/* * Paper.js * * This file is part of Paper.js, a JavaScript Vector Graphics Library, * based on Scriptographer.org and designed to be largely API compatible. * http://paperjs.org/ * http://scriptographer.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ /** * @name View * * @class The View object wraps an html element and handles drawing and user * interaction through mouse and keyboard for it. It offer means to scroll the * view, find the currently visible bounds in project coordinates, or the * center, both useful for constructing artwork that should appear centered on * screen. */ var View = this.View = Base.extend(Callback, /** @lends View# */{ _events: { onFrame: { install: function() { /*#*/ if (options.browser) { var that = this, requested = false, before, time = 0, count = 0; this._onFrameCallback = function(param, dontRequest) { requested = false; // See if we need to stop due to a call to uninstall() if (!that._onFrameCallback) return; // Set the global paper object to the current scope paper = that._scope; if (!dontRequest) { // Request next frame already requested = true; DomEvent.requestAnimationFrame(that._onFrameCallback, that._element); } var now = Date.now() / 1000, delta = before ? now - before : 0; // delta: Time elapsed since last redraw in seconds // time: Time since first call of frame() in seconds // Use Base.merge to convert into a Base object, // for #toString() that.fire('frame', Base.merge({ delta: delta, time: time += delta, count: count++ })); before = now; // Update framerate stats if (that._stats) that._stats.update(); // Automatically draw view on each frame. that.draw(true); }; // Call the onFrame handler straight away, initializing the // sequence of onFrame calls. if (!requested) this._onFrameCallback(); /*#*/ } // options.browser }, uninstall: function() { delete this._onFrameCallback; } }, onResize: {} }, initialize: function(element) { // Store reference to the currently active global paper scope, and the // active project, which will be represented by this view this._scope = paper; this._project = paper.project; this._element = element; var size; /*#*/ if (options.browser) { // Generate an id for this view / element if it does not have one this._id = element.getAttribute('id'); if (this._id == null) element.setAttribute('id', this._id = 'view-' + View._id++); // Install event handlers DomEvent.add(element, this._handlers); // If the element has the resize attribute, resize the it to fill the // window and resize it again whenever the user resizes the window. if (PaperScript.hasAttribute(element, 'resize')) { // Subtract element' viewport offset from the total size, to // stretch it in var offset = DomElement.getOffset(element, true), that = this; size = DomElement.getViewportBounds(element) .getSize().subtract(offset); element.width = size.width; element.height = size.height; this._windowHandlers = { resize: function(event) { // Only update element offset if it's not invisible, as // otherwise the offset would be wrong. if (!DomElement.isInvisible(element)) offset = DomElement.getOffset(element, true); // Set the size now, which internally calls onResize // and redraws the view that.setViewSize(DomElement.getViewportBounds(element) .getSize().subtract(offset)); } }; DomEvent.add(window, this._windowHandlers); } else { // If the element is invisible, we cannot directly access // element.width / height, because they would appear 0. Reading // the attributes still works though: size = DomElement.isInvisible(element) ? Size.create(parseInt(element.getAttribute('width')), parseInt(element.getAttribute('height'))) : DomElement.getSize(element); } // TODO: Test this on IE: if (PaperScript.hasAttribute(element, 'stats')) { this._stats = new Stats(); // Align top-left to the element var stats = this._stats.domElement, style = stats.style, offset = DomElement.getOffset(element); style.position = 'absolute'; style.left = offset.x + 'px'; style.top = offset.y + 'px'; document.body.appendChild(stats); } /*#*/ } else if (options.server) { // Generate an id for this view this._id = 'view-' + View._id++; size = Size.create(element.width, element.height); /*#*/ } // options.server // Keep track of views internally View._views.push(this); // Link this id to our view View._viewsById[this._id] = this; this._viewSize = LinkedSize.create(this, 'setViewSize', size.width, size.height); this._matrix = new Matrix(); this._zoom = 1; // Make sure the first view is focused for keyboard input straight away if (!View._focused) View._focused = this; }, /** * Removes this view from and frees the associated element. */ remove: function() { if (!this._project) return false; // Clear focus if removed view had it if (View._focused == this) View._focused = null; // Remove view from internal structures View._views.splice(View._views.indexOf(this), 1); delete View._viewsById[this._id]; // Unlink from project if (this._project.view == this) this._project.view = null; // Uninstall event handlers again for this view. DomEvent.remove(this._element, this._handlers); DomEvent.remove(window, this._windowHandlers); this._element = this._project = null; // Removing all onFrame handlers makes the _onFrameCallback handler stop // automatically through its uninstall method. this.detach('frame'); return true; }, _redraw: function() { this._redrawNeeded = true; if (this._onFrameCallback) { // If there's a _onFrameCallback, call it staight away, // but without requesting another animation frame. this._onFrameCallback(0, true); } else { // Otherwise simply redraw the view now this.draw(); } }, _transform: function(matrix) { this._matrix.preConcatenate(matrix); // Force recalculation of these values next time they are requested. this._bounds = null; this._inverse = null; this._redraw(); }, /** * The underlying native element. * * @type HTMLCanvasElement * @bean */ getElement: function() { return this._element; }, /** * The size of the view. Changing the view's size will resize it's * underlying element. * * @type Size * @bean */ getViewSize: function() { return this._viewSize; }, setViewSize: function(size) { size = Size.read(arguments); var delta = size.subtract(this._viewSize); if (delta.isZero()) return; this._element.width = size.width; this._element.height = size.height; // Update _viewSize but don't notify of change. this._viewSize.set(size.width, size.height, true); // Force recalculation this._bounds = null; this._redrawNeeded = true; // Call onResize handler on any size change this.fire('resize', { size: size, delta: delta }); this._redraw(); }, /** * The bounds of the currently visible area in project coordinates. * * @type Rectangle * @bean */ getBounds: function() { if (!this._bounds) this._bounds = this._getInverse()._transformBounds( new Rectangle(new Point(), this._viewSize)); return this._bounds; }, /** * The size of the visible area in project coordinates. * * @type Size * @bean */ getSize: function() { return this.getBounds().getSize(); }, /** * The center of the visible area in project coordinates. * * @type Point * @bean */ getCenter: function() { return this.getBounds().getCenter(); }, setCenter: function(center) { this.scrollBy(Point.read(arguments).subtract(this.getCenter())); }, /** * The zoom factor by which the project coordinates are magnified. * * @type Number * @bean */ getZoom: function() { return this._zoom; }, setZoom: function(zoom) { // TODO: Clamp the view between 1/32 and 64, just like Illustrator? this._transform(new Matrix().scale(zoom / this._zoom, this.getCenter())); this._zoom = zoom; }, /** * Checks whether the view is currently visible within the current browser * viewport. * * @return {Boolean} Whether the view is visible. */ isVisible: function() { return DomElement.isVisible(this._element); }, /** * Scrolls the view by the given vector. * * @param {Point} point */ scrollBy: function(point) { this._transform(new Matrix().translate(Point.read(arguments).negate())); }, /** * Draws the view. * * @name View#draw * @function */ /* draw: function(checkRedraw) { }, */ // TODO: getInvalidBounds // TODO: invalidate(rect) // TODO: style: artwork / preview / raster / opaque / ink // TODO: getShowGrid // TODO: getMousePoint // TODO: projectToView(rect) projectToView: function(point) { return this._matrix._transformPoint(Point.read(arguments)); }, viewToProject: function(point) { return this._getInverse()._transformPoint(Point.read(arguments)); }, _getInverse: function() { if (!this._inverse) this._inverse = this._matrix.createInverse(); return this._inverse; } /** * {@grouptitle Event Handlers} * Handler function to be called on each frame of an animation. * The function receives an event object which contains information about * the frame event: * * {@code event.count}: the number of times the frame event was * fired. * {@code event.time}: the total amount of time passed since the * first frame event in seconds. * {@code event.delta}: the time passed in seconds since the last * frame event. * * @example {@paperscript} * // Creating an animation: * * // Create a rectangle shaped path with its top left point at: * // {x: 50, y: 25} and a size of {width: 50, height: 50} * var path = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(50, 25), new Size(50, 50)); * path.fillColor = 'black'; * * function onFrame(event) { * // Every frame, rotate the path by 3 degrees: * path.rotate(3); * } * * @name View#onFrame * @property * @type Function */ /** * Handler function that is called whenever a view is resized. * * @example * // Repositioning items when a view is resized: * * // Create a circle shaped path in the center of the view: * var path = new Path.Circle(view.bounds.center, 30); * path.fillColor = 'red'; * * function onResize(event) { * // Whenever the view is resized, move the path to its center: * path.position = view.center; * } * * @name View#onResize * @property * @type Function */ /** * {@grouptitle Event Handling} * * Attach an event handler to the view. * * @name View#attach * @function * @param {String('frame', 'resize')} type the event type * @param {Function} function The function to be called when the event * occurs */ /** * Attach one or more event handlers to the view. * * @name View#attach^2 * @function * @param {Object} param An object literal containing one or more of the * following properties: {@code frame, resize}. */ /** * Detach an event handler from the view. * * @name View#detach * @function * @param {String('frame', 'resize')} type the event type * @param {Function} function The function to be detached */ /** * Detach one or more event handlers from the view. * * @name View#detach^2 * @function * @param {Object} param An object literal containing one or more of the * following properties: {@code frame, resize} */ /** * Fire an event on the view. * * @name View#fire * @function * @param {String('frame', 'resize')} type the event type * @param {Object} event An object literal containing properties describing * the event. */ /** * Check if the view has one or more event handlers of the specified type. * * @name View#responds * @function * @param {String('frame', 'resize')} type the event type * @return {Boolean} {@true if the view has one or more event handlers of * the specified type} */ }, { statics: { _views: [], _viewsById: {}, _id: 0, create: function(element) { /*#*/ if (options.browser) { if (typeof element === 'string') element = document.getElementById(element); /*#*/ } // options.browser // Factory to provide the right View subclass for a given element. // Produces only Canvas-Views for now: return new CanvasView(element); } } }, new function() { // Injection scope for mouse events on the browser /*#*/ if (options.browser) { var tool, curPoint, tempFocus, dragging = false; function getView(event) { // Get the view from the current event target. return View._viewsById[DomEvent.getTarget(event).getAttribute('id')]; } function viewToProject(view, event) { return view.viewToProject(DomEvent.getOffset(event, view._element)); } function updateFocus() { if (!View._focused || !View._focused.isVisible()) { // Find the first visible view for (var i = 0, l = View._views.length; i < l; i++) { var view = View._views[i]; if (view && view.isVisible()) { View._focused = tempFocus = view; break; } } } } function mousedown(event) { // Get the view from the event, and store a reference to the view that // should receive keyboard input. var view = View._focused = getView(event); curPoint = viewToProject(view, event); dragging = true; // Always first call the view's mouse handlers, as required by // CanvasView, and then handle the active tool, if any. if (view._onMouseDown) view._onMouseDown(event, curPoint); if (tool = view._scope.tool) tool._onHandleEvent('mousedown', curPoint, event); // In the end we always call draw(), but pass checkRedraw = true, so we // only redraw the view if anything has changed in the above calls. view.draw(true); } function mousemove(event) { var view; if (!dragging) { // See if we can get the view from the current event target, and // handle the mouse move over it. view = getView(event); if (view) { // Temporarily focus this view without making it sticky, so // Key events are handled too during the mouse over View._focused = tempFocus = view; } else if (tempFocus && tempFocus == View._focused) { // Clear temporary focus again and update it. View._focused = null; updateFocus(); } } if (!(view = view || View._focused)) return; var point = event && viewToProject(view, event); if (view._onMouseMove) view._onMouseMove(event, point); if (tool = view._scope.tool) { var onlyMove = !!(!tool.onMouseDrag && tool.onMouseMove); if (dragging && !onlyMove) { if ((curPoint = point || curPoint) && tool._onHandleEvent('mousedrag', curPoint, event)) DomEvent.stop(event); // PORT: If there is only an onMouseMove handler, also call it when // the user is dragging: } else if ((!dragging || onlyMove) && tool._onHandleEvent('mousemove', point, event)) { DomEvent.stop(event); } } view.draw(true); } function mouseup(event) { var view = View._focused; if (!view || !dragging) return; var point = viewToProject(view, event); curPoint = null; dragging = false; if (view._onMouseUp) view._onMouseUp(event, point); // Cancel DOM-event if it was handled by our tool if (tool && tool._onHandleEvent('mouseup', point, event)) DomEvent.stop(event); view.draw(true); } function selectstart(event) { // Only stop this even if we're dragging already, since otherwise no // text whatsoever can be selected on the page. if (dragging) DomEvent.stop(event); } // mousemove and mouseup events need to be installed on document, not the // view element, since we want to catch the end of drag events even outside // our view. Only the mousedown events are installed on the view, as handled // by _createHandlers below. DomEvent.add(document, { mousemove: mousemove, mouseup: mouseup, touchmove: mousemove, touchend: mouseup, selectstart: selectstart, scroll: updateFocus }); DomEvent.add(window, { load: updateFocus }); return { _handlers: { mousedown: mousedown, touchstart: mousedown, selectstart: selectstart }, statics: { /** * Loops through all views and sets the focus on the first * active one. */ updateFocus: updateFocus } }; /*#*/ } // options.browser });