/* * Paper.js * * This file is part of Paper.js, a JavaScript Vector Graphics Library, * based on Scriptographer.org and designed to be largely API compatible. * http://paperjs.org/ * http://scriptographer.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This class and all methods therein designed by Stetson-Team-Alpha * @author Stetson-Team-Alpha */ /** * @name ImportSVG * @class The ImportSVG object represents an object created using the SVG * Canvas that will be converted into a Paper.js object. * The SVG object is imported into Paper.js by converting it into items * within groups. * */ var ImportSVG = this.ImportSVG = Base.extend(/** @Lends ImportSVG# */{ /** * Creates a Paper.js object using data parsed from the selected * SVG Document Object Model (DOM). The SVG object is imported, * than a layer is created (with groups for the items if needed). * * Supports nested groups * * @param {SVG DOM} svg An SVG DOM object with parameters * @return {item} A Paper.js layer */ importSVG: function(svg) { var item; var symbol; switch (svg.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case 'line': item = this._importLine(svg); break; case 'rect': item = this._importRectangle(svg); break; case 'circle': item = this._importCircle(svg); break; case 'ellipse': item = this._importOval(svg); break; case 'g': case 'svg': item = this._importGroup(svg); break; case 'text': item = this._importText(svg); break; case 'path': item = this._importPath(svg); break; case 'polygon': case 'polyline': item = this._importPoly(svg); break; case 'symbol': item = this._importGroup(svg); this._importAttributesAndStyles(svg, item); symbol = new Symbol(item); item = null; default: //Not supported yet. } if (item) { this._importAttributesAndStyles(svg, item); } return item; }, /** * Creates a Paper.js group by parsing a specific GNode of the * imported SVG DOM * * @name ImportSVG#importGroup * @function * @param {XML DOM} svg A node passed in by the imported SVG * @return {Group} group A Paper.js group * * */ _importGroup: function(svg) { var group = new Group(); var child; for (var i in svg.childNodes) { child = svg.childNodes[i]; if (child.nodeType != 1) { continue; } item = this.importSVG(child); if (item) { group.addChild(item); } } return group; }, /** * Creates a Path.Circle item in Paper.js using an imported * Circle from SVG * * @name ImportSVG#importCircle * @function * @param {XML DOM} svgCircle An SVG circle node * @return {Path.Circle} circle A Path.Circle item for Paper.js */ _importCircle: function(svgCircle) { var cx = svgCircle.cx.baseVal.value || 0; var cy = svgCircle.cy.baseVal.value || 0; var r = svgCircle.r.baseVal.value || 0; var center = new Point(cx, cy); var circle = new Path.Circle(center, r); return circle; }, /** * Creates a Path.Oval item in Paper.js using an imported Oval from SVG * * @name ImportSVG#importOval * @function * @param {XML DOM} svgOval An SVG ellipse node * @return {Path.Oval} oval A Path.Oval item for Paper.js */ _importOval: function(svgOval) { var cx = svgOval.cx.baseVal.value || 0; var cy = svgOval.cy.baseVal.value || 0; var rx = svgOval.rx.baseVal.value || 0; var ry = svgOval.ry.baseVal.value || 0; var center = new Point(cx, cy); var offset = new Point(rx, ry); var topLeft = center.subtract(offset); var bottomRight = center.add(offset); var rect = new Rectangle(topLeft, bottomRight); var oval = new Path.Oval(rect); return oval; }, /** * Creates a Path.Rectangle item from an imported SVG rectangle * * @name ImportSVG#importRectangle * @function * @param {XML DOM} svgRectangle An SVG rectangle node * @return {Path.Rectangle} rectangle A Path.Rectangle item for * Paper.js */ /** * Creates a Path.RoundRectangle item from an imported SVG * rectangle with rounded corners * * @name ImportSVG#importRectangle * @function * @param {XML DOM} svgRectangle An SVG rectangle node with * rounded corners * @return {Path.RoundRectangle} rectangle A Path.Rectangle item * for Paper.js */ _importRectangle: function(svgRectangle) { var x = svgRectangle.x.baseVal.value || 0; var y = svgRectangle.y.baseVal.value || 0; var rx = svgRectangle.rx.baseVal.value || 0; var ry = svgRectangle.ry.baseVal.value || 0; var width = svgRectangle.width.baseVal.value || 0; var height = svgRectangle.height.baseVal.value || 0; var topLeft = new Point(x, y); var size = new Size(width, height); var rectangle = new Rectangle(topLeft, size); if (rx && ry) { var cornerSize = new Size(rx, ry); rectangle = new Path.RoundRectangle(rectangle, cornerSize); } else { rectangle = new Path.Rectangle(rectangle); } return rectangle; }, /** * Creates a Path.Line item in Paper.js from an imported SVG line * * @name ImportSVG#importLine * @function * @param {XML DOM} svgLine An SVG line node * @return {Path.Line} line A Path.Line item for Paper.js */ _importLine: function(svgLine) { var x1 = svgLine.x1.baseVal.value || 0; var y1 = svgLine.y1.baseVal.value || 0; var x2 = svgLine.x2.baseVal.value || 0; var y2 = svgLine.y2.baseVal.value || 0; var from = new Point(x1, y1); var to = new Point(x2, y2); var line = new Path.Line(from, to); return line; }, /** * Creates a PointText item in Paper.js from an imported SVG text node * * @name ImportSVG#importText * @function * @param {XML DOM} svgText An SVG text node * @return {Path.Text} text A PointText item for Paper.js */ _importText: function(svgText) { var x = svgText.x.baseVal.getItem(0).value || 0; var y = svgText.y.baseVal.getItem(0).value || 0; var dx = 0; var dy = 0; if (svgText.dx.baseVal.numberOfItems) { dx = svgText.dx.baseVal.getItem(0).value || 0; } if (svgText.dy.baseVal.numberOfItems) { dy = svgText.dy.baseVal.getItem(0).value || 0; } var textLength = svgText.textLength.baseVal.value || 0; /* Not supported by Paper.js x; //multiple values for x y; //multiple values for y dx; //multiple values for x dy; //multiple values for y var rotate; //character rotation var lengthAdjust; */ var textContent = svgText.textContent || ""; var bottomLeft = new Point(x, y); bottomLeft = bottomLeft.add([dx, dy]); bottomLeft = bottomLeft.subtract([textLength / 2, 0]); var text = new PointText(bottomLeft); text.content = textContent; return text; }, /** * Creates a Paper.js Path by parsing * a specific SVG node (rectangle, path, circle, polygon, etc.) * and creating the right Path object based on the SVG type. * * @name ImportSVG#importPath * @function * @param {XML DOM} svg An SVG object * @return {Item} item A Paper.js item */ _importPath: function(svgPath) { var path = new Path(); var segments = svgPath.pathSegList; var segment; var j; var relativeToPoint; var controlPoint; var prevCommand; var segmentTo; for (var i = 0; i < segments.numberOfItems; ++i){ segment = segments.getItem(i); if (segment.pathSegType == SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN) { continue; } if (segment.pathSegType % 2 == 1 && path.segments.length > 0) { relativeToPoint = path.lastSegment.point; } else { relativeToPoint = new Point(0, 0); } segmentTo = new Point(segment.x, segment.y); segmentTo = segmentTo.add(relativeToPoint); switch (segment.pathSegType) { case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH: path.closePath(); break; case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL: path.moveTo(segmentTo); break; case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_REL: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL: path.lineTo(segmentTo); break; case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL: path.cubicCurveTo( relativeToPoint.add([segment.x1, segment.y1]), relativeToPoint.add([segment.x2, segment.y2]), segmentTo ); break; case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL: path.quadraticCurveTo( relativeToPoint.add([segment.x1, segment.y1]), segmentTo ); break; case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_REL: //TODO: Implement Arcs. //TODO: Requires changes in Paper.js's Path to do. //TODO: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html break; case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL: prevCommand = segments.getItem(i - 1); controlPoint = new Point(prevCommand.x2, prevCommand.y2); controlPoint = controlPoint.subtract([prevCommand.x, prevCommand.y]); controlPoint = controlPoint.add(path.lastSegment.point); controlPoint = path.lastSegment.point.subtract(controlPoint); controlPoint = path.lastSegment.point.add(controlPoint); path.cubicCurveTo( controlPoint, relativeToPoint.add([segment.x2, segment.y2]), segmentTo ); break; case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS: case SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL: for (j = i; j >= 0; --j) { prevCommand = segments.getItem(j); if (prevCommand.pathSegType == SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS || prevCommand.pathSegType == SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL ) { controlPoint = new Point(prevCommand.x1, prevCommand.y1); controlPoint = controlPoint.subtract([prevCommand.x, prevCommand.y]); controlPoint = controlPoint.add(path.segments[j].point); break; } } for (j; j < i; ++j) { controlPoint = path.segments[j].point.subtract(controlPoint); controlPoint = path.segments[j].point.add(controlPoint); } path.quadraticCurveTo(controlPoint, segmentTo); break; } } return path; }, /** * Creates a Path.Poly item in Paper.js using an imported Polygon or * Polyline SVG node * * @name ImportSVG#importPoly * @function * @param {XML DOM} svgPoly An SVG polygon or polyline node * @return {Path.Poly} poly A Path.Poly item for Paper.js * - svg polyline node (xml dom) * - svg polygon node (xml dom) * returns a Path item */ _importPoly: function(svgPoly) { var poly = new Path(); var points = svgPoly.points; var start = points.getItem(0); var point; poly.moveTo([start.x, start.y]); for (var i = 1; i < points.length; ++i) { point = points.getItem(i); poly.lineTo([point.x, point.y]); } if (svgPoly.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'polygon') { poly.closePath(); } return poly; }, /** * Converts various SVG styles and attributes into Paper.js styles and * attributes * This method is destructive to item (changes happen to it) * * @name ImportSVG#importAttributesAndStyles * @function * @param {XML DOM} svg An SVG node * @param {Item} item A Paper.js item */ _importAttributesAndStyles: function(svg, item) { var name, value, cssName; for (var i = 0; i < svg.style.length; ++i) { name = svg.style[i]; cssName = name.replace(/-(.)/g, function(match, p) { return p.toUpperCase(); }); value = svg.style[cssName]; this._applyAttributeOrStyle(name, value, item, svg); } for (var i = 0; i < svg.attributes.length; ++i) { name = svg.attributes[i].name; value = svg.attributes[i].value; this._applyAttributeOrStyle(name, value, item, svg); } }, /** * Parses an SVG style attibute and applies it to a Paper.js item * This method is destructive to item (changes happen to it) * * @name ImportSVG#applyAttributeOrStyle * @function * @param {Style Name} name An SVG style name * @param {Style Value} value The value of an SVG style * @param {Item} item A Paper.js item * @param {XML DOM} svg An SVG node */ _applyAttributeOrStyle: function(name, value, item, svg) { if (!value) { return; } switch (name) { case 'id': item.name = value; break; case 'fill': if (value != 'none') { item.fillColor = value; } break; case 'stroke': if (value != 'none') { item.strokeColor = value; } break; case 'stroke-width': item.strokeWidth = parseFloat(value, 10); break; case 'stroke-linecap': item.strokeCap = value; break; case 'stroke-linejoin': item.strokeJoin = value; break; case 'stroke-dasharray': value = value.replace(/px/g, ''); value = value.replace(/, /g, ','); value = value.replace(/ /g, ','); value = value.split(','); for (var i in value) { value[i] = parseFloat(value[i], 10); } item.dashArray = value; break; case 'stroke-dashoffset': item.dashOffset = parseFloat(value, 10); break; case 'stroke-miterlimit': item.miterLimit = parseFloat(value, 10); break; case 'transform': this._applyTransform(item, svg); case 'opacity': item.opacity = parseFloat(value, 10); case 'visibility': item.visibility = (value == 'visible') ? true : false; break; case 'font': case 'font-family': case 'font-size': //Implemented in characterStyle below. break; default: // Not supported yet. break; } if (item.characterStyle) { switch (name) { case 'font': var text = document.createElement('span'); text.style.font = value; for (var i = 0; i < text.style.length; ++i) { var n = text.style[i]; this._applyAttributeOrStyle(n, text.style[n], item, svg); } break; case 'font-family': var fonts = value.split(','); fonts[0] = fonts[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); item.characterStyle.font = fonts[0]; break; case 'font-size': item.characterStyle.fontSize = parseFloat(value, 10); break; } } }, /** * Applies the transformations specified on the SVG node to the newly * made Paper.js item * This method is destructive to item * * @name ImportSVG#applyTransform * @function * @param {XML DOM} An SVG node * @param {Item} A Paper.js item */ _applyTransform: function(item, svg) { var transforms = svg.transform.baseVal; var transform; var matrix = new Matrix(); for (var i = 0; i < transforms.numberOfItems; ++i) { transform = transforms.getItem(i); if (transform.type == SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN) { continue; } var transformMatrix = new Matrix( transform.matrix.a, transform.matrix.c, transform.matrix.b, transform.matrix.d, transform.matrix.e, transform.matrix.f ); switch (transform.type) { case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE: break; case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE: break; //Compensate for SVG's theta rotation going the opposite direction case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX: var temp = transformMatrix.getShearX(); transformMatrix.setShearX(transformMatrix.getShearY()); transformMatrix.setShearY(temp); break; case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX: transformMatrix.setShearX(transformMatrix.getShearY()); transformMatrix.setShearY(0); break; case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY: transformMatrix.setShearY(transformMatrix.getShearX()); transformMatrix.setShearX(0); break; case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE: transformMatrix.setShearX(transformMatrix.getShearX() * -1); transformMatrix.setShearY(transformMatrix.getShearY() * -1); break; } matrix.concatenate(transformMatrix); } item.transform(matrix); } });