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2021-08-04 11:19:00 -04:00
"studio.tabNavProjects": "Projekten",
"studio.tabNavProjectsWithCount": "Projekten {projectCount}",
"studio.tabNavCurators": "Kuratoaren",
"studio.tabNavComments": "Reaksjes",
"studio.tabNavCommentsWithCount": "Opmerkings {commentCount}",
"studio.tabNavActivity": "Aktiviteit",
"studio.showingDeleted": "Fuortsmiten studio wurdt no toand",
"studio.title": "Titel",
"studio.description": "Beskriuwing",
"studio.thumbnail": "Miniatuerôfbylding",
"studio.updateErrors.generic": "Der is wat misgien by it bywurkjen fan de studio.",
"studio.updateErrors.inappropriate": "Dat liket net geskikt. Wês respektfol.",
"studio.updateErrors.textTooLong": "Dat is te lang.",
"studio.updateErrors.requiredField": "Dit mei net leech bliuwe.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailTooLarge": "De maksimale grutte fan it bestân is 512 KB en it moat minder as 500x500 piksels wêze.",
"studio.updateErrors.thumbnailInvalid": "Laad in geskikt plaatsje op. It bestân dat jo opladen hawwe is gjin plaatsje of is korrupt rekke.",
"studio.followErrors.confirmEmail": "Befêstigje jo e-mailadres earst",
"studio.followErrors.generic": "Der gie wat mis by it folgjen fan de studio",
"studio.sectionLoadError.projectsHeadline": "Der gie wat mis by it ynladen fan projekten",
"studio.sectionLoadError.curatorsHeadline": "Der gie wat mis by it ynladen fan kuratoaren",
"studio.sectionLoadError.managersHeadline": "Der gie wat mis by it ynladen fan behearders",
"studio.sectionLoadError.activityHeadline": "Der gie wat mis by it ynladen fan aktiviteit",
"studio.sectionLoadError.tryAgain": "Besykje nochris",
"studio.projectsHeader": "Projekten",
"studio.addProjectsHeader": "Projekten tafoegje",
"studio.addProject": "Tafoegje op URL",
"studio.openToAll": "Elk kin projekten tafoegje",
"studio.addProjects.noSharedYet": "Jo hast noch gjin dielde projekten dy't jo taheakje kinne oan dizze studio.",
"studio.addProjects.noFavoritedYet": "Jo hast noch gjin favorite projekten dy't jo taheakje kinne oan dizze studio.",
"studio.addProjects.noRecentYet": "Jo hast noch gjin resint besjoene projekten dy't jo taheakje kinne oan dizze studio.",
"studio.addProjects.noStudentsYet": "Jo hawwe noch gjin studinteprojekten dy't jo taheakje kinne oan dizze studio.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd1": "Jo studio sjocht der wat leech út.",
"studio.projectsEmptyCanAdd2": "Foegje jo earste projekt ta!",
"studio.projectsEmpty1": "Dizze studio hat noch gjin projekten.",
"studio.projectsEmpty2": "Stel projekten foar dy't jo wolle tafoegje yn 'e opmerkingen!",
"studio.browseProjects": "Blêdzje projekten",
"studio.projectErrors.checkUrl": "Koe dat projekt net fine. Kontrolearje de URL en besykje it nochris.",
"studio.projectErrors.generic": "Koe it projekt net tafoegje",
"studio.projectErrors.tooFast": "Jo foegje te fluch projekten ta.",
"studio.projectErrors.permission": "Jo hawwe gjin tastimming om dat projekt ta te foegjen.",
"studio.projectErrors.duplicate": "Dat projekt is al yn dizze studio.",
"studio.creatorRole": "Studio Creator",
"studio.hostRole": "Studio Host",
2021-08-04 11:19:00 -04:00
"studio.managersHeader": "Managers",
"studio.unfollowStudio": "Untfolgje Studio",
"studio.followStudio": "Folgje Studio",
"studio.editThumbnail": "Lytse ôfbylding bewurkje.",
"studio.curatorsHeader": "Kuratoaren",
"studio.inviteCuratorsHeader": "Kuratoaren útnoegje",
"studio.inviteCurator": "Útnoegje",
"studio.inviteCuratorPlaceholder": "Scratch-brûkersnamme",
"studio.curatorInvitationAccepted": "Lokwinske! Jo binne no in kurator fan dizze studio.",
"studio.curatorInvitation": "Jo binne útnûge in kurator fan dizze studio te wurden.",
"studio.curatorAcceptInvite": "Útnoegje akseptearje",
"studio.curatorInvitationError": "Der gie wat mis, besykje it letter nochris.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd1": "Jo hawwe no gjin kuratoaren.",
"studio.curatorsEmptyCanAdd2": "Foegje guon kuratoaren ta om mei te wurkjen!",
"studio.curatorsEmpty1": "Dizze studio hat no gjin kurators.",
"studio.curatorErrors.generic": "Koe de kurator net útnûgje.",
"studio.curatorErrors.alreadyCurator": "Sy binne al diel fan de studio.",
"studio.curatorErrors.unknownUsername": "Koe net in kurator útnûgje mei dy brûkersnamme.",
"studio.curatorErrors.tooFast": "Jo foegje te fluch kurators ta.",
"studio.curatorDoYouWantToPromote": "Wolle jo dizze persoan promovearje by in manager?",
"studio.curatorManagersCan": "Managers kinne ...",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteCurators": "kuratoaren tafoegje en wiskje",
"studio.curatorDeleteManagers": "wiskje oare behearders",
"studio.curatorAddAndDeleteProjects": "projekten tafoegje en wiskje",
"studio.curatorIfYouTrust": "As jo dizze persoan fertrouwe en jo wis binne dat jo har ekstra tagongsrjochten wolle jaan, klikje dan op Befoarderje / Promote.",
"studio.managerLimitReachedHeader": "Dizze studio hat de limyt fan {managerLimit} behearders berikt.",
"studio.managerLimitMessageCollaborative": "Geweldich om te sjen dat dizze studio de krêften bondelet!",
"studio.managerLimitMessageRemoveManagers": "Foardat jo in oare behearder taheakje kinne, sille jo in besteande behearder fuorthelje moatte.",
"studio.managerCountInfo": "{numberOfManagers} fan {managerLimit}",
"studio.managerThresholdInfo": "Dizze studio hat {numberOfManagers} behearders. Studios kinne op syn heechst {managerLimit} behearders hawwe.",
"studio.managerThresholdRemoveManagers": "Foardat jo in oare behearder taheakje kinne, sille jo besteande behearders fuorthelje moatte oant der minder as {managerLimit} binne.",
"studio.transfer.youAreAboutTo": "You are about to make someone else the studio host.",
"studio.transfer.cannotUndo": "You cannot undo this.",
"studio.transfer.thisMeans": "This means...",
"studio.transfer.noLongerEdit": "You will no longer be able to edit the title, thumbnail, and description",
"studio.transfer.noLongerDelete": "You will no longer be able to delete the studio",
"studio.transfer.whichManager": "Which manager do you want to make the host?",
"studio.transfer.currentHost": "Current Host",
"studio.transfer.newHost": "New Host",
"studio.transfer.confirmWithPassword": "To confirm changing the studio host, please enter your password.",
"studio.transfer.forgotPassword": "Forgot password?",
"studio.transfer.alert.somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong transferring this studio to a new host.",
"studio.transfer.alert.wasntTheRightPassword": "Hmm, that wasnt the right password.",
"studio.transfer.alert.tooManyPasswordAttempts": "Too many password attempts. Please try again later.",
"studio.transfer.alert.thisUserCannotBecomeHost": "This user cannot become the host — try transfering to another manager",
2021-08-04 11:19:00 -04:00
"studio.remove": "Fuorthelje",
"studio.promote": "Promoate",
"studio.transfer": "Change Studio Host",
2021-08-04 11:19:00 -04:00
"studio.cancel": " Ofbrekke",
"studio.okay": "OK",
"": "Folgjende",
"studio.back": "Werom",
"studio.confirm": "Confirm",
2021-08-04 11:19:00 -04:00
"studio.commentsHeader": "Reaksjes",
"studio.commentsNotAllowed": "Kommintaar jaan is útskeakele foar dizze studio.",
"studio.comments.toggleOff": "Reaksje fan",
"studio.comments.toggleOn": "Reaksje op",
"studio.comments.turnedOff": "Sorry, it pleatsen fan opmerkings is foar dizze studio útset.",
"studio.comments.turnedOffGlobally": "Kommintaar op studios op Scratch binne útskeakele, mar gjin need, jo reaksjes binne opslein en komme gau werom.",
"studio.sharedFilter": "Dield",
"studio.favoritedFilter": "Favoryt",
"studio.recentFilter": "Resint",
"studio.studentsFilter": "Studinten",
"studio.activityHeader": "Aktiviteit",
"studio.activityAddProjectToStudio": "{profileLink} foege it projekt {projectLink} ta",
"studio.activityRemoveProjectStudio": "{profileLink} ferwidere it projekt {projectLink}",
"studio.activityUpdateStudio": "{profileLink} bewurke de titel, miniatuer of beskriuwing",
"studio.activityBecomeCurator": "{newCuratorProfileLink} akseptearre in útnoeging fan om dizze studio {inviterProfileLink} te behearjen",
"studio.activityRemoveCurator": "{removerProfileLink} de kurator fuorthelle {removedProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeOwner": "{promotedProfileLink} waard befoardere ta manager troch {promotorProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeHost": "{newHostProfileLink} was made the studio host by {actorProfileLink}",
"studio.activityBecomeHostAdminActor": "{newHostProfileLink} was made the studio host by a Scratch Team member",
2021-08-04 11:19:00 -04:00
"studio.lastUpdated": "Bywurke {lastUpdatedDate, date, medium}",
"studio.followerCount": "{followerCount} folgers",
"studio.reportThisStudio": "Jou dizze studio oan",
"studio.reportPleaseExplain": "Selektearje hokker diel fan de studio oft jo ûnrespektfol of ûngepast fine, of dy't op in oare manier de Scratch-mienskipsrjochtlinen ferbrekke.",
"studio.reportAreThereComments": "Binne der ûngepaste opmerkings yn de studio? Jou se oan troch op de knop \"Oanjaan\" by de opmerkings te klikken.",
"studio.reportThanksForLettingUsKnow": "Betanke foar it litten fan ús!",
"studio.reportYourFeedback": "Jo feedback sil ús helpe Scratch better te meitsjen.",
"studio.mutedCurators": "Jo kinne wer kurators en behearders tafoegje {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedProjects": "Jo kinne wer projekten tafoegje en fuorthelje {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedEdit": "Jo kinne wer studios bewurkje {inDuration}.",
"studio.mutedPaused": "Jo akkount is tydlik útskeakele foar it brûken fan studios oant dan.",
"studio.mutedError": "Jo akkount is tydlik útskeakele foar it brûken fan studios. Fernij de side foar mear ynformaasje.",
"studio.alertProjectAdded": "\"{title}\" tafoege oan studio",
"studio.alertProjectAlreadyAdded": "Dat projekt is al yn dizze studio",
"studio.alertProjectRemoveError": "Der gie wat mis by it fuortheljen fan it projekt",
"studio.alertProjectAddError": "Der gie wat mis by it tafoegjen fan it projekt",
"studio.alertCuratorAlreadyInvited": "\"{name}\" is al útnûge",
"studio.alertCuratorInvited": "Kuratorútnûging stjoerd nei \"{name}\"",
"studio.alertManagerPromote": "\"{name}\" is no in behearder",
"studio.alertManagerPromoteError": "Der gie wat mis by it promoatsjen fan \"{name}\"",
"studio.alertMemberRemoveError": "Der gie wat mis by it fuortheljen fan \"{name}\"",
"studio.alertTransfer": "\"{name}\" is now the host",
"studio.alertTransferRateLimit": "You can only change the host once a day. Try again tomorrow."
2021-08-04 11:19:00 -04:00