/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://scratchdisk.com/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ QUnit.module('PathItem'); test('PathItem#create() with SVG path-data (#1101)', function() { var data = [ 'M11 18V6l-8.5 6 8.5 6zm.5-6l8.5 6V6l-8.5 6z', 'M20 20l20 20v-20zm20 20l-20 20h20z', 'M11 18V6l-8.5 6 8.5 6zm.5-6l8.5 6V6l-8.5 6z', 'M11,18l0,-12l-8.5,6z M11.5,12l8.5,6l0,-12z', 'M10,10 L20,20 L10,30 M30,10 L30,30', 'M 0 1.5 l 1e1 0 m -10 2 l 1e+1 0 m -10 2 l 100e-1 0', 'M372 130Q272 50 422 10zm70 0q50-150-80-90z' ]; var expected = [ [[[11,18],[11,6],[2.5,12],true], [[11.5,12],[20,18],[20,6],true]], [[[20,20],[40,40],[40,20],true], [[40,40],[20,60],[40,60],true]], [[[11,18],[11,6],[2.5,12],true],[[11.5,12],[20,18],[20,6],true]], [[[11,18],[11,6],[2.5,12],true],[[11.5,12],[20,18],[20,6],true]], [[[10,10],[20,20],[10,30]],[[30,10],[30,30]]], [[[0,1.5],[10,1.5]],[[0,3.5],[10,3.5]],[[0,5.5],[10,5.5]]], [[[372,130,0,0,-66.66667,-53.33333],[422,10,-100,26.66667,0,0],true], [[442,130,0,0,33.33333,-100],[362,40,86.66667,-40,0,0],true]] ]; function describe(path) { var res; if (path.children) { res = path.children.map(function(child) { return describe(child); }); } else { res = path.segments.map(function(segment) { var pt = segment.point, hi = segment.handleIn, ho = segment.handleOut, multiplier = Math.pow(10, 5); return (hi.isZero() && ho.isZero() ? [pt.x, pt.y] : [pt.x, pt.y, hi.x, hi.y, ho.x, ho.y]) .map(function(x) { return Math.round(x * multiplier) / multiplier; }); }); if (path.closed) res.push(true); } return res; } data.forEach(function(entry, i) { var path = PathItem.create(entry); // console.log(JSON.stringify(describe(path))); equals(path, PathItem.create(expected[i]), 'data[' + i + ']'); }); });