2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
2021-01-25 22:15:08 -05:00
"onePointFour.intro" : "A previous version of Scratch, version 1.4, is still available for download." ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"onePointFour.introNoteLabel" : "注意:" ,
2021-01-25 22:15:08 -05:00
"onePointFour.introNote" : "{noteLabel} You can still share projects from 1.4 to the Scratch website. However, projects created in newer versions of Scratch cannot be opened in 1.4." ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"onePointFour.downloads" : "下載" ,
"onePointFour.macTitle" : "Mac OS X" ,
2021-04-01 23:14:28 -04:00
"onePointFour.macBody" : "Compatible with Mac OSX 10.4 through 10.14" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"onePointFour.windowsTitle" : "Windows" ,
"onePointFour.windowsBody" : "相容於 Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8" ,
"onePointFour.windowsNetworkInstaller" : "安裝器" ,
"onePointFour.windowsNetwork" : "網絡部署使用 {windowsNetworkInstaller}" ,
"onePointFour.linuxTitle" : "Debian / Ubuntu" ,
"onePointFour.linuxBody" : "相容於 Ubuntu 12.04 以後的版本" ,
"onePointFour.linuxInstall" : "透過軟體中心安裝 Scratch" ,
"onePointFour.linuxOptions" : "{linuxInstall} 或 {linuxDownload}" ,
"onePointFour.linuxDownload" : "點擊此處下載" ,
"onePointFour.faqsTitle" : "常見問答 FAQ" ,
"onePointFour.resourcesQ" : "有沒有能幫助我學習 Scratch 1.4 的資源?" ,
"onePointFour.gettingStartedGuide" : "Scratch 1.4 入門指南" ,
"onePointFour.referenceGuide" : "Scratch 1.4 積木指南" ,
"onePointFour.scratchCards" : "Scratch 卡片" ,
"onePointFour.resourcesA" : "若需要基本步驟介紹,可以下載 {gettingStartedGuide}。 {referenceGuide} 則對 Scratch 介面和編程語言進行了詳細的說明。{scratchCards} 簡要說明了如何使用 Scratch 製作動畫等互動專案。" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsQ" : "Scratch 1.4 的系統需求為何?" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsDisplay" : "顯示: 800 x 480 以上, 16-bit 顏色(數千或數百萬種顏色)以上。" ,
2021-01-25 22:15:08 -05:00
"onePointFour.requirementsOS" : "Operating System: Windows 2000 or later, Mac OS X 10.4 through 10.14, Ubuntu Linux 9.04 or later (For other versions of Linux, see the Linux Installer page) " ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"onePointFour.requirementsDisk" : "容量:至少剩餘 120 MB 的空間以安裝 Scratch。" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsCPUMemory" : "CPU 與記憶體:大部分的電腦有足夠的記憶體來運行 Scratch 1.4,如果是非常老舊的電腦,可能會讓 Scratch 運行得很慢。" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsSoundVideo" : "音訊 / 視訊:音訊的播放(也就是輸出)需要喇叭(或耳機),錄製(也就是輸入)則需要麥克風,大部分的筆記型電腦內建了這兩個裝置。視訊的錄製不一定需要,不過 Scratch 1.4 可以使用 USB 或是內建的攝像裝置。" ,
"onePointFour.errorQ" : "我的專案在上傳或分享到 Scratch 網站時發生錯誤,要怎麼辦?" ,
"onePointFour.errorFileTooBig" : "檔案太大了,最多可接受 10 MB 的大小,想要讓你的專案變小,你可以從編輯選單中選擇壓縮音訊或是壓縮圖像。如果這樣子還是太大,就只能刪掉裡頭部分的音訊或圖像囉。" ,
"onePointFour.errorInternet" : "網路連線太慢或逾時,請試試減少檔案大小,如果還是沒用,請改用其它瀏覽器、網路環境,或是改用另一台電腦。" ,
"onePointFour.errorProxy" : "代理伺服器阻塞了,試著用其它的線路來上網,或是設定讓 Scratch 能夠使用代理伺服器。 " ,
"onePointFour.errorLogin" : "用戶名稱或密碼錯誤,請檢查後再次登入 Scratch。"