paper.install(window); function runTests() { var caption, pathA, pathB, group; var container = document.getElementById( 'container' ); caption = prepareTest( 'Overlapping circles', container ); pathA = new Path.Circle(new Point(80, 110), 50); pathB = new Path.Circle(new Point(150, 110), 70); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Polygon and square', container ); pathA = new Path.RegularPolygon(new Point(80, 110), 12, 80); pathB = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(100, 80), [80, 80] ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Circle and square (overlaps exactly on existing segments)', container ); pathA = new Path.Circle(new Point(110, 110), 80); pathB = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(110, 110), [80, 80] ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Circle and square (existing segments overlaps on curves)', container ); pathA = new Path.Circle(new Point(110, 110), 80); pathB = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(110, 110), [100, 100] ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Square and square (one segment overlaps on a line)', container ); pathA = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(80, 125), [50, 50] ); pathA.rotate( 45 ); pathB = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(pathA.segments[2].point.x, 110), [80, 80] ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Rectangle and rectangle (overlaps exactly on existing curves)', container ); pathA = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(30.5, 50.5), [100, 150]); pathB = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(130.5, 60.5), [100, 150]); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Circle and banana (multiple intersections within same curve segment)', container ); pathA = new Path.Circle(new Point(80, 110), 80); pathB = new Path.Circle(new Point(130, 110), 80 ); pathB.segments[3].point = pathB.segments[3].point.add( [ 0, -120 ] ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Overlapping stars 1', container ); pathA = new Path.Star(new Point(80, 110), 10, 20, 80); pathB = new Path.Star(new Point(120, 110), 10, 30, 100); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Overlapping stars 2', container ); pathA = new Path.Star(new Point(110, 110), 20, 20, 80); pathB = new Path.Star(new Point(110, 110), 6, 30, 100); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); // caption = prepareTest( 'Circles overlap exactly over each other', container ); // pathA = new Path.Circle(new Point(110, 110), 100); // pathB = new Path.Circle(new Point(110, 110), 100 ); // // pathB.translate([0.5,0]) // testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Maximum possible intersections between 2 cubic bezier curve segments - 9', container ); pathA = new Path(); pathA.add( new Segment( [173, 44], [-281, 268], [-86, 152] ) ); pathA.add( new Segment( [47, 93], [-89, 100], [240, -239] ) ); pathA.closed = true; pathB = pathA.clone(); pathB.rotate( -90 ); pathA.translate( [-10,0] ); pathB.translate( [10,0] ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); // annotatePath( pathA, null, '#008' ); // annotatePath( pathB, null, '#800' ); view.draw(); // caption = prepareTest( 'SVG gears', container ); // group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'svggears' ) ); // pathA = group.children[0]; // pathB = group.children[1]; // testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'Glyphs imported from SVG', container ); group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'glyphsys' ) ); pathA = group.children[0]; pathB = group.children[1]; testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'CompoundPaths 1', container ); group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'glyphsacirc' ) ); pathA = group.children[0]; pathB = group.children[1]; testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'CompoundPaths 2 - holes', container ); group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'glyphsacirc' ) ); pathA = group.children[0]; pathB = new CompoundPath(); group.children[1].clockwise = true; pathB.addChild(group.children[1]); var npath = new Path.Circle([110, 110], 30); pathB.addChild( npath ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'CompoundPaths 3 !', container ); group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'svggreenland' ) ); pathA = group.children[0]; pathB = group.children[1]; pathB.scale( 0.5, 1 ).translate( [25.5, 0] ); // pathA.scale( 2 ); // pathB.scale( 2 ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'CompoundPaths 4 - holes and islands 1', container ); group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'glyphsacirc' ) ); pathA = group.children[0]; pathB = new CompoundPath(); group.children[1].clockwise = true; pathB.addChild(group.children[1]); var npath = new Path.Circle([40, 80], 20); pathB.addChild( npath ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'CompoundPaths 5 - holes and islands 2', container ); group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'glyphsacirc' ) ); pathA = group.children[0]; pathB = new CompoundPath(); group.children[1].clockwise = true; pathB.addChild(group.children[1]); var npath = new Path.Circle([40, 80], 20); pathB.addChild( npath ); npath = new Path.Circle([120, 110], 30); pathB.addChild( npath ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'CompoundPaths 6 - holes and islands 3', container ); group = paper.project.importSVG( document.getElementById( 'glyphsacirc' ) ); pathA = group.children[0]; pathB = new CompoundPath(); var npath = new Path.Circle([110, 110], 100); pathB.addChild( npath ); npath = new Path.Circle([110, 110], 60); pathB.addChild( npath ); npath = new Path.Circle([110, 110], 30); pathB.addChild( npath ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); caption = prepareTest( 'CompoundPaths 6 - holes and islands 4 (curves overlap exactly on existing curves)', container ); pathA = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(50.5, 50.5), [100, 120]); pathB = new CompoundPath(); pathB.addChild( new Path.Rectangle(new Point(140.5, 30.5), [100, 150]) ); pathB.addChild( new Path.Rectangle(new Point(150.5, 65.5), [50, 100]) ); // pathB = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(150.5, 80.5), [80, 80] ); testIntersections( pathA, pathB, caption ); // var tool = new Tool(); // tool.onMouseMove = function( e ){ // var hi = project.hitTest( e.point ); // if( hi ){ // var item = hi.item; // if( item instanceof PathItem ){ // var txt = new PointText( e.point.add([0, -10]) ); // txt.justification = 'center'; // txt.content =; // txt.fillColor = '#000'; // txt.removeOnMove(); // } // } // }; window.a = pathA; window.b = pathB; function prepareTest( testName, parentNode ){ console.log( '\n' + testName ); var caption = document.createElement('h3'); caption.appendChild( document.createTextNode( testName ) ); var canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS'); parentNode.appendChild( caption ); parentNode.appendChild( canvas ); paper.setup( canvas ); return caption; } } var pathStyleIx = { fillColor: new Color( 0.8, 0, 0 ), strokeColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0 ) }; var pathStyleNormal = { strokeColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0 ), fillColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.1 ), strokeWidth: 1 }; var pathStyleBoolean = { strokeColor: new Color( 0,0,0,0.4 ), fillColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ), strokeWidth: 1 }; // Better if path1 and path2 fit nicely inside a 200x200 pixels rect function testIntersections( path1, path2, caption ) { // try{ = = pathStyleNormal; var maxCount = 1, count = maxCount; console.time('paperjs'); // while(count--){ var ixsPaper = path1.getIntersections( path2 ); // } console.timeEnd('paperjs'); count = maxCount; console.time('fatline'); // while(count--){ var ixsFatline = getIntersections2( path1, path2 ); // } console.timeEnd('fatline'); markIntersections( ixsPaper, '#00f', 'paperjs' ); markIntersections( ixsFatline, '#f00', 'fatline' ); view.draw(); // } catch(e){ // console.error( + ": " + e.message ); // if( caption ) { caption.className += ' error'; } // }finally{ // console.timeEnd(caption + ' paperjs'); // console.timeEnd(caption + ' fatline'); // view.draw(); // } } function markIntersections( ixs, c, txt ){ for (i = 0, len = ixs.length; i < len; i++) { // markPoint( ixs[i].point, ixs[i].parameter ); markPoint( ixs[i].point, ' ', c ); // console.log( txt , ixs[i].parameter ) } } // ============================================================== // On screen debug helpers function markPoint( pnt, t, c, tc, remove ) { if( !pnt ) return; c = c || '#000'; if( remove === undefined ){ remove = true; } var cir = new Path.Circle( pnt, 2 ); = c; = tc; if( t !== undefined || t !== null ){ var text = new PointText( pnt.add([0, -3]) ); text.justification = 'center'; text.fillColor = c; text.content = t; if( remove ){ text.removeOnMove(); } } if( remove ) { cir.removeOnMove(); } } function markCurve( crv, c, flag) { if( !crv ) return; c = c || '#000'; if( flag ){ if( window.__p1 ) window.__p1.remove(); window.__p1 = new Path( new Segment( [crv[0], crv[1]], null, [crv[2] - crv[0], crv[3] - crv[1]] ), new Segment( [crv[6], crv[7]], [crv[4] - crv[6], crv[5] - crv[7]], null ) ); = c; // window.__p1.fullySelected = true; } else { if( window.__p2 ) window.__p2.remove(); window.__p2 = new Path( new Segment( [crv[0], crv[1]], null, [crv[2] - crv[0], crv[3] - crv[1]] ), new Segment( [crv[6], crv[7]], [crv[4] - crv[6], crv[5] - crv[7]], null ) ); = c; // window.__p2.fullySelected = true; } view.draw(); } function annotatePath( path, t, c, tc, remove ) { if( !path ) return; var crvs = path.curves; for (i = crvs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { annotateCurve( crvs[i], t, c, tc, remove ); } var segs = path.segments; for (i = segs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { annotateSegment( segs[i], t, c, tc, remove, true ); } } function annotateSegment( s, t, c, tc, remove, skipCurves ) { if( !s ) return; c = c || '#000'; tc = tc || '#ccc'; t = t || s.index; if( remove === undefined ){ remove = true; } var crv = s.curve; var t1 = crv.getNormal( 0 ).normalize( 10 ); var p = s.point.clone().add( t1 ); var cir = new Path.Circle( s.point, 2 ); = c; = tc; var text = new PointText( p ); text.justification = 'center'; text.fillColor = c; text.content = t; if( remove ) { cir.removeOnMove(); text.removeOnMove(); } if( !skipCurves ) { annotateCurve( s.curveIn, null, c, tc, remove ); annotateCurve( s.curveOut, null, c, tc, remove ); } } function annotateCurve( crv, t, c, tc, remove ) { if( !crv ) return; c = c || '#000'; tc = tc || '#ccc'; t = t || crv.index; if( remove === undefined ){ remove = true; } var p = crv.getPoint( 0.57 ); var t1 = crv.getTangent( 0.57 ).normalize( -10 ); var p2 = p.clone().add( t1 ); var l = new Path.Line( p, p2 ).rotate( 30, p ); var l2 = new Path.Line( p, p2 ).rotate( -30, p ); p = crv.getPoint( 0.43 ); var cir = new Path.Circle( p, 8 ); var text = new PointText( p.subtract( [0, -4] ) ); text.justification = 'center'; text.fillColor = tc; text.content = t; = = c; = c; if( remove ) { l.removeOnMove(); l2.removeOnMove(); cir.removeOnMove(); text.removeOnMove(); } }