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2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.title": "Scratch Ish stoli",
"download.intro": "Siz Scratch Desktop muharririni o'rnatib internetga ulanmasdan ham loyihalar ustida ishlashingiz mumkin. Bu dastur Windows va MacCOS da ishlaydi.",
"download.appTitle": "Download the Scratch App",
"download.appIntro": "Would you like to create and save Scratch projects without an internet connection? Download the free Scratch app.",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.requirements": "Talablari",
"download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "Scratch 3.0 Desktop ekran tasviri",
"download.troubleshootingTitle": "Savol-javob",
"download.startScratchDesktop": "Scratch Desktop dasturini ishga tushuring",
"download.howDoIInstall": "Scratch Desktop ni qanday o'rnataman?",
"download.whenSupportLinuxApp": "When will you have the Scratch app available for Linux?",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.whenSupportLinux": "Linux uchun Scratch Desktop dasturi qachon bo'ladi?",
"download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Linux dagi Scratch Desktop i hozircha qo'llab-quvvatlanmagan.Biz buni aniqlash uchun ochiq-manba jamiyati va sheriklar bilan buni ustida ishlayapmiz, agar yo'li bo'lsa, biz kelajakda Linux ni qo'llab-quvvatlashimiz mumkin. Yangiliklarni kuzatib, xabardor bo'lib boring. Biz bilan qoling!",
"download.whenSupportLinuxAppAnswer": "The Scratch app is currently not supported on Linux. We are working with partners and the open-source community to determine if there is a way we can support Linux in the future. Stay tuned!",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.supportChromeOS": "Chromebooks uchun Scratch Desktop i sizda qachon bo'ladi?",
"download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Chromebooks uchun Scratch Desktop i hali mavjud emas. Biz buni ustida ishlayapmiz va keyinroq 2019-yilda chiqishi kutilyapti.",
"download.olderVersionsTitle": "Eski versiyalar",
"download.olderVersions": "Looking for an earlier version of Scratch?",
"download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4",
"download.scratch2Desktop": "Scratch 2.0 oflayn muharriri",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.cannotAccessMacStore": "Agar Mac All Storega kira olmasamchi?",
"download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "Agar Microsoft Store ga kira olmasamchi?",
"download.macMoveToApplications": "the .dmg faylini oching. Scratch Desktop ni Application lar ichiga ko'chiring",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "the.exe faylini ishga tushiring",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "Do I have to download an app to use Scratch?",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "No. You can also use the Scratch project editor in any web browser on any device by going to and clicking \"Create\".",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.canIUseScratchLink": "Ilovalarni ulash uchun Scratch Link ni ishlata olamanmi?",
"download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Ha. Biroq, sizga Scratch Link ini ishlatish uchun internet aloqasi kerak bo'ladi.",
"download.canIUseExtensions": "Can I connect to hardware extensions?",
"download.canIUseExtensionsAnswer": "Yes. With the Scratch app you can connect to extensions, and you do not need Scratch Link.",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevices": "How do I connect the Scratch app to hardware devices?",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerLink": "You will need to install and run Scratch Link in order to connect to hardware devices when using Scratch app for {operatingsystem}. You will also need an internet connection to use Scratch Link.",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerApp": "With the Scratch app you can connect to hardware devices like the micro:bit or LEGO Boost. When using the Scratch app for {operatingsystem} you do not need Scratch Link.",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.desktopAndBrowser": "Scratch Desktop ni ishlata olamanmi, shuningdek brauzerda Scratch ni ochsa bo'ladimi?",
"download.appAndBrowser": "Can I use the Scratch app and also have Scratch open in the browser?",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.yesAnswer": "Ha.",
"download.onPhone": "Can I install Scratch on my Android phone?",
"download.onPhoneAnswer": "No. The current version of Scratch for Android only works on tablets.",
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00
"download.canIShare": "Scratch Desktop dan ulasha olamanmi?",
"download.canIShareAnswer": "Bu hozircha qo'llab-quvvatlanmagan. Hozirchalik, siz Scratch Desktop dan loyihani saqlashingiz, uni Scratch hisobingizga yuklashingiz va uni bu yerda ulashishingiz mumkin. Biz keyingi versiyasida Scratch Desktop ida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sizning Scratch hisobingizga yuklash qobilyatini qo'shamiz.",
"download.canIShareApp": "Can I share to the online community from the Scratch app for {operatingsystem}?",
"download.canIShareAnswerPlayStore": "Yes. Click the 3-dots menu on a project in the lobby and select \"Share\" from the options. In addition to sharing by email, you can sign in to your Scratch account and share a project to the Scratch online community.",
"download.canIShareAnswerDownloaded": "Sharing directly to online community from the Scratch app for {operatingsystem} is not currently supported. For now, you can export a project from the Scratch app, then log onto the Scratch website, and upload and share your project there."
2019-05-08 16:12:50 -04:00