function createCodeMirror(place, options, source) { return new CodeMirror(place, Hash.create({}, { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, tabMode: 'shift', value: source.getText().replace(/\t/gi, ' ').match( // Remove first & last empty line /^\s*?[\n\r]?([\u0000-\uffff]*?)[\n\r]?\s*?$/)[1] }, options)); } Code = HtmlElement.extend({ _class: 'code', initialize: function() { // Only format this element if it is visible, otherwise wait until // it is made visible and then call initialize() manually. if (this.initialized || this.getBounds().height == 0) return; var that = this; var start = this.getProperty('start'); var highlight = this.getProperty('highlight'); var editor = createCodeMirror(function(el) { that.replaceWith(el); }, { lineNumbers: !this.hasParent('.resource-text'), firstLineNumber: (start || 1).toInt(), readOnly: true }, this); if (highlight) { var highlights = highlight.split(','); for (var i = 0, l = highlights.length; i < l; i++) { var highlight = highlights[i].split('-'); var hlStart = highlight[0].toInt() - 1; var hlEnd = highlight.length == 2 ? highlight[1].toInt() - 1 : hlStart; if (start) { hlStart -= start - 1; hlEnd -= start - 1; } for (var j = hlStart; j <= hlEnd; j++) { editor.setLineClass(j, 'highlight'); } } } this.initialized = true; } }); PaperScript = HtmlElement.extend({ _class: 'paperscript', initialize: function() { // Only format this element if it is visible, otherwise wait until // it is made visible and then call initialize() manually. if (this.initialized || this.getBounds().height == 0) return; var script = $('script', this), button = $('.button', this); if (!script || !button) return; var source = button.injectAfter('div', { className: 'source hidden' }); var that = this, canvas = $('canvas', this), hasResize = canvas.getProperty('resize'), showSplit = this.hasClass('split'), sourceFirst = this.hasClass('source'), width, height, editor = null, hasBorders = true; function showSource(show) { source.modifyClass('hidden', !show); button.setText(show ? 'Run' : 'Source'); if (show && !editor) { editor = createCodeMirror(source.$, { /* onKeyEvent: function(editor, event) { event = new DomEvent(event); if (event.type == 'keydown') { var pos = editor.getCursor(); += 4; editor.setCursor(pos); event.stop(); } }, */ }, script); } } function runScript() { var scope = paper.PaperScope.get(script.$); if (scope) { // Update script to edited version script.setText(editor.getValue()); // Clear scope first, then evaluate a new script. scope.clear(); scope.evaluate(script.$); } } function resize() { if (!canvas.hasClass('hidden')) { width = canvas.getWidth(); height = canvas.getHeight(); } else if (hasResize) { // Can't get correct dimensions from hidden canvas, // so calculate again. var size = $window.getScrollSize(); var offset = source.getOffset(); width = size.width - offset.x; height = size.height - offset.y; } // Resize the main element as well, so that the float:right button // is always positioned correctly. that.set({ width: width, height: height }); source.set({ width: width - (hasBorders ? 2 : 1), height: height - (hasBorders ? 2 : 0) }); } function toggleView() { var show = source.hasClass('hidden'); resize(); canvas.modifyClass('hidden', show); showSource(show); if (!show) runScript(); // Remove padding button.setStyle('right', $('.CodeMirror', source).getScrollSize().height > height ? 24 : 8); } if (hasResize) { // Delay the installing of the resize event, so paper.js installs // its own before us. (function() { $window.addEvents({ resize: resize }); }).delay(1); hasBorders = false; source.setStyles({ borderWidth: '0 0 0 1px' }); } if (showSplit) { showSource(true); } else if (sourceFirst) { toggleView(); } button.addEvents({ click: function(event) { if (showSplit) { runScript(); } else { toggleView(); } event.stop(); }, mousedown: function(event) { event.stop(); } }); this.initialized = true; } }); $document.addEvent('domready', function() { var h = unescape(document.location.hash); if (h) scrollToElement(h.substring(1)); }); var lastMemberId = null; function toggleMember(id, scrollTo) { if (lastMemberId && lastMemberId != id) { var prevId = lastMemberId; lastMemberId = null; toggleMember(prevId); } var link = $('#' + id + '-link'); if (link) { var desc = $('#' + id + '-description'); var v = !link.hasClass('hidden'); lastMemberId = v && id; link.modifyClass('hidden', v); desc.modifyClass('hidden', !v); if (!desc.editor && v) { desc.editor = $$('pre.code, .paperscript', desc).each(function(code) { code.initialize(); }); } if (scrollTo) scrollToMember(id); return false; } return true; } function scrollToElement(id) { var e = $('#' + id + '-member'); if (e) { var offs = e.getOffset(); $window.setScrollOffset(offs); if (e.hasClass('member')) toggleMember(id); } else { document.location.hash = id; } }