/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ // Override equals to convert functions to message and execute them as tests() function equals(actual, expected, message, tolerance) { if (typeof actual === 'function') { if (!message) { message = actual.toString().match( /^\s*function[^\{]*\{([\s\S]*)\}\s*$/)[1] .replace(/ /g, '') .replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (/^return /.test(message)) { message = message .replace(/^return /, '') .replace(/;$/, ''); } } actual = actual(); } // See if we need to compare with a tolerance, and if so, assume a number. if (tolerance !== undefined) { var ok = Math.abs(actual - expected) <= tolerance; return QUnit.push(ok, ok ? expected : actual, expected, message); } else if (expected && expected.equals) { // Support calling of #equals() on the expected value, and automatically // convert displayed values to strings. return QUnit.push(expected.equals(actual), actual + '', expected + '', message); } else { // Let's be strict return strictEqual(actual, expected, message); } } function test(testName, expected) { return QUnit.test(testName, function() { var project = new Project(); expected(); project.remove(); }); } function asyncTest(testName, expected) { return QUnit.asyncTest(testName, function() { var project = new Project(); expected(function() { project.remove(); start(); }); }); } function compareNumbers(number1, number2, message, precision) { var formatter = new Formatter(precision); equals(formatter.number(number1, precision), formatter.number(number2, precision), message); } function compareArrays(array1, array2, message, precision) { var formatter = new Formatter(precision); function format(array) { return Base.each(array, function(value, index) { this[index] = formatter.number(value, precision); }, []).toString(); } equals(format(array1), format(array2), message); } function comparePoints(point1, point2, message) { compareNumbers(point1.x, point2.x, (message || '') + ' x'); compareNumbers(point1.y, point2.y, (message || '') + ' y'); } function compareRectangles(rect1, rect2, message) { compareNumbers(rect1.x, rect2.x, (message || '') + ' x'); compareNumbers(rect1.y, rect2.y, (message || '') + ' y'); compareNumbers(rect1.width, rect2.width, (message || '') + ' width'); compareNumbers(rect1.height, rect2.height, (message || '') + ' height'); } function compareColors(color1, color2, message, precision) { color1 = new Color(color1); color2 = new Color(color2); equals(color1.type, color2.type, (message || '') + ' type'); compareArrays(color1.components, color2.components, (message || '') + ' components', precision); } function compareStyles(style, style2, checkIdentity) { if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return style !== style2; }, true); } Base.each(['fillColor', 'strokeColor'], function(key) { if (style[key]) { // The color should not point to the same color object: if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return style[key] !== style2[key]; }, true, 'The ' + key + ' should not point to the same color object:'); } if (style[key] instanceof Color) { if (style[key].type === 'gradient' && checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return style[key].gradient === style2[key].gradient; }, true, 'The ' + key + '.gradient should point to the same object:'); } compareColors(style[key], style2[key], 'Compare Style#' + key); } else { equals(style[key] && style[key].toString(), style2[key] && style2[key].toString(), 'Compare Style#' + key); } } }); compareObjects('Style', ['strokeCap', 'strokeJoin', 'dashArray', 'dashOffset', 'miterLimit', 'strokeOverprint', 'fillOverprint', 'fontSize', 'font', 'leading', 'justification'], style, style2, checkIdentity); } function compareObjects(name, keys, obj, obj2, checkIdentity) { if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return obj !== obj2; }, true); } Base.each(keys, function(key) { var val = obj[key], val2 = obj2[key], message = 'Compare ' + name + '#' + key; if (typeof val === 'number') { compareNumbers(val, val2, message); } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { compareArrays(val, val2, message); } else { equals(val, val2, message); } }); } function compareSegmentPoints(segmentPoint, segmentPoint2, checkIdentity) { compareObjects('SegmentPoint', ['x', 'y', 'selected'], segmentPoint, segmentPoint2, checkIdentity); } function compareSegments(segment, segment2, checkIdentity) { if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return segment !== segment2; }, true); } equals(function() { return segment.selected == segment2.selected; }, true); Base.each(['handleIn', 'handleOut', 'point'], function(key) { compareSegmentPoints(segment[key], segment2[key]); }); } function compareSegmentLists(segmentList, segmentList2, checkIdentity) { if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return segmentList !== segmentList2; }, true); } equals(segmentList.toString(), segmentList2.toString(), 'Compare Item#segments'); if (checkIdentity) { for (var i = 0, l = segmentList.length; i < l; i++) { var segment = segmentList[i], segment2 = segmentList2[i]; compareSegments(segment, segment2, checkIdentity); } } } function compareItems(item, item2, cloned, checkIdentity, dontShareProject) { if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return item !== item2; }, true); equals(function() { return item.id !== item2.id; }, true); } equals(function() { return item.constructor == item2.constructor; }, true); var itemProperties = ['opacity', 'locked', 'visible', 'blendMode', 'name', 'selected', 'clipMask']; Base.each(itemProperties, function(key) { var value = item[key]; // When item was cloned and had a name, the name will be versioned equals( key == 'name' && cloned && value ? value + ' 1' : value, item2[key], 'compare Item#' + key); }); if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return item.bounds !== item2.bounds; }, true); } equals(item.bounds.toString(), item2.bounds.toString(), 'Compare Item#bounds'); if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return item.position !== item2.position; }, true); } equals(item.position.toString(), item2.position.toString(), 'Compare Item#position'); equals(function() { return Base.equals(item.data, item2.data); }, true); if (item.matrix) { if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return item.matrix !== item2.matrix; }, true); } equals(item.matrix.toString(), item2.matrix.toString(), 'Compare Item#matrix'); } // Path specific if (item2 instanceof Path) { var keys = ['closed', 'fullySelected', 'clockwise']; for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { var key = keys[i]; equals(item[key], item2[key], 'Compare Path#' + key); } compareNumbers(item.length, item2.length, 'Compare Path#length'); compareSegmentLists(item.segments, item2.segments, checkIdentity); } // Group specific if (item instanceof Group) { equals(function() { return item.clipped == item2.clipped; }, true); } // Layer specific if (item instanceof Layer) { equals(function() { return dontShareProject ? item.project != item2.project : item.project == item2.project; }, true); } // PlacedSymbol specific if (item instanceof PlacedSymbol) { if (dontShareProject) { compareItems(item.symbol.definition, item2.symbol.definition, cloned, checkIdentity, dontShareProject, 'Compare Symbol#definition'); } else { equals(function() { return item.symbol == item2.symbol; }, true); } } // Raster specific if (item instanceof Raster) { equals(item.size.toString(), item2.size.toString(), 'Compare Raster#size'); compareNumbers(item.width, item2.width, 'Compare Raster#width'); compareNumbers(item.height, item2.height, 'Compare Raster#height'); equals(item.ppi.toString(), item2.ppi.toString(), 'Compare Raster#ppi'); equals(item.source, item2.source, 'Compare Raster#source'); if (checkIdentity) { equals(item.image, item2.image, 'Compare Raster#image'); } equals(item.size.toString(), item2.size.toString(), 'Compare Raster#size'); equals(item.toDataURL() == item2.toDataURL(), true, 'Compare Raster#toDataUrl()'); } // TextItem specific: if (item instanceof TextItem) { equals(item.content, item2.content, 'Compare Item#content'); } // PointText specific: if (item instanceof PointText) { if (checkIdentity) { equals(function() { return item.point !== item2.point; }, true); } equals(item.point.toString(), item2.point.toString(), 'Compare Item#point'); } if (item.style) { // Style compareStyles(item.style, item2.style, checkIdentity); } // Check length of children and recursively compare them: if (item.children) { equals(function() { return item.children.length == item2.children.length; }, true); for (var i = 0, l = item.children.length; i < l; i++) { compareItems(item.children[i], item2.children[i], cloned, checkIdentity, dontShareProject); } } } function compareProjects(project, project2) { // Compare Project#symbols: equals(function() { return project.symbols.length == project2.symbols.length; }, true); for (var i = 0, l = project.symbols.length; i < l; i++) { var definition1 = project.symbols[i].definition; var definition2 = project2.symbols[i].definition; compareItems(definition1, definition2, false, false, true, 'Compare Symbol#definition'); } // Compare Project#layers: equals(function() { return project.layers.length == project2.layers.length; }, true); for (var i = 0, l = project.layers.length; i < l; i++) { compareItems(project.layers[i], project2.layers[i], false, false, true); } } // SVG function createSvg(xml) { return new DOMParser().parseFromString('' + xml + '', 'application/xml'); }