/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ /** * @name Shape * * @class * * @extends Item */ var Shape = Item.extend(/** @lends Shape# */{ _class: 'Shape', _transformContent: false, _boundsSelected: true, // TODO: serialization initialize: function Shape(shape, center, size, radius, props) { this._shape = shape; this._size = size; this._radius = radius; this._initialize(props, center); }, clone: function(insert) { return this._clone(new Shape(this._shape, this.getPosition(true), this._size.clone(), this._radius.clone ? this._radius.clone() : this._radius, { insert: false }), insert); }, /** * The type of shape of the item as a string. * * @type String('rectangle', 'circle', 'ellipse') * @bean */ getShape: function() { return this._shape; }, /** * The size of the shape. * * @type Size * @bean */ getSize: function() { var size = this._size; return new LinkedSize(size.width, size.height, this, 'setSize'); }, setSize: function(/* size */) { var shape = this._shape, size = Size.read(arguments); if (!this._size.equals(size)) { var width = size.width, height = size.height; if (shape === 'circle') { // Use average of width and height as new size, then calculate // radius as a number from that: width = height = (width + height) / 2; this._radius = width / 2; } else if (shape === 'ellipse') { // The radius is a size. this._radius.set(width / 2, height / 2); } this._size.set(width, height); this._changed(/*#=*/ Change.GEOMETRY); } }, /** * The radius of the shape, as a number if it is a circle, or a size object * for ellipses and rounded rectangles. * * @type Number|Size * @bean */ getRadius: function() { var rad = this._radius; return this._shape === 'circle' ? rad : new LinkedSize(rad.width, rad.height, this, 'setRadius'); }, setRadius: function(radius) { var shape = this._shape; if (shape === 'circle') { if (radius === this._radius) return; var size = radius * 2; this._size.set(size, size); } else { radius = Size.read(arguments); if (this._radius.equals(radius)) return; this._radius.set(radius.width, radius.height); if (shape === 'ellipse') this._size.set(radius.width * 2, radius.height * 2); } this._changed(/*#=*/ Change.GEOMETRY); }, isEmpty: function() { // A shape can never be "empty" in the sense that it does not hold a // definition. This is required for Group#bounds to work correctly when // containing a Shape. return false; }, // DOCS: #toPath() toPath: function() { var path = new Path[Base.capitalize(this._shape)]({ center: new Point(), size: this._size, radius: this._radius }); path.transform(this._matrix); path.setStyle(this._style); return path; }, _draw: function(ctx, param) { var style = this._style, fillColor = style.getFillColor(), strokeColor = style.getStrokeColor(), clip = param.clip; if (fillColor || strokeColor || clip) { var radius = this._radius, shape = this._shape; ctx.beginPath(); if (shape === 'circle') { ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); } else { var rx = radius.width, ry = radius.height, kappa = Numerical.KAPPA; if (shape === 'ellipse') { // Use four bezier curves and KAPPA value to aproximate ellipse var cx = rx * kappa, cy = ry * kappa; ctx.moveTo(-rx, 0); ctx.bezierCurveTo(-rx, -cy, -cx, -ry, 0, -ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx, -ry, rx, -cy, rx, 0); ctx.bezierCurveTo(rx, cy, cx, ry, 0, ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(-cx, ry, -rx, cy, -rx, 0); } else { // rect var size = this._size, width = size.width, height = size.height; if (rx === 0 && ry === 0) { // straight rect ctx.rect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); } else { // rounded rect. Use inverse kappa to calculate position // of control points from the corners inwards. kappa = 1 - kappa; var x = width / 2, y = height / 2, cx = rx * kappa, cy = ry * kappa; ctx.moveTo(-x, -y + ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(-x, -y + cy, -x + cx, -y, -x + rx, -y); ctx.lineTo(x - rx, -y); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x - cx, -y, x, -y + cy, x, -y + ry); ctx.lineTo(x, y - ry); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, y - cy, x - cx, y, x - rx, y); ctx.lineTo(-x + rx, y); ctx.bezierCurveTo(-x + cx, y, -x, y - cy, -x, y - ry); } } } ctx.closePath(); } if (!clip && (fillColor || strokeColor)) { this._setStyles(ctx); if (fillColor) ctx.fill(); if (strokeColor) ctx.stroke(); } }, _canComposite: function() { // A path with only a fill or a stroke can be directly blended, but if // it has both, it needs to be drawn into a separate canvas first. return !(this.hasFill() && this.hasStroke()); }, _getBounds: function(getter, matrix) { var rect = new Rectangle(this._size).setCenter(0, 0); if (getter !== 'getBounds' && this.hasStroke()) rect = rect.expand(this.getStrokeWidth()); return matrix ? matrix._transformBounds(rect) : rect; }, _contains: function _contains(point) { switch (this._shape) { case 'rectangle': return _contains.base.call(this, point); case 'circle': case 'ellipse': return point.divide(this._size).getLength() <= 0.5; } }, _hitTest: function _hitTest(point) { if (this.hasStroke()) { var shape = this._shape, strokeWidth = this.getStrokeWidth(); switch (shape) { case 'rectangle': var rect = new Rectangle(this._size).setCenter(0, 0), outer = rect.expand(strokeWidth), inner = rect.expand(-strokeWidth); if (outer._containsPoint(point) && !inner._containsPoint(point)) return new HitResult('stroke', this); break; case 'circle': case 'ellipse': var radius; if (shape === 'ellipse') { // Calculate ellipse radius at angle var angle = point.getAngleInRadians(), size = this._size, width = size.width, height = size.height, x = width * Math.sin(angle), y = height * Math.cos(angle); radius = width * height / (2 * Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)); } else { radius = this._radius; } if (2 * Math.abs(point.getLength() - radius) <= strokeWidth) return new HitResult('stroke', this); break; } } return _hitTest.base.apply(this, arguments); }, // Mess with indentation in order to get more line-space below: statics: new function() { function createShape(shape, point, size, radius, args) { return new Shape(shape, point, size, radius, Base.getNamed(args)); } return /** @lends Shape */{ /** * Creates a circular shape item. * * @name Shape.Circle * @param {Point} center the center point of the circle * @param {Number} radius the radius of the circle * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var shape = new Shape.Circle(new Point(80, 50), 30); * shape.strokeColor = 'black'; */ /** * Creates a circular shape item from the properties described by an * object literal. * * @name Shape.Circle * @param {Object} object an object literal containing properties * describing the shape's attributes * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var shape = new Shape.Circle({ * center: [80, 50], * radius: 30, * strokeColor: 'black' * }); */ Circle: function(/* center, radius */) { var center = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'center'), radius = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'radius'); return createShape('circle', center, new Size(radius * 2), radius, arguments); }, /** * Creates a rectangular shape item, with optionally rounded corners. * * @name Shape.Rectangle * @param {Rectangle} rectangle the rectangle object describing the * geometry of the rectangular shape to be created. * @param {Size} [radius=null] the size of the rounded corners * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(20, 20), new Size(60, 60)); * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle(rectangle); * shape.strokeColor = 'black'; * * @example {@paperscript} // The same, with rounder corners * var rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(20, 20), new Size(60, 60)); * var cornerSize = new Size(10, 10); * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle(rectangle, cornerSize); * shape.strokeColor = 'black'; */ /** * Creates a rectangular shape item from a point and a size object. * * @name Shape.Rectangle * @param {Point} point the rectangle's top-left corner. * @param {Size} size the rectangle's size. * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var point = new Point(20, 20); * var size = new Size(60, 60); * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle(point, size); * shape.strokeColor = 'black'; */ /** * Creates a rectangular shape item from the passed points. These do not * necessarily need to be the top left and bottom right corners, the * constructor figures out how to fit a rectangle between them. * * @name Shape.Rectangle * @param {Point} from the first point defining the rectangle * @param {Point} to the second point defining the rectangle * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var from = new Point(20, 20); * var to = new Point(80, 80); * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle(from, to); * shape.strokeColor = 'black'; */ /** * Creates a rectangular shape item from the properties described by an * object literal. * * @name Shape.Rectangle * @param {Object} object an object literal containing properties * describing the shape's attributes * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle({ * point: [20, 20], * size: [60, 60], * strokeColor: 'black' * }); * * @example {@paperscript} * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle({ * from: [20, 20], * to: [80, 80], * strokeColor: 'black' * }); * * @example {@paperscript} * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle({ * rectangle: { * topLeft: [20, 20], * bottomRight: [80, 80] * }, * strokeColor: 'black' * }); * * @example {@paperscript} * var shape = new Shape.Rectangle({ * topLeft: [20, 20], * bottomRight: [80, 80], * radius: 10, * strokeColor: 'black' * }); */ Rectangle: function(/* rectangle */) { var rect = Rectangle.readNamed(arguments, 'rectangle'); return createShape('rectangle', rect.getCenter(true), rect.getSize(true), Size.readNamed(arguments, 'radius'), arguments); }, /** * Creates an elliptical shape item. * * @name Shape.Ellipse * @param {Rectangle} rectangle the rectangle circumscribing the ellipse * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(20, 20), new Size(180, 60)); * var shape = new Shape.Ellipse(rectangle); * shape.fillColor = 'black'; */ /** * Creates an elliptical shape item from the properties described by an * object literal. * * @name Shape.Ellipse * @param {Object} object an object literal containing properties * describing the shape's attributes * @return {Shape} the newly created shape * * @example {@paperscript} * var shape = new Shape.Ellipse({ * point: [20, 20], * size: [180, 60], * fillColor: 'black' * }); * * @example {@paperscript} // Placing by center and radius * var shape = new Shape.Ellipse({ * center: [110, 50], * radius: [90, 30], * fillColor: 'black' * }); */ Ellipse: function(/* rectangle */) { var center, size, radius; if (Base.hasNamed(arguments, 'center')) { center = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'center'); radius = Size.readNamed(arguments, 'radius'); size = radius.multiply(2); } else { var rect = Rectangle.readNamed(arguments, 'rectangle'); center = rect.getCenter(true); size = rect.getSize(true); radius = size.divide(2); } return createShape('ellipse', center, size, radius, arguments); } }; }});