/* * Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. * http://paperjs.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey * http://scratchdisk.com/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/ * * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. * * All rights reserved. */ QUnit.module('Item'); test('copyTo(project)', function() { var project = paper.project; var path = new Path(); var secondDoc = new Project(); var copy = path.copyTo(secondDoc); equals(function() { return secondDoc.activeLayer.children.indexOf(copy) != -1; }, true); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.indexOf(copy) == -1; }, true); equals(function() { return copy != path; }, true); }); test('copyTo(layer)', function() { var project = paper.project; var path = new Path(); var layer = new Layer(); var copy = path.copyTo(layer); equals(function() { return layer.children.indexOf(copy) != -1; }, true); equals(function() { return project.layers[0].children.indexOf(copy) == -1; }, true); }); test('clone()', function() { var project = paper.project; var path = new Path(); var copy = path.clone(); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 2); equals(function() { return path != copy; }, true); }); test('addChild(item)', function() { var project = paper.project; var path = new Path(); project.activeLayer.addChild(path); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 1); }); test('setting item.parent', function() { var layer1 = paper.project.activeLayer; var layer2 = new Layer(); layer1.activate(); var group = new Group(); var path = new Path(); equals(function() { return path.parent === layer1; }, true, 'Path is a child of layer1 because it is active'); path.parent = layer2; equals(function() { return path.parent === layer2; }, true, 'The parent of path was set to layer2'); path.parent = group; equals(function() { return path.parent === group; }, true, 'The parent of path was set to group'); equals(function() { return layer2.children.indexOf(path) === -1; }, true, 'The path is no longer a child of layer2'); var path2 = new Path({ parent: group }); equals(function() { return path2.parent === group; }, true, 'setting the parent in the constructor'); equals(function() { return group.children.indexOf(path2) == 1; }, true, 'the index of path2 is 1, because group already contains path from before'); }); test('item.parent / item.isChild / item.isParent / item.layer', function() { var project = paper.project; var secondDoc = new Project(); var path = new Path(); project.activeLayer.addChild(path); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.indexOf(path) != -1; }, true); equals(function() { return path.layer == project.activeLayer; }, true); secondDoc.activeLayer.addChild(path); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.isChild(path); }, false); equals(function() { return path.layer == secondDoc.activeLayer; }, true); equals(function() { return path.isParent(project.activeLayer); }, false); equals(function() { return secondDoc.activeLayer.isChild(path); }, true); equals(function() { return path.isParent(secondDoc.activeLayer); }, true); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.indexOf(path) == -1; }, true); equals(function() { return secondDoc.activeLayer.children.indexOf(path) === 0; }, true); }); test('item.remove()', function() { var project = paper.project; var path = new Path(); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 1); path.remove(); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 0); var group = new Group(path); equals(function() { return group.children.length; }, 1); path.remove(); equals(function() { return group.children.length; }, 0); }); test('item.addChildren() / item.removeChildren()', function() { var project = paper.project, layer = project.activeLayer, path1 = new Path({ insert: false }), path2 = new Path({ insert: false, name: 'path2' }); layer.addChildren([path1, path2]); equals(function() { return path1.index; }, 0); equals(function() { return path2.index; }, 1); equals(function() { return path1.parent === layer; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.parent === layer; }, true); equals(function() { return layer.children['path2'] === path2; }, true); layer.removeChildren(); equals(function() { return path1.index; }, undefined); equals(function() { return path2.index; }, undefined); equals(function() { return path1.parent; }, null); equals(function() { return path2.parent; }, null); equals(function() { return layer.children['path2'] === undefined; }, true); layer.children = [path1, path2]; equals(function() { return path1.index; }, 0); equals(function() { return path2.index; }, 1); equals(function() { return path1.parent === layer; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.parent === layer; }, true); equals(function() { return layer.children['path2'] === path2; }, true); layer.children = []; equals(function() { return path1.index; }, undefined); equals(function() { return path2.index; }, undefined); equals(function() { return path1.parent; }, null); equals(function() { return path2.parent; }, null); equals(function() { return layer.children['path2'] === undefined; }, true); }); test('item.lastChild / item.firstChild', function() { var project = paper.project; var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.firstChild == path1; }, true); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.lastChild == path2; }, true); }); test('item.nextSibling / item.previousSibling', function() { var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); equals(function() { return path1.previousSibling == null; }, true); equals(function() { return path1.nextSibling == path2; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.previousSibling == path1; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.nextSibling == null; }, true); }); test('item.replaceWith(other)', function() { var project = paper.project; var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); var path3 = new Path(); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 3); equals(function() { return path1.replaceWith(path2) == path2; }, true); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 2); equals(function() { return path1.parent == null; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.previousSibling == null; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.nextSibling == path3; }, true); }); test('item.replaceWith(item)', function() { var item = new Path(); equals(function() { return item.replaceWith(item) == null; }, true); equals(function() { return item.getParent() != null; }, true); }); test('item.insertChild(0, child)', function() { var project = paper.project; var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); project.activeLayer.insertChild(0, path2); equals(function() { return path2.index < path1.index; }, true); }); test('item.insertAbove(other)', function() { var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); equals(function() { return path2.index > path1.index; }, true); equals(function() { return path1.insertAbove(path2) == path1; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.index < path1.index; }, true); equals(function() { return paper.project.activeLayer.lastChild == path1; }, true); }); test('item.insertBelow(other)', function() { var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); equals(function() { return path2.index > path1.index; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.insertBelow(path1) == path2; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.index < path1.index; }, true); equals(function() { return paper.project.activeLayer.lastChild == path1; }, true); }); test('item.insertAbove(item)', function() { var path = new Path(); equals(function() { return path.insertAbove(path) == null; }, true); equals(function() { return path.insertBelow(path) == null; }, true); }); test('item.sendToBack()', function() { var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); path2.sendToBack(); equals(function() { return path2.index === 0; }, true); }); test('item.bringToFront()', function() { var path1 = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); path1.bringToFront(); equals(function() { return path1.index == 1; }, true); }); test('item.isDescendant(other) / item.isAncestor(other)', function() { var project = paper.project; var path = new Path(); equals(function() { return path.isDescendant(project.activeLayer); }, true); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.isDescendant(path); }, false); equals(function() { return path.isAncestor(project.activeLayer); }, false); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.isAncestor(path); }, true); // an item can't be its own descendant: equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.isDescendant(project.activeLayer); }, false); // an item can't be its own ancestor: equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.isAncestor(project.activeLayer); }, false); }); test('item.addChildren(items)', function() { var path1 = new Path(), path2 = new Path(), path3 = new Path(), group = new Group([path1, path2, path3]); function check(i1, i2, i3) { equals(function() { return group.children.length; }, 3); equals(function() { return path1.index; }, i1); equals(function() { return path2.index; }, i2); equals(function() { return path3.index; }, i3); } check(0, 1, 2); group.addChild(path1); check(2, 0, 1); group.addChild(path2); check(1, 2, 0); group.addChildren([path1, path2, path3]); check(0, 1, 2); }); test('item.isGroupedWith(other)', function() { var path = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); var group = new Group([path]); var secondGroup = new Group([path2]); equals(function() { return path.isGroupedWith(path2); }, false); secondGroup.addChild(path); equals(function() { return path.isGroupedWith(path2); }, true); equals(function() { return path.isGroupedWith(group); }, false); equals(function() { return path.isDescendant(secondGroup); }, true); equals(function() { return secondGroup.isDescendant(path); }, false); equals(function() { return secondGroup.isDescendant(secondGroup); }, false); equals(function() { return path.isGroupedWith(secondGroup); }, false); paper.project.activeLayer.addChild(path); equals(function() { return path.isGroupedWith(path2); }, false); paper.project.activeLayer.addChild(path2); equals(function() { return path.isGroupedWith(path2); }, false); }); test('reverseChildren()', function() { var project = paper.project; var path = new Path(); var path2 = new Path(); var path3 = new Path(); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.firstChild == path; }, true); project.activeLayer.reverseChildren(); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.firstChild == path; }, false); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.firstChild == path3; }, true); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.lastChild == path; }, true); }); test('Check item#project when moving items across projects', function() { var doc1 = new Project(); var path = new Path(); var group = new Group(); group.addChild(new Path()); equals(function() { return path.project == doc1; }, true); var doc2 = new Project(); doc2.activeLayer.addChild(path); equals(function() { return path.project == doc2; }, true); doc2.activeLayer.addChild(group); equals(function() { return group.children[0].project == doc2; }, true); }); test('group.selected', function() { var path = new Path([0, 0]); var path2 = new Path([0, 0]); var group = new Group([path, path2]); path.selected = true; equals(function() { return group.selected; }, true); path.selected = false; equals(function() { return group.selected; }, false); group.selected = true; equals(function() { return path.selected; }, true); equals(function() { return path2.selected; }, true); group.selected = false; equals(function() { return path.selected; }, false); equals(function() { return path2.selected; }, false); }); test('Check parent children object for named item', function() { var path1 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); var layer = paper.project.activeLayer; equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path1; }, true); var path2 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path1; }, true); path2.remove(); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path1; }, true); path1.remove(); equals(function() { return !layer.children['test']; }, true); }); test('Named child access 1', function() { var path1 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); var path2 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); var layer = paper.project.activeLayer; equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path1; }, true); path1.remove(); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path2; }, true); path2.remove(); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === undefined; }, true); }); test('Named child access 2', function() { var path1 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); var path2 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); var layer = paper.project.activeLayer; var group = new Group(); group.addChild(path2); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path1; }, true); path1.remove(); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === undefined; }, true); equals(function() { return group.children['test'] === path2; }, true); path2.remove(); equals(function() { return group.children['test'] === undefined; }, true); group.addChild(path2); equals(function() { return group.children['test'] === path2; }, true); layer.appendTop(path2); equals(function() { return group.children['test'] === undefined; }, true); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path2; }, true); layer.addChild(path1); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path2; }, true); path2.remove(); equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === path1; }, true); }); test('Setting name of child back to null', function() { var path1 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); var path2 = new Path({ name: 'test' }); var layer = paper.project.activeLayer; equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] == path1; }, true); path1.name = null; equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] == path2; }, true); path2.name = null; equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === undefined; }, true); }); test('Renaming item', function() { var path = new Path({ name: 'test' }); path.name = 'test2'; var layer = paper.project.activeLayer; equals(function() { return layer.children['test'] === undefined; }, true); equals(function() { return layer.children['test2'] == path; }, true); }); test('Changing item#position.x', function() { var path = new Path.Circle(new Point(50, 50), 50); path.position.x += 5; equals(path.position.toString(), '{ x: 55, y: 50 }', 'path.position.x += 5'); }); test('Naming a removed item', function() { var path = new Path(); path.remove(); path.name = 'test'; equals(function() { return path.name; }, 'test'); }); test('Naming a layer', function() { var layer = new Layer(); layer.name = 'test'; equals(function() { return layer.name; }, 'test'); }); test('Cloning a linked size', function() { var path = new Path([40, 75], [140, 75]); var error = null; try { var cloneSize = path.bounds.size.clone(); } catch (e) { error = e; } var description = 'Cloning a linked size should not throw an error'; if (error) description += ': ' + error; equals(error == null, true, description); }); test('Item#className', function() { equals(new Group().className, 'Group'); equals(new Path().className, 'Path'); equals(new CompoundPath().className, 'CompoundPath'); equals(new Raster().className, 'Raster'); equals(new SymbolItem().className, 'SymbolItem'); equals(new PlacedSymbol().className, 'SymbolItem'); // deprecated equals(new PointText().className, 'PointText'); }); test('Item#isInserted', function() { var item = new Path(); equals(item.isInserted(), true); item.remove(); equals(item.isInserted(), false); var group = new Group(item); equals(item.isInserted(), true); group.remove(); equals(item.isInserted(), false); }); test('Item#data', function() { var item = new Path(); var description = 'When accessed before any data was set, a plain object is created for us'; equals(Base.isPlainObject(item.data), true, description); var item = new Path(); item.data.test = true; equals(item.data.test, true, description); var item = new Path(); var point = new Point(); item.data.point = point; equals(item.data.point, point, 'We can set basic types on data'); var item = new Path(); item.data = { testing: true }; equals(item.data.testing, true, 'we can set data using an object literal'); var item = new Path({ data: { testing: true } }); equals(item.data.testing, true, 'we can set data using an object literal constructor'); // TODO: add tests to see if importing and exporting of Item#data works }); test('Item#blendMode in a transformed Group', function() { var layer = new Layer(); var path1 = new Path.Rectangle({ size: [100, 100], fillColor: new Color(1, 0, 0) }); var path2 = new Path.Circle({ radius: 25, center: [50, 50], fillColor: new Color(0, 1, 0), blendMode: 'screen' }); var raster = layer.rasterize(72); equals(raster.getPixel(0, 0), new Color(1, 0, 0, 1), 'Top left pixel should be red:'); equals(raster.getPixel(50, 50), new Color(1, 1, 0, 1), 'Middle center pixel should be yellow:'); raster.remove(); path2.position = [0, 0]; var group = new Group(path2); group.position = [50, 50]; var raster = layer.rasterize(72); equals(raster.getPixel(0, 0), new Color(1, 0, 0, 1), 'Top left pixel should be red:'); equals(raster.getPixel(50, 50), new Color(1, 1, 0, 1), 'Middle center pixel should be yellow:'); }); test('Item#applyMatrix', function() { equals(function() { return new Path({ applyMatrix: true }).applyMatrix; }, true); equals(function() { return new Path({ applyMatrix: false }).applyMatrix; }, false); equals(function() { return new Raster({ applyMatrix: false }).applyMatrix; }, false); equals(function() { return new Raster({ applyMatrix: true }).applyMatrix; }, false); var applyMatrix = paper.settings.applyMatrix; paper.settings.applyMatrix = true; equals(function() { return new Path().applyMatrix; }, true); equals(function() { return new Raster().applyMatrix; }, false); paper.settings.applyMatrix = false; equals(function() { return new Path().applyMatrix; }, false); equals(function() { return new Raster().applyMatrix; }, false); paper.settings.applyMatrix = applyMatrix; var path = new Path.Rectangle({ size: [100, 100], position: [0, 0] }); path.applyMatrix = false; equals(path.matrix, new Matrix(), 'path.matrix before scaling'); equals(path.bounds, new Rectangle(-50, -50, 100, 100), 'path.bounds before scaling'); equals(path.segments[0].point, new Point(-50, 50), 'path.segments[0].point before scaling'); path.scale(1, 2); equals(path.matrix, new Matrix().scale(1, 2), 'path.matrix after scaling'); equals(path.bounds, new Rectangle(-50, -100, 100, 200), 'path.bounds after scaling'); equals(path.segments[0].point, new Point(-50, 50), 'path.segments[0].point after scaling'); path.applyMatrix = true; equals(path.matrix, new Matrix(), 'path.matrix after setting path.applyMatrix = true;'); equals(path.bounds, new Rectangle(-50, -100, 100, 200), 'path.bounds after setting path.applyMatrix = true;'); equals(path.segments[0].point, new Point(-50, 100), 'path.segments[0].point after setting path.applyMatrix = true;'); }); test('PaperScope#settings.insertItems', function() { var insertItems = paper.settings.insertItems; paper.settings.insertItems = true; var path1, path2; equals(function() { path1 = new Path(); return path1.parent === project.activeLayer; }, true); paper.settings.insertItems = false; equals(function() { path2 = new Path(); return path2.parent === null; }, true); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 1); project.activeLayer.addChild(path2); equals(function() { return project.activeLayer.children.length; }, 2); paper.settings.insertItems = insertItems; }); test('Item#pivot', function() { var path1 = new Path.Rectangle({ point: [50, 50], size: [100, 100], strokeColor: 'red', applyMatrix: false }); var path2 = new Path.Rectangle({ point: [50, 50], size: [100, 100], strokeColor: 'green', applyMatrix: true }); var pivot = new Point(100, 100); path1.pivot = pivot; path1.position = [200, 200]; equals(path1.pivot, pivot, 'Changing position of an item with applyMatrix = false should not change pivot'); var difference = new Point(100, 100); path2.pivot = pivot; path2.position = path2.position.add(difference); equals(path2.pivot, pivot.add(difference), 'Changing position of an item with applyMatrix = true should change pivot'); }); test('Item#position with irregular shape, #pivot and rotation', function() { var path1 = new Path([ [0, 0], [200, 100], [0, 100] ]); var path2 = path1.clone(); path2.pivot = path2.position; equals(path1.position, new Point(100, 50), 'path1.position, before rotation'); path1.rotate(45); equals(path1.position, new Point(64.64466, 50), 'path1.position, after rotation'); equals(path2.position, new Point(100, 50), 'path2.position with pivot, before rotation'); path2.rotate(45); equals(path2.position, new Point(100, 50), 'path2.position with pivot, after rotation'); }); test('Item#scaling, #rotation', function() { var expected = new Rectangle(100, 50, 100, 200); var rect1 = new Path.Rectangle({ from: [100, 100], to: [200, 200], applyMatrix: false }); var rect2 = rect1.clone(); rect1.scaling = [2, 1]; rect1.rotation = 90; equals(rect1.bounds, expected, 'rect1.bounds, setting rect1.scaling before rect1.rotation'); rect2.rotation = 90; rect2.scaling = [2, 1]; equals(rect2.bounds, expected, 'rect2.bounds, setting rect2.scaling before rect2.rotation'); var shape1 = new Shape.Rectangle({ from: [100, 100], to: [200, 200] }); var shape2 = shape1.clone(); shape1.scaling = [2, 1]; shape1.rotation = 90; equals(shape1.bounds, expected, 'shape1.bounds, setting shape1.scaling before shape1.rotation'); shape2.rotation = 90; shape2.scaling = [2, 1]; equals(shape2.bounds, expected, 'shape2.bounds, setting shape2.scaling before shape2.rotation'); }); test('Item#position pivot point and caching (#1503)', function() { var item = Path.Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(20)); item.pivot = new Point(0, 0); var bounds = item.bounds; item.translate(5, 5); equals(item.position, new Point(5, 5)); }); test('Children global matrices are cleared after parent transformation', function() { var item = Path.Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(100)); var group = new Group({ children: [item], applyMatrix: false }); equals(item.localToGlobal(item.getPointAt(0)), new Point(0, 100)); group.translate(100, 0); equals(item.localToGlobal(item.getPointAt(0)), new Point(100, 100)); }); test('Item#rasterize() with empty bounds', function() { new Path.Line([0, 0], [100, 0]).rasterize(); view.update(); expect(0); });