"conference-2017.desc":"This year, in celebration of Scratch’s 10th anniversary, the global Scratch community will host regional Scratch conferences in many cities around the world.",
"conference-2017.seeBelow":"Learn more about conference dates and locations below.",
"conference-2017.franceDesc":"Scratch2017BDX is an opportunity to meet people and share ideas, and to be inspired and inspiring. It's a global fest to celebrate creativity and enjoy discoveries and understanding about Scratch and beyond.",
"conference-2017.brasilDesc":"Konferencia Scratch Brazil 2017 bude miestom stretnutia pre brazílskych pedagógov, výskumníkov, vývojárov a tvorcov, ktorí majú záujem o vytváranie, zdieľanie a učenie sa so Scratch. Konferencia podporí diskusie o používaní Scratch v triede a mimo nej, kreatívnej výpočtovej technike, rozšíreniach Scratch a ďalších dôležitých témach súvisiacich s prijatím Scratch v Brazílii. Plánujeme niečo veľmi participatívne, s množstvom praktických workshopov, posterových stretnutí a príležitostí na spoluprácu.",
"conference-2017.hungaryDesc":"The Scratch Conference in Budapest is a unique opportunity to meet our extended Scratch family and grow and inspire each other. It is a space to revel in creative thinking and coding, to dive in and share in all the diverse possibilities we have found. We are change agents — tried and true geeks in our genes — and we look forward to rolling up our shirt sleeves and having some “hard-fun”. Truly in this sphere, the outlook for the future is bright and we are excited. Come, meet, and collaborate with other members of the Scratch community.",
"conference-2017.chileDesc":"Scratch al Sur 2017 je príležitosťou dozvedieť sa o dôležitosti zavádzania programovacích jazykov na školách. Všetky prednášky a workshopy poskytnú príležitosť na zdieľanie rôznych skúseností, od vyšších úrovní až po tých, ktorí sa začínajú podieľať na globálnej komunite Scratch.",
"conference-2017.chinaDesc":"Join us for a gathering to support creative expression with Scratch in China. Share ways to promote learning with passion for programming, animation, community, and life.",
"conference-2017.costaricaTitle":"Scratch Conference Costa Rica",
"conference-2017.costaricaSubTitle":"People, Projects, and Places",
"conference-2017.costaricaDesc":"Scratch Conference Costa Rica is a global event taking place at a community level that unites teachers, students, businesses, and leaders, so that coding and design is part of every child's education, starting with Scratch.",
"conference-2017.costaricaAudience":"Scratch users, teachers, college professors, potential Scratchers, university students (future teachers and software developers) in Costa Rica and Spanish-speaking Latin America"