/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://scratchdisk.com/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ function cloneAndCompare(item) { var copy = item.clone(); equals(function() { return item.parent == copy.parent; }, true); equals(function() { // Cloned items appear above the original. return item.nextSibling == copy; }, true); if (item.name) { equals(function() { return copy.parent.children[copy.name] == copy; }, true); } compareItems(item, copy, { cloned: true }); // Remove the cloned item to restore the document: copy.remove(); } test('Path#clone()', function() { var path = new Path([10, 20], [30, 40]); path.closed = true; path.name = 'test'; path.style = { strokeCap: 'round', strokeJoin: 'round', dashOffset: 10, dashArray: [10, 2, 10], fillColor: new Color(0, 0, 1), strokeColor: new Color(0, 0, 1), miterLimit: 5 }; path.clockwise = false; path.opacity = 0.5; path.locked = true; path.visible = false; path.blendMode = 'multiply'; path.clipMask = true; path.selected = true; cloneAndCompare(path); }); test('Path#clone() with gradient Color', function() { var colors = ['red', 'green', 'black']; var gradient = new Gradient(colors, true); var color = new Color(gradient, [0, 0], [20, 20], [10, 10]); var path = new Path([10, 20], [30, 40]); path.fillColor = color; cloneAndCompare(path); }); test('CompoundPath#clone()', function() { var path1 = new Path.Rectangle([200, 200], [100, 100]); var path2 = new Path.Rectangle([50, 50], [200, 200]); var compound = new CompoundPath(path1, path2); cloneAndCompare(compound); }); test('Layer#clone()', function() { var path = new Path.Rectangle([200, 200], [100, 100]); cloneAndCompare(paper.project.activeLayer); }); test('Layer#clone() - check activeLayer', function() { var project = paper.project, activeLayer = project.activeLayer, layer = activeLayer.clone(); // The active layer should not change when cloning layers. equals(function() { return activeLayer == project.activeLayer; }, true); }); test('Group#clone()', function() { var path = new Path.Circle([150, 150], 60); path.style = { strokeCap: 'round', strokeJoin: 'round', dashOffset: 10, dashArray: [10, 2, 10], fillColor: new Color(0, 0, 1), strokeColor: new Color(0, 0, 1), miterLimit: 5 }; var secondPath = new Path.Circle([175, 175], 85); var group = new Group([path, secondPath]); cloneAndCompare(group); }); test('PointText#clone()', function() { var pointText = new PointText(new Point(50, 50)); pointText.content = 'test'; pointText.position = pointText.position.add(100); pointText.style = { fontFamily: 'serif', fontSize: 20 }; pointText.justification = 'center'; cloneAndCompare(pointText); }); test('PlacedSymbol#clone()', function() { var path = new Path.Circle([150, 150], 60); var symbol = new Symbol(path); var placedSymbol = new PlacedSymbol(symbol); placedSymbol.position = [100, 100]; placedSymbol.rotate(90); cloneAndCompare(placedSymbol); }); test('Symbol#clone()', function() { var path = new Path.Circle([150, 150], 60); path.style = { strokeCap: 'round', strokeJoin: 'round', dashOffset: 10, dashArray: [10, 2, 10], fillColor: new Color(0, 0, 1), strokeColor: new Color(0, 0, 1), miterLimit: 5 }; path.selected = true; var symbol = new Symbol(path); var copy = symbol.clone(); compareItems(symbol.definition, copy.definition); equals(function() { return symbol.project == copy.project; }, true); equals(function() { return paper.project.symbols.length == 2; }, true); }); test('Raster#clone()', function() { var path = new Path.Circle([150, 150], 60); path.style = { fillColor: new Color(0, 0, 1), strokeColor: new Color(0, 0, 1) }; var raster = path.rasterize(72); raster.opacity = 0.5; raster.locked = true; raster.visible = false; raster.blendMode = 'multiply'; raster.rotate(20).translate(100); cloneAndCompare(raster); }); test('Group with clipmask', function() { var path = new Path.Circle([100, 100], 30), path2 = new Path.Circle([100, 100], 20), group = new Group([path, path2]); group.clipped = true; cloneAndCompare(group); }); test('Item#clone() Hierarchy', function() { var path1 = new Path.Circle([150, 150], 60); var path2 = new Path.Circle([150, 150], 60); var clone = path1.clone(); equals(function() { return path2.isAbove(path1); }, true); equals(function() { return clone.isAbove(path1); }, true); equals(function() { return clone.isBelow(path2); }, true); });