/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://scratchdisk.com/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ /** * @name CurveLocation * * @class CurveLocation objects describe a location on {@link Curve} * objects, as defined by the curve {@link #parameter}, a value between * {@code 0} (beginning of the curve) and {@code 1} (end of the curve). If * the curve is part of a {@link Path} item, its {@link #index} inside the * {@link Path#curves} array is also provided. * * The class is in use in many places, such as * {@link Path#getLocationAt(offset, isParameter)}, * {@link Path#getLocationOf(point)}, * {@link Path#getNearestLocation(point), * {@link PathItem#getIntersections(path)}, * etc. */ var CurveLocation = Base.extend(/** @lends CurveLocation# */{ _class: 'CurveLocation', // Enforce creation of beans, as bean getters have hidden parameters. // See #getSegment() below. beans: true, // DOCS: CurveLocation class description: add these back when the mentioned // functioned have been added: {@link Path#split(location)} /** * Creates a new CurveLocation object. * * @param {Curve} curve * @param {Number} parameter * @param {Point} [point] */ initialize: function CurveLocation(curve, parameter, point, _distance, _overlap, _intersection) { // Merge intersections very close to the end of a curve to the // beginning of the next curve. if (parameter >= 1 - /*#=*/Numerical.CURVETIME_EPSILON) { var next = curve.getNext(); if (next) { parameter = 0; curve = next; } } // Define this CurveLocation's unique id. // NOTE: We do not use the same pool as the rest of the library here, // since this is only required to be unique at runtime among other // CurveLocation objects. this._id = UID.get(CurveLocation); this._setCurve(curve); this._parameter = parameter; this._point = point || curve.getPointAt(parameter, true); this._distance = _distance; this._overlap = _overlap; this._crossing = null; this._intersection = _intersection; if (_intersection) { _intersection._intersection = this; // TODO: Remove this once debug logging is removed. _intersection._other = true; } }, _setCurve: function(curve) { var path = curve._path; this._version = path ? path._version : 0; this._curve = curve; this._segment = null; // To be determined, see #getSegment() // Also store references to segment1 and segment2, in case path // splitting / dividing is going to happen, in which case the segments // can be used to determine the new curves, see #getCurve(true) this._segment1 = curve._segment1; this._segment2 = curve._segment2; }, /** * The segment of the curve which is closer to the described location. * * @type Segment * @bean */ getSegment: function() { // Request curve first, so _segment gets invalidated if it's out of sync var curve = this.getCurve(), segment = this._segment; if (!segment) { var parameter = this.getParameter(); if (parameter === 0) { segment = curve._segment1; } else if (parameter === 1) { segment = curve._segment2; } else if (parameter != null) { // Determine the closest segment by comparing curve lengths segment = curve.getPartLength(0, parameter) < curve.getPartLength(parameter, 1) ? curve._segment1 : curve._segment2; } this._segment = segment; } return segment; }, /** * The curve that this location belongs to. * * @type Curve * @bean */ getCurve: function() { var curve = this._curve, path = curve && curve._path, that = this; if (path && path._version !== this._version) { // If the path's segments have changed in the meantime, clear the // internal _parameter value and force refetching of the correct // curve again here. curve = this._parameter = this._curve = null; } // If path is out of sync, access current curve objects through segment1 // / segment2. Since path splitting or dividing might have happened in // the meantime, try segment1's curve, and see if _point lies on it // still, otherwise assume it's the curve before segment2. function trySegment(segment) { var curve = segment && segment.getCurve(); if (curve && (that._parameter = curve.getParameterOf(that._point)) != null) { // Fetch path again as it could be on a new one through split() that._setCurve(curve); that._segment = segment; return curve; } } return curve || trySegment(this._segment) || trySegment(this._segment1) || trySegment(this._segment2.getPrevious()); }, /** * The path this curve belongs to, if any. * * @type Item * @bean */ getPath: function() { var curve = this.getCurve(); return curve && curve._path; }, /** * The index of the curve within the {@link Path#curves} list, if the * curve is part of a {@link Path} item. * * @type Index * @bean */ getIndex: function() { var curve = this.getCurve(); return curve && curve.getIndex(); }, /** * The curve parameter, as used by various bezier curve calculations. It is * value between {@code 0} (beginning of the curve) and {@code 1} (end of * the curve). * * @type Number * @bean */ getParameter: function() { var curve = this.getCurve(), parameter = this._parameter; return curve && parameter == null ? this._parameter = curve.getParameterOf(this._point) : parameter; }, /** * The point which is defined by the {@link #curve} and * {@link #parameter}. * * @type Point * @bean */ getPoint: function() { return this._point; }, /** * The length of the path from its beginning up to the location described * by this object. If the curve is not part of a path, then the length * within the curve is returned instead. * * @type Number * @bean */ getOffset: function() { var path = this.getPath(); return path ? path._getOffset(this) : this.getCurveOffset(); }, /** * The length of the curve from its beginning up to the location described * by this object. * * @type Number * @bean */ getCurveOffset: function() { var curve = this.getCurve(), parameter = this.getParameter(); return parameter != null && curve && curve.getPartLength(0, parameter); }, /** * The curve location on the intersecting curve, if this location is the * result of a call to {@link PathItem#getIntersections(path)} / * {@link Curve#getIntersections(curve)}. * * @type CurveLocation * @bean */ getIntersection: function() { return this._intersection; }, /** * The tangential vector to the {@link #curve} at the given location. * * @name Item#tangent * @type Point */ /** * The normal vector to the {@link #curve} at the given location. * * @name Item#normal * @type Point */ /** * The curvature of the {@link #curve} at the given location. * * @name Item#curvature * @type Number */ /** * The distance from the queried point to the returned location. * * @type Number * @bean * @see Curve#getNearestLocation(point) * @see Path#getNearestLocation(point) */ getDistance: function() { return this._distance; }, // DOCS: divide(), split() divide: function() { var curve = this.getCurve(); return curve && curve.divide(this.getParameter(), true); }, split: function() { var curve = this.getCurve(); return curve && curve.split(this.getParameter(), true); }, isCrossing: function(_report) { // Implementation based on work by Andy Finnell: // http://losingfight.com/blog/2011/07/09/how-to-implement-boolean-operations-on-bezier-paths-part-3/ // https://bitbucket.org/andyfinnell/vectorboolean var intersection = this._intersection, crossing = this._crossing; if (crossing != null || !intersection) return crossing || false; // TODO: isTangent() ? // TODO: isAtEndPoint() ? // -> Return if it's a tangent, or if not at an end point, only end // point intersections need more checking! // Values for getTangentAt() that are almost 0 and 1. // NOTE: Even though getTangentAt() has code to support 0 and 1 instead // of tMin and tMax, we still need to use this instead, as other issues // emerge from switching to 0 and 1 in edge cases. // NOTE: VectorBoolean has code that slowly shifts these points inwards // until the resulting tangents are not ambiguous. Do we need this too? var tMin = /*#=*/Numerical.CURVETIME_EPSILON, tMax = 1 - tMin, PI = Math.PI, // TODO: Make getCurve() sync work in boolean ops after splitting!!! c2 = this._curve, c1 = c2.getPrevious(), c4 = intersection._curve, c3 = c4.getPrevious(); if (!c1 || !c3) return this._crossing = false; if (_report) { new Path.Circle({ center: this.getPoint(), radius: 10, strokeColor: 'red' }); new Path({ segments: [c1.getSegment1(), c1.getSegment2(), c2.getSegment2()], strokeColor: 'red' }); new Path({ segments: [c3.getSegment1(), c3.getSegment2(), c4.getSegment2()], strokeColor: 'orange' }); } function isInRange(angle, min, max) { return min < max ? angle > min && angle < max // The range wraps around -PI / PI: : angle > min && angle <= PI || angle >= -PI && angle < max; } // Calculate angles for all four tangents at the intersection point var a1 = c1.getTangentAt(tMax, true).negate().getAngleInRadians(), a2 = c2.getTangentAt(tMin, true).getAngleInRadians(), a3 = c3.getTangentAt(tMax, true).negate().getAngleInRadians(), a4 = c4.getTangentAt(tMin, true).getAngleInRadians(); // Count how many times curve2 angles appear between the curve1 angles // If each pair of angles split the other two, then the edges cross. return (isInRange(a3, a1, a2) ^ isInRange(a4, a1, a2)) && (isInRange(a3, a2, a1) ^ isInRange(a4, a2, a1)); }, /** * Checks whether tow CurveLocation objects are describing the same location * on a path, by applying the same tolerances as elsewhere when dealing with * curve time parameters. * * @param {CurveLocation} location * @return {Boolean} {@true if the locations are equal} */ equals: function(loc, _ignoreOther) { return this === loc || loc instanceof CurveLocation // Call getCurve() and getParameter() to keep in sync && this.getCurve() === loc.getCurve() && Math.abs(this.getParameter() - loc.getParameter()) < /*#=*/Numerical.CURVETIME_EPSILON && (_ignoreOther || (!this._intersection && !loc._intersection || this._intersection && this._intersection.equals( loc._intersection, true))) || false; }, /** * @return {String} a string representation of the curve location */ toString: function() { var parts = [], point = this.getPoint(), f = Formatter.instance; if (point) parts.push('point: ' + point); var index = this.getIndex(); if (index != null) parts.push('index: ' + index); var parameter = this.getParameter(); if (parameter != null) parts.push('parameter: ' + f.number(parameter)); if (this._distance != null) parts.push('distance: ' + f.number(this._distance)); return '{ ' + parts.join(', ') + ' }'; }, statics: { add: function(locations, loc, merge) { // Insert-sort by path-id, curve, parameter so we can easily merge // duplicates with calls to equals() after. // NOTE: We don't call getCurve() / getParameter() here, since this // code is used internally in boolean operations where all this // information remains valid during processing. var l = 0, r = locations.length - 1, curve1 = loc._curve, path1 = curve1._path; while (l <= r) { var m = (l + r) >>> 1, loc2 = locations[m], curve2 = loc2._curve, path2 = curve2._path; diff = path1 === path2 ? curve1.getIndex() + loc._parameter - curve2.getIndex() - loc2._parameter // Sort by path id to group all locs on same path. : path1._id - path2._id; // Only compare location with equals() if diff is small enough // NOTE: equals() takes the intersection location into account, // while the above calculation of diff doesn't! if (merge && Math.abs(diff) < /*#=*/Numerical.CURVETIME_EPSILON && loc.equals(loc2)) { // Carry over overlap setting! if (loc._overlap) { loc2._overlap = loc2._intersection._overlap = true; } // We're done, don't insert, merge with loc2 instead return loc2; } if (diff < 0) { r = m - 1; } else { l = m + 1; } } locations.splice(l, 0, loc); return loc; }, expand: function(locations) { // Create a copy since add() keeps modifying the array and inserting // at sorted indices. var expanded = locations.slice(); for (var i = 0, l = locations.length; i < l; i++) { this.add(expanded, locations[i]._intersection, false); } return expanded; } } }, Base.each(Curve.evaluateMethods, function(name) { // Produce getters for #getTangent() / #getNormal() / #getCurvature() if (name !== 'getPoint') { var get = name + 'At'; this[name] = function() { var parameter = this.getParameter(), curve = this.getCurve(); return parameter != null && curve && curve[get](parameter, true); }; } }, {}));