// Install some useful jQuery extensions that we use a lot $.support.touch = 'ontouchstart' in window; $.extend($.fn, { orNull: function() { return this.length > 0 ? this : null; }, findAndSelf: function(selector) { return this.find(selector).add(this.filter(selector)); } }); // Little Helpers function hyphenate(str) { return str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase(); } function isVisible(el) { if (el.is(':hidden')) return false; var viewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var viewBottom = viewTop + $(window).height(); var top = el.offset().top; var bottom = top + el.height(); return top >= viewTop && bottom <= viewBottom || top <= viewTop && bottom >= viewTop || top <= viewBottom && bottom >= viewBottom; } function smoothScrollTo(el, callback) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: el.offset().top }, 250, callback); } var behaviors = {}; behaviors.hiDPI = function() { // Turn off hiDPI for all touch devices for now, until the site is built // true to scale. if ($.support.touch) $('canvas').attr('hidpi', 'off'); }; behaviors.sections = function() { var toc = $('.toc'); var checks = []; var active; function update() { $.each(checks, function() { if (this()) return false; }); } $(document).scroll(update); $(window).resize(update); setTimeout(update, 0); $('article section').each(function() { var section = $(this); var anchor = $('a', section); // Move content until next section inside section section.append(section.nextUntil('section')); var title = anchor.attr('title') || $('h1,h2', section).first().text(); var id = section.attr('id'); if (!id) { id = hyphenate(title) .replace(/\s+/g, '-') .replace(/^#/, '') .replace(/[!"#$%&'\()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\\\]\^_`{|}~]+/g, '-') .replace(/-+/g, '-'); section.attr('id', id); anchor.attr('name', id); } function activate() { if (active) active.removeClass('active'); selector.addClass('active'); active = selector; } // Create table of contents on the fly if (toc) { var selector = $('
  • ' + title + '
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