diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 9cceee71..1c632574 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ cache:
- node_modules
- slack:
- on_success: never
- stage: update translations
diff --git a/editor/blocks/fa.json b/editor/blocks/fa.json
index f44eb82f..ea17c001 100644
--- a/editor/blocks/fa.json
+++ b/editor/blocks/fa.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"CONTROL_FOREVER": "برای همیشه",
"CONTROL_REPEAT": " %1 بار تکرار کن",
- "CONTROL_IF": "اگر %1 آنگاه",
+ "CONTROL_IF": "اگر %1 آن گاه",
"CONTROL_ELSE": "وگر نه",
"CONTROL_STOP": "توقف",
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"CONTROL_REPEATUNTIL": "تا وقتی که %1 تکرار کن",
"CONTROL_WHILE": "هنگامی که %1 ",
"CONTROL_FOREACH": "برای هر %1 در %2",
- "CONTROL_STARTASCLONE": "وقتی که به عنوان یک مشابه شروع کردم",
+ "CONTROL_STARTASCLONE": "وقتی که به عنوان یک مشابه شروع کردم",
"CONTROL_CREATECLONEOF": "از %1 مشابه بساز",
"CONTROL_DELETETHISCLONE": "این مشابه را حذف کن",
@@ -38,18 +38,18 @@
"DATA_INDEX_ALL": "همه",
"DATA_INDEX_LAST": "آخرین",
"DATA_INDEX_RANDOM": "تصادفی",
- "EVENT_WHENFLAGCLICKED": "وقتی %1 کلیک شد",
- "EVENT_WHENTHISSPRITECLICKED": "وقتی که این شکلک کلیک شد",
- "EVENT_WHENSTAGECLICKED": "وقتی صحنه کلیک شد",
- "EVENT_WHENTOUCHINGOBJECT": "وقتی این شکلک %1 را لمس کرد",
- "EVENT_WHENBROADCASTRECEIVED": "وقتی %1 را دریافت کردم",
- "EVENT_WHENBACKDROPSWITCHESTO": "وقتی پس زمینه به %1 تغییر کرد",
- "EVENT_WHENGREATERTHAN": "وقتی که %1 > %2",
+ "EVENT_WHENFLAGCLICKED": "وقتی که %1 کلیک شد",
+ "EVENT_WHENTHISSPRITECLICKED": "وقتی که این شکلک کلیک شد",
+ "EVENT_WHENSTAGECLICKED": "وقتی که صحنه کلیک شد",
+ "EVENT_WHENTOUCHINGOBJECT": "وقتی که این شکلک %1 را لمس کرد",
+ "EVENT_WHENBROADCASTRECEIVED": "وقتی که %1 را دریافت کردم",
+ "EVENT_WHENBACKDROPSWITCHESTO": "وقتی که پس زمینه به %1 تغییر کرد",
+ "EVENT_WHENGREATERTHAN": "وقتی که %1 > %2",
"EVENT_BROADCAST": "%1 را منتشر کن",
"EVENT_BROADCASTANDWAIT": "%1 را منتشر کن و صبر کن",
- "EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED": "وقتی کلید %1 فشرده شد",
+ "EVENT_WHENKEYPRESSED": "وقتی که کلید %1 فشرده شد",
@@ -74,27 +74,27 @@
"LOOKS_CHANGEEFFECTBY": "جلوه ی %1 را به اندازه ی %2 تغییر بده",
"LOOKS_SETEFFECTTO": "جلوه ی %1 را به %2 مقدار دهی کن",
- "LOOKS_CLEARGRAPHICEFFECTS": "جلوه های ترسیمی را پاک کن",
+ "LOOKS_CLEARGRAPHICEFFECTS": "جلوه های ترسیمی را پاک کن",
"LOOKS_CHANGESIZEBY": "اندازه را به میزان %1 تغییر بده",
"LOOKS_SETSIZETO": "اندازه را به %1 % مقدار دهی کن",
"LOOKS_SIZE": "اندازه",
"LOOKS_CHANGESTRETCHBY": "میزان کش آمدن را به اندازه ی %1 تغییر بده",
"LOOKS_SETSTRETCHTO": "میزان کش آمدن را به %1 % تنظیم کن",
- "LOOKS_SWITCHCOSTUMETO": "تعویض لباس به %1",
- "LOOKS_NEXTCOSTUME": "لباس بعدی",
+ "LOOKS_SWITCHCOSTUMETO": "تعویض حالت به %1",
+ "LOOKS_NEXTCOSTUME": "حالت بعدی",
"LOOKS_SWITCHBACKDROPTO": "تغییر پس زمینه به %1",
"LOOKS_GOTOFRONTBACK": "به لایه ی %1 برو",
- "LOOKS_BACKDROPNUMBERNAME": "پس زمینه ی %1",
+ "LOOKS_BACKDROPNUMBERNAME": "پس زمینه ی %1",
"LOOKS_SWITCHBACKDROPTOANDWAIT": "پس زمینه را به %1 تغییر بده و صبر کن",
- "LOOKS_NEXTBACKDROP_BLOCK": "پس زمینه ی بعدی",
+ "LOOKS_NEXTBACKDROP_BLOCK": "پس زمینه ی بعدی",
"LOOKS_NEXTBACKDROP": "پس زمینه ی بعدی",
"LOOKS_PREVIOUSBACKDROP": "پس زمینه ی قبلی",
"LOOKS_RANDOMBACKDROP": "پس زمینه ی اتفاقی",
@@ -191,14 +191,14 @@
"SENSING_LOUDNESS": "بلندی صدا",
"SENSING_LOUD": "صدا بلند است؟",
- "SENSING_TIMER": "زمان سنج",
+ "SENSING_TIMER": "زمان سنج",
"SENSING_RESETTIMER": "تنظیم دوباره ی زمان سنج",
"SENSING_OF": "%1 از %2",
"SENSING_OF_SIZE": "اندازه",
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
"REMOVE_COMMENT": "حذف توضیح",
"DELETE_BLOCK": "حذف قطعه",
"DELETE_X_BLOCKS": "حذف قطعه های %1",
- "DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS": "همه ی قطعه های %1 حذف شوند؟",
+ "DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS": "همه ی قطعه های %1 حذف شوند؟",
"CLEAN_UP": "پاک کردن قطعه ها",
"HELP": "راهنما",
"UNDO": "باطل کردن",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"NEW_LIST_TITLE": "اسم فهرست جدید:",
"LIST_MODAL_TITLE": "فهرست جدید",
"LIST_ALREADY_EXISTS": "هم اکنون فهرستی به اسم \"%1\" وجود دارد.",
- "RENAME_LIST_TITLE": "تغییرنام همه فهرست های \"%1\" به:",
+ "RENAME_LIST_TITLE": "تغییرنام همه ی فهرست های \"%1\" به:",
"RENAME_LIST_MODAL_TITLE": "تغییر نام فهرست",
"DELETE_LIST": "حذف فهرست \"%1\"",
diff --git a/editor/blocks/zu.json b/editor/blocks/zu.json
index 350d49a5..e15746d2 100644
--- a/editor/blocks/zu.json
+++ b/editor/blocks/zu.json
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"LOOKS_NEXTCOSTUME": "impahla elandelayo",
"LOOKS_SWITCHBACKDROPTO": "shintsha indawo ukuze %1",
"LOOKS_GOTOFRONTBACK": "hamba ku %1 ngokwahlukana",
"LOOKS_GOFORWARDBACKWARDLAYERS": "buyela %1 %2 ngokwahlukana",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ab.json b/editor/extensions/ab.json
index 89a738a0..0d8ae8a6 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ab.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ab.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "алада",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "аццакра [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "амч",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "аргьыжьра [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "анаара [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "аргьежьра аласра [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "анаара акәакь [TILT] ",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "ахаҿра [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "акаҳара?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "инаскьагоуп",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "анаара [TILT]",
"gdxfor.pulled": "иааскьнагеит",
"gdxfor.pushed": "иагәыҵасит",
"gdxfor.shaken": "ирҵысуп",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "акаҳара иалагеит",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "иарбанзаалакь ",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "шьҭахьҟа",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "ԥхьаҟа",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "армарахь",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "аҩада",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "амч ҳзырбо асенсор анакәу [PUSH_PULL] ",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "[GESTURE] акәзар",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "анаара аан [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "ахыц алада",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "алада",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "ахыц армарахь",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/am.json b/editor/extensions/am.json
index 4dec4a15..104fa7fb 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/am.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/am.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "down arrow",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "down",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "left arrow",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ar.json b/editor/extensions/ar.json
index e3a48add..824e8e89 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ar.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ar.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "السهم السفلي",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "الأسفل",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "السهم الأيسر",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/az.json b/editor/extensions/az.json
index 122ccf9e..df69dfd8 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/az.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/az.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "down arrow",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "down",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "left arrow",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/bg.json b/editor/extensions/bg.json
index d7b9d04a..cc5cb3ab 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/bg.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/bg.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "стрелка надолу",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "надолу",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "лява стрелка",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ca.json b/editor/extensions/ca.json
index d35c6406..e1d9f067 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ca.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ca.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "avall",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleració [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "força",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "[DIRECTION] de gir",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "inclinació [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "velocitat de gir [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "angle d'inclinació [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "cara [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "caient?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "es mogui",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "inclinat [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "tirat",
"gdxfor.pushed": "empès",
"gdxfor.shaken": "es sacsegi",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "ha començat a caure",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "qualsevol",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "darrere",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "davant",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "esquerra",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "amunt",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "quan el sensor de força [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "quan [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "quan s'inclini [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "fletxa avall",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "avall",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "fletxa esquerra",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ckb.json b/editor/extensions/ckb.json
index 56b0e61c..355acd85 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ckb.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ckb.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "گوڕ [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "هێز",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "لارکردنەوە [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "ڕوو وەرگەڕان [FACING]؟",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "تیری خواروو",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ژێرەوە",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "تیری چەپ",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/cs.json b/editor/extensions/cs.json
index 4daefe7d..b8511393 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/cs.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/cs.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "dolů",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "zrychlení [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "síla",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "otáček [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "náklon [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "rychlost otáčení [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "úhel náklonu [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "čelem [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "padá?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "jede",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "nakloněné [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "tažený",
"gdxfor.pushed": "tlačený",
"gdxfor.shaken": "se třese",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "počátek pádu",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "libovolný",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "dozadu",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "dopředu",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "vlevo",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "nahoru",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "když senzor síly [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "když [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "když nakloněný [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "šipka dolů",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "dolů",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "šipka vlevo",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/cy.json b/editor/extensions/cy.json
index f0749b5a..17dcaf87 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/cy.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/cy.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "i lawr",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "cyflymu [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "grym",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "troelli [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "gogwyddo [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "wynebu [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "yn syrthio?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "symudodd",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "tynnwyd",
"gdxfor.pushed": "gwthiwyd",
"gdxfor.shaken": "ysgydwyd",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "wedi cychwyn syrthio",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "cefn",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "blaen",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "chwith",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "i fyny",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "pan mae synhwyrydd grym [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "pan [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "saeth i lawr",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "i lawr",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "saeth chwith",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/da.json b/editor/extensions/da.json
index 03d36d78..a4338235 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/da.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/da.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "ned",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "kraft",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "vip [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "vender [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falder?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "bevæget",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "trukket",
"gdxfor.pushed": "skubbet",
"gdxfor.shaken": "rystet",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "begyndte at falde",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "bagover",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "fremover",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "venstre",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "op",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "når kraft sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "når [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "pil nedad",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ned",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "venstre pil",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/de.json b/editor/extensions/de.json
index cd0a6f18..79cf9cb9 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/de.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/de.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "Pfeil nach unten",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "nach unten",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "Pfeil nach links",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/el.json b/editor/extensions/el.json
index af545dde..5b8c911f 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/el.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/el.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "κάτω",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "επιτάχυνση [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "ισχύς",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "περιστροφή [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "κλίση [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "ταχύτητα περιστροφής [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "γωνία κλίσης [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "στραμμένο [FACING];",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "σε πτώση;",
- "gdxfor.moved": "κινηθεί",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "σε κλίση [TILT];",
"gdxfor.pulled": "τραβηχτεί",
"gdxfor.pushed": "πιεστεί",
"gdxfor.shaken": "τρανταχθεί",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "αρχίσει πτώση",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "οπουδήποτε",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "πίσω",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "μπροστά",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "αριστερά",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "πάνω",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "όταν αισθητήρας ισχύος [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "όταν [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "όταν σε κλίση[TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "κάτω βέλος",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "κάτω",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "αριστερό βέλος",
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "δεξιά",
"microbit.whenButtonPressed": "όταν πατηθεί το κουμπί [BTN]",
"microbit.whenGesture": "όταν [GESTURE]",
- "microbit.whenPinConnected": "όταν ακροδέκτης [PIN] συνδεθεί",
+ "microbit.whenPinConnected": "όταν ακίδσ [PIN] συνδεθεί",
"microbit.whenTilted": "όταν σε κλίση [DIRECTION]",
"music.categoryName": "Μουσική",
"music.changeTempo": "άλλαξε ρυθμό κατά [TEMPO]",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/en.json b/editor/extensions/en.json
index 3ba55f13..7802e6e3 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/en.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/en.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "down arrow",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "down",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "left arrow",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/es-419.json b/editor/extensions/es-419.json
index 139a1c17..c60f5165 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/es-419.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/es-419.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "flecha abajo",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "abajo",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "flecha izquierda",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/es.json b/editor/extensions/es.json
index ffc22aed..17b90be5 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/es.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/es.json
@@ -13,22 +13,24 @@
"gdxfor.down": "mirar abajo",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "aceleración [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "fuerza",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "inclinación [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "velocidad de giro [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "ángulo de inclinación [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "¿mirando a [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "¿cayendo?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "mover",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "¿inclinado [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "empujar",
"gdxfor.pushed": "tirar",
"gdxfor.shaken": "agitar",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "comienza a caer",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "right",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "cualquiera",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "atrás",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "adelante",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "izquierda",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "derecha",
"gdxfor.up": "mirar arriba",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "cuando el sensor de fuerza [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "al [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "cuando inclinado [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "flecha abajo",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "abajo",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "flecha izquierda",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/et.json b/editor/extensions/et.json
index 943ba4f4..89975039 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/et.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/et.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "nool alla",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "alla",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "nool vasakule",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/eu.json b/editor/extensions/eu.json
index fe2dcd39..0b9f02c5 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/eu.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/eu.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "behera gezia",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "behera",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "ezkerrera gezia",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/fa.json b/editor/extensions/fa.json
index dfaeaa38..d71eb4f0 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/fa.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/fa.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "پایین",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "شتاب [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "نیرو",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "چرخش [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "شیب [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "سرعت چرخش [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "زاویه ی شیب [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "آیا با [FACING]رو به رو شده است؟",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "در حال سقوط؟",
- "gdxfor.moved": "حرکت کرد",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "آیا [TILT] کج شد؟",
"gdxfor.pulled": "کشیده",
"gdxfor.pushed": "فشرده",
"gdxfor.shaken": "تکان داده شد",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "سقوط شروع شد",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "هر",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "عقب",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "جلو",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "چپ",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "بالا",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "وقتی حسگر [PUSH_PULL] اعمال شود",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "وقتی که [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "وقتی که [TILT] کج شد",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "جهت پایین",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "پایین",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "جهت چپ",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/fi.json b/editor/extensions/fi.json
index 8eea88ee..86a99483 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/fi.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/fi.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "alas",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "kiihtyvyys [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "voima",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "kallistus [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "osoittaako [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "siirretty",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "ravistettu",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "ylös",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "kun on [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "nuoli alas",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "alas",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "nuoli vasemmalle",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/fr.json b/editor/extensions/fr.json
index 2036825c..1791bd8e 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/fr.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/fr.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "vers le bas",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "accélération [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "inclinaison [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "orienté vers [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "tombe ?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "bougé",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "tiré",
"gdxfor.pushed": "poussé",
"gdxfor.shaken": "secoué",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "commençant à tomber",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "vers le haut",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "quand le capteur de force est à [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "quand [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "flèche bas",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "vers le bas",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "flèche gauche",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ga.json b/editor/extensions/ga.json
index 971f6164..e03be72f 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ga.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ga.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "saighead síos",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "síos",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "saighead chlé",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/gd.json b/editor/extensions/gd.json
index d14cb7bf..0d4a4476 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/gd.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/gd.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "sìos",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "luathachadh [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "forsa",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "car [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "claonadh [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "beul [FACING]",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "a’ tuiteam",
- "gdxfor.moved": "gluasad",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "tarraing",
"gdxfor.pushed": "brùthadh",
"gdxfor.shaken": "crith",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "tòiseachadh tuiteim",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "dhan chùlaibh",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "dhan bheulaibh",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "gu clì",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "suas",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "le [PUSH_PULL] air mothaichear an fhorsa",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "le mothachadh air [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "saighead sìos",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "sìos",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "saighead gu clì",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/gl.json b/editor/extensions/gl.json
index 8cdf50d9..9104af00 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/gl.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/gl.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "Cando o sensor de forza [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "frecha abaixo",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "abaixo",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "frecha esquerda",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/he.json b/editor/extensions/he.json
index f2ee73f7..7b9f71c4 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/he.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/he.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "למטה",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "תאוצה [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "כוח",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "סיבוב [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "הטייה [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "פונה לכיוון [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "נופל?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "זז",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "נמשך",
"gdxfor.pushed": "נדחף",
"gdxfor.shaken": "נוער",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "החל ליפול",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "לאחור",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "קדימה",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "שמאלה",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "למעלה",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "כאשר חיישן הכוח [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "כאשר [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "חץ מטה",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "מטה",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "חץ שמאלי",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/hr.json b/editor/extensions/hr.json
index cbb95452..27487dbc 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/hr.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/hr.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "strelica dolje",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "dolje",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "strelica lijevo",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/hu.json b/editor/extensions/hu.json
index 92ae1d19..8ee45e6d 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/hu.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/hu.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "le",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "gyorsulás [DIRECTION] irányban",
"gdxfor.getForce": "erő",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "billenés [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "[FACING] irányba néz?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "zuhan?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "elmozdult",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "meghúzva",
"gdxfor.pushed": "benyomva",
"gdxfor.shaken": "megrázva",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "zuhanni kezdett",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "bármelyik",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "balra",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "fel",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "amikor az erő-szenzor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "amikor [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "lefele nyíl",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "le",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "balra nyíl",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/id.json b/editor/extensions/id.json
index 137531e2..6b9178b8 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/id.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/id.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "panah bawah",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "bawah",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "panah kiri",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/is.json b/editor/extensions/is.json
index 1d3c7464..8a8acc1b 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/is.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/is.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "down arrow",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "down",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "left arrow",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/it.json b/editor/extensions/it.json
index 219ce20e..9f595d41 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/it.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/it.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "giù",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "accelerazione [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "forza",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "rotazione [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "inclinazione [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "velocità di rotazione [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "inclinazione di [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "voltato verso [FACING]",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "sto cadendo",
- "gdxfor.moved": "si muove",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "[TILT] inclinato",
"gdxfor.pulled": "vengo tirato",
"gdxfor.pushed": "sono spinto",
"gdxfor.shaken": "è scosso",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "ho iniziato a cadere",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "qualunque",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "indietro",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "in avanti",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "a sinistra",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "su",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "quando il sensore di forza rileva che [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "quando [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "quando [TILT] inclinato",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "freccia giù",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "giù",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "freccia sinistra",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json b/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json
index 082be27b..32431a1e 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ja-Hira.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "[GESTURE]とき",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "したむきやじるし",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "した",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "ひだりむきやじるし",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ja.json b/editor/extensions/ja.json
index 3ee2102a..ce2faab3 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ja.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ja.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "下向き矢印",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "下",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "左向き矢印",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ko.json b/editor/extensions/ko.json
index cfd2a20f..03fb7312 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ko.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ko.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "down arrow",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "아래쪽",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "left arrow",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/lt.json b/editor/extensions/lt.json
index 1f8bb91f..13090cd4 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/lt.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/lt.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "rodyklė žemyn",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "žemyn",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "rodyklė kairėn",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/lv.json b/editor/extensions/lv.json
index c57b6a11..ed6b690c 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/lv.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/lv.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "paātrinājums [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "spēks",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "liekt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "skatās [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "lejuptaustiņš",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "uz leju",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "kreisais bulttaustiņš",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/mi.json b/editor/extensions/mi.json
index 4addb389..43056473 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/mi.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/mi.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "pere whakararo",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ki raro",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "pere mauī",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/nb.json b/editor/extensions/nb.json
index e67868f6..29238c39 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/nb.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/nb.json
@@ -13,22 +13,24 @@
"gdxfor.down": "ned",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "akselerasjon [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "kraft",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "helning [TILT]",
- "gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "rotasjonsfart [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "helningsvinkel [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.isFacing": "vender [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "fritt fall",
- "gdxfor.moved": "flyttet",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "heller [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "trekkes",
"gdxfor.pushed": "dyttes",
"gdxfor.shaken": "ristet",
- "gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "right",
+ "gdxfor.startedFalling": "begynner å falle",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "hvilken som helst",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "bakover",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "framover",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "venstre",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "høyre",
"gdxfor.up": "opp",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "når kraftsensoren [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "når [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "ved helning [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "pil ned",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ned",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "pil venstre",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/nl.json b/editor/extensions/nl.json
index 82d61f71..37a7c21a 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/nl.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/nl.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "omlaag",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "versnelling [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "kracht",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "draai [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "kantel [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "draaisnelheid [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "kantelhoek [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "gericht naar [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "vallend?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "bewogen",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "gekanteld [TILT]",
"gdxfor.pulled": "getrokken",
"gdxfor.pushed": "gedrukt",
"gdxfor.shaken": "geschud",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "begonnen te vallen",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "willekeurig",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "achter",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "voor",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "links",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "omhoog",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "wanneer krachtsensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "wanneer [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "als [TILT]gekanteld",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "pijltje omlaag",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "omlaag",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "pijltje links",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/nn.json b/editor/extensions/nn.json
index 35152e8e..96dff2f4 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/nn.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/nn.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "ned",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "akselerasjon [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "kraft",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "snurr [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "helling [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "rotasjonsfart [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "hellingsvinkel [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "side [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "i fritt fall?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "flytta",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "heller [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "trekt",
"gdxfor.pushed": "skubba",
"gdxfor.shaken": "rista",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "starta å falla",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "vilkårleg",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "bakover",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "framover",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "venstre",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "opp",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "når kraftsensoren vert [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "når [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "ved helling [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "pil ned",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ned",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "pil venstre",
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@
"microbit.whenButtonPressed": "når [BTN]-knappen er trykt",
"microbit.whenGesture": "når [GESTURE]",
"microbit.whenPinConnected": "når kontakten [PIN] får signal",
- "microbit.whenTilted": "når helling [DIRECTION]",
+ "microbit.whenTilted": "ved helling [DIRECTION]",
"music.categoryName": "Musikk",
"music.changeTempo": "endra tempo med [TEMPO]",
"music.drumBass": "(2) Stortromme",
@@ -182,5 +184,5 @@
"wedo2.tiltDirection.right": "høgre",
"wedo2.tiltDirection.up": "opp",
"wedo2.whenDistance": "når avstanden [OP] [REFERENCE]",
- "wedo2.whenTilted": "når helling [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]"
+ "wedo2.whenTilted": "ved helling [TILT_DIRECTION_ANY]"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/extensions/pl.json b/editor/extensions/pl.json
index 88bac931..fc20227e 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/pl.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/pl.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "strzałka w dół",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "dół",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "strzałka w lewo",
@@ -134,15 +136,15 @@
"speech.listenAndWait": "posłuchaj i czekaj",
"speech.speechReporter": "mowa",
"speech.whenIHear": "kiedy wykryję dźwięk [PHRASE]",
- "text2speech.alto": "alt",
+ "text2speech.alto": "kobiecy",
"text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": "hello",
- "text2speech.giant": "ogromny",
+ "text2speech.giant": "zmodyfikowany",
"text2speech.kitten": "kociątko",
"text2speech.setLanguageBlock": "ustaw język na [LANGUAGE]",
"text2speech.setVoiceBlock": "Ustaw głos na [VOICE]",
"text2speech.speakAndWaitBlock": "Powiedz [WORDS]",
- "text2speech.squeak": "pisk",
- "text2speech.tenor": "tenor",
+ "text2speech.squeak": "dziecięcy",
+ "text2speech.tenor": "męski",
"translate.categoryName": "Tłumacz",
"translate.defaultTextToTranslate": "cześć",
"translate.translateBlock": "tłumacz [WORDS] na [LANGUAGE]",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/pt-br.json b/editor/extensions/pt-br.json
index 164bce2f..bfd58acc 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/pt-br.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/pt-br.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "aceleração [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "força",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "inclinação [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "direção [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "seta para baixo",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "baixo",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "seta para esquerda",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/pt.json b/editor/extensions/pt.json
index 0dbfa9ea..6d1e68f3 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/pt.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/pt.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "baixo",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "a aceleração [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "a força",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "a inclinação [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "está virado para [FACING]",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "a cair",
- "gdxfor.moved": "se mover",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "for puxado",
"gdxfor.pushed": "for empurrado",
"gdxfor.shaken": "for abanado",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "começar a cair",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "cima",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "Quando o sensor de força",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "Quando [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "seta para baixo",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "baixo",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "seta para a esquerda",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ro.json b/editor/extensions/ro.json
index cdb5bfc6..dc951e30 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ro.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ro.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "accelerație[DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "forță",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "înclinare[TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "îndreptat(ă) în[FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "săgeată jos",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "jos",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "săgeată stânga",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/ru.json b/editor/extensions/ru.json
index 4d44416d..ed6e8a04 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/ru.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/ru.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "ускорение [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "сила",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "наклон [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "лицом к [FACING]",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "стрелка вниз",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "вниз",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "стрелка влево",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/sk.json b/editor/extensions/sk.json
index 07a14f09..7775a3ad 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/sk.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/sk.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "zrýchenie [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "sila",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "naklonenie[TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "natočený [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "šípka dole",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "dole",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "šípka vľavo",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/sl.json b/editor/extensions/sl.json
index a193ece9..9b7a7eaa 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/sl.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/sl.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "dol",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "pospešek [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "moč",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "vrtenje [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "nagib [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "hitrost vrtenja [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "kot nagiba [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "navzgor/navzdol [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "padajoč?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "premaknjeno",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "nagnjeno [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "potegnjen",
"gdxfor.pushed": "potisnjen",
"gdxfor.shaken": "streseno",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "začetek padanja",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "poljubna",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "zadaj",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "spredaj",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "levo",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "gor",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "ko je senzor sile [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "ko je [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "ko je nagnjeno [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "puščica dol",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "dol",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "puščica levo",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/sr.json b/editor/extensions/sr.json
index 6926b35d..0cdd7a12 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/sr.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/sr.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "убрзање [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "сила",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "нагнути [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "окренуто [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "стрелица доле",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "доле",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "стрелица лево",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/sv.json b/editor/extensions/sv.json
index 87ced92d..8bd6c27e 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/sv.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/sv.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "ned",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "kraft",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "rotera [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "luta [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "rotationshastighet [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "lutningsvinkel [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "position [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "fritt fall?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "rör sig",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "lutar [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "dragits",
"gdxfor.pushed": "knuffad",
"gdxfor.shaken": "skaka",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "börjar falla",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "någon",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "tillbaka",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "översta",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "vänster",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "upp",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "när kraftsensorn [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "om [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "när lutar [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "nedåtpil",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ned",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "vänsterpil",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/th.json b/editor/extensions/th.json
index acce6cf1..a860180e 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/th.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/th.json
@@ -10,25 +10,27 @@
"ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": "เมื่อความสว่าง < [DISTANCE]",
"ev3.whenButtonPressed": "เมื่อกดปุ่ม [PORT]",
"ev3.whenDistanceLessThan": "เมื่อระยะห่าง < [DISTANCE]",
- "gdxfor.down": "down",
- "gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.down": "ลง",
+ "gdxfor.getAcceleration": "เร่ง [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
- "gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "ตกไหม?",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
- "gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
- "gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "right",
- "gdxfor.up": "up",
+ "gdxfor.shaken": "เขย่า",
+ "gdxfor.startedFalling": "เริ่มตกลงมา",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "ทิศใดก็ได้",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "หลัง",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "หน้า",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "ซ้าย",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "ขวา",
+ "gdxfor.up": "ขึ้น",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
- "gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenGesture": "เมื่อ [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "ลูกศรลง",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ลง",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "ลูกศรซ้าย",
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@
"makeymakey.spaceKey": "สเปซบาร์",
"makeymakey.upArrow": "ลูกศรขึ้น",
"makeymakey.upArrowShort": "ขึ้น",
- "makeymakey.whenKeyPressed": "when [KEY] key pressed",
+ "makeymakey.whenKeyPressed": "เมื่อคีย์ [KEY] ถูกกด",
"makeymakey.whenKeysPressedInOrder": "when [SEQUENCE] pressed in order",
"microbit.buttonsMenu.any": "ทิศใดก็ได้",
"microbit.clearDisplay": "ล้างหน้าจอ",
@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@
"music.instrumentTrombone": "(9) ทรอมโบน",
"music.instrumentVibraphone": "(16) ไวปราโฟน",
"music.instrumentWoodenFlute": "(13) ฟลูตไม้",
- "music.midiPlayDrumForBeats": "play drum [DRUM] for [BEATS] beats",
+ "music.midiPlayDrumForBeats": "เล่น [DRUM] [BEATS] จังหวะ",
"music.midiSetInstrument": "ตั้งเครื่องดนตรีเป็น [INSTRUMENT]",
"music.playDrumForBeats": "เล่น [DRUM] [BEATS] จังหวะ",
"music.playNoteForBeats": "เล่นโน๊ต [NOTE] [BEATS] จังหวะ",
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@
"speech.speechReporter": "เสียงพูด",
"speech.whenIHear": "เมื่อฉันได้ยิน [PHRASE]",
"text2speech.alto": "อัลโต",
- "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": "hello",
+ "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": "สวัสดี",
"text2speech.giant": "ไจแอนท์",
"text2speech.kitten": "ลูกแมว",
"text2speech.setLanguageBlock": "ตั้งภาษาเป็น [LANGUAGE]",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/tr.json b/editor/extensions/tr.json
index dc9edfeb..61790255 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/tr.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/tr.json
@@ -10,25 +10,27 @@
"ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": "parlaklık < [DISTANCE]olduğunda",
"ev3.whenButtonPressed": "[PORT] düğmesi basıldığında",
"ev3.whenDistanceLessThan": "mesafe < [DISTANCE]olduğunda",
- "gdxfor.down": "down",
+ "gdxfor.down": "aşağı",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "ivme [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "güç",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "eğim [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "devir hızı [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "eğim açısı",
"gdxfor.isFacing": " [FACING] dönük mü?",
- "gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
- "gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
- "gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
- "gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
- "gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "right",
- "gdxfor.up": "up",
- "gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
- "gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "düşüyor mu?",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "[TILT] eğimli mi?",
+ "gdxfor.pulled": "çekilmiş",
+ "gdxfor.pushed": "itilmiş",
+ "gdxfor.shaken": "sallanmış",
+ "gdxfor.startedFalling": "düşmeye başlamış",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "herhangi",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "geri",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "ön",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "sol",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "sağ",
+ "gdxfor.up": "yukarı",
+ "gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "kuvvet sensörü [PUSH_PULL]",
+ "gdxfor.whenGesture": "[GESTURE]olduğunda",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "Eğim [TILT] olduğunda",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "aşağı ok",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "aşağı",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "sol ok",
@@ -38,8 +40,8 @@
"makeymakey.spaceKey": "boşluk",
"makeymakey.upArrow": "yukarı ok",
"makeymakey.upArrowShort": "yukarı",
- "makeymakey.whenKeyPressed": "when [KEY] key pressed",
- "makeymakey.whenKeysPressedInOrder": "when [SEQUENCE] pressed in order",
+ "makeymakey.whenKeyPressed": "[KEY]tuşu basılınca",
+ "makeymakey.whenKeysPressedInOrder": "[SEQUENCE] dizisi sırayla basılınca",
"microbit.buttonsMenu.any": "herhangi",
"microbit.clearDisplay": "ekranı temizle",
"microbit.defaultTextToDisplay": "Merhaba!",
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@
"speech.speechReporter": "konuşma",
"speech.whenIHear": "[PHRASE] ifadesini duyduğunda",
"text2speech.alto": "alto",
- "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": "hello",
+ "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": "merhaba",
"text2speech.giant": "dev",
"text2speech.kitten": "kedi yavrusu",
"text2speech.setLanguageBlock": "dili [LANGUAGE]'ye ayarla",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/uk.json b/editor/extensions/uk.json
index 72e04469..a39a82a1 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/uk.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/uk.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "вниз",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "прискорення [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "сила",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "нахил [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "спрямовано [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "падає?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "рухається",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "виштовхнуто",
"gdxfor.pushed": "заштовхнуто",
"gdxfor.shaken": "струснуто",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "початок падіння",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "вгору",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "поки сенсор сили [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "коли [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "стрілка вниз",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "вниз",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "стрілка ліворуч",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/vi.json b/editor/extensions/vi.json
index 78c4db8e..76ac6097 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/vi.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/vi.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "down",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin speed [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt angle [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "tilted [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
"gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
"gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "any",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "up",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "when tilted [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "mũi tên xuống",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "xuống",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "mũi tên trái",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json b/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json
index cfb306d8..29fa7314 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/zh-cn.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "下",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "向[DIRECTION]的加速度",
"gdxfor.getForce": "受力",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "向[DIRECTION]转速",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "向[DIRECTION]的旋转速度",
"gdxfor.getTilt": "向[TILT]倾角",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "面向[FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "自由落体?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "移动",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "向[TILT]倾斜?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "向外拉",
"gdxfor.pushed": "向内推",
"gdxfor.shaken": "晃动",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "开始自由落体",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "任意方向",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "后",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "前",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "左",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "上",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "当[PUSH_PULL]力传感器",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "当被[GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "当向[TILT]倾斜",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "↓",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "下",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "←",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json b/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json
index 31ca44b4..4d15c0fd 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/zh-tw.json
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
"gdxfor.down": "向下",
"gdxfor.getAcceleration": "加速度 [DIRECTION]",
"gdxfor.getForce": "力量",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "旋轉 [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "傾斜 [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "旋轉速度 [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "傾斜角度 [TILT]",
"gdxfor.isFacing": "正面 [FACING]?",
"gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "自由掉落?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "移動",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "傾斜 [TILT]?",
"gdxfor.pulled": "向外拉",
"gdxfor.pushed": "向內推",
"gdxfor.shaken": "晃動",
"gdxfor.startedFalling": "開始掉落",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "任何",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "向下",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "向上",
"gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "向左",
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"gdxfor.up": "向上",
"gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "當重力感測器[PUSH_PULL]",
"gdxfor.whenGesture": "當 [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "當傾斜 [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "向下",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "向下",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "向左",
diff --git a/editor/extensions/zu.json b/editor/extensions/zu.json
index 93dd7f78..15252afc 100644
--- a/editor/extensions/zu.json
+++ b/editor/extensions/zu.json
@@ -10,25 +10,27 @@
"ev3.whenBrightnessLessThan": "uma ukukhanya <[DISTANCE]",
"ev3.whenButtonPressed": "Inkinobho [PORT] mayicindezeliwe",
"ev3.whenDistanceLessThan": "uma ibanga < [DISTANCE]",
- "gdxfor.down": "down",
- "gdxfor.getAcceleration": "acceleration [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getForce": "force",
- "gdxfor.getSpin": "spin [DIRECTION]",
- "gdxfor.getTilt": "tilt [TILT]",
- "gdxfor.isFacing": "facing [FACING]?",
- "gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "falling?",
- "gdxfor.moved": "moved",
- "gdxfor.pulled": "pulled",
- "gdxfor.pushed": "pushed",
- "gdxfor.shaken": "shaken",
- "gdxfor.startedFalling": "started falling",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "back",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "front",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "left",
- "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "right",
- "gdxfor.up": "up",
- "gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "when force sensor [PUSH_PULL]",
- "gdxfor.whenGesture": "when [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.down": "ezansi",
+ "gdxfor.getAcceleration": "Ukusheshisa [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getForce": "Ngamandla ",
+ "gdxfor.getSpin": "ukuphenduka ngejubane [DIRECTION]",
+ "gdxfor.getTilt": "Tshekisa engeli [TILT]",
+ "gdxfor.isFacing": "Kubheke [FACING]",
+ "gdxfor.isFreeFalling": "Kuyawa ? ",
+ "gdxfor.isTilted": "Kutshekisiwe [TILT]?",
+ "gdxfor.pulled": "Kudonsekile ",
+ "gdxfor.pushed": "Kuphushekile ",
+ "gdxfor.shaken": "ukunyakaziswa ",
+ "gdxfor.startedFalling": "Sekuqalile kuyawa ",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "noma ikuphi",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "emuva",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "phambili",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "inxele",
+ "gdxfor.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "sokudla",
+ "gdxfor.up": "phezulu",
+ "gdxfor.whenForcePushedOrPulled": "Uma kuphushwe isensor [PUSH_PULL]",
+ "gdxfor.whenGesture": "uma [GESTURE]",
+ "gdxfor.whenTilted": "Makutshekisiwe [TILT]",
"makeymakey.downArrow": "umcibisholo ophansi",
"makeymakey.downArrowShort": "ngezansi",
"makeymakey.leftArrow": "umcibisholo kwesobunxele",
@@ -38,8 +40,8 @@
"makeymakey.spaceKey": "isikhala",
"makeymakey.upArrow": "umcibilisholo phezulu",
"makeymakey.upArrowShort": "phezulu",
- "makeymakey.whenKeyPressed": "when [KEY] key pressed",
- "makeymakey.whenKeysPressedInOrder": "when [SEQUENCE] pressed in order",
+ "makeymakey.whenKeyPressed": "Uma [KEY]kucindezeliwe ",
+ "makeymakey.whenKeysPressedInOrder": "Uma [SEQUENCE]kucindezeliwe ngendlela ",
"microbit.buttonsMenu.any": "noma ikuphi",
"microbit.clearDisplay": "isiboniso esicacile",
"microbit.defaultTextToDisplay": "Sawubona!",
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
"microbit.tiltAngle": "tshekisa engeli [DIRECTION]",
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.any": "noma ikuphi",
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.back": "emuva",
- "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "iphambili",
+ "microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.front": "phambili",
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.left": "inxele",
"microbit.tiltDirectionMenu.right": "sokudla",
"microbit.whenButtonPressed": "Inkinobho [BTN] mayicindezeliwe ",
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@
"speech.speechReporter": "inkulumo",
"speech.whenIHear": "uma ngizwa [PHRASE]",
"text2speech.alto": "I -altho",
- "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": "hello",
+ "text2speech.defaultTextToSpeak": "sawubona",
"text2speech.giant": "isiqhwaga ",
"text2speech.kitten": "Ingane yekati",
"text2speech.setLanguageBlock": "hlela ulimi uliyise [LANGUAGE]",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ab.json b/editor/interface/ab.json
index 902635e2..913870c5 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ab.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ab.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "истандарту аԥшра",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "аԥшра рдыуны",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "арымаа хәыҷ",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "аимпорт",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "аекспорт",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Анагӡаҩцәа зегьы рзы",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow} Шәмикрофон ахархәараз, ҳара иҳамазароуп шәара шәзин",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Иаанкылатәуп аҭаҩра",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Иҭаҩтәуп",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Иминималу аҵакы",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Имаксималу аҵакы",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Иаҟәыхтәуп",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Абжьы",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Иарҳәатәуп",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Иаанкылатәуп",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Алагаразы шәақәыӷәӷәа абираҟ иаҵәа!",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Иаԥҵатәуп ицәажәо анимациа",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Иацҵатәуп атеқст Ацәажәара аблокқәа рахь",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Ишәҳәа џьара акы",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Ишәҳәа џьара акы",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Иқәыргылатәуп Абжьы",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Игьежьлатәуп",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Иацышәҵа аҿаԥшыра",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Аимадара. Агәра шәга, pin-код EV3 аҟны 1234 шықәыргылоу. ",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Иаԥышәҵала аматорқәеи асенсорқәеи рхархәарала.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Аимадара",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Зегьы",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Аԥстәқәа",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Акәашара",
diff --git a/editor/interface/am.json b/editor/interface/am.json
index 70668c61..36d7df6a 100644
--- a/editor/interface/am.json
+++ b/editor/interface/am.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "መደበኛ የሚነበብ ነገር",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "ትልቅ የሚነበብ ነገር",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "ማንሸራተቻ",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "ለሁሉም ስፕራይቶች",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop recording",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Record",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "ድምጽ",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "ይጫወታሉ",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "አቁም",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "አረንጓዴ ባንዲራው ጠቅ ይድረጉ ለመጀመር",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Create Animations That Talk",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Set a Voice",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Move Around",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Add a Backdrop",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "በመገናኘት ላይ ነው። EV3 ላይ ያለው ዕስፒልዎ ወደ 1234 እንደተቀየረ ያረጋግጡ።",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "ከሞተሮችና ቃኚዎች ይገንቡ።",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "በመገናኘት ላይ ነው",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "All",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animals",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dance",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ar.json b/editor/interface/ar.json
index d69fc1d1..16b1fd4b 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ar.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ar.json
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
"gui.backpack.loadingBackpack": "جاري التحميل...",
"gui.backpack.more": "المزيد",
"gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": "حقيبة الظهر فارغة",
- "gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": "Browser is not supported",
- "gui.unsupportedBrowser.errorLabel": "An Error Occurred",
- "gui.unsupportedBrowser.notRecommended": "We are very sorry, but it looks like you are using a browser version that Scratch does not support. We recommend updating to the latest version of a supported browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.",
- "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": "We are very sorry, but Scratch does not support this browser. We recommend updating to the latest version of a supported browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.",
+ "gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": "المتصفح غير مدعوم ",
+ "gui.unsupportedBrowser.errorLabel": "حدث خطأ",
+ "gui.unsupportedBrowser.notRecommended": "نحن آسفون جدًا، ولكن يبدو أنك تستخدم متصفحًا لا يدعمه سكراتش. نحن ننصحك بتحديث متصفحك لآخر نسخة متصفح يدعمها سكراتش مثل جوجل كروم، موزيلا فايرفوكس، مياكروسوفت إيدج أو أبل سافاري.",
+ "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": "نحن آسفون جدًا، ولكن سكراتش لا يدعم المتصفح الذي تستخدمه. نحن ننصحك بتحديث متصفحك لآخر نسخة متصفح يدعمها سكراتش مثل جوجل كروم، موزيلا سفاري، مياكروسوفت إيدج أو أبل سافاري.",
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": "ارجع الى الخلف",
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq": "لمعرفة المزيد ، انتقل إلى {previewFaqLink}.",
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext": "الأسئلة المتكررة الطرح",
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"gui.connection.error.tryagainbutton": "حاول مرة أخرى",
"gui.connection.error.helpbutton": "مساعدة",
"gui.connection.peripheral-name-label": "اسم الجهاز",
- "gui.connection.connect": "Connect",
+ "gui.connection.connect": " الاتصال بالجهاز",
"gui.connection.scanning.lookingforperipherals": "يتم البحث عن الأجهزة ألان...",
"gui.connection.scanning.noPeripheralsFound": "لم يتم العثور على الأجهزة",
"gui.connection.scanning.instructions": "اختر جهازك من القائمة أعلاه.",
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"gui.controls.stop": "توقف",
"gui.crashMessage.label": "هناك خطأ ما.",
"gui.crashMessage.description": "نحن آسفون جدًا ، ولكن يبدو أن صفحة سكراتش قد تعطلت. تم الإبلاغ عن هذا الخطأ تلقائيًا إلى فريق سكراتش. يرجى تحديث صفحتك لإعادة المحاولة.",
- "gui.crashMessage.errorNumber": "Your error was logged with id {errorId}",
+ "gui.crashMessage.errorNumber": "تم تسجيل الخطأ مع هوية {errorId}",
"gui.crashMessage.reload": "إعادة تحميل",
"gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle": "إنشاء لبنة",
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText": "أضف حقلا",
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround": "في كل مكان",
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.leftRight": "يسار / يمين",
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.dontRotate": "لا تدور",
- "gui.gui.addExtension": "Add Extension",
+ "gui.gui.addExtension": "أضف تمديدًا ",
"gui.gui.codeTab": "رمز",
"gui.gui.backdropsTab": "الخلفيات",
"gui.gui.costumesTab": "المظاهر",
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"gui.loader.message7": "تضخيم جوبو ...",
"gui.loader.message8": "جارٍ تحضير الرموز التعبيرية ...",
"gui.loader.headline": "جاري تحميل المشروع",
- "gui.loader.creating": "Creating Project",
+ "gui.loader.creating": "جاري إنشاء المشروع",
"gui.accountMenu.profile": "الملف الشخصي",
"gui.accountMenu.myStuff": "أغراضي",
"gui.accountMenu.myClasses": "صفوفي",
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@
"gui.accountMenu.accountSettings": "إعدادات الحساب",
"gui.accountMenu.signOut": "تسجيل الخروج",
"gui.authorInfo.byUser": "بواسطة {username}",
- "gui.menuBar.seeProjectPage": "See Project Page",
+ "gui.menuBar.seeProjectPage": "شاهد صفحة المشروع ",
"general.username": "اسم المستخدم",
"general.password": "كلمة المرور",
"general.signIn": "تسجيل الدخول",
"login.needHelp": "تحتاج الى مساعدة؟",
- "form.validationRequired": "This field is required",
+ "form.validationRequired": "هذا الحقل إجباري",
"gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector": "اختيار اللغة",
"gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary": "دروس",
"gui.menuBar.restoreSprite": "استعادة الكائن",
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"gui.menuBar.signIn": "تسجيل الدخول",
"gui.menuBar.giveFeedback": "إعطاء رد الفعل",
"gui.gui.projectTitlePlaceholder": "عنوان المشروع هنا",
- "gui.menuBar.saveNowLink": "Save Now",
+ "gui.menuBar.saveNowLink": "احفظ الآن",
"gui.menuBar.isShared": "المشاركة",
"gui.menuBar.share": "مشاركة",
"gui.modal.help": "مساعدة",
@@ -135,12 +135,13 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "عرض عادي",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "عرض كبير",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "المنزلقة",
- "gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
- "gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "استيراد",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "تصدير",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "لجميع الكائنات",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly": "لهذا الكائن فقط",
"gui.gui.cloudVariableOption": "متغير سحابي (مخزّن على المخدّم)",
- "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": "This variable will be available to all sprites.",
+ "gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage": "سيكون هذا المتغير متاح لجميع الكائنات.",
"gui.prompt.cancel": "الغاء",
"gui.prompt.ok": "موافق",
"gui.playbackStep.stopMsg": "أوقف",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow} نحتاج إلى إذنك لاستخدام الميكروفون",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "إيقاف التسجيل",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "تسجيل",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "الصوت",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "عزف",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "توقف",
@@ -189,17 +195,17 @@
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile": "تحميل الخلفية",
"gui.stageSelector.stage": "المنصة",
"gui.stageSelector.backdrops": "الخلفيات",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.label": "Report statistics to improve Scratch",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.body1": "The Scratch Team is always looking to better understand how Scratch is used around the world. To help support this effort, you can allow Scratch to automatically send usage information to the Scratch Team.",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.body2": "The information we collect includes language selection, blocks usage, and some events like saving, loading, and uploading a project. We DO NOT collect any personal information. Please see our {privacyPolicyLink} for more information.",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.privacyPolicyLink": "Privacy Policy",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextNo": "No, thanks",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.label": "أرسل إحصائيات لتحسين سكراتش",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.body1": "فريق سكراتش يتطلع دائما إلى فهم أفضل لكيفية استخدام سكراتش في جميع أنحاء العالم. للمساعدة في دعم هذا المجهود، يمكنك السماح لسكراتش بإرسال معلومات الاستخدام تلقائيا إلى فريق سكراتش.",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.body2": "المعلومات التي نجمعها تتضمن اختيار اللغة، استخدام اللبنات، وبعض الأحداث مثل حفظ، تحميل، ورفع مشروع. نحن لا نجمع أي معلومات شخصية. فضلًا أنظر سياسية الخصوصية لمزيد من المعلومات{privacyPolicyLink}",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.privacyPolicyLink": "سياسة الخصوصية",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextNo": "لا، شكرًا.",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTooltipNo": "Disable telemetry",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextYes": "Yes, I'd like to help improve Scratch",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextYes": "نعم، أرغب في المساعدة في تحسين سكراتش",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTooltipYes": "Enable telemetry",
"gui.turboMode.active": "الوضع السريع",
"gui.webglModal.label": "متصفحك لا يدعم WebGL",
- "gui.webglModal.description": "Unfortunately it looks like your browser or computer {webGlLink}. This technology is needed for Scratch 3.0 to run.",
+ "gui.webglModal.description": "للأسف ، يبدو الأمر بأن المتصفح أو الكمبيوتر {webGlLink}. هناك حاجة إلى هذه التقنية لتشغيل سكراتش 3.0.",
"gui.webglModal.webgllink": "لا يدعم WebGL",
"gui.webglModal.back": "ارجع الى الخلف",
"gui.webglModal.previewfaq": "لمعرفة المزيد ، انتقل إلى {previewFaqLink}.",
@@ -224,21 +230,21 @@
"gui.soundTab.surpriseSound": "مفاجأة ",
"gui.soundTab.recordSound": "سجل",
"gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary": "اختر صوتًا ",
- "gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": "Choose a Sprite",
+ "gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": "اختر كائن",
"gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": "اختر البرنامج التعليمي",
- "gui.alerts.createsuccess": "New project created.",
- "gui.alerts.createcopysuccess": "Project saved as a copy.",
- "gui.alerts.createremixsuccess": "Project saved as a remix.",
- "gui.alerts.creating": "Creating new…",
- "gui.alerts.creatingCopy": "Copying project…",
- "gui.alerts.creatingRemix": "Remixing project…",
+ "gui.alerts.createsuccess": "تم إنشاء مشروع جديد. ",
+ "gui.alerts.createcopysuccess": "تم حفظ المشروع كنسخة. ",
+ "gui.alerts.createremixsuccess": "تم حفظ المشروع كمزج (ريميكس).",
+ "gui.alerts.creating": "جاري إنشاء مشروع جديد... ",
+ "gui.alerts.creatingCopy": "جاري نسخ المشروع... ",
+ "gui.alerts.creatingRemix": "جاري مزج (ريميكس) المشروع... ",
"gui.alerts.creatingError": "لا يمكن إنشاء المشروع. حاول مرة اخرى!",
"gui.alerts.savingError": "المشروع لا يمكن حفظة.",
- "gui.alerts.savesuccess": "Project saved.",
- "gui.alerts.saving": "Saving project…",
- "gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Please note, cloud variables only support numbers, not letters or symbols. {learnMoreLink}",
- "gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Learn more.",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.savesuccess": "تم حفظ المشروع.",
+ "gui.alerts.saving": "جاري حفظ المشروع... ",
+ "gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "يرجى ملاحظة أن متغيرات السحابة تدعم الأرقام فقط، ولا تدعم الحروف أو الرموز. {learnMoreLink}",
+ "gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "تعلم المزيد. ",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "استيراد",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "مواء ",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "متغيري",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "الشروع في العمل",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "انقر على العلم الاخضر للبدء",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "خلق رسوم متحركة التي تتحدث",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "قل شيئًا",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "ضبط صوت",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "تحرك حول",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "أضف خلفية",
@@ -292,10 +298,10 @@
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_UpDown": "تحرك صعودا وهبوطا مع مفاتيح الأسهم",
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_AddStar": "اضف كائن آخر",
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_MoveRandom": "تحرك عشوائيا",
- "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch": "In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Play Sound",
+ "gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch": "في كائن الاخطبوط , عند اللمس اعزف نغمة",
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_ScoreVariable": "خلق درجة المتغير",
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.ScoreWhenTouch": "عند نقر على كائن الاخطبوط، زد نقطة",
- "gui.howtos.animate-char.name": "Animate A Character",
+ "gui.howtos.animate-char.name": "حرك شخصية",
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addbg": "أضف خلفية",
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsprite": "أضف كائنًا",
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_saysomething": "قل شيئًا",
@@ -310,15 +316,15 @@
"gui.howtos.story.step_saysomething": "قل شيئًا",
"gui.howtos.story.step_addanothersprite": "أضف شخصية أخرى",
"gui.howtos.story.step_flip": "اقلب الاتجاه ",
- "gui.howtos.story.step_conversation": "Have A Conversation",
+ "gui.howtos.story.step_conversation": " إجراء محادثة",
"gui.howtos.story.addanotherbg": "أضف خلفية أخرى",
"gui.howtos.story.step_swithbg": "تبديل الخلفيات",
"gui.howtos.story.step_hidewizard": "إخفاء شخصية",
"gui.howtos.story.step_showwizard": "إظهار شخصية",
"gui.howtos.videosens.name": "استشعار الفيديو",
- "gui.howtos.videosens.step_addextension": "Add Extension",
- "gui.howtos.videosens.step_pet": "Pet the Cat",
- "gui.howtos.videosens.step_animate": "Animate",
+ "gui.howtos.videosens.step_addextension": "أضف تمديدًا ",
+ "gui.howtos.videosens.step_pet": "مداعبة القطة",
+ "gui.howtos.videosens.step_animate": "حرك",
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_pop": "فجر البالون",
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.name": "أضف كائنًا",
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.step_addSprite": "أضف كائنًا",
@@ -334,7 +340,7 @@
"gui.extension.music.name": "الموسيقى",
"gui.extension.music.description": "تلعب الصكوك والطبول.",
"gui.extension.pen.name": "القلم",
- "gui.extension.pen.description": "Draw with your sprites.",
+ "gui.extension.pen.description": "ارسم مع الكائنات الخاصة بك.",
"gui.extension.videosensing.name": "استشعار الفيديو",
"gui.extension.videosensing.description": "تحسس الحركة بالكاميرا.",
"gui.extension.text2speech.name": "نص إلى الكلام",
@@ -348,9 +354,10 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "جاري التوصيل. تأكد من ان الرقم السري على جهاز EV3 الخاص بك هو 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "بناء مع المحركات وأجهزة الاستشعار.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "توصيل",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "الكل",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "حيوانات",
- "gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dance",
+ "gui.libraryTags.dance": "رقص ",
"gui.libraryTags.effects": "التأثيرات",
"gui.libraryTags.fantasy": "خيال",
"gui.libraryTags.fashion": "أزياء ",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "مظهر{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "الكائن {index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "بُب",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "هل تريد أن تستبدل محتويات المشروع الحالي؟"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/interface/az.json b/editor/interface/az.json
index 4c57a1ff..3eab88b2 100644
--- a/editor/interface/az.json
+++ b/editor/interface/az.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normal readout",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "large readout",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "sürüşkən",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Bütün spraytlar üçün",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop recording",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Record",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Səs",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Çal",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "dayandır",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Başlamaq üçün yaşıl bayrağa klikləyin",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Create Animations That Talk",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Set a Voice",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Move Around",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Add a Backdrop",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Qoşulur. EV3-dəki pin kodun 1234 təyin olunduğundan əmin olun.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Mühərriklər və sensorlar ilə qurun.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Connecting",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "All",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animals",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dance",
diff --git a/editor/interface/bg.json b/editor/interface/bg.json
index d7018ce5..05a796f0 100644
--- a/editor/interface/bg.json
+++ b/editor/interface/bg.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "нормално изписване",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "уголемено изписване",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "плъзгач",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "импорт",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "експорт",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "За всички спрайтове",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Трябва ни Вашето разрешение, за да използваме микрофона Ви",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop recording",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Запис",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Звук",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Пускане",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Спиране",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Натисни зеленото знаме за старт",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Направи Анимации, Които Говорят",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Добави Текст за Изговаряне блоковете",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Set a Voice",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Move Around",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Добави Декор",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Connecting. Make sure the pin on your EV3 is set to 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Направи ги с мотори и сензори.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Connecting",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Всички",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Животни",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dance",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ca.json b/editor/interface/ca.json
index 76fb713f..3bca1e70 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ca.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ca.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "pantalla normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "pantalla gran",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "lliscador",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "canvia el rang del lliscador",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importa",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exporta",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Per a tots els personatges",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Necessitem el teu permís per utilitzar el teu micròfon",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Atura la gravació",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Enregistra",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "valor mínim",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "valor màxim",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Canvia el rang del lliscador",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel·la",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "D'acord",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "So",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Reprodueix",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Atura",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Prem la bandera verda per començar",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Crea animacions que parlin",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Afegeix els blocs De text a parla",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Digues alguna cosa",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Digues alguna cosa",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Estableix una veu",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Mou-te a voltant",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Afegeix un fons",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Connectant. Assegura't que el codi en el teu EV3 és 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Construeix amb motors i sensors.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Connectant",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Porta a la vida les creacions.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tots",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animals",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Balla",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ckb.json b/editor/interface/ckb.json
index 67ff0c57..839e31b0 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ckb.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ckb.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "پیشاندانی ئاسایی",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "پیشاندانی گەورە",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "خلیسکێنەر",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "هێنان",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "ناردنەدەرەوە",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "بۆ هەموو تەنەکان",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}پێویستمان بە مۆڵەتی تۆیە بۆ بەکارهێنانی کامێڕاکەت",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "وەستانی تۆمارکردن",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "تۆمارکردن",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "دەنگ",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "لێدان",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "وەستان",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "کرتەی ئاڵا سەوزەکە بکە بۆ دەستپێکردن",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "دروستکردنی وێنەی جوڵاو کە قسە بکەن",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "زیادکردنی دەق بۆ بلۆکەکانی قسە",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "شتێک بڵێ",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "دانانی دەنگێک",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "جوڵان بەدەور",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "زیادکردنی پاشبنەما",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "پەیوەندیکردن. دڵنیابە کە نێرکی EV3ەکەت داناوە بە 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "لەگەڵ ماتۆڕ و هەستەوەرەکان دروست بکە.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "پێکەوەبەستن...",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "هەموو",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "ئاژەڵەکان",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "سەما",
diff --git a/editor/interface/cs.json b/editor/interface/cs.json
index b15c9070..cc8f577b 100644
--- a/editor/interface/cs.json
+++ b/editor/interface/cs.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normální zobrazení",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "zvětšené zobrazení",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "posuvník",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Pro všechny postavy",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Potřebujeme povolení k používání tvého mikrofonu",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Zastavit natáčení",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Nahraj",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Zvuk",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Hraj",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Zastavit",
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@
"gui.alerts.saving": "Ukládám projekt...",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Všimni si, prosím, že cloudové proměnné podporují jen čísla, ne písmena nebo symboly. {learnMoreLink}",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Další poučení.",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "Importování...",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "Mňau",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "moje proměnná",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "Začínáme",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klikni na zelenou vlajku pro spuštění",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Vytvoř animace, které mluví",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Přidej bloky Text na hlas",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Řekni něco",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Řekni něco",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Nastav hlas",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Pohybuj",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Přidej pozadí",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Propojuje se. Ujisti, se že PIN na svém EV3 máš nastavený na 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Stavění s motory a čidly.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Propojování",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Oživit robotická stvoření.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Všechno",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Zvířata",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Tanec",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "kostým{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "Postava{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "prask",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Nahradit obsah aktuálního projektu?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/interface/cy.json b/editor/interface/cy.json
index 120f39b6..46c6234f 100644
--- a/editor/interface/cy.json
+++ b/editor/interface/cy.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "darlleniad arferol",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "sgrîn fawr",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "llithrydd",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "mewnforio",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "allforio",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Ar gyfer pob ciplun",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Rydym angen eich caniatâd i ddefnyddio eich meicroffon",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Atal y recordio",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Recordio",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Sain",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Chwarae",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Aros",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Clicio'r faner werdd i gychwyn",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Creu Animeiddiadau sy'n Siarad",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Ychwanegu'r Testun i Flociau Siarad",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Dweud Rhywbeth",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Gosod Llais",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Symud o Amgylch",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Ychwanegu Cefnlen",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Wrthi'n cysylltu. Gwnewch yn siwr fod y PIN ar eich EV3 wedi ei osod i 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Adeiladu gyda moduron a synwyryddion",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Cysylltu",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Y Cyfan",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Anifeiliaid",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dawns",
diff --git a/editor/interface/da.json b/editor/interface/da.json
index 66fd9c02..175b6b84 100644
--- a/editor/interface/da.json
+++ b/editor/interface/da.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normal visning",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "stor visning",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "skyder",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importer",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "eksporter",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "For alle sprites",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Vi skal bruge din tilladelse til at bruge din mikrofon",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop med at optage",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Optag",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Lyd",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Spil",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stop",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klik på det grønne flag for at starte",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Snak sammen",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Tilføj teksten til talebrikker",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Sig noget",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Vælg en stemme",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Bevæg den rundt",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Tilføj en baggrund",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Forbinder. Vær sikker på at pin'en på din EV3 er sat til 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Byg med motorer og sensorer",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Forbinder",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Alle",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Dyr",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dans",
diff --git a/editor/interface/de.json b/editor/interface/de.json
index a60b88e7..131a6871 100644
--- a/editor/interface/de.json
+++ b/editor/interface/de.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "Normale Anzeigengröße",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "Großanzeige",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "Schieberegler",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "Importieren",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "Exportieren",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Für alle Figuren",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Wir benötigen deine Zustimmung, um dein Mikrofon zu benutzen",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Aufnahme beenden",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Aufnehmen",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Klang",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Abspielen",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stopp",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klicke die grüne Flagge, um das Programm zu starten",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Erstelle Animationen, die sprechen können",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Füge die \"Text zu Sprache\"-Blöcke hinzu",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Sag etwas",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Wähle eine Stimme",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Bewege dich umher",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Füge ein Bühnenbild hinzu",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Verbinde. Stelle sicher, dass das Kennwort auf deiner EV3 auf 1234 gesetzt ist.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Baue mit Motoren und Sensoren.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Verbinde",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Alles",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Tiere",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Tanz",
diff --git a/editor/interface/el.json b/editor/interface/el.json
index c180f229..fd598a18 100644
--- a/editor/interface/el.json
+++ b/editor/interface/el.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "κανονική προβολή κειμένου",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "μεγάλη προβολή κειμένου",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "γραμμή κύλισης",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "αλλαγή εύρους γραμμής κύλισης",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "εισαγωγή",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "εξαγωγή",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Για όλα τα αντικείμενα",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Χρειαζόμαστε την άδεια σου για τη χρήση του μικρόφωνου",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Τέλος ηχογράφησης",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Ηχογράφηση",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Ελάχιστη τιμή",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Μέγιστη τιμή",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Αλλαγή εύρους γραμμής κύλισης",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Ακύρωση",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Ήχος",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Αναπαραγωγή",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Διακοπή",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Κάνε κλικ στην πράσινη σημαία για να ξεκινήσεις",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Δημιούργησε Κινούμενα Σχέδια Που Μιλούν",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Πρόσθεσε τις εντολές Κείμενο σε Ομιλία",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Πες Κάτι",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Πες Κάτι",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Όρισε Φωνή",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Κινήσου Τριγύρω",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Πρόσθεσε Υπόβαθρο",
@@ -345,9 +351,10 @@
"gui.extension.microbit.description": "Σύνδεσε τα έργα σου με τον πραγματικό κόσμο.",
"gui.extension.microbit.connectingMessage": "Γίνεται σύνδεση",
"gui.extension.ev3.description": "Φτιάξε διαδραστικά ρομπότ και άλλα.",
- "gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Γίνεται σύνδεση. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το pin στο EV3 σας έχει οριστεί σε 1234.",
+ "gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Γίνεται σύνδεση. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι η ακίδα στο EV3 σας έχει οριστεί σε 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Κατασκεύασε με κινητήρες και αισθητήρες.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Γίνεται σύνδεση",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Ζωντάνεψε ρομποτικές δημιουργίες.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Όλα",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Ζώα",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Χορός",
diff --git a/editor/interface/en.json b/editor/interface/en.json
index 943b48e0..5e8cf6ed 100644
--- a/editor/interface/en.json
+++ b/editor/interface/en.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normal readout",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "large readout",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "slider",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "For all sprites",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop recording",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Record",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Sound",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Play",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stop",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Click the green flag to start",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Create Animations That Talk",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Set a Voice",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Move Around",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Add a Backdrop",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Connecting. Make sure the pin on your EV3 is set to 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Build with motors and sensors.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Connecting",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "All",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animals",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dance",
diff --git a/editor/interface/es-419.json b/editor/interface/es-419.json
index e26d1ffa..8c4edec1 100644
--- a/editor/interface/es-419.json
+++ b/editor/interface/es-419.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "tamaño normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "tamaño grande",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "deslizador",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importar",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exportar",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Para todos los objetos",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Necesitamos permiso para utilizar tu micrófono",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Parar de grabar",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Grabar",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Sonido",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Jugar",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Detener",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Haz clic en la bandera verde para empezar",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Crea animaciones que hablen",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Agrega bloques de Texto a Voz",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Dí algo",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Escoge una voz",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Muévelo alrededor",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Agrega un fondo",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Conectando. Asegúrate que el pin en tu EV3 sea 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Construye con motores y sensores.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Conectando",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Todos",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animales",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Bailes",
diff --git a/editor/interface/es.json b/editor/interface/es.json
index 272d44c8..7ca43d1c 100644
--- a/editor/interface/es.json
+++ b/editor/interface/es.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "tamaño normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "tamaño grande",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "deslizador",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importar",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exportar",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Para todos los objetos",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Necesitamos tu permiso para usar el micrófono",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Dejar de grabar",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Grabar",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Sonido",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Reproducir",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Detener",
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@
"gui.alerts.saving": "Guardando proyecto...",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Ten en cuenta que las variables en la nube solo admiten números, no letras ni símbolos. {learnMoreLink}",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Más información.",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "Importando…",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "Miau",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "mi variable",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "Para empezar",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Haz clic en la bandera verde para empezar",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Crear animaciones que hablen",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Añade los bloques de \"Texto a Voz\"",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Decir algo",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Di algo",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Elige una voz",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Muévete",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Añadir un fondo",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Conectando. Asegúrate de que el PIN de tu EV3 es 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Construye con motores y sensores.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Conectando",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Dale vida a tus creaciones robóticas.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Todos",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animales",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Bailar",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "disfraz{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "Objeto{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "pop",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "¿Reemplazar el contenido del proyecto actual?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/interface/et.json b/editor/interface/et.json
index ecb7c7a6..d159abd3 100644
--- a/editor/interface/et.json
+++ b/editor/interface/et.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "tavaline näidik",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "suur näidik",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "liugur",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Kõikide spraitide jaoks",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow} Vajame luba mikrofoni kasutamiseks",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Lõpeta salvestamine",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Salvesta",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Heli",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Käivita",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stopp",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Alustamiseks klõpsa rohelisele lipule",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Loo rääkivaid animatsioone",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Lisa tekst kõneplokki",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Ütle midagi",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Määra hääl",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Liikumine",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Lisa taust",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Ühendamine. Kontrolli, kas EV3 pin-kood on 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Ehita mootorite ja anduritega.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Ühendamine",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Kõik",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Loomad",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Tantsimine",
diff --git a/editor/interface/eu.json b/editor/interface/eu.json
index cedbe27a..99d9a3ba 100644
--- a/editor/interface/eu.json
+++ b/editor/interface/eu.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "ohiko tamaina",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "tamaina handia",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "graduatzailea",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Pertsonai guztientzat",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Zure mikrofonoa erabiltzeko baimena behar dugu",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Gelditu grabaketa",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Grabatu",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Soinua",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Erreproduzitu",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Gelditu",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klikatu bandera berdea hasteko",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Sortu hitz egiten duten animazioak",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Gehitu Testua irakurri blokeak",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Esan zerbait",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Ezarri ahots bat",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Mugitu inguruan",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Gehitu atzeko oihal bat",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Konektatzen. Egiaztatu zure EV3ko PINa 1234 gisa ezarrita dagoela.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Eraiki motorra eta sentsoreen bidez.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Konektatzen",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Guztiak",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animaliak",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dantza",
diff --git a/editor/interface/fa.json b/editor/interface/fa.json
index 61b81717..e85527e8 100644
--- a/editor/interface/fa.json
+++ b/editor/interface/fa.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "بازخوانی معمولی",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "بازخوانی بزرگ",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "لغزنده",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "تغییر محدوده ی لغزنده",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "وارد کردن",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "خروجی گرفتن",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "برای همه ی شکلک ها",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}برای استفاده از میکروفون شما، به اجازه ی شما نیاز داریم",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "توقف ضبط",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "ضبط",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "کم ترین مقدار",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "بیش ترین مقدار",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "تغییر محدوده ی لغزنده",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "لغو",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "باشه",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "صدا",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "پخش",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "توقف",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "برای شروع پرچم سبز را کلیک کنید ",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "ساخت یک پویا نمایی که صحبت می کند",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "قطعه های تبدیل متن به گفتار را اضافه کنید",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "چیزی بگو",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "چیزی بگو",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "یک صدا تنظیم کنید",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "حرکت در اطراف",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "افزودن یک پس زمینه",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "در حال اتصال. مطمئن شوید که سنجاق روی EV3 شما به 1234 مقداردهی شده است",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "ساختن با موتور ها و حسگر ها",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "درحال اتصال",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "به مخلوقات رباتی زندگی ببخشید.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "همه",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "حیوانات",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "رقص",
diff --git a/editor/interface/fi.json b/editor/interface/fi.json
index 0813067e..a5948ff2 100644
--- a/editor/interface/fi.json
+++ b/editor/interface/fi.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normaali näyttö",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "suuri näyttö",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "säädin",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "tuo",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "vie",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Kaikille hahmoille",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Tarvitsemme lupasi, jotta mikrofonia voidaan käyttää",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Lopeta tallennus",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Äänitä",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Ääni",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Toista",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Pysäytä",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klikkaa vihreää lippua aloittaaksesi",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Luo puhuvia animaatioita",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Lisää teksti puheeksi -lohkoja",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Sano jotain",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Aseta ääni",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Liikuskele",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Lisää tausta",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Yhdistetään. Varmista, että EV3:n PIN-koodi on 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Rakenna käyttäen moottoreita ja sensoreita.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Yhdistetään",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Kaikki",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Eläimet",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Tanssi",
diff --git a/editor/interface/fr.json b/editor/interface/fr.json
index 132ac64b..4f4e4541 100644
--- a/editor/interface/fr.json
+++ b/editor/interface/fr.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "lecture normale",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "grande lecture",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "barre de défilement",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importer",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exporter",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Pour tous les sprites",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Nous avons besoin de votre permission pour utiliser votre micro",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Arrêter l'enregistrement",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Enregistrer",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Son",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Jouer",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stop",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Clique sur le drapeau vert pour commencer",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Crée des animations qui parlent",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Dis quelque chose",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Choisis une voix",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Déplace-toi",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Ajoute un arrière-plan",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Connexion. Vérifiez que le pin sur votre EV3 est mis sur 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Construire avec des moteurs et des capteurs.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Connexion",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tout",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animaux",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Danser",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ga.json b/editor/interface/ga.json
index 73228d6a..da13806f 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ga.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ga.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "gnáth-asléamh",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "asléamh mór",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "sleamhnán",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Na sprideanna go léir",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Tá do chead ag teastáil uainn chun an micreafón a úsáid",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop ag taifeadadh",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Taifead",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Fuaim",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Seinn",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stop",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Cliceáil an bhratach uaine le tosú",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Beochaintí le Cumas Cainte",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Úsáid blocanna Téacs-go-Caint",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Abair Leat",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Guth a Roghnú",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Bogadh Thart",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Cúlraí",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Ag ceangal. Deimhnigh gurb é 1234 an PIN ar do EV3.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Tógáil le mótair agus le braiteoirí.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Ceangal",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Uile",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Ainmhithe",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Damhsa",
diff --git a/editor/interface/gd.json b/editor/interface/gd.json
index 255b6faf..ca229b36 100644
--- a/editor/interface/gd.json
+++ b/editor/interface/gd.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "sealladh àbhaisteach",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "sealladh mòr",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "an sleamhnachan",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "ion-phortaich",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "às-phortaich",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Airson a h‑uile sprìd",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Tha sinn feumach air cead gus am micreofon agad a chleachdadh",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Cuir stad air a’ chlàradh",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Clàraich",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Fuaim",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Cluich",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Cuir stad air",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Briog air a’ bhratach uaine airson tòiseachadh",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Cruthaich beòthachaidhean a bhruidhneas",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Cuir ris blocaichean “Teacsa na chainnt”",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Bruidhinn",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Suidhich guth",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Gabh ceum",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Cuir cùlaibh ris",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "’Ga cheangal. Dèan cinnteach gun deach am PIN aig an EV3 agad a shuidheachadh air 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Tog nithean le einnseanan is mothaichearan.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Ceangal",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Na h-uile",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Beathaichean",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dannsa",
diff --git a/editor/interface/gl.json b/editor/interface/gl.json
index 53ea131c..3161b1a9 100644
--- a/editor/interface/gl.json
+++ b/editor/interface/gl.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "tamaño normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "tamaño grande",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "barra de desprazamento",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importar",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exportar",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Para todas as figuras",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Precisamos do teu permiso para usarmos o micrófono",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Parar de gravar",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Gravar",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Son",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Reproducir",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Parar",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Preme na bandeira verde para comezar",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Crea animacións que falen",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Engade os bloques de «Texto a fala»",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Di algo",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Escolle unha voz",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Móvete arredor",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Engade un fondo",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "A conectar. Comproba que o pin do teu EV3 é 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Constrúe con motores e sensores.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "A conectar",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Todas",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animais",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Baile",
diff --git a/editor/interface/he.json b/editor/interface/he.json
index 97c0cdfb..ef30bfbd 100644
--- a/editor/interface/he.json
+++ b/editor/interface/he.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "תצוגה רגילה",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "תצוגה גדולה",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "סרגל גרירה",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "יבוא",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "יצוא",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "לכל הדמויות",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}אנו זקוקים לרשות להשתמש במיקרופון",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "עצירת הקלטה",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "הקלטה",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "צליל",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "נגינה",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "עצירה",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "לחצו על הדגל הירוק כדי להתחיל",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "צור הנפשות מדברות",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "הוסיפו את הלבנים של טקסט לדיבור",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "אמור דבר מה",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "קבע קול",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "תזוזה במרחב",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "הוסיפו רקע",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "מתחבר. וודאו שקוד ה־PIN שמוגדר ב־EV3 הוא 1234",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "בנו עם מנועים וחיישנים",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "מתחבר",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "הכל",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "חיות",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "ריקוד",
diff --git a/editor/interface/hr.json b/editor/interface/hr.json
index 2a93f5ba..57d1ca6b 100644
--- a/editor/interface/hr.json
+++ b/editor/interface/hr.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normalni prikaz",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "veliki prikaz",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "klizač",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Za sve likove",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Trebamo vašu dozvolu za korištenje mikrofona",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Zaustavi snimanje",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Snimi",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Zvuk",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Pokreni",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Zaustavi",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Kliknite zelenu zastavicu da biste započeli",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Napravi animacije koje govore",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Dodaj tekst u blokove govora",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Reci nešto",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Postavike za glas",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Pomakni se ",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Dodaj pozadinu",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Spajanje. Provjeri je li pin na EV3 postavljen na 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Gradi s motorima i senzorima.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Povezivanje",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Sve",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Životinje",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Ples",
diff --git a/editor/interface/hu.json b/editor/interface/hu.json
index eeed7df8..99c3a729 100644
--- a/editor/interface/hu.json
+++ b/editor/interface/hu.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normál kijelző",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "nagy kijelző",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "csúszka",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importálás",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exportálás",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Minden szereplőé",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Az engedélyedre van szükségünk a mikrofonod használatához ",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Felvétel leállítása",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Felvétel",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Mégsem",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Hang",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Lejátszás",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Állj",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Kattints a zöld zászlóra a kezdéshez",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Beszélő animációk létrehozása",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Text to Speech blokkok hozzáadása",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Mondj valamit",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Mondj valamit",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Állíts be egy hangot",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Menj körbe",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Adj hozzá hátteret",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Csatlakozás. Győződj meg róla, hogy az EV3-ban lévő tű 1234-re van állítva.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Építs motorokkal és érzékelőkkel.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Kapcsolódás",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Minden",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Állatok",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Tánc",
diff --git a/editor/interface/id.json b/editor/interface/id.json
index 8afd4021..24e8c8ee 100644
--- a/editor/interface/id.json
+++ b/editor/interface/id.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "tampilan normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "tampilan besar",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "slider",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "impor",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "ekspor",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Untuk semua sprite",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Kami memerlukan izinmu untuk menggunakan mikrofonmu",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Berhenti merekam",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Rekam",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Suara",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Mainkan",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Berhenti",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klik bendera hijau untuk memulai",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Buat Animasi yang Berbicara",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Tambahkan balok-balok Teks ke Ucapan",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Katakan Sesuatu",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Atur Sebuah Suara",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Bergerak",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Tambahkan sebuah Latar",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Menyambung. Pastikan pin di EV3 kamu diatur ke 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Berkreasi dengan motor dan sensor.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Menyambung",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Semua",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Hewan",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Menari",
diff --git a/editor/interface/is.json b/editor/interface/is.json
index eea1d951..8627a2d0 100644
--- a/editor/interface/is.json
+++ b/editor/interface/is.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "venjuleg leturgerð",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "Stór leturgerð",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "renna",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Fyrir allar teikningar",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop recording",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Record",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Hljóð",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Spila",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stopp",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Ýttu á græna fánann til að byrja",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Create Animations That Talk",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Set a Voice",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Move Around",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Add a Backdrop",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Tengist. Passaðu að pinnið í EV3 sé 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Byggt með mótorum og skynjurum.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Connecting",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "All",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animals",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dance",
diff --git a/editor/interface/it.json b/editor/interface/it.json
index 3b93afc6..f13ec6b9 100644
--- a/editor/interface/it.json
+++ b/editor/interface/it.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normale",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "grande",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "cursore",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "scegli min e max del cursore",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importa",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "esporta",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Per tutti gli sprite",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Ci occorre il tuo permesso per poter usare il microfono",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Arresta la registrazione",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Registra",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Valore massimo",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Valore minimo",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Intervallo del cursore",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Annulla",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Suono",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Riproduci",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Arresta",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Clicca la bandiera verde per avviarlo",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Creare Animazioni Che Parlano",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Aggiungere i blocchi da Testo a Voce",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Dire Qualcosa",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Dire Qualcosa",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Scegli una Voce",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Muoviti Qua e Là",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Aggiungi uno Sfondo",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Connessione in corso. Assicurati che il pin sul tuo EV3 sia 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Costruisci qualcosa usando motori e sensori.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Collegamento in corso",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Dai vita alle tue creazione robotiche.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tutti",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animali",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Danza",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json b/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json
index 958bb6e7..0363ec95 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ja-Hira.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "ふつうのひょうじ",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "おおきなひょうじ",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "スライダー",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "よみこみ",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "かきだし",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "すべてのスプライトよう",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}マイクのしようきょかがひつようです。",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "ろくおんをやめる",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "ろくおんする",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "おと",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "さいせい",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "とめる",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "みどりのはたをクリックしてかいしする",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "おしゃべりするアニメをつくってみよう",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "おんせいごうせいブロックをついかしよう。",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "なにかおしゃべりする",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "こえのしゅるいをせっていします。",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "どこかのばしょにいくようにしよう。",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "はいけいをついかする",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "せつぞくちゅうです。EV3のピンが1234にせっていされていることを、かくにんしてください。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "モーターとセンサーをつかってつくる。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "せつぞくちゅう",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "すべて",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "どうぶつ",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "ダンス",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ja.json b/editor/interface/ja.json
index 8f4f662f..c28971cd 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ja.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ja.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "普通の表示",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "大きな表示",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "スライダー",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "読み込み",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "書き出し",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "すべてのスプライト用",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}マイクの使用許可が必要です。",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "録音をやめる",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "録音する",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "音",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "再生",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "止める",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "緑の旗をクリックして開始しよう。",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "おしゃべりするアニメを作ってみよう",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "音声合成ブロックを追加しよう。",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "何かおしゃべりさせます。",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "声の種類を設定します。",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "どこかの場所に行くようにしよう。",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "背景を追加して、",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "接続中です。EV3のPINが1234に設定されていることを確認してください。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "モーターとセンサーを使って作る。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "接続中",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "すべて",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "動物",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "ダンス",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ko.json b/editor/interface/ko.json
index 560cef3a..40b014f7 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ko.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ko.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "변수이름-변수값 보기",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "변수값 크게 보기",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "슬라이더 사용하기",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "가져오기",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "내보내기",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "모든 스프라이트에서 사용",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}마이크를 사용하려면 사용자의 허락이 필요합니다",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "녹음 멈추기",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "녹음하기",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "소리",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "재생",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "멈추기",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "초록색 깃발을 클릭해 시작하기",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "대화하는 애니메이션 만들기",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "텍스트 음성 변환 블록 추가하기",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "무엇이든지 말하기",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "목소리 정하기",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "돌아다니기",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "배경 추가하기",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "연결 중입니다. EV3의 pin이 1234로 설정되었는지 확인하세요.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "모터 및 센서를 이용하여 만들어 보세요. ",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "연결 중",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "모두",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "동물",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "댄스",
diff --git a/editor/interface/lt.json b/editor/interface/lt.json
index eeacdf1f..4cd83c04 100644
--- a/editor/interface/lt.json
+++ b/editor/interface/lt.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normal readout",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "large readout",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "slinktis",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Visiems veikėjams",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Baigti įrašymą",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Įrašyti",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Garsas",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Paleisti",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stop",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Spustelk žalią vėliavėlę projektui paleisti",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Kurti kalbančias animacijas",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Pridėti tekstą į kalbos blokus",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Sakyk Ką Nors",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Nustatyti balsą",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Move Around",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Pridėk foną",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Connecting. Make sure the pin on your EV3 is set to 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Kurkite su motorais ir jutikliais.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Jungiamasi",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Viskas",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Gyvūnai",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Šokis",
diff --git a/editor/interface/lv.json b/editor/interface/lv.json
index 6f09eb35..d2881975 100644
--- a/editor/interface/lv.json
+++ b/editor/interface/lv.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normāls rādījums",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "liels rādījums",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "slīdnis",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importēt",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "eksportēt",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Visiem gariņiem",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Mums nepieciešama tava atļauja, lai izmantotu mikrofonu",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Beigt ierakstīšanu",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Ierakstīt",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Skaņa",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Atskaņot",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Apturēt",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klikšķini zaļo karogu, lai sāktu",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Izveido animācijas, kuras runā",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Saki kaut ko",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Iestati balsi",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Pārvietojies visapkārt",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Pievieno fonu",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Savienojas. Pārliecinies, ka tava EV3 pin kods ir 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Būvēt ar motoriem un sensoriem.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Savienojas",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Viss",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Dzīvnieki",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dejas",
diff --git a/editor/interface/mi.json b/editor/interface/mi.json
index a6f19b89..607ee5e1 100644
--- a/editor/interface/mi.json
+++ b/editor/interface/mi.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "pānui māori",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "pānui rahi",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "rēreti",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "kaweake",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "kaweake",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Mō ngā parehe katoa",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Me whai whakaaetanga mātou i a koe kia whakamahia tō hopuoro",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Katia te hopuoro",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Hopukina",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Oro",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Whakatangihia",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Katia",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Tāpirihia tētahi Paraka Haki Kākāriki, kātahi pāwhiritia te haki",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Waihanga Hākorikori Kōrero",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Tāpirihia ngā Kuputuhi ki ngā paraka Kōrero ",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Kīia Tētahi Kōrero",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Tautuhia tētahi Reo",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Nekeneke Huri Noa",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Tāpirihia tētahi Ārai Tuarongo",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Kei te hono. Kia tika te tautuhi i te pine EV3 ki te 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Hanga me ngā pūkaha me ngā paerongo.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Kei te hono",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Te Katoa",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Ngā Kararehe",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Kanikani",
diff --git a/editor/interface/nb.json b/editor/interface/nb.json
index 3b15d207..af50c6a8 100644
--- a/editor/interface/nb.json
+++ b/editor/interface/nb.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "vanlig visning",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "stor visning",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "skyveknapp",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importer",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "Eksporter",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "For alle figurer",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Du må godkjenne at Scratch bruker mikrofonen",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stopp opptak",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Spill inn lyd",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Lyd",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Spill av",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stopp",
@@ -190,8 +196,8 @@
"gui.stageSelector.stage": "Scene",
"gui.stageSelector.backdrops": "Bakgrunner",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.label": "Send statistikk for å forbedre Scratch",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.body1": "The Scratch Team is always looking to better understand how Scratch is used around the world. To help support this effort, you can allow Scratch to automatically send usage information to the Scratch Team.",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.body2": "The information we collect includes language selection, blocks usage, and some events like saving, loading, and uploading a project. We DO NOT collect any personal information. Please see our {privacyPolicyLink} for more information.",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.body1": "Scratch-gruppen studerer hvordan Scratch brukes rundt i verden. Du kan bidra ved å la Scratch automatisk sende inn statistikk over hvordan du bruker Scratch.",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.body2": "Informasjonen som samles inn inn er blant annet hvilket språk du bruker Scartch på, hvilke klosser du bruker, og registrering av handlinger som for eksempel lagring, åpning og opplasting av prosjekter. Vi samler IKKE inn personinformasjon. Se {privacyPolicyLink} for mer informasjon.",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.privacyPolicyLink": "Personvern",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextNo": "Nei takk",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTooltipNo": "Slå av statistikkinnsamling",
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@
"gui.alerts.saving": "Lagrer prosjektet...",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Merk at nettvariabler kan bare lagre tall, ikke bokstaver eller symboler. {learnMoreLink}",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Les mer.",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "Importerer …",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "Mjau",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "min variabel",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "Kom i gang",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Start ved å klikke det grønne flagget",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Lag animasjoner som snakker",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Hent klosser for tekst til tale",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Si noe",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Si noe",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Velg en stemme",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Flytt omkring",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Legg på en bakgrunn",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Kobler til. Pass på at PIN-koden på din EV3 er satt til 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Bygg med motorer og sensorer",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Kobler til",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Alt",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Dyr",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dans",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "drakt{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "Figur{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "plopp",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Starte på nytt uten å lagre?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/interface/nl.json b/editor/interface/nl.json
index f301bba4..16e3decd 100644
--- a/editor/interface/nl.json
+++ b/editor/interface/nl.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normaal uitlezen",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "groot uitlezen",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "schuif",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "verander schuifbereik",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importeren",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exporteren",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Voor alle sprites",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}We hebben je toestemming nodig om je microfoon te gebruiken",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop met opnemen",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Opnemen",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum waarde",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum waarde",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Verander schuifbereik",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Annuleren",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Geluid",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Spelen",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stop",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klik op de groene vlag om te starten",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Maak animaties die praten",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Voeg de Tekst naar Spraak blokken toe",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Zeg iets",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Zeg iets",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Stel een stem in",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Beweeg",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Voeg een achtergrond toe",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Bezig te verbinden. Zorg dat de pin op je EV3 op 1234 gezet is.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Bouw met motoren en sensoren.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Bezig te verbinden",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Breng robotcreaties tot leven.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Alles",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Dieren",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dansen",
diff --git a/editor/interface/nn.json b/editor/interface/nn.json
index 321df9d7..1c259c48 100644
--- a/editor/interface/nn.json
+++ b/editor/interface/nn.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "vanleg skrift",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "stor skrift",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "glidebrytar",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "endra verdiområde",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importer",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "eksporter",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "For alle figurar",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Du må gje Scratch løyve til å bruka mikrofonen",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stopp opptak",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Spel inn",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minste verdi",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Største verdi",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Endra verdiområde",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Avbryt",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Lyd",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Spel av",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stopp",
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@
"gui.alerts.saving": "Lagrar prosjekt …",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Merk at nettvariablar berre støttar tal, ikkje bokstavar eller symbol. {learnMoreLink}",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Lær meir.",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "Importerer …",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "Mjau",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "min variabel",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "Kom i gang",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Trykk på det grøne flagget for å starta",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Lag animasjonar som snakkar",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Hent klossar for tekst til tale",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Sei noko",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Sei noko",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Vel ein stemme",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Flytt rundt",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Legg på ein bakgrunn",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Koplar til. Sjå til at PIN-koden på EV3-en er sett til 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Bygg med motorar og sensorar.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Koplar til",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Gjer robotskapningar levande.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Alle",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Dyr",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dans",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "drakt{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "Figur{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "plopp",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Vil du byta ut innhaldet i gjeldande prosjekt?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/interface/pl.json b/editor/interface/pl.json
index 5c0f61ef..6f0d355c 100644
--- a/editor/interface/pl.json
+++ b/editor/interface/pl.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normalny widok",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "powiększony widok",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "suwak",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "Zmień zakres suwaka",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Dla wszystkich duszków",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Potrzebujemy twojego pozwolenia na używanie mikrofonu",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Zatrzymaj nagrywanie",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Nagraj",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Najmniejsza wartość",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Największa wartość",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Zmień zakres suwaka",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Dźwięk",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Zagraj",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Zatrzymaj",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Aby zacząć, kliknij zieloną flagę",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Twórz animacje, które mówią",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Dodaj bloki zmiany tekstu na mowę",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Powiedz coś",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Ustaw głos",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Poruszać się",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Dodaj Tło",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Łączenie. Upewnij się, że PIN na twoim EV3 ustawiony jest na 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Buduj za pomocą silników i czujników.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Łączenie",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Wszystko",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Zwierzęta",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Taniec",
diff --git a/editor/interface/pt-br.json b/editor/interface/pt-br.json
index 01e07dec..00c7d98a 100644
--- a/editor/interface/pt-br.json
+++ b/editor/interface/pt-br.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "letras tamanho normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "letras grandes",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "controle deslizante",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importar",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "Exportar",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Para todos os atores",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Precisamos da sua permissão para usar seu microfone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Parar gravação",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Gravar",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Som",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Jogar",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Parar",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Clique na bandeira verde para iniciar",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Crie Animações que falam",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Adicione o Texto para os blocos de Fala",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Diga Algo",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Definir uma Voz",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Mova Por Aí",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Adicione um Cenário",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Conectando. Garanta que o pin no seu EV3 esteja configurado para 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Crie com motores e sensores.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Conectando",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tudo",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animais",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dança",
diff --git a/editor/interface/pt.json b/editor/interface/pt.json
index 6249be6e..d28e14dd 100644
--- a/editor/interface/pt.json
+++ b/editor/interface/pt.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "visor normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "visor grande",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "deslizador",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importar",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exportar",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Para todos os actores",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Precisamos da sua permissão para usar o seu microfone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Parar a gravação",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Gravar",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Som",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Tocar",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Parar",
@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate": "duplicar",
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport": "exportar",
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete": "remover",
- "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary": "Escolha um Actor",
+ "gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary": "Escolher um Actor",
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint": "Pintar",
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromSurprise": "Surpresa",
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile": "Carregar Actor",
@@ -183,7 +189,7 @@
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeFull": "Iniciar modo de ecrã completo",
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeUnFull": "Sair do modo de ecrã completo",
"gui.stageHeader.fullscreenControl": "Controlo de Ecrã Completo",
- "gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary": "Escolha um Cenário",
+ "gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary": "Escolher um Cenário",
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint": "Pintar",
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromSurprise": "Surpresa",
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile": "Carregar Cenário",
@@ -204,28 +210,28 @@
"gui.webglModal.back": "Voltar",
"gui.webglModal.previewfaq": "Para saber mais, vá a {previewFaqLink}.",
"gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext": "PF",
- "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": "Escolha um Cenário",
- "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume": "Escolha um Traje",
- "gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary": "Escolha um Cenário",
- "gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary": "Escolha um Traje",
+ "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop": "Escolher um Cenário",
+ "gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume": "Escolher um Traje",
+ "gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary": "Escolher um Cenário",
+ "gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary": "Escolher um Traje",
"gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume": "Pintar",
"gui.costumeTab.addSurpriseCostume": "Surpresa",
"gui.costumeTab.addFileBackdrop": "Carregar Cenário",
"gui.costumeTab.addFileCostume": "Carregar Traje",
"gui.costumeTab.addCameraCostume": "Câmara",
- "gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension": "Escolha uma Extensão",
+ "gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension": "Escolher uma Extensão",
"gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl": "Introduza o URL da extensão",
"gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle": "Projecto Scratch",
"gui.monitors.importListColumnPrompt": "Que coluna deve ser usada (1 – {numberOfColumns})?",
"gui.recordingStep.alertMsg": "Não foi possível iniciar gravação",
"gui.projectLoader.loadError": "Falhou o carregamento do arquivo de projecto que foi seleccionado.",
- "gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound": "Escolha um Som",
+ "gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound": "Escolher um Som",
"gui.soundTab.fileUploadSound": "Carregar Som",
"gui.soundTab.surpriseSound": "Surpresa",
"gui.soundTab.recordSound": "Gravar",
- "gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary": "Escolha um Som",
- "gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": "Escolha um Actor",
- "gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": "Escolha um Tutorial",
+ "gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary": "Escolher um Som",
+ "gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": "Escolher um Actor",
+ "gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": "Escolher um Tutorial",
"gui.alerts.createsuccess": "Criado novo projecto.",
"gui.alerts.createcopysuccess": "Projecto guardado como cópia.",
"gui.alerts.createremixsuccess": "Projecto guardado como uma remistura.",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Clicar na bandeira verde para começar",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Criar Animações que Falam",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Adicionar o Texto a Blocos de Fala",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Dizer Alguma Coisa",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Dizer Alguma Coisa",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Seleccionar uma Voz",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Mover",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Adicionar um Cenário",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Ligando. Assegure-se de que o pino no seu EV3 está configurado para 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Construa com motores e sensores.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Ligando",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tudo",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animais",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dança",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ro.json b/editor/interface/ro.json
index 94c674a7..7e079d4c 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ro.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ro.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "afișaj normal",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "afișare in format mare",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "indicator",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importă",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exportă",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Pentru toate personajele",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow} Avem nevoie de permisiunea ta pentru folosirea microfonului",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Oprește inregistrarea",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Înregistrare",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Sunet",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Redare",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stop",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Fă clic pe steagul verde pentru a porni",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Crează o animație care vorbește",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Adaugă blocuri Text în Vorbire",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Spune ceva",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Setează o voce",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Mișcă jur împrejur",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Adaugă un Decor",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Conectare. Asigură-te că pin-ul dispozitivului EV3 este 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Construiește cu motorașe și senzori.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Conectare",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tot",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Animale",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dans",
diff --git a/editor/interface/ru.json b/editor/interface/ru.json
index a8cdef49..1ad2e423 100644
--- a/editor/interface/ru.json
+++ b/editor/interface/ru.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "стандартный вид",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "крупный вид",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "рычажок",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "импорт",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "экспорт",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Для всех спрайтов",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Нам требуется ваше разрешение для использования вашего микрофона",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Остановить запись",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Записать",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Звук",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Играть",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Остановить",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Нажмите на зелёный флаг, чтобы начать",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Создать говорящую анимацию",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Добавить блоки \"Текста в Речь\"",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Скажите что-нибудь",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Установить голос",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Кружить",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Добавьте фон",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Подключение. Убедитесь, что пин-код на вашем EV3 задан, как 1234",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Стройте с помощью моторов и датчиков.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Соединение",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Все",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Животные",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Танец",
diff --git a/editor/interface/sk.json b/editor/interface/sk.json
index 64f3c18e..949b40e8 100644
--- a/editor/interface/sk.json
+++ b/editor/interface/sk.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normálne",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "iba hodnota",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "ako posúvač",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "načítaj",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "ulož",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Pre všetky postavy",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Použitie mikrofónu si vyžaduje tvoj súhlas",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Skonči nahrávať",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Nahraj",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "zvuk",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Zahraj",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Zastav",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klikni na zelenú vlajku a spusť projekt",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Vytvor si hovoriace postavy",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Pridaj rozšírenie na syntézu reči",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Použi blok povedz",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Nastav hlas",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Pridaj pohyb",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Pridaj pozadie",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Pripájam sa. Presvedč sa, že pin na tvojom EV3 je nastavený na 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Pracujeme s motormi a senzormi.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Pripájam sa",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Všetko",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Zvieratá",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Tanec",
diff --git a/editor/interface/sl.json b/editor/interface/sl.json
index 5f157214..745d8dc7 100644
--- a/editor/interface/sl.json
+++ b/editor/interface/sl.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "navaden prikaz",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "velik prikaz",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "drsnik",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "spremeni območje drsnika",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "uvozi",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "izvozi",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Za vse figure",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Potrebujemo dovoljenje za uporabo tvojega mikrofona",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Ustavi snemanje",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Snemaj",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Najmanjša vrednost",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Največja vrednost",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Spremeni območje drsnika",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Prekliči",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Zvok",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Predvajaj",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Ustavi",
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@
"gui.alerts.saving": "Shranjujem projekt...",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Oblačne spremenljivke podpirajo zgolj številke in ne črk ali simbolov. {learnMoreLink}",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Nauči se več.",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "Uvažam...",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "Mijav",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "moja spremenljivka",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "Prvi koraki",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Za začetek klikni na zeleno zastavico",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Ustvari živali, ki govorijo",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Dodaj blok za pretvorbo besedila v govor",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Reci kaj",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Reci kaj",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Nastavi glas",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Premikaj okoli",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Dodaj ozadje",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Povezovanje. preveri, da je pin na EV3 nastavljen na 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Gradi z motorji in senzorji.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Povezovanje",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Oživi robotske kreacije.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Vse",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Živali",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Pleši",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "preobleka{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "Lik{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "poberi",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Ali zamenjam vsebino trenutnega projekta?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/interface/sr.json b/editor/interface/sr.json
index 1eae8b90..bcb24a11 100644
--- a/editor/interface/sr.json
+++ b/editor/interface/sr.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "нормалан приказ",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "велики приказ",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "клизач",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "увези",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "извези",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "За све ликове",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Потребна нам је твоја дозвола да би употребили твој микрофон",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Заустави снимање",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Сними",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Звук",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Репродукуј",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Заустави",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Кликни на зелену заставу да би покренуо",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Направи анимације које причају",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Додај текст у говорне блокове",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Кажи нешто",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Подеси Глас",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Померај се унаоколо",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Додај позадину",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Повезујем се. Провери да ли је пин на твом EV3 постављен на 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Гради са моторима и сензорима.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Повезивање",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Сви",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Животиње",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Плес",
diff --git a/editor/interface/sv.json b/editor/interface/sv.json
index 3dcff0dc..b123dbd0 100644
--- a/editor/interface/sv.json
+++ b/editor/interface/sv.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normal avläsning",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "stor avläsning",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "reglage",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "ändra skjutreglagets omfång",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "importera",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "exportera",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "För alla sprajtar",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Vi behöver ditt tillstånd för att använda mikrofonen",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stoppa inspelningen",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Spela in",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minivärde",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maxvärde",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Ändra skjutreglagets omfång",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Avbryt",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Ljud",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Spela upp",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Stoppa",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Klicka på den gröna flaggan för att starta",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Skapa animationer som kan prata",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Lägg till text i ett tal-block",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Säg någonting",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Säg någonting",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Sätt upp röst",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Flytta runt",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Lägg till en bakgrund",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Kopplar upp. Kolla att pinkoden på din EV3 är satt till 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Bygg med motorer och sensorer.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Kopplar upp",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Ge liv åt dina robotar.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Alla",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Djur",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dansa",
@@ -358,7 +365,7 @@
"gui.libraryTags.indoors": "Inomhus",
"gui.libraryTags.loops": "Loopar",
"gui.libraryTags.music": "Musik",
- "gui.libraryTags.notes": "Anteckningar",
+ "gui.libraryTags.notes": "Toner",
"gui.libraryTags.outdoors": "Utomhus",
"gui.libraryTags.patterns": "Mönster",
"gui.libraryTags.people": "Människor",
diff --git a/editor/interface/th.json b/editor/interface/th.json
index 6ad1499b..0736cbd4 100644
--- a/editor/interface/th.json
+++ b/editor/interface/th.json
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"gui.loader.message7": "กำลังเป่า Gobo …",
"gui.loader.message8": "กำลังเตรียมอิโมจิ ...",
"gui.loader.headline": "กำลังโหลดโครงงาน",
- "gui.loader.creating": "Creating Project",
+ "gui.loader.creating": "การสร้างโครงการ",
"gui.accountMenu.profile": "โปรไฟล์",
"gui.accountMenu.myStuff": "ผลงานของฉัน",
"gui.accountMenu.myClasses": "ชั้นเรียนของฉัน",
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@
"gui.accountMenu.accountSettings": "ตั้งค่าบัญชี",
"gui.accountMenu.signOut": "ลงชื่อออก",
"gui.authorInfo.byUser": "โดย {username}",
- "gui.menuBar.seeProjectPage": "See Project Page",
+ "gui.menuBar.seeProjectPage": "ดูหน้าโครงการ",
"general.username": "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
"general.password": "รหัสผ่าน",
"general.signIn": "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้",
"login.needHelp": "ต้องการความช่วยเหลือ?",
- "form.validationRequired": "This field is required",
+ "form.validationRequired": "ช่องกรอกนี้ต้องใส่",
"gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector": "เลือกภาษา",
"gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary": "บทเรียน",
"gui.menuBar.restoreSprite": "กู้คืนสไปร์ท",
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"gui.menuBar.signIn": "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้",
"gui.menuBar.giveFeedback": "ให้ข้อเสนอแนะ",
"gui.gui.projectTitlePlaceholder": "ชื่อโครงการที่นี่",
- "gui.menuBar.saveNowLink": "Save Now",
+ "gui.menuBar.saveNowLink": "บันทึกเลย",
"gui.menuBar.isShared": "แบ่งปัน",
"gui.menuBar.share": "แชร์",
"gui.modal.help": "ช่วยเหลือ",
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "เปลี่ยนเป็นจอปกติ",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "เปลี่ยนเป็นจอใหญ่",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "ตัวเลื่อน",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "นำเข้า",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "ส่งออก",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "สำหรับสไปรต์ทั้งหมด",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}เราต้องได้รับอนุญาตจากคุณเพื่อใช้ไมโครโฟน",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "หยุดการอัดบันทึก",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "อัดบันทึก",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "ยกเลิก",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "ตกลง",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "เสียง",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "เล่น",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "หยุด",
@@ -193,7 +199,7 @@
"gui.telemetryOptIn.body1": "The Scratch Team is always looking to better understand how Scratch is used around the world. To help support this effort, you can allow Scratch to automatically send usage information to the Scratch Team.",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.body2": "The information we collect includes language selection, blocks usage, and some events like saving, loading, and uploading a project. We DO NOT collect any personal information. Please see our {privacyPolicyLink} for more information.",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.privacyPolicyLink": "นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextNo": "No, thanks",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextNo": "ไม่ ขอบคุณ",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTooltipNo": "Disable telemetry",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextYes": "Yes, I'd like to help improve Scratch",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTooltipYes": "Enable telemetry",
@@ -226,7 +232,7 @@
"gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary": "เลือกเสียง",
"gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite": "เลือกสไปรต์",
"gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials": "เลือกบทเรียน",
- "gui.alerts.createsuccess": "New project created.",
+ "gui.alerts.createsuccess": "โครงการใหม่ได้ถูกสร้างแล้ว",
"gui.alerts.createcopysuccess": "Project saved as a copy.",
"gui.alerts.createremixsuccess": "Project saved as a remix.",
"gui.alerts.creating": "Creating new…",
@@ -237,8 +243,8 @@
"gui.alerts.savesuccess": "Project saved.",
"gui.alerts.saving": "Saving project…",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Please note, cloud variables only support numbers, not letters or symbols. {learnMoreLink}",
- "gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Learn more.",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "กำลังนำเข้า...",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "เหมียว",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "ตัวแปรของฉัน",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "เริ่มต้น",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "คลิกที่ธงสีเขียวเพื่อเริ่มต้น",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "สร้างแอนิเมชั่นที่พูดได้",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "เพิ่มบล็อกข้อความเป็นเสียงพูด",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "พูดอะไรสักอย่าง",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "พูดอะไรสักอย่าง",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "ตั้งค่าเสียงคน",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "เคลื่อนที่ไปรอบ ๆ",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "เพิ่มฉากหลัง",
@@ -301,7 +307,7 @@
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_saysomething": "พูดอะไรสักอย่าง",
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsound": "เพิ่มเสียง",
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_animatetalking": "Animate Talking",
- "gui.howtos.animate-char.step_arrowkeys": "Move Using Arrow Keys",
+ "gui.howtos.animate-char.step_arrowkeys": "เคลื่อนไหวโดยใช้ปุ่มลูกศร",
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_jump": "กระโดด",
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_changecolor": "เปลี่ยนสี",
"gui.howtos.story.name": "สร้างเนื้อเรื่อง",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "กำลังเชื่อมต่อ ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าขาของ EV3 ตั้งไว้ที่ 1234",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "สร้างด้วยมอเตอร์และเซนเซอร์",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "กำลังเชื่อมต่อ",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "ทั้งหมด",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "สัตว์",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "การเต้นรำ",
diff --git a/editor/interface/tr.json b/editor/interface/tr.json
index 5e18b68e..c476e345 100644
--- a/editor/interface/tr.json
+++ b/editor/interface/tr.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "normal görünüm",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "geniş görünüm",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "slider",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "Kaygan aralığını ayarla",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "Dışarıdan al",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "Dışarıya aktar",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Tüm kuklalar için",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Mikrofonunuzu kullanmak için izninize ihtiyacımız var",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Kaydı durdur",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Kaydet",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "En düşük değer",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "En yüksek değer",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Kaygan aralığını ayarla",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "İptal",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "Tamam",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Ses",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Çal",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Durdur",
@@ -238,7 +244,7 @@
"gui.alerts.saving": "Proje kaydediliyor...",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo": "Lütfen dikkat, bulut değişkenleri sadece sayıları destekler; harfler ve semboller desteklenmiyor. {learnMoreLink}",
"gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore": "Daha fazlasını öğren!",
- "gui.alerts.importing": "Importing…",
+ "gui.alerts.importing": "İçe aktarılıyor...",
"gui.defaultProject.meow": "Miyav",
"gui.defaultProject.variable": "değişkenim",
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name": "Başlayalım",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Başlamak için yeşil bayrağa tıkla",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Konuşan Animasyonlar Yaratın",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Metni Konuşma bloklarını ekle",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Birşeyler Söyle",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Birşeyler Söyle",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Bir Ses Ayarla",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Hareket Et",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Bir Dekor Ekle",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Bağlanıyor. EV3'teki Pinin 1234 olarak ayarlandığından emin ol.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Motorlar ve sensörler ile yap.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Bağlanıyor",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Robotik kreasyonları hayata geçirin.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tümü",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Hayvanlar",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dans",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "kostüm {index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "Kukla {index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "pop",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Mevcut projenin üstüne yazayım mı?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/interface/uk.json b/editor/interface/uk.json
index 91ab6675..46d44b2a 100644
--- a/editor/interface/uk.json
+++ b/editor/interface/uk.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "з назвою",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "тільки дані",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "слайдер",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "імпорт",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "експорт",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Для усіх спрайтів",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}Нам потрібен ваш дозвіл на використання мікрофону",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Зупинити запис",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Записати",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Звук",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Відтворити",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Зупинити",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Натисни Зелений прапор для старту",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Створити анімації, що говорять",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Додати блоки \"Текст у мову\"",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Скажи щось",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Встановити голос",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Рухатись навколо",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Додати тло",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Під'єднання. Переконайтеся, що пін на вашому EV3 встановлено на 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Працюємо з двигунами та сенсорами",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Під'єднання",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Усі",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Тварини",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Танцювальна музика",
diff --git a/editor/interface/vi.json b/editor/interface/vi.json
index 6c2a6f0e..23323604 100644
--- a/editor/interface/vi.json
+++ b/editor/interface/vi.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "chế độ đọc bình thường",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "chế độ đọc lớn",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "thanh trượt",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "import",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "export",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Cho tất cả đối tượng",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Stop recording",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Ghi lại",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Âm thanh",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Chơi",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Dừng lại",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Bấm vào cờ xanh để bắt đầu",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Create Animations That Talk",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Add the Text to Speech blocks",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Nói gì đó",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Say Something",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Set a Voice",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Move Around",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Thêm vào Ảnh nền",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Đang kết nối. Hãy chắc chắn rằng mã PIN trên EV3 của bạn là 1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Xây dựng với mô-tơ và cảm biến.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Đang kết nối",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Tất cả",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Động vật",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Khiêu vũ",
diff --git a/editor/interface/zh-cn.json b/editor/interface/zh-cn.json
index 8134ab5d..db0b32d9 100644
--- a/editor/interface/zh-cn.json
+++ b/editor/interface/zh-cn.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "正常显示",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "大字显示",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "滑杆",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "导入",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "导出",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "适用于所有角色",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow}我们需要你的许可才能使用麦克风。",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "停止录制",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "录制",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "声音",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "播放",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "停止",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "点击绿旗运行",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "创建会说话的动画",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "添加文字朗读扩展积木",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "让角色说些话",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "让角色说些话",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "设置语音",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "四处移动",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "添加一个背景",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "正在连接。请确保EV3上的识别码(PIN)已经设置为1234。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "支持马达和传感器。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "正在连接",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "所有",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "动物",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "舞蹈",
diff --git a/editor/interface/zh-tw.json b/editor/interface/zh-tw.json
index 6dd0fd38..b6626604 100644
--- a/editor/interface/zh-tw.json
+++ b/editor/interface/zh-tw.json
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "一般顯示",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "大型顯示",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "滑桿",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "變更滑桿數值範圍",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "匯入",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "匯出",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "適用於所有角色",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow} 我們需要你的允許才能使用麥克風",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "停止錄製",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "錄製",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "最小值",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "最大值",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "變更滑桿數值範圍",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "取消",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "確定",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "音效",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "播放",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "停止",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "點擊綠旗以執行程式",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "創作對話的動畫",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "加入文字轉語音積木",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "讓角色說些話",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "讓角色說些話",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "選擇一種語音",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "四處移動",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "添加一個背景",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "正在連接,請確定 EV3 主機上的 Pin 碼已設為 1234。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "運用馬達與感測器進行創作。",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "正在連線",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "將機器人創造帶入現實生活。",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "全部",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "動物",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "舞蹈",
diff --git a/editor/interface/zu.json b/editor/interface/zu.json
index 5e66e094..5a53ce0a 100644
--- a/editor/interface/zu.json
+++ b/editor/interface/zu.json
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
"gui.backpack.more": "Okunye",
"gui.backpack.emptyBackpack": "iBackpack ayinalutho",
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.label": "Ibrowza ayisekeliwe",
- "gui.unsupportedBrowser.errorLabel": "An Error Occurred",
- "gui.unsupportedBrowser.notRecommended": "We are very sorry, but it looks like you are using a browser version that Scratch does not support. We recommend updating to the latest version of a supported browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.",
- "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": "We are very sorry, but Scratch does not support this browser. We recommend updating to the latest version of a supported browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.",
+ "gui.unsupportedBrowser.errorLabel": "Sekwenzeke iphutha ",
+ "gui.unsupportedBrowser.notRecommended": "Siyaxolisa kakhulu sibona ukuthi uhlelo leBrowser oyisebenzisayo ayisaphothi, Sibona kungcono ukuthi uyikhuphule ngoGoogle Chrome Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge noma Apple Safari.",
+ "gui.unsupportedBrowser.description": "Siyaxolisa kakhulu kodwa uScratch awulamukeli uhlelo lwakho leBrowser sicela uzame amanye ama browser kungaba uGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge noma Apple safari ",
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.back": "Emuva",
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq": "Ukufunda kabanzi, hamba uye {previewFaqLink}.",
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext": "FAQ",
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"gui.controls.stop": "Ima",
"gui.crashMessage.label": "Oops! Khona okungalungile",
"gui.crashMessage.description": "Siyaxolisa, kubukeka sengathi uScratch unenkinga. Lenkinga isizithumele ngokwayo ethimbeni lika Scratch. Phinda uqale kabusha uzame futhi. ",
- "gui.crashMessage.errorNumber": "Your error was logged with id {errorId}",
+ "gui.crashMessage.errorNumber": "Iphutha lakho lingeniswe kuID {errorId}",
"gui.crashMessage.reload": "Asiphinde sigcwalise",
"gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle": "Enza amabhulokisi",
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText": "Nezezela ngegalelo",
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default": "okujwayelekile bomphumelo",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large": "ubukhulu bomphumelo",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider": "shibilika",
+ "gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange": "change slider range",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import": "ngenisa",
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export": "isithumela",
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites": "Ngabo bonke omlingisi",
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@
"gui.recordingStep.permission": "{arrow} Sidinga imvume yakho ukusebenzisa imicrophone yakho",
"gui.recordingStep.stop": "Ima ukurekhoda",
"gui.recordingStep.record": "Qopha",
+ "gui.sliderModal.min": "Minimum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.max": "Maximum value",
+ "gui.sliderModal.title": "Change slider range",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "gui.sliderPrompt.ok": "OK",
"gui.soundEditor.sound": "Umsindo",
"gui.soundEditor.play": "Dlala",
"gui.soundEditor.stop": "Ima",
@@ -189,9 +195,9 @@
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile": "Faka Indawo",
"gui.stageSelector.stage": "Isigaba",
"gui.stageSelector.backdrops": "Izindawo",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.label": "Report statistics to improve Scratch",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.body1": "The Scratch Team is always looking to better understand how Scratch is used around the world. To help support this effort, you can allow Scratch to automatically send usage information to the Scratch Team.",
- "gui.telemetryOptIn.body2": "The information we collect includes language selection, blocks usage, and some events like saving, loading, and uploading a project. We DO NOT collect any personal information. Please see our {privacyPolicyLink} for more information.",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.label": "Sitshele ngemiphumela ukuze uthuthukise ukusebenzisa kwakho uScratch ",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.body1": "Ithimu Scratch ihlale ifuna izindlela ezingcono zokufundisa ukuthi uScratch usetshenziswa kanjani emhlabeni wonke. Ukubalekelela emfuthweni abanawo, Ungakwazi ukuvumela uScratch ukuthi uthumele imilayezo ngimeninigwane yakho ngokusebenzisa uScratch kuyo iScratch Thimu ",
+ "gui.telemetryOptIn.body2": "Ulwazi esiluqoqile liphethe lapho ongakhetha khona uhlobo lolwimi, ukusentshenziswa kwamabhulokisi nokunye okwenzakalayo njengoku beka ukufaka iPhrojethi. ASIVUMI Ukuqoqa ulwazi lwangasese lomuntu. Sicela ubone {privacyPolicyLink} ukuthola eminye imininigwane ",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.privacyPolicyLink": "Ngasese umgomo",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTextNo": "Cha, ngiyabonga",
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonTooltipNo": "Disable telemetry",
@@ -216,7 +222,7 @@
"gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension": "Khetha Isiluli",
"gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl": "Faka iURL yokulula",
"gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle": "iProject ka Scratch",
- "gui.monitors.importListColumnPrompt": "Which column should be used (1-{numberOfColumns})?",
+ "gui.monitors.importListColumnPrompt": "Iyiphi ikholumu ekufanele isentshenziswe (1-{numberOfColumns})? ",
"gui.recordingStep.alertMsg": "Ayikwazi ukuqola ukuqopha",
"gui.projectLoader.loadError": "Ifayela yaleprojekthiebikhethiwe ihlulekile ukuloda",
"gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound": "Khetha Umsindo",
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello": "Chofoza ifulegi ukuze uqale",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud": "Yenza Upopayi Okhulumayo",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension": "Yengeza umbhalo kwibhulokisi lenkulumo",
- "gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Yisho Okuthize",
+ "gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech": "Yisho Okuthize",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice": "Lungisa izwi",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove": "Nyakaza",
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop": "Nezelela Indawo ",
@@ -348,6 +354,7 @@
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage": "Isaxhumanisa. Qinisekisa ukuthi ipin ekuEV3 isethiwe ku1234.",
"gui.extension.wedo2.description": "Yakha ngemishini kanye nezinhloli",
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage": "Kuyaxhumana",
+ "gui.extension.boost.description": "Bring robotic creations to life.",
"gui.libraryTags.all": "Yonke",
"gui.libraryTags.animals": "Izilwane",
"gui.libraryTags.dance": "Dansa",
@@ -398,5 +405,5 @@
"gui.sharedMessages.costume": "Impahla{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite": "Umlingisi{index}",
"gui.sharedMessages.pop": "qhumisa",
- "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Replace contents of the current project?"
+ "gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning": "Buyisela imininingwane yeprojekthi yamanje?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/editor/paint-editor/zu.json b/editor/paint-editor/zu.json
index 2736ce42..5b3f7c4c 100644
--- a/editor/paint-editor/zu.json
+++ b/editor/paint-editor/zu.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"paint.paintEditor.redo": "Ukwenzakabusha",
"paint.paintEditor.forward": "Phambili",
"paint.paintEditor.backward": "Emuva",
- "paint.paintEditor.front": "Iphambili",
+ "paint.paintEditor.front": "Phambili",
"paint.paintEditor.back": "Emuva",
"paint.paintEditor.more": "Okunye",
"paint.modeTools.brushSize": "Isisindo",
@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@
"paint.roundedRectMode.roundedRect": "Indingiliza yerectangle",
"paint.selectMode.select": "Khetha",
"paint.textMode.text": "Umbhalo",
- "paint.colorPicker.swap": "Thatha okunye"
+ "paint.colorPicker.swap": "Shitsha "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/tx-pull-www.js b/scripts/tx-pull-www.js
index 1fda8911..45d292c7 100755
--- a/scripts/tx-pull-www.js
+++ b/scripts/tx-pull-www.js
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ const usage = `
Pull supported language translations from Transifex for the 'scratch-website' project.
It will query transifex for the list of resources.
- node tx-pull-www.js path
+ node tx-pull-www.js path [lang]
path: root for the translated resources.
Each resource will be a subdirectory containing language json files.
+ lang: optional language code - will only pull resources for that language
NOTE: TX_TOKEN environment variable needs to be set with a Transifex API token.
See the Localization page on the GUI wiki for information about setting up Transifex.
@@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ const OUTPUT_DIR = path.resolve(args[0]);
// const MODE = {mode: 'reviewed'}; // default is everything for www
+const lang = args.length === 2 ? args[1] : '';
const TX = new transifex({
project_slug: PROJECT,
credential: 'api:' + process.env.TX_TOKEN
@@ -73,8 +76,12 @@ const getLocaleData = (item, callback) => {
const expandResourceFiles = (resources) => {
let items = [];
for (let resource of resources) {
- for (let locale of Object.keys(locales)) {
- items.push({resource: resource.slug, locale: locale});
+ if (lang) {
+ items.push({resource: resource.slug, locale: lang});
+ } else {
+ for (let locale of Object.keys(locales)) {
+ items.push({resource: resource.slug, locale: locale});
+ }
return items;
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/el.json
index d68db698..8dac66b2 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/el.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/el.json
@@ -7,21 +7,21 @@
"about.whoUsesScratch": "Ποια άτομα χρησιμοποιούν το Scratch;",
"about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Το Scratch είναι σχεδιασμένο ειδικά για ηλικίες 8 έως 16, αλλά χρησιμοποιείται από άτομα κάθε ηλικίας. Εκατομμύρια ατόμων δημιουργούν έργα Scratch σε πληθώρα τοποθεσιών, συμπεριλαμβανομένων σπιτιών, σχολείων, μουσείων, βιβλιοθηκών και κοινοτικών κέντρων.",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "Σε Ολόκληρο τον Κόσμο",
- "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Το Scratch χρησιμοποιείται σε περισσότερες από 150 διαφορετικές χώρες και είναι διαθέσιμο σε περισσότερες από 40 γλώσσες. Για να αλλάξετε γλώσσα, κάντε κλικ στο μενού στο κάτω μέρος της σελίδας. Εναλλακτικά, στον Επεξεργαστή Έργου, κάντε κλικ στην υδρόγειο σφαίρα στην κορυφή της σελίδας. Για να προσθέσετε ή βελτιώσετε μια μετάφραση, δείτε τη σελίδα {translationLink}.",
+ "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Το Scratch χρησιμοποιείται σε περισσότερες από 150 διαφορετικές χώρες και είναι διαθέσιμο σε περισσότερες από 40 γλώσσες. Για να αλλάξετε γλώσσα, κάντε κλικ στο μενού στο κάτω μέρος της σελίδας. Εναλλακτικά, στον Επεξεργαστή Έργου, κάντε κλικ στην υδρόγειο σφαίρα στην κορυφή της σελίδας. Για να προσθέσετε ή να βελτιώσετε μια μετάφραση, δείτε τη σελίδα {translationLink}.",
"about.translationLinkText": "μετάφραση",
"about.quotes": "Γνώμες για το Scratch",
"about.quotesDescription": "Η Ομάδα Scratch έχει λάβει πολλά μηνύματα από νέους, γονείς και εκπαιδευτικούς που εκφράζουν τις ευχαριστίες τους για το Scratch. Θέλετε να δείτε τι λένε; Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε μια συλλογή των {quotesLink} που έχουμε λάβει.",
- "about.quotesLinkText": "σχόλιων",
+ "about.quotesLinkText": "σχoλίων",
"about.learnMore": "Μάθετε Περισσότερα Σχετικά με το Scratch",
"about.learnMoreHelp": "Σελίδα Συμβουλών",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "Συχνές Ερωτήσεις (FAQ)",
"about.learnMoreParents": "Πληροφορίες για Γονείς",
"about.learnMoreCredits": "Ευχαριστίες",
"about.literacy": "Μάθετε να προγραμματίζετε | Προγραμματίστε για να μάθετε",
- "about.literacyDescription": "Η ικανότητα συγγραφής κώδικα προγραμμάτων υπολογιστή αποτελεί σημαντικό στοιχείο γραμματισμού στη σημερινή κοινωνία. Όταν οι άνθρωποι μαθαίνουν να προγραμματίζουν στο Scratch, μαθαίνουν σημαντικές στρατηγικές για επίλυση προβλημάτων, σχεδιασμό έργων, και μετάδοση ιδεών.",
+ "about.literacyDescription": "Η ικανότητα συγγραφής κώδικα προγραμμάτων υπολογιστή αποτελεί σημαντικό στοιχείο γραμματισμού στη σημερινή κοινωνία. Όταν οι άνθρωποι μαθαίνουν να προγραμματίζουν στο Scratch μαθαίνουν σημαντικές στρατηγικές για την επίλυση προβλημάτων, τον σχεδιασμό έργων και τη μετάδοση ιδεών.",
"about.schools": "Το Scratch στα Σχολεία",
- "about.schoolsDescription": "Οι μαθητές μαθαίνουν Scratch σε όλες τις βαθμίδες της εκπαίδευσης (από δημοτικό μέχρι λύκειο) και για όλα τα αντικείμενα (όπως μαθηματικά, επιστήμη υπολογιστών, γλώσσες και τέχνες, κοινωνικές επιστήμες). Οι εκπαιδευτικοί μπορούν να μοιράζονται ιστορίες, ανταλλάσσουν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, θέτουν ερωτήσεις, και ν'αναζητούν άλλους εκπαιδευτικούς στο {scratchedLink}.",
- "about.scratchedLinkText": "Ιστότοπος ScratchEd",
+ "about.schoolsDescription": "Οι μαθητές μαθαίνουν Scratch σε όλες τις βαθμίδες της εκπαίδευσης (από δημοτικό μέχρι λύκειο) και για όλα τα αντικείμενα (όπως μαθηματικά, επιστήμη υπολογιστών, γλώσσες και τέχνες, κοινωνικές επιστήμες). Οι εκπαιδευτικοί μπορούν να μοιράζονται ιστορίες, να ανταλλάσσουν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, να θέτουν ερωτήσεις, και να αναζητούν άλλους εκπαιδευτικούς στον {scratchedLink}.",
+ "about.scratchedLinkText": "ιστότοπο ScratchEd",
"about.research": "Έρευνες",
"about.researchDescription": "Η Ομάδα Scratch του MIT και συνεργάτες ερευνούν πώς οι άνθρωποι χρησιμοποιούν και μαθαίνουν με το Scratch (για μια εισαγωγή, δείτε {spfaLink}). Ανακαλύψτε περισσότερα για την {researchLink} και τα {statisticsLink} για το Scratch.",
"about.spfaLinkText": "Scratch: Προγραμματισμός για Όλους",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fa.json
index a64424b8..b953cbb3 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
- "about.introOne": "With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community.",
- "about.introTwo": "Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century.",
- "about.introThree": "Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge.",
- "about.introParents": "اطلاعات برای والدین",
- "about.introEducators": "اطلاعات برای دانشپژوهان",
+ "about.introOne": "با اسکرچ میتوانید داستانهای تعاملی خودتان را برنامه نویسی کنید، بازی و انیمیشنهایتان را بسازید — و آنچه را ساخته اید با جامعه آنلاین به اشتراک بگذارید.",
+ "about.introTwo": "اسکرچ به بچهها کمک میکند تا یاد بگیرند چگونه خلاق باشند، منطقی دلیل بیاورند، و به صورت گروهی کار کنند — مهارتهای کلیدی برای زندگی در قرن 21.",
+ "about.introThree": "اسکرچ پروژهای از گروه Lifelong Kindergarten در آزمایشگاه رسانه دانشگاه MIT است. به صورت کاملا رایگان ارائه گردیده است.",
+ "about.introParents": "اطلاعاتی برای والدین",
+ "about.introEducators": "اطلاعاتی برای معلمان",
"about.whoUsesScratch": "چه کسی از اسکرچ استفاده میکند؟",
- "about.whoUsesScratchDescription": "Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to 16, but is used by people of all ages. Millions of people are creating Scratch projects in a wide variety of settings, including homes, schools, museums, libraries, and community centers.",
+ "about.whoUsesScratchDescription": " اسکرچ ویژه سنین 8 الی 16 سال طراح شده است، اما مردم در هر گروه سنی از آن استفاده میکنند. میلیونها نفر در جاهای مختلفی مانند خانه، مدرسه، موزه، کتابخانه و مراکز انجمنها با اسکرچ پروژههایی را ساختهاند.",
"about.aroundTheWorld": "در گوشه کنار جهان",
- "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "Scratch is used in more than 150 different countries and available in more than 40 languages. To change languages, click the menu at the bottom of the page. Or, in the Project Editor, click the globe at the top of the page. To add or improve a translation, see the {translationLink} page.",
- "about.translationLinkText": "translation",
- "about.quotes": "Quotes",
- "about.quotesDescription": "The Scratch Team has received many emails from youth, parents, and educators expressing thanks for Scratch. Want to see what people are saying? You can read a collection of the {quotesLink} we've received.",
- "about.quotesLinkText": "quotes",
+ "about.aroundTheWorldDescription": "اسکرچ در بیش از 150 کشور مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است و با بیش از 40 ترجمه در دسترسی است. برای تغییر زبان، منویی که در پایین صفحه قرار دارد را کلیک کند و یا در ویرایشگر در بالای صفحه روی آیکون سیاره زمین کلیک کنید. برای اضافه و یا ویرایش ترجمهها لینک {translationLink} را ببینید.",
+ "about.translationLinkText": "ترجمه",
+ "about.quotes": "قدردانیها و نظرات",
+ "about.quotesDescription": "تیم اسکرچ ایمیلهای بسیاری را از بچهها، والدین و معلمها برای ابراز قدردانی از اسکرچ دریافت کرده است. مایلید که آنها را ببیند؟ میتوانید تعدادی از {quotesLink} را که دریافت کردهایم را ببینید.",
+ "about.quotesLinkText": "قدردانیها و نظرات",
"about.learnMore": "دربارهی اسکرچ بیشتر بدانید",
- "about.learnMoreHelp": "Tips Page",
+ "about.learnMoreHelp": "صفحه نکتهها و ترفندها",
"about.learnMoreFaq": "سوالات متداول",
- "about.learnMoreParents": "Information for Parents",
+ "about.learnMoreParents": "اطلاعاتی برای والدین",
"about.learnMoreCredits": "دست اندرکاران",
"about.literacy": "یاد بگیرید تا کد بزنید، کد بزنید تا یاد بگیرید",
- "about.literacyDescription": "The ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.",
- "about.schools": "Scratch in Schools",
- "about.schoolsDescription": "Students are learning with Scratch at all levels (from elementary school to college) and across disciplines (such as math, computer science, language arts, social studies). Educators share stories, exchange resources, ask questions, and find people on the {scratchedLink}.",
- "about.scratchedLinkText": "ScratchEd website",
- "about.research": "Research",
- "about.researchDescription": "The MIT Scratch Team and collaborators are researching how people use and learn with Scratch (for an introduction, see {spfaLink}). Find out more about Scratch {researchLink} and {statisticsLink} about Scratch.",
- "about.spfaLinkText": "Scratch: Programming for All",
- "about.researchLinkText": "research",
- "about.statisticsLinkText": "statistics",
- "about.support": "Support and Funding",
- "about.supportDescription": "The Scratch project has received financial support from the following organizations: {supportersList}. See the {creditsLink} for more information. If you'd like to support Scratch, please see the Scratch Foundation {donateLink}, or contact us at {donateemail}.",
- "about.donateLinkText": "donations page",
- "about.creditsLinkText": "credits page"
+ "about.literacyDescription": "توانایی برنامه نویسی کامپیوتری بخش مهمی از سواد در جامعه امروز است. هنگامی که افراد یاد می گیرند کدی را در اسکرچ پیاده سازی کنند، آنها روشهای کلیدی را برای حل مشکلات، طراحی پروژه ها و برقراری ایده ها می آموزند.",
+ "about.schools": "اسکرچ در مدارس",
+ "about.schoolsDescription": "دانش آموزان در همه سطوح (از مدرسه ابتدایی تا دبیرستان) و در رشته های مختلف (مانند ریاضی، رایانه، هنر، مطالعات اجتماعی) با اسکرچ در حال یادگیری هستند. آموزگاران داستان ها را به اشتراک می گذارند،منابع آموزشی را رد و بدل میکنند، سوالات را مطرح می کنند و افرادی را در {scratchedLink} پیدا می کنند.",
+ "about.scratchedLinkText": "وب سایت ScratchEd",
+ "about.research": "تحقیقات",
+ "about.researchDescription": "تیم اسکرچ MIT و همکارانش در حال تحقیق در مورد چگونگی استفاده و یادگیری با استفاده از اسکرچ است (برای آشنایی ، {spfaLink} را ببینید). برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد اسکرچ {researchLink} و درباره اسکرچ {statisticsLink} را ملاحظه کنید.",
+ "about.spfaLinkText": "اسکرچ: برنامه نویسی برای همگان",
+ "about.researchLinkText": "تحقیقات",
+ "about.statisticsLinkText": "آمار و ارقام",
+ "about.support": "پشتیبانی و منابع مالی",
+ "about.supportDescription": "پروژه اسکرچ پشتیبانی مالی خود را از سازمانها زیر دریافت میکند:{supportersList} . برای اطلاعات بیشتر {creditsLink} را ببیند. اگر مایل به حمایت از اسکرچ هستید، لطفا بنیاد اسکرچ را از اینجا {donateLink} ملاحظه کنید و یا از طریق {donateemail} با ما تماس بگیرید.",
+ "about.donateLinkText": "صفحه حمایتهای مالی",
+ "about.creditsLinkText": "صفحه credits"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.camp-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.camp-l10njson/zu.json
index fec83c3d..ac97d400 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.camp-l10njson/zu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.camp-l10njson/zu.json
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
- "camp.title": "Scratch Camp: Down Deep",
- "camp.dates": "July 24th - August 13th",
- "camp.welcome": "Welcome to Scratch Camp 2017!",
- "camp.welcomeIntro": "Come take a dive into the ocean with us and design your very own creation. Your creation can be anything you might find in the ocean - real or made up!
In this year’s camp, dive down deep with us in these three parts:",
- "camp.part1Dates": "Part 1 (July 24th - July 30th)",
- "camp.detailsTitle": "Details:",
- "camp.part1Details": "Create a project introducing us to a character, real or imagined, that lives in the ocean. You could create a monster from the depths, a cute little starfish, a taco eating shark, or anything else you can imagine.",
- "camp.particpateTitle": "How to Participate:",
- "camp.part1Particpate": "Part 1 of camp will take place in the Main Camp Cabin studio. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
- "camp.part2Dates": "Part 2 (July 31st - August 6th)",
- "camp.part2Details": "Now make your character interactive! Does your character have questions to ask us? What happens when you click on it? Does it have any special powers? And more!",
- "camp.part2Particpate": "Part 2 of camp will also take place in the Main Camp Cabin studio. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
- "camp.part3Dates": "Part 3 (August 7th - August 13th)",
- "camp.part3Details": "Create a project using your own creation along with other Scratchers’ creations. It could be a game, story, animation, or anything you come up with!",
- "camp.part3Particpate": "The Final Projects Camp Cabin studio will hold part 3 of this year's Scratch Camp. Here you can submit your final project, give feedback to others, and celebrate Scratch Camp! Swim on over to the studio when part 3 comes out!",
- "camp.helpfulInfo": "Helpful Information",
- "camp.infoCounselors": "The Camp Counselors studio offers a variety of examples for your ocean creation. You can also directly communicate with the Counselors there.",
+ "camp.title": "Ikhempu yaSctach : Phansi ekujuleni ",
+ "camp.dates": "July 24th - August 13th ",
+ "camp.welcome": "Siyakwamukela kwiKhempu yaScratch 2017",
+ "camp.welcomeIntro": "Woza dayiva olwandle nathi zidizayinele ezakho ezakhiwo, Ozokwakha kungabe nomayini ongayithola olwandle - okwangempela okukhona noma kungaba ozakhele kona!
Kulonyaka iKhempu yethu Dive down deep nathi kulamaphathi amathathu: ",
+ "camp.part1Dates": "IPhathi 1 (July 24 - July 30th) ",
+ "camp.detailsTitle": "Imininingwane ",
+ "camp.part1Details": "Yakha iPhrojethi ukwazisa umlingisi wangempela noma izicagabele wena, Ohlala phakathi olwandle, Ungakha isilwane sangaphansi kungaba Inkanyezi enhle encane, Noma ushaka ozidlela iTaco nomangabe yini ongazicabangela kona. ",
+ "camp.particpateTitle": "Kwenziwanjani ukuba kuloluhlelo:",
+ "camp.part1Particpate": "Iphathi 1 yaleKhempu izothatha indawo Main Camp Cabin Studio . Lana ungakwazi ukubuza imibuzo ubone nezinye izinto ezakhiwe abanye kuScratch nawe ulethe okwakho osukwenzile uwedwa. Hamba uyekwi studio ufunde nokunye okuningi. ",
+ "camp.part2Dates": "Iphathi 2 (July 31st - August 6th) ",
+ "camp.part2Details": "Manje enza owakho umlingisi atshengise ukuxhumana! ngabe umlingisi wakho unayo imibuzo afuna ukusibuza yona? Kwenzakalani mawumuchofoza umlingisi ? Ngabe unawo amandla ekhethekile nokunye! ",
+ "camp.part2Particpate": "Iphathi 2 kulekhempu uzothatha indawo Main Camp Cabin studio . Lana ungakwazi ukubuza imibuzo ubone nezinye izinto ezakhiwe abanye kuScratch nawe ulethe okwakho osukwenzile uwedwa, Hamba uyekwi Studio uyofunda ngokunye okuningi.",
+ "camp.part3Dates": "IPhathi 3 (August 7th - August 13th)",
+ "camp.part3Details": " Yakha iPhrojethi usebenze ngesakhiwo sakho ozenzele sona nalokho osekenziwe abanye kuScratch. Kungaba iGemu yevidiyo, Izindaba, amakhathuni noma ikuphi ongaqhamuka nakho ekugcineni!",
+ "camp.part3Particpate": "Ama Phrojethi okugcina Camp Cabin Studio Sizowubamba uPhathi 3 kulonyaka kwiScratch Camp. Here ungakwazi ukusikhombisa amaPhrojethi ukwazinokuphendula abanye ugubhe nathi Scratch khempu ubhukedele ngase Studio uma uPhathi 3 uphuma ",
+ "camp.helpfulInfo": "Ulwazi olungakusiza kakhulu ",
+ "camp.infoCounselors": "Ama Camp Counsellors studio ikunikeza ezinhlobo eziningi zezibonelo ukwakha esakho isakhiwo sasolwandle. Ungakwazi ukuxhumana nawo amaKhansela ",
"camp.infoPart3": "Remember, in part 3, you must use some other creations made for this Scratch Camp. Use their part 2 project to learn about the character's personality!",
"camp.infoTime": "Don't worry if you aren't around the whole time, you can always participate in whatever part you are available for! Just have fun and dive deep!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/fr.json
index 893fa3bf..34ff5bcf 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/fr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/fr.json
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"credits.currentFinancialSupport": " Les organisations suivantes apportent à Scratch un soutien financier important :",
"credits.translationsTitle": "Traductions",
"credits.illustrationsTitle": "Illustrations",
- "credits.acknowledgementsIllustrations": "Un grand merci aux artistes suivants qui ont contribués à la bibliothèque de lutins dans Scratch :",
+ "credits.acknowledgementsIllustrations": "Un grand merci aux artistes suivants qui ont contribués à la bibliothèque de sprites dans Scratch :",
"credits.soundsTitle": "Sons",
"credits.pastContributors": "Anciens contributeurs",
"credits.pastContributorsThanks": "Beaucoup d'anciens membres de l’Équipe Scratch ont apporté de nombreuses contributions importantes, notamment John Maloney (qui a dirigé le développement logiciel au cours de la première décennie de Scratch) et Andrés Monroy-Hernández (qui a dirigé le développement du premier site Web de la communauté Scratch).",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/nn.json
index 5b4e9f06..03b79508 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/nn.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/nn.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"credits.researchersTitle": "Scratch-forskarar",
"credits.researchersBody": "{scratchResearchLink} vert utført av medlemmar i Scratch-gruppa ved MIT og av forskarar ved andre universitet, blant anna:",
"credits.researchLinkText": "Forsking på Scratch",
- "credits.researchersContributors": "Yasmin Kafai (som samarbeida om {scratchEdLink}) ved University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Karen Brennan (som leiar {nsfLink}) ved Harvard Graduate School of Education, Benjamin Mako Hill ved University of Washington, Andrés Monroy Hernández ved Microsoft Research, Mimi Ito og Crystle Martin ved University of California, Irvine, Quinn Burke ved College of Charleston, Deborah Fields ved Utah State University og Kylie Peppler ved Indiana University.",
+ "credits.researchersContributors": "Yasmin Kafai (som samarbeida om {nsfLink}) ved University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Karen Brennan (som leiar {scratchEdLink}) ved Harvard Graduate School of Education, Benjamin Mako Hill ved University of Washington, Andrés Monroy Hernández ved Microsoft Research, Mimi Ito og Crystle Martin ved University of California, Irvine, Quinn Burke ved College of Charleston, Deborah Fields ved Utah State University og Kylie Peppler ved Indiana University.",
"credits.researchNSFLinkText": "den første pengeløyvinga frå NSF",
"credits.researchScratchEdLinkText": "ScratchEd-satsinga",
"credits.acknowledgementsTitle": "Bidragsytarar",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/ru.json
index 26fc6e83..dd454ec1 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/ru.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.credits-l10njson/ru.json
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@
"credits.pastContributors": "Past Contributors",
"credits.pastContributorsThanks": "Many important contributions have been made by previous Scratch Team members, including John Maloney (who led software development for the first decade of Scratch) and Andrés Monroy-Hernández (who led the development of the first Scratch community website).",
"credits.otherContributors": "Other contributors include:",
- "credits.acknowledgementsSound": "Thanks to the following freesound.org artists:"
+ "credits.acknowledgementsSound": "Благодарность следующим артистам freesound.org:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/el.json
index d1043f4d..6c49f0d0 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/el.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/el.json
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
"developers.projectsIntro": "Τα παρακάτω έργα είναι ανοικτού κώδικα και είναι διαθέσιμα για κάθε σκοπό.",
"developers.scratchBlocksTitle": "Scratch Blocks",
"developers.scratchBlocksIntroBlocklyLinkText": "Τεχνολογία Blockly",
- "developers.scratchBlocksIntro": "Το Scratch Blocks είναι ένα έργο ανάπτυξης για την επόμενη γενιά των γραφικών προγραμματιστικών εντολών, βασισμένο στη συνεργασία μεταξύ της Google και της Ομάδας Scratch του MIT — χτίζοντας πάνω στο {blocklyLink} της Google και αντλώντας πληροφορίες από την εμπειρία της Ομάδας του Scratch στην ανάπτυξη δημιουργικών μαθησιακών εργαλείων για νέους. Το Scratch Blocks θα παρέχει ένα πλαίσιο για κατασκευή προγραμματιστικών εντολών και σε κάθετη (βασισμένη-σε-κείμενο) και σε οριζόντια (βασισμένη-σε-εικονίδιο) μορφή. Μπορείτε να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στον κώδικα (developer-preview, προς το παρόν) και στην τεκμηρίωση {githubLink}.",
- "developers.scratchBlocksBody": "Αυτή η πρώτη έκδοση περιλαμβάνει κώδικα για την Οριζόντια Γραμματική του Scratch. Μελλοντικά, σχεδιάζουμε να παρέχουμε επιπλέον κώδικα συμπεριλαμβάνοντας, αλλά όχι περιορισμένο στην Κάθετη Γραμματική (που χρησιμοποιείται τώρα στο Scratch), μια νέα Μηχανή Rendering που να υποστηρίζει αντικείμενα και γραφικά εφέ, και μια νέα Μηχανή Audio που να υποστηρίζει τη δημιουργία με ήχο και μουσική.",
+ "developers.scratchBlocksIntro": "Το Scratch Blocks είναι ένα έργο ανάπτυξης για την επόμενη γενιά των γραφικών προγραμματιστικών εντολών, βασισμένο στη συνεργασία μεταξύ της Google και της Ομάδας Scratch του MIT — χτίζοντας πάνω στην {blocklyLink} της Google και αντλώντας πληροφορίες από την εμπειρία της Ομάδας του Scratch στην ανάπτυξη δημιουργικών μαθησιακών εργαλείων για νέους. Το Scratch Blocks θα παρέχει ένα πλαίσιο για κατασκευή προγραμματιστικών εντολών και σε κάθετη (βασισμένη-σε-κείμενο) και σε οριζόντια (βασισμένη-σε-εικονίδιο) μορφή. Μπορείτε να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στον κώδικα (developer-preview, προς το παρόν) και στην τεκμηρίωση {githubLink}.",
+ "developers.scratchBlocksBody": "Αυτή η πρώτη έκδοση περιλαμβάνει κώδικα για την Οριζόντια Γραμματική του Scratch. Μελλοντικά, σχεδιάζουμε να παρέχουμε επιπλέον κώδικα συμπεριλαμβάνοντας, αλλά όχι μόνο, την Κάθετη Γραμματική (που χρησιμοποιείται τώρα στο Scratch), μια νέα Μηχανή Rendering που να υποστηρίζει αντικείμενα και γραφικά εφέ, και μια νέα Μηχανή Audio που να υποστηρίζει δημιουργία με ήχο και μουσική.",
"developers.wwwTitle": "Η Wiki-σελίδα του Scratch",
- "developers.wwwIntro": "Το Scratch-www είναι ένας αυτόνομος πελάτης ιστού για την Κοινότητα Scratch, που υλοποιήθηκε με χρήση React και Redux. Μπορείτε να έχετε πρόσβαση στον κώδικα και την τεκμηρίωση μέσω της {wwwIntroLink}.",
+ "developers.wwwIntro": "Το Scratch-www είναι ένας αυτόνομος πελάτης ιστού για την Κοινότητα Scratch, που υλοποιήθηκε με χρήση React και Redux. Μπορείτε να έχετε πρόσβαση στον κώδικα και την τεκμηρίωση μέσω του {wwwIntroLink}.",
"developers.LearningPrinciples": "Μαθησιακές Αρχές",
"developers.DesignPrinciples": "Σχεδιαστικές αρχές",
- "developers.principlesIntro": "Δημιουργήσαμε το Scratch για να δώσουμε τη δυνατότητα στους νέους να σκέφτονται δημιουργικά, να αιτιολογούν συστηματικά, και να δουλεύουν συνεργατικά. Καθοδηγούμαστε από ένα σύνολο από {learningPrinciples} και {designPrinciples} που ελπίζουμε να ακολουθήσετε καθώς αναπτύσσετε νέα εργαλεία και τεχνολογίες με το Scratch Blocks.",
+ "developers.principlesIntro": "Δημιουργήσαμε το Scratch για να δώσουμε τη δυνατότητα στους νέους να σκέφτονται δημιουργικά, να αιτιολογούν συστηματικά και να δουλεύουν συνεργατικά. Καθοδηγούμαστε από ένα σύνολο από {learningPrinciples} και {designPrinciples} που ελπίζουμε να ακολουθήσετε καθώς αναπτύσσετε νέα εργαλεία και τεχνολογίες με το Scratch Blocks.",
"developers.jrBodyWebsiteLinkText": "Ιστότοπος ScratchJr",
"developers.jrBody": "Το ScratchJr είναι μια εισαγωγική γλώσσα προγραμματισμού που δίνει τη δυνατότητα σε μικρά παιδιά (ηλικίες 5-7 ετών) να δημιουργούν τις δικές τους διαδραστικές ιστορίες και παιχνίδια. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφτείτε το {websiteLink} ή αποκτήστε πρόσβαση στον κώδικα και την τεκμηρίωση στο {githubLink}.",
"developers.learningPrinciplesProjectsBody": "Οι άνθρωποι μαθαίνουν καλύτερα όταν δουλεύουν ενεργά σε έργα — δημιουργώντας νέες ιδέες, σχεδιάζοντας πρωτότυπα, κάνοντας βελτιώσεις και δημιουργώντας τελικά προϊόντα.",
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
"developers.designPrinciplesRoomTitle": "Χαμηλό Δάπεδο & Ευρείς Τοίχοι",
"developers.designPrinciplesRoomBody": "Για να ενθαρρύνουμε ένα ποικίλο σύνολο από αλληλεπιδράσεις, συμπεριλαμβάνουμε ρητά στοιχεία και χαρακτηριστικά που είναι εύκολο για τα παιδιά να τα καταλάβουν (χαμηλό δάπεδο), αλλά αρκετά γενικά ώστε να υποστηρίζουν ποικίλες χρήσεις (ευρείς τοίχοι).",
"developers.designPrinciplesSimpleTitle": "Κάντο όσο πιο Απλό γίνεται — Ίσως και Απλούστερο",
- "developers.designPrinciplesSimpleBody": "Παρά την κοινή τάση να προστίθενται περισσότερα χαρακτηριστικά σε προϊόντα λογισμικού, έχουμε ανακαλύψει ότι η μείωση του αριθμού των χαρακτηριστικών συχνά βελτιώνει την εμπειρία του χρήστη. Αυτό αρχικά φαίνεται σαν περιορισμός μπορεί να καλλιεργήσει νέες μορφές δημιουργικότητας.",
+ "developers.designPrinciplesSimpleBody": "Παρά την κοινή τάση να προστίθενται περισσότερα χαρακτηριστικά σε προϊόντα λογισμικού, έχουμε ανακαλύψει ότι η μείωση του αριθμού των χαρακτηριστικών συχνά βελτιώνει την εμπειρία του χρήστη. Αυτό που αρχικά φαίνεται σαν περιορισμός μπορεί να καλλιεργήσει νέες μορφές δημιουργικότητας.",
"developers.designPrinciplesGlobalTitle": "Πολλά Μονοπάτια, Πολλά Στυλ",
"developers.designPrinciplesGlobalBody": "Πολλές δραστηριότητες μαθηματικών και φυσικών επιστημών παραδοσιακά απευθύνονται μεροληπτικά σε συγκεκριμένους πληθυσμούς. Δίνοντας ιδιαίτερη προσοχή στη δημιουργία προσβάσιμων και ελκυστικών τεχνολογιών, δουλεύουμε για να καλύψουμε το κενό.",
"developers.designPrinciplesTinkerTitle": "Σχεδιασμός για Δυνατότητα Πειράγματος",
"developers.designPrinciplesTinkerBody": "Πιστεύουμε πως η μαθησιακή διαδικασία είναι εγγενώς επαναληπτική. Όσοι μαστορεύουν ξεκινούν εξερευνώντας και πειραματίζοντας, έπειτα αναθεωρώντας και βελτιώνοντας τους στόχους και τις δημιουργίες τους. Για να υποστηρίξουμε αυτό το στυλ αλληλεπίδρασης, σχεδιάζουμε τις διεπαφές μας ώστε να ενθαρρύνεται ο γρήγορος πειραματισμός και οι γρήγοροι επαναληπτικοί κύκλοι.",
"developers.joinBodyJobsLinkText": "Σελίδα Εργασιών",
"developers.joinBody": "Είμαστε μια ποικιλόμορφη ομάδα εκπαιδευτών, σχεδιαστών και μηχανικών που δουλεύουν μαζί σε ένα παιγνιώδες, δημιουργικό περιβάλλον γεμάτο τουβλάκια LEGO, υλικά κατασκευών, και εργαλεία δημιουργών. Εκτιμούμε βαθιά τη διαφορετικότητα, τη συνεργασία, και τον σεβασμό στον χώρο εργασίας. Αν ενδιαφέρεστε να συμμετέχετε στην ομάδα μας, δείτε τις ανοικτές θέσεις στην αντίστοιχη {jobsPageLink} ή στείλτε μας ένα email στο {emailLink}.",
- "developers.donateIntroLinkText": "κάνοντας δωρεά για την υποστήριξη του Scratch",
+ "developers.donateIntroLinkText": "κάνετε δωρεά για την υποστήριξη του Scratch",
"developers.donateIntro": "Είναι χαρά μας να παρέχουμε το Scratch δωρεάν. Αν σας αρέσει να χρησιμοποιείτε το Scratch, παρακαλούμε σκεφτείτε να {donateLink}. Εκτιμώνται δωρεές κάθε μεγέθους.",
"developers.donateBody": "Η δωρεά σας στο ίδρυμα Scratch θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για να υποστηρίξει τη μελλοντική ανάπτυξη του λογισμικού Scratch και του ιστότοπου του Scratch.",
"developers.donateThanks": "Ευχαριστούμε που υποστηρίζετε το Scratch!",
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"developers.faqAboutTitle": "Που μπορώ να μάθω περισσότερα για το Scratch;",
"developers.faqAboutBodyLLKLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"developers.faqAboutBodyMITLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
- "developers.faqAboutBody": "Το Scratch είναι μια δωρεάν γλώσσα προγραμματισμού και διαδικτυακή κοινότητα όπου οι νέοι μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν τις δικές τους αλληλεπιδραστικές ιστορίες, παιχνίδια και κινούμενα σχέδια. To Scratch είναι ένα έργο της Ομάδας {llkLink} στο {mitLink}. Μπορείτε να μάθετε περισσότερα για το Scratch στο {aboutLink}.",
+ "developers.faqAboutBody": "Το Scratch είναι μια δωρεάν γλώσσα προγραμματισμού και διαδικτυακή κοινότητα όπου οι νέοι μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν τις δικές τους αλληλεπιδραστικές ιστορίες, παιχνίδια και κινούμενα σχέδια. To Scratch είναι ένα έργο της Ομάδας {llkLink} στο {mitLink}. Μπορείτε να μάθετε περισσότερα για το Scratch {aboutLink}.",
"developers.faqRulesTitle": "Υπάρχουν κανόνες για τη χρήση αυτού του κώδικα σε δική μου εφαρμογή;",
"developers.faqRulesBody": "Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτόν τον κώδικα σε συμφωνία με την άδεια που έχει το κάθε έργο. Επίσης, σας ενθαρρύνουμε να λάβετε υπόψη τις μαθησιακές και σχεδιαστικές αρχές (παραπάνω, σε αυτήν τη σελίδα) όταν κατασκευάζετε δημιουργικές μαθησιακές εμπειρίες για παιδιά όλων των ηλικιών.",
"developers.faqNameTitle": "Επιτρέπεται να χρησιμοποιήσω το όνομα \"Scratch Blocks\" στην περιγραφή της εφαρμογής μου και σε άλλη δημόσια επικοινωνία;",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fa.json
index 2e0d14d4..eff20eb7 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"developers.projectsTitle": "پروژهها",
"developers.principlesTitle": "Principles",
"developers.joinTitle": "Join Us",
- "developers.donateTitle": "Donate",
+ "developers.donateTitle": "کمک مالی",
"developers.partnersTitle": "Partners",
"developers.faqTitle": "پرسش و پاسخ",
"developers.projectsIntro": "The following projects are open source and available for any purpose.",
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"developers.partnersIntro": "The creation and maintenance of this open source code would not be possible without generous technical and financial support from our partners:",
"developers.faqAboutTitle": "Where can I learn more about Scratch?",
"developers.faqAboutBodyLLKLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
- "developers.faqAboutBodyMITLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
+ "developers.faqAboutBodyMITLinkText": "آزمایشگاه Media دانشگاه MIT",
"developers.faqAboutBody": "Scratch is a free programming language and online community where young people can create their own interactive stories, games, and animations. Scratch is a project of the {llkLink} Group at the {mitLink}. You can learn more about Scratch {aboutLink}.",
"developers.faqRulesTitle": "Are there rules to using this code in my application?",
"developers.faqRulesBody": "You may use this code in accordance with the license which governs each project. We also strongly encourage you to consider the learning and design principles (above, on this page) when building creative learning experiences for kids of all ages.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fr.json
index 8be97412..91526e7d 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.developers-l10njson/fr.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"developers.scratchBlocksTitle": "Blocs Scratch",
"developers.scratchBlocksIntroBlocklyLinkText": "technologie Blockly",
"developers.scratchBlocksIntro": "Scratch Blocks est un nouveau projet de développement pour la prochaine génération de blocs de programmation graphiques, basés sur une collaboration entre Google et l'Equipe Scratch du MIT — il s'appuie sur la {blocklyLink} de Google et sur l'expertise de l'Equipe Scratch pour développer des outils d'apprentissage créatifs pour les jeunes. Scratch Blocks fournira une base de développement pour la construction de blocs de programmation en formats aussi bien verticaux (basés sur du texte) que horizontaux (basés sur des icônes). Vous pouvez accéder au code (actuellement en pré-visualisation pour développeurs) et la documentation {githubLink}.",
- "developers.scratchBlocksBody": "La première version inclus du code de la \"Grammaire horizontale de Scratch\". Dans le futur, nous pensons publier plus de code incluant mais non limité à la \"Grammaire verticale\" (celle actuellement utilisée par Scratch), un nouveau Moteur de Rendu pour supporter des lutins et des effets graphiques et un nouveau Moteur Audio pour supporter la création de son et musique.",
+ "developers.scratchBlocksBody": "La première version inclus du code de la \"Grammaire horizontale de Scratch\". Dans le futur, nous pensons publier plus de code incluant mais non limité à la \"Grammaire verticale\" (celle actuellement utilisée par Scratch), un nouveau Moteur de Rendu pour supporter des sprites et des effets graphiques et un nouveau Moteur Audio pour supporter la création de son et musique.",
"developers.wwwTitle": "Wiki Scratch",
"developers.wwwIntro": "Scratch-www est un client web autonome pour la Communauté Scratch, basé sur React et Redux. Eccédez au code et à la documentation sur {wwwIntroLink}.",
"developers.LearningPrinciples": "Principes d'apprentissage",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.dmca-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.dmca-l10njson/nn.json
index 4d6289fa..ec4da25c 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.dmca-l10njson/nn.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.dmca-l10njson/nn.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"dmca.intro": "Forskingsgruppa The Lifelong Kindergarten respekterer intellektuell eigedom til andre og til våre brukarar. Viss du meiner verket ditt har blitt kopiert på ein måte som er i strid med opphavsrettane dine, send ein e-post til copyright@scratch.mit.edu eller til denne adressa:",
- "dmca.llkresponse": "Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa vil då snarleg undersøkja om det er gjort brot på opphavsretten, og vil utføra nødvendige tiltak under Digital Millennium Copyright Act («DMCA») og andre åndsverklover. Ved mottak av DMCA-varslingar kan Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa umiddelbart fjerna materiale eller tilgang til materiale som er påstått å vera i brot med lovverket. Gjentatte brot på andres opphavsrett kan medføra at brukaren mistar brukarkontoen sin.",
+ "dmca.llkresponse": "Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa vil då snarleg undersøkja om det er gjort brot på opphavsretten, og vil utføra nødvendige tiltak under Digital Millennium Copyright Act («DMCA») og andre åndsverklover. Ved mottak av DMCA-varslingar kan Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa umiddelbart fjerna materiale eller tilgang til materiale som er påstått å vera i brot med lovverket. Gjentekne brot på andres opphavsrett kan medføra at brukaren mistar brukarkontoen sin.",
"dmca.assessment": "Når du vurderer om ein Scratch-brukar har misbruka åndsverket ditt, hugs Scratch er ei pedagogisk-idealistisk satsing for å hjelpa ungar å læra, ved å gje dei verktøya dei treng for å uttrykkja seg med digital teknologi. Hugs òg på «fair use»-doktrinen i den amerikanske Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107.",
"dmca.eyetoeye": "Me håpar at du òg ser på Scratch ikkje berre som ein god måte å la andre verta kjende med det du har laga / nettstaden din, men òg som eit høve til å bidra til læring for ungar.",
"dmca.afterfiling": "Viss du kjem med eit klagemål for brot på opphavsrettane dine, merk at me kan offentleggjera klagemålet ditt, med personinformasjon fjerna, til ein nettstad som chillingeffects.org. Merk òg at du kan verta ansvarleg for skadeerstatning (herunder advokatutgifter og andre kostnadar) dersom du feilaktig påstår at ein aktivitet er brot på opphavsrettane dine.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/fa.json
index 5e4eaf73..f50144d5 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"download.title": "اسکرچ دسکتاپ",
- "download.intro": "You can install the Scratch Desktop editor to work on projects without an internet connection. This version will work on Windows and MacOS.",
+ "download.intro": "برای آنکه بتوانید بر روی پروژه هایتان بدون نیاز به اینترنت کار کنید می توانید نسخه اسکرچ دستکتاپ را نصب کنید. در حال حاضر این نسخه بر روی ویندوز و سیستم عامل مک کار می کند.",
"download.requirements": "الزامات",
"download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "تصاویر اسکرچ 3.0 دسکتاپ",
"download.installHeaderTitle": "نصب اسکرچ دسکتاپ",
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
"download.startScratchDesktop": "شروع اسکرچ دسکتاپ",
"download.howDoIInstall": "چطوری اسکرچ دسکتاپ را نصب کنم؟",
"download.whenSupportLinux": "چه زمانی اسکرچ دسکتاپ برای لینوکس میآید؟",
- "download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Scratch Desktop on Linux is currently not supported. We are working with partners and the open-source community to determine if there is a way we can support Linux in the future. Stay tuned!",
- "download.supportChromeOS": "When will you have Scratch Desktop for Chromebooks?",
- "download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch Desktop for Chromebooks is not yet available. We are working on it and expect to release later in 2019.",
+ "download.supportLinuxAnswer": "در حال حاضر اسکرچ دسکتاپ بر روی لینوکس ارائه نمی شود. ما در حال کار با همکاران و جامعه اوپن سورس هستیم تا راهی را برای پشتیبانی آن در آینده مشخص کنیم. با ما در تماس باشید.",
+ "download.supportChromeOS": " چه زمانی اسکرچ دسکتاپ برای کرم بوک میآید؟ ",
+ "download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "هنوز نسخه اسکرچ دسکتاپ برای کرم بوک آماده نیست. داریم روی آن کار می کنیم و انتظار داریم که در سال 2019 آنرا منتشر کنیم.",
"download.olderVersionsTitle": "نسخههای قدیمیتر",
"download.olderVersions": "آيا شما به دنبال ویرایشگر آفلاین اسکرچ 2.0 یا اسکرچ 1.4 هستید؟",
"download.scratch1-4Desktop": "اسکرچ 1.4 دسکتاپ",
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
"download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "اگر نتوانم به فروشگاه مایکروسافت دسترسی پیدا کنم چه؟",
"download.macMoveToApplications": "فایل .dmg را باز کنید. اسکرچ دسکتاپ را به قسمت برنامهها منتقل کنید.",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "فایل .exe را اجرا کنید.",
- "download.canIUseScratchLink": "Can I use Scratch Link to connect to extensions?",
- "download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Yes. However, you will need an Internet connection to use Scratch Link.",
- "download.desktopAndBrowser": "Can I use Scratch Desktop and also have Scratch open in the browser?",
+ "download.canIUseScratchLink": "آیا می توانم از قابلیت «اسکرچ لینک» برای اتصال به افزونهها استفاده کنم؟",
+ "download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "بله. البته برای استفاده از «اسکرچ لینک» باید به اینترنت متصل باشید.",
+ "download.desktopAndBrowser": "آیا میتوانم هم از اسکرچ دسکتاپ استفاده کنیم و هم اسکرچ در مرورگر باز باشد؟",
"download.yesAnswer": "بله.",
- "download.canIShare": "Can I share from Scratch Desktop?",
- "download.canIShareAnswer": "This isn’t supported currently. For now, you can save a project from Scratch Desktop, upload it to your Scratch account, and share it there. In a later version we will add the ability to upload to your Scratch account directly in Scratch Desktop."
+ "download.canIShare": "آیا می شود پروژه های اسکرچ دسکتاپ را با دیگران به اشتراک بگذارم؟",
+ "download.canIShareAnswer": "در حال حاضر این امکان وجود ندارد. البته می توانید پروژه تان را در اسکرچ دسکتاپ ذخیره کنید و سپس آنرا در حساب کاری اسکرچ تان آپلود نمایید و از آنجا آنرا به اشتراک بگذارید. در نسخه های آینده ما قابلیت آپلود به حساب کاری اسکرچ را به صورت مستقیم اضافه خواهیم کرد."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/lv.json b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/lv.json
index 584a9770..4dd738f9 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/lv.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/lv.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"download.whenSupportLinux": "Kād iznāks Scratch Darbvirsmas versija Linux operētājsistēmai?",
"download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Scratch Darbvirsma priekš Linux pašlaik netiek atbalstīta. Mēs strādājam ar partneriem un atvērtā satura kopienu, lai izlemtu vai šeit ir kāds veids kā mēs varam atbalstīt Linux nākotnē. Seko līdzi!",
"download.supportChromeOS": "Kad jums būs Scratch Darbvirsma Chromebooks datoriem?",
- "download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch Darbvisrma Chromebooks datoriem vēl nav pieejama. Mēs uz tād strādājam un, gaidāmais izdošanas datums ir vēlāk 2019 gadā.",
+ "download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch Darbvisrma Chromebooks datoriem vēl nav pieejama. Mēs pie tā strādājam, un gaidāmais izdošanas datums ir vēlāk 2019 gadā.",
"download.olderVersionsTitle": "Vecākas versijas",
"download.olderVersions": "Vai tu meklē Scratch 2.0 bezsaistes redaktoru vai Scratch 1.4?",
"download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4 Darbvirsma",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/ru.json
index bddf72a6..1649af50 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/ru.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/ru.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"download.supportChromeOS": "Когда Scratch Desktop станет доступен на Хромбуках?",
"download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch Desktop для Chromebooks пока что недоступен, но мы уже работаем над этим. Релиз для Chtomebook ожидается позже в 2019 году.",
"download.olderVersionsTitle": "Ранние Версии ",
- "download.olderVersions": "Исчете Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor или Scratch 1.4?",
+ "download.olderVersions": "Ищете Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor или Scratch 1.4?",
"download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4 ПК",
"download.scratch2Desktop": " Scratch 2.0 ПК",
"download.cannotAccessMacStore": "Что если я не могу зайти в Mac App Store?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/zu.json
index ecb043b1..25eaa853 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/zu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.download-l10njson/zu.json
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- "download.title": "Scratch Desktop",
- "download.intro": "You can install the Scratch Desktop editor to work on projects without an internet connection. This version will work on Windows and MacOS.",
+ "download.title": "Ukuphezulu kweDeski ",
+ "download.intro": "Ungakwazi ukufaka uScratch Desktop editha ngaphandle kokudinga ukuxhuma internet. Loluhlobo lwe version luzosebenza kwi Windows 10 naku MacOS ",
"download.requirements": "Izidingo",
- "download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "Scratch 3.0 Desktop screenshot",
- "download.installHeaderTitle": "Install Scratch Desktop",
- "download.downloadScratchDesktop": "Download Scratch Desktop",
- "download.downloadButton": "Downloda ",
+ "download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "Scratch 3.0 Desktop screenshot ",
+ "download.installHeaderTitle": "Install Scratch Desktop ",
+ "download.downloadScratchDesktop": "Download Scratch Desktop ",
+ "download.downloadButton": "Download",
"download.troubleshootingTitle": "FAQ",
- "download.startScratchDesktop": "Start Scratch Desktop",
- "download.howDoIInstall": "How do I install Scratch Desktop?",
- "download.whenSupportLinux": "When will you have Scratch Desktop for Linux?",
- "download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Scratch Desktop on Linux is currently not supported. We are working with partners and the open-source community to determine if there is a way we can support Linux in the future. Stay tuned!",
- "download.supportChromeOS": "When will you have Scratch Desktop for Chromebooks?",
- "download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch Desktop for Chromebooks is not yet available. We are working on it and expect to release later in 2019.",
- "download.olderVersionsTitle": "Older Versions",
- "download.olderVersions": "Looking for the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor or Scratch 1.4?",
- "download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4 Desktop",
+ "download.startScratchDesktop": "Qala Scratch Desktop ",
+ "download.howDoIInstall": "Ngiwu Installer kanjan uScratch Desktop ",
+ "download.whenSupportLinux": "Nizoba nini nawo uScratch Desktop kuLinux ",
+ "download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Scratch Desktop kwiLinux okwamanje abakawuvumeli. Thina sisebenza nophathini kanye nomphakathi ovulekile ukuze kushiwo indlela esingawuvumela ngayo uLinux ngokuhamba kweskhathi, Hlala nathi. ",
+ "download.supportChromeOS": "Nizoba nawonini uScratch Desktop kuma Chromebooks ",
+ "download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch Desktop kumaChromebooks awukavunyelwa okwamanje, Sisebenza wona silindele ukuwukhipha ngokuhamba kwesikhathi ku2019.",
+ "download.olderVersionsTitle": "Ama versions amadala ",
+ "download.olderVersions": "Ubheka uScratch 2.0 Offline Editor noma uScratch 1.4 ",
+ "download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4 Desktop ",
"download.scratch2Desktop": "Scratch 2.0 Desktop",
- "download.cannotAccessMacStore": "What if I can't access the Mac App Store?",
- "download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "What if I can't access the Microsoft Store?",
- "download.macMoveToApplications": "Open the .dmg file. Move Scratch Desktop into Applications.",
+ "download.cannotAccessMacStore": "Ngenzenjani makuthiwa angikwaz ukungena kuMac App Store ",
+ "download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "Ngenzenjani makuthiwa angikwazi ukungena kuMicrosoft Store ",
+ "download.macMoveToApplications": "Vula .dmg file. Susa uScratch Desktop uwufake kuma applications ",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "Run the .exe file.",
- "download.canIUseScratchLink": "Can I use Scratch Link to connect to extensions?",
+ "download.canIUseScratchLink": "Ungakwazi ukusebenzisa uScratch Link ukuxhumana nezinye ezandisiwe ",
"download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Yes. However, you will need an Internet connection to use Scratch Link.",
"download.desktopAndBrowser": "Can I use Scratch Desktop and also have Scratch open in the browser?",
"download.yesAnswer": "Yes.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/fa.json
index 2eb6c802..9b5d4132 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "download.title": "Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor",
+ "download.title": "ویرایشگر آفلاین اسکرچ 2.0",
"download.intro": "You can install the Scratch 2.0 editor to work on projects without an internet connection. This version will work on Windows and MacOS.",
"download.introMac": "Note for Mac Users: the latest version of Scratch 2.0 Offline requires Adobe AIR 20. To upgrade to Adobe AIR 20 manually, go here.",
"download.installation": "نصب و راه اندازی",
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"download.offlineEditorBody": "Next download and install the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor",
"download.supportMaterialsTitle": "Support Materials",
"download.supportMaterialsBody": "Need some help getting started? Here are some helpful resources.",
- "download.starterProjects": "Starter Projects",
+ "download.starterProjects": "پروژههای مبتدیان",
"download.gettingStarted": "Getting Started Guide",
"download.scratchCards": "Scratch Cards",
"download.updatesTitle": "Updates",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/zu.json
index e8774fb6..279b0cd9 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/zu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.download-scratch2-l10njson/zu.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"download.updatesTitle": "Uguquko",
"download.updatesBody": "Umhleli wa offline angaguqula ngokwakhe .Ingabheka izinguqulo ekuqaleni noma ungasebenzisa \"bheka izinguquko\" umyalelo usehlelweni lweFile.",
"download.currentVersion": "lolushicelelo lwamanje {version}",
- "download.otherVersionsTitle": "ezinye izintshicelelo zikaScratch",
+ "download.otherVersionsTitle": "ezinye zama versions aScratch",
"download.otherVersionsOlder": "uma une kompyutha endala noma ungeke ukwazi ukufaka uScratch 2.0 wa offline, ungazama ukufaka Scratch 1.4.",
"download.otherVersionsAdmin": "uma uwumhleli wenethwekhi; uScratch 2.0 MSI wenziwe wanakekelwa yilunga lomphakathi udownlodwe uwonke wonkela",
"download.knownIssuesTitle": "izinkinga ezaziwayo",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/fa.json
index 8deacb0c..771ad695 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"teacherlanding.resourcesTitle": "منابع",
"teacherlanding.connectTitle": "اتصال",
"teacherlanding.newsTitle": "News",
- "teacherlanding.teacherAccountsTitle": "Teacher Accounts",
+ "teacherlanding.teacherAccountsTitle": "حساب کاربری معلم",
"teacherlanding.educatorResourcesTitle": "Resources for Educators",
"teacherlanding.educatorGuides": "{educatorLink} show you how to prepare and run Scratch classes and workshops.",
"teacherlanding.educatorGuideLinkText": "Educator Guides",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/nl.json b/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/nl.json
index 492618b5..21e4b7a7 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/nl.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.educator-landing-l10njson/nl.json
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
"teacherlanding.creativeComputing": "{scratchEdLink}van het ScratchEd team geeft plannen, activiteiten en strategieën om aan de slag te gaan creatief computeren",
"teacherlanding.scratchEdLinkText": "Creatief computeren",
"teacherlanding.studentResourcesTitle": "Bronnen voor leerlingen",
- "teacherlanding.tutorialResources": "Verken {tutorialLink}om te ontdekken hoe je verhalen, animaties, spellen en meer kunt maken.",
+ "teacherlanding.tutorialResources": "Verken {tutorialLink} om te ontdekken hoe je verhalen, animaties, spellen en meer kunt maken.",
"teacherlanding.tutorialLink": "Scratch handleidingen",
- "teacherlanding.codingCardResources": "Download en print {codingCardLink}voor stap-voor-stap instructies voor een variëteit van projecten.",
+ "teacherlanding.codingCardResources": "Download en print {codingCardLink} voor stap-voor-stap instructies voor een variëteit van projecten.",
"teacherlanding.codingCardLink": "Code kaarten",
- "teacherlanding.ideasResources": "Bezoek de {ideasPageLink}voor extra bronnen van het Scratch Team",
+ "teacherlanding.ideasResources": "Bezoek de {ideasPageLink} voor extra bronnen van het Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.ideasLink": "Ideeënpagina",
"teacherlanding.connectingWithEducators": "In contact komen met andere leerkrachten",
- "teacherlanding.teachingWithScratch": "Meld je aan bij de {teachingWithScratchLink}Facebookgroep om ideeën, vragen en bronnen te delen die gerelateerd zijn aan het lesgeven met Scratch",
+ "teacherlanding.teachingWithScratch": "Meld je aan bij de {teachingWithScratchLink} Facebookgroep om ideeën, vragen en bronnen te delen die gerelateerd zijn aan het lesgeven met Scratch",
"teacherlanding.teachingWithScratchLink": "Lesgeven met Scratch",
- "teacherlanding.attendMeetups": "Woon {meetupLink}bij om ideeën en strategieën te delen met andere leerkrachten om creatief computeren in alle vormen te ondersteunen.",
+ "teacherlanding.attendMeetups": "Woon {meetupLink} bij om ideeën en strategieën te delen met andere leerkrachten om creatief computeren in alle vormen te ondersteunen.",
"teacherlanding.meetupLink": "ScratchEd Leerkracht Meetups",
"teacherlanding.moreGetStartedTitle": "Meer manieren om van start te gaan",
"teacherlanding.csFirst": "Google's gratis cursus, {csFirstLink}, is wereldwijd gebruikt door leerlingen en leerkrachten. Meer dan 1000 instructievideo's en leerplannen introduceren Scratch bij leerlingen.",
"teacherlanding.csFirstLink": "CS First",
- "teacherlanding.codeClub": "Bezoek {codeClubLink}voor meer dan 30 gratis projectmodules om leerlingen te motiveren om interactieve verhalen, spellen en animaties te leren maken.",
+ "teacherlanding.codeClub": "Bezoek {codeClubLink} voor meer dan 30 gratis projectmodules om leerlingen te motiveren om interactieve verhalen, spellen en animaties te leren maken.",
"teacherlanding.codeClubLink": "Codeclub",
"teacherlanding.newsAndUpdatesTitle": "Nieuws en updates",
"teacherlanding.followUs": "Volg ons op {facebookLink}, {twitterLink} en {instagramLink}!",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ev3-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.ev3-l10njson/fa.json
index a390e479..751228ce 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.ev3-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.ev3-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
"ev3.portA": "port A",
"ev3.clickMotorBlock": "Find the {motorBlockText} block and click on it.",
"ev3.motorBlockText": "\"motor A turn this way\"",
- "ev3.starterProjects": "Starter Projects",
+ "ev3.starterProjects": "پروژههای مبتدیان",
"ev3.starter1BasketballTitle": "Play Basketball",
"ev3.starter1BasketballDescription": "Move in front of the distance sensor to bounce the ball.",
- "ev3.starter2MusicTitle": "خلق موسیقی",
+ "ev3.starter2MusicTitle": "ساختن موسیقی",
"ev3.starter2MusicDescription": "Press the buttons to play saxophone and drums.",
"ev3.starter3SpaceTitle": "Space Tacos",
"ev3.starter3SpaceDescription": "Build your own controller to catch tacos in space.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/es.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/es.json
index c07c272a..a29b118a 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/es.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/es.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"faq.title": "Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)",
- "faq.intro": "En esta página encontrarás las respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre Scratch.",
+ "faq.intro": "En esta página encontrarás respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre Scratch.",
"faq.aboutTitle": "Preguntas generales",
"faq.scratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0",
"faq.remixTitle": "Reinventar y copiar",
@@ -10,97 +10,97 @@
"faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Extensiones de Scratch",
"faq.cloudDataTitle": "Variables en la nube",
"faq.aboutScratchTitle": "¿Qué es Scratch y qué puedo hacer con él?",
- "faq.aboutScratchBody": "With the Scratch programming language and online community, you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. To learn more about Scratch, see the {aboutScratchLink} page.",
+ "faq.aboutScratchBody": "Con el lenguaje de programación Scratch y su comunidad en línea puedes crear tus propias historias interactivas, juegos y animaciones -- y compartir tus creaciones con todo el mundo. Cuando los jóvenes crean y comparten proyectos de Scratch, aprenden a pensar de forma creativa, a razonar sistemáticamente y a trabajar colaborativamente. Para aprender más sobre Scratch, échale un vistazo a la página {aboutScratchLink}.",
"faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "Acerca de Scratch",
"faq.makeGameTitle": "¿Como hago un juego o una animación con Scratch?",
- "faq.makeGameBody": "Check out the {ideasLink} to see lots of ways to get started with Scratch",
- "faq.ideasLinkText": "Ideas page",
+ "faq.makeGameBody": "En la {ideasLink} puedes ver un montón de formas para comenzar con Scratch",
+ "faq.ideasLinkText": "página de ideas",
"faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "¿Quién utiliza Scratch?",
- "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch is used by people from all backgrounds, in all countries around the world, in all types of settings -- homes, schools, libraries, museums, and more. Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJrLink}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.",
+ "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch lo usa gente de todos los perfiles, de todos los países del mundo, en todo tipo de entornos -- casas, colegios, bibliotecas, museos y mucho más. Scratch está especialmente diseñado para jóvenes de entre 8 y 16 años, pero lo usan personas de todas las edades. Los más pequeños pueden probar {scratchJrLink}, una versión de Scratch más sencilla diseñada para edades entre 5 y 7 años.",
"faq.requirementsTitle": "¿Cuáles son los requisitos de sistema de Scratch?",
- "faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch se ejecutará en la mayoría de navegadores web modernos de escritorio, portátiles y tablets. Puedes ver proyectos en teléfonos móviles, pero actualmente no se permite crear o editar proyectos en teléfonos. Más abajo está la lista de navegadores oficialmente soportados.",
- "faq.requirementsDesktop": "Desktop",
+ "faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch funciona en la mayoría de navegadores web modernos en ordenadores de sobremesa, portátiles y tablets. Puedes ver proyectos en teléfonos móviles, pero actualmente no puedes crear o editar proyectos en teléfonos. A continuación tienes la lista de navegadores compatibles.",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktop": "Ordenadores",
"faq.requirementsDesktopChrome": "Chrome (63+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopEdge": "Edge (15+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopFirefox": "Firefox (57+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopSafari": "Safari (11+)",
- "faq.requirementsDesktopIE": "Internet Explorer NO tiene soporte.",
- "faq.requirementsTablet": "Tableta",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktopIE": "Internet Explorer NO es compatible.",
+ "faq.requirementsTablet": "Tabletas",
"faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "Chrome para móvil (62+)",
"faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Safari para móvil (11+)",
"faq.requirementsNote": "Nota:",
- "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "If your computer doesn’t meet these requirements, you can try the {downloadLink} editor (see next item in FAQ). ",
+ "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "Si tu ordenador no cumple con estos requisitos, puedes probar el editor {downloadLink} (lee el próximo punto de las FAQ).",
"faq.scratchDesktop": "Scratch Desktop",
"faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "Si te encuentras con un error de WebGL, prueba con otro navegador.",
"faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "En tabletas de momento no hay forma de utilizar los bloques \"al presionar tecla\" o los menús contextuales del clic derecho.",
"faq.offlineTitle": "¿Tenéis una versión descargable para que pueda crear y ver proyectos sin conexión?",
- "faq.offlineBody": "The Scratch Desktop editor allows you to create Scratch projects without an internet connection. You can download {downloadLink} from the website. This was previously called the Scratch Offline editor.",
- "faq.uploadOldTitle": "¿Puedo subir a la página web proyectos creados con versiones anteriores de Scratch?",
- "faq.uploadOldBody": "Yes: You can share or upload projects made with earlier versions of Scratch, and they will be visible and playable. (However, you can’t download projects made with or edited in later versions of Scratch and open them in earlier versions. For example, you can’t open a Scratch 3.0 project in the desktop version of {scratch2Link}, because Scratch 2.0 doesn’t know how to read the .sb3 project file format.)",
+ "faq.offlineBody": "El editor Scratch Desktop te permite crear proyectos de Scratch sin disponer de conexión a Internet. Puedes descargar {downloadLink} desde la página web. En versiones anteriores se llamaba Scratch Offline editor o Editor sin conexión de Scratch.",
+ "faq.uploadOldTitle": "¿Puedo seguir subiendo a la página web proyectos creados con versiones anteriores de Scratch?",
+ "faq.uploadOldBody": "Sí: puedes compartir o cargar proyectos creados en versiones anteriores de Scratch, estarán visibles y serán ejecutables. (Sin embargo, no puedes descargar proyectos hechos o editados en versiones nuevas y abrirlos en versiones anteriores. Por ejemplo, no puedes abrir un proyecto de Scratch 3.0 en la versión offline de {scratch2Link}, porque Scratch 2.0 no sabe leer archivos en formato .sb3).",
"faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
"faq.scratchCostTitle": "¿Cuánto cuesta Scratch? ¿Necesito una licencia?",
- "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch is and always will be free. You don’t need a license to use Scratch in your school, home, or anywhere else. The development and maintenance of Scratch is paid for by grants and donations. If you’d like to contribute to Scratch, check out our {donateLink}.",
- "faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
+ "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch es y será siempre gratuito. No necesitas una licencia para usar Scratch en el colegio, en casa o en cualquier otro sitio. El desarrollo y mantenimiento de Scratch se paga a través de becas y donaciones. Si te gustaría contribuir a Scratch, échale un vistazo a {donateLink}.",
+ "faq.donateLinkText": "la página de donaciones",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "¿Quién creó Scratch?",
- "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
- "faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
+ "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch es desarrollado y mantenido por el Equipo de Scratch en el{llkLink} del {mediaLabLink}.",
+ "faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten Group",
"faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
"faq.aboutScratch3Title": "¿Qué es Scratch 3.0?",
- "faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 es la última generación de Scratch, lanzada el 2 de enero de 2019. Ha sido diseñada para ampliar cómo, qué y dónde puedes crear con Scratch. Incluye docenas de nuevos objetos, un editor de sonido completamente nuevo y varios bloques de programación nuevos. Por otra parte, con Scratch 3.0 puedes crear y ejecutar proyectos en una tableta, además de portátiles y ordenadores de sobremesa.",
- "faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "¿Cómo puedo informar de un error y compartir feedback en Scratch 3.0?",
- "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "You can report bugs and share feedback in the {forumsLink} section of the Scratch discussion forums.",
+ "faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 es la última generación de Scratch, lanzada el 2 de enero de 2019. Ha sido diseñada para ampliar cómo, qué y dónde puedes crear con Scratch. Incluye docenas de nuevos objetos, un editor de sonido completamente nuevo y varios bloques de programación nuevos. Por otra parte, con Scratch 3.0 puedes crear y ejecutar proyectos en una tableta, además de en portátiles y ordenadores de sobremesa.",
+ "faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "¿Cómo puedo informar de un error y compartir feedback sobre Scratch 3.0?",
+ "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "Puedes informar sobre errores y compartir feedback en la sección{forumsLink} del foro de discusión de Scratch.",
"faq.forumsLinkText": "Bugs & Glitches",
"faq.languagesScratch3Title": "¿Está Scratch disponible en varios idiomas?",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Yes. To change the language of the programming blocks, click on the “globe” icon in the top navigation bar of the programming editor, then click on the dropdown menu to select a language.",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.",
- "faq.transifexLinkText": "translation server",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Sí. Para cambiar el idioma de los bloques de programación, haz clic en el icono del \"mundo\" en la barra de navegación superior del editor, y luego seleeciona el idioma en el menú desplegable.",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "Todas nuestras traducciones están hechas por voluntarios. El editor de Scratch 3.0 se ha traducido ya a más de 40 idiomas. Puedes ver todos los idiomas que se están traduciendo y revisando en nuestro {transifexLink}. Si quieres ayudar a traducir o a revisar, por favor contacta con {emailLink}.",
+ "faq.transifexLinkText": "servidor de traducción",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "¿Se ha eliminado en Scratch 3.0 algún bloque de versiones anteriores?",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Body": "No se ha eliminado ningún bloque en Scratch 3.0, pero algunos se han modificado o se han movido dentro de la sección \"Extensiones\" (como se describe más abajo, en la parte \"¿Dónde están los bloques de lápiz?\").",
"faq.newBlocksScratch3Title": "¿Tiene Scratch 3.0 nuevos bloques?",
"faq.newBlocksScratch3Body": "¡Si! En Scratch 3.0 encontrarás:",
"faq.newBlocksSoundEffect": "Nuevos bloques de \"efectos de sonido\"",
- "faq.newBlocksOperators": "Nuevos operadores que facilitan el trabajo con texto (strings)",
- "faq.newBlocksPen": "Nuevos bloques de lápiz, incluyendo soporte para transparencias.",
- "faq.newBlocksGlide": "Nuevo bloque deslizar para mover más fácilmente un objeto (o un punto aleatorio)",
+ "faq.newBlocksOperators": "Nuevos bloques operadores que facilitan el trabajo con texto (cadenas de caracteres)",
+ "faq.newBlocksPen": "Nuevos bloques de lápiz, incluyendo soporte para transparencias",
+ "faq.newBlocksGlide": "Un nuevo bloque \"deslizar\" para moverse más fácilmente a otro objeto (o a un punto aleatorio)",
"faq.newBlocksExtensions": "Muchas nuevas funcionalidades con las \"Extensiones Scratch\" (véase la sección de Extensiones más abajo). ",
"faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Title": "¿Por qué los bloques de Scratch 3.0 son más grandes que en las versiones anteriores?",
"faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Body": "Con el objetivo de que Scratch 3.0 funcionase correctamente en dispositivos táctiles (como Chromebooks, portátiles Windows Surface y tablets) tuvimos que hacer los bloques más grandes, para que fuera más fácil mover y seleccionar los bloques. Por otra parte, los bloques son un poco más grandes en Scratch 3.0 para ayudar a los usuarios que tenían problemas presionando y moviendo los elementos pequeños de la interfaz. ",
"faq.extensionsScratch3Title": "¿Dónde están los bloques de lápiz? ¿Dónde están los bloques de música? ¿Dónde están los bloques del sensor de vídeo?",
- "faq.extensionsScratch3Body": "Los bloques de lápiz, Música y Sensor de Vídeo se han movido dentro de las extensiones. Puedes acceder a éstas presionando el botón situado en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla (véase la sección \"Extensiones\" más abajo).",
+ "faq.extensionsScratch3Body": "Los bloques de lápiz, Música y Sensor de Vídeo se han movido a extensiones. Puedes acceder a estas presionando el botón situado en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla (véase la sección \"Extensiones\" más abajo).",
"faq.paintEditorScratch3Title": "¿Cuáles son las nuevas funcionalidades del editor gráfico?",
"faq.paintEditorScratch3Body": "El editor gráfico se ha rediseñado para ofrecer potentes nuevas funciones y hacerlo más fácil de usar. Los cambios y nuevas funciones son:",
"faq.paintEditorLayout": "Nuevo diseño que hace que las herramientas disponibles y las opciones sean más visibles.",
- "faq.paintEditorTools": "Nuevas herramientas como la \"goma\" que funciona en modo vector.",
- "faq.paintEditorColors": "Más opciones para seleccionar y ajustar colores.",
- "faq.paintEditorVector": "Más control sobre los puntos de los vectores (manejo de curvas y modos de puntos de anclaje)",
+ "faq.paintEditorTools": "Nuevas herramientas como la \"goma\" que funciona en modo vector",
+ "faq.paintEditorColors": "Más opciones para seleccionar y ajustar colores",
+ "faq.paintEditorVector": "Más control sobre los puntos de los vectores (ajuste de curvas y puntos de anclaje)",
"faq.paintEditorLayers": "Controles adicionales para ordenar capas (\"traer al frente\", \"mover al fondo\", etc.)",
- "faq.paintEditorGradients": "Nuevo control de degradados",
- "faq.soundEditorScratch3Title": "¿Cuáles son las nuevas características del Editor de sonido?",
- "faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "El Editor de sonido se ha rediseñado por completo para que sea más fácil grabar y modificar sonidos. Ofrece numerosas nuevas funcionalidades:",
- "faq.soundEditorRecording": "Nuevo sistema de grabación más sencillo de utilizar",
- "faq.soundEditorTrimming": "Nuevo sistema para cortar audio que es más fácil de usar",
+ "faq.paintEditorGradients": "Nuevos controles de degradado",
+ "faq.soundEditorScratch3Title": "¿Cuáles son las nuevas características del Editor de Sonido?",
+ "faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "El Editor de Sonido se ha rediseñado por completo para que sea más fácil grabar y modificar sonidos. Ofrece numerosas nuevas funcionalidades:",
+ "faq.soundEditorRecording": "Nuevo sistema de grabación más fácil de usar",
+ "faq.soundEditorTrimming": "Nuevo sistema para recortar audio más fácil de usar",
"faq.soundEditorEffects": "Nuevos efectos de sonido (como \"más rápido\", \"más despacio\", \"eco\" o \"robot\")",
"faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "¿Dónde está la pestaña de consejos de Scratch?",
- "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").",
+ "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "En vez de la página de consejos, Scratch 3.0 proporciona materiales similares a través de la Librería de Tutoriales, accesible a través del enlace Tutoriales de la barra de navegación superior en el editor. Encontrarás tutoriales sobre proyectos completos (como \"Haz un juego de perseguir\") o sobre bloques y características específicos (como \"Grabar un sonido\" o \"Hazlo girar\"). Pronto añadiremos más tutoriales (como \"Juego de Pong\" o \"Hazlo volar\").",
"faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "¿Qué es una reinvención/remezcla?",
- "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Cuando un Scratcher hace una copia del proyecto de otro, y lo modifica para añadir sus propias ideas (por ejemplo, cambiando los programas o los disfraces), decimos que el resultado es una \"reinvención\". Cada proyecto compartido en el sitio web de Scratch puede ser reinventado. Consideramos que incluso los cambios pequeños son reinvenciones válidas, siempre que se den los créditos al creador del proyecto original y a otras personas que hayan contribuido de manera significativa a la reinvención.",
- "faq.remixableTitle": "¿Por qué el equipo de Scratch quiere que todos los proyectos sean \"reinventables\"?",
- "faq.remixableBody": "Creemos que remezclar los proyectos de otros es una forma genial de aprender a programar y a crear proyectos interesantes. Remezclando, las ideas creativas se propagan en la comunidad Scratch, y todo el mundo se beneficia. Todos los proyectos compartidos en la web de Scratch están licenciados como \"Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual\", lo que significa que puedes remezclar cualquier proyecto que veas en la web de Scratch -- y cualquier persona puede remezclar cualquiera de los proyectos que hayas compartido en la web.",
+ "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Cuando un Scratcher hace una copia del proyecto de otro y lo modifica para añadir sus propias ideas (por ejemplo, cambiando los programas o los disfraces), decimos que el resultado es una \"reinvención\". Cada proyecto compartido en el sitio web de Scratch puede ser reinventado. Consideramos que incluso los cambios pequeños son reinvenciones válidas, siempre que se de crédito al creador del proyecto original y a otras personas que hayan contribuido de manera significativa a la reinvención.",
+ "faq.remixableTitle": "¿Por qué el Equipo de Scratch hace que todos los proyectos sean \"reinventables\"?",
+ "faq.remixableBody": "Creemos que reinventar los proyectos de otros es una forma genial de aprender a programar y a crear proyectos interesantes. Reinventando, las ideas creativas se propagan en la comunidad Scratch, y todo el mundo se beneficia. Todos los proyectos compartidos en la web de Scratch están licenciados como \"Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual\", lo que significa que puedes reinventar cualquier proyecto que veas en la web de Scratch -- y que cualquier persona puede reinventar cualquiera de los proyectos que hayas compartido tú.",
"faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "¿Y si no quiero que otros reinventen mis proyectos?",
- "faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Remezclar es una parte importante de la comunidad Scratch. Si no quieres que otros vean o remezclen tus creaciones, puedes crear proyectos en Scratch pero no los compartas en la web.",
- "faq.fairUseTitle": "¿Puedo usar imágenes, sonidos u otros medios del Internet en mis proyectos?",
- "faq.fairUseBody": "If you choose to integrate someone else’s work into your own, be sure to give them credit on the project “credits” section, and include a link back to the original. To find art / sounds that are already licensed for remixing, check out the {ccLink}.",
- "faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons search page",
- "faq.whyAccountTitle": "¿Por qué es útil tener una cuenta Scratch?",
+ "faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Reinventar es una parte importante de la comunidad Scratch. Si no quieres que otros vean o reinventen tus creaciones, puedes crear proyectos en Scratch, pero no los compartas en la web.",
+ "faq.fairUseTitle": "¿Puedo usar imágenes, sonidos u otros medios de Internet en mis proyectos?",
+ "faq.fairUseBody": "Si decides integrar el trabajo de otros en el tuyo propio, asegúrate de darles crédito en la sección \"créditos\" del proyecto, e incluye un enlace al original. Para encontrar ilustraciones o sonidos con licencia para ser reutilizados, échale un vistazo a la {ccLink}.",
+ "faq.ccLinkText": "página de búsqueda de Creative Commons",
+ "faq.whyAccountTitle": "¿Por qué es útil tener una cuenta en Scratch?",
"faq.whyAccountBody": "Aunque no tengas una cuenta, puedes jugar a los proyectos de otras personas, leer comentarios y foros, e incluso crear tu propio proyecto. Pero necesitarás una cuenta para guardar y compartir los proyectos, escribir comentarios y publicar en el foro, y también para participar en otras actividades \"sociales\" en la comunidad (como \"amar\" otros proyectos).",
"faq.createAccountTitle": "¿Cómo creo una cuenta?",
- "faq.createAccountBody": "Just click \"Join\" on the Scratch home page. You’ll need to respond to a few questions, and provide an email address. It takes just a couple minutes, and it’s totally free!",
+ "faq.createAccountBody": "Simplemente haz clic en \"Únete\" en la página principal de Scratch. Tendrás que responder a algunas preguntas, y dar una dirección de email. Tan solo te llevará unos minutos, ¡y es completamente gratuito!",
"faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "¿Cómo puedo comprobar si mi cuenta ha sido confirmada?",
"faq.howToConfirmTitle": "¿Cómo confirmo mi cuenta?",
- "faq.howToConfirmBody": "After you create a new account on Scratch, you’ll receive an email message with a link. Just click the link to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account, you’ll be able to share projects, write comments, and create studios. Confirming your account also lets you receive email updates from the Scratch Team. If you cannot find the email with the confirmation link, check your Spam folder. If you still can’t find it, and want to receive another copy, go to your Account Settings, click the Email tab, and follow the instructions there. Please note that it may take up to an hour for the email to arrive. If you still don't see the email after an hour, {contactLink}.",
- "faq.contactLinkText": "let us know",
- "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.",
- "faq.settingsLinkText": "Email Settings",
+ "faq.howToConfirmBody": "Después de registrarte en Scratch, recibirás un correo electrónico con un enlace. Simplemente haz clic en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta. Una vez la confirmes, podrás compartir proyectos, escribir comentarios y crear estudios. Confirmar tu cuenta también te permite recibir las novedades del Equipo de Scratch en tu correo. Si no has recibido el correo electrónico, comprueba tu carpeta de Spam. Si aún así no lo encuentras y quieres recibir otra copia, ve a la Configuración de la Cuenta, haz clic en la pestaña de Correo electrónico y sigue las instrucciones. Por favor, ten en cuenta que el correo electrónico puede tardar hasta una hora en llegar. Si tras una hora todavía no ves el correo electrónico, {contactLink}.",
+ "faq.contactLinkText": "haznoslo saber",
+ "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "Para comprobar que tu cuenta está confirmada, accede a tu cuenta Scratch y ve a la página de {settingsLink}. Las direcciones de correo electrónico confirmadas se mostrarán con una pequeña marca de verificación verde. De lo contrario, verás el texto \"Tu dirección de correo electrónico no está confirmada\" en naranja.",
+ "faq.settingsLinkText": "Ajustes de Correo",
"faq.requireConfirmTitle": "¿Tengo que confirmar mi cuenta?",
"faq.requireConfirmBody": "Puedes utilizar muchas características de Scratch sin confirmar tu cuenta, incluyendo crear y guardar proyectos (sin compartirlos).",
"faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "He olvidado mi nombre de usuario o mi contraseña. ¿Cómo puedo restaurarla?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fa.json
index 7677a0b9..bf3bc83c 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
- "faq.title": "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)",
- "faq.intro": "On this page, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about Scratch.",
- "faq.aboutTitle": "General Questions",
- "faq.scratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0",
- "faq.remixTitle": "Remixing and Copying",
+ "faq.title": "سوالات متداول (FAT)",
+ "faq.intro": "در این صفحه میتوانید سوالات مشهور و متداولی که در مورد اسکرچ دیگران پرسیدهاند را مشاهده نمایید.",
+ "faq.aboutTitle": "سوالات متداول",
+ "faq.scratch3Title": "اسکرچ 3.0",
+ "faq.remixTitle": "توزیع جدید و حق مالکیت معنوی",
"faq.accountsTitle": "حساب کاربری",
- "faq.permissionsTitle": "Licensing and Permissions",
- "faq.inappropriateContentTitle": "Inappropriate Content",
- "faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Scratch Extensions",
- "faq.cloudDataTitle": "Cloud Variables",
- "faq.aboutScratchTitle": "What is Scratch, and what can I do with it?",
- "faq.aboutScratchBody": "With the Scratch programming language and online community, you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. To learn more about Scratch, see the {aboutScratchLink} page.",
+ "faq.permissionsTitle": "حقوق مالکیت و دسترسیها",
+ "faq.inappropriateContentTitle": "محتوای نامربوط",
+ "faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "افزونههای اسکرچ",
+ "faq.cloudDataTitle": "متغیرها رایانش ابری",
+ "faq.aboutScratchTitle": "اسکرچ چیست و با آن چه کاری میتوانم انجام دهم؟",
+ "faq.aboutScratchBody": "با زبان برنامه نویسی اسکرچ و جامعه آنلاین آن شما میتوانید داستانها، بازیها و انیمیشنهای خود را بسازید -- و آنچه را ساختهاید با بقیه افراد در سراسر دنیا به اشتراک بگذارید. نوجوانان با ایجاد و به اشتراک گذاشتن پروژههای اسکرچ، خلاقانه تفکر میکنند، به صورت روشمندی دلایل را میفهمند و باهم همکاری میکنند. برای آشنایی بیشتر با اسکرچ، صفحه {aboutScratchLink} را مشاهده نمایید.",
"faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "درباره اسکرچ",
- "faq.makeGameTitle": "How do I make a game or animation with Scratch?",
- "faq.makeGameBody": "Check out the {ideasLink} to see lots of ways to get started with Scratch",
- "faq.ideasLinkText": "Ideas page",
- "faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "Who uses Scratch?",
- "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch is used by people from all backgrounds, in all countries around the world, in all types of settings -- homes, schools, libraries, museums, and more. Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJrLink}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.",
- "faq.requirementsTitle": "What are the system requirements for Scratch?",
- "faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch will run in most current web browsers on desktops, laptops and tablets. You can view projects on mobile phones, but currently you are not able to create or edit projects on phones. Below is the list of officially supported browsers.",
- "faq.requirementsDesktop": "Desktop",
- "faq.requirementsDesktopChrome": "Chrome (63+)",
- "faq.requirementsDesktopEdge": "Edge (15+)",
- "faq.requirementsDesktopFirefox": "Firefox (57+)",
- "faq.requirementsDesktopSafari": "Safari (11+)",
- "faq.requirementsDesktopIE": "Internet Explorer is NOT supported.",
- "faq.requirementsTablet": "Tablet",
- "faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "Mobile Chrome (62+)",
- "faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Mobile Safari (11+)",
- "faq.requirementsNote": "Note:",
- "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "If your computer doesn’t meet these requirements, you can try the {downloadLink} editor (see next item in FAQ). ",
+ "faq.makeGameTitle": "چطور میتوانم یک بازی یا انیمیشن با اسکرچ بسازم؟",
+ "faq.makeGameBody": "صفحه {ideasLink} را برای یافتن راههای شروع به کار با اسکرچ ببیند.",
+ "faq.ideasLinkText": "صفحه ایدهها",
+ "faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "چه افرادی از اسکرچ استفاده میکنند؟",
+ "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "افراد با هر پیشینه، در هر کجای دنیا و در همه حوزهها -- خانه، مدرسه، کتابخانهها، موزهها و ... از اسکرچ استفاده میکنند. اسکرچ ویژه ی سنین 8 تا 16 سال طراحی شده است اما افرادی در همه ی سنین با اسکرچ پروژههایی را ساخته و به اشتراک میگذارند. البته شاید بچههای کوچک بخواهند از {scratchJrLink} که یک نسخه ساده شده ی اسکرچ برای سنین 5 تا 7 سال است استفاده کنند.",
+ "faq.requirementsTitle": "برای اسکرچ به چه تجهیزاتی نیاز دارم؟",
+ "faq.requirementsBody": "در حال حاضر اسکرچ بر روی اکثر مرورگرهای وب موجود بر روی کامپیوترهای شخصی، لپتاپها و تبلتها اجرا میشود. شما میتوانید بر روی گوشی موبایل نیز پروژهها را ببینید، اما فعلا نمیتوانید از موبایل برای ساخت و یا ویرایش پروژهها استفاده کنید. در زیر فهرست از مرورگرهایی که رسما پشتیبانی میشود را مشاهده مینمایید.",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktop": "کامپیوتر شخصی",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktopChrome": "مرورگر Chrome (63+)",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktopEdge": "مرورگر Edge (15+)",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktopFirefox": "مرورگر Firefox (57+)",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktopSafari": "مرورگر Safari (11+)",
+ "faq.requirementsDesktopIE": "مرورگر اینترنت اکسپلورر قابل استفاده نیست.",
+ "faq.requirementsTablet": "تبلت",
+ "faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "مروگر موبایل Chrome (62+)",
+ "faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "مرورگر موبایل Safari (11+)",
+ "faq.requirementsNote": "توجه:",
+ "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "اگر کامپیوتر شما این ملزومات را ندارد، میتوانید ویرایشگر{downloadLink} را امتحان کنید. (سوال بعدی را ببیند.)",
"faq.scratchDesktop": "اسکرچ دسکتاپ",
- "faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "If you encounter a WebGL error, try a different browser.",
- "faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "On tablets, there is currently not a way to use \"key pressed\" blocks or right-click context menus.",
- "faq.offlineTitle": "Do you have a downloadable version so I can create and view projects offline?",
- "faq.offlineBody": "The Scratch Desktop editor allows you to create Scratch projects without an internet connection. You can download {downloadLink} from the website. This was previously called the Scratch Offline editor.",
- "faq.uploadOldTitle": "Can I still upload projects created with older versions of Scratch to the website?",
- "faq.uploadOldBody": "Yes: You can share or upload projects made with earlier versions of Scratch, and they will be visible and playable. (However, you can’t download projects made with or edited in later versions of Scratch and open them in earlier versions. For example, you can’t open a Scratch 3.0 project in the desktop version of {scratch2Link}, because Scratch 2.0 doesn’t know how to read the .sb3 project file format.)",
- "faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
- "faq.scratchCostTitle": "How much does Scratch cost? Do I need a license?",
- "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch is and always will be free. You don’t need a license to use Scratch in your school, home, or anywhere else. The development and maintenance of Scratch is paid for by grants and donations. If you’d like to contribute to Scratch, check out our {donateLink}.",
- "faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
- "faq.mediaLabTitle": "Who created Scratch?",
- "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
- "faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
- "faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
- "faq.aboutScratch3Title": "What is Scratch 3.0?",
- "faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 is the latest generation of Scratch, launched on January 2, 2019. It is designed to expand how, what, and where you can create with Scratch. It includes dozens of new sprites, a totally new sound editor, and many new programming blocks. And with Scratch 3.0, you’re able to create and play projects on your tablet, in addition to your laptop or desktop computer.",
- "faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "How can I report bugs and share feedback on Scratch 3.0?",
+ "faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "اگر با خطای WebGl error مواجه شدید، سایر مرورگرها را امتحان کنید.",
+ "faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "بر روی تبلتها، در حال حاضر راهی برای استفاده از بلوکهای «وقتی کلیدی فشرده شد» و یا منویی که هنگام فشردن کلید سمت راست نمایش داده میشود، وجود ندارد.",
+ "faq.offlineTitle": "آیا نسخه قابل دانلودی هم دارید تا بتوانم به صورت آفیلان پروژهها را بسازم و یا ببینم؟",
+ "faq.offlineBody": "ویرایشگر دسکتاپ اسکرچ (Scratch Desktop editor) این امکان را به شما میدهد تا بدون نیاز به اینترنت پروژههای اسکرچ را بسازید. شما میتوانید {downloadLink} را از سایت دریافت کنید. این نسخه تا قبل از این به عنوان ویرایشگر آفلاین اسکرچ (Scratch Offline editor) نامیده میشد.",
+ "faq.uploadOldTitle": "آیا همچنان میتوانم پروژههایی که با نسخههای قدیمی تر اسکرچ ساخته شده را بر روی وب سایت آپلود کنم؟",
+ "faq.uploadOldBody": "بله: شما میتوانید پروژههایی که با نسخههای قدیمی تر ساخته شده را با دیگران به اشتراک بگذارید و یا آپلود کنید، آنها قابل نمایش و اجرا هستند. (البته توجه داشته باشید که شما نمیتوانید پروژههایی که با نسخههای جدید اسکرچ ساخته و یا ویرایش شدهاند را در نسخههای قدیمی باز کنید. به عنوان مثال نمیتوان پروژههای اسکرچ 3.0 را با نسخههای {scratch2Link} باز کرد، زیرا اسکرچ نسخه 2.0 نمیداند که چطور باید فایلهایی با پسوند sb3 را بخواند.)",
+ "faq.scratch2": "اسکرچ 2.0",
+ "faq.scratchCostTitle": "قیمت اسکرچ چقدر است؟ آیا باید مجوزی خریداری شود؟",
+ "faq.scratchCostBody": "اسکرچ رایگان بوده و خواهد بود. هیچ مجوزی برای استفاده از اسکرچ در منزل، مدرسه یا جای دیگری لازم نیست. هزینه توسعه و پشتیبانی اسکرچ از حمایتهای مالی تامین میگردد. اگر مایل به مشارکت در اسکرچ هستید، {donateLink} را مشاهده نمایید.",
+ "faq.donateLinkText": "صفحه حمایت مالی",
+ "faq.mediaLabTitle": "چه کسی اسکرچ را ساخته است؟",
+ "faq.mediaLabBody": "اسکرچ توسط تیم اسکرچ در {llkLink} در {mediaLabLink} ساخته و پشتیبانی میشود.",
+ "faq.llkLinkText": "گروه Lifelong Kindergarten",
+ "faq.mediaLabLinkText": "آزمایشگاه Media Labدانشگاه MIT",
+ "faq.aboutScratch3Title": "منظور از اسکرچ 3.0 چیست؟",
+ "faq.aboutScratch3Body": "اسکرچ 3.0 آخرین نسخه اسکرچ است که در تاریخ 2 ژانویه 2019 ارائه گردیده است. طراحی آن به گونهای است که چیزها و فضاهایی و روشی ساخت آنچه را که با اسکرچ میسازید را وسعت ببخشد. این نسخه شامل دهها شکلک جدید، یک ویرایشگر صدای کاملا جدید و بلوک دستورات جدیدی است. همچنین در نسخه اسکرچ 3.0 شما میتوانید با علاوه بر کامپیوتر شخصی و لپ تاپ از تبلت برای ساخت و اجرای پروژهها استفاده نمایید.",
+ "faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "چگونه میشود که باگها و خطاهای و همچنین بازخوردهایی در مورد اسکرچ 3.0 را ارسال کنم؟",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "You can report bugs and share feedback in the {forumsLink} section of the Scratch discussion forums.",
"faq.forumsLinkText": "Bugs & Glitches",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Is Scratch 3.0 available in multiple languages?",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Yes. To change the language of the programming blocks, click on the “globe” icon in the top navigation bar of the programming editor, then click on the dropdown menu to select a language.",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.",
- "faq.transifexLinkText": "translation server",
- "faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Does Scratch 3.0 remove any coding blocks from earlier versions of Scratch?",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Title": "آیا اسکرچ 3.0 به زبانهای مختلف ترجمه شده است؟",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "بله. برای تغییر زبان بلوک دستورات، آیکونی که شبیه \"سیاره زمین\" در منوی بالای ویرایشگر است را کلیک کنید و از فهرست زبانها، زبان مورد نظر خود را انتخاب نمایید.",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "تمامی ترجمهها توسط افرادی داوطلب انجام شده است. در حال حاضر ویرایشگر اسکرچ 3.0 به بیش از 40 زبان ترجمه شده است. شما میتوانید زبانهایی که هم اکنون ترجمه شدهاند را از {transifexLink} مورد بازنگری و تصحیح قرار دهید. اگر میخواهید که به مترجمان و یا کسانی که بازبینی را انجام میدهند کمک کنید، با {emailLink} تماس بگیرید.",
+ "faq.transifexLinkText": "سرور ترجمه",
+ "faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "یا در اسکرچ 3.0 برخی از بلوکهایی که در نسخههای قدیمیتر اسکرچ وجود داشتند، حذف شده است؟",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Body": "No coding blocks have been removed in Scratch 3.0, but some have changed a bit and others have moved into \"Extensions\" (as described below, under \"Where did the Pen blocks go?..\").",
- "faq.newBlocksScratch3Title": "Does Scratch 3.0 introduce new blocks?",
- "faq.newBlocksScratch3Body": "Yes! In Scratch 3.0 you’ll find:",
- "faq.newBlocksSoundEffect": "New \"sound effect\" blocks",
- "faq.newBlocksOperators": "New operators that make it easier to work with text (strings)",
- "faq.newBlocksPen": "New pen blocks, including support for transparency",
- "faq.newBlocksGlide": "New glide block to move easily to a sprite (or random point)",
+ "faq.newBlocksScratch3Title": "آیا در اسکرچ 3.0 بلوکهای جدیدی ارائه شده است؟",
+ "faq.newBlocksScratch3Body": "بله! در اسکرچ 3.0 شما میتوانید موارد زیر را بیابید:",
+ "faq.newBlocksSoundEffect": "قطعه ی جدید \"جلوههای ویژه صدا\"",
+ "faq.newBlocksOperators": "عملگرهای جدیدی که میتوانید راحتتر با متنها (رشتهها) کار کنید.",
+ "faq.newBlocksPen": "بلوک جدید قلمها، با قابلیت پشتیبانی از شفافیت (transparency)",
+ "faq.newBlocksGlide": "بلوک جدید سُر خوردن برای حرکت دادن سادهتر یک شکلک (یا بلوک به مکان تصادفی برو)",
"faq.newBlocksExtensions": "Many new capabilities through \"Scratch Extensions\" (see the Extensions section below)",
- "faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Title": "Why are the blocks bigger in Scratch 3.0 than in earlier versions?",
- "faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Body": "In order to make Scratch 3.0 work well on touch devices (like many Chromebooks, Windows Surface laptops, and tablets), we needed to make the blocks bigger, so that it’s easier to drag and tap the blocks. In addition, blocks are slightly bigger in Scratch 3.0 to help address issues we observed with new users having trouble clicking and dragging small interface elements.",
- "faq.extensionsScratch3Title": "Where did the Pen blocks go? Where did the Music blocks go? Where did the Video Sensing blocks go?",
- "faq.extensionsScratch3Body": "The Pen, Music, and Video Sensing blocks have been moved into extensions. Extensions can be added by clicking the button on the bottom left of the screen (see the \"Extensions\" section below).",
- "faq.paintEditorScratch3Title": "What are the new features in the Paint Editor?",
- "faq.paintEditorScratch3Body": "The Paint Editor has been redesigned to provide powerful new features while also making it easier to use. Changes and new features include:",
- "faq.paintEditorLayout": "New layout that makes available tools and options more visible",
- "faq.paintEditorTools": "New tools such as an \"eraser\" that works in vector mode",
- "faq.paintEditorColors": "More options for selecting and adjusting colors",
- "faq.paintEditorVector": "More control over vector points (curve handles and point modes)",
- "faq.paintEditorLayers": "Additional controls for ordering layers (\"bring to front\", \"move to back\", etc.)",
- "faq.paintEditorGradients": "New gradient controls",
- "faq.soundEditorScratch3Title": "What are the new features in the Sound Editor?",
- "faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "The Sound Editor has been redesigned to make it easier to record and manipulate sounds. It offers a number of new features:",
- "faq.soundEditorRecording": "New recording system that is easier to use",
- "faq.soundEditorTrimming": "New audio trimming system that is easier to use",
- "faq.soundEditorEffects": "New sound effects (such as \"faster\", \"slower\", \"echo\", and \"robot\")",
- "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?",
- "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").",
- "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "What is a remix?",
- "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "When a Scratcher makes a copy of someone else’s project and modifies it to add their own ideas (for example, by changing scripts or costumes), the resulting project is called a \"remix\". Every project shared to the Scratch website can be remixed. We consider even a minor change to be a valid remix, as long as credit is given to the original project creator and others who made significant contributions to the remix.",
- "faq.remixableTitle": "Why does the Scratch Team require that all projects be “remixable”?",
+ "faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Title": "چرا اندازه بلوکها در اسکرچ 3.0 نسبت به نسخههای قدیمی بلندتر شدهاند؟",
+ "faq.biggerBlocksScratch3Body": "با هدف سازگاری بیشتر اسکرچ 3.0 با انواع دستگاهها (مانند Chromebooks، لپتاپهای Windows Surface و تبلتها) ما باید اندازه بلوکها را بزرگتر میکردیم تا باعث شود حرکت و انتخاب آنها ساده تر شود. علاوه بر این در اسکرچ 3.0 ما برای حل مشکلی که متوجه شده بودیم که کاربران تازه کار با کلیک و جابجا کردن قطعات ریز آن مواجه میشوند، قطعات را کمی بزرگتر کردیم.",
+ "faq.extensionsScratch3Title": "بلوک «قلمها» کجا رفته است؟ بلوک «موسیقی» کجاست؟ بلوک «درک از طریق ویدئو» کجاست؟",
+ "faq.extensionsScratch3Body": "بلوک قلمها، موسیقی و درک از طریق تصویر به قسمت افزونهها منتقل شده است. برای اضافه کردن «افزونهها» بر روی دکمهای که در سمت راست پایین صفحه است کلیک کنید. (قسمت «افزونه» را ادامه مطالعه کنید)",
+ "faq.paintEditorScratch3Title": "امکانات جدید اضافه شده در ویرایشگر تصویر چیست؟",
+ "faq.paintEditorScratch3Body": "ویرایشگر تصاویربا هدف ارائه ی امکانات قوی جدید و استفاده ی ساده تر بازطراحی شده است. تغییرات و امکانات جدید آن عبارتند از:",
+ "faq.paintEditorLayout": "چیدمان جدیدی که باعث میشود ابزارها و امکانات راحت تر در معرض دید باشند.",
+ "faq.paintEditorTools": "ابزارهای جدیدی مانند \"پاک کن\" که در حالت برداری هم کار میکند",
+ "faq.paintEditorColors": "امکانات بیشتر برای انتخاب و تنظیم رنگها",
+ "faq.paintEditorVector": "امکان تنظیم دقیق نقاط روی خطها (گیرهها موجود بر روی منحنیها و حالت تنظیم نقطهها)",
+ "faq.paintEditorLayers": "تنظیمات بیشتر برای مرتب کردن لایهها (\"انتقال به جلو\"، \"انتقال به عقب\" و سایر تنظیمات)",
+ "faq.paintEditorGradients": "تنظیمات جدید گرادیان",
+ "faq.soundEditorScratch3Title": "چه امکانات جدیدی در ویرایشگر صدا اضافه شده است؟",
+ "faq.soundEditorScratch3Body": "ویرایشگر صدا با هدف تسهیل ضبط و دستکاری صدا باز طراحی شده است و امکانات جدیدی را ارائه مینماید:",
+ "faq.soundEditorRecording": "روش جدید ضبط صدا که استفاده از آن سادهتر شده است",
+ "faq.soundEditorTrimming": "روش جدید برش صدا که استفاده از آن سادهتر شده است",
+ "faq.soundEditorEffects": "جلوههای جدید صدا (مانند \"سریعتر\"،\"آرامتر\"،\"پژواک صدا\" و \"صدای ربات\")",
+ "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "پنجره نکتههای آموزشی اسکرچ که در نسخههای قبلی بود، کجا رفته است؟",
+ "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "به جای پنجره نکات، Scratch 3.0 محتوای مشابهی را از طریق مجموعهای از آموزشها فراهم شده است که از طریق لینک آموزشها در منوی بالای پنچره ویرایشگر قابل دسترسی است. برای انواع پروژهها آموزشهایی را میتوانید بیابید (مانند \"بازی تعقیب گریز\") یا کار با بلوک ها و ویژگی های خاص (مانند \"ضبط یک صدا\" یا \"آنرا بچرخان\"). آموزشهای بیشتری هم به زودی اضافه می شود (مانند \"بازی پونگ\" و \"آن را پرواز بده\").",
+ "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "منظور از بازترکیب چیست؟",
+ "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "وقتی که یک Scratcher (کاربر اسکرچ) از پروژه فرد دیگری کپی میگیرد و آنرا ویرایش میکند و ایدههای خودش را به آن اضافه کنید (مثلا دستوراتی را تغییر میدهد و یا حالاتی را تغییر میدهد)، به این کار اصطلاحا باز ترکیب یا ریمیکس گفته میشود. تمامی پروژههایی که بر روی وب سایت اسکرچ هستند را میتوان ریمیکس کرد. حتی تغییرات بسیار جزئیی را ما توزیع مجدد معتبری میپنداریم البته تا زمانی که حق اثر به سازنده و یا سایر کسانی که تغییرات اساسی را در پروژه انجام داده اند، ارجاع داده شود.",
+ "faq.remixableTitle": "چرا گروه اسکرچ میخواهند که همه ی پروژهها را بتوان \"بازترکیب\" کرد؟",
"faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other people’s projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.",
- "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "What if I don’t want others to remix my projects?",
+ "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "اگر بخواهم که دیگران نتوانند پروژههایم را بازترکیب کنند باید چه کار کنم؟",
"faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Remixing is an important part of the Scratch community. If you don’t want others to view or remix your creations, you can still create projects on the Scratch website, but don’t share them on the website.",
"faq.fairUseTitle": "Can I use images / sounds / media from the internet in my projects?",
"faq.fairUseBody": "If you choose to integrate someone else’s work into your own, be sure to give them credit on the project “credits” section, and include a link back to the original. To find art / sounds that are already licensed for remixing, check out the {ccLink}.",
"faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons search page",
- "faq.whyAccountTitle": "Why is it useful to have a Scratch account?",
- "faq.whyAccountBody": "Even without an account, you can play other people’s projects, read comments and forums, and even create your own projects. But you need an account to save and share projects, write comments and forum posts, and participate in other \"social\" activities in the community (like \"loving\" other people’s projects).",
- "faq.createAccountTitle": "How can I create an account?",
- "faq.createAccountBody": "Just click \"Join\" on the Scratch home page. You’ll need to respond to a few questions, and provide an email address. It takes just a couple minutes, and it’s totally free!",
- "faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "How can I check whether my account has been confirmed?",
- "faq.howToConfirmTitle": "How do I confirm my account?",
- "faq.howToConfirmBody": "After you create a new account on Scratch, you’ll receive an email message with a link. Just click the link to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account, you’ll be able to share projects, write comments, and create studios. Confirming your account also lets you receive email updates from the Scratch Team. If you cannot find the email with the confirmation link, check your Spam folder. If you still can’t find it, and want to receive another copy, go to your Account Settings, click the Email tab, and follow the instructions there. Please note that it may take up to an hour for the email to arrive. If you still don't see the email after an hour, {contactLink}.",
+ "faq.whyAccountTitle": "چرا داشتن یک حساب کاربری اسکرچ مفید است؟",
+ "faq.whyAccountBody": "بدون ثبت نام و داشتن حساب کاربری، میتواند با پروژههایی که دیگران ساختهاند کار کنید، نظرات و مطالب انجمنها را بخوانید حتی میتوانید پروژههای خودتان را هم بسازید. اما برای ذخیره و به اشتراک گذاشتن پروژههایتان، نوشتن نظر و ارسال پست در انجمنها و همیچنین برای شرکت در سایر فعالیتهای \"اجتماعی\" در جامعه (مانند لایک کردن پروژههای دیگران) به یک حساب کاربری نیاز دارید.",
+ "faq.createAccountTitle": "چگونه یک حساب کاربری بسازم؟",
+ "faq.createAccountBody": "کافی است که در صفحه اول سایت اسکرچ گزینه \"پیوستن\" را کلیک کنید. باید به چند سوال پاسخ دهید و یک آدرس ایمیل هم وارد کنید. کل این کار چند دقیقه طول خواهد کشید و کاملا رایگان است!",
+ "faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "از کجا متوجه شوم که حساب کاربریم تایید شده است یا نه؟",
+ "faq.howToConfirmTitle": "چگونه باید حساب کاربریم را به تایید برسانم؟",
+ "faq.howToConfirmBody": "پس از ایجاد یک حساب کاربری جدید اسکرچ، یک ایمیل با یک لینک دریافت خواهید کرد. برای تأیید حساب کاربری خود، روی آن لینک کلیک کنید. پس از تایید حساب کاربریتان، می توانید پروژه ها را به اشتراک بگذارید، نظرات خود را بنویسید و استودیو ها را ایجاد کنید. همچنین تایید حساب کاربری به شما امکان دریافت ایمیل های به روز رسانی تیم اسکرچ را خواهد داد.اگر نمی توانید ایمیل را با لینک تأیید پیدا کنید، پوشه اسپم یا هرزنامه خود را بررسی کنید. اگر بازهم نتوانستید آن را پیدا کنید و میخواهید کپی دیگری دریافت کنید، به تنظیمات حسابتان بروید، روی قسمت ایمیل کلیک کنید و دستورالعملهای آن را دنبال کنید. لطفا توجه داشته باشید که ممکن است یک ساعت طول بکشد تا ایمیل به مقصد برسد. اگر پس از یک ساعت هنوز ایمیل را دریافت نکردید، {contactLink} .",
"faq.contactLinkText": "let us know",
- "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.",
+ "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "برای بررسی اینکه آیا اعتبار شما تأیید شده است، به حساب کاربری اسکرچ خود وارد شوید و سپس به صفحه {settingsLink} خود بروید. آدرس های تأیید شده یک علامت سبز کوچک را نشان می دهد. در غیر این صورت، متن \"آدرس ایمیل شما تأیید نشده\" را با رنگ نارنجی مشاهده خواهید کرد.",
"faq.settingsLinkText": "Email Settings",
- "faq.requireConfirmTitle": "Do I have to confirm my account?",
- "faq.requireConfirmBody": "You can still use many aspects of Scratch without confirming your account, including creating and saving projects (without sharing them).",
- "faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "I forgot my username or password. How can I reset it?",
- "faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Enter your username or email address on the {resetLink} page. The website will send an email to the address associated with your username and a link you can use to reset your password.",
+ "faq.requireConfirmTitle": "آیا حتما باید حساب کاربریم را تایید کنم؟",
+ "faq.requireConfirmBody": "شما می توانید از بسیاری از امکانات اسکرچ را بدون فعال سازی حساب کاربری خود، از جمله ایجاد و ذخیره پروژه (بدون به اشتراک گذاری آنها)، استفاده کنید.",
+ "faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "من نام کاربری یا پسوردم را فراموش کردهام. چطور میتوانم آنها را بازنشانی (ریست) کنم؟",
+ "faq.forgotPasswordBody": "در صفحه {resetLink} نام کاربری یا ایمیل خود را وارد کنید. وب سایت به آدرس ایمیلی که متعلق به آن نام کاربری است، ایمیلی که حاوی یک لینک برای بازنشانی پسورد است را ارسال خواهد کرد.",
"faq.resetLinkText": "Password Reset",
- "faq.changePasswordTitle": "How do I change my password?",
- "faq.changePasswordBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeLink} page where you can change your password.",
+ "faq.changePasswordTitle": "چطور میتوانم کلمه عبورم (پسورد) را تغییر دهم؟",
+ "faq.changePasswordBody": "وارد حساب کاربریتان شوید، سپس صفحه {changeLink} جایی است که میتوانید کلمه عبورتان را تغییر دهید.",
"faq.changeLinkText": "Password Settings",
"faq.changeEmailTitle": "How do I change my email address?",
- "faq.changeEmailBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeEmailLink} page where you can change your email address.",
- "faq.newScratcherTitle": "How do I transition from 'New Scratcher' to 'Scratcher'?",
- "faq.newScratcherBody": "When you create an account, you’ll be labelled as a “New Scratcher.” To make the transition to \"Scratcher\", you should make and share projects, comment helpfully on other Scratchers’ projects, and be patient! After you’ve met the requirements, a link will appear on your profile page inviting you to become a Scratcher, and you’ll have some additional capabilities on the Scratch website. (Note that we don't promote New Scratchers to Scratcher on request )",
- "faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Can I have more than one account?",
- "faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.",
+ "faq.changeEmailBody": "وارد حساب کاربریتان شوید، سپس صفحه {changeEmailLink} جایی است که میتوانید آدرس ایمیتان را عوض کنید.",
+ "faq.newScratcherTitle": "چطور از رتبه New Scratcher' به رتبه 'Scratcher' ارتقا پیدا کنم؟",
+ "faq.newScratcherBody": "بعد از آنکه حساب کاربری میسازید، شما به عنوان ”New Scratcher“ شناخته میشوید. برای ارتقا به ”Scratcher“ بایستی چندین پروژه بسازید و به اشکتراک بگذارید، نظرات مفیدی را در مورد سایر پروژههایی که کاربران اسکرچ ساخته اند را بنویسید و حوصله کنید! بعد از داشتن این پیش نیازها، یک لینک در صفحه حساب کاربری شما (پروفایل) که از شما دعوت میکند که یک Scratcher شوید و آنگاه قابلیتهای جدیدی در وب سایت اسکرچ برای شما فعال خواهد گردید. (توجه داشته باشید که ما درخواستی را برای تبدیل شدن از New Scratcher به Scratcher قبول نمیکنیم).",
+ "faq.multipleAccountTitle": "آیا میتوانم بیش از یک حساب کاربری داشته باشم؟",
+ "faq.multipleAccountBody": "داشتن چندین حساب کاربری در سایت اسکرچ تا زمانی که هیچ یک از آنها قوانین {cgLink} را نقض نکند، بلامانع است. در صورت نقض قوانین همه آن حسابهای کاربری غیرفعال و یا حذف خواهند شد.",
"faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Is it OK to have more than one person logged into an account?",
"faq.multipleLoginBody": "This is not allowed because the website and project editor can easily get confused when more than one person is logged in to the same account. When an account does something that violates the {cgLink}, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted. If you share an account with someone who does something bad with it, this means your accounts can be blocked for what the other person did.",
"faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Can I change my username?",
@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@
"faq.blockedAccountBody": "When an account is blocked, the owner can no longer access their account, use it to create projects, or post new comments. When they login, they see a page that explains why the account was blocked, along with a web form they can use to request to be unblocked. If the owner can show that they understand why their account was blocked, and promises to follow the Scratch {cgLink} in the future, they will be unblocked.",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Someone got access to my account and got my account blocked. What do I do?",
"faq.stolenAccountBody": "You are responsible for keeping your password secure. If someone you know took control of your account and did bad things, tell the adults in charge of the computer they used. If you think someone you don’t know has access to your account, change the password and / or use the {contactLink} link to explain the situation. If your account was blocked for doing something that you did which broke the Scratch {cgLink}, please don’t tell us that someone else did it. When people tell us someone else used their account to do something bad, we then need to try and talk to that person before we can restore the account. This means your account will just stay blocked for a lot longer than if you are honest with us about what happened.",
- "faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "What are extensions?",
- "faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
- "faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "How do I add an extension to a project?",
- "faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
- "faq.createExtensionsTitle": "How do I create my own extension for Scratch",
+ "faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "منظور از افزونهها چیست؟",
+ "faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "در ویرایشگر اسکرچ، شما میتوانید مجموعهای از بلوکها را که \"افزونهها\" (extensions) نامیده میشوند را اضافه کنید. برای نمونه چندین افزونه که توسط آنها میتوانید برنامه نویسی ابزارهای سخت افزاری (مانند سخت افزار micro:bit و همچنین بستههای رباتیک شرکت LEGO) و یا ترجمه متن در پروژههای اسکرچ انجام دهید. البته ما در آینده هم افزونههای جدیدی را اضافه خواهیم کرد تا همچنان بتوانید کارهای بیشتری را در آینده با اسکرچ انجام دهید.",
+ "faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "چگونه میشود یک افزونه را به یک پروژه اضافه کنم؟",
+ "faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "اگر بر روی دکمه \"افزونهها\" که در سمت راست گوشه پایین محیط برنامه نویسی اسکرچ است کلیک کنید، شما فهرستی از همه افزونههای اسکرچ را خواهید یافت. بعد از آنکه یکی از آنها را انتخاب کنید، گروه جدیدی از بلوکها به پروژه شما اضافه خواهد شد. افزونهها به صورت خودکار هر گاه که پروژه را باز کنید باز خواهند شد. شما میتوانید چندین افزونه را به یک پروژه اضافه کنید.",
+ "faq.createExtensionsTitle": "چطور میشود که برای اسکرچ افزونههای خود را بسازم",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. We’ll also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
- "faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
+ "faq.scratchXTitle": "سرانجام وب سایت ScratchX چه شد؟",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
"faq.cloudDataInfoTitle": "What are cloud variables?",
"faq.cloudDataInfoBody": "Cloud variables allow for data from a project to be saved and shared with other people in the Scratch community. You can use cloud variables to make surveys and other projects where others in the community to access and modify the data over time.",
@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@
"faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "If you are still a \"New Scratcher\" on the website, you will not be able to use projects with cloud variables. You need to become a \"Scratcher\" to have access to cloud variables. See the Accounts section (above) for more information about the transition from “New Scratcher” to \"Scratcher\".",
"faq.multiplayerTitle": "Is it possible to make multiplayer games with cloud variables?",
"faq.multiplayerBody": "Multiplayer games may be difficult to create, due to network speed and synchronization issues. However, some Scratchers are coming up with creative ways to use the cloud variables for turn-by-turn and other types of games.",
- "faq.schoolsTitle": "Scratch in Schools",
- "faq.howTitle": "How is Scratch used in schools?",
- "faq.howBody": "Scratch is used in hundreds of thousands of schools around the world, in many different subject areas (including language arts, science, history, math, and computer science). You can learn more about strategies and resources for using Scratch in schools and other learning environments (such as museums, libraries, and community centers) on our {educatorsLink}.",
+ "faq.schoolsTitle": "اسکرچ در مدارس",
+ "faq.howTitle": "از اسکرچ چگونه در مدارس استفاده میشود؟",
+ "faq.howBody": "اسکرچ در هزاران مدرسه در سراسر دنیا، در بسیاری از زمینه های مختلف (از جمله هنر، زبان، علم، تاریخ، ریاضی و علوم کامپیوتر) مورد استفاده میگیرد. شما می توانید در مورد روشها و همین طور منابع برای استفاده از Scratch در مدارس و سایر محیط های یادگیری (مانند موزه ها، کتابخانه ها، و مراکز اجتماعی) در صفحه {educatorsLink} ما اطلاعات بیشتر را کسب نمایید.",
"faq.educatorsLinkText": "Educators Page",
- "faq.noInternetTitle": "Is there a way for students to use Scratch without an internet connection?",
- "faq.noInternetBody": "Yes. {downloadLink} is a version of Scratch that runs on a desktop or laptop computer. Currently, Scratch Desktop is available for Mac and Windows machines.",
+ "faq.noInternetTitle": "آیا روشی وجود دارد تا دانش آموزان بدون نیاز به اتصال اینترنت از اسکرچ استفاده کنند؟",
+ "faq.noInternetBody": "بله. {downloadLink} نسخهای از اسکرچ است که بر روی یک کامپیوتر و یا لپ تاپ اجرا میشود. نسخه دسکتاپ اسکرچ بر روی کامپیوترهایی که ویندوز و یا مک دارند، قابل استفاده است.",
"faq.communityTitle": "Can I turn off the online community for my students?",
"faq.communityBody": "The Scratch online community provides a way for young people to share, collaborate, and learn with their peers within a moderated community governed by the Scratch {cgLink}. However, we understand that some educators prefer that their students not participate in an online community. These educators may wish to install Scratch Desktop, which runs offline and locally on a desktop or laptop computer.",
"faq.teacherAccountTitle": "What is a Scratch Teacher Account?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fr.json
index b97e4536..791ade0c 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/fr.json
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@
"faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch is and always will be free. You don’t need a license to use Scratch in your school, home, or anywhere else. The development and maintenance of Scratch is paid for by grants and donations. If you’d like to contribute to Scratch, check out our {donateLink}.",
"faq.donateLinkText": "Page de don",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Qui a créé Scratch ?",
- "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
+ "faq.mediaLabBody": " Scratch est développé et mis à jour par l’Équipe Scratch du {llkLink} au {mediaLabLink}.",
"faq.llkLinkText": "Groupe Lifelong Kindergarten ",
"faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
"faq.aboutScratch3Title": "Qu'est-ce que Scratch 3.0?",
"faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 est la dernière mouture de Scratch, lancée le 2 janvier 2019. Il a été pensé pour augmenter ce que vous pouvez créer avec Scratch, comment et où vous pouvez le faire. Vous y trouverez des douzaines de nouveaux sprites, un tout nouvel éditeur de sons et plein de nouveaux blocs de programmation. En plus, avec Scratch 3.0, vous êtes capable de créer et lancer des projets sur votre tablette en plus de votre ordinateur.",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "Comment puis-je signaler des erreurs et partager mon expérience sur Scratch 3.0?",
- "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "You can report bugs and share feedback in the {forumsLink} section of the Scratch discussion forums.",
+ "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "Vous pouvez signaler des bugs et partager vos commentaires dans le {forumsLink} section des forums de discussion Scratch.",
"faq.forumsLinkText": "Bugs & Problèmes",
"faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Est-ce que Scratch 3.0 est disponible dans plusieurs langues?",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Yes. To change the language of the programming blocks, click on the “globe” icon in the top navigation bar of the programming editor, then click on the dropdown menu to select a language.",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Oui. Pour changer la langue des blocs de programmation, cliquez sur l'icône \"planète\" dans la barre de navigation supérieure de l'Editeur de programmation, puis cliquez sur le menu déroulant pour sélectionner une langue.",
"faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.",
"faq.transifexLinkText": "serveur de traduction",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Est-ce que certains blocs des versions précédentes seront retirés dans Scratch 3.0?",
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
"faq.whyAccountTitle": "En quoi est-ce utile d'avoir un compte Scratch?",
"faq.whyAccountBody": "Même sans compte, vous pouvez essayer les projets des autres, lire les commentaires et les forums et même créer vos propres projets. Cependant, vous aurez besoin d'un compte pour sauvegarder et partager vos projets, écrire des commentaires et contribuer aux forums ainsi que participer à d'autres activités \"sociales\" dans la communauté (comme marquer votre appréciation d'autres projets).",
"faq.createAccountTitle": "Comment puis-je créer un compte?",
- "faq.createAccountBody": "Just click \"Join\" on the Scratch home page. You’ll need to respond to a few questions, and provide an email address. It takes just a couple minutes, and it’s totally free!",
+ "faq.createAccountBody": "Cliquez juste sur \"Rejoindre\" sur la page d'accueil de Scratch. Vous devrez répondre à quelques questions et fournir une adresse courriel. Cela ne prend que quelques minutes et c’est totalement gratuit !",
"faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "Comment puis-je vérifier si mon compte a été confirmé ?",
"faq.howToConfirmTitle": "Comment puis-je confirmer mon compte?",
"faq.howToConfirmBody": "After you create a new account on Scratch, you’ll receive an email message with a link. Just click the link to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account, you’ll be able to share projects, write comments, and create studios. Confirming your account also lets you receive email updates from the Scratch Team. If you cannot find the email with the confirmation link, check your Spam folder. If you still can’t find it, and want to receive another copy, go to your Account Settings, click the Email tab, and follow the instructions there. Please note that it may take up to an hour for the email to arrive. If you still don't see the email after an hour, {contactLink}.",
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
"faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Sure! We recommend the following description: \"Scratch is a coding language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Scratch is a project of the {sfLink} in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\"",
"faq.presentScratchTitle": "Puis-je présenter Scratch lors d'une conférence?",
"faq.presentScratchBody": "N'hésitez pas à faire des présentations sur Scratch à des éducateurs ou à d'autres groupes.",
- "faq.supportMaterialTitle": "Puis-je utiliser des remix de projets Scratch des documents d'aide, des lutins, des images, des sons ou des exemples de projets que j'ai trouvés sur le site?",
+ "faq.supportMaterialTitle": "Puis-je utiliser des remix de projets Scratch des documents d'aide, des sprites, des images, des sons ou des exemples de projets que j'ai trouvés sur le site?",
"faq.supportMaterialBody": "Yes: Most Scratch support materials on the Scratch website are available under the {licenseLink} license. There are a few exceptions: the Scratch Logo, Scratch Cat, Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, and Tera are Scratch trademarks, and can not be used without explicit permission from the Scratch Team.",
"faq.sellProjectsTitle": "Puis-je vendre mes projets Sratch?",
"faq.sellProjectsBody": "Yes: Your Scratch project is your creation. But keep in mind that once you share your project on the Scratch website, everyone is free to download, remix, and reuse the project based on the terms of the {licenseLink} license. So if you intend to sell your project, you may want to un-share it from the Scratch website.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nl.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nl.json
index c9873ce0..3e931751 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nl.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nl.json
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
"faq.changePasswordBody": "Log in op je Scratch-account en bezoek onze {changeLink} pagina waar je je wachtwoord kunt wijzigen.",
"faq.changeLinkText": "Wachtwoord instellingen",
"faq.changeEmailTitle": "Hoe kan ik mijn e-mailadres veranderen?",
- "faq.changeEmailBody": "Log in op je Scratch-account en bezoek onze{changeEmailLink}pagina waar je je e-mailadres kunt wijzigen.",
+ "faq.changeEmailBody": "Log in op je Scratch-account en bezoek onze{changeEmailLink} pagina waar je je e-mailadres kunt wijzigen.",
"faq.newScratcherTitle": "Hoe verander ik 'Nieuwe Scratcher' in 'Scratcher'?",
"faq.newScratcherBody": "Wanneer je een account aanmaakt, wordt je aangemerkt als een \"Nieuwe Scratcher\". Om de overgang naar \"Scratcher\" te maken, moet je projecten maken en delen, hulpvaardig commentaar geven op andere Scratchers' projecten, en geduld hebben! Nadat je aan de vereisten hebt voldaan, verschijnt er een link op je profielpagina die je uitnodigt om een Scratcher te worden en je hebt wat extra mogelijkheden op de Scratch-website. (Houd er rekening mee dat we Nieuwe Scratchers niet tot Scratcher promoten op verzoek.)",
"faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Mag ik meerdere gebruikersnamen aanmaken?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nn.json
index 03f3bc48..9effc5b7 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nn.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/nn.json
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "Viss du får feilmelding om WebGL, prøv ein annan nettlesar.",
"faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "På nettbrett er det ikkje mogleg å bruka «tast trykt vert trykt»-klossar eller høgreklikkmenyar.",
"faq.offlineTitle": "Finst det ein versjon av Scratch eg kan lasta ned og bruka utan Internett-tilgang?",
- "faq.offlineBody": "Du bruka {downloadLink} for å laga Scratch-prosjekt utan tilgang til Internett. (Scratch Desktop vart tidlegare kalla «Scratch for maskiner utan nettsamband».)",
+ "faq.offlineBody": "Du bruka {downloadLink} for å laga Scratch-prosjekt utan tilgang til Internett. Scratch Desktop vart tidlegare kalla «Scratch for maskiner utan nettsamband».",
"faq.uploadOldTitle": "Kan eg framleis leggja ut prosjekt som er laga med eldre versjonar av Scratch?",
"faq.uploadOldBody": "Ja, du kan leggja ut prosjekt laga med eldre versjonar, og dei vert synlege og køyrbare på nettstaden. (Men du kan ikkje lasta ned og redigera program som er laga eller redigerte med nyare versjonar av Scratch enn den du brukar. For eksempel kan du ikkje opna eit prosjekt frå Scratch 3.0 i {scratch2Link}, sidan Scratch 2.0 ikkje kan lesa det nye filformatet .sb3.)",
"faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Ja, du kan bruka (skjerm)bilete av Scratch i bøker og presentasjonar. Dei er lisensierte under {licenseLink}. Me ber om at du tek med ei tilvising som seier: «Scratch er eit prosjekt frå Scratch Foundation, i samarbeid med Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa ved MIT Media Lab. Det er gratis tilgjengeleg på https://scratch.mit.edu/.».",
"faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike",
"faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Kan eg skriva om Scratch i brosjyrar og anna materiell?",
- "faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Klart det! Me rår deg til å bruka denne teksten: «Scratch er eit programmeringsspråk og eit nettsamfunn der du kan laga dine eigne interaktive forteljingar, spel og animasjonar, og dela dei med andre rundt i heile verda. Gjennom å skapa og programmera Scratch-prosjekt kan barn og unge læra kreativitet, systematisk tenking og å samarbeida med andre. Scratch er eit prosjekt frå {sfLink}, i samarbeid med Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa ved MIT Media Lab. Det er gratis tilgjengeleg på https://scratch.mit.edu/.»",
+ "faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Klart det! Me rår deg til å bruka denne teksten: «Scratch er eit programmeringsspråk og eit nettsamfunn der du kan laga dine eigne interaktive forteljingar, spel og animasjonar, og dela dei med andre rundt i heile verda. Gjennom å skapa og programmera Scratch-prosjekt kan barn og unge læra kreativitet, systematisk tenking og å samarbeida med andre. Scratch er eit prosjekt frå {sfLink}, i samarbeid med Lifelong Kindergarten-gruppa ved MIT Media Lab. Det er gratis tilgjengeleg på https://scratch.mit.edu.»",
"faq.presentScratchTitle": "Kan eg presentera Scratch på ein konferanse?",
"faq.presentScratchBody": "Hald gjerne presentasjonar om Scratch, både til lærarar og til andre grupper.",
"faq.supportMaterialTitle": "Kan eg bruka/remiksa Scratch-innhald, figurar, bilete, lydar og prosjekt som eg har funne på nettstaden?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pl.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pl.json
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--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pl.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pl.json
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
"faq.scratchCostTitle": "Jak drogi jest Scratch? Czy potrzebuję licencji?",
"faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch is and always will be free. You don’t need a license to use Scratch in your school, home, or anywhere else. The development and maintenance of Scratch is paid for by grants and donations. If you’d like to contribute to Scratch, check out our {donateLink}.",
- "faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
+ "faq.donateLinkText": "Strona datków",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Kto stworzył Scratch?",
"faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
"faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt-br.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt-br.json
index f932783a..9e2e3215 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt-br.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/pt-br.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Extensões Scratch",
"faq.cloudDataTitle": "Variáveis em Nuvem",
"faq.aboutScratchTitle": "O que é Scratch, e o que eu posso fazer com ele?",
- "faq.aboutScratchBody": "Com a linguagem de programação Scratch e a comunidade online, você pode criar suas próprias histórias interativas, jogos e animações -- e compartilhar suas criações com outras pessoas ao redor do mundo. Quando jovens criam e compartilham projetos no Scratch, eles aprendem a pensar criativamente, raciocinar sistematicamente, e trabalhar em grupo. Para aprender mais sobre o Scratch, veja a página {aboutScratchLink}.",
+ "faq.aboutScratchBody": "Com a linguagem de programação Scratch e a comunidade on-line, você pode criar suas próprias histórias interativas, jogos e animações -- e compartilhar suas criações com outras pessoas ao redor do mundo. Quando jovens criam e compartilham projetos no Scratch, eles aprendem a pensar criativamente, raciocinar sistematicamente, e trabalhar em grupo. Para aprender mais sobre o Scratch, veja a página {aboutScratchLink}.",
"faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "Sobre o Scratch",
"faq.makeGameTitle": "Como posso fazer um jogo ou animação com o Scratch?",
"faq.makeGameBody": "Cheque a {ideasLink} para ver diversas maneiras de começar a usar o Scratch",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ru.json
index 398d35d6..097c4c27 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ru.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/ru.json
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
"faq.aboutScratchBody": "With the Scratch programming language and online community, you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. To learn more about Scratch, see the {aboutScratchLink} page.",
"faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "О Scratch",
"faq.makeGameTitle": "Как можно создать игру или мультипликацию в Scratch?",
- "faq.makeGameBody": "Check out the {ideasLink} to see lots of ways to get started with Scratch",
- "faq.ideasLinkText": "Ideas page",
+ "faq.makeGameBody": "Посмотрите {ideasLink} чтобы увидеть множество способов начать использовать Scratch",
+ "faq.ideasLinkText": "Страница идей",
"faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "Кто использует Scratch?",
"faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch is used by people from all backgrounds, in all countries around the world, in all types of settings -- homes, schools, libraries, museums, and more. Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJrLink}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.",
"faq.requirementsTitle": "Какие системные требования для среды Скретч?",
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
"faq.requirementsDesktopSafari": "Safari (от 11)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopIE": "Internet Explorer НЕ поддерживается.",
"faq.requirementsTablet": "Для Планшета",
- "faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "Mobile Chrome (62+)",
- "faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Mobile Safari (11+)",
+ "faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "Mobile Chrome (от 62)",
+ "faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Mobile Safari (от 11)",
"faq.requirementsNote": "Заметка:",
- "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "If your computer doesn’t meet these requirements, you can try the {downloadLink} editor (see next item in FAQ). ",
+ "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "Если ваш компьютер не поддерживает эти требования, вы можете попробовать {downloadLink} редактор (посмотрите следующий пункт в ЧаВО).",
"faq.scratchDesktop": "Офлайн-редактор Scratch",
- "faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "If you encounter a WebGL error, try a different browser.",
+ "faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой WebGL, попробуйте другой браузер.",
"faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "On tablets, there is currently not a way to use \"key pressed\" blocks or right-click context menus.",
"faq.offlineTitle": "Существует ли версия для скачивания, чтобы можно было создавать и просматривать проекты без доступа в интернет?",
"faq.offlineBody": "The Scratch Desktop editor allows you to create Scratch projects without an internet connection. You can download {downloadLink} from the website. This was previously called the Scratch Offline editor.",
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
"faq.uploadOldBody": "Yes: You can share or upload projects made with earlier versions of Scratch, and they will be visible and playable. (However, you can’t download projects made with or edited in later versions of Scratch and open them in earlier versions. For example, you can’t open a Scratch 3.0 project in the desktop version of {scratch2Link}, because Scratch 2.0 doesn’t know how to read the .sb3 project file format.)",
"faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
"faq.scratchCostTitle": "Сколько стоит Скретч? Нужна ли лицензия?",
- "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch is and always will be free. You don’t need a license to use Scratch in your school, home, or anywhere else. The development and maintenance of Scratch is paid for by grants and donations. If you’d like to contribute to Scratch, check out our {donateLink}.",
+ "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch был и всегда будет бесплатным. Вам не нужна лицензия чтобы использовать Scratch в вашей школе, дома, или где то ещё. Разработка и поддержка Scratch оплачивается из грантов и пожертвований. Если вы хотите поддержать Scratch, посмотрите наш {donateLink}.",
"faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Кто создал Скретч?",
- "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
+ "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch разрабатывается и поддерживается Командой Scratch в{llkLink} на{mediaLabLink}",
"faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
"faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Media Lab",
- "faq.aboutScratch3Title": "What is Scratch 3.0?",
+ "faq.aboutScratch3Title": "Что такое Scratch 3.0?",
"faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0 is the latest generation of Scratch, launched on January 2, 2019. It is designed to expand how, what, and where you can create with Scratch. It includes dozens of new sprites, a totally new sound editor, and many new programming blocks. And with Scratch 3.0, you’re able to create and play projects on your tablet, in addition to your laptop or desktop computer.",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "How can I report bugs and share feedback on Scratch 3.0?",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "You can report bugs and share feedback in the {forumsLink} section of the Scratch discussion forums.",
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Is Scratch 3.0 available in multiple languages?",
"faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Yes. To change the language of the programming blocks, click on the “globe” icon in the top navigation bar of the programming editor, then click on the dropdown menu to select a language.",
"faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.",
- "faq.transifexLinkText": "translation server",
+ "faq.transifexLinkText": "сервер перевода",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Does Scratch 3.0 remove any coding blocks from earlier versions of Scratch?",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Body": "No coding blocks have been removed in Scratch 3.0, but some have changed a bit and others have moved into \"Extensions\" (as described below, under \"Where did the Pen blocks go?..\").",
"faq.newBlocksScratch3Title": "Does Scratch 3.0 introduce new blocks?",
- "faq.newBlocksScratch3Body": "Yes! In Scratch 3.0 you’ll find:",
+ "faq.newBlocksScratch3Body": "Да! В Scratch 3.0 вы найдёте:",
"faq.newBlocksSoundEffect": "New \"sound effect\" blocks",
"faq.newBlocksOperators": "New operators that make it easier to work with text (strings)",
"faq.newBlocksPen": "New pen blocks, including support for transparency",
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"faq.soundEditorRecording": "New recording system that is easier to use",
"faq.soundEditorTrimming": "New audio trimming system that is easier to use",
"faq.soundEditorEffects": "New sound effects (such as \"faster\", \"slower\", \"echo\", and \"robot\")",
- "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?",
+ "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "Что случилось с окном подсказок Scratch?",
"faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").",
"faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Что такое ремикс?",
"faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Когда Скретчер делает копию проекта другого автора и модифицирует этот проект, добавляя собственные идеи (например, изменяя скрипты и костюмы), результат называется \"ремиксом\". Любой опубликованный на сайте проект может быть изменен. Мы считаем, что даже мелкие изменения это ремикс, если есть ссылки на исходный проект и других авторов, помогших создать этот ремикс.",
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@
"faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons search page",
"faq.whyAccountTitle": "Why is it useful to have a Scratch account?",
"faq.whyAccountBody": "Even without an account, you can play other people’s projects, read comments and forums, and even create your own projects. But you need an account to save and share projects, write comments and forum posts, and participate in other \"social\" activities in the community (like \"loving\" other people’s projects).",
- "faq.createAccountTitle": "How can I create an account?",
+ "faq.createAccountTitle": "Как мне создать аккаунт?",
"faq.createAccountBody": "Just click \"Join\" on the Scratch home page. You’ll need to respond to a few questions, and provide an email address. It takes just a couple minutes, and it’s totally free!",
"faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "Как узнать, подтвержден ли мой аккаунт?",
"faq.howToConfirmTitle": "Как я могу удалить свой аккаунт?",
"faq.howToConfirmBody": "After you create a new account on Scratch, you’ll receive an email message with a link. Just click the link to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account, you’ll be able to share projects, write comments, and create studios. Confirming your account also lets you receive email updates from the Scratch Team. If you cannot find the email with the confirmation link, check your Spam folder. If you still can’t find it, and want to receive another copy, go to your Account Settings, click the Email tab, and follow the instructions there. Please note that it may take up to an hour for the email to arrive. If you still don't see the email after an hour, {contactLink}.",
"faq.contactLinkText": "let us know",
"faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.",
- "faq.settingsLinkText": "Email Settings",
+ "faq.settingsLinkText": "Настройки Почты",
"faq.requireConfirmTitle": "Необходимо ли подтверждать мой аккаунт?",
"faq.requireConfirmBody": "You can still use many aspects of Scratch without confirming your account, including creating and saving projects (without sharing them).",
"faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "I forgot my username or password. How can I reset it?",
"faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Enter your username or email address on the {resetLink} page. The website will send an email to the address associated with your username and a link you can use to reset your password.",
"faq.resetLinkText": "Password Reset",
"faq.changePasswordTitle": "Как я могу изменить свой пароль?",
- "faq.changePasswordBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeLink} page where you can change your password.",
- "faq.changeLinkText": "Password Settings",
+ "faq.changePasswordBody": "Войдите в свой аккаунт Scratch, затем посетите нашу страницу {changeLink} где вы сможете изменить свой пароль.",
+ "faq.changeLinkText": "Настройки Пароля",
"faq.changeEmailTitle": "Как изменить адрес электронной почты?",
- "faq.changeEmailBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeEmailLink} page where you can change your email address.",
+ "faq.changeEmailBody": "Войдите в свой аккаунт Scratch, потом посетите нашу страницу {changeEmailLink} где вы сможете изменить свою почту.",
"faq.newScratcherTitle": "Как перейти из статуса «Новичок» в «Скретчер»?",
- "faq.newScratcherBody": "When you create an account, you’ll be labelled as a “New Scratcher.” To make the transition to \"Scratcher\", you should make and share projects, comment helpfully on other Scratchers’ projects, and be patient! After you’ve met the requirements, a link will appear on your profile page inviting you to become a Scratcher, and you’ll have some additional capabilities on the Scratch website. (Note that we don't promote New Scratchers to Scratcher on request )",
+ "faq.newScratcherBody": "Когда вы создадите аккаунт, вы будете помечены как \"Новый Скретчер.\" Чтобы перейти к \"Скретчер\", вам нужно будет поделится проектами, полезно прокомментировать на проектах других Скретчеров, и быть терпеливым! После того как вы будете соответствовать требованиям, появится ссылка на вашем профиле, приглашающая стать Скретчером, и вы получите некоторые доп. возможности на сайте Scratch. (Примечание: мы не повышаем новых Скретчеров по запросам)",
"faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Могу ли я иметь больше одного аккаунта?",
- "faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.",
+ "faq.multipleAccountBody": "Это нормально иметь несколько аккаунтов на сайте Scratch, пока не один из них не будет ломать {cgLink}. В этом случае, все связанные аккаунты могут быть заблокированы или удалены.",
"faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Нормально ли если несколько людей входят один и тот же аккаут?",
"faq.multipleLoginBody": "This is not allowed because the website and project editor can easily get confused when more than one person is logged in to the same account. When an account does something that violates the {cgLink}, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted. If you share an account with someone who does something bad with it, this means your accounts can be blocked for what the other person did.",
"faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Могу ли изменить мое имя участника?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/tr.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/tr.json
index a5ac61b2..67a0c9e1 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/tr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/tr.json
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Scratch Eklentileri",
"faq.cloudDataTitle": "Bulut Değişkenleri",
"faq.aboutScratchTitle": "Scratch nedir ve onunla neler yapabilirim?",
- "faq.aboutScratchBody": "With the Scratch programming language and online community, you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. To learn more about Scratch, see the {aboutScratchLink} page.",
+ "faq.aboutScratchBody": "Scratch programlama dili ve çevrimiçi toplulukla, kendi etkileşimli hikayelerinizi, oyunlarınızı ve animasyonlarınızı oluşturabilir ve kreasyonlarınızı dünyadaki diğer kişilerle paylaşabilirsiniz. Gençler Scratch projeleri yaratıp paylaşırken, yaratıcı düşünmeyi, sistematik bir şekilde düşünmeyi ve işbirliği içinde çalışmayı öğrenirler. Scratch hakkında daha fazla bilgi için, {aboutScratchLink} sayfasına bakınız.\n",
"faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "Scratch Hakkında",
"faq.makeGameTitle": "Scratch ile bir oyun veya çizgi film nasıl yapabilirim?",
- "faq.makeGameBody": "Check out the {ideasLink} to see lots of ways to get started with Scratch",
- "faq.ideasLinkText": "Ideas page",
+ "faq.makeGameBody": "Scratch'a başlamanın birçok yolunu görmek için {ideasLink} adresine göz atın.",
+ "faq.ideasLinkText": "Fikirler sayfası",
"faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "Kim Scratch kullanır?",
- "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch is used by people from all backgrounds, in all countries around the world, in all types of settings -- homes, schools, libraries, museums, and more. Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJrLink}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.",
+ "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch, her kökenden gelen insanlar tarafından, dünyadaki tüm ülkelerde, her türlü ortamda - evler, okullar, kütüphaneler, müzeler ve daha fazlası - kullanılır. Scratch, özellikle 8 ila 16 yaş arasındaki gençler için tasarlanmıştır, ancak her yaştan insan Scratch ile yaratır ve paylaşır. Küçük çocuklar, 5 ila 7 yaşları için tasarlanmış basitleştirilmiş bir Scratch sürümü olan {scratchJrLink} denemek isteyebilirler.",
"faq.requirementsTitle": "Scratch'in ihtiyaç duyduğu sistem özellikleri nelerdir?",
"faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch, masaüstlerinde, dizüstü bilgisayarlarda ve tabletlerde mevcut web tarayıcılarının çoğunda çalışır. Projeleri cep telefonlarında görüntüleyebilirsiniz, ancak şu anda telefonlarda projeler oluşturamaz veya düzenleyemezsiniz. Resmi olarak desteklenen tarayıcıların listesi aşağıdadır.",
"faq.requirementsDesktop": "Masaüstü",
@@ -29,31 +29,31 @@
"faq.requirementsTabletChrome": "Mobile Chrome (62+)\n",
"faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Mobile Safari (11+)\n",
"faq.requirementsNote": "Not:",
- "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "If your computer doesn’t meet these requirements, you can try the {downloadLink} editor (see next item in FAQ). ",
+ "faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "Bilgisayarınız bu gereksinimleri karşılamıyorsa, {downloadLink} editörünü deneyebilirsiniz (SSS bölümündeki bir sonraki öğeye bakın).",
"faq.scratchDesktop": "Scratch Masaüstü",
"faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "Bir WebGL hatasıyla karşılaşırsanız, farklı bir tarayıcı deneyin.",
"faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "Tabletlerde, şu anda \"tuşa basıldı\" bloklarını veya sağ tıklama bağlam menülerini kullanmanın bir yolu yoktur.",
"faq.offlineTitle": "Çevrimdışı proje oluşturabileceğim ve varolan projeleri görebileceğim indirilebilir bir versiyonu var mı?",
- "faq.offlineBody": "The Scratch Desktop editor allows you to create Scratch projects without an internet connection. You can download {downloadLink} from the website. This was previously called the Scratch Offline editor.",
+ "faq.offlineBody": "Scratch Desktop editörü, internet bağlantısı olmadan Scratch projeleri oluşturmanıza olanak sağlar. Web sitesinden {downloadLink} indirebilirsiniz. Bu daha önce Scratch Çevrimdışı editörü olarak adlandırılmıştı.",
"faq.uploadOldTitle": "Scratch'in eski versiyonlarını kullanıyor olsam da projelerimi web sitesine atabilir miyim?",
- "faq.uploadOldBody": "Yes: You can share or upload projects made with earlier versions of Scratch, and they will be visible and playable. (However, you can’t download projects made with or edited in later versions of Scratch and open them in earlier versions. For example, you can’t open a Scratch 3.0 project in the desktop version of {scratch2Link}, because Scratch 2.0 doesn’t know how to read the .sb3 project file format.)",
+ "faq.uploadOldBody": "Evet: Scratch'ın önceki sürümleriyle yapılan projeleri paylaşabilir veya yükleyebilirsiniz; bunlar görünür ve oynanabilir olacaktır. (Bununla birlikte, Scratch'ın sonraki sürümlerinde yapılan veya düzenlenen projeleri indiremez ve bunları önceki sürümlerde açamazsınız. Örneğin, Scratch 2.0'ın masaüstü sürümünde {scratch2Link} bir Scratch 3.0 projesi açamazsınız. ",
"faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
"faq.scratchCostTitle": "Scratch için ne kadar ödemeliyim? Bir lisansa ihtiyacım var mı?",
- "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch is and always will be free. You don’t need a license to use Scratch in your school, home, or anywhere else. The development and maintenance of Scratch is paid for by grants and donations. If you’d like to contribute to Scratch, check out our {donateLink}.",
- "faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
+ "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch her zaman bedelsiz ve özgür olacak. Scratch'ı okulunuzda, evinizde veya başka bir yerde kullanmak için bir lisansa ihtiyacınız yoktur. Scratch gelişimi ve bakımı hibe ve bağışlarla ödenmektedir. Scratch'e katkıda bulunmak istiyorsanız, {donateLink} sayfamıza bakın.",
+ "faq.donateLinkText": "Bağış Sayfası",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Scratch'ı kimler yarattı?",
- "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
- "faq.llkLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten group",
+ "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch, {mediaLabLink} adresindeki {llkLink} Scratch Ekibi tarafından geliştirilir ve korunur.",
+ "faq.llkLinkText": "Hayat Boyu Anaokulu grubu",
"faq.mediaLabLinkText": "MIT Medya Lab",
"faq.aboutScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 Nedir?",
"faq.aboutScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0, 2 Ocak 2019'da piyasaya sürülen en yeni Scratch neslidir. Scratch ile nasıl, ne ve nerede yaratabileceğinizi genişletmek için tasarlanmıştır. Düzinelerce yeni sprite, tamamen yeni bir ses editörü ve birçok yeni programlama bloğu içerir. Scratch 3.0 ile, dizüstü veya masaüstü bilgisayarınıza ek olarak tabletinizde projeler oluşturabilir ve oynatabilirsiniz.",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0'da hataları nasıl rapor edebilir ve geri bildirimde bulunabilirim?",
- "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "You can report bugs and share feedback in the {forumsLink} section of the Scratch discussion forums.",
- "faq.forumsLinkText": "Bugs & Glitches",
+ "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "Hataları rapor edebilir ve geri bildiriminizi Scratch tartışma forumlarının {forumsLink} bölümünde paylaşabilirsiniz.",
+ "faq.forumsLinkText": "Hatalar ve Aksaklıklar",
"faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 birden fazla dilde mevcut mu?",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Yes. To change the language of the programming blocks, click on the “globe” icon in the top navigation bar of the programming editor, then click on the dropdown menu to select a language.",
- "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.",
- "faq.transifexLinkText": "translation server",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Evet. Programlama bloklarının dilini değiştirmek için, programlama editörünün üst gezinme çubuğundaki “dünya” ikonuna tıklayın, ardından bir dil seçmek için açılır menüye tıklayın.",
+ "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "Tüm çevirilerimiz gönüllüler tarafından yapılır. Scratch 3.0 editörü zaten 40+ dile çevrildi. Şu anda çevrilmiş ve incelenen tüm dilleri {transifexLink} adresinde görebilirsiniz. Tercüme veya inceleme konusunda yardım etmek istiyorsanız, lütfen {emailLink} ile iletişime geçin.",
+ "faq.transifexLinkText": "çeviri sunucusu",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0, Scratch'ın önceki sürümlerinden kodlama bloklarını kaldırır mı?",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Body": "Scratch 3.0'da hiçbir kodlama bloğu kaldırılmadı, ancak bazıları biraz değişti, bazıları ise \"Eklentiler\" e geçti (aşağıda \"Pen blokları nereye gitti?\" Altında açıklandığı gibi).",
"faq.newBlocksScratch3Title": "Scratch 3.0 yeni bloklar sunuyor mu?",
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"faq.soundEditorTrimming": "Kullanımı daha kolay olan yeni ses düzeltme sistemi",
"faq.soundEditorEffects": "Yeni ses efektleri (\"daha hızlı\", \"daha yavaş\", \"eko\" ve \"robot\" gibi)",
"faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "Scratch İpuçları Penceresine ne oldu?",
- "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. You’ll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").",
+ "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "İpuçları Penceresi yerine, Scratch 3.0, programlama editörünün üst gezinti çubuğundaki Tutorials linkinden erişilebilen Tutorials Library aracılığıyla benzer bir materyal sunar. Tüm projeler (\"Bir Kovalama Oyunu Yap\" gibi) veya belirli bloklar ve özellikler (\"Ses Kaydet\" veya \"Döndür\" gibi) için öğreticiler bulacaksınız. Yakında daha fazla ders eklenecek (\"Pong Oyunu\" ve \"Uçur\" ) gibi.",
"faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Katkı nedir?",
"faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Scratch kullanıcıları başka birinin projesini kopyalayıp kendi fikirlerine göre değişiklikler yaparlarsa, bu projeye 'remix' denir. Scratch sitesinde paylaşılan tüm projeler remix yapılabilir. Biz en ufak değişikliği bile geçerli bir remix olarak kabul ediyoruz. Yeter ki orijinal proje ve yeterli katkılar yapanlara gereken prim verilsin.",
"faq.remixableTitle": "Neden Scratch Ekibi tüm projelerin “katkılabilir\" olmasını mecbur tutuyor?",
@@ -89,72 +89,72 @@
"faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Peki, diğerlerinin projelerime katkı yapmasını istemiyorsam?",
"faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Projelere katkıda bulunmak Scratch toplumunun önemli bir parçasıdır. Eğer başkalarının görmesini ve katkıda bulunmasını istemiyorsan, gene de projelerini yaratabilirsin. Sadece çalışmalarını sitemizde yayınlama.",
"faq.fairUseTitle": "Projelerimde internetten bulduğum resim / ses / video vs. kullanabilir miyim?",
- "faq.fairUseBody": "If you choose to integrate someone else’s work into your own, be sure to give them credit on the project “credits” section, and include a link back to the original. To find art / sounds that are already licensed for remixing, check out the {ccLink}.",
- "faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons search page",
+ "faq.fairUseBody": "Bir başkasının işini kendinizinkine entegre etmeyi seçerseniz, onlara “krediler” bölümüne kredi verdiğinizden ve orijinaline geri bir bağlantı eklediğinizden emin olun. Zaten remix için lisanslı olan sanat / sesleri bulmak için {ccLink} adresine göz atın.",
+ "faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons arama sayfası",
"faq.whyAccountTitle": "Bir Scratch hesabına sahip olmak neden faydalıdır?",
"faq.whyAccountBody": "Bir hesabınız olmasa bile, başkalarının projelerini oynayabilir, yorumları ve forumları okuyabilir ve hatta kendi projelerinizi oluşturabilirsiniz. Ancak, projeleri kaydetmek ve paylaşmak, yorumlar yazmak ve forum yazıları yazmak ve topluluktaki diğer \"sosyal\" etkinliklere katılmak için (diğer insanların projelerini \"beğenmek\" gibi) bir hesaba ihtiyacınız var.",
"faq.createAccountTitle": "Hesabımı nasıl oluşturabilirim?",
- "faq.createAccountBody": "Just click \"Join\" on the Scratch home page. You’ll need to respond to a few questions, and provide an email address. It takes just a couple minutes, and it’s totally free!",
+ "faq.createAccountBody": "Scratch giriş sayfasındaki \"Katıl\" düğmesini tıklamanız yeterlidir. Birkaç soruya cevap vermeniz ve bir e-posta adresi sağlamanız gerekir. Sadece birkaç dakika sürer ve tamamen ücretsizdir!",
"faq.checkConfirmedTitle": "Hesabımın onaylanıp onaylanmadığını nasıl kontrol edebilirim?",
"faq.howToConfirmTitle": "Hesabımı nasıl doğrularım?",
- "faq.howToConfirmBody": "After you create a new account on Scratch, you’ll receive an email message with a link. Just click the link to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account, you’ll be able to share projects, write comments, and create studios. Confirming your account also lets you receive email updates from the Scratch Team. If you cannot find the email with the confirmation link, check your Spam folder. If you still can’t find it, and want to receive another copy, go to your Account Settings, click the Email tab, and follow the instructions there. Please note that it may take up to an hour for the email to arrive. If you still don't see the email after an hour, {contactLink}.",
- "faq.contactLinkText": "let us know",
- "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.",
- "faq.settingsLinkText": "Email Settings",
+ "faq.howToConfirmBody": "Scratch'te yeni bir hesap oluşturduktan sonra, bağlantı içeren bir e-posta mesajı alacaksınız. Hesabınızı onaylamak için bağlantıya tıklamanız yeterli. Hesabınızı onayladıktan sonra projeleri paylaşabilir, yorum yazabilir ve stüdyolar oluşturabilirsiniz. Hesabınızı onaylamanız, Scratch Team'den e-posta güncellemeleri almanızı da sağlar. Onay bağlantısını içeren e-postayı bulamazsanız, İstenmeyenler klasörünüzü kontrol edin. Hala bulamıyorsanız ve başka bir kopya almak istiyorsanız, Hesap Ayarlarınıza gidin, E-posta sekmesini tıklayın ve oradaki talimatları izleyin. Lütfen e-postanın ulaşmasının bir saat kadar sürebileceğini unutmayın. Bir saat sonra e-postayı hala göremiyorsanız, bize bildirin: {contactLink}.",
+ "faq.contactLinkText": "Bize bildirin.",
+ "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "hesabınızın onaylandığını kontrol etmek için önce Scratch'e giriş yapıp {settingsLink} bağlantısına gidin. Onaylanmış eposta adreslerinin yanında ufak bir onay işareti olacaktır. Aksi taktirde turuncu renkteki \"epostanız onaylanmamıştır\" metnini göreceksiniz.",
+ "faq.settingsLinkText": "ePosta Ayarları",
"faq.requireConfirmTitle": "Hesabımı doğrulamam şart mı?",
"faq.requireConfirmBody": "Scratch'in çoğu özelliklerini, projeler yaratma ve kaydetme dahil (paylaşma hariç), hesabınızı onaylamadan kullanabilirsiniz. ",
"faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "Kullanıcı adımı veya şifremi mi unuttum? Nasıl yenileyebilirim?",
- "faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Enter your username or email address on the {resetLink} page. The website will send an email to the address associated with your username and a link you can use to reset your password.",
- "faq.resetLinkText": "Password Reset",
+ "faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Kullanıcı adını veya ePosta adresini {resetLink} na gir. Kullanıcı adının bağlı olduğu e-posta adresine şifreni sıfırlamak için bir link göndereceğiz.",
+ "faq.resetLinkText": "Şifre Sıfırlama ",
"faq.changePasswordTitle": "Şifremi nasıl değiştirebilirim?",
- "faq.changePasswordBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeLink} page where you can change your password.",
- "faq.changeLinkText": "Password Settings",
+ "faq.changePasswordBody": "Scratch hesabınıza giriş yapın, ardından şifrenizi değiştirebileceğiniz {changeLink} sayfamızı ziyaret edin.",
+ "faq.changeLinkText": "Şifre Ayarları",
"faq.changeEmailTitle": "E-posta adresimi nasıl değiştirebilirim?",
- "faq.changeEmailBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeEmailLink} page where you can change your email address.",
+ "faq.changeEmailBody": "Scratch sitesine git, giriş yap, {changeEmailLink} menüsüne tıkla ve ePosta değişikliği yap.",
"faq.newScratcherTitle": "'Yeni Scratchçi'likten 'Scratchçi'liğe' nasıl geçerim?",
"faq.newScratcherBody": "Bir hesap oluşturduğunuzda, “Yeni Scratch' ci olarak etiketleneceksiniz. “Scratch”ci ye geçiş yapmak için projeler yapmalı, paylaşmalı, diğer Scratch'cilerin projeleri hakkında faydalı yorumlarda bulunmalı ve sabırlı olmalısınız! Gereksinimleri yerine getirdikten sonra, profil sayfanızda sizi bir Scratch'ci olmaya davet eden bir bağlantı görünecek ve Scratch web sitesinde bazı ek yeteneklere sahip olacaksınız. (Talep üzerine Yeni Scratch'cıları Scratch'cılara terfi etmediğimizi unutmayın)",
"faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Birden fazla hesabım olabilir mi?",
- "faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.",
+ "faq.multipleAccountBody": "Topluluk ilkelerine {cgLink} uyulduğu sürece birden fazla hesaba sahip olunmasında bir sorun yoktur. İlkelere aykırı bir durumda tüm hesaplar bloke edilecek ya da silinecektir.",
"faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Bir hesaba birden fazla kişinin giriş yapmasında sorun oluşur mu?",
- "faq.multipleLoginBody": "This is not allowed because the website and project editor can easily get confused when more than one person is logged in to the same account. When an account does something that violates the {cgLink}, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted. If you share an account with someone who does something bad with it, this means your accounts can be blocked for what the other person did.",
+ "faq.multipleLoginBody": "Buna izin verilmez, çünkü aynı hesapta birden fazla kişi oturum açtığında web sitesi ve proje düzenleyicisi kolayca karışabilir. Bir hesap {cgLink} ihlal eden bir şey yaptığında, ilgili tüm hesaplar engellenebilir veya silinebilir. Bir hesabı onunla kötü şeyler yapan biriyle paylaşırsanız, bu, hesaplarınızın diğer kişinin yaptığı şey için engellenebileceği anlamına gelir.",
"faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Kullanıcı adımı değiştirebilir miyim?",
"faq.changeUsernameBody": "Scratch web sitesinin yapısı senin kullanıcı adınla direk olarak ilişkilidir bu nedenle kullanıcı adını değiştirmen mümkün değildir. Eğer bu gerçekten gerekliyse yeni bir hesap açabilirsin fakat eski projelerini yeni hesabına kendin kopyalamak zorundasın.",
"faq.shareInfoTitle": "Hesabımda hangi bilgileri paylaşabilirim?",
"faq.shareInfoBody": "Lütfen kişisel adresiniz, e-posta adresiniz, telefon numaranız veya Scratch web sitesi dışında iletişim kurmak için kullanılabilecek başka hiçbir şey gibi iletişim bilgilerinizi paylaşmayın. Lütfen bu tür bilgileri içeren projeleri, yorumları veya forum yayınlarını bildirin, böylece Scratch Ekibi bilgileri kaldırabilir ve kişisel iletişim bilgilerinin paylaşılmasına karşı ilkelerimizi hatırlatabilir.",
"faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Hesabımı nasıl silebilirim?",
- "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.",
+ "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Scratch'a giriş yapın ve ardından sağ üst köşedeki kullanıcı adınızı tıklayın. \"Hesap Ayarları'\"nı seçip sayfanın altındaki \"Hesaplarımı silmek istiyorum\" bağlantısını tıklayın. Ancak bunu yalnızca hesabınızı silmek istediğinizden kesinlikle eminseniz yapmanız gerekir.",
"faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Scratch bedava mıdır? İstediğim yerde kullanabilir miyim?",
"faq.scratchFreeBody": "Evet! Scratch programına hiç bir ücret ödemeden sahip olabilirsiniz. Okulda bir ders aracı olarak veya Scratch kursu vermek için kullanabilirsiniz. Bu ders veya kurstan para kazanıyor bile olsanız her hangi bir lisans satın almanız gerekmez - tamamen ücretsizdir.",
"faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Scratch'in ekran görüntülerini bir kitapta ya da sunumda kullanabilir miyim?",
- "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".",
- "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike",
+ "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Evet, Scratch ekran / uygulama görüntülerini bir kitap veya sunum için kullanabilirsiniz. Scratch uygulaması ve web sitesinde aldığınız resim ve ekran görüntüleri {licenseLink} altındadır. Sizden ricamız çalışmanızın içine \"Scratch programı MIT Media Lab LifeLong Kindergarten tarafında geliştirilmiştir. http://scratch.mit.edu sayfasından ücretsiz olarak ulaşılabilir.\" yazısını eklemenizdir.",
+ "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Atıf-Paylaş",
"faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Scratch'in tanımını broşüre ya da başka materyallere dahil edebilir miyim?",
- "faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Sure! We recommend the following description: \"Scratch is a coding language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Scratch is a project of the {sfLink} in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\"",
+ "faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Tabii ki! Biz şu tanımı tavsiye ediyoruz : \"Scratch kendi etkileşimli hikayelerini, oyunlarını ve çizgi filmlerini oluşturabileceğin bir programlama dili ve cevrimiçi topluluktur. Scratch ile oluşturduğunuz tüm uygulamaları dünya ile kolayca paylaşabilirsiniz. Scratch ile projeler geliştirme sürecinde, yaratıcı ve sistematik düşünmeyi, ortaklaşa çalışmayı öğrenebilirsiniz. Scratch MIT Media Lab içinde bulunan {sfLink} grubu tarafından ve LifeLong Kindergarten adlı grubun işbirliği ile geliştirilen bir projedir. Ücretsiz olarak http://scratch.mit.edu adresinden temin edilebilir.\"",
"faq.presentScratchTitle": "Bir toplantıda Scratch'i tanıtabilir miyim?",
"faq.presentScratchBody": "Scratch'in eğitimcilere ve gruplara tanıtımını yapmakta serbestsiniz. ",
"faq.supportMaterialTitle": "Web sitesinde bulduğum Scratch destek gereçlerini, kuklaları, resimleri, sesleri veya örnek projeleri kullanabilir miyim?",
- "faq.supportMaterialBody": "Yes: Most Scratch support materials on the Scratch website are available under the {licenseLink} license. There are a few exceptions: the Scratch Logo, Scratch Cat, Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, and Tera are Scratch trademarks, and can not be used without explicit permission from the Scratch Team.",
+ "faq.supportMaterialBody": "Evet - Çoğu Scratch destek materyalleri {licenseLink} lisansı altında ortak kullanıma sunulmuştur. Scratch logosu, Scratch kedicik, ve Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, and Tera (yani Scratch belirgin özellikleri) Scratch Ekibinden izin alınmadan kullanılabilir.",
"faq.sellProjectsTitle": "Scratch projelerimi satabilir miyim?",
- "faq.sellProjectsBody": "Yes: Your Scratch project is your creation. But keep in mind that once you share your project on the Scratch website, everyone is free to download, remix, and reuse the project based on the terms of the {licenseLink} license. So if you intend to sell your project, you may want to un-share it from the Scratch website.",
+ "faq.sellProjectsBody": "Evet, senin projen senin eserindir. Unutma ki web sitesinde paylaştığında, herkes projeni indirmekte, katkı yapmakta ve kullanmakta özgürdür çünkü sitemizde yayınlanan her eser {licenseLink} altındadır. Eğer projeni satma niyetindeysen projeni paylaşımdan çekmek isteyebilirsin.",
"faq.sourceCodeTitle": "Scratch'ın kaynak kodunu nasıl temin edebilirim?",
- "faq.sourceCodeBody": "The source code for the Scratch programming editor can be found on {guiLink}. The source code for {flashLink} and {scratch14Link}, are also available on GitHub. For updated information on development projects relating to the Scratch website, please visit our {developersLink}.",
+ "faq.sourceCodeBody": "Scratch editörünün kaynak kodu {guiLink} 'da bulunabilir. {flashLink} ve {scratch14Link} kaynak kodu da GitHub'da mevcuttur. Scratch web sitesi ile ilgili geliştirme projeleri hakkında güncellenmiş bilgiler için lütfen {developersLink} ziyaret edin.",
"faq.scratch14": "Scratch 1.4",
"faq.okayToShareTitle": "Scratch web sitesinde paylaştıklarımın uygun olup olmadığını nasıl bilebilirim?",
- "faq.okayToShareBody": "Check out the Scratch {cgLink} - they’re brief and don’t include a lot of legal stuff. There’s a link at the bottom of every page on Scratch.",
+ "faq.okayToShareBody": "{cgLink} de Scratch kurallarına bakabilirsin - gayet açıktır ve hukuki terim içermez. Scratch sitesindeki her sayfanın altında buna bir link vardır.",
"faq.reportContentTitle": "Eğer uygunsuz bir içerik gördüysem ne yapmalıyım?",
- "faq.reportContentBody": "You can click the link that says \"report\" on any project, comment, discussion post, studio, or profile page where you see something that isn't ok for Scratch. If the situation is complicated, you can use the {contactLink} link (available at the bottom of every page) to explain. Be sure to include as much detail as you can, with links to relevant pages.",
+ "faq.reportContentBody": "Eğer Scratch'e uygun olmadığını düşündüğün birşey varsa projelerdeki, yorumlardaki ve tartışmalardaki \"Şikayet et\" linkine tıklayabilirsin. Eğer durum karmaşıksa, {contactLink} linkini kullanarak açıklama yapabilirsin. İlgili sayfaların linklerini de belirterek mümkün olduğunca çok detay vermeye gayret et.",
"faq.noFlameTitle": "Eğer birinin kabalığına veya saygısızlığına şahit olursam ne yapmalıyım?",
"faq.noFlameBody": "Yangına körükle gitme! Kaba yorumlara daha kabalaşarak cevap vermek işi daha da kötüye götürür. Hatta senin hesabın bile bloke edilebilir. Bunun yerine saygısız ve kırıcı ne görürsen bize bildir, biz yazanı takibe alıp gerekeni yaparız. Bildirimleri hergün birkaç defa kontrol ediyoruz, merak etme.",
"faq.reviewContentTitle": "Bir sorun bildirildiğinde veya bir proje kontrol edilmesi için işaretlendiğinde Scratch ekibi ne yapar?",
- "faq.reviewContentBody": "The Scratch Team reviews reported comments and projects every day. If something breaks the Scratch {cgLink}, we will remove it and send a warning to the account. We may also block the accounts or networks that were used to share it, depending on what was shared and if the person has been sent warnings before",
+ "faq.reviewContentBody": "Scratch Ekibi, her gün yorumları ve projeleri denetler. Scratch topluluk kurallarını {cgLink} ihlal eden bir şey varsa, onu kaldırabilir ve hesaba bir uyarı gönderebiliriz. Ne kadar kötü olduğuna bağlı olarak (veya hesabı önceden uyarmışsak), paylaşmak için kullanılan hesapları veya ağları da engelleyebiliriz.",
"faq.blockedAccountTitle": "Bir hesap dondurulduğunda ne olur?",
- "faq.blockedAccountBody": "When an account is blocked, the owner can no longer access their account, use it to create projects, or post new comments. When they login, they see a page that explains why the account was blocked, along with a web form they can use to request to be unblocked. If the owner can show that they understand why their account was blocked, and promises to follow the Scratch {cgLink} in the future, they will be unblocked.",
+ "faq.blockedAccountBody": "Bir hesap dondurulduğunda, hesap sahibi artık bu hesaba erişmez, proje yapamaz ve de forumlara yorum yazamaz. Hesaplarına giriş yaptıklarında, hesaplarının neden dondurulduğu açıklayan bir uyarı ve hesabın çözülmesini talep etmek için bir form görürler. Eğer bu kişinin hesabının neden dondurulduğunu anladığına, Scratch kurallarına {cgLink} uyacağına ve bir daha yapmıyacağına dair vereceği sözü tutacağına kani olursak hesabı çözebiliriz. ",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Birileri benim hesabımı ele geçirdi ve hesabım yasaklandı. Ne yapabilirim?",
- "faq.stolenAccountBody": "You are responsible for keeping your password secure. If someone you know took control of your account and did bad things, tell the adults in charge of the computer they used. If you think someone you don’t know has access to your account, change the password and / or use the {contactLink} link to explain the situation. If your account was blocked for doing something that you did which broke the Scratch {cgLink}, please don’t tell us that someone else did it. When people tell us someone else used their account to do something bad, we then need to try and talk to that person before we can restore the account. This means your account will just stay blocked for a lot longer than if you are honest with us about what happened.",
+ "faq.stolenAccountBody": "Parolanızı güvende tutmaktan siz sorumlusunuz. Tanıdığınız biri hesabınızı kontrol altına aldıysa ve kötü şeyler yaptıysa, yetişkinlere kullandıkları bilgisayardan sorumlu olduğunu söyleyin. Tanımadığınız birinin hesabınıza erişimi olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, şifreyi değiştirin ve / veya durumu açıklamak için {contactLink} bağlantısını kullanın. Hesabınız, {cgLink} ihlal eden bir şeyi yapmak için engellenmişse, lütfen bize başka birinin yaptığını söylemeyin. İnsanlar bize başkalarının hesaplarını kötü bir şey yapmak için kullandıklarını söylediğinde, hesabı geri yükleyebilmemiz için o kişiyle konuşmayı denememiz gerekir. Bu, hesabınızın, olanlar hakkında bize karşı dürüst olmanızdan çok daha uzun süre engelleneceği anlamına gelir.",
"faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "Eklentiler nedir?",
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "Scratch düzenleyicisinde, \"eklentiler\" adı verilen fazladan blok koleksiyonlarını ekleyebilirsiniz. Örneğin, fiziksel aygıtları (mikro: bit ve LEGO robotik kitleri gibi) programlamanıza ve Scratch projelerinizdeki metni çevirmenize olanak sağlayan eklentiler vardır. Zamanla yeni eklentiler eklemeye devam edeceğiz, bu nedenle Scratch ile yapabilecekleriniz zamanla büyümeye devam edecek.",
"faq.howToAddExtensionsTitle": "Bir projeye nasıl eklenti eklerim?",
- "faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "If you click on the \"Extensions\" button in the bottom left corner of the Scratch programming editor, you will see a listing of all Scratch Extensions. When you select one of the extensions, a new category of blocks will be added to your project. The extension will be automatically loaded each time your project is opened. You can add multiple extensions to the same project.",
+ "faq.howToAddExtensionsBody": "Scratch programlama editörünün sol alt köşesindeki \"Eklentiler\" düğmesine tıklarsanız, tüm Scratch Eklentilerinin bir listesini göreceksiniz. Eklentilerden birini seçtiğinizde, projenize yeni bir blok kategorisi eklenecektir. Eklenti, projeniz her açıldığında otomatik olarak yüklenecektir. Aynı projeye birden fazla eklenti ekleyebilirsiniz.",
"faq.createExtensionsTitle": "Scratch için kendi eklentimi nasıl oluşturabilirim",
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "Scratch Team gelecekte uzantıları için şartname ve kılavuzları yayınlayacak. Kullanılabilir olduğunda, resmi Scratch 3.0 eklenti kitaplığında değerlendirilmek üzere eklentileri Scratch Ekibine gönderebileceksiniz. Ayrıca, tek tek bilgisayarlarda projeler oluşturmak için kullanılabilecek, ancak Scratch çevrimiçi topluluğunda paylaşılmayan \"deneysel\" eklentilerin geliştirilmesi ve dağıtılması için kılavuzlar da sunacağız.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "ScratchX web sitesine ne olacak?",
@@ -162,37 +162,37 @@
"faq.cloudDataInfoTitle": "Bulut değişkenleri nedir?",
"faq.cloudDataInfoBody": "Bulut verisi projede istenilen değişkenlerin ağ-üzerinden kaydedilmesini ve herkes ile paylaşılabilmesini mümkün kılan bir özelliktir. Bulut verilerini anketler yapmak için veya toplumdaki diğer kullanıcıların verilere uzun zaman ulaşması gerektiğinde kullanabilirsin.",
"faq.makeCloudVarTitle": "Bulut değişkenini nasıl tanımlayabilirim?",
- "faq.makeCloudVarBody": "Go to the \"Variables\" section of the blocks palette, select \"Make a Variable\", and then click the checkbox next to \"Cloud variable (stored on server)\". The data associated with your cloud variable will be stored on the server, preserved over time, and accessible to anyone who opens the project.",
+ "faq.makeCloudVarBody": "Bloklar paletinin \"Değişkenler\" bölümüne gidin, Bir \"Değişken Yap\"ı seçin ve ardından \"Bulut değişkeninin (sunucuda depolanan)\" yanındaki onay kutusunu tıklayın. Bulut değişkeninizle ilişkili veriler sunucuda saklanır, zaman içinde korunur ve projeyi açan herkes tarafından erişilebilir.",
"faq.onlyNumbersTitle": "Bulut değişkenlerine ne tip veriler kaydedilir.",
"faq.onlyNumbersBody": "Bulut değişkenlerinde yalnızca sayılar saklanabilir.",
"faq.storedCloudInfoTitle": "Bulutta saklanmış verileri kimler görebilir?",
"faq.storedCloudInfoBody": "Bulut verisi kullanan bir proje ile etkileşime girdiğinde, kullanıcı adın ile ilişkilendirilmiş bir şekilde bilgilerin saklanabilir ve diğerleri de bunu görebilir. ",
"faq.reportCloudTitle": "Eğer birilerinin bulut veri kullanarak uygunsuz gönderide bulunduğunu görürsem, nasıl rapor yapabilirim?",
- "faq.reportCloudBody": "Click the \"Report this\" button (under on the project player on the project page) to report inappropriate content in cloud variables. Make sure that you mention \"cloud variables\" when you type your reason in the report.",
+ "faq.reportCloudBody": "Bulut verilerinde uygunsuz içeriği bildirmek için \"Bunu rapor et\" düğmesini (proje oynatıcısının altında) tıklayın. Raporda nedeninizi yazdığınızda \"bulut verileri\" ni belirttiğinizden emin olun.",
"faq.chatRoomTitle": "Bulut veri kullanarak sohbet odası yapabilir miyim?",
"faq.chatRoomBody": "Teknik olarak mümkün olmakla beraber, şu anda sitemizde bulut değişkenleriyle sohbet odası yapımına izin vermiyoruz. ",
"faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Bulut değişkenindeki bilgileri kim değiştirebilir?",
- "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Only you and viewers of your project can store data in your project’s cloud variables. If people \"see inside\" or remix your code, it creates a copy of the variable and does not affect or change the original variable.",
+ "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Projendeki bulut değişkenine sadece senin projen erişebilir. Eğer başkaları projene \"bakmış\" veya katkı yapmışsa aynı isimde fakat farklı bir bulut değişkeni oluşturulur ve orijinalleri etkilenmez.",
"faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Giriş yaptım, fakat hala bulut verili projeleri kullanamıyorum. Neden olabilir?",
"faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Web sitesinde hala \"Yeni Scratch Kullanıcı\" iseniz, bulut değişkenleri olan projeleri kullanamazsınız. Bulut değişkenlerine erişebilmek için \"Scratch Kullanıcı\" olmanız gerekiyor. “Yeni Scratch Kullanıcı” dan “Scratch Kullanıcı” ya geçiş hakkında daha fazla bilgi için Hesaplar bölümüne (yukarıda) bakın.",
"faq.multiplayerTitle": "Bulut verisi kullanarak çok oyunculu oyunlar yapmak mümkün mü?",
"faq.multiplayerBody": "Ağ hızı ve senkronizasyon sorunları nedeniyle çok oyunculu oyunların oluşturulması zor olabilir. Ancak, bazı Scratcher'cılar, adım-adım ve diğer oyun türleri için bulut değişkenlerini kullanmanın yaratıcı yollarını buluyor.",
"faq.schoolsTitle": "Okullarda Scratch",
"faq.howTitle": "Scratch okullarda nasıl kullanılıyor?",
- "faq.howBody": "Scratch is used in hundreds of thousands of schools around the world, in many different subject areas (including language arts, science, history, math, and computer science). You can learn more about strategies and resources for using Scratch in schools and other learning environments (such as museums, libraries, and community centers) on our {educatorsLink}.",
- "faq.educatorsLinkText": "Educators Page",
+ "faq.howBody": "Scratch, dünyadaki binlerce okulda, pek çok farklı alanda (dil sanatları, bilim, tarih, matematik ve bilgisayar bilimi dahil) kullanılmaktadır. Scratch'i okullarımızda ve diğer öğrenme ortamlarında (müzeler, kütüphaneler ve toplum merkezleri gibi) kullanmak için stratejiler ve kaynaklar hakkında {educatorsLink} daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. ",
+ "faq.educatorsLinkText": "Eğitmen Sayfası",
"faq.noInternetTitle": "İnternet bağlantısı olmadan öğrenciler Scratch'i kullanabilir mi?",
- "faq.noInternetBody": "Yes. {downloadLink} is a version of Scratch that runs on a desktop or laptop computer. Currently, Scratch Desktop is available for Mac and Windows machines.",
+ "faq.noInternetBody": "Evet. {downloadLink} bir masaüstü veya dizüstü bilgisayarda çalışan bir Scratch sürümüdür. Şu anda, Scratch Desktop, Mac ve Windows makineleri için kullanılabilir.",
"faq.communityTitle": "Öğrencilerim için çevrimiçi topluluğu kapatabilir miyim?",
- "faq.communityBody": "The Scratch online community provides a way for young people to share, collaborate, and learn with their peers within a moderated community governed by the Scratch {cgLink}. However, we understand that some educators prefer that their students not participate in an online community. These educators may wish to install Scratch Desktop, which runs offline and locally on a desktop or laptop computer.",
+ "faq.communityBody": "Scratch çevrimiçi topluluğu, Topluluk Kuralları {cgLink} tarafından yönetilerek kontrollü bir topluluk içinde gençlere paylaşım yapma, işbirliği yapma ve akranlarıyla öğrenme olanağı sağlar. Ancak, bazı eğitimcilerin öğrencilerin çevrimiçi bir topluluğa katılmalarını tercih etmediğini biliyoruz. Bu eğitimciler, çevrimdışı ve yerel olarak masaüstü veya dizüstü bilgisayarlarda çalışan Scratch Çevrimdışı Editör'ü kurmak isteyebilirler.",
"faq.teacherAccountTitle": "Scratch öğretmen hesabı nedir?",
- "faq.teacherAccountBody": "A Scratch Teacher Account provides teachers and other educators with additional features to manage student participation on Scratch, including the ability to create student accounts, organize student projects into studios, and monitor student comments. For more information on Scratch Teacher Accounts, see the {eduFaqLink}.",
+ "faq.teacherAccountBody": "Scratch Öğretmen Hesabı, öğrencilerin Scratch kullanımını yönetebilmeleri için öğretmen ve diğer eğitimcilere, öğrenci hesaplarını oluşturma, stüdyolarda öğrenci projeleri organize etme ve öğrenci yorumlarını kontrol etme gibi yetkiler sağlar. Öğretmen Hesapları hakkında daha fazla bilgi için {eduFaqLink} a bakın.",
"faq.eduFaqLinkText": "Scratch Öğretmen Hesabı Sık Sorulan Sorular",
"faq.requestTitle": "Nasıl Scratch Öğretmen Hesabı alabilirim?",
- "faq.requestBody": "You may request a Scratch Teacher Account from the {educatorsLink} on Scratch. We ask for additional information during the registration process in order to verify your role as an educator.",
+ "faq.requestBody": "{educatorsLink} üzerinden Öğretmen Hesabı talebi yapabilirsiniz. Eğitmen kimliğinizi doğrulamak için kayıt sırasında daha detaylı sorular sorulacaktır.",
"faq.dataTitle": "Scratch öğrenciler ile ilgili hangi verileri topluyor?",
"faq.dataBody": "Bir öğrenci ilk kez Scratch'a kaydolduğunda, cinsiyet, yaş (doğum ayı ve yılı), ülke ve doğrulama için e-posta adresi gibi temel demografik bilgileri isteriz. Bu veriler, insanların Scratch ile nasıl öğrendiği konusundaki araştırma çalışmalarında kullanılır. (toplu olarak) Öğretmen hesabı ile toplu olarak öğrenci hesaplarının oluşturulması durumunda öğrencilerin ayrıca hesap kurulumu için e-posta adresi vermesine gerek olmaz. ",
"faq.lawComplianceTitle": "Scratch (çevrimiçi versiyonu) ABD'nin bölgesel ve federal veri gizliliği kanunlarıyla uyuyor mu?",
- "faq.lawComplianceBody1": "Scratch cares deeply about the privacy of students and of all individuals who use our platform. We have in place physical and electronic procedures to protect the information we collect on the Scratch website. Although we are not in a position to offer contractual guarantees with each entity that uses our free educational product, we are in compliance with all United States federal laws that are applicable to MIT and the Scratch Foundation, the organizations that have created and maintained Scratch. We encourage you to read the Scratch Privacy Policy for more information.",
- "faq.lawComplianceBody2": "If you would like to build projects with Scratch without submitting any Personal Information to us, you can download {downloadLink}. Projects created in Scratch Desktop are not accessible by the Scratch Team, and using Scratch Desktop does not disclose any personally identifying information to Scratch unless you upload these projects to the Scratch online community."
+ "faq.lawComplianceBody1": "Scratch, öğrencilerin ve platformumuzu kullanan tüm bireylerin mahremiyetine büyük önem vermektedir. Scratch web sitesinde topladığımız bilgileri korumak için fiziksel ve elektronik prosedürler uyguluyoruz. Her ne kadar ücretsiz eğitim ürünümüzü kullanan her bir işletme ile sözleşme yapma pozisyonunda olmasakta, Scratch'i yaratan ve koruyan MIT ve Scratch Vakfı , ABD'de geçerli olan tüm federal yasalara uygundur. Daha fazla bilgi için Scratch Gizlilik Politikası'nı okumanızı öneririz",
+ "faq.lawComplianceBody2": "Bize Kişisel Bilgilerinizi göndermeden Scratch ile projeler oluşturmak istiyorsanız, {downloadLink} dosyasını indirebilirsiniz. Scratch Desktop’ta oluşturulan projelere Scratch Ekibi tarafından erişilemez ve Scratch Desktop’ı kullanarak bu projeleri Scratch çevrimiçi topluluğuna yüklemediğiniz sürece Scratch'a kişisel olarak tanımlayıcı hiçbir bilgi verilmez."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/zu.json
index a13ec245..909eece5 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/zu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/zu.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"faq.requirementsTabletSafari": "Mobile Safari (11+)",
"faq.requirementsNote": "Note:",
"faq.requirementsNoteDesktop": "If your computer doesn’t meet these requirements, you can try the {downloadLink} editor (see next item in FAQ). ",
- "faq.scratchDesktop": "Scratch Desktop",
+ "faq.scratchDesktop": "Ukuphezulu kweDeski ",
"faq.requirementsNoteWebGL": "If you encounter a WebGL error, try a different browser.",
"faq.requirementsNoteTablets": "On tablets, there is currently not a way to use \"key pressed\" blocks or right-click context menus.",
"faq.offlineTitle": "Do you have a downloadable version so I can create and view projects offline?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json
index 016b1f42..7f25fc74 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ar.json
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"general.3faq": "To learn more, go to the {faqLink}.",
"footer.discuss": "المنتديات",
"footer.scratchFamily": "عائلة سكراتش",
- "form.validationRequired": "This field is required",
+ "form.validationRequired": "هذا الحقل إجباري",
"login.needHelp": "تحتاج الى مساعدة؟",
"navigation.signOut": "تسجيل الخروج",
"extensionHeader.requirements": "Requirements",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json
index d6053287..45e58e27 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/es.json
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"general.copyLink": "Copiar enlace",
"general.report": "Denunciar",
"general.notAvailableHeadline": "¡Ups! Nuestro servidor se está rascando la cabeza",
- "general.notAvailableSubtitle": "No pudimos encontrar la página que estás buscando. Comprueba que has escrito correctamente la URL.",
+ "general.notAvailableSubtitle": "No hemos podido encontrar la página que estás buscando. Comprueba que has escrito correctamente la URL.",
"general.seeAllComments": "Ver todos los comentarios",
"general.all": "Todos",
"general.animations": "Animaciones",
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"comments.post": "Publicar",
"comments.cancel": "Cancelar",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 carácter restante} other {{remainingCharacters} caracteres restantes}}",
- "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {See 1 more reply} other {See all {repliesCount} replies}}",
+ "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {Ver una respuesta más} other {Ver las {repliesCount} respuestas}}",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Eliminado por el propietario del proyecto",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Censurado por el filtro",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Comentario padre eliminado",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json
index 48b9d496..9335b240 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"general.back": "بازگشت",
"general.birthMonth": "ماه تولد",
"general.birthYear": "سال تولد",
- "general.donate": "Donate",
+ "general.donate": "کمک مالی",
"general.close": "بستن",
"general.collaborators": "همکاران",
"general.community": "انجمن",
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"general.myClass": "کلاس من",
"general.myClasses": "کلاسهای من",
"general.myStuff": "کارهای من",
- "general.noDeletionTitle": "Your Account Will Not Be Deleted",
+ "general.noDeletionTitle": "حساب کاربری شما حذف نخواهد شد",
"general.noDeletionDescription": "Your account was scheduled for deletion but you logged in. Your account has been reactivated. If you didn’t request for your account to be deleted, you should {resetLink} to make sure your account is secure.",
"general.noDeletionLink": "رمزعبور خود را تغییر دهید",
"general.notRequired": "لازم نیست",
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"general.studios": "استودیوها",
"general.support": "پشتیبانی",
"general.ideas": "ایدهها",
- "general.tipsWindow": "Tips Window",
+ "general.tipsWindow": "پنجره نکات آموزشی",
"general.termsOfUse": "شرایط استفاده",
"general.unhandledError": "We are so sorry, but it looks like Scratch has crashed. This bug has been automatically reported to the Scratch Team.",
"general.username": "نام کاربری",
@@ -91,15 +91,15 @@
"general.notAvailableSubtitle": "ما نتوانستیم صفحهای که شما دنبالش میگردید را پیدا کنیم. بررسی کنید که آدرس سایت را درست وارد کردهاید.",
"general.seeAllComments": "مشاهده تمام نظرات",
"general.all": "همه",
- "general.animations": "Animations",
+ "general.animations": "انیمیشن",
"general.art": "هنر",
"general.games": "بازیها",
"general.music": "موسیقی",
"general.results": "نتایج",
"general.stories": "داستانها",
"general.tutorials": "آموزشها",
- "general.teacherAccounts": "Teacher Accounts",
- "general.unsupportedBrowser": "This browser is not supported",
+ "general.teacherAccounts": "حساب کاربری معلم",
+ "general.unsupportedBrowser": "این مرورگر مناسب نیست",
"general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "خیلی متاسفیم. اما اسکرچ 3.0 مرورگرهای اینترنت اکسپلورر، ویوالدی، اپرا یا سیلک را پشتیبانی نمیکند. پیشنهاد میکنیم که از مرورگرهای جدیدتر مثل گوگل کروم، موزیلا فایرفاکس یا میکروسافت اج استفاده کنید.",
"general.3faq": "برای یادگیری بیشتر، به {faqLink} بروید.",
"footer.discuss": "تالار گفتگو",
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
"extensionHeader.requirements": "الزامات",
"extensionInstallation.addExtension": "In the editor, click on the \"Add Extensions\" button on the lower left.",
"oschooser.choose": "سیستمعامل خود را انتخاب کنید:",
- "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Install Scratch Link",
+ "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "لینک نصب اسکرچ",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Download and install Scratch Link.",
"installScratchLink.or": "یا",
- "installScratchLink.directDownload": "Direct download",
+ "installScratchLink.directDownload": "دانلود مستقیم",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink": "Start Scratch Link and make sure it is running. It should appear in your toolbar.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "While Scratch is primarily designed for 8 to 16 year olds, it is also used by people of all ages, including younger children with their parents.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "What is the age range for Scratch?",
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@
"registration.lastStepDescription": "We are currently processing your application. ",
"registration.mustBeNewStudent": "You must be a new student to complete your registration",
"registration.nameStepTooltip": "This information is used for verification and to aggregate usage statistics.",
- "registration.newPassword": "New Password",
- "registration.nextStep": "Next Step",
+ "registration.newPassword": "رمز عبور جدید",
+ "registration.nextStep": "قدم بعدی",
"registration.notYou": "Not you? Log in as another user",
"registration.optIn": "Send me updates on using Scratch in educational settings",
"registration.personalStepTitle": "Personal Information",
"registration.personalStepDescription": "Your individual responses will not be displayed publicly, and will be kept confidential and secure",
- "registration.selectCountry": "select country",
+ "registration.selectCountry": "انتخاب کشور",
"registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "This information will not appear on the Scratch website.",
"registration.showPassword": "Show password",
"registration.usernameStepDescription": "Fill in the following forms to request an account. The approval process may take up to one day.",
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
"registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "Already have a Scratch account?",
"registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "You'll need to create a new Scratch account to join this class.",
"registration.studentUsernameFieldHelpText": "For safety, don't use your real name!",
- "registration.usernameStepTitle": "Request a Teacher Account",
+ "registration.usernameStepTitle": "درخواست یک حساب کاربری معلم",
"registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Create a Scratch Account",
"registration.validationMaxLength": "Sorry, you have exceeded the maximum character limit.",
"registration.validationPasswordLength": "رمزعبور شما باید حداقل ۶ کرکتر باشد",
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
"registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Usernames must be at least 3 characters",
"registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Usernames must be at most 20 characters",
"registration.validationUsernameExists": "ببخشید، این نام کاربری قبلا وجود داشته",
- "registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "Hmm, that looks inappropriate",
+ "registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "جالبه، به نظر نامناسب میرسه",
"registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "نام کاربری نامعتبر",
"registration.waitForApproval": "Wait for Approval",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to one day. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.",
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@
"report.projectInstructions": "From the dropdown below, please select the reason why you feel this project is disrespectful or inappropriate or otherwise breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "دستورالعملهای جامعهی اسکرچ",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Select a reason",
- "report.reasonCopy": "Exact Copy of Project",
- "report.reasonUncredited": "Uses Image/Music Without Credit",
- "report.reasonScary": "Too Violent or Scary",
- "report.reasonLanguage": "Inappropriate Language",
- "report.reasonMusic": "Inappropriate Music",
+ "report.reasonCopy": "کپی برداری دقیقی از یک پروژه است",
+ "report.reasonUncredited": "از تصویر و یا آهنگی بدون رعایت حقوق مالکیت استفاده شده است",
+ "report.reasonScary": "بسیار وحشیانه یا ترسناک",
+ "report.reasonLanguage": "زبان نامناسب دارد",
+ "report.reasonMusic": "موسیقی نامناسب دارد.",
"report.reasonMissing": "Please select a reason",
- "report.reasonImage": "Inappropriate Images",
- "report.reasonPersonal": "Sharing Personal Contact Information",
+ "report.reasonImage": "تصاویر نامناسب دارد.",
+ "report.reasonPersonal": "اطلاعات شخصی را به اشتراک گذاشته است.",
"report.receivedHeader": "We have received your report!",
"report.receivedBody": "The Scratch Team will review the project based on the Scratch community guidelines.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Select a reason why above.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json
index 9712b168..b3259aea 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/fr.json
@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@
"report.promptCopy": "Merci de fournir un lien vers le projet original",
"report.promptUncredited": "Merci de fournir des liens vers le contenu non-crédité",
"report.promptScary": "Merci de dire pourquoi le projet est trop violent ou effrayant",
- "report.promptLanguage": "Merci de dire où le langage inapproprié apparaît dans le projet. (¨Par exemple : Notes et crédits, nom du lutin, texte du projet, etc...)",
+ "report.promptLanguage": "Merci de dire où le langage inapproprié apparaît dans le projet. (¨Par exemple : Notes et crédits, nom du sprite, texte du projet, etc...)",
"report.promptMusic": "Merci de donner le nom du ficher son contenant la musique inappropriée",
- "report.promptPersonal": "Merci de dire où les informations personnelles de contact sont partagées (Par exemple: Notes et crédits, nom du lutin, texte du projet, etc...)",
+ "report.promptPersonal": "Merci de dire où les informations personnelles de contact sont partagées (Par exemple: Notes et crédits, nom du sprite, texte du projet, etc...)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Pouvez-vous être plus précis sur les raisons pour lesquelles ce projet ne respecte pas les Lignes de Conduite de la Communauté.",
- "report.promptImage": "Merci de dire le nom du lutin ou de l'arrière plan avec l'image inappropriée.",
+ "report.promptImage": "Merci de dire le nom du sprite ou de l'arrière plan avec l'image inappropriée.",
"report.tooLongError": "C'est trop long! S'il-vous-plait trouvez un moyen de raccourcir votre texte.",
"report.tooShortError": "C'est trop court! S'il-vous-plait décrivez en détail ce qui est inapproprié ou irrespectueux à propos de ce projet.",
"report.send": "Envoyer",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json
index aff17200..62964a2e 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/hr.json
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
"extensionHeader.requirements": "Potrebno",
"extensionInstallation.addExtension": "In the editor, click on the \"Add Extensions\" button on the lower left.",
"oschooser.choose": "Choose your OS:",
- "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Instaliraj Scratch povznicu",
+ "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Instaliraj Scratch poveznicu",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Preuzmi i instaliraj Scratch poveznicu.",
"installScratchLink.or": "or",
"installScratchLink.directDownload": "Direktno preuzimanje",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json
index 4213810f..2c953dce 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/mi.json
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"comments.post": "Tukuake",
"comments.cancel": "Whakakore",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 te pūāhua kei te toe} other {{remainingCharacters} ngā pūāhua kei te toe}}",
- "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {See 1 more reply} other {See all {repliesCount} replies}}",
+ "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {Tirohia tētahi urupare anō} other {Tirohia ngā urupare {repliesCount} katoa}}",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Kua mukua e te tangata nāna te kaupapa",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Kua rāhuitia e te tātari-aunoa",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Kua mukua te tākupu matua",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json
index c16ad99e..990ed62c 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/ru.json
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
"general.stories": "Истории",
"general.tutorials": "Учебники",
"general.teacherAccounts": "Учительские аккаунты",
- "general.unsupportedBrowser": "This browser is not supported",
+ "general.unsupportedBrowser": "Этот браузер не поддерживается",
"general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "Нам очень жаль, но Scratch 3.0 не поддерживает Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera или Silk. Мы рекомендуем попробовать новый браузер, например, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge.",
"general.3faq": "To learn more, go to the {faqLink}.",
"footer.discuss": "Форумы",
@@ -201,40 +201,40 @@
"report.textMissing": "Расскажите нам почему вы желаете пожаловаться на проект",
"comments.delete": "Удалить",
"comments.restore": "Восстановить",
- "comments.reportModal.title": "Report Comment",
+ "comments.reportModal.title": "Пожаловатся на комментарий",
"comments.reportModal.reported": "The comment has been reported, and the Scratch Team has been notified.",
"comments.reportModal.prompt": "Are you sure you want to report this comment?",
- "comments.deleteModal.title": "Delete Comment",
+ "comments.deleteModal.title": "Удалить Комментарий",
"comments.deleteModal.body": "Delete this comment? If the comment is mean or disrespectful, please click Report instead to let the Scratch Team know about it.",
- "comments.reply": "reply",
- "comments.isEmpty": "You can't post an empty comment",
+ "comments.reply": "ответить",
+ "comments.isEmpty": "Вы не можете опубликовать пустой комментарий",
"comments.isFlood": "Woah, seems like you're commenting really quickly. Please wait longer between posts.",
"comments.isBad": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your comment. Please change it and remember to be respectful.",
"comments.hasChatSite": "Uh oh! The comment contains a link to a website with unmoderated chat. For safety reasons, please do not link to these sites!",
"comments.isSpam": "Hmm, seems like you've posted the same comment a bunch of times. Please don't spam.",
"comments.isMuted": "Hmm, the filterbot is pretty sure your recent comments weren't ok for Scratch, so your account has been muted for the rest of the day. :/",
"comments.isUnconstructive": "Hmm, the filterbot thinks your comment may be mean or disrespectful. Remember, most projects on Scratch are made by people who are just learning how to program.",
- "comments.isDisallowed": "Hmm, it looks like comments have been turned off for this page. :/",
+ "comments.isDisallowed": "Хмм, кажется комментарии отключены на этой странице. :/",
"comments.isIPMuted": "Sorry, the Scratch Team had to prevent your network from sharing comments or projects because it was used to break our community guidelines too many times. You can still share comments and projects from another network. If you'd like to appeal this block, you can contact appeals@scratch.mit.edu and reference Case Number {appealId}.",
"comments.isTooLong": "That comment is too long! Please find a way to shorten your text.",
- "comments.error": "Oops! Something went wrong posting your comment",
- "comments.posting": "Posting...",
+ "comments.error": "Упс! Что-то пошло не так при публикации вашего комментарии.",
+ "comments.posting": "Публикуем...",
"comments.post": "Опубликовать",
"comments.cancel": "Отменить",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {Остался 1 символ} few {Осталось {remainingCharacters} символа} many {Осталось {remainingCharacters} символов} other {Осталось {remainingCharacters} символов}}",
"comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {See 1 more reply} other {See all {repliesCount} replies}}",
- "comments.status.delbyusr": "Deleted by project owner",
+ "comments.status.delbyusr": "Удалено владельцем проекта",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Censored by filter",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Parent comment deleted",
"comments.status.censbyadmin": "Censored by admin",
- "comments.status.delbyadmin": "Deleted by admin",
+ "comments.status.delbyadmin": "Удалено администратором",
"comments.status.parentcommentcensored": "Parent comment censored",
"comments.status.delbyclass": "Deleted by class",
"comments.status.hiddenduetourl": "Hidden due to URL",
"comments.status.markedbyfilter": "Marked by filter",
"comments.status.censbyunconstructive": "Censored unconstructive",
"comments.status.suspended": "Suspended",
- "comments.status.acctdel": "Account deleted",
- "comments.status.deleted": "Deleted",
+ "comments.status.acctdel": "Аккаунт удалён",
+ "comments.status.deleted": "Удалено",
"comments.status.reported": "Reported"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json
index 947f3a5f..f1627da8 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/sk.json
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"comments.post": "Odoslať",
"comments.cancel": "Zrušiť",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {zostáva 1 znak} few {zostávajú {remainingCharacters} znaky} many {zostáva {remainingCharacters} znakov} other {{remainingCharacters} znakov zostáva}}",
- "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {See 1 more reply} other {See all {repliesCount} replies}}",
+ "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {Zobraziť ďalšiu 1 odpoveď } few {Zobraziť ďalšie {repliesCount} odpovede} many {Zobraziť všetkých {repliesCount} odpovedí} other {Zobraziť všetkých {repliesCount} odpovedí}}",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Vymazaný vlastníkom projektu",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Cenzurované filtrom",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Rodičovský komentár bol odstránený",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json
index 5f90e513..3584100b 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/tr.json
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"general.copyLink": "Linki kopyala.",
"general.report": "Bildir",
"general.notAvailableHeadline": "Hay aksi! Sunucumuzda bir hata oldu.",
- "general.notAvailableSubtitle": "Aradığın sayfayı bulamadım. Adresi yanlış yazmış olabilir misin?",
+ "general.notAvailableSubtitle": "Aradığın sayfayı bulamadım. URL'i yanlış yazmış olabilir misin?",
"general.seeAllComments": "Bütün yorumları göster.",
"general.all": "Tümü",
"general.animations": "Çizgi Filmler",
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"comments.post": "Duyur",
"comments.cancel": "İptal",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 karakter kaldı} other {{remainingCharacters} harf kaldı}}",
- "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {See 1 more reply} other {See all {repliesCount} replies}}",
+ "comments.seeMoreReplies": "{repliesCount, plural, one {1 yanıt daha görün.} other {{repliesCount} yanıtların hepsini görün}}",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Proje sahibi tarafından silindi",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Filtre tarafından silindi",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Ebeveyn yorumu silindi",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json
index 2f0676c4..765051a8 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.general-l10njson/zu.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"general.dmca": "DMCA",
"general.emailAddress": "Ikheli Email",
"general.error": "Oops! Into ehambe kabi",
- "general.errorIdentifier": "Your error was logged with id {errorId}",
+ "general.errorIdentifier": "Iphutha lakho lingeniswe kuID {errorId}",
"general.explore": "Hlola",
"general.faq": "FAQ",
"general.female": "Owesifazane",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/el.json
index 6b608e56..ffa0a062 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/el.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/el.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"ideas.headerMessage": "Εσείς τι θα δημιουργήσετε;",
"ideas.headerButtonMessage": "Επιλέξτε ένα εκπαιδευτικό υλικό",
"ideas.gettingStartedTitle": "Ξεκινώντας",
- "ideas.gettingStartedText": "Νέος στο Scratch; Δοκιμάστε το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό Ξεκινώντας.",
+ "ideas.gettingStartedText": "Νέοι στο Scratch; Δοκιμάστε το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό Ξεκινώντας.",
"ideas.tryIt": "Δοκιμάστε το!",
"ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "Οδηγοί Δραστηριοτήτων",
"ideas.activityGuidesText": "Τι θέλετε να δημιουργήσετε με το Scratch; Για κάθε δραστηριότητα, μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε το Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό, να κατεβάσετε ένα πακέτο με Κάρτες Κώδικα, ή να δείτε τον Οδηγό Εκπαιδευτικών.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/fa.json
index 45d7c276..945f07d4 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"ideas.headerMessage": "شما چه چیزی میسازید؟",
- "ideas.headerButtonMessage": "Choose a tutorial",
+ "ideas.headerButtonMessage": "یک آموزش را انتخاب کنید",
"ideas.gettingStartedTitle": "شروع کنید",
- "ideas.gettingStartedText": "New to Scratch? Try the Getting Started tutorial.",
- "ideas.tryIt": "Try it!",
- "ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "Activity Guides",
- "ideas.activityGuidesText": "What do you want to make with Scratch? For each activity, you can try the Tutorial, download a set of Coding Cards, or view the Educator Guide.",
+ "ideas.gettingStartedText": "آیا یکی از کاربران تازه کار اسکرچ هستید؟ از آموزشهای مقدماتی شروع کنید.",
+ "ideas.tryIt": "شروع کنید!",
+ "ideas.activityGuidesTitle": "راهنمای فعالیتها",
+ "ideas.activityGuidesText": "با اسکرچ میخواهید چه چیزی را بسازید؟ برای هر کاری، میتوانید از آموزشهای آن استفاده کنید، مجموعهای از کارتهای برنامه نویسی را دانلود کنید و یا راهنمای معلمین را ببیند.",
"ideas.animateANameTitle": "پویا نمایی یک اسم",
- "ideas.animateANameDescription": "Animate the letters of your name, initials, or favorite word.",
+ "ideas.animateANameDescription": "حروف اسم و یا کلمهای که دوست دارید را به حرکت بیندازید.",
"ideas.animateACharacterTitle": "Animate a Character",
"ideas.animateACharacterDescription": "Bring characters to life with animation.",
"ideas.makeMusicTitle": "خلق موسیقی",
@@ -18,26 +18,26 @@
"ideas.chaseGameDescription": "Make a game where you chase a character to score points.",
"ideas.videoSensingTitle": "درک کردن از طریق ویدیو",
"ideas.videoSensingDescription": "Interact with a project using the Video Sensing extension.",
- "ideas.seeAllTutorials": "See All Tutorials",
- "ideas.cardsTitle": "Get the Entire Collection of Coding Cards",
- "ideas.cardsText": "With the Scratch Coding Cards, you can learn to create interactive games, stories, music, animations, and more!",
- "ideas.downloadPDF": "Download PDF",
- "ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "Starter Projects",
- "ideas.starterProjectsText": "You can play with Starter Projects and remix them to make your own creations.",
- "ideas.starterProjectsButton": "Explore Starter Projects",
+ "ideas.seeAllTutorials": "دیدن همه آموزشها",
+ "ideas.cardsTitle": "یک مجموعه ی کامل از کارت های کدنویسی را بگیرید",
+ "ideas.cardsText": "با استفاده از کارتهای کدنویسی اسکرچ یاد خواهید گرفت که چگونه میتوانید بازی، داستان، موسیقی، انیمیشن و خیلی چیزهای دیگر را بسازید.",
+ "ideas.downloadPDF": "دانلود فایل PDF",
+ "ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "پروژههای مبتدیان",
+ "ideas.starterProjectsText": "با پروژههای مبتدیان بازی کنید و برای ساخت پروژههای خودتان، آن ها را بازترکیب کنید.",
+ "ideas.starterProjectsButton": "مشاهده ی پروژههایی برای مبتدیان",
"ideas.tryTheTutorial": "Try the tutorial",
"ideas.codingCards": "Coding Cards",
"ideas.educatorGuide": "Educator Guide",
- "ideas.desktopEditorHeader": "Scratch Desktop Download",
- "ideas.desktopEditorBody": "To create projects without an Internet connection, you can download Scratch Desktop.",
- "ideas.questionsHeader": "Questions",
- "ideas.questionsBody": "Have more questions? See the Frequently Asked Questions or visit the Help with Scripts Forum.",
+ "ideas.desktopEditorHeader": "دانلود نسخه ی دسکتاپ اسکرچ",
+ "ideas.desktopEditorBody": "برای آن که بتوانید بدون اینترنت پروژههای تان را بسازید، نسخه ی دسکتاپ اسکرچ را دانلود کنید.",
+ "ideas.questionsHeader": "سوالات",
+ "ideas.questionsBody": "آیا بازهم سوالاتی دارید؟ صفحه ی سوالات متداول و یا کمک از انجمن دستورات را ببیند. ",
"ideas.cardsPurchase": "Purchase Printed Set",
"ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "Make It Fly",
"ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "Animate the Scratch Cat, The Powerpuff Girls, or even a taco!",
- "ideas.RaceTitle": "Race to the Finish",
+ "ideas.RaceTitle": "مسابقه به پایان رسید",
"ideas.RaceDescription": "Make a game where two characters race each other.",
- "ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "Hide and Seek",
+ "ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "قایم موشک",
"ideas.HideAndSeekDescription": "Make a hide-and-seek game with characters that appear and disappear.",
"ideas.FashionTitle": "Fashion Game",
"ideas.FashionDescription": "Make a game where you dress a character with different clothes and styles.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/lv.json b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/lv.json
index 40859766..ecb51e9d 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/lv.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.ideas-l10njson/lv.json
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
"ideas.seeAllTutorials": "See All Tutorials",
"ideas.cardsTitle": "Get the Entire Collection of Coding Cards",
"ideas.cardsText": "With the Scratch Coding Cards, you can learn to create interactive games, stories, music, animations, and more!",
- "ideas.downloadPDF": "Download PDF",
+ "ideas.downloadPDF": "Lejupielādēt PDF",
"ideas.starterProjectsTitle": "Iesācēja projekti",
"ideas.starterProjectsText": "You can play with Starter Projects and remix them to make your own creations.",
"ideas.starterProjectsButton": "Explore Starter Projects",
"ideas.tryTheTutorial": "Try the tutorial",
"ideas.codingCards": "Coding Cards",
- "ideas.educatorGuide": "Educator Guide",
+ "ideas.educatorGuide": "Pasniedzēja ceļvedis",
"ideas.desktopEditorHeader": "Scratch Desktop Download",
"ideas.desktopEditorBody": "To create projects without an Internet connection, you can download Scratch Desktop.",
- "ideas.questionsHeader": "Questions",
- "ideas.questionsBody": "Have more questions? See the Frequently Asked Questions or visit the Help with Scripts Forum.",
- "ideas.cardsPurchase": "Purchase Printed Set",
+ "ideas.questionsHeader": "Jautājumi",
+ "ideas.questionsBody": "Ir vēl jautājumi? Apskati bieži uzdotos jautājumus vai apmeklē Help with Scripts Forum.",
+ "ideas.cardsPurchase": "Pirkt drukātu komplektu",
"ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "Liec tam lidot",
"ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "Animate the Scratch Cat, The Powerpuff Girls, or even a taco!",
"ideas.RaceTitle": "Sacīkstes līdz beigām",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fa.json
index 5479712d..56c08e3b 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.messages-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"messages.activityAll": "تمام فعالیتها",
- "messages.activityComments": "Comment Activity",
- "messages.activityProjects": "Project Activity",
+ "messages.activityComments": "نظرات داده شده",
+ "messages.activityProjects": "فعالیتهای پروژه",
"messages.activityStudios": "Studio Activity",
"messages.activityForums": "Forum Activity",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} promoted you to manager for the studio {studio}",
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
"messages.profileOther": "پروفایل {username}",
"messages.profileSelf": "پروفایل شما",
"messages.projectComment": "{profileLink} commented on your project {commentLink}",
- "messages.remixText": "{profileLink} remixed your project {remixedProjectLink} as {projectLink}",
+ "messages.remixText": "کاربر {profileLink} پروژه ی {remixedProjectLink} را به عنوان {projectLink} بازترکیب کرده است",
"messages.scratcherInvite": "You are invited to become a Scratcher! {learnMore}!",
"messages.scratchTeamTitle": "Messages from the Scratch Team",
- "messages.studioActivityText": "There was new activity in {studioLink} today",
+ "messages.studioActivityText": "امروز در {studioLink} فعالیتهای جدیدی انجام شده است. ",
"messages.studioCommentReply": "{profileLink} replied to your comment in {commentLink}",
"messages.userJoinText": "Welcome to Scratch! After you make projects and comments, you'll get messages about them here. Go {exploreLink} or {makeProjectLink}.",
"messages.userJoinMakeProject": "make a project",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fa.json
index 30108ca8..24cf027b 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.microbit-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"microbit.displayHelloText": "“display hello”",
"microbit.helloScroll": "You should see {helloText} scroll across the micro:bit display",
"microbit.helloText": "“hello”",
- "microbit.starterProjects": "Starter Projects",
+ "microbit.starterProjects": "پروژههای مبتدیان",
"microbit.heartBeat": "Heart Beat",
"microbit.heartBeatDescription": "Press the buttons to animate the heart.",
"microbit.tiltGuitar": "Tilt Guitar",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json
index 068e50b2..00c53af7 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/el.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"parents.faqAgeRangeTitle": "Ποιο είναι το φάσμα των ηλικιών για το Scratch;",
"parents.faqAgeRangeBody": "Το Scratch είναι σχεδιασμένο ειδικά για νέους ηλικίας από 8 έως 16, αλλά άνθρωποι όλων των ηλικιών δημιουργούν και μοιράζονται με το Scratch. Τα μικρότερα παιδιά μπορεί να θέλουν να δοκιμάσουν το {scratchJr}, μια απλοποιημένη έκδοση του Scratch σχεδιασμένη για ηλικίες από 5 έως 7.",
"parents.faqResourcesTitle": "Ποιες πηγές είναι διαθέσιμες για να μάθω να χρησιμοποιώ το Scratch;",
- "parents.faqResourcesBody": "Αν ξεκινάτε τώρα, υπάρχει ένας διαθέσιμος {stepByStepGuide} μέσα στο Scratch. Για επισκόπηση πηγών Scratch, δείτε τη {ideasPage}.",
+ "parents.faqResourcesBody": "Αν ξεκινάτε τώρα, υπάρχει ένας διαθέσιμος {stepByStepGuide} μέσα στο Scratch. Για επισκόπηση πηγών Scratch, δείτε τη σελίδα {ideasPage}.",
"parents.faqIdeasLinkText": "Ιδέες",
"parents.faqStepByStepGuideLinkText": "οδηγός βήμα-βήμα",
"parents.faqGettingStartedGuideLinkText": "Οδηγός Εκκίνησης (PDF)",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Τι είναι η διαδικτυακή κοινότητα του Scratch;",
"parents.faqCommunityBody": "Όταν συμμετέχετε στη διαδικτυακή κοινότητα του Scratch, τα μέλη μπορούν να εξερευνήσουν και να πειραματιστούν σε μια ανοικτή μαθησιακή κοινότητα με άλλα μέλη του Scratch όλων των υποβάθρων, ηλικιών και ενδιαφερόντων. Τα μέλη μπορούν να μοιραστούν την δουλειά τους, να λάβουν ανατροφοδότηση, και να μάθουν ο ένας απ' τον άλλον.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Ποιες είναι οι οδηγίες για τη διαδικτυακή κοινότητα του Scratch;",
- "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Η Ομάδα Scratch του MIT εργάζεται με την κοινότητα για να διατηρήσει ένα φιλικό και γεμάτο σεβασμό περιβάλλον για ανθρώπους όλων των ηλικιών, φυλών, εθνικοτήτων, θρησκειών, σεξουαλικών προσανατολισμών, και ταυτοτήτων φύλου. Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε το παιδί σας να μάθει πώς να συμμετέχει εξετάζοντας τις {communityGuidelines} μαζί του. Ζητάμε από τα μέλη να σχολιάζουν εποικοδομητικά και να βοηθούν στη διατήρηση ενός φιλικού ιστοτόπου αναφέροντας οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο δεν ακολουθεί τις οδηγίες της κοινότητας. Η Ομάδα του Scratch εργάζεται κάθε μέρα για να διαχειρίζεται δραστηριότητα στον ιστότοπο και να απαντάει σε αναφορές, με τη βοήθεια εργαλείων όπως το φίλτρο ασέβειας {CleanSpeak}. ",
+ "parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Η Ομάδα Scratch του MIT εργάζεται με την κοινότητα για να διατηρήσει ένα φιλικό και γεμάτο σεβασμό περιβάλλον για ανθρώπους όλων των ηλικιών, φυλών, εθνικοτήτων, θρησκειών, σεξουαλικών προσανατολισμών και ταυτοτήτων φύλου. Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε το παιδί σας να μάθει πώς να συμμετέχει εξετάζοντας τις {communityGuidelines} μαζί του. Ζητάμε από τα μέλη να σχολιάζουν εποικοδομητικά και να βοηθούν στη διατήρηση ενός φιλικού ιστοτόπου αναφέροντας οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο δεν ακολουθεί τις οδηγίες της κοινότητας. Η Ομάδα του Scratch εργάζεται κάθε μέρα για να διαχειρίζεται τη δραστηριότητα στον ιστότοπο και να απαντάει σε αναφορές, με τη βοήθεια εργαλείων όπως το φίλτρο ασέβειας {CleanSpeak}. ",
"parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "οδηγίες κοινότητας",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Ποια είναι η πολιτική προστασίας;",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Για να προστατεύσουμε τη διαδικτυακή ιδιωτικότητα των παιδιών, περιορίζουμε τα δεδομένα που συλλέγουμε κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας εγγραφής, και τα δεδομένα που εμφανίζονται δημόσια στον ιστότοπο. Δεν πουλάμε ή νοικιάζουμε πληροφορίες λογαριασμού σε κανέναν. Μπορείτε να μάθετε περισσότερα για την {privacyPolicy} μας. ",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fa.json
index dd7699c8..9b00c633 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "What are the guidelines for the Scratch online community?",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The MIT Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the community guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.",
"parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "community guidelines",
- "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "What is your privacy policy?",
+ "parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "حریم خصوصی شما چیست؟",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "To protect children's online privacy, we limit what we collect during the signup process, and what we make public on the website. We don't sell or rent account information to anyone. You can find out more about our {privacyPolicy} page.",
"parents.faqFAQLinkText": "frequently asked questions page",
"parents.faqOfflineTitle": "Is there a way to use Scratch without participating online?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/th.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/th.json
index c5565e49..1fd7adee 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/th.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/th.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"parents.title": "สำหรับผู้ปกครอง",
- "parents.intro": "Scratch คือ ภาษาโปรแกรมหนึ่ง และมีชุมชนผู้ใช้ ที่เด็กๆสามารถเขียนโปรแกรม และแบ่งปันสื่อในรูปแบบต่างๆ เช่น นิทาน, เกมส์ และเอนิเมชั่น ร่วมกับคนอื่นๆทั้งโลก. เมื่อเด็กๆสร้างผลงานด้วย Scratch พวกเข้าจะได้ฝึกความคิดสร้างสรรค์ ทักษะการทำงานร่วมกัน และทักษะการคิดอย่างเป็นระบบ. Scratch ได้รับการออกแบบและดูแลโดย Lifelong Kindergarten group จาก MIT Media Lab. ",
+ "parents.intro": "Scratch คือ ภาษาโปรแกรมหนึ่ง และมีชุมชนผู้ใช้ ที่เด็กๆสามารถเขียนโปรแกรม และแบ่งปันสื่อในรูปแบบต่างๆ เช่น นิทาน, เกมส์ และเอนิเมชั่น ร่วมกับคนอื่นๆทั้งโลก เมื่อเด็กๆสร้างผลงานด้วย Scratch พวกเข้าจะได้ฝึกความคิดสร้างสรรค์ ทักษะการทำงานร่วมกัน และทักษะการคิดอย่างเป็นระบบ Scratch ได้รับการออกแบบและดูแลโดย Lifelong Kindergarten group จาก MIT Media Lab ",
"parents.overview": "มันทำงานอย่างไร",
"parents.faq": "คำถามพบบ่อย",
"parents.overviewTitle": "How does Scratch work for children?",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/zu.json
index f1ad147c..a920aaba 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/zu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.parents-l10njson/zu.json
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"parents.faqFAQLinkText": "frequently asked questions page",
"parents.faqOfflineTitle": "Is there a way to use Scratch without participating online?",
"parents.faqOfflineBody": "The Scratch Desktop editor allows you to create Scratch projects without an internet connection. You can download {scratchDesktop} from the website. This was previously called the Scratch Offline editor.",
- "parents.faqScratchDesktop": "Scratch Desktop",
+ "parents.faqScratchDesktop": "Ukuphezulu kweDeski ",
"parents.faqOffline2LinkText": "Scratch 2.0 offline editor",
"parents.faqOffline14LinkText": "Scratch 1.4 offline editor"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fa.json
index 90adc4b9..151cdf7e 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
"project.videoMotionChip": "Video Motion",
"project.needsConnection": "Needs Connection",
"project.comments.header": "نظرات",
- "project.comments.turnOff": "Turn off commenting",
+ "project.comments.turnOff": "غیرفعال کردن نظردهی",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Sorry, comment posting has been turned off for this project.",
"project.share.notShared": "This project is not shared — so only you can see it. Click share to let everyone see it!",
- "project.share.sharedLong": "Congratulations on sharing your project! Other people can now try it out, give comments, and remix it.",
+ "project.share.sharedLong": "تبریک فراوان برای به اشتراک گذاشتن پروژه! حالا دیگران میتوانند آن را اجرا کنند، نظر بدهند و بازترکیب کنند.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Your project is now shared.",
"project.share.shareButton": "به اشتراک گذاری",
"project.seeInsideButton": "داخلش را ببین",
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
"project.remixButton.altText": "یک نسخه از این پروژه را ذخیره کن و به ایده های خود اضافه کن.",
"project.remixButton.remixing": "ترکیب مجدد ..",
"project.remixes": "ترکیبات",
- "project.inviteToRemix": "Invite user to remix",
- "project.instructionsLabel": "Instructions",
- "project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Notes and Credits",
+ "project.inviteToRemix": "دعوت از کاربری برای بازترکیب",
+ "project.instructionsLabel": "روش کار",
+ "project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "یادداشتها و قدردانیها",
"project.credit": "Thanks to {userLink} for the original project {projectLink}.",
"project.deletedBanner": "Note: This project is in the trash folder",
"project.moderationInfoLabel": "Moderation Info",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fr.json
index 72eb8f71..678d4528 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fr.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/fr.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"project.comments.turnOff": "Désactiver les commentaires",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Désolé, mais l'envoi de commentaires a été désactivé pour ce projet.",
"project.share.notShared": "Ce projet n'est pas partagé - donc vous seul pouvez le voir. Cliquer sur Partager pour que tout le monde puisse le voir.",
- "project.share.sharedLong": "Félicitations d'avoir partager votre projet! D'autres personnes peuvent désormais l'essayer, faire des commentaires, et le modifier.",
+ "project.share.sharedLong": "Félicitations d'avoir partagé votre projet! D'autres personnes peuvent désormais l'essayer, faire des commentaires, et le modifier.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Votre projet est maintenant partagé",
"project.share.shareButton": "Partager",
"project.seeInsideButton": "Voir à l'intérieur",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/nn.json
index 2abde7bc..c543bbc3 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/nn.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/nn.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"project.remix.justRemixed": "«{title}» er no remiksa. Legg til figurar, drakter eller andre endringar for å laga din eigen vri!",
"project.remixButton": "Remiks",
"project.remixButton.altText": "Lagra ein kopi av dette prosjektet, og legg inn ting du sjølv finn på.",
- "project.remixButton.remixing": "Remiksar …",
+ "project.remixButton.remixing": "Remiksar …",
"project.remixes": "Remiksingar",
"project.inviteToRemix": "Inviter brukaren til å remiksa",
"project.instructionsLabel": "Korleis bruka prosjektet",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ru.json
index 58e334f4..d956c0b9 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ru.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/ru.json
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
"project.comments.header": "Комментарии",
"project.comments.turnOff": "Отключить комментирование",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Sorry, comment posting has been turned off for this project.",
- "project.share.notShared": "This project is not shared — so only you can see it. Click share to let everyone see it!",
+ "project.share.notShared": "Это приватный проект, поэтому его можете видеть только вы. Нажмите «Поделиться», чтобы он стал виден всем!",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Поздравляем вас с делением вашего проекта! Другие люди теперь могут попробовать, дать комментарии и переделать их.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Ваш проект теперь доступен.",
"project.share.shareButton": "Поделись",
"project.seeInsideButton": "Войти внутрь проекта",
- "project.remix.justRemixed": "\"{title}\" was successfully remixed. Add a sprite, add a costume, make a change to make it your own!",
+ "project.remix.justRemixed": "\"{title}\" был успешно ремиксован. Добавьте спрайт, добавьте костюм, сделайте изменение, чтобы сделать его своим!",
"project.remixButton": "Ремикс",
"project.remixButton.altText": "Сохрани копию проекта и добавь что-то своё.",
"project.remixButton.remixing": "Создание ремикса...",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"project.credit": "Thanks to {userLink} for the original project {projectLink}.",
"project.deletedBanner": "Примечание: Этот проект находится в папке корзины",
"project.moderationInfoLabel": "Moderation Info",
- "project.numScripts": "{number} scripts",
- "project.numSprites": "{number} sprites",
- "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long",
- "project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.",
- "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).",
+ "project.numScripts": "{number}скриптов",
+ "project.numSprites": "{number}спрайтов",
+ "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Описание слишком длинное",
+ "project.notesPlaceholder": "Как вы создали этот проект? Использовали ли вы идеи, скрипты или рисунки других людей? Поблагодарите их здесь.",
+ "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Расскажите людям как пользоваться проектом (например, какие клавиши нажимать).",
"project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.",
- "project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project."
+ "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Этот проект может определить, кто его использует, по блоку “имя пользователя”. Чтобы скрыть своё имя, выйдите из системы, прежде чем использовать этот проект. "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zu.json
index 012efccd..dc54d04e 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zu.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/zu.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"addToStudio.title": "Add to Studio",
- "addToStudio.finishing": "Finishing up...",
+ "addToStudio.finishing": "Sekuyaphela ...",
"addToStudio.inviteUser": "Invite user to add to studio",
"project.titleMaxLength": "Title is too long",
"project.musicExtensionChip": "uMculo",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/fa.json
index 520c891c..5f9a0722 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"onePointFour.intro": "The previous version of Scratch, version 1.4, is still available for download.",
- "onePointFour.introNoteLabel": "Note:",
+ "onePointFour.introNoteLabel": "توجه:",
"onePointFour.introNote": "{noteLabel} You can still share projects from 1.4 to the Scratch website. However, projects created in Scratch 2.0 cannot be opened in 1.4.",
"onePointFour.downloads": "Downloads",
"onePointFour.macTitle": "مک اواس ایکس",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/ru.json
index 7ac852be..aad53264 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/ru.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.scratch_14-l10njson/ru.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- "onePointFour.intro": "The previous version of Scratch, version 1.4, is still available for download.",
+ "onePointFour.intro": "Прошлая версия Скретч, версия 1.4, всё ещё доступна для скачивания.",
"onePointFour.introNoteLabel": "Заметка:",
"onePointFour.introNote": "{noteLabel} You can still share projects from 1.4 to the Scratch website. However, projects created in Scratch 2.0 cannot be opened in 1.4.",
- "onePointFour.downloads": "Downloads",
+ "onePointFour.downloads": "Загрузки",
"onePointFour.macTitle": "Mac OS X",
"onePointFour.macBody": "Совместимость с Mac OSX 10.4 или новее",
"onePointFour.windowsTitle": "Windows",
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"onePointFour.linuxBody": "Совместимость с Ubuntu 12.04 или новее",
"onePointFour.linuxInstall": "Установка Scratch с Программного центра",
"onePointFour.linuxOptions": "{linuxInstall} or {linuxDownload}",
- "onePointFour.linuxDownload": "download here",
+ "onePointFour.linuxDownload": "скачать здесь",
"onePointFour.faqsTitle": "Часто задаваемые вопросы",
"onePointFour.resourcesQ": "Какие ресурсы доступны, чтобы помочь мне узнать, как использовать Scratch 1.4?",
"onePointFour.gettingStartedGuide": "Scratch 1.4 Getting Started Guide",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"onePointFour.resourcesA": "For a step-by-step introduction, download the {gettingStartedGuide}. The {referenceGuide} has a thorough explanation of the Scratch interface and programming language. {scratchCards} provide brief explanations that show how to make animations and interactive projects with Scratch.",
"onePointFour.requirementsQ": "Каковы системные требования для Scratch 1.4?",
"onePointFour.requirementsDisplay": "Display: 800 x 480 or larger, thousands or millions of colors (16-bit color or greater) ",
- "onePointFour.requirementsOS": "Operating System: Windows 2000 or later, Mac OS X 10.4 or later, Ubuntu Linux 9.04 or later (For other versions of Linux, see the Linux Installer page) ",
+ "onePointFour.requirementsOS": "Операционная Система: Windows 2000 или новее, Mac OS X 10.4 или новее, Ubunto Linux 9.04 или новее (Для других версий Linux, посмотрите страницу загрузки Linux)",
"onePointFour.requirementsDisk": "Disk: at least 120 megabytes of free space to install Scratch.",
"onePointFour.requirementsCPUMemory": "CPU and memory: Most computers have enough memory to run Scratch 1.4, but very old computers may run Scratch slowly.",
"onePointFour.requirementsSoundVideo": "Sound / Video: Sound playback requires speakers (or headphones), and recording requires a microphone. Many laptops have speakers and microphones built in. Scratch 1.4 can use a USB or built-in camera (optional).",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/fa.json
index ce40ee3d..4083b266 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"splash.featuredProjects": "پروژه های ویژه",
"splash.featuredStudios": "استدیو های ویژه",
- "splash.projectsCuratedBy": "Projects Curated by {curatorId}",
+ "splash.projectsCuratedBy": "پروژه های حمایت شده توسط {curatorId}",
"splash.scratchDesignStudioTitle": "استدیوی طراحی Scratch",
"splash.visitTheStudio": "بازدید از استدیو",
"splash.projectsByScratchersFollowing": "پروژه های اسکرچرهایی که من دنبال می کنم",
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} favorited {projectLink}",
"messages.followText": "{profileLink} is now following {followeeLink}",
"messages.loveText": "{profileLink} loved {projectLink}",
- "messages.remixText": "{profileLink} remixed {remixedProjectLink} as {projectLink}",
+ "messages.remixText": "کاربر {profileLink} پروژه ی {remixedProjectLink} را به عنوان {projectLink} بازترکیب کرده است",
"messages.shareText": "{profileLink} shared the project {projectLink}",
"intro.aboutScratch": "درباره اسکرچ",
"intro.forEducators": "برای معلم ها",
"intro.forParents": "برای والدین",
- "intro.join": "Join",
- "intro.startCreating": "Start Creating",
- "intro.tagLine1": "Create stories, games, and animations",
- "intro.tagLine2": "Share with others around the world",
- "intro.watchVideo": "Watch Video",
+ "intro.join": "پیوستن",
+ "intro.startCreating": "ساختن را شروع کنید",
+ "intro.tagLine1": "داستان، بازی و انیمیشن بسازید",
+ "intro.tagLine2": "با دیگران در سراسر دنیا به اشتراک بگذارید",
+ "intro.watchVideo": "تماشای ویدیو",
"news.scratchNews": "اخبار اسکرچ",
"teacherbanner.greeting": "سلام",
"teacherbanner.subgreeting": "اکانت معلم",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/ru.json
index e217d3a6..4d0c781a 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/ru.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.splash-l10njson/ru.json
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
"intro.forEducators": "Для учителей",
"intro.forParents": "Для родителей",
"intro.join": "Join",
- "intro.startCreating": "Start Creating",
- "intro.tagLine1": "Create stories, games, and animations",
+ "intro.startCreating": "Начать Создовать",
+ "intro.tagLine1": "Создавайте истории, игры и анимации.",
"intro.tagLine2": "Share with others around the world",
- "intro.watchVideo": "Watch Video",
+ "intro.watchVideo": "Посмотреть Видео",
"news.scratchNews": "Новости Скретча",
"teacherbanner.greeting": "Здравствуйте!",
"teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Аккаунт учителя",
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@
"welcome.tryOut": "Попробуй стартовые проекты",
"welcome.connect": "Связаться со скретчерами",
"featureBanner.title": "The new Scratch is here!",
- "featureBanner.subtitle": "not used",
+ "featureBanner.subtitle": "не использовано",
"featureBanner.callToAction": "call to action"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/es.json b/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/es.json
index d1d8e155..d687e07d 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/es.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/es.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "wedo2.headerText": "{wedo2Link} es un kit de introducción para inventar que puedes usar para crear robots interactivos y otras creaciones. Puedes juntar bloques de Scratch para interactuar con tus creaciones de LEGO WeDo y añadir animaciones y sonidos.",
+ "wedo2.headerText": "{wedo2Link} es un kit de invención sencillo, que puedes usar para crear robots interactivos y muchas cosas más. Puedes conectar bloques de Scratch para interactuar con tus creaciones de LEGO WeDo y añadir animaciones y sonidos.",
"wedo2.gettingStarted": "Para empezar",
"wedo2.connectingWedo2": "Conectando WeDo 2.0 a Scratch",
"wedo2.useScratch3": "Utiliza el editor {scratch3Link}.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/fa.json
index c0d44bec..8f91b9e1 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.wedo2-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"wedo2.plugMotorIn": "Plug a motor into the WeDo.",
"wedo2.clickMotorBlock": "Find the {motorBlockText} block and click on it.",
"wedo2.motorBlockText": "\"turn motor on for 1 seconds\"",
- "wedo2.starterProjects": "Starter Projects",
+ "wedo2.starterProjects": "پروژه هایی برای مبتدیان",
"wedo2.starter1PetTitle": "Make Your Own Pet",
"wedo2.starter1PetDescription": "Use a motor to make a spinning tail for your virtual pet.",
"wedo2.starter2FoxTitle": "Move the Fox",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.wedo2-legacy-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.wedo2-legacy-l10njson/fa.json
index c27c925d..508e9fac 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.wedo2-legacy-l10njson/fa.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.wedo2-legacy-l10njson/fa.json
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@
"wedoLegacy.starterMotor": "موتور",
"wedoLegacy.starterDistance": "سنسور فاصله",
"wedoLegacy.starterTilt": "سنسور شیب",
- "wedoLegacy.versionTitle": "چه ورژنی را داری؟",
+ "wedoLegacy.versionTitle": "چه نسخهای را داری؟",
"wedoLegacy.versionText": "You can also use Scratch to program the original LEGO WeDo (LEGO WeDo 1.0)."
\ No newline at end of file