2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
2021-01-25 22:15:08 -05:00
"onePointFour.intro" : "A previous version of Scratch, version 1.4, is still available for download." ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"onePointFour.introNoteLabel" : "说明:" ,
2021-01-25 22:15:08 -05:00
"onePointFour.introNote" : "{noteLabel} You can still share projects from 1.4 to the Scratch website. However, projects created in newer versions of Scratch cannot be opened in 1.4." ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"onePointFour.downloads" : "下载" ,
"onePointFour.macTitle" : "Mac OS X" ,
"onePointFour.macBody" : "兼容于 Mac OSX 10.4 以后的版本" ,
"onePointFour.windowsTitle" : "Windows" ,
"onePointFour.windowsBody" : "相容于 Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8" ,
"onePointFour.windowsNetworkInstaller" : "安装程序" ,
"onePointFour.windowsNetwork" : "使用{windowsNetworkInstaller}从网络安装" ,
"onePointFour.linuxTitle" : "Debian / Ubuntu" ,
"onePointFour.linuxBody" : "兼容 Ubuntu 12.04 以后的版本" ,
"onePointFour.linuxInstall" : "从软件中心安装Scratch" ,
"onePointFour.linuxOptions" : "{linuxInstall}或{linuxDownload}" ,
"onePointFour.linuxDownload" : "在此下载" ,
"onePointFour.faqsTitle" : "常见问题(FAQ)" ,
"onePointFour.resourcesQ" : "有没有能帮助我学习 Scratch 1.4 的资源?" ,
"onePointFour.gettingStartedGuide" : "Scratch 1.4入门指南" ,
"onePointFour.referenceGuide" : "Scratch 1.4参考指南" ,
"onePointFour.scratchCards" : "Scratch 卡片" ,
"onePointFour.resourcesA" : "下载{gettingStartedGuide}查看基本步骤介绍。{referenceGuide}中详细说明了Scratch界面和编程语言。{scratchCards}简要介绍了使用Scratch制作动画和交互作品的方法。" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsQ" : "Scratch 1.4 对系统有什么要求?" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsDisplay" : "显示器: 800 x 480或更高, 能够显示上千或百万种颜色( 16-bit色或更高) " ,
2021-01-25 22:15:08 -05:00
"onePointFour.requirementsOS" : "Operating System: Windows 2000 or later, Mac OS X 10.4 through 10.14, Ubuntu Linux 9.04 or later (For other versions of Linux, see the Linux Installer page) " ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"onePointFour.requirementsDisk" : "硬盘: 安装Scratch需要至少120MB可用空间。" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsCPUMemory" : "CPU及内存: 大多数计算机的内存足以运行Scratch 1.4, 但旧的计算机运行Scratch速度较慢。" ,
"onePointFour.requirementsSoundVideo" : "音频/视频: 播放声音需要扬声器( 或耳机) 支持, 录音需要麦克风。许多笔记本电脑内置了扬声器和麦克风。Scratch 1.4支持USB或内置摄像头。" ,
"onePointFour.errorQ" : "把作品上传或分享到 Scratch 网站时发生错误,该怎么办?" ,
"onePointFour.errorFileTooBig" : "文件太大。文件的大小限制是10MB。要缩小Scratch作品的大小, 点击「编辑」菜单, 然后选择压缩声音, 或压缩图像。如果压缩了声音之后仍人无法上传, 请尝试删除一些声音。" ,
"onePointFour.errorInternet" : "网络连接太慢发生了超时。请尝试减小文件尺寸。如果还是不行,尝试使用不同的网络、电脑或浏览器上传。" ,
"onePointFour.errorProxy" : "被代理服务器阻挡。请尝试不使用代理服务器的网络, 或者配置Scratch使用你的代理服务器。" ,
"onePointFour.errorLogin" : "用户名和密码错误。尝试使用争取的用户名和密码从Scratch网站进行登录。"