From 10c321589390b49e60a72c127f4c55fc994b4e2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christopher <>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 03:19:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] pull new editor translations from Transifex
www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/be.json | 6 +--
.../be.json | 24 +++++-----
.../be.json | 10 ++--
.../be.json | 10 ++--
.../be.json | 8 ++--
.../be.json | 4 +-
.../be.json | 46 +++++++++----------
7 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/be.json
index 5a6afbea..35e0ae65 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/be.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.about-l10njson/be.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "about.introOne": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the {foundationLink}, a nonprofit organization. ",
- "about.introTwo": "Scratch promotes computational thinking and problem solving skills; creative teaching and learning; self-expression and collaboration; and equity in computing.",
- "about.introThree": "Scratch is always free and is available in more than 70 languages.",
+ "about.introOne": "Scratch гэта самая вялікая кодзінг супольнасць у свеце для дзяцей і мова кадзіроўкі з простым візуальным інтэрфэйсам якая дазваляе маладым людзям ствараць лічбавыя гісторыі, гульні і анімацыі. Scratch створаны, растрацаваны і змяняемы некамерцыйнай арганізацыяй {foundationLink}. ",
+ "about.introTwo": "Scratch спрыяе развіццю лічбавага мыслення і здольнасцям вырашэння задач; творчай адукацыі; самавыражэнню і супрацоўніцтву; і раўнапраў'ю ў вылічальнай тэхніцы.",
+ "about.introThree": "Scratch заўсёды бясплатны і даступны болей чым на 70 мовах.",
"about.foundationText": "Фонд Scratch",
"about.introParents": "Інфармацыя для бацькоў",
"about.introEducators": "Інфармацыя для настаўнікаў",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/be.json
index d193ce24..462941d1 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/be.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2019-l10njson/be.json
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
- "annualReport.subnavMessage": "Message",
- "annualReport.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
- "annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
- "annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
- "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
- "annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
- "annualReport.subnavTeam": "Team",
+ "annualReport.subnavMessage": "Паведамленне",
+ "annualReport.subnavMission": "Місія",
+ "annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Выбітныя падзеі",
+ "annualReport.subnavReach": "Дасягненні",
+ "annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Ініцыятывы",
+ "annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Фінансавыя паказчыкі",
+ "annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Падтрымка",
+ "annualReport.subnavTeam": "Каманда",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Ахвяраваць",
- "annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
- "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
+ "annualReport.mastheadYear": "Штогазовая справаздача 2019",
+ "annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Ствараем свет творчай адукацыі",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Message from the Scratch Team",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
- "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milestones",
+ "annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Дасягненні",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
- "annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Initiatives",
+ "annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Ініцыятывы",
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
"annualReport.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/be.json
index ba3ec56c..01a44d91 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/be.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2020-l10njson/be.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"annualReport.2020.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Reach",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavMission": "Місія",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavReach": "Дасягненні",
"annualReport.2020.subnavThemes": "Themes",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
- "annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Team",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavSupporters": "Падтрымка",
+ "annualReport.2020.subnavTeam": "Каманда",
"annualReport.2020.subnavDonate": "Ахвяраваць",
"annualReport.2020.mastheadYear": "2020 Annual Report",
"annualReport.2020.mastheadTitle": "Adapting to a Changing World",
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"annualReport.2020.missionTitle": "Our Mission & Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2020.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
- "annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Mission",
+ "annualReport.2020.missionHeader": "Місія",
"annualReport.2020.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2020.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/be.json
index 5e444018..d0bc2038 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/be.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.annual-report-2021-l10njson/be.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"annualReport.2021.subnavFoundersMessage": "Founder's Message",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Mission",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Reach",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavMission": "Місія",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavReach": "Дасягненні",
"annualReport.2021.subnavThemes": "Themes",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDirectorsMessage": "Director's Message",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
- "annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Team",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavSupporters": "Падтрымка",
+ "annualReport.2021.subnavTeam": "Каманда",
"annualReport.2021.subnavDonate": "Ахвяраваць",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadYear": "2021 Annual Report",
"annualReport.2021.mastheadTitle": "Building an Equitable Community Together",
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"annualReport.2021.missionTitle": "Our Mission, Vision, & Values",
"annualReport.2021.missionP1": "We are committed to educational justice and prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators who have been excluded from creative computing.",
"annualReport.2021.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
- "annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Mission",
+ "annualReport.2021.missionHeader": "Місія",
"annualReport.2021.missionSubtitle": "Providing young people with digital tools and opportunities to imagine, create, share, and learn.",
"annualReport.2021.visionHeader": "Vision",
"annualReport.2021.visionSubtitle": "To spread creative, caring, collaborative, equitable approaches to coding and learning around the world.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/be.json
index 7bd2df9c..a463f0b6 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/be.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.become-a-scratcher-l10njson/be.json
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
"": "Далей",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.communityGuidelines": "Правілы суполкі",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.getStarted": "З чаго пачаць",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.finishLater": "Finish Later",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.finishLater": "Скончыць пазней",
"becomeAScratcher.buttons.goBack": "Назад",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.iAgree": "I Agree",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.takeMeBack": "Take me back to Scratch",
- "becomeAScratcher.buttons.backToProfile": "Back to Profile Page",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.iAgree": "Я згодны",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.takeMeBack": "Вярнуцца ў Scratch",
+ "becomeAScratcher.buttons.backToProfile": "Вярнуцца на старонку профіля",
"becomeAScratcher.congratulations.header": "Congratulations, {username}! You have shown that you are ready to become a Scratcher.",
"becomeAScratcher.congratulations.body": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together. We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.",
"becomeAScratcher.toBeAScratcher.header": "What does it mean to be a Scratcher?",
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index ba49ec77..7ccb19a1 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/be.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-apps-l10njson/be.json
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"privacyApps.legalSharingDescription": "If required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is appropriate: (a) under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities, such as school, school districts, and law enforcement, including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms and conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.",
"privacyApps.communityHeader": "What Happens If I Upload My Project to the Scratch Online Community?",
"privacyApps.communityParagraph": "While using the Scratch App, you may choose to upload your project to the Scratch online community (“Online Community”). If you choose to upload your project to the Online Community, you are sharing your information outside of the Scratch App and providing it to the Online Community service. The information you share when uploading your project, such as your account and project information, will be governed by the Scratch online community {privacyPolicyLink}.",
- "privacyApps.studentsHeader": "Children and Student Privacy",
+ "privacyApps.studentsHeader": "Прыватнасць дзяцей і студэнтаў",
"privacyApps.coppa": "The Scratch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) does not apply to Scratch. Nevertheless, Scratch takes children's privacy seriously. Scratch collects only minimal information from its users, and only uses and discloses information to provide the services and for limited other purposes, such as research, as described in this Privacy Policy.",
"privacyApps.ferpa": "Scratch does not collect information from a student's education record, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Scratch does not disclose information of students to any third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy.",
"privacyApps.eeaHeader": "Your Data Protection Rights (EEA)",
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"privacyApps.withdrawalTitle": "Withdrawal Of Consent",
"privacyApps.withdrawalDescription": "Where we rely on consent for the processing of your Information, you have the right to withdraw it at any time and free of charge. When you do so, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before your consent withdrawal.",
"privacyApps.eeaComplaint": "In addition to the above-mentioned rights, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority subject to applicable law. However, there are exceptions and limitations to each of these rights. We may, for example, refuse to act on a request if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if the request is likely to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, prejudice the execution or enforcement of the law, interfere with pending or future litigation, or infringe applicable law. To submit a request to exercise your rights, please contact {helpEmail} for assistance.",
- "privacyApps.retentionHeader": "Data Retention",
+ "privacyApps.retentionHeader": "Захаванне звестак",
"privacyApps.retentionParagraph": "We take measures to delete your Information or keep it in a form that does not allow you to be identified when this Information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we process it, unless we are required by law to keep this Information for a longer period. When determining the retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of services requested by or provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you, possible re-enrollment with our services, the impact on the services we provide to you if we delete some Information from or about you, mandatory retention periods provided by law and the statute of limitations.",
"privacyApps.protectHeader": "How Does Scratch Protect My Information?",
"privacyApps.protectParagraph": "Scratch has in place administrative, physical, and technical procedures that are intended to protect the Information we collect on the Scratch App against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Information. However, as effective as these measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot completely guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that the Information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.",
diff --git a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/be.json b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/be.json
index cfc9af10..04e666b7 100644
--- a/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/be.json
+++ b/www/scratch-website.privacypolicy-l10njson/be.json
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- "privacyPolicy.nav.collection": "Collection",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.usage": "Usage",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.share": "Sharing",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.thirdParties": "Third Party Services",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.childPrivacy": "Children and Student Privacy",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.rights": "Rights and Choices",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.retention": "Data Retention",
- "": "Protection",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.changes": "Notifications of Changes",
- "privacyPolicy.nav.transfer": "Data Transfer",
- "": "How to Help",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.collection": "Калекцыя",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.usage": "Карыстанне",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.share": "Агульны доступ",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.thirdParties": "Паслугі іншых арганізацый",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.childPrivacy": "Прыватнасць дзяцей і студэнтаў",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.rights": "Правы і выбар",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.retention": "Захаванне звестак",
+ "": "Абарона",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.changes": "Абвесткі і змены",
+ "privacyPolicy.nav.transfer": "Перадача звестак",
+ "": "Як дапамагчы",
"": "Звязацца з намі",
"privacyPolicy.title": "Палітыка канфідэнцыяльнасці",
- "privacyPolicy.lastUpdated": "The Scratch Privacy Policy was last updated: May 25, 2023",
- "privacyPolicy.intro": "The Scratch Foundation (“Scratch”, “we” or “us”) understands how important privacy is to our community, especially kids and parents (“you”, “user”). We wrote this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to explain what Personal Information we collect through our website (, the “Scratch Website”), how we use, process, and share it, and what we're doing to keep it safe. It also tells you about your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Information, and how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns.",
- "privacyPolicy.offlineEditor": "If you would like to build projects with Scratch without submitting any Personal Information to us, you can download and use the Scratch app offline. Projects created in the Scratch app are not accessible by Scratch, and the app will only send anonymized information back to us if you choose to do so. If you upload your projects to the Scratch online community on the Scratch Website, we will collect your Personal Information as explained in this Privacy Policy.",
- "privacyPolicy.collectionTitle": "What Personal Information Does Scratch Collect About Me?",
- "privacyPolicy.collection1": "For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. You may provide us with Personal Information directly, such as when you create an account, or we may collect your Personal Information automatically, such as when you switch languages or view a project.",
- "privacyPolicy.collection2": "Where applicable, we explain whether and why you must provide us with your Personal Information, as well as the consequences if you choose not to do so. For example, you may not be able to benefit from the Scratch Website if that Personal Information is necessary to provide you with the service or if we are legally required to collect that Personal Information.",
- "privacyPolicy.youProvide": "Personal Information That You Provide Us",
- "privacyPolicy.accountInformationTitle": "Account Information",
- "privacyPolicy.accountInformationIntro": "In order to use the services and features that we offer on the Scratch Website, such as to share projects, create studios, or post comments, you need to create an account (your own account, a teacher account or a student account).",
+ "privacyPolicy.lastUpdated": "Апошняя змена палітыкі прыватнасці Scratch была 25 мая 2023",
+ "privacyPolicy.intro": "Фонд Scratch (“Scratch”, “мы” ці “нас”) разумее як важна абарона прыватнасці для нашай супольнасці, асабліва для дзяцей і бацькоў (“вы”, “карыстальнікі”). Мы склалі гэту палітыку прыватнасці (“Палітыка прыватнасці”) для тлумачэння якія асабістыя звесткі мы збіраем праз наш сайт (, “Сайт Scratch”), як мы іх выкарыстоўваем, апрацоўваем і дзелімся імі, і што мы робім, каб іх абараніць. Тут, так сама, апісаны вашы правы і магчымасцях выбару ў адносінах да вашай асабістай інфармацыі і як вы можаце звязацца з намі калі вы маеце любыя пытанні.",
+ "privacyPolicy.offlineEditor": "IКалі вы жадаеце пабудаваць праекты з Scratch без падання асабістай інфармацыі, вы можаце спампаваць і карыстацца афлайн дастасаваннем Scratch . Праекты створаныя ў дастасаванні Scratch не з'яяўляюцца даступнымі для Scratch і дастасаванне будзе дасылаць нам ананімную інфармацыю калі вы гэта дазволіце. Калі вы загрузіце вашы праекты ў анлайн супольнасць Scratch online на сайте Scratch, мы будзем збіраць асабістую інфармацыю згодна з умовамі палітымі прыватнасці.",
+ "privacyPolicy.collectionTitle": "Якую маю асабістую інфармацыю збірае Scratch?",
+ "privacyPolicy.collection1": "Для Палітыкі прыватнасці, “Персанальная інфармацыя” азначае любая інфармацыя звязаная ідэнтыфікацыяй фізічнага ліца. Вы можаце падаць нам сваю асабістую інформацыю перасрэдна, напрыклад пад час стварэння рахунка, ці мы можам сабраць яе аўтаматычна, напрыклад пад час пераключэння вамі моваў ці прагляду праектаў.",
+ "privacyPolicy.collection2": "Там дзе гэта патрэбна, мы тлумачым дзе і чаму мы збіраем асабістую інфармацыю і прапануем магчымасць адмовіцца ад гэтага. Напрыклад Напрыклад вы не можаце скарыстацца магчымасцямі сайта Scratch калі неабходная асабістая інфармацыя не паданая, ці мы павінны яе атрымаць згодна з патрабаваннямі заканадаўства.",
+ "privacyPolicy.youProvide": "Асабістая інфармацыя, якую вы нам падалі",
+ "privacyPolicy.accountInformationTitle": "Інфармацыя ўліковага запісу",
+ "privacyPolicy.accountInformationIntro": "Для таго каб скарыстацца паслугамі і магчымасцямі, якія прапануе сайт Scratch, напрыклад дзяліцца праектамі, ствараць студыі ці пакідаць каментары, вам неабходна стварыць уліковы запіс (ваш уліковы запіс, настаўніка, ці студэнта).",
"privacyPolicy.yourAccount": "When you create an account for yourself, we ask you for a username and password, your country, gender, and your email address. We ask that you select a username that does not disclose your real name or other information that could identify you. Other users can see your username and country, but not your gender or email address.",
"privacyPolicy.teacherAccount": "When you create a teacher account, we ask for a username and password, your phone number, birthdate, gender, country of residence, name, and details about your employer.",
"privacyPolicy.studentAccount": "When you create student accounts through your teacher account, we ask for a username, password, birthdate, gender, and country of residence. You do not need to provide students’ email addresses to create bulk student accounts.",
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
"privacyPolicy.share.mergerBody": "To a potential or actual acquirer, successor, or assignee as part of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our organization or assets. You will have the opportunity to opt out of any such transfer if the new entity’s planned processing of your Personal Information differs materially from that set forth in this Privacy Policy.",
"privacyPolicy.share.legalTitle": "Прававыя пытанні",
"privacyPolicy.share.legalBody": "If required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is appropriate: (a) under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities, such as school, school districts, and law enforcement, including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms and conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.",
- "privacyPolicy.thirdPartyServices.title": "Third Party Services",
+ "privacyPolicy.thirdPartyServices.title": "Паслугі іншых арганізацый",
"privacyPolicy.thirdPartyServices.body": "This Privacy Policy applies only to the processing of your Personal Information by Scratch. It does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information, or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any site or service to which the Scratch Website links. The inclusion of a link on the Scratch Website does not imply endorsement of the linked site or service by us or by our affiliates.",
- "privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.title": "Children and Student Privacy",
+ "privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.title": "Прыватнасць дзяцей і студэнтаў",
"privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.body1": "The Scratch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) does not apply to the Scratch Website. Nevertheless, Scratch takes children’s privacy seriously. Scratch collects only minimal information from its users, and only uses and discloses information to provide the services and for limited other purposes, such as research, as described in this Privacy Policy.",
"privacyPolicy.childPrivacy.body2": "Scratch does not collect information from a student’s education record, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Scratch does not disclose personal information of students to any third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy: to service providers and research institutions.",
"privacyPolicy.rights.title": "Your Rights and Choices",
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"": "Restriction of Processing: You may request that we restrict processing of your Personal Information while we are processing a request relating to (i) the accuracy of your Personal Information, (ii) the lawfulness of the processing of your Personal Information, or (iii) our legitimate interests to process this Personal Information. You may also request that we restrict processing of your Personal Information if you wish to use the Personal Information for litigation purposes.",
"": "Withdrawal of Consent: If we rely on consent for the processing of your Personal Information, you have the right to withdraw it at any time and free of charge. When you do so, we will apply your preferences going forward and this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before your consent withdrawal.",
"": "However, there are exceptions and limitations to each of these rights. We may, for example, refuse to act on a request if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if the request is likely to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, prejudice the execution or enforcement of the law, interfere with pending or future litigation, or infringe applicable law. To submit a request to exercise your rights, please contact for assistance. In addition to the above-mentioned rights, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority including in your country of residence, place of work or where an incident took place subject to applicable law.",
- "privacyPolicy.retentionTitle": "Data Retention",
+ "privacyPolicy.retentionTitle": "Захаванне звестак",
"privacyPolicy.retentionBody": "We take measures to delete your Personal Information or keep it in a form that does not allow you to be identified when this Information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we process it, unless we are required by law to keep this Personal Information for a longer period. When determining the retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of services requested by or provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you, possible re-enrolment with our services, the impact on the services we provide to you if we delete some Personal Information from or about you, mandatory retention periods provided by law and the statute of limitations.",
"privacyPolicy.protectionTitle": "How Does Scratch Protect My Personal Information?",
"privacyPolicy.protectionBody": "Scratch has in place administrative, physical, and technical procedures that are intended to protect the Personal Information we collect on the Scratch Website against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Personal Information. For example, we use SSL/TLS for all data transfers and strictly limit access to the Scratch servers and the data we store on them. However, as effective as these measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot completely guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that the Personal Information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.",