/* Copyright (c) 2011, Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.adobe.utils { // =========================================================================== // Imports // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //import flash.display3D.*; import flash.utils.*; // =========================================================================== // Class // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class AGALMiniAssembler { // ====================================================================== // Constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- protected static const USE_NEW_SYNTAX:Boolean = false; protected static const REGEXP_OUTER_SPACES:RegExp = /^\s+|\s+$/g; protected static const COMPONENTS:Object = { 120:0, // x 121:1, // y 122:2, // z 119:3, // w 114:0, // r 103:1, // g 98:2, // b 97:3 // a }; // ====================================================================== // Properties // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // AGAL bytes and error buffer private var _agalcode:ByteArray = null; private var _error:String = ""; private var debugEnabled:Boolean = false; private static var initialized:Boolean = false; public var verbose:Boolean = false; // ====================================================================== // Getters // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get error():String { return _error; } public function get agalcode():ByteArray { return _agalcode; } // ====================================================================== // Constructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public function AGALMiniAssembler( debugging:Boolean = false ):void { debugEnabled = debugging; if ( !initialized ) init(); } // ====================================================================== // Methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public function assemble( mode:String, source:String ):ByteArray { var start:uint = getTimer(); _agalcode = new ByteArray(); _error = ""; var isFrag:Boolean = false; if ( mode == FRAGMENT ) isFrag = true; else if ( mode != VERTEX ) _error = 'ERROR: mode needs to be "' + FRAGMENT + '" or "' + VERTEX + '" but is "' + mode + '".'; agalcode.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; agalcode.writeByte( 0xa0 ); // tag version agalcode.writeUnsignedInt( 0x1 ); // AGAL version, big endian, bit pattern will be 0x01000000 agalcode.writeByte( 0xa1 ); // tag program id agalcode.writeByte( isFrag ? 1 : 0 ); // vertex or fragment var lines:Array = source.replace( /[\f\n\r\v]+/g, "\n" ).split( "\n" ); var nest:int = 0; var nops:int = 0; var i:int; var lng:int = lines.length; for ( i = 0; i < lng && _error == ""; i++ ) { var line:String = new String( lines[i] ); line = line.replace( REGEXP_OUTER_SPACES, "" ); // remove comments var startcomment:int = line.search( "//" ); if ( startcomment != -1 ) line = line.slice( 0, startcomment ); // grab options var optsi:int = line.search( /<.*>/g ); var opts:Array; if ( optsi != -1 ) { opts = line.slice( optsi ).match( /([\w\.\-\+]+)/gi ); line = line.slice( 0, optsi ); } // find opcode var opCode:Array = line.match( /^\w{3}/ig ); var opFound:OpCode = OPMAP[ opCode[0] ]; // if debug is enabled, output the opcodes if ( debugEnabled ) trace( opFound ); if ( opFound == null ) { if ( line.length >= 3 ) trace( "warning: bad line "+i+": "+lines[i] ); continue; } line = line.slice( line.search( opFound.name ) + opFound.name.length ); // nesting check if ( opFound.flags & OP_DEC_NEST ) { nest--; if ( nest < 0 ) { _error = "error: conditional closes without open."; break; } } if ( opFound.flags & OP_INC_NEST ) { nest++; if ( nest > MAX_NESTING ) { _error = "error: nesting to deep, maximum allowed is "+MAX_NESTING+"."; break; } } if ( ( opFound.flags & OP_FRAG_ONLY ) && !isFrag ) { _error = "error: opcode is only allowed in fragment programs."; break; } if ( verbose ) trace( "emit opcode=" + opFound ); agalcode.writeUnsignedInt( opFound.emitCode ); nops++; if ( nops > MAX_OPCODES ) { _error = "error: too many opcodes. maximum is "+MAX_OPCODES+"."; break; } // get operands, use regexp var regs:Array; if ( USE_NEW_SYNTAX ) regs = line.match( /vc\[([vif][acost]?)(\d*)?(\.[xyzwrgba](\+\d{1,3})?)?\](\.[xyzwrgba]{1,4})?|([vif][acost]?)(\d*)?(\.[xyzwrgba]{1,4})?/gi ); else regs = line.match( /vc\[([vof][actps]?)(\d*)?(\.[xyzwrgba](\+\d{1,3})?)?\](\.[xyzwrgba]{1,4})?|([vof][actps]?)(\d*)?(\.[xyzwrgba]{1,4})?/gi ); if ( regs.length != opFound.numRegister ) { _error = "error: wrong number of operands. found "+regs.length+" but expected "+opFound.numRegister+"."; break; } var badreg:Boolean = false; var pad:uint = 64 + 64 + 32; var regLength:uint = regs.length; for ( var j:int = 0; j < regLength; j++ ) { var isRelative:Boolean = false; var relreg:Array = regs[ j ].match( /\[.*\]/ig ); if ( relreg.length > 0 ) { regs[ j ] = regs[ j ].replace( relreg[ 0 ], "0" ); if ( verbose ) trace( "IS REL" ); isRelative = true; } var res:Array = regs[j].match( /^\b[A-Za-z]{1,2}/ig ); var regFound:Register = REGMAP[ res[ 0 ] ]; // if debug is enabled, output the registers if ( debugEnabled ) trace( regFound ); if ( regFound == null ) { _error = "error: could not parse operand "+j+" ("+regs[j]+")."; badreg = true; break; } if ( isFrag ) { if ( !( regFound.flags & REG_FRAG ) ) { _error = "error: register operand "+j+" ("+regs[j]+") only allowed in vertex programs."; badreg = true; break; } if ( isRelative ) { _error = "error: register operand "+j+" ("+regs[j]+") relative adressing not allowed in fragment programs."; badreg = true; break; } } else { if ( !( regFound.flags & REG_VERT ) ) { _error = "error: register operand "+j+" ("+regs[j]+") only allowed in fragment programs."; badreg = true; break; } } regs[j] = regs[j].slice( regs[j].search( regFound.name ) + regFound.name.length ); //trace( "REGNUM: " +regs[j] ); var idxmatch:Array = isRelative ? relreg[0].match( /\d+/ ) : regs[j].match( /\d+/ ); var regidx:uint = 0; if ( idxmatch ) regidx = uint( idxmatch[0] ); if ( regFound.range < regidx ) { _error = "error: register operand "+j+" ("+regs[j]+") index exceeds limit of "+(regFound.range+1)+"."; badreg = true; break; } var regmask:uint = 0; var maskmatch:Array = regs[j].match( /(\.[xyzwrgba]{1,4})/ ); var isDest:Boolean = ( j == 0 && !( opFound.flags & OP_NO_DEST ) ); var isSampler:Boolean = ( j == 2 && ( opFound.flags & OP_SPECIAL_TEX ) ); var reltype:uint = 0; var relsel:uint = 0; var reloffset:int = 0; if ( isDest && isRelative ) { _error = "error: relative can not be destination"; badreg = true; break; } if ( maskmatch ) { regmask = 0; var cv:uint; var maskLength:uint = maskmatch[ 0 ].length; var mask:String = maskmatch[ 0 ]; for ( var k:int = 1; k < maskLength; k++ ) { cv = COMPONENTS[ mask.charCodeAt( k ) ]; if ( cv > 2 ) cv = 3; if ( isDest ) regmask |= 1 << cv; else regmask |= cv << ( ( k - 1 ) << 1 ); } if ( !isDest ) for ( ; k <= 4; k++ ) regmask |= cv << ( ( k - 1 ) << 1 ); // repeat last } else { regmask = isDest ? 0xf : 0xe4; // id swizzle or mask } if ( isRelative ) { var relname:Array = relreg[0].match( /[A-Za-z]{1,2}/ig ); var regFoundRel:Register = REGMAP[ relname[0]]; if ( regFoundRel == null ) { _error = "error: bad index register"; badreg = true; break; } reltype = regFoundRel.emitCode; var selmatch:Array = relreg[0].match( /(\.[xyzwrgba]{1,1})/ ); if ( selmatch.length==0 ) { _error = "error: bad index register select"; badreg = true; break; } relsel = COMPONENTS[ selmatch[ 0 ].charCodeAt( 1 ) ]; if ( relsel > 2 ) relsel = 3; var relofs:Array = relreg[0].match( /\+\d{1,3}/ig ); if ( relofs.length > 0 ) reloffset = relofs[0]; if ( reloffset < 0 || reloffset > 255 ) { _error = "error: index offset "+reloffset+" out of bounds. [0..255]"; badreg = true; break; } if ( verbose ) trace( "RELATIVE: type="+reltype+"=="+relname[0]+" sel="+relsel+"=="+selmatch[0]+" idx="+regidx+" offset="+reloffset ); } if ( verbose ) trace( " emit argcode="+regFound+"["+regidx+"]["+regmask+"]" ); if ( isDest ) { agalcode.writeShort( regidx ); agalcode.writeByte( regmask ); agalcode.writeByte( regFound.emitCode ); pad -= 32; } else { if ( isSampler ) { if ( verbose ) trace( " emit sampler" ); var samplerbits:uint = 5; // type 5 var optsLength:uint = opts.length; var bias:Number = 0; for ( k = 0; k