pull new editor translations from Transifex

This commit is contained in:
Alexis 2023-03-25 03:20:33 +00:00
parent c0ee6855de
commit 49e596f071
29 changed files with 854 additions and 854 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ {
"about.introOne": "Scratch is the worlds largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {foundationLink}, a nonprofit organization. ", "about.introOne": "Scratch is the worlds largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {foundationLink}, a nonprofit organization. ",
"about.introTwo": "Scratch promotes computational thinking and problem solving skills; creative teaching and learning; self-expression and collaboration; and equity in computing.", "about.introTwo": "Scratch podporuje výpočtové myslenie a zručnosti pri riešení problémov; tvorivé vyučovanie a učenie sa; sebavyjadrenie a spolupráca; a spravodlivosť vo výpočtovej technike.",
"about.introThree": "Scratch is always free and is available in more than 70 languages.", "about.introThree": "Scratch je vždy zadarmo a je dostupný vo viac ako 70 jazykoch.",
"about.foundationText": "Nadácia Scratch", "about.foundationText": "Nadácia Scratch",
"about.introParents": "Informácie pre rodičov", "about.introParents": "Informácie pre rodičov",
"about.introEducators": "Informácie pre pedagógov", "about.introEducators": "Informácie pre pedagógov",
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Annual Report", "about.annualReportLinkText": "Annual Report",
"about.support": "Podpora a financovanie", "about.support": "Podpora a financovanie",
"about.supportDescription": "Scratch is available for free, thanks to support from our {donorsLink}. This support helps us provide kids around the world with opportunities to imagine, create, and share. You can support Scratch by making a donation {donateLink}.", "about.supportDescription": "Scratch is available for free, thanks to support from our {donorsLink}. This support helps us provide kids around the world with opportunities to imagine, create, and share. You can support Scratch by making a donation {donateLink}.",
"about.donorsLinkText": "donors", "about.donorsLinkText": "darcov",
"about.donateLinkText": "tu", "about.donateLinkText": "tu",
"about.donateButton": "Podpor nás" "about.donateButton": "Podpor nás"
} }

View file

@ -13,119 +13,119 @@
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Správa od tímu Scratch", "annualReport.messageTitle": "Správa od tímu Scratch",
"annualReport.messageP1": "Rok 2019 bol pre Scratch rokom veľkého pokroku. Rok sme začali uvedením Scratch 3.0, našej najnovšej generácie Scratch, ktorá je navrhnutá tak, aby podnietila kreativitu detí a zaujala deti s rôznymi záujmami a prostredím. Koniec roka sme oslávili tým, že sa náš tím presťahoval z MIT do svojho nového domova v Scratch Foundation, v hravom priestore na prvom poschodí neďaleko South Station v Bostone. V priebehu roka komunita Scratch naďalej prosperovala a rástla: Viac ako 20 miliónov mladých ľudí vytvorilo v roku 2019 projekty so Scratch, čo predstavuje nárast o 48 % v porovnaní s predchádzajúcim rokom.", "annualReport.messageP1": "Rok 2019 bol pre Scratch rokom veľkého pokroku. Rok sme začali uvedením Scratch 3.0, našej najnovšej generácie Scratch, ktorá je navrhnutá tak, aby podnietila kreativitu detí a zaujala deti s rôznymi záujmami a prostredím. Koniec roka sme oslávili tým, že sa náš tím presťahoval z MIT do svojho nového domova v Scratch Foundation, v hravom priestore na prvom poschodí neďaleko South Station v Bostone. V priebehu roka komunita Scratch naďalej prosperovala a rástla: Viac ako 20 miliónov mladých ľudí vytvorilo v roku 2019 projekty so Scratch, čo predstavuje nárast o 48 % v porovnaní s predchádzajúcim rokom.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "Vplyv a dôležitosť Scratch boli zdôraznené v roku 2020, keď pandémia COVID prinútila školy zatvoriť. Aktivita v online komunite Scratch sa viac ako zdvojnásobila, keď sa mladí ľudia, ktorí boli obmedzení vo svojich domovoch, obrátili na Scratch, aby sa kreatívne vyjadrili a spojili sa navzájom. Scratchers sa tiež aktívne zapájali do Black Lives Matter a iných hnutí za rasovú spravodlivosť a spravodlivosť, vytvárali animované projekty a štúdiá na šírenie povedomia a žiadali zmenu.", "annualReport.messageP2": "Vplyv a dôležitosť Scratch boli zdôraznené v roku 2020, keď pandémia COVID prinútila školy zatvoriť. Aktivita v online komunite Scratch sa viac ako zdvojnásobila, keď sa mladí ľudia, ktorí boli obmedzení vo svojich domovoch, obrátili na Scratch, aby sa kreatívne vyjadrili a spojili sa navzájom. Scratchers sa tiež aktívne zapájali do Black Lives Matter a iných hnutí za rasovú spravodlivosť a spravodlivosť, vytvárali animované projekty a štúdiá na šírenie povedomia a žiadali zmenu.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.", "annualReport.messageP3": "Odkedy sme v roku 2007 spustili Scratch, vždy sme Scratch vnímali ako viac než len programovací jazyk. Scratch poskytuje príležitosti pre všetkých mladých ľudí zo všetkých prostredí, aby rozvíjali svoj hlas, vyjadrovali svoje nápady a tvorili spolu. Radi vidíme spôsoby, akými Scratchers reagovali na nedávne spoločenské výzvy kreativitou, spoluprácou, starostlivosťou a láskavosťou.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, well share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.", "annualReport.messageP4": "V tejto výročnej správe sa podelíme o viac o poslaní, plánoch, dopade a dosahu Scratch, podporených príkladmi toho, ako Scratch rozširuje možnosti vzdelávania pre širokú rozmanitosť mladých ľudí na celom svete, a to v školách aj počas ich životy.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "Were proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and were committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.", "annualReport.messageP5": "Sme hrdí na to, čo dnes mladí ľudia vytvárajú a učia sa pomocou aplikácie Scratch, a sme odhodlaní v budúcnosti poskytovať viac príležitostí pre viac mladých ľudí.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team", "annualReport.messageSignature": "— Tím Scratch",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID", "annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch reagira na COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.", "annualReport.covidResponseP1": "Keď píšeme túto výročnú správu, máme pred sebou niekoľko mesiacov pandémie COVID. Od polovice marca 2020 je kancelária Scratch zatvorená a členovia tímu Scratch Team aktívne pracujú z domu na podpore detí a pedagógov na celom svete, ktorých životy narušila pandémia.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.", "annualReport.covidResponseP2": "17. marca sme spustili iniciatívu #ScratchAtHome s cieľom poskytnúť deťom, rodinám a pedagógom nápady, ako sa zapojiť do kreatívnych vzdelávacích aktivít so Scratchom doma. Naďalej pridávame videonávody a ďalšie zdroje do {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page", "annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtDomovská stránka",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.", "annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Aktivita sa {scratchCommunityLink} v porovnaní s minulým rokom viac ako zdvojnásobila. Scratchers vytvárajú a zdieľajú projekty, aby podporili a inšpirovali ostatných počas pandémie s projektmi a štúdiami, ktoré ponúkajú nápady na cvičenie doma, tipy na udržanie zdravia, humor na povzbudenie jeden druhého a vďaka nevyhnutným pracovníkom.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community", "annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online komunitu",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Our Mission", "annualReport.missionTitle": "NASA misia",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.", "annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Naším poslaním je poskytnúť všetkým deťom zo všetkých prostredí príležitosti predstaviť si, vytvárať a spolupracovať s novými technológiami aby mohli formovať svet zajtrajška.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.", "annualReport.missionP1": "Zaviazali sme sa uprednostňovať spravodlivosť vo všetkých aspektoch našej práce, s osobitným zameraním na iniciatívy a prístupy, ktoré podporujú deti, rodiny a pedagógov, ktorí sú najviac vzdialení od vzdelávacej spravodlivosti.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "Weve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.", "annualReport.missionP2": "Scratch sme vyvinuli ako bezplatné, bezpečné a hravé vzdelávacie prostredie, ktoré zapája všetky deti do tvorivého myslenia, systematického uvažovania a spolupráce základné zručnosti pre každého v dnešnej spoločnosti. Spolupracujeme s pedagógmi a rodinami, aby sme podporili deti pri objavovaní, zdieľaní a učení.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:", "annualReport.missionP3": "Pri vývoji nových technológií, aktivít a učebných materiálov sa riadime tým, čo nazývame {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Four Ps of Creative Learning", "annualReport.fourPs": "Štyri P kreatívneho učenia",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Projekty", "annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Projekty",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "Kamaráti", "annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "Kamaráti",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Nadšenie", "annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Nadšenie",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "Zahraj", "annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "Zahraj",
"annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively", "annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Zapojte deti do navrhovania, tvorenia a tvorivého vyjadrovania",
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring", "annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Podporujte deti v spolupráci, zdieľaní, remixovaní a mentorovaní",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects", "annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Umožnite deťom stavať na svojich záujmoch a pracovať na osobne zmysluplných projektoch",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate", "annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Povzbudzujte deti, aby hrali, experimentovali a opakovali",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Míľniky", "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Míľniky",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.", "annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Tu sú niektoré kľúčové udalosti a úspechy v histórii Scratch a globálnej komunity Scratch.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch", "annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Získal grant Národnej vedeckej nadácie na začatie vývoja aplikácie Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit", "annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Prvý Scratch workshop ponúkol na Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
"annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Public launch of Scratch programming language and online community", "annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Verejné spustenie programovacieho jazyka Scratch a online komunity",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organized first Scratch Conference for educators and developers", "annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Zorganizovala prvú Scratch konferenciu pre pedagógov a vývojárov",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Released Scratch 1.4, translated into more than 40 languages", "annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Vydaný Scratch 1.4, preložený do viac ako 40 jazykov",
"annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Hosted first Scratch Day event for children and families", "annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Usporiadal prvé podujatie Scratch Day pre deti a rodiny",
"annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community reaches 1 million members", "annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online komunita má 1 milión členov",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Established Code-to-Learn Foundation (later renamed Scratch Foundation)", "annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Založená nadácia Code-to-Learn Foundation (neskôr premenovaná na Scratch Foundation)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Launch of Scratch 2.0, providing new opportunities for collaboration", "annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Spustenie aplikácie Scratch 2.0, ktorá poskytuje nové príležitosti na spoluprácu",
"annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Launch of ScratchJr for younger children, ages 5 to 7", "annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Spustenie aplikácie ScratchJr pre mladšie deti vo veku 5 až 7 rokov",
"annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community reaches 10 million members", "annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online komunita má 10 miliónov členov",
"annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day grows to 1,100 events in 60 countries", "annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day sa rozrastá na 1 100 podujatí v 60 krajinách",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code", "annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Spustenie aplikácie Scratch 3.0, ktorá rozširuje to, čo môžu deti vytvárať pomocou kódu",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation", "annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team sa presúva z MIT do Scratch Foundation",
"annualReport.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World", "annualReport.reachTitle": "Oslovenie detí na celom svete",
"annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the worlds largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.", "annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch je najväčšia kódovacia komunita na svete pre deti a tínedžerov vo veku od 8 rokov.",
"annualReport.reachMillion": "million", "annualReport.reachMillion": "miliónov",
"annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}", "annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}",
"annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}", "annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}",
"annualReport.reach20million": "20 {million}", "annualReport.reach20million": "20 {million}",
"annualReport.reach48million": "48 {million}", "annualReport.reach48million": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Unique Visitors", "annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Jedineční návštevníci",
"annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created", "annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "Projekty vytvorené",
"annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "People Created Projects", "annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "Ľudia vytvorili projekty",
"annualReport.reachComments": "Comments Posted in the Online Community", "annualReport.reachComments": "Komentáre uverejnené v komunite online",
"annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Community Growth", "annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Rast komunity",
"annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "New accounts created in the Scratch Online Community within the last 5 years.", "annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "Nové účty vytvorené v komunite Scratch Online za posledných 5 rokov.",
"annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "Our Global Community", "annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "Naša globálna komunita",
"annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through 2019", "annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Celkový počet účtov zaregistrovaných v komunite Scratch Online od spustenia Scratch do roku 2019",
"annualReport.reachMap20M": "20M", "annualReport.reachMap20M": "20M",
"annualReport.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale", "annualReport.reachMapLog": "na logaritmickej stupnici",
"annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 60+ Languages", "annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch je preložený do 60+ jazykov",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.", "annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Vďaka dobrovoľným prekladateľom z celého sveta.",
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.", "annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr je úvodné programovacie prostredie, ktoré umožňuje malým deťom (vo veku 5 7 rokov) vytvárať si vlastné interaktívne príbehy a hry.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}", "annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014", "annualReport.reachDownloads": "Stiahnuté od spustenia v roku 2014",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Iniciatívy", "annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Iniciatívy",
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.", "annualReport.initiativesDescription": "Práca v Scratch Foundation sa sústreďuje na tri strategické oblasti: kreatívne nástroje, komunitu a školy. Každá oblasť uprednostňuje hlas a potreby detí, ktoré sú nedostatočne zastúpené v kreatívnej výpočtovej technike, a snaží sa podporovať deti v rôznych prostrediach a kultúrach po celom svete.",
"annualReport.equity": "Equity", "annualReport.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy", "annualReport.globalStrategy": "Globálna stratégia",
"annualReport.toolsTitle": "Creative Tools", "annualReport.toolsTitle": "Kreatívne nástroje",
"annualReport.toolsIntro": "We are constantly experimenting and innovating with new technologies and new designs — always striving to provide children with new ways to create, collaborate, and learn.", "annualReport.toolsIntro": "Neustále experimentujeme a inovujeme nové technológie a nové dizajny vždy sa snažíme poskytnúť deťom nové spôsoby tvorenia, spolupráce a učenia sa.",
"annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Creative Tools — Spotlight Story", "annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Kreatívne nástroje — Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Launch of Scratch 3.0", "annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Spustenie aplikácie Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "We designed Scratch 3.0 to expand how, what, and where kids can create with Scratch. Released at the start of 2019, Scratch 3.0 led to a surge of activity in the Scratch community, with more projects — and a greater variety of projects — than ever before.", "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "Navrhli sme Scratch 3.0, aby sme rozšírili, ako, čo a kde môžu deti vytvárať pomocou Scratch. Scratch 3.0, ktorý bol vydaný začiatkom roka 2019, viedol k prudkému nárastu aktivity v komunite Scratch s viacerými projektmi a väčšou rozmanitosťou projektov než kedykoľvek predtým.",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 includes a library of extensions — extra collections of coding blocks that add new capabilities to Scratch. Some extensions provide access to web services and other software features, while others connect Scratch with physical-world devices like motors and sensors.", "annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 obsahuje knižnicu rozšírení ďalšie kolekcie kódovacích blokov, ktoré pridávajú Scratch nové možnosti. Niektoré rozšírenia poskytujú prístup k webovým službám a ďalším softvérovým funkciám, zatiaľ čo iné spájajú Scratch so zariadeniami fyzického sveta, ako sú motory a senzory.",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Text-to-Speech", "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Prevod textu na reč",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.", "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "Vďaka rozšíreniu Text-to-Speech môžu deti naprogramovať svoje postavičky Scratch, aby hovorili nahlas rôznymi hlasmi.",
"annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+", "annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech", "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projekty v roku 2019 využívali prevod textu na reč",
"annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Most Popular", "annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Najpopulárnejší",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} new Scratch Extension in the community", "annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} nové rozšírenie Scratch v komunite",
"annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Collaboration with Amazon Web Services", "annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Spolupráca s Amazon Web Services",
"annualReport.toolsTranslate": "Preklad", "annualReport.toolsTranslate": "Preklad",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "With the Translate extension, built on the Google Translate API, kids can incorporate automatic translation into their projects, supporting language learning and global communication.", "annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "Vďaka rozšíreniu Translate, ktoré je postavené na rozhraní Google Translate API, môžu deti začleniť automatický preklad do svojich projektov, čím podporujú výučbu jazykov a globálnu komunikáciu.",
"annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+", "annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} languages translated in the extension", "annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} jazyky preložené v rozšírení",
"annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Supports Literacy", "annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Podporuje gramotnosť",
"annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "computer science and language arts", "annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "informatika a jazykové umenie",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} across {CSandLanguageArtsLink}", "annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} naprieč {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
"annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Collaboration with Google", "annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Spolupráca so spoločnosťou Google",
"annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Physical World Connections", "annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Fyzické svetové spojenia",
"annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3", "annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3",
"annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0", "annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0",
"annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Students can create dancing robots, interactive sculptures, and data-collection experiments using Scratch with LEGO robotics kits. The new LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set features an app based on Scratch. In addition, Scratch extensions are available for {mindstormsLink} and {weDoLink}.", "annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Študenti môžu vytvárať tanečné roboty, interaktívne sochy a experimenty so zberom údajov pomocou Scratch s robotickými súpravami LEGO. Nová súprava LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set obsahuje aplikáciu založenú na Scratch. Okrem toho sú k dispozícii rozšírenia Scratch pre {mindstormsLink} a {weDoLink}.",
"annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Collaboration with LEGO Education", "annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Spolupráca s LEGO Education",
"annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Videonávody", "annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Videonávody",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 introduced a diverse collection of video tutorials to help kids get started with Scratch. The tutorials are open-ended and designed to encourage students to experiment, follow their interests, and express their own ideas.", "annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 predstavil rozmanitú zbierku videonávodov, ktoré deťom pomôžu začať so Scratch. Návody sú otvorené a navrhnuté tak, aby povzbudzovali študentov, aby experimentovali, sledovali svoje záujmy a vyjadrovali svoje vlastné nápady.",
"annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 new tutorials", "annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 nových tutoriálov",
"annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0", "annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} k dispozícii v Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 million", "annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 miliónov",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} views in 2019", "annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} zobrazenia v roku 2019",
"annualReport.toolsApp": "Scratch App Supports Learning Offline", "annualReport.toolsApp": "Aplikácia Scratch podporuje učenie offline",
"annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "downloadable app", "annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "stiahnuteľná aplikácia",
"annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "use on Raspberry Pi 4", "annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "použite na Raspberry Pi 4",
"annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "During 2019, the Scratch Team released Scratch 3.0 as a {downloadableLink} for use on multiple platforms, including Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS, and Android tablets. In addition, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released Scratch 3.0 for {raspberryLink}. These downloadable versions are especially important for millions of learners in areas where internet connectivity is unavailable or unreliable.", "annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "Počas roku 2019 tím Scratch vydal Scratch 3.0 ako {downloadableLink} aplikáciu na použitie na viacerých platformách vrátane Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS a tabletov s Androidom. Okrem toho Raspberry Pi Foundation vydala Scratch 3.0 pre {raspberryLink}. Tieto verzie na stiahnutie sú obzvlášť dôležité pre milióny študentov v oblastiach, kde je internetové pripojenie nedostupné alebo nespoľahlivé.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi at Cartoon Network", "annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi v Cartoon Network",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "To highlight what kids can do with Scratch 3.0, we collaborated with Cartoon Network to create a video featuring Abhi, a 12-year-old Scratcher who loves to make animations and games. In the video, Abhi meets with Ian Jones-Quartey, creator of OK K.O. and other Cartoon Network shows. Abhi introduces Ian to key features of the new version of Scratch, and together they draw and program an animation of a Cartoon Network character jumping up and down.", "annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "Aby sme zdôraznili, čo deti dokážu so Scratch 3.0, v spolupráci s Cartoon Network sme vytvorili video s Abhi, 12-ročným Scratcherom, ktorý rád tvorí animácie a hry. Vo videu sa Abhi stretáva s Ianom Jonesom-Quarteyom, tvorcom OK K.O. a ďalšie relácie Cartoon Network. Abhi predstaví Ianovi kľúčové funkcie novej verzie Scratch a spoločne nakreslia a naprogramujú animáciu postavy Cartoon Network, ktorá skáče hore a dole.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "My favorite thing about Scratch is the community, because they are nice and helpful to me. Thats why Im always happy to share every project thats in my dreams.", "annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "Moja najobľúbenejšia vec na Scratch je komunita, pretože sú pre mňa milí a nápomocní. Preto sa vždy rád podelím o každý projekt, ktorý je v mojich snoch.",
"annualReport.communityTitle": "Komunita", "annualReport.communityTitle": "Komunita",
"annualReport.communityIntro": "The Scratch online community has always been an important part of the Scratch experience, providing opportunities for children to collaborate, share, and provide feedback to one another.", "annualReport.communityIntro": "Online komunita Scratch bola vždy dôležitou súčasťou skúseností so Scratch a poskytovala deťom príležitosti na spoluprácu, zdieľanie a poskytovanie si vzájomnej spätnej väzby.",
"annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Community — Spotlight Story", "annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Komunita Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.communityTeam": "Scratch Community Team", "annualReport.communityTeam": "Tím komunity Scratch",
"annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "When asked why they use Scratch, most Scratchers talk about the importance of the online community for motivating their ongoing participation, providing a space where they can express their creativity, make friends, receive feedback, get new ideas, and learn new skills. Many Scratchers express their appreciation for the Scratch community as a safe and welcoming space to connect, share, and learn from one another.", "annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "Na otázku, prečo používajú Scratch, väčšina Scratchers hovorí o dôležitosti online komunity pre motiváciu ich neustálej účasti, ktorá poskytuje priestor, kde môžu prejaviť svoju kreativitu, spoznať priateľov, získať spätnú väzbu, získať nové nápady a naučiť sa nové zručnosti. Mnoho Scratchers vyjadruje svoje uznanie komunite Scratch ako bezpečnému a príjemnému priestoru na spojenie, zdieľanie a učenie sa jeden od druhého.",
"annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "With 40,000 new projects and 400,000 new comments in the Scratch online community each day, how can we ensure that the community remains safe and friendly, while also supporting and encouraging creative expression? Our Community Team, including full-time staff and a network of moderators, leads this essential work. There are two key dimensions of the Community Team's work: moderation and community engagement.", "annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "So 40 000 novými projektmi a 400 000 novými komentármi v online komunite Scratch každý deň, ako môžeme zabezpečiť, aby komunita zostala bezpečná a priateľská a zároveň podporovala a povzbudzovala kreatívne prejavy? Náš komunitný tím, vrátane zamestnancov na plný úväzok a siete moderátorov, vedie túto zásadnú prácu. Práca komunitného tímu má dva kľúčové rozmery: moderovanie a zapojenie komunity.",
"annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Community Moderation", "annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Moderovanie komunity",
"annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "When young people join the Scratch community, they agree to follow a set of Community Guidelines, which are designed to keep Scratch a safe and supportive place for young people from all backgrounds. Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. Automated filters prevent private information from being shared or inappropriate content from being posted, and we allow anyone to report content they feel violates the Community Guidelines.", "annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "Keď sa mladí ľudia pridajú ku komunite Scratch, súhlasia s tým, že sa budú riadiť súborom pokynov pre komunitu, ktorých cieľom je udržať Scratch bezpečným a podporným miestom pre mladých ľudí zo všetkých prostredí. Náš komunitný tím používa širokú škálu nástrojov a stratégií na podporu dobrého digitálneho občianstva a na udržanie pozitívneho prostredia pre tvorcov Scratchers. Automatické filtre zabraňujú zdieľaniu súkromných informácií alebo uverejňovaniu nevhodného obsahu a umožňujeme komukoľvek nahlásiť obsah, ktorý pocit, že porušuje Pokyny pre komunitu.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "Pravidlá spoločenstva", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "Pravidlá spoločenstva",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "Scratch víta ľudí všetkých vekových skupín, rás, etnických skupín, náboženstiev, schopností, sexuálnych orientácií a rodovej identity.", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "Scratch víta ľudí všetkých vekových skupín, rás, etnických skupín, náboženstiev, schopností, sexuálnych orientácií a rodovej identity.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "Rešpektuj druhých.", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "Rešpektuj druhých.",
@ -134,100 +134,100 @@
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesConstructive": "Buďte konštruktívni.", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesConstructive": "Buďte konštruktívni.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "Nezverejňujte osobné informácie.", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "Nezverejňujte osobné informácie.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Pomôžte udržiavať toto miesto v priateľskej atmosfére.", "annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Pomôžte udržiavať toto miesto v priateľskej atmosfére.",
"annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Community Engagement", "annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "zapojenie komunity",
"annualReport.storySwap": "Story Swap", "annualReport.storySwap": "Výmena príbehov",
"annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Another major role of the Community Team is to highlight and develop opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways. The team features projects and studios from community members to serve as inspiration, and it regularly posts Scratch Design Studios to encourage creative activity. Each summer, the team organizes an online Scratch Camp: the theme in 2019 was {storySwapLink}, with Scratchers building on one anothers stories.", "annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Ďalšou hlavnou úlohou komunitného tímu je zdôrazňovať a rozvíjať príležitosti pre mladých ľudí, aby vyjadrili svoje nápady a zapojili sa pozitívnym spôsobom. Tím obsahuje projekty a štúdiá od členov komunity, ktoré slúžia ako inšpirácia, a pravidelne zverejňuje Scratch Design Studios na podporu tvorivej činnosti. Každé leto tím organizuje online Scratch Camp: témou v roku 2019 bolo {storySwapLink}, pričom Scratchers stavali na príbehoch toho druhého.",
"annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch Design Studios", "annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch Design Studios",
"annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Some Scratch Design Studios from 2019:", "annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Niektoré štúdiá Scratch Design Studios z roku 2019:",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "Day in the Life", "annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "Deň v živote",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Create a project about a day in the life of something", "annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Vytvorte projekt o jednom dni v živote niečoho",
"annualReport.communityYear3000": "Year 3000", "annualReport.communityYear3000": "Rok 3000",
"annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "What might life be like in the year 3000?", "annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "Aký by mohol byť život v roku 3000?",
"annualReport.communityBounce": "Bounce", "annualReport.communityBounce": "Odskočiť",
"annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Create a project that involves bouncing, jumping, boinging, or hopping.", "annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Vytvorte projekt, ktorý zahŕňa poskakovanie, skákanie, boing alebo skákanie.",
"annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monochromatic", "annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Jednofarebné",
"annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "How would things look if there were only one color?", "annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "Ako by to vyzeralo, keby bola len jedna farba?",
"annualReport.communityQuotes": "Community — Quotes", "annualReport.communityQuotes": "Komunita — Citáty",
"annualReport.communityQuote1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.", "annualReport.communityQuote1": "Do Scratch som sa pripojil, keď som mal 11 rokov a veci, ktoré som sa naučil pri používaní platformy a interakcii s komunitou, boli skutočne dôležitou súčasťou môjho učenia sa v dospelosti.",
"annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like \n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say \n¡GRACIAS!", "annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch mi umožnil robiť veci z domu, napríklad \n- Rešpektovať ľudí a ich projekty\n- Spoznať priateľov\n- Cítiť, že v tejto karanténe nie som sám\n....a oveľa viac, takže chcem povedzte \n¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.communityQuote3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!", "annualReport.communityQuote3": "Na Scratchi som asi 2 roky a bola to skúsenosť, ktorá mi zmenila život! Naučil som sa toľko nových vecí, ako je kódovanie, online etiketa a umenie!",
"annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.", "annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch bol môj obľúbený koníček v šiestej triede. Tajne ma zoznámil s booleovskou logikou, poradím operácií a vnorenými matematickými výrazmi nehovoriac o samotnom počítačovom programovaní.",
"annualReport.studio": "štúdio", "annualReport.studio": "štúdio",
"annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "As racial justice protests swept the United States after the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others in early 2020, many young people used Scratch as a way to express their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, creating projects and posting comments to speak out against racism and police violence. In a {BLMStudioLink} featured on the Scratch home page, Scratchers contributed hundreds of projects and thousands of comments. The Scratch Community Team was actively involved, to support Scratchers during a traumatic time and to ensure that all projects and conversations remained respectful.", "annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "Keď sa protesty proti rasovej spravodlivosti prehnali Spojenými štátmi po tragickej vražde Georga Floyda, Breonny Taylorovej, Ahmauda Arberyho a ďalších začiatkom roku 2020, mnohí mladí ľudia použili Scratch ako spôsob, ako vyjadriť svoju podporu hnutiu Black Lives Matter, vytvárať projekty a uverejňovaním komentárov vystupovať proti rasizmu a policajnému násiliu. V {BLMStudioLink} uvedenom na domovskej stránke Scratch prispeli Scratchers stovkami projektov a tisíckami komentárov. Tím komunity Scratch sa aktívne zapojil, aby podporil Scratchers počas traumatického obdobia a zabezpečil, aby všetky projekty a rozhovory zostali rešpektované.",
"annualReport.communityArtwork": "Artwork by the Scratcher OnionDipAnimations", "annualReport.communityArtwork": "Umelecké dielo od Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
"annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "We see young people as agents of change.", "annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "Vnímame mladých ľudí ako agentov zmeny.",
"annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "We are committed to working with them, and with the educators and families who support them, to ensure that they develop the skills, the motivation, and the confidence theyll need to lead fulfilling lives and bring about meaningful change in society.", "annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "Zaviazali sme sa spolupracovať s nimi a s pedagógmi a rodinami, ktoré ich podporujú, aby sme zabezpečili, že si rozvinú zručnosti, motiváciu a sebadôveru, ktoré budú potrebovať na to, aby viedli plnohodnotný život a priniesli zmysluplnú zmenu v spoločnosti.",
"annualReport.watchVideo": "Sledovať video", "annualReport.watchVideo": "Sledovať video",
"annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Schools", "annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Školy",
"annualReport.schoolsIntro": "We provide programs and resources to support teachers and students in schools around the world, designed to achieve equity in creative computing experiences, based on projects, passion, peers, and play.", "annualReport.schoolsIntro": "Poskytujeme programy a zdroje na podporu učiteľov a študentov na školách po celom svete, ktoré sú navrhnuté tak, aby dosiahli rovnosť v kreatívnych počítačových skúsenostiach na základe projektov, vášne, rovesníkov a hry.",
"annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Schools — Spotlight Story", "annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Školy --- Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Creative Computing in Chicago Public Schools", "annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Creative Computing na verejných školách v Chicagu",
"annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "In 2019, with funding from Google.org, the Scratch Team partnered with SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago and Chicago Public Schools to support seven elementary schools in the South Side of Chicago as they launched an initiative to incorporate creative coding into their curriculum.", "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "V roku 2019, s financovaním z Google.org, sa tím Scratch spojil so SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago a Chicago Public Schools s cieľom podporiť sedem základných škôl v South Side of Chicago, ktoré spustili iniciatívu na začlenenie kreatívneho kódovania do svojich učebných osnov.",
"annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "As a part of this initiative, hundreds of students imagined and drew themselves as the superhero of their own video games. They brought those ideas to life in a collaborative Scratch project called SuperMe. Local Chicago hero and Grammy Award winning musician Chance the Rapper was so inspired by the students work that he named it the official video game for his hit song “I Love You So Much” and shared it with the world.", "annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "V rámci tejto iniciatívy si stovky študentov predstavili a nakreslili samých seba ako superhrdinu svojich vlastných videohier. Tieto nápady priviedli k životu v spoločnom projekte Scratch s názvom SuperMe. Miestny hrdina z Chicaga a hudobník Chance the Rapper, ktorý získal cenu Grammy, bol natoľko inšpirovaný prácou študentov, že ju nazval oficiálnou videohrou pre svoju hitovú pieseň „I Love You So Much“ a podelil sa o ňu so svetom.",
"annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Family Creative Coding Nights", "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Rodinné večery kreatívneho kódovania",
"annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "A key to the success of this initiative was to connect students, families, teachers, and other community members through Family Creative Coding Nights. These events brought together hundreds of family members of all ages—from young children to grandparents—in activities that mixed coding with art, dance, and music. These events strengthened connections between home and school, recognizing the important role of families in inspiring and supporting children's learning.", "annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "Kľúčom k úspechu tejto iniciatívy bolo spojiť študentov, rodiny, učiteľov a ďalších členov komunity prostredníctvom Family Creative Coding Nights. Tieto udalosti spojili stovky rodinných príslušníkov všetkých vekových kategórií od malých detí až po starých rodičov pri aktivitách, v ktorých sa miešalo kódovanie s umením, tancom a hudbou. Tieto podujatia posilnili spojenie medzi domovom a školou a uznali dôležitú úlohu rodín pri inšpirácii a podpore učenia sa detí.",
"annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Photos by Jordan Macy, SocialWorks", "annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Fotografie od Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
"annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investing in Professional Development for Teachers", "annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investícia do profesionálneho rozvoja učiteľov",
"annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Teachers across the participating elementary schools came together for professional development workshops, gaining first-hand experience in creating their own Scratch projects and finding meaningful ways to use Scratch to support student learning across the curriculum.", "annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Učitelia zo zúčastnených základných škôl sa zišli na workshopoch profesionálneho rozvoja, kde získali skúsenosti z prvej ruky pri vytváraní vlastných projektov Scratch a našli zmysluplné spôsoby, ako využiť Scratch na podporu vzdelávania študentov v rámci učebných osnov.",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS Educator", "annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS pedagóg",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "What surprised me most was the intrinsic collaboration that came with using Scratch in my classroom. Often, students themselves would discover something in the Scratch platform, show me, and then spread it among themselves.", "annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "Najviac ma prekvapila vnútorná spolupráca, ktorá prišla s používaním Scratch v mojej triede. Často samotní študenti niečo objavili v platforme Scratch, ukázali mi to a potom to šírili medzi sebou.",
"annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Extending the Reach", "annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Rozšírenie dosahu",
"annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "To expand the reach of this partnership, CS4ALL Chicago built on the Family Creative Coding Night model and has made it available to all Chicago Public Schools. Google CS First produced {codeYourHeroLink} guides for students and teachers, available free online in English and Spanish.", "annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "Aby sa rozšíril dosah tohto partnerstva, CS4ALL Chicago postavilo na modeli Family Creative Coding Night a sprístupnilo ho všetkým verejným školám v Chicagu. Google CS First vytvoril sprievodcov {codeYourHeroLink} pre študentov a učiteľov, ktorí sú bezplatne k dispozícii online v angličtine a španielčine.",
"annualReport.codeYourHero": "Code Your Hero", "annualReport.codeYourHero": "Kódujte svojho hrdinu",
"annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "In the News", "annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "V správach",
"annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Chicago Sun Times Article", "annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Článok Chicago Sun Times",
"annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Rolling Stone Article", "annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Článok Rolling Stone",
"annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World", "annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch konferencie po celom svete",
"annualReport.conferencesIntro": "In 2008, the Scratch Team hosted the first Scratch conference at MIT, bringing together educators, researchers, and developers to share ideas and experiences for using Scratch to support creative learning. Since then, the Scratch Team has organized and hosted a Scratch conference at MIT every two years. In addition, members of the global Scratch community have organized and hosted more than a dozen conferences—stretching across oceans, continents, cultures, and languages.", "annualReport.conferencesIntro": "V roku 2008 tím Scratch usporiadal prvú konferenciu Scratch na MIT, na ktorej sa stretli pedagógovia, výskumníci a vývojári, aby sa podelili o nápady a skúsenosti týkajúce sa používania Scratch na podporu kreatívneho učenia. Odvtedy tím Scratch každé dva roky organizoval a hostil konferenciu Scratch na MIT. Okrem toho členovia globálnej komunity Scratch zorganizovali a usporiadali viac ako tucet konferencií, ktoré sa rozprestierali naprieč oceánmi, kontinentmi, kultúrami a jazykmi.",
"annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}", "annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Konferencia Scratch Africa, foto {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America", "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latinská Amerika",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.", "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "V máji 2019 sa pedagógovia z celého Čile a ďalších oblastí Latinskej Ameriky stretli na druhej konferencii {scratchAlSurLink} v Santiagu v Čile. Po konferencii spoločnosť Scratch al Sur vydala {spanishVersionLink} príručku {creativeComputingCurriculumLink}, ktorú vyvinula skupina Creative Computing na Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
"annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version", "annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "španielska verzia",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}", "annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Fotografiu poskytol {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europe", "annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Európe",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.", "annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "V auguste 2019 zorganizovala Raspberry Pi Foundation štvrtý ročník {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, ktorý sa konal v Cambridge vo Veľkej Británii. Na konferencii sa stretli formálni a neformálni pedagógovia z viac ako 25 krajín na praktických workshopoch, prezentáciách a demonštráciách študentov, pedagógov, výskumníkov a komunitných organizácií.",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}", "annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Fotografiu poskytol {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Africa", "annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Afrika",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.", "annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "V októbri 2019 sa prvý {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} konal v Nairobi v Keni a prilákal viac ako 250 pedagógov a študentov z celej Afriky, aby sa podelili o lekcie, posilnili postavenie mladých ľudí a oslávili úspechy v kreatívnom kódovaní. Na konferencii tím Scratch spustil svahilskú verziu aplikácie Scratch, ktorá je k dispozícii na použitie online aj offline.",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}", "annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Fotka od {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019", "annualReport.financialsTitle": "Finančné údaje 2019",
"annualReport.financialsButton": "2019 Audited Financials", "annualReport.financialsButton": "Auditované finančné výkazy za rok 2019",
"annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Note: Financials in future years will be significantly different, since the Scratch staff has now transitioned from MIT to the Scratch Foundation.", "annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Poznámka: Finančná situácia v budúcich rokoch bude výrazne odlišná, keďže zamestnanci Scratch teraz prešli z MIT na Scratch Foundation.",
"annualReport.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters", "annualReport.supportersTitle": "Ďakujeme našim podporovateľom",
"annualReport.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.", "annualReport.supportersIntro": "Ďakujeme našim štedrým podporovateľom. Váš príspevok nám pomáha rozširovať kreatívne vzdelávacie príležitosti pre deti všetkých vekových kategórií, zo všetkých prostredí a na celom svete.",
"annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Donor - Spotlight Story", "annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Darca Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Siegel Family Endowment", "annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Nadácia rodiny Siegelovcov",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "In May 2012, David Siegel attended Scratch Day at the MIT Media Lab with his son Zach, an active and enthusiastic Scratcher. Watching Zach and other children using Scratch to code their own games, animations, and robotic creatures, David saw how much potential Scratch had to help children both learn practical coding skills, and develop as computational thinkers.", "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "V máji 2012 sa David Siegel zúčastnil Scratch Day v MIT Media Lab so svojím synom Zachom, aktívnym a nadšeným Scratcherom. Keď David sledoval, ako Zach a ďalšie deti používajú Scratch na kódovanie svojich vlastných hier, animácií a robotických tvorov, videl, aký veľký potenciál mal Scratch pomôcť deťom naučiť sa praktické zručnosti kódovania a rozvíjať sa ako počítačoví myslitelia.",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David knows the importance of computational thinking firsthand, and his career as a computer scientist and entrepreneur has been shaped by the same curiosity that Scratch helps young learners explore every day. It's the same exploratory instinct that led him to study computer science at Princeton, and earn a PhD based on work completed at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab. In 2001, he co-founded Two Sigma, which has grown to become a world leader in applying machine learning and data science to investment management.", "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David pozná dôležitosť výpočtového myslenia z prvej ruky a jeho kariéra počítačového vedca a podnikateľa bola formovaná rovnakou zvedavosťou, ktorú Scratch každý deň pomáha mladým študentom objavovať. Je to rovnaký objaviteľský inštinkt, ktorý ho viedol k štúdiu informatiky na Princetone a k získaniu titulu PhD na základe práce dokončenej v laboratóriu umelej inteligencie na MIT. V roku 2001 spoluzakladal spoločnosť Two Sigma, ktorá sa rozrástla na svetového lídra v aplikovaní strojového učenia a dátovej vedy do správy investícií.",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "In 2011, David founded Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) to support organizations working to help people adapt to the demands of new technology, and to better understand and mitigate the powerful disruptions that technology has driven in almost every sector. He is also a co-founder of the Scratch Foundation, and is a strong advocate for the organization's mission to keep Scratch free and accessible to learners all over the world.", "annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "V roku 2011 David založil Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) na podporu organizácií, ktoré sa snažia pomôcť ľuďom prispôsobiť sa požiadavkám novej technológie a lepšie pochopiť a zmierniť silné narušenia, ktoré technológie spôsobili takmer v každom sektore. Je tiež spoluzakladateľom nadácie Scratch Foundation a je silným zástancom poslania organizácie udržiavať Scratch bezplatný a dostupný pre študentov na celom svete.",
"annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman", "annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Spoluzakladateľ a spolupredseda",
"annualReport.supportersQuote": "Making sure that Scratch remains free and accessible for kids everywhere is one of the most impactful ways we can help young learners engage and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Supporting Scratch is more important today than ever before.", "annualReport.supportersQuote": "Zabezpečenie toho, aby Scratch zostal bezplatný a dostupný pre deti kdekoľvek, je jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako môžeme pomôcť mladým študentom zapojiť sa a prosperovať v čoraz digitálnom svete. Podpora Scratch je dnes dôležitejšia ako kedykoľvek predtým.",
"annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Thank you to our supporters", "annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Ďakujeme našim podporovateľom",
"annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and share with new technologies. We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, since we started working on Scratch in 2002, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on cumulative giving to Scratch (at both MIT and Scratch Foundation) through December 31, 2019.", "annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "Naším poslaním je poskytnúť všetkým deťom zo všetkých prostredí príležitosti predstaviť si, vytvárať a zdieľať nové technológie. Chceme poďakovať všetkým podporovateľom Scratch, ktorí nám odkedy sme začali pracovať na Scratch v roku 2002, pomohli vytvoriť úžasné vzdelávacie skúsenosti pre milióny mladých ľudí na celom svete. Nasledujúci zoznam je založený na kumulatívnom darovaní Scratch (na MIT aj Scratch Foundation) do 31. decembra 2019.",
"annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who supported us from the early days of Scratch, each providing at least $10,000,000 of cumulative support, in various forms.", "annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "Sme obzvlášť vďační našim zakladajúcim partnerom, ktorí nás podporovali od prvých dní Scratch, pričom každý z nich nám v rôznych formách poskytoval kumulatívnu podporu v hodnote najmenej 10 000 000 USD.",
"annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners", "annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Zakladajúci partneri",
"annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $1,000,000+", "annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Kruh kreativity 1 000 000 $ a viac",
"annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $200,000+", "annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Kolaboračný kruh 200 000 USD+",
"annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+", "annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Kruh predstavivosti 50 000 dolárov+",
"annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+", "annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inšpiračný kruh 20 000 USD+",
"annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+", "annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "Prieskumný kruh 5 000 USD+",
"annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters", "annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "Podporovatelia v naturáliách",
"annualReport.leadershipTitle": "Our Team", "annualReport.leadershipTitle": "Náš tím",
"annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors", "annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Predstavenstvo",
"annualReport.leadershipChair": "Chair", "annualReport.leadershipChair": "Stolička",
"annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research", "annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Profesor výskumu učenia",
"annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair", "annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Podpredsedníčka",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member", "annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Člen predstavenstva",
"annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO", "annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "Prezident a generálny riaditeľ",
"annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President", "annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Bývalý prezident",
"annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO", "annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Zakladateľ a generálny riaditeľ",
"annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former Chair and CEO", "annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Bývalý predseda a generálny riaditeľ",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer", "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Tajomník predstavenstva a pokladník",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary", "annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Tajomník predstavenstva",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer", "annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Pokladník predstavenstva",
"annualReport.leadershipScratchTeam": "Scratch Team", "annualReport.leadershipScratchTeam": "Scratch Team",
"annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Interim Executive Director", "annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Dočasný výkonný riaditeľ",
"annualReport.donateTitle": "Support Us", "annualReport.donateTitle": "Podpor nás",
"annualReport.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!", "annualReport.donateMessage": "Vaša podpora nám umožňuje, aby bol Scratch bezplatný pre každého, udržiava naše servery v prevádzke a čo je najdôležitejšie, sme schopní poskytnúť deťom na celom svete príležitosť predstavovať si, vytvárať a zdieľať. Ďakujem!",
"annualReport.donateButton": "Podpor nás" "annualReport.donateButton": "Podpor nás"
} }

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{ {
"annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message", "annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Posolstvo zakladateľa",
"annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Misia", "annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Misia",
"annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Dosah", "annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Dosah",
"annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Themes", "annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Témy",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message", "annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Správa riaditeľa",
"annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Podporovatelia", "annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Podporovatelia",
"annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Tím", "annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Tím",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "Podpor nás", "annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "Podpor nás",
@ -19,25 +19,25 @@
"annualReport.2020.foundersMessageAffiliation": "Professor, MIT Media Lab", "annualReport.2020.foundersMessageAffiliation": "Professor, MIT Media Lab",
"annualReport.2020.watchVideo": "Sledovať video", "annualReport.2020.watchVideo": "Sledovať video",
"annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision", "annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vision", "annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vízia",
"annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.", "annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "Šíriť kreatívne, starostlivé, spoločné a spravodlivé prístupy ku kódovaniu a učeniu po celom svete.",
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Misia", "annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Misia",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.", "annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Poskytovať mladým ľuďom digitálne nástroje a príležitosti na predstavovanie, vytváranie, zdieľanie a učenie sa.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.", "annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Weve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.", "annualReport.2020.missionP2": "Scratch sme vyvinuli ako bezplatné, bezpečné a hravé vzdelávacie prostredie, ktoré zapája všetky deti do tvorivého myslenia, systematického uvažovania a spolupráce čo sú základné zručnosti pre každého v dnešnej spoločnosti. Spolupracujeme s pedagógmi a rodinami, aby sme podporili deti pri objavovaní, zdieľaní a učení.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four Ps of Creative Learning:", "annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four Ps of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Four Ps of Creative Learning", "annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Štyri P kreatívneho učenia",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Projekty", "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Projekty",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersTitle": "Kamaráti", "annualReport.2020.missionPeersTitle": "Kamaráti",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionTitle": "Nadšenie", "annualReport.2020.missionPassionTitle": "Nadšenie",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayTitle": "Zahraj", "annualReport.2020.missionPlayTitle": "Zahraj",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively", "annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Zapojte deti do navrhovania, tvorenia a tvorivého vyjadrovania",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring", "annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Podporujte deti v spolupráci, zdieľaní, remixovaní a mentorovaní",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects", "annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Umožnite deťom stavať na svojich záujmoch a pracovať na osobne zmysluplných projektoch",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate", "annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Povzbudzujte deti, aby hrali, experimentovali a opakovali",
"annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World", "annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "Oslovenie detí na celom svete",
"annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the worlds largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.", "annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "Scratch je najväčšia kódovacia komunita na svete pre deti a tínedžerov vo veku od 8 rokov.",
"annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "million", "annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "miliónov",
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersNumber": "15 {million}", "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersNumber": "15 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "3.8% from 2019", "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsersIncrease": "3.8% from 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "80 {million}", "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "80 {million}",
@ -47,29 +47,29 @@
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsNumber": "217%", "annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsNumber": "217%",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsOld": "48 {million}", "annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsOld": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsIncrease": "150 {million}", "annualReport.2020.reachIncreaseInCommentsIncrease": "150 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "New Users", "annualReport.2020.reachNewUsers": "Noví používatelia",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created", "annualReport.2020.reachProjectsCreated": "Projekty vytvorené",
"annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects", "annualReport.2020.reachProjectCreators": "Ľudia tvoriaci projekty",
"annualReport.2020.reachComments": "increase in comments posted", "annualReport.2020.reachComments": "increase in comments posted",
"annualReport.2020.reachGlobalCommunity": "Our Global Community", "annualReport.2020.reachGlobalCommunity": "Naša globálna komunita",
"annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through December 2020", "annualReport.2020.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through December 2020",
"annualReport.2020.reachMap24M": "24M", "annualReport.2020.reachMap24M": "24M",
"annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale", "annualReport.2020.reachMapLog": "na logaritmickej stupnici",
"annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 64 Languages", "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch je preložený do 64 jazykov",
"annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "3 languages from 2019", "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationIncrease": "3 jazyky od roku 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.", "annualReport.2020.reachTranslationBlurb": "Vďaka dobrovoľným prekladateľom z celého sveta.",
"annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.", "annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr je úvodné programovacie prostredie, ktoré umožňuje malým deťom (vo veku 5 7 rokov) vytvárať si vlastné interaktívne príbehy a hry.",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsMillion": "3 {million}", "annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsMillion": "3 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2020", "annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2020",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} from 2019", "annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} from 2019",
"annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "Emerging Themes", "annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "Vznikajúce témy",
"annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "As young people faced the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, Scratch became a more important place than ever for them to connect, create, and express themselves. Throughout the year, our work was focused on three areas to best support our growing global community: connectivity, adaptation, and community. As always, our efforts were grounded in our commitment to equity and inclusion.", "annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "As young people faced the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, Scratch became a more important place than ever for them to connect, create, and express themselves. Throughout the year, our work was focused on three areas to best support our growing global community: connectivity, adaptation, and community. As always, our efforts were grounded in our commitment to equity and inclusion.",
"annualReport.2020.equity": "Equity", "annualReport.2020.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy", "annualReport.2020.globalStrategy": "Globálna stratégia",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityTitle": "Connectivity", "annualReport.2020.connectivityTitle": "Connectivity",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIntro": "While young people were isolated inside of their homes due to COVID-19, Scratch offered an opportunity for them to connect and create with faraway friends, classmates, and family members. It also served as a portal to the outside world, where they discovered that millions of kids across countries and continents were experiencing the same things they were.", "annualReport.2020.connectivityIntro": "While young people were isolated inside of their homes due to COVID-19, Scratch offered an opportunity for them to connect and create with faraway friends, classmates, and family members. It also served as a portal to the outside world, where they discovered that millions of kids across countries and continents were experiencing the same things they were.",
"annualReport.2020.aaronText": "Aarons students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldnt,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.", "annualReport.2020.aaronText": "Aarons students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldnt,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.",
"annualReport.2020.spotlightStory": "Spotlight Story", "annualReport.2020.spotlightStory": "Spoľahlivý príbeh",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndia": "Scratch in India", "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndia": "Scratch in India",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaIntro": "In India, the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches.", "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaIntro": "In India, the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaParagraph": "Across the entire global Scratch community, we saw a huge spike in activity beginning in March 2020. Nowhere was this sudden spike more evident than in India, where the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches of time. Through Scratch, kids in India found connection by creating and sharing 602% more projects than the year before.", "annualReport.2020.connectivityIndiaParagraph": "Across the entire global Scratch community, we saw a huge spike in activity beginning in March 2020. Nowhere was this sudden spike more evident than in India, where the COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll and kept many young people and families isolated inside for long stretches of time. Through Scratch, kids in India found connection by creating and sharing 602% more projects than the year before.",
@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizing with Support from the LEGO Foundation", "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizing with Support from the LEGO Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "To support our growing global reach and aid our COVID-19 response, the LEGO Foundation supported Scratch with a generous grant. With this funding, we were able to localize key resources and reach even more young people around the world.", "annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "To support our growing global reach and aid our COVID-19 response, the LEGO Foundation supported Scratch with a generous grant. With this funding, we were able to localize key resources and reach even more young people around the world.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "Tutorial Images", "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Title": "Tutorial Images",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "We created translations of the images for 25 Scratch tutorials in 12 languages—totalling over 1,000 new images!", "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample1Paragraph": "Vytvorili sme preklady obrázkov pre 25 tutoriálov Scratch v 12 jazykoch spolu viac ako 1 000 nových obrázkov!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Title": "Začíname so Scratchom", "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Title": "Začíname so Scratchom",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Paragraph": "The Getting Started with Scratch video is the most highly accessed and viewed Scratch tutorial video, greeting new Scratchers when they first join the site. We were able to translate this video into 25 new languages and to update the 3 previous translations, including visuals, voiceovers, and subtitles.", "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample2Paragraph": "Video Začíname so Scratch je najnavštevovanejším a najsledovanejším výukovým videom Scratch, ktoré víta nových Scratchers, keď sa prvýkrát pridajú na stránku. Toto video sa nám podarilo preložiť do 25 nových jazykov a aktualizovať 3 predchádzajúce preklady vrátane vizuálov, komentárov a titulkov.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Title": "Scratch Editor", "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Title": "Scratch Editor",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Paragraph": "The Scratch project editor is the most essential Scratch resource. We worked with a South African translation company that specializes in culturally-relevant educational translation to translate and review the Scratch editor in five South African languages: isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans, Sestwana, and Sepedi.", "annualReport.2020.connectivityExample3Paragraph": "Editor projektu Scratch je najdôležitejším zdrojom Scratch. Spolupracovali sme s juhoafrickou prekladateľskou spoločnosťou, ktorá sa špecializuje na kultúrne relevantné vzdelávacie preklady, na preklade a recenzii editora Scratch v piatich juhoafrických jazykoch: isiZulu, isiXhosa, afrikánčina, Sestwana a Sepedi.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationTitle": "Adaptation", "annualReport.2020.adaptationTitle": "Adaptation",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationIntro": "As COVID-19 forced schools to close and pushed learning to virtual spaces, many students and teachers were discovering Scratch for the first time or adapting the way they taught and learned creative coding. From our own homes, the Scratch Team worked to support the changing needs of educators and the online community.", "annualReport.2020.adaptationIntro": "Keďže COVID-19 prinútil školy zavrieť a posunul učenie do virtuálnych priestorov, mnohí študenti a učitelia prvýkrát objavili Scratch alebo si prispôsobili spôsob, akým vyučovali a učili sa kreatívne kódovanie. Z našich domovov tím Scratch pracoval na podpore meniacich sa potrieb pedagógov a online komunity.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteName": "Benedikt Hochwartner", "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteName": "Benedikt Hochwartner",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteTitle": "Curator for Creative Learning, mumok, Vienna, Austria", "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteTitle": "Curator for Creative Learning, mumok, Vienna, Austria",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteText": "In all the troubles over the past year, Scratch remained our platform of communication, our place to meet, and our medium of expressing ourselves creatively.", "annualReport.2020.adaptationQuoteText": "In all the troubles over the past year, Scratch remained our platform of communication, our place to meet, and our medium of expressing ourselves creatively.",
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteTitle": "Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.M. Coordinator", "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteTitle": "Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.M. Coordinator",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteText": "[In 2020], there were not many opportunities to engage with parents in such a fun, high energy way. So this opportunity provided much needed engagement...Teachers were apprehensive, but the students' level of excitement pushed them into a space where they had to trust the process and allow kids to learn from one another.", "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteText": "[In 2020], there were not many opportunities to engage with parents in such a fun, high energy way. So this opportunity provided much needed engagement...Teachers were apprehensive, but the students' level of excitement pushed them into a space where they had to trust the process and allow kids to learn from one another.",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community", "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunity": "Scratch Community",
"annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "When asked why they use Scratch, most Scratchers talk about the importance of the online community for motivating their ongoing participation, providing a space where they can express their creativity, make friends, receive feedback, get new ideas, and learn new skills. Many Scratchers express their appreciation for the Scratch community as a safe and welcoming space to connect, share, and learn from one another.", "annualReport.2020.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "Na otázku, prečo používajú Scratch, väčšina Scratchers hovorí o dôležitosti online komunity pre motiváciu ich neustálej účasti, ktorá poskytuje priestor, kde môžu prejaviť svoju kreativitu, spoznať priateľov, získať spätnú väzbu, získať nové nápady a naučiť sa nové zručnosti. Mnoho Scratchers vyjadruje svoje uznanie komunite Scratch ako bezpečnému a príjemnému priestoru na spojenie, zdieľanie a učenie sa jeden od druhého.",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.", "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText1": "Do Scratch som sa pripojil, keď som mal 11 rokov a veci, ktoré som sa naučil pri používaní platformy a interakcii s komunitou, boli skutočne dôležitou súčasťou môjho učenia sa v dospelosti.",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!", "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like\n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say ¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!", "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText3": "Na Scratchi som asi 2 roky a bola to skúsenosť, ktorá mi zmenila život! Naučil som sa toľko nových vecí, ako je kódovanie, online etiketa a umenie!",
"annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.", "annualReport.2020.communityQuoteGroupText4": "Scratch bol môj obľúbený koníček v šiestej triede. Tajne ma zoznámil s booleovskou logikou, poradím operácií a vnorenými matematickými výrazmi nehovoriac o samotnom počítačovom programovaní.",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review", "annualReport.2020.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewText": "2020 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Heres a look back at some of the highlights of the year:", "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewText": "2020 was a remarkable year in the online community. The Community Team highlighted and developed opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways, and incredible movements sprung up from Scratchers themselves. Heres a look back at some of the highlights of the year:",
"annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Date": "Január", "annualReport.2020.yearInReviewCard1Date": "Január",
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.tutorial2": "Chytacia hra", "annualReport.2020.tutorial2": "Chytacia hra",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial3": "Character Designer", "annualReport.2020.tutorial3": "Character Designer",
"annualReport.2020.tutorial4": "Virtuálne zvieratko", "annualReport.2020.tutorial4": "Virtuálne zvieratko",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director", "annualReport.2020.EDMessageTitle": "Správa od nášho výkonného riaditeľa",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText1": "2020 was a transformational year around the world, and for Scratch. I joined the team in November, when we were months into the COVID-19 pandemic. With my background as an educational leader, I was excited about the potential of leading Scratch through a period of significant change and continuing to work toward my personal goal of helping students from all backgrounds reach new heights. I knew that in this challenging year, young people everywhere were in serious need of even more support to help them achieve their potential.", "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText1": "2020 was a transformational year around the world, and for Scratch. I joined the team in November, when we were months into the COVID-19 pandemic. With my background as an educational leader, I was excited about the potential of leading Scratch through a period of significant change and continuing to work toward my personal goal of helping students from all backgrounds reach new heights. I knew that in this challenging year, young people everywhere were in serious need of even more support to help them achieve their potential.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText2": "The inequitable structures we have built to educate children were exacerbated by the pandemic. Through our conversations with families and educators from around the world, we know that in 2020, kids from all communities needed creative learning opportunities to express their ideas and build their skills more than ever, even while many of them did not have the ability to go to school.", "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText2": "The inequitable structures we have built to educate children were exacerbated by the pandemic. Through our conversations with families and educators from around the world, we know that in 2020, kids from all communities needed creative learning opportunities to express their ideas and build their skills more than ever, even while many of them did not have the ability to go to school.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText3": "As the world adapted and approached creative learning and self expression in new ways, many educators, parents, and young people turned to Scratch. We saw 40% more Scratchers creating projects year over year, and Scratchers left 200% more comments in 2020 than in 2019. Young people from all around the world used Scratch as a place to connect, converse, collaborate, and engage with one another. We saw them discover the amazing things they could create when they were given the opportunity to think creatively and solve problems they were passionate about. ", "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText3": "As the world adapted and approached creative learning and self expression in new ways, many educators, parents, and young people turned to Scratch. We saw 40% more Scratchers creating projects year over year, and Scratchers left 200% more comments in 2020 than in 2019. Young people from all around the world used Scratch as a place to connect, converse, collaborate, and engage with one another. We saw them discover the amazing things they could create when they were given the opportunity to think creatively and solve problems they were passionate about. ",
@ -195,15 +195,15 @@
"annualReport.2020.EDMessagePullQuote": "We must do everything we can to change the systemic inequities in our educational systems, because “normal” was not built to be fair and equitable for most of our children.", "annualReport.2020.EDMessagePullQuote": "We must do everything we can to change the systemic inequities in our educational systems, because “normal” was not built to be fair and equitable for most of our children.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText5": "In 2021, Scratch is redoubling our efforts to reach young people who have been historically excluded from creative computing and other creative learning opportunities. With support from Google.org, weve launched the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC), a powerful network of organizations across the world focused on supporting these learners in developing their confidence in creative computing. The 41 organizations in year one of the new program will connect with and learn from the Scratch Team and one another, and develop Equity Toolkits that will support them as they grow and scale their support for the learners in their community.", "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText5": "In 2021, Scratch is redoubling our efforts to reach young people who have been historically excluded from creative computing and other creative learning opportunities. With support from Google.org, weve launched the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC), a powerful network of organizations across the world focused on supporting these learners in developing their confidence in creative computing. The 41 organizations in year one of the new program will connect with and learn from the Scratch Team and one another, and develop Equity Toolkits that will support them as they grow and scale their support for the learners in their community.",
"annualReport.2020.EDMessageText6": "Our work to make Scratch even more equitable and inclusive is far from over. Im excited to share more with you in the coming months. Until then, Id like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Scratch Community for continuing to support and care for each other through a turbulent year. Your creativity and compassion never ceases to inspire us.", "annualReport.2020.EDMessageText6": "Our work to make Scratch even more equitable and inclusive is far from over. Im excited to share more with you in the coming months. Until then, Id like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Scratch Community for continuing to support and care for each other through a turbulent year. Your creativity and compassion never ceases to inspire us.",
"annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation", "annualReport.2020.EDTitle": "Výkonný riaditeľ Scratch Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "Looking Forward", "annualReport.2020.lookingForward": "Looking Forward",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, were continuing to innovate and collaborate with our partners to make Scratch even better for young people around the world. In the coming months, were working to bring Scratch into more schools, expand pathways to creative learning, develop and localize more resources for educators and young people, and improve the Scratch onboarding experience, and even more exciting projects.", "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText1": "In 2021, were continuing to innovate and collaborate with our partners to make Scratch even better for young people around the world. In the coming months, were working to bring Scratch into more schools, expand pathways to creative learning, develop and localize more resources for educators and young people, and improve the Scratch onboarding experience, and even more exciting projects.",
"annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "Weve received generous grants from the LEGO Foundation and Google.org to help expand our global reach, advance our mission, and support this important work. Learn more:", "annualReport.2020.lookingForwardText2": "Weve received generous grants from the LEGO Foundation and Google.org to help expand our global reach, advance our mission, and support this important work. Learn more:",
"annualReport.2020.learnMore": "Learn More:", "annualReport.2020.learnMore": "Learn More:",
"annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink1Text": "The LEGO Foundation and Scratch Foundation announce partnership to support learning through play with technology for millions of children across the world", "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink1Text": "The LEGO Foundation and Scratch Foundation announce partnership to support learning through play with technology for millions of children across the world",
"annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink2Text": "Computer Science Education Week: More help for more students", "annualReport.2020.learnMoreLink2Text": "Computer Science Education Week: More help for more students",
"annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters", "annualReport.2020.supportersTitle": "Ďakujeme našim podporovateľom",
"annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.", "annualReport.2020.supportersIntro": "Ďakujeme našim štedrým podporovateľom. Váš príspevok nám pomáha rozširovať kreatívne vzdelávacie príležitosti pre deti všetkých vekových kategórií, zo všetkých prostredí a na celom svete.",
"annualReport.2020.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters", "annualReport.2020.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
"annualReport.2020.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to the Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.", "annualReport.2020.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to the Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.",
"annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
@ -211,30 +211,30 @@
"annualReport.2020.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersImaginationTitle": "Kruh predstavivosti 50 000 dolárov+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inšpiračný kruh 20 000 USD+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersExplorationTitle": "Prieskumný kruh 5 000 USD+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+", "annualReport.2020.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
"annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters", "annualReport.2020.supportersInKindTitle": "Podporovatelia v naturáliách",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipTitle": "Our Team", "annualReport.2020.leadershipTitle": "Náš tím",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors", "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoard": "Predstavenstvo",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "Chair", "annualReport.2020.leadershipChair": "Stolička",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research", "annualReport.2020.leadershipProfessor": "Profesor výskumu učenia",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair", "annualReport.2020.leadershipViceChair": "Podpredsedníčka",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman", "annualReport.2020.leadershipCoFounder": "Spoluzakladateľ a spolupredseda",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member", "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardMember": "Člen predstavenstva",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO", "annualReport.2020.leadershipPresidentCEO": "Prezident a generálny riaditeľ",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President", "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerPresident": "Bývalý prezident",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and Executive Chairman", "annualReport.2020.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and Executive Chairman",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman", "annualReport.2020.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer", "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Tajomník predstavenstva a pokladník",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary", "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Tajomník predstavenstva",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer", "annualReport.2020.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Pokladník predstavenstva",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipScratchTeam": "2020 Scratch Team", "annualReport.2020.leadershipScratchTeam": "2020 Scratch Team",
"annualReport.2020.leadershipED": "Executive Director", "annualReport.2020.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
"annualReport.2020.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.", "annualReport.2020.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
"annualReport.2020.donateTitle": "Support Us", "annualReport.2020.donateTitle": "Podpor nás",
"annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!", "annualReport.2020.donateMessage": "Vaša podpora nám umožňuje, aby bol Scratch bezplatný pre každého, udržiava naše servery v prevádzke a čo je najdôležitejšie, sme schopní poskytnúť deťom na celom svete príležitosť predstavovať si, vytvárať a zdieľať. Ďakujem!",
"annualReport.2020.donateButton": "Podpor nás", "annualReport.2020.donateButton": "Podpor nás",
"annualReport.2020.projectBy": "project by", "annualReport.2020.projectBy": "project by",
"annualReport.2020.altAvatar": "user avatar", "annualReport.2020.altAvatar": "user avatar",
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "A calendar displaying the year 2020.", "annualReport.2020.altCalendar": "A calendar displaying the year 2020.",
"annualReport.2020.altCommentsVisualization": "Two comment bubbles. One smaller and darker representing the share of comments in 2019. One lighter representing the increase in comments made in 2020.", "annualReport.2020.altCommentsVisualization": "Two comment bubbles. One smaller and darker representing the share of comments in 2019. One lighter representing the increase in comments made in 2020.",
"annualReport.2020.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up and to the right.", "annualReport.2020.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up and to the right.",
"annualReport.2020.altTranslated": "A scratch component saying \"Hello\" and listing languages that scratch is available in.", "annualReport.2020.altTranslated": "Komponent Scratch s textom \"Ahoj\" a zoznamom jazykov, v ktorých je funkcia Scratch k dispozícii.",
"annualReport.2020.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "A scratch horizontal command component.", "annualReport.2020.altScratchHorizontalCommand": "A scratch horizontal command component.",
"annualReport.2020.altScratchJr": "Scratch Jr logo", "annualReport.2020.altScratchJr": "Scratch Jr logo",
"annualReport.2020.altHorizontalLoop": "Scratch horizontal loop component.", "annualReport.2020.altHorizontalLoop": "Scratch horizontal loop component.",

View file

@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
{ {
"annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message", "annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Posolstvo zakladateľa",
"annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Misia", "annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Misia",
"annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Dosah", "annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Dosah",
"annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Themes", "annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Témy",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message", "annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Správa riaditeľa",
"annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Podporovatelia", "annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Podporovatelia",
"annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Tím", "annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Tím",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "Podpor nás", "annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "Podpor nás",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 Annual Report", "annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "Výročná správa za rok 2021",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Building an Equitable Community Together", "annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Spoločne budovať spravodlivú komunitu",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "A Message from Our Executive Director", "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageTitle": "Správa od nášho výkonného riaditeľa",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "In 2021, COVID-19 continued to disrupt our routines and shape the way we interact with one another. Even as we began to gather together, schools reopened, and there were calls for a “return to normal,” the most vulnerable in our society remained disproportionately impacted by the inequitable structures that COVID-19 exacerbated. The COVID-19 crisis shaped young peoples relationships to Scratch, and solidified Scratch as a more vital place than ever for them to create, learn, and connect. But as we moved into a new year, we did not leave behind our most vulnerable young people as they began to navigate “the new normal.”", "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP1": "V roku 2021 COVID-19 naďalej narúšal naše rutiny a formoval spôsob, akým spolu komunikujeme. Aj keď sme sa začali stretávať, školy sa znovu otvorili a ozvali sa výzvy na „návrat k normálu“, tí najzraniteľnejší v našej spoločnosti zostali neúmerne ovplyvnení nespravodlivými štruktúrami, ktoré COVID-19 zhoršil. Kríza COVID-19 formovala vzťahy mladých ľudí so Scratch a upevnila Scratch ako dôležitejšie miesto ako kedykoľvek predtým, aby mohli tvoriť, učiť sa a spájať sa. Ale keď sme sa presťahovali do nového roka, nenechali sme za sebou našich najzraniteľnejších mladých ľudí, ktorí začali prechádzať „novým normálom“.",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "One of the foundational values of Scratch has always been to empower young people to explore, create, play, and discover—opportunities that arent afforded equitably to all students.", "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP2": "Jednou zo základných hodnôt programu Scratch bolo vždy umožniť mladým ľuďom objavovať, tvoriť, hrať sa a objavovať príležitosti, ktoré nie sú poskytované rovnako všetkým študentom.",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "We believe in the transformative power of self-expression and creativity, and in providing space for young people to use creative coding as a tool to raise their voice.", "annualReport.2021.directorsMessagePullquote": "Veríme v transformatívnu silu sebavyjadrenia a kreativity a v poskytovanie priestoru pre mladých ľudí, aby využili kreatívne kódovanie ako nástroj na zvýšenie svojho hlasu.",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "Im proud to serve as the Executive Director of the Scratch Foundation during this pivotal moment in our history, and will continue to spread Scratchs caring, collaborative approach to creative learning to kids around the world who need these opportunities the most.", "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP3": "Som hrdý na to, že môžem slúžiť ako výkonný riaditeľ Scratch Foundation počas tohto kľúčového momentu v našej histórii a budem pokračovať v šírení starostlivého a kolaboratívneho prístupu Scratch ku kreatívnemu učeniu deťom na celom svete, ktoré tieto príležitosti najviac potrebujú.",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "Last year was an incredible year for the Scratch Foundationwe focused on growing our team with remarkable, diverse leaders and building a solid foundation for our continued transition to an independent organization. We developed a three-year Strategic Plan with the combined efforts of every team member at every level of our organization, codifying the work were embarking on together. As Scratch grows, we remain focused on equity and community-building, and keeping Scratch a safe space for kids to connect, create, and collaborate with their peers around the world.", "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP4": "Minulý rok bol pre Scratch Foundation neuveriteľným rokom zamerali sme sa na rozšírenie nášho tímu o pozoruhodných, rôznorodých lídrov a vybudovanie pevných základov pre náš pokračujúci prechod na nezávislú organizáciu. Spoločným úsilím každého člena tímu na každej úrovni našej organizácie sme vyvinuli trojročný strategický plán, ktorý kodifikuje prácu, do ktorej sa spoločne púšťame. Ako Scratch rastie, naďalej sa zameriavame na spravodlivosť a budovanie komunity a udržiavame Scratch bezpečným priestorom pre deti, kde sa môžu spájať, vytvárať a spolupracovať so svojimi rovesníkmi na celom svete.",
"annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP5": "I cant thank you enough for embarking on this journey with our team, and for your continued support of our mission. The compassion and creativity of the Scratch Community is endlessly inspiring to us, and we cant wait for you to join us in the important work ahead of us.", "annualReport.2021.directorsMessageP5": "Nemôžem vám dostatočne poďakovať za to, že ste sa vydali na túto cestu s naším tímom, a za vašu neustálu podporu našej misie. Súcit a kreativita komunity Scratch je pre nás nekonečne inšpirujúca a nemôžeme sa dočkať, kedy sa k nám pripojíte v dôležitej práci, ktorá je pred nami.",
"annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Executive Director, Scratch Foundation", "annualReport.2021.EDTitle": "Výkonný riaditeľ Scratch Foundation",
"annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Sledovať video", "annualReport.2021.watchVideo": "Sledovať video",
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values", "annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Naša misia, vízia a hodnoty",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.", "annualReport.2021.missionP1": "Zaviazali sme sa k spravodlivosti vo vzdelávaní a uprednostňovaniu rovnosti vo všetkých aspektoch našej práce, s osobitným zameraním na iniciatívy a prístupy, ktoré podporujú deti, rodiny a pedagógov, ktorí boli vylúčení z tvorivej práce na počítači.",
"annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Weve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.", "annualReport.2021.missionP2": "Scratch sme vyvinuli ako bezplatné, bezpečné a hravé vzdelávacie prostredie, ktoré zapája všetky deti do tvorivého myslenia, systematického uvažovania a spolupráce čo sú základné zručnosti pre každého v dnešnej spoločnosti. Spolupracujeme s pedagógmi a rodinami, aby sme podporili deti pri objavovaní, zdieľaní a učení.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Misia", "annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Misia",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.", "annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Poskytovať mladým ľuďom digitálne nástroje a príležitosti na predstavovanie, vytváranie, zdieľanie a učenie sa.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision", "annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vízia",
"annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.", "annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "Šíriť kreatívne, starostlivé, spoločné a spravodlivé prístupy ku kódovaniu a učeniu po celom svete.",
"annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "Values", "annualReport.2021.valuesHeader": "Hodnoty",
"annualReport.2021.valuesSubtitle": "In this work, we are guided by our core values that define our principles as an organization and a community:", "annualReport.2021.valuesSubtitle": "V tejto práci sa riadime našimi základnými hodnotami, ktoré definujú naše princípy ako organizácie a komunity:",
"annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "Creative Expression", "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionTitle": "Kreatívne vyjadrenie",
"annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "Progressive Improvement", "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementTitle": "Progresívne zlepšovanie",
"annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "Equitable Opportunities", "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesTitle": "Rovné príležitosti",
"annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementTitle": "Playful Engagement", "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementTitle": "Hravé zapojenie",
"annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionDescription": " We are committed to providing everyone with tools and opportunities to express their ideas, their interests, and their authentic selves within a supportive community.", "annualReport.2021.creativeExpressionDescription": "Zaviazali sme sa poskytnúť každému nástroje a príležitosti na vyjadrenie svojich myšlienok, záujmov a autentického ja v rámci podpornej komunity.",
"annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementDescription": "We hold ourselves to a high standard and always strive to iterate, improve, and inspire one another to best serve young people around the world and the community that makes our work possible.", "annualReport.2021.progressiveImprovementDescription": "Držíme sa na vysokej úrovni a vždy sa snažíme opakovať, zlepšovať sa a navzájom sa inšpirovať, aby sme čo najlepšie slúžili mladým ľuďom na celom svete a komunite, ktorá umožňuje našu prácu.",
"annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesDescription": "We are building an educational movement inclusive of people from diverse backgrounds so we can reach children around the world who have been excluded from creative coding opportunities.", "annualReport.2021.EquitableOpportunitiesDescription": "Budujeme vzdelávacie hnutie zahŕňajúce ľudí z rôznych prostredí, aby sme mohli osloviť deti na celom svete, ktoré boli vylúčené z možností kreatívneho kódovania.",
"annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementDescription": "At Scratch, play is an approach for making, sharing, learning, and engaging with the world. We encourage joyful exploration, experimentation, and collaboration.", "annualReport.2021.playfulEngagementDescription": "V Scratch je hra prístupom k tvoreniu, zdieľaniu, učeniu sa a zapájaniu sa do sveta. Podporujeme radostné skúmanie, experimentovanie a spoluprácu.",
"annualReport.2021.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World", "annualReport.2021.reachTitle": "Oslovenie detí na celom svete",
"annualReport.2021.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the worlds largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.", "annualReport.2021.reachSubtitle": "Scratch je najväčšia kódovacia komunita na svete pre deti a tínedžerov vo veku od 8 rokov.",
"annualReport.2021.reachMillion": "million", "annualReport.2021.reachMillion": "miliónov",
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersNumber": "18 {million}", "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersNumber": "18 {million}",
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "22% from 2020", "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsersIncrease": "22 % od roku 2020",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "113 {million}", "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedNumber": "113 {million}",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "39% from 2020", "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreatedIncrease": "39 % od roku 2020",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "42 {million}", "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsNumber": "42 {million}",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44% from 2020", "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreatorsIncrease": "44 % od roku 2020",
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "New Users", "annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "Noví používatelia",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created", "annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "Projekty vytvorené",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects", "annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "Ľudia tvoriaci projekty",
"annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch is used around the world across {numberOfCountries}", "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch sa používa po celom svete {numberOfCountries}",
"annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "more than 200 countries and territories", "annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "viac ako 200 krajín a území",
"annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "Saudi Arabia", "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "Saudská Arábia",
"annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "We saw tremendous growth around the world in 2021, but we were amazed to see the growth in Saudi Arabia, where we saw twice as many new users as the year before.", "annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "V roku 2021 sme zaznamenali obrovský rast na celom svete, ale boli sme ohromení, keď sme videli rast v Saudskej Arábii, kde sme zaznamenali dvakrát toľko nových používateľov ako rok predtým.",
"annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 74 Languages", "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch je preložený do 74 jazykov",
"annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "10 languages from 2020", "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationIncrease": "10 jazykov od roku 2020",
"annualReport.2021.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.", "annualReport.2021.reachTranslationBlurb": "Vďaka dobrovoľným prekladateľom z celého sveta.",
"annualReport.2021.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.", "annualReport.2021.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr je úvodné programovacie prostredie, ktoré umožňuje malým deťom (vo veku 5 7 rokov) vytvárať si vlastné interaktívne príbehy a hry.",
"annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsMillion": "5 {million}", "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsMillion": "5 {million}",
"annualReport.2021.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2021", "annualReport.2021.reachDownloads": "Sťahovanie v roku 2021",
"annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 million from 2020", "annualReport.2021.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 milióny od roku 2020",
"annualReport.2021.themesTitle": "Emerging Themes", "annualReport.2021.themesTitle": "Vznikajúce témy",
"annualReport.2021.themesDescription": "Amidst ongoing uncertainty from COVID-19, Scratch continued to serve as a key space for young people to connect and create together. In 2021, we focused our efforts on building a strong foundation to equitably support our growing global community and our growing Scratch Team. Our work was centered around three major themes: fostering community, increasing access and accessibility, and developing the Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC).", "annualReport.2021.themesDescription": "Uprostred pretrvávajúcej neistoty v súvislosti s COVID-19 Scratch naďalej slúžil ako kľúčový priestor pre mladých ľudí, aby sa mohli spájať a spoločne tvoriť. V roku 2021 sme zamerali svoje úsilie na vybudovanie silného základu na spravodlivú podporu našej rastúcej globálnej komunity a nášho rastúceho tímu Scratch. Naša práca bola sústredená okolo troch hlavných tém: podpora komunity, zvýšenie prístupu a prístupnosti a rozvoj Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC).",
"annualReport.2021.SECTitle": "Scratch Education Collaborative", "annualReport.2021.SECTitle": "Scratch Education Collaborative",
"annualReport.2021.SECIntro": "Community voices and partnerships are deeply woven into the fabric of Scratchs history. They have, and continue to be, integral in helping us increase accessible and equitable coding opportunities worldwide. In 2021, we launched the Scratch Education Collaborative, an initiative committed to identifying and eliminating the barriers to access to creative coding that connects remarkable organizations around the world.", "annualReport.2021.SECIntro": "Hlasy a partnerstvá komunity sú hlboko votkané do štruktúry histórie Scratch. Sú a naďalej sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou v tom, že nám pomáhajú zvyšovať dostupné a spravodlivé možnosti kódovania na celom svete. V roku 2021 sme spustili iniciatívu Scratch Education Collaborative, ktorá sa zaviazala identifikovať a odstrániť prekážky prístupu ku kreatívnemu kódovaniu, ktoré spája pozoruhodné organizácie po celom svete.",
"annualReport.2021.SECWhatIs": "What is SEC?", "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIs": "Čo je SEC?",
"annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP1": "The SEC supports and engages participating organizations in a two-year, collaborative cohort experience to strengthen their commitment to, and implementation of, equitable creative coding using Scratch and ScratchJr.", "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP1": "SEC podporuje a zapája participujúce organizácie do dvojročného kolaboratívneho zážitku kohorty s cieľom posilniť ich odhodlanie a implementáciu spravodlivého kreatívneho kódovania pomocou Scratch a ScratchJr.",
"annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP2": "By the end of the cohort experience, organizations will have formed new partnerships with each other and with Scratch, and will have established new models for equity-centered creative coding resources.", "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP2": "Na konci skúseností s kohortou organizácie vytvoria nové partnerstvá medzi sebou a so spoločnosťou Scratch a zavedú nové modely pre zdroje kreatívneho kódovania zamerané na kapitál.",
"annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP3": "Our work with the SEC is made possible thanks to a generous grant from Google.org. Wed like to extend our gratitude for their continued support of our mission.", "annualReport.2021.SECWhatIsP3": "Naša spolupráca s SEC je možná vďaka štedrému grantu od Google.org. Radi by sme sa im poďakovali za neustálu podporu nášho poslania.",
"annualReport.2021.SECOrgNumber": "41", "annualReport.2021.SECOrgNumber": "41",
"annualReport.2021.SECOrgLabel": "organizations", "annualReport.2021.SECOrgLabel": "organizácií",
"annualReport.2021.SECCountryNumber": "13", "annualReport.2021.SECCountryNumber": "13",
"annualReport.2021.SECCountryLabel": "countries", "annualReport.2021.SECCountryLabel": "krajín",
"annualReport.2021.SECPartnerNumber": "7", "annualReport.2021.SECPartnerNumber": "7",
"annualReport.2021.SECPartnerLabel": "partners", "annualReport.2021.SECPartnerLabel": "partneri",
"annualReport.2021.SECMapParagraph": "Our first cohort included 41 organizations representing 13 countries around the world, united by their commitment to supporting learners from historically marginalized communities in developing their confidence with creative computing. Their locations are highlighted below:", "annualReport.2021.SECMapParagraph": "Naša prvá kohorta zahŕňala 41 organizácií zastupujúcich 13 krajín po celom svete, ktoré spájalo ich odhodlanie podporovať študentov z historicky marginalizovaných komunít pri rozvíjaní ich sebadôvery pomocou kreatívnej výpočtovej techniky. Ich umiestnenie je zvýraznené nižšie:",
"annualReport.2021.spotlightStory": "Spotlight Story", "annualReport.2021.spotlightStory": "Spoľahlivý príbeh",
"annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightTitle": "Bridges to Science", "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightTitle": "Mosty k vede",
"annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightLocation": "Fulshear, Texas", "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightLocation": "Fulshear, Texas",
"annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText1": "Bridges to Science; a Texas-based nonprofit providing math, coding, and robotics programs for underserved youth; was one of 41 exceptional organizations to join the Scratch Education Collaborative's first cohort.", "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText1": "Mosty k vede; nezisková organizácia so sídlom v Texase, ktorá poskytuje matematické, kódovacie a robotické programy pre zaostalú mládež; bola jednou zo 41 výnimočných organizácií, ktoré sa pripojili k prvej kohorte Scratch Education Collaborative.",
"annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText2": "In 2021, we supported Bridges to Science in facilitating their first “Hour of Code” workshop with Code.org. The event “Fiestas y Piñatas” attracted over 22,000 teachers and students from Latin America. We also collaborated with Bridges to Science to develop a toolkit of unique resources to meet their communitys needs.", "annualReport.2021.SECSpotlightText2": "V roku 2021 sme podporili Bridges to Science pri uľahčovaní ich prvého workshopu „Hour of Code“ s Code.org. Podujatie „Fiestas y Piñatas“ prilákalo viac ako 22 000 učiteľov a študentov z Latinskej Ameriky. Spolupracovali sme aj s Bridges to Science na vývoji súboru jedinečných zdrojov na uspokojenie potrieb ich komunity.",
"annualReport.2021.SECPullQuote": "One of the greatest joys that we have in teaching our students is that each one of them, no matter how quiet they are, all find a voice in computer science through Scratch.", "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuote": "Jednou z najväčších radostí, ktorú máme pri výučbe našich študentov, je to, že každý z nich, bez ohľadu na to, akí sú tichí, všetci nájdu svoj hlas v informatike prostredníctvom aplikácie Scratch.",
"annualReport.2021.SECPullQuoteAttr": "- Rosa Aristy, Bridges to Science Founder ", "annualReport.2021.SECPullQuoteAttr": "- Rosa Aristy, zakladateľka Mostov k vede",
"annualReport.2021.SECWorkshops": "SEC Workshops", "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshops": "Workshopy SEC",
"annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsText": "Last year, the Scratch Education Collaborative hosted a series of workshops that supported their inaugural cohort in defining and exploring unique pathways to equitable creative coding. Workshops were facilitated by Stanford d. School, Tinkering Studio, the Brazilian Creative Learning Network, and Chicago Public Schools CS4ALL. Together, workshop participants developed a shared understanding of creative coding and discussed strategies and practices that foster culturally sustaining communities through creative communication and collaboration.", "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsText": "Minulý rok usporiadala organizácia Scratch Education Collaborative sériu workshopov, ktoré podporili ich inauguračnú kohortu pri definovaní a skúmaní jedinečných ciest k spravodlivému kreatívnemu kódovaniu. Workshopy facilitoval Stanford d. School, Tinkering Studio, Brazilian Creative Learning Network a Chicago Public Schools CS4ALL. Účastníci workshopu spoločne rozvinuli spoločné chápanie kreatívneho kódovania a diskutovali o stratégiách a postupoch, ktoré podporujú kultúrne udržateľné komunity prostredníctvom kreatívnej komunikácie a spolupráce.",
"annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsSubtitle": "How can we creatively empower local community in exploring creative coding?", "annualReport.2021.SECWorkshopsSubtitle": "Ako môžeme kreatívne posilniť miestnu komunitu pri skúmaní kreatívneho kódovania?",
"annualReport.2021.accessTitle": "Access", "annualReport.2021.accessTitle": "Prístup",
"annualReport.2021.accessIntro": "As COVID-19 forced schools to close and pushed learning to virtual spaces, many students and teachers were discovering Scratch for the first time or adapting the way they taught and learned creative coding. From our own homes, the Scratch Team worked to support the changing needs of educators and the online community.", "annualReport.2021.accessIntro": "Keďže COVID-19 prinútil školy zavrieť a posunul učenie do virtuálnych priestorov, mnohí študenti a učitelia prvýkrát objavili Scratch alebo si prispôsobili spôsob, akým vyučovali a učili sa kreatívne kódovanie. Z našich domovov tím Scratch pracoval na podpore meniacich sa potrieb pedagógov a online komunity.",
"annualReport.2021.accessASL": "ASL Tutorial", "annualReport.2021.accessASL": "Výukový program ASL",
"annualReport.2021.accessASLText": "In 2021, we partnered with Deaf Kids Code to launch our first American Sign Language tutorial in the Scratch Editor.", "annualReport.2021.accessASLText": "V roku 2021 sme sa spojili s Deaf Kids Code, aby sme spustili náš prvý kurz amerického posunkového jazyka v editore Scratch.",
"annualReport.2021.accessASLText2": " Together, we were inspired to create an evergreen resource that would expand creative pathways for deaf Scratchers.", "annualReport.2021.accessASLText2": "Spoločne sme sa inšpirovali k vytvoreniu stále zeleného zdroja, ktorý by rozšíril tvorivé cesty pre nepočujúcich Scratcherov.",
"annualReport.2021.accessASLText3": "The video is a 13-minute remake of our original “Getting Started with Scratch” tutorial that introduces beginners to the Scratch platform.", "annualReport.2021.accessASLText3": "Video je 13-minútový remake nášho pôvodného návodu „Začíname so Scratch“, ktorý predstavuje začiatočníkom platformu Scratch.",
"annualReport.2021.accessPullQuote": "Being a good ally is a willingness to bend towards being accessible and really putting weight on the recommendations of organizations like mine … Asking, What is it that we can do? and really letting us take the reins and go for it, with very little to no resistance; that is a very rare thing.", "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuote": "Byť dobrým spojencom je ochota skloniť sa k prístupnosti a skutočne klásť dôraz na odporúčania organizácií, ako je tá moja... Pýtať sa: „Čo je to, čo môžeme urobiť?“ a skutočne nás nechať prevziať opraty a ísť do toho, s veľmi malý až žiadny odpor; to je veľmi vzácna vec.",
"annualReport.2021.accessPullQuoteAttr": "- Shireen Hafeez, Founder of Deaf Kids Code ", "annualReport.2021.accessPullQuoteAttr": "- Shireen Hafeez, zakladateľka Kódexu nepočujúcich detí",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommittee": "DEI Committees at Scratch", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommittee": "Výbory DEI v spoločnosti Scratch",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeText": "In 2021, several committees at Scratch embarked on work to make Scratch more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for all users. Were excited to share the progress each committee has made and the work still ahead.", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeText": "V roku 2021 sa niekoľko výborov v Scratch pustilo do práce, aby bol Scratch rozmanitejší, spravodlivejší a inkluzívnejší pre všetkých používateľov. Sme nadšení, že sa môžeme podeliť o pokrok, ktorý každý výbor dosiahol, a o prácu, ktorá nás ešte len čaká.",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "Accessibility", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "Prístupnosť",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText": "The Accessibility Committee was created in response to one Scratch Team members own difficulty using Scratchs coding blocks and a recognized need to better support Scratchers of all abilities.", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText": "Výbor pre prístupnosť bol vytvorený ako odpoveď na vlastné problémy jedného člena Scratch Teamu s používaním kódovacích blokov Scratch a uznanú potrebu lepšie podporovať Scratchers všetkých schopností.",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText2": "In October of 2021, the committee launched a project to make the color of our coding blocks accessible for Scratchers with vision impairments. The committee is excited to partner with teachers and community organizations specializing in accessibility so the coding blocks meet web accessibility guidelines, and more importantly, lower floors to make Scratch more accessible for all.", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeAccessibilityText2": "V októbri 2021 komisia spustila projekt na sprístupnenie farby našich kódovacích blokov pre škrabačov s poruchami zraku. Výbor je nadšený z toho, že môže spolupracovať s učiteľmi a komunitnými organizáciami, ktoré sa špecializujú na prístupnosť, aby kódovacie bloky spĺňali pravidlá prístupnosti webu, a čo je dôležitejšie, nižšie poschodia, aby bol Scratch prístupnejší pre všetkých.",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "G-JEDI", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "G-JEDI",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText": "The Global, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (G-JEDI) Committee was formed to develop a shared language that defines what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mean to the Scratch Team.", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText": "Výbor pre globálnu, spravodlivosť, rovnosť, rozmanitosť a začlenenie (G-JEDI) bol vytvorený s cieľom vyvinúť spoločný jazyk, ktorý definuje, čo pre Scratch Team znamená rozmanitosť, rovnosť a začlenenie (DEI).",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText2": "In 2021, the committee began work on a DEI statement to outline the ways in which DEI has informed the Scratch Team and communitys past and present work, and how it will continue to inform new initiatives going forward.", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeG-JEDIText2": "V roku 2021 začal výbor pracovať na vyhlásení DEI, aby načrtol spôsoby, akými DEI informoval Scratch Team a komunitu o minulej a súčasnej práci a ako bude pokračovať v informovaní o nových iniciatívach v budúcnosti.",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Equity x Design", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesign": "Ekity x dizajn",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText": "The EquityXDesign Committee was created as a place for Scratch Team members and our collaborators in MITs Lifelong Kindergarten group to read and discuss ideas around equity-centered design practices.", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText": "The EquityXDesign Committee was created as a place for Scratch Team members and our collaborators in MITs Lifelong Kindergarten group to read and discuss ideas around equity-centered design practices.",
"annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText2": "The conversations are guided by Sasha Costanza-Chocks “Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need,” and committee members discuss ways in which they can incorporate equity-centered design practices in the development of Scratch tools and resources.", "annualReport.2021.accessDEICommitteeEquityXDesignText2": "The conversations are guided by Sasha Costanza-Chocks “Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need,” and committee members discuss ways in which they can incorporate equity-centered design practices in the development of Scratch tools and resources.",
"annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguages": "10 New Languages", "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguages": "10 nových jazykov",
"annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguagesText": "With huge thanks to our translation community, we were able to connect with Scratchers in 74 languages last year! In 2021, 10 new languages were added to Scratch, including isiXhosa (South Africa), Sepedi (South Africa), Setswana (South Africa), Afrikaans (South Africa), Kichwa (Peru), ଓଡ଼ିଆ/Odia (India), Kazakh (Kazakhstan), Aragonese (Spain), Western Frisian (the Netherlands), and Bengali (Bangladesh, India, and other regions).", "annualReport.2021.access10NewLanguagesText": "S obrovskou vďakou našej prekladateľskej komunite sme sa minulý rok dokázali spojiť so Scratchers v 74 jazykoch! V roku 2021 bolo do Scratch pridaných 10 nových jazykov vrátane isiXhosa (Južná Afrika), Sepedi (Južná Afrika), Setswana (Južná Afrika), afrikánčina (Južná Afrika), Kichwa (Peru), ଓଡ଼ିଆ/Odia (India), kazaščina ( Kazachstan), Aragónčina (Španielsko), Západofrízska (Holandsko) a Bengálčina (Bangladéš, India a ďalšie regióny).",
"annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfrica": "Zero-rated Scratch in South Africa", "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfrica": "Zero-rated Scratch in South Africa",
"annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfricaText": "To improve the Scratch experience for young people in regions with low or no internet connectivity, we partnered with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) of South Africa to host a zero-rated page for downloading Scratch. Downloads on zero-rated pages do not use up any data bandwidth, reducing a barrier to accessing Scratch due to data limits and costs. Just two months after its April 2021 launch, the page had more than 1300 visitors.", "annualReport.2021.accessSouthAfricaText": "To improve the Scratch experience for young people in regions with low or no internet connectivity, we partnered with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) of South Africa to host a zero-rated page for downloading Scratch. Downloads on zero-rated pages do not use up any data bandwidth, reducing a barrier to accessing Scratch due to data limits and costs. Just two months after its April 2021 launch, the page had more than 1300 visitors.",
"annualReport.2021.accessSnapshot": "Snapshots", "annualReport.2021.accessSnapshot": "Snapshots",
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "In July, educators in our global community came together to celebrate creative coding at the Scratch Conference. This free, virtual event was led by our collaborators at MITs Lifelong Kindergarten Group. The conference brought together {more_bold}, who spent the day connecting, collaborating, and learning from one another, even as COVID kept us apart.", "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "In July, educators in our global community came together to celebrate creative coding at the Scratch Conference. This free, virtual event was led by our collaborators at MITs Lifelong Kindergarten Group. The conference brought together {more_bold}, who spent the day connecting, collaborating, and learning from one another, even as COVID kept us apart.",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1More": "more than 1,500 educators and Scratch enthusiasts", "annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1More": "more than 1,500 educators and Scratch enthusiasts",
"annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslators": "Volunteer Translators", "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslators": "Volunteer Translators",
"annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText": "Since Scratch was launched in 2007, we have been committed to supporting our users worldwide. Our language translation volunteers work closely with the Scratch Team to help translate and localize our platform and resources for the diverse communities that we serve.", "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText": "Od spustenia aplikácie Scratch v roku 2007 sme sa zaviazali podporovať našich používateľov po celom svete. Naši dobrovoľníci pre preklad jazykov úzko spolupracujú s tímom Scratch, aby pomohli preložiť a lokalizovať našu platformu a zdroje pre rôznorodé komunity, ktorým slúžime.",
"annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText2": "Thousands of translators have volunteered their time to translate Scratch into 74 languages and counting, and there are currently more than one thousand translators signed up to translate Scratch and ScratchJr. Were grateful to our volunteers for helping us reach more Scratchers around the world!", "annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText2": "Tisíce prekladateľov venovali svoj čas prekladu Scratch do 74 jazykov a stále pribúdajú a v súčasnosti je na preklad Scratch a ScratchJr prihlásených viac ako tisíc prekladateľov. Sme vďační našim dobrovoľníkom, že nám pomohli osloviť viac Scratcherov po celom svete!",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunity": "The Scratch Community in 2021", "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunity": "The Scratch Community in 2021",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "In 2021, more than 113 million projects were created on the Scratch site almost a 39% increase from 2020 and more than one million new studios were created! Throughout the year, the Scratch Team hosted numerous studios to celebrate important events and encourage Scratchers to participate in the online community.", "annualReport.2021.communityScratchCommunityIntro": "In 2021, more than 113 million projects were created on the Scratch site almost a 39% increase from 2020 and more than one million new studios were created! Throughout the year, the Scratch Team hosted numerous studios to celebrate important events and encourage Scratchers to participate in the online community.",
"annualReport.2021.yearInReview": "Year in Review", "annualReport.2021.yearInReview": "Year in Review",
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.ytData2Sub": "views on videos", "annualReport.2021.ytData2Sub": "views on videos",
"annualReport.2021.ytData3Top": "viewers in", "annualReport.2021.ytData3Top": "viewers in",
"annualReport.2021.ytData3": "178", "annualReport.2021.ytData3": "178",
"annualReport.2021.ytData3Sub": "countries", "annualReport.2021.ytData3Sub": "krajín",
"annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Title": "The Scratch Team on YouTube", "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Title": "The Scratch Team on YouTube",
"annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text": "The Scratch Team YouTube channel reached 100,000 subscribers in 2021— a nearly 500 percent increase from 2020! As students, educators, and families evolved in response to the pandemic, we knew we had to create resources that were reactive to their needs.", "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text": "The Scratch Team YouTube channel reached 100,000 subscribers in 2021— a nearly 500 percent increase from 2020! As students, educators, and families evolved in response to the pandemic, we knew we had to create resources that were reactive to their needs.",
"annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text2": "These resources include a series of comprehensive Scratch tutorials that guide users through designing stories, games, and animations on Scratch. In 2021, these videos garnered nearly nine million views from viewers in 178 countries.", "annualReport.2021.communitySnapshot2Text2": "These resources include a series of comprehensive Scratch tutorials that guide users through designing stories, games, and animations on Scratch. In 2021, these videos garnered nearly nine million views from viewers in 178 countries.",
@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
"annualReport.2021.LookingForward1": "Strengthening the Scratch Platform and Community Infrastructure", "annualReport.2021.LookingForward1": "Strengthening the Scratch Platform and Community Infrastructure",
"annualReport.2021.LookingForward2": "Expanding Pathways to Creative Learning", "annualReport.2021.LookingForward2": "Expanding Pathways to Creative Learning",
"annualReport.2021.LookingForward3": "Building Organizational Capacity and Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability", "annualReport.2021.LookingForward3": "Building Organizational Capacity and Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability",
"annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters", "annualReport.2021.supportersTitle": "Ďakujeme našim podporovateľom",
"annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.", "annualReport.2021.supportersIntro": "Ďakujeme našim štedrým podporovateľom. Váš príspevok nám pomáha rozširovať kreatívne vzdelávacie príležitosti pre deti všetkých vekových kategórií, zo všetkých prostredí a na celom svete.",
"annualReport.2021.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters", "annualReport.2021.ourSupporters": "Our Supporters",
"annualReport.2021.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.", "annualReport.2021.ourSupportersText": "We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, throughout the years, have helped us amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on giving to Scratch Foundation from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.",
"annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners — $10,000,000+",
@ -187,29 +187,29 @@
"annualReport.2021.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersCatPartnersTitle": "Scratch Cat Partners — $1,000,000+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $250,000+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $100,000+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersImaginationTitle": "Kruh predstavivosti 50 000 dolárov+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inšpiračný kruh 20 000 USD+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersExplorationTitle": "Prieskumný kruh 5 000 USD+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+", "annualReport.2021.supportersPlayTitle": "Play Circle — $1,000+",
"annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters", "annualReport.2021.supportersInKindTitle": "Podporovatelia v naturáliách",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipTitle": "Our Team", "annualReport.2021.leadershipTitle": "Náš tím",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors", "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoard": "Predstavenstvo",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "Chair", "annualReport.2021.leadershipChair": "Stolička",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research", "annualReport.2021.leadershipProfessor": "Profesor výskumu učenia",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair", "annualReport.2021.leadershipViceChair": "Podpredsedníčka",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman", "annualReport.2021.leadershipCoFounder": "Spoluzakladateľ a spolupredseda",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member", "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardMember": "Člen predstavenstva",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO", "annualReport.2021.leadershipPresidentCEO": "Prezident a generálny riaditeľ",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President", "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerPresident": "Bývalý prezident",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO", "annualReport.2021.leadershipFounderCEO": "Zakladateľ a generálny riaditeľ",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman", "annualReport.2021.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former CEO and Chairwoman",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer", "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Tajomník predstavenstva a pokladník",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary", "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Tajomník predstavenstva",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer", "annualReport.2021.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Pokladník predstavenstva",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipScratchTeam": "2021 Scratch Team", "annualReport.2021.leadershipScratchTeam": "2021 Scratch Team",
"annualReport.2021.leadershipED": "Executive Director", "annualReport.2021.leadershipED": "Executive Director",
"annualReport.2021.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.", "annualReport.2021.teamThankYou": "Thank you to Mitch Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Rupal Jain, and other collaborators at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab for your tireless support of Scratch.",
"annualReport.2021.donateTitle": "Support Us", "annualReport.2021.donateTitle": "Podpor nás",
"annualReport.2021.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to create inspiring, creative, and memorable learning experiences for kids everywhere, especially those who have been systemically excluded from creative coding opportunities. Make a gift to Scratch today to help us keep our servers running, maintain our growing global community, and make creative coding possible for kids in every country around the world.", "annualReport.2021.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to create inspiring, creative, and memorable learning experiences for kids everywhere, especially those who have been systemically excluded from creative coding opportunities. Make a gift to Scratch today to help us keep our servers running, maintain our growing global community, and make creative coding possible for kids in every country around the world.",
"annualReport.2021.donateMessage2": "Thank you for your generosity.", "annualReport.2021.donateMessage2": "Thank you for your generosity.",
"annualReport.2021.donateButton": "Podpor nás", "annualReport.2021.donateButton": "Podpor nás",
@ -218,14 +218,14 @@
"annualReport.2021.OctIlloAttr": "Potato and glasses by @Cupwing", "annualReport.2021.OctIlloAttr": "Potato and glasses by @Cupwing",
"annualReport.2021.altMap": "A map of the world showing 41 SEC organizations", "annualReport.2021.altMap": "A map of the world showing 41 SEC organizations",
"annualReport.2021.altSECSpotlightImage": "A child plays with a toy in front of an orange background", "annualReport.2021.altSECSpotlightImage": "A child plays with a toy in front of an orange background",
"annualReport.2021.altAccessibility": "Two people use sign language in front of a green background.", "annualReport.2021.altAccessibility": "Dvaja ľudia používajú posunkovú reč pred zeleným pozadím.",
"annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommittee": "A hand holds out a scratch component on a green background.", "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommittee": "A hand holds out a scratch component on a green background.",
"annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "A hand paints scratch components on a blue background.", "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeAccessibility": "A hand paints scratch components on a blue background.",
"annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "Two hands reach toward a text bubble with a heart inside it.", "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeG-JEDI": "Two hands reach toward a text bubble with a heart inside it.",
"annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquitXDesign": "Two hands work together to compile a list of scratch components.", "annualReport.2021.altaccessDEICommitteeEquitXDesign": "Two hands work together to compile a list of scratch components.",
"annualReport.2021.altaccessSouthAfrica": "Two kids, one using a tablet and one using a laptop, work on a scratch project together.", "annualReport.2021.altaccessSouthAfrica": "Two kids, one using a tablet and one using a laptop, work on a scratch project together.",
"annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTransators": "Four hands are raised with text bubbles resting on top of them in front of a purple background.", "annualReport.2021.altcommunityVolunteerTransators": "Four hands are raised with text bubbles resting on top of them in front of a purple background.",
"annualReport.2021.altcommunityThankYou": "A globe with a banner across it saying 'Thank you' surrounded by the words for thank you in various languages.", "annualReport.2021.altcommunityThankYou": "Zemeguľa s transparentom s nápisom „Ďakujem“, ktorý je obklopený slovami poďakovania v rôznych jazykoch.",
"annualReport.2021.altAvatar": "user avatar", "annualReport.2021.altAvatar": "user avatar",
"annualReport.2021.altDropdownArrow": "Arrow indicating dropdown menu.", "annualReport.2021.altDropdownArrow": "Arrow indicating dropdown menu.",
"annualReport.2021.altMastheadIllustration": "Three people interacting with physical scratch components.", "annualReport.2021.altMastheadIllustration": "Three people interacting with physical scratch components.",
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.altMouseTrail": "Multiple cut outs of a squirrel head placed randomly on top of each other.", "annualReport.2021.altMouseTrail": "Multiple cut outs of a squirrel head placed randomly on top of each other.",
"annualReport.2021.altSECWorkshops": "People playing together", "annualReport.2021.altSECWorkshops": "People playing together",
"annualReport.2021.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up.", "annualReport.2021.altArrowUp": "An arrow pointing up.",
"annualReport.2021.altTranslated": "A scratch component saying \"Hello\" and listing languages that scratch is available in.", "annualReport.2021.altTranslated": "Komponent Scratch s textom \"Ahoj\" a zoznamom jazykov, v ktorých je funkcia Scratch k dispozícii.",
"annualReport.2021.altAboutMe": "The words 'About me' placed over an easel, hedgehog, mango, and soccer ball.", "annualReport.2021.altAboutMe": "The words 'About me' placed over an easel, hedgehog, mango, and soccer ball.",
"annualReport.2021.altClickerGame": "A math game showing an apple, an orange, and a cut up bowl of fruit.", "annualReport.2021.altClickerGame": "A math game showing an apple, an orange, and a cut up bowl of fruit.",
"annualReport.2021.altLookingForward1": "Interlocking hexagons displaying a swirl, start, and heart.", "annualReport.2021.altLookingForward1": "Interlocking hexagons displaying a swirl, start, and heart.",

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackBody": "When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical.", "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.feedbackBody": "When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture", "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Header": "Scratchers embrace remix culture.", "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Header": "Scratchers embrace remix culture.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Body": "Remixing is when you build upon someone elses projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.", "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix1Body": "Remixovanie je, keď staviate na projektoch, kóde, nápadoch, obrázkoch alebo čomkoľvek inom, ktoré zdieľajú v aplikácii Scratch niekoho iného, aby ste vytvorili svoj vlastný jedinečný výtvor.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture", "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Section": "Become a Scratcher - Embrace remix culture",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Header": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers.", "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Header": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers.",
"becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Body": "You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. ", "becomeAScratcher.guidelines.remix2Body": "You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. ",

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"boost.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.", "boost.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.",
"boost.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "boost.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"boost.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "boost.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"boost.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", "boost.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch",
"boost.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with a BOOST at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", "boost.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with a BOOST at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"boost.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your sensor", "boost.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your sensor",
"boost.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a BOOST at a time. If you have another computer connected to your sensor, disconnect the sensor or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", "boost.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a BOOST at a time. If you have another computer connected to your sensor, disconnect the sensor or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
{ {
"conference-2022.title": "Scratch Conference 2022", "conference-2022.title": "Konferencia Scratch 2022",
"conference-2022.locationDetails": "Online", "conference-2022.locationDetails": "Online",
"conference-2022.date": "When:", "conference-2022.date": "Kedy:",
"conference-2022.location": "Where:", "conference-2022.location": "Kde:",
"conference-2022.eventTime": "10 AM - 4 PM ET", "conference-2022.eventTime": "10:00 16:00 ET",
"conference-2022.desc1": "Join us for Scratch Conference 2022, an online gathering for educators interested in creative learning with Scratch! This year's theme will be \"What will you create?\"", "conference-2022.desc1": "Pripojte sa k nám na konferencii Scratch 2022, online stretnutí pre pedagógov, ktorí sa zaujímajú o kreatívne učenie so Scratch! Tohtoročnou témou bude \"Čo vytvoríš?\"",
"conference-2022.desc1a": "Although we are not able to meet in person this year, we are excited to find ways to connect and share with others in the global Scratch educator community.", "conference-2022.desc1a": "Aj keď sa tento rok nemôžeme stretnúť osobne, sme nadšení, že nájdeme spôsoby, ako sa spojiť a zdieľať s ostatnými v globálnej komunite pedagógov Scratch.",
"conference-2022.desc3": "The conference will be free of charge.", "conference-2022.desc3": "Konferencia bude bezplatná.",
"conference-2022.register": "Stay tuned for registration information!", "conference-2022.register": "Zostaňte naladení na informácie o registrácii!",
"conference-2022.stayDesc2": "For additional questions, contact the Scratch Conference Team at {emailLink}", "conference-2022.stayDesc2": "V prípade ďalších otázok kontaktujte tím konferencie Scratch na adrese {emailLink}",
"conference-2022.organizedBy": "The Scratch Conference is organized by the Scratch Foundation." "conference-2022.organizedBy": "Konferenciu Scratch organizuje nadácia Scratch Foundation."
} }

View file

@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
"conference-2017.location": "Miesto", "conference-2017.location": "Miesto",
"conference-2017.audience": "Publikum", "conference-2017.audience": "Publikum",
"conference-2017.language": "Jazyk", "conference-2017.language": "Jazyk",
"conference-2017.website": "Visit Website", "conference-2017.website": "Navštíviť webovú stránku",
"conference-2017.franceTitle": "Scratch2017BDX", "conference-2017.franceTitle": "Scratch2017BDX",
"conference-2017.franceSubTitle": "Opening, Inspiring, Connecting", "conference-2017.franceSubTitle": "Opening, Inspiring, Connecting",
"conference-2017.franceDesc": "Scratch2017BDX is an opportunity to meet people and share ideas, and to be inspired and inspiring. It's a global fest to celebrate creativity and enjoy discoveries and understanding about Scratch and beyond.", "conference-2017.franceDesc": "Scratch2017BDX is an opportunity to meet people and share ideas, and to be inspired and inspiring. It's a global fest to celebrate creativity and enjoy discoveries and understanding about Scratch and beyond.",
"conference-2017.franceAudience": "Global Scratch family", "conference-2017.franceAudience": "Global Scratch family",
"conference-2017.brasilTitle": "Conferência Scratch Brasil 2017", "conference-2017.brasilTitle": "Conferência Scratch Brasil 2017",
"conference-2017.brasilDesc": "The Scratch Brazil Conference 2017 will be a meeting point for Brazilian educators, researchers, developers and makers who are interested in creating, sharing and learning with Scratch. The conference will foster discussions about the use of Scratch in and out of the classroom, creative computing, Scratch extensions, and other important themes related to Scratch's adoption in Brazil. We are planning something very participatory, with lots of hands-on workshops, poster sessions and opportunities for collaboration.", "conference-2017.brasilDesc": "Konferencia Scratch Brazil 2017 bude miestom stretnutia pre brazílskych pedagógov, výskumníkov, vývojárov a tvorcov, ktorí majú záujem o vytváranie, zdieľanie a učenie sa so Scratch. Konferencia podporí diskusie o používaní Scratch v triede a mimo nej, kreatívnej výpočtovej technike, rozšíreniach Scratch a ďalších dôležitých témach súvisiacich s prijatím Scratch v Brazílii. Plánujeme niečo veľmi participatívne, s množstvom praktických workshopov, posterových stretnutí a príležitostí na spoluprácu.",
"conference-2017.brasilAudience": "Educators, researchers, developers, and makers", "conference-2017.brasilAudience": "Educators, researchers, developers, and makers",
"conference-2017.hungaryTitle": "Scratch 2017 @ Budapest", "conference-2017.hungaryTitle": "Scratch 2017 @ Budapest",
"conference-2017.hungaryDesc": "The Scratch Conference in Budapest is a unique opportunity to meet our extended Scratch family and grow and inspire each other. It is a space to revel in creative thinking and coding, to dive in and share in all the diverse possibilities we have found. We are change agents — tried and true geeks in our genes — and we look forward to rolling up our shirt sleeves and having some “hard-fun”. Truly in this sphere, the outlook for the future is bright and we are excited. Come, meet, and collaborate with other members of the Scratch community.", "conference-2017.hungaryDesc": "The Scratch Conference in Budapest is a unique opportunity to meet our extended Scratch family and grow and inspire each other. It is a space to revel in creative thinking and coding, to dive in and share in all the diverse possibilities we have found. We are change agents — tried and true geeks in our genes — and we look forward to rolling up our shirt sleeves and having some “hard-fun”. Truly in this sphere, the outlook for the future is bright and we are excited. Come, meet, and collaborate with other members of the Scratch community.",
"conference-2017.hungaryAudience": "Teachers, educators, foundations", "conference-2017.hungaryAudience": "Teachers, educators, foundations",
"conference-2017.chileTitle": "Scratch al Sur 2017", "conference-2017.chileTitle": "Scratch al Sur 2017",
"conference-2017.chileSubTitle": "Imaginando, creando, compartiendo", "conference-2017.chileSubTitle": "Imaginando, creando, compartiendo",
"conference-2017.chileDesc": "Scratch al Sur 2017 is an opportunity to learn about the importance of introducing programming languages in schools. All lectures and workshops will provide an opportunity to share different experiences, from higher levels to those who are beginning to participate in Scratch's global community.", "conference-2017.chileDesc": "Scratch al Sur 2017 je príležitosťou dozvedieť sa o dôležitosti zavádzania programovacích jazykov na školách. Všetky prednášky a workshopy poskytnú príležitosť na zdieľanie rôznych skúseností, od vyšších úrovní až po tých, ktorí sa začínajú podieľať na globálnej komunite Scratch.",
"conference-2017.chileAudience": "School teachers, principals, education administrators, researchers, and information technology professionals", "conference-2017.chileAudience": "School teachers, principals, education administrators, researchers, and information technology professionals",
"conference-2017.chinaTitle": "Scratch Conference: China*Love", "conference-2017.chinaTitle": "Scratch Conference: China*Love",
"conference-2017.chinaDesc": "Join us for a gathering to support creative expression with Scratch in China. Share ways to promote learning with passion for programming, animation, community, and life.", "conference-2017.chinaDesc": "Join us for a gathering to support creative expression with Scratch in China. Share ways to promote learning with passion for programming, animation, community, and life.",

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@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
{ {
"conference-2019.title": "Scratch Conferences 2019", "conference-2019.title": "Scratch konferencie 2019",
"conference-2019.descA": "Scratch conferences are playful gatherings of educators, researchers, developers, and other members of the worldwide Scratch community.", "conference-2019.descA": "Konferencie Scratch sú hravé stretnutia pedagógov, výskumníkov, vývojárov a ďalších členov celosvetovej komunity Scratch.",
"conference-2019.descB": "These events, held in various locations around the world, provide opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds and practices to discuss how they support children using Scratch, to collaborate and share ideas with one another, and to bring new creative-learning strategies and activities back to their own communities.", "conference-2019.descB": "Tieto podujatia, ktoré sa konajú na rôznych miestach po celom svete, poskytujú ľuďom z rôznych prostredí a praktík príležitosti diskutovať o tom, ako podporujú deti používajúce Scratch, spolupracovať a navzájom si vymieňať nápady a priviesť späť nové kreatívne vzdelávacie stratégie a aktivity. svoje vlastné komunity.",
"conference-2019.descC": "The first Scratch conference was held at MIT in 2008, and the Scratch Team has continued to organize a Scratch conference every other year. The next Scratch@MIT conference will be held in the summer of 2020 (in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA).", "conference-2019.descC": "Prvá konferencia Scratch sa konala na MIT v roku 2008 a tím Scratch pokračoval v organizovaní konferencie Scratch každý druhý rok. Ďalšia konferencia Scratch@MIT sa bude konať v lete 2020 (v Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA).",
"conference-2019.descD": "In 2019, there will be several Scratch conferences held in other locations around the world (see below).", "conference-2019.descD": "V roku 2019 sa bude konať niekoľko konferencií Scratch na iných miestach po celom svete (pozri nižšie).",
"conference-2019.seeBelow": "Schedule & Locations", "conference-2019.seeBelow": "Plán a miesta",
"conference-2019.joinMailingListButtonText": "Pripojte sa do emailovej konferencie", "conference-2019.joinMailingListButtonText": "Pripojte sa do emailovej konferencie",
"conference-2019.joinMailingList": "To learn more about 2020s Scratch@MIT conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and to receive updates about regional conferences around the world, join our mailing list.", "conference-2019.joinMailingList": "Ak sa chcete dozvedieť viac o konferencii Scratch@MIT 2020 v Cambridge v štáte Massachusetts a dostávať aktualizácie o regionálnych konferenciách po celom svete, pripojte sa k nášmu zoznamu adresátov.",
"conference-2019.date": "Dátum", "conference-2019.date": "Dátum",
"conference-2019.location": "Miesto", "conference-2019.location": "Miesto",
"conference-2019.audience": "Publikum", "conference-2019.audience": "Publikum",
"conference-2019.language": "Jazyk", "conference-2019.language": "Jazyk",
"conference-2019.hashtag": "Hashtag", "conference-2019.hashtag": "Hashtag",
"conference-2019.website": "Visit Website", "conference-2019.website": "Navštíviť webovú stránku",
"conference-2019.ukTitle": "Scratch Conference Europe", "conference-2019.ukTitle": "Scratch konferencia Európa",
"conference-2019.ukDesc": "Hosted by Raspberry Pi, the 2019 Scratch Conference Europe will take place in Cambridge, UK, from Friday 23 August to Sunday 25 August. The schedule is full of exciting participatory activities led by members of the Scratch community. Participants can look forward to workshops, talks, and keynotes across a range of topics, including the new Scratch 3.0, as well as plenty of informal opportunities to chat and connect!", "conference-2019.ukDesc": "Scratch Conference Europe 2019, ktorú organizuje Raspberry Pi, sa bude konať v Cambridge v Spojenom kráľovstve od piatku 23. augusta do nedele 25. augusta. Program je plný vzrušujúcich participatívnych aktivít pod vedením členov komunity Scratch. Účastníci sa môžu tešiť na workshopy, besedy a kľúčové prejavy na rôzne témy, vrátane nového Scratch 3.0, ako aj na množstvo neformálnych príležitostí na rozhovor a spojenie!",
"conference-2019.ukAudience": "Education professionals and volunteers", "conference-2019.ukAudience": "Profesionáli v oblasti vzdelávania a dobrovoľníci",
"conference-2019.kenyaTitle": "Scratch Conference Africa: Scratch2019NBO", "conference-2019.kenyaTitle": "Scratch konferencia Afrika: Scratch2019NBO",
"conference-2019.kenyaSubTitle": "Waves of Innovation", "conference-2019.kenyaSubTitle": "Vlny inovácií",
"conference-2019.kenyaDesc": "In recognition of Africa's technological contributions to the world and the potential of the youth of Africa, Scratch2019NBO will be held in Nairobi, Kenya. Join educators from around the world to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding.", "conference-2019.kenyaDesc": "Ako uznanie technologického prínosu Afriky svetu a potenciálu mládeže Afriky sa Scratch2019NBO uskutoční v Nairobi v Keni. Pripojte sa k pedagógom z celého sveta a zdieľajte lekcie, posilňujte mladých ľudí a oslavujte úspechy v kreatívnom kódovaní.",
"conference-2019.kenyaPostpone": "The Scratch2019NBO conference, originally planned for Nairobi, Kenya in July 2019, has been postponed. Information about future plans will be available later this year.", "conference-2019.kenyaPostpone": "Konferencia Scratch2019NBO, pôvodne plánovaná pre Nairobi v Keni v júli 2019, bola odložená. Informácie o budúcich plánoch budú k dispozícii neskôr v tomto roku.",
"conference-2019.kenyaAudience": "Educators", "conference-2019.kenyaAudience": "Pedagógovia",
"conference-2019.chileDesc": "Scratch al Sur Conferencia Chile 2019 is an event aimed at teachers of all educational areas and levels, who seek to innovate in the classroom through creative learning, thus supporting public policies that are promoted through the National Plan of Digital Languages, launched by the Chilean government as of 2019. Various workshops, panels, experiences, stands, a presentation of the new Scratch 3.0, Makey-Makey, and much more will be offered.", "conference-2019.chileDesc": "Scratch al Sur Conferencia Chile 2019 je podujatie zamerané na učiteľov všetkých vzdelávacích oblastí a úrovní, ktorí sa snažia inovovať v triede prostredníctvom kreatívneho učenia, čím podporujú verejné politiky, ktoré sú podporované prostredníctvom Národného plánu digitálnych jazykov, ktorý spustila čilská vláda. od roku 2019. V ponuke budú rôzne workshopy, panely, zážitky, stánky, prezentácia nového Scratch 3.0, Makey-Makey a mnoho ďalšieho.",
"conference-2019.chileAudience": "Teachers and policy makers", "conference-2019.chileAudience": "Učitelia a tvorcovia politík",
"conference-2019.spanishWithSimultaneous": "Spanish - simultaneous translation into English during plenary sessions" "conference-2019.spanishWithSimultaneous": "Španielčina simultánny preklad do angličtiny počas plenárnych zasadnutí"
} }

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@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
"conference-2021.subtitle": "An Online Conference", "conference-2021.subtitle": "An Online Conference",
"conference-2021.dateDesc": "July 22, 2021", "conference-2021.dateDesc": "July 22, 2021",
"conference-2021.locationDetails": "Online", "conference-2021.locationDetails": "Online",
"conference-2021.date": "When:", "conference-2021.date": "Kedy:",
"conference-2021.location": "Where:", "conference-2021.location": "Kde:",
"conference-2021.desc1": "Join us for Scratch Around the World, an online conference for educators interested in creative learning with Scratch.", "conference-2021.desc1": "Join us for Scratch Around the World, an online conference for educators interested in creative learning with Scratch.",
"conference-2021.desc1a": "Although we are not able to meet in person this year, we are excited to find ways to connect and share with others in the global Scratch educator community.", "conference-2021.desc1a": "Aj keď sa tento rok nemôžeme stretnúť osobne, sme nadšení, že nájdeme spôsoby, ako sa spojiť a zdieľať s ostatnými v globálnej komunite pedagógov Scratch.",
"conference-2021.desc3": "The conference will be free of charge.", "conference-2021.desc3": "Konferencia bude bezplatná.",
"conference-2021.register": "Go to registration page", "conference-2021.register": "Go to registration page",
"conference-2021.stayDesc2": "For additional questions, contact the Scratch Conference Team at {emailLink}", "conference-2021.stayDesc2": "V prípade ďalších otázok kontaktujte tím konferencie Scratch na adrese {emailLink}",
"conference-2021.organizedBy": "The Scratch Conference is organized by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab in collaboration with the Scratch Foundation." "conference-2021.organizedBy": "The Scratch Conference is organized by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab in collaboration with the Scratch Foundation."
} }

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"conference-2018.dateDescMore": " (with opening reception the evening of July 25)", "conference-2018.dateDescMore": " (with opening reception the evening of July 25)",
"conference-2018.locationDetails": "MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA", "conference-2018.locationDetails": "MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA",
"conference-2018.seeBelow": "Learn more about conference dates and locations below.", "conference-2018.seeBelow": "Learn more about conference dates and locations below.",
"conference-2018.date": "When:", "conference-2018.date": "Kedy:",
"conference-2018.location": "Where:", "conference-2018.location": "Kde:",
"conference-2018.desc1": "Join us for the Scratch@MIT conference, a playful gathering of educators, researchers, developers, and other members of the worldwide Scratch community.", "conference-2018.desc1": "Join us for the Scratch@MIT conference, a playful gathering of educators, researchers, developers, and other members of the worldwide Scratch community.",
"conference-2018.desc2": "We're planning a very participatory conference, with an entire day of hands-on workshops and lots of opportunities for peer-to-peer discussion and collaboration. The conference is intended primarily for adults who support young people learning Scratch.", "conference-2018.desc2": "We're planning a very participatory conference, with an entire day of hands-on workshops and lots of opportunities for peer-to-peer discussion and collaboration. The conference is intended primarily for adults who support young people learning Scratch.",
"conference-2018.registrationDate": "Registration opens March 1, 2018.", "conference-2018.registrationDate": "Registration opens March 1, 2018.",

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ {
"credits.title": "Scratch Credits & Contributors", "credits.title": "Scratch Credits & Contributors",
"credits.developers": "Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the staff of the Scratch Foundation, a nonprofit organization.", "credits.developers": "Scratch je navrhnutý, vyvinutý a moderovaný zamestnancami neziskovej organizácie Scratch Foundation.",
"credits.moderators": "Tím moderátorov Scratch spravuje, poskytuje podporu a vylepšenia pre online komunitu Scratch.", "credits.moderators": "Tím moderátorov Scratch spravuje, poskytuje podporu a vylepšenia pre online komunitu Scratch.",
"credits.previousTitle": "Bývalí členovia tímu MIT Scratch", "credits.previousTitle": "Bývalí členovia tímu MIT Scratch",
"credits.previousBody": "Mnohí bývalí členovia tímu Scratch, napr. John Maloney (vedúci vývoja v prvej dekáde) a Andrés Monroy-Hernández (vedúci vývoja prvej webstránky online komunity Scratch). Ďalší prispievatelia:", "credits.previousBody": "Mnohí bývalí členovia tímu Scratch, napr. John Maloney (vedúci vývoja v prvej dekáde) a Andrés Monroy-Hernández (vedúci vývoja prvej webstránky online komunity Scratch). Ďalší prispievatelia:",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergartenLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten research group", "credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergartenLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten research group",
"credits.acknowledgementsNSFGrantLinkText": "National Science Foundation Grant", "credits.acknowledgementsNSFGrantLinkText": "National Science Foundation Grant",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslators": "With the help of {translatorsLink} around the world, Scratch is available in many languages.", "credits.acknowledgementsTranslators": "With the help of {translatorsLink} around the world, Scratch is available in many languages.",
"credits.acknowledgementsLanguageOrganizers": "Many thanks to the following language organizers for helping to coordinate Scratch translators in their language:", "credits.acknowledgementsLanguageOrganizers": "Veľká vďaka patrí nasledujúcim jazykovým organizátorom za pomoc pri koordinácii prekladateľov Scratch v ich jazyku:",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslatorsLinkText": "Scratch Translators", "credits.acknowledgementsTranslatorsLinkText": "Scratch Translators",
"credits.acknowledgementsCommunity": "Veľmi si ceníme všetky príspevky celosvetovej kumunity Scratch, ktorí ktorý udávali smer zdieľaním svojich projektov, reakcií a myšlienok.", "credits.acknowledgementsCommunity": "Veľmi si ceníme všetky príspevky celosvetovej kumunity Scratch, ktorí ktorý udávali smer zdieľaním svojich projektov, reakcií a myšlienok.",
"credits.acknowledgementsInfluencers": "Našu prácu na Scratchi hlboko inšpirovali a ovplyvnili myšlienky Seymoura Paperta a Alana Kaya.", "credits.acknowledgementsInfluencers": "Našu prácu na Scratchi hlboko inšpirovali a ovplyvnili myšlienky Seymoura Paperta a Alana Kaya.",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"credits.supportersOpenHeader": "Scratch by nebol možný bez slobodného a otvoreného softvéru, a to:", "credits.supportersOpenHeader": "Scratch by nebol možný bez slobodného a otvoreného softvéru, a to:",
"credits.currentSponsors": "Current Sponsors", "credits.currentSponsors": "Current Sponsors",
"credits.currentFinancialSupport": "The following organizations are providing major financial support for Scratch:", "credits.currentFinancialSupport": "The following organizations are providing major financial support for Scratch:",
"credits.donorsTitle": "Donors", "credits.donorsTitle": "Darcov",
"credits.lifelongKindergartenTitle": "Lifelong Kindergarten Group", "credits.lifelongKindergartenTitle": "Lifelong Kindergarten Group",
"credits.translationsTitle": "Translators", "credits.translationsTitle": "Translators",
"credits.illustrationsTitle": "Illustrations", "credits.illustrationsTitle": "Illustrations",

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@ -56,5 +56,5 @@
"developers.faqDifferencesTitle": "Aký je rozdiel medzi Blocky a Scratch Blocks?", "developers.faqDifferencesTitle": "Aký je rozdiel medzi Blocky a Scratch Blocks?",
"developers.faqDifferencesBody": "Scratch Blocks stavia na kóde Blockly, ale jeho návrh stojí na našich princípoch, ktoré podporujú kreatívne zážitkové učenie.", "developers.faqDifferencesBody": "Scratch Blocks stavia na kóde Blockly, ale jeho návrh stojí na našich princípoch, ktoré podporujú kreatívne zážitkové učenie.",
"developers.faqCollabTitle": "Chcem s vami spolupracovať. Ako sa s vami spojím?", "developers.faqCollabTitle": "Chcem s vami spolupracovať. Ako sa s vami spojím?",
"developers.faqCollabBody": "You can reach us over on {githubLink} or on our {contactUsLink} page. We look forward to hearing from you!" "developers.faqCollabBody": "Môžete nás kontaktovať na{githubLink} alebo na našej {contactUsLink} stránke. Tešíme sa na vašu odpoveď!"
} }

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@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
{ {
"download.appTitle": "Download the Scratch App", "download.appTitle": "Stiahnite si aplikáciu Scratch",
"download.appIntro": "Would you like to create and save Scratch projects without an internet connection? Download the free Scratch app.", "download.appIntro": "Chceli by ste vytvárať a ukladať projekty Scratch bez internetového pripojenia? Stiahnite si bezplatnú aplikáciu Scratch.",
"download.requirements": "Požiadavky", "download.requirements": "Požiadavky",
"download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "Snímka obrazovky Scratch 3.0 Desktop", "download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "Snímka obrazovky Scratch 3.0 Desktop",
"download.troubleshootingTitle": "Často kladené otázky", "download.troubleshootingTitle": "Často kladené otázky",
"download.startScratchDesktop": "Spustiť Scratch pre počítač", "download.startScratchDesktop": "Spustiť Scratch pre počítač",
"download.howDoIInstall": "Ako nainštalujem Scratch pre počítač?", "download.howDoIInstall": "Ako nainštalujem Scratch pre počítač?",
"download.whenSupportLinuxApp": "When will you have the Scratch app available for Linux?", "download.whenSupportLinuxApp": "Kedy bude aplikácia Scratch dostupná pre Linux?",
"download.whenSupportLinux": "Kedy bude Scratch pre počítač pre Linux?", "download.whenSupportLinux": "Kedy bude Scratch pre počítač pre Linux?",
"download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Scratch pre počítač na Linuxe v súčasnosti nie je podporovaný. S partnermi a komunitou open-source pracujeme na zistení, či by sme vedeli v budúcnosti zabezpečiť podporu pre Linux. Ostaňte v kontakte!", "download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Scratch pre počítač na Linuxe v súčasnosti nie je podporovaný. S partnermi a komunitou open-source pracujeme na zistení, či by sme vedeli v budúcnosti zabezpečiť podporu pre Linux. Ostaňte v kontakte!",
"download.whenSupportLinuxAppAnswer": "The Scratch app is currently not supported on Linux. We are working with partners and the open-source community to determine if there is a way we can support Linux in the future. Stay tuned!", "download.whenSupportLinuxAppAnswer": "Aplikácia Scratch momentálne nie je podporovaná v systéme Linux. Spolupracujeme s partnermi a komunitou open source, aby sme zistili, či existuje spôsob, ako môžeme v budúcnosti podporovať Linux. Zostaňte naladení!",
"download.supportChromeOS": "Kedy budete mať Scratch pre počítače pre Chromebook?", "download.supportChromeOS": "Kedy budete mať Scratch pre počítače pre Chromebook?",
"download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch pre počítače na Chromebooku ešte nie je dokončený. Pracujeme na tom a vydanie očakávame neskôr v roku 2019. ", "download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch pre počítače na Chromebooku ešte nie je dokončený. Pracujeme na tom a vydanie očakávame neskôr v roku 2019. ",
"download.olderVersionsTitle": "Staršie verzie", "download.olderVersionsTitle": "Staršie verzie",
"download.olderVersions": "Looking for an earlier version of Scratch?", "download.olderVersions": "Hľadáte staršiu verziu aplikácie Scratch?",
"download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4", "download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4",
"download.scratch2Desktop": "Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor", "download.scratch2Desktop": "Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor",
"download.cannotAccessMacStore": "Čo ak nemám prístup k Mac App Store?", "download.cannotAccessMacStore": "Čo ak nemám prístup k Mac App Store?",
"download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "Čo ak nemám prístup k Microsoft Store?", "download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "Čo ak nemám prístup k Microsoft Store?",
"download.macMoveAppToApplications": "Open the .dmg file. Move Scratch 3 into Applications.", "download.macMoveAppToApplications": "Otvorte súbor .dmg. Presuňte Scratch 3 do Aplikácií.",
"download.macMoveToApplications": "Otvorte .dmg súbor. Presuňte Scratch do priečinka Aplikácie.", "download.macMoveToApplications": "Otvorte .dmg súbor. Presuňte Scratch do priečinka Aplikácie.",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "Spustite .exe súbor.", "download.winMoveToApplications": "Spustite .exe súbor.",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "Do I have to download an app to use Scratch?", "download.doIHaveToDownload": "Musím si stiahnuť aplikáciu, aby som mohol používať Scratch?",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "No. You can also use the Scratch project editor in most web browsers on most devices by going to scratch.mit.edu and clicking \"Create\".", "download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "Nie. Editor projektu Scratch môžete použiť aj vo väčšine webových prehliadačov na väčšine zariadení tak, že prejdete na stránku scratch.mit.edu a kliknete na položku \"Vytvoriť\".",
"download.canIUseScratchLink": "Môžem použiť Scratch Link na pripojenie k rozšíreniam?", "download.canIUseScratchLink": "Môžem použiť Scratch Link na pripojenie k rozšíreniam?",
"download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Áno. Ale na použitie Scratch Link budete potrebovať internetové pripojenie.", "download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Áno. Ale na použitie Scratch Link budete potrebovať internetové pripojenie.",
"download.canIUseExtensions": "Can I connect to hardware extensions?", "download.canIUseExtensions": "Môžem sa pripojiť k hardvérovým rozšíreniam?",
"download.canIUseExtensionsAnswer": "Yes. With the Scratch app you can connect to extensions, and you do not need Scratch Link.", "download.canIUseExtensionsAnswer": "Áno. S aplikáciou Scratch sa môžete pripojiť k rozšíreniam a nepotrebujete Scratch Link.",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevices": "How do I connect the Scratch app to hardware devices?", "download.howConnectHardwareDevices": "Ako pripojím aplikáciu Scratch k hardvérovým zariadeniam?",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerLink": "You will need to install and run Scratch Link in order to connect to hardware devices when using Scratch app for {operatingsystem}. You will also need an internet connection to use Scratch Link.", "download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerLink": "Budete si musieť nainštalovať a spustiť aplikáciu Scratch Link, aby ste sa mohli pripojiť k hardvérovým zariadeniam pri používaní aplikácie Scratch pre {operatingsystem}. Na používanie aplikácie Scratch Link budete potrebovať aj internetové pripojenie.",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerApp": "With the Scratch app you can connect to hardware devices like the micro:bit or LEGO Boost. When using the Scratch app for {operatingsystem} you do not need Scratch Link.", "download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerApp": "Pomocou aplikácie Scratch sa môžete pripojiť k hardvérovým zariadeniam ako micro:bit alebo LEGO Boost. Keď používate aplikáciu Scratch {operatingsystem}, nepotrebujete Scratch Link.",
"download.desktopAndBrowser": "Môžem súčasne používať Scratch pre počítač aj Scratch v okne prehliadača?", "download.desktopAndBrowser": "Môžem súčasne používať Scratch pre počítač aj Scratch v okne prehliadača?",
"download.appAndBrowser": "Can I use the Scratch app and also have Scratch open in the browser?", "download.appAndBrowser": "Môžem použiť aplikáciu Scratch a tiež mať otvorený Scratch v prehliadači?",
"download.yesAnswer": "Áno.", "download.yesAnswer": "Áno.",
"download.onPhone": "Can I install Scratch on my Android phone?", "download.onPhone": "Môžem si nainštalovať Scratch na svoj telefón s Androidom?",
"download.onPhoneAnswer": "No. The current version of Scratch for Android only works on tablets.", "download.onPhoneAnswer": "Nie. Aktuálna verzia aplikácie Scratch pre Android funguje iba na tabletoch.",
"download.howUpdateApp": "How do I update the Scratch app?", "download.howUpdateApp": "Ako aktualizujem aplikáciu Scratch?",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerPlayStore": "Open the Google Play store and check for updates. If your installation is managed by school administrators, they will need to update the version and make the update available to managed devices.", "download.howUpdateAppAnswerPlayStore": "Otvorte obchod Google Play a skontrolujte aktualizácie. Ak vašu inštaláciu spravujú správcovia školy, budú musieť aktualizovať verziu a sprístupniť aktualizáciu spravovaným zariadeniam.",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerDownload": "To update Scratch for {operatingsystem} from this page, download the latest version and install. To check which version you have, click the Scratch logo in the downloaded app.", "download.howUpdateAppAnswerDownload": "Ak chcete aktualizovať aplikáciu Scratch {operatingsystem} z tejto stránky, stiahnite si najnovšiu verziu a nainštalujte ju. Ak chcete zistiť, ktorú verziu máte, kliknite na logo Scratch v stiahnutej aplikácii.",
"download.canIShare": "Môžem zdieľať projekt zo Scratch pre počítač?", "download.canIShare": "Môžem zdieľať projekt zo Scratch pre počítač?",
"download.canIShareAnswer": "To zatiaľ nie je možné. Nateraz môžete uložiť projekt do súboru a načítať ho do svojho účtu Scratch, a tam ho zdieľať. V neskorších verziách pribudne možnosť priameho načítania projektu do vášho účtu Scratch aj v aplikácii Scratch pre počítač. ", "download.canIShareAnswer": "To zatiaľ nie je možné. Nateraz môžete uložiť projekt do súboru a načítať ho do svojho účtu Scratch, a tam ho zdieľať. V neskorších verziách pribudne možnosť priameho načítania projektu do vášho účtu Scratch aj v aplikácii Scratch pre počítač. ",
"download.canIShareApp": "Can I share to the online community from the Scratch app for {operatingsystem}?", "download.canIShareApp": "Môžem zdieľať s online komunitou z aplikácie Scratch pre {operatingsystem}?",
"download.canIShareAnswerPlayStore": "Yes. Click the 3-dots menu on a project in the lobby and select \"Share\" from the options. In addition to sharing by email, you can sign in to your Scratch account and share a project to the Scratch online community.", "download.canIShareAnswerPlayStore": "Áno. Kliknite na 3-bodkovú ponuku na projekte v lobby a z možností vyberte \"Zdieľať\". Okrem zdieľania e-mailom sa môžete prihlásiť do svojho účtu Scratch a zdieľať projekt s online komunitou Scratch.",
"download.canIShareAnswerDownloaded": "Sharing directly to online community from the Scratch app for {operatingsystem} is not currently supported. For now, you can export a project from the Scratch app, then log onto the Scratch website, and upload and share your project there.", "download.canIShareAnswerDownloaded": "Priame zdieľanie s online komunitou z aplikácie Scratch {operatingsystem} pre momentálne nie je podporované. Zatiaľ môžete exportovať projekt z aplikácie Scratch, potom sa prihlásiť na webovú stránku Scratch a nahrať a zdieľať svoj projekt tam.",
"download.whyNoDevicesVisible": "Why doesn't Scratch show any devices when I try to connect hardware extensions?", "download.whyNoDevicesVisible": "Prečo Scratch nezobrazí žiadne zariadenia, keď sa pokúšam pripojiť hardvérové rozšírenia?",
"download.whyNoDevicesVisibleAnswer": "Weve found that turning your {devicePosessive} bluetooth off and on again in the system settings usually allows you to see hardware devices again. If the problem persists, check that Location services are enabled for your device. If you still do not see any devices, please {whyNoDevicesContactUsLink}.", "download.whyNoDevicesVisibleAnswer": "Zistili sme, že vypnutie a opätovné zapnutie {devicePosessive} bluetooth v systémových nastaveniach vám zvyčajne umožní znova vidieť hardvérové zariadenia. Ak problém pretrváva, skontrolujte, či sú na vašom zariadení povolené služby určovania polohy. Ak stále nevidíte žiadne zariadenia, prosím {whyNoDevicesContactUsLink}.",
"download.whyNoDevicesContactUsLink": "contact us", "download.whyNoDevicesContactUsLink": "kontaktuj nás",
"download.chromebookPossessive": "Chromebook's", "download.chromebookPossessive": "Chromebook's",
"download.androidPossessive": "Android tablet's", "download.androidPossessive": "Tablety s Androidom",
"download.whyAskForLocation": "Why is {operatingsystem} asking for my location?", "download.whyAskForLocation": "Prečo sa {operatingsystem} pýta na moju polohu?",
"download.whyAskForLocationAnswer": "Scratch uses bluetooth to connect to other devices, such as a micro:bit or LEGO BOOST. Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app, so Google requires every app that uses bluetooth ask users for permission to access their location. Scratch will not use bluetooth to track your location.", "download.whyAskForLocationAnswer": "Scratch využíva bluetooth na pripojenie k iným zariadeniam, ako je micro:bit alebo LEGO BOOST. Bluetooth možno použiť na poskytovanie údajov o polohe do aplikácie, takže Google vyžaduje, aby každá aplikácia, ktorá používa bluetooth, požiadala používateľov o povolenie na prístup k svojej polohe. Scratch nebude používať bluetooth na sledovanie vašej polohy.",
"download.whereProjectStored": "Where does the Scratch App store my projects?", "download.whereProjectStored": "Kde aplikácia Scratch ukladá moje projekty?",
"download.whereProjectStoredAnswer": "Projects are saved internally in the app. To export a project file, click the 3-dot menu and select \"Share\". On the next screen select \"export\". The options visible depend on the applications installed on your device. Common options are Google Drive, Files, and email.", "download.whereProjectStoredAnswer": "Projekty sa ukladajú interne v aplikácii. Ak chcete exportovať súbor projektu, kliknite na 3-bodkovú ponuku a vyberte \"Zdieľať\". Na ďalšej obrazovke vyberte \"exportovať\". Zobrazené možnosti závisia od aplikácií nainštalovaných vo vašom zariadení. Bežné možnosti sú Disk Google, Súbory a e-mail.",
"download.iconAltText": "Ulož" "download.iconAltText": "Ulož"
} }

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"scratchLink.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.", "scratchLink.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.",
"scratchLink.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "scratchLink.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"scratchLink.macOSVersionLinkText": "Mac OS", "scratchLink.macOSVersionLinkText": "Mac OS",
"scratchLink.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", "scratchLink.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch",
"scratchLink.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with Scratch Link at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", "scratchLink.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with Scratch Link at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"scratchLink.thingsToTry": "Čo vyskúšať", "scratchLink.thingsToTry": "Čo vyskúšať",
"scratchLink.compatibleDevices": "Compatible with Scratch Link", "scratchLink.compatibleDevices": "Compatible with Scratch Link",

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"ev3.pairingInstructionText": "LEGO inštrukcie na spárovanie pomocou Bluetooth", "ev3.pairingInstructionText": "LEGO inštrukcie na spárovanie pomocou Bluetooth",
"ev3.reconnectTitle": "Na Windows skúste pred pripojením zrušiť párovanie zariadenia s počítačom", "ev3.reconnectTitle": "Na Windows skúste pred pripojením zrušiť párovanie zariadenia s počítačom",
"ev3.reconnectText": "If you have connected before and are unable to reconnect, try manually un-pairing your EV3 from your computer: open your Bluetooth settings, find your EV3, and remove it.", "ev3.reconnectText": "If you have connected before and are unable to reconnect, try manually un-pairing your EV3 from your computer: open your Bluetooth settings, find your EV3, and remove it.",
"ev3.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", "ev3.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch",
"ev3.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the EV3 at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", "ev3.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the EV3 at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"ev3.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your EV3", "ev3.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your EV3",
"ev3.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to an EV3 at a time. If you have another computer connected to your EV3, disconnect the EV3 or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", "ev3.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to an EV3 at a time. If you have another computer connected to your EV3, disconnect the EV3 or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",

View file

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
"faq.permissionsTitle": "Licencovanie a povolenia", "faq.permissionsTitle": "Licencovanie a povolenia",
"faq.inappropriateContentTitle": "Nevhodný obsah", "faq.inappropriateContentTitle": "Nevhodný obsah",
"faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Rozšírenia Scratch", "faq.scratchExtensionsTitle": "Rozšírenia Scratch",
"faq.cloudDataTitle": "Cloud Variables", "faq.cloudDataTitle": "Cloudové premenné",
"faq.aboutScratchTitle": "Čo je Scratch a čo sa s ním dá robiť?", "faq.aboutScratchTitle": "Čo je Scratch a čo sa s ním dá robiť?",
"faq.aboutScratchBody": "With the Scratch programming language and online community, you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. To learn more about Scratch, see the {aboutScratchLink} page.", "faq.aboutScratchBody": "Pomocou programovacieho jazyka Scratch a online komunity môžete vytvárať svoje vlastné interaktívne príbehy, hry a animácie a zdieľať svoje výtvory s ostatnými na celom svete. Keď mladí ľudia vytvárajú a zdieľajú projekty Scratch, učia sa kreatívne myslieť, systematicky uvažovať a spolupracovať. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť viac o Scratch, pozrite si {aboutScratchLink} stránku.",
"faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "O Scratchi", "faq.aboutScratchLinkText": "O Scratchi",
"faq.makeGameTitle": "Ako vytvorím hru alebo animáciu pomocou Scratch?", "faq.makeGameTitle": "Ako vytvorím hru alebo animáciu pomocou Scratch?",
"faq.makeGameBody": "Check out the {ideasLink} to see lots of ways to get started with Scratch", "faq.makeGameBody": "Check out the {ideasLink} to see lots of ways to get started with Scratch",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "Who uses Scratch?", "faq.whoUsesScratchTitle": "Who uses Scratch?",
"faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch is used by people from all backgrounds, in all countries around the world, in all types of settings -- homes, schools, libraries, museums, and more. Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJrLink}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.", "faq.whoUsesScratchBody": "Scratch is used by people from all backgrounds, in all countries around the world, in all types of settings -- homes, schools, libraries, museums, and more. Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try {scratchJrLink}, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.",
"faq.requirementsTitle": "Aké sú systémové požiadavky pre aplikáciu Scratch?", "faq.requirementsTitle": "Aké sú systémové požiadavky pre aplikáciu Scratch?",
"faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch will run in most current web browsers on desktops, laptops and tablets. You can view projects on mobile phones, but currently you are not able to create or edit projects on phones. Below is the list of officially supported browsers.", "faq.requirementsBody": "Scratch bude fungovať vo väčšine súčasných webových prehliadačov na stolných počítačoch, notebookoch a tabletoch. Projekty si môžete prezerať na mobilných telefónoch, ale momentálne nemôžete vytvárať ani upravovať projekty na telefónoch. Nižšie je uvedený zoznam oficiálne podporovaných prehliadačov.",
"faq.requirementsDesktop": "Desktop", "faq.requirementsDesktop": "Desktop",
"faq.requirementsDesktopChrome": "Chrome (63+)", "faq.requirementsDesktopChrome": "Chrome (63+)",
"faq.requirementsDesktopEdge": "Edge (15+)", "faq.requirementsDesktopEdge": "Edge (15+)",
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"faq.uploadOldBody": "Yes: You can share or upload projects made with earlier versions of Scratch, and they will be visible and playable. (However, you cant download projects made with or edited in later versions of Scratch and open them in earlier versions. For example, you cant open a Scratch 3.0 project in the desktop version of {scratch2Link}, because Scratch 2.0 doesnt know how to read the .sb3 project file format.)", "faq.uploadOldBody": "Yes: You can share or upload projects made with earlier versions of Scratch, and they will be visible and playable. (However, you cant download projects made with or edited in later versions of Scratch and open them in earlier versions. For example, you cant open a Scratch 3.0 project in the desktop version of {scratch2Link}, because Scratch 2.0 doesnt know how to read the .sb3 project file format.)",
"faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0", "faq.scratch2": "Scratch 2.0",
"faq.scratchCostTitle": "Koľko stojí Scratch? Potrebujem licenciu?", "faq.scratchCostTitle": "Koľko stojí Scratch? Potrebujem licenciu?",
"faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch is and always will be free. You dont need a license to use Scratch in your school, home, or anywhere else. The development and maintenance of Scratch is paid for by grants and donations. If youd like to contribute to Scratch, check out our {donateLink}.", "faq.scratchCostBody": "Scratch je a vždy bude zadarmo. Na používanie aplikácie Scratch v škole, doma alebo kdekoľvek inde nepotrebujete licenciu. Vývoj a údržba Scratch je hradená z grantov a darov. Ak by ste chceli prispieť do Scratch, pozrite si naše {donateLink}.",
"faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page", "faq.donateLinkText": "Donate page",
"faq.mediaLabTitle": "Kto vytvoril Scratch?", "faq.mediaLabTitle": "Kto vytvoril Scratch?",
"faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.", "faq.mediaLabBody": "Scratch is developed and maintained by the Scratch Team at the {llkLink} at {mediaLabLink}.",
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "How can I report bugs and share feedback on Scratch 3.0?", "faq.reportBugsScratch3Title": "How can I report bugs and share feedback on Scratch 3.0?",
"faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "You can report bugs and share feedback in the {forumsLink} section of the Scratch discussion forums.", "faq.reportBugsScratch3Body": "You can report bugs and share feedback in the {forumsLink} section of the Scratch discussion forums.",
"faq.forumsLinkText": "Bugs & Glitches", "faq.forumsLinkText": "Bugs & Glitches",
"faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Is Scratch 3.0 available in multiple languages?", "faq.languagesScratch3Title": "Je Scratch 3.0 dostupný vo viacerých jazykoch?",
"faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Yes. To change the language of the programming blocks, click on the “globe” icon in the top navigation bar of the programming editor, then click on the dropdown menu to select a language.", "faq.languagesScratch3Body1": "Áno. Ak chcete zmeniť jazyk programovacích blokov, kliknite na ikonu zemegule v hornej navigačnej lište programovacieho editora a potom kliknite na rozbaľovaciu ponuku a vyberte jazyk.",
"faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.", "faq.languagesScratch3Body2": "All of our translations are done by volunteers. The Scratch 3.0 editor has already been translated into 40+ languages. You can view all the languages currently being translated and reviewed on our {transifexLink}. If you want to help with translation or review, please contact {emailLink}.",
"faq.transifexLinkText": "translation server", "faq.transifexLinkText": "translation server",
"faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Does Scratch 3.0 remove any coding blocks from earlier versions of Scratch?", "faq.removedBlocksScratch3Title": "Does Scratch 3.0 remove any coding blocks from earlier versions of Scratch?",
@ -83,13 +83,13 @@
"faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?", "faq.tipsWindwScratch3Title": "What happened to the Scratch Tips Window?",
"faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. Youll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").", "faq.tipsWindowScratch3Body": "Instead of the Tips Window, Scratch 3.0 provides similar material through the Tutorials Library, which can be accessed through the Tutorials link in the top navigation bar in the programming editor. Youll find tutorials for entire projects (like \"Make a Chase Game\") or specific blocks and features (such as \"Record a Sound\" or \"Make it Spin\"). More tutorials will be added soon (such as \"Pong Game\" and \"Make It Fly\").",
"faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Čo je remix?", "faq.remixDefinitionTitle": "Čo je remix?",
"faq.remixDefinitionBody": "When a Scratcher makes a copy of someone elses project and modifies it to add their own ideas (for example, by changing scripts or costumes), the resulting project is called a \"remix\". Every project shared to the Scratch website can be remixed. We consider even a minor change to be a valid remix, as long as credit is given to the original project creator and others who made significant contributions to the remix.", "faq.remixDefinitionBody": "Keď Scratcher vytvorí kópiu projektu niekoho iného a upraví ho tak, aby pridal svoje vlastné nápady (napríklad zmenou scenárov alebo kostýmov), výsledný projekt sa nazýva \"remix\". Každý projekt zdieľaný na webe Scratch je možné remixovať. Aj menšiu zmenu považujeme za platný remix, pokiaľ je uznaný pôvodný tvorca projektu a ďalší, ktorí sa na remixe výrazne podieľali.",
"faq.remixableTitle": "Prečo tím Scratch vyžaduje, aby boli všetký projekty \"remixovateľné\"?", "faq.remixableTitle": "Prečo tím Scratch vyžaduje, aby boli všetký projekty \"remixovateľné\"?",
"faq.remixableBody": "We believe that remixing other peoples projects is a great way to learn to program and to create interesting projects. Through remixing, creative ideas spread through the Scratch community, and everyone benefits. All projects shared on the Scratch website are covered by the “Creative Commons Share Alike” license, which means that you can remix any project you see on the Scratch website -- and everyone else can remix any of the projects that you share on the website.", "faq.remixableBody": "Veríme, že remixovanie projektov iných ľudí je skvelý spôsob, ako sa naučiť programovať a vytvárať zaujímavé projekty. Prostredníctvom remixovania sa v komunite Scratch šíria kreatívne nápady, z ktorých majú úžitok všetci. Všetky projekty zdieľané na webovej stránke Scratch sú kryté licenciou „Creative Commons Share Alike“, čo znamená, že môžete remixovať akýkoľvek projekt, ktorý vidíte na webovej lokalite Scratch a všetci ostatní môžu remixovať ktorýkoľvek z projektov, ktoré zdieľate na webovej lokalite. .",
"faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Čo ak nechcem, aby iní remixovali moje projekty?", "faq.creativeCommonsTitle": "Čo ak nechcem, aby iní remixovali moje projekty?",
"faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Remixing is an important part of the Scratch community. If you dont want others to view or remix your creations, you can still create projects on the Scratch website, but dont share them on the website.", "faq.creativeCommonsBody": "Remixovanie je dôležitou súčasťou komunity Scratch. Ak nechcete, aby si ostatní prezerali alebo remixovali vaše výtvory, stále môžete vytvárať projekty na webovej lokalite Scratch, ale nezdieľať ich na webovej lokalite.",
"faq.fairUseTitle": "Môžem vo svojich projektoch používať obrázky / zvuky / médiá z internetu?", "faq.fairUseTitle": "Môžem vo svojich projektoch používať obrázky / zvuky / médiá z internetu?",
"faq.fairUseBody": "If you choose to integrate someone elses work into your own, be sure to give them credit on the project “credits” section, and include a link back to the original. To find art / sounds that are already licensed for remixing, check out the {ccLink}.", "faq.fairUseBody": "Ak sa rozhodnete integrovať prácu niekoho iného do svojho vlastného diela, nezabudnite ho pochváliť v sekcii „kredity“ projektu a uviesť odkaz späť na originál. Ak chcete nájsť umenie/zvuky, ktoré už majú licenciu na remixovanie, pozrite si {ccLink}.",
"faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons search page", "faq.ccLinkText": "Creative Commons search page",
"faq.whyAccountTitle": "Why is it useful to have a Scratch account?", "faq.whyAccountTitle": "Why is it useful to have a Scratch account?",
"faq.whyAccountBody": "Even without an account, you can play other peoples projects, read comments and forums, and even create your own projects. But you need an account to save and share projects, write comments and forum posts, and participate in other \"social\" activities in the community (like \"loving\" other peoples projects).", "faq.whyAccountBody": "Even without an account, you can play other peoples projects, read comments and forums, and even create your own projects. But you need an account to save and share projects, write comments and forum posts, and participate in other \"social\" activities in the community (like \"loving\" other peoples projects).",
@ -102,45 +102,45 @@
"faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.", "faq.checkConfirmedBody": "To check whether your account is confirmed, login to your Scratch account and go to your {settingsLink} page. Confirmed email addresses will show a small green checkmark. Otherwise, you will see the text \"Your email address is unconfirmed\" in orange.",
"faq.settingsLinkText": "Email Settings", "faq.settingsLinkText": "Email Settings",
"faq.requireConfirmTitle": "Musím potvrdiť svoj účet?", "faq.requireConfirmTitle": "Musím potvrdiť svoj účet?",
"faq.requireConfirmBody": "You can still use many aspects of Scratch without confirming your account, including creating and saving projects (without sharing them).", "faq.requireConfirmBody": "Stále môžete používať mnohé aspekty Scratch bez potvrdenia svojho účtu, vrátane vytvárania a ukladania projektov (bez ich zdieľania).",
"faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "I forgot my username or password. How can I reset it?", "faq.forgotPasswordTitle": "Zabudol som svoje používateľské meno alebo heslo. Ako to môžem resetovať?",
"faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Enter your username or email address on the {resetLink} page. The website will send an email to the address associated with your username and a link you can use to reset your password.", "faq.forgotPasswordBody": "Na {resetLink} stránke zadajte svoje používateľské meno alebo e-mailovú adresu. Webová stránka odošle e-mail na adresu spojenú s vaším používateľským menom a odkaz, ktorý môžete použiť na obnovenie hesla.",
"faq.resetLinkText": "Password Reset", "faq.resetLinkText": "Password Reset",
"faq.changePasswordTitle": "Ako zmením svoje heslo?", "faq.changePasswordTitle": "Ako zmením svoje heslo?",
"faq.changePasswordBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeLink} page where you can change your password.", "faq.changePasswordBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeLink} page where you can change your password.",
"faq.changeLinkText": "Password Settings", "faq.changeLinkText": "Password Settings",
"faq.changeEmailTitle": "Ako zmením svoju emailovú adresu?", "faq.changeEmailTitle": "Ako zmením svoju emailovú adresu?",
"faq.changeEmailBody": "Login to your Scratch account, then visit our {changeEmailLink} page where you can change your email address.", "faq.changeEmailBody": "Prihláste sa do svojho účtu Scratch a potom navštívte našu stránku {changeEmailLink}, kde si môžete zmeniť svoju e-mailovú adresu.",
"faq.newScratcherTitle": "Ako sa stanem z \"nového Scratchera\" \"Scratcherom\"?", "faq.newScratcherTitle": "Ako sa stanem z \"nového Scratchera\" \"Scratcherom\"?",
"faq.newScratcherBody": "When you create an account, youll be labelled as a “New Scratcher.” To make the transition to \"Scratcher\", you should make and share projects, comment helpfully on other Scratchers projects, and be patient! After youve met the requirements, a link will appear on your profile page inviting you to become a Scratcher, and youll have some additional capabilities on the Scratch website. (Note that we don't promote New Scratchers to Scratcher on request )", "faq.newScratcherBody": "Keď si vytvoríte účet, budete označený ako „New Scratcher“. Ak chcete prejsť na \"Scratcher\", mali by ste vytvárať a zdieľať projekty, užitočne komentovať projekty iných Scratcherov a byť trpezliví! Po splnení požiadaviek sa na vašej profilovej stránke zobrazí odkaz, ktorý vás pozve, aby ste sa stali Scratcherom a na webovej stránke Scratch budete mať k dispozícii ďalšie možnosti. (Upozorňujeme, že na požiadanie nepovyšujeme New Scratcher na Scratcher )",
"faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Môžem mať viac ako jeden účet?", "faq.multipleAccountTitle": "Môžem mať viac ako jeden účet?",
"faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.", "faq.multipleAccountBody": "It's fine to have a few accounts on the Scratch website, as long as none of them are used to break the {cgLink}. In that case, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted.",
"faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Je v poriadku, ak jeden účet využíva viacero osôb?", "faq.multipleLoginTitle": "Je v poriadku, ak jeden účet využíva viacero osôb?",
"faq.multipleLoginBody": "This is not allowed because the website and project editor can easily get confused when more than one person is logged in to the same account. When an account does something that violates the {cgLink}, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted. If you share an account with someone who does something bad with it, this means your accounts can be blocked for what the other person did.", "faq.multipleLoginBody": "This is not allowed because the website and project editor can easily get confused when more than one person is logged in to the same account. When an account does something that violates the {cgLink}, all related accounts may be blocked or deleted. If you share an account with someone who does something bad with it, this means your accounts can be blocked for what the other person did.",
"faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Môžem zmeniť svoje užívateľské meno?", "faq.changeUsernameTitle": "Môžem zmeniť svoje užívateľské meno?",
"faq.changeUsernameBody": "The structure of the Scratch website depends on having a consistent account name, so its not possible to change your username. If you really need to switch to a new username, you can make a new account, but you'll have to copy your projects over to the new account on your own.", "faq.changeUsernameBody": "Štruktúra webovej stránky Scratch závisí od toho, že máte konzistentný názov účtu, takže nie je možné zmeniť vaše používateľské meno. Ak naozaj potrebujete prejsť na nové používateľské meno, môžete si vytvoriť nový účet, ale svoje projekty si budete musieť skopírovať do nového účtu sami.",
"faq.shareInfoTitle": "Aké informácie môžem zdieľať na svojom účte?", "faq.shareInfoTitle": "Aké informácie môžem zdieľať na svojom účte?",
"faq.shareInfoBody": "Please dont share personal contact information, such as your physical address, email, phone number, or anything else that can be used to make contact outside of the Scratch website. Please report projects, comments, or forum posts that contain this kind of information, so the Scratch Team can remove the information, and remind the author of our policy against sharing personal contact information.", "faq.shareInfoBody": "Nezdieľajte osobné kontaktné informácie, ako je vaša fyzická adresa, e-mail, telefónne číslo alebo čokoľvek iné, čo sa dá použiť na nadviazanie kontaktu mimo webovej stránky Scratch. Nahláste projekty, komentáre alebo príspevky na fóre, ktoré obsahujú tento druh informácií, aby tím Scratch mohol tieto informácie odstrániť a pripomenúť autorovi naše zásady proti zdieľaniu osobných kontaktných informácií.",
"faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Ako odstránim svoj účet?", "faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Ako odstránim svoj účet?",
"faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.", "faq.deleteAccountBody": "Prihláste sa do aplikácie Scratch a potom kliknite na svoje používateľské meno v pravom hornom rohu. Vyberte položku \"Nastavenia účtu\" a potom kliknite na odkaz \"Chcem odstrániť svoj účet\" v spodnej časti stránky. Mali by ste to však urobiť iba vtedy, ak ste si úplne istí, že chcete svoj účet odstrániť.",
"faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?", "faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Je Scratch zadarmo? Môžem ho použiť kdekoľvek chcem?",
"faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!", "faq.scratchFreeBody": "Áno! Scratch je k dispozícii zadarmo. Môžete ho použiť vo svojej škole a môžete o ňom viesť kurz (aj kurz, ktorý stojí peniaze). Nemusíte si kupovať licenciu: je to zadarmo!",
"faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Môžem použiť snímky obrazovky Scratch v knihe alebo prezentácii?", "faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Môžem použiť snímky obrazovky Scratch v knihe alebo prezentácii?",
"faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".", "faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".",
"faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", "faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike",
"faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Môžem zahrnúť popis Scratch do brožúr alebo iných materiálov?", "faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Môžem zahrnúť popis Scratch do brožúr alebo iných materiálov?",
"faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Sure! We recommend the following description: \"Scratch is a coding language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Scratch is a project of the {sfLink} in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\"", "faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Sure! We recommend the following description: \"Scratch is a coding language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Scratch is a project of the {sfLink} in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\"",
"faq.presentScratchTitle": "Môžem prezentovať Scratch na konferencii?", "faq.presentScratchTitle": "Môžem prezentovať Scratch na konferencii?",
"faq.presentScratchBody": "Please feel free to make presentations about Scratch to educators or other groups.", "faq.presentScratchBody": "Neváhajte a vytvorte prezentácie o Scratch pre pedagógov alebo iné skupiny.",
"faq.supportMaterialTitle": "Môžem použiť / remixovať materiály Scratch, postavy, obrázky, zvuky alebo ukážkové projekty, ktoré som našiel na webovej stránke?", "faq.supportMaterialTitle": "Môžem použiť / remixovať materiály Scratch, postavy, obrázky, zvuky alebo ukážkové projekty, ktoré som našiel na webovej stránke?",
"faq.supportMaterialBody": "Yes: Most Scratch support materials on the Scratch website are available under the {licenseLink} license. There are a few exceptions: the Scratch Logo, Scratch Cat, Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, and Tera are Scratch trademarks, and can not be used without explicit permission from the Scratch Team.", "faq.supportMaterialBody": "Áno: Väčšina podporných materiálov Scratch na webovej stránke Scratch je dostupná na základe licencie {licenseLink}. Existuje niekoľko výnimiek: Logo Scratch, Scratch Cat, Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga a Tera sú ochranné známky Scratch a nemožno ich použiť bez výslovného povolenia od tímu Scratch.",
"faq.sellProjectsTitle": "Môžem predať svoje projekty vytvorené v Scratch?", "faq.sellProjectsTitle": "Môžem predať svoje projekty vytvorené v Scratch?",
"faq.sellProjectsBody": "Yes: Your Scratch project is your creation. But keep in mind that once you share your project on the Scratch website, everyone is free to download, remix, and reuse the project based on the terms of the {licenseLink} license. So if you intend to sell your project, you may want to un-share it from the Scratch website.", "faq.sellProjectsBody": "Yes: Your Scratch project is your creation. But keep in mind that once you share your project on the Scratch website, everyone is free to download, remix, and reuse the project based on the terms of the {licenseLink} license. So if you intend to sell your project, you may want to un-share it from the Scratch website.",
"faq.sourceCodeTitle": "Kde môžem nájsť zdrojový kód pre aplikáciu Scratch?", "faq.sourceCodeTitle": "Kde môžem nájsť zdrojový kód pre aplikáciu Scratch?",
"faq.sourceCodeBody": "The source code for the Scratch programming editor can be found on {guiLink}. The source code for {flashLink} and {scratch14Link}, are also available on GitHub. For updated information on development projects relating to the Scratch website, please visit our {developersLink}.", "faq.sourceCodeBody": "The source code for the Scratch programming editor can be found on {guiLink}. The source code for {flashLink} and {scratch14Link}, are also available on GitHub. For updated information on development projects relating to the Scratch website, please visit our {developersLink}.",
"faq.scratch14": "Scratch 1.4", "faq.scratch14": "Scratch 1.4",
"faq.okayToShareTitle": "Ako zistím, čo je alebo nie je v poriadku zdieľať na webových stránkach Scratch?", "faq.okayToShareTitle": "Ako zistím, čo je alebo nie je v poriadku zdieľať na webových stránkach Scratch?",
"faq.okayToShareBody": "Check out the Scratch {cgLink} - theyre brief and dont include a lot of legal stuff. Theres a link at the bottom of every page on Scratch.", "faq.okayToShareBody": "Pozrite si Scratch {cgLink} sú stručné a neobsahujú veľa právnych vecí. V spodnej časti každej stránky na Scratch je odkaz.",
"faq.reportContentTitle": "Čo ak na stránke uvidím niečo nevhodné?", "faq.reportContentTitle": "Čo ak na stránke uvidím niečo nevhodné?",
"faq.reportContentBody": "You can click the link that says \"report\" on any project, comment, discussion post, studio, or profile page where you see something that isn't ok for Scratch. If the situation is complicated, you can use the {contactLink} link (available at the bottom of every page) to explain. Be sure to include as much detail as you can, with links to relevant pages.", "faq.reportContentBody": "You can click the link that says \"report\" on any project, comment, discussion post, studio, or profile page where you see something that isn't ok for Scratch. If the situation is complicated, you can use the {contactLink} link (available at the bottom of every page) to explain. Be sure to include as much detail as you can, with links to relevant pages.",
"faq.noFlameTitle": "Čo mám robiť, ak zbadám, že je niekto zlomyseľný alebo neúctivý?", "faq.noFlameTitle": "Čo mám robiť, ak zbadám, že je niekto zlomyseľný alebo neúctivý?",
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
"faq.reviewContentTitle": "Ako tím Scratch postupuje, ak niekto niečo nahlási alebo označí ako nevhodné?", "faq.reviewContentTitle": "Ako tím Scratch postupuje, ak niekto niečo nahlási alebo označí ako nevhodné?",
"faq.reviewContentBody": "The Scratch Team reviews reported comments and projects every day. If something breaks the Scratch {cgLink}, we will remove it and send a warning to the account. We may also block the accounts or networks that were used to share it, depending on what was shared and if the person has been sent warnings before", "faq.reviewContentBody": "The Scratch Team reviews reported comments and projects every day. If something breaks the Scratch {cgLink}, we will remove it and send a warning to the account. We may also block the accounts or networks that were used to share it, depending on what was shared and if the person has been sent warnings before",
"faq.blockedAccountTitle": "Čo sa stane, ak je účet zablokovaný?", "faq.blockedAccountTitle": "Čo sa stane, ak je účet zablokovaný?",
"faq.blockedAccountBody": "When an account is blocked, the owner can no longer access their account, use it to create projects, or post new comments. When they login, they see a page that explains why the account was blocked, along with a web form they can use to request to be unblocked. If the owner can show that they understand why their account was blocked, and promises to follow the Scratch {cgLink} in the future, they will be unblocked.", "faq.blockedAccountBody": "Keď je účet zablokovaný, vlastník už nemôže pristupovať k svojmu účtu, používať ho na vytváranie projektov ani uverejňovať nové komentáre. Po prihlásení sa im zobrazí stránka s vysvetlením, prečo bol účet zablokovaný, spolu s webovým formulárom, pomocou ktorého môžu požiadať o odblokovanie. Ak vlastník dokáže, že chápe, prečo bol jeho účet zablokovaný, a sľúbi, že bude v budúcnosti nasledovať Scratch {cgLink}, bude odblokovaný.",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Someone got access to my account and got my account blocked. What do I do?", "faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Niekto získal prístup k môjmu účtu a zablokoval môj účet. Čo robím?",
"faq.stolenAccountBody": "You are responsible for keeping your password secure. If someone you know took control of your account and did bad things, tell the adults in charge of the computer they used. If you think someone you dont know has access to your account, change the password and / or use the {contactLink} link to explain the situation. If your account was blocked for doing something that you did which broke the Scratch {cgLink}, please dont tell us that someone else did it. When people tell us someone else used their account to do something bad, we then need to try and talk to that person before we can restore the account. This means your account will just stay blocked for a lot longer than if you are honest with us about what happened.", "faq.stolenAccountBody": "You are responsible for keeping your password secure. If someone you know took control of your account and did bad things, tell the adults in charge of the computer they used. If you think someone you dont know has access to your account, change the password and / or use the {contactLink} link to explain the situation. If your account was blocked for doing something that you did which broke the Scratch {cgLink}, please dont tell us that someone else did it. When people tell us someone else used their account to do something bad, we then need to try and talk to that person before we can restore the account. This means your account will just stay blocked for a lot longer than if you are honest with us about what happened.",
"faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "What are extensions?", "faq.aboutExtensionsTitle": "What are extensions?",
"faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ", "faq.aboutExtensionsBody": "In the Scratch editor, you can add collections of extra blocks called \"extensions.\" For example, there are extensions that enable you to program physical devices (such as micro:bit and LEGO robotics kits) and to translate text within your Scratch projects. We will continue to add new extensions over time, so what you can do with Scratch will continue to grow over time. ",
@ -159,37 +159,37 @@
"faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. Well also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.", "faq.createExtensionsBody": "The Scratch Team will be publishing specifications and guidelines for extensions in the future. Once available, you will be able to submit extensions to the Scratch Team for consideration in the official Scratch 3.0 extensions library. Well also provide guidelines for developing and distributing \"experimental\" extensions, which can be used to create projects on individual computers, but not shared in the Scratch online community.",
"faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?", "faq.scratchXTitle": "What will happen to the ScratchX website?",
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.", "faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
"faq.cloudDataInfoTitle": "What are cloud variables?", "faq.cloudDataInfoTitle": "Čo sú cloudové premenné?",
"faq.cloudDataInfoBody": "Cloud variables allow for data from a project to be saved and shared with other people in the Scratch community. You can use cloud variables to make surveys and other projects where others in the community to access and modify the data over time.", "faq.cloudDataInfoBody": "Cloudové premenné umožňujú ukladanie údajov z projektu a ich zdieľanie s ostatnými ľuďmi v komunite Scratch. Cloudové premenné môžete použiť na uskutočňovanie prieskumov a iných projektov, v rámci ktorých majú ostatní členovia komunity prístup k údajom a upravujú ich v priebehu času.",
"faq.makeCloudVarTitle": "Ako môžem vytvoriť premennú cloudu?", "faq.makeCloudVarTitle": "Ako môžem vytvoriť premennú cloudu?",
"faq.makeCloudVarBody": "Go to the \"Variables\" section of the blocks palette, select \"Make a Variable\", and then click the checkbox next to \"Cloud variable (stored on server)\". The data associated with your cloud variable will be stored on the server, preserved over time, and accessible to anyone who opens the project.", "faq.makeCloudVarBody": "Prejdite do sekcie \"Premenné\" na palete blokov, vyberte \"Vytvoriť premennú\" a potom kliknite na začiarkavacie políčko vedľa \"Premenná cloudu (uložená na serveri)\". Údaje spojené s vašou premennou cloudu sa uložia na server, zachovajú sa v priebehu času a budú prístupné každému, kto projekt otvorí.",
"faq.onlyNumbersTitle": "What types of data can be stored in cloud variables?", "faq.onlyNumbersTitle": "Aké typy údajov môžu byť uložené v cloudových premenných?",
"faq.onlyNumbersBody": "Only numbers can be stored in cloud variables.", "faq.onlyNumbersBody": "V cloudových premenných môžu byť uložené iba čísla.",
"faq.storedCloudInfoTitle": "Who can see the data stored in cloud variables?", "faq.storedCloudInfoTitle": "Kto môže vidieť údaje uložené v cloudových premenných?",
"faq.storedCloudInfoBody": "When you interact with a project using cloud variables, the data associated with your interactions can be stored along with your username, and others can view it.", "faq.storedCloudInfoBody": "Keď interagujete s projektom pomocou cloudových premenných, údaje spojené s vašimi interakciami môžu byť uložené spolu s vaším používateľským menom a ostatní si ich môžu zobraziť.",
"faq.reportCloudTitle": "If I see someone post inappropriate content using cloud variables, how do I report it?", "faq.reportCloudTitle": "Ak vidím, že niekto uverejňuje nevhodný obsah pomocou cloudových premenných, ako to nahlásim?",
"faq.reportCloudBody": "Click the \"Report this\" button (under on the project player on the project page) to report inappropriate content in cloud variables. Make sure that you mention \"cloud variables\" when you type your reason in the report.", "faq.reportCloudBody": "Ak chcete nahlásiť nevhodný obsah v cloudových premenných, kliknite na tlačidlo \"Nahlásiť toto\" (v časti prehrávača projektu na stránke projektu). Pri zadávaní dôvodu do správy nezabudnite uviesť \"premenné cloudu\".",
"faq.chatRoomTitle": "Can I make chat rooms with cloud variables?", "faq.chatRoomTitle": "Môžem vytvoriť chatovacie miestnosti s cloudovými premennými?",
"faq.chatRoomBody": "While it is technically possible to create chat rooms with cloud variables, they are not allowed on the Scratch website.", "faq.chatRoomBody": "Hoci je technicky možné vytvárať chatovacie miestnosti s cloudovými premennými, na webovej stránke Scratch nie sú povolené.",
"faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Kto môže meniť informácie v cloudovej premennej?", "faq.changeCloudVarTitle": "Kto môže meniť informácie v cloudovej premennej?",
"faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Only you and viewers of your project can store data in your projects cloud variables. If people \"see inside\" or remix your code, it creates a copy of the variable and does not affect or change the original variable.", "faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Údaje do cloudových premenných vášho projektu môžete ukladať iba vy a diváci vášho projektu. Ak ľudia \"vidia dovnútra\" alebo remixujú váš kód, vytvorí kópiu premennej a neovplyvní ani nezmení pôvodnú premennú.",
"faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?", "faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "Som prihlásený, ale nemôžem používať projekty s cloudovými premennými. Čo sa deje?",
"faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "If you are still a \"New Scratcher\" on the website, you will not be able to use projects with cloud variables. You need to become a \"Scratcher\" to have access to cloud variables. See the Accounts section (above) for more information about the transition from “New Scratcher” to \"Scratcher\".", "faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "Ak ste na webe stále \"Nový škrabák\", nebudete môcť používať projekty s cloudovými premennými. Ak chcete mať prístup ku cloudovým premenným, musíte sa stať \"Scratcher\". Viac informácií o prechode z „New Scratcher“ na „Scratcher“ nájdete v časti Účty (vyššie).",
"faq.multiplayerTitle": "Je možné robiť hry pre viacerých hráčov s cloudovými premennými?", "faq.multiplayerTitle": "Je možné robiť hry pre viacerých hráčov s cloudovými premennými?",
"faq.multiplayerBody": "Multiplayer games may be difficult to create, due to network speed and synchronization issues. However, some Scratchers are coming up with creative ways to use the cloud variables for turn-by-turn and other types of games.", "faq.multiplayerBody": "Hry pre viacerých hráčov môže byť ťažké vytvoriť kvôli rýchlosti siete a problémom so synchronizáciou. Niektorí Scratcheri však prichádzajú s kreatívnymi spôsobmi, ako využiť cloudové premenné pre turn-by-turn a iné typy hier.",
"faq.schoolsTitle": "Scratch na školách", "faq.schoolsTitle": "Scratch na školách",
"faq.howTitle": "Ako sa Scratch používa v školách?", "faq.howTitle": "Ako sa Scratch používa v školách?",
"faq.howBody": "Scratch is used in hundreds of thousands of schools around the world, in many different subject areas (including language arts, science, history, math, and computer science). You can learn more about strategies and resources for using Scratch in schools and other learning environments (such as museums, libraries, and community centers) on our {educatorsLink}.", "faq.howBody": "Scratch sa používa v stovkách tisíc škôl po celom svete v mnohých rôznych oblastiach (vrátane jazykových umení, prírodných vied, histórie, matematiky a informatiky). Viac o stratégiách a zdrojoch na používanie Scratch v školách a iných vzdelávacích prostrediach (ako sú múzeá, knižnice a komunitné centrá) sa môžete dozvedieť na našom {educatorsLink}.",
"faq.educatorsLinkText": "Educators Page", "faq.educatorsLinkText": "Educators Page",
"faq.noInternetTitle": "Existuje spôsob, ako môžu študenti používať Scratch bez pripojenia na internet? ", "faq.noInternetTitle": "Existuje spôsob, ako môžu študenti používať Scratch bez pripojenia na internet? ",
"faq.noInternetBody": "Yes. The {downloadLink} is a downloadable version of Scratch that can run on laptops and desktops. Currently, the Scratch app is available on Windows and Mac devices.", "faq.noInternetBody": "Yes. The {downloadLink} is a downloadable version of Scratch that can run on laptops and desktops. Currently, the Scratch app is available on Windows and Mac devices.",
"faq.communityTitle": "Môžem vypnúť online komunitu pre svojich študentov?", "faq.communityTitle": "Môžem vypnúť online komunitu pre svojich študentov?",
"faq.communityBody": "The Scratch online community provides a way for young people to share, collaborate, and learn with their peers within a moderated community governed by the Scratch {cgLink}. However, we understand that some educators prefer that their students not participate in an online community. These educators may wish to install the Scratch app, which runs offline and locally on a desktop or laptop computer.", "faq.communityBody": "The Scratch online community provides a way for young people to share, collaborate, and learn with their peers within a moderated community governed by the Scratch {cgLink}. However, we understand that some educators prefer that their students not participate in an online community. These educators may wish to install the Scratch app, which runs offline and locally on a desktop or laptop computer.",
"faq.teacherAccountTitle": "Čo je učiteľský účet?", "faq.teacherAccountTitle": "Čo je učiteľský účet?",
"faq.teacherAccountBody": "A Scratch Teacher Account provides teachers and other educators with additional features to manage student participation on Scratch, including the ability to create student accounts, organize student projects into studios, and monitor student comments. For more information on Scratch Teacher Accounts, see the {eduFaqLink}.", "faq.teacherAccountBody": "Účet učiteľa Scratch poskytuje učiteľom a iným pedagógom ďalšie funkcie na správu účasti študentov v aplikácii Scratch, vrátane možnosti vytvárať študentské účty, organizovať študentské projekty do štúdií a monitorovať komentáre študentov. Ďalšie informácie o účtoch učiteľov Scratch nájdete v {eduFaqLink}.",
"faq.eduFaqLinkText": "Často kladené otázky o učiteľskom účte", "faq.eduFaqLinkText": "Často kladené otázky o učiteľskom účte",
"faq.requestTitle": "Ako si zriadim učiteľský účet?", "faq.requestTitle": "Ako si zriadim učiteľský účet?",
"faq.requestBody": "You may request a Scratch Teacher Account from the {educatorsLink} on Scratch. We ask for additional information during the registration process in order to verify your role as an educator.", "faq.requestBody": "O Scratch Teacher Account môžete požiadať {educatorsLink} na Scratch. Počas procesu registrácie vás žiadame o ďalšie informácie, aby sme si overili vašu rolu pedagóga.",
"faq.dataTitle": "Aké dáta zbiera Scratch o študentoch?", "faq.dataTitle": "Aké dáta zbiera Scratch o študentoch?",
"faq.dataBody": "Keď sa študent prvýkrát zaregistruje na Scratch, žiadame základné demografické dáta, vrátane pohlavia, veku (mesiac a rok narodenia), krajiny a emailovej adresy pre overenie. Tieto dáta využívame (v agregovanej podobe) vo výskumných štúdiách zameraných na lepšie pochopenie toho, ako sa ľudia učia s aplikáciou Scratch. Keď pedagóg využije učiteľský účet na hromadné vytvorenie študentských účtov, študenti nie sú povinní poskytnúť svoje emailové adresy na nastavenie účtu.", "faq.dataBody": "Keď sa študent prvýkrát zaregistruje na Scratch, žiadame základné demografické dáta, vrátane pohlavia, veku (mesiac a rok narodenia), krajiny a emailovej adresy pre overenie. Tieto dáta využívame (v agregovanej podobe) vo výskumných štúdiách zameraných na lepšie pochopenie toho, ako sa ľudia učia s aplikáciou Scratch. Keď pedagóg využije učiteľský účet na hromadné vytvorenie študentských účtov, študenti nie sú povinní poskytnúť svoje emailové adresy na nastavenie účtu.",
"faq.lawComplianceTitle": "Is the online version of Scratch compliant with United States local and federal data privacy laws?", "faq.lawComplianceTitle": "Is the online version of Scratch compliant with United States local and federal data privacy laws?",

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"gdxfor.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.", "gdxfor.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.",
"gdxfor.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "gdxfor.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"gdxfor.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "gdxfor.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"gdxfor.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", "gdxfor.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch",
"gdxfor.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the Force and Acceleration sensor at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", "gdxfor.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the Force and Acceleration sensor at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"gdxfor.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your sensor", "gdxfor.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your sensor",
"gdxfor.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a Force and Acceleration sensor at a time. If you have another computer connected to your sensor, disconnect the sensor or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", "gdxfor.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a Force and Acceleration sensor at a time. If you have another computer connected to your sensor, disconnect the sensor or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{ {
"general.status": "Filter Projects", "general.status": "Filtrovať projekty",
"general.languageChooser": "Select Language", "general.languageChooser": "Zvoľ jazyk",
"general.accountSettings": "Nastavenia účtu", "general.accountSettings": "Nastavenia účtu",
"general.about": "O aplikácii", "general.about": "O aplikácii",
"general.aboutScratch": "O Scratchi", "general.aboutScratch": "O Scratchi",
"general.apiError": "Whoops, Scratch had an error.", "general.apiError": "Hops, v aplikácii Scratch sa vyskytla chyba.",
"general.back": "Späť", "general.back": "Späť",
"general.birthMonth": "Mesiac narodenia", "general.birthMonth": "Mesiac narodenia",
"general.birthYear": "Rok narodenia", "general.birthYear": "Rok narodenia",
@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
"general.community": "Komunita", "general.community": "Komunita",
"general.confirmEmail": "Potvrď email", "general.confirmEmail": "Potvrď email",
"general.contactUs": "Kontaktujte nás", "general.contactUs": "Kontaktujte nás",
"general.getHelp": "Get Help", "general.getHelp": "Získajte pomoc",
"general.contact": "Kontakt", "general.contact": "Kontakt",
"general.done": "Done", "general.done": "Hotový",
"general.downloadPDF": "Prevziať PDF", "general.downloadPDF": "Prevziať PDF",
"general.emailUs": "Pošlite nám mail", "general.emailUs": "Pošlite nám mail",
"general.conferences": "Konferencie", "general.conferences": "Konferencie",
"general.country": "Štát", "general.country": "Štát",
"general.create": "Vytvor", "general.create": "Vytvor",
"general.credits": "Our Team", "general.credits": "Náš tím",
"general.donors": "Donors", "general.donors": "Darcov",
"general.dmca": "Autorské práva", "general.dmca": "Autorské práva",
"general.emailAddress": "Emailová adresa", "general.emailAddress": "Emailová adresa",
"general.english": "angličtina", "general.english": "angličtina",
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"general.getStarted": "Ako začať", "general.getStarted": "Ako začať",
"general.gender": "Pohlavie", "general.gender": "Pohlavie",
"general.guidelines": "Pravidlá spoločenstva", "general.guidelines": "Pravidlá spoločenstva",
"general.invalidSelection": "Invalid selection", "general.invalidSelection": "Neplatný výber",
"general.jobs": "Úlohy", "general.jobs": "Úlohy",
"general.joinScratch": "Pripoj sa k Scratchu", "general.joinScratch": "Pripoj sa k Scratchu",
"general.legal": "Právnické informácie", "general.legal": "Právnické informácie",
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
"general.noDeletionTitle": "Váš účet nebude zmazaný", "general.noDeletionTitle": "Váš účet nebude zmazaný",
"general.noDeletionDescription": "Bolo naplánované zrušenie vášho účtu, ale prihlásili ste sa. Váš účet bol opäť aktivovaný. Ak ste to neboli vy, kto požiadal o zrušenie účtu, mali by ste {resetLink} a uistiť sa, že váš účet je zabezpečený.", "general.noDeletionDescription": "Bolo naplánované zrušenie vášho účtu, ale prihlásili ste sa. Váš účet bol opäť aktivovaný. Ak ste to neboli vy, kto požiadal o zrušenie účtu, mali by ste {resetLink} a uistiť sa, že váš účet je zabezpečený.",
"general.noDeletionLink": "zmeniť vaše heslo", "general.noDeletionLink": "zmeniť vaše heslo",
"general.nonBinary": "Non-binary", "general.nonBinary": "Nebinárne",
"general.notRequired": "Nepovinné", "general.notRequired": "Nepovinné",
"general.okay": "Dobre", "general.okay": "Dobre",
"general.other": "Ostatné", "general.other": "Ostatné",
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"general.privacyPolicy": "Ochrana súkromia", "general.privacyPolicy": "Ochrana súkromia",
"general.projects": "Projekty", "general.projects": "Projekty",
"general.profile": "Profil", "general.profile": "Profil",
"general.required": "Required", "general.required": "Požadovaný",
"general.resourcesTitle": "Materiály pre učiteľov", "general.resourcesTitle": "Materiály pre učiteľov",
"general.scratchConference": "Scratch konferencia", "general.scratchConference": "Scratch konferencia",
"general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd", "general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd",
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"general.searchEmpty": "Nenašli sme nič", "general.searchEmpty": "Nenašli sme nič",
"general.send": "Odoslať", "general.send": "Odoslať",
"general.signIn": "Prihlás sa", "general.signIn": "Prihlás sa",
"general.startOver": "Start over", "general.startOver": "Začať odznova",
"general.statistics": "Štatistika", "general.statistics": "Štatistika",
"general.studios": "Štúdiá", "general.studios": "Štúdiá",
"general.support": "Materiály", "general.support": "Materiály",
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@
"general.year": "Rok", "general.year": "Rok",
"footer.discuss": "Diskusné fóra", "footer.discuss": "Diskusné fóra",
"footer.scratchFamily": "Rodina Scratch", "footer.scratchFamily": "Rodina Scratch",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch is available for free thanks to support from our {donorLink}. We are grateful to our Founding Partners:", "footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch je k dispozícii zadarmo vďaka podpore nášho {donorLink}. Sme vďační našim zakladajúcim partnerom:",
"footer.donors": "donors", "footer.donors": "darcov",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, and {donor4}.", "footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, a {donor4}.",
"form.validationRequired": "Toto pole je povinné", "form.validationRequired": "Toto pole je povinné",
"login.needHelp": "Potrebuješ pomoc?", "login.needHelp": "Potrebuješ pomoc?",
"navigation.signOut": "Odhlásenie", "navigation.signOut": "Odhlásenie",
@ -135,11 +135,11 @@
"oschooser.choose": "Zvoľte svoj OS:", "oschooser.choose": "Zvoľte svoj OS:",
"installScratch.or": "alebo", "installScratch.or": "alebo",
"installScratch.directDownload": "Prevziať priamo", "installScratch.directDownload": "Prevziať priamo",
"installScratch.appHeaderTitle": "Install the Scratch app for {operatingsystem}", "installScratch.appHeaderTitle": "Nainštalujte si aplikáciu Scratch pre {operatingsystem}",
"installScratch.getScratchAppPlay": "Get the Scratch app on the Google Play Store", "installScratch.getScratchAppPlay": "Získajte aplikáciu Scratch v obchode Google Play",
"installScratch.getScratchAppMacOs": "Get the Scratch app on the Mac App Store", "installScratch.getScratchAppMacOs": "Získajte aplikáciu Scratch v obchode Mac App Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppWindows": "Get the Scratch app on the Microsoft Store", "installScratch.getScratchAppWindows": "Získajte aplikáciu Scratch v obchode Microsoft Store",
"installScratch.useScratchApp": "Open the Scratch app on your device.", "installScratch.useScratchApp": "Otvorte na svojom zariadení aplikáciu Scratch.",
"installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Inštalovať Scratch Link", "installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Inštalovať Scratch Link",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Prevziať a nainštalovať Scratch Link.", "installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Prevziať a nainštalovať Scratch Link.",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink": "Spustite Scratch Link a uistite sa, že beží. Mal by sa objaviť na vašom paneli.", "installScratchLink.startScratchLink": "Spustite Scratch Link a uistite sa, že beží. Mal by sa objaviť na vašom paneli.",
@ -147,9 +147,9 @@
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Aká je veková skupina pre Scratch?", "parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Aká je veková skupina pre Scratch?",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Aké doplnkové materiály sú k dispozícii pre Scratch?", "parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Aké doplnkové materiály sú k dispozícii pre Scratch?",
"parents.introDescription": "Scratch je programovací jazyk a on-line komunita, kde deti môžu programovať a zdieľať interaktívne médiá, ako napríklad príbehy, hry a animácie s ľuďmi z celého sveta. Ako deti vytvárajú s Scratchom, naučia sa tvorivo premýšľať, pracovať v tíme a systematicky myslieť. Scratch je navrhnutý a udržiavaný skupinou Lifelong Kindergarten (Doživotná škôlka) v MIT Media Lab.", "parents.introDescription": "Scratch je programovací jazyk a on-line komunita, kde deti môžu programovať a zdieľať interaktívne médiá, ako napríklad príbehy, hry a animácie s ľuďmi z celého sveta. Ako deti vytvárajú s Scratchom, naučia sa tvorivo premýšľať, pracovať v tíme a systematicky myslieť. Scratch je navrhnutý a udržiavaný skupinou Lifelong Kindergarten (Doživotná škôlka) v MIT Media Lab.",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "This helps us understand the age range of people who use Scratch. We use this to confirm account ownership if you contact our team. This information will not be made public on your account.", "registration.birthDateStepInfo": "To nám pomáha pochopiť vekové rozpätie ľudí, ktorí používajú Scratch. Používame to na potvrdenie vlastníctva účtu, ak kontaktujete náš tím. Tieto informácie nebudú na vašom účte zverejnené.",
"registration.birthDateStepTitle": "When were you born?", "registration.birthDateStepTitle": "Kedy si sa narodil?",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "Scratch could not create your account.", "registration.cantCreateAccount": "Scratch nemohol vytvoriť váš účet.",
"registration.checkOutResources": "Začni so zdrojmi", "registration.checkOutResources": "Začni so zdrojmi",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Preskúmajte materiály pre pedagógov a inštruktorov napísané tímom Scratch, vrátane <a href='/educators#resources'>tipov, návodov a sprievodcov</a>.", "registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Preskúmajte materiály pre pedagógov a inštruktorov napísané tímom Scratch, vrátane <a href='/educators#resources'>tipov, návodov a sprievodcov</a>.",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescriptionHTML": "Preskúmajte materiály pre pedagógov a inštruktorov napísané tímom Scratch, vrátane <a>tipov, návodov a sprievodcov</a>.", "registration.checkOutResourcesDescriptionHTML": "Preskúmajte materiály pre pedagógov a inštruktorov napísané tímom Scratch, vrátane <a>tipov, návodov a sprievodcov</a>.",
@ -157,162 +157,162 @@
"registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "Vytvor heslo", "registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "Vytvor heslo",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "Nepouži svoje meno alebo niečo, čo sa dá ľahko uhádnuť.", "registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "Nepouži svoje meno alebo niečo, čo sa dá ľahko uhádnuť.",
"registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "Ľutujeme, ale nepodarilo sa nám nájsť informácie o registrácii pre túto triedu", "registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "Ľutujeme, ale nepodarilo sa nám nájsť informácie o registrácii pre túto triedu",
"registration.countryStepTitle": "What country do you live in?", "registration.countryStepTitle": "V ktorej krajine žiješ?",
"registration.generalError": "Prepáč, vyskytla sa chyba.", "registration.generalError": "Prepáč, vyskytla sa chyba.",
"registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "dostal/a si pozvánku do triedy:", "registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "dostal/a si pozvánku do triedy:",
"registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "Učiteľ ťa pozval na vstup do triedy:", "registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "Učiteľ ťa pozval na vstup do triedy:",
"registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "Type password again", "registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "Napíš heslo znova",
"registration.confirmYourEmail": "Potvrď svoj email", "registration.confirmYourEmail": "Potvrď svoj email",
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "Ak si tak ešte neurobil/a, prosím, klikni na link v potvrdzujúcom emaile, ktorý sme poslali na:", "registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "Ak si tak ešte neurobil/a, prosím, klikni na link v potvrdzujúcom emaile, ktorý sme poslali na:",
"registration.createAccount": "Create Your Account", "registration.createAccount": "Vytvor si účet",
"registration.createUsername": "Create a username", "registration.createUsername": "Vytvorte si používateľské meno",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "The username you chose is not allowed. Try again with a different username.", "registration.errorBadUsername": "Používateľské meno, ktoré ste si vybrali, nie je povolené. Skúste to znova s iným používateľským menom.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA test.", "registration.errorCaptcha": "Vyskytol sa problém s testom CAPTCHA.",
"registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Your password is too short. It needs to be at least 6 letters long.", "registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Vaše heslo je príliš krátke. Musí mať aspoň 6 písmen.",
"registration.errorUsernameExists": "The username you chose already exists. Try again with a different username.", "registration.errorUsernameExists": "Používateľské meno, ktoré ste si vybrali, už existuje. Skúste to znova s iným používateľským menom.",
"registration.genderStepTitle": "What's your gender?", "registration.genderStepTitle": "Aké je tvoje pohlavie?",
"registration.genderStepDescription": "Scratch welcomes people of all genders.", "registration.genderStepDescription": "Scratch víta ľudí všetkých pohlaví.",
"registration.genderStepInfo": "This helps us understand who uses Scratch, so that we can broaden participation. This information will not be made public on your account.", "registration.genderStepInfo": "To nám pomáha pochopiť, kto používa Scratch, aby sme mohli rozšíriť účasť. Tieto informácie nebudú na vašom účte zverejnené.",
"registration.genderOptionAnother": "Another gender:", "registration.genderOptionAnother": "Iné pohlavie:",
"registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "Prefer not to say", "registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "Radšej nepoviem",
"registration.emailStepTitle": "What's your email?", "registration.emailStepTitle": "Aký máš email?",
"registration.emailStepInfo": "This will help if you forget your password. This information will not be made public on your account.", "registration.emailStepInfo": "To vám pomôže, ak zabudnete svoje heslo. Tieto informácie nebudú na vašom účte zverejnené.",
"registration.goToClass": "Choď do triedy", "registration.goToClass": "Choď do triedy",
"registration.invitedBy": "Pozval/a ťa", "registration.invitedBy": "Pozval/a ťa",
"registration.lastStepTitle": "Ďakujeme za žiadosť o vytvorenie učiteľského účtu", "registration.lastStepTitle": "Ďakujeme za žiadosť o vytvorenie učiteľského účtu",
"registration.lastStepDescription": "Práve spracovávame Tvoju požiadavku", "registration.lastStepDescription": "Práve spracovávame Tvoju požiadavku",
"registration.makeProject": "Make a project", "registration.makeProject": "Urobte si projekt",
"registration.mustBeNewStudent": "Musíš byť nový študent na dokončenie registrácie", "registration.mustBeNewStudent": "Musíš byť nový študent na dokončenie registrácie",
"registration.nameStepTooltip": "Tieto informácie sa používajú na overenie a zhromažďovanie štatistických údajov o používaní.", "registration.nameStepTooltip": "Tieto informácie sa používajú na overenie a zhromažďovanie štatistických údajov o používaní.",
"registration.newPassword": "Nové heslo", "registration.newPassword": "Nové heslo",
"registration.nextStep": "Ďalší krok", "registration.nextStep": "Ďalší krok",
"registration.notYou": "Nie si to ty? Prihlás sa ako iný používateľ.", "registration.notYou": "Nie si to ty? Prihlás sa ako iný používateľ.",
"registration.optIn": "Chcem dostávať novinky o využívaní Scratch vo vzdelávaní", "registration.optIn": "Chcem dostávať novinky o využívaní Scratch vo vzdelávaní",
"registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Write it down so you remember. Dont share it with others!", "registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Zapíšte si to, aby ste si to zapamätali. Nezdieľajte to s ostatnými!",
"registration.personalStepTitle": "Osobná informácia", "registration.personalStepTitle": "Osobná informácia",
"registration.personalStepDescription": "Tvoje odpovede nebudú zobrazované verejne a zostanú dôverné a bezpečné", "registration.personalStepDescription": "Tvoje odpovede nebudú zobrazované verejne a zostanú dôverné a bezpečné",
"registration.private": "We will keep this information private.", "registration.private": "Tieto informácie budeme uchovávať v súkromí.",
"registration.problemsAre": "The problems are:", "registration.problemsAre": "Problémy sú:",
"registration.selectCountry": "Select country", "registration.selectCountry": "Vyberte krajinu",
"registration.startOverInstruction": "Click \"Start over.\"", "registration.startOverInstruction": "Kliknite na \"Začať odznova.\"",
"registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "Táto inforácia sa nezobrazí na stránke Scratchu.", "registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "Táto inforácia sa nezobrazí na stránke Scratchu.",
"registration.showPassword": "Ukáž heslo", "registration.showPassword": "Ukáž heslo",
"registration.troubleReload": "Scratch is having trouble finishing registration. Try reloading the page or try again in another browser.", "registration.troubleReload": "Scratch má problémy s dokončením registrácie. Skúste znova načítať stránku alebo to skúste znova v inom prehliadači.",
"registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Click \"Try again\".", "registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Kliknite na \"Skúsiť znova\".",
"registration.usernameStepDescription": "Vyplň nasledovné formuláre pre žiadosť o vytvorenie účtu. Schválenie môže trvať až jeden deň.", "registration.usernameStepDescription": "Vyplň nasledovné formuláre pre žiadosť o vytvorenie účtu. Schválenie môže trvať až jeden deň.",
"registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Create projects, share ideas, make friends. Its free!", "registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Vytvárajte projekty, zdieľajte nápady, získavajte priateľov. Je to zadarmo!",
"registration.usernameStepRealName": "Nepoužívajte prosím časti svojho reálneho mena.", "registration.usernameStepRealName": "Nepoužívajte prosím časti svojho reálneho mena.",
"registration.usernameAdviceShort": "Nepoužívaj svoje skutočné meno", "registration.usernameAdviceShort": "Nepoužívaj svoje skutočné meno",
"registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "So Scratch je možné vymýšľať hry, animácie a príbehy. Vytvorenie účtu je ľahké a je zadarmo. Vyplň formulár nižšie a môžeš začať.", "registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "So Scratch je možné vymýšľať hry, animácie a príbehy. Vytvorenie účtu je ľahké a je zadarmo. Vyplň formulár nižšie a môžeš začať.",
"registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "Už máš účet na Scratch?", "registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "Už máš účet na Scratch?",
"registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "Musíš si vytvoriť nové Scratch konto ak sa chceš pripojiť k tejto triede. ", "registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "Musíš si vytvoriť nové Scratch konto ak sa chceš pripojiť k tejto triede. ",
"registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Try your favorite food, hobby, or animal along with some numbers", "registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Vyskúšajte svoje obľúbené jedlo, hobby alebo zviera spolu s niekoľkými číslami",
"registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "By creating an account, you acknowledge the {privacyPolicyLink} and you accept and agree to the {touLink}.", "registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "Vytvorením účtu beriete na vedomie {privacyPolicyLink} a prijímate a súhlasíte s {touLink}.",
"registration.usernameStepTitle": "Požiadať o učiteľský účet", "registration.usernameStepTitle": "Požiadať o učiteľský účet",
"registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Vytvoriť účet", "registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Vytvoriť účet",
"registration.validationMaxLength": "Ľutujeme, prekročil si povolený počet znakov.", "registration.validationMaxLength": "Ľutujeme, prekročil si povolený počet znakov.",
"registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Passwords dont match", "registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Heslá sa nezhodujú",
"registration.validationPasswordLength": "Must be 6 letters or longer", "registration.validationPasswordLength": "Musí mať 6 alebo viac písmen",
"registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Password is too easy to guess. Try something else?", "registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "Heslo je príliš ľahké uhádnuť. Skúsiť niečo iné?",
"registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Password cant match your username", "registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "Heslo sa nemôže zhodovať s vaším používateľským menom",
"registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Usernames can only use letters, numbers, - and _", "registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Používateľské mená môžu používať iba písmená, čísla, - a _",
"registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Must be 3 letters or longer", "registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Musí mať 3 alebo viac písmen",
"registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Must be 20 letters or shorter", "registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Musí mať 20 písmen alebo menej",
"registration.validationUsernameExists": "Username taken. Try another?", "registration.validationUsernameExists": "Uživateľské meno sa už používa. Skúsiť iný?",
"registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Username not allowed", "registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Používateľské meno nie je povolené",
"registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "Hmm, to vyzerá nevhodne", "registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "Hmm, to vyzerá nevhodne",
"registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "neplatné používateľské meno", "registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "neplatné používateľské meno",
"registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Usernames can't have spaces", "registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Používateľské mená nemôžu obsahovať medzery",
"registration.validationEmailInvalid": "Email doesnt look right. Try another?", "registration.validationEmailInvalid": "E-mail nevyzerá správne. Skúsiť iný?",
"registration.waitForApproval": "Čakajte na schválenie", "registration.waitForApproval": "Čakajte na schválenie",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Teraz sa môžete prihlásiť do vášho účtu Scratch, ale funkcie pre učiteľov ešte nie sú k dispozícii. Vaše informácie sa prehodnocujú. Buďte trpezliví, schvaľovací proces môže trvať až jeden deň. Po schválení vášho účtu dostanete e-mail s informáciou, že váš účet bol povýšený.", "registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Teraz sa môžete prihlásiť do vášho účtu Scratch, ale funkcie pre učiteľov ešte nie sú k dispozícii. Vaše informácie sa prehodnocujú. Buďte trpezliví, schvaľovací proces môže trvať až jeden deň. Po schválení vášho účtu dostanete e-mail s informáciou, že váš účet bol povýšený.",
"registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Úspešne si si vytvoril/a účet! Teraz si členom triedy:", "registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Úspešne si si vytvoril/a účet! Teraz si členom triedy:",
"registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Youre now logged in! You can start exploring and creating projects.", "registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Teraz ste prihlásený! Môžete začať skúmať a vytvárať projekty.",
"registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Want to share and comment? Click the link on the email we sent to {email}.", "registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Chcete zdieľať a komentovať? Kliknite na odkaz v e-maile, ktorý sme vám poslali {email}.",
"registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Začni kliknutím na tlačítko nižšie.", "registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Začni kliknutím na tlačítko nižšie.",
"registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurá! Vitaj na Scratch!", "registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Hurá! Vitaj na Scratch!",
"registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Welcome to Scratch, {username}!", "registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Vitajte v aplikácii Scratch {username}!",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} to enable sharing. {faqLink}", "emailConfirmationBanner.confirm": "{confirmLink} na povolenie zdieľania. {faqLink}",
"emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "Confirm your email", "emailConfirmationBanner.confirmLinkText": "potvrdte svoj email",
"emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Having trouble?", "emailConfirmationBanner.faqLinkText": "Mať problémy?",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "Confirm your email", "emailConfirmationModal.confirm": "Potvrdte svoj email",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantToShare": "Chcete zdieľať na Scratch?", "emailConfirmationModal.wantToShare": "Chcete zdieľať na Scratch?",
"emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email we sent to:", "emailConfirmationModal.clickEmailLink": "Potvrďte svoju e-mailovú adresu kliknutím na odkaz v e-maile, ktorý sme vám poslali:",
"emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Resend confirmation email", "emailConfirmationModal.resendEmail": "Znova odoslať potvrdzovací e-mail",
"emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Tips for confirming your email address", "emailConfirmationModal.confirmingTips": "Tipy na potvrdenie vašej e-mailovej adresy",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Wait for ten minutes. The email may take a while to arrive.", "emailConfirmationModal.tipWaitTenMinutes": "Počkajte desať minút. Doručenie e-mailu môže chvíľu trvať.",
"emailConfirmationModal.tipCheckSpam": "Skontrolujte priečinok so spamom.", "emailConfirmationModal.tipCheckSpam": "Skontrolujte priečinok so spamom.",
"emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Make sure your email address is correct, see {accountSettings}.", "emailConfirmationModal.correctEmail": "Uistite sa, že je vaša e-mailová adresa správna, pozrite si {accountSettings}.",
"emailConfirmationModal.accountSettings": "Nastavenia účtu", "emailConfirmationModal.accountSettings": "Nastavenia účtu",
"emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Want more information? {FAQLink}", "emailConfirmationModal.wantMoreInfo": "Chcete viac informácií? {FAQLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Check out the FAQ", "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutFAQ": "Pozrite si často kladené otázky",
"emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Having Trouble? {tipsLink}", "emailConfirmationModal.havingTrouble": "Mať problémy? {tipsLink}",
"emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Check out these tips", "emailConfirmationModal.checkOutTips": "Pozrite si tieto tipy",
"thumbnail.by": "od", "thumbnail.by": "od",
"report.error": "Pri pokuse o odoslanie správy sa vyskytla chyba. Prosím skúste znova.", "report.error": "Pri pokuse o odoslanie správy sa vyskytla chyba. Prosím skúste znova.",
"report.project": "Nahlásiť projekt", "report.project": "Nahlásiť projekt",
"report.studio": "Report Studio", "report.studio": "Reportážny ateliér",
"report.projectInstructions": "When you send a report, it lets the Scratch Team know about projects that break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Does something in this project break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? If you think it does, please tell us more.", "report.projectInstructions": "Keď odošlete správu, tím Scratch bude vedieť o projektoch, ktoré porušujú {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Porušuje niečo v tomto projekte {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? Ak si myslíte, že áno, povedzte nám viac.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Pravidlá komunity Scratch", "report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Pravidlá komunity Scratch",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Zvoľte dôvod", "report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Zvoľte dôvod",
"report.reasonCopy": "Presná kópia projektu", "report.reasonCopy": "Presná kópia projektu",
"report.reasonUncredited": "Používa obrázky/hudbu bez uvedenia ich autora", "report.reasonUncredited": "Používa obrázky/hudbu bez uvedenia ich autora",
"report.reasonScary": "Príliš násilnícky alebo strašidelný", "report.reasonScary": "Príliš násilnícky alebo strašidelný",
"report.reasonJumpscare": "Jumpscare", "report.reasonJumpscare": "Jumpscare",
"report.reasonWeapons": "Uses realistic weapons", "report.reasonWeapons": "Používa realistické zbrane",
"report.reasonEvent": "Violent event happens", "report.reasonEvent": "Stane sa násilná udalosť",
"report.reasonScaryImages": "Scary images", "report.reasonScaryImages": "Strašidelné obrázky",
"report.reasonThreatening": "Threatens or bullies another Scratcher", "report.reasonThreatening": "Ohrozuje alebo šikanuje iného Scratcher",
"report.reasonLanguage": "Nevhodné vyjadrovanie", "report.reasonLanguage": "Nevhodné vyjadrovanie",
"report.reasonMusic": "Nevhodná hudba", "report.reasonMusic": "Nevhodná hudba",
"report.reasonMissing": "Vyberte dôvod", "report.reasonMissing": "Vyberte dôvod",
"report.reasonImage": "Nevhodné obrázky", "report.reasonImage": "Nevhodné obrázky",
"report.reasonPersonal": "Zverejňuje osobné kontaktné informácie", "report.reasonPersonal": "Zverejňuje osobné kontaktné informácie",
"report.reasonDontLikeIt": "I don't like this project", "report.reasonDontLikeIt": "Tento projekt sa mi nepáči",
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "This project does not work", "report.reasonDoesntWork": "Tento projekt nefunguje",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "This project could be improved on", "report.reasonCouldImprove": "Tento projekt by sa dal vylepšiť",
"report.reasonTooHard": "This project is too hard", "report.reasonTooHard": "Tento projekt je príliš ťažký",
"report.reasonMisleading": "The project is misleading or tricks the community", "report.reasonMisleading": "Projekt zavádza alebo oklame komunitu",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "It's a face reveal or is just trying to show someone's picture", "report.reasonFaceReveal": "Odhaľuje tvár alebo sa len snaží ukázať niečí obrázok",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "The project doesn't allow remixing", "report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "Projekt neumožňuje remixovanie",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "I'm worried about the safety of the creator of this project", "report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "Obávam sa o bezpečnosť tvorcu tohto projektu",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Something else", "report.reasonSomethingElse": "Niečo iné",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Mean or Disrespectful to a Scratcher or Group", "report.reasonDisrespectful": "Zlý alebo neúctivý voči škrabacovi alebo skupine",
"report.receivedHeader": "Dostali sme vašu správu!", "report.receivedHeader": "Dostali sme vašu správu!",
"report.receivedBody": "Tím Scratch preskúma projekt na základe pokynov pre komunitu Scratch.", "report.receivedBody": "Tím Scratch preskúma projekt na základe pokynov pre komunitu Scratch.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Zvoľte dôvod nahlásenia.", "report.promptPlaceholder": "Zvoľte dôvod nahlásenia.",
"report.promptCopy": "Uveďte prosím odkaz na pôvodný projekt", "report.promptCopy": "Uveďte prosím odkaz na pôvodný projekt",
"report.promptUncredited": "Uveďte odkazy na nespomenutý projekt", "report.promptUncredited": "Uveďte odkazy na nespomenutý projekt",
"report.promptScary": "Please select the main reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.", "report.promptScary": "Vyberte prosím hlavný dôvod, prečo si myslíte, že tento projekt môže narušiť {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "A \"jumpscare\" is when something unexpected flashes on the screen with the intent to scare someone.", "report.promptJumpscare1": "\"Jumpscare\" je, keď sa na obrazovke objaví niečo neočakávané s úmyslom niekoho vystrašiť.",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Please let us know more about the \"jumpscare,\" such as what happens, and when does it happen in the project. Also, providing the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop, associated with the jumpscare is helpful.", "report.promptJumpscare2": "Prosím, dajte nám vedieť viac o \"jumpscare\", napríklad čo sa stane a kedy sa to stane v projekte. Užitočné je aj poskytnutie mena sprita, kostýmu alebo pozadia spojeného s jumpscare.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Please let us know where the image, drawing, or sound of realistic weapons occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.", "report.promptWeapons1": "Dajte nám vedieť, kde sa v projekte vyskytuje obraz, kresba alebo zvuk realistických zbraní, ako napríklad meno škriatka, kostým alebo pozadie.",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projects should not contain realistic weapons, such as photographs of guns, realistic drawings or sounds. However, cartoon or fictional items like laser beams are okay.", "report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projekty by nemali obsahovať realistické zbrane, ako sú fotografie zbraní, realistické kresby alebo zvuky. Avšak, kreslené alebo fiktívne položky, ako sú laserové lúče, sú v poriadku.",
"report.promptEvent1": "Please let us know more about the scary event or story in the project. Providing more details will help the Scratch Team better understand the issue and address it.", "report.promptEvent1": "Dajte nám vedieť viac o strašidelnej udalosti alebo príbehu v projekte. Poskytnutie ďalších podrobností pomôže tímu Scratch lepšie pochopiť problém a vyriešiť ho.",
"report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. Its important projects do not contain mature themes such as harming someone.", "report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch používajú všetci ľudia vo veku. Je dôležité, aby projekty neobsahovali zrelé témy, ako napríklad ubližovanie niekomu.",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Please let us know why you feel this image is too scary for Scratch, and where the image occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.", "report.promptScaryImages1": "Dajte nám vedieť, prečo si myslíte, že tento obrázok je pre Scratch príliš strašidelný a kde sa obrázok v projekte vyskytuje, ako napríklad meno škriatka, kostým alebo pozadie.",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. Its important projects do not contain blood, realistic violence, or anything that may feel scary or too mature for younger audiences.", "report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch používajú všetci ľudia vo veku. Dôležité projekty neobsahujú krv, realistické násilie ani nič, čo by pre mladšie publikum mohlo pôsobiť strašidelne alebo príliš dospelo.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Please let us know why you feel this project is threatening another Scratcher.", "report.promptThreatening": "Dajte nám vedieť, prečo si myslíte, že tento projekt ohrozuje ďalšieho Scratchera.",
"report.promptLanguage": "Uveďte prosím, kde v projekte sa vyskytujú nevhodné výrazy (Napr. Poznámky a popis projektu, názov postavy, text projektu atď.)", "report.promptLanguage": "Uveďte prosím, kde v projekte sa vyskytujú nevhodné výrazy (Napr. Poznámky a popis projektu, názov postavy, text projektu atď.)",
"report.promptMusic": "Menujte prosím názov zvukového súboru s nevhodnou hudbou", "report.promptMusic": "Menujte prosím názov zvukového súboru s nevhodnou hudbou",
"report.promptPersonal": "Povedzte prosím, kde sú osobné kontaktné informácie zdieľané (Napríklad: Poznámky & Poďakovanie, názov postavy, text projektu atď.)", "report.promptPersonal": "Povedzte prosím, kde sú osobné kontaktné informácie zdieľané (Napríklad: Poznámky & Poďakovanie, názov postavy, text projektu atď.)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Please select a reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} and the Scratch Team will review your report.", "report.promptGuidelines": "Vyberte dôvod, prečo si myslíte, že tento projekt môže prelomiť {CommunityGuidelinesLink} a tím Scratch skontroluje vašu správu.",
"report.promptImage": "Uveďte prosím názov postavy alebo pozadia s nevhodným obrázkom", "report.promptImage": "Uveďte prosím názov postavy alebo pozadia s nevhodným obrázkom",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projects are made by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you don't like this project because you feel it can be improved upon, we encourage you to share constructive feedback directly with the creator.", "report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projekty tvoria ľudia všetkých vekových kategórií a úrovní skúseností. Ak sa vám tento projekt nepáči, pretože si myslíte, že by sa dal vylepšiť, odporúčame vám zdieľať konštruktívnu spätnú väzbu priamo s tvorcom.",
"report.promptTips": "Here are tips on sharing constructive feedback:", "report.promptTips": "Tu sú tipy na zdieľanie konštruktívnej spätnej väzby:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Be supportive and encouraging.", "report.tipsSupportive": "Buďte oporou a povzbudzovaním.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Leave a comment telling them what you like, but also what they could do to make the project better.", "report.tipsConstructive": "Zanechajte komentár a povedzte im, čo sa vám páči, ale aj to, čo by mohli urobiť, aby bol projekt lepší.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Try to be specific with your feedback. For instance: The controls to move the character did not work.", "report.tipsSpecific": "Skúste byť vo svojej spätnej väzbe konkrétny. Napríklad: Ovládacie prvky na pohyb postavy nefungovali.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "A Scratch project, like any other application, may contain a few bugs. That is expected and completely okay!", "report.promptDoesntWork": "Projekt Scratch, ako každá iná aplikácia, môže obsahovať niekoľko chýb. To sa očakáva a je to úplne v poriadku!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "We encourage you to share any issues you discover directly with the creator of the project. It's also helpful to provide suggestions on how they may improve their project, if possible.", "report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "Odporúčame vám podeliť sa o akékoľvek problémy, ktoré objavíte, priamo s tvorcom projektu. Je tiež užitočné poskytnúť návrhy, ako môžu zlepšiť svoj projekt, ak je to možné.",
"report.promptTooHard": "If you feel a project could be easier, we encourage you to share that feedback directly with the creator of the project. Or remix it yourself and make it as easy or hard as you like!", "report.promptTooHard": "Ak máte pocit, že projekt by mohol byť jednoduchší, odporúčame vám podeliť sa o túto spätnú väzbu priamo s tvorcom projektu. Alebo si to zremixujte sami a urobte to tak jednoduché alebo ťažké, ako chcete!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Tell us more about how it's tricking or misleading people", "report.promptMisleading": "Povedzte nám viac o tom, ako podvádza alebo zavádza ľudí",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch allows people to use pictures of their face in creative projects like games, stories, or animations. However, Scratch does not allow users to share projects which are just a picture of their face (known as a “face reveal”) or which focus entirely on their physical appearance. Please explain if you feel this project is a face reveal or focuses on the person's physical appearance.", "report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch umožňuje ľuďom používať obrázky svojej tváre v kreatívnych projektoch, ako sú hry, príbehy alebo animácie. Scratch však používateľom neumožňuje zdieľať projekty, ktoré sú len obrázkom ich tváre (známe ako „odhalenie tváre“) alebo ktoré sa zameriavajú výlučne na ich fyzický vzhľad. Vysvetlite, či máte pocit, že tento projekt je odhalením tváre alebo sa zameriava na fyzický vzhľad osoby.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Please let us know where the project says it is not okay to remix — such as in the Notes & Credits, project title, etc.", "report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Dajte nám vedieť, kde projekt hovorí, že nie je v poriadku remixovať ako napríklad v poznámkach a poďakovaniach, názve projektu atď.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "It's important that everyone on Scratch remains safe online and in real life. Please let us know why you are worried about the safety of this user.", "report.promptCreatorsSafety": "Je dôležité, aby všetci na Scratch zostali v bezpečí online aj v reálnom živote. Dajte nám vedieť, prečo sa obávate o bezpečnosť tohto používateľa.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "We encourage you to double check if your report fits any of the other available categories. If you strongly feel it does not, please explain why this project breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.", "report.promptSomethingElse": "Odporúčame vám ešte raz skontrolovať, či váš prehľad patrí do niektorej z ostatných dostupných kategórií. Ak máte silný pocit, že nie, vysvetlite, prečo tento projekt porušuje {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptDisrespectful1": "Please let us know why you feel this project is disrespectful to another Scratcher or group. Where does the disrespectful content occur in the project (project text, images, sounds, etc.)?", "report.promptDisrespectful1": "Dajte nám vedieť, prečo si myslíte, že tento projekt je neúctivý voči inému Scratcherovi alebo skupine. Kde sa v projekte vyskytuje neúctivý obsah (text projektu, obrázky, zvuky atď.)?",
"report.promptDisrespectful2": "Remember: Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Its important everyone feels welcomed and safe when sharing on Scratch.", "report.promptDisrespectful2": "Pamätajte: Scratch víta ľudí všetkých vekových kategórií, rás, etník, náboženstiev, schopností, sexuálnej orientácie a rodovej identity. Je dôležité, aby sa každý pri zdieľaní na Scratch cítil vítaný a bezpečný.",
"report.tooLongError": "Text je pridlhý! Skráťte prosím váš text.", "report.tooLongError": "Text je pridlhý! Skráťte prosím váš text.",
"report.tooShortError": "Text je prikrátky. Prosím podrobne opíšte čo je nevhodné alebo neúctivé na tomto projekte.", "report.tooShortError": "Text je prikrátky. Prosím podrobne opíšte čo je nevhodné alebo neúctivé na tomto projekte.",
"report.send": "Odoslať", "report.send": "Odoslať",
@ -334,14 +334,14 @@
"comments.isDisallowed": "Hmm, zdá sa, že na tejto stránke nie sú povolené komentáre. : /", "comments.isDisallowed": "Hmm, zdá sa, že na tejto stránke nie sú povolené komentáre. : /",
"comments.isIPMuted": "Ospravedlňujeme sa, tím Scratch musel zabrániť vašej sieti zdieľať komentáre alebo projekty, pretože príliš často porušovali naše pravidlá pre komunitu. Stále môžete zdieľať komentáre a projekty z inej siete. Ak by ste chceli toto blokovanie odvolať, môžete sa obrátiť na adresu appeals@scratch.mit.edu, referenčné číslo {appealId}.", "comments.isIPMuted": "Ospravedlňujeme sa, tím Scratch musel zabrániť vašej sieti zdieľať komentáre alebo projekty, pretože príliš často porušovali naše pravidlá pre komunitu. Stále môžete zdieľať komentáre a projekty z inej siete. Ak by ste chceli toto blokovanie odvolať, môžete sa obrátiť na adresu appeals@scratch.mit.edu, referenčné číslo {appealId}.",
"comments.isTooLong": "Tento komentár je príliš dlhý! Nájdite spôsob, ako skrátiť svoj text.", "comments.isTooLong": "Tento komentár je príliš dlhý! Nájdite spôsob, ako skrátiť svoj text.",
"comments.isNotPermitted": "Sorry, you need to confirm your email address before commenting.", "comments.isNotPermitted": "Ľutujeme, pred komentovaním musíte potvrdiť svoju e-mailovú adresu.",
"comments.error": "Och! Pri odosielaní komentára sa vyskytla chyba", "comments.error": "Och! Pri odosielaní komentára sa vyskytla chyba",
"comments.posting": "Posielame...", "comments.posting": "Posielame...",
"comments.post": "Odoslať", "comments.post": "Odoslať",
"comments.cancel": "Zrušiť", "comments.cancel": "Zrušiť",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {zostáva 1 znak} few {zostávajú {remainingCharacters} znaky} many {zostáva {remainingCharacters} znakov} other {{remainingCharacters} znakov zostáva}}", "comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {zostáva 1 znak} few {zostávajú {remainingCharacters} znaky} many {zostáva {remainingCharacters} znakov} other {{remainingCharacters} znakov zostáva}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Zobraziť ďalšie odpovede", "comments.loadMoreReplies": "Zobraziť ďalšie odpovede",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.", "comments.replyLimitReached": "Toto vlákno komentárov dosiahlo svoj limit. Ak chcete pokračovať v komentovaní, môžete začať nové vlákno.",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Vymazaný vlastníkom projektu", "comments.status.delbyusr": "Vymazaný vlastníkom projektu",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Cenzurované filtrom", "comments.status.censbyfilter": "Cenzurované filtrom",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Rodičovský komentár bol odstránený", "comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Rodičovský komentár bol odstránený",
@ -356,66 +356,66 @@
"comments.status.acctdel": "Účet vymazaný", "comments.status.acctdel": "Účet vymazaný",
"comments.status.deleted": "Vymazané", "comments.status.deleted": "Vymazané",
"comments.status.reported": "Nahlásené", "comments.status.reported": "Nahlásené",
"comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.", "comments.muted.duration": "Znova budete môcť komentovať {inDuration}.",
"comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.", "comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Komentovanie vášho účtu bolo dovtedy pozastavené.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.", "comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "Ak by ste chceli viac informácií, môžete si prečítať {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.", "comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "Pre viac informácií, {clickHereLink}.",
"comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here", "comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "kliknite tu",
"comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch", "comments.muted.warningBlocked": "Ak budete pokračovať v uverejňovaní takýchto komentárov, spôsobí to zablokovanie používania aplikácie Scratch",
"comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!", "comments.muted.warningCareful": "Nechceme, aby sa to stalo, preto buďte opatrní a pred opätovným pokusom o príspevok sa uistite {CommunityGuidelinesLink}, že ste si prečítali a porozumeli!",
"comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.", "comments.muted.mistake": "Myslíte si, že to bola chyba? {feedbackLink}.",
"comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know", "comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Dajte nám vedieť",
"comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?", "comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Myslíte si, že to bola chyba?",
"comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.", "comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Niekedy filter zachytí veci, ktoré by nemal. Nahlásenie chyby nezmení čas čakania, kým budete môcť znova komentovať, ale vaša spätná väzba nám pomôže zabrániť chybám v budúcnosti.",
"comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!", "comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Ďakujeme, že ste nám dali vedieť!",
"comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.", "comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Vaša spätná väzba nám pomôže vylepšiť Scratch.",
"comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max", "comments.muted.characterLimit": "Maximálne 500 znakov",
"comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty", "comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Nemôže byť prázdny",
"comment.type.general": "It appears that your most recent comment didn't follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", "comment.type.general": "Zdá sa, že váš posledný komentár nie je v súlade s pokynmi pre komunitu Scratch.",
"comment.type.general.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments didnt follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", "comment.type.general.past": "Zdá sa, že jeden z vašich nedávnych komentárov nie je v súlade s pokynmi pre komunitu Scratch.",
"comment.general.header": "We encourage you to post comments that follow the Scratch Community Guidelines.", "comment.general.header": "Odporúčame vám uverejňovať komentáre, ktoré sa riadia pokynmi pre komunitu Scratch.",
"comment.general.content1": "On Scratch, it's important for comments to be kind, to be appropriate for all ages, and to not contain spam.", "comment.general.content1": "Na Scratch je dôležité, aby komentáre boli láskavé, vhodné pre všetky vekové kategórie a neobsahovali spam.",
"comment.type.pii": "Your most recent comment appeared to be sharing or asking for private information.", "comment.type.pii": "Zdá sa, že váš posledný komentár zdieľal alebo žiadal o súkromné informácie.",
"comment.type.pii.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was sharing or asking for private information.", "comment.type.pii.past": "Zdá sa, že jeden z vašich nedávnych komentárov zdieľal alebo žiadal o súkromné informácie.",
"comment.pii.header": "Please be sure not to share private information on Scratch.", "comment.pii.header": "Uistite sa, že nezdieľate súkromné informácie na Scratch.",
"comment.pii.content1": "It appears that you were sharing or asking for private information.", "comment.pii.content1": "Zdá sa, že ste zdieľali alebo žiadali o súkromné informácie.",
"comment.pii.content2": "Things you share on Scratch can be seen by everyone, and can appear in search engines. Private information can be used by other people in harmful ways, so its important to keep it private.", "comment.pii.content2": "Veci, ktoré zdieľate v aplikácii Scratch, môžu vidieť všetci a môžu sa zobraziť vo vyhľadávačoch. Súkromné informácie môžu byť použité inými ľuďmi škodlivým spôsobom, preto je dôležité, aby boli súkromné.",
"comment.pii.content3": "This is a serious safety issue.", "comment.pii.content3": "Toto je vážny bezpečnostný problém.",
"comment.type.unconstructive": "It appears that your most recent comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", "comment.type.unconstructive": "Zdá sa, že váš posledný komentár hovoril o niečom, čo mohlo byť zraňujúce.",
"comment.type.unconstructive.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments was saying something that might have been hurtful.", "comment.type.unconstructive.past": "Zdá sa, že jeden z vašich nedávnych komentárov hovoril o niečom, čo mohlo byť zraňujúce.",
"comment.unconstructive.header": "We encourage you to be supportive when commenting on other peoples projects.", "comment.unconstructive.header": "Odporúčame vám byť oporou pri komentovaní projektov iných ľudí.",
"comment.unconstructive.content1": "It appears that your comment was saying something that might have been hurtful.", "comment.unconstructive.content1": "Zdá sa, že váš komentár hovoril niečo, čo by mohlo byť zraňujúce.",
"comment.unconstructive.content2": "If you think something could be better, you can say something you like about the project, and make a suggestion about how to improve it.", "comment.unconstructive.content2": "Ak si myslíte, že by niečo mohlo byť lepšie, môžete povedať niečo, čo sa vám o projekte páči, a navrhnúť, ako ho zlepšiť.",
"comment.type.vulgarity": "Your most recent comment appeared to include a bad word.", "comment.type.vulgarity": "Zdá sa, že váš posledný komentár obsahuje zlé slovo.",
"comment.type.vulgarity.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained a bad word.", "comment.type.vulgarity.past": "Zdá sa, že jeden z vašich nedávnych komentárov obsahoval zlé slovo.",
"comment.vulgarity.header": "We encourage you to use language thats appropriate for all ages.", "comment.vulgarity.header": "Odporúčame vám používať jazyk, ktorý je vhodný pre všetky vekové kategórie.",
"comment.vulgarity.content1": "It appears that your comment contains a bad word.", "comment.vulgarity.content1": "Zdá sa, že váš komentár obsahuje zlé slovo.",
"comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch has users of all ages, so its important to use language that is appropriate for all Scratchers.", "comment.vulgarity.content2": "Scratch má používateľov všetkých vekových kategórií, preto je dôležité používať jazyk, ktorý je vhodný pre všetkých používateľov Scratchers.",
"comment.type.spam": "Your most recent comment appeared to contain advertising, text art, or a chain message.", "comment.type.spam": "Zdá sa, že váš najnovší komentár obsahuje reklamu, textovú grafiku alebo reťazovú správu.",
"comment.type.spam.past": "It appears that one of your recent comments contained advertising, text art, or a chain message.", "comment.type.spam.past": "Zdá sa, že jeden z vašich nedávnych komentárov obsahoval reklamu, textovú grafiku alebo reťazovú správu.",
"comment.spam.header": "We encourage you not to advertise, copy and paste text art, or ask others to copy comments.", "comment.spam.header": "Odporúčame vám, aby ste neinzerovali, nekopírovali a nevkladali textové obrázky ani nežiadali ostatných, aby kopírovali komentáre.",
"comment.spam.content1": "Even though advertisements, text art, and chain mail can be fun, they start to fill up the website, and we want to make sure there is room for other comments.", "comment.spam.content1": "Aj keď reklamy, textové umenie a reťazová pošta môžu byť zábavné, začnú zapĺňať webovú stránku a my sa chceme uistiť, že je priestor na ďalšie komentáre.",
"comment.spam.content2": "Thank you for helping us keep Scratch a friendly, creative community!", "comment.spam.content2": "Ďakujeme, že nám pomáhate udržiavať Scratch priateľskú a kreatívnu komunitu!",
"social.embedLabel": "Vložiť", "social.embedLabel": "Vložiť",
"social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Kopírovať kód na vloženie", "social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Kopírovať kód na vloženie",
"social.linkLabel": "Odkaz", "social.linkLabel": "Odkaz",
"social.copyLinkLinkText": "Kopírovať odkaz", "social.copyLinkLinkText": "Kopírovať odkaz",
"social.embedCopiedResultText": "Skopírované", "social.embedCopiedResultText": "Skopírované",
"helpWidget.banner": "Welcome to Support", "helpWidget.banner": "Vitajte v podpore",
"helpWidget.submit": "Odoslať", "helpWidget.submit": "Odoslať",
"helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.", "helpWidget.confirmation": "Ďakujem vám za vašu správu.",
"extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Riešenie problémov", "extensions.troubleshootingTitle": "Riešenie problémov",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Make sure your browser is compatible with Scratch Link", "extensions.browserCompatibilityTitle": "Uistite sa, že váš prehliadač je kompatibilný so Scratch Link",
"extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link 1.4 is not compatible with Safari. If you use macOS, please use another supported browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.", "extensions.browserCompatibilityText": "Scratch Link 1.4 nie je kompatibilný so Safari. Ak používate macOS, použite iný podporovaný prehliadač, napríklad Chrome alebo Firefox.",
"extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Presvedčte sa, že váš operačný systém je kompatibilný so Scratch Link", "extensions.checkOSVersionTitle": "Presvedčte sa, že váš operačný systém je kompatibilný so Scratch Link",
"extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.", "extensions.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.",
"extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "If you are using macOS 12, please update to macOS 12.3 or newer. Earlier versions of macOS 12 do not work correctly with Scratch Link.", "extensions.checkOsVersionText2": "Ak používate macOS 12, aktualizujte na macOS 12.3 alebo novší. Staršie verzie macOS 12 nefungujú správne so Scratch Link.",
"extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "extensions.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "extensions.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch",
"extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the {deviceName} at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", "extensions.closeScratchCopiesText": "Iba jedna kópia aplikácie Scratch sa môže súčasne pripojiť k {deviceName}. Ak máte otvorený Scratch na iných kartách prehliadača, zatvorte ho a skúste to znova.",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your {deviceNameShort}", "extensions.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Uistite sa, že k vášmu nie je pripojený žiadny iný počítač {deviceNameShort}",
"extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a {deviceName} at a time. If you have another computer connected to your {deviceName}, disconnect the {deviceName} or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", "extensions.otherComputerConnectedText": "Naraz môže byť k {deviceName} pripojený iba jeden počítač. Ak máte k vášmu {deviceName}, odpojte {deviceName} alebo zatvorte Scratch na tomto počítači a skúste to znova.",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Make sure you have location services enabled on Chromebooks or Android tablets", "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Uistite sa, že máte na Chromebookoch alebo tabletoch s Androidom povolené služby určovania polohy",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences." "bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth možno použiť na poskytovanie údajov o polohe do aplikácie. Okrem udelenia povolenia aplikácii Scratch na prístup k polohe musí byť poloha povolená vo všeobecných nastaveniach zariadenia. V nastaveniach vyhľadajte „Poloha“ a uistite sa, že je zapnutá. Na Chromebookoch vyhľadajte „Poloha“ v predvoľbách Androidu v Obchode Google Play."
} }

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
{ {
"guidelines.title": "Pravidlá komunity Scratch", "guidelines.title": "Pravidlá komunity Scratch",
"guidelines.header1": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together.", "guidelines.header1": "Scratch je priateľská a ústretová komunita pre každého, kde ľudia spoločne tvoria, zdieľajú a učia sa.",
"guidelines.header2": "We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.", "guidelines.header2": "Vítame ľudí každého veku, rasy, etnika, náboženstva, schopností, sexuálnej orientácie a rodovej identity.",
"guidelines.header3": "Help keep Scratch a welcoming, supportive, and creative space for all by following these Community Guidelines:", "guidelines.header3": "Pomôžte udržať Scratch príjemný, podporný a kreatívny priestor pre všetkých dodržiavaním týchto pokynov pre komunitu:",
"guidelines.respectheader": "Treat everyone with respect.", "guidelines.respectheader": "Správajte sa ku každému s rešpektom.",
"guidelines.respectbody": "Scratchers have diverse backgrounds, interests, identities, and experiences. Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same. Its never OK to attack a person or groups identity or to be unkind to someone about their background or interests.", "guidelines.respectbody": "Scratcheri majú rôzne zázemie, záujmy, identity a skúsenosti. Všetkým na Scratch odporúčame zdieľať veci, ktoré ich vzrušujú a sú pre nich dôležité dúfame, že nájdete spôsoby, ako osláviť svoju vlastnú identitu na Scratchi a umožníte ostatným, aby urobili to isté. Nikdy nie je v poriadku útočiť na identitu osoby alebo skupiny alebo byť k niekomu neláskavý v súvislosti s ich pozadím alebo záujmami.",
"guidelines.privacyheader": "Be safe: keep personal and contact information private.", "guidelines.privacyheader": "Buďte v bezpečí: uchovávajte osobné a kontaktné informácie v súkromí.",
"guidelines.privacybody": "For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication, in person or online. This includes sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.", "guidelines.privacybody": "Z bezpečnostných dôvodov nezverejňujte žiadne informácie, ktoré by mohli byť použité na súkromnú komunikáciu, osobnú alebo online. To zahŕňa zdieľanie skutočných priezvisk, telefónnych čísel, adries, rodných miest, názvov škôl, e-mailových adries, používateľských mien alebo odkazov na stránky sociálnych médií, aplikácie na videohovory alebo webové stránky s funkciou súkromného chatu.",
"guidelines.helpfulheader": "Give helpful feedback.", "guidelines.helpfulheader": "Poskytnite užitočnú spätnú väzbu.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody": "Everyone on Scratch is learning. When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.", "guidelines.helpfulbody": "Každý na Scratch sa učí. Keď komentujete projekt, nezabudnite povedať niečo, čo sa vám na ňom páči, ponúknite návrhy a buďte láskaví, nie kritickí. Prosím, majte komentáre s rešpektom a vyhýbajte sa spamovaniu alebo posielaniu reťazovej pošty. Odporúčame vám skúšať nové veci, experimentovať a učiť sa od ostatných.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Embrace remix culture.", "guidelines.remixheader": "Osvojte si remixovú kultúru.",
"guidelines.remixbody1": "Remixing is when you build upon someone elses projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.", "guidelines.remixbody1": "Remixovanie je, keď staviate na projektoch, kóde, nápadoch, obrázkoch alebo čomkoľvek inom, ktoré zdieľajú v aplikácii Scratch niekoho iného, aby ste vytvorili svoj vlastný jedinečný výtvor.",
"guidelines.remixbody2": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers. You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. And when you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.", "guidelines.remixbody2": "Remixovanie je skvelý spôsob, ako spolupracovať a spojiť sa s ostatnými Scratchermi. Odporúčame vám použiť čokoľvek, čo nájdete na Scratch vo svojich vlastných výtvoroch, za predpokladu, že poskytnete uznanie každému, koho prácu ste použili, a urobíte v ňom zmysluplnú zmenu. A keď niečo zdieľate na Scratch, dávate tým povolenie všetkým Scratcherom použiť vašu prácu aj vo svojich výtvoroch.",
"guidelines.honestyheader": "Buďte úprimní.", "guidelines.honestyheader": "Buďte úprimní.",
"guidelines.honestybody": "Its important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account. Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.", "guidelines.honestybody": "Pri interakcii s ostatnými na Scratch je dôležité byť úprimný a autentický a pamätajte, že za každým účtom Scratch je osoba. Šírenie klebiet, vydávanie sa za iných Scratcherov alebo celebrít alebo predstieranie vážnej choroby nie je voči komunite Scratch úctivé.",
"guidelines.friendlyheader": "Pomôžte udržiavať toto miesto v priateľskej atmosfére.", "guidelines.friendlyheader": "Pomôžte udržiavať toto miesto v priateľskej atmosfére.",
"guidelines.friendlybody": "Its important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it. Please use the “Report” button rather than engaging in fights, spreading rumors about other peoples behavior, or otherwise responding to any inappropriate content. The Scratch Team will look at your report and take the appropriate action." "guidelines.friendlybody": "Je dôležité, aby vaše výtvory a konverzácie boli priateľské a vhodné pre všetky vekové kategórie. Ak si myslíte, že niečo na Scratch je zlé, urážlivé, príliš násilné alebo inak rušivé pre komunitu, kliknite na „Nahlásiť“ a dajte nám o tom vedieť. Použite tlačidlo „Nahlásiť“ namiesto toho, aby ste sa zapájali do bitiek, rozširovali klebety o správaní iných ľudí alebo inak reagovali na akýkoľvek nevhodný obsah. Tím Scratch sa pozrie na vašu správu a podnikne príslušné kroky."
} }

View file

@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
"ideas.tryTheTutorial": "Skúsiť tento návod", "ideas.tryTheTutorial": "Skúsiť tento návod",
"ideas.codingCards": "Programovacie karty", "ideas.codingCards": "Programovacie karty",
"ideas.educatorGuide": "Návody pre učiteľa", "ideas.educatorGuide": "Návody pre učiteľa",
"ideas.desktopEditorHeader": "Scratch App Download", "ideas.desktopEditorHeader": "Stiahnutie aplikácie Scratch",
"ideas.desktopEditorBody": "To create projects without an Internet connection, you can <a href=\"/download\">download the Scratch app</a>.", "ideas.desktopEditorBody": "Ak chcete vytvárať projekty bez internetového pripojenia, môžete si <a href=\"/download\">stiahnuť aplikáciu Scratch</a>.",
"ideas.desktopEditorBodyHTML": "To create projects without an Internet connection, you can <a>download the Scratch app</a>.", "ideas.desktopEditorBodyHTML": "Ak chcete vytvárať projekty bez internetového pripojenia, môžete si <a>stiahnuť aplikáciu Scratch</a>.",
"ideas.questionsHeader": "Otázky", "ideas.questionsHeader": "Otázky",
"ideas.questionsBody": " Máte ďalšie otázky? Pozrite si <a href=\"/info/faq\">často kladené otázky</a> alebo navštívte <a href=\"/discuss/7/\">fórum Pomocník so skriptmi</a>.", "ideas.questionsBody": " Máte ďalšie otázky? Pozrite si <a href=\"/info/faq\">často kladené otázky</a> alebo navštívte <a href=\"/discuss/7/\">fórum Pomocník so skriptmi</a>.",
"ideas.questionsBodyHTML": " Máte ďalšie otázky? Pozrite si <faq>často kladené otázky</faq> alebo navštívte <forum>fórum Pomocník so skriptmi</forum>.", "ideas.questionsBodyHTML": " Máte ďalšie otázky? Pozrite si <faq>často kladené otázky</faq> alebo navštívte <forum>fórum Pomocník so skriptmi</forum>.",
"ideas.cardsPurchase": "Kúpte si výtlačok", "ideas.cardsPurchase": "Kúpte si výtlačok",
"ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "Nech lieta", "ideas.MakeItFlyTitle": "Nech lieta",
"ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "Choose any character and make it fly!", "ideas.MakeItFlyDescription": "Vyberte si akúkoľvek postavu a nechajte ju lietať!",
"ideas.RaceTitle": "Utekaj do cieľa", "ideas.RaceTitle": "Utekaj do cieľa",
"ideas.RaceDescription": "Vytvor hru, kde sa dve postavy naháňajú.", "ideas.RaceDescription": "Vytvor hru, kde sa dve postavy naháňajú.",
"ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "Hra na skrývačku", "ideas.HideAndSeekTitle": "Hra na skrývačku",
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"ideas.PongTitle": "Hra Pong", "ideas.PongTitle": "Hra Pong",
"ideas.PongDescription": "Urobte hru s odrážajúcou sa loptičkou so zvukmi, skóre, a inými efektmi.", "ideas.PongDescription": "Urobte hru s odrážajúcou sa loptičkou so zvukmi, skóre, a inými efektmi.",
"ideas.ImagineTitle": "Vymysli si svet", "ideas.ImagineTitle": "Vymysli si svet",
"ideas.ImagineDescription": "Imagine a world where anything is possible.", "ideas.ImagineDescription": "Predstavte si svet, kde je všetko možné.",
"ideas.DanceTitle": "Zatancujme si", "ideas.DanceTitle": "Zatancujme si",
"ideas.DanceDescription": "Navrhnite animovanú tanečnú scénu s hudobnými a tanečnými pohybmi.", "ideas.DanceDescription": "Navrhnite animovanú tanečnú scénu s hudobnými a tanečnými pohybmi.",
"ideas.CatchTitle": "Chytacia hra", "ideas.CatchTitle": "Chytacia hra",

View file

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"messages.activityStudios": "Štúdiá", "messages.activityStudios": "Štúdiá",
"messages.activityForums": "Fórum", "messages.activityForums": "Fórum",
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} vás povýšil/a na manažéra štúdia {studio}", "messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} vás povýšil/a na manažéra štúdia {studio}",
"messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} made you the host of the studio {studio}. As host, you now have the ability to edit the studio title, thumbnail, and description. Go say hello in the studio!", "messages.becomeHostText": "{usernameOrScratchTeam} spravil z vás hostiteľa štúdia {studio}. Ako hostiteľ máte teraz možnosť upravovať názov štúdia, miniatúru a popis. Choď sa pozdraviť do štúdia!",
"messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "A Scratch Team member", "messages.becomeHostScratchTeam": "Člen Scratch Teamu",
"messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} vás pozýva spravovať štúdio{studioLink}. Ak chcete toto pozvanie prijať, navštívte {tabLink} na stránke štúdia.", "messages.curatorInviteText": "{actorLink} vás pozýva spravovať štúdio{studioLink}. Ak chcete toto pozvanie prijať, navštívte {tabLink} na stránke štúdia.",
"messages.curatorTabText": "tabla kurátor", "messages.curatorTabText": "tabla kurátor",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} zaradil/a váš projekt {projectLink} medzi svoje obľúbené.", "messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} zaradil/a váš projekt {projectLink} medzi svoje obľúbené.",

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ {
"microbit.headerText": "{microbitLink} is a tiny circuit board designed to help kids learn to code and create with technology. It has many features including an LED display, buttons, and a motion sensor. You can connect it to Scratch and build creative projects that combine the magic of the digital and physical worlds.", "microbit.headerText": "{microbitLink} je malá obvodová doska navrhnutá tak, aby pomohla deťom naučiť sa kódovať a vytvárať pomocou technológie. Má veľa funkcií vrátane LED displeja, tlačidiel a snímača pohybu. Môžete ho prepojiť so Scratch a vytvárať kreatívne projekty, ktoré spájajú kúzlo digitálneho a fyzického sveta.",
"microbit.gettingStarted": "Začať", "microbit.gettingStarted": "Začať",
"microbit.installMicrobitHex": "Install Scratch micro:bit HEX", "microbit.installMicrobitHex": "Nainštalujte Scratch micro:bit HEX",
"microbit.cardsDescription": "These cards show how to start making projects with micro:bit and Scratch.", "microbit.cardsDescription": "These cards show how to start making projects with micro:bit and Scratch.",
"microbit.connectUSB": "Connect a micro:bit to your computer with a USB cable", "microbit.connectUSB": "Connect a micro:bit to your computer with a USB cable",
"microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Download micro:bit Cards", "microbit.downloadCardsTitle": "Download micro:bit Cards",
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"microbit.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.", "microbit.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.",
"microbit.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "microbit.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"microbit.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "microbit.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"microbit.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", "microbit.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch",
"microbit.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the micro:bit at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", "microbit.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the micro:bit at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"microbit.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your micro:bit", "microbit.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your micro:bit",
"microbit.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a micro:bit at a time. If you have another computer connected to your micro:bit, disconnect the micro:bit or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", "microbit.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to a micro:bit at a time. If you have another computer connected to your micro:bit, disconnect the micro:bit or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",

View file

@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
{ {
"addToStudio.title": "Add to Studio", "addToStudio.title": "Pridať do Štúdia",
"addToStudio.finishing": "Finishing up...", "addToStudio.finishing": "Dokončuje sa...",
"addToStudio.inviteUser": "Invite user to add to studio", "addToStudio.inviteUser": "Pozvite používateľa na pridanie do štúdia",
"project.titleMaxLength": "Title is too long", "project.titleMaxLength": "Názov je príliš dlhý",
"project.musicExtensionChip": "Hudba", "project.musicExtensionChip": "Hudba",
"project.penExtensionChip": "Pero", "project.penExtensionChip": "Pero",
"project.text2SpeechChip": "Syntéza reči", "project.text2SpeechChip": "Syntéza reči",
"project.translateChip": "Preložiť", "project.translateChip": "Preložiť",
"project.videoSensingChip": "Využi video snímanie", "project.videoSensingChip": "Využi video snímanie",
"project.needsConnection": "Needs Connection", "project.needsConnection": "Vyžaduje pripojenie",
"project.comments.header": "Comments", "project.comments.header": "Komentáre",
"project.comments.toggleOff": "Commenting off", "project.comments.toggleOff": "Komentovanie vypnuté",
"project.comments.toggleOn": "Commenting on", "project.comments.toggleOn": "Komentovanie",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Commenting for this project has been turned off.", "project.comments.turnedOff": "Komentovanie tohto projektu bolo vypnuté.",
"project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Project comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.", "project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Komentáre projektu v aplikácii Scratch sú vypnuté, ale nebojte sa, vaše komentáre sa uložia a čoskoro budú späť.",
"project.share.notShared": "This project is not shared — so only you can see it. Click share to let everyone see it!", "project.share.notShared": "Tento projekt nie je zdieľaný, takže ho vidíte iba vy. Kliknite na zdieľanie, aby to videli všetci!",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Gratulujeme k zdieľaniu vášho projektu! Ostatní ľudia to teraz môžu vyskúšať, komentovať a remixovať.", "project.share.sharedLong": "Gratulujeme k zdieľaniu vášho projektu! Ostatní ľudia to teraz môžu vyskúšať, komentovať a remixovať.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Váš projekt je teraz zdieľaný.", "project.share.sharedShort": "Váš projekt je teraz zdieľaný.",
"project.share.shareButton": "Zverejniť", "project.share.shareButton": "Zverejniť",
"project.seeInsideButton": "See inside", "project.seeInsideButton": "Pozrite sa dovnútra",
"project.remix.justRemixed": "\"{title}\" was successfully remixed. Add a sprite, add a costume, make a change to make it your own!", "project.remix.justRemixed": "Súbor \"{title}\" bol úspešne zremixovaný. Pridajte škriatka, pridajte kostým, urobte zmenu, aby ste si ho prispôsobili!",
"project.remixButton": "Odvodené", "project.remixButton": "Odvodené",
"project.remixButton.altText": "Ulož kópiu tohto projektu a pridaj svoje vlastné nápady.", "project.remixButton.altText": "Ulož kópiu tohto projektu a pridaj svoje vlastné nápady.",
"project.remixButton.remixing": "Odvodzujem...", "project.remixButton.remixing": "Odvodzujem...",
"project.remixes": "Remixy", "project.remixes": "Remixy",
"project.viewAllInList": "Ukázať všetko", "project.viewAllInList": "Ukázať všetko",
"project.inviteToRemix": "Invite user to remix", "project.inviteToRemix": "Pozvite používateľa na remix",
"project.instructionsLabel": "Inštrukcie", "project.instructionsLabel": "Inštrukcie",
"project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Notes and Credits", "project.notesAndCreditsLabel": "Poznámky a kredity",
"project.credit": "Thanks to {userLink} for the original project {projectLink}.", "project.credit": "Ďakujeme {userLink} za originálny projekt {projectLink}.",
"project.deletedBanner": "Poznámka: Tento projekt sa nachádza v priečinku koša", "project.deletedBanner": "Poznámka: Tento projekt sa nachádza v priečinku koša",
"project.defaultCensoredMessage": "This project was removed by the Scratch Team because it was disrespectful, inappropriate for all ages, or otherwise breaks the Scratch {communityGuidelinesLink}.", "project.defaultCensoredMessage": "Tento projekt bol odstránený tímom Scratch, pretože bol neúctivý, nevhodný pre všetky vekové kategórie alebo inak porušoval Scratch {communityGuidelinesLink}.",
"project.communityCensoredMessage": "Your project has been temporarily un-shared because multiple people reported it as inappropriate.", "project.communityCensoredMessage": "Zdieľanie vášho projektu bolo dočasne zrušené, pretože ho viacerí ľudia nahlásili ako nevhodný.",
"project.willReviewCensoredMessage": "The Scratch Team will review the project based on the {communityGuidelinesLink}, and either restore the project or confirm the censorship.", "project.willReviewCensoredMessage": "Tím Scratch skontroluje projekt na základe a buď ho obnoví {communityGuidelinesLink}, alebo potvrdí cenzúru.",
"project.tempCensoredMessage": "Please read the {communityGuidelinesLink} and be sure to edit the project to make sure it's respectful before resharing it.", "project.tempCensoredMessage": "Prečítajte si {communityGuidelinesLink} a nezabudnite upraviť projekt, aby ste sa uistili, že je rešpektovaný pred jeho opätovným zdieľaním.",
"project.permCensoredMessage": "It cannot be reshared at any time in the future.", "project.permCensoredMessage": "V budúcnosti ho nemožno znova zdieľať.",
"project.communityGuidelines": "pravidlá komunity", "project.communityGuidelines": "pravidlá komunity",
"project.moderationInfoLabel": "Moderation Info", "project.moderationInfoLabel": "Informácie o moderovaní",
"project.numScripts": "{number} scripts", "project.numScripts": "{number} skripty",
"project.numSprites": "{number} sprites", "project.numSprites": "{number} škriatok",
"project.descriptionMaxLength": "Description is too long", "project.descriptionMaxLength": "Popis je príliš dlhý",
"project.notesPlaceholder": "How did you make this project? Did you use ideas, scripts or artwork from other people? Thank them here.", "project.notesPlaceholder": "Ako ste urobili tento projekt? Použili ste nápady, scenáre alebo umelecké diela od iných ľudí? Ďakujem im tu.",
"project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Tell people how to use your project (such as which keys to press).", "project.descriptionPlaceholder": "Povedzte ľuďom, ako používať váš projekt (napríklad, ktoré klávesy majú stlačiť).",
"project.cloudDataAlert": "This project uses cloud data - a feature that is only available to signed in Scratchers.", "project.cloudDataAlert": "Tento projekt využíva cloudové údaje funkciu, ktorá je dostupná iba pre prihlásených používateľov Scratcher.",
"project.cloudVariables": "Cloud Variables", "project.cloudVariables": "Cloudové premenné",
"project.cloudDataLink": "See Data", "project.cloudDataLink": "Pozri Údaje",
"project.usernameBlockAlert": "This project can detect who is using it, through the \"username\" block. To hide your identity, sign out before using the project.", "project.usernameBlockAlert": "Tento projekt dokáže zistiť, kto ho používa, prostredníctvom bloku \"username\". Ak chcete skryť svoju identitu, pred použitím projektu sa odhláste.",
"project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful.", "project.inappropriateUpdate": "Hmm...detektor zlých slov si myslí, že je problém s vaším textom. Prosím, zmeňte to a pamätajte na rešpekt.",
"project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}.", "project.mutedAddToStudio": "Opäť budete môcť pridávať do štúdií {inDuration}.",
"project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "For privacy reasons, cloud variables have been disabled in this project because it contains video sensing blocks." "project.cloudDataAndVideoAlert": "Z dôvodu ochrany osobných údajov boli v tomto projekte zakázané cloudové premenné, pretože obsahuje bloky snímania videa."
} }

View file

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"sec.title": "Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC)", "sec.title": "Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC)",
"sec.intro": "Participating Orgs", "sec.intro": "Zúčastnené organizácie",
"sec.applyNow": "Apply now!", "sec.applyNow": "Nainštalovať teraz!",
"sec.applyBanner": "Applications are now closed. The deadline for applying to the SEC for 2021 was March 1st.", "sec.applyBanner": "Prihlášky sú teraz uzavreté. Termín na podanie prihlášky do SEC na rok 2021 bol 1. marca.",
"sec.projectsTitle": "Participating Orgs", "sec.projectsTitle": "Zúčastnené organizácie",
"sec.yearRange": "2021-2022", "sec.yearRange": "2021-2022",
"sec.org1": "{org1Listing} - AK, USA", "sec.org1": "{org1Listing} - AK, USA",
"sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - AR, USA", "sec.org2": "{org2Listing} - AR, USA",
"sec.org3": "{org3Listing} - UT, USA", "sec.org3": "{org3Listing} - UT, USA",
"sec.org4": "{org4Listing} - TX, USA", "sec.org4": "{org4Listing} - TX, USA",
"sec.org5": "{org5Listing} - MS, USA", "sec.org5": "{org5Listing} - MS, USA",
"sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - Santa Bárbara, Brazil", "sec.org6": "{org6Listing} - Santa Bárbara, Brazília",
"sec.org7": "{org7Listing} - Sydney, Australia", "sec.org7": "{org7Listing} - Sydney, Austrália",
"sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA", "sec.org8": "{org8Listing} - Memphis, TN, USA",
"sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA", "sec.org9": "{org9Listing} - NYC, NY, USA",
"sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigeria", "sec.org10": "{org10Listing} - Jos, Nigéria",
"sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA", "sec.org11": "{org11Listing} - Baltimore, MD, USA",
"sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa", "sec.org12": "{org12Listing} - Johannesburg, Južná Afrika",
"sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA", "sec.org13": "{org13Listing} - Hayward, CA, USA",
"sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA", "sec.org14": "{org14Listing} - Humble, TX, USA",
"sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK", "sec.org15": "{org15Listing} - Guildford, UK",
@ -33,23 +33,23 @@
"sec.org26": "{org26Listing} - Nigeria", "sec.org26": "{org26Listing} - Nigeria",
"sec.org27": "{org27Listing} - Princeton, NJ, USA", "sec.org27": "{org27Listing} - Princeton, NJ, USA",
"sec.org28": "{org28Listing} - Bengaluru, India", "sec.org28": "{org28Listing} - Bengaluru, India",
"sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa", "sec.org29": "{org29Listing} - Johannesburg, Južná Afrika",
"sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - Barcelona, Spain", "sec.org30": "{org30Listing} - Barcelona, Španielsko",
"sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - Phnom Penh, Cambodia", "sec.org31": "{org31Listing} - Phnom Penh, Kambodža",
"sec.org32": "{org32Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya", "sec.org32": "{org32Listing} - Nairobi, Keňa",
"sec.org33": "{org33Listing} - Nairobi, Kenya", "sec.org33": "{org33Listing} - Nairobi, Keňa",
"sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - Johannesburg, South Africa", "sec.org34": "{org34Listing} - - Johannesburg, Južná Afrika",
"sec.org35": "{org35Listing} - Chicago Public Schools, IL, USA", "sec.org35": "{org35Listing} - Chicago Public Schools, IL, USA",
"sec.org36": "{org36Listing} - Lagos, Nigeria", "sec.org36": "{org36Listing} - Lagos, Nigeria",
"sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - Girona, Spain", "sec.org37": "{org37Listing} - Girona, Španielsko",
"sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nova Scotia", "sec.org38": "{org38Listing} - Halifax, Nova Scotia",
"sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - USA", "sec.org39": "{org39Listing} - USA",
"sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - Owerri, Nigeria & Nairobi, Kenya", "sec.org40": "{org40Listing} - Owerri, Nigéria a Nairobi, Keňa",
"sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Partner Orgs", "sec.partnerOrgsTitle": "Partnerské organizácie",
"sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - Cambridge, UK", "sec.partnerOrg1": "{partnerOrg1Listing} - Cambridge, Spojené kráľovstvo",
"sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (Formerly {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, USA", "sec.partnerOrg2": "{partnerOrg2Listing} (predtým {partnerOrg2FormerName}) - Stanford, CA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - IL, USA", "sec.partnerOrg3": "{partnerOrg3Listing} - IL, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - New Orleans, LA, USA", "sec.partnerOrg4": "{partnerOrg4Listing} - New Orleans, LA, USA",
"sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brazil", "sec.partnerOrg5": "{partnerOrg5Listing} - Brazília",
"sec.partnerOrg6": "{partnerOrg6Listing} - San Francisco, CA, USA" "sec.partnerOrg6": "{partnerOrg6Listing} - San Francisco, CA, USA"
} }

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} bol povýšený na kurátora {studio}", "messages.becomeManagerText": "{username} bol povýšený na kurátora {studio}",
"messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} zaradil/a{projectLink} medzi svoje obľúbené", "messages.favoriteText": "{profileLink} zaradil/a{projectLink} medzi svoje obľúbené",
"messages.followProfileText": "{profileLink} odteraz sleduje {followeeLink}", "messages.followProfileText": "{profileLink} odteraz sleduje {followeeLink}",
"messages.followStudioText": "{profileLink} is now following {studioLink}", "messages.followStudioText": "{profileLink} teraz sleduje {studioLink}",
"messages.loveText": "{profileLink} zaradil/a {projectLink} medzi svoje srdcovky", "messages.loveText": "{profileLink} zaradil/a {projectLink} medzi svoje srdcovky",
"messages.remixText": "{profileLink} remixoval/a {remixedProjectLink} ako {projectLink}", "messages.remixText": "{profileLink} remixoval/a {remixedProjectLink} ako {projectLink}",
"messages.shareText": "{profileLink} zverejnil/a projekt {projectLink}", "messages.shareText": "{profileLink} zverejnil/a projekt {projectLink}",
@ -26,16 +26,16 @@
"intro.tagLine2": "Zdieľaj s ďalšími z celého sveta", "intro.tagLine2": "Zdieľaj s ďalšími z celého sveta",
"intro.watchVideo": "Sledovať video", "intro.watchVideo": "Sledovať video",
"news.scratchNews": "\"Scratch Day\"", "news.scratchNews": "\"Scratch Day\"",
"donatebanner.askSupport": "Scratch is the world's largest free coding community for kids. Your support makes a difference.", "donatebanner.askSupport": "Scratch je najväčšia svetová komunita bezplatného kódovania pre deti. Vaša podpora robí rozdiel.",
"donatebanner.scratchWeek": "May 19-20 is Scratchs 15th Anniversary! {celebrationLink}. Donate to support creative coding worldwide.", "donatebanner.scratchWeek": "19. 20. máj oslavuje 15. výročie Scratch! {celebrationLink}. Prispejte na podporu kreatívneho kódovania na celom svete.",
"donatebanner.learnMore": "Learn more", "donatebanner.learnMore": "Uč sa viac",
"teacherbanner.greeting": "Ahoj", "teacherbanner.greeting": "Ahoj",
"teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Účet učiteľa", "teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Účet učiteľa",
"teacherbanner.classesButton": "Moje triedy", "teacherbanner.classesButton": "Moje triedy",
"teacherbanner.faqButton": "FAQ účet učiteľa", "teacherbanner.faqButton": "FAQ účet učiteľa",
"hocbanner.title": "Get Creative with Coding!", "hocbanner.title": "Buďte kreatívni s kódovaním!",
"hocbanner.titleTellStory": "Tell Your Story with Scratch!", "hocbanner.titleTellStory": "Povedzte svoj príbeh bez Scratch!",
"hocbanner.moreActivities": "See more activities", "hocbanner.moreActivities": "Zobraziť ďalšie aktivity",
"hocbanner.imagine": "Vymysli si svet", "hocbanner.imagine": "Vymysli si svet",
"hocbanner.codeACartoon": "Naprogramuj príbeh", "hocbanner.codeACartoon": "Naprogramuj príbeh",
"hocbanner.talking": "Rozprávajúce príbehy", "hocbanner.talking": "Rozprávajúce príbehy",
@ -48,6 +48,6 @@
"welcome.learn": "Nauč sa vytvárať projekty v Scratch", "welcome.learn": "Nauč sa vytvárať projekty v Scratch",
"welcome.tryOut": "Vyskúšaj štartovacie projekty", "welcome.tryOut": "Vyskúšaj štartovacie projekty",
"welcome.connect": "Spoj sa so Scratcherom", "welcome.connect": "Spoj sa so Scratcherom",
"activity.seeUpdates": "This is where you will see updates from Scratchers you follow", "activity.seeUpdates": "Tu uvidíte aktualizácie od Scratchers, ktoré sledujete",
"activity.checkOutScratchers": "Check out some Scratchers you might like to follow" "activity.checkOutScratchers": "Pozrite sa na niektoré Scratchera, ktoré by ste mohli chcieť sledovať"
} }

View file

@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
{ {
"studio.tabNavProjects": "Projekty", "studio.tabNavProjects": "Projekty",
"studio.tabNavProjectsWithCount": "Projects {projectCount}", "studio.tabNavProjectsWithCount": "Projekty {projectCount}",
"studio.tabNavCurators": "Správcovia", "studio.tabNavCurators": "Správcovia",
"studio.tabNavComments": "Comments", "studio.tabNavComments": "Komentáre",
"studio.tabNavCommentsWithCount": "Comments {commentCount}", "studio.tabNavCommentsWithCount": "Komentáre {commentCount}",
"studio.tabNavActivity": "Aktivita", "studio.tabNavActivity": "Aktivita",
"studio.showingDeleted": "Showing Deleted Studio", "studio.showingDeleted": "Zobrazuje sa odstránené štúdio",
"studio.title": "Názov", "studio.title": "Názov",
"studio.description": "Popis", "studio.description": "Popis",
"studio.thumbnail": "Miniatúra", "studio.thumbnail": "Miniatúra",
"studio.updateErrors.generic": "Something went wrong updating the studio.", "studio.updateErrors.generic": "Pri aktualizácii štúdia sa vyskytla chyba.",
"studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "That seems inappropriate. Please be respectful.", "studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "Zdá sa to nevhodné. Buďte prosím rešpektovaní.",
"studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "That is too long.", "studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "To je príliš dlhé.",
"studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "This cannot be blank.", "studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "Toto nemôže byť prázdne.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "Maximum file size is 512 KB and less than 500x500 pixels.", "studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "Maximálna veľkosť súboru je 512 kB a menej ako 500 x 500 pixelov.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image.", "studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Nahrajte platný obrázok. Súbor, ktorý ste nahrali, nebol obrázok alebo bol poškodený.",
"studio.followErrors.confirmEmail": "Please confirm your email address first", "studio.followErrors.confirmEmail": "Najprv potvrďte svoju e-mailovú adresu",
"studio.followErrors.generic": "Something went wrong following the studio", "studio.followErrors.generic": "Po štúdiu sa niečo pokazilo",
"studio.sectionLoadError.projectsHeadline": "Something went wrong loading projects", "studio.sectionLoadError.projectsHeadline": "Pri načítavaní projektov sa vyskytla chyba",
"studio.sectionLoadError.curatorsHeadline": "Something went wrong loading curators", "studio.sectionLoadError.curatorsHeadline": "Pri načítavaní kurátorov sa vyskytla chyba",
"studio.sectionLoadError.managersHeadline": "Something went wrong loading managers", "studio.sectionLoadError.managersHeadline": "Vyskytla sa chyba pri načítavaní správcov",
"studio.sectionLoadError.activityHeadline": "Something went wrong loading activity", "studio.sectionLoadError.activityHeadline": "Pri načítavaní aktivity sa vyskytol problém",
"studio.sectionLoadError.tryAgain": "Skús znova", "studio.sectionLoadError.tryAgain": "Skús znova",
"studio.projectsHeader": "Projekty", "studio.projectsHeader": "Projekty",
"studio.addProjectsHeader": "Pridať projekty", "studio.addProjectsHeader": "Pridať projekty",
"studio.addProject": "Add by URL", "studio.addProject": "Pridať podľa adresy URL",
"studio.openToAll": "Anyone can add projects", "studio.openToAll": "Projekty môže pridávať ktokoľvek",
"studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "You dont have shared projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "Zatiaľ nemáte zdieľané projekty, ktoré môžete pridať do tohto štúdia.",
"studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "You dont have favorite projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "Zatiaľ nemáte obľúbené projekty, ktoré by ste mohli pridať do tohto štúdia.",
"studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "You dont have recently viewed projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "Zatiaľ nemáte nedávno zobrazené projekty, ktoré by ste mohli pridať do tohto štúdia.",
"studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "You dont have student projects that you can add to this studio yet.", "studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "Zatiaľ nemáte študentské projekty, ktoré by ste mohli pridať do tohto štúdia.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Your studio is looking a little empty.", "studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Vaše štúdio vyzerá trochu prázdne.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Add your first project!", "studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Pridajte svoj prvý projekt!",
"studio.projectsEmpty1": "This studio has no projects yet.", "studio.projectsEmpty1": "Toto štúdio zatiaľ nemá žiadne projekty.",
"studio.projectsEmpty2": "Suggest projects you want to add in the comments!", "studio.projectsEmpty2": "Do komentárov navrhnite projekty, ktoré chcete pridať!",
"studio.browseProjects": "Browse Projects", "studio.browseProjects": "Prehľadávať projekty",
"studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Could not find that project. Check the URL and try again.", "studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Tento projekt sa nepodarilo nájsť. Skontrolujte adresu URL a skúste to znova.",
"studio.projectErrors.generic": "Could not add project.", "studio.projectErrors.generic": "Projekt sa nepodarilo pridať.",
"studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "You are adding projects too quickly.", "studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "Projekty pridávate príliš rýchlo.",
"studio.projectErrors.permission": "You do not have permission to add that project.", "studio.projectErrors.permission": "Nemáte povolenie na pridanie tohto projektu.",
"studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "That project is already in this studio.", "studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "Tento projekt je už v tomto štúdiu.",
"studio.creatorRole": "Studio Creator", "studio.creatorRole": "Tvorca štúdia",
"studio.hostRole": "Studio Host", "studio.hostRole": "Hostiteľ štúdia",
"studio.managersHeader": "Managers", "studio.managersHeader": "Manažérov",
"studio.unfollowStudio": "Unfollow Studio", "studio.unfollowStudio": "Prestať sledovať štúdio",
"studio.followStudio": "Follow Studio", "studio.followStudio": "Sledujte Studio",
"studio.editThumbnail": "Edit Thumbnail", "studio.editThumbnail": "Upraviť miniatúru",
"studio.curatorsHeader": "Správcovia", "studio.curatorsHeader": "Správcovia",
"studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Invite Curators", "studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Pozvite kurátorov",
"studio.inviteCurator": "Pozvať", "studio.inviteCurator": "Pozvať",
"studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Scratch používateľské meno", "studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Scratch používateľské meno",
"studio.curatorInvitationAccepted": "Blahoželáme! Teraz si správcom tohto štúdia.", "studio.curatorInvitationAccepted": "Blahoželáme! Teraz si správcom tohto štúdia.",
"studio.curatorInvitation": "Youve been invited to become a curator of this studio.", "studio.curatorInvitation": "Dostali ste pozvanie stať sa kurátorom tohto štúdia.",
"studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Accept Invite", "studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Prijmite pozvanie",
"studio.curatorInvitationError": "Something went wrong, try again later.", "studio.curatorInvitationError": "Niečo sa pokazilo, skúste to znova neskôr.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "You dont have curators right now.", "studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "Momentálne nemáte kurátorov.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Add some curators to collaborate with!", "studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Pridajte kurátorov, s ktorými môžete spolupracovať!",
"studio.curatorsEmpty1": "This studio has no curators right now.", "studio.curatorsEmpty1": "Toto štúdio momentálne nemá žiadnych kurátorov.",
"studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Could not invite curator.", "studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Nepodarilo sa pozvať kurátora.",
"studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "They are already part of the studio.", "studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "Sú už súčasťou štúdia.",
"studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "Could not invite a curator with that username.", "studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "S týmto používateľským menom sa nepodarilo pozvať kurátora.",
"studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "You are adding curators too fast.", "studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "Kurátorov pridávate príliš rýchlo.",
"studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "Do you want to promote this person to a manager?", "studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "Chcete túto osobu povýšiť na manažéra?",
"studio.curatorManagersCan": "Managers can...", "studio.curatorManagersCan": "Manažéri môžu...",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "add and delete curators", "studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "pridávať a odstraňovať kurátorov",
"studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "delete other managers", "studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "odstrániť ostatných manažérov",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "add and delete projects", "studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "pridávať a odstraňovať projekty",
"studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "If you trust this person and youre sure you want to give them extra permissions, click Promote.", "studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "Ak tejto osobe dôverujete a ste si istí, že jej chcete udeliť ďalšie povolenia, kliknite na Povýšiť.",
"studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "This studio has reached the limit of {managerLimit} managers.", "studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "Toto štúdio dosiahlo limit {managerLimit} manažérov.",
"studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "Its great to see that this studio is collaborative!", "studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "Je skvelé vidieť, že toto štúdio spolupracuje!",
"studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove an existing manager.", "studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Pred pridaním ďalšieho správcu budete musieť odstrániť existujúceho správcu.",
"studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} of {managerLimit}", "studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} z {managerLimit}",
"studio.managerThresholdInfo": "This studio has {numberOfManagers} managers. Studios can have a maximum of {managerLimit} managers.", "studio.managerThresholdInfo": "Toto štúdio má {numberOfManagers} manažérov. Štúdiá môžu mať maximálne {managerLimit} manažérov.",
"studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove managers until there are fewer than {managerLimit}.", "studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Pred pridaním ďalšieho manažéra budete musieť správcov odobrať, kým ich nebude menej ako {managerLimit}.",
"studio.transfer.youAreAboutTo": "You are about to make someone else the studio host.", "studio.transfer.youAreAboutTo": "Chystáte sa urobiť niekoho iného hostiteľom štúdia.",
"studio.transfer.cannotUndo": "You cannot undo this.", "studio.transfer.cannotUndo": "Túto akciu nemôžete vrátiť späť.",
"studio.transfer.thisMeans": "This means...", "studio.transfer.thisMeans": "To znamená...",
"studio.transfer.noLongerEdit": "You will no longer be able to edit the title, thumbnail, and description", "studio.transfer.noLongerEdit": "Už nebudete môcť upravovať názov, miniatúru a popis",
"studio.transfer.noLongerDelete": "You will no longer be able to delete the studio", "studio.transfer.noLongerDelete": "Štúdio už nebudete môcť vymazať",
"studio.transfer.whichManager": "Which manager do you want to make the host?", "studio.transfer.whichManager": "Ktorého manažéra chcete urobiť hostiteľom?",
"studio.transfer.currentHost": "Current Host", "studio.transfer.currentHost": "Aktuálny hostiteľ",
"studio.transfer.newHost": "New Host", "studio.transfer.newHost": "Nový hostiteľ",
"studio.transfer.confirmWithPassword": "To confirm changing the studio host, please enter your password.", "studio.transfer.confirmWithPassword": "Ak chcete potvrdiť zmenu hostiteľa štúdia, zadajte svoje heslo.",
"studio.transfer.forgotPassword": "Zabudol(la) si heslo?", "studio.transfer.forgotPassword": "Zabudol(la) si heslo?",
"studio.transfer.alert.somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong transferring this studio to a new host.", "studio.transfer.alert.somethingWentWrong": "Pri prenose tohto štúdia na nového hostiteľa sa vyskytla chyba.",
"studio.transfer.alert.wasntTheRightPassword": "Hmm, that wasnt the right password.", "studio.transfer.alert.wasntTheRightPassword": "Hmm, to nebolo správne heslo.",
"studio.transfer.alert.tooManyPasswordAttempts": "Too many password attempts. Please try again later.", "studio.transfer.alert.tooManyPasswordAttempts": "Príliš veľa pokusov o zadanie hesla. Skúste neskôr prosím.",
"studio.transfer.alert.thisUserCannotBecomeHost": "This user cannot become the host — try transferring to another manager", "studio.transfer.alert.thisUserCannotBecomeHost": "Tento používateľ sa nemôže stať hostiteľom skúste prejsť na iného správcu",
"studio.remove": "Odstrániť", "studio.remove": "Odstrániť",
"studio.promote": "Promote", "studio.promote": "Propagovať",
"studio.transfer": "Change Studio Host", "studio.transfer": "Zmeniť hostiteľa v štúdiu",
"studio.cancel": "Odmietni", "studio.cancel": "Odmietni",
"studio.okay": "Dobre", "studio.okay": "Dobre",
"studio.next": "Ďalší", "studio.next": "Ďalší",
"studio.back": "Naspodok", "studio.back": "Naspodok",
"studio.confirm": "Confirm", "studio.confirm": "Potvrďte",
"studio.commentsHeader": "Comments", "studio.commentsHeader": "Komentáre",
"studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Commenting for this studio has been turned off.", "studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Komentovanie pre toto štúdio bolo vypnuté.",
"studio.comments.toggleOff": "Commenting off", "studio.comments.toggleOff": "Komentovanie vypnuté",
"studio.comments.toggleOn": "Commenting on", "studio.comments.toggleOn": "Komentovanie",
"studio.comments.turnedOff": "Sorry, comment posting has been turned off for this studio.", "studio.comments.turnedOff": "Ľutujeme, pridávanie komentárov bolo pre toto štúdio vypnuté.",
"studio.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Studio comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.", "studio.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Štúdio komentáre v aplikácii Scratch sú vypnuté, ale nebojte sa, vaše komentáre sa uložia a čoskoro budú späť.",
"studio.sharedFilter": "Zdieľaný", "studio.sharedFilter": "Zdieľaný",
"studio.favoritedFilter": "Favorited", "studio.favoritedFilter": "Obľúbené",
"studio.recentFilter": "Najnovšie", "studio.recentFilter": "Najnovšie",
"studio.studentsFilter": "Študenti", "studio.studentsFilter": "Študenti",
"studio.activityHeader": "Aktivita", "studio.activityHeader": "Aktivita",
"studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "{profileLink} added the project {projectLink}", "studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "{profileLink} pridal projekt {projectLink}",
"studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "{profileLink} removed the project {projectLink}", "studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "{profileLink} odstránil projekt {projectLink}",
"studio.activityUpdateStudio": "{profileLink} made edits to the title, thumbnail, or description", "studio.activityUpdateStudio": "{profileLink} vykonali úpravy názvu, miniatúry alebo popisu",
"studio.activityBecomeCurator": "{newCuratorProfileLink} accepted an invitation from {inviterProfileLink} to curate this studio", "studio.activityBecomeCurator": "{newCuratorProfileLink} prijal pozvanie od {inviterProfileLink} kurátorom tohto štúdia",
"studio.activityRemoveCurator": "{removerProfileLink} removed the curator {removedProfileLink}", "studio.activityRemoveCurator": "{removerProfileLink} odstránil kurátora {removedProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeOwner": "{promotedProfileLink} was promoted to manager by {promotorProfileLink}", "studio.activityBecomeOwner": "{promotedProfileLink} bol povýšený na manažéra {promotorProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeHost": "{newHostProfileLink} was made the studio host by {actorProfileLink}", "studio.activityBecomeHost": "{newHostProfileLink} bol hostiteľom štúdia {actorProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeHostAdminActor": "{newHostProfileLink} was made the studio host by a Scratch Team member", "studio.activityBecomeHostAdminActor": "{newHostProfileLink} bol hostiteľom štúdia členom tímu Scratch",
"studio.lastUpdated": "Updated {lastUpdatedDate, date, medium}", "studio.lastUpdated": "Aktualizované {lastUpdatedDate, date, medium}",
"studio.followerCount": "{followerCount} followers", "studio.followerCount": "{followerCount} nasledovníkov",
"studio.reportThisStudio": "Nahlásiť toto štúdio", "studio.reportThisStudio": "Nahlásiť toto štúdio",
"studio.reportPleaseExplain": "Please select which part of the studio you find to be disrespectful or inappropriate, or otherwise breaks the Scratch Community Guidelines.", "studio.reportPleaseExplain": "Vyberte, ktorá časť štúdia je podľa vás neúctivá alebo nevhodná alebo inak porušuje Pokyny pre komunitu Scratch.",
"studio.reportAreThereComments": "Are there inappropriate comments in the studio? Please report them by clicking the \"report\" button on the individual comments.", "studio.reportAreThereComments": "Sú v štúdiu nevhodné komentáre? Nahláste ich kliknutím na tlačidlo \"nahlásiť\" pri jednotlivých komentároch.",
"studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Thanks for letting us know!", "studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Ďakujeme, že ste nám dali vedieť!",
"studio.reportYourFeedback": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.", "studio.reportYourFeedback": "Vaša spätná väzba nám pomôže vylepšiť Scratch.",
"studio.mutedCurators": "You will be able to invite curators and add managers again {inDuration}.", "studio.mutedCurators": "Znova budete môcť pozývať kurátorov a pridávať manažérov {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedProjects": "You will be able to add and remove projects again {inDuration}.", "studio.mutedProjects": "Budete môcť znova pridávať a odstraňovať projekty {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedEdit": "You will be able to edit studios again {inDuration}.", "studio.mutedEdit": "Opäť budete môcť upravovať štúdiá {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedPaused": "Your account has been paused from using studios until then.", "studio.mutedPaused": "Váš účet bol dovtedy pozastavený v používaní štúdií.",
"studio.mutedError": "Your account has been paused from using studios. Refresh for more information.", "studio.mutedError": "Vo vašom účte bolo pozastavené používanie štúdií. Ak chcete získať ďalšie informácie, obnovte stránku.",
"studio.alertProjectAdded": "\"{title}\" added to studio", "studio.alertProjectAdded": "\"{title}\" pridané do štúdia",
"studio.alertProjectAlreadyAdded": "That project is already in this studio", "studio.alertProjectAlreadyAdded": "Tento projekt je už v tomto štúdiu",
"studio.alertProjectRemoveError": "Something went wrong removing the project", "studio.alertProjectRemoveError": "Pri odstraňovaní projektu sa vyskytla chyba",
"studio.alertProjectAddError": "Something went wrong adding the project", "studio.alertProjectAddError": "Pri pridávaní projektu sa vyskytla chyba",
"studio.alertCuratorAlreadyInvited": "\"{name}\" has already been invited", "studio.alertCuratorAlreadyInvited": "\"{name}\" už bol pozvaný",
"studio.alertCuratorInvited": "Curator invite sent to \"{name}\"", "studio.alertCuratorInvited": "Pozvánka kurátora bola odoslaná na adresu \"{name}\"",
"studio.alertManagerPromote": "\"{name}\" is now a manager", "studio.alertManagerPromote": "\"{name}\" je teraz manažér",
"studio.alertManagerPromoteError": "Something went wrong promoting \"{name}\"", "studio.alertManagerPromoteError": "Pri propagácii \"{name}\" sa vyskytla chyba",
"studio.alertMemberRemoveError": "Something went wrong removing \"{name}\"", "studio.alertMemberRemoveError": "Pri odstraňovaní \"{name}\" sa vyskytla chyba",
"studio.alertTransfer": "\"{name}\" is now the host", "studio.alertTransfer": "\"{name}\" je teraz hostiteľom",
"studio.alertTransferRateLimit": "A studio can only change hosts once per day. Try again tomorrow." "studio.alertTransferRateLimit": "Štúdio môže zmeniť hostiteľa iba raz za deň. Skúste to znova zajtra."
} }

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedBody": "Scratch has many resources available to help you get started! Please see our {educatorResourcesLink} for Guides, Tutorials, and many other resources to help you run your class with Scratch!", "teacherfaq.educatorGetStartedBody": "Scratch has many resources available to help you get started! Please see our {educatorResourcesLink} for Guides, Tutorials, and many other resources to help you run your class with Scratch!",
"teacherfaq.educatorResourcesLink": "Educator Resources page", "teacherfaq.educatorResourcesLink": "Educator Resources page",
"teacherfaq.teacherWhatTitle": "Čo sú učiteľské účty", "teacherfaq.teacherWhatTitle": "Čo sú učiteľské účty",
"teacherfaq.teacherWhatBody": "A Scratch Teacher Account provides educators with additional features to manage student participation on Scratch, including the ability to create student accounts, organize student projects into studios, and monitor student comments. Learn more about Teacher Accounts in the video below:", "teacherfaq.teacherWhatBody": "Účet učiteľa Scratch poskytuje pedagógom ďalšie funkcie na správu účasti študentov v aplikácii Scratch, vrátane možnosti vytvárať študentské účty, organizovať študentské projekty do štúdií a monitorovať komentáre študentov. Viac informácií o účtoch učiteľov nájdete vo videu nižšie:",
"teacherfaq.teacherSignUpTitle": "Ako požiadam o učiteľský účet?", "teacherfaq.teacherSignUpTitle": "Ako požiadam o učiteľský účet?",
"teacherfaq.teacherSignUpBody": "To request a Teacher Account, please go to the teacher account <a href=\"/educators/register\">request form</a>.", "teacherfaq.teacherSignUpBody": "To request a Teacher Account, please go to the teacher account <a href=\"/educators/register\">request form</a>.",
"teacherfaq.teacherSignUpBodyHTML": "To request a Teacher Account, please go to the teacher account <a>request form</a>.", "teacherfaq.teacherSignUpBodyHTML": "To request a Teacher Account, please go to the teacher account <a>request form</a>.",
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"teacherfaq.studentTransferTitle": "Can I transfer a student from one Teacher Account or class to another?", "teacherfaq.studentTransferTitle": "Can I transfer a student from one Teacher Account or class to another?",
"teacherfaq.studentTransferBody": "No, it is not possible to transfer students from one class or teacher to another. You can create a new Student Account for the student using a different Teacher Account if they need to be part of a new class.", "teacherfaq.studentTransferBody": "No, it is not possible to transfer students from one class or teacher to another. You can create a new Student Account for the student using a different Teacher Account if they need to be part of a new class.",
"teacherfaq.studentAccountsTitle": "Žiacke účty", "teacherfaq.studentAccountsTitle": "Žiacke účty",
"teacherfaq.studentVerifyTitle": "Do I have to verify each of my student emails?", "teacherfaq.studentVerifyTitle": "Musím overiť každý môj študentský e-mail?",
"teacherfaq.studentVerifyBody": "No. The Teacher Accounts email address is used for all Student Accounts, so there is no need to verify students email addresses.", "teacherfaq.studentVerifyBody": "No. The Teacher Accounts email address is used for all Student Accounts, so there is no need to verify students email addresses.",
"teacherfaq.studentEndTitle": "Čo sa stane, ak \"ukončím\" svoju triedu?", "teacherfaq.studentEndTitle": "Čo sa stane, ak \"ukončím\" svoju triedu?",
"teacherfaq.studentEndBody": "Ak triedu ukončíte, profil vašej triedy sa skryje a žiaci sa už nebudú môcť prihlásiť (ale ich projekty a triedne štúdiá zostanú na stránke dostupné). Kedykoľvek môžete triedu znova otvoriť.", "teacherfaq.studentEndBody": "Ak triedu ukončíte, profil vašej triedy sa skryje a žiaci sa už nebudú môcť prihlásiť (ale ich projekty a triedne štúdiá zostanú na stránke dostupné). Kedykoľvek môžete triedu znova otvoriť.",
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"teacherfaq.studentDiscussionBody": "You can engage in discussions with other teachers by joining the {facebookGroupLink}, where you will find conversations about a number of topics, including Teacher Accounts. This group was established by the {creativeComputingLabLink} at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. You can also browse {scratchEdLink}, which is now an archived site, but includes extensive forums and resources related to Scratch in educational settings.", "teacherfaq.studentDiscussionBody": "You can engage in discussions with other teachers by joining the {facebookGroupLink}, where you will find conversations about a number of topics, including Teacher Accounts. This group was established by the {creativeComputingLabLink} at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. You can also browse {scratchEdLink}, which is now an archived site, but includes extensive forums and resources related to Scratch in educational settings.",
"teacherfaq.creativeComputingLab": "Creative Computing Lab", "teacherfaq.creativeComputingLab": "Creative Computing Lab",
"teacherfaq.facebookGroup": "Teaching with Scratch Facebook group", "teacherfaq.facebookGroup": "Teaching with Scratch Facebook group",
"teacherfaq.privacyPolicy": "Scratch Privacy Policy", "teacherfaq.privacyPolicy": "Zásady ochrany osobných údajov Scratch",
"teacherfaq.studentDataTitle": "Aké dáta zbiera Scratch o študentoch?", "teacherfaq.studentDataTitle": "Aké dáta zbiera Scratch o študentoch?",
"teacherfaq.studentDataBody": "When a student first signs up on Scratch, we ask for basic demographic data including gender, age (birth month and year), country, and an email address for verification. This data is used (in aggregated form) in research studies intended to improve our understanding of how people learn with Scratch.", "teacherfaq.studentDataBody": "When a student first signs up on Scratch, we ask for basic demographic data including gender, age (birth month and year), country, and an email address for verification. This data is used (in aggregated form) in research studies intended to improve our understanding of how people learn with Scratch.",
"teacherfaq.studentDataBody2": "When an educator uses a Scratch Teacher Account to create Student Accounts, students are not required to provide an email address. We encourage you to read the {privacyPolicyLink} for more information.", "teacherfaq.studentDataBody2": "When an educator uses a Scratch Teacher Account to create Student Accounts, students are not required to provide an email address. We encourage you to read the {privacyPolicyLink} for more information.",
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"teacherfaq.student250Body": "It is not possible to add more than 250 students to a single class. You can, however, create a new class on the {myClassesLink} and add another 250 student accounts to each new class.", "teacherfaq.student250Body": "It is not possible to add more than 250 students to a single class. You can, however, create a new class on the {myClassesLink} and add another 250 student accounts to each new class.",
"teacherfaq.myClasses": "My Classes page", "teacherfaq.myClasses": "My Classes page",
"teacherfaq.commTitle": "Komunita", "teacherfaq.commTitle": "Komunita",
"teacherfaq.commHiddenTitle": "Can I create a private class?", "teacherfaq.commHiddenTitle": "Môžem vytvoriť súkromnú triedu?",
"teacherfaq.commHiddenBody": "Nie. Všetky projekty a obsah vo vašej triede budú prístupné komunite Scratch.", "teacherfaq.commHiddenBody": "Nie. Všetky projekty a obsah vo vašej triede budú prístupné komunite Scratch.",
"teacherfaq.commWhoTitle": "S kým môžu moji žiaci interagovať na Scratchi?", "teacherfaq.commWhoTitle": "S kým môžu moji žiaci interagovať na Scratchi?",
"teacherfaq.commWhoBody": "Žiacke účty majú tie isté komunitné privilégiá ako bežné účty Scratch, napríklad zverejňovanie projektov, komentovanie, vytváranie štúdií, a pod. Ako učiteľ môžete vidieť celú aktivitu vašich študentov a vykonávať ľahké moderátorské akcie vo vašej triede.", "teacherfaq.commWhoBody": "Žiacke účty majú tie isté komunitné privilégiá ako bežné účty Scratch, napríklad zverejňovanie projektov, komentovanie, vytváranie štúdií, a pod. Ako učiteľ môžete vidieť celú aktivitu vašich študentov a vykonávať ľahké moderátorské akcie vo vašej triede.",

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"wedo2.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.", "wedo2.checkOSVersionText": "Minimálne verzie operačných systémov sú uvedené v hornej časti tejto stránky. Podľa návodu skontrolujte svoju verziu {winOSVersionLink} alebo {macOSVersionLink}.",
"wedo2.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows", "wedo2.winOSVersionLinkText": "Windows",
"wedo2.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS", "wedo2.macOSVersionLinkText": "macOS",
"wedo2.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Close other copies of Scratch", "wedo2.closeScratchCopiesTitle": "Zatvorte ostatné kópie aplikácie Scratch",
"wedo2.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the WeDo 2.0 at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.", "wedo2.closeScratchCopiesText": "Only one copy of Scratch can connect with the WeDo 2.0 at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"wedo2.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your WeDo 2.0", "wedo2.otherComputerConnectedTitle": "Make sure no other computer is connected to your WeDo 2.0",
"wedo2.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to an WeDo 2.0 at a time. If you have another computer connected to your WeDo 2.0, disconnect the WeDo 2.0 or close Scratch on that computer and try again.", "wedo2.otherComputerConnectedText": "Only one computer can be connected to an WeDo 2.0 at a time. If you have another computer connected to your WeDo 2.0, disconnect the WeDo 2.0 or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",