version: 2.1 workflows: macos: jobs: - build_for_macos: context: scratch-desktop-and-link windows: jobs: - build_for_windows: context: scratch-desktop-and-link orbs: windows: circleci/windows@2.4.0 aliases: # condition to indicate whether or not we should sign this build - &should_sign or: - equal: [ develop, << pipeline.git.branch >> ] - equal: [ main, << pipeline.git.branch >> ] - equal: [ master, << pipeline.git.branch >> ] # clear large environment variables from the "scratch-desktop-and-link" context # this helps when a program (like NPM) encounters errors with a large environment - &clear_context CSC_MACOS: "" MAC_PROVISION_PROFILE: "" SDM_CERT: "" SDM_CERT_CA_BUNDLE: "" SDM_CERT_KEY: "" WIN_CSC_LINK: "" jobs: build_for_macos: macos: # CircleCI's Xcode 11.1.0 image is the last of their images to be based on macOS 10.14 # I've had trouble building for earlier versions of macOS on Catalina but it's unclear whether that was due to # Catalina or the version of Xcode. We should investigate this further. xcode: 11.1.0 steps: - checkout - npm_install: npmCacheDir: ~/.npm - run: name: Test command: npm run test - when: condition: *should_sign steps: - run: name: Import CI context command: | set -e function decodeToFile () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Missing or invalid filename" return 1 fi if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Missing environment variable contents for file: $1" return 2 fi echo "$2" | base64 --decode > "$1" } decodeToFile embedded.provisionprofile "${MAC_PROVISION_PROFILE}" decodeToFile mas-dev.provisionprofile "${MAC_DEV_PROVISION_PROFILE}" decodeToFile macos-certs-scratch-foundation.p12 "${CSC_MACOS}" security -v create-keychain -p circleci circleci.keychain security -v default-keychain -s circleci.keychain security -v import macos-certs-scratch-foundation.p12 -k circleci.keychain -P "${CSC_MACOS_PASSWORD}" -T /usr/bin/codesign -T /usr/bin/productbuild security -v unlock-keychain -p circleci circleci.keychain # "set-key-partition-list" prints extensive not-so-useful output and adding "-q" (even multiple times) doesn't suppress it. # The "grep -v" at the end of this line suppresses all of that so any errors or warnings might be more visible. security -v set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k circleci circleci.keychain | grep -v '^ 0x' security -v set-keychain-settings -lut 600 circleci.keychain security -v find-identity circleci.keychain rm macos-certs-scratch-foundation.p12 - restore_cache: # Caching Homebrew's files (see the save_cache step below) means that Homebrew doesn't have to update as # much. The Homebrew update can take several minutes without this, but with the cache it tends to take less # than a minute most of the time. The cache will expire periodically and be replaced by a more up-to-date # cache, which should effectively cap the amount of updating that Homebrew needs to do on top of the cache. name: Restore Homebrew cache key: homebrew-cache-v1 - run: name: Work around electron-userland/electron-builder#4964 command: | brew install go go-bindata git -C ~ clone git -C ~/app-builder checkout b85740334fec875f5dd8dcd22eb1f729599109db make --directory=~/app-builder build ln -sfv ~/app-builder/dist/app-builder_darwin_amd64/app-builder ./node_modules/app-builder-bin/mac/ - save_cache: name: Save Homebrew cache paths: - ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew - /usr/local/Homebrew key: homebrew-cache-v1 - build - run: name: Move DMG to artifacts directory command: | mkdir -p Artifacts/ mv -v dist/Scratch*.dmg Artifacts/ - when: condition: *should_sign steps: - run: name: Zip MAS-Dev to artifacts directory # If you use `zip` for this it will throw away some metadata (resource forks?) and # the app will crash on startup with "EXC_CRASH (Code Signature Invalid)". # To preserve that metadata, use `ditto` instead. # See also: command: | NPM_APP_VERSION="`node -pe "require('./package.json').version"`" cd dist/mas-dev ditto -v -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent --zlibCompressionLevel 9 \ Scratch*.app ../../Artifacts/mas-dev-${NPM_APP_VERSION}.zip - run: name: Move PKG to artifacts directory command: | mv -v dist/mas/Scratch*.pkg Artifacts/ - store_artifacts: path: Artifacts/ build_for_windows: executor: windows/default steps: - run: # work around which seems to affect CircleCI too # see also name: Work around git-sh-setup issue shell: bash command: | echo 'Adding libexec/git-core to PATH...' echo 'For more details see' echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/libexec/git-core"' >> $BASH_ENV - checkout - npm_install: npmCacheDir: "C:/Users/circleci/AppData/Roaming/npm-cache" - run: name: Test command: npm run test environment: *clear_context - when: condition: *should_sign steps: - run: name: Import CI context shell: bash command: | set -e function decodeToFile () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Missing or invalid filename" return 1 fi if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Missing environment variable contents for file: $1" return 2 fi echo "$2" | base64 --decode > "$1" } decodeToFile ~/codesign.pfx "${WIN_CSC_LINK}" - run: # In theory this should be unnecessary: the electron-builder documentation says that WIN_CSC_LINK can # be a base64-encoded certificate, which is what's in the CI context. In practice that leads to an # signtool.exe finding the certificate but not the key, for reasons I haven't been able to understand. # Also, because of the non-standard user configuration on CircleCI's Windows VM, attempting to import # a certificate into the user's certificate store ("Cert:/LocalUser/My") will fail. Instead, this code # imports the PFX into the machine certificate store. That usually requires Administrator permissions, # but on CircleCI's setup it works just fine. See also: # and name: Add CSC to machine store shell: powershell command: | $securePassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $env:WIN_CSC_KEY_PASSWORD -AsPlainText -Force) Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath ~/codesign.pfx -Password $securePassword -CertStoreLocation "Cert:/LocalMachine/My" - build - run: name: Move Windows build products to artifacts directory shell: bash command: | mkdir -p Artifacts/ mv dist/{Scratch*.appx,Scratch*.exe} Artifacts/ - store_artifacts: path: Artifacts/ commands: npm_install: description: Run 'npm install' with caching parameters: npmCacheDir: type: string description: NPM cache directory (`npm config cache get`) - usually either ~/.npm or %AppData%/npm-cache steps: - restore_cache: keys: - npm-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - run: name: Install node_modules shell: bash # harmless on macOS, required on Windows to work around git-sh-setup issue # --prefer-offline "will make npm skip any conditional requests (304 checks) for stale cache data, and only # hit the network if something is missing from the cache" command: npm ci --prefer-offline environment: *clear_context - save_cache: paths: - << parameters.npmCacheDir >> key: npm-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} build: steps: - when: condition: *should_sign steps: - run: command: npm run dist no_output_timeout: 30m # macOS notarization can take longer than the default 10 minutes environment: # blank big variables to avoid crash on Windows <<: *clear_context # let Windows know where to get the PFX (ignored on non-Windows builds) WIN_CSC_LINK: ~/codesign.pfx # blank CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM to work around electron-userland/electron-builder#5016 CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM: "" - unless: condition: *should_sign steps: - run: command: npm run distDev environment: *clear_context