From 4a6fc4de3729685959294381bd26ec902741fbc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Benjamin Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 03:13:43 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] pull new editor translations from Transifex --- .../de.json | 60 +++++++++---------- .../sw.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/sw.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/cy.json | 24 ++++---- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ab.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/af.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/am.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ar.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/az.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/be.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/bg.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ca.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ckb.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cs.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cy.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/da.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/de.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/el.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/en.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es-419.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/et.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/eu.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fa.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fi.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fr.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ga.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gd.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gl.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/he.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hr.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ht.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hu.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hy.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/id.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/is.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/it.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja-Hira.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ka.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/km.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ko.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ku.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lt.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lv.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mi.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mn.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nb.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nl.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nn.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nso.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/or.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pl.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt-br.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/qu.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/rap.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ro.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ru.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sk.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sl.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sr.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sv.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sw.json | 46 +++++++------- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/th.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tn.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tr.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uk.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uz.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/vi.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/xh.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-cn.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-tw.json | 2 +- www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zu.json | 2 +- .../sw.json | 30 +++++----- 75 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-) diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/de.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/de.json index cf43792d..1055d4b9 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/de.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/de.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Für eine Welt des kreativen Lernens", "annualReport.messageTitle": "Vorwort des Scratch-Teams", "annualReport.messageP1": "Das Jahr 2019 war für Scratch von großen Veränderungen geprägt. Am Beginn des Jahres brachten wir die neueste Generation von Scratch heraus: Scratch 3.0 weckt die Kreativität und bringt Kinder mit unterschiedlichen Interessen und aus verschiedenen Lebenswelten zusammen. Am Ende des Jahres feierten wir unseren Umzug vom MIT in unsere neue Heimat bei der Scratch Foundation, wo wir nun in einem schönen Büro in der Nähe des Bostoner Bahnhofs South Station untergebracht sind. Und das ganze Jahr hindurch gedieh und wuchs die Scratch-Community: 2019 erstellten über 20 Millionen junger Menschen Scratch-Projekte, im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 48 % mehr!", - "annualReport.messageP2": "Wie wichtig Scratch geworden war, verdeutlichte sich 2020, als die COVID-Pandemie zu Schulschließungen führte. Die Aktivitäten in der Scratch-Online-Community verdoppelten sich, als viele junge Menschen, die nun zuhause bleiben mussten, ihre Kreativität mittels Scratch auslebten und ihr Bedürfnis nach Verbundenheit stillten. Scratcherinnen und Scratcher engagierten sich in der „Black Lives Matter“- und anderen Bewegungen, die Gerechtigkeit und Fairness für alle forderten: mit animierten Projekten und Studios trugen sie zur Bewusstseinsbildung bei und forderten gleichzeitig auch einen Wandel ein.", + "annualReport.messageP2": "Wie wichtig Scratch geworden war, verdeutlichte sich 2020, als die COVID-Pandemie zu Schulschließungen führte. Die Aktivitäten in der Scratch-Online-Community verdoppelten sich, als viele junge Menschen, die nun zu Hause bleiben mussten, ihre Kreativität mittels Scratch auslebten und ihr Bedürfnis nach Verbundenheit stillten. Scratcherinnen und Scratcher engagierten sich in der „Black Lives Matter“- und anderen Bewegungen, die Gerechtigkeit und Fairness für alle forderten: Mit animierten Projekten und Studios trugen sie zur Bewusstseinsbildung bei und forderten gleichzeitig auch einen Wandel ein.", "annualReport.messageP3": "Von Anfang an, seit wir Scratch im Jahre 2007 aus der Taufe gehoben haben, haben wir Scratch immer als mehr als eine reine Programmiersprache betrachtet. Scratch ermöglicht es allen jungen Menschen, egal wo und wie sie leben, ihre Stimme zu erheben, ihren Ideen Ausdruck zu verleihen und miteinander kreativ zu sein! Wir sind begeistert, wie Scratcherinnen und Scratcher auf die gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen der letzten Zeit reagiert haben – mit Kreativität, Kooperation, Engagement und Empathie.", "annualReport.messageP4": "In diesem Jahresbericht beschreiben wir unser Leitbild, unsere Pläne, die Bedeutung und Reichweite von Scratch, und führen Beispiele an, wie Scratch die Lernmöglichkeiten für viele verschiedene junge Menschen rund um den Globus erweitert, sowohl in ihrem schulischem als auch privatem Leben.", "annualReport.messageP5": "Wir sind stolz darauf, was junge Menschen schon jetzt mit Scratch erschaffen und lernen, und arbeiten engagiert und mit voller Kraft daran, ihnen in Zukunft noch mehr Möglichkeiten zu eröffnen.", @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ "annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} Sprachen mit der Erweiterung übersetzt", "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Fördert Kompetenzen", "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "Computerwissenschaften und Sprachkunst", - "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} in{CSandLanguageArtsLink}", + "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} in {CSandLanguageArtsLink}", "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "In Zusammenarbeit mit Google", "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Verbindung mit physischen Geräten", "annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3", @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ "annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "Wenn man Scratcherinnen und Scratcher fragt, warum sie Scratch verwenden, dann nennen die meisten von ihnen die Online-Community: Sie motiviert sie zum Mitmachen, gibt ihnen den Raum, wo sie ihre Kreativität ausleben, Freundschaften knüpfen, Feedback erhalten, neue Ideen entwickeln und neue Fertigkeiten lernen können. Viele von ihnen schätzen die Scratch-Community als einen sicheren und einladenden Ort, wo sie andere treffen, sich mit ihnen austauschen und voneinander lernen können.", "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "Wie können wir sicherstellen, bei täglich 40.000 neuen Projekten und 400.000 neuen Kommentaren, dass die Scratch-Online-Community einerseits ein sicherer und freundlicher Ort bleibt und andererseits Kreativität unterstützt und fördert? Unser Community-Team, das aus Vollzeitangestellten und einem Netzwerk an Moderatorinnen und Moderatoren besteht, widmet sich dieser wichtigen Aufgabe, wobei sie sich auf zwei wesentliche Punkte konzentriert: Moderation und Beteiligung an der Community.", "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Community-Moderation", - "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "Wenn junge Menschen der Scratch-Community beitreten, stimmen sie der Einhaltung der Community-Regeln zu, die dafür sorgen sollen, dass Scratch ein sicherer und wertschätzender Ort für jungen Menschen aus unterschiedlichsten Lebenswelten bleibt.. Zur Unterstützung guter digitaler Bürgerschaft und der Aufrechterhaltung einer positiven, Kreativität fördernden Umgebung setzt unser Community-Team eine Reihe von Tools und Strategien ein. Automatische Filter verhindern außerdem, dass private Daten geteilt werden oder unangemessener Inhalt gepostet wird, auch können potenzielle Verletzungen der Community-Regeln einfach gemeldet werden.", + "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "Wenn junge Menschen der Scratch-Community beitreten, stimmen sie der Einhaltung der Community-Regeln zu, die dafür sorgen sollen, dass Scratch ein sicherer und wertschätzender Ort für jungen Menschen aus unterschiedlichsten Lebenswelten bleibt. Zur Unterstützung guter digitaler Bürgerschaft und der Aufrechterhaltung einer positiven, Kreativität fördernden Umgebung setzt unser Community-Team eine Reihe von Tools und Strategien ein. Automatische Filter verhindern außerdem, dass private Daten geteilt werden oder unangemessener Inhalt gepostet wird, auch können potenzielle Verletzungen der Community-Regeln einfach gemeldet werden.", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "Community-Regeln", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "Scratch heißt alle Menschen willkommen, unabhängig von ihrem Alter, ihren Fähigkeiten, ihrer Volksgruppe, Religion, sexuellen Orientierung oder Geschlechteridentität.", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "Sei respektvoll", @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "Wie würden Dinge aussehen, wenn es nur eine Farbe gäbe?", "annualReport.communityQuotes": "Community – Zitate", "annualReport.communityQuote1": "Ich bin mit 11 zu Scratch gekommen und die Dinge, die ich auf dieser Plattform und in der Community lernte, halfen mir als Teenager sehr.", - "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Mit Scratch habe ich von Zuhause aus\n- andere Menschen und ihre Projekte kennen- und schätzen gelernt\n- Freundschaften geschlossen\n- mich in dieser Quarantäne nicht so alleine gefühlt\n- und vieles mehr, und deshalb möchte ich einfach mal sagen: \n¡GRACIAS!", + "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Mit Scratch habe ich von zu Hause aus\n- andere Menschen und ihre Projekte kennen- und schätzen gelernt\n- Freundschaften geschlossen\n- mich während des Lockdowns nicht so alleine gefühlt\n- und vieles mehr, und deshalb möchte ich einfach mal sagen: \n¡GRACIAS!", "annualReport.communityQuote3": "Ich bin seit ca. 2 Jahren bei Scratch dabei – und es hat mein Leben total verändert! Ich habe so viele neue Dinge gelernt: Coding, Design und Netiquette!", "annualReport.communityQuote4": "In der 6. Klasse war Scratch mein Lieblingshobby. Ohne dass ich es wusste, lernte ich Boolesche Algebra, über die Rangfolge von Operatoren und versteckte Mathematik – und natürlich Programmieren!", "": "Studio", @@ -171,37 +171,37 @@ "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Lehrerinnen und Lehrer der teilnehmenden Grundschulen trafen sich zu Weiterbildungsworkshops, in denen sie selbst mit eigenen Scratch-Projekten experimentieren und herausfinden konnten, wie man Scratch zum Lernen in verschiedenen Fächern einsetzen kann.", "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS-Lehrer", "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "Am meisten überraschte mich, wie sehr Scratch die Zusammenarbeit in meiner Klasse förderte. Es kam oft vor, dass eine Schülerin oder ein Schüler etwas auf Scratch entdeckte, es erst mir und dann allen anderen zeigte.", - "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Zugang zu Scratch erweitern", + "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Zielgruppenerreichung", "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "Damit im Rahmen dieser Partnerschaft noch mehr Kinder erreicht werden können, hat Computer Science for All (CS4All) Chicago sein Modell der Familienworkshops zum Thema kreatives Coding allen Chicago Public Schools zur Verfügung gestellt. Auf Google CS First finden sich diverse Anleitungen, darunter für {codeYourHeroLink}, die online gratis auf Englisch und Spanisch verfügbar sind. ", "annualReport.codeYourHero": "Code Your Hero", "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "Presse", "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Artikel in der Chicago Sun Times", "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Artikel im Rolling Stone", - "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World", - "annualReport.conferencesIntro": "In 2008, the Scratch Team hosted the first Scratch conference at MIT, bringing together educators, researchers, and developers to share ideas and experiences for using Scratch to support creative learning. Since then, the Scratch Team has organized and hosted a Scratch conference at MIT every two years. In addition, members of the global Scratch community have organized and hosted more than a dozen conferences—stretching across oceans, continents, cultures, and languages.", - "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}", - "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America", - "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.", - "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version", - "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}", - "annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europe", - "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.", - "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}", - "annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Africa", - "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.", - "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}", - "annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019", - "annualReport.financialsButton": "2019 Audited Financials", - "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Note: Financials in future years will be significantly different, since the Scratch staff has now transitioned from MIT to the Scratch Foundation.", - "annualReport.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters", - "annualReport.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.", - "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Donor - Spotlight Story", - "annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Siegel Family Endowment", - "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "In May 2012, David Siegel attended Scratch Day at the MIT Media Lab with his son Zach, an active and enthusiastic Scratcher. Watching Zach and other children using Scratch to code their own games, animations, and robotic creatures, David saw how much potential Scratch had to help children both learn practical coding skills, and develop as computational thinkers.", - "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David knows the importance of computational thinking firsthand, and his career as a computer scientist and entrepreneur has been shaped by the same curiosity that Scratch helps young learners explore every day. It's the same exploratory instinct that led him to study computer science at Princeton, and earn a PhD based on work completed at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab. In 2001, he co-founded Two Sigma, which has grown to become a world leader in applying machine learning and data science to investment management.", - "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "In 2011, David founded Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) to support organizations working to help people adapt to the demands of new technology, and to better understand and mitigate the powerful disruptions that technology has driven in almost every sector. He is also a co-founder of the Scratch Foundation, and is a strong advocate for the organization's mission to keep Scratch free and accessible to learners all over the world.", - "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman", - "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Making sure that Scratch remains free and accessible for kids everywhere is one of the most impactful ways we can help young learners engage and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Supporting Scratch is more important today than ever before.", + "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch-Konferenzen rund um die Welt", + "annualReport.conferencesIntro": "Im Jahr 2008 veranstaltete das Scratch-Team die 1. Scratch-Konferenz am MIT. Hier wurden erstmals Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Forscherinnen und Forscher sowie Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler zusammengebracht, damit sie sich über kreative Möglichkeiten des Lernens mit Scratch auszutauschen konnten. Seither hat das Scratch-Team alle zwei Jahre eine Scratch-Konferenz am MIT organisiert. Außerdem stellten Mitglieder der globalen Scratch-Community mehr als ein Dutzend eigener Konferenzen auf die Beine – über Ozeane, Kontinente, Kulturen und Sprachbarrieren hinweg.", + "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch-Konferenz in Afrika, Foto {photoCredit}", + "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Lateinamerika", + "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "Im Mai 2019 trafen sich Lehrkräfte aus ganz Chile und anderen Ländern Lateinamerikas zur 2. {scratchAlSurLink}-Konferenz in Santiago, Chile. Im Anschluss an die Konferenz veröffentlichte Scratch al Sur eine {spanishVersionLink} des {creativeComputingCurriculumLink}, den die Creative Computing Group an der Harvard Graduate School of Education erstellt hat.", + "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "spanische Version", + "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Foto zur Verfügung gestellt von {photoCredit}", + "annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europa", + "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "Im August 2019 organisierte die Raspberry Pi Foundation die 4. {scratchConferenceEuropeLink} in Cambridge, Großbritannien. Schulische und außerschulische Lehrkräfte aus mehr als 25 Ländern kamen hier zusammen, um in praktischen Workshops, aus Präsentationen und Vorführungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern, Lehrkräften, Forschenden und lokalen Organisationen zu lernen.", + "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Foto zur Verfügung gestellt von {photoCredit}", + "annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Afrika", + "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "Im Oktober 2019 fand die 1. {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} in Nairobi, Kenia, statt. Über 250 Lehrkräfte und Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Afrika trafen sich, um voneinander zu lernen, junge Menschen zu fördern und bereits erreichte Errungenschaften im Bereich kreatives Coding zu würdigen. Bei der Konferenz brachte das Scratch-Team eine Su­a­he­li-Version von Scratch heraus, die sowohl online als auch offline verfügbar ist.", + "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Foto {photoCredit}", + "annualReport.financialsTitle": "Jahresabschluss 2019", + "annualReport.financialsButton": "Geprüfter Jahresabschluss 2019", + "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Hinweis: Da das Scratch-Personal nicht mehr dem MIT zugeteilt ist, sondern nunmehr zur Scratch Foundation gehört, werden zukünftige Jahresabschlüsse deutlich abweichen.", + "annualReport.supportersTitle": "Unsere Sponsoren", + "annualReport.supportersIntro": "Wir bedanken uns bei unseren großzügigen Sponsorinnen und Sponsoren. Ihre finanzielle Zuwendungen helfen uns dabei, allen Kindern – unabhängig von ihrem Alter oder ihren Lebensumständen – kreatives Lernen zu ermöglichen.", + "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Spender – Eine Geschichte", + "annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Siegel Family Endowment (SFE)", + "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "Im Mai 2012 nahm David Siegel mit seinem Sohn Zach, ein aktiver und begeisterter Scratcher, am Scratch Day am MIT Media Lab teil. Als er Zach und andere Kinder dabei beobachtete, wie sie Scratch zum Programmieren ihrer eigenen Spiele, Animationen und Roboter verwendeten, erkannte er das Potential von Scratch, Kindern beim Erwerb praktischer Programmierkenntnisse und dem Lernen von informatischem Denken zu helfen.", + "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David Siegel kennt die Bedeutung von informatischem Denken aus erster Hand, denn am Beginn seiner beruflichen Laufbahn als Computerwissenschaftler und Unternehmer stand derselbe Forscherdrang, den junge Lernende nun täglich mit Scratch ausleben können. Es ist derselbe Forscherdrang, der ihn dazu brachte, ein Studium der Computerwissenschaften in Princeton zu beginnen und mit einer Doktorarbeit abzuschließen, die auf seinen Forschungen im Artificial Intelligence Lab am MIT beruhte. Im Jahr 2001 gründete er mit einem Partner Two Sigma, das sich zu einem Weltmarktführer bei der Anwendung maschinellen Lernens und Datenwissenschaften im Bereich Investitionsmanagement entwickelt hat.", + "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "Im Jahr 2011 gründete David Siegel die Familienstiftung SFE, einerseits um Organisationen zu unterstützen, die Menschen helfen, sich an die Anforderungen neuer Technologien anzupassen, und andererseits um Know-how rund um diese disruptiven Technologien, die in beinahe allen Bereichen Einzug gehalten haben, auf- und Vorbehalte abzubauen. Er ist Mitbegründer der Scratch Foundation und starker Befürworter des Bestrebens der Organisation, Scratch weiterhin allen Lernenden rund um die Welt kostenlos zur Verfügung zu stellen.", + "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Mitbegründer und Vorstand", + "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Allen Kindern auf der Welt weiterhin gratis Zugang zu Scratch zu ermöglichen, ist eines der wirkungsvollsten Dinge, um jungen Menschen zu helfen, sich in der digitalen Welt zurechtzufinden und Erfolg zu haben. Es ist daher heute wichtiger denn je zuvor, Scratch zu unterstützen.", "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Thank you to our supporters", "annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and share with new technologies. We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, since we started working on Scratch in 2002, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on cumulative giving to Scratch (at both MIT and Scratch Foundation) through December 31, 2019.", "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who supported us from the early days of Scratch, each providing at least $10,000,000 of cumulative support, in various forms.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/sw.json index 40526341..ad522309 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/sw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-l10njson/sw.json @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code", "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Timu ya Scratch imehamIa kutoka MIT hadi Scratch Foundation", "annualReport.reachTitle": "Kuwafikia Watoto Duniani Kote", - "annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.", + "annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch ni jumuiya kubwa zaidi duniani ya uandishi wa kodi kwa watoto na vijana, umri wa miaka 8 na juu.", "annualReport.reachMillion": "milioni", "annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}", "annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/sw.json index 02f23942..506d89f4 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/sw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.faq-l10njson/sw.json @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ "faq.chatRoomBody": "Ijapokuwa ni vigumu kuunda vyumba vya gumzo ukitumia vibadilika vya mtandaoni,, haziruhusiwi kwenye tovuti ya Scratch.", "faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Ni nani anayeweza kubadilisha habari kwa vibadilika vya mtandaoni?", "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Ni wewe tu na watazamaji wa mradi wako ambao wanaweza kuhifadhi data kwenye vibadilika vya mtandaoni vya mradi wako. Ikiwa watu \"wanaona ndani\" au kubadilisha msimbo wako, inaunda nakala ya kibadilika na haiathiri au kubadilish vibadilika vya awali.", - "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?", + "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Nimeingia, lakini siwezi kutumia miradi yenye vibadilika vya wingu. Ni nini kinaendelea?", "faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Ikiwa bado wewe ni \"MwanaScracth\" kwenye tovuti, hutaweza kutumia miradi iliyo na vibadilika vya mtandaoni. Unahitaji kuwa \"MwanaScratch Kamili\" ili upate kufikia vibadilika vya mtandaoni. Tazama sehemu ya Akaunti (hapo juu) kwa habari zaidi juu ya kuhamishwa kutoka \"MwanaScratch mpya\" hadi “MwanaScratch kamili”.", "faq.multiplayerTitle": "Je! Inawezekana kuunda michezo ya wachezaji wengi ukitumia vibadilika vya mtandaoni?", "faq.multiplayerBody": "Michezo ya wachezaji wengi inaweza kuwa ngumu kuunda, kwa sababu ya kasi ya mtandao na maswala ya maingiliano. Walakini, zingine za kuvinjari zinakuja na njia za ubunifu za kutumia vibadilikai vya mtandaoni kwa zamu na zingine za michezo.", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/cy.json b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/cy.json index 59df0d9f..6747d6f2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/cy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.preview-l10njson/cy.json @@ -46,20 +46,20 @@ "project.cloudDataLink": "Gw. Data", "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Mae'r project yn gallu canfod pwy sy'n ei ddefnyddio, drwy'r bloc \"enw defnyddiwr\". I guddio pwy ydych chi, allgofnodwch cyn defnyddio'r project.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm,,, mae'r canfyddwr geiriau drwg yn meddwl fod yna broblem gyda'ch testun. Newidiwch hwn a chofiwch fod yn barchus.", - "comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", - "comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.", - "comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.", - "comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.", - "comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.", + "comment.type.general": "Mae'n ymddangos nad oedd eich sylw diweddar yn dilyn Canllawiau Cymunedol Scratch.", + "comment.general.header": "Rydym yn eich annog i gofnodi sylwadau sy'n dilyn Canllawiau Cymunedol Scratch.", + "comment.general.content1": "Ar Scratch, mae'n bwysig bod sylwadau'n garedig, yn briodol ar gyfer pob oedran, a ddim yn cynnwys sbam.", + "comment.type.pii": "Roedd yn ymddangos bod eich sylw diweddaraf yn rhannu neu'n gofyn am wybodaeth breifat.", + "comment.pii.header": "Gwnewch yn siŵr nad ydych yn rhannu gwybodaeth breifat ar Scratch.", + "comment.pii.content1": "Mae'n ymddangos eich bod yn rhannu neu'n gofyn am wybodaeth breifat.", "comment.pii.content2": "Gall pawb weld pethau rydych chi'n eu rhannu ar Scratch, a gallan nhw ymddangos mewn peiriannau chwilio. Gall pobl eraill ddefnyddio manylion preifat mewn ffyrdd niweidiol, felly mae'n bwysig eu cadw'n breifat.", "comment.pii.content3": "Mae hwn yn fater diogelwch difrifol.", - "comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", - "comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other people’s projects", - "comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", + "comment.type.unconstructive": "Mae'n ymddangos bod eich sylw diweddaraf yn dweud rhywbeth a allai fod yn brifo.", + "comment.unconstructive.header": "Rydym yn eich annog i fod yn gefnogol wrth wneud sylwadau ar brojectau pobl eraill", + "comment.unconstructive.content1": "Mae'n ymddangos bod eich sylw diweddaraf yn dweud rhywbeth a allai fod yn brifo.", "comment.unconstructive.content2": "Os ydych yn credu y gallai rhywbeth fod yn well, gallwch chi ddweud rhywbeth rydych chi'n ei hoffi am y project, a gwneud awgrym ynghylch sut i'w wella.", - "comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.", - "comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language that’s appropriate for all ages.", - "comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.", + "comment.type.vulgarity": "Roedd yn ymddangos bod eich sylw diweddaraf yn cynnwys gair drwg.", + "comment.vulgarity.header": "Rydym yn eich annog i ddefnyddio iaith sy'n briodol ar gyfer pob oedran.", + "comment.vulgarity.content1": "Mae'n ymddangos bod eich sylw yn cynnwys gair drwg.", "comment.vulgarity.content2": "Mae gan Scratch ddefnyddwyr o bob oed, felly mae'n bwysig defnyddio iaith sy'n briodol i bob Scratcher." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ab.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ab.json index b603d099..8f8394b6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ab.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ab.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/af.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/af.json index 057e6c63..4469ef23 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/af.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/af.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/am.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/am.json index e07cae85..581816a1 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/am.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/am.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ar.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ar.json index 53d8fed4..fda52fe1 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ar.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ar.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/az.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/az.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/az.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/az.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/be.json index 6df0a5c1..c18825e0 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/be.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/be.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/bg.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/bg.json index 0e205d17..9f1ba244 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/bg.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/bg.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ca.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ca.json index 7b8bd0e3..56c82810 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ca.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ca.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ckb.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ckb.json index 83ce20ad..4b0aa6f2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ckb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ckb.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cs.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cs.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cs.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cs.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cy.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cy.json index f27f9709..b324b564 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/cy.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Hyrwyddo gwaith ac effaith eich sefydliad trwy sianeli cymdeithasol y Scratch Foundation, gwefannau, cylchlythyron, a Chynhadledd Scratch", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Hwyluso Scratch Day i'ch cymuned gyda chefnogaeth y Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Eich sefydliad yw:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar gefnogi ieuenctid sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yn draddodiadol, gan gynnwys bobl Ddu, LatinX, ac Americaniaid Cynhenid yn yr Unol Daleithiau a/neu'n fyd-eang", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Yn gwasanaethu ieuenctid yn uniongyrchol trwy ddysgu creadigol a/neu fentrau codio creadigol", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Wedi'i ddynodi corff dim-er-elw, neu ardal ysgol sydd wedi dangos ymrwymiad i arferion dysgu creadigol teg", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Yn barod i gydweithio â Scratch a chymuned SEC i ddatblygu a defnyddio adnoddau cyfrifiadurol creadigol y bydd modd eu rhannu'n fyd-eang", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/da.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/da.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/da.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/da.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/de.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/de.json index 98160a7b..7f3d91b0 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/de.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/de.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/el.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/el.json index 5e759f40..85976d43 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/el.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/el.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/en.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/en.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/en.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/en.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es-419.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es-419.json index 60bd7053..46bff3c6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es-419.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es-419.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es.json index 6f15b4e2..be1232aa 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/es.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Tu organización es:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/et.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/et.json index a060e508..eec14ab6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/et.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/et.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/eu.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/eu.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/eu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/eu.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fa.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fa.json index 50bac158..146d9eea 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fa.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fa.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fi.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fi.json index c73234c3..005ef0e2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fi.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fr.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fr.json index 12909442..02e165e0 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/fr.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promouvoir le travail et l'impact de votre organisation par le biais des réseaux sociaux de la Scratch Foundation, des sites web, des bulletins d'information et de la conférence Scratch", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Organisez une Scratch Day pour votre communauté avec le soutien de la Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Votre organisation est :", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Principalement axé sur le soutien aux jeunes traditionnellement sous-représentés, notamment les Noirs, les Latino-X et les autochtones américains aux États-Unis et/ou dans le monde", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Servir directement les jeunes par des initiatives d'apprentissage créatif et/ou de codage créatif", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Désignée comme organisme à but non lucratif, ou un district scolaire qui a démontré un engagement envers des pratiques d'apprentissage créatif équitables", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Volonté de collaborer avec Scratch et la communauté du SEC pour développer et utiliser des ressources informatiques créatives qui peuvent être partagées au niveau mondial", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ga.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ga.json index bd77a972..07471947 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ga.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ga.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gd.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gd.json index 8df89eef..6fec8791 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gd.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gd.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gl.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gl.json index a6a56fa6..253d80f3 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/gl.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/he.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/he.json index cdf8719d..192e2cba 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/he.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/he.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hr.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hr.json index 9bc0edd0..ea13fb70 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hr.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ht.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ht.json index 0770f09a..b819961d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ht.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ht.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hu.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hu.json index bb60fb5f..9d9d8bd0 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hu.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hy.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hy.json index 746cbef0..6c8728f2 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hy.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/hy.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Խթանեք ձեր կազմակերպության աշխատանքը և ազդեցությունը Scratch հիմնադրամի սոցիալական ալիքների, կայքերի, տեղեկագրերի և համաժողովի օգնությամբ", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Scratch հիմնադրամի աջակցությամբ հեշտացրեք «Scratch֊ի Օրը»` ձեր տեղական համայնքում կազմակերպելու համար ", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Ձեր կազմակերպությունը`", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Հիմնականում աջակցում է ավանդաբար քիչ ներկայացված երիտասարդներին՝ ներառյալ Սևերին, Լատինացիներին, բնիկ Ամերիկացիներին և այլ մարդկանց ամբողջ աշխարհում", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Ուղղակիորեն ծառայում է երիտասարդներին ՝ ստեղծագործական ուսուցման և (կամ) ստեղծագործական կոդավորման նախաձեռնությունների միջոցով", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Հանդիսսանում է, որպես շահույթ չհետապնդող կամ կրթական միջավայր։ Իրեն դիրքավորել և նվիրել է արդար ստեղծագործական ուսուցման միջավայր ստեղծելուն", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Պատրաստակորեն համագործակցել Scratch- ի և SEC֊ի համայնքի հետ` զարգացնելու և խորացնելու ուսուցողական ծրագրավորման պաշարները, որոնք կարող են տարածվել ամբողջ աշխարհում", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/id.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/id.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/id.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/id.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/is.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/is.json index dc2697e2..5e194d66 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/is.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/is.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/it.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/it.json index fb350295..74b45700 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/it.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/it.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promuovi il lavoro e l'impatto della tua organizzazione attraverso i canali social, i siti web, le newsletter della Scratch Foundation e attraverso la Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Organizza uno Scratch Day per la tua comunità con il supporto della Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "La tua organizzazione è:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Incentrata primariamente sul supportare comunità di tradizionalmente sottorappresentate come quelle dei giovani di Colore, Latin* e Nativ* American* negli Stati Uniti e/o nel mondo", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Offrire direttamente ai giovani iniziative di apprendimento creativo e/o di coding creativo", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Progettata come un'organizzazione non-profit o un distretto scolastico che a dimostrato l'impegno verso pratiche di apprendimento creativo basato su pari opportunità", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Interessata a collaborare con Scratch e con la comunità SEC nello sviluppo e nell'uso di risorse per l'informatica creativa condivise globalmente", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja-Hira.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja-Hira.json index 9088016a..5ccd17f8 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja-Hira.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja-Hira.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja.json index 3144fbc5..aeed400a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ja.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ka.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ka.json index 7d8a589a..0d1a146c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ka.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ka.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/km.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/km.json index d33a4406..2ffa6486 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/km.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/km.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ko.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ko.json index 4841716c..f2425632 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ko.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ko.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ku.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ku.json index 0c2d876d..1c2122c4 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ku.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ku.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lt.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lt.json index d43bc990..621b7d92 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lt.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lv.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lv.json index b7f736e3..74e16010 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lv.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/lv.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mi.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mi.json index aef6d96b..bf7b27bc 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mi.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mn.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mn.json index 457c60a0..0705890a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/mn.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nb.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nb.json index b072779e..fbc92e13 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nb.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nb.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nl.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nl.json index bab990f2..79b319c1 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nl.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promoot het werk en de impact van je organisatie via de Scratch Foundation sociale kanalen, websites, nieuwsbrieven en de Scratch-conferentie", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Faciliteer een Scratch Day voor je gemeenschap met steun van de Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Jouw organisatie is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Vooral gericht op het ondersteunen van traditioneel ondervertegenwoordigde jongeren, waaronder zwarte, Latijns-Amerikaanse en inheemse Amerikanen in de Verenigde Staten en / of wereldwijd", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Jongeren rechtstreeks dienen door middel van creatief leren en / of creatieve coderingsinitiatieven", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Aangewezen als een non-profitorganisatie of een schooldistrict dat blijk heeft gegeven van een toewijding aan eerlijke creatieve leerpraktijken", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Bereid om samen te werken met Scratch en de SEC-gemeenschap om creatieve computerhulpmiddelen te ontwikkelen en te gebruiken die wereldwijd kunnen worden gedeeld", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nn.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nn.json index b072779e..fbc92e13 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nn.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nso.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nso.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nso.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/nso.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/or.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/or.json index a256f4f5..8a755a12 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/or.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/or.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pl.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pl.json index 824b9b8d..3feb0cf0 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pl.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt-br.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt-br.json index dafb6d06..9da67029 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt-br.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt-br.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promova o trabalho e impacto da sua organização através dos canais sociais, websites e newsletters da Fundação Scratch, e da Conferência Scratch", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilite um Scratch Day na sua comunidade com o apoio da Fundação Scratch", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Sua organização:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Foca principalmente em apoiar jovens tradicionalmente sub-representados, incluindo negros, latinos e indígenas americanos nos Estados Unidos e/ou no mundo", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Serve diretamente os jovens através do aprendizado criativo e/ou iniciativas de programação criativa", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "É designada como organização sem fins lucrativos, ou um distrito escolar que tem demonstrado comprometimento com práticas de aprendizagem criativa igualitárias", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Quer colaborar com o Scratch e a comunidade SEC para desenvolver e utilizar recursos de computação criativa que podem ser compartilhados globalmente", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt.json index 4807f98d..7687f95a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/pt.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/qu.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/qu.json index 9bb8bb0f..813f51ba 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/qu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/qu.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/rap.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/rap.json index 7618a692..84e4333e 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/rap.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/rap.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ro.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ro.json index d145dd70..191cf96d 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ro.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ro.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ru.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ru.json index 949d2926..1b8e677a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ru.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/ru.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sk.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sk.json index 663cb072..d2a92079 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sk.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sl.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sl.json index 00a1e136..d6a6d7bc 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sl.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sl.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sr.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sr.json index 0d8b45a9..47ec4c2a 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sr.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sv.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sv.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sv.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sv.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sw.json index 7ec0e1a0..76e78e39 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/sw.json @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ "sec.projectsIntroBold": "yanayozingatia kusaidia wanafunzi kutoka kwa jamii zilizotengwa kihistoria kujenga imani yao kwenye ubinifu wa kikompyuta.", "sec.projectsIntro2": "Up to 10 organizations will be selected in the 2021 pilot year to expand on and support each other's work with historically underrepresented youth including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans, learn from one another, and collaborate with members of the Scratch Foundation, The MIT Media Lab, and other global leaders in creative computing to develop best practices for implementing culturally sustaining creative computing with Scratch.", "sec.projectsIntro3": "The SEC is a key initiative of the Scratch Foundation. Originating from MIT Media Lab’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group and with over 200 million users, Scratch is the world’s largest and most diverse coding community for children offered free of charge.", - "sec.expectationsFromSec": "As a member of the SEC network, benefits include:", + "sec.expectationsFromSec": "Kama mwanachama wa mtandao wa SEC, faida ni pamoja na:", "sec.expectationsFromSecPoint1": "Connect with and learn from the Scratch Foundation, the MIT Media Lab, and other leading organizations from around the world with experience implementing creative learning with Scratch", - "sec.expectationsFromSecPoint2": "Grow your organization’s capacity through equity-centered professional development", + "sec.expectationsFromSecPoint2": "Kuza uwezo wa shirika lako kupitia maendeleo ya kitaaluma ya usawa", "sec.expectationsFromSecPoint3": "Collaborate in developing equity-centered creative coding resources, events, and workshops using Scratch for your local community", "sec.expectationsFromSecPoint4": "Access to seed funding for Scratch and SEC related activities for your local community", "sec.expectationsFromOrgs": "Join the SEC Network:", @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint4": "Share best-practices and innovative creative computing curricula with the Scratch Foundation and SEC community", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", - "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", - "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", + "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Shirika lako ni:", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Kuwahudumia vijana moja kwa moja kupitia mipango ya kujifunza ubunifu na / au ubunifu wa kuandika kodi", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint5": "Able to engage in quarterly virtual meetings", @@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ "sec.faqWhatIsAnswer": "Scratch embraces creative learning as an educational approach that supports students in developing as creative thinkers and contributors to their communities. The Creative Learning approach focuses on 4P’s: Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play: providing students with opportunities to work on projects, based on their passions, in collaboration with peers, in a playful spirit (Resnick, 2017).", "sec.faqWhatIsAnswer2": "To learn more about how the Scratch Foundation and the Lifelong Kindergarten group think about creative learning, visit the {lclLink}.", "sec.faqLCLWebsite": "Learning Creative Learning website", - "sec.faqWhen": "When does the yearlong program begin and end?", - "sec.faqWhenAnswer": "The SEC program begins the first week of May 2021, and ends in May of 2022.", - "sec.faqUsingScratch": "Do I have to be using Scratch at my organization already?", - "sec.faqUsingScratchAnswer": "No, your organization does not need to already be using Scratch.", - "sec.faqUsingScratchAnswer2": "As a participant in the SEC, you will collaborate in developing and implementing programming and events for your community which incorporate Scratch. It is important that your organization and the community you will support through your work with the SEC has a plan for accessing technology.", + "sec.faqWhen": "Programu ya mwaka mzima huanza na kumalizika lini?", + "sec.faqWhenAnswer": "Mpango wa SEC huanza wiki ya kwanza ya Mei 2021, na kumalizika Mei ya 2022.", + "sec.faqUsingScratch": "Je, ni lazima natumia Scratch katika shirika langu tayari?", + "sec.faqUsingScratchAnswer": "Hapana, shirika lako halihitaji kuwa tayari linatumia Scratch.", + "sec.faqUsingScratchAnswer2": "Kama mshiriki katika SEC, utashirikiana katika kuendeleza na kutekeleza programu na matukio kwa jamii yako ambayo inaingiza Scratch. Ni muhimu kwamba shirika lako na jamii utakayounga mkono kupitia kazi yako na SEC ina mpango wa kupata teknolojia.", "sec.faqBackground": "Je, ninahitaji kuwa na historia ya maarifa ya kompyuta sayansi?", "sec.faqBackgroundAnswer": "Hauhutaji kuwa na historia ya maarifa ya kompyuta sayansi au kuwa mtekelezaji wa mafunzo ya kompyuta sayaynsi ili kushiriki kwenye SEC.", "sec.faqBackgroundAnswer2": "Tunahimiza matumizi ya Scratch kama combo cha ubunifu na tunakaribisha mashirika yaliyo na hamu kutumia Scratch katika mazingira anuwai.", @@ -50,23 +50,23 @@ "sec.faqInternationalAnswer": "Ndio, SEC ni jamii ya kimataifa. Inakaribisha maombi kutoka kwa mashirika kote duniani.", "sec.faqEnglish": "Je, shirika langu linafaa kuwa la kuongea kiingereza?", "sec.faqEnglishAnswer": "Shirika lako halifai kuwa la kuzungumza Kiingereza ili kuomba.", - "sec.faqEnglishAnswer2": "We do ask that one member of your organization is able to participate in SEC events, which will be run in English.", - "sec.faqHowManyMembers": "How many members of my organization will be required to participate? ", + "sec.faqEnglishAnswer2": "Tunauliza kwamba mwanachama mmoja wa shirika lako anaweza kushiriki katika matukio ya SEC, ambayo yataendeshwa kwa Kiingereza.", + "sec.faqHowManyMembers": "Ni wanachama wangapi wa shirika langu watatakiwa kushiriki? ", "sec.faqHowManyMembersAnswer": "Being a member organization requires buy-in from, at minimum, one representative and the Executive director/CEO/or equivalent position. ", "sec.faqHowManyMembersAnswer2": "One member of your team will be responsible for attending SEC events, and communicating with Scratch Team members and other participating SEC member organizations.", - "sec.faqNotified": "When will I be notified of my acceptance?", - "sec.faqNotifiedAnswer": "You will hear back from us by the first week of April, 2021.", - "sec.faqHours": "How many hours per month should I expect to devote to participating in the SEC?", - "sec.faqHoursAnswer": "You should expect to spend 4-10 hours a month participating in SEC related work.", + "sec.faqNotified": "Ni lini nitaarifiwa kuhusu kukubali kwangu?", + "sec.faqNotifiedAnswer": "Utasikia kutoka kwetu na wiki ya kwanza ya Aprili, 2021.", + "sec.faqHours": "Ni masaa mangapi kwa mwezi ninapaswa kutarajia kujitolea kushiriki katika SEC?", + "sec.faqHoursAnswer": "Unapaswa kutarajia kutumia masaa 4-10 kwa mwezi kushiriki katika kazi inayohusiana na SEC.", "sec.faqVirtual": "Will the program be entirely virtual?", "sec.faqVirtualAnswer": "All workshops and sessions for the 2021-2022 cohort will be hosted virtually.", "sec.faqWorkshopLanguage": "The SEC is an international community, what is the primary language that workshops and sessions will be offered in?", - "sec.faqWorkshopLanguageAnswer": "SEC workshops and events will be facilitated in English. ", - "sec.faqCost": "What is the cost of participating in the SEC?", - "sec.faqCostAnswer": "Participating in the SEC is free for all participating organizations.", - "sec.faqCulturallySustaining": "What do we mean by culturally sustaining in the context of education?", + "sec.faqWorkshopLanguageAnswer": "Warsha na matukio ya SEC yatawezeshwa kwa Kiingereza. ", + "sec.faqCost": "Gharama ya kushiriki katika SEC ni nini?", + "sec.faqCostAnswer": "Kushiriki katika SEC ni bure kwa mashirika yote yanayoshiriki.", + "sec.faqCulturallySustaining": "Tunamaanisha nini kwa kudumisha utamaduni katika muktadha wa elimu?", "sec.faqCulturallySustainingAnswer": "Culturally sustaining pedagogy empowers students by creating educational experiences which reaffirm, honor, explore, and extend their culture, heritage and communities (Ladson-Billings, 1994). Scratch and the SEC aims to empower educators and students across the globe through engagement in culturally relevant creative learning practices and creative computing experiences that will lead to culturally sustaining frames of reference and perspective (Hammond, 2015) and support relevant personal connections to Scratch’s and the SEC’s mission and values. ", - "sec.faqFuture": "I cannot participate this year, can I apply in the future? ", - "sec.faqFutureAnswer": "Yes! Join our {subscribeLink} to stay connected and receive future updates about the SEC.", - "sec.faqMailingList": "mailing list" + "sec.faqFuture": "Siwezi kushiriki mwaka huu, naweza kutuma katika siku zijazo? ", + "sec.faqFutureAnswer": "Ndiyo! Jiunge nasi {subscribeLink} ili kuendelea kushikamana na kupokea sasisho za baadaye kuhusu SEC.", + "sec.faqMailingList": "orodha ya barua" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/th.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/th.json index ce9c4c8c..f414d8ab 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/th.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/th.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tn.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tn.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tn.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tr.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tr.json index 1ecb7fa2..0dcbb6eb 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tr.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/tr.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uk.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uk.json index c2b73399..b59f5dd6 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uk.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uk.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uz.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uz.json index 48fbd4cf..153a90bd 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uz.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/uz.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/vi.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/vi.json index 6724f883..30231e2f 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/vi.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/vi.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/xh.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/xh.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/xh.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/xh.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-cn.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-cn.json index 9b03dbab..83a7264c 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-cn.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-cn.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "借助Scratch基金会的社交媒体渠道、网站、邮件列表以及Scratch大会宣传贵机构的工作成果和影响", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "在Scratch基金会的帮助下在当地开展Scratch日活动", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "贵机构需要符合以下条件:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "主要专注于支持过去受到忽视的青少年群体,包括美国或其他国家的黑人、拉丁裔、美洲原住民", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "直接面向青少年提供创意学习和/或创意编程活动", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "作为非盈利组织或学区,对践行平等的创意学习有所承诺", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "愿意与Scratch和SEC团体合作开发和使用可在全球共享的创意计算资源", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-tw.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-tw.json index 95f663ab..69acd182 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-tw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zh-tw.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zu.json b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zu.json index a251b798..3c669925 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zu.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.sec-l10njson/zu.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint5": "Promote your organization’s work and impact through Scratch Foundation social-channels, websites, newsletters, and the Scratch Conference", "sec.expectationsFromOrgsPoint6": "Facilitate a Scratch Day for your community with support from the Scratch Foundation", "sec.eligibilityPrefix": "Your organization is:", - "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, LatinX, and Indigenous Americans in the United States and/or globally", + "sec.eligibilityPoint1": "Primarily focused on supporting traditionally underrepresented youth, including Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people in the United States and/or globally", "sec.eligibilityPoint2": "Directly serving youth through creative learning and/or creative coding initiatives", "sec.eligibilityPoint3": "Designated as a non-profit, or a school district that has demonstrated a commitment to equitable creative learning practices", "sec.eligibilityPoint4": "Willing to collaborate with Scratch and the SEC community to develop and utilize creative computing resources that can be shared globally", diff --git a/www/scratch-website.teacher-faq-l10njson/sw.json b/www/scratch-website.teacher-faq-l10njson/sw.json index 2cd1fc52..fc23db59 100644 --- a/www/scratch-website.teacher-faq-l10njson/sw.json +++ b/www/scratch-website.teacher-faq-l10njson/sw.json @@ -2,38 +2,38 @@ "teacherfaq.title": " Akaunti ya Mwalimu wa Scratch, Maswali yanayoulizwa mara kwa mara ", "teacherfaq.educatorTitle": "Maswali yanayoulizwa mara kwa mara ya mkufunzi wa Scratch", "teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedTitle": "Mimi ni mwalimu mgeni kwa Scratch, naweza kuanza vipi?", - "teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedBody": "Scratch has many resources available to help you get started! Please see our {educatorResourcesLink} for Guides, Tutorials, and many other resources to help you run your class with Scratch!", + "teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedBody": "Scratch ina rasilimali nyingi zinazopatikana ili kukusaidia kuanza! Tafadhali angalia {educatorResourcesLink} yetu kwa Miongozo, Mafunzo, na rasilimali nyingine nyingi ili kukusaidia kuendeleza darasa lako na Scratch!", "teacherfaq.educatorResourcesLink": "Ukurasa wa rasilimali ya mwalimu", "teacherfaq.teacherWhatTitle": "Akaunti za mwalimu ni zipi?", "teacherfaq.teacherWhatBody": "Akaunti ya Mwalimu ya Scratch inapatia wakufunzi vipengele vya kumudu jinsi wanafunzi wanashiriki kwenye Scratch. Vipengele hivi vinawawezesha kuunda akaunti ya wanafunzi, kupanga miradi ya wanafunzi kwenye studio na kufuatilia maoni ya wanafunzi. Jifunze mengi kuhusu Akaunti ya Walimu kwenye video hapo chini:", "teacherfaq.teacherSignUpTitle": "Je ninaweza kuomba akaunti ya mwalimu vipi?", - "teacherfaq.teacherSignUpBody": "To request a Teacher Account, please go to the teacher account request form.", + "teacherfaq.teacherSignUpBody": "Kuomba Akaunti ya Mwalimu, tafadhali nenda kwenye fomu ya maombi ya akaunti ya mwalimu.", "teacherfaq.classMultipleTeachersTitle": "Je, darasa linaweza kuwa na walimu wengi?", "teacherfaq.classMultipleTeachersBody": "Darasa linaweza kuhusishwa na akaunti moja tu ya mwalimu .", "teacherfaq.convertToTeacherTitle": "Tayari niko na akaunti ya Scratch. Je, unaweza ifanya ikawa akaunti ya Mwalimu?", - "teacherfaq.convertToTeacherList": "Please send an email to {helpEmail} and be sure to include the following information:", + "teacherfaq.convertToTeacherList": "Tafadhali tuma barua pepe kwa {helpEmail} na uwe na uhakika wa kujumuisha maelezo yafuatayo:", "teacherfaq.convertToTeacherUsername": "Your Scratch username (Please double check that you know your username by logging into it before contacting us!)", "teacherfaq.convertToTeacherEmail": "Barua pepe unaohusishwa na akaunti yako ya Scratch", "teacherfaq.convertToTeacherBirth": "Mwezi wa kuzaliwa na mwaka wa kuzaliwa unohusishwa na akaunti ya Scratch", "teacherfaq.teacherPersonalTitle": "Kwa nini unataka kujua habari yangu ya kibinafsi wakati wa usajili ", "teacherfaq.teacherPersonalBody": "Tunatumia habari hii kuthibitisha kuwa mwagiza akaunti ni mwalimu. Hatutashiriki habari hii na mtu mwingine yeyote, na haitatolewa hadharani kwenye wavuti.", - "teacherfaq.teacherGoogleTitle": "Does Scratch connect with Google Classroom, Clever or any other classroom management service?", - "teacherfaq.teacherGoogleBody": "No, Scratch does not connect with any classroom management services.", + "teacherfaq.teacherGoogleTitle": "Je, Scratch inaungana na Darasa la Google, Clever au huduma nyingine yoyote ya usimamizi wa darasa?", + "teacherfaq.teacherGoogleBody": "Hapana, Scratch haiunganishi na huduma zozote za usimamizi wa darasani.", "teacherfaq.teacherEdTitle": "Je, akaunti za waalimu za Scratch zimeunganishwa na akaunti za ScratchEd ? ", "teacherfaq.teacherEdBody": "Hapana, akaunti ya mwalimu ya Scratch haijaunganishwa na akaunti ya ScratchEd ", "teacherfaq.teacherFeaturesTitle": "Wanafunzi wangu wengine tayari wana akaunti ya Scratch. Ni vipi nitawaongeza kwenya darasa?", "teacherfaq.teacherFeaturesBody": " Vipengele vingi vinaombwa kwa kawaida, ikiwa ni pamoja na: ", "teacherfaq.teacherFeaturesConvert": "Kugeuza Akaunti ya Scratch Kuwa Akaunti ya Wanafunzi", - "teacherfaq.teacherMoveStudents": "Moving Student Accounts to other Teacher Accounts and Classes", + "teacherfaq.teacherMoveStudents": "Kuhamisha Akaunti za Mwanafunzi kwa Akaunti na Madarasa mengine ya Mwalimu", "teacherfaq.teacherMultipleClasses": "Having Student Accounts be in multiple Classes, or associated with multiple Teacher Accounts", - "teacherfaq.teacherLMSs": "Connecting with classroom management systems like Google Classroom and Clever", - "teacherfaq.teacherLimitStudent": "Limit what features students have, such as seeing or being able to post comments", + "teacherfaq.teacherLMSs": "Kuunganisha na mifumo ya usimamizi wa darasa kama Darasa la Google na Clever", + "teacherfaq.teacherLimitStudent": "Punguza kile ambacho wanafunzi wanacho, kama vile kuona au kuweza kuchapisha maoni", "teacherfaq.teacherWillNotImplement": "Haiwezekani kufanya vitu hivi kwa Scratch kwa wakati huu. Tungependa kuongeze matumizi mengine kwenye Akaunti ya Walimu na kuiwezesha kufanya vitu hivi lakini Scratch ni shirika dogo lenye rasilimali chache. Kwa hivo, itachukua muda kabla ya sisi kuwezesha matumizi mengine.", "teacherfaq.studentTransferTitle": " Naweza kuhamisha mwanafunzi kutoka Akaunti moja ya Mwalimu au darasa hadi jingine?", - "teacherfaq.studentTransferBody": "No, it is not possible to transfer students from one class or teacher to another. You can create a new Student Account for the student using a different Teacher Account if they need to be part of a new class.", + "teacherfaq.studentTransferBody": "Hapana, haiwezekani kuhamisha wanafunzi kutoka darasa moja au mwalimu kwenda mwingine. Unaweza kuunda Akaunti mpya ya Mwanafunzi kwa mwanafunzi kwa kutumia Akaunti tofauti ya Mwalimu ikiwa wanahitaji kuwa sehemu ya darasa jipya.", "teacherfaq.studentAccountsTitle": "Akaunti za wanafunzi", "teacherfaq.studentVerifyTitle": " Je, ninahitaji kuthibitisha kila moja ya barua pepe za wanafunzi wangu?", - "teacherfaq.studentVerifyBody": "No. The Teacher Account’s email address is used for all Student Accounts, so there is no need to verify students’ email addresses.", + "teacherfaq.studentVerifyBody": "La. Anwani ya barua pepe ya Akaunti ya Mwalimu hutumiwa kwa Akaunti zote za Mwanafunzi, kwa hivyo hakuna haja ya kuthibitisha anwani za barua pepe za wanafunzi.", "teacherfaq.studentEndTitle": "Kitu gani hufanyika ninapotamatisha darasa langu?", "teacherfaq.studentEndBody": "Unapomaliza darasa, ukurasa wako wa wasifu wa darasa utafichwa, nao wanafunzi wako hawataweza kuingia tena (lakini miradi yao na studio za darasa bado zitaonekana kwenye tovuti). Unaweza kufungua darasa tena wakati wowote ", "teacherfaq.studentForgetTitle": "Kitu gani hufanyika mwanafunzi anaposahau nenosiri yake?", @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "teacherfaq.studentDeleteBody": "You cannot delete a student’s account by using a Teacher Account, but Student Accounts can be deleted through the {accountSettingsLink} page while logged in to the Student Account.", "teacherfaq.accountSettings": "Mipangilio ya Akaunti", "teacherfaq.studentAddExistingTitle": "Wanafunzi wangu wengine tayari wako na akaunti ya Scratch. Ntawaongeza aje kwenye darasa?", - "teacherfaq.studentAddExistingBody": "It is not possible to add an existing Scratch account to a classroom. You will need to create a new Student Account for them using your Teacher Account.", + "teacherfaq.studentAddExistingBody": "Haiwezekani kuongeza akaunti iliyopo ya Scratch kwenye darasa. Utahitaji kuunda Akaunti mpya ya Mwanafunzi kwa kutumia Akaunti yako ya Mwalimu.", "teacherfaq.studentMultipleTitle": "Je, mwanafunzi anaweza kujiunga na madarasa mengine mengi?", "teacherfaq.studentMultipleBody": "Mwanafunzi anaweza tu kujiunga na darasa moja.", "teacherfaq.studentDiscussTitle": "Je! Kuna nafasi ya kujadili Akaunti ya Mwalimu na walimu wengine?", @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ "teacherfaq.studentPrivacyLawsTitle": "Is Scratch compliant with United States local and federal data privacy laws?", "teacherfaq.studentPrivacyLawsBody": "Scratch cares deeply about the privacy of students and of all individuals who use our platform. We have physical and electronic procedures in place to protect the information we collect. Although we are not in a position to offer contractual guarantees with each entity that uses our free educational product, we are in compliance with all United States federal laws that are applicable to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We encourage you to read the {privacyPolicyLink} for more information.", "teacherfaq.student250Title": "Nataka kuongeza zaidi ya wanafunzi 250. Je, naweza fanya hivi vipi?", - "teacherfaq.student250Body": "It is not possible to add more than 250 students to a single class. You can, however, create a new class on the {myClassesLink} and add another 250 student accounts to each new class.", + "teacherfaq.student250Body": "Haiwezekani kuongeza wanafunzi zaidi ya 250 kwa darasa moja. Unaweza, hata hivyo, kuunda darasa jipya kwenye {myClassesLink} na kuongeza akaunti nyingine za wanafunzi 250 kwa kila darasa jipya.", "teacherfaq.myClasses": "Ukurasa wangu wa Madarasa", "teacherfaq.commTitle": "Jamii", "teacherfaq.commHiddenTitle": "Je, naweza kuunda darasa la faragha? ", @@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ "teacherfaq.commWhoTitle": "Wanafunzi wangu wanaweza kushirikiana na nani katika Scratch?", "teacherfaq.commWhoBody": "Akaunti za wanafunzi zina haki sawa za jamii kama akaunti ya kawaida ya Scratch, kama vile miradi ya kushiriki, kutoa maoni, kuunda studio, na kadhalika. Kama mwalimu, unaweza kuona shughuli zote za wanafunzi wako na kukadiria viwango vya matendo na shughuli ndani ya darasa lako.", "teacherfaq.commInappropriateTitle": "Je, ninaweza kuchukua hatua gani ikiwa nitaliona jambo lisilofaa?", - "teacherfaq.commInappropriateBody": "You can manually remove inappropriate comments and projects created by your students. If you find inappropriate content created by non-students, please notify the Scratch Team by clicking the ‘Report’ button.", + "teacherfaq.commInappropriateBody": "Unaweza kuondoa maoni yasiyo sahihi na miradi iliyoundwa na wanafunzi wako. Ikiwa unapata maudhui yasiyo sahihi yaliyoundwa na wasio wanafunzi, tafadhali arifu Timu ya Scratch kwa kubofya kitufe cha 'Ripoti'.", "teacherfaq.commTurnOffCommentsTitle": "Naweza kuzima uwezo wa wanafunzi kuona na kuchapisha maoni?", "teacherfaq.commTurnOffCommentsBody": "No, you cannot disable the commenting feature for your students in the online Community. You can selectively turn off the ability for others to leave comments on their profiles and each individual project, but there is not a site-wide feature to restrict commenting. If commenting doesn’t feel right for your students, you may want to consider using the {desktopLink} which is an offline version of the Scratch project editor that does not include the online community.", "teacherfaq.commBlockGamesTitle": "Naweza kuwazuia wanafunzi wangu kucheza michezo kwenye Scratch?", - "teacherfaq.commBlockGamesBody1": "We do not remove projects that are games, or inspired by popular video games unless they contain other elements which would be inappropriate for children. We believe that children learn best when working on projects about things in their life they are passionate about; one of the things they are often passionate about is games.", - "teacherfaq.commBlockGamesBody2": "If you are aware of any specific projects which do contain inappropriate elements, please click the 'Report' button which appears on the project page so we can take appropriate action." + "teacherfaq.commBlockGamesBody1": "Hatuondoi miradi ambayo ni michezo, au iliyoongozwa na michezo maarufu ya video isipokuwa ina mambo mengine ambayo yangekuwa yasiyo bora kwa watoto. Tunaamini kwamba watoto wanajifunza vyema wakati wa kufanya kazi kwenye miradi kuhusu vitu katika maisha yao wana shauku juu yao; moja ya mambo mara nyingi ni shauku juu ya ni michezo.", + "teacherfaq.commBlockGamesBody2": "Ikiwa unajua miradi yoyote maalum ambayo ina vipengele visivyofaa, tafadhali bofya kitufe cha 'Ripoti' ambacho kinaonekana kwenye ukurasa wa mradi ili tuweze kuchukua hatua mwafaka." } \ No newline at end of file