directories: buildResources: buildResources output: dist appId: productName: "Scratch Desktop" afterSign: "scripts/afterSign.js" mac: category: entitlements: buildResources/entitlements.mac.plist extendInfo: NSCameraUsageDescription: >- This app requires camera access when taking a photo in the paint editor or using the video sensing blocks. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription: >- This app requires microphone access when recording sounds or detecting loudness. gatekeeperAssess: true hardenedRuntime: true icon: buildResources/ScratchDesktop.icns provisioningProfile: embedded.provisionprofile target: - dmg - mas type: distribution mas: category: entitlements: buildResources/entitlements.mas.plist entitlementsInherit: buildResources/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist icon: buildResources/ScratchDesktop.icns win: icon: buildResources/ScratchDesktop.ico target: - appx - nsis appx: identityName: ScratchFoundation.ScratchDesktop publisherDisplayName: "Scratch Foundation" publisher: "CN=2EC43DF1-469A-4119-9AB9-568A0A1FF65F" nsis: oneClick: false # allow user to choose per-user or per-machine