* Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
* http://paperjs.org/
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
* http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/
* Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
* All rights reserved.
* @name Project
* @class A Project object in Paper.js is what usually is referred to as the
* document: The top level object that holds all the items contained in the
* scene graph. As the term document is already taken in the browser context,
* it is called Project.
* Projects allow the manipluation of the styles that are applied to all newly
* created items, give access to the selected items, and will in future versions
* offer ways to query for items in the scene graph defining specific
* requirements, and means to persist and load from different formats, such as
* SVG and PDF.
* The currently active project can be accessed through the
* {@link PaperScope#project} variable.
* An array of all open projects is accessible through the
* {@link PaperScope#projects} variable.
var Project = this.Project = PaperScopeItem.extend(/** @lends Project# */{
_list: 'projects',
_reference: 'project',
// TODO: Add arguments to define pages
* Creates a Paper.js project.
* When working with PaperScript, a project is automatically created for us
* and the {@link PaperScope#project} variable points to it.
* @param {View|HTMLCanvasElement} view Either a view object or an HTML
* Canvas element that should be wrapped in a newly created view.
initialize: function(view) {
// Activate straight away by passing true to base(), so paper.project is
// set, as required by Layer and DoumentView constructors.
this.layers = [];
this.symbols = [];
this.activeLayer = new Layer();
if (view)
this.view = view instanceof View ? view : View.create(view);
this._currentStyle = new PathStyle();
this._selectedItems = {};
this._selectedItemCount = 0;
// See Item.draw() for an explanation of _drawCount
this._drawCount = 0;
// Change tracking, not in use for now. Activate once required:
// this._changes = [];
// this._changesById = {};
this.options = {};
_serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
// Just serialize layers to an array for now, they will be unserialized
// into the active project automatically. We might want to add proper
// project serialization later, but deserialization of a layers array
// will always work.
return Base.serialize(this.layers, options, false, dictionary);
_needsRedraw: function() {
if (this.view)
this.view._redrawNeeded = true;
* Activates this project, so all newly created items will be placed
* in it.
* @name Project#activate
* @function
* Removes this project from the {@link PaperScope#projects} list, and also
* removes its view, if one was defined.
remove: function() {
if (!this.base())
return false;
if (this.view)
return true;
* The reference to the project's view.
* @name Project#view
* @type View
* The currently active path style. All selected items and newly
* created items will be styled with this style.
* @type PathStyle
* @bean
* @example {@paperscript}
* project.currentStyle = {
* fillColor: 'red',
* strokeColor: 'black',
* strokeWidth: 5
* }
* // The following paths will take over all style properties of
* // the current style:
* var path = new Path.Circle(new Point(75, 50), 30);
* var path2 = new Path.Circle(new Point(175, 50), 20);
* @example {@paperscript}
* project.currentStyle.fillColor = 'red';
* // The following path will take over the fill color we just set:
* var path = new Path.Circle(new Point(75, 50), 30);
* var path2 = new Path.Circle(new Point(175, 50), 20);
getCurrentStyle: function() {
return this._currentStyle;
setCurrentStyle: function(style) {
// TODO: Style selected items with the style:
* The index of the project in the {@link PaperScope#projects} list.
* @type Number
* @bean
getIndex: function() {
return this._index;
* The selected items contained within the project.
* @type Item[]
* @bean
getSelectedItems: function() {
// TODO: Return groups if their children are all selected,
// and filter out their children from the list.
// TODO: The order of these items should be that of their
// drawing order.
var items = [];
for (var id in this._selectedItems) {
var item = this._selectedItems[id];
if (item._drawCount === this._drawCount)
return items;
// DOCS: Project#options
* options.handleSize:
* options.hitTolerance:
* @name Project#options
* @type Object
// TODO: Implement setSelectedItems?
_updateSelection: function(item) {
if (item._selected) {
this._selectedItems[item._id] = item;
// Make sure the item is considered selected right away if it is
// part of the DOM, even before it's getting drawn for the first
// time.
if (item.isInserted())
item._drawCount = this._drawCount;
} else {
delete this._selectedItems[item._id];
* Selects all items in the project.
selectAll: function() {
for (var i = 0, l = this.layers.length; i < l; i++)
* Deselects all selected items in the project.
deselectAll: function() {
for (var i in this._selectedItems)
* Perform a hit test on the items contained within the project at the
* location of the specified point.
* The optional options object allows you to control the specifics of the
* hit test and may contain a combination of the following values:
* options.tolerance: {@code Number} - The tolerance of the hit test
* in points.
* options.type: Only hit test again a certain item
* type: {@link PathItem}, {@link Raster}, {@link TextItem}, etc.
* options.fill: {@code Boolean} - Hit test the fill of items.
* options.stroke: {@code Boolean} - Hit test the curves of path
* items, taking into account stroke width.
* options.segments: {@code Boolean} - Hit test for
* {@link Segment#point} of {@link Path} items.
* options.handles: {@code Boolean} - Hit test for the handles
* ({@link Segment#handleIn} / {@link Segment#handleOut}) of path segments.
* options.ends: {@code Boolean} - Only hit test for the first or
* last segment points of open path items.
* options.bounds: {@code Boolean} - Hit test the corners and
* side-centers of the bounding rectangle of items ({@link Item#bounds}).
* options.center: {@code Boolean} - Hit test the
* {@link Rectangle#center} of the bounding rectangle of items
* ({@link Item#bounds}).
* options.guide: {@code Boolean} - Hit test items that have
* {@link Item#guide} set to {@code true}.
* options.selected: {@code Boolean} - Only hit selected items.
* @param {Point} point The point where the hit test should be performed
* @param {Object} [options={ fill: true, stroke: true, segments: true,
* tolerance: true }]
* @return {HitResult} A hit result object that contains more
* information about what exactly was hit or {@code null} if nothing was
* hit.
hitTest: function(point, options) {
// We don't need to do this here, but it speeds up things since we won't
// repeatetly convert in Item#hitTest() then.
point = Point.read(arguments);
options = HitResult.getOptions(Base.read(arguments));
// Loop backwards, so layers that get drawn last are tested first
for (var i = this.layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var res = this.layers[i].hitTest(point, options);
if (res) return res;
return null;
// DOCS: document exportJson (documented in @private Base)
// DOCS: document importJson
// DOCS: Figure out a way to group these together with importSvg / exportSvg
importJson: function(json) {
return Base.importJson(json);
* {@grouptitle Project Hierarchy}
* The layers contained within the project.
* @name Project#layers
* @type Layer[]
* The layer which is currently active. New items will be created on this
* layer by default.
* @name Project#activeLayer
* @type Layer
* The symbols contained within the project.
* @name Project#symbols
* @type Symbol[]
draw: function(ctx, matrix) {
// Create a local lookup table for hierarchically concatenated matrices
// by item id, to speed up drawing by eliminating repeated concatenation
// of parent's matrices through caching.
var matrices = {};
// Description of the paramters to getGlobalMatrix():
// mx is the container for the final concatenated matrix, passed to
// getGlobalMatrix() on the initial call.
// cached defines wether the result of the concatenation should be
// cached, only used for parents of items that this is called for.
function getGlobalMatrix(item, mx, cached) {
var cache = cached && matrices[item._id];
// Found a cached version? Return a clone of it.
if (cache)
return cache.clone();
// Get concatenated matrix from all the parents, using
// local caching (passing true for cached):
if (item._parent)
mx = getGlobalMatrix(item._parent, mx, true);
// No need to concatenate if it's the identity matrix
if (!item._matrix.isIdentity())
// If the result needs to be cached, create a copy since matrix
// might be further modified through recursive calls
if (cached)
matrices[item._id] = mx.clone();
return mx;
if (!matrix.isIdentity())
var param = { offset: new Point(0, 0) };
for (var i = 0, l = this.layers.length; i < l; i++)
Item.draw(this.layers[i], ctx, param);
// Draw the selection of the selected items in the project:
if (this._selectedItemCount > 0) {
ctx.strokeWidth = 1;
// TODO: use Layer#color
ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle = '#009dec';
for (var id in this._selectedItems) {
var item = this._selectedItems[id];
if (item._drawCount === this._drawCount
&& (item.drawSelected || item._boundsSelected)) {
var mx = getGlobalMatrix(item, matrix.clone());
if (item.drawSelected)
item.drawSelected(ctx, mx);
if (item._boundsSelected)
// We need to call the internal _getBounds, to get non-
// transformed bounds.
ctx, mx);