import {BrowserWindow, Menu, app, dialog, ipcMain, systemPreferences} from 'electron'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; import {URL} from 'url'; import {promisify} from 'util'; import argv from './argv'; import {getFilterForExtension} from './FileFilters'; import telemetry from './ScratchDesktopTelemetry'; import MacOSMenu from './MacOSMenu'; import log from '../common/log.js'; import {productName, version} from '../../package.json'; // suppress deprecation warning; this will be the default in Electron 9 app.allowRendererProcessReuse = true; telemetry.appWasOpened(); // const defaultSize = {width: 1096, height: 715}; // minimum const defaultSize = {width: 1280, height: 800}; // good for MAS screenshots const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; const devToolKey = ((process.platform === 'darwin') ? { // macOS: command+option+i alt: true, // option control: false, meta: true, // command shift: false, code: 'KeyI' } : { // Windows: control+shift+i alt: false, control: true, meta: false, // Windows key shift: true, code: 'KeyI' } ); // global window references prevent them from being garbage-collected const _windows = {}; // enable connecting to Scratch Link even if we DNS / Internet access is not available // this must happen BEFORE the app ready event! app.commandLine.appendSwitch('host-resolver-rules', 'MAP'); const displayPermissionDeniedWarning = (browserWindow, permissionType) => { let title; let message; switch (permissionType) { case 'camera': title = 'Camera Permission Denied'; message = 'Permission to use the camera has been denied. ' + 'Scratch will not be able to take a photo or use video sensing blocks.'; break; case 'microphone': title = 'Microphone Permission Denied'; message = 'Permission to use the microphone has been denied. ' + 'Scratch will not be able to record sounds or detect loudness.'; break; default: // shouldn't ever happen... title = 'Permission Denied'; message = 'A permission has been denied.'; } let instructions; switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': instructions = 'To change Scratch permissions, please check "Security & Privacy" in System Preferences.'; break; default: instructions = 'To change Scratch permissions, please check your system settings and restart Scratch.'; break; } message = `${message}\n\n${instructions}`; dialog.showMessageBox(browserWindow, {type: 'warning', title, message}); }; /** * Build an absolute URL from a relative one, optionally adding search query parameters. * The base of the URL will depend on whether or not the application is running in development mode. * @param {string} url - the relative URL, like 'index.html' * @param {*} search - the optional "search" parameters (the part of the URL after '?'), like "route=about" * @returns {string} - an absolute URL as a string */ const makeFullUrl = (url, search = null) => { const baseUrl = (isDevelopment ? `http://localhost:${process.env.ELECTRON_WEBPACK_WDS_PORT}/` : `file://${__dirname}/` ); const fullUrl = new URL(url, baseUrl); if (search) { = search; // automatically percent-encodes anything that needs it } return fullUrl.toString(); }; /** * Prompt in a platform-specific way for permission to access the microphone or camera, if Electron supports doing so. * Any application-level checks, such as whether or not a particular frame or document should be allowed to ask, * should be done before calling this function. * This function may return a Promise! * * @param {string} mediaType - one of Electron's media types, like 'microphone' or 'camera' * @returns {boolean|Promise.} - true if permission granted, false otherwise. */ const askForMediaAccess = mediaType => { if (systemPreferences.askForMediaAccess) { // Electron currently only implements this on macOS // This returns a Promise return systemPreferences.askForMediaAccess(mediaType); } // For other platforms we can't reasonably do anything other than assume we have access. return true; }; const handlePermissionRequest = async (webContents, permission, callback, details) => { if (webContents !== _windows.main.webContents) { // deny: request came from somewhere other than the main window's web contents return callback(false); } if (!details.isMainFrame) { // deny: request came from a subframe of the main window, not the main frame return callback(false); } if (permission !== 'media') { // deny: request is for some other kind of access like notifications or pointerLock return callback(false); } const requiredBase = makeFullUrl(''); if (details.requestingUrl.indexOf(requiredBase) !== 0) { // deny: request came from a URL outside of our "sandbox" return callback(false); } let askForMicrophone = false; let askForCamera = false; for (const mediaType of details.mediaTypes) { switch (mediaType) { case 'audio': askForMicrophone = true; break; case 'video': askForCamera = true; break; default: // deny: unhandled media type return callback(false); } } const parentWindow = _windows.main; // if we ever allow media in non-main windows we'll also need to change this if (askForMicrophone) { const microphoneResult = await askForMediaAccess('microphone'); if (!microphoneResult) { displayPermissionDeniedWarning(parentWindow, 'microphone'); return callback(false); } } if (askForCamera) { const cameraResult = await askForMediaAccess('camera'); if (!cameraResult) { displayPermissionDeniedWarning(parentWindow, 'camera'); return callback(false); } } return callback(true); }; const createWindow = ({search = null, url = 'index.html', ...browserWindowOptions}) => { const window = new BrowserWindow({ useContentSize: true, show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true }, ...browserWindowOptions }); const webContents = window.webContents; webContents.session.setPermissionRequestHandler(handlePermissionRequest); webContents.on('before-input-event', (event, input) => { if (input.code === devToolKey.code && input.alt === devToolKey.alt && input.control === devToolKey.control && input.meta === devToolKey.meta && input.shift === devToolKey.shift && input.type === 'keyDown' && !input.isAutoRepeat && !input.isComposing) { event.preventDefault(); webContents.openDevTools({mode: 'detach', activate: true}); } }); const fullUrl = makeFullUrl(url, search); window.loadURL(fullUrl); return window; }; const createAboutWindow = () => { const window = createWindow({ width: 400, height: 400, parent: _windows.main, search: 'route=about', title: `About ${productName}` }); return window; }; const createPrivacyWindow = () => { const window = createWindow({ width: _windows.main.width * 0.8, height: _windows.main.height * 0.8, parent: _windows.main, search: 'route=privacy', title: 'Scratch Desktop Privacy Policy' }); return window; }; const getIsProjectSave = downloadItem => { switch (downloadItem.getMimeType()) { case 'application/x.scratch.sb3': return true; } return false; }; const createMainWindow = () => { const window = createWindow({ width: defaultSize.width, height: defaultSize.height, title: `${productName} ${version}` // something like "Scratch 3.14" }); const webContents = window.webContents; webContents.session.on('will-download', (willDownloadEvent, downloadItem) => { const isProjectSave = getIsProjectSave(downloadItem); const itemPath = downloadItem.getFilename(); const baseName = path.basename(itemPath); const extName = path.extname(baseName); const options = { defaultPath: baseName }; if (extName) { const extNameNoDot = extName.replace(/^\./, ''); options.filters = [getFilterForExtension(extNameNoDot)]; } const userChosenPath = dialog.showSaveDialogSync(window, options); // this will be falsy if the user canceled the save if (userChosenPath) { const userBaseName = path.basename(userChosenPath); const tempPath = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), userBaseName); // WARNING: `setSavePath` on this item is only valid during the `will-download` event. Calling the async // version of `showSaveDialog` means the event will finish before we get here, so `setSavePath` will be // ignored. For that reason we need to call `showSaveDialogSync` above. downloadItem.setSavePath(tempPath); downloadItem.on('done', async (doneEvent, doneState) => { try { if (doneState !== 'completed') { // The download was canceled or interrupted. Cancel the telemetry event and delete the file. throw new Error(`save ${doneState}`); // "save cancelled" or "save interrupted" } await fs.move(tempPath, userChosenPath, {overwrite: true}); if (isProjectSave) { const newProjectTitle = path.basename(userChosenPath, extName); webContents.send('setTitleFromSave', {title: newProjectTitle}); // "setTitleFromSave" will set the project title but GUI has already reported the telemetry // event using the old title. This call lets the telemetry client know that the save was // actually completed and the event should be committed to the event queue with this new title. telemetry.projectSaveCompleted(newProjectTitle); } } catch (e) { if (isProjectSave) { telemetry.projectSaveCanceled(); } // don't clean up until after the message box to allow troubleshooting / recovery await dialog.showMessageBox(window, { type: 'error', message: `Save failed:\n${userChosenPath}`, detail: e.message }); fs.exists(tempPath).then(exists => { if (exists) { fs.unlink(tempPath); } }); } }); } else { downloadItem.cancel(); if (isProjectSave) { telemetry.projectSaveCanceled(); } } }); webContents.on('will-prevent-unload', ev => { const choice = dialog.showMessageBoxSync(window, { type: 'question', message: 'Leave Scratch?', detail: 'Any unsaved changes will be lost.', buttons: ['Stay', 'Leave'], cancelId: 0, // closing the dialog means "stay" defaultId: 0 // pressing enter or space without explicitly selecting something means "stay" }); const shouldQuit = (choice === 1); if (shouldQuit) { ev.preventDefault(); } }); window.once('ready-to-show', () => {; }); return window; }; if (process.platform === 'darwin') { const osxMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(MacOSMenu(app)); Menu.setApplicationMenu(osxMenu); } else { // disable menu for other platforms Menu.setApplicationMenu(null); } // quit application when all windows are closed app.on('window-all-closed', () => { app.quit(); }); app.on('will-quit', () => { telemetry.appWillClose(); }); // work around // which seems to be a result of if (process.platform === 'win32') { const appUserDataPath = app.getPath('userData'); const devToolsExtensionsPath = path.join(appUserDataPath, 'DevTools Extensions'); try { fs.unlinkSync(devToolsExtensionsPath); } catch (_) { // don't complain if the file doesn't exist } } // create main BrowserWindow when electron is ready app.on('ready', () => { if (isDevelopment) { import('electron-devtools-installer').then(importedModule => { const {default: installExtension, ...devToolsExtensions} = importedModule; const extensionsToInstall = [ devToolsExtensions.REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, devToolsExtensions.REACT_PERF, devToolsExtensions.REDUX_DEVTOOLS ]; for (const extension of extensionsToInstall) { // WARNING: depending on a lot of things including the version of Electron `installExtension` might // return a promise that never resolves, especially if the extension is already installed. installExtension(extension).then( extensionName => log(`Installed dev extension: ${extensionName}`), errorMessage => log.error(`Error installing dev extension: ${errorMessage}`) ); } }); } _windows.main = createMainWindow(); _windows.main.on('closed', () => { delete _windows.main; }); _windows.about = createAboutWindow(); _windows.about.on('close', event => { event.preventDefault(); _windows.about.hide(); }); _windows.privacy = createPrivacyWindow(); _windows.privacy.on('close', event => { event.preventDefault(); _windows.privacy.hide(); }); }); ipcMain.on('open-about-window', () => {; }); // start loading initial project data before the GUI needs it so the load seems faster const initialProjectDataPromise = (async () => { if (argv._.length === 0) { // no command line argument means no initial project data return; } if (argv._.length > 1) { log.warn(`Expected 1 command line argument but received ${argv._.length}.`); } const projectPath = argv._[argv._.length - 1]; try { const projectData = await promisify(fs.readFile)(projectPath, null); return projectData; } catch (e) { dialog.showMessageBox(_windows.main, { type: 'error', title: 'Failed to load project', message: `Could not load project from file:\n${projectPath}`, detail: e.message }); } // load failed: initial project data undefined })(); // IIFE ipcMain.handle('get-initial-project-data', () => initialProjectDataPromise);