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synced 2025-03-14 07:00:36 -04:00
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This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"parents.title": "Ar Gyfer Rhieni",
"parents.intro": "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children\n can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and \nanimation with people from all over the world. As children create with \nScratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and \nreason systematically. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {scratchFoundation}, a nonprofit organization. ",
"parents.intro": "Mae Scratch yn iaith raglennu ac yn gymuned ar-lein lle mae plant\n yn gallu rhaglennu a rhannu cyfryngau rhyngweithiol fel straeon, gemau ac\nanimeiddio gyda phobl o bob cwr o'r byd. Wrth i blant greu gyda\nScratch, maen nhw'n dysgu meddwl yn greadigol, gweithio ar y cyd, a\nrhesymu'n systematig. Mae Scratch wedi'i ddylunio, ei ddatblygu, a'i gymedroli gan y {scratchFoundation}, sefydliad dim-er-elw.",
"parents.scratchFoundationLinkText": "Scratch Foundation",
"parents.overview": "Sut mae'n gweithio",
"parents.faq": "Cwestiynau Cyffredin",
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Beth yw cymuned ar-lein Scratch?",
"parents.faqCommunityBody": "Wrth gymryd rhan yng nghymuned ar-lein Scratch, gall aelodau ddarganfod ac arbrofi mewn cymuned dysgu agored gydag aelodau eraill Scratch o bob cefndir, oed a diddordebau. Gall aelodau rannu eu gwaith, derbyn adborth a dysgu gan ei gilydd.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Beth yw'r canllawiau ar gyfer cymuned ar-lein Scratch?",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Mae'r Tîm Scratch yn gweithio gyda'r gymuned i gynnal amgylchedd cyfeillgar a pharchus i bobl o bob oed, hil, ethnigrwydd, crefydd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol a hunaniaethau rhyw. Gallwch chi helpu'ch plentyn i ddysgu sut i gymryd rhan trwy ddarllen y {communityGuidelines} gyda'ch gilydd. Rydym yn gofyn i aelodau wneud sylwadau adeiladol a helpu i gadw'r wefan yn gyfeillgar trwy adrodd ar unrhyw gynnwys nad yw'n dilyn y Canllawiau Cymunedol. Mae Tîm Scratch yn gweithio'n ddyddiol i reoli gweithgaredd ar y wefan ac ymateb i adroddiadau, gyda chymorth offer fel yr hidlydd cabledd {CleanSpeak}.",
"parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Canllawiau Cymunedol",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Beth yw eich polisi preifatrwydd?",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Er mwyn diogelu preifatrwydd plant ar-lein, rydym yn cyfyngu ar beth rydym yn ei gasglu yn ystod y broses gofrestru a beth rydym yn ei roi yn gyhoeddus ar y wefan. Nid ydym yn gwerthu nac yn rhentu manylion cyfrifon i unrhyw un. Mae mwy i'w weld am ein polisi preifatrwydd ar ein tudalen {privacyPolicy}.",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"parents.title": "Pour les parents",
"parents.intro": "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children\n can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and \nanimation with people from all over the world. As children create with \nScratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and \nreason systematically. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {scratchFoundation}, a nonprofit organization. ",
"parents.intro": "Scratch est un langage de programmation et une communauté en ligne où les enfants\npeuvent programmer et publier du contenu interactif tel que des histoires, des jeux, et \ndes animations avec le monde entier. Quand les enfants créent avec \nScratch, ils apprennent à penser de façon créative, à collaborer, et\nà raisonner systématiquement. Scratch est conçu et maintenu par la {scratchFoundation}, une organisation à but non lucratif.",
"parents.scratchFoundationLinkText": "Scratch Foundation",
"parents.overview": "Comment ça marche",
"parents.faq": "FAQ",
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Qu'est-ce que la communauté en ligne de Scratch ?",
"parents.faqCommunityBody": "Quand vous participez à la communauté en ligne de Scratch, les membres peuvent explorer et expérimenter dans une communauté d'apprentissage ouverte à d'autres membres de Scratch de tous horizons, âges et centres d'intérêts. Les membres peuvent partager leurs travaux, obtenir des commentaires et apprendre les uns des autres.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Quelles sont les règles pour la communauté en ligne Scratch ?",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "L'équipe Scratch travaille avec la communauté pour maintenir un environnement amical et respectueux pour les personnes de tous âges, races, ethnies, religions, orientations sexuelles et genres. Vous pouvez aider votre enfant à apprendre à participer en lisant les {communityGuidelines} ensemble. Les membres sont invités à commenter de manière constructive et à maintenir le site web convivial en signalant tout contenu ne respectant pas les règles de la communauté. L’équipe Scratch travaille chaque jour pour gérer les activités sur le site et répondre aux rapports, grâce à l’aide d’outils tels que le {CleanSpeak}, un filtre contre les grossièretés.",
"parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Règles de conduite",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Quelle est votre politique de confidentialité ?",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Pour protéger la vie privée en ligne des enfants, nous limitons les informations demandées lors de l'inscription et aussi ce que nous rendons public sur le site web. Nous ne vendons ni ne louons de données sur les compte à qui ce soit. Vous pouvez en savoir plus à sur notre page sur la {privacyPolicy}.",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"parents.title": "Per i Genitori",
"parents.intro": "Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children\n can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and \nanimation with people from all over the world. As children create with \nScratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and \nreason systematically. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {scratchFoundation}, a nonprofit organization. ",
"parents.intro": "Scratch è sia un linguaggio di programmazione che una comunità online dove i ragazzi\npossono programmare e condividere con altri provenienti da qualunque parte del mondo\ni loro oggetti multimediali interattivi come ad esempio storie, giochi e animazioni. Quando i ragazzi creano con\nScratch imparano a pensare in modo creativo, a lavorare in maniera collaborativa e\na ragionare in modo sistematico. Scratch è progettato e supportato dalla {scratchFoundation}, un'organizzazione no-profit.",
"parents.scratchFoundationLinkText": "Fondazione Scratch",
"parents.overview": "Come funziona",
"parents.faq": "Domande Frequenti",
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"parents.faqCommunityTitle": "Cos'è la comunità online di Scratch?",
"parents.faqCommunityBody": "I membri della comunità online di Scratch, quando prendono parte alla vita della comunità, hanno la possibilità di esplorare e sperimentare all'interno di una comunità aperta dedicata all'apprendimento insieme ad altri membri di culture, età e interessi diversi. I membri possono inoltre condividere i propri lavori, richiedere suggerimenti e imparare gli uni dagli altri.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesTitle": "Quali sono le linee guida della comunità online di Scratch?",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "The Scratch Team works with the community to maintain a friendly and respectful environment for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You can help your child learn how to participate by reviewing the {communityGuidelines} together. Members are asked to comment constructively and to help keep the website friendly by reporting any content that does not follow the Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team works each day to manage activity on the site and respond to reports, with the help of tools such as the {CleanSpeak} profanity filter.",
"parents.faqGuidelinesBody": "Il Team di Scratch lavora a stretto contatto con la comunità per fare in modo che l'ambiente resti amichevole e rispettoso per persone di tutte le età, razze, etnie, religioni, orientamenti sessuali e identità di genere. Poi aiutare i tuoi ragazzi ad imparare il modo corretto di partecipare rivedendo insieme a loro le {communityGuidelines}. Ai membri della comunità è richiesto di commentare in modo costruttivo e di collaborare a mantenere questo sito un luogo amichevole segnalando qualunque contenuto che a loro avviso non rispetta le Linee Guida della Comunità. Il Team di Scratch lavora ogni giorno per poter gestire le attività che si svolgono sul sito e per rispondere alle segnalazioni grazie anche a tool come {CleanSpeak}, un filtro di linguaggio inappropriato. ",
"parents.faqCommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Linee Guida della Comunità",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyTitle": "Qual è la politica della privacy seguita da Scratch?",
"parents.faqPrivacyPolicyBody": "Per proteggere la privacy online dei ragazzi limitiamo le informazioni che raccogliamo durante la registrazione e quello che rendiamo pubblico sul sito. Non vendiamo o concediamo in uso a nessuno le informazioni degli account. Puoi saperne di più sulla nostra politica della privacy andando alla pagina della nostra {privacyPolicy}.",
Reference in a new issue