/* global Uint8Array Promise */ const tap = require('tap'); const {AudioContext} = require('web-audio-test-api'); const AudioEngine = require('../src/AudioEngine'); tap.test('SoundPlayer', suite => { let audioContext; let audioEngine; let soundPlayer; const help = { get engineInputs () { return audioEngine.inputNode.toJSON().inputs; } }; suite.beforeEach(() => { audioContext = new AudioContext(); audioEngine = new AudioEngine(audioContext); // sound will be 0.2 seconds long audioContext.DECODE_AUDIO_DATA_RESULT = audioContext.createBuffer(2, 8820, 44100); audioContext.DECODE_AUDIO_DATA_FAILED = false; const data = new Uint8Array(0); return audioEngine.decodeSoundPlayer({data}).then(result => { soundPlayer = result; }); }); suite.afterEach(() => { soundPlayer.dispose(); soundPlayer = null; audioEngine = null; audioContext.$reset(); audioContext = null; }); suite.plan(5); suite.test('play initializes and creates source node', t => { t.plan(3); t.equal(soundPlayer.initialized, false, 'not yet initialized'); soundPlayer.play(); t.equal(soundPlayer.initialized, true, 'now is initialized'); t.deepEqual(soundPlayer.outputNode.toJSON(), { buffer: audioContext.DECODE_AUDIO_DATA_RESULT.toJSON(), inputs: [], loop: false, loopEnd: 0, loopStart: 0, name: 'AudioBufferSourceNode', playbackRate: { inputs: [], value: 1 } }); t.end(); }); suite.test('connect', t => { t.plan(1); soundPlayer.play(); soundPlayer.connect(audioEngine); t.deepEqual(help.engineInputs, [ soundPlayer.outputNode.toJSON() ], 'output node connects to input node'); t.end(); }); suite.test('stop decay', t => { t.plan(7); soundPlayer.play(); soundPlayer.connect(audioEngine); const outputNode = soundPlayer.outputNode; audioContext.$processTo(0); soundPlayer.stop(); t.equal(soundPlayer.outputNode, null, 'nullify outputNode immediately (taken sound is stopping)'); t.deepEqual(help.engineInputs, [{ name: 'GainNode', gain: { value: 1, inputs: [] }, inputs: [outputNode.toJSON()] }], 'output node connects to gain node to input node'); audioContext.$processTo(audioEngine.DECAY_WAIT + audioEngine.DECAY_DURATION / 2); const engineInputs = help.engineInputs; t.notEqual(engineInputs[0].gain.value, 1, 'gain value should not be 1'); t.notEqual(engineInputs[0].gain.value, 0, 'gain value should not be 0'); t.equal(outputNode.$state, 'PLAYING'); audioContext.$processTo(audioEngine.DECAY_WAIT + audioEngine.DECAY_DURATION + 0.001); t.deepEqual(help.engineInputs, [{ name: 'GainNode', gain: { value: 0, inputs: [] }, inputs: [outputNode.toJSON()] }], 'output node connects to gain node to input node decayed'); t.equal(outputNode.$state, 'FINISHED'); t.end(); }); suite.test('play while playing debounces', t => { t.plan(7); const log = []; soundPlayer.connect(audioEngine); soundPlayer.play(); t.equal(soundPlayer.isStarting, true, 'player.isStarting'); const originalNode = soundPlayer.outputNode; // the second play should still "finish" this play soundPlayer.finished().then(() => log.push('finished first')); soundPlayer.play(); soundPlayer.finished().then(() => log.push('finished second')); soundPlayer.play(); soundPlayer.finished().then(() => log.push('finished third')); soundPlayer.play(); t.equal(originalNode, soundPlayer.outputNode, 'same output node'); t.equal(soundPlayer.outputNode.$state, 'PLAYING'); return Promise.resolve().then(() => { t.deepEqual(log, ['finished first', 'finished second', 'finished third'], 'finished in order'); // fast forward to one ms before decay time audioContext.$processTo(audioEngine.DECAY_DURATION - 0.001); soundPlayer.play(); t.equal(originalNode, soundPlayer.outputNode, 'same output node'); // now at DECAY_DURATION, we should meet a new player as the old one is taken/stopped audioContext.$processTo(audioEngine.DECAY_DURATION); t.equal(soundPlayer.isStarting, false, 'player.isStarting now false'); soundPlayer.play(); t.notEqual(originalNode, soundPlayer.outputNode, 'New output node'); t.end(); }); }); suite.test('play while playing', t => { t.plan(15); const log = []; soundPlayer.play(); soundPlayer.finished().then(() => log.push('play 1 finished')); soundPlayer.connect(audioEngine); const firstPlayNode = soundPlayer.outputNode; // go past debounce time and play again audioContext.$processTo(audioEngine.DECAY_DURATION); return Promise.resolve() .then(() => { t.equal(soundPlayer.outputNode.$state, 'PLAYING'); soundPlayer.play(); soundPlayer.finished().then(() => log.push('play 2 finished')); // wait for a micro-task loop to fire our previous events return Promise.resolve(); }) .then(() => { t.equal(log[0], 'play 1 finished'); t.notEqual(soundPlayer.outputNode, firstPlayNode, 'created new player node'); t.equal(help.engineInputs.length, 2, 'there should be 2 players connected'); t.equal(firstPlayNode.$state, 'PLAYING'); t.equal(soundPlayer.outputNode.$state, 'PLAYING'); t.equal(help.engineInputs[0].gain.value, 1, 'old sound connectect to gain node with volume 1'); const {currentTime} = audioContext; audioContext.$processTo(currentTime + audioEngine.DECAY_WAIT + 0.001); t.notEqual(help.engineInputs[0].gain.value, 1, 'old sound connected to gain node which will fade'); audioContext.$processTo(currentTime + audioEngine.DECAY_WAIT + audioEngine.DECAY_DURATION + 0.001); t.equal(soundPlayer.outputNode.$state, 'PLAYING'); t.equal(firstPlayNode.$state, 'FINISHED'); t.equal(help.engineInputs[0].gain.value, 0, 'faded old sound to 0'); t.equal(log.length, 1); audioContext.$processTo(currentTime + audioEngine.DECAY_WAIT + audioEngine.DECAY_DURATION + 0.3); // wait for a micro-task loop to fire our previous events return Promise.resolve(); }) .then(() => { t.equal(log[1], 'play 2 finished'); t.equal(help.engineInputs.length, 1, 'old sound disconneted itself after done'); t.equal(log.length, 2); t.end(); }); }); suite.end(); });