/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ /** * @name Shape * * @class * * @extends Item */ var Shape = this.Shape = Item.extend(/** @lends Shape# */{ _class: 'Shape', initialize: function(type, size) { this.base(); this._type = type; this._size = size; }, _draw: function(ctx, param) { var style = this._style, size = this._size, width = size.width, height = size.height, fillColor = style._fillColor, strokeColor = style._strokeColor; if (fillColor || strokeColor || param.clip) { ctx.beginPath(); switch (this._type) { case 'rect': ctx.rect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); break; case 'circle': ctx.arc(0, 0, width, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); break; case 'ellipse': var kappa = Numerical.KAPPA, cx = width * kappa, cy = height * kappa, mx = width / 2, my = height / 2; ctx.moveTo(0, my); ctx.bezierCurveTo(0, my - cy, mx - cx, 0, mx, 0); ctx.bezierCurveTo(mx + cx, 0, width, my - cy, width, my); ctx.bezierCurveTo(width, my + cy, mx + cx, height, mx, height); ctx.bezierCurveTo(mx - cx, height, 0, my + cy, 0, my); break; } } if (!param.clip && (fillColor || strokeColor)) { this._setStyles(ctx); if (fillColor) ctx.fill(); if (strokeColor) ctx.stroke(); } }, _getBounds: function(getter, matrix) { var rect = new Rectangle(this._size).setCenter(0, 0); return matrix ? matrix._transformBounds(rect) : rect; }, statics: { Circle: function(/* center, radius */) { var center = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'center'), radius = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'radius'); return new Shape('circle', new Size(radius)).translate(center); }, Rectangle: function(/* rectangle */) { var rect = Rectangle.readNamed(arguments, 'rectangle'); return new Shape('rect', rect.getSize(true)).translate( rect.getCenter(true)); }, Ellipse: function(/* rectangle */) { var rect = Rectangle.readNamed(arguments, 'rectangle'); return new Shape('ellipse', rect.getSize(true)).translate( rect.getCenter(true)); } } });