/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://scratchdisk.com/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ var isNode = typeof global === 'object', isPhantom = typeof window === 'object' && !!window.callPhantom, scope; if (isNode) { scope = global; // Resemble.js needs the Image constructor global. global.Image = paper.window.Image; } else { scope = window; // This is only required when running in the browser: // Until window.history.pushState() works when running locally, we need to // trick qunit into thinking that the feature is not present. This appears // to work... // TODO: Ideally we should fix this in QUnit instead. delete window.history; window.history = {}; QUnit.begin(function() { if (QUnit.urlParams.hidepassed) { document.getElementById('qunit-tests').className += ' hidepass'; } }); } // Some native javascript classes have name collisions with Paper.js classes. // If they have not already been stored in src/load.js, we dot it now. if (!isNode && typeof NativeClasses === 'undefined') { NativeClasses = { Event: Event, MouseEvent: MouseEvent }; } // The unit-tests expect the paper classes to be global. paper.install(scope); // Override console.error, so that we can catch errors that are only logged to // the console. var errorHandler = console.error; console.error = function() { var current = QUnit.config.current; if (current) { QUnit.pushFailure([].join.call(arguments, ' '), current.stack); } errorHandler.apply(this, arguments); }; var currentProject; QUnit.done(function(details) { console.error = errorHandler; // Clear all event listeners after final test. if (currentProject) { currentProject.remove(); } }); // NOTE: In order to "export" all methods into the shared Prepro.js scope when // using node-qunit, we need to define global functions as: // `var name = function() {}`. `function name() {}` does not work! var test = function(testName, expected) { return QUnit.test(testName, function(assert) { // Since tests can be asynchronous, remove the old project before // running the next test. if (currentProject) { currentProject.remove(); // This is needed for interactions tests, to make sure that test is // run with a fresh state. View._resetState(); } // Instantiate project with 100x100 pixels canvas instead of default // 1x1 to make interactions tests simpler by working with integers. currentProject = new Project(new Size(100, 100)); expected(assert); }); }; // Override equals to convert functions to message and execute them as tests() var equals = function(actual, expected, message, options) { // Allow the use of functions for actual, which will get called and their // source content extracted for readable reports. if (typeof actual === 'function') { if (!message) message = getFunctionMessage(actual); actual = actual(); } // Get the comparator based on the expected value's type only and ignore the // actual value's type. var type = typeof expected, cls; type = expected === null && 'Null' || type === 'number' && 'Number' || type === 'boolean' && 'Boolean' || type === 'undefined' && 'Undefined' || Array.isArray(expected) && 'Array' || expected instanceof window.Element && 'Element' // handle DOM Elements || (cls = expected && expected._class) // check _class 2nd last || type === 'object' && 'Object'; // Object as catch-all var comparator = type && comparators[type]; if (!message) message = type ? type.toLowerCase() : 'value'; if (comparator) { comparator(actual, expected, message, options); } else if (expected && expected.equals) { // Fall back to equals QUnit.push(expected.equals(actual), actual, expected, message); } else { // Finally perform a strict compare QUnit.push(actual === expected, actual, expected, message); } if (options && options.cloned && cls) { var identical = identicalAfterCloning[cls]; QUnit.push(identical ? actual === expected : actual !== expected, actual, identical ? expected : 'not ' + expected, message + ': identical after cloning'); } }; // A list of classes that should be identical after their owners were cloned. var identicalAfterCloning = { Gradient: true, SymbolDefinition: true }; // Register a jsDump parser for Base. QUnit.jsDump.setParser('Base', function (obj, stack) { // Just compare the string representation of classes inheriting from Base, // since they hide the internal values. return obj.toString(); }); // Override the default object parser to handle Base objects. // We need to keep a reference to the previous implementation. var objectParser = QUnit.jsDump.parsers.object; QUnit.jsDump.setParser('object', function (obj, stack) { return (obj instanceof Base ? QUnit.jsDump.parsers.Base : objectParser).call(this, obj, stack); }); var compareProperties = function(actual, expected, properties, message, options) { for (var i = 0, l = properties.length; i < l; i++) { var key = properties[i]; equals(actual[key], expected[key], message + ' (#' + key + ')', options); } }; /** * Compare 2 image data with resemble.js library. * When comparison fails, expected, actual and compared images are displayed. * @param {ImageData} imageData1 the expected image data * @param {ImageData} imageData2 the actual image data * @param {number} tolerance * @param {string} diffDetail text displayed when comparison fails */ var compareImageData = function(imageData1, imageData2, tolerance, diffDetail) { /** * Build an image element from a given image data. * @param {ImageData} imageData * @return {HTMLImageElement} */ function image(imageData) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = imageData.width; canvas.height = imageData.height; canvas.getContext('2d').putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); var image = new Image(); image.src = canvas.toDataURL(); canvas.remove(); return image; } tolerance = (tolerance || 1e-4) * 100; // Use resemble.js to compare image datas. var id = QUnit.config.current.testId, index = QUnit.config.current.assertions.length + 1, result; if (!resemble._setup) { resemble._setup = true; resemble.outputSettings({ errorColor: { red: 255, green: 51, blue: 0 }, errorType: 'flat', transparency: 1 }); } resemble(imageData1) .compareTo(imageData2) .ignoreAntialiasing() // When working with imageData, this call is synchronous: .onComplete(function(data) { result = data; }); // Compare with tolerance in percentage... var fixed = tolerance < 1 ? ((1 / tolerance) + '').length - 1 : 0, identical = result ? 100 - result.misMatchPercentage : 0, ok = Math.abs(100 - identical) <= tolerance, text = identical.toFixed(fixed) + '% identical', detail = text; if (!ok && diffDetail) { detail += diffDetail; } QUnit.push(ok, text, (100).toFixed(fixed) + '% identical'); if (!ok && result && !isNode) { // Get the right entry for this unit test and assertion, and // replace the results with images var entry = document.getElementById('qunit-test-output-' + id) .querySelector('li:nth-child(' + (index) + ')'), bounds = result.diffBounds; entry.querySelector('.test-expected td').appendChild(image(imageData1)); entry.querySelector('.test-actual td').appendChild(image(imageData2)); entry.querySelector('.test-diff td').innerHTML = '
' + detail
            + '

' + ''; } }; var comparePixels = function(actual, expected, message, options) { function rasterize(item, group, resolution) { var raster = null; if (group) { var parent = item.parent, index = item.index; group.addChild(item); raster = group.rasterize(resolution, false); if (parent) { parent.insertChild(index, item); } else { item.remove(); } } return raster; } if (!expected) { return QUnit.strictEqual(actual, expected, message, options); } else if (!actual) { // In order to compare pixels, just create an empty item that can be // rasterized to an empty raster. actual = new Group(); } options = options || {}; // In order to properly compare pixel by pixel, we need to put each item // into a group with a white background of the united dimensions of the // bounds of both items before rasterizing. var resolution = options.resolution || 72, actualBounds = actual.strokeBounds, expecedBounds = expected.strokeBounds, bounds = actualBounds.isEmpty() ? expecedBounds : expecedBounds.isEmpty() ? actualBounds : actualBounds.unite(expecedBounds); if (bounds.isEmpty()) { QUnit.equal('empty', 'empty', message); return; } var group = actual && expected && new Group({ insert: false, children: [ new Shape.Rectangle({ rectangle: bounds, fillColor: 'white' }) ] }), actualRaster = rasterize(actual, group, resolution), expectedRaster = rasterize(expected, group, resolution); if (!actualRaster || !expectedRaster) { QUnit.push(false, null, null, 'Unable to compare rasterized items: ' + (!actualRaster ? 'actual' : 'expected') + ' item is null', QUnit.stack(2)); } else { // Compare the two rasterized items. var detail = actual instanceof PathItem && expected instanceof PathItem ? '\nExpected:\n' + expected.pathData + '\nActual:\n' + actual.pathData : ''; compareImageData(actualRaster.getImageData(), expectedRaster.getImageData(), options.tolerance, detail); } }; var compareItem = function(actual, expected, message, options, properties) { options = options || {}; if (options.rasterize) { comparePixels(actual, expected, message, options); } else if (!actual || !expected) { QUnit.strictEqual(actual, expected, message); } else { if (options.cloned) QUnit.notStrictEqual(actual.id, expected.id, message + ' (not #id)'); QUnit.strictEqual(actual.constructor, expected.constructor, message + ' (#constructor)'); // When item is cloned and has a name, the name will be versioned: equals(actual.name, options.cloned && expected.name ? expected.name + ' 1' : expected.name, message + ' (#name)'); compareProperties(actual, expected, ['children', 'bounds', 'position', 'matrix', 'data', 'opacity', 'locked', 'visible', 'blendMode', 'selected', 'fullySelected', 'clipMask', 'guide'], message, options); if (properties) compareProperties(actual, expected, properties, message, options); // Style var styles = ['fillColor', 'strokeColor', 'strokeCap', 'strokeJoin', 'dashArray', 'dashOffset', 'miterLimit']; if (expected instanceof TextItem) styles.push('fontSize', 'font', 'leading', 'justification'); compareProperties(actual.style, expected.style, styles, message + ' (#style)', options); } }; /** * Run each callback in a separated canvas context and compare both outputs. * This can be used to do selection drawing tests as it is not possible with * comparePixels() method which relies on the item.rasterize() method which * ignores selection. * @param {number} width the width of the canvas * @param {number} height the height of the canvas * @param {function} expectedCallback the function producing the expected result * @param {function} actualCallback the function producing the actual result * @param {number} tolerance between 0 and 1 */ var compareCanvas = function(width, height, expectedCallback, actualCallback, tolerance) { function getImageData(width, height, callback) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; var project = new Project(canvas); callback(); project.view.update(); var imageData = canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, width, height); canvas.remove(); project.remove(); return imageData; } compareImageData( getImageData(width, height, expectedCallback), getImageData(width, height, actualCallback), tolerance ); currentProject.activate(); }; // A list of comparator functions, based on `expected` type. See equals() for // an explanation of how the type is determined. var comparators = { Null: QUnit.strictEqual, Undefined: QUnit.strictEqual, Boolean: QUnit.strictEqual, Object: function(actual, expected, message, options) { QUnit.push(Base.equals(actual, expected), actual, expected, message); }, Element: function(actual, expected, message, options) { // Convention: Loop through the attribute lists of both actual and // expected element, and compare values even if they may be inherited. // This is to handle styling values on SVGElement items more flexibly. equals(actual && actual.tagName, expected.tagName, (message || '') + ' (#tagName)', options); for (var i = 0; i < expected.attributes.length; i++) { var attr = expected.attributes[i]; if (attr.specified) { equals(actual && actual.getAttribute(attr.name), attr.value, (message || '') + ' (#' + attr.name + ')', options); } } for (var i = 0; i < actual && actual.attributes.length; i++) { var attr = actual.attributes[i]; if (attr.specified) { equals(attr.value, expected.getAttribute(attr.name) (message || '') + ' #(' + attr.name + ')', options); } } }, Base: function(actual, expected, message, options) { comparators.Object(actual, expected, message, options); }, Number: function(actual, expected, message, options) { // Compare with a default tolerance of 1e-5: var ok = Math.abs(actual - expected) <= Base.pick(options && options.tolerance, 1e-5); QUnit.push(ok, ok ? expected : actual, expected, message); }, Array: function(actual, expected, message, options) { QUnit.strictEqual(actual.length, expected.length, message + ' (#length)'); for (var i = 0, l = actual.length; i < l; i++) { equals(actual[i], expected[i], (message || '') + '[' + i + ']', options); } }, Point: function(actual, expected, message, options) { comparators.Number(actual.x, expected.x, message + ' (#x)', options); comparators.Number(actual.y, expected.y, message + ' (#y)', options); }, Size: function(actual, expected, message, options) { comparators.Number(actual.width, expected.width, message + ' (#width)', options); comparators.Number(actual.height, expected.height, message + ' (#height)', options); }, Rectangle: function(actual, expected, message, options) { comparators.Point(actual, expected, message, options); comparators.Size(actual, expected, message, options); }, Matrix: function(actual, expected, message, options) { comparators.Array(actual.values, expected.values, message, options); }, Color: function(actual, expected, message, options) { if (actual && expected) { equals(actual.type, expected.type, message + ' (#type)', options); // NOTE: This also compares gradients, with identity checks and all. equals(actual.components, expected.components, message + ' (#components)', options); } else { QUnit.strictEqual(actual, expected, message); } }, Segment: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareProperties(actual, expected, ['handleIn', 'handleOut', 'point', 'selected'], message, options); }, SegmentPoint: function(actual, expected, message, options) { comparators.Point(actual, expected, message, options); comparators.Boolean(actual.selected, expected.selected, message + ' (#selected)', options); }, Item: compareItem, Group: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, ['clipped']); }, Layer: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareItem(actual, expected, message, options); var sameProject = actual.project === expected.project; var sharedProject = !(options && options.dontShareProject); QUnit.push(sharedProject ? sameProject : !sameProject, actual.project, sharedProject ? expected.project : 'not ' + expected.project, message + ' (#project)'); }, Path: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, ['segments', 'closed', 'clockwise']); }, CompoundPath: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareItem(actual, expected, message, options); }, Raster: function(actual, expected, message, options) { var pixels = options && options.pixels, properties = ['size', 'width', 'height', 'resolution']; if (!pixels) properties.push('source', 'image'); compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, properties); if (pixels) { comparePixels(actual, expected, message, options); } else { equals(actual.toDataURL(), expected.toDataURL(), message + ' (#toDataUrl())'); } }, Shape: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, ['shape', 'size', 'radius']); }, PointText: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, ['content', 'point']); }, SymbolItem: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareItem(actual, expected, message, // Cloning SymbolItems does not result in cloned // SymbolDefinitions options && options.cloned ? Base.set({}, options, { cloned: false }) : options, ['symbol']); }, SymbolDefinition: function(actual, expected, message, options) { equals(actual.definition, expected.definition, message + ' (#definition)', options); }, Project: function(actual, expected, message, options) { compareProperties(actual, expected, ['layers'], message, options); } }; // Some other helpers: var getFunctionMessage = function(func) { var message = func.toString().match( /^\s*function[^\{]*\{([\s\S]*)\}\s*$/)[1] .replace(/ /g, '') .replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (/^return /.test(message)) { message = message .replace(/^return /, '') .replace(/;$/, ''); } return message; }; var compareBoolean = function(actual, expected, message, options) { expected = typeof expected === 'string' ? PathItem.create(expected) : expected; if (typeof actual === 'function') { if (!message) message = getFunctionMessage(actual); actual = actual(); } var parent, index, style = { strokeColor: 'black', fillColor: expected && (expected.closed || expected.firstChild && expected.firstChild.closed && 'yellow') || null }; if (actual) { parent = actual.parent; index = actual.index; // Remove it from parent already now, in case we're comparing children // of compound-paths, so we can apply styling to them. if (parent && parent instanceof CompoundPath) { actual.remove(); } else { parent = null; } actual.style = style; } if (expected) { expected.style = style; } equals(actual, expected, message, Base.set({ rasterize: true }, options)); if (parent) { // Insert it back. parent.insertChild(index, actual); } }; var createSVG = function(str, attrs) { // Similar to SvgElement.create(): var node = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', str); for (var key in attrs) node.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]); // Paper.js paths do not have a fill by default, SVG does. node.setAttribute('fill', 'none'); return node; }; var compareSVG = function(done, actual, expected, message, options) { function getItem(item) { return item instanceof Item ? item : typeof item === 'string' ? new Raster({ source: 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + window.btoa(item), insert: false }) : null; } actual = getItem(actual); expected = getItem(expected); actual.position = expected.position; if (typeof actual === 'function') { if (!message) message = getFunctionMessage(actual); actual = actual(); } function compare() { comparePixels(actual, expected, message, Base.set({ tolerance: 1e-3, resolution: 72 }, options)); done(); } if (expected instanceof Raster) { expected.onLoad = compare; } else if (actual instanceof Raster) { actual.onLoad = compare; } else { compare(); } }; // // Interactions helpers // var MouseEventPolyfill = function(type, params) { var mouseEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); mouseEvent.initMouseEvent( type, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, window, 0, params.screenX, params.screenY, params.clientX, params.clientY, params.ctrlKey, params.altKey, params.shiftKey, params.metaKey, params.button, params.relatedTarget ); return mouseEvent; }; MouseEventPolyfill.prototype = typeof NativeClasses !== 'undefined' && NativeClasses.Event.prototype || Event.prototype; var triggerMouseEvent = function(type, point, target) { // Depending on event type, events have to be triggered on different // elements due to the event handling implementation (see `viewEvents` // and `docEvents` in View.js). And we cannot rely on the fact that event // will bubble from canvas to document, since the canvas used in tests is // not inserted in DOM. target = target || (type === 'mousedown' ? view._element : document); // If `gulp load` was run, there is a name collision between paper Event / // MouseEvent and native javascript classes. In this case, we need to use // native classes stored in global NativeClasses object instead. var constructor = typeof NativeClasses !== 'undefined' && NativeClasses.MouseEvent || MouseEvent; // MouseEvent class does not exist in PhantomJS, so in that case, we need to // use a polyfill method. if (typeof constructor !== 'function') { constructor = MouseEventPolyfill; } var event = new constructor(type, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, composed: true, clientX: point.x, clientY: point.y, screenX: point.x, screenY: point.y }); target.dispatchEvent(event); };