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2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
* Scratch Project Editor and Player
* Copyright (C) 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// John Maloney, August 2009
// A Block is a graphical object representing a program statement (command)
// or function (reporter). A stack is a sequence of command blocks, where
// the following command and any nested commands (e.g. within a loop) are
// children. Blocks come in a variety of shapes and usually have some
// combination of label strings and arguments (also children).
// The Block class manages block shape, labels, arguments, layout, and
// block sequence. It also supports generation of the labels and argument
// sequence from a specification string (e.g. "%n + %n") and type (e.g. reporter).
package blocks {
import extensions.ExtensionManager;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import assets.Resources;
import translation.Translator;
import util.*;
import uiwidgets.*;
public class Block extends Sprite {
private const minCommandWidth:int = 36;
private const minHatWidth:int = 80;
private const minLoopWidth:int = 80;
public static var argTextFormat:TextFormat;
public static var blockLabelFormat:TextFormat;
private static var vOffset:int;
// private static const blockLabelFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat('LucidaBoldEmbedded', 10, 0xFFFFFF, true);
private static var useEmbeddedFont:Boolean = false;
public static var MenuHandlerFunction:Function; // optional function to handle block and blockArg menus
public var spec:String;
public var type:String;
public var op:String = "";
public var opFunction:Function;
public var args:Array = [];
public var defaultArgValues:Array = [];
public var parameterIndex:int = -1; // cache of parameter index, used by GET_PARAM block
public var parameterNames:Array; // used by procedure definition hats; null for other blocks
public var warpProcFlag:Boolean; // used by procedure definition hats to indicate warp speed
public var rightToLeft:Boolean;
public var isHat:Boolean = false;
public var isReporter:Boolean = false;
public var isTerminal:Boolean = false; // blocks that end a stack like "stop" or "forever"
// Blocking operations
public var isRequester:Boolean = false;
public var requestState:int = 0; // 0 - no request made, 1 - awaiting response, 2 - data ready
public var response:* = null;
public var requestLoader:URLLoader = null;
public var nextBlock:Block;
public var subStack1:Block;
public var subStack2:Block;
public var base:BlockShape;
private var suppressLayout:Boolean; // used to avoid extra layouts during block initialization
private var labelsAndArgs:Array = [];
private var argTypes:Array = [];
private var elseLabel:TextField;
private var indentTop:int = 2, indentBottom:int = 3;
private var indentLeft:int = 4, indentRight:int = 3;
public var wasInScriptsPane:Boolean;
private var originalX:int, originalY:int;
public function Block(spec:String, type:String = " ", color:int = 0xD00000, op:* = 0, defaultArgs:Array = null) {
this.spec =;
this.type = type;
this.op = op;
if ((Specs.CALL == op) ||
(Specs.GET_LIST == op) ||
(Specs.GET_PARAM == op) ||
(Specs.GET_VAR == op) ||
(Specs.PROCEDURE_DEF == op) ||
('proc_declaration' == op)) {
this.spec = spec; // don't translate var/list/param reporters
if (color == -1) return; // copy for clone; omit graphics
var shape:int;
if ((type == " ") || (type == "") || (type == "w")) {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.CmdShape, color);
indentTop = 3;
} else if (type == "b") {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.BooleanShape, color);
isReporter = true;
indentLeft = 9;
indentRight = 7;
} else if (type == "r" || type == "R") {
this.type = 'r';
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.NumberShape, color);
isReporter = true;
isRequester = (type == 'R');
indentTop = 2;
indentBottom = 2;
indentLeft = 6;
indentRight = 4;
} else if (type == "h") {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.HatShape, color);
isHat = true;
indentTop = 12;
} else if (type == "c") {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.LoopShape, color);
} else if (type == "cf") {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.FinalLoopShape, color);
isTerminal = true;
} else if (type == "e") {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.IfElseShape, color);
addChild(elseLabel = makeLabel('else')));
} else if (type == "f") {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.FinalCmdShape, color);
isTerminal = true;
indentTop = 5;
} else if (type == "o") { // cmd outline for proc definition
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.CmdOutlineShape, color);
base.filters = []; // no bezel
indentTop = 3;
} else if (type == "p") {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.ProcHatShape, color);
isHat = true;
} else {
base = new BlockShape(BlockShape.RectShape, color);
addChildAt(base, 0);
setSpec(this.spec, defaultArgs);
addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, focusChange);
public function setSpec(newSpec:String, defaultArgs:Array = null):void {
for each (var o:DisplayObject in labelsAndArgs) {
if (o.parent != null) o.parent.removeChild(o);
spec = newSpec;
if (op == Specs.PROCEDURE_DEF) {
// procedure hat: make an icon from my spec and use that as the label
indentTop = 20;
indentBottom = 5;
indentLeft = 5;
indentRight = 5;
labelsAndArgs = [];
argTypes = [];
var label:TextField = makeLabel('define'));
var b:Block;
labelsAndArgs.push(b = declarationBlock());
} else {
const loopBlocks:Array = ['doForever', 'doForeverIf', 'doRepeat', 'doUntil'];
base.hasLoopArrow = (loopBlocks.indexOf(op) >= 0);
addLabelsAndArgs(spec, base.color);
rightToLeft = Translator.rightToLeft;
if (rightToLeft) {
if (['+', '-', '*', '/', '%'].indexOf(op) > -1) rightToLeft = Translator.rightToLeftMath;
if (['>', '<'].indexOf(op) > -1) rightToLeft = false; // never change order of comparison ops
if (rightToLeft) {
// reverse specs that don't start with arg specifier or an ASCII character
if (defaultArgs) defaultArgs.reverse();
for each (var item:* in labelsAndArgs) addChild(item);
if (defaultArgs) setDefaultArgs(defaultArgs);
public function normalizedArgs():Array {
return rightToLeft ? args.concat().reverse() : args;
public function changeOperator(newOp:String):void {
// Used to switch among a family of related operators (e.g. +, -, *, and /).
// Note: This does not deal with translation, so it only works for symbolic operators.
for each (var item:* in labelsAndArgs) {
if ((item is TextField) && (item.text == op)) item.text = newOp;
op = newOp;
opFunction = null;
public static function setFonts(labelSize:int, argSize:int, boldFlag:Boolean, vOffset:int):void {
var font:String = Resources.chooseFont([
'Lucida Grande', 'Verdana', 'Arial', 'DejaVu Sans']);
blockLabelFormat = new TextFormat(font, labelSize, 0xFFFFFF, boldFlag);
argTextFormat = new TextFormat(font, argSize, 0x505050, boldFlag);
Block.vOffset = vOffset;
private function declarationBlock():Block {
// Create a block representing a procedure declaration to be embedded in a
// procedure definition header block. For each formal parameter, embed a
// reporter for that parameter.
var b:Block = new Block(spec, "o", Specs.procedureColor, 'proc_declaration');
if (!parameterNames) parameterNames = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) {
var argType:String = (typeof(defaultArgValues[i]) == 'boolean') ? 'b' : 'r';
var pBlock:Block = new Block(parameterNames[i], argType, Specs.parameterColor, Specs.GET_PARAM);
pBlock.parameterIndex = i;
b.setArg(i, pBlock);
return b;
public function isProcDef():Boolean { return op == Specs.PROCEDURE_DEF }
public function isEmbeddedInProcHat():Boolean {
return (parent is Block) &&
(Block(parent).op == Specs.PROCEDURE_DEF) &&
(this != Block(parent).nextBlock);
public function isEmbeddedParameter():Boolean {
if ((op != Specs.GET_PARAM) || !(parent is Block)) return false;
return Block(parent).op == 'proc_declaration';
public function isInPalette():Boolean {
var o:DisplayObject = parent;
while (o) {
if ('isBlockPalette' in o) return true;
o = o.parent;
return false;
public function setTerminal(flag:Boolean):void {
// Used to change the "stop" block shape.
isTerminal = flag;
var newShape:int = isTerminal ? BlockShape.FinalCmdShape : BlockShape.CmdShape;
base = new BlockShape(newShape, base.color);
addChildAt(base, 0);
private function addLabelsAndArgs(spec:String, c:int):void {
var specParts:Array = ReadStream.tokenize(spec), i:int;
labelsAndArgs = [];
argTypes = [];
for (i = 0; i < specParts.length; i++) {
var o:DisplayObject = argOrLabelFor(specParts[i], c);
var argType:String = 'icon';
if (o is BlockArg) argType = specParts[i];
if (o is TextField) argType = 'label';
public function allBlocksDo(f:Function):void {
for each (var arg:* in args) {
if (arg is Block) arg.allBlocksDo(f);
if (subStack1 != null) subStack1.allBlocksDo(f);
if (subStack2 != null) subStack2.allBlocksDo(f);
if (nextBlock != null) nextBlock.allBlocksDo(f);
public function showRunFeedback():void {
if (!filters || (filters.length == 0)) {
filters = runFeedbackFilters();
public function hideRunFeedback():void {
if (filters && (filters.length > 0)) filters = [];
private function runFeedbackFilters():Array {
// filters for showing that a stack is running
var f:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0xfeffa0);
f.strength = 2;
f.blurX = f.blurY = 12;
f.quality = 3;
return [f];
public function saveOriginalPosition():void {
wasInScriptsPane = topBlock().parent is ScriptsPane;
originalX = x;
originalY = y;
public function restoreOriginalPosition():void {
x = originalX;
y = originalY;
private function setDefaultArgs(defaults:Array):void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < Math.min(args.length, defaults.length); i++) {
var argLabel:String = null;
var v:* = defaults[i];
if (v is BlockArg) v = BlockArg(v).argValue;
if ('_edge_' == v) argLabel ='edge');
if ('_mouse_' == v) argLabel ='mouse-pointer');
if ('_myself_' == v) argLabel ='myself');
if ('_stage_' == v) argLabel ='Stage');
if (args[i] is BlockArg) args[i].setArgValue(v, argLabel);
defaultArgValues = defaults;
public function setArg(i:int, newArg:*):void {
// called on newly-created block (assumes argument being set is a BlockArg)
// newArg can be either a reporter block or a literal value (string, number, etc.)
if (i >= args.length) return;
var oldArg:BlockArg = args[i];
if (newArg is Block) {
labelsAndArgs[labelsAndArgs.indexOf(oldArg)] = newArg;
args[i] = newArg;
} else {
public function fixExpressionLayout():void {
// fix expression layout up to the enclosing command block
var b:Block = this;
while (b.isReporter) {
if (b.parent is Block) b = Block(b.parent)
else return;
if (b is Block) b.fixArgLayout();
public function fixArgLayout():void {
var item:DisplayObject, i:int;
if (suppressLayout) return;
var x:int = indentLeft - indentAjustmentFor(labelsAndArgs[0]);
var maxH:int = 0;
for (i = 0; i < labelsAndArgs.length; i++) {
item = labelsAndArgs[i];
// Next line moves the argument of if and if-else blocks right slightly:
if ((i == 1) && !(argTypes[i] == 'label')) x = Math.max(x, 30);
item.x = x;
maxH = Math.max(maxH, item.height);
x += item.width + 2;
if (argTypes[i] == 'icon') x += 3;
x -= indentAjustmentFor(labelsAndArgs[labelsAndArgs.length - 1]);
for (i = 0; i < labelsAndArgs.length; i++) {
item = labelsAndArgs[i];
item.y = indentTop + ((maxH - item.height) / 2) + vOffset;
if ((item is BlockArg) && (!BlockArg(item).isNumber)) item.y += 1;
if ([' ', '', 'o'].indexOf(type) >= 0) x = Math.max(x, minCommandWidth); // minimum width for command blocks
if (['c', 'cf', 'e'].indexOf(type) >= 0) x = Math.max(x, minLoopWidth); // minimum width for C and E blocks
if (['h'].indexOf(type) >= 0) x = Math.max(x, minHatWidth); // minimum width for hat blocks
base.setWidthAndTopHeight(x + indentRight, indentTop + maxH + indentBottom);
if ((type == "c") || (type == "e")) fixStackLayout();
private function indentAjustmentFor(item:*):int {
var itemType:String = '';
if (item is Block) itemType = Block(item).type;
if (item is BlockArg) itemType = BlockArg(item).type;
if ((type == 'b') && (itemType == 'b')) return 4;
if ((type == 'r') && ((itemType == 'r') || (itemType == 'd') || (itemType == 'n'))) return 2;
return 0;
public function fixStackLayout():void {
var b:Block = this;
while (b != null) {
if (b.base.canHaveSubstack1()) {
var substackH:int = BlockShape.EmptySubstackH;
if (b.subStack1) {
b.subStack1.x = BlockShape.SubstackInset;
b.subStack1.y = b.base.substack1y();
substackH = b.subStack1.getRect(b).height;
substackH = BlockShape.EmptySubstackH;
if (b.subStack2) {
b.subStack2.x = BlockShape.SubstackInset;
b.subStack2.y = b.base.substack2y();
substackH = b.subStack2.getRect(b).height;
if (b.nextBlock != null) {
b.nextBlock.x = 0;
b.nextBlock.y = b.base.nextBlockY();
b = b.nextBlock;
private function fixElseLabel():void {
if (elseLabel) {
var metrics:TextLineMetrics = elseLabel.getLineMetrics(0);
var dy:int = (metrics.ascent + metrics.descent) / 2;
elseLabel.x = 4;
elseLabel.y = base.substack2y() - 11 - dy + vOffset;
public function duplicate(forClone:Boolean, forStage:Boolean = false):Block {
var newSpec:String = spec;
if(forStage && op == 'whenClicked') newSpec = 'when Stage clicked';
var dup:Block = new Block(newSpec, type, (int)(forClone ? -1 : base.color), op);
dup.isRequester = isRequester;
dup.parameterNames = parameterNames;
dup.defaultArgValues = defaultArgValues;
dup.warpProcFlag = warpProcFlag;
if (forClone) dup.copyArgsForClone(args); else dup.copyArgs(args);
if (nextBlock != null) dup.addChild(dup.nextBlock = nextBlock.duplicate(forClone, forStage));
if (subStack1 != null) dup.addChild(dup.subStack1 = subStack1.duplicate(forClone, forStage));
if (subStack2 != null) dup.addChild(dup.subStack2 = subStack2.duplicate(forClone, forStage));
if (!forClone) {
dup.x = x;
dup.y = y;
return dup;
private function copyArgs(srcArgs:Array):void {
// called on a newly created block that is being duplicated to copy the
// argument values and/or expressions from the source block's arguments
var i:int;
for (i = 0; i < srcArgs.length; i++) {
var argToCopy:* = srcArgs[i];
if (argToCopy is BlockArg) {
var arg:BlockArg = argToCopy;
BlockArg(args[i]).setArgValue(arg.argValue, arg.labelOrNull());
if (argToCopy is Block) {
var newArg:Block = Block(argToCopy).duplicate(false);
var oldArg:* = args[i];
labelsAndArgs[labelsAndArgs.indexOf(oldArg)] = newArg;
args[i] = newArg;
private function copyArgsForClone(srcArgs:Array):void {
// called on a block that is being cloned.
args = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < srcArgs.length; i++) {
var argToCopy:* = srcArgs[i];
if (argToCopy is BlockArg) {
var a:BlockArg = new BlockArg(argToCopy.type, -1);
a.argValue = argToCopy.argValue;
if (argToCopy is Block) {
for each (var arg:DisplayObject in args) addChild(arg); // fix for cloned proc bug xxx
private function collectArgs():void {
var i:int;
args = [];
for (i = 0; i < labelsAndArgs.length; i++) {
var a:* = labelsAndArgs[i];
if ((a is Block) || (a is BlockArg)) args.push(a);
public function removeBlock(b:Block):void {
if (b.parent == this) removeChild(b);
if (b == nextBlock) {
nextBlock = null;
if (b == subStack1) subStack1 = null;
if (b == subStack2) subStack2 = null;
if (b.isReporter) {
var i:int = labelsAndArgs.indexOf(b);
if (i < 0) return;
var newArg:DisplayObject = argOrLabelFor(argTypes[i], base.color);
labelsAndArgs[i] = newArg;
// Cancel any outstanding requests (for blocking reporters, isRequester=true)
public function insertBlock(b:Block):void {
var oldNext:Block = nextBlock;
if (oldNext != null) removeChild(oldNext);
nextBlock = b;
if (oldNext != null) b.appendBlock(oldNext);
public function insertBlockAbove(b:Block):void {
b.x = this.x;
b.y = this.y - b.height + BlockShape.NotchDepth;
public function insertBlockAround(b:Block):void {
b.x = this.x - BlockShape.SubstackInset;
b.y = this.y - b.base.substack1y(); // + BlockShape.NotchDepth;
b.subStack1 = this;
public function insertBlockSub1(b:Block):void {
var old:Block = subStack1;
if (old != null) old.parent.removeChild(old);
subStack1 = b;
if (old != null) b.appendBlock(old);
public function insertBlockSub2(b:Block):void {
var old:Block = subStack2;
if (old != null) removeChild(old);
subStack2 = b;
if (old != null) b.appendBlock(old);
public function replaceArgWithBlock(oldArg:DisplayObject, b:Block, pane:DisplayObjectContainer):void {
var i:int = labelsAndArgs.indexOf(oldArg);
if (i < 0) return;
// remove the old argument
labelsAndArgs[i] = b;
if (oldArg is Block) {
// leave old block in pane
var o:Block = owningBlock();
var p:Point = pane.globalToLocal(o.localToGlobal(new Point(o.width + 5, (o.height - oldArg.height) / 2)));
oldArg.x = p.x;
oldArg.y = p.y;
private function appendBlock(b:Block):void {
var bottom:Block = bottomBlock();
bottom.nextBlock = b;
private function owningBlock():Block {
var b:Block = this;
while (true) {
if (b.parent is Block) {
b = Block(b.parent);
if (!b.isReporter) return b; // owning command block
} else {
return b; // top-level reporter block
return b; // never gets here
public function topBlock():Block {
var result:DisplayObject = this;
while (result.parent is Block) result = result.parent;
return Block(result);
public function bottomBlock():Block {
var result:Block = this;
while (result.nextBlock!= null) result = result.nextBlock;
return result;
private function argOrLabelFor(s:String, c:int):DisplayObject {
// Possible token formats:
// %<single letter>
// %m.<menuName>
// @<iconName>
// label (any string with no embedded white space that does not start with % or @)
// a token consisting of a single % or @ character is also a label
if ((s.length >= 2) && (s.charAt(0) == "%")) { // argument spec
var argSpec:String = s.charAt(1);
if (argSpec == "b") return new BlockArg("b", c);
if (argSpec == "c") return new BlockArg("c", c);
if (argSpec == "d") return new BlockArg("d", c, true, s.slice(3));
if (argSpec == "m") return new BlockArg("m", c, false, s.slice(3));
if (argSpec == "n") return new BlockArg("n", c, true);
if (argSpec == "s") return new BlockArg("s", c, true);
} else if ((s.length >= 2) && (s.charAt(0) == "@")) { // icon spec
var icon:* = Specs.IconNamed(s.slice(1));
return (icon) ? icon : makeLabel(s);
return makeLabel(s);
private function makeLabel(label:String):TextField {
var text:TextField = new TextField();
text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
text.selectable = false;
text.background = false;
text.defaultTextFormat = blockLabelFormat;
text.text = label;
if (useEmbeddedFont) {
text.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
text.embedFonts = true;
text.mouseEnabled = false;
return text;
/* Menu */
public function menu(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// Note: Unlike most menu() mehtods, this method invokes
// the menu itself rather than returning a menu to the caller.
if (MenuHandlerFunction == null) return;
if (isEmbeddedInProcHat()) MenuHandlerFunction(null, parent);
else MenuHandlerFunction(null, this);
public function handleTool(tool:String, evt:MouseEvent):void {
if (isEmbeddedParameter()) return;
if (!isInPalette()) {
if ('copy' == tool) duplicateStack(10, 5);
if ('cut' == tool) deleteStack();
if (tool == 'help') showHelp();
public function showHelp():void {
var i:int = -1;
if((i = op.indexOf('.')) > -1) {
var extName:String = op.substr(0, i);
DialogBox.notify('Help Missing', 'There is no documentation available for experimental extension "'+extName+'".',;
else {;
public function duplicateStack(deltaX:Number, deltaY:Number):void {
if (isProcDef()) return; // don't duplicate procedure definition
var forStage:Boolean = &&;
var newStack:Block = BlockIO.stringToStack(BlockIO.stackToString(this), forStage);
newStack.x = x + deltaX;
newStack.y = y + deltaY;
public function deleteStack():void {
if (isProcDef() || isEmbeddedInProcHat()) return; // don't delete procedure definition this way for now
if (parent == null) return;
var top:Block = topBlock();
// TODO: Remove any waiting reporter data in the
if (parent is Block) Block(parent).removeBlock(this);
else parent.removeChild(this);
this.cacheAsBitmap = false;
// set position for undelete
x = top.x;
y = top.y;
if (top != this) x += top.width + 5;, x, y, 0,;;;
public function addComment():void {
var scriptsPane:ScriptsPane = topBlock().parent as ScriptsPane;
if (scriptsPane) scriptsPane.addComment(this);
/* Dragging */
public function objToGrab(evt:MouseEvent):Block {
if (isEmbeddedParameter() || isInPalette()) return duplicate(false);
return this;
/* Events */
public function click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if (editArg(evt)) return;,, 1);
public function doubleClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if (editArg(evt)) return;,, 1);
private function editArg(evt:MouseEvent):Boolean {
var arg:BlockArg = as BlockArg;
if (!arg) arg = as BlockArg;
if (arg && arg.isEditable && (arg.parent == this)) {
return true;
return false;
private function focusChange(evt:Event):void {
if ( != this) return; // make sure the target TextField is in this block, not a child block
if (args.length == 0) return;
var i:int, focusIndex:int = -1;
for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (stage.focus == args[i].field) focusIndex = i;
i = focusIndex + 1;
while (true) {
if (i >= args.length) i = 0;
var f:TextField = args[i].field;
if ((f != null) && f.selectable) {
stage.focus = args[i].field;
args[i].field.setSelection(0, 10000000);
if (i == (focusIndex + 1)) return;