mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 18:27:58 -05:00
pull new editor translations from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 151 additions and 151 deletions
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"about.lifelongKindergartenBookLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Aithris bhliadhnail",
"about.annualReportLinkText": "Aithris bhliadhnail",
"about.support": "Taic agus maoineachadh",
"about.support": "Taic agus maoineachadh",
"about.supportDescription": "Tha Scratch ri fhaighinn an-asgaidh le taic o na {donorsLink} againn. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh faic an {annualReportLink}. ’S urrainn dhut fèin Scratch a chuideachadh le tabhartas.",
"about.supportDescription": "Tha Scratch ri fhaighinn an-asgaidh le taic o na {donorsLink} againn. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh faic an {annualReportLink}. ’S urrainn dhut fèin Scratch a chuideachadh le tìodhlac.",
"about.donorsLinkText": "tabhartaichean",
"about.donorsLinkText": "tabhartaichean",
"about.donateLinkText": "duilleag nan tabhartasan",
"about.donateLinkText": "duilleag nan tabhartasan",
"about.donateButton": "Thoir tìodhlac dhuinn"
"about.donateButton": "Thoir tìodhlac dhuinn"
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"credits.supportersOpenHeader": "Scratch would not be possible without free and open source software, including:",
"credits.supportersOpenHeader": "Scratch would not be possible without free and open source software, including:",
"credits.currentSponsors": "Current Sponsors",
"credits.currentSponsors": "Current Sponsors",
"credits.currentFinancialSupport": "The following organizations are providing major financial support for Scratch:",
"credits.currentFinancialSupport": "The following organizations are providing major financial support for Scratch:",
"credits.donorsTitle": "Donors",
"credits.donorsTitle": "Donorer",
"credits.lifelongKindergartenTitle": "Lifelong Kindergarten Group",
"credits.lifelongKindergartenTitle": "Lifelong Kindergarten Group",
"credits.translationsTitle": "Translators",
"credits.translationsTitle": "Translators",
"credits.illustrationsTitle": "Illustrations",
"credits.illustrationsTitle": "Illustrations",
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
"credits.researchScratchEdLinkText": "pròiseact ScratchEd",
"credits.researchScratchEdLinkText": "pròiseact ScratchEd",
"credits.acknowledgementsTitle": "Taing",
"credits.acknowledgementsTitle": "Taing",
"credits.acknowledgementsContributors": "Chuir na daoine seo leasachadh is taic air Scratch rè nam bliadhnaichean:",
"credits.acknowledgementsContributors": "Chuir na daoine seo leasachadh is taic air Scratch rè nam bliadhnaichean:",
"credits.acknowledgementsDonors": "The Scratch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that relies on tax-deductible donations to support Scratch and keep it free for all. For a list of donors to the Scratch Foundation, please visit the {donorsLink}.",
"credits.acknowledgementsDonors": "’S e bhuidhean neo-phrothaideach a-rèir 501(c)(3) a th’ ann am Fonndas Scratch agus an eisimeil air tabhartasan a dh’fhaodar a chur an aghaidh cìsean ’s a chuireas taic ri Scratch ach am cùm sinn saor ’s an-asgaidh e dhan a h-uile duine. Airson liosta dhen fheadhainn a thug tabhartas do dh’Fhonndas Scratch, tadhail air {donorsLink}.",
"credits.acknowledgementsDonorsLinkText": "Supporters page",
"credits.acknowledgementsDonorsLinkText": "duilleag an luchd-taic",
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergarten": "The {lifelongKindergartenLink} at the MIT Media Lab initiated the Scratch project in 2002, and received a {nsfGrantLink} to support it a year later. The group publicly launched Scratch in 2007 and developed it through 2019, when the Scratch Team moved to the Scratch Foundation. The Lifelong Kindergarten group, led by Professor Mitchel Resnick, continues to collaborate with the Scratch Team to research and support creative learning with Scratch around the world.",
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergarten": "Thòisich {lifelongKindergartenLink} aig MIT Media Lab air pròiseact Scratch ann an 2002 agus fhuair sinn {nsfGrantLink} airson taic a chur ris bliadhna às dèidh sin. Chuir am bhuidheann Scratch air bhog gu h-oifigeil ann an 2007 agus chùm e an leasachadh a’ dol gu ruige 2019 nuair a dh’imrich Sgioba Scratch gu Fonndas Scratch. Tha am buidheann Lifelong Kindergarten fo stiùireadh Professor Mitchel Resnick ag obair còmhla ri Sgioba Scratch fhathast airson taic a chur ri foghlam cruthachail le Scratch air feadh an t-saoghal agus rannsachadh a dhèanamh air.",
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergartenLinkText": "Lifelong Kindergarten research group",
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergartenLinkText": "buidheann rannsachaidh Lifelong Kindergarten",
"credits.acknowledgementsNSFGrantLinkText": "National Science Foundation Grant",
"credits.acknowledgementsNSFGrantLinkText": "Tabhartas on National Science Foundation",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslators": "Le taic {translatorsLink} o fheadh an t-saoghail, tha Scratch ri fhaighinn ann an iomadh cànan.",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslators": "Le taic {translatorsLink} o fheadh an t-saoghail, tha Scratch ri fhaighinn ann an iomadh cànan.",
"credits.acknowledgementsLanguageOrganizers": "Many thanks to the following language organizers for helping to coordinate Scratch translators in their language:",
"credits.acknowledgementsLanguageOrganizers": "Mòran taing dha na h-eagraichean cànain seo a chuidicheas le co-òrdanachadh luchd eadar-theangachaidh Scratch sa chànan aca:",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslatorsLinkText": "eadar-theangadairean Scratch",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslatorsLinkText": "eadar-theangadairean Scratch",
"credits.acknowledgementsCommunity": "Tha sinn glè thaingeil airson nan tabhartasan uile a fhuair sinn o bhuill na coimhearsnachd Scratch o fheadh an t-saoghail a chuir ri Scratch le co-roinneadh am pròiseactan ’s am beachdan.",
"credits.acknowledgementsCommunity": "Tha sinn glè thaingeil airson nan tabhartasan uile a fhuair sinn o bhuill na coimhearsnachd Scratch o fheadh an t-saoghail a chuir ri Scratch le co-roinneadh am pròiseactan ’s am beachdan.",
"credits.acknowledgementsInfluencers": "Thug beachd-smuainean Seymour Papert agus Alan Kay brosnachadh is buaidh mhòr air an obair againn air Scratch.",
"credits.acknowledgementsInfluencers": "Thug beachd-smuainean Seymour Papert agus Alan Kay brosnachadh is buaidh mhòr air an obair againn air Scratch.",
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"credits.currentSponsors": "Na sponsairean làithreach",
"credits.currentSponsors": "Na sponsairean làithreach",
"credits.currentFinancialSupport": "Tha na buidhnean seo a’ toirt taic-airgid mhòr ri Scratch:",
"credits.currentFinancialSupport": "Tha na buidhnean seo a’ toirt taic-airgid mhòr ri Scratch:",
"credits.donorsTitle": "Tabhartaichean",
"credits.donorsTitle": "Tabhartaichean",
"credits.lifelongKindergartenTitle": "Lifelong Kindergarten Group",
"credits.lifelongKindergartenTitle": "Buidheann Lifelong Kindergarten",
"credits.translationsTitle": "Eadar-theangaichean",
"credits.translationsTitle": "Eadar-theangaichean",
"credits.illustrationsTitle": "Sgead-dhealbhan",
"credits.illustrationsTitle": "Sgead-dhealbhan",
"credits.acknowledgementsIllustrations": "Mòran taing dhan luchd-ealain a leanas a chuir ri tasg-lann sprìdean Scratch:",
"credits.acknowledgementsIllustrations": "Mòran taing dhan luchd-ealain a leanas a chuir ri tasg-lann sprìdean Scratch:",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"credits.title": "Wahongerwa na wachangiaji",
"credits.title": "Wahongerwa na wachangiaji",
"credits.developers": "Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the staff of the Scratch Foundation, a nonprofit organization.",
"credits.developers": "Scratch imetengenezwa, kusanidiwa, na kudhibitishwa na wafanyakazi wa Scratch Foundation, shirika lisilo la kibiashara.",
"credits.moderators": "Timu ya wakadiriaji wa Scratch inasimamia, inasaidia, na kuboraesha jamii ya mtandaoni ya Scratch: ",
"credits.moderators": "Timu ya wakadiriaji wa Scratch inasimamia, inasaidia, na kuboraesha jamii ya mtandaoni ya Scratch: ",
"credits.previousTitle": "Wanakikoa cha Scratch wa awali kutoka MIT.",
"credits.previousTitle": "Wanakikoa cha Scratch wa awali kutoka MIT.",
"credits.previousBody": "Michango mingi muhimu imetolewa na washiriki wa Timu ya Scratch wa awali, hao ni pamoja na John Maloney (ambaye aliongoza maendeleo ya programu kwa muongo wa kwanza wa Scratch) na Andrés Monroy-Hernández (aliyeongoza ukuzaji wa tovuti ya kwanza ya jamii ya Scratch). Wachangiaji wengine ni pamoja na:",
"credits.previousBody": "Michango mingi muhimu imetolewa na washiriki wa Timu ya Scratch wa awali, hao ni pamoja na John Maloney (ambaye aliongoza maendeleo ya programu kwa muongo wa kwanza wa Scratch) na Andrés Monroy-Hernández (aliyeongoza ukuzaji wa tovuti ya kwanza ya jamii ya Scratch). Wachangiaji wengine ni pamoja na:",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergartenLinkText": "Kikundi cha utafiti cha Lifelong Kindergarten",
"credits.acknowledgementsLifelongKindergartenLinkText": "Kikundi cha utafiti cha Lifelong Kindergarten",
"credits.acknowledgementsNSFGrantLinkText": "National Science Foundation Grant",
"credits.acknowledgementsNSFGrantLinkText": "National Science Foundation Grant",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslators": "Kwa msaada wa {translatorsLink} ulimwenguni kote, Scratch inapatikana katika lugha nyingi.",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslators": "Kwa msaada wa {translatorsLink} ulimwenguni kote, Scratch inapatikana katika lugha nyingi.",
"credits.acknowledgementsLanguageOrganizers": "Many thanks to the following language organizers for helping to coordinate Scratch translators in their language:",
"credits.acknowledgementsLanguageOrganizers": "Shukrani nyingi kwa wasimamizi wa lugha wafuatao kwa kusaidia kuratibu watafsiri wa Scratch katika lugha zao:",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslatorsLinkText": "Watafsiri wa Scratch ",
"credits.acknowledgementsTranslatorsLinkText": "Watafsiri wa Scratch ",
"credits.acknowledgementsCommunity": "Tunathamini sana michango yote ya wanachama wa jamii ya Scratch ulimwenguni, ambao wameunda mwelekeo wa Scratch kwa kushiriki miradi yao, fikra na maoni.",
"credits.acknowledgementsCommunity": "Tunathamini sana michango yote ya wanachama wa jamii ya Scratch ulimwenguni, ambao wameunda mwelekeo wa Scratch kwa kushiriki miradi yao, fikra na maoni.",
"credits.acknowledgementsInfluencers": "Maoni ya Seymour Papert na Alan Kay yamehimiza sana na kushawishi kazi yetu ya Scratch.",
"credits.acknowledgementsInfluencers": "Maoni ya Seymour Papert na Alan Kay yamehimiza sana na kushawishi kazi yetu ya Scratch.",
@ -56,5 +56,5 @@
"developers.faqDifferencesTitle": "Dè an diofar eadar Blockly agus Scratch Blocks?",
"developers.faqDifferencesTitle": "Dè an diofar eadar Blockly agus Scratch Blocks?",
"developers.faqDifferencesBody": "Tha Scratch Blocks stèidhichte air bun-tùs Blockly agus chaidh a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte a chum nam prionnsabalan a chuireas taic ri eòlas ionnsachaidh eadar-ghnìomhach.",
"developers.faqDifferencesBody": "Tha Scratch Blocks stèidhichte air bun-tùs Blockly agus chaidh a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte a chum nam prionnsabalan a chuireas taic ri eòlas ionnsachaidh eadar-ghnìomhach.",
"developers.faqCollabTitle": "Bu toigh leam obair còmhla ruibh. Ciamar a gheibh mi greim oirbh?",
"developers.faqCollabTitle": "Bu toigh leam obair còmhla ruibh. Ciamar a gheibh mi greim oirbh?",
"developers.faqCollabBody": "You can reach us over on {githubLink} or on our {contactUsLink} page. We look forward to hearing from you!"
"developers.faqCollabBody": "’S urrainn dhut conaltradh leinn air {githubLink} no air an duilleag {contactUsLink}. Bidh sinn toilichte cluinntinn uat!"
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"faq.changeUsernameTitle": "An urrainn dhomh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agam atharrachadh?",
"faq.changeUsernameTitle": "An urrainn dhomh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agam atharrachadh?",
"faq.changeUsernameBody": "Tha structar làrach-lìn Scratch an eisimeil air ainmean chunntasan cunbhalach, mar sin cha ghabh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad atharrachadh. Ma tha cruaidh feum agad air ainm-cleachdaiche ùr, ’s urrainn dhut cunntas ùr a chruthachadh ach feumaidh tu fhèin lethbhreac dhe na pròiseactan agad a chur a-nall.",
"faq.changeUsernameBody": "Tha structar làrach-lìn Scratch an eisimeil air ainmean chunntasan cunbhalach, mar sin cha ghabh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad atharrachadh. Ma tha cruaidh feum agad air ainm-cleachdaiche ùr, ’s urrainn dhut cunntas ùr a chruthachadh ach feumaidh tu fhèin lethbhreac dhe na pròiseactan agad a chur a-nall.",
"faq.shareInfoTitle": "Dè am fiosrachadh as urrainn dhomh a cho-roinneadh air / leis a’ chunntas agam?",
"faq.shareInfoTitle": "Dè am fiosrachadh as urrainn dhomh a cho-roinneadh air / leis a’ chunntas agam?",
"faq.shareInfoBody": "Na co-roinn fiosrachadh conaltraidh pearsanta, can an seòladh far a bheil thu a’ fuireach, an seòladh puist-d no an àireamh fòn agad no dad sam bith eile a ghabhadh cleachdadh gus conaltradh riut taobh a-muigh làrach-lìn Scratch. Dèan aithris air pròiseactan, beachdan no postaichean bùird-bhrath sa bheil an seòrsa seo de dh’fhiosrachadh ach an urrainn dhan sgioba Scratch am fiosrachadh a thoirt air falbh agus am poileasaidh againn an aghaidh co-roinneadh fiosrachaidh conaltraidh phearsanta a chur an cuimhne an ùghdair.",
"faq.shareInfoBody": "Na co-roinn fiosrachadh conaltraidh pearsanta, can an seòladh far a bheil thu a’ fuireach, an seòladh puist-d no an àireamh fòn agad no dad sam bith eile a ghabhadh cleachdadh gus conaltradh riut taobh a-muigh làrach-lìn Scratch. Dèan gearan mu phròiseactan, beachdan no postaichean bùird-bhrath sa bheil an seòrsa seo de dh’fhiosrachadh ach an urrainn dhan sgioba Scratch am fiosrachadh a thoirt air falbh agus am poileasaidh againn an aghaidh co-roinneadh fiosrachaidh conaltraidh phearsanta a chur an cuimhne an ùghdair.",
"faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Ciamar a sguabas mi às an cunntas agam?",
"faq.deleteAccountTitle": "Ciamar a sguabas mi às an cunntas agam?",
"faq.deleteAccountBody": "Clàraich a-steach air Scratch agus an uair sin briog air an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad san oisean deas aig a’ bhàrr. Tagh “Roghainnean a’ chunntais” agus an uair sin briog air a’ cheangal “Tha mi airson an cunntas agam a sguabadh às” aig bonn na duilleige. Gidheadh, na dèan sin ach ma tha thu cinnteach dha-rìribh gum bu toigh leat an cunntas agad a sguabadh às.",
"faq.deleteAccountBody": "Clàraich a-steach air Scratch agus an uair sin briog air an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad san oisean deas aig a’ bhàrr. Tagh “Roghainnean a’ chunntais” agus an uair sin briog air a’ cheangal “Tha mi airson an cunntas agam a sguabadh às” aig bonn na duilleige. Gidheadh, na dèan sin ach ma tha thu cinnteach dha-rìribh gum bu toigh leat an cunntas agad a sguabadh às.",
"faq.scratchFreeTitle": "A bheil Scratch an-asgaidh? Am faod mi a chleachdadh àite sam bith a thogras mi?",
"faq.scratchFreeTitle": "A bheil Scratch an-asgaidh? Am faod mi a chleachdadh àite sam bith a thogras mi?",
@ -144,9 +144,9 @@
"faq.reportContentTitle": "Dè nì mi ma chì mi rudeigin nach eil iomchaidh?",
"faq.reportContentTitle": "Dè nì mi ma chì mi rudeigin nach eil iomchaidh?",
"faq.reportContentBody": "’S urrainn dhut briogadh air a’ cheangal “Dèan gearan” air pròiseact, beachd, post na deasbaireachd, stiùideo no duilleag pròifil sam bith ma tha thu dhen bheachd gu bheil rudeigin ann nach eil ceart airson Scratch. Ma tha an suidheachadh toinnte, ’s urrainn dhut an ceangal {contactLink} (ri fhaighinn aig bonn gach duilleige) a cleachdadh gus a mhìneachadh. Dèan cinnteach gun gabh thu fiosrachadh mionaideach a-steach le ceanglaichean dha na duilleagan buntainneach.",
"faq.reportContentBody": "’S urrainn dhut briogadh air a’ cheangal “Dèan gearan” air pròiseact, beachd, post na deasbaireachd, stiùideo no duilleag pròifil sam bith ma tha thu dhen bheachd gu bheil rudeigin ann nach eil ceart airson Scratch. Ma tha an suidheachadh toinnte, ’s urrainn dhut an ceangal {contactLink} (ri fhaighinn aig bonn gach duilleige) a cleachdadh gus a mhìneachadh. Dèan cinnteach gun gabh thu fiosrachadh mionaideach a-steach le ceanglaichean dha na duilleagan buntainneach.",
"faq.noFlameTitle": "Dè nì mi ma chì mi gu bheil cuideigin mosach no mì-mhodhail?",
"faq.noFlameTitle": "Dè nì mi ma chì mi gu bheil cuideigin mosach no mì-mhodhail?",
"faq.noFlameBody": "Na cuir ris an teine! Cha tèid ach a h-uile rud a dholaidh ma fhreagras tu do bheachdan mosach le barrachd bheachdan mosach agus is dòcha gun tèid an cunntas agad a bhacadh air a shàilleibh. Cha leig thu leas ach aithris a dhèanamh air rud sam bith a tha mì-mhodhail no nach eil cuideachail agus bruidhnidh sinne ris an ùghdar. Bheir sinn sùil air na h-aithrisean iomadh turas gach latha - mar sin air do shocair, dèiligidh sinn ris.",
"faq.noFlameBody": "Na cuir ris an teine! Cha tèid ach a h-uile rud a dholaidh ma fhreagras tu do bheachdan mosach le barrachd bheachdan mosach agus is dòcha gun tèid an cunntas agad a bhacadh air a shàilleibh. Cha leig thu leas ach gearan a dhèanamh air rud sam bith a tha mì-mhodhail no nach eil cuideachail agus bruidhnidh sinne ris an ùghdar. Bheir sinn sùil air na gearanan iomadh turas gach latha - mar sin air do shocair, dèiligidh sinn ris.",
"faq.reviewContentTitle": "Dè nì sgioba Scratch nuair a thèid rudeigin aithris no bratach a chur ris?",
"faq.reviewContentTitle": "Dè nì sgioba Scratch nuair a thèid gearan a dhèanamh mu rudeigin no bratach a chur ris?",
"faq.reviewContentBody": "Bheir an sgioba Scratch sùil air na beachdan is na pròiseactan a chaidh aithris dhaibh gach latha. Ma bhriseas rudeigin {cgLink}, bheir sinn air falbh e agus cuiridh sinn rabhadh dhan chunntas. Dh’fhaoidte gum bac sinn na cunntasan no lìonraidhean a chaidh a chleachdadh gus a cho-roinneadh cuideachd a-rèir dè cho dona ’s a tha e no ma thug sinn rabhadh air a’ chunntas roimhe",
"faq.reviewContentBody": "Bheir an sgioba Scratch sùil air na beachdan is na pròiseactan air an deach gearan a dhèanamh gach latha. Ma bhriseas rudeigin {cgLink}, bheir sinn air falbh e agus cuiridh sinn rabhadh dhan chunntas. Dh’fhaoidte gum bac sinn na cunntasan no lìonraidhean a chaidh a chleachdadh gus a cho-roinneadh cuideachd a-rèir dè cho dona ’s a tha e no ma thug sinn rabhadh air a’ chunntas roimhe",
"faq.blockedAccountTitle": "Dè thachras nuair a chaidh cunntas a bhacadh?",
"faq.blockedAccountTitle": "Dè thachras nuair a chaidh cunntas a bhacadh?",
"faq.blockedAccountBody": "Nuair a chaidh cunntas a bhacadh, chan urrainn dhan t-sealbhadair inntrigeadh no a chleachdadh gus pròiseactan a chruthachadh no beachdan a postadh tuilleadh. Nuair a chlàraicheas an neach a-steach, chì e duilleag a mhìnicheas carson a chaidh an cunntas a bhacadh le foirm-lìn na cois leis as urrainn dha iarraidh gun tèid a dhì-bhacadh. Mas urrainn dhan t-sealbhadair a shealltainn gun do thuig iad carson a chaidh an cunntas a bhacadh agus ma bheir iad geall gun lean iad air {cgLink} san àm ri teachd, thèid iad a dhì-bhacadh.",
"faq.blockedAccountBody": "Nuair a chaidh cunntas a bhacadh, chan urrainn dhan t-sealbhadair inntrigeadh no a chleachdadh gus pròiseactan a chruthachadh no beachdan a postadh tuilleadh. Nuair a chlàraicheas an neach a-steach, chì e duilleag a mhìnicheas carson a chaidh an cunntas a bhacadh le foirm-lìn na cois leis as urrainn dha iarraidh gun tèid a dhì-bhacadh. Mas urrainn dhan t-sealbhadair a shealltainn gun do thuig iad carson a chaidh an cunntas a bhacadh agus ma bheir iad geall gun lean iad air {cgLink} san àm ri teachd, thèid iad a dhì-bhacadh.",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Fhuair cuideigin eile cothrom air a’ chunntas agam agus dh’adhbhraich iad gun deach an cunntas agam a bhacadh. Dè nì mi?",
"faq.stolenAccountTitle": "Fhuair cuideigin eile cothrom air a’ chunntas agam agus dh’adhbhraich iad gun deach an cunntas agam a bhacadh. Dè nì mi?",
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"general.country": "Land",
"general.country": "Land",
"general.create": "Find på",
"general.create": "Find på",
"general.credits": "Vores team",
"general.credits": "Vores team",
"general.donors": "Donors",
"general.donors": "Donorer",
"general.dmca": "DMCA",
"general.dmca": "DMCA",
"general.emailAddress": "E-mailadresse",
"general.emailAddress": "E-mailadresse",
"general.english": "Engelsk",
"general.english": "Engelsk",
@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
"general.year": "År",
"general.year": "År",
"footer.discuss": "Diskussions Fora",
"footer.discuss": "Diskussions Fora",
"footer.scratchFamily": "Scratch familie",
"footer.scratchFamily": "Scratch familie",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch is available for free thanks to support from our {donorLink}. We are grateful to our Founding Partners:",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch er frit tilgængelig takket være støtte fra vores donorer {donorLink}. Vi er taknemmelige overfor de partnere, som var med til grundlæggelsen:",
"footer.donors": "donorer",
"footer.donors": "donorer",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, and {donor4}.",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3} og {donor4}.",
"form.validationRequired": "Dette felt skal udfyldes",
"form.validationRequired": "Dette felt skal udfyldes",
"login.needHelp": "Brug for hjælp?",
"login.needHelp": "Brug for hjælp?",
"navigation.signOut": "Log ud",
"navigation.signOut": "Log ud",
@ -253,27 +253,27 @@
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "Dette projekt virker ikke",
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "Dette projekt virker ikke",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "Dette projekt kan blive forbedret med",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "Dette projekt kan blive forbedret med",
"report.reasonTooHard": "Dette projekt er for svært",
"report.reasonTooHard": "Dette projekt er for svært",
"report.reasonMisleading": "The project is misleading or tricks the community",
"report.reasonMisleading": "Projektet er vildledende, eller vil snyde fællesskabet",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "It's a face reveal or is just trying to show someone's picture",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "Det afslører et ansigt, eller vil bare gerne vise nogens billede",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "The project doesn't allow remixing",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "Projektet kan ikke remixes",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "I'm worried about the safety of the creator of this project",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "Jeg er bekymret for sikkerheden for skaberen af dette projekt",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Noget andet",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Noget andet",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Mean or Disrespectful to a Scratcher or Group",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Ondt eller respektløst overfor en Scratcher eller en gruppe",
"report.receivedHeader": "Vi har modtaget din rapport!",
"report.receivedHeader": "Vi har modtaget din rapport!",
"report.receivedBody": "The Scratch Team will review the project based on the Scratch community guidelines.",
"report.receivedBody": "Scratch Teamet vil gennemgå projektet med udgangspunkt i vejledningerne for Scratch-fællesskabet.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Vælg en grund til hvorfor herover.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Vælg en grund til hvorfor herover.",
"report.promptCopy": "Send venligst et link til det originale projekt",
"report.promptCopy": "Send venligst et link til det originale projekt",
"report.promptUncredited": "Please provide links to the uncredited content",
"report.promptUncredited": "Angiv venligst links til ukrediteret indhold",
"report.promptScary": "Please select the main reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptScary": "Angiv venligst den primære grund til at du mener, at dette projekt bryder {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "A \"jumpscare\" is when something unexpected flashes on the screen with the intent to scare someone.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "Et \"jumpscare\" er, når noget uventet dukker op på skærmen med det formål at skræmme nogen. ",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Please let us know more about the \"jumpscare,\" such as what happens, and when does it happen in the project. Also, providing the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop, associated with the jumpscare is helpful.",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Fortæl os venligst mere om denne \"jumpscare\", som for eksempel hvad der sker, og hvornår i projektet det sker. Det er en god hjælp også at angive navnet på spriten, kostumet eller baggrunden, som denne \"jumpscare\" relaterer til.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Please let us know where the image, drawing, or sound of realistic weapons occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Fortæl os venligst hvor billedet. tegningen eller lyden af realistiske våben optræder i projektet, som for eksempel navn på sprite, kostume eller baggrund. ",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projects should not contain realistic weapons, such as photographs of guns, realistic drawings or sounds. However, cartoon or fictional items like laser beams are okay.",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projekter bør ikke indeholde realistiske våben, for eksempel fotografier af skydevåben, realistiske tegninger eller lyde. Bemærk, at tegneserie - eller fiktionselementer er acceptable. ",
"report.promptEvent1": "Please let us know more about the scary event or story in the project. Providing more details will help the Scratch Team better understand the issue and address it.",
"report.promptEvent1": "Fortæl os venligst mere om den skræmmende begivenhed eller historie i projektet. Ved at angive flere detaljer, hjælper det Scratch teamet med at forstå og håndtere problemet. ",
"report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain mature themes such as harming someone.",
"report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch bliver anvendt af folk i alle aldre. Det er vigtigt, at projekter ikke indeholder upassende temaer, som for eksempel at volde skade på nogen. ",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Please let us know why you feel this image is too scary for Scratch, and where the image occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Fortæl venligst, hvorfor du mener at dette billede er for skræmmende for Scratch, og hvor billedet optræder i projektet, for eksempel navn på sprite, kostume eller baggrund. ",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain blood, realistic violence, or anything that may feel scary or too mature for younger audiences.",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch bliver anvendt af folk i alle aldre. Det er vigtigt at projekter ikke indeholder blod, realistisk vold, eller andet som kan være skræmmende eller upassende for et yngre publikum.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Please let us know why you feel this project is threatening another Scratcher.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Fortæl venligst, hvorfor du mener at dette projekt truer en anden scratcher. ",
"report.promptLanguage": "Please say where the inappropriate language occurs in the project (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
"report.promptLanguage": "Please say where the inappropriate language occurs in the project (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
"report.promptMusic": "Please say the name of the audio file with the inappropriate music",
"report.promptMusic": "Please say the name of the audio file with the inappropriate music",
"report.promptPersonal": "Please say where the personal contact information is shared (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
"report.promptPersonal": "Please say where the personal contact information is shared (For example: Notes & Credits, sprite name, project text, etc.)",
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
"thumbnail.by": "le",
"thumbnail.by": "le",
"report.error": "Tha rudeigin ceàrr le cur do theachdaireachd. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?",
"report.error": "Tha rudeigin ceàrr le cur do theachdaireachd. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?",
"report.project": "Dèan gearan mun phròiseact",
"report.project": "Dèan gearan mun phròiseact",
"report.studio": "Report Studio",
"report.studio": "Dèan gearan mun stiùideo",
"report.projectInstructions": "Nuair a chuireas tu gearan a-null, bheir thu eòlas dha sgioba Scratch mu pròiseactan a bhriseas {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. A bheil gin sa phròiseact seo a’ briseadh {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? Ma tha tu dhen bheachd gu bheil, innis barrachd dhuinn.",
"report.projectInstructions": "Nuair a chuireas tu gearan a-null, bheir thu eòlas dha sgioba Scratch mu pròiseactan a bhriseas {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. A bheil gin sa phròiseact seo a’ briseadh {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? Ma tha tu dhen bheachd gu bheil, innis barrachd dhuinn.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Riaghailtean giùlain sa choimhearsnachd Scratch",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Riaghailtean giùlain sa choimhearsnachd Scratch",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Tagh adhbhar",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Tagh adhbhar",
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
"comments.cancel": "Sguir dheth",
"comments.cancel": "Sguir dheth",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {Tha 1 charactar air fhàgail} two {Tha {remainingCharacters} charactar air fhàgail} few {Tha {remainingCharacters} caractaran air fhàgail} other {Tha {remainingCharacters} caractar air fhàgail}}",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {Tha 1 charactar air fhàgail} two {Tha {remainingCharacters} charactar air fhàgail} few {Tha {remainingCharacters} caractaran air fhàgail} other {Tha {remainingCharacters} caractar air fhàgail}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Seall barrachd freagairtean",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Seall barrachd freagairtean",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "Tha snàithlean nam beachdan seo cho fhada ’s a ghabhas. Tòisich air snàithlean ùr ma tha thu airson beachd eile a chur ris.",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Chaidh a sguabadh às le sealbhadair a’ phròiseict",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Chaidh a sguabadh às le sealbhadair a’ phròiseict",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Chaidh a cheansarachd le criathrag",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Chaidh a cheansarachd le criathrag",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Chaidh am beachd-pàraint a sguabadh às",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Chaidh am beachd-pàraint a sguabadh às",
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
"comments.posting": "Sūta...",
"comments.posting": "Sūta...",
"comments.post": "Nosūtīt",
"comments.post": "Nosūtīt",
"comments.cancel": "Atcelt",
"comments.cancel": "Atcelt",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, zero {atlikušas {remainingCharacters} rakstzīmes} one {1 rakstzīme atlikusi} other {atlikušas {remainingCharacters} rakstzīmes}}",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 rakstzīme atlikusi} other {atlikušas {remainingCharacters} rakstzīmes}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Skatīt vairāk atbildes",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Skatīt vairāk atbildes",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.",
"comments.replyLimitReached": "This comment thread has reached its limit. To continue commenting, you can start a new thread.",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Izdzēsa projekta īpašnieks",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Izdzēsa projekta īpašnieks",
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"guidelines.title": "Riaghailtean giùlain sa choimhearsnachd Scratch",
"guidelines.title": "Riaghailtean giùlain sa choimhearsnachd Scratch",
"guidelines.header1": "Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together.",
"guidelines.header1": "’S e coimhearsnachd chàirdeil a th’ ann an Scratch a chuireas fàilte do neach sam bith agus far a bheil sinn ri cruthachadh, co-roinneadh agus ionnsachadh còmhla.",
"guidelines.header2": "We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.",
"guidelines.header2": "Cuiridh sinn fàilte air a h-uile duine ge b’ e dè an aois, gineal, cinnidheachd, creideamh, comas, aidmheil cleamhnais no aithne gnè.",
"guidelines.header3": "Help keep Scratch a welcoming, supportive, and creative space for all by following these Community Guidelines:",
"guidelines.header3": "Cuidich leinn ach an cùm sinn Scratch na àite fàilteachail, taiceil is cruthachail dhan a h-uile duine agus lean air na riaghailtean giùlain seo sa choimhearsnachd:",
"guidelines.respectheader": "Treat everyone with respect.",
"guidelines.respectheader": "Bi modhail dhan a h-uile duine.",
"guidelines.respectbody": "Scratchers have diverse backgrounds, interests, identities, and experiences. Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same. It’s never OK to attack a person or group’s identity or to be unkind to someone about their background or interests.",
"guidelines.respectbody": "Tha dòigh-bheatha, ùidhean, dearbh-aithne agus eòlas eadar-dhealaichte aig gach Neach-Scratch. Tha sinn a’ brosnachadh a h-uile duine air Scratch gun co-roinn iad na nithean sa bheil ùidh aca-san ’s a tha cudromach dhaibh-san – tha sinn an dòchas gun lorg thu dòighean gus do dhearbh-aithne fhèin a chomharrachadh air Scratch agus gun leig thu le càch a leithid cheudna a dhèanamh. Chan eil e iomchaidh idir ionnsaigh a thoirt air dearbh-aithne neach no buidhinn no a bhith mosach do chuideigin air sàilleibh a dhòigh-bheatha o ùidhean.",
"guidelines.privacyheader": "Be safe: keep personal and contact information private.",
"guidelines.privacyheader": "Bi sàbhailte: cùm d’ fhiosrachadh pearsanta is conaltraidh prìobhaideach.",
"guidelines.privacybody": "For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication, in person or online. This includes sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality.",
"guidelines.privacybody": "A chùm sàbhailteachd, na innis fiosrachadh do chàch a ghabhadh cleachdadh airson conaltradh prìobhaideach gu pearsanta no far loidhne. Tha seo a’ gabhail a-staigh do dhearbh-shloinneadh, àireamhan fòn, seòlaidhean, do bhaile, ainm na sgoile agad, seòlaidhean puist-d, ainmean-cleachdaiche no ceanglaichean gu làraichean mheadhanan sòisealta, aplacaidean cabadaich video no làraichean-lìn le gleus cabadaich prìobhaidiche.",
"guidelines.helpfulheader": "Give helpful feedback.",
"guidelines.helpfulheader": "Thoir beachdan a tha taiceil.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody": "Everyone on Scratch is learning. When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.",
"guidelines.helpfulbody": "Tha a h-uile duine air Scratch ag ionnsachadh. Nuair a chuireas tu do bheachd ri pròiseact, thoir an aire gun innis thu dè tha a’ còrdadh riut mu dhèidhinn, thoir beachd air ciamar a ghabhadh a leasachadh agus bi càirdeil seach breitheach. Cùm do bheachdan modhail agus seachainn spamadh no postadh litrichean-ceangail. Mholamaid gum feuch thu rudan ùra, gun cuir thu nithean fo dheuchainn ’s gun ionnsaich thu o chàch.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Embrace remix culture.",
"guidelines.remixheader": "Gabh ri cultar an ath-mheasgachaidh.",
"guidelines.remixbody1": "Remixing is when you build upon someone else’s projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.",
"guidelines.remixbody1": "’S e a th’ ann an t-ath-mheasgachadh ach gun tog thu nithean air bonn phròiseactan, còd, bheachdan, dhealbhan no nì sam bith eil o dhaoine eile a cho-roinn iad-san air Scratch agus gun cruthaich thu rud sònraichte agad fhèin dhiubh.",
"guidelines.remixbody2": "Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers. You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. And when you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.",
"guidelines.remixbody2": "’S e deagh dhòigh a tha san ath-mheasgachadh airson obair còmhla agus ceangal a dhèanamh ri Luchd-Scratch eile. Mholamaid gun cleachd thu rud sam bith a lorgas tu air Scratch sna nithean a chruthaicheas tu fhèin fhad ’s a bheir thu urram dhan fheadhainn eile a chruthaich an obair a chleachdas thu agus gun dèan thu atharrachadh brìgheil air. Agus nuair a cho-roinneas tu rudeigin air Scratch, bheir thu cead dhan a h-uile Neach-Scratch eil gun cleachd iad do chuid obrach sna nithean a chruthaicheas iad-san cuideachd.",
"guidelines.honestyheader": "Bi onarach.",
"guidelines.honestyheader": "Bi onarach.",
"guidelines.honestybody": "It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account. Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.",
"guidelines.honestybody": "Tha e cudromach gum bi thu onarach is fìor nuair a ghabhas tu eadar-ghnìomh le càch air Scratch agus thoir an aire gu bheil cuideigin air cùlaibh gach cunntais Scratch. Chan eil e modhail mu choinneimh coimhearsnachd Scratch ma sgaoileas tu fathannan, ma chuireas tu ainm Neach-Scratch no cuideigin chliùitich ort no ma leigeas tu ort gu bheil thu glè thinn.",
"guidelines.friendlyheader": "Cuidichidh sinn ach am biodh an làrach-lìn càirdeil.",
"guidelines.friendlyheader": "Cuidichidh sinn ach am biodh an làrach-lìn càirdeil.",
"guidelines.friendlybody": "It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it. Please use the “Report” button rather than engaging in fights, spreading rumors about other people’s behavior, or otherwise responding to any inappropriate content. The Scratch Team will look at your report and take the appropriate action."
"guidelines.friendlybody": "Tha e cudromach gun cùm thu na chruthaicheas tu agus na chanas tu càirdeil agus iomchaidh do gach aois. Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gu bheil rudeigin air Scratch mosach, tàireil no buaireasach dhan choimhearsnachd air dòigheigin eile, briog air “Dèan gearan” gus innse dhuinn mu dhèidhinn. Ma chì thu susbaint nach eil iomchaidh, ’s fheàirrde thu am putan “Dèan gearan” a chleachdadh seach tòiseachadh air sabaid, sgaoileadh fhathannan mu ghiùlan chàich no freagairt air dòigh sam bith eile. Bheir Sgioba Scratch sùil air do ghearan agus gabhaidh sinne an gnìomh a bhios iomchaidh."
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
"project.comments.toggleOff": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur dheth",
"project.comments.toggleOff": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur dheth",
"project.comments.toggleOn": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur air",
"project.comments.toggleOn": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur air",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Tha sinn duilich ach chaidh postadh bheachdan a chur dheth airson a’ phròiseict seo.",
"project.comments.turnedOff": "Tha sinn duilich ach chaidh postadh bheachdan a chur dheth airson a’ phròiseict seo.",
"project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Project comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.",
"project.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Chaidh beachdan air pròiseactan a chur dheth air feadh Scratch ach na gabh dragh is chaidh do bheachdan a shàbhaladh is bidh iad air ais a dh’aithghearr.",
"project.share.notShared": "Cha deach am pròiseact seo a cho-roinneadh – mar sin chan fhaic ach thu fhèin e. Briog air “Co-roinn” ach am faic a h-uile duine e!",
"project.share.notShared": "Cha deach am pròiseact seo a cho-roinneadh – mar sin chan fhaic ach thu fhèin e. Briog air “Co-roinn” ach am faic a h-uile duine e!",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Meal do naidheachd gun do cho-roinn thu am pròiseact agad! ’S urrainn dho chàch fheuchainn a-nis, beachdan a thoirt agus ath-mheasgachadh.",
"project.share.sharedLong": "Meal do naidheachd gun do cho-roinn thu am pròiseact agad! ’S urrainn dho chàch fheuchainn a-nis, beachdan a thoirt agus ath-mheasgachadh.’S urrainn dho chàch fheuchainn a-nis, beachdan a thoirt agus ath-mheasgachadh.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Tha thu air a’ phròiseact agad a cho-roinneadh a-nis.",
"project.share.sharedShort": "Tha thu air a’ phròiseact agad a cho-roinneadh a-nis.",
"project.share.shareButton": "Co-roinn",
"project.share.shareButton": "Co-roinn",
"project.seeInsideButton": "Seall a-steach",
"project.seeInsideButton": "Seall a-steach",
@ -47,5 +47,5 @@
"project.cloudDataLink": "Seall an dàta",
"project.cloudDataLink": "Seall an dàta",
"project.usernameBlockAlert": "’S urrainn dhan phròiseact seo mothachadh air cò tha ga chleachdadh le bloca “ainm-cleachdaiche”. Ma tha thu airson falach cò thusa, clàraich a-mach mus cleachd thu am pròiseact seo.",
"project.usernameBlockAlert": "’S urrainn dhan phròiseact seo mothachadh air cò tha ga chleachdadh le bloca “ainm-cleachdaiche”. Ma tha thu airson falach cò thusa, clàraich a-mach mus cleachd thu am pròiseact seo.",
"project.inappropriateUpdate": "An-dà… tha mothaichear nan droch-fhaclan den bheachd gu bheil duilgheadas leis an teacsa agad. Feuch an atharraich thu e is gum bi thu modhail.",
"project.inappropriateUpdate": "An-dà… tha mothaichear nan droch-fhaclan den bheachd gu bheil duilgheadas leis an teacsa agad. Feuch an atharraich thu e is gum bi thu modhail.",
"project.mutedAddToStudio": "You will be able to add to studios again {inDuration}."
"project.mutedAddToStudio": "Bheir thu an comas air ais gus nithean a chur ri stiùideothan an ceann {inDuration}."
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"onePointFour.introNote": "{noteLabel} ’S urrainn dhut pròiseactan 1.4 a cho-roinneadh air làrach-lìn Scratch fhathast. Gidheadh, chan urrainn dhut pròiseactan a chaidh a chruthachadh le tionndadh nas ùire dhe Scratch fhosgladh ann an 1.4.",
"onePointFour.introNote": "{noteLabel} ’S urrainn dhut pròiseactan 1.4 a cho-roinneadh air làrach-lìn Scratch fhathast. Gidheadh, chan urrainn dhut pròiseactan a chaidh a chruthachadh le tionndadh nas ùire dhe Scratch fhosgladh ann an 1.4.",
"onePointFour.downloads": "Luchdaidhean a-nuas",
"onePointFour.downloads": "Luchdaidhean a-nuas",
"onePointFour.macTitle": "Mac OS X",
"onePointFour.macTitle": "Mac OS X",
"onePointFour.macBody": "Compatible with Mac OSX 10.4 through 10.14",
"onePointFour.macBody": "Co-chòrdail le Mac OSX eadar tionndadh 10.4 agus 10.14",
"onePointFour.windowsTitle": "Windows",
"onePointFour.windowsTitle": "Windows",
"onePointFour.windowsBody": "Co-chòrdail le Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 agus 8",
"onePointFour.windowsBody": "Co-chòrdail le Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 agus 8",
"onePointFour.windowsNetworkInstaller": "inneal-stàlaidh",
"onePointFour.windowsNetworkInstaller": "inneal-stàlaidh",
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"intro.tagLine2": "Co-roinn le càch air feadh an t-saoghail",
"intro.tagLine2": "Co-roinn le càch air feadh an t-saoghail",
"intro.watchVideo": "Coimhead air video",
"intro.watchVideo": "Coimhead air video",
"news.scratchNews": "Naidheachdan Scratch",
"news.scratchNews": "Naidheachdan Scratch",
"donatebanner.askSupport": "Scratch is the world's largest free coding community for kids. Your support makes a difference.",
"donatebanner.askSupport": "’S e a’ choimhearsnachd còdachaidh as motha dhan chlann a th’ ann an Scratch. Bidh do chuideachadh cudromach.",
"teacherbanner.greeting": "Shin thu",
"teacherbanner.greeting": "Shin thu",
"teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Cunntas tidseir",
"teacherbanner.subgreeting": "Cunntas tidseir",
"teacherbanner.classesButton": "Na clasaichean agam",
"teacherbanner.classesButton": "Na clasaichean agam",
@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
"studio.tabNavProjects": "Pròiseactan",
"studio.tabNavProjects": "Pròiseactan",
"studio.tabNavProjectsWithCount": "Projects {projectCount}",
"studio.tabNavProjectsWithCount": "Pròiseactan {projectCount}",
"studio.tabNavCurators": "Luchd-tasgaidh",
"studio.tabNavCurators": "Luchd-tasgaidh",
"studio.tabNavComments": "Beachdan",
"studio.tabNavComments": "Beachdan",
"studio.tabNavCommentsWithCount": "Comments {commentCount}",
"studio.tabNavCommentsWithCount": "Beachdan {commentCount}",
"studio.tabNavActivity": "Gnìomhachd",
"studio.tabNavActivity": "Gnìomhachd",
"studio.showingDeleted": "Showing Deleted Studio",
"studio.showingDeleted": "A’ sealltainn stiùideo a chaidh a sguabadh às",
"studio.title": "Title",
"studio.title": "Tiotal",
"studio.description": "Tuairisgeul",
"studio.description": "Tuairisgeul",
"studio.thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"studio.thumbnail": "Dealbhag",
"studio.updateErrors.generic": "Something went wrong updating the studio.",
"studio.updateErrors.generic": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le ùrachadh an stiùideo.",
"studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "That seems inappropriate. Please be respectful.",
"studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "Tha coltas mì-iomchaidh air seo. Feuch am bi thu modhail.",
"studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "That is too long.",
"studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "Tha sin ro fhada.",
"studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "This cannot be blank.",
"studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "Chan fhaod seo a bhith bà.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "Maximum file size is 512 KB and less than 500x500 pixels.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "Chan fhaod faidhle a bhith nas motha na 512 KB no 500x500 piogsail.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Luchdaich suas dealbh dligheach. Cha robh am faidhle a luchdaich thu suas na dhealbh no bha an dealbh coirbte.",
"studio.followErrors.confirmEmail": "Please confirm your email address first",
"studio.followErrors.confirmEmail": "Dearbh an seòladh puist-d agad an toiseach",
"studio.followErrors.generic": "Something went wrong following the studio",
"studio.followErrors.generic": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le leantainn air an stiùideo",
"studio.sectionLoadError.projectsHeadline": "Something went wrong loading projects",
"studio.sectionLoadError.projectsHeadline": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le luchdadh nam pròiseactan",
"studio.sectionLoadError.curatorsHeadline": "Something went wrong loading curators",
"studio.sectionLoadError.curatorsHeadline": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le luchdadh an luchd-tasgaidh",
"studio.sectionLoadError.managersHeadline": "Something went wrong loading managers",
"studio.sectionLoadError.managersHeadline": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le luchdadh nan stiùirichean",
"studio.sectionLoadError.activityHeadline": "Something went wrong loading activity",
"studio.sectionLoadError.activityHeadline": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le luchdadh na gnìomhachd",
"studio.sectionLoadError.tryAgain": "Feuch ris a‑rithist",
"studio.sectionLoadError.tryAgain": "Feuch ris a‑rithist",
"studio.projectsHeader": "Pròiseactan",
"studio.projectsHeader": "Pròiseactan",
"studio.addProjectsHeader": "Cuir pròiseactan ris",
"studio.addProjectsHeader": "Cuir pròiseactan ris",
"studio.addProject": "Cuir ris",
"studio.addProject": "Cuir ris",
"studio.addProjectPlaceholder": "Project URL",
"studio.addProjectPlaceholder": "URL a’ phròiseict",
"studio.openToAll": "Anyone can add projects",
"studio.openToAll": "Faodaidh neach sam bith pròiseact a chur ris",
"studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "You don’t have shared projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "Chan eil pròiseact co-roinnte agad fhathast a b’ urrainn dhut a chur ris an stiùideo seo.",
"studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "You don’t have favorite projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "Chan eil pròiseact as annsa leat fhathast a b’ urrainn dhut a chur ris an stiùideo seo.",
"studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "You don’t have recently viewed projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "Chan eil pròiseact air an do choimhead thu o chionn ghoirid fhathast a b’ urrainn dhut a chur ris an stiùideo seo.",
"studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "You don’t have student projects that you can add to this studio yet.",
"studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "Chan eil pròiseact oileanaich agad fhathast a b’ urrainn dhut a chur ris an stiùideo seo.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Your studio is looking a little empty.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Tha coltas caran falamh aig an stiùideo agad.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Add your first project!",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Cuir a’ chiad phròiseact agad ris!",
"studio.projectsEmpty1": "This studio has no projects yet.",
"studio.projectsEmpty1": "Chan eil pròiseact aig an stiùideo seo fhathast.",
"studio.projectsEmpty2": "Suggest projects you want to add in the comments!",
"studio.projectsEmpty2": "Cuir moladh ris na beachdan mu phròiseactan a bu toigh leat cur ris!",
"studio.browseProjects": "Browse Projects",
"studio.browseProjects": "Rùraich sna pròiseactan",
"studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Could not find that project. Check the URL and try again.",
"studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am pròiseact sin a lorg. Thoir sùil air an URL is feuch ris a-rithist.",
"studio.projectErrors.generic": "Could not add project.",
"studio.projectErrors.generic": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am pròiseact a chur ris.",
"studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "You are adding projects too quickly.",
"studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "Tha thu a’ cur pròiseactan ris cho luath.",
"studio.projectErrors.permission": "You do not have permission to add that project.",
"studio.projectErrors.permission": "Chan eil cead agad gus am pròiseact sin a chur ris.",
"studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "That project is already in this studio.",
"studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "Tha am pròiseact sin am broinn an stiùideo seo mu thràth.",
"studio.creatorRole": "Studio Creator",
"studio.creatorRole": "Cruthadair an stiùideo",
"studio.managersHeader": "Managers",
"studio.managersHeader": "Stiùirichean",
"studio.unfollowStudio": "Unfollow Studio",
"studio.unfollowStudio": "Na lean air an stiùideo tuilleadh",
"studio.followStudio": "Follow Studio",
"studio.followStudio": "Lean air an stiùideo",
"studio.editThumbnail": "Edit Thumbnail",
"studio.editThumbnail": "Deasaich an dealbhag",
"studio.curatorsHeader": "Luchd-tasgaidh",
"studio.curatorsHeader": "Luchd-tasgaidh",
"studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Invite Curators",
"studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Thoir cuireadh do luchd-tasgaidh",
"studio.inviteCurator": "Invite",
"studio.inviteCurator": "Thoir cuireadh",
"studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Scratch Username",
"studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Ainm-chleachdaiche Scratch",
"studio.curatorInvitationAccepted": "Meal do naidheachd! Tha thu nad neach-tasgaidh aig an stiùideo seo a-nis.",
"studio.curatorInvitationAccepted": "Meal do naidheachd! Tha thu nad neach-tasgaidh aig an stiùideo seo a-nis.",
"studio.curatorInvitation": "You’ve been invited to become a curator of this studio.",
"studio.curatorInvitation": "Fhuair thu cuireadh airson dol nad neach-tasgaidh aig an stiùideo seo.",
"studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Accept Invite",
"studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Gabh ris a’ chuireadh",
"studio.curatorInvitationError": "Something went wrong, try again later.",
"studio.curatorInvitationError": "Tha rudeigin ceàrr. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "You don’t have curators right now.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "Chan eil neach-tasgaidh sam bith agad an-dràsta.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Add some curators to collaborate with!",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Cuir neach-tasgaidh no dhà ris airson obair còmhla!",
"studio.curatorsEmpty1": "This studio has no curators right now.",
"studio.curatorsEmpty1": "Chan eil neach-tasgaidh aig an stiùideo seo an-dràsta.",
"studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Could not invite curator.",
"studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn cuireadh a thoirt dhan neach-tasgaidh.",
"studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "They are already part of the studio.",
"studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "Tha iad nam pàirt dhen stiùideo mu thràth.",
"studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "Could not invite a curator with that username.",
"studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn cuireadh a thoirt do neach-tasgaidh air a bheil an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo.",
"studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "You are adding curators too fast.",
"studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "Tha thu a’ cur luchd-tasgaidh ris ro luath.",
"studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "Do you want to promote this person to a manager?",
"studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "A bheil thu airson an neach seo àrdachadh na stiùiriche?",
"studio.curatorManagersCan": "Managers can...",
"studio.curatorManagersCan": "Faodaidh stiùirichean…",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "add and delete curators",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "luchd-tasgaidh a chur ris ’s a sguabadh às",
"studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "delete other managers",
"studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "stiùirichean eile a sguabadh às",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "add and delete projects",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "pròiseactan a chur ris ’s a sguabadh às",
"studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "If you trust this person and you’re sure you want to give them extra permissions, click Promote.",
"studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "Ma tha earbsa agad san neach seo agus ma tha thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson barrachd cheadan a thoirt dhaibh, briog air “Àrdaich”.",
"studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "This studio has reached the limit of {managerLimit} managers.",
"studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "Ràinig an stiùideo seo a tha ceadaichte de stiùirichean ({managerLimit}).",
"studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "It’s great to see that this studio is collaborative!",
"studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "Nach math gu bheil sibh ag obair còmhla air an stiùideo seo!",
"studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove an existing manager.",
"studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Mus cuir thu stiùiriche eile ris, feumaidh tu stiùiriche a tha ann a thoirt air falbh.",
"studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} of {managerLimit}",
"studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} de {managerLimit}",
"studio.managerThresholdInfo": "This studio has {numberOfManagers} managers. Studios can have a maximum of {managerLimit} managers.",
"studio.managerThresholdInfo": "Tha {numberOfManagers} stiùiriche(an) air an stiùideo seo. Faodaidh {managerLimit} stiùiriche(an) a bhith aig stiùideo air a char as motha.",
"studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Before you can add another manager, you will need to remove managers until there are fewer than {managerLimit}.",
"studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Mus cuir thu stiùiriche eile ris, feumaidh tu stiùirichean a thoirt air falbh gus am bi nas lugha na {managerLimit} dhiubh ann.",
"studio.remove": "Thoir air falbh",
"studio.remove": "Thoir air falbh",
"studio.promote": "Promote",
"studio.promote": "Àrdaich",
"studio.cancel": "Sguir dheth",
"studio.cancel": "Sguir dheth",
"studio.okay": "Ceart ma-thà",
"studio.okay": "Ceart ma-thà",
"studio.commentsHeader": "Beachdan",
"studio.commentsHeader": "Beachdan",
"studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Commenting for this studio has been turned off.",
"studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Chaidh gleus nam beachdan a chur dheth dhan stiùideo seo.",
"studio.comments.toggleOff": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur dheth",
"studio.comments.toggleOff": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur dheth",
"studio.comments.toggleOn": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur air",
"studio.comments.toggleOn": "Chaidh na beachdan a chur air",
"studio.comments.turnedOff": "Sorry, comment posting has been turned off for this studio.",
"studio.comments.turnedOff": "Tha sinn duilich ach chaidh postadh bheachdan a chur dheth airson an stiùideo seo.",
"studio.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Studio comments across Scratch are turned off, but don't worry, your comments are saved and will be back soon.",
"studio.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Chaidh beachdan air stiùideothan a chur dheth air feadh Scratch ach na gabh dragh is chaidh do bheachdan a shàbhaladh is bidh iad air ais a dh’aithghearr.",
"studio.sharedFilter": "Air a cho-roinneadh",
"studio.sharedFilter": "Air a cho-roinneadh",
"studio.favoritedFilter": "Favorited",
"studio.favoritedFilter": "Na annsachd",
"studio.recentFilter": "O chionn goirid",
"studio.recentFilter": "O chionn goirid",
"studio.studentsFilter": "Oileanaich",
"studio.studentsFilter": "Oileanaich",
"studio.activityHeader": "Gnìomhachd",
"studio.activityHeader": "Gnìomhachd",
"studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "{profileLink} added the project {projectLink}",
"studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "Chuir {profileLink} am pròiseact {projectLink} ris",
"studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "{profileLink} removed the project {projectLink}",
"studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "Thug {profileLink} am pròiseact {projectLink} air falbh",
"studio.activityUpdateStudio": "{profileLink} made edits to the title, thumbnail, or description",
"studio.activityUpdateStudio": "Dheasaich {profileLink} an tiotal, an dealbhag no an tuairisgeul",
"studio.activityBecomeCurator": "{newCuratorProfileLink} accepted an invitation from {inviterProfileLink} to curate this studio",
"studio.activityBecomeCurator": "Ghabh {newCuratorProfileLink} ris a’ chuireadh o {inviterProfileLink} airson dol na neach-tasgaidh san stiùideo seo",
"studio.activityRemoveCurator": "{removerProfileLink} removed the curator {removedProfileLink}",
"studio.activityRemoveCurator": "Thug {removerProfileLink} an neach-tasgaidh {removedProfileLink} air falbh",
"studio.activityBecomeOwner": "{promotedProfileLink} was promoted to manager by {promotorProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeOwner": "Chaidh {promotedProfileLink} àrdachadh gu stiùiriche le {promotorProfileLink}",
"studio.lastUpdated": "Updated {lastUpdatedDate, date, medium}",
"studio.lastUpdated": "Air ùrachadh {lastUpdatedDate, date, medium}",
"studio.followerCount": "{followerCount} followers",
"studio.followerCount": "Tha {followerCount} a’ leantainn air",
"studio.reportThisStudio": "Dèan aithris air an stiùideo seo",
"studio.reportThisStudio": "Dèan gearan mun stiùideo seo",
"studio.reportPleaseExplain": "Please select which part of the studio you find to be disrespectful or inappropriate, or otherwise breaks the Scratch Community Guidelines.",
"studio.reportPleaseExplain": "Tagh dè a’ phàirt dhen stiùideo a tha mosach no mì-iomchaidh no a bhios a’ briseadh riaghailtean giùlain sa choimhearsnachd Scratch air dòigh sam bith eile.",
"studio.reportAreThereComments": "Are there inappropriate comments in the studio? Please report them by clicking the \"report\" button on the individual comments.",
"studio.reportAreThereComments": "A bheil beachdan mì-iomchaidh san stiùideo? Briog air a’ phutan “Dèan gearan” fo bheachd sònraichte airson gearan a dhèanamh mu dhèidhinn.",
"studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Mòran taing airson innse dhuinn!",
"studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Mòran taing airson innse dhuinn!",
"studio.reportYourFeedback": "Cuidichidh do bheachd airson piseach a thoirt air Scratch.",
"studio.reportYourFeedback": "Cuidichidh do bheachd airson piseach a thoirt air Scratch.",
"studio.mutedCurators": "You will be able to invite curators and add managers again {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedCurators": "Bheir thu an comas air ais gus cuireadh a thoirt do luchd-tasgaidh agus stiùirichean a chur ris an ceann {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedProjects": "You will be able to add and remove projects again {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedProjects": "Bheir thu an comas air ais gus pròiseactan a chur ris is a thoirt air falbh an ceann {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedEdit": "You will be able to edit studios again {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedEdit": "Bheir thu an comas air ais gus stiùideothan a dheasachadh an ceann {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedPaused": "Your account has been paused from using studios until then.",
"studio.mutedPaused": "Chaidh comas a’ chunntais agad airson stiùideothan a chleachdadh a chur à rèim gu ruige sin.",
"studio.mutedError": "Your account has been paused from using studios. Refresh for more information.",
"studio.mutedError": "Chaidh comas a’ chunntais agad airson stiùideothan a chleachdadh a chur à rèim. Ath-nuadhaich airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.",
"studio.alertProjectAdded": "\"{title}\" added to studio",
"studio.alertProjectAdded": "Chaidh “{title}” a chur ris an stiùideo",
"studio.alertProjectAlreadyAdded": "That project is already in this studio",
"studio.alertProjectAlreadyAdded": "Tha am pròiseact sin am broinn an stiùideo seo mu thràth",
"studio.alertProjectRemoveError": "Something went wrong removing the project",
"studio.alertProjectRemoveError": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le toirt air falbh a’ phròiseict",
"studio.alertProjectAddError": "Something went wrong adding the project",
"studio.alertProjectAddError": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le cur ris a’ phròiseict",
"studio.alertCuratorAlreadyInvited": "\"{name}\" has already been invited",
"studio.alertCuratorAlreadyInvited": "Fhuair “{name}” cuireadh mu thràth",
"studio.alertCuratorInvited": "Curator invite sent to \"{name}\"",
"studio.alertCuratorInvited": "Chaidh cuireadh airson dol na neach-tasgaidh a chur gu “{name}”",
"studio.alertManagerPromote": "\"{name}\" is now a manager",
"studio.alertManagerPromote": "Tha “{name}” na stiùiriche a-nis",
"studio.alertManagerPromoteError": "Something went wrong promoting \"{name}\"",
"studio.alertManagerPromoteError": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le àrdachadh “{name}”",
"studio.alertMemberRemoveError": "Something went wrong removing \"{name}\""
"studio.alertMemberRemoveError": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le toirt air falbh “{name}”"
Reference in a new issue