// Copyright (C) 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // Scratch HTML5 Player // Sprite.js // Tim Mickel, July 2011 - March 2012 // The Sprite provides the interface and implementation for Scratch sprite-control 'use strict'; var Sprite = function(data) { if (!this.data) { this.data = data; } // Public variables used for Scratch-accessible data. this.visible = typeof(this.data.visible) == "undefined" ? true : data.visible; this.scratchX = data.scratchX || 0; this.scratchY = data.scratchY || 0; this.scale = data.scale || 1.0; this.direction = data.direction || 90; this.rotation = (data.direction - 90) || 0; this.rotationStyle = data.rotationStyle || 'normal'; this.isFlipped = data.direction < 0 && data.rotationStyle == 'leftRight'; this.costumes = data.costumes || []; this.currentCostumeIndex = data.currentCostumeIndex || 0; this.previousCostumeIndex = -1; this.objName = data.objName || ''; this.variables = {}; if (data.variables) { for (var i = 0; i < data.variables.length; i++) { this.variables[data.variables[i]['name']] = data.variables[i]['value']; } } this.lists = {}; if (data.lists) { for (var i = 0; i < data.lists.length; i++) { this.lists[data.lists[i]['listName']] = data.lists[i]; } } // Used for the pen this.penIsDown = false; this.penWidth = 1; this.penHue = 120; // blue this.penShade = 50; // full brightness and saturation this.penColorCache = 0x0000FF; // Used for layering if (!this.z) this.z = io.getCount(); // HTML element for the talk bubbles this.talkBubble = null; this.talkBubbleBox = null; this.talkBubbleStyler = null; this.talkBubbleOn = false; // HTML element for the ask bubbles this.askInput = null; this.askInputField = null; this.askInputButton = null; this.askInputOn = false; // Internal variables used for rendering meshes. this.textures = []; this.materials = []; this.geometries = []; this.mesh = null; // Sound buffers and data this.sounds = {}; if (data.sounds) { for (var i = 0; i < data.sounds.length; i++) { this.sounds[data.sounds[i]['soundName']] = data.sounds[i]; } } this.soundsLoaded = 0; this.instrument = 1; // Image effects this.filters = { color: 0, fisheye: 0, whirl: 0, pixelate: 0, mosaic: 0, brightness: 0, ghost: 0 }; // Incremented when images are loaded by the browser. this.costumesLoaded = 0; // Stacks to be pushed to the interpreter and run this.stacks = []; }; // Attaches a Sprite () to a Scratch scene Sprite.prototype.attach = function(scene) { // Create textures and materials for each of the costumes. for (var c in this.costumes) { this.textures[c] = document.createElement('img'); $(this.textures[c]) .load([this, c], function(evo) { var sprite = evo.handleObj.data[0]; var c = evo.handleObj.data[1]; sprite.costumesLoaded += 1; sprite.updateCostume(); $(sprite.textures[c]).css('display', sprite.currentCostumeIndex == c ? 'inline' : 'none'); $(sprite.textures[c]).css('position', 'absolute').css('left', '0px').css('top', '0px'); $(sprite.textures[c]).bind('dragstart', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }) .bind('selectstart', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }) .bind('touchend', function(evt) { sprite.onClick(evt); $(this).addClass('touched'); }) .click(function(evt) { if (!$(this).hasClass('touched')) { sprite.onClick(evt); } else { $(this).removeClass('touched'); } }); scene.append($(sprite.textures[c])); }) .attr('src', io.asset_base + this.costumes[c].baseLayerMD5 + io.asset_suffix); } this.mesh = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex]; this.updateLayer(); this.updateVisible(); this.updateTransform(); if (! this.isStage) { this.talkBubble = $('
'); this.talkBubble.css('display', 'none'); this.talkBubbleBox = $('
'); this.talkBubbleStyler = $('
'); this.talkBubble.append(this.talkBubbleBox); this.talkBubble.append(this.talkBubbleStyler); } this.askInput = $('
'); this.askInput.css('display', 'none'); this.askInputField = $('
'); this.askInputTextField = $(''); this.askInputField.append(this.askInputTextField); this.askInputButton = $('
'); this.bindDoAskButton(); this.askInput.append(this.askInputField); this.askInput.append(this.askInputButton); runtime.scene.append(this.talkBubble); runtime.scene.append(this.askInput); }; // Load sounds from the server and buffer them Sprite.prototype.loadSounds = function() { var spr = this; $.each(this.sounds, function(index, sound) { io.soundRequest(sound, spr); }); }; // True when all the costumes have been loaded Sprite.prototype.isLoaded = function() { return this.costumesLoaded == this.costumes.length && this.soundsLoaded == Object.keys(this.sounds).length; }; // Step methods Sprite.prototype.showCostume = function(costume) { if (costume < 0) { costume += this.costumes.length; } if (!this.textures[costume]) { this.currentCostumeIndex = 0; } else { this.currentCostumeIndex = costume; } this.updateCostume(); }; Sprite.prototype.indexOfCostumeNamed = function(name) { for (var i in this.costumes) { var c = this.costumes[i]; if (c['costumeName'] == name) { return i; } } return null; }; Sprite.prototype.showCostumeNamed = function(name) { var index = this.indexOfCostumeNamed(name); if (!index) return; this.showCostume(index); }; Sprite.prototype.updateCostume = function() { if (!this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex]) { this.currentCostumeIndex = 0; } $(this.mesh).css('display', 'none'); this.mesh = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex]; this.updateVisible(); this.updateTransform(); }; Sprite.prototype.onClick = function(evt) { // TODO - needs work!! // We don't need boxOffset anymore. var mouseX = runtime.mousePos[0] + 240; var mouseY = 180 - runtime.mousePos[1]; if (this.mesh.src.indexOf('.svg') == -1) { // HACK - if the image SRC doesn't indicate it's an SVG, // then we'll try to detect if the point we clicked is transparent // by rendering the sprite on a canvas. With an SVG, // we are forced not to do this for now by Chrome/Webkit SOP: // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=68568 var canv = document.createElement('canvas'); canv.width = 480; canv.height = 360; var ctx = canv.getContext('2d'); var drawWidth = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex].width; var drawHeight = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex].height; var scale = this.scale / (this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].bitmapResolution || 1); var rotationCenterX = this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].rotationCenterX; var rotationCenterY = this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].rotationCenterY; ctx.translate(240 + this.scratchX, 180 - this.scratchY); ctx.rotate(this.rotation * Math.PI / 180.0); ctx.scale(scale, scale); ctx.translate(-rotationCenterX, -rotationCenterY); ctx.drawImage(this.mesh, 0, 0); document.body.appendChild(canv); var idata = ctx.getImageData(mouseX, mouseY, 1, 1).data; var alpha = idata[3]; } else { var alpha = 1; } if (alpha > 0) { // Start clicked hats if the pixel is non-transparent runtime.startClickedHats(this); } else { // Otherwise, move back a layer and trigger the click event $(this.mesh).hide(); var bb = $('#container')[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var underElement = document.elementFromPoint(bb.left + mouseX, bb.top + mouseY); $(underElement).click(); $(this.mesh).show(); } }; Sprite.prototype.setVisible = function(v) { if (v === true || v === false) { this.visible = v; this.updateVisible(); } }; Sprite.prototype.updateLayer = function() { $(this.mesh).css('z-index', this.z); if (this.talkBubble) $(this.talkBubble).css('z-index', this.z); if (this.askInput) this.askInput.css('z-index', this.z); }; Sprite.prototype.updateVisible = function() { $(this.mesh).css('display', this.visible ? 'inline' : 'none'); if (this.talkBubbleOn) this.talkBubble.css('display', this.visible ? 'inline-block' : 'none'); if (this.askInputOn) this.askInput.css('display', this.visible ? 'inline-block' : 'none'); }; Sprite.prototype.updateTransform = function() { var texture = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex]; var resolution = this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].bitmapResolution || 1; var drawWidth = texture.width * this.scale / resolution; var drawHeight = texture.height * this.scale / resolution; var rotationCenterX = this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].rotationCenterX; var rotationCenterY = this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].rotationCenterY; var drawX = this.scratchX + (480 / 2) - rotationCenterX; var drawY = -this.scratchY + (360 / 2) - rotationCenterY; var scaleXprepend = ''; if (this.isFlipped) { scaleXprepend = '-'; // For a leftRight flip, we add a minus // sign to the X scale. } $(this.mesh).css('transform', 'translatex(' + drawX + 'px) \ translatey(' + drawY + 'px) \ rotate(' + this.rotation + 'deg) \ scaleX(' + scaleXprepend + (this.scale / resolution) + ') scaleY(' + (this.scale / resolution) + ')'); $(this.mesh).css('-moz-transform', 'translatex(' + drawX + 'px) \ translatey(' + drawY + 'px) \ rotate(' + this.rotation + 'deg) \ scaleX(' + scaleXprepend + this.scale + ') scaleY(' + this.scale / resolution + ')'); $(this.mesh).css('-webkit-transform', 'translatex(' + drawX + 'px) \ translatey(' + drawY + 'px) \ rotate(' + this.rotation + 'deg) \ scaleX(' + scaleXprepend + (this.scale / resolution) + ') scaleY(' + (this.scale / resolution) + ')'); $(this.mesh).css('-webkit-transform-origin', rotationCenterX + 'px ' + rotationCenterY + 'px'); $(this.mesh).css('-moz-transform-origin', rotationCenterX + 'px ' + rotationCenterY + 'px'); $(this.mesh).css('-ms-transform-origin', rotationCenterX + 'px ' + rotationCenterY + 'px'); $(this.mesh).css('-o-transform-origin', rotationCenterX + 'px ' + rotationCenterY + 'px'); $(this.mesh).css('transform-origin', rotationCenterX + 'px ' + rotationCenterY + 'px'); // Don't forget to update the talk bubble. if (this.talkBubble) { var xy = this.getTalkBubbleXY(); this.talkBubble.css('left', xy[0] + 'px'); this.talkBubble.css('top', xy[1] + 'px'); } this.updateLayer(); }; Sprite.prototype.updateFilters = function() { $(this.mesh).css('opacity', 1 - this.filters.ghost / 100); $(this.mesh).css('-webkit-filter', 'hue-rotate(' + (this.filters.color * 1.8) + 'deg) \ brightness(' + (this.filters.brightness < 0 ? this.filters.brightness / 100 + 1 : Math.min(2.5, this.filters.brightness * .015 + 1)) + ')'); }; Sprite.prototype.getTalkBubbleXY = function() { var texture = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex]; var drawWidth = texture.width * this.scale; var drawHeight = texture.height * this.scale; var rotationCenterX = this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].rotationCenterX; var rotationCenterY = this.costumes[this.currentCostumeIndex].rotationCenterY; var drawX = this.scratchX + (480 / 2) - rotationCenterX; var drawY = -this.scratchY + (360 / 2) - rotationCenterY; return [drawX + drawWidth, drawY - drawHeight / 2]; }; Sprite.prototype.showBubble = function(text, type) { var xy = this.getTalkBubbleXY(); this.talkBubbleOn = true; this.talkBubble.css('z-index', this.z); this.talkBubble.css('left', xy[0] + 'px'); this.talkBubble.css('top', xy[1] + 'px'); this.talkBubbleBox.removeClass('say-think-border'); this.talkBubbleBox.removeClass('ask-border'); this.talkBubbleStyler.removeClass('bubble-say'); this.talkBubbleStyler.removeClass('bubble-think'); this.talkBubbleStyler.removeClass('bubble-ask'); if (type == 'say') { this.talkBubbleBox.addClass('say-think-border'); this.talkBubbleStyler.addClass('bubble-say'); } else if (type == 'think') { this.talkBubbleBox.addClass('say-think-border'); this.talkBubbleStyler.addClass('bubble-think'); } else if (type == 'doAsk') { this.talkBubbleBox.addClass('ask-border'); this.talkBubbleStyler.addClass('bubble-ask'); } if (this.visible) { this.talkBubble.css('display', 'inline-block'); } this.talkBubbleBox.html(text); }; Sprite.prototype.hideBubble = function() { this.talkBubbleOn = false; this.talkBubble.css('display', 'none'); }; Sprite.prototype.showAsk = function() { this.askInputOn = true; this.askInput.css('z-index', this.z); this.askInput.css('left', '15px'); this.askInput.css('right', '15px'); this.askInput.css('bottom', '7px'); this.askInput.css('height', '25px'); if (this.visible) { this.askInput.css('display', 'inline-block'); this.askInputTextField.focus(); } }; Sprite.prototype.hideAsk = function() { this.askInputOn = false; this.askInputTextField.val(''); this.askInput.css('display', 'none'); }; Sprite.prototype.bindDoAskButton = function() { var self = this; this.askInputButton.on("keypress click", function(e){ var eType = e.type; if (eType === 'click' || (eType === 'keypress' && e.which === 13)) { var stage = interp.targetStage(); stage.askAnswer = $(self.askInputTextField).val(); self.hideBubble(); self.hideAsk(); interp.activeThread.paused = false; } }); }; Sprite.prototype.setXY = function(x, y) { this.scratchX = x; this.scratchY = y; this.updateTransform(); }; Sprite.prototype.setDirection = function(d) { var rotation; d = d % 360 if (d < 0) d += 360; this.direction = d > 180 ? d - 360 : d; if (this.rotationStyle == 'normal') { rotation = (this.direction - 90) % 360; } else if (this.rotationStyle == 'leftRight') { if (((this.direction - 90) % 360) >= 0) { this.isFlipped = false; } else { this.isFlipped = true; } rotation = 0; } else { rotation = 0; } this.rotation = rotation; this.updateTransform(); }; Sprite.prototype.setRotationStyle = function(r) { this.rotationStyle = r; }; Sprite.prototype.getSize = function() { return this.scale * 100; }; Sprite.prototype.setSize = function(percent) { var newScale = percent / 100.0; newScale = Math.max(0.05, Math.min(newScale, 100)); this.scale = newScale; this.updateTransform(); }; // Move functions Sprite.prototype.keepOnStage = function() { var x = this.scratchX + 240; var y = 180 - this.scratchY; var myBox = this.getRect(); var inset = -Math.min(18, Math.min(myBox.width, myBox.height) / 2); var edgeBox = new Rectangle(inset, inset, 480 - (2 * inset), 360 - (2 * inset)); if (myBox.intersects(edgeBox)) return; // sprite is sufficiently on stage if (myBox.right < edgeBox.left) x += edgeBox.left - myBox.right; if (myBox.left > edgeBox.right) x -= myBox.left - edgeBox.right; if (myBox.bottom < edgeBox.top) y += edgeBox.top - myBox.bottom; if (myBox.top > edgeBox.bottom) y -= myBox.top - edgeBox.bottom; this.scratchX = x - 240; this.scratchY = 180 - y; }; Sprite.prototype.getRect = function() { var cImg = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex]; var x = this.scratchX + 240 - (cImg.width/2.0); var y = 180 - this.scratchY - (cImg.height/2.0); var myBox = new Rectangle(x, y, cImg.width, cImg.height); return myBox; }; // Pen functions Sprite.prototype.setPenColor = function(c) { var hsv = Color.rgb2hsv(c); this.penHue = (200 * hsv[0]) / 360 ; this.penShade = 50 * hsv[2]; // not quite right; doesn't account for saturation this.penColorCache = c; }; Sprite.prototype.setPenHue = function(n) { this.penHue = n % 200; if (this.penHue < 0) this.penHue += 200; this.updateCachedPenColor(); }; Sprite.prototype.setPenShade = function(n) { this.penShade = n % 200; if (this.penShade < 0) this.penShade += 200; this.updateCachedPenColor(); }; Sprite.prototype.updateCachedPenColor = function() { var c = Color.fromHSV((this.penHue * 180.0) / 100.0, 1, 1); var shade = this.penShade > 100 ? 200 - this.penShade : this.penShade; // range 0..100 if (shade < 50) { this.penColorCache = Color.mixRGB(0, c, (10 + shade) / 60.0); } else { this.penColorCache = Color.mixRGB(c, 0xFFFFFF, (shade - 50) / 60); } }; Sprite.prototype.stamp = function(canvas, opacity) { var drawWidth = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex].width * this.scale; var drawHeight = this.textures[this.currentCostumeIndex].height * this.scale; var drawX = this.scratchX + (480 / 2); var drawY = -this.scratchY + (360 / 2); canvas.globalAlpha = opacity / 100.0; canvas.save(); canvas.translate(drawX, drawY); canvas.rotate(this.rotation * Math.PI / 180.0); canvas.drawImage(this.mesh, -drawWidth/2, -drawHeight/2, drawWidth, drawHeight); canvas.restore(); canvas.globalAlpha = 1; }; Sprite.prototype.soundNamed = function(name) { if (name in this.sounds && this.sounds[name].buffer) { return this.sounds[name]; } else if (name in runtime.stage.sounds && runtime.stage.sounds[name].buffer) { return runtime.stage.sounds[name]; } return null; }; Sprite.prototype.resetFilters = function() { this.filters = { color: 0, fisheye: 0, whirl: 0, pixelate: 0, mosaic: 0, brightness: 0, ghost: 0 }; this.updateFilters(); };