module('Layer'); test('previousSibling / nextSibling', function() { var project = paper.project; var firstLayer = project.activeLayer; var secondLayer = new Layer(); equals(function() { return secondLayer.previousSibling == firstLayer; }, true); equals(function() { return secondLayer.nextSibling == null; }, true); // Move another layer into secondLayer and check nextSibling / // previousSibling: var path = new Path(); var thirdLayer = new Layer(); secondLayer.appendBottom(thirdLayer); equals(function() { return secondLayer.children.length; }, 2); equals(function() { return thirdLayer.nextSibling == path; }, true); secondLayer.appendTop(thirdLayer); equals(function() { return thirdLayer.nextSibling == null; }, true); equals(function() { return thirdLayer.previousSibling == path; }, true); equals(function() { return project.layers.length == 2; }, true); firstLayer.appendTop(secondLayer); equals(function() { return project.layers.length == 1; }, true); }); test('moveAbove / moveBelow', function() { var project = paper.project; var firstLayer = project.activeLayer; var secondLayer = new Layer(); secondLayer.moveBelow(firstLayer); equals(function() { return secondLayer.previousSibling == null; }, true); equals(function() { return secondLayer.nextSibling == firstLayer; }, true); var path = new Path(); firstLayer.appendTop(path); // move the layer above the path, inside the firstLayer: secondLayer.moveAbove(path); equals(function() { return secondLayer.previousSibling == path; }, true); equals(function() { return secondLayer.parent == firstLayer; }, true); // There should now only be one layer left: equals(function() { return project.layers.length; }, 1); }); test('appendTop / appendBottom / nesting', function() { var project = paper.project; var firstLayer = project.activeLayer; var secondLayer = new Layer(); // There should be two layers now in project.layers equals(function() { return project.layers.length; }, 2); firstLayer.appendTop(secondLayer); equals(function() { return secondLayer.parent == firstLayer; }, true); // There should only be the firsLayer now in project.layers equals(function() { return project.layers.length; }, 1); equals(function() { return project.layers[0] == firstLayer; }, true); // Now move secondLayer bellow the first again, in which case it should // reappear in project.layers secondLayer.moveBelow(firstLayer); // There should be two layers now in project.layers again now equals(function() { return project.layers.length; }, 2); equals(function() { return project.layers[0] == firstLayer && project.layers[1] == secondLayer; }, true); });