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synced 2025-01-08 13:42:11 -05:00
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5 changed files with 97 additions and 97 deletions
@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "Meddelande",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Uppdrag",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milstolpar",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Nå",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiativ",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Ekonomi",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supportrar",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Donera",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Message from the Scratch Team",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Our Mission",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "Årsredovisning 2019",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Att odla en värld av kreativt lärande",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Meddelande från Scratch-teamet",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 var ett år med stora framsteg för Scratch. Vi började året med lanseringen av Scratch 3.0, vår senaste generation av Scratch, designad för att väcka barns kreativitet och engagera barn med olika intressen och bakgrunder. Vi firade slutet av året med att vårt team flyttade från MIT till sitt nya hem på Scratch Foundation, i ett lekfullt utrymme på första våningen nära South Station i Boston. Under hela året fortsatte Scratch-gemenskapen att frodas och växa: Mer än 20 miljoner unga människor skapade projekt med Scratch 2019, en ökning med 48 % jämfört med året innan.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "Effekten och betydelsen av Scratch har lyfts fram under 2020 när covid-pandemin tvingade skolor att stänga. Aktiviteten i Scratchs onlinecommunity mer än fördubblades när unga människor, begränsade till sina hem, vände sig till Scratch för att uttrycka sig kreativt och få kontakt med varandra. Scratchers har också varit aktivt engagerade i Black Lives Matter och andra rörelser för rasrättvisa och rättvisa, och skapat animerade projekt och studior för att sprida medvetenhet och kräva förändring.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "Sedan vi lanserade Scratch 2007 har vi alltid sett Scratch som mer än ett programmeringsspråk. Scratch ger möjligheter för alla ungdomar, från alla bakgrunder, att utveckla sina röster, uttrycka sina idéer och skapa med varandra. Vi älskar att se hur Scratchers har svarat på de senaste samhällsutmaningarna med kreativitet, samarbete, omtanke och vänlighet.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "I den här årsrapporten kommer vi att dela mer om Scratchs uppdrag, planer, inverkan och räckvidd, med hjälp av exempel på hur Scratch utökar inlärningsmöjligheter för en bred mångfald av ungdomar runt om i världen, både i skolor och i hela världen. liv.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "Vi är stolta över vad unga människor skapar och lär sig med Scratch idag, och vi är fast beslutna att ge fler möjligheter för fler unga människor i framtiden.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— Scratch-teamet",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch svarar på COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "När vi skriver denna årsredovisning är vi månader in i covid-pandemin. Sedan mitten av mars 2020 har Scratch-kontoret varit stängt och Scratch Team-medlemmar har aktivt arbetat hemifrån för att stödja barn och pedagoger runt om i världen vars liv har störts av pandemin.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "Den 17 mars lanserade vi #ScratchAtHome-initiativet för att ge barn, familjer och pedagoger idéer för att engagera sig i kreativa lärandeaktiviteter med Scratch hemma. Vi fortsätter att lägga till videohandledningar och andra resurser till {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome-sida",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Aktiviteten i {scratchCommunityLink} har mer än fördubblats från förra året. Scratchers skapar och delar projekt för att stödja och inspirera andra genom pandemin – med projekt och studior som erbjuder idéer för att träna hemma, tips för att hålla sig friska, humor för att muntra upp varandra och tack vare viktiga medarbetare.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online-gemenskap",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Vårt uppdrag",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Vårt uppdrag är att ge alla barn, från alla bakgrunder, möjligheter att föreställa sig, skapa och samarbeta med ny teknik – så att de kan forma morgondagens värld.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "Vi är fast beslutna att prioritera rättvisa i alla aspekter av vårt arbete, med särskilt fokus på initiativ och tillvägagångssätt som stödjer barn, familjer och lärare längst bort från utbildningsrättvisa.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "Vi har utvecklat Scratch som en fri, säker, lekfull inlärningsmiljö som engagerar alla barn i att tänka kreativt, resonera systematiskt och arbeta tillsammans – väsentliga färdigheter för alla i dagens samhälle. Vi arbetar med pedagoger och familjer för att stödja barn i att utforska, dela och lära sig.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "När vi utvecklar ny teknik, aktiviteter och läromedel vägleds vi av vad vi kallar {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Fyra K för kreativt lärande",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Projekt",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "Peers",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Passion",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "Spela upp",
"annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milestones",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
"annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Public launch of Scratch programming language and online community",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organized first Scratch Conference for educators and developers",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Released Scratch 1.4, translated into more than 40 languages",
"annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Hosted first Scratch Day event for children and families",
"annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community reaches 1 million members",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Established Code-to-Learn Foundation (later renamed Scratch Foundation)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Launch of Scratch 2.0, providing new opportunities for collaboration",
"annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Launch of ScratchJr for younger children, ages 5 to 7",
"annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community reaches 10 million members",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "Kamrater",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Kärlek",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "Leka",
"annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engagera barn i att designa, skapa och uttrycka sig kreativt",
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Stöd barn i att samarbeta, dela, remixa och mentorskap",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Låt barn bygga vidare på sina intressen och arbeta med personligt meningsfulla projekt",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Uppmuntra barn att mixtra, experimentera och iterera",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milstolpar",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Här är några viktiga händelser och prestationer i historien om Scratch och det globala Scratch-communityt.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Tilldelades ett National Science Foundation-anslag för att starta utvecklingen av Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Erbjöd första Scratch-workshopen på Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
"annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Offentlig lansering av Scratch-programmeringsspråket och onlinegemenskapen",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Arrangerade första Scratch-konferens för pedagoger och utvecklare",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Släppt Scratch 1.4, översatt till mer än 40 språk",
"annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Var värd för det första Scratch Day-eventet för barn och familjer",
"annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community når 1 miljon medlemmar",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Etablerade Code-to-Learn Foundation (senare omdöpt till Scratch Foundation)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Lansering av Scratch 2.0, ger nya möjligheter till samarbete",
"annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Lansering av ScratchJr för yngre barn i åldrarna 5 till 7",
"annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community når 10 miljoner medlemmar",
"annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day grows to 1,100 events in 60 countries",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Initiativ",
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
"annualReport.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
@ -88,33 +88,33 @@
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Text-to-Speech",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.",
"annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projekt under 2019 använde text-till-tal",
"annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Most Popular",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} new Scratch Extension in the community",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} nytt Scratch-tillägg i communityn",
"annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Collaboration with Amazon Web Services",
"annualReport.toolsTranslate": "Översätta",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "With the Translate extension, built on the Google Translate API, kids can incorporate automatic translation into their projects, supporting language learning and global communication.",
"annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} languages translated in the extension",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} språk översatta i tillägget",
"annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Supports Literacy",
"annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "computer science and language arts",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} across {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} tvärs över {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
"annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Collaboration with Google",
"annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Physical World Connections",
"annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3",
"annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0",
"annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Students can create dancing robots, interactive sculptures, and data-collection experiments using Scratch with LEGO robotics kits. The new LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set features an app based on Scratch. In addition, Scratch extensions are available for {mindstormsLink} and {weDoLink}.",
"annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Eleverna kan skapa dansande robotar, interaktiva skulpturer och datainsamlingsexperiment med hjälp av Scratch med LEGO-robotkit. Det nya LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Setet har en app baserad på Scratch. Dessutom finns Scratch-tillägg tillgängliga för {mindstormsLink} och {weDoLink}.",
"annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Collaboration with LEGO Education",
"annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Videoguide",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 introduced a diverse collection of video tutorials to help kids get started with Scratch. The tutorials are open-ended and designed to encourage students to experiment, follow their interests, and express their own ideas.",
"annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 new tutorials",
"annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} tillgänglig i Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 million",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} views in 2019",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} visningar under 2019",
"annualReport.toolsApp": "Scratch App Supports Learning Offline",
"annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "downloadable app",
"annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "use on Raspberry Pi 4",
"annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "During 2019, the Scratch Team released Scratch 3.0 as a {downloadableLink} for use on multiple platforms, including Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS, and Android tablets. In addition, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released Scratch 3.0 for {raspberryLink}. These downloadable versions are especially important for millions of learners in areas where internet connectivity is unavailable or unreliable.",
"annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "Under 2019 släppte Scratch-teamet Scratch 3.0 som en {downloadableLink} för användning på flera plattformar, inklusive Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS och Android-surfplattor. Dessutom släppte Raspberry Pi Foundation Scratch 3.0 för {raspberryLink}. Dessa nedladdningsbara versioner är särskilt viktiga för miljontals elever i områden där internetuppkoppling är otillgänglig eller opålitlig.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi at Cartoon Network",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "To highlight what kids can do with Scratch 3.0, we collaborated with Cartoon Network to create a video featuring Abhi, a 12-year-old Scratcher who loves to make animations and games. In the video, Abhi meets with Ian Jones-Quartey, creator of OK K.O. and other Cartoon Network shows. Abhi introduces Ian to key features of the new version of Scratch, and together they draw and program an animation of a Cartoon Network character jumping up and down.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "My favorite thing about Scratch is the community, because they are nice and helpful to me. That’s why I’m always happy to share every project that’s in my dreams.",
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Vi hjälps åt att hålla sajten vänlig.",
"annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Community Engagement",
"annualReport.storySwap": "Story Swap",
"annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Another major role of the Community Team is to highlight and develop opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways. The team features projects and studios from community members to serve as inspiration, and it regularly posts Scratch Design Studios to encourage creative activity. Each summer, the team organizes an online Scratch Camp: the theme in 2019 was {storySwapLink}, with Scratchers building on one another’s stories.",
"annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "En annan viktig roll för Community Team är att lyfta fram och utveckla möjligheter för unga människor att uttrycka sina idéer och engagera sig på ett positivt sätt. Teamet har projekt och studior från communitymedlemmar som inspiration, och det publicerar regelbundet Scratch Design Studios för att uppmuntra kreativ aktivitet. Varje sommar anordnar teamet ett Scratch Camp online: temat 2019 var {storySwapLink}, med Scratchers som bygger på varandras berättelser.",
"annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch Design Studios",
"annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Some Scratch Design Studios from 2019:",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "Day in the Life",
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
"annualReport.communityQuote3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
"annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
"annualReport.studio": "studio",
"annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "As racial justice protests swept the United States after the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others in early 2020, many young people used Scratch as a way to express their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, creating projects and posting comments to speak out against racism and police violence. In a {BLMStudioLink} featured on the Scratch home page, Scratchers contributed hundreds of projects and thousands of comments. The Scratch Community Team was actively involved, to support Scratchers during a traumatic time and to ensure that all projects and conversations remained respectful.",
"annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "När rasrättsliga protester svepte över USA efter de tragiska morden på George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery och andra i början av 2020, använde många unga människor Scratch som ett sätt att uttrycka sitt stöd för Black Lives Matter-rörelsen, skapade projekt och lägga upp kommentarer för att tala ut mot rasism och polisvåld. I en {BLMStudioLink} på Scratch-hemsidan bidrog Scratchers med hundratals projekt och tusentals kommentarer. Scratch Community Team var aktivt involverat för att stödja Scratchers under en traumatisk tid och för att säkerställa att alla projekt och samtal förblev respektfulla.",
"annualReport.communityArtwork": "Artwork by the Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
"annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "We see young people as agents of change.",
"annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "We are committed to working with them, and with the educators and families who support them, to ensure that they develop the skills, the motivation, and the confidence they’ll need to lead fulfilling lives and bring about meaningful change in society.",
@ -169,27 +169,27 @@
"annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Photos by Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
"annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investing in Professional Development for Teachers",
"annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Teachers across the participating elementary schools came together for professional development workshops, gaining first-hand experience in creating their own Scratch projects and finding meaningful ways to use Scratch to support student learning across the curriculum.",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS Educator",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS-pedagog",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "What surprised me most was the intrinsic collaboration that came with using Scratch in my classroom. Often, students themselves would discover something in the Scratch platform, show me, and then spread it among themselves.",
"annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Extending the Reach",
"annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "To expand the reach of this partnership, CS4ALL Chicago built on the Family Creative Coding Night model and has made it available to all Chicago Public Schools. Google CS First produced {codeYourHeroLink} guides for students and teachers, available free online in English and Spanish.",
"annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "För att utöka räckvidden för detta partnerskap byggde CS4ALL Chicago på Family Creative Coding Night-modellen och har gjort den tillgänglig för alla Chicago Public Schools. Google CS First producerade {codeYourHeroLink}-guider för elever och lärare, tillgängliga gratis online på engelska och spanska.",
"annualReport.codeYourHero": "Code Your Hero",
"annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "In the News",
"annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Chicago Sun Times Article",
"annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Rolling Stone Article",
"annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World",
"annualReport.conferencesIntro": "In 2008, the Scratch Team hosted the first Scratch conference at MIT, bringing together educators, researchers, and developers to share ideas and experiences for using Scratch to support creative learning. Since then, the Scratch Team has organized and hosted a Scratch conference at MIT every two years. In addition, members of the global Scratch community have organized and hosted more than a dozen conferences—stretching across oceans, continents, cultures, and languages.",
"annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, foto av {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "I maj 2019 samlades lärare från hela Chile och andra områden i Latinamerika för den andra {scratchAlSurLink} konferensen i Santiago, Chile. Efter konferensen släppte Scratch al Sur en {spanishVersionLink} av {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guiden, utvecklad av Creative Computing-gruppen vid Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
"annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Foto tillhandahållet av {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europe",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "I augusti 2019 anordnade Raspberry Pi Foundation den fjärde {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, som hölls i Cambridge, Storbritannien. Konferensen samlade formella och informella lärare från mer än 25 länder för praktiska workshops, presentationer och demonstrationer av studenter, utbildare, forskare och samhällsbaserade organisationer.",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Foto tillhandahållet av {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Africa",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "I oktober 2019 hölls den första {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} en i Nairobi, Kenya, och lockade mer än 250 lärare och studenter från hela Afrika för att dela lektioner, stärka unga människor och fira framgångar inom kreativ kodning. På konferensen lanserade Scratch Team en swahiliversion av Scratch, tillgänglig för användning både online och offline.",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Foto tillhandahållet av {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019",
"annualReport.financialsButton": "2019 Audited Financials",
"annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Note: Financials in future years will be significantly different, since the Scratch staff has now transitioned from MIT to the Scratch Foundation.",
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
"annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Uppdrag",
"annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Nå",
"annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Themes",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
"annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Supportrar",
"annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "Donera",
"annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020 Annual Report",
@ -21,20 +21,20 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Mission",
"annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Uppdrag",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the Four P’s of Creative Learning:",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.2020.fourPs": "Fyra P för kreativt lärande",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsTitle": "Projekt",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersTitle": "Peers",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionTitle": "Passion",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersTitle": "Kamrater",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionTitle": "Kärlek",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayTitle": "Spela upp",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
"annualReport.2020.missionProjectsDescription": "Engagera barn i att designa, skapa och uttrycka sig kreativt",
"annualReport.2020.missionPeersDescription": "Stöd barn i att samarbeta, dela, remixa och mentorskap",
"annualReport.2020.missionPassionDescription": "Låt barn bygga vidare på sina intressen och arbeta med personligt meningsfulla projekt",
"annualReport.2020.missionPlayDescription": "Uppmuntra barn att mixtra, experimentera och iterera",
"annualReport.2020.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
"annualReport.2020.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
"annualReport.2020.reachMillion": "million",
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsMillion": "3 {million}",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloads": "Downloads in 2020",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} from 2019",
"annualReport.2020.reachDownloadsIncrease": "2 {million} från 2019",
"annualReport.2020.themesTitle": "Emerging Themes",
"annualReport.2020.themesDescription": "As young people faced the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, Scratch became a more important place than ever for them to connect, create, and express themselves. Throughout the year, our work was focused on three areas to best support our growing global community: connectivity, adaptation, and community. As always, our efforts were grounded in our commitment to equity and inclusion.",
"annualReport.2020.equity": "Equity",
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryBrazilParagraph": "The Brazilian Creative Learning Network is a grassroots movement that implements playful, creative and relevant hands-on educational practices throughout Brazil. In 2020, the Scratch Team presented at the Brazilian Creative Learning Network’s Creative Learning Week event to share how kids were using Scratch to build community, express themselves, and speak out about what’s important to them. In turn, we learned how educators in the network were creating opportunities for self-expression with learners in their own communities.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaTitle": "Quest Alliance",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndia": "India",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest Alliance empowers millions of learners and educators with 21st century skills, including creative computing. In 2020, {QuestAllianceLink} shared Scratch with learners and educators across India.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryIndiaParagraph": "Quest Alliance ger miljontals elever och lärare 2000-talets färdigheter, inklusive kreativ datoranvändning. 2020 delade {QuestAllianceLink} Scratch med elever och lärare över hela Indien.",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSATitle": "Raspberry Pi Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSA": "UK",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "The Raspberry Pi Foundation works to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. Through their Making at Home initiative, they lead livestream events that encouraged families and young people to learn and create together. Several of these livestreams featured Scratch tutorials—and sometimes, even {USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityCountryUSAParagraph": "Raspberry Pi Foundation arbetar för att lägga kraften i datoranvändning och digital tillverkning i händerna på människor över hela världen. Genom sitt initiativ Making at Home leder de livestream-evenemang som uppmuntrade familjer och ungdomar att lära sig och skapa tillsammans. Flera av dessa livestreamar innehöll Scratch-tutorials – och ibland till och med {USALink}!",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResources": "Resurser",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesSubtitle": "Localizing with Support from the LEGO Foundation",
"annualReport.2020.connectivityResourcesParagraph": "To support our growing global reach and aid our COVID-19 response, the LEGO Foundation supported Scratch with a generous grant. With this funding, we were able to localize key resources and reach even more young people around the world.",
@ -120,16 +120,16 @@
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText": "In Aaron Reuland’s Title One school in Norwood, Massachusetts, he counted on Scratch to help engage remote students in creative learning and rekindle their sense of community “when the only things I could count on us all having were a working computer and an internet connection.”",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2": "Aaron’s students worked together to build a “kooky” version of their town called “Norwouldn’t,” packed with storybook creatures, original artwork, and interconnecting narratives. It was one of many collaborative Scratch projects Aaron facilitated to remind students that even while COVID-19 kept them inside their homes, they were still part of a caring and joyful community.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle2": "Scratch at Home",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2b": "On March 17, we responded to the COVID-19 crisis by launching the {linkText} to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. It was an invaluable way to connect with our community and adapt to a whole new way of learning and interacting online.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText2b": "Den 17 mars reagerade vi på covid-19-krisen genom att lansera {linkText} för att ge barn, familjer och pedagoger ideer för att engagera sig i kreativa lärandeaktiviteter med Scratch hemma. Det var ett ovärderligt sätt att få kontakt med vårt samhälle och anpassa sig till ett helt nytt sätt att lära och interagera online.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle3": "Live Create-Alongs",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText3b": "Our team hosted weekly, live {linkText} to connect with kids, parents, and educators at home and share tips and tricks for creating different types of Scratch projects. We had a blast seeing the projects they were inspired to create in our Create-Along studios!",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText3b": "Vårt team var värd varje vecka, live {linkText} för att få kontakt med barn, föräldrar och pedagoger hemma och dela tips och tricks för att skapa olika typer av Scratch-projekt. Vi hade en fantastisk tur att se projekten de inspirerades att skapa i våra skapa längs studios!",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightTitle4": "Hack Your Window",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText4b": "Scratch educator Eduard Muntaner Perich created a #ScratchAtHome-inspired studio that took the community by storm: {linkText}. Hundreds of Scratchers from all over the world imagined fantastical games and stories happening just outside their window.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationHighlightText4b": "Scratch-pedagog Eduard Muntaner Perich skapade en #ScratchAtHome-inspirerad studio som tog samhället med storm: {linkText}. Hundratals Scratchers från hela världen föreställde sig fantastiska spel och berättelser som hände precis utanför deras fönster.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsTitle": "Connecting with Educators",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationEducatorsText": "Educators around the world shared their own #ScratchAtHome ideas and discussed the struggles and triumphs of teaching remotely in a lively Twitter Chat on April 8th, 2020.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot": "Snapshots",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Title": "Computer Clubhouse Network Virtual Workshops",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Text": "As part of our longstanding partnership, the Scratch Team conducts workshops for youth educators from {linkText}. Like educators around the world, our team had to conduct online workshops for the first time in 2020—and learn how to combat the isolation and technical difficulties of virtual learning. But thanks to online collaboration tools and innovative methods of sharing and reflecting, the team was able to recreate the collaborative, playful spirit of in-person workshops in a virtual space.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot1Text": "Som en del av vårt långvariga partnerskap genomför Scratch-teamet workshops för ungdomspedagoger från {linkText}. Liksom lärare runt om i världen var vårt team tvungen att genomföra onlineworkshops för första gången 2020 – och lära sig hur man bekämpar isoleringen och de tekniska svårigheterna med virtuell inlärning. Men tack vare samarbetsverktyg online och innovativa metoder för att dela och reflektera kunde teamet återskapa den samarbetande, lekfulla andan av personliga workshops i ett virtuellt utrymme.",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Title": "Bring Yourself Into Scratch",
"annualReport.2020.adaptationSnapshot2Text": "2020 was also a year of adapting our tools and platform. We developed and added new sprites to the Sprite Library to inspire and enable beginner Scratchers to make projects representative of their racial, cultural, gender, or other personal identity.",
"annualReport.2020.communityTitle": "Gemenskap",
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
"annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Uppdrag",
"annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Nå",
"annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Themes",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
"annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Supportrar",
"annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "Donera",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 Annual Report",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Mission",
"annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Uppdrag",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.reachNewUsers": "New Users",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
"annualReport.2021.reachProjectCreators": "People Creating Projects",
"annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch is used around the world across {numberOfCountries}",
"annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorld": "Scratch används över hela världen {numberOfCountries}",
"annualReport.2021.reachScratchAroundTheWorldBold": "more than 200 countries and territories",
"annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaTitle": "Saudi Arabia",
"annualReport.2021.reachSaudiArabiaDescription": "We saw tremendous growth around the world in 2021, but we were amazed to see the growth in Saudi Arabia, where we saw twice as many new users as the year before.",
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.communityTitle": "Gemenskap",
"annualReport.2021.communityIntro": "In 2021, the Scratch community continued to experience rapid growth as even more young people around the world created and connected alongside their peers. We also continued to develop partnerships with community members to improve the Scratch experience for our diverse community of users.",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConference": "Scratchkonferens",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "In July, educators in our global community came together to celebrate creative coding at the Scratch Conference. This free, virtual event was led by our collaborators at MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. The conference brought together {more_bold}, who spent the day connecting, collaborating, and learning from one another, even as COVID kept us apart.",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1": "I juli samlades lärare i vårt globala community för att fira kreativ kodning på Scratch Conference. Detta gratis, virtuella evenemang leddes av våra medarbetare på MIT:s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. Konferensen samlade {more_bold}, som tillbringade dagen med att ansluta, samarbeta och lära av varandra, även när COVID höll oss isär.",
"annualReport.2021.communityScratchConferenceText1More": "more than 1,500 educators and Scratch enthusiasts",
"annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslators": "Volunteer Translators",
"annualReport.2021.communityVolunteerTranslatorsText": "Since Scratch was launched in 2007, we have been committed to supporting our users worldwide. Our language translation volunteers work closely with the Scratch Team to help translate and localize our platform and resources for the diverse communities that we serve.",
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
"developers.jrBodyWebsiteLinkText": "ScratchJr website",
"developers.jrBody": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games. For more information, visit the {websiteLink} or access the code and documentation on {githubLink}.",
"developers.learningPrinciplesProjectsBody": "People learn best when they are actively working on projects — generating new ideas, designing prototypes, making improvements and creating final products.",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPassionTitle": "Passion",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPassionTitle": "Kärlek",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPassionBody": "When people focus on things they care about, they work longer and harder, persist in the face of challenges, and learn more in the process.",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPeersTitle": "Peers",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPeersTitle": "Kamrater",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPeersBody": "Learning flourishes as a social activity, with people sharing ideas, collaborating on projects, and building on one another's work.",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPlayTitle": "Spela upp",
"developers.learningPrinciplesPlayBody": "Learning involves playful experimentation — trying new things, tinkering with materials, testing boundaries, taking risks, iterating again and again.",
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@
"faq.deleteAccountBody": "Login to Scratch, and then click your username in the top right-hand corner. Select \"Account Settings\", then click the \"I want to delete my account\" link at the bottom of the page. But you should only do this if you are absolutely sure that you want to delete your account.",
"faq.scratchFreeTitle": "Is Scratch free? Can I use it wherever I want?",
"faq.scratchFreeBody": "Yes! Scratch is available free of charge. You can use it in your school, and you can teach a course about it (even a course that costs money). You don't need to buy a license: it's free!",
"faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Can I use screenshots of Scratch in a book or presentation?",
"faq.scratchScreenshotTitle": "Kan jag använda skärmdumpar av Scratch i en bok eller presentation?",
"faq.scratchScreenshotBody": "Yes, you can use screenshots / images of the Scratch application and website in a book or presentation, and consider them to be licensed under the {licenseLink} license. We ask that you include a note somewhere in your materials saying: \"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\".",
"faq.licenseLinkText": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike",
"faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Can I include a description of Scratch in brochures or other materials?",
"faq.scratchDescriptionTitle": "Kan jag inkludera en beskrivning av Scratch i broschyrer eller annat material?",
"faq.scratchDescriptionBody": "Sure! We recommend the following description: \"Scratch is a coding language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations -- and share your creations with others around the world. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Scratch is a project of the {sfLink} in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu\"",
"faq.presentScratchTitle": "Kan jag presentera Scratch på en konferens?",
"faq.presentScratchBody": "Please feel free to make presentations about Scratch to educators or other groups.",
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
"faq.scratchXBody": "The ScratchX website (scratchx.org) was an experimental testbed for extensions. Extensions created for ScratchX are not compatible with Scratch 3.0. Once experimental extensions are fully supported in Scratch we will discontinue support for ScratchX and provide developers and users time to transition off of ScratchX to the new extensions platform.",
"faq.cloudDataInfoTitle": "What are cloud variables?",
"faq.cloudDataInfoBody": "Cloud variables allow for data from a project to be saved and shared with other people in the Scratch community. You can use cloud variables to make surveys and other projects where others in the community to access and modify the data over time.",
"faq.makeCloudVarTitle": "How can I make a cloud variable?",
"faq.makeCloudVarTitle": "Hur gör jag en molnvariabel?",
"faq.makeCloudVarBody": "Go to the \"Variables\" section of the blocks palette, select \"Make a Variable\", and then click the checkbox next to \"Cloud variable (stored on server)\". The data associated with your cloud variable will be stored on the server, preserved over time, and accessible to anyone who opens the project.",
"faq.onlyNumbersTitle": "What types of data can be stored in cloud variables?",
"faq.onlyNumbersBody": "Only numbers can be stored in cloud variables.",
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"faq.changeCloudVarBody": "Only you and viewers of your project can store data in your project’s cloud variables. If people \"see inside\" or remix your code, it creates a copy of the variable and does not affect or change the original variable.",
"faq.newScratcherCloudTitle": "I am logged in, but I cannot use projects with cloud variables. What is going on?",
"faq.newScratcherCloudBody": "If you are still a \"New Scratcher\" on the website, you will not be able to use projects with cloud variables. You need to become a \"Scratcher\" to have access to cloud variables. See the Accounts section (above) for more information about the transition from “New Scratcher” to \"Scratcher\".",
"faq.multiplayerTitle": "Is it possible to make multiplayer games with cloud variables?",
"faq.multiplayerTitle": "Är det möjligt att göra multiplayer-spel med molnvariabler?",
"faq.multiplayerBody": "Multiplayer games may be difficult to create, due to network speed and synchronization issues. However, some Scratchers are coming up with creative ways to use the cloud variables for turn-by-turn and other types of games.",
"faq.schoolsTitle": "Scratch i skolan",
"faq.howTitle": "Hur används Scratch i skolorna?",
Reference in a new issue