Segment = Base.extend({ initialize: function() { if(arguments.length == 0) { this.point = new Point(); } else if(arguments.length == 1) { if(arguments[0].point) { var segment = arguments[0]; this.point = new Point(segment.point); if(segment.handleIn) this.handleIn = new Point(segment.handleIn); if(segment.handleOut) this.handleOut = new Point(segment.handleOut); } else { this.point = new Point(arguments[0]); } } else if(arguments.length < 6) { if(arguments.length == 2 && !arguments[1].x) { this.point = new Point(arguments[0], arguments[1]); } else { this.point = new Point(arguments[0]); if(arguments[1]) this.handleIn = new Point(arguments[1]); if(arguments[2]) this.handleOut = new Point(arguments[2]); } } else if(arguments.length == 6) { this.point = new Point(arguments[0], arguments[1]); this.handleIn = new Point(arguments[2], arguments[3]); this.handleOut = new Point(arguments[4], arguments[5]); } }, // TODO: // insert: function() { // if(this._segments && this._segments.path) { // var path = this._segments.path; // path.checkValid(); // // } // }, getPoint: function() { return this.point; }, setPoint: function() { var point =; this.point = point; }, getHandleIn: function() { return this.handleIn; }, setHandleIn: function() { var point =; this.handleIn = point; }, getHandleOut: function() { return this.handleOut; }, setHandleOut: function() { var point =; this.handleOut = point; this.corner = !handleIn.isParallel(handleOut); }, getIndex: function() { var segments = this.path._segments; for(var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) { if(segments[i] == this) return i; } }, getPath: function() { return this._path; }, // todo // getCurve: function() { // if(this._segments && this._segments.path) { // var curves = this._segments.path.getCurves(); // // The curves list handles closing curves, so the curves.size // // is adjusted accordingly. just check to be in the boundaries here: // return index < curves.length ? curves[index] : null; // } // }, getNext: function() { var index = this.index; return this.path && index < this.path._segments.length - 1 ? this.path._segments[index + 1] : null; }, getPrevious: function() { return this.path != null && index > 0 ? this.path._segments[this.index - 1] : null; }, // todo // isSelected: function() { // // } // // setSelected: function(pt, selected) reverse: function() { return new Segment(this.point, this.handleOut, this.handleIn); }, clone: function() { return new Segment(this); }, remove: function() { if(this.path && this.path._segments) return this.path._segments.splice(this.index, 1); return false; }, toString: function() { return '{ point: ' + this.point.toString() + (this.handleIn ? ', handleIn '+ this.handleIn.toString() : '') + (this.handleOut ? ', handleOut ' + this.handleOut.toString() : '') + ' }'; }, statics: { read: function(args) { if(args.length && args[0] != null) { var segment = new Segment(); segment.initialize.apply(segment, args); return segment; } } } })