/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ module('Item Contains'); function testPoint(item, point, inside) { equals(item.contains(point), inside, 'The point ' + point + ' should be ' + (inside ? 'inside' : 'outside') + '.'); } test('Path#contains() (Regular Polygon)', function() { var path = new Path.RegularPolygon([0, 0], 6, 20); testPoint(path, new Point(0, -20), true); testPoint(path, new Point(0, -10), true); testPoint(path, new Point(0, 0), true); testPoint(path, new Point(0, 10), true); testPoint(path, new Point(0, 20), true); testPoint(path, new Point(-10, -20), false); testPoint(path, new Point(-10, -10), true); testPoint(path, new Point(-10, 0), true); testPoint(path, new Point(-10, 10), true); testPoint(path, new Point(-10, 20), false); testPoint(path, new Point(10, -20), false); testPoint(path, new Point(10, -10), true); testPoint(path, new Point(10, 0), true); testPoint(path, new Point(10, 10), true); testPoint(path, new Point(10, 20), false); }); test('Path#contains() (Circle Contours)', function() { var path = new Path.Circle({ center: [100, 100], radius: 50, fillColor: 'blue', }); testPoint(path, path.bounds.topCenter, true); testPoint(path, path.bounds.leftCenter, true); testPoint(path, path.bounds.rightCenter, true); testPoint(path, path.bounds.bottomCenter, true); }); test('Path#contains() (Round Rectangle)', function() { var rectangle = new Rectangle({ point: new Point(0, 0), size: new Size(200, 40) }); var path = new Path.Rectangle(rectangle, new Size(20, 20)); testPoint(path, new Point(100, 20), true); }); test('Path#contains() (Open Circle)', function() { var path = new Path.Circle([100, 100], 100); path.closed = false; path.fillColor = '#ff0000'; testPoint(path, new Point(40, 160), false); }); test('CompoundPath#contains() (Donut)', function() { var path = new CompoundPath([ new Path.Circle([0, 0], 50), new Path.Circle([0, 0], 25) ]); equals(path.contains(new Point(0, 0)), false, 'The center point should be outside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(-35, 0)), true, 'A vertically centered point on the left side should be inside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(35, 0)), true, 'A vertically centered point on the right side should be inside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(0, 49)), true, 'The near bottom center point of the outer circle should be inside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(0, 50)), true, 'The bottom center point of the outer circle should be inside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(0, 51)), false, 'The near bottom center point of the outer circle should be outside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point({ length: 50, angle: 30 })), true, 'A random point on the periphery of the outer circle should be inside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(0, 25)), false, 'The bottom center point of the inner circle should be outside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point({ length: 25, angle: 30 })), false, 'A random point on the periphery of the inner circle should be outside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(-50, -50)), false, 'The top left point of bounding box should be outside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(-50, 50)), false, 'The bottom left point of bounding box should be outside the donut.'); equals(path.contains(new Point(-45, 45)), false, 'The near bottom left point of bounding box should be outside the donut.'); }); test('Shape#contains()', function() { var shape = new Shape.Circle([0, 0], 100); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, 0), true); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, -100), true); testPoint(shape, new Point({ length: 99, angle: 45 }), true); testPoint(shape, new Point({ length: 100, angle: 45 }), true); testPoint(shape, new Point({ length: 101, angle: 45 }), false); var size = new Size(100, 200), half = size.divide(2), shape = new Shape.Ellipse(half.negate(), size); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, 0), true); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, -1).multiply(half), true); testPoint(shape, new Point({ length: 0.9, angle: 45 }).multiply(half), true); testPoint(shape, new Point({ length: 1, angle: 45 }).multiply(half), true); testPoint(shape, new Point({ length: 1.1, angle: 45 }).multiply(half), false); var size = new Size(100, 200), half = size.divide(2), shape = new Shape.Rectangle(half.negate(), size); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, 0), true); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, 0.9).multiply(half), true); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, 1).multiply(half), true); testPoint(shape, new Point(0, 1.1).multiply(half), false); testPoint(shape, new Point(0.9, 0).multiply(half), true); testPoint(shape, new Point(1, 0).multiply(half), true); testPoint(shape, new Point(1.1, 0).multiply(half), false); }); test('Path#contains() (Rectangle Contours)', function() { var path = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(100, 100), [200, 200]), curves = path.getCurves(); for (var i = 0; i < curves.length; i++) { testPoint(path, curves[i].getPoint(0), true); testPoint(path, curves[i].getPoint(0.5), true); } }); test('Path#contains() (Rotated Rectangle Contours)', function() { var path = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(100, 100), [200, 200]), curves = path.getCurves(); path.rotate(45); for (var i = 0; i < curves.length; i++) { testPoint(path, curves[i].getPoint(0), true); testPoint(path, curves[i].getPoint(0.5), true); } });