/* * Paper.js * * This file is part of Paper.js, a JavaScript Vector Graphics Library, * based on Scriptographer.org and designed to be largely API compatible. * http://paperjs.org/ * http://scriptographer.org/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * Copyright (c) 2011, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * All rights reserved. */ var DomElement = new function() { function cumulateOffset(el, name, parent, test) { var left = name + 'Left', top = name + 'Top', x = 0, y = 0, style; // If we're asked to calculate positioned offset, stop at any parent // element that has relative or absolute position. while (el && el.style && (!test || !test.test( style = DomElement.getComputedStyle(el, 'position')))) { x += el[left] || 0; y += el[top] || 0; el = el[parent]; } return { offset: Point.create(x, y), element: el, style: style }; } function getScrollOffset(el, test) { return cumulateOffset(el, 'scroll', 'parentNode', test).offset; } return { getWindow: function(doc) { return doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow; }, getComputedStyle: function(el, name) { if (el.currentStyle) return el.currentStyle[Base.camelize(name)]; var style = DomElement.getWindow(el.ownerDocument).getComputedStyle( el, null); return style ? style.getPropertyValue(Base.hyphenate(name)) : null; }, getOffset: function(el, positioned, scroll) { var res = cumulateOffset(el, 'offset', 'offsetParent', positioned ? /^(relative|absolute|fixed)$/ : /^fixed$/); // We need to handle fixed positioned elements seperately if we're // asked to calculate offsets without scrolling removed, by adding // the scroll offset to them. if (res.style == 'fixed' && !scroll) return res.offset.add(getScrollOffset(res.element)); // Otherwise remove scrolling from the calculated offset if that's // what we're asked to do. return scroll ? res.offset.subtract(getScrollOffset(el, /^fixed$/)) : res.offset; }, getSize: function(el) { return Size.create(el.offsetWidth, el.offsetHeight); }, getBounds: function(el, positioned, scroll) { return new Rectangle(DomElement.getOffset(el, positioned, scroll), DomElement.getSize(el)); }, getWindowSize: function() { var doc = document.getElementsByTagName( document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' ? 'html' : 'body')[0]; return Size.create( window.innerWidth || doc.clientWidth, window.innerHeight || doc.clientHeight ); }, /** * Checks if element is invisibile (display: none, ...) */ isInvisible: function(el) { return DomElement.getSize(el).equals([0, 0]); }, /** * Checks if element is visibile in current viewport */ isVisible: function(el) { // See if the scrolled bounds intersect with the windows rectangle // which always starts at 0, 0 return !DomElement.isInvisible(el) && new Rectangle([0, 0], DomElement.getWindowSize()) .intersects(DomElement.getBounds(el, false, true)); } }; };