/* eslint-env mocha */ require('should') var origin = require('../src/origin') describe('Origin list', function () { var list = [ 'http://api.myapp.com', 'http://www.myapp.com' ] it('returns null if the origin is not in the list', function () { var o = origin.match('http://random-website.com', list); (o === null).should.eql(true) }) it('does not do partial matches', function () { var o = origin.match('api.myapp.com', list); (o === null).should.eql(true) }) it('returns the origin if it matched', function () { var o = origin.match('http://api.myapp.com', list) o.should.eql('http://api.myapp.com') }) it('returns the origin if the list contains *', function () { var o = origin.match('http://random-website.com', ['*']) o.should.eql('http://random-website.com') }) })