/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://scratchdisk.com/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ /** * A function scope holding all the functionality needed to convert a * Paper.js DOM to a SVG DOM. */ new function() { // TODO: Consider moving formatter into options object, and pass it along. var formatter; function setAttributes(node, attrs) { for (var key in attrs) { var val = attrs[key], namespace = SVGNamespaces[key]; if (typeof val === 'number') val = formatter.number(val); if (namespace) { node.setAttributeNS(namespace, key, val); } else { node.setAttribute(key, val); } } return node; } function createElement(tag, attrs) { return setAttributes( document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', tag), attrs); } function getTransform(item, attrs, coordinates, center) { var matrix = item._matrix, trans = matrix.getTranslation(); if (coordinates) { // If the item suppports x- and y- coordinates, we're taking out the // translation part of the matrix and move it to x, y attributes, to // produce more readable markup, and not have to use center points // in rotate(). To do so, SVG requries us to inverse transform the // translation point by the matrix itself, since they are provided // in local coordinates. matrix = matrix.shiftless(); var point = matrix._inverseTransform(trans); attrs[center ? 'cx' : 'x'] = point.x; attrs[center ? 'cy' : 'y'] = point.y; trans = null; } if (!matrix.isIdentity()) { // See if we can decompose the matrix and can formulate it as a // simple translate/scale/rotate command sequence. var decomposed = matrix.decompose(); if (decomposed && !decomposed.shearing) { var parts = [], angle = decomposed.rotation, scale = decomposed.scaling; if (trans && !trans.isZero()) parts.push('translate(' + formatter.point(trans) + ')'); if (angle) parts.push('rotate(' + formatter.number(angle) + ')'); if (!Numerical.isZero(scale.x - 1) || !Numerical.isZero(scale.y - 1)) parts.push('scale(' + formatter.point(scale) +')'); attrs.transform = parts.join(' '); } else { attrs.transform = 'matrix(' + matrix.getValues().join(',') + ')'; } } return attrs; } function exportGroup(item, options) { var attrs = getTransform(item, {}), children = item._children; var node = createElement('g', attrs); for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) { var child = children[i]; var childNode = exportSVG(child, options); if (childNode) { if (child.isClipMask()) { var clip = createElement('clipPath'); clip.appendChild(childNode); setDefinition(child, clip, 'clip'); setAttributes(node, { 'clip-path': 'url(#' + clip.id + ')' }); } else { node.appendChild(childNode); } } } return node; } function exportRaster(item) { var attrs = getTransform(item, {}, true), size = item.getSize(); // Take into account that rasters are centered: attrs.x -= size.width / 2; attrs.y -= size.height / 2; attrs.width = size.width; attrs.height = size.height; attrs.href = item.toDataURL(); return createElement('image', attrs); } function exportPath(item, options) { if (options.matchShapes) { var shape = item.toShape(false); if (shape) return exportShape(shape, options); } var segments = item._segments, type, attrs; if (segments.length === 0) return null; if (item.isPolygon()) { if (segments.length >= 3) { type = item._closed ? 'polygon' : 'polyline'; var parts = []; for(i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) parts.push(formatter.point(segments[i]._point)); attrs = { points: parts.join(' ') }; } else { type = 'line'; var first = segments[0]._point, last = segments[segments.length - 1]._point; attrs = { x1: first.x, y1: first.y, x2: last.x, y2: last.y }; } } else { type = 'path'; var data = item.getPathData(null, options.precision); attrs = data && { d: data }; } return createElement(type, getTransform(item, attrs)); } function exportShape(item) { var type = item._type, radius = item._radius, attrs = getTransform(item, {}, true, type !== 'rectangle'); if (type === 'rectangle') { type = 'rect'; // SVG var size = item._size, width = size.width, height = size.height; attrs.x -= width / 2; attrs.y -= height / 2; attrs.width = width; attrs.height = height; if (radius.isZero()) radius = null; } if (radius) { if (type === 'circle') { attrs.r = radius; } else { attrs.rx = radius.width; attrs.ry = radius.height; } } return createElement(type, attrs); } function exportCompoundPath(item, options) { var attrs = getTransform(item, {}); var data = item.getPathData(null, options.precision); if (data) attrs.d = data; return createElement('path', attrs); } function exportPlacedSymbol(item, options) { var attrs = getTransform(item, {}, true), symbol = item.getSymbol(), symbolNode = getDefinition(symbol, 'symbol'), definition = symbol.getDefinition(), bounds = definition.getBounds(); if (!symbolNode) { symbolNode = createElement('symbol', { viewBox: formatter.rectangle(bounds) }); symbolNode.appendChild(exportSVG(definition, options)); setDefinition(symbol, symbolNode, 'symbol'); } attrs.href = '#' + symbolNode.id; attrs.x += bounds.x; attrs.y += bounds.y; attrs.width = formatter.number(bounds.width); attrs.height = formatter.number(bounds.height); return createElement('use', attrs); } function exportGradient(color) { // NOTE: As long as the fillTransform attribute is not implemented, // we need to create a separate gradient object for each gradient, // even when they share the same gradient defintion. // http://www.svgopen.org/2011/papers/20-Separating_gradients_from_geometry/ // TODO: Implement gradient merging in SVGImport var gradientNode = getDefinition(color, 'color'); if (!gradientNode) { var gradient = color.getGradient(), radial = gradient._radial, origin = color.getOrigin().transform(), destination = color.getDestination().transform(), attrs; if (radial) { attrs = { cx: origin.x, cy: origin.y, r: origin.getDistance(destination) }; var highlight = color.getHighlight(); if (highlight) { highlight = highlight.transform(); attrs.fx = highlight.x; attrs.fy = highlight.y; } } else { attrs = { x1: origin.x, y1: origin.y, x2: destination.x, y2: destination.y }; } attrs.gradientUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse'; gradientNode = createElement( (radial ? 'radial' : 'linear') + 'Gradient', attrs); var stops = gradient._stops; for (var i = 0, l = stops.length; i < l; i++) { var stop = stops[i], stopColor = stop._color, alpha = stopColor.getAlpha(); attrs = { offset: stop._rampPoint, 'stop-color': stopColor.toCSS(true) }; // See applyStyle for an explanation of why there are separated // opacity / color attributes. if (alpha < 1) attrs['stop-opacity'] = alpha; gradientNode.appendChild(createElement('stop', attrs)); } setDefinition(color, gradientNode, 'color'); } return 'url(#' + gradientNode.id + ')'; } function exportText(item) { var node = createElement('text', getTransform(item, {}, true)); node.textContent = item._content; return node; } var exporters = { Group: exportGroup, Layer: exportGroup, Raster: exportRaster, Path: exportPath, Shape: exportShape, CompoundPath: exportCompoundPath, PlacedSymbol: exportPlacedSymbol, PointText: exportText }; function applyStyle(item, node) { var attrs = {}, parent = item.getParent(); if (item._name != null) attrs.id = item._name; Base.each(SVGStyles, function(entry) { // Get a given style only if it differs from the value on the parent // (A layer or group which can have style values in SVG). var get = entry.get, type = entry.type, value = item[get](); if (entry.exportFilter ? entry.exportFilter(item, value) : !parent || !Base.equals(parent[get](), value)) { if (type === 'color' && value != null) { // Support for css-style rgba() values is not in SVG 1.1, so // separate the alpha value of colors with alpha into the // separate fill- / stroke-opacity attribute: var alpha = value.getAlpha(); if (alpha < 1) attrs[entry.attribute + '-opacity'] = alpha; } attrs[entry.attribute] = value == null ? 'none' : type === 'number' ? formatter.number(value) : type === 'color' ? value.gradient ? exportGradient(value, item) // true for noAlpha, see above : value.toCSS(true) : type === 'array' ? value.join(',') : type === 'lookup' ? entry.toSVG[value] : value; } }); if (attrs.opacity === 1) delete attrs.opacity; if (!item._visible) attrs.visibility = 'hidden'; return setAttributes(node, attrs); } var definitions; function getDefinition(item, type) { if (!definitions) definitions = { ids: {}, svgs: {} }; return item && definitions.svgs[type + '-' + item._id]; } function setDefinition(item, node, type) { // Make sure the definitions lookup is created before we use it. // This is required by 'clip', where getDefinition() is not called. if (!definitions) getDefinition(); // Have different id ranges per type var id = definitions.ids[type] = (definitions.ids[type] || 0) + 1; // Give the svg node an id, and link to it from the item id. node.id = type + '-' + id; definitions.svgs[type + '-' + item._id] = node; } function exportDefinitions(node, options) { var svg = node, defs = null; if (definitions) { // We can only use svg nodes as defintion containers. Have the loop // produce one if it's a single item of another type (when calling // #exportSVG() on an item rather than a whole project) // jsdom in Node.js uses uppercase values for nodeName... svg = node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'svg' && node; for (var i in definitions.svgs) { // This code is inside the loop so we only create a container if // we actually have svgs. if (!defs) { if (!svg) { svg = createElement('svg'); svg.appendChild(node); } defs = svg.insertBefore(createElement('defs'), svg.firstChild); } defs.appendChild(definitions.svgs[i]); } // Clear definitions at the end of export definitions = null; } return options.asString ? new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg) : svg; } function exportSVG(item, options) { var exporter = exporters[item._class], node = exporter && exporter(item, options); if (node) { // Support onExportItem callback, to provide mechanism to handle // special attributes (e.g. inkscape:transform-center) var onExport = options.onExport; if (onExport) node = onExport(item, node, options) || node; var data = JSON.stringify(item._data); if (data && data !== '{}') node.setAttribute('data-paper-data', data); } return node && applyStyle(item, node); } function setOptions(options) { if (!options) options = {}; formatter = new Formatter(options.precision); return options; } Item.inject({ exportSVG: function(options) { options = setOptions(options); return exportDefinitions(exportSVG(this, options), options); } }); Project.inject({ exportSVG: function(options) { options = setOptions(options); var layers = this.layers, size = this.getView().getSize(), node = createElement('svg', { x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height, version: '1.1', xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'xmlns:xlink': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' }); for (var i = 0, l = layers.length; i < l; i++) node.appendChild(exportSVG(layers[i], options)); return exportDefinitions(node, options); } }); };