"sec.faqHowManyMembers":"How many members of my organization will be required to participate? ",
"sec.faqHowManyMembersAnswer":"Being a member organization requires buy-in from, at minimum, one representative and the Executive director/CEO/or equivalent position. ",
"sec.faqHowManyMembersAnswer2":"One member of your team will be responsible for attending SEC events, and communicating with Scratch Team members and other participating SEC member organizations.",
"sec.faqNotified":"When will I be notified of my acceptance?",
"sec.faqNotifiedAnswer":"You will hear back from us by the first week of April, 2021.",
"sec.faqHours":"How many hours per month should I expect to devote to participating in the SEC?",
"sec.faqHoursAnswer":"You should expect to spend 4-10 hours a month participating in SEC related work.",
"sec.faqVirtual":"Will the program be entirely virtual?",
"sec.faqVirtualAnswer":"All workshops and sessions for the 2021-2022 cohort will be hosted virtually.",
"sec.faqWorkshopLanguage":"The SEC is an international community, what is the primary language that workshops and sessions will be offered in?",
"sec.faqWorkshopLanguageAnswer":"SEC workshops and events will be facilitated in English. ",
"sec.faqCost":"What is the cost of participating in the SEC?",
"sec.faqCostAnswer":"Participating in the SEC is free for all participating organizations.",
"sec.faqCulturallySustaining":"What do we mean by culturally sustaining in the context of education?",
"sec.faqCulturallySustainingAnswer":"Culturally sustaining pedagogy empowers students by creating educational experiences which reaffirm, honor, explore, and extend their culture, heritage and communities (Ladson-Billings, 1994). Scratch and the SEC aims to empower educators and students across the globe through engagement in culturally relevant creative learning practices and creative computing experiences that will lead to culturally sustaining frames of reference and perspective (Hammond, 2015) and support relevant personal connections to Scratch’s and the SEC’s mission and values. ",
"sec.faqFuture":"I cannot participate this year, can I apply in the future? ",
"sec.faqFutureAnswer":"Yes! Join our {subscribeLink} to stay connected and receive future updates about the SEC.",