found" }, "": { - "message": "Have your device nearby, then begin searching.", + "message": "अपना यन्त्र पास रक्खें , पुनः खोज शुरू करें ", "description": "Prompt for beginning the search" }, "": { - "message": "Press the button on your device.", + "message": "अपने यन्त्र पर बटन दबाएं ", "description": "Prompt for pushing the button on the device" }, "": { - "message": "Start Searching", + "message": "खोजना शुरू करें ", "description": "Button in prompt for starting a search" }, "gui.connection.connecting-searchbutton": { - "message": "Searching...", + "message": "खोज रहा है........ ", "description": "Label indicating that search is in progress" }, "": { - "message": "Try again", + "message": "पुनः प्रयास करें ", "description": "Button in prompt for trying a device search again" }, "gui.connection.connected": { - "message": "Connected", + "message": "जुड़ा हुआ ", "description": "Message indicating that a device was connected" }, "gui.connection.disconnect": { - "message": "Disconnect", + "message": "बिना जुड़ा हुआ ", "description": "Button to disconnect the device" }, "gui.connection.go-to-editor": { - "message": "Go to Editor", + "message": "संपादक को जाये ", "description": "Button to return to the editor" }, "gui.connection.connecting-cancelbutton": { - "message": "Connecting...", + "message": "जुड़ रहा है .. ", "description": "Label indicating that connection is in progress" }, "gui.connection.error.errorMessage": { - "message": "Oops, looks like something went wrong.", + "message": "लगता है कुछ गलत हुआ है", "description": "The device connection process has encountered an error." }, "gui.connection.error.tryagainbutton": { - "message": "Try again", + "message": "पुनः प्रयास करें ", "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.error.helpbutton": { @@ -156,39 +156,39 @@ "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.connection.peripheral-name-label": { - "message": "Device name", + "message": "यन्त्र का नाम ", "description": "Label for field showing the device name" }, "gui.connection.connect": { - "message": "Connect", + "message": "जुड़ें ", "description": "Button to start connecting to a specific device" }, "gui.connection.scanning.lookingforperipherals": { - "message": "Looking for devices", + "message": "यंत्रो की खोज मे ", "description": "Text shown while scanning for devices" }, "gui.connection.scanning.noPeripheralsFound": { - "message": "No devices found", + "message": "सम्बंधित यन्त्र नहीं मिला ", "description": "Text shown when no devices could be found" }, "gui.connection.scanning.instructions": { - "message": "Select your device in the list above.", + "message": "उपरोक्त सूची मैं अपना यन्त्र चुनिए ", "description": "Prompt for choosing a device to connect to" }, "": { - "message": "Refresh", + "message": "ताजा ", "description": "Button in prompt for starting a search" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.installscratchlink": { - "message": "Make sure you have Scratch Link installed and running", + "message": "सुनिश्चित करिये की आपने स्क्रैच संस्थापित किया है और वो कार्यान्वित है ", "description": "Message for getting Scratch Link installed" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.enablebluetooth": { - "message": "Check that Bluetooth is enabled", + "message": "सुनिश्चित करिये की ब्लूटूथ कार्य कर रहा है ", "description": "Message for making sure Bluetooth is enabled" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.tryagainbutton": { - "message": "Try again", + "message": "पुनः प्रयास करें ", "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton": { @@ -196,23 +196,23 @@ "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.controls.go": { - "message": "Go", + "message": "शुरू करें ", "description": "Green flag button title" }, "gui.controls.stop": { - "message": "Stop", + "message": "रोकें ", "description": "Stop button title" }, "gui.crashMessage.label": { - "message": "Oops! Something went wrong.", + "message": "लगता है कुछ गलत हुआ है ", "description": "Crash Message title" }, "gui.crashMessage.description": { - "message": "We are so sorry, but it looks like Scratch has crashed. This bug has been automatically reported to the Scratch Team. Please refresh your page to try again.", + "message": "चिन्ता ना करें , लगता है की स्क्रैच ध्वस्त हो गया है. इस घटना के बारे में स्क्रैच दल को स्वतः सूचित कर दिया गया है। कृपया इस पृष्ठ को पुनः ताजा करें ", "description": "Message to inform the user that page has crashed." }, "gui.crashMessage.reload": { - "message": "Reload", + "message": "पुनः ताजा करें ", "description": "Button to reload the page when page crashes" }, "gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle": { @@ -220,59 +220,59 @@ "description": "Title for the modal where you create a custom block." }, "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText": { - "message": "Add an input", + "message": "इनपुट जोड़े ", "description": "Label for button to add a number/text input" }, "gui.customProcedures.numberTextType": { - "message": "number or text", + "message": "संख्या या शब्द ", "description": "Description of the number/text input type" }, "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputBoolean": { - "message": "Add an input", + "message": "इनपुट जोड़े ", "description": "Label for button to add a boolean input" }, "gui.customProcedures.booleanType": { - "message": "boolean", + "message": "बूलियन", "description": "Description of the boolean input type" }, "gui.customProcedures.addALabel": { - "message": "Add a label", + "message": "उपनाम जोड़ें ", "description": "Label for button to add a label" }, "gui.customProcedures.runWithoutScreenRefresh": { - "message": "Run without screen refresh", + "message": "बिना स्क्रीन रिफ्रेश किये आदेशों को संचालित करें ", "description": "Label for checkbox to run without screen refresh" }, "gui.customProcedures.cancel": { - "message": "Cancel", + "message": "रद्द करें ", "description": "Label for button to cancel custom procedure edits" }, "gui.customProcedures.ok": { - "message": "OK", + "message": "ठीक है ", "description": "Label for button to save new custom procedure" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.direction": { - "message": "Direction", + "message": "प्रवाह ", "description": "Sprite info direction label" }, "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround": { - "message": "All Around", + "message": "चारों तरफ ", "description": "Button to change to the all around rotation style" }, "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.leftRight": { - "message": "Left/Right", + "message": "बायें से दायें ", "description": "Button to change to the left-right rotation style" }, "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.dontRotate": { - "message": "Do not rotate", + "message": "और न घुमाये ", "description": "Button to change to the dont rotate rotation style" }, "gui.gui.addExtension": { - "message": "Add Extension", + "message": "विस्तार जोड़िये ", "description": "Button to add an extension in the target pane" }, "gui.gui.codeTab": { - "message": "Code", + "message": "सांकेतिक लिपि ", "description": "Button to get to the code panel" }, "gui.gui.backdropsTab": { @@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ "description": "Button to get to the backdrops panel" }, "gui.gui.costumesTab": { - "message": "Costumes", + "message": "पोशाक ", "description": "Button to get to the costumes panel" }, "gui.gui.soundsTab": { - "message": "Sounds", + "message": "ध्वनि नियंत्रण ", "description": "Button to get to the sounds panel" }, "gui.importInfo.title": { - "message": "View a Scratch 2.0 Project", + "message": "एक स्क्रैच 2.0 परियोजना देखिये ", "description": "Scratch 2.0 import modal label - for accessibility" }, "gui.importInfo.betamessage": { @@ -312,17 +312,25 @@ "description": "Label for button to back out of importing a project" }, "gui.importInfo.previewfaq": { - "message": "To learn more, go to the {previewFaqLink}.", + "message": "ज्यादा जानकारी के लिया {previewFaqLink} पर जाये ", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" }, "gui.importInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "FAQ", + "message": "बारबार पूछे जाने वाले सवाल ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.extensionLibrary.comingSoon": { "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -412,7 +428,7 @@ "description": "accessibility text for the language selection menu" }, "gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary": { - "message": "Tutorials", + "message": "शिक्षण सामग्री", "description": "accessibility text for the tutorials button" }, "gui.menuBar.restoreSprite": { @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nouveau", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,12 +503,20 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "सहायता", "description": "Help button in modal" }, "gui.modal.back": { - "message": "Back", + "message": "वापस ", "description": "Back button in modal" }, "gui.monitor.listMonitor.empty": { @@ -568,11 +580,11 @@ "description": "Label for button to import a 2.0 project" }, "gui.previewInfo.previewfaq": { - "message": "To learn more, go to the {previewFaqLink}.", + "message": "ज्यादा जानकारी के लिया {previewFaqLink} पर जाये ", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "FAQ", + "message": "बारबार पूछे जाने वाले सवाल ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": { @@ -592,15 +604,15 @@ "description": "A message that displays in a variable modal when the stage is selected indicating that the variable being created will available to all sprites." }, "gui.prompt.cancel": { - "message": "Cancel", + "message": "रद्द करें ", "description": "Button in prompt for cancelling the dialog" }, "gui.prompt.ok": { - "message": "OK", + "message": "ठीक है ", "description": "Button in prompt for confirming the dialog" }, "gui.playbackStep.stopMsg": { - "message": "Stop", + "message": "रोकें ", "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.playMsg": { @@ -608,11 +620,11 @@ "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.loadingMsg": { - "message": "Loading...", + "message": "लोड कर रहे हैं ......", "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.saveMsg": { - "message": "Save", + "message": "सुरक्षित करें ", "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.reRecordMsg": { @@ -648,7 +660,7 @@ "description": "Title of the button to start playing the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.stop": { - "message": "Stop", + "message": "रोकें ", "description": "Title of the button to stop the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.trim": { @@ -656,7 +668,7 @@ "description": "Title of the button to start trimminging the sound" }, "": { - "message": "Save", + "message": "सुरक्षित करें ", "description": "Title of the button to save trimmed sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.undo": { @@ -800,15 +812,15 @@ "description": "link part of your browser does not support WebGL message" }, "gui.webglModal.back": { - "message": "Back", + "message": "वापस ", "description": "Label for button go back when browser is unsupported" }, "gui.webglModal.previewfaq": { - "message": "To learn more, go to the {previewFaqLink}.", + "message": "ज्यादा जानकारी के लिया {previewFaqLink} पर जाये ", "description": "Scratch 3.0 FAQ description" }, "gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext": { - "message": "FAQ", + "message": "बारबार पूछे जाने वाले सवाल ", "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "दिशा", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/hr.json b/editor/interface/hr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..355f03de --- /dev/null +++ b/editor/interface/hr.json @@ -0,0 +1,1458 @@ +{ + "gui.connection.reconnect": { + "message": "Ponovno povezivanje", + "description": "Button to reconnect the device" + }, + "gui.backpack.header": { + "message": "Ruksak", + "description": "Button to open the backpack" + }, + "gui.backpack.errorBackpack": { + "message": "Pogreška pri učitavanju", + "description": "Error backpack message" + }, + "gui.backpack.loadingBackpack": { + "message": "Učitavanje...", + "description": "Loading backpack message" + }, + "gui.backpack.more": { + "message": "Više", + "description": "Load more from backpack" + }, + "gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": { + "message": "Ruksak je prazan", + "description": "Empty backpack message" + }, + "gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": { + "message": "Preglednik nije podržan", + "description": "" + }, + "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": { + "message": "Žao nam je, ali Scratch 3.0 ne podržava Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera ili Silk. Preporučujemo da isprobate novi preglednik poput Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ili Microsoft Edge.", + "description": "Unsupported browser description" + }, + "gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": { + "message": "Nazad", + "description": "Button to go back in unsupported browser modal" + }, + "gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq": { + "message": "Da biste saznali više, idite na.{previewFaqLink}", + "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" + }, + "gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext": { + "message": "Često postavljana pitanja", + "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" + }, + "gui.cameraModal.cameraModalTitle": { + "message": "Snimite fotografiju", + "description": "Title for prompt to take a picture (to add as a new costume)." + }, + "gui.cameraModal.loadingCameraMessage": { + "message": "Učitavanje kamere...", + "description": "Notification to the user that the camera is loading" + }, + "gui.cameraModal.permissionRequest": { + "message": "Trebamo Vašu dozvolu za korištenje kamere", + "description": "Notification to the user that the app needs camera access" + }, + "gui.cameraModal.retakePhoto": { + "message": "Ponovi snimanje fotografije", + "description": "A button that allows the user to take the picture again, replacing the old one" + }, + "": { + "message": "Spremi", + "description": "A button that allows the user to save the photo they took as a costume" + }, + "gui.cameraModal.takePhoto": { + "message": "Uslikaj", + "description": "A button to take a photo" + }, + "gui.cameraModal.loadingCaption": { + "message": "Učitavanje...", + "description": "A caption for a disabled button while the video from the camera is still loading" + }, + "gui.cameraModal.enableCameraCaption": { + "message": "Omogućite kameru", + "description": "A caption for a disabled button prompting the user to enable camera access" + }, + "": { + "message": "Tutoriali", + "description": "Title for button to return to tutorials library" + }, + "": { + "message": "Zatvori", + "description": "Title for button to close how-to card" + }, + "": { + "message": "Isprobaj i ovo!", + "description": "Title card with more things to try" + }, + "": { + "message": "Vidi više", + "description": "Title for button to see more in how-to library" + }, + "gui.comingSoon.message1": { + "message": "Ne brini, radimo na tome{emoji}", + "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" + }, + "gui.comingSoon.message2": { + "message": "Uskoro...", + "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" + }, + "gui.comingSoon.message3": { + "message": "Radimo na tome{emoji}", + "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" + }, + "": { + "message": "Nije pronađen nijedan uređaj", + "description": "Text shown when no devices could be found" + }, + "": { + "message": "Neka Vaš uređaj bude u blizini, a zatim započnite s pretraživanjem.", + "description": "Prompt for beginning the search" + }, + "": { + "message": "Pritisnite gumb na uređaju.", + "description": "Prompt for pushing the button on the device" + }, + "": { + "message": "Počnite tražiti", + "description": "Button in prompt for starting a search" + }, + "gui.connection.connecting-searchbutton": { + "message": "Traženje...", + "description": "Label indicating that search is in progress" + }, + "": { + "message": "Pokušajte ponovo", + "description": "Button in prompt for trying a device search again" + }, + "gui.connection.connected": { + "message": "Povezan", + "description": "Message indicating that a device was connected" + }, + "gui.connection.disconnect": { + "message": "Isključiti", + "description": "Button to disconnect the device" + }, + "gui.connection.go-to-editor": { + "message": "Idite na uređivač", + "description": "Button to return to the editor" + }, + "gui.connection.connecting-cancelbutton": { + "message": "Povezivanje...", + "description": "Label indicating that connection is in progress" + }, + "gui.connection.error.errorMessage": { + "message": "Ups! Nešto je pošlo po krivom.", + "description": "The device connection process has encountered an error." + }, + "gui.connection.error.tryagainbutton": { + "message": "Pokušajte ponovo", + "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" + }, + "gui.connection.error.helpbutton": { + "message": "Pomoć", + "description": "Button to view help content" + }, + "gui.connection.peripheral-name-label": { + "message": "Naziv uređaja", + "description": "Label for field showing the device name" + }, + "gui.connection.connect": { + "message": "Poveži", + "description": "Button to start connecting to a specific device" + }, + "gui.connection.scanning.lookingforperipherals": { + "message": "Tražim uređaje", + "description": "Text shown while scanning for devices" + }, + "gui.connection.scanning.noPeripheralsFound": { + "message": "Nema uređaja", + "description": "Text shown when no devices could be found" + }, + "gui.connection.scanning.instructions": { + "message": "Odaberite svoj uređaj na gornjem popisu.", + "description": "Prompt for choosing a device to connect to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Osvježi", + "description": "Button in prompt for starting a search" + }, + "gui.connection.unavailable.installscratchlink": { + "message": "Provjerite jeste li instalirali i pokrenuli Scratch Link", + "description": "Message for getting Scratch Link installed" + }, + "gui.connection.unavailable.enablebluetooth": { + "message": "Provjerite je li Bluetooth omogućen", + "description": "Message for making sure Bluetooth is enabled" + }, + "gui.connection.unavailable.tryagainbutton": { + "message": "Pokušajte ponovo", + "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" + }, + "gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton": { + "message": "Pomoć", + "description": "Button to view help content" + }, + "gui.controls.go": { + "message": "Idi", + "description": "Green flag button title" + }, + "gui.controls.stop": { + "message": "Zaustavi", + "description": "Stop button title" + }, + "gui.crashMessage.label": { + "message": "Ups! Nešto je pošlo po krivom.", + "description": "Crash Message title" + }, + "gui.crashMessage.description": { + "message": "Žao nam je, ali izgleda da se Scratch srušio. Ta je greška automatski prijavljena Scratch Timu. Osvježite stranicu i pokušajte ponovno.", + "description": "Message to inform the user that page has crashed." + }, + "gui.crashMessage.reload": { + "message": "Ponovno učitaj", + "description": "Button to reload the page when page crashes" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle": { + "message": "Napravi blok", + "description": "Title for the modal where you create a custom block." + }, + "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText": { + "message": "Dodaj ulaz", + "description": "Label for button to add a number/text input" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.numberTextType": { + "message": "broj ili tekst", + "description": "Description of the number/text input type" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputBoolean": { + "message": "Dodaj ulaz", + "description": "Label for button to add a boolean input" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.booleanType": { + "message": "bulov izraz", + "description": "Description of the boolean input type" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.addALabel": { + "message": "Dodajte natpis", + "description": "Label for button to add a label" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.runWithoutScreenRefresh": { + "message": "Izvršite bez osvježavanja zaslona", + "description": "Label for checkbox to run without screen refresh" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.cancel": { + "message": "Otkaži", + "description": "Label for button to cancel custom procedure edits" + }, + "gui.customProcedures.ok": { + "message": "U redu", + "description": "Label for button to save new custom procedure" + }, + "gui.SpriteInfo.direction": { + "message": "Smjer", + "description": "Sprite info direction label" + }, + "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround": { + "message": "Na sve strane", + "description": "Button to change to the all around rotation style" + }, + "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.leftRight": { + "message": "Lijevo/Desno", + "description": "Button to change to the left-right rotation style" + }, + "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.dontRotate": { + "message": "Bez okretanja", + "description": "Button to change to the dont rotate rotation style" + }, + "gui.gui.addExtension": { + "message": "Dodaj proširenje", + "description": "Button to add an extension in the target pane" + }, + "gui.gui.codeTab": { + "message": "Program", + "description": "Button to get to the code panel" + }, + "gui.gui.backdropsTab": { + "message": "Pozadine", + "description": "Button to get to the backdrops panel" + }, + "gui.gui.costumesTab": { + "message": "Kostimi", + "description": "Button to get to the costumes panel" + }, + "gui.gui.soundsTab": { + "message": "Zvukovi", + "description": "Button to get to the sounds panel" + }, + "gui.importInfo.title": { + "message": "Pogledajte Scratch 2.0 projekt ", + "description": "Scratch 2.0 import modal label - for accessibility" + }, + "gui.importInfo.betamessage": { + "message": "Unesite poveznicu na jedan od svojih dijeljenih Scratch projekata. Izmjene napravljene u 3.0 Beta neće biti spremljene.", + "description": "Import project message" + }, + "gui.importInfo.message": { + "message": "Unesite poveznicu na jedan od svojih dijeljenih Scratch projekata. Promjene u 3.0 pregledu neće biti spremljene.", + "description": "Import project message" + }, + "gui.importInfo.invalidFormatError": { + "message": "Uh oh, poveznica na ovaj projekt ili njegov id ne odgovara.", + "description": "Invalid project link or id message" + }, + "gui.importModal.viewproject": { + "message": "Prikaz", + "description": "Label for button to load a scratch 2.0 project" + }, + "gui.importInfo.goback": { + "message": "Idi nazad", + "description": "Label for button to back out of importing a project" + }, + "gui.importInfo.previewfaq": { + "message": "Da biste saznali više, idite na stranicu.{previewFaqLink}", + "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 preview" + }, + "gui.importInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { + "message": "Često postavljana pitanja", + "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.comingSoon": { + "message": "Dolazi uskoro", + "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, + "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { + "message": "Traži", + "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" + }, + "gui.library.allTag": { + "message": "Sve", + "description": "Label for library tag to revert to all items after filtering by tag." + }, + "gui.loader.message1": { + "message": "Izrada blokova ...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.message2": { + "message": "Učitavanje likova...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.message3": { + "message": "Učitavanje zvuka...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.message4": { + "message": "Učitavanje proširenja ...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.message5": { + "message": "Udomljavanje mačaka ...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.message6": { + "message": "Prijenos nano ...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.message7": { + "message": "Napuhavanje gobova ...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.message8": { + "message": "Pripremam smajliće ...", + "description": "One of the loading messages" + }, + "gui.loader.headline": { + "message": "Učitavanje projekta", + "description": "Main loading message" + }, + "gui.accountMenu.profile": { + "message": "Profil", + "description": "Text to link to my user profile, in the account navigation menu" + }, + "gui.accountMenu.myStuff": { + "message": "Moje stvari", + "description": "Text to link to list of my projects, in the account navigation menu" + }, + "gui.accountMenu.myClasses": { + "message": "Moji razredi", + "description": "Text to link to my classes (if I am a teacher), in the account navigation menu" + }, + "gui.accountMenu.myClass": { + "message": "Moj razred", + "description": "Text to link to my class (if I am a student), in the account navigation menu" + }, + "gui.accountMenu.accountSettings": { + "message": "Postavke računa", + "description": "Text to link to my account settings, in the account navigation menu" + }, + "gui.accountMenu.signOut": { + "message": "Odjava", + "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" + }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Vidi zajednicu", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, + "general.username": { + "message": "Nadimak", + "description": "Label for login username input" + }, + "general.password": { + "message": "Lozinka", + "description": "Label for login password input" + }, + "general.signIn": { + "message": "Prijava", + "description": "Button text for user to sign in" + }, + "login.needHelp": { + "message": "Trebate li pomoć?", + "description": "Button text for user to indicate that they need help" + }, + "gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector": { + "message": "izbornik jezika", + "description": "accessibility text for the language selection menu" + }, + "gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary": { + "message": "Tutoriali", + "description": "accessibility text for the tutorials button" + }, + "gui.menuBar.restoreSprite": { + "message": "Vrati lika", + "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted sprite." + }, + "gui.menuBar.restoreSound": { + "message": "Vrati zvuk", + "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted sound." + }, + "gui.menuBar.restoreCostume": { + "message": "Nabavi kostim", + "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted costume." + }, + "gui.menuBar.restore": { + "message": "Vratiti", + "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted item in its disabled state." + }, + "gui.menuBar.saveNow": { + "message": "Spremi sada", + "description": "Menu bar item for saving now" + }, + "gui.menuBar.saveAsCopy": { + "message": "Spremi kao kopiju", + "description": "Menu bar item for saving as a copy" + }, + "gui.menuBar.remix": { + "message": "Obrada", + "description": "Menu bar item for remixing" + }, + "": { + "message": "Novo", + "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.file": { + "message": "Datoteka", + "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" + }, + "gui.menuBar.uploadFromComputer": { + "message": "Učitaj s računala", + "description": "Menu bar item for uploading a project from your computer" + }, + "gui.menuBar.downloadToComputer": { + "message": "Spremi na računalo", + "description": "Menu bar item for downloading a project to your computer" + }, + "gui.menuBar.edit": { + "message": "Uredi", + "description": "Text for edit dropdown menu" + }, + "gui.menuBar.turboModeOff": { + "message": "Isključite turbo način rada", + "description": "Menu bar item for turning off turbo mode" + }, + "gui.menuBar.turboModeOn": { + "message": "Uključite turbo način rada", + "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" + }, + "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { + "message": "Pridruži se Scratchu", + "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" + }, + "gui.menuBar.signIn": { + "message": "Prijavite se", + "description": "Link for signing in to your Scratch account" + }, + "gui.menuBar.giveFeedback": { + "message": "Ostavi povratnu informaciju", + "description": "Label for feedback form modal button" + }, + "gui.gui.projectTitlePlaceholder": { + "message": "Naslov projekta ", + "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" + }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Dijeljeno", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Dijeli", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, + "": { + "message": "Pomoć", + "description": "Help button in modal" + }, + "gui.modal.back": { + "message": "Nazad", + "description": "Back button in modal" + }, + "gui.monitor.listMonitor.empty": { + "message": "(prazno)", + "description": "Text shown on a list monitor when a list is empty" + }, + "gui.monitor.listMonitor.listLength": { + "message": "dužina{length}", + "description": "Length label on list monitors. DO NOT translate {length} (with brackets)." + }, + "gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": { + "message": "normalni prikaz", + "description": "Menu item to switch to the default monitor" + }, + "gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": { + "message": "veliki prikaz", + "description": "Menu item to switch to the large monitor" + }, + "gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": { + "message": "klizač", + "description": "Menu item to switch to the slider monitor" + }, + "gui.previewInfo.label": { + "message": "Probaj Scratch 3.0", + "description": "Scratch 3.0 modal label - for accessibility" + }, + "gui.previewInfo.welcome": { + "message": "Dobro došli u Scratch 3.0 Beta", + "description": "Header for Preview Info Modal" + }, + "gui.previewModal.notnowtooltip": { + "message": "Ne sada", + "description": "Tooltip for Not Now button" + }, + "gui.previewModal.tryittooltip": { + "message": "Probaj", + "description": "Tooltip for Try It button" + }, + "gui.previewModal.viewprojecttooltip": { + "message": "Vidi 2.0 projekt", + "description": "Tooltip for View 2.0 Project button" + }, + "gui.previewInfo.betawelcome": { + "message": "Dobro došli u Scratch 3.0 Beta", + "description": "Header for Beta Info Modal" + }, + "gui.previewInfo.invitation": { + "message": "Radimo na sljedećoj generaciji Scratch-a. Isprobajte ga! ", + "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta" + }, + "gui.previewInfo.notnow": { + "message": "Ne sada", + "description": "Label for button to back out of trying Scratch 3.0 Beta" + }, + "gui.previewModal.tryit": { + "message": "Probaj! {caticon}", + "description": "Label for button to try Scratch 3.0 Beta" + }, + "gui.previewModal.viewproject": { + "message": "Vidi 2.0 projekt", + "description": "Label for button to import a 2.0 project" + }, + "gui.previewInfo.previewfaq": { + "message": "Da biste saznali više, idite na stranicu.{previewFaqLink}", + "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta" + }, + "gui.previewInfo.previewfaqlinktext": { + "message": "Često postavljana pitanja", + "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" + }, + "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": { + "message": "Za sve likove", + "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it available to all sprites" + }, + "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly": { + "message": "Samo za ovaj lik", + "description": "Option message when creating a varaible for making it only available to the current sprite" + }, + "gui.gui.variablePrompt": { + "message": "Više opcija", + "description": "Dropdown message for variable/list options" + }, + "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": { + "message": "Ova će varijabla biti dostupna svim likovima.", + "description": "A message that displays in a variable modal when the stage is selected indicating that the variable being created will available to all sprites." + }, + "gui.prompt.cancel": { + "message": "Otkaži", + "description": "Button in prompt for cancelling the dialog" + }, + "gui.prompt.ok": { + "message": "U redu", + "description": "Button in prompt for confirming the dialog" + }, + "gui.playbackStep.stopMsg": { + "message": "Zaustavi", + "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" + }, + "gui.playbackStep.playMsg": { + "message": "Pokreni", + "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" + }, + "gui.playbackStep.loadingMsg": { + "message": "Učitavam...", + "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" + }, + "gui.playbackStep.saveMsg": { + "message": "Spremi", + "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" + }, + "gui.playbackStep.reRecordMsg": { + "message": "Snimi ponovno", + "description": "Button to re-record sound in recording playback" + }, + "gui.recordModal.title": { + "message": "Snimi zvuk", + "description": "Recording modal title" + }, + "gui.recordingStep.beginRecord": { + "message": "Započnite snimanje klikom na gumb u nastavku", + "description": "Message for recording sound modal" + }, + "gui.recordingStep.permission": { + "message": "{arrow}Trebamo vašu dozvolu za korištenje mikrofona", + "description": "Permission required notice in recording sound modal. Do not translate {arrow}" + }, + "gui.recordingStep.stop": { + "message": "Zaustavi snimanje", + "description": "Stop recording button label" + }, + "gui.recordingStep.record": { + "message": "Snimi", + "description": "Record button label" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.sound": { + "message": "Zvuk", + "description": "Label for the name of the sound" + }, + "": { + "message": "Pokreni", + "description": "Title of the button to start playing the sound" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.stop": { + "message": "Zaustavi", + "description": "Title of the button to stop the sound" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.trim": { + "message": "Izreži", + "description": "Title of the button to start trimminging the sound" + }, + "": { + "message": "Spremi", + "description": "Title of the button to save trimmed sound" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.undo": { + "message": "Poništi", + "description": "Title of the button to undo" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.redo": { + "message": "Ponovi", + "description": "Title of the button to redo" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.faster": { + "message": "Brže", + "description": "Title of the button to apply the faster effect" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.slower": { + "message": "Sporije", + "description": "Title of the button to apply the slower effect" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.echo": { + "message": "Jeka", + "description": "Title of the button to apply the echo effect" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.robot": { + "message": "Robot", + "description": "Title of the button to apply the robot effect" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.louder": { + "message": "Glasnije", + "description": "Title of the button to apply the louder effect" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.softer": { + "message": "Blaže", + "description": "Title of the button to apply thr.softer effect" + }, + "gui.soundEditor.reverse": { + "message": "Obrnuto", + "description": "Title of the button to apply the reverse effect" + }, + "gui.SpriteInfo.spritePlaceholder": { + "message": "Ime", + "description": "Placeholder text for sprite name" + }, + "gui.SpriteInfo.sprite": { + "message": "Lik", + "description": "Sprite info label" + }, + "": { + "message": "Prikaži", + "description": "Sprite info show label" + }, + "gui.SpriteInfo.size": { + "message": "Veličina", + "description": "Sprite info size label" + }, + "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate": { + "message": "Dupliciraj", + "description": "Menu item to duplicate in the right click menu" + }, + "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete": { + "message": "obriši", + "description": "Menu item to delete in the right click menu" + }, + "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport": { + "message": "izvoz", + "description": "Menu item to export the selected item" + }, + "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary": { + "message": "Odaberi lik", + "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from library" + }, + "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint": { + "message": "Naslikaj", + "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from paint" + }, + "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromSurprise": { + "message": "Iznenađenje", + "description": "Button to add a random sprite in the target pane" + }, + "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile": { + "message": "Učitaj lik", + "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from file" + }, + "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeLarge": { + "message": "Prijeđi na veliku pozornicu", + "description": "Button to change stage size to large" + }, + "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeSmall": { + "message": "Prijeđi na malu pozornicu", + "description": "Button to change stage size to small" + }, + "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeFull": { + "message": "Rad preko cijelog zaslona", + "description": "Button to change stage size to full screen" + }, + "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeUnFull": { + "message": "Izađite iz cijelog zaslona", + "description": "Button to get out of full screen mode" + }, + "gui.stageHeader.fullscreenControl": { + "message": "Kontrola cijelog zaslona", + "description": "Button to enter/exit full screen mode" + }, + "gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary": { + "message": "Odaberi pozadinu", + "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from library" + }, + "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint": { + "message": "Naslikaj", + "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from paint" + }, + "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromSurprise": { + "message": "Iznenađenje", + "description": "Button to add a random stage in the target pane" + }, + "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile": { + "message": "Učitaj pozadinu", + "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from file" + }, + "gui.stageSelector.stage": { + "message": "Pozornica", + "description": "Label for the stage in the stage selector" + }, + "gui.stageSelector.backdrops": { + "message": "Pozadine", + "description": "Label for the backdrops in the stage selector" + }, + "": { + "message": "Turbo način", + "description": "Label indicating turbo mode is active" + }, + "gui.webglModal.label": { + "message": "Preglednik ne podržava WebGL", + "description": "WebGL missing title" + }, + "gui.webglModal.description": { + "message": "Nažalost, izgleda kao da Vaš preglednik ili računalo{webGlLink}. Ova tehnologija je neophodna za pokretanje Scratcha 3.0.", + "description": "WebGL missing message" + }, + "gui.webglModal.webgllink": { + "message": "ne podržava WebGL", + "description": "link part of your browser does not support WebGL message" + }, + "gui.webglModal.back": { + "message": "Nazad", + "description": "Label for button go back when browser is unsupported" + }, + "gui.webglModal.previewfaq": { + "message": "Da biste saznali više, idite na stranicu.{previewFaqLink}", + "description": "Scratch 3.0 FAQ description" + }, + "gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext": { + "message": "Često postavljana pitanja", + "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" + }, + "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": { + "message": "Odaberi pozadinu", + "description": "Heading for the backdrop library" + }, + "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume": { + "message": "Odaberi kostim", + "description": "Heading for the costume library" + }, + "gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary": { + "message": "Odaberi pozadinu", + "description": "Button to add a backdrop in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary": { + "message": "Odaberi kostim", + "description": "Button to add a costume in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume": { + "message": "Naslikaj", + "description": "Button to add a blank costume in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.costumeTab.addSurpriseCostume": { + "message": "Iznenađenje", + "description": "Button to add a surprise costume in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.costumeTab.addFileBackdrop": { + "message": "Učitaj pozadinu", + "description": "Button to add a backdrop by uploading a file in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.costumeTab.addFileCostume": { + "message": "Prenesi kostim", + "description": "Button to add a costume by uploading a file in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.costumeTab.addCameraCostume": { + "message": "Kamera", + "description": "Button to use the camera to create a costume costume in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension": { + "message": "Odaberi proširenje", + "description": "Heading for the extension library" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl": { + "message": "Unesi URL proširenja", + "description": "Prompt for unoffical extension url" + }, + "gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle": { + "message": "Scratch projekt", + "description": "Default title for project" + }, + "gui.recordingStep.alertMsg": { + "message": "Nije moguće započeti snimanje", + "description": "Alert for recording error" + }, + "gui.projectLoader.loadError": { + "message": "Odabrana datoteka projekta nije se učitala.", + "description": "An error that displays when a local project file fails to load." + }, + "gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound": { + "message": "Odaberi zvuk", + "description": "Heading for the sound library" + }, + "gui.soundTab.fileUploadSound": { + "message": "Učitaj zvuk", + "description": "Button to upload sound from file in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.soundTab.surpriseSound": { + "message": "Iznenađenje", + "description": "Button to get a random sound in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.soundTab.recordSound": { + "message": "Snimi", + "description": "Button to record a sound in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary": { + "message": "Odaberi zvuk", + "description": "Button to add a sound in the editor tab" + }, + "gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": { + "message": "Odaberi lik", + "description": "Heading for the sprite library" + }, + "gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": { + "message": "Odaberi vodič", + "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" + }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Stvaram...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Spremam...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, + "gui.defaultProject.meow": { + "message": "Mijau", + "description": "Name for the meow sound" + }, + "gui.defaultProject.variable": { + "message": "moja varijabla", + "description": "Name for the default variable" + }, + "": { + "message": "Početak rada", + "description": "Name for the 'Getting Started' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.intro-move.step_stepMove": { + "message": "Dodaj blok za premještanje", + "description": "Step name for 'Add a move block' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": { + "message": "Kliknite zelenu zastavicu da biste započeli", + "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { + "message": "Napravi animacije koje govore", + "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { + "message": "Dodaj tekst u blokove govora", + "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" + }, + "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { + "message": "Reci nešto", + "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { + "message": "Postavike za glas", + "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { + "message": "Pomakni se ", + "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { + "message": "Dodaj pozadinu", + "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { + "message": "Dodaj još jedan znak", + "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { + "message": "Izvedi pjesmu", + "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { + "message": "Promijeni boju", + "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { + "message": "Zavrti se", + "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" + }, + "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { + "message": "Uvećajte se i smanjite", + "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { + "message": "Animiraj avanturističku igru", + "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { + "message": "Odaberi znak za prikaz", + "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { + "message": "Reci nešto", + "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide": { + "message": "Klizi", + "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { + "message": "Odaberi objekt za potragu", + "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { + "message": "Prikupiti objekte", + "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { + "message": "Napravi varijablu za rezultat", + "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { + "message": "Sačuvaj rezultat", + "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { + "message": "Sljedeća razina: promjena pozadine", + "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" + }, + "": { + "message": "Animiraj ime", + "description": "Name for the 'Animate a Name' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter": { + "message": "Odaberi lik slovo ", + "description": "Step name for 'Pick a Letter Sprite' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePlaySound": { + "message": "Pusti zvuk kad je kliknuto", + "description": "Step name for 'Play a Sound When Clicked' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter2": { + "message": "Odaberi još jedan lik slovo", + "description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite" + }, + "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateChangeColor": { + "message": "Promijeni boju", + "description": "Step name for 'Change color' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateSpin": { + "message": "Odaberi još jedan lik slovo& Zavrti ga", + "description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Spin' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateGrow": { + "message": "Odaberi još jedan lik slovo& Povećaj ga", + "description": "Step name for 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Grow!' step" + }, + "": { + "message": "Napravi glazbu", + "description": "Name for the 'Make Music' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PickInstrument": { + "message": "Odaberi lik Instrument", + "description": "Step name for 'Pick an Instrument Sprite' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PlaySoundClick": { + "message": "Pokreni zvuk kad je kliknuto", + "description": "Step name for 'Play Sound When Clicked' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_MakeSong": { + "message": "Stvori pjesmu", + "description": "Step name for 'Create a Song' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeat": { + "message": "Odaberi bubanj& stvori ritam", + "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Drum & Make a Beat' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeatBox": { + "message": "Odaberi lik Mikrofon&Iznenadi pozornicu", + "description": "Step name for 'Choose the Microphone Sprite & Surprise Beatbox' step" + }, + "": { + "message": "Napravi igru ​​klikova", + "description": "Name for the 'Make a Clicker Game' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.Make-A-Game.step_GamePickSprite": { + "message": "Odaberi lika", + "description": "Step name for 'Pick A Sprite' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GamePlaySound": { + "message": "Pokreni zvuk kad je kliknuto", + "description": "Play Sound When Clicked' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameAddScore": { + "message": "Napravi varijablu za rezultat", + "description": "Step name for 'Create Score Variable' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameChangeScore": { + "message": "Kad je kliknuto uvećaj rezultat", + "description": "Step name for 'When Clicked Increase Score' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_Random": { + "message": "Idi na slučajni položaj", + "description": "Step name for 'Go to a random position' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-music.step_GameChangeColor": { + "message": "Promijeni boju", + "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-music.step_ResetScore": { + "message": "Poništi rezultat", + "description": "Step name for 'Reset Score' step" + }, + "": { + "message": "Napravi igru lovice", + "description": "Name for the 'Make a Chase Game' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_BG": { + "message": "Dodaj pozadinu", + "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" + }, + "": { + "message": "Dodaj novi lik", + "description": "Step name for 'Add a Sprite' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.make-music.step_LeftRight": { + "message": "Pomiči se desno i lijevo s tipkama sa strelicama", + "description": "Step name for 'Move Right & Left With Arrow Keys' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_UpDown": { + "message": "Pomiči se gore i dolje tipkama sa strelicama", + "description": "Step name for 'Move Up & Down With Arrow Keys' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_AddStar": { + "message": "Dodaj još jedan lik", + "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Sprite' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_MoveRandom": { + "message": "Nasumično kretanje", + "description": "Step name for 'Move Randomly' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch": { + "message": "U liku hobotnice, kad dodirne sviraj zvuk", + "description": "Step name for 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Play Sound' step" + }, + "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_ScoreVariable": { + "message": "Napravi varijablu za rezultat", + "description": "Step name for 'Create Score Variable" + }, + "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.ScoreWhenTouch": { + "message": "U liku hobotnice, kad je dodiruje dodaj rezultat", + "description": "Step name for 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Add Score step" + }, + "": { + "message": "Dodaj novi lik", + "description": "Name for the 'Add a Sprite' how-to" + }, + "gui.howtos.add-sprite.step_addSprite": { + "message": "Dodaj novi lik", + "description": "Step name for 'Add a new sprite' step" + }, + "": { + "message": "Dodaj pozadinu", + "description": "Name for the 'Add a Backdrop' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Promijeni veličinu", + "description": "Name for the 'Change Size' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Klizi", + "description": "Name for the 'Glide Around' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Snimi zvuk", + "description": "Record A Sound' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Rotiraj", + "description": "Name for the 'Make It Spin' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Sakrij i pokaži", + "description": "Name for the 'Hide and Show' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Animiraj lik", + "description": "Name for the 'Animate a Sprite' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Koristi navigacijske tipke", + "description": "Name for the 'Use Arrow Keys' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Dodaj efekt", + "description": "Name for the 'Add Effects' how-to" + }, + "": { + "message": "Glazba", + "description": "Name for the 'Music' extension" + }, + "": { + "message": "Sviraj na instrumentima i bubnjevima.", + "description": "Description for the 'Music' extension" + }, + "": { + "message": "Olovka", + "description": "Name for the 'Pen' extension" + }, + "gui.extension.pen.description": { + "message": "Crtaj pomoću likova", + "description": "Description for the 'Pen' extension" + }, + "": { + "message": "Video", + "description": "Name for the 'Video Sensing' extension" + }, + "gui.extension.videosensing.description": { + "message": "Osjećaj pokreta s kamerom.", + "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" + }, + "": { + "message": "Tekst u govor", + "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" + }, + "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { + "message": "Neka Vaši projekti govore.", + "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" + }, + "": { + "message": "Prevedi", + "description": "Name for the Translate extension" + }, + "gui.extension.translate.description": { + "message": "Prevedi tekst na puno jezika.", + "description": "Description for the Translate extension" + }, + "gui.extension.microbit.description": { + "message": "Poveži svoj projekt sa svijetom.", + "description": "Description for the 'micro:bit' extension" + }, + "gui.extension.microbit.connectingMessage": { + "message": "Povezivanje", + "description": "Message to help people connect to their micro:bit." + }, + "gui.extension.ev3.description": { + "message": "Izgradi interaktivne robote i još mnogo toga.", + "description": "Description for the 'LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3' extension" + }, + "gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": { + "message": "Spajanje. Provjeri je li pin na EV3 postavljen na 1234.", + "description": "Message to help people connect to their EV3. Must note the PIN should be 1234." + }, + "gui.extension.wedo2.description": { + "message": "Gradi s motorima i senzorima.", + "description": "Description for the 'LEGO WeDo 2.0' extension" + }, + "gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": { + "message": "Povezivanje", + "description": "Message to help people connect to their WeDo." + }, + "gui.libraryTags.all": { + "message": "Sve", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for everything" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.animals": { + "message": "Životinje", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for animals" + }, + "": { + "message": "Ples", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for dance" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.effects": { + "message": "Efekti", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for effects" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.fantasy": { + "message": "Fantazija", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for fantasy" + }, + "": { + "message": "Moda", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for fashion" + }, + "": { + "message": "Hrana", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for food" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.indoors": { + "message": "Unutra", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for indoors" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.loops": { + "message": "Petlje", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for loops" + }, + "": { + "message": "Glazba", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for music" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.notes": { + "message": "Bilješke", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for notes" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.outdoors": { + "message": "Vani", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for outdoors" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.patterns": { + "message": "Uzorak", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for patterns" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.people": { + "message": "Ljudi", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for people" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.percussion": { + "message": "Udaraljke", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for percussion" + }, + "": { + "message": "Prostor", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for space" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.sports": { + "message": "Sport", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for sports" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.underwater": { + "message": "Podvodni", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for underwater" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.voice": { + "message": "Glas", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for voice" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.wacky": { + "message": "Ćaknut", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for wacky" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.animation": { + "message": "Animacija", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for animation" + }, + "": { + "message": "Umjetnost", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for art" + }, + "": { + "message": "Igre", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for games" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.stories": { + "message": "Priče", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" + }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { + "message": "smjer", + "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.xposition": { + "message": "x položaj", + "description": "Label for the x position monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.yposition": { + "message": "y položaj", + "description": "Label for the y position monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.size": { + "message": "veličina", + "description": "Label for the size monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.costumename": { + "message": "naziv kostima", + "description": "Label for the costume name monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.costumenumber": { + "message": "Broj kostima", + "description": "Label for the costume number monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.backdropname": { + "message": "naziv pozadine", + "description": "Label for the backdrop name monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.backdropnumber": { + "message": "Broj pozadine", + "description": "Label for the backdrop number monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.volume": { + "message": "jačina zvuka", + "description": "Label for the volume monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.tempo": { + "message": "tempo", + "description": "Label for the tempo monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.answer": { + "message": "odgovor", + "description": "Label for the answer monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.loudness": { + "message": "glasnoća", + "description": "Label for the loudness monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.username": { + "message": "nadimak", + "description": "Label for the username monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.year": { + "message": "godina", + "description": "Label for the current year monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.month": { + "message": "mjesec", + "description": "Label for the current month monitor when shown on the stage." + }, + "": { + "message": "dan", + "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { + "message": "dan u tjednu", + "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { + "message": "sat", + "description": "Label for the current hour monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.minute": { + "message": "minuta", + "description": "Label for the current minute monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.second": { + "message": "sekunda", + "description": "Label for the current second monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.opcodeLabels.timer": { + "message": "štoperica", + "description": "Label for the timer monitor when shown on the stage" + }, + "gui.sharedMessages.backdrop": { + "message": "pozadina{index}", + "description": "Default name for a new backdrop, scratch will automatically adjust the number if necessary" + }, + "gui.sharedMessages.costume": { + "message": "kostim{index}", + "description": "Default name for a new costume, scratch will automatically adjust the number if necessary" + }, + "gui.sharedMessages.sprite": { + "message": "Lik{index}", + "description": "Default name for a new sprite, scratch will automatically adjust the number if necessary" + }, + "gui.sharedMessages.pop": { + "message": "pop", + "description": "Name of the pop sound, the default sound added to a sprite" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/editor/interface/ht.json b/editor/interface/ht.json index cc4fd314..6d339a5a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ht.json +++ b/editor/interface/ht.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Dekonekte", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nouvo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Pataje", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fichye", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Pataje", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direksyon", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/hu.json b/editor/interface/hu.json index 728bc6b9..407c4112 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hu.json +++ b/editor/interface/hu.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Hamarosan", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Keresés", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Kijelentkezés", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Közösség megtekintése", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Felhasználónév", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Új", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Megosztás", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fájl", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Kapcsolja be a turbó módot", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Közösség megtekintése", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Regisztrálj", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Megosztás", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Súgó", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Válassz Útmutatót", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Létrehozás...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Mentés folyamatban...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Történetek", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Betűk", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "iránya", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/hy.json b/editor/interface/hy.json index 437aaf40..7439ca3e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/hy.json +++ b/editor/interface/hy.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Դուրս գրվել", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Օգտվողի անունը", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Նոր", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Կիսվել", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Ֆայլ", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Կիսվել", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Ստեղծում է...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Պահում է...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ուղղություն", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/id.json b/editor/interface/id.json index 8b0c3d09..4743a083 100644 --- a/editor/interface/id.json +++ b/editor/interface/id.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Akan Segera Datang", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Cari", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Keluar", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Lihat Komunitas", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nama Pengguna", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Baru", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Bagikan", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Terbagikan", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Berkas", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Lihat Komunitas", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Bergabung dengan Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Terbagikan", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Bagikan", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Bantuan", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Pilih sebuah Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Membuat...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Menyimpan...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Cerita", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Huruf", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "arah", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ig.json b/editor/interface/ig.json index 1946e660..0dd77058 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ig.json +++ b/editor/interface/ig.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "description": "" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": { - "message": "\nAnyị nwere mwute, ma ọkọlọtọ 3.0 anaghị akwado Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera ma ọ bụ Silk. Anyị na-akwado ịnwale ihe nchọgharị ọhụrụ dị ka Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, ma ọ bụ Microsoft Edge. ", + "message": "Ewela iwe, Scratch 3.0 anaghị akwado Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera ma ọ bụ Silk. O ga-aka nma iji ihe nchọgharị ọhụrụ dị ka Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, ma ọ bụ Microsoft Edge. ", "description": "Unsupported browser description" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": { @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ "description": "A button that allows the user to take the picture again, replacing the old one" }, "": { - "message": "Save", + "message": "Dozie", "description": "A button that allows the user to save the photo they took as a costume" }, "gui.cameraModal.takePhoto": { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "description": "Title for button to see more in how-to library" }, "gui.comingSoon.message1": { - "message": "Ewela nchegbu ,anyi na-elebara anya na ya", + "message": "Enyela onwe gi nsogbu, anyi na-elebara ya anya {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message2": { @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.error.helpbutton": { - "message": "Nyere aka", + "message": "Enyemaka", "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.connection.peripheral-name-label": { @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ "description": "Button to initiate trying the device connection again after an error" }, "gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton": { - "message": "Nyere aka", + "message": "Enyemaka", "description": "Button to view help content" }, "gui.controls.go": { @@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ "description": "Label for checkbox to run without screen refresh" }, "gui.customProcedures.cancel": { - "message": "Cancel", + "message": "Kagbuo", "description": "Label for button to cancel custom procedure edits" }, "gui.customProcedures.ok": { - "message": "OK", + "message": "O dinma", "description": "Label for button to save new custom procedure" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.direction": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Lee obodo", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Lee obodo", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,8 +503,16 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { - "message": "Nyere aka", + "message": "Enyemaka", "description": "Help button in modal" }, "gui.modal.back": { @@ -536,11 +548,11 @@ "description": "Header for Preview Info Modal" }, "gui.previewModal.notnowtooltip": { - "message": "Ugbua ugbua", + "message": "O bughi ugbua", "description": "Tooltip for Not Now button" }, "gui.previewModal.tryittooltip": { - "message": "Try It", + "message": "Nwaa ya", "description": "Tooltip for Try It button" }, "gui.previewModal.viewprojecttooltip": { @@ -552,15 +564,15 @@ "description": "Header for Beta Info Modal" }, "gui.previewInfo.invitation": { - "message": "We're working on the next generation of Scratch. We're excited for you to try it!", + "message": "Anyi na-aru oru iweputa Scratchi nke ohuru. O ga eme anyi obi uto ma inwale ya!", "description": "Invitation to try 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewInfo.notnow": { - "message": "Ugbua ugbua", + "message": "Obughi ugbua", "description": "Label for button to back out of trying Scratch 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewModal.tryit": { - "message": "Try It! {caticon}", + "message": "Nwaa ya!{caticon}", "description": "Label for button to try Scratch 3.0 Beta" }, "gui.previewModal.viewproject": { @@ -576,7 +588,7 @@ "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": { - "message": "For all sprites", + "message": "Nke spraiti niile", "description": "Option message when creating a variable for making it available to all sprites" }, "gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly": { @@ -592,11 +604,11 @@ "description": "A message that displays in a variable modal when the stage is selected indicating that the variable being created will available to all sprites." }, "gui.prompt.cancel": { - "message": "Cancel", + "message": "Kagbuo", "description": "Button in prompt for cancelling the dialog" }, "gui.prompt.ok": { - "message": "OK", + "message": "O dinma", "description": "Button in prompt for confirming the dialog" }, "gui.playbackStep.stopMsg": { @@ -604,7 +616,7 @@ "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.playMsg": { - "message": "Play", + "message": "Kpọọ", "description": "Stop/Play button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.loadingMsg": { @@ -612,7 +624,7 @@ "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.saveMsg": { - "message": "Save", + "message": "Dozie", "description": "Loading/Save button in recording playback" }, "gui.playbackStep.reRecordMsg": { @@ -644,11 +656,11 @@ "description": "Label for the name of the sound" }, "": { - "message": "Play", + "message": "Kpọọ", "description": "Title of the button to start playing the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.stop": { - "message": "Kwusi", + "message": "Kwụsị", "description": "Title of the button to stop the sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.trim": { @@ -656,23 +668,23 @@ "description": "Title of the button to start trimminging the sound" }, "": { - "message": "Save", + "message": "Dozie", "description": "Title of the button to save trimmed sound" }, "gui.soundEditor.undo": { - "message": "Megharia", + "message": "Megharia azu", "description": "Title of the button to undo" }, "gui.soundEditor.redo": { - "message": "Megharia ilu", + "message": "Megharia ihu", "description": "Title of the button to redo" }, "gui.soundEditor.faster": { - "message": "Faster", + "message": "Ọsọ-ọsọ", "description": "Title of the button to apply the faster effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.slower": { - "message": "Nwayoo", + "message": "Nwayọọ", "description": "Title of the button to apply the slower effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.echo": { @@ -684,27 +696,27 @@ "description": "Title of the button to apply the robot effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.louder": { - "message": "Louder", + "message": "Welite olu", "description": "Title of the button to apply the louder effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.softer": { - "message": "Softer", + "message": "Wedata olu", "description": "Title of the button to apply thr.softer effect" }, "gui.soundEditor.reverse": { - "message": "Reverse", + "message": "Tụgharia azụ", "description": "Title of the button to apply the reverse effect" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.spritePlaceholder": { - "message": "Name", + "message": "Aha", "description": "Placeholder text for sprite name" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.sprite": { - "message": "Sprite", + "message": "Spraiti", "description": "Sprite info label" }, "": { - "message": "Show", + "message": "Gosi", "description": "Sprite info show label" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.size": { @@ -712,19 +724,19 @@ "description": "Sprite info size label" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate": { - "message": "duplicate", + "message": "mee oyiri", "description": "Menu item to duplicate in the right click menu" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete": { - "message": "delete", + "message": "kpochapu", "description": "Menu item to delete in the right click menu" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport": { - "message": "export", + "message": "zipu", "description": "Menu item to export the selected item" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary": { - "message": "Choose a Sprite", + "message": "Ghọrọ otu Spraiti", "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from library" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint": { @@ -736,15 +748,15 @@ "description": "Button to add a random sprite in the target pane" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile": { - "message": "Upload Sprite", + "message": "Wegoro Spraịtị", "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from file" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeLarge": { - "message": "Switch to large stage", + "message": "Gbanwee ka ọ bụrụ stagi nke ukwu", "description": "Button to change stage size to large" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeSmall": { - "message": "Switch to small stage", + "message": "Gbanwee ka ọ bụrụ stagi nke nta", "description": "Button to change stage size to small" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeFull": { @@ -760,7 +772,7 @@ "description": "Button to enter/exit full screen mode" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary": { - "message": "Choose a Backdrop", + "message": "Ghọrọ otu bakdrọpụ", "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from library" }, "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint": { @@ -812,7 +824,7 @@ "description": "link to Scratch 3.0 FAQ page" }, "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": { - "message": "Choose a Backdrop", + "message": "Ghọrọ otu bakdrọpụ", "description": "Heading for the backdrop library" }, "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume": { @@ -820,7 +832,7 @@ "description": "Heading for the costume library" }, "gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary": { - "message": "Choose a Backdrop", + "message": "Ghọrọ otu bakdrọpụ", "description": "Button to add a backdrop in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary": { @@ -888,13 +900,29 @@ "description": "Button to add a sound in the editor tab" }, "gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": { - "message": "Choose a Sprite", + "message": "Ghọrọ otu Spraiti", "description": "Heading for the sprite library" }, "gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": { "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "uzọ njem", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/is.json b/editor/interface/is.json index 3e8fa6fc..aef160a2 100644 --- a/editor/interface/is.json +++ b/editor/interface/is.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Kemur bráðlega", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Leita", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Útskrá", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Sjá samfélag", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Notandanafn", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Ný", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Deila", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Deilt", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Skrá", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Kveikja á snöggham", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Sjá samfélag", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Taktu þátt í Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Deilt", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Deila", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Hjálp", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Veldu kennsuefni", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Smíða...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Vista...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Sögur", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Bókstafir", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "átt", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/it.json b/editor/interface/it.json index ecd69519..04fce8ec 100644 --- a/editor/interface/it.json +++ b/editor/interface/it.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Ricollega", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Disponibile a Breve", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Cerca", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Esci", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Vai alla Comunità", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nome utente", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nuovo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Condividi", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Condiviso", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Attiva Modalità Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Vai alla Comunità", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Unisciti alla comunità di Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Inserisci il titolo del progetto", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Condiviso", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Condividi", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Aiuto", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Scegli un Tutorial.", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creazione in corso...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Salvataggio in corso...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miao", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Scegli un Personaggio da Mostrare", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Scegli un Oggetto da Acchiappare", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Raccogli gli Oggetti", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Crea una Variabile per il Punteggio", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Impariamo qualcosa di Nuovo: come Cambiare lo Sfondo", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Storie", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Lettere", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direzione", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json b/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json index 114e4aaa..7a64ee9f 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json +++ b/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "きんじつこうかい", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "けんさく", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "サインアウト", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "コミュニティーをみる", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "ユーザーめい", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "しんき", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "きょうゆうする", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "きょうゆうされたもの", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "ファイル", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "コミュニティーをみる", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratchで作成", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "きょうゆうされたもの", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "きょうゆうする", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "ヘルプ", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "チュートリアルをえらぶ", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "さくせいちゅう...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "ほぞんちゅう...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "物語(ものがたり)", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "もじ", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "むき", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ja.json b/editor/interface/ja.json index 47c0e857..282130f6 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ja.json +++ b/editor/interface/ja.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "再接続", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "近日公開", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "検索", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "サインアウト", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "コミュニティーを見る", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "ユーザー名", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "新規", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "共有する", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "共有されたもの", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "ファイル", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "ターボモードにする", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "コミュニティーを見る", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratchに参加しよう", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "プロジェクトのタイトルを入力", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "共有されたもの", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "共有する", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "ヘルプ", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "チュートリアルを選ぶ", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "作成中...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "保存中...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "ニャー", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "表示するキャラクターを選ぶ", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "追いかける物を選ぶ", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "物を集める", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "スコアの変数を作る", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "レベルアップ: 背景を変える", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "物語", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "文字", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "向き", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ka.json b/editor/interface/ka.json index d2d9d244..f85a2d8f 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ka.json +++ b/editor/interface/ka.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "მალე იქნება", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "ძიება", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "გამოსვლა", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "ნახე ჯგუფი", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "მომხმარებლის სახელი", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "ახალი", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "გააზიარე", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "ფაილი", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "ჩართე ტურბო მოდი", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "ნახე ჯგუფი", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "შეურთდით Scratch-ს", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "პროექტის სახელი აქ", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "გააზიარე", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "დახმარება", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "აირჩია ინსტრუქცია", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "მიაუუ", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "ისტორიები", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "მიმართულება", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/kk.json b/editor/interface/kk.json index b6ccd631..29e95220 100644 --- a/editor/interface/kk.json +++ b/editor/interface/kk.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Іздеу", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Шығу", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Пайдаланушының аты", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Жаңа", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Бөлісу", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Бөлісті", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Файл", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratch-ке қосылу", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Бөлісті", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Бөлісу", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Көмек", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Жасау...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Сақтау...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Әңгімелер", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Әріптер", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "бағыт", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/kn.json b/editor/interface/kn.json index ccc2d01f..84fa753b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/kn.json +++ b/editor/interface/kn.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ದಿಕ್ಕು", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ko.json b/editor/interface/ko.json index 5c9f3d21..1569353a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ko.json +++ b/editor/interface/ko.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "다시 연결", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "description": "Loading backpack message" }, "gui.backpack.more": { - "message": "기타", + "message": "더 보기", "description": "Load more from backpack" }, "gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "곧 이용 가능", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "검색", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "로그 아웃", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "커뮤니티 방문하기", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "사용자 이름", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "새로 만들기", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "공유", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "공유됨", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "파일", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "터보 모드 켜기", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "커뮤니티 방문하기", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "스크래치 가입", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "프로젝트 제목을 입력하세요", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "공유됨", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "공유", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "도움말", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -592,7 +604,7 @@ "description": "A message that displays in a variable modal when the stage is selected indicating that the variable being created will available to all sprites." }, "gui.prompt.cancel": { - "message": "취소하기", + "message": "취소", "description": "Button in prompt for cancelling the dialog" }, "gui.prompt.ok": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "튜토리얼 고르기", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "생성중...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "저장중...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "야옹", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -920,7 +948,7 @@ "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "말하기 블록에 텍스트 추가", + "message": "텍스트 음성 변환 블록 추가하기", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -928,7 +956,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "목소리 설정", + "message": "목소리 정하기", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { @@ -952,11 +980,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "돌기", + "message": "빙글빙글 돌기", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "커지고 사라지기", + "message": "커지고 작아지기", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "보여줄 캐릭터 고르기", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "쫓아갈 물건 고르기", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "물건 모으기", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "점수 변수 만들기 ", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "레벨 업: 배경 바꾸기", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1188,11 +1216,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "글자를 말로", + "message": "텍스트 음성 변환(TTS)", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "당신의 프로젝트가 대화하게 해보기", + "message": "프로젝트가 말하게 만드세요.", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "": { @@ -1320,9 +1348,13 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for games" }, "gui.libraryTags.stories": { - "message": "스토리", + "message": "이야기", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "글자", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "방향", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ku.json b/editor/interface/ku.json index e25e552e..a167af11 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ku.json +++ b/editor/interface/ku.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "rex", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/la.json b/editor/interface/la.json index 331f7138..31a99cac 100644 --- a/editor/interface/la.json +++ b/editor/interface/la.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Quaerere", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Exire", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nomen usatoris", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nouveau", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Sententiae", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Adi Scratchem", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Auxilium", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Historiae", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "directio", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/lg.json b/editor/interface/lg.json index 63e871a8..0fb0288b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lg.json +++ b/editor/interface/lg.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/lo.json b/editor/interface/lo.json index a130e0b7..75255c70 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lo.json +++ b/editor/interface/lo.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "ໃຫມ່", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "ແບ່ງປັນ", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "ໄຟລ", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "ແບ່ງປັນ", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "ສ້າງ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "ກຳລັງບັນທຶກ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "ຕົວໜັງສື", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ທິດທາງ", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/lt.json b/editor/interface/lt.json index e6d07351..bc1ad425 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lt.json +++ b/editor/interface/lt.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Prisijungti iš naujo", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Netrukus", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Paieška", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Atsijungti", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Žiūrėti bendruomenę", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Naudotojo vardas", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -404,7 +420,7 @@ "description": "Button text for user to sign in" }, "login.needHelp": { - "message": "Need Help?", + "message": "Reikia pagalbos?", "description": "Button text for user to indicate that they need help" }, "gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector": { @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Naujas", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Bendrinti", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Bendrinama", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Failas", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Įjungti Turbo režimą", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Žiūrėti bendruomenę", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Prisiregistruoti Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Vieta projekto antraštei", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Bendrinama", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Bendrinti", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Pagalba", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Pasirinkite pamoką", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Kuriama...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Išsaugoma...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -980,7 +1008,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Surinkti objektus", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Pasakojimai", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "kryptis", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/lv.json b/editor/interface/lv.json index 497c478e..6eb6832a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/lv.json +++ b/editor/interface/lv.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Savienot vēlreiz", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Turpinājumā", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Meklēt", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Iziet", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Skatīt kopienu", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Lietotāja vārds", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Jauns", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Kopīgot", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Kopīgotie", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fails", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Ieslēgt turbo režīmu", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Skatīt kopienu", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Pievienojies Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Projekta virsraksts", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Kopīgotie", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Kopīgot", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Palīdzība", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Izvēlēties pamācību", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Izveido...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saglabā...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Ņau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Izvēlies parādāmo personāžu", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Izvēlies objektu, kurš tiks ķerts", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Krāt objektus", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Izveidot mainīgo, kas skaitīs punktus", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Paaugstināts līmenis: Nomaini fonu", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stāsti", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Burti", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "virziens", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/mg.json b/editor/interface/mg.json index 59bdd347..e6f140ca 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mg.json +++ b/editor/interface/mg.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Vaovao", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Zaraina", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fitanterana", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Zaraina", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Famoronana an-dalam�.", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Litera", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "tari-dalana", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/mi.json b/editor/interface/mi.json index 48d4fb13..573512aa 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mi.json +++ b/editor/interface/mi.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Ākuanei kei konei", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Rapua", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Takiputa", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Tirohia te Hapori", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Tohu Tuakiri", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Hou", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Tuaritia", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Kua tuaritia", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Kōnae", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Whakakāngia te Aratau Kapongao", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Tirohia te Hapori", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Hono mai ki te Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Ingoa kaupapa ki konei", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Kua tuaritia", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Tuaritia", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Āwhina", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Kōwhiria he Akoranga", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Kei te waihanga...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Kei te tiaki...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miao", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Ngā Pakiwaitara", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Ngā reta", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ahunga", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/mn.json b/editor/interface/mn.json index b14c04e4..4dbca656 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mn.json +++ b/editor/interface/mn.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Бүртгэлээсээ гарах", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Шинэ", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Хуваалцах", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Файл", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratch-д элсэх", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Хуваалцах", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Үүсгэж байна...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Хадгалж байна...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Үсгүүд", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "чиглэл", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/mr.json b/editor/interface/mr.json index 3191d508..4331a4b9 100644 --- a/editor/interface/mr.json +++ b/editor/interface/mr.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "दिशा", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ms.json b/editor/interface/ms.json index 64d1e64e..82ffc19a 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ms.json +++ b/editor/interface/ms.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Carian", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Daftar keluar", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nama Pengguna", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Baru", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Kongsi", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fail", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Sertai Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Kongsi", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Mencipta ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Menyimpan ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Kisah", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Huruf", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "arah", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/my.json b/editor/interface/my.json index ce721c37..d7c95ef7 100644 --- a/editor/interface/my.json +++ b/editor/interface/my.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "အသုံးပြုသူရဲ့ နာမည်", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "ဝေမျှ", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratch အပေါ်", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "ဝေမျှ", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "ပုံပြင်၊ ဇာတ်ကြောင်း", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ဦးတည်ရာ", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/nb.json b/editor/interface/nb.json index 816002cc..e5a531f1 100644 --- a/editor/interface/nb.json +++ b/editor/interface/nb.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Koble til igjen", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "description": "Loading backpack message" }, "gui.backpack.more": { - "message": "Flere", + "message": "Mer", "description": "Load more from backpack" }, "gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Kommer snart", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Søk", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Logg ut", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Nettsamfunn", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Brukernavn", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Ny", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Legg ut", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Lagt ut", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fil", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Skru på turbofart", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Nettsamfunn", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Bli Scratch-bruker", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Prosjektets navn her", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Lagt ut", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Legg ut", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Hjelp", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Velg en veiledning", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Oppretter...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Lagrer...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Mjau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -916,11 +944,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Lag animasjoner som snakker", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Hent klosser for tekst til tale", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -928,11 +956,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Velg en stemme", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Flytt omkring", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -940,11 +968,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Legg til en ny figur", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Syng en sang", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -952,19 +980,19 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "Snurr rundt", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Vokse og krympe", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Lag et eventyrspill med animasjon", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Velg figuren som skal vises", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Velg en ting å jakte på", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Samle opp ting", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Lag en poengvariabel", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Neste nivå: Ny bakgrunn", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1188,11 +1216,11 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Tekst til tale", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Make your projects talk.", + "message": "Lag prosjekter som snakker", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Fortellinger", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Bokstaver", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "retning", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ne.json b/editor/interface/ne.json index 1517632f..4779a13e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ne.json +++ b/editor/interface/ne.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "खोजी गर्नुहोस्", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "साइन आउट गर्नुहोस्", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "युजरनेम ", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratch मा सामेल हुनुहोस्", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "कथाहरू", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "दिशा", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/nl.json b/editor/interface/nl.json index 6d30ad7a..0bb1c7ff 100644 --- a/editor/interface/nl.json +++ b/editor/interface/nl.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Binnenkort beschikbaar", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Zoek", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Afmelden", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Zie Gemeenschap", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Gebruikersnaam", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nieuw", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Delen", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Gedeeld", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Bestand", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Zet turbo modus aan", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Zie Gemeenschap", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Word Scratcher", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project titel hier", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Gedeeld", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Delen", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Kies een handleiding", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Maken...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Opslaan...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miauw", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Verhalen", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "richting", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/nn.json b/editor/interface/nn.json index 229343d4..fa431e79 100644 --- a/editor/interface/nn.json +++ b/editor/interface/nn.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Er rett rundt hjørnet", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Søk", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Logg ut", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Nettsamfunn", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Brukarnamn", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Ny", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Legg ut", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Lagt ut", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fil", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Nettsamfunn", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Vert Scratch-brukar", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Lagt ut", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Legg ut", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Hjelp", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Opprettar …", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Lagrar …", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Forteljingar", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Bokstavar", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "retning", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/oc.json b/editor/interface/oc.json index 63e871a8..0fb0288b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/oc.json +++ b/editor/interface/oc.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/pap.json b/editor/interface/pap.json index 855b6b8a..210b165c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pap.json +++ b/editor/interface/pap.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Log out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Kreando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Wardando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letranan", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direkshon", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/pl.json b/editor/interface/pl.json index ff62ed25..77b91c06 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pl.json +++ b/editor/interface/pl.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Połącz ponownie", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "description": "" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": { - "message": "Bardzo nam przykro, ale program Scratch 3.0 nie wspiera przeglądarek Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera ani Silk. Polecamy korzystanie z nowszych przeglądarek, takich jak Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox lub Microsoft Edge.", + "message": "Bardzo nam przykro, ale Scratch 3.0 nie wspiera przeglądarek Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera i Silk. Polecamy korzystanie z nowszych przeglądarek, takich jak Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox lub Microsoft Edge.", "description": "Unsupported browser description" }, "gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": { @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ "description": "Message to inform the user that page has crashed." }, "gui.crashMessage.reload": { - "message": "Reload", + "message": "Załaduj ponownie", "description": "Button to reload the page when page crashes" }, "gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Już wkrótce", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Szukaj", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Wyloguj się", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Zobacz społeczność", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nazwa użytkownika", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nowy", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Udostępnij", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Udostępnione", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Plik", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Włącz tryb turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Zobacz społeczność", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Dołącz do Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -496,9 +500,17 @@ "description": "Label for feedback form modal button" }, "gui.gui.projectTitlePlaceholder": { - "message": "Project title here", + "message": "Tutaj tytuł projektu", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Udostępnione", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Udostępnij", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Pomoc", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -508,11 +520,11 @@ "description": "Back button in modal" }, "gui.monitor.listMonitor.empty": { - "message": "(empty)", + "message": "(puste)", "description": "Text shown on a list monitor when a list is empty" }, "gui.monitor.listMonitor.listLength": { - "message": "length {length}", + "message": "długość {length}", "description": "Length label on list monitors. DO NOT translate {length} (with brackets)." }, "gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": { @@ -624,15 +636,15 @@ "description": "Recording modal title" }, "gui.recordingStep.beginRecord": { - "message": "Begin recording by clicking the button below", + "message": "Rozpocznij nagrywanie, klikając przycisk poniżej", "description": "Message for recording sound modal" }, "gui.recordingStep.permission": { - "message": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone", + "message": "{arrow}Potrzebujemy twojego pozwolenia na używanie mikrofonu", "description": "Permission required notice in recording sound modal. Do not translate {arrow}" }, "gui.recordingStep.stop": { - "message": "Stop recording", + "message": "Zatrzymaj nagrywanie", "description": "Stop recording button label" }, "gui.recordingStep.record": { @@ -856,7 +868,7 @@ "description": "Prompt for unoffical extension url" }, "gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle": { - "message": "Scratch Project", + "message": "Projekt Scratch", "description": "Default title for project" }, "gui.recordingStep.alertMsg": { @@ -895,12 +907,28 @@ "message": "Wybierz tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Tworzenie...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Zapisywanie...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { - "message": "Meow", + "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" }, "gui.defaultProject.variable": { - "message": "my variable", + "message": "moja zmienna", "description": "Name for the default variable" }, "": { @@ -916,7 +944,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Twórz animacje, które mówią", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { @@ -928,11 +956,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Ustaw głos", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Poruszać się", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -940,11 +968,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Add Another Character", + "message": "Dodaj inny znak", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Przedstaw piosenkę", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -952,11 +980,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Change Color' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin": { - "message": "Spin Around", + "message": "Zakręć do okoła", "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Rosnąć i kurczyć się", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Wybierz postać do pokazania", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Opowiadania", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Litery", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "Kierunek", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/pt-br.json b/editor/interface/pt-br.json index 5a528913..86977d4c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pt-br.json +++ b/editor/interface/pt-br.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Reconectar", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ "description": "Crash Message title" }, "gui.crashMessage.description": { - "message": "Lamentamos muito, mas parece que o Scratch perdeu conexão. Este erro foi reportado automaticamente para a Equipe do Scratch. Por favor, atualize a sua página para tentar de novo.", + "message": "Parece que o Scratch parou de funcionar. Este erro foi automaticamente reportado para a Equipe Scratch . Atualize sua página para tentar novamente.", "description": "Message to inform the user that page has crashed." }, "gui.crashMessage.reload": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Em Breve ", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Buscar", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sair", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Ver a Comunidade", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nome de usuário", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Novo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Compartilhar", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Compartilhado", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Arquivo", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Ligar Modo Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Ver a Comunidade", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Inscreva-se", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Título do projeto", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Compartilhado", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Compartilhar", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ajuda", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Escolher um tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Criando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Salvando...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Escolha um personagem para mostrar", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Escolha um objeto para perseguir", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Colete objetos", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Crie uma variável de pontuação", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Subiu de nível: altere o cenário", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Histórias", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letras", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direção", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/pt.json b/editor/interface/pt.json index e9de458f..0ad55228 100644 --- a/editor/interface/pt.json +++ b/editor/interface/pt.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Em Breve", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Procurar", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sair", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Ver a Comunidade", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Nome de utilizador", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Novo", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Partilhar", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Partilhados", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Arquivo", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Ligar o Modo Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Ver a Comunidade", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Aderir ao Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Introduza aqui o título do projecto", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Partilhados", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Partilhar", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ajuda", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Escolha um Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "A criar...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "A guardar...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau!", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Estórias", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letras", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "a direcção", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/qu.json b/editor/interface/qu.json index fc0f8c2e..8dc813e0 100644 --- a/editor/interface/qu.json +++ b/editor/interface/qu.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "maypi", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ro.json b/editor/interface/ro.json index 7c1f6072..cb4e0cc8 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ro.json +++ b/editor/interface/ro.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "În curând", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Caută", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Iesire", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Vezi Comunitatea", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Utilizator", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nou", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Partajează", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Partajat", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fișier", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Activează modul Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Vezi Comunitatea", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Alatura-te Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Titlul proiectului se scrie aici", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Partajat", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Partajează", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ajutor", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Alege un tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Se creează...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Se salvează...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Povesti", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Litere", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "directia", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ru.json b/editor/interface/ru.json index f44ded87..a2cf8b1c 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ru.json +++ b/editor/interface/ru.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Переподключиться", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Скоро…", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Поиск", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Выйти", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Просмотр сообщества", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Имя пользователя", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Новый", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Поделись", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Опубликован", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Файл", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -472,17 +480,13 @@ "description": "Text for edit dropdown menu" }, "gui.menuBar.turboModeOff": { - "message": "Выключить Турбо Режим", + "message": "Выключить Турбо режим", "description": "Menu bar item for turning off turbo mode" }, "gui.menuBar.turboModeOn": { - "message": "Включить Турбо Режим", + "message": "Включить Турбо режим", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Просмотр сообщества", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Присоединяйтесь", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Название проекта", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Опубликован", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Поделись", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Помощь", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -736,7 +748,7 @@ "description": "Button to add a random sprite in the target pane" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile": { - "message": "Загрузить Спрайт", + "message": "Загрузить спрайт", "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from file" }, "gui.stageHeader.stageSizeLarge": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Выбрать учебник", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Создание...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Сохранение...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Мяу", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -920,7 +948,7 @@ "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Добавить Блоки \"Текст в Речь\"", + "message": "Добавить блоки \"Текст в речь\"", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -928,11 +956,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Установить Голос", + "message": "Установить голос", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Кружить Вокруг", + "message": "Кружить вокруг", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -940,11 +968,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add a Backdrop' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite": { - "message": "Добавить Другого Персонажа", + "message": "Добавить другого персонажа", "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Выступить с Песней", + "message": "Выступить с песней", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -956,15 +984,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Расти и Уменьшаться", + "message": "Расти и уменьшаться", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Сделай Игру Приключение", + "message": "Сделай игру-приключение", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Выбери какой герой появляется ", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Выбери что собирать", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Собирай объекты", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Сделай Переменную Счёта", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Новый уровень: Измени фон ", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1052,7 +1080,7 @@ "description": "Name for the 'Make a Clicker Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.Make-A-Game.step_GamePickSprite": { - "message": "Выбрать Спрайт", + "message": "Выбрать спрайт", "description": "Step name for 'Pick A Sprite' step" }, "gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GamePlaySound": { @@ -1180,19 +1208,19 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Pen' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Видео Распознавание", + "message": "Видео распознавание", "description": "Name for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "gui.extension.videosensing.description": { - "message": "Распознай Движение с видео камеры", + "message": "Распознай движение с видео камеры", "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Текст в Речь", + "message": "Текст в речь", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { - "message": "Оживи свои проеты речью.", + "message": "Оживи свои проекты речью.", "description": "Description for the Text to speech extension" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Истории", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Буквы", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "направление", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/si.json b/editor/interface/si.json index fdc4dbc8..ed0d94e6 100644 --- a/editor/interface/si.json +++ b/editor/interface/si.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "දිශාව", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/sk.json b/editor/interface/sk.json index 3fdd107d..8f8e0338 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sk.json +++ b/editor/interface/sk.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Pripravujeme", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Hľadať", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Odhlásenie", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Kontaktovať komunitu", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Používateľské meno", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nový", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Zverejniť", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Zdieľané", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Súbor", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Zapnúť režim Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Kontaktovať komunitu", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Pripoj sa k Scratchu", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Zdieľané", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Zverejniť", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Pomoc", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Zvoľ si návod", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Vytváranie...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Ukladám...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Príbehy", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Písmená", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "smer", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/sl.json b/editor/interface/sl.json index d38893ff..be83cb87 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sl.json +++ b/editor/interface/sl.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Kmalu ...", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Išči", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Izpiši se", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Oglej si Skupnost", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Uporabniško ime", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nov", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Deli", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Deljeno", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Datoteka", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Vključi Turbo način", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Oglej si Skupnost", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Pridruži se Scratchu", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Deljeno", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Deli", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Pomoč", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Izberi Vodič.", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Ustvarjam...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Shranjujem...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Zgodbe", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Pisma", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "smer", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/sq.json b/editor/interface/sq.json index 63ca00da..a0434939 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sq.json +++ b/editor/interface/sq.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Kërko", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Dalje", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Përdorues", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "I Ri", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Shpërndaj", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Skedar", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Eja në Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Shpërndaj", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Ndihmë", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Duke krijuar...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Duke Ruajtur...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Përralla", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Shkronjat", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "drejtimi", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/sr.json b/editor/interface/sr.json index a2334b9c..d9cfe7c4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sr.json +++ b/editor/interface/sr.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Очекуј убрзо", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Тражи", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Одјава", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Види Заједницу", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Име за пријаву", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Ново", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Објави (дели)", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Дељено", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Датотека", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Укључи турбо начин", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Види Заједницу", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Придужи се Скрачу", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Наслов пројекта", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Дељено", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Објави (дели)", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Помоћ", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Изабери приручник", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Стварам...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Чувам...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Мјау", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Приче", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Слова", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "смер", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ss.json b/editor/interface/ss.json index 63e871a8..0fb0288b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ss.json +++ b/editor/interface/ss.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/st.json b/editor/interface/st.json index cbafdbb2..e7dbfd92 100644 --- a/editor/interface/st.json +++ b/editor/interface/st.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "E tla haufinyane", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "batla", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Sheba sehlopha", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "E ncha", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "abela ba bang", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Sheba sehlopha", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "abela ba bang", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Thuso", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/sv.json b/editor/interface/sv.json index 633e69b6..a4e67c6e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sv.json +++ b/editor/interface/sv.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Återanslut", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Kommer snart", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Sök", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Logga ut", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Visa community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Användarnamn", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nytt", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Dela", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Delade", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Arkiv", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Sätt på turboläge", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Visa community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Gå med Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Projektets titel här", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Delade", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Dela", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Hjälp", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Välj en handledning", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Skapar ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Sparar...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Mjau", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Välj en figur att visa", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Välj någonting att jaga", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Samla saker", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Skapa en variabel för poäng", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Levla upp: Byt bakgrund", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Berättelser", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Bokstäver", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "riktning", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/sw.json b/editor/interface/sw.json index f372681a..636d0a39 100644 --- a/editor/interface/sw.json +++ b/editor/interface/sw.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "toka", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nouveau", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Usaidizi", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Unda", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "inahifadhi...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "alfabeti", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "Upande", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ta.json b/editor/interface/ta.json index f0f10765..f579c1c5 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ta.json +++ b/editor/interface/ta.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Nouveau", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "பகிர்ந்திடு", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "பகிர்ந்திடு", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "திசை", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/te.json b/editor/interface/te.json index f3116632..ca1f8425 100644 --- a/editor/interface/te.json +++ b/editor/interface/te.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "శోధన", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "సైన్ ఔట్", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "యూజర్ పేరు", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "క్రొత్త", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "భాగస్వామ్యం", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "ఫైల్", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "భాగస్వామ్యం", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "సహాయం", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "సృష్టించడం...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "భధ్రపరచుచున్నది...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "కథలు", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "అక్షరాలు", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "దిక్కు", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/tg.json b/editor/interface/tg.json index 50a4de6f..7aed9dc5 100644 --- a/editor/interface/tg.json +++ b/editor/interface/tg.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Баромадан", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Нав", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Мубодила", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Файл", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Мубодила", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Сохта истодааст...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Ҳифз карда истодааст...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Ҳарфҳо", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "самт", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/th.json b/editor/interface/th.json index c2c77fe6..6130a618 100644 --- a/editor/interface/th.json +++ b/editor/interface/th.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "เร็วๆ นี้", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "ค้นหา", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "ลงชื่อออก", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "ชุมชน", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "ชื่อผู้ใช้", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "ใหม่", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "แชร์", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "แฟ้ม", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "เปิดโหมดเทอร์โบ", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "ชุมชน", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "เข้าร่วม Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "แชร์", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "ช่วยเหลือ", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -636,7 +648,7 @@ "description": "Stop recording button label" }, "gui.recordingStep.record": { - "message": "บันทึก", + "message": "อัดบันทึก", "description": "Record button label" }, "gui.soundEditor.sound": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "เลือกบทเรียน", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "กำลังสร้าง...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "กำลังจัดเก็บ", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "เรื่องราว", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "ตัวอักษร", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "ทิศทาง", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/tn.json b/editor/interface/tn.json index 827b0105..fbd2de47 100644 --- a/editor/interface/tn.json +++ b/editor/interface/tn.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Tswa", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Mo bosheng", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Arogana", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Faele", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Arogana", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Go bopa…", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "E ya boloka…", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Makwalo", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "kaelo", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/tr.json b/editor/interface/tr.json index fde44588..59402ce5 100644 --- a/editor/interface/tr.json +++ b/editor/interface/tr.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Tekrar bağlan", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Çok Yakında", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Ara", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Çıkış", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Topluluğu Gör", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Kullanıcı Adı", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -416,19 +432,19 @@ "description": "accessibility text for the tutorials button" }, "gui.menuBar.restoreSprite": { - "message": "Restore Sprite", + "message": "Kuklayı Yenile", "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted sprite." }, "gui.menuBar.restoreSound": { - "message": "Restore Sound", + "message": "Sesi Yenile", "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted sound." }, "gui.menuBar.restoreCostume": { - "message": "Restore Costume", + "message": "Kostümü Yenile", "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted costume." }, "gui.menuBar.restore": { - "message": "Restore", + "message": "Yenilemek", "description": "Menu bar item for restoring the last deleted item in its disabled state." }, "gui.menuBar.saveNow": { @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Yeni", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Paylaş", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Paylaşılan", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Dosya", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Bir Turbo Modu açık", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Topluluğu Gör", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratch'a Katıl", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Proje başlığı buraya", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Paylaşılan", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Paylaş", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Yardım", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -512,7 +524,7 @@ "description": "Text shown on a list monitor when a list is empty" }, "gui.monitor.listMonitor.listLength": { - "message": "length {length}", + "message": "uzunluğu{length}", "description": "Length label on list monitors. DO NOT translate {length} (with brackets)." }, "gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Bir Eğitici Ders Seç", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Oluşturuyorum...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Kaydediyorum...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Miyav", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -916,11 +944,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add A Say Block' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": { - "message": "Create Animations That Talk", + "message": "Konuşan Animasyonlar Yaratın", "description": "Name for the 'Create Animations That Talk' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": { - "message": "Add the Text to Speech blocks", + "message": "Metni Konuşma bloklarına ekle", "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { @@ -928,11 +956,11 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { - "message": "Set a Voice", + "message": "Bir Ses Ayarla", "description": "Step name for 'Set a Voice" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": { - "message": "Move Around", + "message": "Etrafında yürü", "description": "Step name for 'Move Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": { @@ -944,7 +972,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add Another Character' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong": { - "message": "Perform a Song", + "message": "Şarkı söyle", "description": "Step name for 'Perform a Song' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor": { @@ -956,15 +984,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Spin Around" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow": { - "message": "Grow and Shrink", + "message": "Büyü ve Küçül", "description": "Step name for 'Grow and Shrink' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network": { - "message": "Animate an Adventure Game", + "message": "Bir Macera Oyununu Canlandırmak", "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Gösterilecek Kukla Seç", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,23 +1004,23 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Takip için Bir Nesne Seçin", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Nesneleri Topla", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Puan Değişkeni Oluşturun", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { - "message": "Keep Score", + "message": "Puanı Koru", "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Seviye Atla: Arka Planı Değiştir", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1276,7 +1304,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for outdoors" }, "gui.libraryTags.patterns": { - "message": "Patterns", + "message": "Desenler", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for patterns" }, "gui.libraryTags.people": { @@ -1304,7 +1332,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for voice" }, "gui.libraryTags.wacky": { - "message": "Wacky", + "message": "Kaçık", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for wacky" }, "gui.libraryTags.animation": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Hikayeler", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Harfler", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "yön", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" @@ -1352,7 +1384,7 @@ "description": "Label for the backdrop name monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.backdropnumber": { - "message": "backdrop number", + "message": "dekor numarası", "description": "Label for the backdrop number monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.volume": { @@ -1388,7 +1420,7 @@ "description": "Label for the current date monitor when shown on the stage. Shows the current day of the month" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek": { - "message": "dayofweek", + "message": "haftanıngünü", "description": "Label for the current dayofweek monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.opcodeLabels.hour": { @@ -1408,7 +1440,7 @@ "description": "Label for the timer monitor when shown on the stage" }, "gui.sharedMessages.backdrop": { - "message": "backdrop{index}", + "message": "{index}dekoru", "description": "Default name for a new backdrop, scratch will automatically adjust the number if necessary" }, "gui.sharedMessages.costume": { diff --git a/editor/interface/uk.json b/editor/interface/uk.json index 371d798f..db6d2d90 100644 --- a/editor/interface/uk.json +++ b/editor/interface/uk.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Перепід'єднання", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Незабаром", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Шукати", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Вийти", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Спільнота", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Ім'я користувача", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Новий", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Поділитись", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Опубліковане", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Файл", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Ввімкнути турбо-режим", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Спільнота", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Приєднатись", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Тут назва проекту", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Опубліковане", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Поділитись", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Допомога", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Обрати посібник", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Створення...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Збереження...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Няв", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "Обрати персонаж для показу", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,15 +1004,15 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "Обрати об'єкт для переслідування", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { - "message": "Collect Objects", + "message": "Збирання об'єктів", "description": "Step name for 'Collect Objects' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable": { - "message": "Make a Score Variable", + "message": "Створити змінну-лічильник", "description": "Step name for 'Make a Score Variable' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "Поглиблений рівень: Змінити тло", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Історії", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Літери", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "напрям", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/ur.json b/editor/interface/ur.json index 03afeef6..c1009fca 100644 --- a/editor/interface/ur.json +++ b/editor/interface/ur.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "نیا", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "رخ", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/uz.json b/editor/interface/uz.json index 5b60b5e5..7a48264e 100644 --- a/editor/interface/uz.json +++ b/editor/interface/uz.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Qidirish", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Chiqish", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Foydalanuvchi nomi", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Yangi", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Boʻlishish", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Ulashildi", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Fayl", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Scratch jamoasiga qo‘shilish", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Ulashildi", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Boʻlishish", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Yordam", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Yaratilmoqda...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saqlanmoqda...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Hikoyalar", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Harflar", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "yo'nalish", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/vi.json b/editor/interface/vi.json index 36b37756..54d96bcc 100644 --- a/editor/interface/vi.json +++ b/editor/interface/vi.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Xuất hiện sớm", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Tìm kiếm", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Đăng xuất", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Xem cộng đồng", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Tên đăng nhập", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Mới", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Chia sẻ", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Đã chia sẻ", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Tập tin", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Bật chế độ Turbo", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Xem cộng đồng", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Tham gia Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Đề tên ở đây", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Đã chia sẻ", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Chia sẻ", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Trợ giúp", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Chọn một bài hướng dẫn", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Đang tạo ...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Đang lưu...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meo", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Những câu chuyện", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Ký tự", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "hướng", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/xh.json b/editor/interface/xh.json index 63e871a8..0fb0288b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/xh.json +++ b/editor/interface/xh.json @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Coming Soon", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Search", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Sign out", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "See Community", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "New", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Share", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "File", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "See Community", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Join Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Project title here", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Share", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Help", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "direction", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/yo.json b/editor/interface/yo.json index 0545c623..140cded4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/yo.json +++ b/editor/interface/yo.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "Tunsopo", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { - "message": "Backpack", + "message": "Apoeyin", "description": "Button to open the backpack" }, "gui.backpack.errorBackpack": { @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ "description": "Title for the modal where you create a custom block." }, "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText": { - "message": "Add an input", + "message": "Fi agbewole sile", "description": "Label for button to add a number/text input" }, "gui.customProcedures.numberTextType": { @@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ "description": "Description of the number/text input type" }, "gui.customProcedures.addAnInputBoolean": { - "message": "Add an input", + "message": "Fi agbewole sile", "description": "Label for button to add a boolean input" }, "gui.customProcedures.booleanType": { - "message": "boolean", + "message": "Bolianu", "description": "Description of the boolean input type" }, "gui.customProcedures.addALabel": { @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ "description": "Label for button to save new custom procedure" }, "gui.SpriteInfo.direction": { - "message": "Direction", + "message": "Itosona", "description": "Sprite info direction label" }, "gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "nbọ laipẹ ", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Àwárí", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Tọwọ́bọ̀wé Ìjáde ", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Wo Ìlúayélujára ", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Username", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -404,7 +420,7 @@ "description": "Button text for user to sign in" }, "login.needHelp": { - "message": "Need Help?", + "message": "Se ofe iranlowo?", "description": "Button text for user to indicate that they need help" }, "gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector": { @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Ọ̀tun ", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Pín ", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "Shared", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Ayùn", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Turn on Turbo Mode", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Wo Ìlúayélujára ", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "darapọ mọ Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Àkọlé iṣẹ́ níbi ", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "Shared", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Pín ", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Iranlowo", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -712,11 +724,11 @@ "description": "Sprite info size label" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate": { - "message": "duplicate", + "message": "Eda", "description": "Menu item to duplicate in the right click menu" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete": { - "message": "delete", + "message": "Pare", "description": "Menu item to delete in the right click menu" }, "gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport": { @@ -728,11 +740,11 @@ "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from library" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint": { - "message": "Paint", + "message": "Oda", "description": "Button to add a sprite in the target pane from paint" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromSurprise": { - "message": "Surprise", + "message": "Iyanu", "description": "Button to add a random sprite in the target pane" }, "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile": { @@ -764,11 +776,11 @@ "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from library" }, "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint": { - "message": "Paint", + "message": "Oda", "description": "Button to add a stage in the target pane from paint" }, "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromSurprise": { - "message": "Surprise", + "message": "Iyanu", "description": "Button to add a random stage in the target pane" }, "gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile": { @@ -828,11 +840,11 @@ "description": "Button to add a costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume": { - "message": "Paint", + "message": "Oda", "description": "Button to add a blank costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addSurpriseCostume": { - "message": "Surprise", + "message": "Iyanu", "description": "Button to add a surprise costume in the editor tab" }, "gui.costumeTab.addFileBackdrop": { @@ -876,7 +888,7 @@ "description": "Button to upload sound from file in the editor tab" }, "gui.soundTab.surpriseSound": { - "message": "Surprise", + "message": "Iyanu", "description": "Button to get a random sound in the editor tab" }, "gui.soundTab.recordSound": { @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Choose a Tutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Creating...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Saving...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -924,7 +952,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Add the Text to Speech blocks' step" }, "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": { - "message": "Say Something", + "message": "So nkankan", "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": { @@ -968,7 +996,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { - "message": "Say Something", + "message": "So nkankan", "description": "Step name for 'Say Something' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide": { @@ -1172,7 +1200,7 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Music' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Pen", + "message": "Gege", "description": "Name for the 'Pen' extension" }, "gui.extension.pen.description": { @@ -1188,7 +1216,7 @@ "description": "Description for the 'Video Sensing' extension" }, "": { - "message": "Text to Speech", + "message": "Kiko si oro", "description": "Name for the Text to Speech extension" }, "gui.extension.text2speech.description": { @@ -1200,7 +1228,7 @@ "description": "Name for the Translate extension" }, "gui.extension.translate.description": { - "message": "Translate text into many languages.", + "message": "Tumo kiko si ede pupo", "description": "Description for the Translate extension" }, "gui.extension.microbit.description": { @@ -1232,11 +1260,11 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for everything" }, "gui.libraryTags.animals": { - "message": "Animals", + "message": "Eranko pupo", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for animals" }, "": { - "message": "Dance", + "message": "Jo", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for dance" }, "gui.libraryTags.effects": { @@ -1248,7 +1276,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for fantasy" }, "": { - "message": "Fashion", + "message": "Oge", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for fashion" }, "": { @@ -1280,7 +1308,7 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for patterns" }, "gui.libraryTags.people": { - "message": "People", + "message": "Eeyan", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for people" }, "gui.libraryTags.percussion": { @@ -1288,19 +1316,19 @@ "description": "Tag for filtering a library for percussion" }, "": { - "message": "Space", + "message": "Aaye", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for space" }, "gui.libraryTags.sports": { - "message": "Sports", + "message": "Awon ere idaraya", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for sports" }, "gui.libraryTags.underwater": { - "message": "Underwater", + "message": "Abe omi", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for underwater" }, "gui.libraryTags.voice": { - "message": "Voice", + "message": "Ohun", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for voice" }, "gui.libraryTags.wacky": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Stories", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Letters", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "itọsọna", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/zh-cn.json b/editor/interface/zh-cn.json index fdc5d1a6..bbd5f0c0 100644 --- a/editor/interface/zh-cn.json +++ b/editor/interface/zh-cn.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "gui.connection.reconnect": { - "message": "Reconnect", + "message": "重新连接", "description": "Button to reconnect the device" }, "gui.backpack.header": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "即将启用", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "搜索", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "登出", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "查看社区", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "用户名称", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "新建项目", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "分享", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "已分享", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "文件", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "打开加速模式", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "查看社区", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "加入 Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "在此填写项目标题", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "已分享", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "分享", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "帮助", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "选择一个教程", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "正在创建…", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "正在保存...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "喵", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -964,7 +992,7 @@ "description": "Animate an Adventure Game' how-to" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter": { - "message": "Choose a Character to Show", + "message": "选择要显示的角色", "description": "Step name for 'Choose a Character to Show' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay": { @@ -976,7 +1004,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Glide Around' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite": { - "message": "Choose an Object to Chase", + "message": "选择要捕捉的目标", "description": "Step name for 'Choose an Object to Chase' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect": { @@ -992,7 +1020,7 @@ "description": "Step name for 'Keep Score' step" }, "gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop": { - "message": "Level Up: Change Backdrop", + "message": "下一关:改变背景", "description": "Step name for 'Level Up: Change Backdrop' step" }, "": { @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "故事", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "字母", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "方向", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/zh-tw.json b/editor/interface/zh-tw.json index 0777e541..eec01d7b 100644 --- a/editor/interface/zh-tw.json +++ b/editor/interface/zh-tw.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "description": "Loading backpack message" }, "gui.backpack.more": { - "message": "更多", + "message": "更多資訊", "description": "Load more from backpack" }, "gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "即將推出", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "搜尋", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "登出", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "到社群逛逛", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "用戶名稱", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "新建專案", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "分享", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "已分享", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "檔案", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "開啟加速模式", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "到社群逛逛", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "加入 Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "在這輸入專案名稱", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "已分享", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "分享", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "幫助", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "選擇教程", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "正在建立…", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "正在儲存…", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "故事", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "字", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "方向", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/interface/zu.json b/editor/interface/zu.json index 64d1c54d..2559b4d4 100644 --- a/editor/interface/zu.json +++ b/editor/interface/zu.json @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ "description": "Crash Message title" }, "gui.crashMessage.description": { - "message": "We are so sorry, but it looks like Scratch has crashed. This bug has been automatically reported to the Scratch Team. Please refresh your page to try again.", + "message": "Siyaxolisa, kubukeka sengathi uScratch unenkinga. Lenkinga isizithumele ngokwayo ethimbeni lika Scratch. Phinda uqale kabusha uzame futhi. ", "description": "Message to inform the user that page has crashed." }, "gui.crashMessage.reload": { @@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ "message": "Kuyeza Maduzane...", "description": "Label for extensions that are not yet implemented" }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.requires": { + "message": "Requires", + "description": "Label for extension hardware requirements" + }, + "gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration": { + "message": "Collaboration with", + "description": "Label for extension collaboration" + }, "gui.library.filterPlaceholder": { "message": "Cinga", "description": "Placeholder text for library search field" @@ -391,6 +399,14 @@ "message": "Phuma", "description": "Text to link to sign out, in the account navigation menu" }, + "gui.authorInfo.byUser": { + "message": "by {username}", + "description": "Shows that a project was created by this user" + }, + "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { + "message": "Bheka Umphakathi", + "description": "Label for see community button" + }, "general.username": { "message": "Isidlaliso", "description": "Label for login username input" @@ -447,14 +463,6 @@ "message": "Entsha", "description": "Menu bar item for creating a new project" }, - "gui.menuBar.share": { - "message": "Yipha", - "description": "Label for project share button" - }, - "gui.menuBar.isShared": { - "message": "uPhiwe", - "description": "Label for shared project" - }, "gui.menuBar.file": { "message": "Ifayela", "description": "Text for file dropdown menu" @@ -479,10 +487,6 @@ "message": "Vula ithebho modi", "description": "Menu bar item for turning on turbo mode" }, - "gui.menuBar.seeCommunity": { - "message": "Bheka Umphakathi", - "description": "Label for see community button" - }, "gui.menuBar.joinScratch": { "message": "Hlanganisa Scratch", "description": "Link for creating a Scratch account" @@ -499,6 +503,14 @@ "message": "Isihloko se-Projecti lana", "description": "Placeholder for project title when blank" }, + "gui.menuBar.isShared": { + "message": "uPhiwe", + "description": "Label for shared project" + }, + "gui.menuBar.share": { + "message": "Yipha", + "description": "Label for project share button" + }, "": { "message": "Usizo", "description": "Help button in modal" @@ -895,6 +907,22 @@ "message": "Khetha iTutorial", "description": "Heading for the help/tutorials library" }, + "gui.alerts.createsuccess": { + "message": "Successfully created.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully created" + }, + "gui.alerts.creating": { + "message": "Ukuqamba...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of creating" + }, + "gui.alerts.savesuccess": { + "message": "Successfully saved.", + "description": "Message indicating that project was successfully saved" + }, + "gui.alerts.saving": { + "message": "Kuyagcineka...", + "description": "Message indicating that project is in process of saving" + }, "gui.defaultProject.meow": { "message": "Meow", "description": "Name for the meow sound" @@ -1323,6 +1351,10 @@ "message": "Izindaba", "description": "Tag for filtering a library for stories" }, + "gui.libraryTags.letters": { + "message": "Izinhlamvu", + "description": "Tag for filtering a library for letters" + }, "gui.opcodeLabels.direction": { "message": "indlela", "description": "Label for the direction monitor when shown on the stage" diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/gl.json b/editor/paint-editor/gl.json index 10dfa3bd..ea43c416 100644 --- a/editor/paint-editor/gl.json +++ b/editor/paint-editor/gl.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message2": { - "message": "Proximamente ...", + "message": "Proximamente...", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message3": { @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ "description": "Label for the paste button" }, "paint.modeTools.delete": { - "message": "Borrar", + "message": "Eliminar", "description": "Label for the delete button" }, "paint.modeTools.curved": { diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/hi.json b/editor/paint-editor/hi.json index 171fb952..be04f79e 100644 --- a/editor/paint-editor/hi.json +++ b/editor/paint-editor/hi.json @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ "description": "Label for the brightness component in the color picker" }, "gui.comingSoon.message1": { - "message": "Don't worry, we're on it {emoji}", + "message": "चिन्ता ना करें , हम इसपर कार्य कर रहे हैं {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message2": { - "message": "Coming Soon...", + "message": "शीघ्रः प्रस्तुत होगा ", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "gui.comingSoon.message3": { - "message": "We're working on it {emoji}", + "message": "हम इसपर कार्य कर रहे हैं {emoji}", "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" }, "paint.paintEditor.fill": { @@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ "description": "Label for the `Send to front of canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.back": { - "message": "Back", + "message": "वापस ", "description": "Label for the `Send to back of canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.more": { - "message": "More", + "message": "और ", "description": "Label for dropdown to access more action buttons" }, "paint.modeTools.brushSize": { diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/hr.json b/editor/paint-editor/hr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43fd60ff --- /dev/null +++ b/editor/paint-editor/hr.json @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +{ + "paint.paintEditor.hue": { + "message": "Boja", + "description": "Label for the hue component in the color picker" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.saturation": { + "message": "Saturacija", + "description": "Label for the saturation component in the color picker" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.brightness": { + "message": "Osvjetljenje", + "description": "Label for the brightness component in the color picker" + }, + "gui.comingSoon.message1": { + "message": "Ne brini, radimo na tome{emoji}", + "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" + }, + "gui.comingSoon.message2": { + "message": "Pričekajte trenutak...", + "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" + }, + "gui.comingSoon.message3": { + "message": "Radimo na tome{emoji}", + "description": "One of the \"coming soon\" random messages for yet-to-be-done features" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.fill": { + "message": "Ispuna", + "description": "Label for the color picker for the fill color" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.costume": { + "message": "Kostim", + "description": "Label for the name of a costume" + }, + "": { + "message": "Grupiraj", + "description": "Label for the button to group shapes" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.ungroup": { + "message": "Razgrupiraj", + "description": "Label for the button to ungroup shapes" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.undo": { + "message": "Poništi", + "description": "Alt to image for the button to undo an action" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.redo": { + "message": "Ponovi", + "description": "Alt to image for the button to redo an action" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.forward": { + "message": "Naprijed", + "description": "Label for the `Send forward on canvas` button" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.backward": { + "message": "Natrag", + "description": "Label for the `Send backward on canvas` button" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.front": { + "message": "Pprednji", + "description": "Label for the `Send to front of canvas` button" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.back": { + "message": "Nazad", + "description": "Label for the `Send to back of canvas` button" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.more": { + "message": "Više", + "description": "Label for dropdown to access more action buttons" + }, + "paint.modeTools.brushSize": { + "message": "Veličina", + "description": "Label for the brush size input" + }, + "paint.modeTools.eraserSize": { + "message": "Debljina gumice", + "description": "Label for the eraser size input" + }, + "paint.modeTools.copy": { + "message": "Kopiraj", + "description": "Label for the copy button" + }, + "paint.modeTools.paste": { + "message": "Zalijepi", + "description": "Label for the paste button" + }, + "paint.modeTools.delete": { + "message": "Izbriši", + "description": "Label for the delete button" + }, + "paint.modeTools.curved": { + "message": "Zaobljen", + "description": "Label for the button that converts selected points to curves" + }, + "paint.modeTools.pointed": { + "message": "Šiljast", + "description": "Label for the button that converts selected points to sharp points" + }, + "paint.modeTools.thickness": { + "message": "Debljina", + "description": "Label for the number input to choose the line thickness" + }, + "paint.modeTools.flipHorizontal": { + "message": "Obrni vodoravno", + "description": "Label for the button to flip the image horizontally" + }, + "paint.modeTools.flipVertical": { + "message": "Obrni okomito", + "description": "Label for the button to flip the image vertically" + }, + "paint.modeTools.filled": { + "message": "Ispunjeno", + "description": "Label for the button that sets the bitmap rectangle/oval mode to draw outlines" + }, + "paint.modeTools.outlined": { + "message": "Obrubljeno", + "description": "Label for the button that sets the bitmap rectangle/oval mode to draw filled-in shapes" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.bitmap": { + "message": "Pretvori u mapu bitova", + "description": "Label for button that converts the paint editor to bitmap mode" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.vector": { + "message": "Pretvori u vektor", + "description": "Label for button that converts the paint editor to vector mode" + }, + "paint.paintEditor.stroke": { + "message": "Obrub", + "description": "Label for the color picker for the outline color" + }, + "paint.brushMode.brush": { + "message": "Kist", + "description": "Label for the brush tool" + }, + "paint.eraserMode.eraser": { + "message": "Gumica", + "description": "Label for the eraser tool" + }, + "paint.fillMode.fill": { + "message": "Ispuna", + "description": "Label for the fill tool" + }, + "paint.lineMode.line": { + "message": "Linija", + "description": "Label for the line tool" + }, + "paint.ovalMode.oval": { + "message": "Kružnica", + "description": "Label for the oval-drawing tool" + }, + "paint.rectMode.rect": { + "message": "Pravokutnik", + "description": "Label for the rectangle tool" + }, + "paint.reshapeMode.reshape": { + "message": "Preoblikuj", + "description": "Label for the reshape tool, which allows changing the points in the lines of the vectors" + }, + "paint.roundedRectMode.roundedRect": { + "message": "Pravokutnik", + "description": "Label for the rounded rectangle tool" + }, + "": { + "message": "Označi", + "description": "Label for the select tool, which allows selecting, moving, and resizing shapes" + }, + "paint.textMode.text": { + "message": "Tekst", + "description": "Label for the text tool" + }, + "paint.colorPicker.swap": { + "message": "Zamijeni", + "description": "Label for button that swaps the two colors in a gradient" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/ig.json b/editor/paint-editor/ig.json index 798c1f79..3009dace 100644 --- a/editor/paint-editor/ig.json +++ b/editor/paint-editor/ig.json @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ "description": "Label for the `Send backward on canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.front": { - "message": "Front", + "message": "Ihu", "description": "Label for the `Send to front of canvas` button" }, "paint.paintEditor.back": { @@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ "description": "Label for the delete button" }, "paint.modeTools.curved": { - "message": "Curved", + "message": "gbagoro agbago", "description": "Label for the button that converts selected points to curves" }, "paint.modeTools.pointed": { - "message": "Pointed", + "message": "onu piri api", "description": "Label for the button that converts selected points to sharp points" }, "paint.modeTools.thickness": { @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ "description": "Label for the rounded rectangle tool" }, "": { - "message": "Select", + "message": "Ghoro", "description": "Label for the select tool, which allows selecting, moving, and resizing shapes" }, "paint.textMode.text": { diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/ko.json b/editor/paint-editor/ko.json index 35f2ca5c..6ed48bbc 100644 --- a/editor/paint-editor/ko.json +++ b/editor/paint-editor/ko.json @@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ "description": "Label for the copy button" }, "paint.modeTools.paste": { - "message": "붙여넣기", + "message": "붙이기", "description": "Label for the paste button" }, "paint.modeTools.delete": { - "message": "삭제하기", + "message": "삭제", "description": "Label for the delete button" }, "paint.modeTools.curved": {